tilic ticLfortl jfjvqium. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY. FEB. IS. 1865. Printing Establishment for Sale! ■ {jr The press, types, cases, Ac., upon which the Bedford Patriot was printed, are fcr sale. The material is nearly new. having been used only five months. It consists of a very full assortment of newspaper and job types, a fVaehiagton press, cases, stands, roiers, Ac., altogether ; rrnmg a very complete selection for a country newspaper. Xwius Cash. Address ft. F. McXEIL, Bedford, Pa. TERMS, a? tve have published conspicu usly for more than six months, are 52,00 strictly in advance. $2,25, if three months or more in arreas. 52,50 after the close of the year. No considerate man who wishes our and hut paper to prosper, will ask it for less. It costs us more than three times as ; much to print it now, than it cost our predecessor j three years ego. Paper, the chief item of expense. ! cost him 325.00 a year. It is now costing us for paper, at the rate of $1313.76 a year ! Our other expenses are happily not increased in this propor- 1 tion. but they are more than double what they were. the time we speak of. These facts may be taken i as an URGENT request for every subscriber to pay j up his arreas. and if convenient make an advance ; payment. JTV need money! WE ARE VERY Mt CH IN j NEED OF HONEY ! ! WE MUST HAVE MONEY!!! COURT WEEK will be a gGod time to remember the INQUIRER. Try and pay your subscription or other indebted ness to the Ixqi IRER during court week. The circulation of this paper is now thirteen nidred. and it is therefore an unsurpassed medium in this county for advertizers. Those who have real or personal property for sale, will .find it to their profit to advertize in the INQUIRER. \ SUOOESTIOX-—We suggest that our subscribers who come to town, during court week, bring the name of a NEW subscriber to the BEDFORD INQUIRER paid in advance. To OUR DISTANT SUBSCRIBERS.—Our subscribers out of the Count)- and State are requested to remit she amount of their subscriptions, $2.25, if more than three months in arrears. THE QUOTAS OF THE STATE AN'B THIS DISTRICT.— The quota of the State is 4P„588 ; of this district, the I'ith. composed of Adams. Franklin. Fulton. Bedford and Somerset, 2,403. 1! , e quotas for the sub-districts are not yet announce j. 'A EDDISG. —Mr. ON. PA. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor. April 29th, 1864,—.ft. 3(1 rtr Atlvrrfismeats. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF BEDFORD COUNTY, For Die Year Ending Jannary 2d, 180S, LAMES B. FARQUHAR, ESQ., Trenfrrer r.f Bedford County, i" account with mid County, frvM the ilk day of January, 1864, to tke 2 d day of ,/ . , i;<6s. TREASURER, DR. To baliiuce osi hand at last settlement *3,814 72 To rash received from collectors, as follows: Joseph Evans. Broad Top Township, 1859, 23 88 Levi Carpenter. Londonderry, u 10 52 Bimon Stuekey, Colcrain, 1860, 01 37 li. D. Barclay, Bedford Borough. 1861, 235 38 Frederick llildebrandt. Juniata, " 97 49 William Bonnell, Londonderry " 12 03 John Aldstadt, St. Clair " 86 97 Herekiah Barkman. Southampton " 91 44 Rudolph Hoover, Middle Woodberry " 67 39 Thomas M. Lynch, Bedford Borough, 1862, 198 69 William Phillips, Bedford township, " 14 80 Jonathan Hyde. Harrison " 179 33 Casper Stroup, Juniata " 129 24 William Cook, Londonderry " 206 30 Baltzer Fletcher, Monroe " 35 73 John Wnydty Napier " 410 51 D. A. T. Black. East Providence " 27 44 John Feaster, St. Clair " 53 40 Francis Beard, Union " 154 52 J. K. Durborrow. Middle Woodberry " 115 43 Henry Nicodemus. Bedford Borough 1883, 469 16 Jacol" Fetter, Bedford Township " 500 00 Peter Ewalt, Schellsburg Borough '* 128 52 Samuel Bender, Bloody Run Borough " 12 66 Lewis X. Fyan, Juniata " 350 00 t'homas Fisher, Cumberland Valley " 566 40 Nicholas HOODS, Snake Spring " 433 76 Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain " 598 18 D. A. T. Black, East Providence " 93 33 Jaeob Carpenter, Londonderry •• 269 58 George Beegle, Union " 560 00 James E. Kay, Hopewell •' 329 52 John C. Figart, Broad Top " 481 85 Aaron Reed, South Woodberry -* 190 Oil John Mors, Southampton " 405 73 John W. Crisman. St. Clair " 786 00 Peter Winegardner, Napier •• 597 21 Alfred Entriken, Liberty '* 22 85 Baltzer Fletcher, Monroe u - 100 00 William M. Pearson, Middle Woodberry " 887 91 C. 11. Akers, Bedford Borough, 1864, 322 53 John C. Figard, Broad Top " 213 11 Samuel Bender, Bloody Bun Borough ♦" 35 00 Win. Mason. Cumberland Valley *• 100 00 Herbert Shoemaker. Colerain " 220 37 William Gorsuch. Hopewell *• 150 00 George Gardill, Juniata u 200 00 Benjamin Valentine. Londonderry " 200 00 Wm. Stuekey. Monroe " 153 00 Win. Crisman, Xapier " 200 00 Joseph Fisher, West Providence " 200 00 P. M. Barton, East Providence " 125 00 Samuel Berkley, St. Clair " 100 00 Archibald Perdew. Southampton " 250 IK> George Smouse, Snake Spring *' 102 00 George Bcegie, I nion " 143 00 | Samuel Crisman, South Woodberry ** 356 00 ! Solomon Barley. Middle IVoodberry " 545 00 : John Echert. Liberty " 255 00 Received on 438 assessed soldiers 43 80 John J. Cessna, Commonwealth cases 74 43 John Cessna. Esq.. unseated lands redeemed 53 52 On note of Mower i Tate 8 70 tin note of S. Peck 49 58 John G. Fisher, Esq., on sale of stoves 15 78 Commissioners sale of unseated lapds 61 72 Taxes on unseated lands 524 57 Whole amount received $18,736 75 TREASURER, CR. By amount paid Grand and Petit Jurors $1,476 19 Assessor* making triennual and other assess ments 586 77 Expenses of spring election 218 92 Angus: election 281 30 October election 401 38 November election 423 06 Jonathan Feigbtnef, Commissioner 9 00 P. J. Nhoemaker. " 119 50 Andrew Crisman, " 123 00 George Roades, " 134 00 Michael Wertz. " 48 00 John G. Fisher, Clerk to Commissioners 180 00 U. H. Akers, Attorney to Commissioners 75 00 Joshua M wer, attending A repairing Court House 56 03 Levi Agnew, Court crier 57 00 Levi Agnew. cleaning Court House 45 00 Mary Morris, cleaning and scrubbing offices iu Court House 30 00 Wood furnished Court House and Jail 44 95 Coal 78 79 Holding Inquest- 92 07 John B. Castner. holding inquest 10 87 Road and bridge views _ 147 00 Charles Me wine, services as janitor, cutting wood and attending Court House 78 91 .Simon P. Karnaugh. binding dockets 9 00 \ John Aldstadt, costs in Commonwealth cases 1.200 56 John Major " " " 267 G. H. Spang " " " 73 95 J. A. Henderson, costs " " 66 21 Benjamin Wigfield " " " 56 59 M. Richcv " " " 11 18 Wm. M. Hall, " " " 10 00 Jeremiah Shaw " " " 21 36 Constables returns 296 24 Constable? attending juries 15 00 John G. Fisher, attending bridge sales, copying assessments, holding appeals, furnishing black, books for Commissioners office, Ac. 150 53 J. R. Durborrow, printing 112 15 B. F. Meyers, " 507 20 David Over " 177 70 John More and Jainc- E. Kay. money overpaid on duplicates 13 72 William 0.-ter. ;t't n iing election 2 90 J. M. Shoemaker, covers for duplicate- 3 26 George Biavkbu Hog bridge in Liberty tp. 1,350 00 Constables, Mresi.ii i-onci 6 12 ! Xicholas Sleek and .Mark 11 on-are. reward and arresting horse thief 82 20 Wm. Hartley, goods furnished for Court House 7 45 Geo. Blyuiire A Son. " " 53 39 John Aldstadt. taking John Miller to Western Penitentiary 110 Oil John Aldstadt, keeping prisoners 259 67 Samuel Cresweil, store- for Court Ilou-e 129 59 John Border, hobbling prisoners 7 00 Henry Mower, papering Protbonotary's office 9 00 John Aldstadt, bed for use of Jail 27 50 Talesmen. # 48 46 Joshna Mower and others, tipstaves 58 75 Hcury Keimund, painting Prothonotary's office 5 45 Drs. Compiler and Watson, medical attendance to F. A. Ringler 13 00 A. 0. Pervica!. seal for Commissioners' office 10 25 Graff A Ilugu-. stores for Court House 91 00 J.B. Farquhar, revenue stamps, bank note detec tor. Ae. 9 50 T. C. Garrett, Lumber 4 87 J. McOleary. acknowledging deed 18 00 John Cook, building bridge 225 00 Martin Hoover, work done on bridge at r-toucrstown 75 00 F. L. Hutter. blanks and books for Commissioners' office 67 90 O. E. Shannon, dockets for Protbonotary's office 138 91 J. B. Noble, error in check of Reed 13 26 L. X. Fyan, building bridge 35 00 Freight on stoves from railroad 9 23 Reed A Behell, for revenue stamp- 9 50 George Roades, on bridge 50 00 Expenses of sale of unseated land? 38 26 W. 8. Haven, for stationery 5? 44 Miscellaneous checks 90 88 John Sill, interest on note 120 00 John Brice, interest on note 192 00 John Brice's note paid 5,000 00 Fox and wild cat scalps 216 34 i Treasurer's -alary 300 00 j Stationery 10 00 ' Uncurrent funds 7 00 ! Treasurer, auditing and collecting old accounts 20 00 j Attorney's fees on some 10 00 • Auditors and Clerks 75 00 j $16,506 23 ! ''barges' $18,736 75 Credit? 16.506 23 Bala. >re in Treasury $2,230 52 Statement ot Moneys Dne and Owing Bedford County. Jacob Xieodemus. Middle Woodberry 1864 $l6B 53 John A. Osburn, Broad Top 1857 106 69 Lemuel Evans, Broad Top 1858 289 67 John C. Morgart, Cumberland Valley " 89 26 Jacob A. Xieodemus, Middle Woodberry " 138 73 George Roades. Liberty 1859 50 12 Joe .b 8. Brumbaugh, South Woodberry '' 47 32 Abraham Croyle. Union 1860 299 40 Jacob 8. Brumbaugh, south Woodberry " 25 00 R. D. Barclay, Bedford borough 1861 26 21 John Aldstadt, St- Clair " 16 00 Thouia- M. Lynch. Bedford iorough 1862 111 91 William Phillips, Bedford tp. " 42 33 P. liardman, Cumberland Valley -- 32 50 J. R. Durborrow, Middle Woodberry " 238 17 Samuet Working, South Woodberry '• 178 62 H. Xieodemus, Bedford borough , 1863 502 77 Jacob Fell r. Bedford tp. " 1,003 72 David Sparks. West Providence " 14 Her.-kiah May, Harrison •• 307 55 L. X. Fyan, Juniata " R5 42 D. A. T. Ulzck. East Providence • 270 68 Jacob Carpenter. Londonderry •• 134 00 i George Bcegte, Union 206 00 Aaron Reed, South Woodberry '• 1,009 37 J. W. Crisman, St. Clair - 43 71 Baltzer Fleteher. Monroe • 328 82 U. H. Akers, Bedford borough 1864 670 60 j Henry Beegle, Bedford tp. " 1,421 89 John C. Figart, Broad Top i< 212 06 I Famuel Bender, Bloody Ran borough o-,, ~ William Mason, Cumberland Valley It, t, Herbert trhoemaker, Color*ill. ,n 0 ?, William Gorsuch, Hope wall .< Alexander Shoemaker, Harrison . >s. u , J George Gardili, Juniata 437 41 Benjamin V alentine, Lumdsnderry " v-ia William Stackey, Monroe <• Z K William Crisman, Napier j Joseph Fisher, West Providence " |c< ,1 Peter M. Barton, East Providence " -{4* Samuel Becbley, St. Clair •• 92 { \rcbibaifi "ra©w, ,>outha. George Smouse, Snake Spiiag g ;[ W. J. Rock, Schellsburg borough jy 2 s;! i Gaorgc Beegle, Union jj 2 | S" I Saxouel Crisman, South Wo odberry " | y'\ Solomon Barley, Middle Woodberrv " 1 14s 1, Jo.Hn Echart, Liberty u ' 2 y r ' > "' l *10,039 23 .fi ! art ihe shove is subject to exonerations and conuliMtona and upon all su w due over fifteen months, interest "ill be charged. State wteiri of Moneys Due and Owed bv Bed ford douniy. To John Sill |2,00U CD There is now in the Treasury subject to the order of the Commissioners 2 230 62 Bounty Fund. TREASURER, BR. To amount 1 eceived from collectors, as follows: Nicholas Ko; ms, Snake Spring 1553 S7O 07 Thomas Fisher, Cumberland Valley " 02 40 Samuel Bender, Bloonv Run borough " 31 09 William M. Pearson, Middle Woooberry •' 164 72 ; L. N. Fyan. Ju niata 131 35 1 Alfred Entriken. Liberty 10 35 i Peter Ewait. Schellsburg borough 11 55 =, 2 | Henry Nicodcmns. Bedford borough " fiy 75 ; Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain 44 60 yy Baltzer Fletebc-r, Monroe '• 200 00 John C. Figard, llroad Top " 26 63 Jacob Carpenter, Londonderry 44 53 gj John W. Crisman, St. Clair " 76 no Peter Winegardner, Napier •• 217 og llezekiab May, Harrison •' 60 00 D. A. f. Black. East Providence •' 300 00 Jacob Fetter, itedford township - 663 32 Henry Beegle, " 1864 600 00 I John C. Pigard. Broad Top " 400 00 Samuel Bender, Itloody Run bir. " 46 oO William Mason. Cumberland Valley " 310 00 Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain 44 180 00 William Gorsuch, iTopewell 44 200 00 Alexander Shoemaker, Harrison 44 150 00 George Gardili, Juniata *• 270 00 Benjamin Valentine. Londonderry •• 230 00 William Stuckcy, Mon roe •• 167 00 William Crisman, Napi cr •* 404 00 Joseph Fisher, West Pr evidence •- 140 1)0 P. M. Barton, East Providence •• 100 00 Samuel Beeklcy, St. Clai.* '* 375 00 Archibald Perdew, South: unptexi •• 200 00 George Stnouse, Snake Sp ring -* 283 00 William J. Rock, Schellsbi trg borough -• 73 00 George Beegle, Union 44 160 00 Samuel Crisman. South WOl id berry 44 585 00 Solomon Barley, Middle WEW CARPETING. A LARGE supply—cheaper than you can make.— Ai*o Floor Oil Cloths, till widths, at dec.2,'64. • CRAMER A CO'S. Ladies' and Children's Hats. The latest styles at CHARLES OAKFORD A SONS Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Ladies' and Children's Hats. 1-atest styles a> CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS- Continental Philadelphia.