Bellefonte Republican. W. W. BROWN, I A. B. HUTCHISON, f Terms, $2 per Annum, in Advance. BELLEFONTE, PA Wednesday Morning, Jannary 6, i 869 To the Public. In presenting the BELLEFONTE RE PUBLICAN to the reading community of Central Pennsylvania, there is noth ing we can say that will afford any cri terion of its future. It must speak for itself It must win by merit, or fail for the need of it. It comes to you for this first time with no extravagant promise, nor with any affected self-de preciation. Look at, read and judge it as it is, and let its future be decided in like manner. We mean] to try to make it an avenue of useful informa tion, an advocate of genuinely liberal views of men and of things, an ener getic vindicator of true Republicanism. We shall not !ag behind the column of Freedom in its march to the great con summation, which was seen by a vis ion truly prophetic, when Jefferson laid deep the broad foundation of civil lib erty in the now almost fully realized idea, a Government "deriving its just powers from the consent of the gov erned," and where all men should ' 4 be held as "created equal." The REPUBLICAN has no piques to avenge, no quarrels to wage, no object to gain, save those which become an independent journal. We shall .ex elude from it, to our best judgment, all that would tend to offend good taste, or destroy good morals. We shall-try to enrich its columns with good litera ture and usefullknowledge, to secure early all items of news of local interest, and so makeit :worth more: than its cost to all our patrons. Doing this, we know that success will attend it.— Our Republican friends will find us an earnest and unsleeping defender of our, so gravely tried, and nobly vindicated, political principles. We do not mean to be merely partizan, or promise to follow meekly in the path of party, or leader, but so long as Republicanism continues to mean freedom and an equal chance for all, protection of labor and security for life, liberty and proper ty, the REPUBLICAN will sail on that ship, and not fear to go aloft, or throw out the banner, no matter .whence comes, or what may be the storm. Our democratic fellow citizens will find us; we hope, a candid, open, fear less and courteous foe. We shall fight against their political principles, not the men who honestly entertain them. We shall attack, it may be abuse, cer tainly denounce, but not defame, the unscrupulous politicians who have, with the banner stolen from a once glorious political party, led so many of our fellow citizens so nearly their coun try's ruin, and their own ; teaching them to apologize for, and then to sym pathize with, the greatest of all crimes, and the meanest of all criminals. If we do not make our paper worth its . price .to our Democratic frien&, we cannot expect their patronage, but a fair trial at the outstart is certainly what we may reasonably expect. To our contemporaries in the coun ty, district and State, we simply make our self-introducing bow, and extend our editorial hand, and await the re spdnse we may happen to get. W. W. BROWN, A. B. HUTCHESON. NOTICE. 'We send out this week a copy of our paper to a number of our friends and acquaintances • who, its yet, have not become subscribers, with the hope that they will read it and subscribe for it. If you do not wish to subscribe, you need not return the paper to this office, as we will not continue to send it more than once or twice, unless you become a subscriber, and notify us according ly. W 4) have been too busily engaged in getting our office in order, and the ma terial for the publication of our paper, to visit the townships, and to call per sonally upon our Republican friends. We may do so hereafter; but we re quest you not to wait for this. With the paper we seed you a Pros pectus upon which we hope you will write your own name, and get the names of as many of your neighbors, as you can conveniently, and send them to us without delay, and thus aid in the support of our enterprise, and in the dissemination of Republican prin ple:.. THE Watchman of last week, notic ing a Southern literary Magazine, en titled "The Land we Love," speaks of its Editor, the rebel Gen. D. H. Hill, as "the gallant North Carolina leader "in the late war between the States," and'adds : "That he wields a pen as " powerful as his sword was gallant." Have any of the readers of the Watchman ever seen that much in its columns in praise of any of the gallant Union Generals who did so much to prevent a few States and Gen. Hill from destroying the Government? A war between the States is a new idea, based, we suppose, upon Cal houn's doctrine of States Rights. It will not do, Mr. Meek. Gen, Grant. and the gallant Boys in Blue, exploded that idea. It was a war against the Government, commenced by the South ern "States" to perpetuate slavery, but they failed. They were all Democrats, at that. U. S. Senator The election for U. S. Senator will be held on the 19th inst. The friends of the different can didates are busily at work. We hope An able Statesman, and a sound Pro tective Tariff man may be elected. Republicans, Shall it be so? We clip the following from. the Windmill, on Allegheny street; of the Ist inst : "After the 6th Cen " tre county will have six papers; and "the Watchman will have a larger " circulation than the other five com bined." As our paper is included in the above, we take the liberty of say ing that we do not believe a word of it. The other papers can speak for them selves. One thing we do know, that the BELLEFONTE MornnacAN has a larger list of subscribers in our beauti ful "city," than any other paper pub lished in it, by at lest 70. Moreover, we have reason to hope that before six months, our list will be one-third lar ger than the Watchman. EDITORS At the election, last October, there were polled 3,417 Republican votes; enough to have carried the county, had it not been for Democratic pipe-laying, and Wallace coffeepots. Readers, think of it ! Three thous and four hundred and seventeen Re publican votes polled in this county, and yet not more than 1,000 have been subscribers to their county paper ! This leaves over 2,400 Republicans in Cen tre county who do not take, and have not been taking, a County paper. This is certainly not as it should be. Why should the MEEK and lowly individual of the Watchman boast that he has the largest circulation in the county, when it is an indisputable fact that two-thirds of the business men, and men of enterprise and intelligence in the county, belong to the Republican party? We submit this question to the 2;400 Republicans of Centre county, above referred to, and respectfully re quest you to send in your names as subscribers to the BELLEFONTE RE- PuBLIcAN without delay. Do this, and exert yourselves in oth er respects, as men should do, who are engaged in a great work, in the cause of LIBERTY, JUSTICE and the Rights of man, and our word for it, that the Watchman will cease its blowing, and the whole race of Rebel sympathisers, and sham Democrats, Court House clique and all, will become extinct ; a hissing and a by word in the county. FREE BArno.---We agree with the Editor of the Philad'a Press in the statement that no scheme of financial reconstruction can be perfect and per manent that does not include a plan of free banking; and Congress should un derstand that the people favor such a plan, not only for its intrinsic justice, but because it will equalize the cur rancy, open to competition the large profits of banking, and prevent the ex port of gold. It seems to us that with this feature added to Senator Morton's bill, that measure would be almost un assailable. WE will commence, in a few weeks, the publication of a history of the 49th Penn' a Vol., prepared by A. B. Hutchi son, one of the Editors of this paper, assisted by some two or three of the Regiment, Who have journals of the events transpiring. As the regiment served throughout the entire • war in Virginia, it is expected that this his tory of one regiment may be found to be of general interest to all who shared their service, and to the public gener ally. THE jury in the Hill murder case, after being out 25 minutes, rendered a verdict of murder in the first degree. We presume the jury are right, as ju ri F.PG are not apt to convict of murder when there is the least doubt of guilt, and we infer that Twitchell will be hanged, as he ought to be, e., if anybody ought to be hanged. CoNTENEPTD3L - E--The balderdash and low, despicable falsehoods in relation to Senator Norton, Gen. Butler and Gov. Brownlow, in the last number of the Watchman. We wonder why Demo crats, claiming to be decent men, con tinue to patronize a paper so reckless in its statements, so void of truth, gentility and reason. The carpet bag Assistant would do well, perhaps, to remember that he is not writing for Kentucky rebels or Ku-Klux flans. If he is, all right. It is none of our business. The election next fall, how ever,. in this county, will show whether the readers of the Watchman are Re bels or Democrats. The Carrier's New Year Address of the Democratic Watchman takes a rather lugubrious view of the affairs of our common country, in an exten sive effusion of what might be termed poetry, by a slight carelessness of defi nition; but winds up the theme with a qualified and trembling hope that after all there may he "a good time corn ing." So there is, my boy; so there is ! But not for Democracy. General Sherman a Prophet Five years ago, or at the end of De cember, 1863, when the war was rag ing in a discouraging manner, and the prospects of its triumphant close were anything but brilliant, General Sher man made a memorable prophecy about the part that General Grant would be called upon to take in the work of reconstruction, and in the re storation of the country to peace and prosperity, after the close of hostili ties. To Gen. Grant these words were written by Gen. Sherman : " Your reputation as a General is now far above that of any man living, and partizans will manoeuvre for your influence; but, if you can escape theta, as you have hitherto done, you will be more powerful for good than it is possible to measure. You said that you were surprised at my assertion on this point, but I repeat that, from what I have seen and heard here, I am more and more convinced of the truth of what I told you. Do as you have heretofore dcne; preserve a plain military character, and let others ma nceuvre as they will, you will beat them, not only in fame, but in doing good in the closing scenes of this war, when somebody must heal and mend up the breaches made by war." Editorial Items. —ln Kentucky, fashionable ladies indulge in fox hunting. —ln town—A few specimens of the " Grecian Bend." —The Ku Klux are still making trouble in Arkansas. —The Mormonspropose to culti vate oysters in Salt Lake. —Hudson, N. Y., has produced a hog of 1500 pound weight. —lt is said to be thought dishonor able, in England, to lecture for pay. —An Arizona farmer wants to sell a small farm of 1,500,000 acres. —The Dulles de Morny's jewels were recently sold in Paris, for $llO,- 000 in gold. —An ox weighing 4,000 pounds is to be served up at Cren. Grant's in auguration dinner at Washington. —Dr. Johnson used to say "He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do any." —The King of Sweden has announc ed that hereafter no capital execution shall take place in his kingdom. —Nearly fourteen million dollars in gold - have been derived, within one year, from the sale of ecclesiastical property in Italy. —Senator Drake has written a It ter to a member of the Missouri Leg islature, opposing universal amnesty and universal suffrage in that State, and favoring negro suffrage only. —The people were very quiet and genteel on Christmas day, in town; but towards evening whiskey became very noisy. It was the regular "tan gle-foot." —An individual out west, thinks that the late Baron Rothchild must have been whiskey inspector in a "good district," to have made so much money. —A West Virginian whipped his wife recently, for unexampled extrav agance in eating both butter and mo lasses on her bread. —Why isithe Bellefonte REPUBLI -OAN like General Grant Because it is the favorite of the people. Christmas and New Years day have come and gone, but the Belle fonte REPUBLICAN has come, and come to stay. --In Connecticut. a somnambulist recently went to the wharf, while asleep, and fished for an hour, but didn't get a bite. --A car is building in California for the first through trip to NewYorkover the Union Pacific Railroad. The fin ish is to be of California laurel. —A contemporary says, that one of the most formidable "rings" at Wash ington this session, is the "Indian Agent Ring." —A Canadian clergyman took din ner with Henry Ward Beecher, and says he rose from the table in a sort of bewildering maze, unable to decide whether he had been taking a meal, or hearing a facinating lecture. —Republicans of Centre, if you de sire the redemption of the county from the rule of the sham Democracy and the Court House clique, see to it that you circulate the Bellefonte RE PUBLICAN. Put a paper into the hands of every man who will read it, and the work is done. —Rev. John J. Pearce, formerly a member of tjongress from this Dis- trict, is now in Surry county, Virgin ia. He, and others, intend building , a town and starting a Railroad on sev eral thousand acres of land they have purchased. We hope Mr. Pearce will make a good thing of it. —A Texas woman married the mur derer of her husband three days after the deed was done', and now, by his punishment, she is likely to be again a widow in a few weeks. It matters but little to her. She will soon find another. Democrats are plenty in Texas. So are murders. • —The Alabama Legislature has passed a law outlawing and subject ing to the penalty of death at anybody's hands any person found abroad in a mask or disguise. This is right. It is the only way to deal with. the Ku Klux. The sooner they are all hung the better for the South and the whole country. —ln Lynn, Massachusetts, 600 ope ratives have been thrown out of em ployment for the winter by fire. They will have an opportunity of testing the value of the Mutual Benefit societies, of which all the workers in that place are said tct be members. —Right.- Gen. Grant is understood to take the ground that all provisional offices in the Southern States, held by men disqualified under the fourteenth article, must be vacated. Let the poli cy be rigidly followed. Pa. Legislature This body met in Harrisburg yesterday. Our latest ad vices on going to press indicate the election of Mr. Clark, of Philadelphia, • to the Speakership. —Pollard, shot recently at Rich mond, was a carpet-bag editor at Leav enworth during the Kansas troubles. Speaking of carpet-bags reminds us of the "carpet-bag" assistant of the Watchman. How are you; "carpet bagger?" It is well enough to give the readers of the Watchman a little Ken tucky Democracy. They disregarded the teachings of Jefferson, long_ since. They must have strong stow qs hs, how ever, to stand your doses. The Democrats, since the election, reminds us of the Johnny rebs,at Ap pomattox Court House, after the sur render to Grant. They look straight down their noses, feel kind-of-all-over ish, and can't help it. Serves them right, we say. They have no business to be rebels, or act with rebels. —Two members of the Convention who remodeled the Constitution of Pennsylvania ' in 1838, refused to sign the document because the word "white" was inserted in it. These were THAD - DEUS STEVENS of Adams county, and Wm. P. MACLAY of Mifflin county. —On Saturday last, in Virginia, there was held a convention of leading Virginia conservatives, or Democrats, and in view of the expression of pub lic opinion in the late election, declared in favor of universal suffrage and uni versal amnesty. Watchman, what of the night? —The Reporter, at Centre Hall, advocates the adoption, in this coun ty, by the Democratic party, of the Crawford. or Clearfield System.— Fred. sees that there is no hope for Pennsvalley unless they canup trip the Court House clique. They have it all their own way. Fred., your counsel does not weigh a feather in their estimation. "What use is the Pennsvalley Democrats to the clique; only to vote them into office. Why can't you See more ? Popular Vote for President. State. Grant. Seymour. Alabama 76366 72086 Arkansas [estimated] 30000 27000 California 54582 54078 Connecticut 50441 47600 Delaware 923 10080 Florida [Electors chosen by Legislature,] 57134 Illinois 250293 Indiana 176552 lowa 120390. Kansas 31049 Kentucky 39563 LOl/113alla 24263 Maine 70426 Maryland 30438 Massachusetts 136477 Michigan 128550 Minnesota 43542 Mississippi [no vote] Missouri [estimated] Nebraska Nevada New-Hampshire.... New-Jersey , New-York North Carolina Ohio Oregon [estimated]... Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina - Tennessee Texas [no vote.]. Vermont Virginia [no vote.] West Virginia Wisconsin 80121 83001 ...419883 529893 ... 96226 84000 ~..280128 238700 . 10900 11000 .342270 313380 -12993 6548 . 62801 45231 56688 25277 Total 3,021,400 2,716,606 Grant's maj., 304,794. Lincoln's maj' in '64, was 411,281. Had three unreconstructed States voted, and had not the States of New York, New Jersey, Georgia and Louisiana been carried for Sey mour by gigantic frauds' Gen. Grant's popular majority must have exceeded 500,000. AN EPITAPH. IN MEMORY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, Died November 3d, 1868. In the early years of the Republic It was the Representative -of Democratic Ideas. The Advdcate of Popular Progress, The Friend of Freedom, The Exponent of Constitutional Law, and THE GREAT DEFENDER of • UNION, PERPETUAL, SACRED AND INVIOLATE, between the American People. THOMAS JErrEnsozr, • The Apostle of the Democratic Faith, Wrote the Immortal Doctrines of its Early Creed in The Dee:araticn of Independence, in the affirmation that All men are Created Equal, and are endowed by their Creator With certain Inalienable Rights, Among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and Reaffirmed it in the Prophetic Warning : " I tremble for my Country when I reniem- ber that God is Just." In its maturer years, THIS PARTY, Flushed with the long possession•of Power, Becoming Corrupt with the Patronage of Office, Forsook its Principles, Breathed the infected atmosphereof Treason, Inscribed "Slavery" as the legend•npon its Banners, and Pledged itself to Fasten the Fetters on. the Limbs of the slave, And to Plant the System On soil forever consecrated to Freedoin. It appealed to the lowest Prejudices of 'the Mass s against the Negro, It denied law to a man because he was Black And honored Crime, If perpetrated in-the name - of Democracy by a White, It Lost the Confidence of the People, and then sought. By Secret Organizations and wide-spread Rebellion, the DESTRUCTION OF THE REPUBLIC, THE OVERTHROW OF DEMOCRATIC GOVERN MEET, THE ERECTION OY AN ARISTOCRACY IN THE SOUTH, In which African Slavery should be the Cor- ner Stone. During four years War To Vindicate the Majesty of Law and the Principles of Constitutional Govern ment, it SYMPATHIZED WITH TREASON; Pronounced the War a Crime and a Failure; Attempted, by Disorders, Bloodshed and Violence, to Provoke civil War in the Loyal States, and • PLEADED FOR PEACE ON TEE BASIS OP DIS- DIM On the Restoration of Peace, Won by the Heroism and Sacrifices of our, Defenders, the Party Appealed to the Judgment of the People, and MEI CONDEMNED TO DIE By the Voice of the Loyal Milliner) throirgh tho Ballot Box. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE. (ESTABLISHED IN 1845.) At this well known Establishment may be found everything in the " BOOK LINE," whether THEOLGICAL, CLESICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC or LITERARY. An Extensive assortment of family Bibles, with or without Photo graphic Plates, ranging in price from $3,75, to $25. ALSO, all the Day and Sundry School Books in general use. Blank Books, Legal Blanks, and all kinds of Stationery, &e. Prompt attention given to orders. A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. GEO. LIVINGSTON. ja6'] Bellefonte, Pa. B OOT Jr. SHOE MANUFACTORY. The undersigned respectfully informtilie citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has establishtul a first class BO OT AND SHOE MANIIPAOTORT, next door to Morgan's Meat Market, on the northwest side of the diamond, where he will be pleased at all times to wait upon customers. He being an EXPERIENCED WORKMAN, customers can rest assured that no pains will be spared to render complete satisfac tion. Gentlemen, ladies, misses and youth can be accommodated with the best Boots; Shoos, GP iters, Slippers, gfc., manufactured from the host stock, and in the latest styles. Repairing of all kinds promptly-attended to. jaB' PETER. MoNAHON. piso , s CURE FOR CONSUMPTION That the Science of Medicine has reached a period of its history, when it may he said that CONSUMPTION can be cured, is a most gratifying,although unlooked-for event. PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMTION, is a justly celebrated medicine.- It is pre pared by Hazelton A Co., Warren, Pa. It is for Bale Wholesale and Retail. HIRAM. LUCAS rt. BRO, Howardville, Centre Co., Pa. Agents for Centre county. ANOTHER NEW STORE EMIL JOSE OH & CO., ALLEGHENY ST, 102822 199143 166980 74040 14010 115889 80225 42396 62357 59498 07069 25072 CFMAP NEW YORE STORE. SEE HOW CHEAP WE CAN SELL, 83000 63000 9629 5439 -.10000 8600 38191 31224 4416? 12044 ..29025 20306 108857 84710 all of which we warrant, and at city prices. constantly on hand, and all work warranted. A liberal discount to the trade. Givo us a call. ja6' $lOOO REWARD " ' ZIMMERMAN BRO'S. & CO., OFFER the above reward for the apprehen sion and conviction of the man who Bays "IT 1S A .HUMBUG" DOLLAR SAVED IN BUYING GOODS WE have the evidence each day of numbers who purchase of us after having ex amined other stc ohs, that the is not a humbug, but a STUBBORN TRUTH ARE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES than any other in the State. We cannot ENU.MMER ATE ARTICLES, as it would require this entire page to do so. Suffice it to say that we supply anything you want, FULL SAIISFACTION We respectfully request you all to call and A FAIR TEST IS ALL WE ASK ja6'69.y GEO. D. PIFER'S • DRY GOOD AND GROCERY STORE, No. 6, BROIL - HIMONT'S Row, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, BELLErowrE, RaNN'A., Is the place for bargains in the way of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hata and Caps, Queens and Cedar Ware, Groceries, CANNED AND DRIED_ FRUITS, ALSO, NOTIONS, ec., Everything in his line is sold at very Low Prices. POLITE AND ATTENTIVE CLERKS, are always in attendance to wait on his numerous customers. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES poid for all kinds of marketing and produce. Cash paid for ALL 'ORBS OF GRAM: Goods delivered with pleasure. No trouble to show goods. Give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. [ja6'69.y. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION ! LET THE PEOPLE OF CENTRE COHN- Why will you £nffer yourselves to be openly by unprincipled dealers, when you can buy your Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Groceries, (to., and no danger of being by going direct to the old Establised stand of LOEB, MAY da LOEB. WE ere determined not to be exdelled in selling Goods of the very beet quality and at the most reasonable rates. LOEB, MAY LOEB. IT matters not what you wish to purchase DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, _ _ BOOTS & SHOES, or anything usually kept in Fisrt Class Stores, you can be supplied by LOEB, MAY & LOEB. SKIRTS—Hoop Skits, Balmoral Skirts, for sale oheap by LOEB, MAY it LOEB. THE highest CASH PRICE paid for Wheat, Corn and (*rain of all kinds by jan.6'69ly LOEB & LOBE. b: II HYN:II In Di tilli 03 DM I NO IL. (Meßride's Building,) BELLEFOFTE, PENN'A COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS FURNISHING GOODS FOR LADIES L 4 GENTS, • FOR LADIES dc GENTS, FURS, COVERLETS, FURS, COVERLETS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, JEWELRY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, A FIRST CLASS WATCH MAKER (No. 2, Blisn's ARCADE,) BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., THAT A IS BETTER THAN A DOLLAR WORKED FOR. and that our Goods F‘ 7- ITWarrrr7l to all, as to LOW PRICES and QUALITY OF GOODS, SATISFY YOURSELVES. ZIMMERMAN, BRO'S. & CO TY CONSIDER ! ROBBED CREATED ll►k i DiM4 In Dll4ll4lNulDikliq HARDWARE HARDWARE ! NO. 5, BRORgRHOFF'S ROW J. dc J. HARRIS—THE PLACE TO BUY The subscribers would respectfully inform the community that they have opened a complete STOCK OF HARDWARE comprising all varieties of goods in tha line which they WILL SELL AT TILE LOWEST PRICE Their stock consists of all sorts of building hardware table and pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason's, plasterer's and blacksmith's tools, and mate rials, nails, iron, horse shoes, and horse-shoe nails, rope tackle, FORKS, CHAINS, SHOVELS, AXES, GRIND-STONES, etc., etc Housekeeper's goods, saddlery, carriage trimmings, etc., etc., with all sorts and sizes of GOAL OIL LAMPS, and the different parts thereof, together with a complete assortment of tho'best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, &c They hope, BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and a constant care for the ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS to merit and receive a SHARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRONAGE BUILDERS AND OTHERS will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK J. & J. HARRIS, No. 5, Brokerhoff's Row ja6' NEW GOODS AND NEW PRI CRS !! HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT! GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICES HOFFIsR & BRO'S Would respectfully inform their old friends, that they are daily receiving a large STOOK OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are offering at the very lowa market price. DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest styles of FIGURED AND PLAIN ALPACAS, Figured and plain all Wool Delaine. Shepherd Plaids, Black Silks, Summer Silks Irish Poplins, White Goods White Counterpanes, Linen and Cot ton Sheetings, Checks, Ginghams, Bedticks, Flannels, &c., the., &c. Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Cordn- roy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, AND PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS A full line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Bati netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, SALT, &c Whioh we will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, and the hikeet marke prices allowed FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER EH For we feel satisfied that we can suit your TASTES 88 well as your PURSES. ja6' WOOD & COAL BURNT LIME Fresh burnt Lime always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price, at the SUNNY-SIDE LIME KILNS on the Railroad near Bellefonte. We have no fear of successful contradiction when we say that we have the BEST LIME IN TEE STATE. It is free from core, and our kilns are so constructed that all the ashes are sep arated from the burnt lime be fore it leaves the kiln. It is a PURE SNOW-WHITE LIME ! And makes as fine a finish as the lime burnt from the marble quarries in the eastern part of the State. Oar facilities for burning and shipping lime are such that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the same quality of lime can be had a , any other place. All orders promptly filled Address, J. R. dc C. T. ALEXANDER. ja6' Bellefonte, Pa. MERCHANT TAILORING, ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 7, BROCKEHOPF'S. ROW The undersigned takes pleasure in inform ing the citizens of Centre county and the public generally, that he is just opening a SPLENDID AND RICH ASSORTM ENT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Cloths, Cassimers Veatings, Which he is prepared to make to order in the latest and most fashionable styles, for men or boys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard. Ho also keeps on hand a full line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of every style and description. He is also agent for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE ja619.1y JOHN MONTGOMERY ATTENTION ! REFLECT! ! Before ordering your BOOTS OR SHOES The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Manu facturing shop in Bellefonte. I would respectfully invite your consider ation to the gtncral satisfaction which in every case follows my work. Prices reason able, and neat fits guaranteed. JOHN POWERS, ja6'] Allegheny St., Bellefonte. HE highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce, at BURRO= a THOMAS'. T HE ANVIL HARDWARE STORE aaaaaaasanaaaaanaaaanaaaanaaaanaaaaana aanaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaas nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn vI7VVVVVVVVVVVVVPMV VVVVVVVWYVVVVVVVTVV 111111111111111111111111 1111 l 111111111 1111111M11111111111111111111111111111 nimilimmuimumunnumininm 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Their Stock of Shelf Goode is complete, em bracing a full-variety of Every Class, In Heavy Goode the same va riety is kept up, embrac ing, in part, Steels—Cast, Shear, Spring, ' Blister and Drilling, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails, Toe Calks, Anvils and Vices, different makes and prices, Stoves—Cook, Parlor Gas-Burners, and Cyl inders, four makes and kinds. SPRINGS— Axelsand Skeins, all sizes, WOOD WORK, all kinds, for Waggons, Buggies and Carriages. GRINDSTONES, all sizes, and Kitchen do., Platform Scales, from 100 to 1,000 pounds, Counter Scales and Balances, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, of all kinds, MANILLA ROPE, all sizes, and PACKING, Call and see their Stock before making your purbhase. - Are always pleased to show our goods. jan.6,19.1y READ AND PROFIT ! THE CHEAPEST STOVES MOST SUBSTANTIAL TIIN-WARBT WETZLER & TWITMIRE'S. The proprietors, determined not to be out done by anyone in their lino of business, have opened up at MILESBURG, PENN'A., one of the most complete, and Cheapest, STOVE, TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENTS In Central Pennsylvania, They have on hand, and acting agents for all of the latest improved, Stoves of every discription. PARLOR STOVES, BED ROOM STOVES, COOK STOVES, HEATERS, OF EVERY PATTERN. TIN-WARE, COPPER-WARE, SHEET IRON-WARE, BRASS-WARE, OF EVERY DISCRIPTION. ROOFING AND SPOUTING, and all kinds of work done on the shortest notice, and Guaranteed to give satisfaction. `GIVE THEM A CALL. - Ift„ ja6' LOGAN FOUNDRY, NEAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT. We are happy to inform the people of Centre and tho adjoining counties, that we are now prepared to make House Castings; such as Sash Weights, Cellar window Grates, &c., of all ' sizes. Grist and Saw Mill Cast ings, Sled Soles of all kinds, Plows, Plow Shares. We also manufacture the IMPROVED W OM . Z PLOW. Also EGa STOVES, Stove Castings, Oven Doors and Frames, Coal Grates for Pave ments, Water Pipes, Wagon Box es, together with every variety of Casting kept constantly on hand, or made to order. All orders filled prompt ly. Gi fe us a call. Don't forget the place, near the Railroad Depot, Bellefonte and jaB' BAYARD, JINKINS et CO FURNITURE WARE ROOM. VHERE B UREA US, SOFAS, LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT-ROTS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, STOOLS, &c., of every description, quality and price, for sale cheaper than at other estab lishment of the kind in Central Penn'a. Ready made Coffins, of all sizes and prices kept constantly on hand. Also Cof fins manufactured to order. ja6' H. P. HARRIS. 11 • i ' . IRVIN & WILSON SIGN OF THE North-west Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTE,PA, is the place to get HARDWARE of every DESCRIPTION IRON, of all sizes and shapes The Celebrated ORIENTAL FURNACES, for Dwellings Houses and Churches, PUMPS, for Cisterns and Wells. WOODEN WATER PIPES, of any Bore and Length AfILESBURG AHEAD. I=l to be had at BELLEFONTE, PENN'A Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa UNDERTAKER NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BUILDERS LOOK El ! The subscribers having leased the MILESBIJRG PLANING MILLS, and added largely to its facilities for turn ing out first class worl., are now prepared to furnish FLOORING, • FRAMES, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, BUILDING, BRACICrr S, SCROLL WORK and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCIrIPTION at the LOWEST CASE PRICES, All manner of work, such as Scroll Saw ing, Mouldings, Brackets, „to., made after any _ _ DESIRED PATTERN, on the shortest possible notice, Connected with tho mill, and in operation at all times, is one of the latest improved COKE LITYING KILNS, whieh loaves tho lumber in a perfectly healthy state, assists hi preserving it, and: n fact adds to its lasting qualities, nhile oth er methods of drying detoriorato, and ren ders it more liable TO DECAY AND WASTE Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, it is dried perfectly and when work ed and put up, will not SHRIVIL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings the appearance of having been erected out of Green Material We know that our facilities give us every advantages over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel perfectly free in saying, that all our WORK WILL BE GUARANTEED, be of A SUPERIOR QUALITY• We will furnish anything in our line from a door panel, to a WHOLE HOUSE, and at such prices, as Cannot but prove to be an inducement to THOSE DESIRING TO lIOILD - - All orders promptly filled and a• fair share of public patronage, respectfully so licited. MOORE te WOLFE, [Successors of H. Levi.] ja6119-Iy. MILESBURG, PA GREEN'S DRUG STORE. Room No. 3, Brokerhoff's Row.— The undersigned respeetfallyannounees that he has removed his well known DRUG CHEMICAL STORE to the new room (No. 3) under Brokerhers hotel, which he has fitted up for that pur pose and having largely increased his stock isnow prepared to furnish his customers with pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. PURE WINES k LIQUORS for medicinal use, DYE STUFFS, with al most every article to be found in an es tablishment of this kind, such as Horse and Cattle Powder, Ceal Oil, Alcohol, Linseed Glass,Paints, Putty, Sponges. Also the largest and best collection of PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS ever brought to this place. Tobacco and cigars of the most approved brands, con stantly on hand. He would call the atten tion of the public to his stook of notions, consisting of- . Hair, Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Paint Brnshe Cutlery, Pipes, Drinking Cups, Chess and Backgammon boards, Chess Men Dominoes, &c. Also, a large variety of TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Particular attention given to preparing PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES. Having had more than twelve years ex perience in the business, he feels confident he can render satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. FRANK P. GREEN, Druggist, ja6' TIN AND SHEET-IRON STORE THE OLDEST TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENT IN BELLEFONTE, PENN'A The undersigned hereby desires to call the attention of his many patrons, and tho entire people of Centre Co., thit he man ufactures TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Cheaper and on a larger scale than ever.— He keeps constantly for sale, Tin Buckets, Wash Boilers, Coffee Boilers, Fruit Cans, Dish Pans, Lard Cans, Wash Basins, Coal Oil Cans, Stove-pipe of the beat Rus sia, and other iron, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to R 0 OPLATG AND SPOUTING All work warranted. Give us a call. WM. S. WOLF, Allegheny Street, MI S. WILSON'S DRUG- STORE .E . NEW LOCATION Southwest Corner of High and Alle gheny Streets, Bellefonte, Pa. (No. 1: BROICERROFF'S Row.) The subscriber respectfully announces to his numerous acquaintances and the put lie in general that he nas removed his DRUG & MEDICINE STORE, ~ to the corner room of Brokerhoff's new building on tho Diamond, where he nas constantly on hand, a large stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS, INSTRU MENTS, VARNISH, TURPENTINE, Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Lamps, Chimneys'` Brushes, Hair Oil, Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Tobacco, Segars, &c., &o. Also a variety of fancy articles too nu merous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and warrants the qualities of the anti • ties as represented. Purchasers will please remember this, and examine the qualities and prices of his goods before purchasing elsewhere. Oir. Physicians' Prescriptions and Fam ily Receipes carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night, by calling at his store opposite Reynolds' Bank. The most celebrated and popular PATENT MEDICINES. are kept constantly on band and for sale, F• S. WILSON. ja6' SIIIITTERS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers