Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1857-1884, February 03, 1865, Image 4

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    tilic ticLfortl jfjvqium.
Printing Establishment for Sale!
■ {jr
The press, types, cases, Ac., upon which the Bedford
Patriot was printed, are fcr sale. The material is nearly
new. having been used only five months. It consists of
a very full assortment of newspaper and job types, a
fVaehiagton press, cases, stands, roiers, Ac., altogether
; rrnmg a very complete selection for a country newspaper.
Xwius Cash. Address
ft. F. McXEIL,
Bedford, Pa.
TERMS, a? tve have published conspicu
usly for more than six months, are 52,00 strictly in
advance. $2,25, if three months or more in arreas.
52,50 after the close of the year. No considerate
man who wishes our and hut paper to prosper, will
ask it for less. It costs us more than three times as ;
much to print it now, than it cost our predecessor j
three years ego. Paper, the chief item of expense. !
cost him 325.00 a year. It is now costing us for
paper, at the rate of $1313.76 a year ! Our other
expenses are happily not increased in this propor- 1
tion. but they are more than double what they were.
the time we speak of. These facts may be taken i
as an URGENT request for every subscriber to pay j
up his arreas. and if convenient make an advance ;
payment. JTV need money! WE ARE VERY Mt CH IN j
COURT WEEK will be a gGod time to remember the
Try and pay your subscription or other indebted
ness to the Ixqi IRER during court week.
The circulation of this paper is now thirteen
nidred. and it is therefore an unsurpassed medium
in this county for advertizers. Those who have real
or personal property for sale, will .find it to their
profit to advertize in the INQUIRER.
\ SUOOESTIOX-—We suggest that our subscribers
who come to town, during court week, bring the
name of a NEW subscriber to the BEDFORD INQUIRER
paid in advance.
out of the Count)- and State are requested to remit
she amount of their subscriptions, $2.25, if more
than three months in arrears.
The quota of the State is 4P„588 ; of this district, the
I'ith. composed of Adams. Franklin. Fulton. Bedford
and Somerset, 2,403. 1! , e quotas for the sub-districts
are not yet announce j.
'A EDDISG. —Mr. <y p. Barndollar, of Bloody Run,
and Mis s Kate M u-Habaugh. daughter of D. Washa
baugh. Esq., of f}ji 3 piace, were married in the Pres
byterian Ch nrc h j ast Wednesday. The ceremony
drew a very handsome audience of iuterest
ed -peU fjiiors. a groat number whom of were charming
y° ,r jgladies, soon, perhaps, to lie principals instead
" c mere on lookers on such occasions.
appointed by the Legislature to investigate into al
leged frauds concerning election returns, met in the
Court House last Friday. It was composed of
Messrs. J. K. Kelley, U.. Washington; J. H. Neglev,
U.,JBut!er: W. B. Waddell, U., Chester: B. A. An
derson, D.. Bucks; A. Grady, D., Luzerne: J. Robely
Dungleson, Clerk and W. A. Rupert. Sergeant.—
The committee completeditginvertigarions Saturday.
As soon as the evidence taken by the committee is
published we shall give it in full.
OIL IN FULTON COUNTY. —The Fulton Republican
of the 17th ult., says that within a few days the oil
fever has assummed collosal proportions. The
form of "proportions" taken we snppose. by oil
fevers at certain stages. From researches quietly
made it has been discovered that coal oil does ex
ist (to what extent has not yet been ascertained) in
various parts of our county, and already the repre
-eutiatves of an established company —what compa
ny we do not know—are on tlie ground taking leases
.if the various tracts of laud surrounding our town,
with the understanding we are informed, that ope
rations shall be commenced at an early day.
Doyle of Schellsburg of the 21st Cavalry, Co. 1,
has been honorably discharged the service by rea
son of disability. Lieut. D. was twice wounded du
ring the late campaign : the last wound was received
iu the engagement at Boydton. which disabled him
from serving in this branch of the service. In his
retirement the service loses a brave and efficient of
ficer. The best wisher of the regiment go with
"Our Young Folks." for February is very enter
taining. An hour's perusal attested to us the interest
of three of its articles. "David Matson "the
Portrait." and "Trapper in a tree." The first is by-
John G. Whitteir. A sailor makes a voyage to the
Mediterranean, is captured on the Barbary coast,
and held in slavery a number of years. He is libe
rated and on his return home with presents to his
wife and boys, he learned at an intermediate Port
(from her husband; that she ia married again. "God
is great" said poor David Matson. His will be done.
I loved her : but I shall never see her again. Give
these with mv blessing to her and the boys' and he
handed over with a sigh the little bundle containing
the gifts for his wife and children. "He shook
hands with his r':vl. "Peletiah " said he looking
back as he left the ship, "be kind to Anna and rny
boys." The story is suggested by "Enoch Arden,"
and the writer, considering who he is. makes a singu
larly inaccurate statement in regard to that poem. —
He says "who of my young friends have read the
sorrowful story of "Enoch Arden," So sweetly
and siinpiy told by the great English Poet. It is the
story of a man who went to sea leaving" behind a
sweet young wife and little daughter." Enoch Arden
left behind him "a sweft young wife" and three
"And merrily ran the years, erven happy vear,
Seven happy years of health and competeiicc
Aad mutual love and honorable toil _;
With child; a : firs: a daughter, in him woke.
With his first babe's cry, the noble wi?h
To save a'! earnings to the utL-rtnost.
Anil give hi* children better bringing nj
Than hi- had bee:;, or hers ; a wish renewed.
When two years after caine a boy to be the
The rosy idol of her solitudes
While Enoch wa? abroad on Wrathful seas.
***••* hi?
W if* bore him another -ou, a sickly .inc."
The Sandpiper. Farming for boys. The baby of I
the Regiment. The Red-winged goose Ac. Ac., |
make up the remaining contents. The terms of the
magazine are $2,00 a year in advance, Tecknor A }
Fields. Boston. " .
COFFKKHEAD CAGED. —For mouths past; or. ever
since the September draft, one J. Nelson Sipes,
Esq.. the embodiment of Peace Democracy; the
man who that he might have his name stricken off
the enrollment previous to the nine mouth's draft,
declared upon his oath that were his wife or chil
dren to be assaulted in his presence, and brutally
ill-treated before his face, he would not. in retalia
tion, raise his hand for their defence, so everlasting j
peaceful was he : the man too, whom the Loeofoco
party of Fulton county, because of his opposition
to the Government, looked upon but as a "little
lower than the angelsand the very same man
whom these same Lscofocos at the late October
Election, notwithstanding their knowledge of the
tact that even then he was skulking among the
mountains, a fugitive from the draft, a disgrace to
his l'riendes and family, elevated to the position of
District Attorney, has eluded the vigilance of the
Provost Marshal and the Military. But at last Nel
son has "come to grief." On Saturday last a
squad of Military, under the command of Special
Agent Hoke, while out on a scout, discovered the
uon-acting Dist. Aty. making tracks through a
wood. Chase was made, and soon the game was
overhauled and captured. He was brought to town
under a select military escort, and temporarily
lodged in that burglar proof building familiarly
jeleyed "the jail." Here he was kept until Mon
day morning when he was taken to Chambersburg,
from whence, doubtless, he will speedily be sent to
"the front."— Fulton Republican.
A HAPPY PARTY. —The Lancaster Examiner of
Saturday 29th nit., says: On Friday our streets
were enlivened by one of the largest, sleighing par
ties we have ever witnessed. There was one four
horse sleigh, twelve two horse sleighs and one one
horse, all crowded by pupils from Linden Hall,
Litiz. The young ladies —112 in number-looked ex
tremely happy and enjoyed their holiday sleigh-ride
with great apparent pleasure. The party, the lar
gest seen in this vicinity for twelve years, came by
war of Manheim and stopped at Michael's Hotel,
where they were entertained in the usual style of
that well known and excellent hotel. Tney return
ed to Litiz, "on the evening of the same day. all
doubtless well satisfied with their steighing trip.
LAST CALL. —Governor Curtin has received outkori
ty from the War department to raise fifty compa
nies of voluuteers under the call of the President
of the 13th of December last for three hundred
thousand men. The said companies are to be as
signed to regiments now in the service wherein va
cancies exist, consolidated into complete regiments,
as may hereafter be deemed best. Special authori
ty will be granted to raise companies, preference
being given to persons who have been honorably
discharged, or who may be detached from reduced
regiments in the field, or mustered out of service in
consequence of consolidations. The term of ser
vice will be for either one, two or three years, as re
cruits may desire. These troops must be mustered
into service by tne Tib of February next, to be cred
ited on the quota of the .State prior to the draft.
ocrat says:—"Some two or three weeks since, a
widow lady residiug iu South George street, who
keeps a small grocery -tore, was robbed of between
three and four hundred dollars. Late one night last
week, she heard a voice calling her in the yard,
saving "here is your money." Beiug afraid to
open the door, she let the matter rest until morn
ing. when she fonud a small brg hanging inside the
yard gate, containing the greater part of the lost
ENOCH ARDEX. —The universal interest felt in this
charming poem by Mr. Tennyson, lias induced
Messrs. Tiekoor and Fields to issue a twenty-five
cent edition for popular aeading, in addition to the
other and more costly editions which they publish.
The extended publicity given by this cheap edition,
it is hoped, may result in the introduction of this
moat beautiful and touching idyl into all the house
holds in the land.
A Convention of newspaper publishers will be
held at Harrisburg on Thursday, February 9th insL,
for the purpose of petioning Congress in favor of
the repeal of the dntv on paper, and of taking such
other action as may be deemed beneficial to the bus
iness of printers and publishers. The publishers
of the State are respectfully requested to attend.
The Broad Top Semi-Bituminous coal region, notwith
standing the hindrances consequent from the inability of
the Pennsylvania Railroad to furni-h power, in time and
measure equal to the wants of the Broad Top Trade—the
trunk road being wholly inadequate to the movement of
the traffic offered at its many sources business supply
—in the year 1864 increased its product over the preced
ing year .80,9fi6i ton?.
The Broad Top coal region was o{*ned to the market
in 1856, and, consequently, 1864 was its nimh year of
trade: from 42,000 tons of coal in 1856. it increased it*
product in 1864 to 386.645.
The Cumberland, Maryland, coal region was u|iened to
market in 1842. and its eleventh year, to wit, 1852, its
tonnage was 334,178 being 52.467 ton? less than the
Broad Top in its ninth year.
This comparison is made, not in disparagement of the
Cumberland region, which in 1860, the year before the
war. forwarded to market 788,909 tons of coal: bat simply
to show that the growth cf the trade of the Broad Top
region has been more rapid than was the trade of its
neighbor, in Maryland.
The quantity of coal forwarded from the Broad Top re
gion, in all the nine years of its developeiucnr. is herein
1864 385,645 tons. 1859 130,505 tons.
1863 305,687 tons. 1858 105,478 tons.
1862 354.135 tons. 1857 tons.
1861 272,625 tons. 1856 42,000 tons.
1860 187,855 tons.
—V. 8. ri. .1 M. Journal.
BAKRLA—POTTS.—Jan. 31st, in the M. E. Church, by
Rev. E. W. Kirby, Mr. Wm. Barkla. of Lock Haven.
Pa., to Miss Caroline C. Potts, of Bedford, Pa.
an Church, on Wednesday the Ist in-t., by ilev. R. F.
Sample, Lt. Wm. P. Barailollar, of Bloody Run. to Miss
Kate E. Ws.-habaugh, of Bedford.
SCHAKFKR.— At the residence of her brother-in-law,
A. M. Spanglcr, Esq.. in Philadelphia, on the 20th intt,
M -.- Charlotte .-ehqe:er.
YIJ E -a!l the attention of enst mer? to onr "CRYSTAL
So. lin the market, lt costs more per gallon than we
can bay other oil for, but we are determined to sell a
good article of esna! oil, and not charge any more for it
than if charged for an it.ferior article.
We have aiso No. 1 BENZOLE, and will warrant it
equal to the best Turpentine for painting.
Our stock of HARDWARE is complete, and we are
selling our good* as low they can be sold anywhere.
We would invite customer* to call and examine our
price-. GEO. BLYMYEK & SOX.
*nn. 25.'65-3t.
rpilK subscriber offers fur rent the farm en which he
A resides, six uiiies west of Bedford on the Bedtord and
-oilier?': Turnpike, consisting of about 20" acre* ot
cleared land, in a good state of cultivation, a great por
tion uf it in grass, a good stand for droves, has a good
apple on-hanl Ac.
jon. 20,'65-tf.
JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
April 29th, 1864,—.ft.
3(1 rtr Atlvrrfismeats.
For Die Year Ending Jannary 2d, 180S,
Trenfrrer r.f Bedford County, i" account with mid County,
frvM the ilk day of January, 1864, to tke 2 d day of
,/ . , i;<6s.
To baliiuce osi hand at last settlement *3,814 72
To rash received from collectors, as follows:
Joseph Evans. Broad Top Township, 1859, 23 88
Levi Carpenter. Londonderry, u 10 52
Bimon Stuekey, Colcrain, 1860, 01 37
li. D. Barclay, Bedford Borough. 1861, 235 38
Frederick llildebrandt. Juniata, " 97 49
William Bonnell, Londonderry " 12 03
John Aldstadt, St. Clair " 86 97
Herekiah Barkman. Southampton " 91 44
Rudolph Hoover, Middle Woodberry " 67 39
Thomas M. Lynch, Bedford Borough, 1862, 198 69
William Phillips, Bedford township, " 14 80
Jonathan Hyde. Harrison " 179 33
Casper Stroup, Juniata " 129 24
William Cook, Londonderry " 206 30
Baltzer Fletcher, Monroe " 35 73
John Wnydty Napier " 410 51
D. A. T. Black. East Providence " 27 44
John Feaster, St. Clair " 53 40
Francis Beard, Union " 154 52
J. K. Durborrow. Middle Woodberry " 115 43
Henry Nicodemus. Bedford Borough 1883, 469 16
Jacol" Fetter, Bedford Township " 500 00
Peter Ewalt, Schellsburg Borough '* 128 52
Samuel Bender, Bloody Run Borough " 12 66
Lewis X. Fyan, Juniata " 350 00
t'homas Fisher, Cumberland Valley " 566 40
Nicholas HOODS, Snake Spring " 433 76
Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain " 598 18
D. A. T. Black, East Providence " 93 33
Jaeob Carpenter, Londonderry •• 269 58
George Beegle, Union " 560 00
James E. Kay, Hopewell •' 329 52
John C. Figart, Broad Top " 481 85
Aaron Reed, South Woodberry -* 190 Oil
John Mors, Southampton " 405 73
John W. Crisman. St. Clair " 786 00
Peter Winegardner, Napier •• 597 21
Alfred Entriken, Liberty '* 22 85
Baltzer Fletcher, Monroe u - 100 00
William M. Pearson, Middle Woodberry " 887 91
C. 11. Akers, Bedford Borough, 1864, 322 53
John C. Figard, Broad Top " 213 11
Samuel Bender, Bloody Bun Borough ♦" 35 00
Win. Mason. Cumberland Valley *• 100 00
Herbert Shoemaker. Colerain " 220 37
William Gorsuch. Hopewell *• 150 00
George Gardill, Juniata u 200 00
Benjamin Valentine. Londonderry " 200 00
Wm. Stuekey. Monroe " 153 00
Win. Crisman, Xapier " 200 00
Joseph Fisher, West Providence " 200 00
P. M. Barton, East Providence " 125 00
Samuel Berkley, St. Clair " 100 00
Archibald Perdew. Southampton " 250 IK>
George Smouse, Snake Spring *' 102 00
George Bcegie, I nion " 143 00 |
Samuel Crisman, South Woodberry ** 356 00 !
Solomon Barley. Middle IVoodberry " 545 00 :
John Echert. Liberty " 255 00
Received on 438 assessed soldiers 43 80
John J. Cessna, Commonwealth cases 74 43
John Cessna. Esq.. unseated lands redeemed 53 52
On note of Mower i Tate 8 70
tin note of S. Peck 49 58
John G. Fisher, Esq., on sale of stoves 15 78
Commissioners sale of unseated lapds 61 72
Taxes on unseated lands 524 57
Whole amount received $18,736 75
By amount paid Grand and Petit Jurors $1,476 19
Assessor* making triennual and other assess
ments 586 77
Expenses of spring election 218 92
Angus: election 281 30
October election 401 38
November election 423 06
Jonathan Feigbtnef, Commissioner 9 00
P. J. Nhoemaker. " 119 50
Andrew Crisman, " 123 00
George Roades, " 134 00
Michael Wertz. " 48 00
John G. Fisher, Clerk to Commissioners 180 00
U. H. Akers, Attorney to Commissioners 75 00
Joshua M wer, attending A repairing Court House 56 03
Levi Agnew, Court crier 57 00
Levi Agnew. cleaning Court House 45 00
Mary Morris, cleaning and scrubbing offices iu
Court House 30 00
Wood furnished Court House and Jail 44 95
Coal 78 79
Holding Inquest- 92 07
John B. Castner. holding inquest 10 87
Road and bridge views _ 147 00
Charles Me wine, services as janitor, cutting
wood and attending Court House 78 91
.Simon P. Karnaugh. binding dockets 9 00 \
John Aldstadt, costs in Commonwealth cases 1.200 56
John Major " " " 267
G. H. Spang " " " 73 95
J. A. Henderson, costs " " 66 21
Benjamin Wigfield " " " 56 59
M. Richcv " " " 11 18
Wm. M. Hall, " " " 10 00
Jeremiah Shaw " " " 21 36
Constables returns 296 24
Constable? attending juries 15 00
John G. Fisher, attending bridge sales, copying
assessments, holding appeals, furnishing black,
books for Commissioners office, Ac. 150 53
J. R. Durborrow, printing 112 15
B. F. Meyers, " 507 20
David Over " 177 70
John More and Jainc- E. Kay. money overpaid
on duplicates 13 72
William 0.-ter. ;t't n iing election 2 90
J. M. Shoemaker, covers for duplicate- 3 26
George Biavkbu Hog bridge in Liberty tp. 1,350 00
Constables, Mresi.ii i-onci 6 12 !
Xicholas Sleek and .Mark 11 on-are. reward and
arresting horse thief 82 20
Wm. Hartley, goods furnished for Court House 7 45
Geo. Blyuiire A Son. " " 53 39
John Aldstadt. taking John Miller to Western
Penitentiary 110 Oil
John Aldstadt, keeping prisoners 259 67
Samuel Cresweil, store- for Court Ilou-e 129 59
John Border, hobbling prisoners 7 00
Henry Mower, papering Protbonotary's office 9 00
John Aldstadt, bed for use of Jail 27 50
Talesmen. # 48 46
Joshna Mower and others, tipstaves 58 75
Hcury Keimund, painting Prothonotary's office 5 45
Drs. Compiler and Watson, medical attendance
to F. A. Ringler 13 00
A. 0. Pervica!. seal for Commissioners' office 10 25
Graff A Ilugu-. stores for Court House 91 00
J.B. Farquhar, revenue stamps, bank note detec
tor. Ae. 9 50
T. C. Garrett, Lumber 4 87
J. McOleary. acknowledging deed 18 00
John Cook, building bridge 225 00
Martin Hoover, work done on bridge at r-toucrstown 75 00
F. L. Hutter. blanks and books for Commissioners'
office 67 90
O. E. Shannon, dockets for Protbonotary's office 138 91
J. B. Noble, error in check of Reed 13 26
L. X. Fyan, building bridge 35 00
Freight on stoves from railroad 9 23
Reed A Behell, for revenue stamp- 9 50
George Roades, on bridge 50 00
Expenses of sale of unseated land? 38 26
W. 8. Haven, for stationery 5? 44
Miscellaneous checks 90 88
John Sill, interest on note 120 00
John Brice, interest on note 192 00
John Brice's note paid 5,000 00
Fox and wild cat scalps 216 34 i
Treasurer's -alary 300 00 j
Stationery 10 00 '
Uncurrent funds 7 00 !
Treasurer, auditing and collecting old accounts 20 00 j
Attorney's fees on some 10 00 •
Auditors and Clerks 75 00 j
$16,506 23 !
''barges' $18,736 75
Credit? 16.506 23
Bala. >re in Treasury $2,230 52
Statement ot Moneys Dne and Owing Bedford
Jacob Xieodemus. Middle Woodberry 1864 $l6B 53
John A. Osburn, Broad Top 1857 106 69
Lemuel Evans, Broad Top 1858 289 67
John C. Morgart, Cumberland Valley " 89 26
Jacob A. Xieodemus, Middle Woodberry " 138 73
George Roades. Liberty 1859 50 12
Joe .b 8. Brumbaugh, South Woodberry '' 47 32
Abraham Croyle. Union 1860 299 40
Jacob 8. Brumbaugh, south Woodberry " 25 00
R. D. Barclay, Bedford borough 1861 26 21
John Aldstadt, St- Clair " 16 00
Thouia- M. Lynch. Bedford iorough 1862 111 91
William Phillips, Bedford tp. " 42 33
P. liardman, Cumberland Valley -- 32 50
J. R. Durborrow, Middle Woodberry " 238 17
Samuet Working, South Woodberry '• 178 62
H. Xieodemus, Bedford borough , 1863 502 77
Jacob Fell r. Bedford tp. " 1,003 72
David Sparks. West Providence " 14
Her.-kiah May, Harrison •• 307 55
L. X. Fyan, Juniata " R5 42
D. A. T. Ulzck. East Providence • 270 68
Jacob Carpenter. Londonderry •• 134 00 i
George Bcegte, Union 206 00
Aaron Reed, South Woodberry '• 1,009 37
J. W. Crisman, St. Clair - 43 71
Baltzer Fleteher. Monroe • 328 82
U. H. Akers, Bedford borough 1864 670 60 j
Henry Beegle, Bedford tp. " 1,421 89
John C. Figart, Broad Top i< 212 06 I
Famuel Bender, Bloody Ran borough o-,, ~
William Mason, Cumberland Valley It, t,
Herbert trhoemaker, Color*ill. ,n 0 ?,
William Gorsuch, Hope wall .<
Alexander Shoemaker, Harrison . >s. u , J
George Gardili, Juniata 437 41
Benjamin V alentine, Lumdsnderry " v-ia
William Stackey, Monroe <• Z K
William Crisman, Napier
j Joseph Fisher, West Providence " |c< ,1
Peter M. Barton, East Providence " -{4*
Samuel Becbley, St. Clair •• 92
{ \rcbibaifi "ra©w, ,>outha.
George Smouse, Snake Spiiag g ;[
W. J. Rock, Schellsburg borough jy 2 s;!
i Gaorgc Beegle, Union jj 2 | S"
I Saxouel Crisman, South Wo odberry " | y'\
Solomon Barley, Middle Woodberrv " 1 14s 1,
Jo.Hn Echart, Liberty u ' 2 y
r ' > "' l *10,039 23
.fi ! art ihe shove is subject to exonerations and
conuliMtona and upon all su w due over fifteen months,
interest "ill be charged.
State wteiri of Moneys Due and Owed bv Bed
ford douniy.
To John Sill |2,00U CD
There is now in the Treasury subject to the
order of the Commissioners 2 230 62
Bounty Fund.
To amount 1 eceived from collectors, as follows:
Nicholas Ko; ms, Snake Spring 1553 S7O 07
Thomas Fisher, Cumberland Valley " 02 40
Samuel Bender, Bloonv Run borough " 31 09
William M. Pearson, Middle Woooberry •' 164 72
; L. N. Fyan. Ju niata 131 35
1 Alfred Entriken. Liberty 10 35
i Peter Ewait. Schellsburg borough 11 55 =, 2
| Henry Nicodcmns. Bedford borough " fiy 75
; Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain 44 60 yy
Baltzer Fletebc-r, Monroe '• 200 00
John C. Figard, llroad Top " 26 63
Jacob Carpenter, Londonderry 44 53 gj
John W. Crisman, St. Clair " 76 no
Peter Winegardner, Napier •• 217 og
llezekiab May, Harrison •' 60 00
D. A. f. Black. East Providence •' 300 00
Jacob Fetter, itedford township - 663 32
Henry Beegle, " 1864 600 00
I John C. Pigard. Broad Top " 400 00
Samuel Bender, Itloody Run bir. " 46 oO
William Mason. Cumberland Valley " 310 00
Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain 44 180 00
William Gorsuch, iTopewell 44 200 00
Alexander Shoemaker, Harrison 44 150 00
George Gardili, Juniata *• 270 00
Benjamin Valentine. Londonderry •• 230 00
William Stuckcy, Mon roe •• 167 00
William Crisman, Napi cr •* 404 00
Joseph Fisher, West Pr evidence •- 140 1)0
P. M. Barton, East Providence •• 100 00
Samuel Beeklcy, St. Clai.* '* 375 00
Archibald Perdew, South: unptexi •• 200 00
George Stnouse, Snake Sp ring -* 283 00
William J. Rock, Schellsbi trg borough -• 73 00
George Beegle, Union 44 160 00
Samuel Crisman. South WOl id berry 44 585 00
Solomon Barley, Middle W<x niberry •• 740 00
John Echart, Liberty " 100 00
$8,433 31
Bv whole amount paid out as per Commissioners'
"draft.- $8,493 10
Treasurer's commission 84 83
Auditors and Clerks 40 00
$8,617 93
Credits $8,617 93
Charge- 8,433 31
Balance due Treasurer Farquhar $lB4 62
Moneys Owed Bedford County on Bounty Fund
from Collectors, as followa :
Baltzer Fletcher, Monroe 1563 173 82
David Sparks, West Providence 44 52 14
Hezekiah May. Harrison 44 175 55
D. A. T. Black, East Providence 98 44
U. H. Akers, Bedford borough 1564 496 32
Henry Beegle, Bedford township 44 161 58
John C. Figard, Broad Top 44 113 92
Samuel Bender, Bloody Run bsrough " 79 84
William Mason, Cumberland Valley 44 152 31
Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain 44 293 24
William Gorsuch, 44 34 35
Alexander Shoemaker. Harrison 44 30 29
George Gardili, Juniata 44 49 2 3
Benjamin Valentine. Londonderry 44 40 .'l6
Wilham Stuckey, Monroe 44 48 40
Joseph Fisher, West Providence 44 48 16
Peter M. Barton, East Providence 44 17 60
Samuelrfieekley, St. Clair 44 177 07
Archibald Perdew, Southampton " 4 68 59
George Smouze, Snake Spring 44 27 43
William J. Rock. Schellsburg borough 44 1 6 5 2
George Beegle, Union 44 223 26
Samuel Crisman, South Woodberry 44 130 43
Solomon Barley, Middle Woodberry 44 107 12
John Eehart, Liberty 44 91 29
$2,843 82
The undersigned Auditors of Bedford county, do hereby
certify, that in pursuance of the Act of Assembly in such
eases made and provided, tLey met at the Court House, in
the Borough of Bedford, ivnd did audit and adjust the ac
counts of James B. Farquhar, Esq., Treasure]- of said
county, for the year 1864. aa contained in the foregoing
statements and that we iiave examined the fore going ac
counts of moneys due te and owed by Bedford county,
and that we have found the same to be correct.
Witness our hands this 4th day of January, 1865.
Attest— E. F. KERR, Clerk. Auditors.
Report of the Auditors of Bedford County to
the Auditor General. January 4th, 1865.
Treasurer of Bedford County, in account with the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
To amount received from collectors $7,610 73
On unseated lands 335 93
$7,946 66
By amount paid State Treasurer, as per receipts
examined and filed $5,530 69
Certificate of deposit from Reed t Schell 2,336 51
Treasurer's commission 79 46
$7,946 66
To aggregate amount assessed for 1864 $730 00
By amount paid State Treasurer, as per
receipts dated April sth and July 6th $650 75
Certificate of deposit 28 25
Exoneration of John Drhew 15 00
Treasurer's comm-sion on amount ass'd 36 00
$730 00
To aggregate amount for 1864 SIOO 00
Exoneration of John Harris $lO 00
Treasurer's commission 4 50
Amount paid State Treasurer 85 50
To aggregate amount assessed for 1864 S6O 00
Treasurer's commission on S6O $ 3 01)
Amount paid State Treasurer 57 00
. S6O 00
To aggregate amount assessed for 1864 S2O 00
Treasurer's commission on S2O $ 1 00
Paid .State Treasurer 19 00
S2O 00
Aggregate amount for 8164 sls 00
Treasurer's commission on sls * 75
Paid State Treasurer 14 25
*ls 00
To aggregate amount for 1864 S3O 00
Treasurer's commission on $lO . $ 1 50
Paid State Treasurer 28 50
*3O 00
To aggregate amount for 1864 $25 00
Treasurer's commission 011 $25 $ 1 25
Paid State Treasurer 23 75
$25 00
To aggregate amount for 1864 $696 00
By exoneration s2l 00
Treasurer's commission on $675 33 75
B. F. Mevers, publishing retailers iicensea 12 00
B. F McNeil, 44 44 44 1 2 00
Paid State Treasurer 617 25
$606 00
There is now outstanding in the hands of col
lectors for 1864 and previoas years and due
the State $6,565 52
The undersigned Auditors of said county, do certify
thai in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly in such cases
made and provided, they met at the Court House, in the
Borough ol Bedford, and did audit and adjust the accounts
between James B. Farquhar, Esq.. Treasurer of said coun
ty, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, aa contained
in the foregoing statements. Witness our hands this 4th
dav ef January. 186 S. JOHN H. BARTON,
Attest— E. F, KERB, Clerk. Auditors,
jan. 27/6s,
Act Promptly and Certainly
Tbey immediately increase the strength and deepen the
color of the pa fv blood. They subdue the Chill, ami Fe
ver. and diminish the Expect ration. They .-JLei the
utghl mcents, always, in trom srrrn to fourteen dag*. The
appetite- is at once invigorated, and the patient rapidly
gains jh.h ; the rough and the difficult breathing arc
peedity relieved : the sleep becomes calm and refresh
ing ; the evacuations regular and uniform. ALL THE
J\ THAT BEEMS -MARVELOUS.—./. F. Churchill,
: Jf. J).
are an appropriate and SPECIFIC REMEDY for every disorder
| characterized by any one or mose of the following
( Difficult, Imperfect. or too Rapid Breathing ; Coldness
\oJ the Extremities: Sight or Morning Chills; Hectic'
Wasting of Flesh, Enlargement of the glands, or Siecl
lings; Cough ; Lost of Strength; Tiriehiug of the nertcs
or muscles ; Shooting Pains through the Shoulders, Chest,
Face or Limbs ; Partial or Total Loss of the use of the
Limbs; Headache; Giddiness : Excessive Paleness ;
Sight Sieeats, Loss of Appetite. Heart-Burn, Oppression
of the Stomach after, or Sinking of the Stomach before
eating; n eak or Sour Stomach; Irregularities of the
Boicets ; Sallaut I'omplcxtion ; Derange menf. of the Liv
er ur Kidneys ; Retarded Groieth, or Delayed Dentition'
in children ; Extreme Sensitiveness to Co d, ite. ; as in
the several stages of Consumption, in Catarrh, Asthma,
Bronchitis Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Neuralgia, Para lysis',par
tial or complete.) eke. and ESPECIAL L Y in at! Female
Disorders or Uterine Irregularities, such as Difficult, Pain
ful, Snppre.ser, Scanty. Excessive. Delayed, Premature or
too frequent Menstruo tion.
are the best remedy known to Medical Science, in every
cas° where the physician commonly prescribes ''tonics,
trnu, tchisky.cnd-lirer oil, quinine," dree.
W inchewter'is Genuine Preparation
OF THE H YPOPHOSPHITES it the only reliable form
at this Remedy, and is approved by the Medical Profes
sion generally. USE SO OTHER, SOB A.V Y REM
JpM 'PRICES :—ln 7 oz. Bottles, sl—Sis Butties for
$5. In 16 Of. Bottles, s2—Three for $5. Circulars free
Sold by all respectable Druggists, and at the sole Gener
al Depotin the United States, by
•I- WINCHESTER, 36 John St N.Y.
The first train on the Southern Pennsylvania and Cott
nellsvilie railroad has arrived heavily freighted with
goods of every dereription for
We take pleasure in telling oar easterner and the pub
lic that we arc now
IPrepapcd for the Winter Trade.
We have just received a large stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts,
and a very great variety of
Over Coats, Over Coats, Over Coats !
Come. Gentlemen, and examine our stock of clothing.
Roots & Shoes, Boots & Shoes,
fcr Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.
Groceries, Qweensirare, Tobacco,
and all articles usually found in a first class store.
We are sincerely grateful to a generous public for their
patronage in the past, and hope by ? trill attention to
their wants, and a fond desire to please, to make it par
all who visit "CHEAP CORNER."
Bedford, Jan. 6, 1565.
Public Sale
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford
County, the undersigned will offer fci gale, on the
premises, in Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford coun
On Tuesday, January 31st, 1863,
all the following described property of Ann Rosebrock,
late of the Township of Cumberland Valley, to wit:
A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining land? of Abraham
McClelland and others, containing FORTY-THREE
ACRES, strict measure, about FIVE ACRES CLEARED
and under fence, with a LOG dwelling house thereon
Terms Cash at confirmation of sale.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. A. M.. of said dav.
jan.6,'65-4t. Administrator.
THE subscriber offers for Sale or Rent for one or more
years, the North Point Hotel, situate on the Six Mile
Run Branch of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road.
This House is doing a profitable business, is well furnish
and in good order: contains fourteen rooms, with the ne
cessary outbuildings and stabling. I will sell the house
with the furniture, beds and bedding, stoves, etc., or will
sell the furniture, bedding, etc.. or rent to a good tenant
for three years. For further particulars inquire of John
Major, Esq.. Hopewell, or of the undersigned at North
North Point, Jan. 6, 1865-tf.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Ficra
Facias to mo directed, there will be sold at the Court
House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the 11 .h
day of February, 1865. at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following
real estate, viz :
The following described building and lot of ground of
James Clossin, owner and contractor, to wit: A certain
frame or plank dwelling house, ono story and a-half high,
situate in the Township of St. Clair, in the village of
Pleasantville, in the County aforesaid, containing on front
feet and in depth sixteen feet and the lot orcurtiiege ap
pertaining taken in execution a? the property of James
ALSO—One tract of land containing one hundred acre
more or less, about thirty acres cleared, and Under fence,
with a story and a-half log bou-c and a log barn thereon
erected, situate in West Providenco township. Bedford
county. Taken in execution as the property of Frederick
ALSO—One lot of ground with a dwelling house and
out buildings thereon erected, situate in the Borough of
Bedford, adjoining lot of John Miller and wife on the
west, and fronting East Pitt etreet, taken in execution as
the property of Martin Miller.
Sheriff's Office, f Sheriff.
Bedford, Jan. 13, 1864. j
Estate of Robert Elder, Deceased.
At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and for the
County of Bedford.on the 21st day of Nov., A. D.. V 364,
before the Judges of the said Court, on motion of John
Palmer the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal rep
resentatives of Robert. Elder, late of Middle Woodberry
township, deceased, to wit: Ist, Josiah S. Elder; 2d, Geo.
Elder; 3d, Mary wife of John Earlenbaugh; 4th, Henry S.
Elder; sth, Wm. S. Elder: 6th. Isaac Elder; 7th, Daniel 8.
Elder Bth, Robt. S. Elder Bth, Matilda Elder, and D.'th,
Elizabeth Elder, a minor, and Hannah Elder, widow, to
be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held a:
Bedford, in for the County of Bedford, on the Second
Monday, 13th day of February next, to accept or re
fuse to take the real estate of the said deceased, at the
valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursu
ance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of our
said Court and to the Sheriff of said County directed, or
show cause why the same should not be sold.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set tay haad and
the seal of the said Court, at Bedford, the 2'at day of No
vember. A. D.1864.
Attest: Clerk.
Jons Aldstadt, Sheriff,
jan. 13/65.
Ladies' Furs.
The largest assortment at CHARLES QAK]PORI) A
SONS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.
! Coroner, the Jnetice* of tk< Peace, and Con.
elakle ,n the differt ;t Towmhipe in th County of Kcdfard
Greeting. —.
KNOW YE, that in pursuance of a precept to mo direu
ted, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEX, KING,
t resident of the several Courts of Common Pleas in th<!
Sixteenth District, consisting of the counties of Franklin,
Fallon, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office
of ,hc oart of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail do
liven- for the tria! of capital and other offenders therein
and in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the
Peace j and San cist DAVIS and James BLESS, Jr., Ba*
Judges of the same Court in the same county of Bedford.
Yon and each of you are hereby required to be and a).
P** r ia y ur proper persons with your Records, Recogni
zance*. Examinations, and other remembrances before the
Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail delivery and General Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace therein to be bolden for the county of
Bedford, aforesaid on the second Monday of February,
(being the 13th day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
that day, there and then to do those things to which your
several office* appertain.
GIVEN under my had at Bedford, ou the 20th of Jan -
uarv, in the year of our Lord 1865.
Sheriff** Office, I Sheriff.
Jan. 20, 1865. j
A! 1 persons interested arc hereby notified that the
following accountant- have filed their account* in the it.
gister * Office of Bedford County, and that the suine will
be presented to the Orphans' Court, in and for said Coun
ty. on Tuesday, the 14th day of February next, at the
Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation:
Tee account of Michael DieLi, administrator of the estate
of Nicholas Diehl, late of Colerain township, deceased.
The final account of Henry Whetstone, administrator of
• the estate of Daniel Means, jr., late of Monroe township,
The acscuut of Thomas S. Holsinger, trustee for the sale
of the real estate of George M, Holsinger, late of St. Clair
towns! Ip, deceased.
The tceount of Andrew B. Suowbcrger, administrator
of the estate of Hezekiah H. Miller, late of South W'ood
j bury township, decee ed.
I The final account of Nicholas Sleighter and. Solomon
Ke:ght. administrators of the estate of Daniel Sleighter.
late of East Providence township, deceased.
The account of Thomas 8. Holeinger, administrator de
boHt't uon of John Roudabush. late of Union tp., dee'd.
The account of J. W. Lingenleltcr, Esq., administrator
with the wiH annexed of Ann Eliza Cox, late of the Bor
ough of Bedtord, deceased.
The account of James Burn* and Emanuel Statler,
executor* of the last will and testament of James Burns,
late of Juniata township, deceased.
The account of Jacob B. Furry, administrator of the
estate of John B. Furry, late of Napier township, dee'd.
The first account of Jacob Walter and Jacob Berkbimer.
executor* of the last will and testaneut ofFrederick
Uerkhcimer, late of St. Clairzville. Bedford co.. dee'd.
Jan. 20, 1865. Register.
II Drawn for February Term, 2d Mondav. Ith dav.
A. D., 1865.
Hugh Wilson, foreman, Jacob Fletcher, Wm. Anderson.
David Shafer, John Calhoun. Samuel Elliott, Jas. Taylor,
Solomon Egolf, Jacob Boor, Jacob Hillegas-, of P., John
•Johnson, Stephen Wimer, Peter Keagy, Geo. Hartman.
Wm. Fisher, John Barkiuan, Daniel H. Anderson, Adam
Pote, Henry Mills. Rudolph Hoover, Michrel L. Putt.
Wm. Coppett, Geo. Bcegle, Baltzer Fletcher.
Shafer, Wm. C. Wisegarver, John W Scott, John Diltz,
James O'Neal, Lewis X. Fyan, George Mock, Peter Bar
ton, .Amos Collins, Wm. Foster, John Berkhimer. John
Hoffian. Thomas Donahue, Jo.-iah Eider, George Potter,
Aaron Reed, Ewalt Burns, Vach. Brangle, Richard Mc
.Mullin. Wm. Smith, Jacob Bowser, Geo. Knisely, John
Wilhelm, jr.. John Kemp, David Sams. Abner Skek,
Westly Perdew, Isaac Kensingcr, Lewis Anderson, Saml.
Logue, John Whetstone, Fhilip S. Croft. Charles Oran.
Same-"! Jay, jr., Duncan McVieker, W. W. Sparks, Hiram
Shank, Adatn Shafer.
Drawn and certified at the Commissioners Office tbi
-22d day of November, A. D.. 1865.
Jan. 20. 1865. Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the following named per
sons have taken out petitions for Tavern License, and
:hat said petitions will beperseuted at the next Court of
Quarter Sessions, to be held at Bedford, in and fen the
County of Bedford, on the 2d Monday, 13th day of Feb
ruary. next, for allowance or rejection :
Patrick Drhevr, Coal dale, Broadtop township.
Aaron Reel, Middle Woodbury, "
Isaac Grove, Bloody Run, West Providence tp.
James L. Prince, Sexton, Liberty tp.
S. R. Bottomfield. Bloody Run, West Providence tp.
W m. Deatrick, Clearville, Monroe tp.
George Weinxer, -* '• ••
Certified January 2d, 1865.
John P. Weave-ling, Bloody Run West Providence to.
D. A H. C. Ott. ••
„ , 0. E. SHANNON,
Jan - 1865- Clerk.
Putdown for trial at February Term. 1865, (13th day),
Joseph Barley, vs. Jackson Stnckev.
Daniel Walter, 4 * Abraham Sill's admr.
Mlenael Thomas, - John A Abm gken
aomerset Fire Ins. Co. '• James Burns.
B. W. Garretson, '• Bowser A Naglc.
Geo-ge Snyder, Adolphus Ake et al.
Mary Moser, et al " Josiah Miller.
Stephen G. Wright, •• Wm. p. Hazard.
Mmry Moser, Jogiah .Miller.
D - Beegle, •• Wentz A Feather.
t „ - O.E.SHANNON,
Nathaniel P. Reed, 1 No. 332 April Term, 1861, in the
TS - j Common Pleas of Bedford Countv.
llliam Strcaly. J Debt $16.49.
And now, August 29, 1564 on motion of Joseph R.
Durborrow, Esq., the Court grant a Rule on the Plaintiff
to show cause why the Defendant should not make his
judgement to No. 195 August term, 1864. Sarah A.
.--treaty for the use of William Strealv a set off to this
November 23, ISM, alias Kale awarded to be .-erred on
.i&th&iiiel P. Reed by publication in one newspaper for
three week* preceding next term.
• L S ] day '
< J - 0. E. SHANNON,
ToilN ALDSTADT, Sheriff.
Jan. 27,*65-3E
JN Hopewell Township. Bedford county, near Wishart'*
4 Mill, on \ eitow Creek, about four miles from Ilope
' ell Station on the H. & B. T. R. R., and within six miles
of the Broad Top Coal Mines, which affords one of the
best markets in the country for all marketing a fanner
can p.oduce. It contains Two Hundred Acres
g"„d limestone land, about One Huedred and Fifty acres
of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation
convenient to schools and churches. It is now occupied
by Henry Clapper, who will give parties calling to see it
ary information desired in regard to the land. For fur
ther information, address
President Glamorgan Iron Co.,
Nov. 18, 1864. Huntingdon, Pa.
Published for the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO
i OUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous De
bility. Premature Decay of Manhood Ac., supplying at
the same time Tun MEANS OF SELF-Ccre. By one who
has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery.
By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, single co
pies may lie had of the author.
dec.9. 64-3 m. Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y.
Ladies Dress Goods.
IITBEXCH .Merinos. Thibet Clothe, French All Wool
Reps and Wool Delaines, all celors, Poplins, Mohairs,
Cobergs, Alpacas, every fashionable color, cheap at
dec.2. CRAMER A CO'S.
A LARGE quantity—ia sacks andin barrels—whole
sale and retail—at Bloody Run Station.
0ct.18,'64-ly* JOHN W. BAKNDOLLAR.
Imp ortant.
BEFORE you spend your cash for winter clothing, call
at Cramer A Co'*., and see how low you can buy
every description of goods. They have on hand a large
stock and will sell at short profits.
A LARGE supply—cheaper than you can make.—
Ai*o Floor Oil Cloths, till widths, at
dec.2,'64. • CRAMER A CO'S.
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
The latest styles at CHARLES OAKFORD A SONS
Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
1-atest styles a> CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS-
Continental Philadelphia.