= Local ~Dppricxl4,ent. BELLEFONTE, PA WOn'esday Morriinj; AO . g. 4, 1869. JOB WOlit.C.LPosters, Circulars, Bill Heads, Cards, Taper Books, Job Wok of all kinds, neatly executed at the ItErtaw-. CAN OFFICE, at reasonable rates FOR SALE.—Mrs. Mcßride offers a splendid building lot for sale on Bishop street. No prettier locality in town for aresidence. THE tutheran Church of Pleasant Gap will be dedicated to the service of Al mighty God on next Sabbath a week, the 15th inat. The public are resneetfUlly invited to attend. . . SAVE MoNEr.—lf you want posters, circulars, bill heads, cards, paper-books, first-class job work, plain or , fancy, call at the ParunricAN office. All work done at Philadelphia prices.- READ.—We invite our friends to read all the new advertisements in our paper. Before making a purchase, be sure that the merchant advertises in the Itcron- molar. in this, way you will save money CnEnrr..-L-Tdirird . Biown deserves i greak.credifrfor:theindnnei• n which he is pushing tiirgilipl i e4inn his.large frame building otelbe coliier. of "Bishop and AllegheniStrcets It will be an orna ment- to , :that corner, and, we hope, a source of profit to its enterprising owner. BELLEFONTI3' AND PINE GROVE - STAGE LlNE.—Leave Pina.GrOve . at G:00 a. arrive at Bellefonte at 10:00 a. m.; leave Bellefonte at 2:00 D. m., for 'Agricultu ral College and Pine Grove Mills, daily, except• Sue day. JAMES KItEPS, Accitusivr.—A son of Mr. Ilepbern Welsh, near Mill •Hall, Clinton county, a lad of 12 years, had his foot badly lace- - ratecl . by. being caught in the reaper knives. Althcrigh cut through the boney part of •the foot, just below the uncle joint, — his Physician, Dr. McMicken, thinks it can be healed without . ampule- Another waricing to fariuers. Lion • JEWELUT.-It is with rilensurewe di rect the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. 11. Hahn, watchmak er and jeweler, in another column of the REPUBLICAN. Mr. Hahn is a 'first-el:l.s workman, a young man of great encigy, polite and accommodating. Both ladies and gentlemen will find it arratly to interest to give Lim a call before purchasing elsewhore. SODA WATEII.-Thi3 hot - weather, peo ple, from necessity, become very thin-ty, It has been demonstrated that whiskey - does not allay, hut, inereatu.s Water of illicit', is preferable to whiskey -with most people; 1)111 it, is thought, by -the majority in Bellefonte that. with plenty of Prank Green's Soda water,hof h wnleTand whiskey might. be dispensed Frank has a beautiful fountain. NEwDn! - n sTonn.—The ii,al of Z-11cr & Jarrett, .13671thp sired!, Bt-llefon , e, . have now got. their new and :-piendid drug-store in coniph.te 'working orditr. They have everything usually kept by druggists, anti we 'ntußt Fay that their store is beautiful, anti lord to beat,-out side the city. . Messrs Zeller & Jarrett are excellent. men, and their clerks are very accommodating. and genteel, Fans TOR Skr.r..—Penons drsiring to purchase a: first rate fa rm, ou'd •call once, at. the 11.1.,M ni.uiAN office, or upon Bond Valeniine.'Esq. This farm con tains about, 195 acres, forty acres of which are meadow. The buildings— house, barn and out-buildings—are all the - very best, It is located about 11 miles from Bellefonte. There is a great bargain in 'this farm. Farmers desiring first,oa§s..farm, shogld,call ltind see4l Terms easy. WHEN purchasing that necessary hit of pasteboard, called a railroad ticket, recently, at Milt Hall station, B. E. V, Railroad, we were surprised to find the office occupied by our pleasant friend, Mr. J.llSlover, vice W. D McCormick, resigned. Although "Mack's" pleasant face will be met with there no more, yet his many friends will be glad to bear of his transfer to an Altoona office, in lieu of his presence there, they will find our friend John R. a pleasant successor. FACT.—Proof of "hard times," in the shape of about two hundred new houses, brick and frame, being erected this sum mer, can_ be seen in every portion of our flourishing and prosperous little city.— Even the contemptible liar of the Watch man' is putpng up a new brick three-sto ry building. If he did not belong to the "pinchers" and "roosters" of the last. Legislature, where did he get the money ? If he -is. an honest man, why is Jim Burns so anxious to have him go back "dree dimes ?" ESPECIAL attention is called to the ad vertisement of that celebrated Specialist, Q. Van Rummell, M. D., of New York City, who treats throat and lung dis ease by inhatztion—the only acknowl edged cure for consumption. He uses Abbott's Inhaling Fluid, a remedy not known to the profession. Thousands have been snatched from the jaws of death by this wonderful remedy, and those afflicted should not hesitate to im mediately place themselves under the Doctor's care. NITTANY, July 30, 1869 EDITORS REPUBLICAN the list of candidates published in your paper of the 28th inst., I see my name submitted to the Republican County Convention as a candidate for the office of Recorder.— This announcement has been made with out my consent; and, while duly grateful to my friends for their kindness, 1 must respectfully decline the use of my name in connection with that position. You will, therefore, please omit my name in your list of candidates in the nest issuo of the REPUBLICAN. W. W. ROGERS. PEC/CEEDINGS OF THE WEST DEANER DIST. CONVENTION,—The .West Bianch Dist. Convention of 1 . ..0. of G. T., being the:Quar'y Convention,niet lurid 9,nree- ably to adjournment, in the Hall of the Bellefonte Lodge No. 106, and was called to order by D. W. C. T., Bro. Wm. Alli son. when the following were appointed officers of the ConVention : W. V. T., Sist. Kephart, Bellefonte Lodge No. 106; W. S., Bro. John I. Irwin, No. 106 ; P. W. C. T., Bro. Broadbent, No. 106 ; W. C., Bro. Arinor,Sp. 106 . ; M., Bro. C. E. 14men, Lock HaN'en LOdge,No - .44; W. D. M., Sister M. Goutz, Renova Lodge, No. 249; W. G , Sist. Kate Baird, No. 249 ; IV. 0. G., Bro. M. Ba ker, Howard Lodge, No. 100; W. R. IL S., Sint, Harrison, No. 44; W. L. H. S., Sist, Lizzie Leymen, No. 44. Convention opened with prayer by Bro. Armor, W. C. On motion of Bro.Lymen,Bro's. Sahm, Brown and Broadbent, were appointed a committee on credentials. • " The Com. on credentials reported the following as legal delegates: Look Haven lodge, No. 44, Bro's. men and Batchlor, Sist's. Harrison and Lymen ; Howard Lodge, No. 100, Bro's. Baker and Stout, Sist. Stout; Bellefonte Lodge, No. 106, Bro's Rankin & Broad- Sist's. Kephart and McGinley; Re nova Lodge, No. 249, Sist's Goutz and Baird ; Centre Furnace Lodge, No. 644, Bros. Brown, Thompson and Johston baugh; Sist's. Brown and Osmen ; Aa ronsburg Lodge, No. 636, Bros. Sahm and Yearick; Sist. Bright; Newberry Lodge, No. 476, Bro's. Rev. Swallow Dodge, Hogue and Mahaffey ; Sist's. 'Tubbs, Moore and Lutz ; Potter's Mills Lodge, No. 350, Sist. Kate Crosthwaite. On motion the report was accepted. On motion of C. B. lytnan, the chair was ordered to appoint all committees, during this-session,unlcss othermise pro vided for. Proprietor Bros. Lyman; Cook, Thompson, Rank in. Frederic and - Salim were - appointed to prepare business for the Convention. - Bros. Lymen, Rankin and Broadbent were appointed a committee to wait -on the G. W. C. I' , Bro. Chase, and con duct Lim from the train to tho Hall.— The Ctou ref ired,and upon returning in- troducedlro—Chase,,who r ',after• a few appropriate remaTles, took his seat. On motion Bro. Jewett teas' made an honorary member of this comiention. • On motion the following resolution wa,A offered licsolued, That. tho Ilnles of .Order governing vnhortlinale lodges. be the Rules of thdor of this• Convention. 'The Iltodues Com . . presented the fol lowing subject for debate: Is it consis tent for a goo l templar to - vote for a man who is not rt . pla••g,all temperance man? After a few reathrlcs on the subject by 'Dr, Jewett, the , convention adjourned to meet at 8.1 o'cl•tek, rn critics...lay morn- June 23;69 ll'efinexdety Nornitiv.—r nnventiom mr.t at 19. 1 , n'el..ck, n. m 'Conran t: cc on I rani C:!S rep r , i-e/ the following progrant mu session:fm tin• First, epnri o f Lodg es; !-.evomi, InstTuctic-n , .. by 0. W. C• T , 13: 0. S. L. Chase. in the turwri , ten worh of the - Order; third. how sb»11 the funds and eeneral ititore t in ;our Lodges be most stwers,fit 7 lti raised and sustained; fourth, What the duty of Lodges as re gard: Vizilenee Committee; fifth, That. it is not the duty of Good Templars to prone-cute 'persona f..r selling liquor without ];tense. 6 Resolved, That cnnsurc: i. due many of the churche., and membets thereof, for the apathy and - co'dness with which they treat the 'Temperance cause, aead Tetn - p-ranee Os gi nizatinns. 7 Resolved, Thet any chrietion—any philanthropist—eny moral citizen—any father, mother, brother or sister, who -withhold from the Order of the 1 0. of G. T., and all Temperance organiza tions, their klmpathy end influence. are guilty of inexcusable neglect. of duty. Ilepr.rts of Lodges, as folloWs:—Lock Haven Lodge, No. 44, by Bro. C. E. Ly man; Bellefonte Lodge, No 106, Bro's Rankin and Broadbent; Howard Lodge, No. 100, Bro. Stout; Renova Lodge, No. 240, Sister ?J, Goutz; Centre Furnace Lodge, No. 604, Bro. Brown; Anronsb . g Lodge. not reported; Newberry Lodge. No. 476, Bro. Swallow; Potter's Mills Lodge, No. 250,-Sister Crosthwaite. G. W. C. T., 13ro. S. B. Chase, then proceeded to instruct the convention in unwritten work of the Order. On mo tion of Bro. C. E. Lyman, Resolved, Thftt the W. S. be instruct ed to confer with four Lodges as to tho place of next meeting, as follows: First, ltonova; second, Newberry; third, How ard; fourth, Milesburg—giving Renova the choice. On motion, adjourned till i o'clock, P. m IFet.'nesday Afternoon.—On motion, Resolved, That we proceed to elect of ficers for the next Quarterly Convontion; on motion, as follows: For W. C. T., Bro. Barkley, Itenova. Lodge. No. 249; W. V. T., Sister Mollie Goutz, same; W. S., Bro. Irwin, Bellefonte Lodge, No. 106; W, T., Bro. Lyman, Lock Haven Lodge, No. 44. On motion, the W. S. cast the vote of the convention. On motion, • Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the W. S. of this convention, immediate ly after the close of this session, to con fer with the IV. S. of the first named Lodge, asking consent to hold the next convention at their place; and, in case such Lodge refuse, confer with the sec ond; and, if it refuse, confer with others until we get a place, when he shall no tify the different Lodges in the District of the time and place of holding the next convention, and asking them to notify the said Lodge of the number of dele gates they will send. On motion, Resolved. That the time for holding the next convention shall be the 19th day of October, 1809, at 11 o'clock, a. m. On motion, the Secretary was direct ed to furnish copys of these minutes to the four counties in this District, and have the same printed in the county pa- pers. ... On motion, adjourned to meet October 19, 1809. JOHN I. IRWIN. D W. S. Fos SALE, CnEAP.—A good Photo graph Car and Fixtures, at Pine Grove Mills. Apply to J. K. Bottorf, Clear field, Pa., or W. E. Burchfield, Pine Grove Mills, Centre Co., Pa. aug.4'6o-2t • • Da: R. T. TIPPLE - has moved Office from the Conrad House,: to his.residenco (the First -National - Bank =building) on Allegheny street, forMerly. oCenpied' by John P. Harris, Cashier of First Nation al Bank, where he can be found when not absent in the performance of his pro fessiunal duties. • ... Now ron n Crrr.--When the heavy men —the real men of wealth commence building, you can expect, and that with good reason, to see .Bellefonte spread herself like a green .bay-tree. Edward Humes, President of the First National Bank—to say nothing of the fine addition erected to his dwelling, and the beauti ful fence in front—has now• under way four large houses on Lamb street. It is his intention to erect houses on all his vacant lots. The number of lots owned by him is said to be one hundred. Da. SAGE'S CATARRH REIREDY iB War ranted to cure Catarrh in its worst forms and stages. The most painful cases are speedily relieved by it; and stoppages, of fensive discharges, and tainted breath all yield to its wonderful curative powers. "Cold in the head," dizziness and thin watery dicharges are removed, the head cleared, the air passages opened, and relief and comfort afforded by its use. it contains no strong irritating, poisonous or caustic drugs. Scut by . mail on receipt of sixty cents. Address R. V. Pierce,M. D',Buffa.lo. N. Y. For sale by most Druggists everywhere. aug4'69-2t. Lau song of the reaper is hushed.— Harvest is over. Fields that lately smiled in their cerial wealth, have yielded that Wealth to the garner, and are thrown open to pasture. A heavy crop has been garnered, but with much labor, for we hear much of fallen and lodged grain, the result of storms preceding harvest Many individual farmers boast of heavy yields from particular fields, but we think our friend, Mr. Isaiah Struble,, near Zion, can lead the van in this re spect. He cut 432 dozen of wheat off nine acres, or 48 dozen to the acre, on an average. Considering the fact that his sheaves were as large as the largest, we think he is ahead. If anybody can beat it, we publish him. HAYING been prevailed upon by :quite amuniber of Republicans to allow my self to be presented for favorable con sideration in connection with the nomi nation for Sheriff of Centre county—and feeling disinclined, lest, by so doing, I should interfere with other, and better men, in our party, bas led me to resist their importunities up'to this date. The renewed pressure brought to bear upon me, I yield to now, yet reluctantly, for the reason stated, and wish tosay-that if, without boring for votes, sufficient vol untary Delegates will support the wishes of•my friends on the first ballot to justi fy a second, I will be satisfied, even if the nomintion should finally 'fall upon ei:her of my -friends, Courter or Butts. If nominated, I shall endeavor to be ete,l; if any other gentleman is nomi no ted, I'shall do all that one individual ca•n do for him, and the entire ticket, the motile as though I were . still publishing the old Central Press. JNO. G. KURTi. Bellefonte, Aug. 2, 1869. CAN'T AMR D IT.—The Erie Republican has seen the man who couldn't afford to take a paper. It gives the history as fol lows. He has his counterpart in this county : There are wen who don't take a daily paper, because they "can't afford ii;!' they are too poor; they require all their money to keep up their family expenses "these hard times." We met one of these the other day, and we said to Lim he ought to Lave the Republican. "Well, really," said he, " I would if I could af ford it. Would like to oblige you; but things are so confounded tight just now that it is hard to make both ends meet." We did not press the matter upon our "hard up" friend, but knowing his hab its, we made the following calculation, based on that knowledge. Two glasses of ale a day, at ten cents, seventy-three dollars; three cigars, one after each meal, one hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents; board for a big dog, thirty dollars —all, in one year, two hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents—sufficient to buy sir barrels of flout', one barrel of sugar, one sack of coffee, a good coat, a respectable dress, a frock for the baby, and half a dozen pairs of shoes, and all the daily papers in the city, to say noth ing about magazines, books, &c. You see the point—the man couldn't afford it, and there are thousands just like him for the same reason. For the Republican CORNERSTONE LAYING AT JACKSON VILLE, PA.—The Evangelical Associa tion is erecting a church edifice al Jack sonville, 36x46 feet, to be surmounted with a spire 85 feet high. The church is to be neatly finished, well painted,and a handsome portico in front. The cor nerstone of this building was laid on the 18th inst., with the usual religious cere monies. Rev. Hornberger, of the Clin ton Circuit, preached an interesting and edifying sermon in the Presbyterian church, to a large audience, from the words, "Jerusalem is the mother of us all." Rev. Taner, of Rebersburg, after the sermon, made an earnest appeal to the congregation to procure the necessary means yet required to continue and com plete the building. A response, in the shape of subscription, and cash, was given—though not as liberal as might have been—making, in all, twelve hun dred dollars. The audience then march ed, in regular order, to , the foundation of the new building, when Rev. Smith, Pastor iu charge, performed the ceremo nies of the cornerstone laying. Rev's Samuel Zenek, of Brushvalley, and Isaac Trane, of Nut any, were also present.— The occasion was one of deep interest, and will not soon be forgotten by the good people of Jacksonville. May the spirit of moving forward with the build ing continue until it is completed and consecrated to the Triune God, and be, in reality, "the House of God, and the Gate of Heaven." S. B. Howard, July 27, '69 P, 'Sahm, of Aaroesburg,was made a D. D. at the last - commencement of Pennsylvania GARMAN'S NEW HOTEL.—Among the many useful and ornamental : new build- , sour thriving young eify - inoiae -- ex.cel, in beauty of design and •finigh, the new Tour-story brick building . erected .by Daniel Garman, the affable Host of "Garman House." The- lower story i's: designed for offices and storerooms, and, the upper stories for she: accoMmodation of his guests. The earPenter Work: was, done by that master mechanic, Bartlet, in his best style. The painting' was done by Mr.. Dunham, which' master-piece of workmanship, and which Places Mr. D. at the head Of . tie decora-* tive art. We have knoWn Mr. Dunham, for many years, and everything ho un dertakes to do, is always Well done, and exactly according to . centred,. Mr.Gar man is one of our most enterprising MU. Sens, and is entitled to great credit for. the. many substantial improvements he , hae made in his locality. Long may he Wave, Grain and Flonr Markets. BELLEVONTE. Aug. 4, 1569. Flour per barrel • $6 - 50 White wheat per bushel - ;1 2Q Red wheat ... 1 10 Corn (new) 15 Oats • • • 50 ltye per bushel - 1 00 Buckwheat per bus. 1 00 Cloverseed " " 5 00 Plaster ton 16 00 Provision IVl.srket. Apples, dried, per lb so 12@15 Peaches, " " " 20©25 Cherries, " " " - 20 Beans per quart - .... 15 Butter per lb . 025. Beefsteak per lb • . .20Q25 Beef roasts ISQ2O Chickens, each, live 25 Turkeys, " " ..„ ~.. ....... ... 65(4)1 00 `Cheese per lb 025 Hams, •c et 25 Bacon 020 Lard, per lbQ2O Eggs ; " doz •,•.•• 20 Mutton and Lamb per lb ~ . 10020 Veal cutlets per lb ..... . 020 Potatoes per bus Dried Beef 23 Lumber at Snow Shoe Depot. Pine Boards, Run of Mill $lB.OO per M Pine Boards, Culls 19.00 per M Hemlock Butt Stuff ' 15.00 per M Hemlock Boards 14.00 per M A NNOUNCEMENTS ASSEMBLY MESSRS. EDITORS.—Pkase announce the name of James P. Coburn, of Haines tp., as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the de cision of the Republican County Convention. WE are authorized to rnnounco the name of• Martin L. Leitzell, of Potter tp., as a can didate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. WE are autholized to announce the name of James C. Williams, of Thilimburg. as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the de cision of the Republican Convention: WE are authorized to announce the name of Jas. Dunlap, of Ferguson Ip., as, a candi. date for Assembly, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention. SHERIFF WE are authorized to announce the name of J. B. BUTTS as a candidate for the office of Sheriff ol Centre county, subject to the decision of the Republican Co. "Cenvention. WE are authorized to announce the name of Wm. F. Courter, of Liberty tp., as a can didate for Sheriff, subject to the action of the Republican Convention. WE are authorized to announce the name of George Swartz, of Walker tp. as a candi date for Sheriff, subject to the decision of Republican Convention. ,WE are authorized to announce the name of John Cole, of Spring tp , as a candidate for Sheriff subject to the decision of the Re publictin Convention. WE are authorized to announce the name of John P. Dehass, of Curtin tp., as a can-. didate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Republican County Conven tion. TREASURER WE are authorized to announce the name of H. P. Cadwallader, of Potter tp., D.O.a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican Conventiois4 9 , WE are authorized to announce the namfr of Joseph E. Mitchell, of Benner tp., as,a candidate for County Treasures subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. WE aro authorized to announce tho name of Robert Kendall of Benner tp., as a, candi date for County Tieasurer, subject to the de cision of the Republican Convention. REGISTER WIC are authorized to announce the name of Wm. Curtin, of Boggs tp., as a candidate for Register and clerk of the Orphans Court subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. PROTHONOTARY WE are authorized to announce the name of GEO• B. WEAVER, of Bellefonte. as a suitable candidate for Prothonotary subject to the decision of the Republican Conven tion. MANY FRIENDS. CON AIISSIONE,2I Through the solicitation of many friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office-of County Commissioner of Centre county,sub ject to the decision of the Republican Co. Contention. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the defies of said office with fidelity. DAN'L B. MALONE, WE are authorized to announce the name of Saud. H. Stover, of Harris tp., as a didate for county Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. WE are authorized to announce the name of T. M. Kephart, of Benner tp., as a candi. date for County Commissioner, subject of course, to the decision of the Republican Convention, to be held 'ou the 11th day of August next. WE are authorized to announce the name of Capt. Geo. Michaels, of Burnside tp., as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Republican Convention. WE are authorized to announce the name of Lewis Hess, of Rush tp.i, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the act ion of the Republican Convention- WE are authorized to announce the name of T. B. Rupert, of Walker tp., as a candi date for County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. WE are authorized to announce the nano of John L. Musser, of Ferguson 4., as a Can didate for County Commissioner, l subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. AUDITOR WE are authorized to announce the name of Wm. Singer, of Curtin tp., as a candidate for Auditor, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. CORONER WE are authorized to announce the name of Dr. Win. F. Reiber of Ferguson tp., as a candidate for Coroner, subject to the action of the Republican Confention. DAUCITY' S qKiln Per Year to sell " Wonder of World." Address J. C. TILTON, Pittsburg, Pa. jyl4-4w; $2O P$R DAY.—Agents wanted every = where. Samples for two stamps.— . Address BATES, HAINES k Co., Cleveland, Ohio.. _ - jy2l'69-4w. • A G.ENTSWANtED 'FOR SG.TEETS AND SECRETS OF. THE ,ALTIPNA.L CAPITAL, • . The.soßtetartling, instructive and enter 'fainjm book of the gay. Send for Cir tule'r; an'd's'eo our Terms: Address UNITED ,STATES - PUBLISHING CO., 411 -Broom Strephi „New York.. jyl4'69-4w.. • . ONSUMPTION. ' C• Bronchitis, Asthma, and Cataph'cured by inhalation. Abbott's In haling Fluid is the only remedy knoivn that operates oh the liings—dissolves the taber ales, .which are thrown off. the cavities heal, end a cure is effected. Treatment by letter Or iriclerson can be had only of Q. VAN HUMMELL, M. D., 16 West Four teenth St., N. Y. aug4'69 ly.- ANCE - RS—TUMORS—ULCERS. PROF. • KLINE ofthe Philadelphia University, is making, astonishing cures of Cancer and all tumeri, by a new - process. A CHEMICAL CANCER - ANTIDOTE, that removes the largest of cancers and tumors,.without pain or • the use of tho knife : without caustic, eating or burning medicines, and without the loss of a drop of blood. For particulars, call or ad dress R. H. RUNE, M. D., No. 931, Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. jy2l'69-4w. AOEN.TS WANTED FOR THE BEST BOOK OF THE PERIOD, WOMEN OF NEW YORK; Or, 'The Under World of the Gerat City. The' most startling 'revelation of modern time., . New York Society Unmasked "The Aristosracy," "Women of Plaesure," "Mar- Tied 'Women, " all classes thoroughly ventilated. 50 Illustrations. Address at once The.. New York Book Co., 145 Nassau St., New 'York. aug4'69-4w A GENTS WANTED FOR A '" WONDERS OF THE WORLD." Comprising Startling Incidents, Interest ing Scenes and Wonderful Events, in all Couitriei; all Ages, and among all People, BY O: G. ROSENIIERG. Ocer;.o'ne thousand IllUstrations by the most:distinguished Artists in Europe and America. Thillargeit; best illustrated, most amus ink,.lpptruc.tive, entertaining, startling, hu morous, ayld attractive subscription book ever7inthliebed. Send for Cireularsi With ,terinto at pride. Address 'United States Pub. liskin_g Co., 411. Broome Street, New York. jy-13''69-4t: ' * • k EN I TS WANTED FOR TIIE SECRET HISTORY OF THE . CONFEDRAGY -1 ; 4 Dy - EDWARD A. PO L LARD nAINES . • The: astounding rerel.ilio»n nnd stariling t.lisciAtres. made id this work, sra creating themnstintense desire in the minds of the people to obtain it. The Secret political in trigitci .1-e., of Davis end other Confederate leaders; with the-Ridden .31 - yeteries from "Behind' the Scenes in Richmond," aro thoroughly ventilated. Send for -Circulars and see'our terms, and a.fuil description of the work. Address . • • NATIONAL PIIIiLISHING CO., • jy.21.'69-4w. • Philadelphia, Pa. A GENTS WANTED FOR:U6RETS OF THE GREAT. CITY A Wankdescriptive of the Viannts,and the • VICES, the afYSTEntES, MISERIES and Crentis of NEW YOPY CITY It oonmins 35 fine engravings; and is filo Spiciest,. most 'nrilling, Instructive, and Cheapest work published. -.ONLY $2,50 PER COPY. Agents are meeting with unprecedented Success. one in Marlborough, Mass.,reports 36 sub,seribers in a day. One in Luzern° Co., Pa, 44 in a day.. One in Meriden, Ct., 6S in two days: and a great many others from 100 to 200 per week. Send for Circulars and see our terme and a full description of the work. Address YONES BROTHERS & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. PDDLXDHED I 3 BOTII ENCLISII AND GERMATI ja3T.9-4w.. . oPrx.s. ' , E.NEw„Lomnort, CONN., April 26,1669. 14.3.1.empEnun Eatestt 7 l thought it well to vraikanotbar, week before writing, to scuff I contanupd - to improve, as I have been doing :for 'dente time; under the treatment of the neW s iiledieiite, and I am happy to. tell you get,ing better—even faster than when you were here. I commenced the use of D.ODV,S NERVINE , without anybody advising me to it. When I began with it I could only walk frum my bed to the chair. My trouble has been extreme pain in the head. and has lasted over three years. All the'idedieine I have heretofore taken has failedle give any relief. I am now able to go up ;and down stairs,and daily improving. I consider the NERVINE the best medicine I ever found. and shall continue its uso, fcr lam confident of entere recovery. I have taken' only three bottles, and would not be without it on any account. Very truly, jy2l'69 4w. Alas. I. S. NUTE. BE CAREFUL WHAT 111EDIC1NES lirlagn.you are exhausted by over-work of head'or hand,and feel the need of something invigdrating, don't drink whiskey nor any intoxicating thing, whether under the name strength to your weary body and mind as the•:'whip . • gives to the jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stimulants are injurious to Nervo-health, and aro ALWAYS followed by DEPRESSING REACTION. DODD i B NERVINE & INVIGORATOR is a TONIC and GENTLE STIMULANT which is NOT attended by REACTION. What it gains for you it maintains. When it refreshes body or mind, it refreshes with natural strenght that come to stay. We are not recommending tetotalism in the in terest of any faction ; but long and extend. ed observation teaches us that ho who re sorts • the bottle for rest or recuperation, will find, as he keeps at it, that he is kindl ing 'a fire in his bones which will consume like' 'the flames of perdition.. Turn from it. Take a tonic that will rerresh and not des troy. Dodd's Nervine is for sale by all Drug-, gisti: Price One Dollar. See book of Certifi cates that accompanies each bottle. je23'69-4w. . . §I..TRIPPLE, t( , MEROHANT TAILOR. BUSH'S ARCADE, UP STAIRS, 13ELLEFONTE, PENN'A Having just received,from Philadelphia, a large stock of Broad Cloth,Cassimers,and an extensii . variety of Spring and Summer Goods, I am prepared to furnish my friends and customers, the very best at the most reasonable prices. My thanks are due those who have patron ized me for many years, and a cordial invita tion is herely extended the public generally, to call and examine my Goods and - Prices before. purchasing elsewhere. I am also prepared, •at all times, to make up Goods furnished by customers. All suits warran ted to fit. myl2'69-ly " W. S. TRIPPLE. NE AVINE DID IT YOU TAKE DRY GOODS DON'T Gentle.reader, don't for the world allow the important fact to escape your mend that the place to buy your now Spring and Summer goods of every description which have been bought at panic prices, and are now arriving and-Opened for inspection at the familiar place'you often READ !about ZIMMERMAN BRO'S. k CO„ Num ber Six, Bush's Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. oth • .•er people bloW;lint when it comes right doWn to selling honestgoods chimp, we beat- the whole crowd. We are offering splendid stock of Ladies Dress Goods, White Goods, Notions, Hosiery,Gloves,Trimmings, Calicoes,Muslins,Tickings,flannels,easimers, Clothing, Shs:wls,. Carpets, Cotton Carpet Chain, Hoop Skirts - and Corsets. Don't believe a single. WORD about hard times and high prices. There is no evidence of itin our store. We keep .14 full variety. Coarse and fine Boots and Shoes for men and "Joys. Beautiful French and Turkey morocco, kid and lasting, lace and button boots and shoes for ladies and chil dren,.with a choice invoice OF queonsware, glapsware; sugars, Coffees, soaps, canned tomatoes„peas and green corn, pick els, piccalilli catsup, pepper saace,honey and the best of syrups, tEas and spices, all at the lowest prices. And in addition to. THIS. . We have an endless variety of the many little articles which go to make up a com. plete assortment: Great inducements to CASH buyers. Renamember, a dollar saved in buying goods is easier made than to work for it, so don't spend your mony foolishly but come right along and get good Goods and full value for it at • ZDIMERAIAN BRO'S & CO'S Agents for the American Button Hole Overseaming and Sewing Machine, ja6'69.y. • pIIILADELPHIA. STOB, PHILADELPHIA STORE! PAIL A DELPHIA. STORE! KELL'EIt & MUSSEIt ANOTHER NEW-STORE. ANOTHER NEW STORE ANOTHER NEW STORE. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS KELLER ct MUSSER have just opened the best, cheapest, largest, as well as the best assbrted stock of Goods in Bellefonte or Central Pennsylvania, at their new P.THLADELPIIIA STORE, in BROCK E 11HOFF'S BLOCK, Bishop St FOR THE LADIES They have Silks, Coburgs Alpacas, Merino Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghatus, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Hand kerchiefs, Kid and other Gloves, Hosiery, Bat- morals, Hoop-skirts, and a general va variety of Ribbons, trimmings, Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lowest prises. FOR GENTLEMEN. They have Black and Blue Cloths, Flack and F.lncy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Meltons, Water-proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Vestings, tte., in great variety, and at prices that will give general satis faction to buyers. Their READY .MADE CLOTHING is cheap. and consists of Overcoats, Dress coats, of various qualities and prices, Plain- and Fancy Vests, Cassi mere and-Flannel livershirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts, Handkerchiefs, neck ties, &c., &c. Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes, Guni Boots and Shoes, - Hats and Caps, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS, in endless variety, such as Carpets, Oil ' Cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins,Drillings, Sheetings, Table Cloths, dee. &c., &c. Their stock of QUEENS WARE & GRO CERIES cannot be excelled in quality or price. Call in at the Philadelphia Store and con vince Yourselves that KELLER k MUSSER have everything you want. and do business on the principle of "Quick Sales . and Small Profits." GRAIN AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN j a 6'69-Iy. NEW STORJ]. HARPER BROTHERS ila,ve opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of GOODS of every deseription,at their now store room on Spring street; which were purchased at PANIC PRICES', and will be sold as low if not lower, than can be found elsewhere in thi.: section. Their stock comprises in part, • • • Dry Goods, • Notions, • Millinery Goods, Horwies, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots ct Shoes, Flats k Caps, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, • Parasols, Gentlemen and Ladies Furnishing Goode, Ladies Cloaks 43c Circulars, In Silk and Cloth, Carpeting, Groceries Queensware STATIONERY, and everything else that is to be feAnd in a well stocked country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price paid. ja6'6o.tf. JAS. A. QUIGLEY. Q UIGLEY & CROSHEY'S CHEAP CASH STORE, EAGLE VILLE, CENTRE CO., PENN'A WE take pleasure in announcing to.far mars and the public generally that we keep constantly on hand, at our store in Eagle vine, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., and SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY STORE in town or country. We shall always on .deavor to purchase good Goods and war arnt everthing as we represent it. We also tilways pay the highest PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Plea'se call and examine our stock for ourselves. ja13'69.1y. MERICA.N BUTTON-HOLE A OVER-SEAMING AND SEWING MA MEDAL AWARDED AT TIE PLRIS EX In..direCting attention to the celebrated. COMBINATION BIITTCN HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE, we feel fully warran ted in claiming for it unquestionable superi orly over all others as a Family Machine.— The SiMplicity, Ease and Certainty with which it operates, as well as the uniform ex cellence of its work, certainly place it far in advance of any other similar intiVtilon o f tic age. . . • It is also the eheapeatyintrinsically, as well as the best, since it is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement never before ac complished by human ingenuity,) making either the Lock Stitch or Button Hole Stitch, as occasion may require. It is, at the same time, simple in construction, comparatively. noiseless, easily understool, and, in a word, it combines with those advantages exclusive ly its own die most , leairable qualities of alt others, for it not only does every variety of sewing in a, -SUPERIOR AIANNEE., but in addition OVERSEAMS . splendidly and makes beautiful BUTTON and EYELET HOLES in all fabrics. This is far beyond the ca pacity of any other machine. The SPLENDID MECHANISM' of this Machine, and the'superior skill workmanship and ma terials employed in its construction, are a guarantee of accuracy, strength and dura-. bility, and enable the company and its agents to Warrant Every Machine they sell to give entire satisfaction. - INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON TEE MA- Lessons may be taken if desired with a view to test the Machine. - or to become bet ter acquainted with it before deciding to pui chase. Samples of work will be furnish ed upon application at Agents for Clinton, Centro and Clearfield This Machine does all kinds of Stitching, Hemming, Cording, Felling, Braiding, Bineing, Ruffling, Tucking, Sewing and Gathering on. This greatest Novelty of the age, is now on exhibition and for sale by J. J. BISEL 16 CO, Agt's. Exatnine all other l'ifachines, then call and examine this one before buying. feb3'69.ly. SEWING MACHINE THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE M Among sewing machines, those made by the Singer Manufacturing. Company, rank with the highest. Their manufacturing ma chines, have long been known as the best for manufacturing purposes. But within the past few years, they have given special attention to the production of a destined to win much favor in the The machine which they now offer is quiet, light-running, simple, fast, noiseless. Its accessories for HEMMING, BRAIDING, BINDING, QUILTING, TUCKING, CORDING, are simple and easily understood. Ifs deli cate though enduring and tireless muscles of iron and steel, do all the work noiselessly, better, and few will deny, "Faster than hand can do it." They urge those wishing to pur chase a machine, to examine all the other manufactures before buying, as it will, for itself, overcome all the objections to the other machines that can be brought against it. Machines on hand for sale and exhibi tion, together with a full and complete as sertmet of SILK, TWIST, LINEN, OI COTTON THREAD, and all the accessories for the machines, by W. W. MONTGOMERY, Ag't. Gents' Furnishing and Tailoring establish ment, No. 7, Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte, Pa. jy 28'69 -Iy. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. The under signed informs the citizens of Bellefonte,and of Centre county, that he has, just outside the Borough limits, and near the "County Fair Grounds," FORTY-TWO BUILDING LOTS, beautifully situated, which will be sold at reasonable rates. For full particulars, terms, itc., apply to JOHN COLE, apr7'69 6m. Bellefonte, Pa. MILESBURG CARRIAGE W ORES I= MILESBUBG, CENTRE CO., PENN'A., LIGHT CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PLAT- FORM SPRING WAGONS & SLEIGHS Repairing done with neatness and despatch SHORT NOTICE AND WARRANTED je9'69-]y 0 OR LOCKS of all kinds, to suit every ..k./ body, at IRWIN .1; WILSON'S. SEWING- MACHLNES CHINE COMBINED POSITION, 1567. CHINE GRATUITOUSLY J. J. BISEL .t CO., LOOK .lIAVEN, PENN'A Counties. FAMILY JILAC.IIIATE, HOUSEHOLD FELLING-, GATHERING, MISCELLANEOUS SHIRER & WILLIAMS, 3IANUFA.CTURERS OF All work• done at to give entire satisfaction GROCERIES Ike . . CA - 110dREY . AND PROVISION BTO E TiVEXT . Y B • CENT SAigP;' IT is now an' established fact that Grocer= ies.of„all .kinds are ,rn . iirto obtaine&-at M:ParIiKLE'S new GR6u.EIA AND PROVISION STORX On Atleglien . 3eStreet Bellefonte, Pa., twenty ?fir pent.'elkespeir than at; any ot4t4, establishment- in %own. or.eonntry.. Flour • of the verybeSt quality, kept eons tantly on hand. BoaadingThouse ; • keepers, and Heads of families. - would do well to give him . , a, call before purchnin't where. Do not, forget ' the place. • •• • :• • -111:-.P.IINkLD. TOFFEE, Tea, Sugar, 'Molasses, .in s4ort 1,1 everything usually kept at 'a Grocer? Store, for sale low, at M. RUNLET:' PEAS, Beans, Soup Peas, Soup Beans, for sale cheap, at M. RUNKLE'S. CANNED Peaches, Canned Tomatoes L./ Canned Apples, Canned Corn, Canned Fruits of all kinds kept constantly on haw"! at M. ItIINKLt'S. D RIED Peaches, Dried Apples, Dried Currants, Dried Fruits o f all kinds, a! M. RUNKLE'S. CANDIES, Candies.. A splendid variety of Candies and Nuts; • for sale low at • M. RITHICLES. • • QUEENSWA.RE of the very best quality for sale cheap, at M. RUNKLE'S.' WILLOW Baskets, and Willow Ware o V V all kinds and sizes, for sale cheap, at• M. RUNKLE'S. (1 - 11 - ANGES, Lemons, Figs and Nuts, foir sale at , M. RUNKLE'S. I'POBACCO, Tobacco. Chewing Tobacco, 1.. Snuff and Segars, the very best and.of all kinds, at M. RUNKLE'S. CIICUM.BER and othor Pickles, Tomatoe Catsup, Marmalades Jellies of all kinds LASSWARE, Glass Fruit Jvrs Of Dishes, 'a fine assortmeet at BOOTS, SHOES, &c pURNSIDE & THOMAS. -L. , Offer to the Public one of the largest and best selected stocks of merchanz dise, in Centro county. Call, examine and see for yourself. T HE Largest and Best Stock of warra ed 'Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only tc. bq found at BURNSIDE ,fc THOMAS' SPICES of all varieties, ground to order and warranted to be strictly pure. It is the only place you can find unadultera ted spices. Try them for your own• satis faction. You can only find them at BURNSIDEA THOMAS'. HANDSAWS; knives, spoons, coffee ming,. • shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, &c., at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. HORSE COLLARS, -if you don's rum:. your horse's shoulders galled sad , made sore, get good horse collars, at BURNSIDE a; THOMAS?.. HARNESS, collars, cart whips, oavriage , whips, in great • varieties, govern ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingale'.=, check lines, cart gears, tug harness, bliggy; harness, tames, Lc. Everything in the sad= dlery line, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS': IIISHING TACKLES, rods lines, hooks, flies, sea hair baskest, &e. Rig you. out to catch trout, at BDRNSIDE z THOMAS': T l: RE highest marks price paid for al kinds of country produce, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS': FINE GROCERIES, mocha coffee, old, gov. java, best quality Rio coffee; best olong black teas, green teas, levering! syrup, golden syrup, Drips fine ' article ba king molasses, rice and everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the market BURNSIDE & THOMAS', is the piece. IT IS known to all in Bellefonte . through the county if you want good article go to • BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. LEATHER of all discriptions, french calf skin, spanish sole leather, moro SCO'b sheep skins, linings. Everything in the leatherline warranted to give satisfaction, BURNSPE & THOMAS'.. TOYS of all kinds, at BURNSIDE THOMAS' SHOE -MAKERS TOOLS and flndings, in their varieties, at BURNSIDE THOMAS'. NEW PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re duced prices, at BURNSIDE z THOMAS'. SADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bits spots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to be found at BURNSIDE THOMAS'. B ASKETS in all their varieties, childrens carriages, willow •ware, guns, pistols, powder, shot, caps, cartridges, .tc., at BURNSIDE 4L - THOMAS'. NOTIONS of all kinds, Stoiring's gloves, Handkerchiefs, combs, pocket books, in all their variety and very cheap, at BURNSIDE 1G THOMAS'. T URKEY PRUNES, raisens, peaches ap ples, oranges, lemons, all kinds of foreign fruits, Hams, basun &0., BURSIDE & THOMAS'. CANNED FIVJITS, peaches, tolnatoe pine apples, and peas in great - tsiris ety, t EIIRSIDE ..t THOMAS . WHITE FISH, Herring, mackerel, .te. at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. ja6'69.ly BABBITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and geons " olive soap, Dobbins' soap, Jesso: Oakley's soaps, old casino, pure; Palm soap, Elderling's soap, and a great variety of oth: er soaps, at • BURNSIDE & TROMAS' Whitman's celehrated confections, Whitman's celebrated clicolate, Buker's chocolate., Smith's 'choccqate, , China Ginger, English Pickles,• American Picides, at BURNSIDE k THOMAS' ja6'B9-Iy. MILLINERY: A/ ILLINERY AND FANCY STORE. DIILESBURG, PA The undersigned would respicfnlly inform the citizens of Milesbnrg - and of Cenizo County, that she has opened a large and ex tensive stock of MILLINERY AND' 'FANCY., OODS ' in the store room' recently occupied-'by Harrison Levy. Ile'r goods are all new- and were purchased for cash and she is there•• fore prepared to sell at reduced prices. 'Her experience in the business warrants her in saying, that the Ladiei of Milesburg, Belle fonte, or elsewhere,will save time andmoney, by visiting her store before purchasing. The latest style and fashion plates can always be seen at the store. . PATTIE WINTERS. myl2'69-ly SCREWS and Hinges of every variety and kind at WILSON' M. RUNKLE'S. M. RUNKLE'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers