The Bellefonte Republican. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1869-1909, December 15, 1869, Image 1
ONT 1 U RPONTRE REPUB! HOTEL ( {UMMINGS HI Bishop street, ote, Pa, Cenvenient and Hoarders and Fare, reasonable FRESH BREAD, CAR , #d sammodions 24 I bas Tarnished itin a style surpas: thing of the Kind in the town, where be accommodated with the v REST OF ICE CREAM had years of experience in the bus ers himself that he ean gnaran MARNUTACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, Bl ¥ 73 XE iG FORM BEPRING WAGONS & BLEIGHS Repairing dose with neatness and despateh. done at WARRAXTED All work SHORT NOTICE AKD to give entire salislaction. GGIRS, PLAT. | “Let us See to It, that a Government of the People, for the People, and by the People, shall not Perish from the Earth.” MISCELLANEOUS CARDS 8. GRANLAM, Fashionable Barber, in Jasoment of the Conrad Heuse Belle The best of Razars, keov, always on hand § Suave without either pulls { | Perfumery, Hair Oils, Hair Rest i Paper Ce 1, constantly on hand ald'60.1v. sharp J | AAnux R. PAUP, 2.7, BALMONS Pat P, BALMONS & Brioklay Joallefon te LEVIR FACE CO, Contractors x Riay , Ta formir fu bh Bric wud r by the thousand W all kinds of work in | GRAIN WAKRKET PRICES pleasure tre SSORTNEN OF FORRION AND DOMESTIC Cassimares and Vestings, repare i to make ¢ fashionable Which } t and moet order in tyles, for oir | the lates men { the yard line of He also keeps on hand a full GENTE FURNISHING GOODS, of every style and description, ] He is also agent for the celebrated : } FINGER BEWING MACKINE, JON MONTGOMERY. {| av'éoly ld. | J pratives, | & fopt f ¢ those wishing to | EDMUND BLANCHE i ¥ Yl 4&1] I de Lin jal'00 \V W. BROY | ‘ nt . ' 4 ptly oll | fon Mais or boys, Goods sold by the piece orby | | J. | slotan in the United tates. | for ante. BI. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. tr. LOY Bellefonte af 69 Attorney at Law, fice on High Bt, IK Pa, Off Ly AMES H. RANKIN Law, Bellsionte, Pa 2nd floor, Attorney at » Ollice in Armory building 1af'60.1y E.C. neues, Mredt HARRIS Jia NATIONAL BANK Of Bellefe Allegheny 5t., Bellefonte Pa MM ALLINTER JAMES A § ALLISTER 4 BEAVER at. Law, Bellef efonte Penn's n \ Attorneys VAN & Bi HARD, Au ARCHARD rneys at , Pa HOLAIAN, having fetes Ie, faithfully attend to hit , where he can v engaged. In way be left at th Tinat10°89 1y unless professes » fr fT nally per : re DD. WINGATE D. Db. 8, Dentist, fice corner of Bpring, and Hig Ps Thankinl for past Beliafonte | would reepectfaliy selisil a continuance | the same { to ure Dr. 8. Bluch's patented improvement | putting up dental plates improvement we have the written tastimony | Has the right for Centre County That this is an of many of the west and most talented Phy. Office rights jaf'89.1y. BEAVER | in'69.1y, | | tempt at yenewed vegotiations, |, LEFONTE, PA. DEC. 15, 1869. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. [coxnxven } Nov, 6, the Senate and House of Represenia- lives. Wasmixaron, D. C.. "60. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS, I have always felt that the most in relations should cultivated en the Rep of the Unite tates and al pendent nations on thi ment. It may be well considering whether new Ural bet I | | ind mit treaties be tot be pre fit ) LO secure intimate re oth | and anie and Pacific Isthmus of Darien nnerce is greatly have been ernment d by private enter tl proves ness of the ir siruggle deeply and ng questio with the relat which | desire to have established be tween the United States and Great Brit ain, | regarded the action of the Senate n the releation of the treaty 1a have been wise the intere and in the ax in t of peae lirection of » iship A pens af A neceses a! frien hetween tive people, f their ease under a great power fire more al wrong, wholly una. wed, than under the restraint of a sel. ther their ideas of the There tioment which satisfies ne if fustice, nor their grave sense grievances they have sustained jection of the treaty was followed by a | | state of public feeling on both wides | whieh | thought not favorable to an atl ne- cordingly, we instructed the Minister of | | such claime of protection | of the United States whether, native or adopted, who discharges bis duty to his | | sountiry, is entitled to its eomplete pro While I bave a voice in the ! | the United States to Great Britain, and i found that my views in this regard were shared by Wer Majesty's ministers. | hope that “ue time may soon arrive when | the two tsuntries oan approach the solu. | protection | ued peace and friendship, worth | the British Provinces on | | ore 1 permanently from the | elaim of projection [A. Liscowy { tion of this momentous question with an assurance of what is due to the rights, | dignity and honor of each, and with the determination not only to remove | causes of complaint in the past, but to lay the foundation of & broad principle | | of public law whieh will prevent future | | difference, and tend to firm and eontin the only grave question whieh the United States have with any foreign nation RECIPROCITY, The question of the trealy for reei-| procity between (he United States and this continent has pol been favorably considered by the administration. The advantage of such a treaty would be wholly in favor of the itish producer, except, possibly, a few engaged in the trade between the (we United Stat sections, No citizen of the would be benefitted by reciproc nternal taxation w ald prove a proteot- a to the British pr cer aimost equa ) the pr ow receive from tection which our manufactur ihe however f Arrangement commercial in led Slates and 1} Jesirabl fe the ted States fr exe! of the Ur Tr ony ihe shores the gnity and sovereignt such an assump endeavor to secure by sbandonment of the prix ££ in ocean telegraph ther « wh seme come 10 the 1 ted Biates jury se of becon Has urn 1 ng natura ng required citizenship they re their native country and reside there without disclosing their change of alle gianece They excep! official positions of trust or honor which ean only be held They nng them by citizens of their native land journey under passports descr na such citizens, and it is only when civ | discord, alter perhaps years of quiet threatens them or threatens their per song or their property, or when their na tive State drafis them into its military of They reside pervios, that the fact of their change allegiance is made known, United Biates they contribute nothing to its revenues, they avoid the duties of ite citizenship, snd I bave directed United Staion to soraiinize sarefully all The citizens the { This is now | enslavement . an rec raised to one | that the public direction of sffaire, I shall not consent to impair the sacred right by conferring it upon fictitious or ants, fraudulent claim PROTEROTION 10 EMIGRANTS On the acoession of the present ad- micistration it was found that the Min- ositions for nogotistion of a convention for the protection of emigrant paseen | gers, Lo which no response had been giv en It was concluded that to tus! all be effec- the maratime powers engaged in the trade should join in such a measure, Invitations bave Leen of London Brussels, extended to Cabinets Paris, Floreuce, Berlin, Hague, Ceopenbagan and Stockholm to overpower their repre rimuliane- negotiation, and lo seniativor at Washington ( ously enter int con- clude with the United States conventions identical in form, makis regu iations ae to the consiruciion of the parts of vessels fo be devoted (0 the use of em grant passengers, as {0 the qua y f food ment of the sick t and naantity as to the medion] treat the voyage im crder alion, lo promote beslth to prevent ion, and to protect the females and for the eslat gaveral of 1 3 er the name of ¢ prevent American vesssls Ir rintion of the erating ommend { Evsiem of the Bret class THEER ESSEXTIALY On my asgpuming the re f trad hief Magistrate of the wae with the conv 3 rr Be may ence to original nat or or policies, demand bedienece to the claims for the ghis o t Riatos ih " 1 the States, with equa rights stible by any constitutionsl means. To secure the first of these, Con grose has token two essential SLeps, First, in declaring by joint resolution debt should be paid, prin. cipsl and interest in coin: second. by providing the means for paying it To the proper admin secure defeat desired, with a» stration of the laws for oo) tion J ection of the revenues, and economical disturser.ent of them fo this object. the | administration has most earnestly ad. believe satisfactory to the country, There has been no hesitation in chang: { ing officials in order to scours efSoient | exerntion of the Tawe, and sometime they only make themselves known by a | too, where, in a mere pariy view, unde. | virable political results were likely to fiplomatie and consular officers of the | follow, for any hesitation in sustaining efficient officials against vemonstrances | of the army, that appropriations wholly pelitioal. It may be well to men. tion here the embarrassment possible to the rules (0 be ohaery. a a VOL. 1, NO. 49. of the providing (hai | the {ramers n when Appuiniineuls the President should receive made by Le consent | of the Benate, thal the latier should bave power Lo relain iu office, persons | placed thers by Federal spopintments the | against the will of the President. The ister for North Germany bad many prop- | law is inconsistent with a faithful sed of. | ficient administration of the goverswen! What faith ean the Executive put in off. { cinis forced upon bim, snd thess, (vo, | whom he hae suspended for rewson!— How will such officinale be likely to serve an sdminstration which they know does the For second requi- | Bile to growth and prosperity, time {a frm but hb ane sdmininisiretio existing laws, amended from time to Ui G8 they may prove ineffective, or | harsh and unnecessary Bre i reuat the! are required aifgined Ly special legiels be regarded as fixed by 4 eelf, sud graduslly soquiesced foroe of public opinion THE FEW INDIAN » rom the foundation of {he present fhe managemen nhabitants of gf cont the Indisus, have been rrsssment and expense n the er syetem which f the race pt, will self the wrath of engendering in the ei for human life, and the gt iD sole hy eyslen exce reservys Inrge be done, and givin y she 1% ang your speomal alte reports of the Sesvelary and the nm sei on er ARMY EXPENSES The re port of the Ser | shows the expendi { Department for the a0 th of June. 1869, 1 {or which $23,882; is | in payment of a debt contra | ing the war. and is n | current army exper of $34,531.03] for the expense of the army for the next fisonl year is as low | as it 1s believed can be relied on. The timates of bureau officers have been i and reduced jeemed practi- the condition of be such by the [ the next fiscal year as to ndensationof troops appropriation asked for will not be expended. The appropriation es | timated for river and iu IM Drove i mente and fortifioations are submitted separately. Whatever amount Con gress may deem proper to appropriate for these purposes will be expend. d. | The recommendation of the Gene ¢ & wever owia ral { “nde for the forts at Boston, 8 be | land, New York, Philadelphia, New arise from leaving on the statute books | Orleans, and San Franeisoo, if for RG the so-called tenure of office act, and to other is concurred in earnestly recommend its total repesl It sould not have been the intention of | I also ask your | special attention 10 the recommenda { Continued on Fourth Page | *