ay BL 5 MI RG > ng Fe. . : hs Stage will in future leave the Anas vi “Ea % ss AE To a x E.. ¢ ” FF - i a5 on nit A Es ellefont BEL rs LEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY W. BRINDLE. CONDITIONS: The price of this paper is two Collate per annum ; bat if not paid within the year two dollars and fifty cents will be charger Advertisenscuts, making no more in length then breadth, will be inserted three times for one dollar; and for every subse. @ucnt continuance twenty-five cents.— Those of greater length in. proportion. — Rule or ficure work double those rates. No subscription will be received for less than onc year; nor any paper discontinu ed until all arrearages are paid. If the subscriber does not request 2 dis continuance of his paper, atthe end of the year, it will be considered as a new engage. ment ; and the paper forwarded according ly. oa Subscribers who have their papers car ried by the mail, must be liable for the pos. tage. ; Letters addressed to the editor must be pose paid, ETE 4 les . {public beneficial cha @* » 2 MONDAY MORNING, June 15,1818. Ld TNT SRT cn ——— NE Hd Bak re. "% PROPOSALS gs FOR PRINTING Mea Ralicaus Mase ol Fhe Beligious Museum; $0 BE EDITED BY THE REV. ROBERT F.N. SMITH, OF NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. THE design of the paper is to subserye ‘he interests of the Redeemer’s Kingdosmn, hy increasing religious knowledge, with] + special view to the promption of vital) sicty. Fhe Editor will seek to make bis paper entertaining, whilst he makes It iscful, by preseating Biographical sketch: 5 of eminently plous persons, particular. yy of able, faithlul, and successful minis. ters of the gospel; striking incidents in thie history ot the procedure cf providence with clutches, states and individuals ; ac- counts respecting the state of religion 1n lifferent parts of the world, and more ¢5-| pecially concerning revivals of religion in in converting | then ;—notices of christian countries, and the progress made} L 7, aT. 0 ihe Fellow-citigcns, BEING encouraged by a number.o’ my friends, I am induced to offer myscll at the ensuing election, a candidate fo: the office of Sheriff. Should vou think mu worthy of your votes, it shail be gratciully acknowledged, b Your Flamble Servant, # Stephen Davis. Ferguson toronshifiy April 18,1818. $ —_— ——— To the Free and Indepen- dent Electors of Centre and Clearfield counties The subscriber respectfully offers him- such acts and ‘pi flerent ec- stical “ju § ate ; hardetcro~the resolutio of cases of sonsgiencey ¢riously % season- ably proposed; explications of difficult 4 the march of religious sentiment and feel N orth rihe fonte Mail Stage. ouse of John Shriner, in the town of ‘Northumberland, every Friday morning at . # o'clock, breakfast at L. B. Stoughton’s, Derretownsaarrive at Jacob Maipo’s int ¢ - Mifllinsburg or Youngmanstown, in time i or dinner ; be at Henry Roush’s about four ‘clock, P. M. and arrive at W. T. Brown’s aronsburg, at six, P. M.—Leave Aarons- ury at 7 o'clecky'n Saturday morping-— get to Earlysburg in time for dinner) aud acrive at John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, at & o'clock, P. Mim——=eReturning--1t will Jeave John Rankin’s, Bellefonte, every Monday morning at 5 o'clock=-break- fast at Earlysburg—atrive at Aaronsbury in time for dinner, and be at Roush’s by six o'clock, P. M.—Leave Roush’s ox Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock—~breakfast at Maize’s, tn Youngmanstown--be at Stoughton’s iv time to dine, and arrive at Northumberland at lour o'clock, Pali. ; Rates of fare OF THE 5 NORTHUMBERLAND &' BELLRFONTR Maik STAGL, ro FROM Northumberland to Lewis- burg - - &0 » Lewisburg to Mifliphurg 0 6: o> Mifflinbuig to «#® Roush’s »- H Roush’sto Aavensburg 1 » Aarousburg to Earlystown 1 » Earlvstown to Bellefonte 0 » Bellefonte to Northumber- land 0 He . 4 5 N. B. 14lbs. baggage allowed to each passenger, free. Allabove that weight to he accounted for. All baggage at the risk of the owner. ————— Weol Carding. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have commenecd the above business in Halfmoon, Centfe county, aud that their » . Carding Machine Is in complete order. Clean wool will be carded for eight cents per pound. There must be one pound of clean grease or oil to cvery ten pounds of wool. ‘They Hatter themselves that by strict attention to busi- ness, and by endeavoring to perform their work in the best manner, they will be able to obtam the approbation of their custoni- ers. All orders and business attended to at the shortest notice. Joseph Haggerty, Thomas Moore. Kal moon, May 35, 1818, * land immorality ;—and benevolent institu- tions having for their object ‘the refief off human misery, the developement and pro=f per regulation of the powers of man, con-j pagsages of scripture; original ora ed ; notices of events which go to tface ng in the world, such as the organization, and successful operation of Bible Societies, Bible Classes, translations of the Bible into different languages, Sabbath Scliool asso- cialions-—associations for prayer, moral societies, associations for suppressing vice, sidered, under the aspect of a moral agent, in so far as such institution may be supposs ed to exert an auspicious influence upon the: cause of religion. Pg Sari The principles to be maintained shall be purely evangelicals the principles of the Reformation. : The Lditor will receive, and in the ex- ei cise of a sound discretion, will insert very short disquisitions on religious subjects, if conducted int a friendly spirit. with candor and ingentiity, furnished by members of any religious denomination worthy of bearing the houorable name of Chistian, owt ONIHTIONS. 3 The Rericrous Musr um shall be print. ed weekly on a single sheet, on good pa: per and with a good type; at two doilars per annum, payable at the time of subscri- hing, and afterwards, annually in advance. A title page and index willbe furnished once fn every year. Persons who shall not pay according to the terms stated, will be considered as withdrawing their patron. ages : ol : i pr 7 Subscriptions will be received at the office of the Bellefonte Patriot. FOR SALE; THAT well known Tavern House and Lot in Newbury, Lycoming county, sign of the Spread Eagle, Situated on the leading road from Willi- amsport to Bellefonte, and to the Painted Post. ‘The house is two stories high, 46 by 26, with a convenient kitchen and sellar, and is well calculated for both Store and Tavern. There are also suitable stabling and sheds for horses. ‘ : Also, 671 Town Lots, Adjoining the above, with a convenient ‘dwelling house and barn thereon—a good well of water at the door, and a hand- some orchard of apple trees, pear trees, &e. &c. AL SO About eight acres of first rate meadow ground, adjoining said town. Also, A Wood Lot, With a few acres cleared thereon; near said town. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms apply to the subscriber; residing on the premises. John M arphy. ira be of ae opr geteral elect X t dl TATE pe self a candidate for the Shenfl’s office, a i SITY in Oc Respecting the good sense, and confid ing in the integrity of his fellow citizens. he deemsga personal solicitation of their votes unn®essary, and will, theretore, he believes, dispense with the customary prac tice of riding through the counties, foi that purpose, as a useless undertaking. Should he, however, be honored with a majority of their suffrages, he will fee grateful for the preference, and will endea- vor to justify it by a faithful and upright discharge of his duty. Very respectfully the public's humble servant, John Hall jr. To the qualified Electors of Centre and Cleardicid | counties, Fr liow- Citizens, : 1 take the liberty of offering myself to our consideration as a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the next General Elec tion. Should you think me worthy of your support, unbiased by prejudice or interest ed motives, 1 will discharge the -duties of the office with precision and impartiality Your humble servant, William Keatley. To the Electors of Centre _& Clearfield Counties. Feliow-Girizens, xX : Excovracnn by a number of mj friends, I offdr myself a candidate for the Sherifi"s office, st the next General Eleclor. Should I be so fortunate 2s to btain your confidence, you may rest as- sured that I will not betray it by neglect of duty. Your humble servant, Joseph Butler. Bellefonte, May 6. To the qualified Electors ¢f Centre and Clearfield counties. FELLOW. CITIZENS, pi 7 As the constitutional term of the pre- sent Sheriff will expire next fall, I beg leave to offer myself a candidate for your suffrages for that office, at the ensuing General Elcction.. 1shall not trouble you with the vain promises of affection or fa- vor, in discharging the dutics of that ei- fice ; as you all know, that the same laws which govern you, will command me; if elected. i Having given this early intimation of my intentions, permit me to mention, that I do not mean to travel over the countics to solicit the votes of the citizens, individ. ually, except some other ca didate, who may hereafter set up, shall pursue this course; in which case, I will consiacr my- self at liberty to be governed by circum- _ pr 3 i lectors of Centre § lear field countre ad u A aS nn y J To § bg 5 at his Store, Jersey Shore, Lycoming couns large and general assortment of ¥ GOODS Suited to the approaching season, consists ing of superfine, coarse & Peliese Cloths, S Powerloom, Steams $ Nou S (a8 HNCTs,y 3 § S loom and Suglis® Shirtings, Cullicoes, Chintzes, Ginghams, Linen Cambricks Cambrick Letio Jackenett, Book & India mull Blusling, Black Barcolenia 28 Bandanoe bdks: Lady’s York tanned and Silk Glovesy Silk Stockings, Cotton, Worsted § Woolen ditto, Domestic Plaids, Striped & Shirting Muslins, Checks, Bed-ticking, Cotton Yarny “7's laste cords, Stoekingnett, Velvet and Velvet cords, Moleskin and come. fon coatings, Lyon Skin, Flannels, Swansdow S 410 ei f ney : i : Figured and white 3 Marseille, wd : 5 3 5 S y S § ] S$ : $ S 8 3 Vestings, Bombasetisy ii shawls, large and small, Levantine and Da- mask shawls Thread and Cotto Lace, Canton crape, Irish Linens, : Together with a large assortment of GROCERIES; Stationary, 4 Glass, . Hardwarey' 5 Quecnswareyy Prues. FONLIeYY, i s | Chind, i. £.. x Pais, &c84c. All of Which he offers for sale at redudl ed prices for cash or country produces Jersey Shorey Hay, 1818. 490 Dollars Reward. WAS stolen on Monday night, the 201% of April, from the subscriber living in Henderson township, west end of Kishacoquillus valley, 4 y A Bay Loan Mare, with a large star in her forchead, abou# sixteen hands high, shod all round, and is six ycavs old this spring. Whoever takes up said thief and secures him in any Jail in this state, so that the owner may get the said mare and thief «hall have the above reward, and ail reas sonable charges will be paid if the mare ig brought home. -- Twenty dollars will be given for the mate alone. Soloman Sharp. _ April 20, 1818, ed . Carding Machines. RANRIN§ STEEL, INFORM their friends and the public, thaf their MACHINES are now in complete operation, for carding bwool into rolls, at the old stand in Delica fonte., ‘The price for carding will be cighs cents per pound. Those who live at a dis tance may, by waiting a short tiie, take their wool home in rolls. The woul aught to be well washed, and picked clean of sticks and all hard substances. Onc pound of grease to ten pounds wool, ; Rankin & Sicel Tender their sincere thanks to all thos@ ‘who have heretcfore favored them willy their custom, and hope by stiict aitention to business to merit a share of public pats renage. May 30, 1818. > ¥. £9 Be N.B. The carding must be paid for bom fore the rolls are taken away, einer in s@s® Stancess i . JOHN MITCHEL, Newbury, May 18, 1818. t.f -N 1 . er couniry fueduses "HAS just received and is now openinf® =X y, in addition to his former stock, a verff % Split straw bonnets Huantingdon county. hi Mauthtw MReynolds - i” 24
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers