he flfrittmb'iait. III.OOMSIHIUI, I'lUllAY, JAX. 10, IKOK. Ski: (mother coliuim for Hit of letters rcinnlnlns In tho l'ost Olllco nt this 1iCU. Wi! nro Informed tlmt the recent striko In IMnvllla Inn Ihcii eoniproni Iscil, mid tho workmen Imvongaln i;ono to work. (Ku Currier desires us to return his tluinUs to tho citizens of Iliooiinburt;, for their generous renieinhmneo of him on Js'ow Ycm-'H dny. Ills address It Is true, limt little of tho ".spiead rnlo" nliout It, hut had tho merit ofheln or l;;hml mid it "liomo production." Wi: have reeelved the January num ber or "Merry's Museum," an illustra ted iiionlhly Magazine for hoys and tllrls price Iii cents. 11 Is tilled with enteitalnlnu i-torlcs, and charinliij; dravltijs which cannot fall to he enter talnlnt; and Iti-triii'llve. A Dirncn.TV occurred on Jloiiday afternoon at tliecornerof Maluiiud Iron Streets, In which Israel Mimiimi for merly Iiimllonl of thu llrlik Hold at (Iranucvlllc, was cut by a knife In the hands of one .laekMin livans of K-py. Tho wound was a llo-li one and not ilun-j-orou.H. OS Monday afternoon whilst a llttlo H)ii of William 1 trunks of this place, was playing with some of Ills coin pan tons, u ituno thrown by one of them, (truck hi n on the head fracturing the skull. The wound though a severe one Is not believed to bo such as to endan ger his life. Till; Dwelling Jtmi-o and Livery .Stable which belonged to the late .Jacob Dlelil, was .-old to Cieorjju ltelswlcl: by the Admliil-itrator for tho nun of i CllO.Od, in-leail ol SUll.nn as mlill-licd In lust week's Coi.fMlilAX. Tho mis take is pardonable, as our devil had ju-t pas-ed the natal excitement which usually accompanies a Xew Yoar'.sJXiy. Wi: would sunge-l to our subscribers thoprojiriety of illinjj tho Col.f miiia.v. It will prove valuable not only as a ready means of reference to ia-t events and local occurrences, but In alter years will be n .source of instruction and amusement. Kven now parties aro offering the subscription price of the paper for a tile of 1S07. Wi: would mildly sngge.U to the Scranton llepublicun, that If it bestow ed as much labor in devising means by which wo could receive that paper dally, as it docs In attempting to prove that tho Democrats murdered every I'resident elected by the opposition, its own interests would be promoted, and Its energy directed to a more suitable channel. IillAU Mi:at. W'e are obliged to TncleJoe Vnnklrk, of Vankirk's Ho- tel, Northumberland, fora nice roast of bear meat, lie killed one of liH inter eslillL' nets a few (lavs HL'O. and u-cd linrr nf It Iti tlin nf cumuli muni 1 tin1 ! the printers. Himb'uvjj llazittc. Wo do not know any good reason why Unelo Joo should have neglected Us, knowing our fondness for "bear meat." Come, Uncle, don't bo partial. Ai.aiku: unrulier or letters havo re cently been sent through the Dublin I'ost-olllcfi to prominent Ooveriunent olllciala. On examination these letters have been found charged with a mur derous cxp!o-ivo material, and a po liceman who received one was horri bly mangled on opening it. Tho I'en ians areeharged with having done it. Tin; Talmud. This week's number or I, Well's Living Age, beginning the new yenr mill u new volume, contains theentlrearticloon Tho Talmud, which has excited so much interest abiond as to exhaust six editions of the Quarterly P.cview containing it; iiln, the llr.-t ji.ut of a new story by Chillies I.ever, and the Usual viuiety of other matter, l.ittell.v (fay, 1'iihll-hcr.s, I'M lliooin lleld Street, lioston. A good lime to subscribe. Coi,.J(iiin' (j. I'ni;i:;'.r. has Jn-t pur eliascd for bliiiselfand a niiiiiberol'jiiib lie spirited cillzeiis.lhe lot on thu South west corner of Main and Marketntiect-, Illooiii-burg, for &70U0. It Is proposecl to erect during tho coming .Summer a luoo orfourstory brick building.seven-ty-one feel by about sixty-llvej to bo oc cupied as stores, olllces, town hall, .Ma-oulean,l Odd-r'ellows' Halls, etc., Tho building will be put up in tho best and most substantial manner by expe rienced workmen and as nearly as possi ble, 11 ro proof. A:; accident occurred on tho Calawis su rail road about two miles from Cuttn-wls-a at Stranger Hollow bridge. Two oil cars and a caboose wcro preclplliited over tho bridge, falling a distance of ninety lect anil wero completely demol ished. Tho fragments catching lire wero consumed. Tho brldgo was. on (iro hut tho Haines wero-ubdued beloro much damage had been done, A brakes man was usleop In tho eabooso at the time, but fortunately awakeuid In time to save his life. Wi; observe that thu Nob Mountain song: " U'hcntiis olil llul teas ueu:," Is displayed In thucoliininsof thu Jlevahl, YVVicvniid llbi'W.Now York,over theud vertlsi mi'iitofali mllugli.it minion nroad way. Ho insists Hint liu hns a mil oldt Continental huttooxhihltrorthc edifica tion of tho public, but Is careful to add that he has nl-o till tho latest styles of tmnbi't ro with which to accommodate his customers. This worthy man of hats holds forth at No". and ISroad way ; and If his taste In hats oqunl his taste In rhyme, wo conclude he deserves patronage) and succi'ss. It might be well to obtain his Continental relic fur the next Nob Mountain meeting. (ii:.M:iiAi. J a ii.' Dr.Mvr.nv. On Tuesday night last, (liven prisoners conlliicdju lliujall nt this place, broke through tho wall Into tho yard of the Sherill'sbou-oaud succeeded In mak ing their escape. Tho instrument with wnlcb they ellcetid their exit, was an Iron bar of about thre o feet In length, which bud been lui nUicil tin in by a boy of this town wlio-uunmo Is known. On Wcdutb lay inoinlngoneof tho pris oners by thu nnnu' of Uoobler volun tarily relurned. The others are still at large1. Their imnu's are Kmundus Hty. hi i t and II. I'. Mastellcr, Tho Sheriff offers n liwuid of $110 for thu former mid tii for tho latter. THE KALEIDOSCOPE : " A mnp of Im.y llfo It" lllictll-l.ii n Mid Us mhi once, n.," J UK TOllAWo l".;(JIo.V. 'i:jtl!Ais no portion of Virginia, va ried as mo lis attractions, Is so Inteiest lug to thu traveler in that section of tho Stale known, very properly, as the "Piedmont reglon."Ccrtalnlynoportloii cm be inoropleaslnglothu political eco nomist or capitalist, for nosectloiiofany Stato presents greater sources of wealth or more abundant opportunities for pay ing Investments. This lovely part of our land, tho true "garden spot" of Virginia, or at least, tho llttlo town of l'annvllle, which may bo called Its social centre, may bo reached by tho Hlchinond A Danville 11. It. connecting at llurkesvllle or Junction, witli the "South side" liiip,whlcli takcsonndlrect to l'annvllle, distant from Richmond some seventy-two miles. Tim scenery to liurkcsvlllo we found uninteresting, consisting of an Internl liable succession of hill and dale, cover ed with "old-flcld" pine, as It Is called, and thick underbrush. And hero wo may as well explain to tho Northern reader, what "old-field" pine Is; and give nil example nt tho same time, of tho unthrifty manner of fanning adopt ed, In tho olden tlme,by tho Virginians. The farmers of tho "old dominion" weto at one time, blessed with rich lands and abundant, though somewhat InelUclent labor. Tho object wltlit hem therefore, was to "make liny while tho sun shone." This ho attempted In a "penny wise nnd pound foolish" stylo asfollows: Ycarafteryearho would plant tobacco, that belngtho best paying crop without nlttrnntliig tho crop, or immur ing the soil. Tobacco being the most exhaiisllve of ci'ops,oon drained thu land of Its primeval lichuc-s whilethuwantor proper fertilizers kept It from recruiting. It followed that the productive quality of thu land was soon much abated or entirely exhausted, when another piece of the immense farm would bo cleared, and tho old piceo left to grow up wild, and become covered In tlmo with, the -o-eiillcd "old-Held" pine. Inllko man ner tho new field would bo deserted, after a time, and another cleared and erhtusteil in turn. Tho immense and Immediate returns made by this plan of cultivating was spent principally in extravagant living at Northern and Southern watering-places ; In that gen erous hospitality for which tho Virgin--Ian has always been noted; or invested in "slaves," which wcro swept ofl' with tho war. Or It may havo been, that, without any visible wastefulness, tho immense suinssllpped through the ling ers of tho owner as money Is apt to do ichen others earn it fin1 us. It may bo readily under.slood then, If we may be allowed a parenthesis, bow at the end of this war,tliesoutherii plan ter found lilniselfso impoverished. His slaves, i. e. labor was all swe'pt away, and nothing remained hut the exhausted acres which his fathers had so shame lessly wasted. Wo think this process of exhausting the soil must have given ri-o to that word planter, of which the people aie so proud; for certainly they could not be railed J'tmticrs, for a fanner is one wlio cultieates the land. This "old-Held" timber grew apace, and In a few years gave to the face of the country a barren and desolate ap pearance that is very apt to inl-lead the traveler as to its capabilities. In truth, this land was not abandoned bo e. use it was unmscoplnblo of Improve' inent ; but merely because the owner posicssed so much more virgin land which was, of course, still richer, ami lie eonscijuently choose to pursue this wasteful plan. With this one digression, wo will con tiuiio on our route'. At llinkosvillo, the traveler slops for luncheon, at a ho tel kept by a very young man by the name of I.acy, formerly of Philadelphia and during tliu war, a newsboy In the Union army ; at which business, It Is said, be accumulated forty tlioii-auddol lars, The nature of tho country fiom hen to rarmvllle, I" miles, via the South f-lilo Iinll Koad, undergoes a great change for thu better. The great wave like hills seem to subside, as It we're, into long swells. The country opens In fine vistas, reminding one ol tho Chester County scenery ol our own "old Keystone" State; mid there is mi air of comfort and an evidence of wealth, of resources In the land Itself, that is typified by a man Jingling lunney in his pockets. Hut it is in the packet us yet, bo that under' stood, A sharp though pure air from the mountains beyond Lynchburg, fills the lungs and makes tho eyes to bright en. Sluco leaving Itichinoiid wo have been a-ceudlng at tho into of fifteen feet to the mile, and aro now consequently on an elevated, rolling plateau, with a cllmato much reeinliling that part of Europe alter which It is named. Tho "Southsldo" It. It. which has the most obliging employees wo havo ever met with, (and liy-the-liy, our northern rail -load men might taku example frum any of their southern confreres,) Is at present but Just como Into tho charge ol thu celebrated rall-road monarch, lien Mahone. In such able hands, It cannot fall to prosper, and as wo understand It is his Intention to call the attention ot northern capitalists to thu value of thl lino of travel, connecting as It does, the great stock mi-lug and tobacco growing district nf the State with all thochannel of mnt hern markets; wo iiiukoiueiit ion ol thu fact believing as we do that any in vestment in It stock will lead to satis factory results. Tho great bug-bear to travelers tit present, Is tho so-e'idlcd High liridgcaiu Immense mass of ram bilug timber that wouldset tho teeth ol it John Hull on edge; for .lohn Hull lias a high sense of thesacredness of hu man llfu! This High Hrldge, or trcssli work is nearly half a mile in length while) tho avcragohclght from the bedol tho valley which It crosses, Is 112 feet thu greatest height being 1!W fee t. Arteiuus Wind or Saint Artemus, as wo should call him, anil thus make blin a companion for our other Jolly 1 1 ot Iday taint, St. Mcholns, tells tin aiuiis lug story about tho driver of a stage coach, who, In driving through u dan genius pass In thu mountains, right along thu edgo of u most fearful preel pice, occupied Iilm-elf by telling tin pas-ciigcrs of tho filghtful accident that were continually hnppeulng there In the way of "up-sets," and horse sliding over tho precipice. "Hut the company never losesuiivthlngby rue -aid hi', "for whcnoverl up-set, and find that any of tho pasfeugers hnv their legs orurnis broken, I toss them over thu cdijoof tlmt prcclplco Into thu THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. hundred feet deep nbys.s below, and tho company Is nover troubled about dam ages from them I" "And thus." savs .VrtemiH, did ho begiillo tho wnv with his pleasant stories'.'" So with this High llriduc. Number less aro tho accounts of Its dangers, and passenger?, like Artomus' coach dri ver, delight in beguiling tho way with tho accounts of its extreme peril. Hut investigation falls to establish tho fact Hint It Is imy moro daiiKcrous than nnv other part ortheroad,whlle)"oldstagers," pronouncu It, positively, tho very safest portion. However, popular prejudice has decided against It, and ono of tho contemplated Improvements will con- 1st In avoiding this bridge by menus of detour, thus relieving nervous ladles, and wicked men, who fear to die, even though thu company Is ablo to pay lamagcs. A fow miles from High Hrldge, is rarmvllle, tho historic pot where Gen. Grant first received the Intimation that General l.ec, being unable to hold out longer.wlthout fear ful and nee clU'ss loss of life, was .willing to surrender. The act of surrender was coiisiiin mated at Appomatox court Iioihu sumo thirty-seven miles nearer Lynch burg. Tho land all about Iktu Is the lebratcd tobacco district of Virginia, nown throughout the world. Thu very best of this land may bo bought at from ) to f 10 per acre. Very much of It has sold lower; somecxccllcnt laud even . cll- Ingatf per acre. Laborlne'grolcosts from $S to $13 per inonth-"and found." Tho quantity of manure pe'rnereynsts 3. Tho yield of tobacco per aero v, 111 average loOD pounds. Tho price at present, is Sill per hundred nt thoplace of growing, when "stripped" and "prized" li. . thu ives detached from the stems and packed In liogsIicads,wlitcn last is called prizing") it sells nt J2t per hundred, or more, ne'corellng to tho quality of the tobacco, nnd care- and manner of prizing." Thero is no scarcity of labor; no want fgood feeling and wnrm-lieartedncss on the part of thu "old residents," no arcltv of anything Indeed, but of cap ital; and that, tho enterprising people of tho North, nnd e-speclallyof Pennsyl vania, tiro fast supplying. Indeed,tliero Is no investment more feasible, none more safe and paying, than that hero presented ; especially in thu cultivation of tobacco and hops, of which I will treat more at length In my next. Sei-Ml'.T-I-.MSiS. I .v nnother part eif our paper we publl-h the proceedings of the meeting at lieu ton, of the Political Prisoners and vic tims of thu Iato reign of terror; their nines, ages, occupations and period of Incarceration. Onuof the objects isstat- ed fully in tliosu proceedings, ltnl the uu'etlng in -Smv ork to which this and many others aro but preparatory, will bo much more significant and Im portant. The supremacy of tho civil law and tho opportunity thereby afforded to ight those atrocious wrongs, and tho mode and menus of securing redress will lie, we doubt not, fully discussed and .-etllcd. Wo shall then see what the Juries of tho country say to the wrong-. Imprisonments, tines and pun ishments, thus illegally Inflicted upon the Innocent and unoffending citi zens. Wei shall see whether wicked men who wero willing instruments of unbridled power can wreak private ven geance with Impunity; or whether tho people themselves through their own tribunals will protect themselves and their own honor and right their wrongs before tho world. AVi: would call attention to the I'rus- pectus of tho .t7C for lsfiS, In another column. It is conceded to bu tho ablest daily In Philadelphia, mill has rendered mateilal service in redeeming that city fiom misrule. Votrutit will bo en larged soon, and in ordiT to produce that end a hearty support should be lven it throughout the .Stale. There is no n uson why our organ In I'liiladcl phla should not have iw great a support as tho lladical I'ress, .Seo thu terms in tlie Prospectus, Wn have on hand a large supply of Democratic Almanncs tor the year IMW, one set from tho Ihvj loo.': office and another from the World nftlce. They lire a complete compendium of the acts of Congress, lncs-age's of the Pri'siilent, election returns for several years past, and all other matters of Interest to the people. They should bo In every family. Price 20 cents. Wiitnku plea-mo in announcing to tlie public that S. II. .Miller, tho veteran merchant In tho lixchango lllock, has associated with him in business his sun Isaac. .More accommodating merchants cannot bo found In town, nor anyth.it .ire more deserving of site'coss. Tim public will boglad to know that over one-half of tho stock for the pro- Jetted building on the coiner of .Main ami .Market street, was sub-eribi'd nt once. Its speeily completion Is an as sured thing. Tin: wlfoof Wm. Snydcr,swlteh-teii- dcr on thu railroad at Hupcrt, dr. ppcd dead at her house, on Monday last. '1 he cause of her sudden death was probably disease of the heart. D11. II. Axi)i:iiH. 11 (iciinnn (iiciuist mill a iiu'iiiIkt of tlm Jlcdli'iil 1'iu'iilly nf New York cltv. ufter 11 1 tocn vi'iim' re- M'nrcli nml I'.xjii'rlmi'iits, lias dl-covcrt'il u ini'tliiMl ot ll-.-.(ilvoi( roiiino III HI II' walcr. tiih iniir:iiicm ( nr. n. .n iifrs' loilluo Water) Inn fined ninny eu-t'-i of K'rofilla, tilccrH, iiineer.-', etc., t nit unu resisted tho action ol all otner reiiicille.-i. No (ink i.ikis to in; C'ih:.vti:i! - To avoid imposition, If you urn in w.int ol ".-oiiietliinir to wc.ir," l'O to I'liemlierlln'n. If lie mys tlmt tliu ar ticles are Hood wlilcli you lairi'liu-i1, you iiiav relv iiiion it Unit tliey me. Tlie overcoats Mid heavy cloths which lie now oiler.'!, (Uirim-'S thox) to lie found in an v oilier estiilill-liliienl within miles of lllmiiiifliiii'K. SeelliK l hellevlua, T N U It A K l A O !: N C Y . WMIIIlllIU 91.V.'-X) i:in.i i,1"".1" O iinnii'iiv I'O.u- liltim Nuilli Aimrlra :vii I'liy Wfl-d InuriMlluiiul I.I'-1." S'lnuaiu 1,1-m.ohi .lililil I.lvn Mlui-k MMtl I'uln.im t.'i,i) M.T,ll.lM. 'M'-'M birlni,illi mot" lusiiriilirii Ciililiilll.v of WbU' IVlill'u., (IW.iWi , oniuftlrut. Miituul Mfc lO.fMi.uw Suiil; ,riu'ili'.iiTi'iinlt bv,tt rnr.As imuw.v, Awt, miir 'C7-ly. liumusiieuii, I'a, O VUIl I'ouHCIieil'i t('ll''Mlii:ui,INh' 1 imiiuiix unri' " '"i I'Olt SKAT AND CUKAI' ,IO I J iJlilN'TlN(l. CAl.1i AT 1'HU COLOMBIAN OFlflCK MW ADVERTISEMENTS. BKLCOVH INSTITUTM. I:iik1NIi mi.l rrcni-li lirairdliig Hchool for UK lulles. Arrmmillslml IMiirninni, IitoIUi- lioiiie.ki'i'iimr(irl,nrn Iho chief nllrndloni nt tills lii w mi I Ix niitlrul Imtltullc.il, Thirty hand Romo I'liuinhrrn limit tho nuinlior of honnlm to Mxty. Ncroml teriiU'ommpncpn, Fob, lt. istw. For lYoMicclin mhlrt'ns totho rrlnrlr.nl, Minn UAUHM.M: (1. IIUNtJ lluvcrly, N. J. p V T THIS O UT ' ,V "" w-nilto HM IT1I A s"UVW:Y,l'UUInr-ll, !., for their Inrmiejiinrto Clivulnrortlio I HON CITV COMXCll:, roiitnlutlif- poclmclisnf C'owIcv'k frenulum l'eti. ,,'.m,".'llllll! ,:':f.1.tlt . Vlf,M-s uf rolloKo lliillillnit, llnIM, i lly nfl'lttshuruli, etc, ftp, I'lr I'M. riTrlsns. THOSE WHO WISH TO TAKK A UOOI) IlKMUtOlM 1'AI'lJi fur tho .Vi'W Year MiuuM nulncrllja far t it i: a i) van e; i:. f.lvo, liimrst nn.l Mi.lrltuot. .lint tl,,. m.T fur home nnd Hunilay, ti.71 ft year. Hilcn,ll'I I'ie inlium for ihoio Mho net no null, snrclmcn I'lrs st ill fry.. A'l.lrcs 'I II l; AIlVANI'F, f( I,omliiiril lllock, Chicago. 2 It A 1) S T h i: i: T ' s I M l1 r. i) v i; ii numiKit Moi'Miixn anii weatuku stmi's. The lrst,r!iciiii",t mi,l only rrfect Weather Ktrlps in tho mnrhit. l;xrtu,h nno.w, r.iln, rol,l Mr una iltlsl, l'rlrm reduced to net-lit. The sale Is lej ntid nn.MliIni! ever ollcred. Send for nn t'ffent'H circular. .1. W. UK ADS rill JKr A- CO., S7 .S'uiHtlu St., N, V 57 Wnslillujtoii sit., Unit J A M K H VIC IC, IMl'OllTKH AND eJIIOWnil OF 1'I.OHT.K AMI VFfll.TAllM'. SKiaiS uocih:-.ti:u, xi;w vouk. vine's n.i.csntATMi catai.o,ick op nnnu AN'D i'i.oit.r, arini: von i-os. In now tiulillslicdillld retldv In send out. It iiilrfd it work of nliout line hundred l.iro pases, con- lainuii; ittu tiecripMttis t, tut, ciioicr.sT ri,owi:ns .vi:ri(iTAiir.i eiuow.v, with plain dlrectl, mi for Siowlnst Seed, Culture, etc. It 11 heaulllilUy llluilralft, with morn than tineliuiulrfd lliitMtoiHl eiir.tvlut;s of Flower nnd Veifi tables, nnd it iii:autiix'icoi.oiieiii'i,ati: up rr.ovt:iiM, Wt 11 printed, tin the flntt piper, and one nf the most beautiful in well as llio most Instruct le works of the kind published. tfB-Selit toiill who apply, bv mult, Hiitpald, for 10 eenll which Is Hot half the cost. Address .IA.Mi:s VIL'K, lleehester, N, Y. ATOltTII 1 SJIIII' CO. AMKIIICAX STHA3I- TIIUOUOH I.INi: TO CAMFOItNIA, VIA PANAMA oil NICAlUriCA. HAIMN'll FUO.M NIIW Y011K lHccmbtr 5th and 15th; .fnnunry 5lh, 1.5th and 25Ui, and February nib nnd 25th. With New Steamships of the first class. PAssAni: i.own: than nv any othkii link. For further Infolmatlon nddress tho under- slynetl nt 177 west strett, ew Yotl:. II. N. II.Mtltl.NdlON-, Aftcnt. MKIUCAX CLOCK CO. .1 Corllnndt St.. New York, Manurnrturc, Apents nnd Dealers In am. VAr.ir.Tins or AMr.r.u'Ax clocks. Solo Apents for Sirril THOMAS CLOCKS. n'moT'iu.Ncs rr H K It KINO'S I' A T T i: N T C 11 A M P I O X S A V K S. AWAiinni) Titr. 1T.17.1: mf.dai.s at WOItl.llH FA HI London. WOUM) SI-Ml! New York. i;s;rtJs.llo. l'.s,l liu1-!;!,!,!; , pans, OF II u , n 0 0 F It A X C SI! . ijfi.noo In Oold,) At the recent International contest, In the l'arls Inhibition. The public are lnvlle.1 loe.ill and examine the report oflhe Jury on tbc merits of the great con test and seo tho nniclnlnwr.nl to the Herring's I'.itt nt o er all oth-rs. IlIinnlNO, FAHUF.I, AND SIIKIIMAN, 251 llroadway, Corner Murray Sil., Xew York. FAF.ItllL, HFItltlNe) AND CO., rlilt.ulclphln. HHUIIINO AND CO., Chicago. HHI'.lilNn, FAIIHF.I. AND SHKItMAN, ni;w onr,r,ANM. A 'A Y fi ) S! xjl Three niniinlllcntlv lllustratnl Mistical Hooks, containims Important IMisoIoKlcal Info. mattou, for men and women, pent free on receipt i"icrnl, by add rose! nc tho Secretary of tho New York Modlcil University, No. W Clinton phuc, New Yoik City. I? O U X I). J.? A npwinithnil of Uopvlnff I.e(tcrH( without either Pressor Water, tneiebv mivIiu; time, la bor and oxneiiKo. At,k for'M't-nn Letter Itonlr' I Tor circulars, n.ldrcss p. OAHlll'lT A CO., TWI 1 Chfhtnut ht., PUHa. AscntB wanted. T7ARMERS' A FAIOIKUS' S0N9 J... 1 Wnntcd to cnpnj:o In a busincus, diirmu the 1 nil and Winter, nay tut; fiom 'Tl'n) to Jjm per month, AUUrtHH .l.lUIii',11, M l.UHI'I X t.u. No. oil Arch St., l'hlladclphla, Pa, a n a V O Y'S coiusirr skiut H V V P O H T li It Combint s Iii one cfirnn ntapcr 1. ct itttlni:Cor-et, and the most h:slr.ibln fklrt supporlir ever ulFcrcd tho public, t placcMtlm weight ol the klits upon the shoulders Instead of the hips; It imnrmes the form without tltfht laciuK; elves wim and ele canci' Naiproetl and rccom bulU'M' fancv uiiods stoio c iiernlly, and at w hole. Kilo by D, It. SAITNDI'.USA' CO., iHi summer hi., lioston, ami uvJ Walk r Ht New Voilt, AIko, by HPNHY C. MODItl-.l-'-Market street, Phlla.and VI F.lXMANN, HlNKU'll") tl CO., ill linnuw rst. lltilllmorp, Md. Ar A X T K D. n Ladies or tii'iitleim n to Mdl the Own Scls dors Shanncr, Mutton Hob Cutter and Itipnei combliieil. hum pie t-cnt by mall for looontu. Ad dnsH Mr--. ANNA SMITH, M Parkumn-st., Cleveland, O. A7"ANTl;i) Miilf-smeo In 1rn el mid n II L'Oods bv Milil- 1 10011 wanes unu Meiio v i in in i iiiroi. with Mamii. I.A.NPIIl'Alt A PpltKY, 'Ji Hupoilor M Clevt land, Ohio. fi: AUK COMINfl, Aii.lwlll iiroKrnt In unv ihthoii NCIlillIlH 111 n i-luli ill cur cnciu llm' Ihillnr.'sati'.i'r liryun.l run- f (,ii,l. .vc.,11 Mine uross rimi'rn, rn'cfinisin i-i. Inn. Willi Ii, Ap., five of cost, l'il1nlo;m ol kiioiIh iinil- iiniilt', -i ill 10 miy luuiif'KMji'p. ,ir,H .M.I.I II.. IV w., I) IVilrr.ll 1-1.. lluilnn, Jliin", 1'. u. liox WhnlcMilo ivnlriH In l rcncli. nirinnn. nnd ruL'iiHh lirv nml Kanpv koixIs. eutli-ry. 1'Inli'il Wiiri', An,uin, I.i'iillK'r KooiN.iti'. a-k doijLau i:acii. I I u.l..rv.tt.ti f'lnlli.llii.i.Ml'jittrrtiK. I'nnt I'.lt- tt-rlli, Muwlllt; .MHClillH'S, HU-livi,, iry itiui run rv ('.oihI-, ttr., cli'. l-t'lul ten i-entH for I'un nl lvu 1'oiiiitl.in, witli nllducrttilii( au nrllclo In our .1..1 i.ip kii. eiulioriroiumllii 1,'w), lit Mil"-' rnl (10 lh. for cai'li', una eel u puiiiiuiii ior mi iioihk, ro, m lEi-cUUrt',1 I.CIUTH. Isillni'lt'H nmiifti iiii lonny UlUllCM, lUUOH. l.Arii.11,1. .v ii..ii'jn.u, Ul UltllOMTM., llOhlOll, .-VlllMM, 0 c it iHTHi- wY ciiANcp.nvKitornutK.ni Oneor twoda'n tlmo wilt hecuren ood Vewln Machine. Watch, Hilk Hrehs, Hovolver, or ho me othcrnrllcloDM-'iuainine, l reooiiiwii All- bb- u.-uie-i niry wm -rt maioiuni icurne, roiihehei-t luwnbioKer'K Halo lu the country. scud for cia ular. h.c.thdmio.n a t u. ai i:xfluui;uht., lli.ton, Mas. n-: HKi.ii i'oh oni: dooi.au. Hold nn,l HIIvit Wntrlii1-. S.'tvllul M.ii-lilui , hilt 0 1 'l u Hi tl, Mlk Iiuri,IRlii.,l'U"tl'.'" lloiliehtiu (lonils, 1 tl'., niiiTi.Aiu-i hi:.nt riiDK, cUIni full I'uitlmluin of our gum On IXillur Willi 1. 1 ImluiTinonll oiriTi'.! In AcmiNkpii'I Ina Us t'lllt.H. AiUIiim, I.AWJNTi:.. IIAIIUIIT, N'u. .IHiiilbiiry ritivi 1, llo-lon. oTujhT: Ni:i:i) nl eiiijiloln Iho rouiilry enyluu tiirc" or four hrolllion Uiu okN thi'V li.uo In huy. 'i lio ini'lli nillnlrii,liiooil hv ilw li(il.l.AIlKAl.i:irlm l,Io, hh oili nil l,y (III.MANA 10.. Ill) lluiiovir M.. IlOhlOII, MllsH., t'lllll.ll-Hl'OllslllllPIHtOOlllnlU OlMl. lit ulioffhillo llri, Willi llllimht iiiiIIiiiIIl',1 ill ouinii of cxi'liuimi', mid iiliuililoiri'horilHlliriii 11 in. h.. ml lor 11 rlriuliir. orhi'iiil n 11 t-onlH for ilt. M'rli'llio.llii. (Iriul ImiuivinuiU for jk-ihoiih to llfl lit AKt'lllM. JKVOIiUTIOX"lx"TUAl)i:i l.A 1I t You can lecolvnfor tho mini of o ,v v, j o 1. h a n, Much pa Hllk, Merino and Alpucra Hrtscs niiuui), duoiiiiiiii, i.iiieu 1 lift Hit, i.iiiuortiteAi 1 a blo Cotrs, Wad hi t, J( uelry,HIIerPlutt-l Warn, sewlm; MachlncN tie, Hend clubs ot tenor moioMjUi ten tentH mr eacti iifhcrlidtu chei h and lb-' ytlU'i inoi thuelnb wlllreci he a aluu' m jni win, wi 111 noiu 1 111 mvornuu tc numh r ki-tlL Al ut i uanted evervuhtr Circuliird Kent fiee. PAUKP.H A Ci),. uuuHtorN tu U1II1AM UI,,U!tl'O--'UWHirt0l, JtObtUfl iM COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. QOUIlT PltOC'IiAMATION. Wilt, it PAX. UiMTmi. Wllllnm 1ttrn1t t-fAl,U,i Jmltfoof (ho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnj Opi.rrnl Jail liellvrry, Court of (iimrtor HOMlonn or tho lYftrontiil (imrt of t'ommmi Vicwn nnd or lOmn's Court in llm lli JulU-lt)l JilMtrlct, com itMNdlof ttiocountlstof Coltmil)in, kulllvriTi mii Vyotnlii(r ntvltli-i Hon. lrutn Df rr nnd Pttor K. lltTbcIu, Aftmrlii.f- JiiflttfH of Columliln rounty liavo ImuciI ttirlr procrpt, ltrlnn tlnto th "lli iltiy of !)ect'iiit-rt In tho rnr or our Inrtl,nno tlmu-tuTitl.rlht hundred niiUlttr.orn, and to incdlrtttnl lor lioMlrififtCoiirtofdciirrnl (JututT HcrSHituin or tho 1'tRrf, nnd orplidtrrt f-ourt, In ll.oiiivl)iir(t, in thn rounty of ColumMn, on tho nrt Mond.iy, lf ln tho .'Jd tiny ot lhruriry next, tor-ontlmip ono wtck. Aim uhcrt as the tlm JtidRf,itf.mird thflr prn- 'ent Ot thnr-iimr-dnlf-.iitid In imwllripti-tl tnr Imlil. Inn a Court of Common 1'lcn anil (iunrtrr Ht-. lcn, In llloomshurK.Jn tho Count v of Columhin. on tho Neeou- Mon'lny, ImIuji the lutti tiny of Feli- tin l, Iirii, .f ruilllliuu OIIII ll'n, oueo m noreoy niven, tnino Coroner, to tho Juatlceiof th iVncn. ntnl Iho Cnnttnlilri nflhtt Hiitd county of Coluinhlii, thai they ho then nnd iiii-iu iii inrir iirnm-r pi muii ni iu ouovK ill Hit forenoon nf mild ilitv. u It Ii (hrlr ri-nr.U Iti.ml.l. tloitx nnd other r.-tiiPinhruncei, toilnlhoNcthlntfH ulilch to tln-lr ofllrei (ippi-rtaln to lo tlnne. And thost that nr hontul hy reeoKiilKAneo, to p rote-cutoav:aiii-t tho prNoner-. that aroor may ho In the Jail of tho Maid rottnly of Cotuinhln.tn ho then and there to prneeu(ot)iem nt Khali h lunt. Ju ror aro rtqiutod to tm puueluat In I heir attend uueo.iireeahly tothelrtmtlet . Dated at HIooiuh- i-s uutk, iiiu xitiuo.iy 01 1 iciooer, in I lit ear 1 r ''i 'n imiu, wim ill ills-ill Ki iKlll Hull dnd nnd Mt-tteven,nnd in I he ninety t-t. ,m-.ii ii inn in"ii-i iitii'in-," hi him i mien UWvt of Amerk-a. MOI'.DIXIA MIIJiAUli, JIliMiisjljurK, Jan, 3, li. HherltT. HMtlAIi LIST, run rumuAuv ti;iim, 1 Mary i: Ontn v-t. Jtolieit 4 Ilowetl, tt. ni, '.'.David Ytu'er vn. C. Dewltt.rt.nl. 'I W llti.itu A, Mnn v. JantoH Dke. t Wlllhiu At)hott . MlltiH D. lilc-ir. .'i Jiiiuc-i (Unnon t, MU-luud rreaiie, rt, ttl. t 'liltuiiii 1'utix vs MylvcMerJ, 1'iui.x, 7 Hrtinuel Waters n, (leoro U'HIolt-t. Hfiinuel Waters Oi-orue Wlllett--. y John Tn rutity A Co. n. Mnry j:. tln i?n, 1') MuDoiiaM s. t,cvMM llowcr. i t. nl. 11 Ue-tt llratich Ins. Co. vh, HI mon C. Hhhr, U Kluard Me' all.ft.ut, h, John .Sweeney, H 1'iti r WerlilieNer h. Adam Hoat, i t. al. 1 j I. H. lVr-tou . Audieu- Pre at, IK K, 11, lVrwin s John Cain. 17 JHtiift McVlekfT Nathanh I I Cainthell. 1 (lideon Arndt w. John I . Ultiv. 11 Wlllhim IkeUr n. John Huvae. li') Daniel (, i;ntM admr. Jauiei W. Hankey. 2 Chii". W, Mlll(rM.Th"Touii'hlpof liioom. i-J Daniel Yitler s I-iuae Vetter, rt. al. :ii Joiidh 1 hoinats, iihc, v-. Ihnrj C. Krt-as 24 John V. Lrlhy s llldeon Arndt. Si CatharlnuHliiBley vm. HUphen Mldiael. I'd Henry m, rt. al. t, 4ieoro I-mert, et. at, ITT J, II. ilnrli'ton v. Henry C. llnrtiiuin. 2A Henry Kunj.ii v. Mletmol Mtlm I-i William Clark m. Itohcrt C. Clark. i DrtM-t lltlHlctvc l)a Id H. IKlulic. 'AX John Cooper vs. Pant. 1 How r, et. ni. ivi Mary Mefliearty m. Itoht rttlorrell A Co. at. Joseph H111 h, Kanniol Hi-rctt, JURORS, ron : l.lilil'AlU li.UM, lllimm Jacoh Scluij lor 'henlan Delly. Ki-uuin .laniit nznr-ii. lioarr (ieor(?o P. DidHhaeh. lli-rulclt norn .lirlin I),i:ilc. Itlr.ini Ktiwllitrn Iiow Ii Hnke, Cfjiiynsham Je nks D er. CatrtWl-ia Jacob him,iri, .loliu HhnrplrKi. I'J-diluccref k .Iiimrs I imipbell. rr.inktlu Hainllton Clmk. Oreenwimd Josi-pli Uedllnt. IH'iist I'l'lcr Yv mn. MnilKon Hrnrv V ui;rier. Jurtili t. dirt on. i ion. Monti nn Michael llotu-h, Maine Itannati John. tiratige- D. K. loan. l'liit Klihha I'ulliiu-r. Scot t Moore Crcellnsr. Siiffarloaf (iiorK? I'rlt, Christian L. Moore rpRAVKRSK JURORS, ron rrnurAUY ti:um, iw. lllonm John K. flrotK, Hamuel Jacoby. llenton I'.irvin MaMi rn. Ctntre Aaron l'ullmor. CutAwl---.a (h-orcr tltlhort, Jacob fiwank. Ci ntralla lloro .lovpph Hnyder. Klslilneerri-kJanK I'aturHon, Hlrum Hcsk, Frank) In Will lam Ilonrharh. (Irei nood licirne (irernly, .Nicholas Kindt, iimiu 1'ciitiiiaii, Tiiiiaui i nonui's. Hemlock Nehemlah lUret. JatU-ouii John J. Mclleiiry. Mt. l'ien-.aiit-Wllimm liovrrll. MadisonKola rt JohiiHon.Nihcialah WilllMT, Mimiu-John l Kiown. di-aime (iio. W. ApIeman, J.unen S. YOoud-t. KoiirlnKcicek Samutl llauck, .Nathan lini-v b.icli. Aiurl Criil-;. Hcott timrlri Leo. Joveirh IJllcv. William A ll.irton.M.C. MeColhini, William (i. Campbt ll, jacoo itrnimntr, jonn lvit'ssier, inonias jkmi- iiiiin. Htmarloaf JiinieH Seward, Andrew Lanbaeh Hervilck lloro. John i;Et;ert, T UUO RS l'O It COUItT OF COJtION J nUs, l UlllL'.Mll JUTH, 1V)SJ Itloom Mtirlin C, Woodnard, Nowton W. liar- ton, 1 nonius Kuorr, .louu won. lterwlck lloro. John MuAtiall. Ihiitah Itowcr. ltriarcrci k .lulm W. Hmllh. Daniel Kclchm r. CatawKsa Hainuel Kostenbunder. John Kelfer, (i- orm II. Wlllett". l,ewi Yctter. t cnire jonn iiiii.istiac iie-s, .-iamon li. iiick, t (inynuam I'nniei i. .nciviLrnan. PUliinirCijek Jo-scnhColcinan.'lhoH.J, Hutch- ISOIl, I tank In iimilfl Iloair and. Ilemloclt Wm. rMv, John Apblcinan. John wiumnis, wiiiiam icii.cntiei, .lanic-i v . i,ut r. lioctist Wm. It tteriiutn, "in. hukIk , J.imc A. Kox, Perry Mo.ir-. .Matiisoii---.io-f nn .eitioii. MnUie Aided Yclt tin. Mimin-PlKha II. Hiown, Low Is CnMV. Onuii,o John W0M1. Pine i.ulhcr A. Oariiinu, Joseph Troib.t'b.l-., SeoltJnnies J-:ike. T 1 1JOWS1 AIMMIAISK M KN T.S. 'I lie fiillowlne nniuaNemeiits nf rwl and t F-onal iiropcrty Md apnit lo uldoMof dnedi nt, m;iu hi en nieii 111 11111 u iii-c tu 1110 1.1 ir tier 01 i.o- lumbla county, muler the Itulcw ofrmiri, and will bo iire-enicd for nbsobito conllrniutlnn. to the Drph.ins' Couit to ho lu-ld lu Illoomshuri, In andtor-aid rouuly.on w i,hM-.Mni, iiiki ivvh ivy of rrnni vitv, at two o'clock i. m. of sit Id day. unless exceptions to Mtchconflrrnn nous aro previously uicu, 01 which an persons niiLTi'sieii 111 mum 1 maies . 111 uiiic uouco ; L Widow of (iei-rLL-IIldl.iv.iifCentre tow nshbi ui ci H--I.-II, Widow of (lcor,;3 Ilanp, of Iicust townshli .1. Widow of W W. Mcllcl:. (.fHcott townsliin i, wuiow or ceier Mencir, or went i townsiui joh.n (j. rni.iv.i:, ltNttr. litiiiiiiiiuuru, j.iuuary a, imii. T) HOISTER'S NOTICK. Nimt-K is J. Ij iirrpm i rfn m ipnaiecs cm tors titut otiwr rr'"- Inienlc1 in the estates of the re Hpeitit di'ccdi ntH nd minors, that thn tollou Iny .iiiiiiii-iirwoii Him xuaruDiii accouuis uao net 11 filed In tin olllco of tlm lieplar of ColumhU couuty, nud will pre-.entcd for continual inn mi iiiiow-uiico 111 1110 lupiiaus- 1.01111. 10 no neii In HlotiinHbUL2. on Wed ccFdiiv. tho fifth iinv i Kt-hruary, Imv, at two o'clock In tho nttcrnoo'n of iint uay, 1 The accennt of ttccrKoM. Howell, i-xtcutor ol jaton enner, or i iMiiuecn ( k ioh n-nip, me ii. . iiiniiii'i iiii.ii accwuni 01 I., j iiirriUK'ou, iki- llllll sir.irijc 111 1 1 1 OIL II -i l.ller. Ol mill 11 Kill I IM I dee'd. A 1 illrtl account of Dan el Slnclcv mid Ilanfel SInKley.jr., itdmlnlntr.itois ot John MuKley, of 1. Account of Samuel Ht rett, iuJm'r.,of Uiuikc Pfell, of t liflliue to nshl; dee'il. r. Act omit of Samuel Pottt t. mliu'r.. of fMnirlos Hlewarl. dee'd., by his surely. Wesley I-'li-inlUL'. (i. .MTiiiini 01 xiicnarn ii. .ituau, guuruian 01 .11 liiou iiouiiie, 7, Tho heennd account of S. Achi ubafh and Ja con 1 r!7, cxccuturM or w ni. l-rtt, ol uraniio iy decc.i-.r-d. s. The isocond account of H, Ai henbach, ndm'r. of Joseph nn huist.of tnanso lownship, dis-'d, u. Plrit itud iltril account of Wellington Hart liinu, and C, A. Mocr, mlmlnlstnittirH ol Han nan nooiie. o i oom tow nsn . u 01 . IU I'irsl and lln.il i.ecoutit of John (lordlier and I homns stiu'j;honct cTt-cntorB or I lioium Htailc Iiouse.of 1'lno towns 1 i. 1 it'tasi it. 11, .iccouui 01 i-avni i.i'wih, luiui r., tu jianui Itobhlns. of huizitrlo.if lowiisihli-.tleceasoit. 1' Account ot 11a v Id I.cwln. estculor of Kilns Johiihou. of Hiunrlonf towm-hip. deceived. 11, Accouut 01 1. 11 iiarimau, mini i c. i, a, or Wm. Webb, of Scnlt (own-tlilp. ilceeasul. II. Actuiuiit of 'Jhomns P Hull, tciurdlau of AUnoa uiiey. li. Account ol IhoruH It, Hull, t-Umrdlnn or III rahetli ttllt . in. Aceouui of iiiriniiH a. i tm i, guarumn 01 Hleiim r Klh'v- 17. A i count ot Tbr-nifiH it. Hull, minrdfan of Ann Hllc, H. Account of John Trtiiiblry, t'tinrdlun nf i-imricH 1 rump. Ill .Tho third nnd ft mil nccouut of Win. CiKid, num. otin of the adiiiluNttatorH of Daniel I.utrh of lloiirinci nek t twnihln. ihe'tl. v, Accouni 01 in, noiu, ecciuor or inanca Hug hp, ot llloom towiihhip, tUc'd, VI The Account nf J'cier .nt, Trutttf of Clara H'IowllInnwtlecd..T and who wns one Mho l,i;iei's imiio u 111 inn iRKi ttim uti iibinmciil Ol MHIICW -M'iWWfll tlfOit. Bloornnhnrc, Dtc, 3, lt4K 'JMIK UNION nOTKL, Arch Hircct, belttcon Third nnd Pourth Httrct, l'hlladclphla. nnurrA whiikh, Proprleton. rIMI 1 lUJItAIi (IKNTIj!MAN. 1, a Monthly Jouuud, puhlb-hed at Daltlmore, Mil. SI ut eat. In luham c. Hiss Imcns hk-tx. Aib erlicmi ub Mill, i ted. Ayi tits want id, Addusti. i . aiiove. n A N K It V V T C Y. lh itudci sinned iri'Mvs in the II. H, Court iuiiiiioi hpi-ci ii mien i mo m inn practice Ultiie the late II Ulklltpt lie). 1 It btufk Kt t k I Uti tho hi II tit of this humiincitci ol Con-,!rc-H uii uthly i-cr ...IKilll i,rl,l'l, tl.rl.ir Inl.oi ,.i,i ' ' , uiu i-ii. Attorney nt ijiw Xt' . 'M- II HauxlUe, l'a WITH Till'" I'.VT UVT I'fHIUO 1-uU'UUtl IH flub, r I'Ull, IM.' ii,l iirlinowti'ili' ,1 by fintui'iil il.ii'rH to U' tlie t mi ll Hind tor 1 iSvCTVi iliWiX T (.uunl tu id UiUicbts., N, V, KV luriu ijec'-ii,",-! " 15. LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINIHTUATOR'.S NOTIUII. -tVnSTATK Or OtllMlN HfKCKPtl, TlKCEAl! tl. ltteritof RdinlnlMtratlon ontlipi-Kliitoof (lldf-oti HKcKcr, latf- of HeuilorUtnwnxhlp, Columbia c, ilecrned lime been granted by iho KcnlMcr 01 rtiiKi cinimy ui iiitf-u- nift ni r nun inane i a'imj , All person havltnt clalmi or dcmaixU njulnt the cnlnto of the df cdenl aro rirpioMcd to make them known, nnd lhoe Indebted to mnkc ptir- ; mcnt. MosPM HTI-CKIIU, In A AC I.I.IDY, ' Dorfi'CT, Ailmlnhtraton. ; XKOUTOR'H NOTiOi:. Ieltern totnmeiitnrv on the estate of Abrahnm llerKen, Into ordreenwood. C'oluitibl t county, l'a. hac bten Rraiitt d by tho lb nIMcr ofr-ald conutyi lo Abruhnm ll'tfii llnme, of Miintuhnu kin, Oceac rounty, New Jersey. All prrsotM hnIiii4 rlnliHHtij;alnt the citato are reuuentid to pre, nl them Inll.n Kunrnlnr for tif-tth-inrtit. nml IIhim kliowluu thrmclvcH tndehtrdto mako pxynunt, aiwi.ii..ii iii'.uwi. iiituii i;, Nov,a.C7-(iv. Kxccutor, UXACY. 'Iho ttThl and flnalaccotint of M. II. Miller. Com inlttco of ltehccca Vntiderj'lleo. u lunatic, All itcroiH ulcrcHted will taki" not ti that thu account or khM Conimltleo Ihih been llled In tin- rrolhoiiolary'H (Mllcoof Columbia rouiily, and that tlie nnid nccount bo pn-Hiited to the Jlldfc of tho Crairtof Coliiinon VlwiH of wild couuLv. for rxamlnat'oii and continuation, on iiirisuay, renruary ioi rui, i-wi ui.n.u.i.i, iTiiiiioiioiiiry lllooiiisbuit:, Jan. It, Imh, UDIToll'.S NOTCi:. Columbti County, m.i In the Ornhanh' Court of Mild County; In tin- matter of thu tMatonf Da wn ifciMiiino, oeecaseti, on nioiiun 01 .Mr. i iant, l It. Little iHiihtuiliiU-d nudltor tu malic dNtrl' button, llythe Court: trom tho meord, Deecin- heVl!, is,7, .IUM.hi; ( U,i;.MA,CieiK, Thn undcrwlanrd will attend to t heduth-- of hit appointment at hh ollbo in Illooiitburtx, on urn i,. in oav 01 January, in, nuu rimit p. m., at which tlmo nnd place alj partle. intereslrd 'iiiitiriiu, 1., iii ruiiiii'! ptcJi.i)", Ait'JJJrkr, unrroR'rfNofici:. " lu tho Court of Common l'lcan In and for the county of Columbia. In the matter of tlien.do. "i nir rrui i-MUie 01 .101111 i rirv i'j Hit nin-riu. Tht iiiutor-lunt d auditor iibnolutrd bv tho Court to tiifiko ilitlrlhutlon, of thn fund In Court, amont iue in 11 en iniornoi juuu ivrry 111 mi ei tin parlU'H Interested for tho purm-.e of his nn poliituunt at hl-t ulllre lu Moomr-lur lu f-ald couuiy. on ai outlay iue tin uay 01 January, a. i. N,at lo o'clock a.m., of that day, All the par Hch InteriNiid art iioucstid to attend on that day or bo debarred from comlnti; In for a part or HharoofMild tund, 1.. U. IKPI.V.H, Dec -7 t7, AUUIIor. VJlITOR'ri NOTK " in t In Court of Common Picas In and for tho rutin tv of Columbia. In Iho matter of tho nalo of Iho mil eMail1 of Pmauuel Ii. Hi tlerlv . bv tho HherlnV '1 ho underilmtl auditor a; pointed by Court to makedi-itribiitioii, r tho fund in court, anions lten credltor-i of Kniauuel I,. Ilettcrl, s III inert tho parties Interested f-n' tho luriM)Hp of bIsapM)lntmcnt,at the oilUc of IE, I , ( lurk, i,-q.,in jnof.inMjurn.iii Mini couuiy, on aIullny, tho 1Mb of Januarj, A, P., 1hh ut ID o'clock a.m., 11 inai uay. ah ino laruen nuetrsicu nro ro iuestidtoiitteudonthiitd.lv or bo lorover ile- barred trom com I mi; In for u part or haio of Mild luud. K. H. I1AI.DY, Dec. 07. Auditor. TX Till: ORIMIAW COURT OK X COI.UM11IA CtlUM, IMate or William V., itoherti, Lite of JiukMiti township, Columbia county. The under luucd, auditor appoint, d by thoDrphims Court of Columbia rounty, to m ttlo 11 tut adjust the rales and proportions of the as sets nt ths iU'cciim d, In tho hands of A bra In 111 Youiu.ndmlnMratorof William V.. Koln its.de-ciM-'id.tonnd nmoniMhe ireilltorslu tho order 'siat'iistK m oy law, w tu tm 1 1 1 lie cinutors 01 iue leetib nt.atiil all other pewms Interest id, nt tho oillcp of the Itetonlrr ot Du-iIh. in ltloom.burn. In and for i-utd cotinty, lor tho purpose of his np- mlntiiii'iit, on Satuidav. the -.tli il-ivof-lnnuaiv. Nrs, at I'l o'clock 11. in., of said ihi. All parties Interested an ronueMod to atlenu on tli.it da v. and press their claims or be forcrrih harredfrom uiiiiiit; in n ir u pitri or hiiare 01 1 no 111110. jiMi.-s it. nu.r,.r,, aii'mor, llloonisbur, Dec. U, W17. TN TIIK OlilMIAN.S' COUHT OK JL'IIIK OOPNTY t'P COIA'MIUA. pstalo ot josepn rn lion, late 01 ratawissu tnwiisnip, ue eeaseil, '1 he uudi rsltcned, Audllor appointed by llinflrt.liiitiu' (-..iirl nt I 'nlitiiil.ln I'l.in.li .. r. port distribution of tho balance In tholiiindsol ileorpo lltmhep, Juiin Hlmrj b s and I.lnjil Pax ton, Admlulstiators ol Jom ph p.ixtou, fleet ast d, will meet the purtli h lntewhti d, tor the purpose, of his aipolntiiunt. at his oihce, in IlUHimsburu, 111 Ml It 1 t Oil Ml V.. (Ml 1 IllirMUlY. 1 llf Ill'V Ol Jill uary, a, t.tNis, atlito'chsk a, M,, ot that day. aimiio parties intiieKit.it iue rioucMoii to at t nd on that day or bo feaetr dttmrn d ttom cotiiitti; in tor a part or t-naio or t-'iiit nnut, i;. 11. imm u ai, Aiiuiinr, Illoonburi;. Dec, (I, ls-jr-lt, TN Tli coi.t;. TIIK OIM'IIANS' COUUT Ol MlltA COPNTY. In the matter of the inoulsltlon and aluallou of thu real estate ot (ieorte McP.wen, late of tireenwooil township, toiumoia couniy, nee u. Aim now in wu in ct inner -nn, imr, on moiir.n en w.u. iiuriey.ine Court urnut a rule on Han 1 1 Md;wen. liiorireMc .wi . am i . .Mci. wen. iienrv i. .Mri.wui Matltd.i Irvln Into Matlldti PcKweii, Amanda ii.iyman iato ,manua .Mci.wcn, cmiuren unu heirH of (leorpe Mcl.wen, tlcctaMd to nnpiarat an urn iausr louu to no i i is ooi m urir. i and for fald county, on tho Hint Monday of 1 1 b ruary, a. p, 1ms, nnd mcept or iciuso tho Mild e-s- nue at iue aiuaiion or snow causu wny the Mime hhould not bo foId. t ertlfltil irom mo leceinis iK-cemiieri. piiT. Jl.ssi; toi.PMAN, Clk.O.C Deccmljer r. l-o7. pOhUMIHACOUXTY.h-IXTIIE yorntmnv i ourt or i oiuniinit i -miiuv. n tiie luatterot tin pin tl lion ami niuaiiou oi theis tnteof John Jtji lor. late of Montour tow nshir CoUniblrt County, deceased. To the heirs of John iir.vier, net cast u i i o .-naoma, miico iniermiirrieu w 1th Peter II rim bach, who has si nee died. John Halor. i:il7nbtlhllntetni.irrl-"l with Peter II. in- nacu, i fiirj jHijior, ommi inijiur, i,n is.iymr, in ob iiavior. ntimriiic i;a.vior. SHinuei I aMor. l'eti r lUn lor. and Da Id Itevlor. take notice that an Inquest will bo la Id at tho late dwelling House oi .mini iwior, ueceaseii, in ine iimiisiup of Montour. nnd county afounaid. on 'lliursdav the juth ilnyot January, Wis, bt t ween tho hours of e t inca a, in. lino loeiunt . iti,,oi kiiiii nay, ior thn tmrtio-! of ninklnc Ml rt It Ion eif the real t stale of Kiitd Ut,cntd. toand amonlds childtinund lepal reprientiitleM, li Hie K.iint can ho done without ore in to to rr Moii iiu oi t no wlio o. oiuer w ise 10 unit- aim uppnio-e iue miiiio accor- muz li riw, in which i line iiimi i-utee ,t uu mo re ejiuutcd loattcud If oi think prop r. .Mimi'i.i .i .iiiiii'.iu', ciicrui. HIiHiinsliury;, l'a., Jan. 3, ISui. TJriTATK OK HAHMOX KAUOUIt, J DPCPAsPD. To Abridiam Uibour. Isaac irtiMiur, .iiary .iiii, iiiitriuairitu wuu i.eoiiare Kline, i ainariue, nut nuaiueii wiiu jost pm law ford. Itebecca. lnti riuiiiried wIlliHamuel ItlookN Aai ksoti I.atiour. llliftiu fjibeair. Aniiii.lrilfrin.ir. ncu wnn i-minuei nue mm j.iuiira i.auour, lineal doeedaulsof Hannoii Ijihtair, deccaM-d, an-ltoall eiMns intcrestul, crtetlu; You aie hilfby elletl to he and nptcii before thu Judues ot our Orphans' Court, ai an Oi plums' Couri to bo lie ii t ai luonmsiairu.-'ii iue htm .m-iiiiiiy oi r t oru- ar nexi, ineu ami ineio to iu eept or leinso io take the real estate of tho Mild Harmon laibour. dectjVM-d, Hituale In Pirdilun Cn 1 1: township. In Loiuuiina t tiuniy, ai iue uppraiHfii vaiuniiou pui upon it ly an lni m t tlul aunrih d ty the Mild Court and retutued hy the Khtiltr, to wit: that et rtalli messiin'o and tract ol laud sllliatu In Ihe tow nstilpnfort haltl and hounded and dt m.' Ibed as lnllow t on tho north by land of William White nli;ht, on tho east by land of Jeremiah Hi, on the Maith by lands of lti hmd lirluht, and John Henry, and on the west by In ml ot William I,ouc couiainu lorn acres more or icsh wiui mo apnur- tt linnet h, show cause why the lamu should not no sin , Aim net cor tu u not. Piesldent of Mild t oillt.at IiiHmsburK, 'he Ittii tl.l ol peccnihiT, A. P. IniT. Jkssi: Coi.Kiiw, clerk, o. r. TXT J OIUH II K 31 ATTIC It OK Till: JIKTII M'orr TOW .NMIip,rol.PMHIA COPNIY. To a l.i. Whom n May Cosihin: Tal.e notice, I hat Anion Itoouc. John Tn niblv J, It. Pans, c, H, Ptiwkr, I. White, T..W. IMsar linam .liineH. i-, a. tiocne, ana .Marim An drews, beltnr itlel.K of tho suite of leiiak Ua lila, helm; desirous of acquiring nnri enjttj tnn the i unu uu ii it n a i ii i pn in K' h oi u i HMiy corjioraic. nat eiiiouiti nun preseiuio io mo louu o Common Pleaa of Columbia ()tinl. an instru mcnt In writlmr, jiurportlnjrjo bo tho pioposol tnarieroi iue ".iieiiniui i.piseojuii i iiuicii ai .IIOII, lOMIlsiupoi feoil, III till' 14H1111) Ol I o lumbla, KpcctlyltiK the nhject nrticlis, eondl- i ions, nnnio, m io or iiue.iuuit rwnit uiney hum iiHsoclatrtl nud mean to ashoclale. And tin s.il. Court hul!ik' peniMsl and examined the Mild in- htrument, and found tlm objieu and conditions (herein ri forth and contained, to ho law-iulnnd not Injurious to the community, lmo direct! d ..iui Hfiiini; iti uu iiit-n in iue i ria nouoiary h OI' lice of Mild County, and notice to bo (i t u decor ilimr lo law. that aitticatl'in has betn mailo t, said Court lo Kraut Mild churti r, and that if 110 iuuicitiii uunuu i'u siiinHi pi iue couinirv, u theilrht i lav of thn holt tereiof toild rmn to wit, on the Plmt Monday of Ptbruary ueit thevwlll del no and declare, tho nt-rsnnH n nn. elated to become and bo a corporutloii or IhmIv puiuic, iii-fonuuK in iue nim arucies aipi innui iiuu-i, mill to nave ronunuaucn iy iu name iy ie aim tine, in pnii itiHtrument uieuiioueti. liioumsburii. iue. i;i.'c--Jt. jiiuoi.i:man Proihy S UKH1KPS WALK, lly rluo ol a w i It of Venditioni l'.xiiormK. K mietlout ot the Court of Common pleas of Co. luinbl.t county lo imi dtucttd, will be exposed to puLlle Nile or outcry, nt tho Court JIoiuo, In llloomi.buru',011 Monday the third da ot 1 1 Li u my, l9ts, at one u'etot k In ihu nfu tnoon, iho fob lowiiiR leal estate to wit j All that ccrlnln Iract or piece of land, Hltuate In Ilrlarcrcek towiihhlp, Columbia count v, pa., loiitalnltiK about h ncrtw, boutideil on the -south by the North IlrauchiVimil.outhe wml bv lauds of llimnah HponeuberKfr and Stephen riiomiis, on the north by lauds of John (), Jacohy, and on thPtuht hi hind of httplienTliomiit, on which in u cut-ted a iramedwelflUKhouMMilrnmo Brut mill, phutir mill, and haw mill with the apiuMb uuucew, St-'Uid, tukiu In t xcculloii nud to be Hold u-i Ihe piopcity of JosLili'l litmus MtiltlW.CAl MlUiAUO, sheriff, lilonri iburj;, Junuary ;t, jsi, 61'LKXDU) CIIANCK, The undersigned, dtslrlim to rellrn fiom bust, ne -ii, would ami .nine to (he i.uhlle tliul the wllttll-lHJte.at ptlutoMde of their uitiro kock uk'hkI, fconsUtltu mninly ol huitlarf,i and nUo (he lumber ard uttiibhed to DielrMcre, '1 ho stuck has be eu well (.elected, and with h pee la I refenuce to Ihe wauls of Iho eoinmuitty, and Ihe bland U au old nud well ebtablihlu-d one. The piopetly lu width tho Sloio Is, t-n t bouyht or lehhed, Applv to or addrt sc. KNini.i:. a HAlH.n. HceC0,t)7tst VninilKi, Columhi t uunty, Pa. AUh Kinds of ltcndy Mudo Unthlntr M low tlKUIeM fit CMKUlll Itl IN'H Clothllil Htnmi lliirlnnui u l.l..l, ill, . ... kl ... li.. li o... ' I A iii. Ki.viw or joh imuntij i V ct-uPy muted Ht THk I'OLliibUN ht- rnutlBgomco, rixii steam REAL ESTATE SALES. prjUilCHAIiK HP VM.tr.MlU: Itl.AI. KMT ATI". In puisipiiico of an or.Itrnf the OrnhiiM Cnnrl of Columbia county P.i., on Monday, Jnuuary ifitth, WH, at lOn'cloek tn tho forenoon, Nnthui Mllkr, Uiiardlan of tho prroon nnd cMiibn of Mlchutl and Hr-orn Pry. miner children or Wm. Pry.late of Mltllln tounshtpiild cotmty,decc(iffs:l will cxwjsc to utile by puhllo Tcndno, fin the pretnlms, tho undivided one. tenth Interest nf mid minors, in nceitalu mes-Mingo mid T It A (' T OF Ii A N I) , cfititalnlna twenty acres, more or Adjoining IfimUoHifonio Mowrcr, Hcubon Pr, Ht.ckluh KeJchncr and olhcri-,f'n which H erected n ntAMi: nriVBi: ash nAiiN. (he cfdnto of Die snlil wntils ns nforcHnld, rl(UHt In Iho tnwiihhlp nnd county aforesaid, Jrssn cot.K'iAy, Hcrk. 6 rCbmltUcni of Mile -Ten per cent, orihenn? fourth of the purehnso money to be pnid tm thn day of i-nlot one-fourth le the ten pi-r cent, on the coutlrmntlon of Mile, nnd tho balance In one year from conllrmntlon, with Intercut trow con ilrinntlon, m. tit, I'urchaMr to pnv fordcod and fstnmprt. XATHAX MIM.IMt. Dec, -.7ii7, Uunrdlan. P UIJIjIC balk op vai.uahli: ni'Aij nTATi:. In purf-uinceof nn order of thpOrnhnn'n Court of Columbia County, Pa., on HATlMlDAY, the Hth day of JANU HY lieTt.ntlO o'clock tu tho torcnoon, Levi Wrlchts, cuardlati of tho pers.onn and rstatcH of Ileiiville K, polk i nd Harafi Kllra both Polk, minor children of llenvlllo Polk, Iato tif Hemlock Tow nselp, In inld county, deceased, will espoHo to Mle, by public vendue, on the preml-ei, a ccrtiiln mcsMiinire, homo nnd lot, hotindM and described ns f.illowie, to wit: on tho north by irtaln road which leads through Unci;, horn, on tho enst by a lot of William ;l.eldy, In )luckhorn,on the South bv Inndof John AppI uiati, nnd on the north bv lot of John Merrill containing about one half acre, moro or less, whereon Is erected n tvro-Hlory frutno dwelliiid house, IjU tho estntf tf fald deecnsrsl, ultuate In the township of Hemlock, and county aforcimld. JPHSK COLEMAN, Clerk, IllooiaiburK, lice. 20, l"ti7, Ti-rius of alo will bo published on day of pule, IXVI WUHJin!,tJuardlati. p V li Ii I r H A L i: OP VALUAlir.i: UKAI. KSTATH. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court of Columbia Countv, Pa., on HA'I I'HHAY. the IMhilayofJANPAnYne.it. at 10 oVIock Intho fon noon, John Mlclmcl, administrator of Jacob Keller, late of lleavor 'township. In Mild county, deceased, will expose to Mile, by public vendue, on the premises, a certain larm or mem tune, toundiil and det-crlbed as lollo.,to wltt On the north and east bv lands lately of Henry Hosier, on the Health by I.itid of CIiarleH Michael, on the west by hinds of Hanlel HlnIey mid Daniel Ilcr lner, wuitainlnu about HIXTV AOUHS, moro or les-i, JU tho iiipurtenawen, Iiiite tho estnte of said deceased, situate In thu township of l!eai,r, and eoutitvatoresald. .IIN-si: t "OLKM AN. I'tork. IjlfHimslnilK, I'cc. IV, Ib7, '1P.UMH OP HAr,i:.-An amount Mirrteunt to ny the costs at the ulrtklni; down of the propcr '. An amount MitllcimL to nav all moriuaiionr jndremcnt llenseiii said projrt rtvnt conllrmiitloii iiosoiine; i u-i nirus 01 mo o ij.uict: in onu ear; nnd theremalnlnaonethlril ef Mild bmnnco at tho ueaiii 01 1 no witiow. i no mm iwopavuit nis wnn their tub rest payable annually fiom ennflrma tlon iihitu be M-cured by bonds nnd niorlfriiuuon theprttnisert. JOHN MICHAI.I-, a i.iiiiiuisiruior. I 1' Ij I 0 S A I i: op vaix.uii.i; iipai, phtatp. In i-urnuatice fifan ntdrr of the Ornhans' Court nfCuiumhtii couuiy, Pa., on Saturday, Jatiuaru tn. iJ-tiSiit ii nc otk ni in lorenoou. i.niamui banrus. ndminWiiator cum tetatueulo aniiexo eif Cleniuel (I, lilckitl", hileofOrannn township, lu said rounty, deceased, will expose to aln by publlu enduv, on the I'teitilscr., a certain iue-- ine ami j O T o r C? II O V N I), Ihinte In the town of Ornncovillo, Columbia unity, iiomaieit i land ot A. 11. Htewari ami eter Acheiibneh. bv Main Mrecl lu fiunt. and an Hiey in uar, w nereon is i retieii a itomi iwo-siorj pnMi: HwpixiNo nuPbi;. The tot is located in the cenlro of tho town, an 1 i in evtrv ri'Mnci a lies tahte nroneitv: la o the state of slid defeased, situate In low nhlp niul ount atoresaid. Jrsi: cui.fhas, lerk. tw(iulttinni of Mitrr'l he one-half of t he pur haso money to remain eh n n't d unon tho on m besdurlnethe natural lifoot Marv Itlclatts.wld ow of the dtceasetl, and the Interest thereof to be a nnuaiiv mni n (iirariy paia tier by the p'lrciias er on tho tlrst dn of January of each and eery jear eiurim; ucr uaiurai iiie.anu ai ucr ueaiii mt nriurliiiil to bo paid bv tho tiurclm--c-r to the i-er- Mins lecnlly entitled thereto. Ten per cent, ol oueiuuriu oi ineoiie-naii en hip purcuaxc money 10 iiu 11 mi iil too Kin ci ni iiowii oi mo ormioriv tho one-fourth of the eitie-half, 1cm tho ten per cent, em the nlmoluto couth niatlou of halo, and the balance of thoonp-half In one year from tho continual lon.wlth lutei et frum tho tontlnnatlon si. hi. iue puribuser to jiay for deed and stamps. r.MANUi:i. i.a.aiium, MiminiHiiaior cuni icsiunu-nto nniu-xo. Die. 1!7'07. p U H L I C H A h K ur vAJjUAJJi.fi; m:Ah i:J'A1H. In nursunnce of nn onler of tlin Ornhnns' Ctuirt of Columbia County, Petiunlv,nnia, on Titt'its- nw. J tM'AftY. mtn. Isi.s. nt ! o'cock n the lorenfHiu, Marmaduko P. Powlcr.KiiRrdiau of the ert.oiis and estates of the minor children of sllas 4. i ow ici. iato oi isroiL low nsnin. in khio enontv deceased, will exiioso tf t-aln by public vendue, on iue premises, mt jouow inR lllellMoeu SIX LOTn OP HUOUrtH: No. IThe undivided one-third of all that rr. tain piece, parcel, and lot of (-round, Hltuate In iue lowusiup oi rscott, in mo county or cemimbm, Uiiliinlnif lu u public mud. south Novcul.v-eiL.ht iiiidout-tuiirttidurteK west, ono bundled and forty rect t lot of u. W. Creellnp A Co., thenco byH.unu fcouth eleven and one-eighth tleurees i-tuM, une i. unu i eo unu set my icei io w nan iom. iiiencony tnofiunenortli seentv-t ulit ami one fourth deizretk etist. on, limwlt-ill fin. I r.irtv fi.ol ton lot beloiiKllltf loO. W. Crevelinc A Co , thelico by tho wiino north eluven and nne-t;lhtli tUiees n est unu uiiuuieu niin l IKIHV icei O mo place t benlnnlnL:. cemtaliilUK twenty-lour thousand ll v hundred wtuare feet. 2 Tho undll Ided one-third of nil Hint rerlnln puce, parcel, arm uu or Kroumi, t-ituato m tlx iilhK at a Mono In the public ro.id, the nc l land beluii'iiiK lo tho estate ol 1 .11 CuM-Unir, houih thlrt dt Krees east, t w cl e and foiir-ti nth j,s't ches to a htone on tliu hcrili bank ot the rum, I th.-ore iiloii4ldlM.'rmbank noith eishty-th'ee and ouo oiiii utuitv tiist iwtui.v-initeiiuil inn t?tl Tims perches to a stone, thenet by laud of ,Iet.o Mt r rcll. tht nee by same and wharf lot north thlrt.-wi aiiuone'iiaii tierces west, no perctu sto a stono, mt iu-e noun emuiy-iwij ut Rats eati iwo null tired and Klty-s itet elrfht Inches to n stone iiienee oy mini tu sam minors nnd u, v, Creei inn A t.'o., nortli i leven and oiit-elijliili ticirri'i i west ouo bundled nud m-c nty Ket to the publio .i'eu unu nut e-iourmueifiees wesl iii rt v-e tilii lierciies, moro or iih. to the pint u of btulnnlui: No. :t 1 he Uhdl Idtd one.thiid unit of nil tlmt eeitaln piece, parcel, and lot oi ground, Hituale in ino unuiMinioi cou, auu tountv lUurtsuhl, boil in led and described as follows? lteiHimlni' nt a post on the bank of tho canal, thenco up iho uiiiuiiui.ii ".uiuj-iiiiu' iiiiii iiic-iiau uertes, 'list tWello I'clthes. thenco bv littul nl .lulm 'trembly north sUtecn tiestees west four and so vi n-tetlth perches to a nosl. Hit nceb tbesnnio soU'llSfNt nty-thu e and tau-h.ilt deurees west iei.t ptriites, tuejict! oy iue t-amo soiilli six lecii dcmei east tlo and lluee-it nlh cubes to oi lauu. No. l-'iho undl Idfil one-thlul part tifall that i ii uiio mm er, i in reel, Hi in ioi oi uroiiIIl, sunup Hit) township of Set-it, nud totlllU nloieviii.l, ooiindetl and tU"4crIt d as tollous : lli'yim.iiii; nt ii i one iiimi i iiiiiuiiK tiieoce aioim iue 1 1 He ol the ut tin ikiiiK oi i .ie .-son n u.uncii jtnisH.n ot r syHania cnnl. flow-n slieum. sl iioiehts in stone, llieni o hy laiidtd William Tn mbl iiottb. westvard)i tlo iK'.ehestoii stout , then to by the Miiiut iiouiit usmartuv six i ore in s to u n tun thence b nwhaii of the said William 'lrcmhU nxui.u .i-iinuiui.i uiim ni iue pniee id uu Klun.tu, emitain.io; thlitj pi it he--, stiht nuns urc. No. i'lhe undivldtd ono-half of the undlvl utti one uiiru pan or an mat certain piece, pi Cfl. nt in ioi oi UlUUIli . Minnie in Seotl lou hi. hi and countv alort suiil, bounded and dt scribed a o lows: Ilei: nn in ai a stiino nl the oi-iin v PUhllt mad leadmutioin lllooiiishurto U rwlck lilt nee by (he same urn tli, t-evchlj-tUhl tliKnes tasi u-ii iieicntH aiunwti-ii in lis to a stone lu Hie em m r uf the mi Id main road and the public road ii m.i ii iK i i in- iiiiii ouinii Muinrie-s, uu nte oy tlie jo.- iikiiii o im.ui noun im-uij -nine aim i nit foin t ) tlt-LTts's Wesl.ti li oendies lniiklot. Hi. h lot now orft)rmcrlv ow neil bv iiu. ii,i..i itm lliitfanie, smilh seenty-i lylit deyries west, six iiiin i iiiint-iKiiinriiiin in it bUJIlC, immu OJ imniui .aiou iitHiiio soiiii ten n ut one-tourt di'k'r. ts i ust nine pirchts and sli-ii titlu t- the pi.u . oi ht-Kinntug, coniitltuu t Itjho pinl siriei measure. No. t-Tho undlvldoil oiu-thud part of all tha eertalu piece, panel, nnd lot ol uround. nduate lu hcott township, ami t-nunty alort-sald, Lounued and described tin ttdlowm lit'tliinitm uf n post ou tho beim bank of the North llrHiich Division ol Ihu PennnjUiuila tnnal. eight perches below ii lot of Kround of An-on IIoouc, and runnliiK trom theiuo nloiiy said enual dtiwu stream, westtwu iiundred feet tu u ih-isi, thenco by land now or lornurly imiuM by William Trrmbly, north eighty-two feet nix inches to a jnut, and thoncu south iihltwn teet ttlx inchc to tho place of bt uhniiiij;, eotitainltu; sixty and flve-eluhths perches ot land, tli let uu asute, tho estate t stdd uniiorK, situate In tho township oi hceitt and county iifoii-Mitd, Jijssi; colkman, Clerk, tit (bmlittotu'i itilf; On t-third eir the pur ctuihoiuaney torcmnln In the pr.-mbt durliiK tho imtlilul liltMif the widow of the said hllits 1., 1-uw lor, dici usid. and Iho lutt test to bo (.unuully and iularl paid toher by the purchiuer or pui vhasi rs on the lot day of April oftach and eur) ejir durliiKlhe naluiul 1 1 to of said widow, the ill st pa nu nt to bo made on ihu li day of A pill, Ibu-i. 'lea ju-r cent, nt tho balinuo ol the pur chase money to be paid on tho day uf t-ttlc; one fouuhot Hit-balance less the tin r nut, to be paid on the tonllrm.it ton of sate, and Iho balance on tho lt iUy nf April, lst..i, with luttinst from tho 1st day ut April, Ii. Pus set km it uhenon Iho Ut (lav of April, Imv. pun Impels to pay for deeds and stumps, 'Iho Lulldlnxs on tho first tlcdcrlbid lot of urouud are excepted. M, P, tOWjXll, Ouuidlan, pecembcrSO, 1CT, BPIjKNDII) 1IAK0A1N. 'i ue Ktibscrlbcr oflers to sell ut pilvale wile, onu of I la most dmlrublo pilute nsldeiite tn bv found any wlicroalouK the river between IILOOMHIHHUJ AND HLUWICU. It was built and lurnlshed for himself, tin 1 U tit ted up with conxeulciicoH and comiotis ufihe most modern stjle, H N situate at the it H-r nd of l.spv, lulumhla county, Pu, The lot liseti U er p'liivmtly looiitisl ou lliv mailt nud, and Ihe Impruw me ui tohsUt ut a IIIlHiv mVKI.MNri HOLM , with new mid convenient stal-ltiuf im other "u buddlnii , nnd Ihu b-t ndouud with shruhl-in and phi nu d v Uti u Mirl. tv d Uuiu, Onelh)i ltd t icpui- iwe moiiiy lu It vath ihe bulauc i r uia uoii inortvmu If pun baser usireif, lor- nut nine ihe proper will be t ud 'Vi'- , au itu tm jxinu. IStpy, Januury Ws MISCELLANEOUS. II t)lA DAY lMUU5N'IVi idiY ooniHf I'ncy o.)nri! Juvkluv ami n.i:nwn. Woithover tl.ftmi.frtiH All tn tm -t 1.1 Tor ONIJ JiUljltAH J1J. AIIHANHAI.P A CO, 1 HltOAI-WAV, SKW VOUK, AOP.THP0ItI:iUt)l,l.NMAN't'rA( It PI -t. Announce, tlmt In mum-our oec of iho over qnanllty of Dryntid faiix 0mh1s liavo been tun ili:n(f to them with Instructions tn be clt-nn-.!, for immediate, caii-ui uny iierinte. a.& . hae, thorefore, resolved to ofler them ficcordlntt to their ordinary pyntem of buMnti nt aliadi, without renal l lo.nluo. 1 he f-dlowlnnj Hit slniws the nrlRltinl wtmlpMilft Price of fcomu of the urticiel w hich thv iiuw Her nt 51. Hear, Wolf nnd ItmTalo Holies froM&l-jtAUu Wj W hcisoi i-urs, nabie, i;rmtnoor oo t iiou- nuot-i in f limtu -tow IStnito -. ( OOOto TO" 1 01 to MOO 10 Ol to WW 4 f4l to 11 i i,ndW Muiri Hllknn.l Patln Drcfi piltcinn " iriRcaini i.ctvptian cioins Alrnrn nml tn.1tn .1.. t dllioa ' -"eneh Merlmis and TwlIU l'nMt,.lA Tl.lt., ....I Mi.l.nlrl llnlmora nnd P.llln'laHklri aw Hllk and 1-ftce Veils " Sets flne Cufts nnd Collar " 2 rti to 3IHIO 'JfrOtO ftUD coo Pnlr of i jidles ceirsctn Hnndkerchlefs.HIlk, Plnin Hrmstltched and r.iiinromercu, l .lnrn t uivli tu Pilnfrttl " OWtn IS 00 Lad leu and Oent Cotton and Woob. n and silk nose ana iinirnoiej ir itn7t-n nnlrs 4 ( to UCO Indies and Ociit's Merino, t ol ton i.incn ntid cotton turn is nan n Mcr-itilrts! rnrh " GOO 'lfKl Cont, Vest and P.mtcloon tifUerni in t iritn i-asinicre ami ioeniii fJiien anil Woolen Table Cm ors White nnd colored linen Napkin prdoren " Mmllni, Whtto and PnMer.che 1 HO .j 17 03 to imrvnri " I i IO II rfatiimls. sbnls In woolen, silk nud llienJlo nubias or clouds, woolin IkxhIs, blankutfi, l'lu-n and inusllti shctta, civet nnd morrocco jwirtmo nlaes. nhopplDsc walk t, meerschaum pipes four und nix blade iocm.t lcnivci), with penrt tor tolHennd Ivory handles, trench ckteUt, Rlh Mid brotl7e musical belte-,Hevo1er, fowlinu pkiv fancy comb, Hairnet, work hoxci, Mlver enrd cases, nlbittnn, famllr and pecltt bibles, opei.J rIiismi, etc. We ha, - also received n sjtleudld assortment of Watches, wold olid ullver h'-nHnst-ouh'S for OentH, Hnaint ltd Uo.lor l,adb 'li- r nn eh.iins or every pam-rn unu m.vh. -v ii m welrr in every varlUr.slecvtibuttoiiH.tii. mhlcs lockets, erosHt'ji, rloe'. or evi-ry kind. Itm-eidi Hold iHns e tc. etc. The sdverwaro dcpuriuu nl comprises. HlKer tllnln and t -a isetf. castors, Icepltcli-rH, tahlo hikkui-i, forks, aobleti, drlukiiifc euprt,i'orreurn, tea pots, criam plLchi r , uiu ir I HIM Id, irilll Useis, t HKC t,iMii It, llllll " "-t'", fruit knlveii, nub knle, hyntp cupa, bnhef-, ..I.,i,A...,llA.' ..t. t.,l. 1 mn.t-rrl ritirt knit spoons, iiRiikiti rlne-i, it; Rtamls, Min-liold- eis,ci, ah mo noo o nsi ci arm ics t" t- u for one dollar each. 1 ho i-xjh iiscb nro pMd bv the i-nle of Coupons or certiheates mmltm em ll nrtlcloln tho Mock and Hh nlue, tin no cerMlb do nro cneioneii in tnveiepi s, mixisi up aim oiu flttwentyflocenlRe'ch live forSl 11 f"C two dollars. Whateve r nrtlele is iiuuied In tho certl rlcatt! can tie obtained f"i J1. Tbeartlih v. II bo tdiown to the holder oflhe certiflcnte.iuiii It will bo at his option, whetht r he pny the loi!..r and takes tho nrtlcloor not. tn cane arthdes ncnt by tall eir express art not miumiu tot v, tin y can no rttnrnod and tla. money v III be n fund, d P rv ccrtlilcatw entitles th liolder tonome ritte or value, weirth much more limit a eloll-u ' ti i -if uf this HUAD TIIIH OPPlUt Vou can Iihto foranv of onr etrtiilcaic nd 51 '.ainoftlie follnwinj artlcV-s. no ihit -i vi u ie not nlettsod with the nrtlele . r irtb i.aiu il on the (t rtlllcate, J ou need tint i - m tu . i nts yo'i paid lot It : t rue "ll. cr piaitsi iiireo ooi i ie i tio.i , imnu- uiu Ktlverplfited butler llfh xtih plate ant e '..i. IjuIv'm shopnintr liax '') picture Album bound in elet and irllt. M'l of I'tn Snootis Ml. . t l.l d on w iilte metal, h t donble phitinl Table Spoeais or Porks, Pants p-tltfiu -UUj'nids cts uu, ir Jouvin's Paris Kid OIu.ck, fpl ndld r- .It Hcnnum I'ipe, or non ni tarai tttnu piu... HP.FI.UKNCi;-!. Durins the four years ro have beenn-icnts for Purooenii ni.inufactuiers.wc hne revel J '.iun- dre-ls of commendatory notlees from the press, and lettrrs from the i n ss and letters from pri vate wuiiviuuais, expiessmsi ino uiuuesi h uinia-'-tlon with emr nutiio-l of ilofui: bi.m Wo have tiuinvof tin e testimonial -t with nam nnd ,tat-s iiriniaii in nainn net mini r n as we inuo no st-aco for. them In this ndert..ii mt nt, w. will nu copicM iree io nnv aouress. Win uoTtr desired, we will si nd nrtltlc, bv Pt- prcss, C. (i. f). Ho that the moiiiy nee d uily bo pal 1 on delivery of the coods. We.icccpt tho entire rcr-pons'bllliy of mmtv sent by Ptpress, Post oniee Onh r.orPitnU l-rult. V O Willi i HKCUiH i .vt-r, nn h- io uoiu u uocr compf nsatloii will be pal I, which can bo learned on npj Mention. In a eifar distinct hnud. nnd addres-. AUH M'AL1 eV ( l.. 10J llio id'.u . Nc- otk. PovtOlllce Io,r,"i. Tor sale In lllmsbnr. Illoomshurg iec. 'Ji twm. WrATCIIKS! WATUAKSI ! Yi; VIII A siiherbStnekof line Oold an 1 PIHcr V idl es, all warranted to run, and thorouUlj r 'at ed, nt the Low Price of 51J Iji h. WITHOUT It i: O A It D T O V A J. V P, nnd not to be paid for unl-'h perb.tly sutidfne- lorj . IiNH Solid Oold Hunt Inn Vablies, ?! t . tlIKI liii) Mimic Cni-Pd tlold WalcliCd, iii) to r,fn) IfiiK I.ndlis' Watches, ruamtiis, b.ito ljmi (told HuiitlnRChron'tor Wniches.S'iOto lii.i-i Hold nuntlmil.tmhsti I,wh. tot o 1 (iold Iluntlm; iniplei Watch-ii, Pi" Oold lluntlmt Am'cau atel.t 11-0 : ivo MUer Huutliu i I.IM Mlier Ilintlhk' lupox's. 1'pit ww toiii i ,mnis' watcius. 'JtmO Oold Huntlna; I,epin"., AD ' -.'iw :-iiHciianeoiiH isnt r iu utw Pl PVO Hunt si vcr Wnbh. :' i " 5000 Assorted Watches, all l.ifd-j, I" to 7. aj-Perv iiatron obtiilns . W:i. b '. tb. nr- r'inpoiiU'iit,eomitii( bin fcH. whll. Um:'c wortn tl".". No paill,tUtyshow-!i.-k c wish tei itiiliiP'tiaieiV' uispon oi iii anovi mnitnlllccnt stock, i ertitlcalcs, nnm ms tho ar tlcl s. ure t'lucetl in st altd i. ''-pi r ' U mixed. Holders are tntlihd to the ar'iclei named on their cortulcuto in on tl . p:.- n et ot Ten Hollars, whether It bo a iMi wi w sl.uw or no worth Jess.iho return ui any otour ccitlil- ates i ntitlcHi on to tho arih ' named t hi r on up on pavmeutlrrcr-petiivt'ot its wortli.iind as no nr. do allied less tlmili't n Hollnis is named i lianv certiflcato,lt will n t once b i-een that this Is no lot tery.butn slratjiht forwaol lewluiuab linnsac tlou.whhh may bo piirtlclpi'h l lu even by tho most fastidious. A slmr hi tert.I cate w lie .out bv nu OOsl- paid upon receipt ot 2i cents. 1 le tor Sivtecn lor 9J,'iO, liny and ieyani prt mluiii f i s tme Hundred and Twenty and mote valuahh pn lino urn for $lu. iwo Hundred and in -t s uuiil- atcli for II i. ro At n Is. or tho-.o t hi tint ,i rh tdoyuient, this is n ruro opiHriuuii) . a 1 n lm itlMiiitt'ly conducted hulm s ilulv nml orli it bv llio (iovt-rnmcnt, mitl open to Hie most careful sciutluy. Try ust sTANTuN liltt aii.. o, i i-.nu ri'ieo, lts-. CCT-Cin. lointil.i .elwtiy N, Y fllKTS Vjr ni:w I'OH ClUnSTMAS Y HA ItS ! AsppPIHl STOCK OP KINK i.ft H M MI. vi:u WAicm.s, .mi wukmip o Hl'N, ANII iilOlUU OIII.Y UUH PATI I', AT TIIH UW PHP P UP st , i Un tj SAiispVtmON OPAUAMKI I ino Soiiii Hold Huntim. Watches , .. 1(, 101 Mimic Ci.sid Hold Watruts.. . ,n l'O Uld'Cs' Willelieif, ilintlU It d. . 15 ') Hold liunttiirt Chi onuuieti r ts . t H 0 (iuhl Huniliu' I null-til l.ei s n ( i ;: km b.ld II unii iii- Hup'. V.' ii i. t ,, j V'l fioldlltllillllU AUlillCi'tl WmcIk (,1m i ., l Vnsili-r lluiituiii Iascis .... i .7 iii silver Huutliur Iiun'exo.. . . : i , ji .'( Hold I ,iu lbs' Willi lies 'q di 1.MMI Oold lluilltlU! I.i pllie ltd ' -t I,ti Mlstellniu-oitsShvLr Wttlehe. . , , uu Hunting irllt rW.it. h. -i.. i,iNi Assort nl atche.ull k'Hd- 1 i , 1 bo abo ostni k w ill I ( dh t o! il , ulai nne-prlee plan, mlinj twn i. t nu Hold orSolhl Hiltr Uiitih aa -I , . i , . Wind to Millie I Wition r lti.o.,A Co , pi Hrondwa. Niwcrlt wish ttnnitdl.ittiy todUseor the .,,. j, ' iiiilccni stocli. i ortid ati s, nnmlni; tb r u H an placed lu st nled i nt 1. ttt et d v- 1 nix. 1 1 oilier- tiro em men in iue ni I H'les in i tla ir rrtificaie , upon pa, mem of 'i,ri i win tl i r It v 111 Pea watch worth I worth h ss. 'i l.o return of nm nf uur r t t .n mo ll UtCH enmit syou io ino nriieiesiiaiit.-.i tt n upon pajini nt, irrhpicllMM tin t --jh, i at- no nr. licit ftiu(-l b ss than llu is iiinm l .-r ,i , criitb cuto, it w III nt oncu 1 1" socn that ih! nu lutt- ry tan a strain t forward .Ri'ituue laris-e tlon. which tua bo pat t Ici pa . Ii'itei uy the niuil lasttdloiis. A Minnie tt rt!fi ate h ill ftsMit bv mail , . paid, upon ree-Mpt of 5 c.I.ltl, fle "for il Hewn , thlrtj -tin t ti nd i leynht pit luinm ir j 1.1 V -hlX lllltl Itloro M.lllilllf l.l-, mlnm I, - n I mm iiuiidrtst ami more supeib s .uc'i i.-t Hgciiis jT llior-e isnii K I IllplOMt t 111, 1 14 u rare opi-ort unity. It is a b t uiuau !, coi. u i. , business, dulv uuthoiiit I fy ti.e i, ,t d khi, und open to the men can tu! scrulm . ; u ett sent by i inrtsv with bil u i t . lii . ' n i i v eiy, so that no dIsntUtnt tioit 1 1 n 1 1 -s Lh . ur Try u. Aditnss M IlluH I, iii.h .t ,.i irs, 1C1 llroadwa, Nw Yo J:. Hcc. tiV-3m, flMIKTuiKnU'AN HVY KMH1 X ANHIOUK.-Wi ih, mm. u. i , , hg ot fVtluniblH LVaint wlMttsitd ihe 'iu Hnv Torks on tho fiirm oi Mr. l'urs-1, ia Hi-to u Townshlp.oii Motidii, Mic ",l-", l 'w..' t 1V AmerlcAii Hay K idle and 1 nk mitr,niiu mr. . 1 sl.ll .K, WAI.Ijs, slin.Mi; a r . t i I . u hur, Pt , and Hh Ituudt-m PM ut Hu ll ok liie Amerium Peik ni'id unu 1 n in iii drauiflit than the Kuud' I In tbm. Wv nt- tiv TiOsl It will tuLe as much iu.v iiuo the in w i -1 ksh horses can draw. Mt nln mi u cip uy hnv, und thluk It o.nti'-t be beat as it ha uiim . uudchitrfulH ruvmimud It asthvb st 1 lurk and ltnhe wo liuvo wei seen, c. UiTTHNun.smn, lm, p, c. ft itp o W. II. KexjN, John mk, John lH.TBiuck, Hmi i. Novi.i:, H. 1IUIK4IU.UR, MYlVmTrK I'flsKU MllMAI l, HtLI.lU, JtUJ WulP. The also nmnulai tun the irtebrnttsl I hi eke Ilea per and Mower, and other iiMrl:uliural In.uif luetits. -iu.r r N.DlU au t Chvstbin iireu, l'k.UivMhi, U. vy. KANAlM, Prvpileb r G-. w- 1II.AI1UN A CO., IUhuIimIUi. . DM. I'li0ril-I AND VlNi NVwehuus-, ,Su, l.l N , riiii.i'V , i, ' !-ii.uih. 1 1 1 ahirtil 'I. Ill tilt' lilt- 1 1-1. II A 1.1. ClurimjiU iiuir IIUH 40- uu. Uollilnu mntv,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers