u (itolmnbuui I)M)OMSIIUItO, ritlI.V, MAY 10, 180T. AVi: print nt length n portion of tho papers In tlio contested Licence cases from Cntawlssa. AVo havo been uiinblo to obtnln copies of tho remonstrance.", or wo would navo published them. "Colonel Small's" coiiiiiiiiiiicu tlon from Jlllton, has been received. but It will bo a very long time before wo can ninUo room for It. As 1. John Is Just now hard up for lottors, we suggest (ending It to him. On Saturday nftcrnoon tho liato IJall Club was again out in force, and had hovernt lluo Innings, under tho leader ship of ISuckalcw and Sloan. Tho best of humor prevailed, and a number of cpectators wcro present. Captain George W. Utt, Jfercan tlio Appraiser, lins commenced his mi nimi visitation to our merchants and dealers. Tliey will ilnd tho Captain obliging, and at tho samo tlmo mindful of the interests of tho county. Is It not singular that since tho "Let ters to tho Kdltor" appeared in the Co lumbian (i few weeks ago, P. John's correspondents havo discovered that ho has a partner? They had been headed "Dr. 1. John," with Auspicious unifor mity. Vi: hope our readers havo nil read Air. Peter Knt's advertisements. His stock of goods Is unusually large,and as it was nil selected by himself, purchasers may bo sure that they aro of the proper quality. Dont fall to call at his Store at Light Street, and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Vk would urge our readers to con sider well tlio report of the Grand Jury, which wo publish this weee. The re forms they suggest aro much needed, and it is time the attention of the public, was called to them. All aro interested in tho caro of the records, public build ings, nnd tho improvements made ne cessary by tho growth of our county. On motion of Xr. Clark, E. 11. Hee ler was admitted to practice as an attor ney in this county. Mr. Ikolcr is too well known in this section to need any introduction on our part ; but wo can not refrain from saying that ho is a young man of pleasing address, of unu sual ability, and destined to make his mark In tlio profession ho has adopted. Our good wishes accompany him. In connection witli the many new nd-vcrtis-enieuts found in to-day's paper is that of our enterprising townsman, X. J. Hendorshot, who has lately erected nnd stocked with drugs, tho convenient building opposite tlio American House. Mr. II. lias in Ids employ a druggist Who thoroughly utUleiMuiult) tho busi ness. Givo him a call. Tin; editor of tho Republican boasts every now and then of being a "radi cal," "straight-forward," ami 'honest'." etc. If ho means it, why don't lie an swer our oft repeated question whether ho is or is not In favor of giving the ne groes hero and elsewhere tho right lo vote, to sit on juries, and to bold olllce. Don't dodge it, Palenion. Oun Radical cotemporary says we havomadotho "amende honorable," in regard to our statements about the for mer assessor. Now, Mr. Republican, to make your vindication nioro com plete, suppose- you publish verbatim el lllcralum, el pnnclttahtm, ct spellalem, tlio letter you profess to havo received from Commissioner Rollins. Tho pub lic aro a lltllq curious as to its contents. A County Without Taverns.' At tho recent session of tho Court of Mifllin county, remonstrances wcro pro scnted ngninst every tavern keeper ap plying for liconso, and tlio judgosdeter mined to post,pono tho hearing of tlio cases until tho seventh day of May. The result is, that all thocstablishmenls whero liquor was sold, aro either not selling or selling without licence, thus rendcrlngtheinselves liable to tliopenal- ty inflicted by tho law. Whatwi; Want. Good men and true ; men of Intelligence, men of pro bity, to fill our oftlces. No trimmers, no fossil politicians, but live men, with generous Impulses, clean hands and unpolluted hearts. Wo want them for Xntlonal places, State nnd municipal places. In tho midst of this whirl, of course, steady nerves aro in demand AVo wero intended for a great country and wo shall havo one, Rco tola. Tin; foul mouthed slanderer who writes from Ucrwiek to the Republican, (If tho editor himself did not concoct tlio letter), has not bettered Mr. Kuch's claims, lleforo that wo had somo sym pathy for liim, but when ho employs P. John as Ids counsel, and permits such nbu-o to go uncontradicted, ho weakens ids cause, and alienates thoso who aro disposed to aid 1dm. If tho Berwick Itepublicans have no respectablo mouth-niece, they had bettor remain si lent: AVo wonder if .tlio writer was sober ? Ahout ono half of tho applications for Hotel and Eatlng-Houso Licenses at till 'I'nrm wero deemed insulllclcnt by tlio Court becauso the applicants did not comply with tho lato law on tho subject of license. This law was puo llibcd at leiiL'tli In the Columbian It nrnves tlio necessity for all classes o men to take our nancr. because wo pub lislinot only tlio news, markets, and current Items, but all changes and modi Mentions of tho laws. Our paper is necessity to thofarmer.mechauic, labor er, dealer, and to all classes of men. Had thcso applicants taken and read tho Columbian, they would havo been saved a largo amount of trouble nnd expense. THE Tin; present month Is iv sultablo tlmo for planting evergreens. AVo refer our readers to articles which appeared In tho Columbian In January nnd Feb ruary last, for a description of tho sov eral kinds commonly selected for this section, nnd tho inodo of treating them. Judge Ssr.vnswooi) of Philadelphia has been spoken of as Democratic can didate for tho Supremo Court. He Is well known ns a most able Jurist, and nsa man of unlmpeachablo Integrity. ills nomination would rcllcet great credit upon tho party, and wo know of no man except Judgo Woodward whom wo would more cordially support. An entertainment, consisting of tho Hoffman Concert, Tab'cat: Mirror of tho War, and Slgnor Curzoui's Wonderful Mechanical Variety Troupe will bo giv en at Snyder's Hall on Thursdav and Friday Evenings, May Hth and loth. This company ts spoken very highly of by our cxchaiiges.and will no doubt, glvo universal satisfaction. Did Not Pass. We find upon more thorough investigation that tlio bill to appropriate tlio State tax among tho various counties did not pass the Legis lature. It had passed 0110 branch but failed in tho other for want of time. Therefore tlio Assessors aro required to make a return of personal property as heretofore. Wo were led into the error by seeing tho act published In one of tho city papers ns having passed. Our neighbors In Espy, on lnt Thurs day were much excited over what came very near being a catastrophe. A color ed man working for John Fowler Esq, in order to wash oil tho wagon, drove n four horse team into the river, nnd they &oon became entangled in tho harness. Uio driver tried to rescue them, but nearly drowned in tlio attempt. A number of men procured boats, and by. cutting the harness managed to save three of tho animals, but tho one died soon after being rescued. Wo aro in formed that it was a valuable animal. Dnoi' Letters. Tho postmaster at Newport wroto to tho Post Office De partment for information in regard to postage on drop letters. Tho first a-is- tant Postmaster General replied as follows: "Your letter of tho ir,h Inst, is receiv ed. Drop letter postage at your olllce (not being a letter carrier olllce) is one cent, the single rale half ounce." Wo believe it has been tho practico of all postmasters to charge two cents for each drop letter. Oun neighbor over tho way bids us to bo careful what wo admit into our local column. Wo are proud to say that wo havo been ; and If wo commit an er- oraro willing to correct it. On the contrary, tho Republican continually admits into its columns attacks ou our most honorablo men, and screens hini- elf on the ground that they aro com munications. Docs ho remember, also, tho time when ho made a foul attack upon General Ent, one of our county's bravest olllccrs, charging that he viola ted ids duties as Commissioner, by circulating bogus tickets'.'" This friend of the soldier," who claimed one of his own hands as a substitute and refu-ed to pay him, or even to buy him a pair of boots when lie came home needy, efused to make the "amende honora ble" even when he privately acknowl- gcd his wrong. Nor liavo wo forgot ten when wo returned from tlio army, and were quietly engaged in the pursuit f our profession, tills same immaculate editor endeavored through tlio columns of his paper to creato tho impres-ion that wo had left tho army in di-grace, and this, too, after we had shown him a complimentary commission given us by Governor Curtin. It is notorious that a more slanderous sheet is not pub lished in tho State, and to slop it is to ciisiiro a malignant attack. Tin; Editors of the Columbian have never been in tlio habit of copying into its columns favorable notices of them selves or of their paper. And in tlio following instance it is done by tlio enior Editor, becauso it is not a mero ordinary newspaper compliment, nor is it anything in referenco to tlio paper; but it is tlio sincereaiulde.-ervcd opinion of ono gallant and honored soldier, of another. Tho Rrir City Dispatch, from which we copy tho notice of Captain lirockway, is an able and dlgniUcd Dai ly Heimblican paper, ono of whoso Edi tors is tint bravo Major, la.to Captain Matthews, of Matthew's llattery, First Penn'a Artillery in which Capt. ilrock- way served during tho war. Few men wero moro distinguished than Captain Matthews, nono moro fearless Indanger, orcalmerin thoturmoilof battle; and wo havo therefore thought it duo to Capt. lirockway to let his friends sco tho estimation in which ho is held as a man and a soldier, by thoso gentlemen, who themselves soldiers, aro tlio lie.-t judges of tlio character of their distinguished fellows. J. G. ! "I'M. Hiiopkway has been appointed by tho President ns Consul at San Jose, III LO-ia JUCU. Ill) lias iiisu uitii v".- llrnied by tho Senate. This appoint ment was not only uiisouciu'u inn un expected, as ho knew nothing ot it uniu uiior ins inniuiiiiiiivi.i. not decided to go. The Columbian (Illoomsburg, Pa.). Captain lirockway has a good mllltay record. Entering tho scrvlco in 1801 as a private, ho was soon iiuulo u ser geant in llattery F., First Penn'a Light Artillery, and within tlio first year was promoted tollcutenant, in which capaci ty ho was conspcluous for ids fidelity and perseverance In promoting disci pline and efilcicncy among his men in camp and garrUon, for his coolness and nfiMiniev of ludirment In an emergency, for his skill mid bravery upon the field of battle, nnd for his thorouglinc always In the execution of every duty committed to hla'charge. AVo congrat ulate him upon his appointment, mm wo could wish that tho Administration bo as fortunato In the selection of recipients for official favors." COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, THE KALEIDOSCOPE! M.n . A mini of busy lire Its lluctuntloiis and its vast concerns." NO. MX. POPE'S VIltClINIA CAMPAIGN, .u? ,l)05,ltIol on tho ' Itapldan was liudnta ued until Monday, August 18th General Jackson had kept his army In tho vicinity of Gordonsvllle, because ho was not awaro of M'Clcllan's intentions in regard to making nnother advancoon Richmond. Had his plans been follow yd, Jackson would havo been compelled to liayegonotoLco'srolter.und llullltun and tho Maryland Invasion would never have occurred. Leo did not send ntiv coiixldernblo number of reenforcemonts to Jackon, until our troops commenced embark tig at Harrison's Landing, which showed Leo that no further ad vance was Intended ngtilnst Hichmoiid, nml, '"'.'? .authorities wero again afniid of Washington City. Our wagons had been sent to tlio rear, mid towards midnight wo got in motion. '1 ho men marched slowly, and for some-mi-on there was much confusion among tho Brigades, causing us to lose much valuable tlmo ; so that davlight found us no further on our retreat, (for such it wa,) than Cedar Itun battle-field; and tho stench arising from tho exposure of dead hor.-es and half burWd men to an AugiHtsun,inadeoursoJourn there very unpleasant. Alldaylongthojaded troops kept in motion, longing to reach tho Itappahannock, beside which u night's rest nt least might bo obtained. Our horses bad nothing to eat since tlio day before, nor had wo been enabled to pro euro them any water. Wagons and am bulances nroko down on the route, and were fired to prevent them from falling into tho enemy's hands, who wcro now pressing our rear guard. Late in tho nftcrnoon the column slopped a moment to rest, nnd tho writ er of tills article sat down under a hedge to rest, but soon fell ulcep. AVhen ho awoke It was dark, and almost tlio en tire army had passed. His horso was was not to bo found, and ho was there fore compelled to proceed witli all pos sible haste in search of his llattery, which however, ho did not reach until it stopped at Itappahannock Station. Without any food wo stretched ourscves on tho ground and slept till morning. What Pope's designs wero wo could not surmise. That his "headquarters were in tlio saddle" was evident. Hut our movement rearward was in painful contrast to hisbomliasticordcrwliichdc clared, "II icitl be my business lo sec; the adversary and beat him when found; lo to attach and not defend." It was also becoming evident tbathis contempt for "basosoi'siipplies" and "lines of retreat" would starve the army, or result In its destruction. To furtfiei illustrate the character of the man to whom the Administration confided tlio salvation of the Country ,and who was;to teach the Army oi mo iotomac mo art oi war, wo may add some of his testimony be fore thoso military Solous the Conitiiit the on tlio Conduct of tho War. On Part 1, Pago 277, ho testifies "1 propose to protect Washington, by laying oll'on tliuonemy's Hank's and attacking him from the moment that lie crosses tho Itappahannock, day and night, until his forcesare destroyed or mine." A lino system, surely; though ono not well calculated to gain the army volunteers. In answer to the question as to tho safe ty or Washington, this "hero of tho AVcst" replied : "Unless tho enemy havo force enough in Richmond to bo able to detach at least 1110,000 men, I do not anticipate any dancer to this City." Tlie enemy had not detached one-half tliat niiiuljcr wlieit 1'opo commenced his retreat. In answer to a question by Mr. Covode. Pope said : "15y laviiur oil on tneir Hanks " tnev should havo only 10,(11)1) or uO.OOO men, I could whip them, lfthey should havo70,oo() or So, 1)00 men, 1 would attack their Hanks. and loreo them in order lo got rid ol mo to loiiow mo out into the mountains, which would be what you would want. I should suppose." This tremendous apparition, however, of Pope's "laying oll'on bis Hanks" did not seem to af feet Stonewall Jackson, because, heed less ol the trap laid tor him, he not only inarched directly around our Hanks, but sent Stuart's Cavalry to our rear, who burned our supplies, discovered our po sition, and stole the redoubtable Pope's clothing and paper-", teaching him In tho language of his own order that "dis aster and shame lurk in the rear." The following morning the enemy's cavalry made a chargo and drove ours ofedgeof the river under tho protection of our guns, which now covered tlio the various lords across tho river. On the opposite side of Rappahannock Station was a woodeil knoll, which not only commanded our position, but tlio entire plain beyond. It was deemed necessa ry to secure tliis.and tho ltfth Massachu setts and my section oi artillery recross edtlte ltiver on the loo-e planks laid across the railroad bridge. Our posi tion was an exposed one, as the river run between us and tho main body; but as we knew tho enemy would makestrong efforts to cross there, llartsiiffs entire Brigade, the'other two sections of our llattery, and ono section ol niomp-on's were sent over, and put in position. By tills time the enemy had massed a con- ideraole torco m our trout, mid utter placing their artillery at dill'ercnt points, concentrated their llro on us. Tho in fantry wero useless, becauso tho lighting was confided to their artillery, and they found themselves In tlio awkward posi tion of being fired at without a elianco to return the compliment. Tlio Battery directly in our Iront was on a lino with tho railroad, and knowing tho distnnco from one telegraph pole to the other, mid the number ol poles, wo wero en abled to get their range at once, and a very lew shell caused tliem to limlierup, Icavingon iiieiieiuanuniuerouicauaiiu wounded men. Tho llattery on our ritrht. however, had a crossfire on us, and sent their shell into our midst with much accuracy and ellect. Inn fewmo niciits one of our men was killed, and several wounded, Lieut. Colo's horse, and some in the teams wero killed, and solno lo-s sustained by tho Infantry. Kro long, however, tlio enemy wero compelled to withdraw, and wo wero lelt to occupy mo inn 111 peace. ( in i.Viiln v. tlio 1-lt tlm cnemv made demonstrations at tho fords abovo and below Us, but did not succeed in loreing n ikissu-'o. two uriitucs wcro construct ed across tlio river, and preparations made to hold the point to the last. Our men wero now short of rations,uiid our horses had been compelled to stand liar-nes.-cd and hitched to tho guns for threo davs and nights with but a limited al-iim-um-n of formic, altlioiurli Piles of grain were at tho station on tlio opposito sldo 01 tnonver. It rained steadily all that night, and in tho morning wo found to our dismay that tho upper bridge was gone, and tho Iho lower 0110 unsafe. Tho enemy per ceiving our isolated condition, renewed their attack, but tlio troops bafely re tho river, and then Iho action ti"tdu became general between tho opposing batteries. Several times ttu.v MH'iirod thu position wo had lust left, but could not hold It. in tills duel wo suffered coiisiderbly. Two of our guns w6ro disabled, mid wo wero iiiiilL'eiltohwIni'tlieiii uudcrtho limber chesst by means of prolonges several horses wero killed, but worse tnan all Lieuti (lodbold, commanding the left section, lost n leg by being struck with n percussion shell, died soon after from tho effects of tho wound. Ills loss was much regretted, becauso ho was a bravo officer, and loved by tho cntlrocommnd. Pope soon discovered that whilo Long street was fighting in our front, Jack son had crossed tho river nt AVntcrloo, nml was intending to get between us and AVnsliington, in dcilanco of Popo's endeavors to "lay off ou his Hanks." iho command to rcsumoour march was given, nnd nftcr shattering tho railroad bridge with our shot to prevent tlio cn ymy from crossing, wo took tlio road towards Wnrrcnton. MARRIED. JCpoXS-COIlTllinilT-nn Knlunlay. tlio 4th InMnnt, by I'rof. H. II. Wnlkor, nt tils residence liiOrnwrcvllU-.Mr. J. Hktiman Koons to Miss ckma u. Columnar, boiti if Lntornoco. VXA XaST-llA IT. "-In Ornimevllte, on tho 27th ultimo, hy Hcv. N.Hncnr, Williak Umanoit. of l'Milmtcrcck, to Miss Limn Mailt, of Or nngevlUc. JtKnnnx-ttm'AKD-On tho asm ultimo, by I, K. Krlckbtmm.lCHO.., Mr.AitTiiunli.llEmiE.v. of rulriiioiint township, Lurcrne county, to .Miss I1aiuiii:t A.HEWAno.of Bugarlonf town ship, Columbia county. DIED. VAIIIMAX In Mount I'lonsnnt, on tho 2nilln Ktnnt, .Mr. William 1'aiiiman, oged 73 yenrs, S months nnd 3 days. irAnmi-On tho 22nd ultimo, Mr. jAcon Hah tku, of Wnpwiillopen, I.urrrno county, need 75 years, 11 months nnd i days. ItAltKI.r.V In UloomstmrB, on tlio 3d Instant, nt tlioj-csKlcncoothls father, Mr. Kli T. Uaiik lev, aged 27 years, 7 mouths nnd 7 days. Mr. IIAukley has sutTercd from tho dlsenso of which ho died for years. At last, however, ho Is released from pain, nnd gono to "that bourne, from which no traveler e'er returns." Our ac quaintance with him dates back to our boyhood, to the tlmo when as school-mates wo sat 'side by side In tlio old Academy, During our acquaint ance wo always found him straight forward as a man, genial ns n compnnlon, andTinswcrvinK in his friendships. Ho leaves n largo circle of nc qunlntances to mourn Ills loss, His bereaved friends must havo been prepared for his death, becausu tin- dlsenso of which ho died though slow Is sure. May tho angel of Mercy pour tlio balrf of consolation into their bosoms, nnd tench them to renllzo that ho Is now released from all suffer ing, nnd that tlio spirit which was so long Im prisoned In Its frail tenoment of clay, has gono to tho llelng who created it. Market Ileport. Wheat per bushel Itye " Corn " flour per barrel t'lovcrsecd l'lnxseed H Putter KR' 1 allow. Potatoes Dried Apples l'lirk Hams sides and 8houl(lers .. S3 00 .. 1 23 .. 1 00 .. 19 (10 ... 7 00 .. 2 SO S3 ... 20 H .. 73 ... 2 60 .. 13 ... r ... 12 n ... 3 UO . 811)00 .. I"o20 ... 13 l .. 8 01) ... 7 00 ... IS 110 irtl per pound Hay per ton LUMllEll. Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet. l'lno " " ' fonn lnclil . Joist, Keaiitllns, l'lnuk, (Hemlock) million's, .11,. 1 ji.-i iiiuusauu Sldlns ft. . I'lillndclpnln MmkiU. TiiciisnAY, May 5, 1607. I'Lorn Northwestern superflno nt tO.Oftft 9.fi0 Northwestern extra O.OOCd) 10.50 Northwestern family 13.0lK5H.T5 Pennsylvania nnd Western superfine... t-Vii 10.23 Pennsylvania and Western extra IOjOWIIjO 1'cnnsylvnnla nml Western family 13.owm5.50 Pennsylvania and Western fancy 10.00iS17.50 ltve Hour R.50 W heat Pennsylvania red, 35 bus S1.20683.32 Southern " " S3.0CXsiS3.15 California " ' S3. 10 wlilto " S3.1.Mi$.l.3) Hye Pennsylvania rye, ,ibus Jl.Cfcasi.7.1 Cons Yelluw, " 81,T26ilS1.33 White, " 81.2i.Sl.a) OATS V bus 7!eW75o l'ltiivisloNS .Mess Pork, 3S bbl I81.21 Mess Deef, " 8J1.25 Dressed Hoss, "rMb 8Uclii.Ho SSmoked Hams " 13aft'17lc " shoulders v lb Liefsnko Lard, 33 It lScMl.lJie Seeds rioverseed 33 bus SS.0ots.l0 Tlmothyseed- bus 83.50 Flaxseed ' $3.37(3J0 1'ilJ Ilios No. 1 Scotch 812.00 No. 1 American 812.00 Gr UK AT HEDUCTION IN PRICES at riiTnn hnt's stouh, IN t.IOIIT STHKr.T, OP SPRING AND StDDIER GOODS. TIIK subscriber has Just received nnd has on hand nt his old stand In Light Street, large and belect ASSORTMENT OP MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, and which ha is determined to sell on ns moderato terras as can be procured elsewhero in Light Street, roil cis on covxrjtr visoduch. His stock consists or LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satinetts, Casslmcrs, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. AC, AC A. GROCERIES, MACKERAL, Queuiisware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Druss, Oils, Taints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & O.VPS In short everything usually kept in a conntry store. Tho patronago of his old friends nud the public generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro dure. I'ETEIl UNT. Light Street, May 3, 1807.. UETKUINAKY SUHQICON. THE iiiiilort.lirnc.1 tnkr-H tit n method oLlnrormlllz tho t lllzcns or ColuniliiuCuuuty, that ho Is loca ted In LIGHT STnEHT, TENN'A., whrro ho Is prenaroil to nttcml to all calls mado lu tho lino of hi huslnes. aud cures KINQllONi;, SPAVIN. 81'LINT, nnd nil other Ills that horso flesh Is heir to, chal- leimlng eoinelllion in ino treatment ebiH;ciaiiy of tho abovo mentioned dUciu.es. jivnr. v. iiiuc Uglit Street, April 20, 1RCT. JVTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN M-nEET, NEARLY OlTOSITE MILLE11'8 Hiuar, DLooMsnuita, it.nn'a. Tun undcrsitned has Just fitted up nnd opened his new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, in this place, where he is prepared to make up new'l'iN Wahe of all kinds in his line, nnd do repairing with nentness and dispatch, upon tlio most reasonable terms. Ho also keeps on hand KTOVUS OF VAWOUS I'ATTKHNS A HTYLKS, w hlch lie will sell upon terms to suit purchaser. (live him n mil. He Is a Rood mechanic, and descrvlus of tlio public patrunnt'o. JACOn MUT7 Bloomsburs, April SO, 1807. AUDITOR'S KEP011T. WE, THE undcrsltued Auditors of Catawlssa town ship, do hereby certify that we have settled with Hiiiam Coot., Collector of llounty Tax for the yenrlsoil, and that tho following Is a trim state ment of tho sninet 1IIUA.M COOL, flit, To amount of Dupllcato t3,2)l bO CJl. lly amount of Exonerations i"fl .17 ' iul St. I,. llliinr.l.Trcas. !i.477 1W " Commission 80 153,11118 llalnnco duo township 1131 71 CATAWIBSA TOWNSIIir, 1)11, Tn stiiniiiel irnstcnliauiler nil Note tM2 13 " CUiirles Kreiijli " " S37 W 7W 83 tb-.H UI t'. W. M'KKI.VY, J.Ntl. K. HtlllllINt), Cntawltsa, April W, 117. Audit ors. T E. JACKSON, ATTOHNF.Y.AT.&AW, llerwkk, Columbia CVtinty, ronu'a. SHERIFF'S SALE. JlY VirtllA tt Awrlt nf AlinM 7jm-iW Mum. (asnorl out of tlio Oourt of Common Vlcas of Hchuylklll cumnj',nni 10 mo u.rrcteti, there win ikj mm ly "uniu ii-imup. or umcry, on nAiuniMTi junk j. ,M17, nt ten o'clock In tlio forenoon, nt Uin Court HoUe. in tlio llnrnnph of InltRVlltn. Holmvllilll count)-, the following Kent Jtnlo to witi AH Hint, tho undivided upven-slxteenlh pnrfof nnd In tho following dencrlhcd pleeo or; imrcel'of corn land, componcd of tiortlon of re r trim orlnl nalmtrvrya, referred to In tho Indenture of Com promlApn nnd He lenses hereinafter referred to, Blttmte, lylns nnd belnti partly In tho township of llutler. (lato Harry) In Hchuylttlll county, nnd pnrtlylnConynKtinmtowiiKhlp,t'olumhlacounty. IntheHtato of rmiiiylvanla, nnd hounded nnd described nccordlntt to n recent marking nnd report of n larger pleco or portlonof land, or which this tlcftcrllted 1 part (inndo by I'cter w, Hhaercr nnd Allen FMier, of tho borough of rottHVillo, in unld Hchuylklll county, surveys) as follows, to wltt ncalunlng nt n point in tho middle of tho summit of tho high ridge, next north of the Mn nanny Creek, which point Is mid way between tho eastern boundary of n trnct or- tlcth tlflV of Mnv. 171U. Kin oil tn Wlltlnm l'lllntf . and the western boundary ofn tract originally surveyed on n warrant dnled tho tenth day of January. 17IM, Issued t John Alexander, now a part of tho Olrard estate; (which point wns mark ed by tho snld Hlmefer nnd FIMicr uihui the ground by n pine knot stake nnd n pile of stones, nnd wlt- ucni-ii uiKiut'iKm I'lienuiut uuh irt'w, encu Having three notches towards wild pile;) thence by tho middle of the summit of said ridge by tho follow log courses nnd distances the samo being marked by the said Hhaofer nnd Fisher by cutting a hlazo between two notches upon the eight trees and blaze for other lines): that Is tosny.south eighty five denrecs nnd threp-nunrtew of n drrjrpn vpt Houtn ciirntv- five degrees nnd three-qunrters c degreo west, seven hundred nnd eighteen feet to a young pine tree, marked by tho suld Hhnefcr nnd Fisher for n corner, uy inrco noicneson inoenstcriy nnd west erly sides thereof, nnd witnessed by three notches iijhjii fiwii tn mu rhiuh, rusppcuveiy, lownms ino same of seven iioltrhlKirlnir troen. mm nf u u n large wlilto oak, standing westward of snld young pine; thence Routh slxty-slx degrees nnd one-quarter of n ilegrea west, four hnndred nnd nine feet ton pine tree, marked bv Mild nhnefer nnd Fisher wllh three notches ou the easterly nnd westerly sides, nnd witnessed by threo notches upon i no sine lowarus ino samo oi encn lour pine trees and two rock ojik trees: thencot.oulhefu.ilv- ono degrees und twenty-two minutes west, seven hundred nud sixty feet tn nplno knot stake, set in u juiu uiMoiii'H, luuuo uy mi m nurveyurHOU linn line of tho wester most survev. on a wnrrnut tn John Dreher, which extends northwardly from tho north-west corner of an Interfering mtrvey onnwarrnnt to John Kclleyj (the hift said stake nud pile of stones are nt nulstnnco of two hun dred nud eighty-six feet north, eight nnd one-hnlf degrees west from said corner or the John Kelly snrvey.nnd wero witnessed bj the snld Hhaefer nnd Fisher, by threo notches from tlio sides towards the same by six trees standing In the nelahlKir hood thereof ;) thenco by a line parallel with the southern boundary of the Olrard tracts, orlgnnl ly surveyed on warrants Issued to Hubert Hilt?: helmer, William Shannon nnd Oeo. llcckham, to wit: south eighty-two nnd one-hnlf degrees weM, about three thousand eight hundred andtwo feet, bo tho same more or less, until It strikes the enstern boundary lino of tho tract originally sur veyed on n warrant Issued to IVliornh Urunt, dated tho second day of January, 17WI, nt tho dis tance oftlve hundred and sixty feet sonih. seven nnd one-half degrees cast from tho double pine corner of the .last Mild tract; thence along the eastern line of tho said Deborah Grant survey, north nine degrees west live hun dred and sixty feet to tho aforsald doublo pine corner of tlio lelorah Grant survey; thenco along tho northern boundary line of said last named survey, south eighty-two degrees west, alnnit four hundred feet, bethcsainoinoreor less, in Moms, n cnner ui iiio imrt firiKiiuiiiy Mirvey 1 on a wnrrent issued to William lllllot, dattnl thotenvh nf Slav. I71V1: thence nlonir tho eastern bounday lino of the said William Jllllot juirvey north seven and ono half degrees west.WrosH lnir tlio ronntv line of Kehnviklll nnd (Viltnbln countle1 Into said Columbia eouuty.nbout threo wiuuMiim one mwnircu iiini imy icei. ue inu sumo more or less, ton corner by t hcolllclat plot.a chest nut oak Iree, but now stones, nttested by old witness-marks on a nelchborlnc tree: belnir Iho southwestern corner of the aforesaid tract oilgl- nany survcyei on n warrant to itooeri Jiuizuei mer: thenco by the southerly boundary line of tho last mentioned tract, nud of tho nforesnid tract oricln.illv Kurvevedon u warrant to Will him hhannon, north eighty-two degices and ono-half east, tour inousanumue uunnreu nnuc-iguiyiuiue feet to a noint midway between the eastern line of tho fcnfdWIUlam Klllot survey and tho western lino of tlio John Alexander survey; which point was ascertained by actual mensurement,nnd was nttested by the snld Hhaefernnd Fisher, by mark ing a young pine for n corner with three notches on tho easterly, westerly and southerly sides, re spectively, and also by witnessing tho samo by threo notches upon the sldo looking toward tho same four tres, respectively, standing In tho neighborhood thereof; thenco by n lino parallel with tho eastern line of said survey on a warrant to William Klllot, south seven degrees and one half east, tin eo thousand six hundred nnd thirty four feet nnd one-half to the beginning point ou the middle of tho summit of the ridge nforesald, containing within the said boundaries the quanti ty ofaboutllvohundrcd acres, bo the same more or less, with tho appurtenances; being part or the same pleco or portions of land which Richard 1 Foulke, William Parker Foulke, and tho corpor ation known ns "Tho Preston Retreat," parties of tho first part, In nnd to a certain Indenture or deed of compromise, nud of mutual grants nnd releases, dated the eighteenth day of Juno, A. U, lhis, recorded In Hchuylklll Ccunty, In Deeu Hooko. rs. nago 3i,uni.int;oium.iia coun ty, In Deed Hook O, page!iU7 granted, released nnd confirmed nil their right, title and Interests therein ana thereto unto Jonn Anspacn, Jr., ms heirs and assigns forcver.nslnnnd by bald recited Indenture reference thereto being had. and ton copy of n plan thereunto annexed, the same will more iiiuy appear, anu which me riuj juihi anv pach.Jr. granted nnd conveyed In mortgage to Ievl Mntthou nnd Charles Rubor, uikhi the 5th day of January, A D. 1M1 ; which said mortgage Is recorded In Hchuylklll couny, In Mortgnge Roolc (, page 519, and In Columbia county, In Mortgage Hook So. 4, pago ulO. There nro two Collieries uion this traet ono upon tho Mammoth Vein, lielow water-level, worked under lennoby Scliall iV Donohue; tho Im provements nt which belong to the lessors, nnd consists of two Mlopu Houses, two HIojk-s, two Hoisting nnd Tumping Uugines, ono ot ninety hortennd one of tlfty horso power-wlth Hollers nnd Hoisting nnd Pumping Muchlnery com pleto; one jKiume itrcnKer, wiiu j.ngiiie, uearwig aiui .Ma chinery complete; ltall Hoad Tracks, thirteen blockB of Miners' Houses, eight hlnglo Houses, ono largo Stable, Hlacksmlth Shop, Carpenter Shop. Oil and Powder Houses nnd Olllce. The water-level, and Is now worked under ease by! the New York City Mutual Coal Company. Tho : Improvements nt this Colliery conslstof ono Coal Hreaker, with Knglne, Gearing and Machinery , complcto; five blocks of M Inert.' Houses, Rail Roads, Carpenter Hhop, HIacksmlth Niop, btnble. Oil nnd Powder Houses and Olllce. Helzed nud taken In execution as the property of John Anspach, Jr., nnd to be sold by MICHAIIL HO RAX, Sheriff. 8iiEiarra Oi-fick, Pottsville, l'a., May 3, 16C7. TJ S. INTEIINAL ItEVENUE,- NOTICn TO tax rAYrns. Notice lsherebr given that tlio undersigned, As sessor of the 13lh llUtrlct of l'ennsylvanln, will hold Courts of Appeal for tho correction of erro neous asseksmeuts, us follows : IN WVOUINO COUNTT on Tuesday the Htli day of May, 1607, at Wall's 1I..t1 l 'I'milillrtlltin L- IN mtADFOBD CODITY, on Thursdnv nnd Friday, tlio 10th nnd 17th days of May, 15(7, nt tho Mean's llouso lu Twnndn, . IN 8UI.MV.iN COUNTY. on Monday tho Wtli day of May, 1SC7, at tlio La port Hotel, lu Laporte. IN MONTOUR COUNTY, on Thursday, the SM ilny of May, lS07,at tho Mon tour House In Danville. IN COLUMniA COUNTY, on Trlday tho Iltli dav of May, 1NJ7, nt the Asses lor's Ulllco In lllooniKljurK. All nntwals mustbelnwrltiu! nud should specify tlio particular canve, matter or lliinir, resectlni; which a decision Is requested, nnd shall state the Erounil or principle oi error cuiiipiniiicu ui. sor at any tlmo previous to inoaaj 8 anovo nxctt lor Hearing appeals. tr nnv iMrsou llnblo to Income tax. or own. lnc carriages, watches aud other nrticlcB llnblo under schedule A, of tho Kxclso law, havo not yet reported, they nro hereby notified to do so at nnco. or liecomo liable to the nennlty. It Is tho duty of every ono umennblo to tlio law to seclc tho As-tcssorof Ills lllstrlct, anil liinue his return. Assessor 13th District, l'enu a. Ame.'wou'h Office, ) Bloomsburs, l'a., Aprils!, 1S07. ira- Ifantmir Amtrtrrtn. Thtnvtlle Intelllncileer. JJraifunl -liffiii, Nulthan Comity Democrat, ami -Yortft llrancn itenwertu, picuic cow. J J. 11 It O V E It, Is now oiiering to tue puouo nis raiocit m spring goons consisting In part of n full line of INOItAIN. WO OIi AND ItAO o a n v n t s, I'lne cloths and cassimcr for Indies' coats, HANDSOME HIIESS COOD3, of all patterns and qualities, lnlalds and 1'rluls of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BKOWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FHENCII CORSETS AND BALIORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment nf LADJIX" A CItlLDllKXS OAlTV-ltSA HOOTS. Fresh Groceries nnd Spices. New assortment of GLASS AND (iUr.nNS-WAlli:, FX-NO, 1 MACKEREL lu one-half nud one-fourth barrels. Now is tlio tlmo to make your selections, as am nirerlini cools at very low prices, and ou motto Is fulr dealing to all, and not to lie under sold by any. J. Il"Wi:n. Bloomsburs, April 12, lw)7, j T M. TRAUGII, . ATTOItNr.Y.AT.LAW, Berwick, Columbia County, l'tiin'it. PA. HARDWARE &, CUTLERY. QIIAHIilCS W. SNYDI2H, UKALF.R IN II A 11 U W A 11 E, IltON, NAILS, STEKL, AC, AC, AO. MAIN STUKET, llTAlOMBHUnO, TENN'A. Tnko this method of Informing tho cltlens of Co lumblacouty, tliatho has opened n extensive Hardware store on Main streetj In Hloomsbure, near Iron street, nnd that helms on hand n AROIIH STOCK AND lU'TTTKR ASSORTED than can le found any where else In the county, and which lie Intends to sell nt prices whldji defy competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEKL, IKON. havo chains, all sizes, axes, nil make nnd weight, steel, nil sizes, Iron, all shapes, nnd flit very low. IlUILDHIt'S It AuDW AUR, of every descriptions. Nails, nxlo pulleys, sash cords, latches, locks nnd knobs, butt sctcws,sos1i fasts, window springs, base knobs, strap hinges, hasps nnd staples, hooks nnd staples, und In fact vcrythlng needed In that line. COACH & WAGON MAKKIIS' HARDWARE, embracing almost every thing In that line. Also HARNESS MAK IW HARDWARE. Duckies, Japanned; buckles, silver plated; blttfl of every kind, Hamks, Iron; pad trees: Hames, wood ! saddle trees, gig trees, girth web. worsted nnd cotton Mhrcnd, silk, nwlsnnd needles, tools of nil kinds. SHOEMAKEIVB HAItDWAUE, A full assortment forcnrpenlcrs. I have planes nil kinds, saw's; hand, paunel, rip, nnd compass, squares steel, Iron, nnd try: boring machines, chlsles, augers, bcvcl, mallets, brnccs, gauges, plows, rules, bits, nnd nbout everything for car penters. FOU THE TEOrLE GENEHALLY I havo coal hods, cal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, lant crns,tnblo cutlery,pocket cutlery, plated sioons( plated forks, servers, ten nnd cof fee pots.butter knlves,mlll saws, cross cut saws, circular saws, gang saws, files, horse shoos.wrenches.rivetsiam- mcrs, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, grub bing hoes, sho els, spades, spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, edcates, plows, coflln trim mings Emery, red chalk, white chalk, wire. horso nails, meat cutters, scales, washboards, horse buckets, wooden pails, clothes plus, glue, door mats, iorch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, horso brushes, sleigh bells, heel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, stewkettles,sauco pans,broad nxes, nails, Bledges, curtain fixtures, Thlmble&kelns nnd boxes, Tumps, lead pipe, etc.. Tarred ropo nnd hundreds of articles not .enu merated constantly on hand nt CHARLES V SNYDER'S, Main Street, Illoomsburg. CLOTHING. N EV STOCK OF CLOTHING. resh nrrlrnl of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. DAVID LOWnNHKIia Invites attention to hts stock of CHEAP AND FASH I ON All LK CLOTIIINa. at hi store on Main Street, two doors nbove the American Housa Bloomsburg, Ta., hero he has Just received from Now York nnd hlladelphla ft. full assort meat of MKN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the roost fash Ion ftlile, durable, aud handiomo DRESS GOODS, consisting of ROX, BACK, FROCK, GUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of all sort, sizes, nnd colors. He has nUo replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VEfJTS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho has constantly on hand u largo nud well-se lected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which he H prepared to make to order Into nnr kind of clothlus, on very bhort notice, aud lu tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, nnd most of it is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of every description, fine nnd cheap. Ills case of Jewelry Is not burpasscd lu this place. Call nnd examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. DAVID LOWENRURG. JEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISIIINQ STORE. The undersigned respectfully nunounccs to his many friends that ho has opened n ucw Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, In tho lowo room of the Ilnrtmau Building, southwest corner of Mala and Market Streets, Rloombburg, Ta. Having Just returned fioin Philadelphia with a Large Stock of FALL, AND WINTER CLOTHING and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIIINQ GOODS, Ac, Ac. ho flatters himself that ho can please all. Ills stock comprises MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, such ns DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, OVERCOATS, ANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWERS, COLLARS NECK-TIES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, UMBRELLAS, AO and In fact everything in tho Clothing or Fur nlshlng lluo nt very low prices, In addition to tho abovo he lias an elegant sortmont of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VIMTIN CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Call nnd seo before purchasing elsewhere, and SECURE GREAT BARGAINS, octo-ly J. W. CIIEMI1ERLAIN MILLINERY GOODS T)LOOMSBURG FANCY TRIM- MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door below Hartmnn's, Main Street, Just received a new stock ot ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIli, MUSLIN EDOINGS, PRESS TRIMMINGS nnd every vnrlcty of article usually kept In a FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOlvS, U1BI.1H, SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, and a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM BOOKH, BLANK DEEDS, BONDS'AND MORTGAGES, nud o general and well-elcctel assortment of PAPER, ENVELOPE, At. A. 1). WE11B. MISCELLANEOUS MMIE PADDY RUN , CO AIj OOMl'AN'Y, OF MIICKSIHNNY, THNNSTLVANIA. " CAIMTAI, 9190,000. JOHN it. 6TACK1I0UBE, rresldenW CIIAK. A. 1100NI2, Secretary and Treasurer. DIlinCTOUS: John M. Stnekhouso, N. U Campbell, Clias. A. llooue, Cyrus Htaoklmns, A. M'nowolM OFFICE: JfAIN STREET, SHICKSHINNY, TA. The lands hold by tills Company, consist of FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE ACRES, and slity-four perches, of carefully selected land lying southwest of Wllkcs-Ilarrc, I.uzerno coun ty, l'a.. In tho western part of tho a rent Northern or Wyoming Coal Uasln. Avery careful nnd thoroURh examination re cently made lins proven thcso (for the alioTe) lands to bo tho embodiment of a vast amount of the very best quality of anthracite coal, liarlng every facility that could bo desired for trans portation in all directions. Tho above tract Is crossed by n good road, and also dlreetly la front, and Joining nro tho Lackawanna & niooms burg railroad, nnd tho Wyoming canal, thus af fording theery best advantage of acarrylug road and canal running to the very mouth of tho mines without expenso to the company. The measurement of the different beds or seams already developed was carefully obtained and added together: the thickness of thcso seams. Including tho celebrated "Kcd Ash," "Buck Moun tain," or "Ornnd Tunnel" vein, Is thlrty-onr and n half fcot, (Jljfl, every cublo yard of which will yield n ton, giving a largo amount of the best quality of coal. Tholocutlen Is such that all tho veins may be cut and wotked to the greatest posslbleadvantago abovo water level, and at much less expense than can bo dono from collerlcs operating below water level. The cool can bo brought to the surfaco through drifts or tunnels which drain tlio water from tho mines and saves tho hoisting of tho coal. So the eligibility of these Innds for cheap mining Is un questionable. Very lately tho "(Irand Tunnel" or "lied Ash" vein lina been opened, and Is now producing as flno a quality of coal ns has evor been produced In tho anthracite regl.ns. Tho breaker now In operation Is capablo of preparing from I."i0to200 tons per day. The surface contains nn abundant supply of wood nnd timber very val unblo for mining purposes, which gives tho tract tho advautngo of many other coal lands. Tho f.ict Hint nlmost nil vnlunblo conl lands. arc being rapidly taken up by heavy capitalists or large cor porations, shows that they must steadily and greatly rise in tho mnrltet value, whllo with tho Immense and constantly Increasing demand for this coal, and tlio Railroad and North Branch ca nal, passing by tho mouths of tlio mines, through tho Orcat Iron making districts of Illoomsburg, Danville, Duncannon, Hnrrlsburg, Mlddlctown, Marietta, nud Columbia, to tide-water at Havre do Grace, ono can rcarccly concclvo of n moro profitable or permanant sourco of wealth than may bo found in lands llko these. In order to bo ablo to open their works on n moro extensive plan, this company has placed portion of their capital stock in market on the following terms : Any person taking ono or mor shares of stock at TEN DOLLARS EACH, will bo entitled annually to a ton of coal at est at tlio mine per share, and any stockholders NOT RECE1VINO TUB COAL as aforesaid, to be credited on the books of ike Company, with the difference between the tost and selling price for each (.hare, to b paid before a dividend shall bo declared. C. r. TCNAPr, Agent. March 1, 1807. FIRST PREMIUM ' Of II Silver Medal VV WAS 1V1SD1D TO Sj W BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE V Drthe Or the N. II. SU1 Agricultural Soclflr.tt 4 lull DAltltUTT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Ilcitnrfi Qrir Ittlrto II nitursl color. Pro mote, tho growth ot the Hair. Chion" tho tfO- ita .Zj. roota to thdr erlaluM orfftnio CCUOD. uadl- fv Yl cue, Uandrutr ond Itumon. Prevent! Uitlr tUlin out, U Superior DrtMiog. j JtCl'UUiu ii u tiijunuu ujKi-cuirriis, m tola nmrio lan'upnout iui jlui, ti'it iiurui nai fsm. w South. J. rt. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, ItAXCIIESTEll, N. It. 3- Hold by L. N. MOVER, Illoomsburg, l'a. , and Druggists generally. npr.V(J7-Gm QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Illoomsburg, l'a. M. C. SLOAN & BROTHER, tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A BON, continue tho buslnsss of making CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, nud every stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly ou hand to suit cus tomers. Never using any material but tho best nnd employing tho most experienced workman, they hope to eontlnuo as heretofore to glvo entire satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection of their work, and of tho reasouablo prlco asked for tho same, Is sura to tusuro n bale. g C. COLLINS, lr ArllUU.t AllIiK SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING S1IAMPOOINO SALOON, Court Houso Alley, next door to Cbrunttifan Otlco, BLOOMSBURO, l'A. Hair Dvelng and Whiskers colored black or brown. Hnlr Tonic to destroy dandrutr and beau tifying the hair; will restore hair to Its original color without soiling tho llnest fabric, constantly on naiui. iiipriui. c. E. S A V A G E . rnACTicAii WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY, Main Street, near the Oiurf Jtoute, llLOOMsnuna, TA. Constantly on hand n fine assortment of AMERICAN AND SWISO WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, Sllvcrwaro and Spectacles Particular nttentlon pajd to the repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry nnd Spectacles. 3 Masonic marks made to order. All work warranted, aprl'07.r NSURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming .Etna Commerce Fulton. Baltic I150.0M 1,001,000 100,01 100,000 210,009 530,000 IttJ.OOO S70.00 500,001) eso.ooo lOmyM) 500,000 Putnam - Merchants Springfield Germnnln Insurance Company of State Psnu'n. Connecticut Mutual Lite North American Transit - FREAS BROWN, Jll, marS'07-ly. Hloomsucuo, 17Xi:CUTOR'.S NOTICE. lit I'jTATB or 8 MANTUA J EVANS, PBrll. Letters tetiiuieiitiiry mi tho estuto of human tlut Juno Euns, lato or Illo.imi.burg, IVil.mWa eounty, deceased, havo Uvu grautc.1 by the licit Wer iitsal.l eounty lo J. II. Eau, residing In the township and county nrorciald. AlllHTsons having cliilins on Iho etuti nro rciuestixl to pre sent Incut duly aullientlcati'd foretlleiiicnt, and Ihmo kuouiiig theiii-elves Indebted to tlio estate MlUmiikopujiiient forthwith. j-vNS April 12, lS07-lw. Ex'tvutur. ni.UAM ii.-Aiuiorr, A T T O R N E Y - A T I. A W, C.VTAWlKsA, PA. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers