ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements are insertedst.the rate 0 $4OO per.equare for first inSertion, and for each subsequent insertion 50 cents.' A l ib era l &secant made . tuts yearly ad % ertisements. . 6PaCe:l4 l / 1 14 AFtarithin of thilitYPO taeaStltl3ol l . 1 51 1 1111511ist _ ,' " Busineisla% .01131.1140 t Wider s head by t hemselvel'lmnsadiately alter the local nears; will be Aiharged - Jaa Ceuta a line )r e2ichlasiirtion.l": Advertipanaenta Maar: be -Winded in blandaY nogin'to hpurtinsertion in a'►tctarip/. F. - BucuAssm. ACNE**ERICHANAN, Attorneys at Law. Third Street, Beam, Penn'a, oct9-ly - Opposite the J. F. DIGNLA.P, Attorney at Lx. Mice tn . the Court Bonne. r,e Pa. AU business Tanye72 attended CO. OF JOB WORK nentlFaid erpe •~ dittonsly executed at the ARGUS alike. a , k A. h11,41.LL- Attorn!y at law. Bearer. }a.. t. Y. me Court Limon. , deml34l Yir.r. CA.III..ItON. Attorney at Law. Beaver, j 1 , ,,_ a ce oa ad et.. its the tOOMA formerly oe c 'pled by t 6 h.M dodge Cunningham. :All IN:el -1 ~ ... t,dru.ted to him will 'receive prompt and .. y lit altrialoll. jet.lay .roll.l3..YiieNG, Altonley at'Law. °Mee anti JThird Ft., east ofthe Court fJott.e. I; ...pi,. prompoy attended lb. ap37;ly Attorney at I;nw. Office on J I torn ".1 . below the.euurt All prompvly attended w. jefrl, kifort.:s , ut Lawoll3ceeast I * 4 • end of Ilird ',meet. Beaver. Pu. war:al,;:tr;l-y K.J. S' Mc:NUTT, PRTsICIAN AND SURG GoN. l. Spedil atW otiou paid w tzeatinent of retaa:e t , .-rases. Reoldence and office on Third .treat. a few &wry , we tof the C mrt-House aprl2ll:ly I ENICY MERZ. Manufacturer and Dealer In i Route. Shoes-and (Jailers; Slam F.A V Dlttl4 Andrtefst.n I) Orruzl:i.l Lt, Apothecary, Main et PrefLcrip , carefully compounded. NEW IMIGEITON. COI E. tkeldef la paints., oll,gbi#4.nmilp, pktr-rluss, look framer. garden and far,c) lowls. otreet, ftrltestoi.. - seirZrZl-13 • (NGLI A!d anutucturerpot ear NV eiprttr'g-warl,..n., back-leug n P vehicle@ of every awrlption. Bridgari.. i.Nicol workmen. Sucee@gors to George roartlly '.ANGN ECIIER. dealcr - in Watches, Clocks ..od Jewelry Repairing neatly eZeCtited, bniadway, near Fd W. RIPPERT, Baker & Confectioner; ice • cream, Oysters and Game in eearon. Widdlngs, &c.. supplied. now( -8- WALLACE. Dealer In Itallan 4S. Atuerlean Marble; Manutactares Monuments, Grave s , aes S s atm at reasonable prices. Railroad at., hear ue. peia..t, New Brighton. DON TON RESTALRANT and Etas lcs I) LooN: inealeaat all bolittg tahleaupplied with (tellers-les of the season Prlces low. Wm. I a Dd. cor. Pant and Broadway my2f7l-ly t ECT )ItusP MOUNU Its}:l(l.Es. Ever er,ens and small Fruits. Three miles' sat of Btightbn. mit , r7l4y) E "1 - 110MAS._ ,s J.SNELLENBERG, Merchant Tailors,— i - ` • Broadway, New Brighton. See adv LPpltly NoSs..' Photographer. Willeon'e . Broadway. Beet photographs from re-touch ed nelatives. (eep4:4:ll. BEAVER FALLS. %I'll. ROBERTSON, Dealer in the yustly cele - bested Domestic Sewing 'Machine. Lading call and be convinced. Men et., B. Fano. (sp27 Q . TEVENSON WITTISII,ReaILs tate Agent, , - " , lleacer Falls, Beaver Co., PL, and corner nth ml Penn Streets, Plttsbnrgh.. augt.3;ly. 1) STEWART IC SON, Dealers in Yankee Na tiona. &C., Main St... Beaver Nall. pepl3;ly BRIDGER ATER.. r. trEirMAN, Manufacture of Boots and Shoes. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (sepirl;ty ABREHM, Bridge street, Bridgewater, Pa., I),=ter in Goldand Silver Watches, Clocks, .It. 's eiry and Silver Ware, Spectacles, Sc. Watch e-. Clock. and'Jewelry, repaired. tieblVil;iy NI EL lIELI,ER, Fashionable Tailor. None Tut experienced workmen employed. Shop ' ridge et.. Bridgewater, , Pa. fitbBll:ly. C. BURST. Dry Goods, Bats, Ceps, Furs, Ciirtieta, Oil Cloths and Trimmings. Bridge Bridgewater. Ps. septtly ROCfIESTER. to Wati \N - : N i,.. l l.?l ll „.7 .°s orart l h e T ri gln r i e s ! ru:11,7.1.'. Satchel,: Baskets; Toy Carts; Wa.7.01.r; gals, and 'roye of evCry der.cription. Near J./c -um-20-Iy. UN CASTER OUSE.—Davin 'Volt P r ople. 1) :or Pro Bono Ptibitco R. R. Street.ear n0r...0.t _ KENNEDY S CO, ',successors to Wm. n.iechltng..) Druggists and Chemists. Pre F , l'; • ,01.1. ,areftilly compounded at ail hoar& In I..amond. Rothester se,p4., II • ILL & Fancy Dry Goode, No ll • us and atilllnery. ilktpson st., near .• Dte- It..cneeter• Pa. (sepl4 , ,ly It Y LAPP: Mannfacturer and Dealer to II P -citure of all I i da. Brighton at., above • 1 , tory. see adv't. (lepl4;ty. 1111 EL. C. HANNEN, Druggist. Preiciip ...cell:Lily compounded. Water et., Bo (septitly El'FSß&Rholesale & Retail Dtp.l -.-- .11 Di 7 4.o<xl..,Groceries,lPlottr,Feeil,Gra l n , t. • .1 Nails. Cur Water Si Jarnes its. . '1 I M I ;A-ER. Contra etostand Builders. ..11 • St nafacturers of Sest, Itoori; Shatters &c. Lumber Lath Sc Rochester. [twit:lay , WlLLlASTS,Sticcessors to C. Co., Dealers in Sawed and Planed ' , or. Lath at;htnr.ler.. Rochester * I EFFIEIt CLARK. propnetoraot Johmoon , qlrv. t;ooci accommodationa and Erood Pia- Near It.-11. Depot. octia:l3 - T MlLLElC,dealer to Bu rts, Shoe. Gatter~, J. Itopairina done neatly and prompt :y ~ t 1 the Dtatnund, Roc-ber•rer, l'a_ oczlaly ALLEGEIENV t•ITY. I!: J S. WlNANS,El,rjrical Phytitclan: Chronic ~ ,ea.4-r, made a epeciaity. - ()Mee. 161' Waeh ;• :klellll, Allezheny City. Ba. teepl4:ly MI2WELLANEOrs. t— y; 'AN F.A.D, Freedom 11..aVer.eounty, Pa., •I .),...,, , i., n. Sauced and Planed L1'3113F.11 , $f all ...ed Flat. and tiartle.littilt to order lautil7l-1) 1 k.IIN TiloßNlLEY,Mhuutaeturer of the tircut r 1 'ltt.onbllr Cookttu: Sto.e. and Patentee of Pot , e ertentoon top and centre Fallaton. Pa D. COINE., 111. D., Late of Datlluzion • having removed to New- Itrightcn, off , ro 1,, : , .11 , 31 serytees, in al It: , branchee, to the people •he coy and anrroundinff country. Office cor i. u" of Batter and Ilruadwav evi,13.11- Iseellaiti-t.11 ,, LAST N o TIC E. t 1.1. knowing thunticivrti it - 1(1011,i to ttoi .uhiteritwr, for profoootitirtl ••••ta o e r timice That If the it ar-counts are Dot ci ~tl- 1 4. nay ) before the first day of next January Cc/fleeted wlthoilf reserve J. E. JACK:,(iN In,bit)o, Nov. -1.1. —:lm . w. 13 Rail , ttittectailhOt to Barker S Llas:!!..tne.'l WIIoLCSALI AND RETAIL DtALZR IN CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, Lithogaaph.s. rrquTed, !' logrit,u4A, roue PartoutA. Mout mgt. and P:ctur Framer of all kind', g 7 Fifth Arctice, bovr smithileld St..] Pfttf , burgh. l'a. I e Claim Agency. OLDEST IN TUE S FATE B. F. BROWN & 116 Smithfield Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pensions, Bannittes, l'rze money. &e. ••pectal attention paid to tnrpengit.4.l and rejeco , l • myna, AppiletalOns by mall attended to ag If nerron. eeplS.lim Eomes Still Larger IY)R THE MILLION! 1:—• oppommit.,,, are now offered for securing to a mild. htal/Ay, and congenial climate r .t „L••-third or their value dye years nence TtLE NATIONAL HEAL ESTATE AGENCY hts for sale teal estate of every description, locat ed the Middle and Sonutern States; iraprored grain and fruit farms rh-.. and rot plantations: timber and rninerat lands rift/ • and euralresittlence, and b,rxine.e F!nntlt: and mill sites,petorLes, Write for Land', i• , .ttion, price and terms of properties we ha te . I4' side Address— B. %V. CLARN.E B CO.. ne National Real Fatale Agency, t" and an Fi'M Avenue, Washingion, P. 1,-. GET tri - LLI BEST LLCM ES STANDARD SCALES, Sampson Standard Scales, A lso, Stoie at Baggage I'rw Patent Cash Drawera, and Gro ,-ors,'F. Supplies SCALES REPAIRED. W. A. MCCLTJRG, A mte. Gi Wood Street. Pitt.hurzh, Pa ;"4" - sepd tur Circularr snd Price 1.114 fet,7:lV Wint- [Z• NT - tinted to 13orroN‘- 1..." , 'erm of from one to Live years. any t.trn I . ) from $llOO to 00,000. a rate ' l, " , e.t PP! exceeflma e 1211: per (VEIL fo' 'he of ',tie 80r00,211 of fleaverPt: , ., the Bond,. of the eorrttrrtafkh. to, or natty -to. MARTIN )1ETZ.,..A12. e , fdent of COOncii. P..,,ver Fall, Pa.. Noy. 2.. Isl2.—deaStf Agents Wanted-.. Wanted trnmedintely. Tour active, etterr;erle Men 1. , het as Agents for the ••%F.,Wr WILSON StWING MA - 611NR ill ad* couay. 0r,17 sucb men as can rive reference as to character and ability. and birnist a Bond reed 'poly. Ws will pay gte.trantred ealarleJ. or liber ol cummissions. to prop., such men as wally desire to enter the basinelLa need apply. WM. SUMNER k CO.. N.,. lib Wood St . Pitts : , :irgh, Pa. (marG;iy $250 A MONTH, $250 WE WANT 10,000 AGENTS, MALE or FEMALE, co make the abuse ALSIOIIOL ectilO4 BRIDE S O'rt.bivation Needle-02er rt-Rem tbale . TM* I , an erliete of abievinte riee,meity with every I,iy, 14,)• R birco rtrofl• For eircalne and Terms audreal Pittsburgh Supply Co., Pittsburgh. Pe. usra-tu V01.55:---No, 10. Insurance. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, PA. Cash. Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct. 9, '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - - 5.200 00 e office 0. NOBLE, President; J. P. VINCENT, Vice Pt. H. W. WOOllB, TrellitLrer. TOL: P. Geraniueiy Seceetary.. - DIRECTORS: Hon. 0 Noble, Erie ,Hon. Geo. B. Delameter. .1 W Hammond. . dill' , • Meadville, Pa. Hon Se!den Marvin, do Hon .1 P Vincent, Erie Hiram Daggett. do Henry Rawl° do Charles li - Reed, . do i G T Churchill do II S Sou th ard, dol Cant .18 Richards do W B Sterna.. do Richard O'Brian, do H W Noble. do, F H Gibbs, do J I.^nglehart, do , Johti It Cochran, do J H. Nr.l. do'll thirtieth. do H A bbott. Titusell:e. Capt D P Dobbins, do Jno Fertig, Titusville. Poncies issned at lair rates and liberal terms. Insure; a.galust damage by Lightning as well ss Fire. Alft. Rochester. Pa.. Dec. O. 1S11: IF O. L. SIMIMART-- ..... L. 3ED1803. A Word With You ! If you want to 'Hu property, • If you want to sell property, • If you want your house limbered. II l on want your aortas in.twed. If you want your life iwnred. • If you want to ik., , ure against accident, It you want to lease your house, If you *hint to hire a bowie, . If you want to buy n farm. If _mu want to tell a farm. If pm want any lezat writing done, Do not fall to call at the °Mee of Eberhiit & Bedison, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS AND . • Real Estate Brokers, No, 223 Broadway, Nerw-Brigaten, Beaver county, Pena. Professional' Cards. GILBERT L. EBERHART. Attorney at Law, .• Will glie prompt atteotio j n to collections, p4,:r curing bounties and pensions, biasing and mailing mat eptnte. etc. Office on titondway, opposite RIC LH. Hoopes' Banking House, New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. , men 4t( JAMES CAMERON • CAMERON Sr, MARKS. Attorneys. at Law Arid Reel Estate. Accientro. Rochester, Pa., Wm attend' promptly to all budness entrusted to their care, and have superior facilities for buying and selling real estate. •decllity Ir.J.CIFIANDLEU, Denttat, WC. continuer to perform „lel' opera :•*4llllolll=air... 6^.>4„ [lone. ous in the pro. s X fession at his office, Beaver statidn, Roches _ 14_4 v.' ter. All who favor him 4,14..(rw1+ with a call may expect to have their work done in the best possible mann 11 and the most reason able terms, The . .boolce of the late firm of T. J. CHAND LER ....V SON are le Ins hands, where all who hare aecuuhts will please call Immadiately and settle the same. may11"I1y MP 0 .71:VISMI•3 7 ' Dr. J. ;Mar rayloafaridgo- water,,ls deter ,,Agorem • ruined that no Dentist In the . State shall do work better or • A' 4, cheaper than wr- be offers It to by 11 - • Plum nirea li th — e best raaterlids manufactured in the United States. Gold and all ver tilling performed in a style that defies compe• tition Satisfaction guaranteed in all operations. or the money returned. Give him a trial. feb?..: Iv Etticeati anal. Business Man's College. No. 6 SIXTH STILErT, PITINBMIGII. PA. Book-Keeping, Pemnauthip sad Arithmetic, • TIME UNLIMITED, VA) CU. Enter at any time. Send for a Circular and Specimen of Pcnnmanuhtn. Addresii Cleels-in .1 N. SHAFFER. Manufacturers. POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA HENRY WHITEFIELD, MANUFACTURER OF Sash, Boors,Mouldings,Floor-boarda, Wcather,boards, Palings Brael.•- els, de., etc. Also, DEALERs IN ALL KINDS OF LUM BER, ,sIIINGLEs AND BUILDING TIMBER. Ihtvi: purt.hasel 11,e tliet , Trit. , rial in t' red rd Mr •' (2 An , lcn-on,4,wntr of the s'yvt . ral tilth•nt' , cover:llg c main iinpriive inent", in the i,nd joining , •,f w,atlierlioartls and liniii i I r linnses and , lii-r buil:tin:T.., we are 11w ”Illy -pi•rzons tnalti• and sill l' - e same ‘N It ~ , n the limit. of Benvt7 county.' Par ti'. NVII !drat(' ObS(TVUt Carpenters' AS ' upplieB Constantly Kept on 11(111(1. E.% ry lita!mer of Shop-Work made to orler ort 1:1v 14' A I_AI.S. - 1 1 (..) .N Foundry b: Repair Shop. he,•u Engaged to the Foundry Busineve for more thnn thirty )ear..—durtng which time I hare nertlmuinted n varlet) of useful pattern., bt.- eidea c.m-trnritng models end taking out patents for Inapnwenients on COOKING - STOVES —and after having thoroutrly tested the.s , Im provemente, I feel warranted in offering theta to the public. r--/a CDO'NKT ge; 9 The GREAT WESTERN has no Sn perlor for grits Locality. screvEsi Sao...s of Different Styles for Heating and Cooking, The Gnat Republic Cooling Sion Rea the Veld Record of any Stove ever offered In this market IT TAKES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, MOST ulu_rtA. 81, _.', ALTOGETHER CFIE BEST STOVE IN USE' In connection with the stove I have got up a Patent 1E.X9C1r.....1\ SION TOP, widen occupies little room, no additional fuel, and is not liable; to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, can Le put on of taken off at any time; and made to suit all stoves of any size or patt.•ro. Five Hundred Persons Who have purchased and used the GHAT MIMIC COKING HOVE, Most of whose names hare been publish ed in the Angus, arc confidentl7 referred t". to bear witness of its superior merits as a cooking stove. Ilartne, three drat class engine* on band. of about fifteen bone power capacity. they are offered to the public at reasonable rates. 10Ei27 'rUORNILICY. • . . . . . . _ . * . . ..- . . _ . . . • _ ".? _ ; - • __......, , ...,, T Al Wit REIN - cal i JOHN Y. HELM pecliFly ROCHESTER Fire Insurance Company. piCORPOItATED - by. the lagleliture of Pena' 12,111 Ants. retwowy. MTS. grace one door out i cf tothester Savings Bank. Rochester. Sesser county, Pe People of Bearer county eau now here their property Insured azabut loss orAlawage by fire, at fair rates, In a safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY, thereby avoiding the expense. trouble and delay Incident to the adJustment of lowa by companies located at a distance. 110111 D OP DUILCTOBS: J. V. li'Doneld, George C. kimono. Samuel B. Wilson, Lewis Schneider, , Keneody, Join Gorbutg, itacaludi - Wponaiek — -- U. B. Edgar. ' Camp. C. B. Tient, David Lowry Daniel Brenner: • OPTICESP GEL). L. SPETERkR, PRLIVT J V. 311.'DoNiLD. V. Pres e. 11. J. Srmenzirt, 7 reels. E. KetaEn.; Seel e. .13,31;1y Chas. D. Burst's INS UR.A_NCE AND General Agency Office, ROCHESTER, PENNA. FIRE, LIFE, and ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamer.; "Adams" and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal tams. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles. &c., Mitten ; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &e., &c. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from 'England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. ETNA FIRE INS. CO., 01 Ilartford, Conn., Cast) assetts 0,000,000 " By their fruits ye know thern.Z Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1811....5Zi1,000,000 One of the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world. NIA(ARA Insurance Co., Cash assett s, ANDES FIRE INS. CO., OfCincinnati 3 Ohio. Cash asse tts, . $1,500,000 ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Cash assetts over... $600,000 LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. Of Lancaster, Pa. Cash assetts $240,000' ALPS INSITRANCE CO., Cash capital, Cash assets, Travelers' Life ce Accident Insurance Co:, Of Hartford, Conn. Cash .assetts over $1,500,G00. Representing, the above drat class Insurance Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the best and meet reliable In the world, and aresenting gross cash ea_pital of nearlysl a a eled totake In surance to any ek amount des ired. laml Applications promptly to, and lides written • (them delay, sad at fair rates and liberal terms. Lows liberally adjusted and protnyeta aid. INSURE Te PAY I By one des 's delay you may !ewe the savings of year Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; therefore. insure to day! - One today, is north tree fresnorrono."— Qtudity. w ort Is of the utmost Importance. The low priced.less article. always penes b y e amongst The above companies are !mown to be amongst the best and wealthiest In the world.- - As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful for the very liberal pateenage already bestowed; I hope—by a strict attention to alegit imam business—not only to merit s continnence of the same, but it large increase the present year. Mr. STEPHEN A. CRAIG is duly authorised to take applications far Insurance and receive the premium for the same In adjoining_ _townships. CHAS. B. 1111.111 ST, Near Depot, Rochester. Pa. Uel4;lp. Ckwbt. INWORTERS f ',Jabbers ' AND RETAILERS -OF DRT-GOODS, JOB LOS FROM A.T7OTION • SALES Nos. 172 all 1741 Federal Street, Allegheny CITY. Insurance. NEAR 'THE DEPOT Notary Public and Conveyancer; Of New York Of Erie, Permin. $250,000 HOME LIFE INS. CO, Of New York $3,500,000 = • -;t m►npo•Ur. , -Pretatiiikrr. Wairxsa etuaLoo Itugaray.--utaleammi Tim 231 tram December Di. DM ;--- No.l. No. b. ?to. 7. No.l. irtoutoxs.' 1 FotAu — lion. ,Pacis NiSSI .......-,......--..- Pittsburgh ' ..1 14600 'M --+%,, oir lAN% Rochouter...-...... Still 610 „: 11M3 - 610 , Alliance- ... ~ th tic 180ri 'ell , Orroille .. • 1 'l4sPii' 357- . 7N: ltanallehl. 1116 421 , 699 . VII; •----- -- -I 1i.,, . 990 - - 500 510, 1161 • &Mr 1 ori r 313 ; 610.411 CO 'l6O Forest -- •-la 1 1103 NZ ' • 1111 " 1115 Lima. 116ris 196.. 515", 1117 sat Fort Wayne) 249 IJSO . rhzig sis Plymouth' I 445 ' 1133061 INI , 106 cbiusgo... ..... ..I _Tor ', .650 , 1.630 = -nor , .Tustirs isonsua MAIM ' • . Na..e.. No:i. -- Wtroof: IITAIIOIO. KAM. Fat Kt Pulls Nit Ns —.—............ —,.. Chicago 515ast 913 ask 6110 rat gips Plymouth... ..... 915 INZtrat 615 125058 Fort Wayne ' lelOrm 410 . pin SS Lima . 145 , 457 - - 151s$ :515 Forest 4011 606. 417., . 613 • Cr I A 555 . 511 ' 41(6 ' ' 8(13 `"-"'' i D • IttlOsat 650- 413 .: NM • Xamdield 4. 1 2135 719: 413 868 1 Orville i 913 , 920 , 817 1106 1 191 ' 1193 SNP , ' Devi tiorbestorr usT . i 111151 1141. - er NM - Pittsburgh' • 810 1,133 .. 114 5.4.6 414: . 121/ - NO. 1 Malt ameepthfo=:ll.4.ll ? 7 A 8, daily, - except Sunday • 'Nei. a 6, Moll , P. R. MTNItS. - Mast: , . CLEVELAND 41; PITTSBUREIIi 141 4 •WR0/l% On and Adm . , Dec. 22, 1812, trains will leave Sta.t.uns daily (Bandaya ezeepteel) as follows. lao ILX 0 GO ETU. , STATION/. MAIL. 821y1.1 513Aocomi Ho : • Clev ds= 943 eland 830 ms 15.tre 400216 • Mr Ravenna.. .. . .... -015 . ZOW 548 Alliance. '' 1110, 41 $ 635, ' ' ,Ilayard iil44 444 Wellsville ........ I 110 m 600 • • . Plltsbungb........ I 840 - I 820 " • • .. . , 11101140 NOSTNI. , , , • - ireaviosik Mau !Dirs. ao* —.l—. —...-- - Plttsborgb....... 410 ex 145 ' .- Wellsville... ... .. . 855 840 =.. . . 2020 452 tip 1125 MI 725 am Revenue 31 2 / 2 555 Bl5 Hudson. 1245 521,1 00 Cleveland I 1 155 140 10 0 15 I _ _ 1 eaves. Bayard 1S 10 411$ 5 00 N, Alta 6:401..m. BTATIMIII. ACCOI M. 11,11. :ZP'S ACCOII -- —...—. ~,.. ....... —..... Bellsir I 545. us 1050u4 1133 iii ..... .. s ß t lf=t le 555 WO 343 ....... 637 19193.1i 445 ....... Wellsville 815 135 GNI Rochest. 930 9113 713 .. ... Pittsburg er h LINO 310_ 1320 __ __ . ooina lii2ll'. BTATIOXISTAIL. !Rites. &mem Aucol9 —"----- PUtsburgh...—... !Maw 115ris 495r2 Rochester II 74 0 22 0 k 8 : 1 3 Wellsville Steubenville ....1 920 410 6001 Bridgeport. 1100 515 $ 905 Bellair 1110 540 1 1320' F. IL MYERS, General lisssenger and 7444 4 Manufacturers: D. WIDODELIIFI Bridgewater Marble Works DEALERS In Itallanand American Marble.- All kinds of Marble Monumental Work done with neatness and dispatch. Prima reasonable. and satisfaction guaranteed. Market Street, Bridgewater,' PaJ 1124-1/. ALLEGHENY afTE STAIR-BUILDING WOOD- ruitßxrio sItOP. Newels, Balusters, !land Rat. irtch all jobrie cut and belted, ready tobsog torn a bed as abort notice WILLIAbt PEOPLES, snartst,r Cur. Webster 81.1 Grata= li nter. _ . PITTSBUtiCk ,MARBLEIZED MANTLE WORM,. JAMES OLD; 193 'LIBERTY BT., PITTBESTROII,7a. , Also, Ranges, Orates, Lc.. and :particular attention paid to Furnaces, Public and Private Building* nevltOur • • Jr. -- 13: S -NE K 1 If(nt now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., Raving the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of FLECOCONIXIV43iN LATH, &C. and is now qirepared to attend to the building and repairing of Steamboats, Barges, .Flats, &c., &c.. Keeping constantly on hand a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. faug2-ly WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB TRAM, PLANING MILL. MILER &TRAX, liquaijacturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS. &e• Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. $1,500,000 Mitt Opposite Me Railroad Slcaim, ROCHESTER, PENN/A. etpril 19 '7l; ly Brighton . Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. IfANNILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. RAG AND CARPET.} PAPErt. DIA NTIPACT And Sold At Wholesale & Retail by Frazier, Melner & Co.. , 82 Third Avenue. PITISKIRGH Egrasita taken In exchange. raepliklil Boots and Shoe*. 1872. Fall and Winter. 1872. Boots, Shoes /c Gaiters! .7. 13. 13011.1. AND Nos. 53 and 55 Wood Strat i , Eras just received one of the Largest Best f3eleelid and Cheapest Stocks, brought direct trots the _Manufactories for cash, before Or recent Ovum In Leather. and will he sold at ihe lowest New- York and Boston Prices. Philadelphia CUT Made Goods at Ilantiliscinrerte prices. thtui saving freight and expense. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. Special lodattemeats (Orel to Cash at Short Time Bayer,. Eastern bins dapricatet. AU .11:W den tmn Country llteretuusta promptly &Usual*/ to. sod nth faction itostrulard. t eat! and arm ins ityratacit lad pliassitit J. H. BORLAND'S, 53 & 55 Wood Stry43 MU Beaver, Pa * ~safd~~ida~ . Arrives. N.Ptillad.ll;ooh T3O p.m. Birard 0;45 aarcal 01X0 A. V. WooDaimr. rr..41 I= , • *esti h. :wlthlWtrefsha( at the vinyl:oth The, doctors:: h. iikllltlhei• amid gmapo; `die& ft WO' le whekall Will 'and full of plants - were putt and itierry,•bfr their nest s = --thaf her. She . eylts only smiled iv knew ' , •` fler.ease find' mithineth seemed tiihai47 Neitheikeedli and - elfin** had been ter too Air turorig Afends, any shod. Saylng she had grier —. heart. lint Whatever... 4 ibeen the matter, there a .. , l_ plain Atet,.. ,and thetkitt, yirbrt?' , 4 _A Idol; word m 0.811340 tr eve!tent,'Who never kneW an every; wakhelload human sd4. NO min"to!# have helped loving Edith': ''Ne ,. ..W4aair one 'of. those natures whigle o f all' cabers toward st:' Thus& , ~, rn and the low, the'eattiviitO the rude, all prlaai her . alike; wneltP` have done, anything t o please W.; . - llntil atiOnt tsirif-V previous ; het' life had been alf and happy as it h r, birds. Het (Other was the n e M most'pronilnent ' - ow " the little community-fa,, 1, he lived, ini ap was respEcteg '., every one. Her mother, was one . those those good, reliable war als - making the comfort any Slat care, and sytnpathizii With .er Edith be a► How could and bright, wree than went'? 'lt for any one ter, Or wrong her, thete would 110 t. ' 'such a perami to ( Onget• • one, lark 6 or smi Three years beforeVw . aad _scene just deieribed, Edit '. 'Cambered among her friends t Yearig,loa ofirreproaobablb eter, though much unlike./14 Parsons wits en, old friend of _h ,„alitayik liv e d In the Village' Ali. 'Oa ;tl9lO. Caine for hirolo, : go ebilegi; 'lie was a Young man -.)a)iget ability, but probably could . rB l )lneatieve eertalu-Apediuni Ofgeod ban Ow. 1144 i 'OW the whole,. likely to qv_ sp•Vihor.- ably In life, that `• Qoaway,ll4, hoped - his daughter ' him for her husband; fog ••iyas,aluic n bilious that she - sh Oahe dart Kling mitcWwith : '4utitriad man s , .whafttagh.t.tl44o" "ven'' .1 2 ' • - The otber 'Graves; was in humble. noes. He had been eh i l.• • to' vet heel ear ly and go to • , . w , _won was je, • ceg 7r. e being a young man of very mark talent, he'became invaluable to his employers. He could claim the fine Personal appearance of Aaron Par sons; but his quits:, bright eye, man ly bearing;and energetic movement were not to be 41srmarded. During the first years of Ms new .employ ment he had visited'his native place but, very little, and.for brief seasons, until; he began to rise. when more time was allowed him, and' he often remained along time at hodieduring his summer vacation*. = Edith Conway had never thought of caring for either of those young men more thati as common friends; but she knew her father's wish, and as she felt she could never gratify is, 'she was at times quite unhappy. Matters went on quietly until the last year of Aaron's college life, when he came home to spend his summer vacation. Albert (haves also came, and amusements were continually de vised by all the young people of the village to spend the time in the hap piest manner. At this time Edith was eighteen years of age, and in all the freshness of her free, contented life. She had hitherto treated every one of her friends alike - much like brothers and sisters. Aaron and Albert had shared this state of things always, although there had been some slight differfnce in the manner; for the former occu pied more the position of a confiden tial friend. Albert had been unusually success ful of late, and developed into a noble man. Besidesall this, he had fallen desperately in love with Edith, which sho was not slow to perceive; and, as she could not trust her own heart, had in a number of little ways avoided him. But it was of no use to fight against destiny. Before the summer was over they were engaged though secretly, for Edith dared not let her father suspect it, on any ac count. But Mr. Conway, though he did not suspect this, was yet observing enough to see what might happen; and, having set his heart upon hav ing Aaron Parsons for his son-in-law, forbid his have any more to .do with tithed Graves. This command was given the very night of the day they had pledged their mutual love. Edith was overwhelmed with her trouble. She dared not tell her fath er the truth. and she could not bear the secret manner in which , she must Meet her lover. However, she must see and tell him, and talk over, mat ters. So she managed to communi cate and make an appointment - to meet at a certain designated place the following evening. I. - Albert at once understood the pa , sltion; and, resolving to be more se cure, confided his secret to his inn mate frit - rad, Aaron Parsons, and be sought his help, which was readily granted. • They then arranged that Aaron should call for Edith to take walk. and that they tAgethershould go to the appointed place, where Albeit should soon join them; then Aaron was to keep guard while they . held their interview. It was beautiful night. The sum mer was drawing to a close, and the short but delicious twilight soon gave place to the deeper shadows of the night. The moon had just risen sg Aaron stopped before Edith'sgate. She was waiting, having given out that she was going to take a moonlight walk with -Mr. Parsons, In order to allay any suspicion. They walked first slowly, then with quick ened steps, while she clang breath less to his arm, and itseemed as if he could almost hear her heartbeat. She would often start, and look be hind, and then. finding all was well, peed on. At length. the appointed place was gained, and Albert met them. Then Andrew withdrew a little distame, and kept watch while the lovers discussed their situation. But what was that feeling which i stole through the heart of Aaron Par sons at that time? It was new, strange. lie did not understand it. It could never be envy! Oh not He MEM 411311 ft ch -87 1 -8: - • , . loved ftiei4 tiiiiioll;:iie;tliog4t; ;to over grudge I. horns°, deserved.. Until - night:T.:the thoughthad , never ocoured - , - tO, hitt). -fly:iithat Edltii .enuld:: - ;•ptimiii* Any ee::tkiend !Rl* own .casetTl3Ut r.he-hsul only „now - ,eeeri the power. of - *DOW : ;brave, and The trembling girln lately': i his- caw, ~ h as Sining tso ,-fondly. Jo het lover's arms, had awakenedihntighla ;held his:verY:-tiOnt rHe knew, it -Wsef- , Jahls- . pOWer ,t 6 orenktluit butogo;lFuo; . . one -Oil his ~eonld. dWipato,, : that' - hapOt dream orgotoro-bliattinit both now entertained,_ , x 1.6 was received with .favorhy-hr`,. friends,' ' , Albert witbont..n:ehadow chance - with=thenh.: dktheseu . sa ipen the inaf, ter, until Angcleratihe thought ra.4ht. e 4 Welt. ~:ttita, that .setne.- some: spirit .10aat_IPEL.;at- work L put,loth hi fronornble had : h ways-,be,:hOperidil4 -would. 'h 1 -atiii continue,. a;sme „what - , might. 4.e. *Alm • ifftowl - ft; if# 14 0 1 4 , '4 0 ing , '.40, 1 ; howloct ; he i - enVlllO9ll 0 1( t . ! teSi*OST',4 kow.l4lriesk. , l3 . 421,4.0T aineiukktiozwnt..-:to-, 1 under 3v,hAch, - - Wk. wen : .They mere Oil hokum or tnetn meo w,- ‘l6, proved . dllligent to my fins ; gone . iladt roe?,,-4,:hint,thedecep .deception discoVerediArOug4 my neglect, anti :they-been" _AV_hat will the consequences he? and — Will they, sny that on My :Olt all . this, was' inteu.; tional?" •:•: . • In great agitation of _;mind .Alson, 1 Parsons hastened back'to village. - The streets were:deserteo; .no lights were to be .:„ I seen. ie mssed -by Edith's house,. but all ctia4 dark., lie went to his friefid'a hous e, but could. : not gain suiraol44att was stilt; Als . he turned, 4.9i:steps 819Wly eri,sl4t: to, „Ida*le;..klie t ,elpek Stris two.:.Theeotemp sound 'aped the still.-: nig4t, air cangetirlAca and tbewtcisteo4ip t d4tor i a. ' ,Qthere . haft. **Wets::: heard the same chime; but'._fild - it. grime *Pen Lhefir ears es ufieii:,hof, wtai but , he could only , wait now tilt 4torning, should come and reveal the worst. ' - . 13 • r • S. Agtleti i'sfety 'even rtieit iver. I,trititn, *nol o * sprft, Aft boW. tuut air btids. utty With vatilnici; In, but very *JAI Air. Itnittk ° 3:47.1 'l•Attkiißyt. it it was broken;' heir. PAW Jwail curls, the- aey 'well The mointiag• did come slowly enough; and, Ps be. rose to bathe his . J fevered brow, .110:discov - ered a note addressed:to Which he had not noticed,t he nigbt before. Lie read it pastily once, ,and thew again. Ells Woratfeard were, realized.- NQ unkind wjard.or thought did. Al bert, write, jinx. ask any explanallotk . .,110 merely— said, that. while they were talkitigthey thought they heard a rustle among the bushesithey could not well call to him, and had nor Ugticed which way he had . retired; .tatt, they felt it best ti leave, as, there being no wind, the noise:must have' Wen !nada by some, . person. They walked a - s ort 'distance. _when, as they etuargid into. the, .Omn. Moon-, light,,, Alber _ t:.ldokei back, , and Mr. Owaw#Y:follokied Oose. behind I .Aesixmnallie-latter sew, :that - he was k flown, to Started forWarei;restli e4between_tjteM, yOwing 0:0"4.Y. "never shoW ,ineet,oo.l4,tke' haq been 410b5iffsLot* bluir;;*afells: .iaw.414116-1 41'e net nbr twayep nor rem; nut' rew nearly tainting, into the _house, dadd swore ven&ance upon Albert for his eourve. • - I krioYi iar, Miff viduNtOie:Tuto - fi ttir kqp' tne *baudct*im , , o hadrstirepar,, ed himself and left the — p m e,. ' such time a.4 - ,he shall be able to claim his betrothed. He left messages to be delivered', to Edith, in , explanit „ lion. The summer vacation passed, and Aaron returned to college; but he could not banish to gloom the re cent sad aliventure. He puriued his studies in a mechanical sort of way, and hiS companions noticed the change. For Edith, the joys and pleasures of her hitherto pleasant life were gone. " She did not give up to de spair, for hope was yet strong with • in her, butshe settled down into a quiet:thoughtful state, which caused much comment by these who did net undenitand the circumstances, and drew forth many exclamations of pity. Six months later. thofollowing no tice appeared in the daily papers: " Vienna, retirtiary 3—An Ameri young man was found dead yester day morning a few miles from this city. He was a stranger, but from pagers upon.his person his name was ascertained ,to be Albert Graves. The consul was informed of the cir cumstance, end will see that suitable funeral riles are observed. The manner of his death is unknown, as is also the part of the country to which he belonged." In due time the notice met Edith's eye, and the result may be imagined. The roses faded on her cheek; and like a lovely' flower which 'withers as the first harsh wind of winter blows over it, so she drooped alien tl y. and nothing could revive her again. How often it has been said that youth can bear up under any trial and trouble;, after a time fully re covering the old vigor and freshness! Many looked for this reaction in Etlith;but they did so in vain. With calm and peaalul trust, she felt that life was near its end, and did, not wish to prolong it. Aaron Parsons in due time gradu ated. and began to study a profession. In the spring with which this nar rative openi, he came home for a few days, and shortly after received a message flow Edith, requesting him to call and see her. He did ao4, and found her reclining in au easy position beside the win dow, where ahe could enjoy the frag rant air that came iu to fan her col orless brow.[ it seemed.: to him that she never bad appeared more beautiful. The bloom of health had. faded, and her eye-gleamed with a brilliancy not quite natural; but there she lay, so helpless and* pure, that one could not behold her and remain unmoved. She took ids hand, and pointing to a seat, gazed: in his face kindly for a moment, ant) then said: "I've seldtom spoken of the past to you; but now, before I go, I must say a few words. You have suffered much, and hive blamed yourself as being the cause of my troubles. It is not so; you are mistaken. We were discoveed as it wad. for my father had received tidings of our meeting in sOme unknown way. Do not reproach yourself longer; .and if you care for me, pray allot your mind, and la no shadow cloud your future life. I know you will think of me, but grieve not over me when lan gone.shall be happy then; let that comAirt your" She said inuoh wore, alu'l at last sank back, ethausted. Aaron could not reply. He was too much over come, and could only silently take his leave. Sorrowfully he Wended his way home; and asthe entered the door he witirinformetA that a stranger , await ed him is thtti library. In the stout, full-bearded man Who raze to meethim, be did not recog rhe his old.Orlend, Albert Graves; tnt the same; hearty voice was is, h and for a moinent Aaron was faint with surprisei Its Is no easy matter to describe a tbeettug under such eir 'eurnstances. Il gach had a long story to tell, both of painful interest,.. Albert It seemed had not been out rElni ....._ . A- ~ : , - ,3 a , .11 i: ~1::. '1 ';'1:;'• - 4 - ;!,:::; i. - ,..' t;i:: i .. '1 ... ' . 1.1 7:;':.: • :C. '-- i ' '-'• 4 1; :f .. . '' ~ . ' - ''' ' ' - - 'l,', - f- -, :t. -- -,' f • . ,L - ~: ~ ~. lIP BCE RE I. of the coentry at 4,4', He bed „Atone to a .4444,t1ty .a 64 .efgaged inisiiiees had: "proVett 'suer /6:4401? Written"' enethit4 ter to Edith - :-10 -- which-he told-her of hie piospeets;.find inquired after her situation,lte had tietittheletter so as going through j rather's"' hitudS; 'fearing' that in ehe" Might never , receive.R. 7110:Wrote her-that in ayearhww.tinkid treturn,A9l 1019! hear (rain -*.cr.t4t• ..Intdptet her Silence - at(' ontb longer: Weill aware of thatrotible that wont& bait made lf-: it , wereAmown , that-theynotresPo.lided,.whije silence wpOlAssme,it tc),, be thought ' that they. padfor4otten" eachother.' Onljr 'reeentik'hitit he leatrit'or- hetient* 'thin,. and ta at onee - enspeemclitofiall„ mental soaring ArPh.ilii accoutlf. ee.Virete tie -errinirt, detetifiiiiikt,:to re in* Auttisfy, -blinself of the truth'. ''.He'haii-ni:q eatied en; his' el& friend tO;leertr:the tied Seek- I**;- 'it wititi tot Me;".•iatd- - -Aaton i , “to ndOptisuih ti9.wen t ibt-tonrse;fts that. Wauhttiardly 499g.4slittnaiGwith i..1905t tittrijeklit ,y;imti t j' i kegife4btitltidftkar - yono*,. her' Shllititeentrueqo494. *Anglin ei Siouokithouthaving . , riitejsretkeue Jetter.-F-Itut something' gnat k l et 1 4* ST t, heti! lie. Ate ; It tbiltfor eti: Retie altittenie,-anil-dteig "here Ttetuith" ' -- Without,' -waiting for a reply he -wae gone. Hastening hack he sought Air. Conway; and had an interview with . hirti. - Conniiiy," he • began, "ibis useless igale to ask if you would do anything in . your.power to add to .your, daughter's happine, now that there so:little.thne." • :;- ‘ "Anything, anything!" interrupt -_,ed;blr. Conway. 'What is it?' Von know she la pining for on , Person Whci Wine - cm -help- e. her. 'lt - that perton "could -be -found; -would' Idtreatisent that they shouts:two each .other.” , . - ".I. would offer no obstacle to their marriage, if that would 'save her." '"Then you have it in your power to, do-much, toward • it, •if you mill say the word," saldlaron. Albert UraveS is not dead. All 'that story relates to some other Mall - of the same din*. 'Albert is my house now." hero at, once!" cried Mr.. Conway. "Be cautious; 'sir," replied ARron. "Edith cannot bear a sudden ft oek; it wont(' be toe - much for her. Sad you not better -tell her-mother, and let her break it to her gradually, white Igo and bring him here?" ' "Yes you are right. I will duso." Aaron went' out, and shortly. re: turned with bis friend.. Iwthe mean ,titne, Mrs. Conway, 'having been called from 'Efdth's. room 'and ,yin. formed - of the intention, quietryl-re., turned- her.danghttes sidecSbe: took.ope of dier, wasted; hands.iti hers,.ami while _fondlingher bet iutiftit hair, said bdJ, t._,,' `MY j dangliterifoigive•Melfrin. iiiideb upon a* fottldded eatjecr„.but I must ask you a qu(gititmiltr ~'..>"Wha%,bo-3, . 113 9 „theri dear?. ••• you so far attribute Your ill, 'mesa' 'to - grief,' that,lf all could be bright - again as yotroneo :hoped it to be, you would-be.better?" "Oh, mother, spaca me such qties- Bons now!" They call 'do no good ' , aballatee i ttieroi hap pier Wiirledl"-so `ll,know ital 3 painful to you, dart au • - ' atar tenderly. "But supposing a 'tfle-its„.nortF.4 nor true, and lie still lived?"' ' "What (lo your Mean, mother? your questions must have some deep significance; or you would not ask them ateuch a time!" "They do. have a signl43eance, my dear; for that newspaper story does not refer to him, but tosome one else of the same name." Edith gasped for breath, then sad ly said: "What good can that do me now, if he is not here. Tell me ail you have to say. I can bear it. "He is here, dearest, and there is no reason why you should not see him if you wish." Then as she saw her daughter was not the worse for this revelation, she -continued: "lie has arrived home, and is now down stairs with Aaron Parsons and your father, waiting to come to you if you bid him." The poor girl closed her eyes, and remained for some time motionless. At length she opened them and they tided with tears, as she said: •'Let him come up. Gott give me strength!" Albert was summoned, and went in. As the door closed upon him, solnust it remain closed to all out side eves. A scene so sacred will admit no gaze of the curious; neither will it bear description, though one were gifted with the sublimest lan guage. Autumn, bright and beautiful, with its soft lazy days, its gay scarlet fOliage, its golden sheaves and yel low fruit, had come. The little vil lage of Brooktielt no longer wore an air of sadness. Its pride and glory bad been rescued from the gates of death, and restored to life and health. Oh, what merry sounds, and bursts so gladness greeted the ear on every ifde! Edith Conway, the universal pet, the joy of every heart, was once more her old' happy self, and this day in which every thing seemed gayer titan !again, was her wedding day. Edith was somewhat changed, but not for the worse. 'She was more quiet; but that was to be expected, for it took a long time for strength to return afters° severe a prostration. She had immediately began to revive after seeing Albert; and learning that the path was smooth before them. The roses returned to her cheeks; the natural brightness to her ey es ; the happy smile to her face. One by one her old pretty ways returned, and many were the tears of joy that greeted her return to life. Mr. Conway. did all in his power to smooth over the past, and provide for a joyous future. The wedding day was a happy beginning surely, for 'never was a holiday observed with such frantic demonstration of delight.. The whole village had a personal idterest in it, and when the bridal pair with - th:_dr immediate friends emerged from the little church, they were • surrounded 'by the merry crowd and drove home over a ..road thickly strewn with dowers. The past was forgotton, for the joy now seatnedAsweeter. The villag,e pet, although the pet of %no happy being iti particular, was' still the same; never would be anything else. And 'from every r' voice, old and young, sungout the same food bless ing—" Long liVer our own sweet Edith, through sunny days of peace, till Heaven at lost is tier's!" DROODN AND ELLIOT. lacidentin the [louse. The Washington Chronicle says: 4 tt: soon as the tote on the question of censuring Mr. Brooks was an nounced from the chair. Mr.. Brooks rose from his seat and approazhed Mr. Rainey .and Mr. Elliott's seats. Mr. Elliott wits standing a little in the rear of: his, - scat, and ' was ear-, ronnded by a dozen or ruke persons AIM ~,t., .:7 , ,1 't‘' o.6iblig:hed: 1818. Amu - Wheallr.. Brooks approached and :extended -his hand,. and grasping , the Jim:4(1,4431r: 'Elliott in a -cordial man= . ner, said •substalitkily: ' "Mr.'Eltlott',- from the-bottem: - of my heef>t t thank' you r. for - the vote you have lust- now. recorded. For yearts f pasthcen the opponent . .or your rite. I' . appreelate. highly' lifelnet that in this, the hourof my alicterAtty,' when I am deserted by :men olmy.owtr race:whom I have ; stoo4 by 1n thnpristi you and ISIr. Itainey,have ignored - alt prejudices and have: _acted Justly. I desire to aware you that in' theluture - I shall, •by my Minable voice. and influence, - be , ready L b; .protect vindicate rights and aid - the advancementofybur rate as own." -; fir. Elliott replied:: , A'sir,; I thank - yen s for t his mauraPco: of towardine and, mine. ne }rah no,ensy but I thank GM that 11. 0 gove - mh the ;fortitude Ttetekv - fry td 'overcome , those.feelings Of prejudice to which we bavoul.;- luded. - I did-for._,you, sir, what 'would ingclegAkeykeutwitiu;ces have done for any One (Ilk. Ender the solemn ~b bliptinisi'ofitrip-oathns - Representative:li loOkecluot uppn :1 012. -Intalmj#4l l l-91)POuqqt010-'ail 'Awela o3 --*liretkelAbittYO‘r l T-haa ,a_rtglif ikernatidltidiMent. tided against the reaultitlonibeconakinDat - Y O 4. .-.sitVt o he Iblej merit, e 01 7 -entitled 7,..0te - 'again then k year elitiresi- . I siOnapfgoed- —The Christian Legister ,cleses ah excellent article on "Our - National' .Disgrace"- with this, timely para graph. "Sodaejouraals palliate and almost excise, these_ transactions, because tliey were done in 'behalf ora corpor ation 'which; with 'vast profits as a 'reward for its enterprise and risks, built, Abe Pacific Railroad twenty yearaearlier than it might btherwise haye been consuireted. tintainert ca needs iinrity in her high placeS, and incorruptible: men instations of honor,.. and trust, more than she n.eedsadditional highways for her .cpconierce. The best' 'internal int proverrients' nre made in the hearts of her citizens and legislators. • She Cannot afford to develop her materi al resourtes at the cause of spiritual neglect and moral decay." • A Young. 'Aker, Virangptily Ae• alined, Takes Ills Own Lire. . _ - We learn from parqrs who Were present thephrticularesof suieidC under most distressing circurrnitances which occurred in Salem, township, :this county, on Thursday_ night of last.weett. It seems a young'rnan named Spencer,' a reiddent of 'Noble county, hil•heen paying his tuidresS• es to a young lady of Salem. town; ship, Whetstone ? _Matters had, faEf progressed that they were cneeit • ' e relatives of the young:laxly, it, is - atatedwere oppottealp the matelK terpq obstagle ennsumpatiOh of tide 41farriage.' it Ana - title 'sice ikfo9roribt rhatt.el&lilyoilhinugh spor :t Wrattia - diErpiiiable . letter concerning the ybung voiAg,,,Speticer's_ .naraci tl o,,mintrfttiiig; his hnildivArtitig cie . neiitlir' is ' -possible: Thls - tetuietfiey'fiurfslrkily-_ , :dropped -where — Slim - Vitietetnne would be sure to find it. She: did find it, and, as %vas natural,•was very indignant at its contents. - On fhe evening of the suicide be made his usual Visit, but was coldly • %:.Alimittififfmgmtaitii 44 o l 3eirs' and dismissed as an unworth % suitor. lie protested his Innocence.' and de eland Oahe knew nothing of the leatvelinittolie badetimgo, him she tieter - wished -^-te r age,hl4 she never wished to see nun again. He remarked, "If that is the case I will kill myself," and immediately left the house. A moment after she .@eard the report of a pistol, but being klone, with only her mother and sis ter, she was afraid to go out, and awaited the return of Mr. Whetstone, who was absent. On his return search was made, and young Spencer was found a few yards from the house with a bullet hole through his hearr, and dead.—Marietta (Ohio) Register. PIFF PAPE POYI The E valtenn Merchant of llamas' and Hl. Record as a Senator. Mr. Pomeroy waS'also a wholesale grocer in the important article of benns,=not to mention vocal praise. He fell into the practice of all Kan sas Senators, of being possessed in fee simple by somebody else. Gay lord owned Pomeroy, just as Len Smith possessed a good deel of Ca /d -well, and Jim Legate of Carney. Mr. Legate attempted to sell Mr. Porneroy's vote for ;$lOO,OOO in the impeachment trial; and Mr. Gaylord, his brother-tn-law, -is a New York metropolitan at present, with a clear million. Pomeroy lives at Atchison nominally, where he has a large farm, over which roam herds of An gole, goats trained to utter religious sounds and further stonily and se duce men of prayer in Kansas. These goats utter a cry which is said to sound wonderfully like the word • 4 amen," and many of them continu ally do cry the same whenever Mr. Pomeroy is known to be at home, so as to convey an impression of his or thodoxy. He lives, however, in fact and in intention, at Washington city, with alternations of Massacu setts. He married for the third con sort and a very agreeable and spirit (sl Massachusetts lady, of gracious fortune in her own right, who is well thought of at the Federal Capitol by all sorts of people. In- bearing, worldly tone, and un - derstanding, Pomeroy is the supe rior of anybody we have seen here from Kansas. To look upon, he is baldish, large cheerful-faced, and looks like the proprietor of a large hotel who was fond'of having a cler gyman for a guest. His most states manlike motion is the picking of his teeth and the writing of his auto graph. He bears no malice, is al ways glad to have an opvonent Make it up and be neighborly, and depre cates agitation, journalism, charity outside the party, and all other such dangerous precedents. He holds it to be more beautifulnet of one's life to kick a Democrat, who has stolen into it. In like manner, he would hold the door to prevent scandalous witnesses looking in upon a good man temporarily in' temptation, and if necessary to compose the rood man temporarily, would have the door held upon himself. In short, a well regulated, bodily en dying, morally quaint eyed man is Pomeroy, with- I out indip,natfons, talents* anything more than a business love Of money. He holds that whatever is, is right. He went to Kansas when all of the youth and fortitude there was alert to compete with armed Slavery, and the weapon he grasped was a bag of beans. The wind naturally resident in the bean-:-as too many inventors know who have sought to extract it —took Pomeroy into politics. He came in, and went, out on his betty. With hiM retires the, neatest ap proach to Falstaff, who has been in the Senate since Humphrey Mar shall or John M. Clayton. They possessed none of Falstaff's dishones ty, and Pomeroy, none of his , wit; but there was a %writable humor in the latter's utter want or moral na ture, and easy assurription of it. Like. Falstaff, be was a General, and Phillips' Letters ,on Kansas .show him parading around In this title,. like' Judgeßloanake aubsequentl Mil E 2211 7-7 .•, , Tub skivkiii agars . - - - ir*PfibusuedlFerz wellpsdqAilho oftl ' - .4l)itzi htdidlrik viStieKliee• swirp, Pa., let 12 Per year tir ad csrtco. Coremuldeit,t fOns on enhjeeta of ;oral or general I n Wed ere ,zimperAtutly_ Or) --To -Ensure attentlon-fiteore- o this kind' mtedinetiihibli meoinpa wed br the rune.of these thorf._, Lettere and eonuntudlettpansPoßBo, addrevsed to • - WEYAlitk & TBIWIERvOeImw-LAN :In Louisiana. In lifaastiehasete.lPonat hal bc,en,a member - of , the Legislature; thin tack' the generalship; and: , the beans, put him into the &m 4 , ,in the same cOrobinitlicat wi t h. the greattior.. der inlihin of the Northe.lim- Lane of Rita .-- RN' flrat %nap like. the second; by that close attention to mputittee business' and ,ptinasteiwiliips, :And perfect:in difference to , liallyidulir expression and national inflliericti,%`whleh seems to be the Berea* rOtttll t0:46-eleetion 'lnt ,86711.10-4es t AmitlY and 4.- L. Lee,:the.l4tAr rerpl subsequentlY In ifitelFsnirPri The only tietcf reetirdea" o -in .tweive years, .iiccordinfr _toJklePher son's. poi histories ofni t he rcbel lionand.reconstruction, have, bean: February I, 1P4.5 - ,", to substittite the word *'condition"' of' rebellion for ustate": of rebellion; inJarluary,rlStra, to adnlit theSenatursilind-mainners fxoui Arbaus.a.s—a moral offshoot Kansas in 'Republican inelliticts; and April ik 1870, to inakoGeorgitruthe third military district,"and sp.:, pre pare it for aneteetion. in the.,follow loft- November. _yids is his record, except -that he voted "right"'titurstertdily• with -his party on esieryquestlon t ! from -Stul tification toSanto-DentiaM ;! 1- do w.eniti.likkvec-ev?r wild hie vote the. irape*hment trial; he Was too-gq&U d Party Iran 'and too arrant a coward: 'lnside that party line tvherarneatmeeircOuld creep and be covered, he Nail like a jaekall preying under:the cover of darkness.`' 13u Lille spirit'of ri martyr to the faintest degree, he never-pos sessed:lle lost twentysix • pounds avotrdupois in two Agye when the Legislature of liausaspaK,ed two ar ticles against lilnY for bribery; and, Vrh6n he arese to talk In the Senate the other day,- it .Was the Falstaff after the Prince had cut bin: is nose was shar p aNen, nti4 'a babied of the green fields, mid 'a couid'neVer abide carriatinif; 'tWaq cotbrifenev er liked." • - • Thus wallithry inter nf the filscontent, Watered-tint stn itaer by thio awn of Volt. • ishilling6 understood.), igr,,,Varhin and myself do not believe tfifiAtory. We quote the hymn fo'ciliMtviete ginning: . Mires, idle bribes we kr ournotrerhat.they- mean: Bribes from. tbeDepth of some Rise in the heart and Rhtbor t 6 thellree. In looklnz on the happy Kansas Acids, `And thinking. of the beans that arel;oirtot6. —Guth in ClifeagfTriburie WUIPPVW POST 11 0 i KENTVIGN.Y. - John • Shinn Gets .1111sPintirtsisitItte in the Presence of an APPrec.birtive And" fence. !Lexington, ( & y.l ObferterandlidirorCtith octet ', ult.] On itconday, SAW ; Vas tried under an indleftitenlof:gralid larceny, - bnt byrthei - ettertiottk - OP his counsel, Watts Parifei, 7 esit. l , l the of- L Tense WM - ieduced-to ttitttedpetta lar ,ceny4and thejury C1P411012114r1 guilty. he was sentenced tn. receive,. thirty nine la§hes upon ldS.hare,baciz . ,...: So; yesterday Illoininf; about Lnine O'clock, - Company- with-deputies .Tlfeo. Shaw an Walter Scrittc. we repaired to the jail to see the, opera tint} performed." , Aker thestrap bad -been provided Air 4-the , -patiiklu:nent We weretushered intotthe•jaikproper, itudrAissiutm:uldtkr.nughthe court to ft u a the elsUgmc-.left.. 419*!N tALL was called. 'jerk' is a snialL negro appareatlyibout nineteen or twenty years of Slightly iuilf aiid quite blank, He lOokedlialf4Stly, - half iaughi ngly ;at tbe , strawand in obe dience to orders tVtillii&le€4l" Telttet an tly jo He Slood effitside the the e_fird whose gloom. by the crowd. of other ptisbners.*lid cluster- Oct around 4 . 944:4,Atik, ePenitig telt ttatialtgAner,Vtixtrt - .: - seemed' t' _ A poopiolq...", and they laiighed; jammed each other to - ,get a good po sition, for all the world like a, crowd of good-.humored "sports" at a rat pit . or a dog fight. They were, a motley crew, black and white men, and boys with one or two negro women -on the outskirts straining their necks to see. Some wore their irons, and some were without this gentle re minder of their captivity, and al looked as though the whipping were an ehtertainnient gotten up for. their especial delectation and an agreeable incident to break the mo notony of prison life. "Gni E DAT BOOK and 'emote read for him while dey cris'eus him,"said one unctions look ing negro as he snatched a hook from another, and pretended to - be read lug; but Will carter, who was stand ing near, atught rho book, declaring be would read blunielf. As Will seemed to he the master mind amonfrlthem his action was not re sisted. LEDGE looked on with a quizzical Emile playing over his features and shin ing in his eyes, and the other less noted characters crowded around At length the culprit was stripped to his shirt, and stood with his left side toward the deputy, whoglanced at his strap to seek that it was ready, and htpin his 'work. As TILE F I RST STROKE descended with a harsh "flap" upon the bare skin the neg,ro winced, and tho crowd drew uproarious with en joyment. "Slave times come, ain't it, Small r said one; "Lord how he's gw•iuc fur dat nigger's meat," said another. As the blows kept falling one ne gro woman at about tne twentieth stroke, thinking that they were not laid on bard enough, cried out, "hold-up dar, mister, jes letetrie hit him a few, an' I'm bound he'll know it!" The deputy paid attention, but laid on the blows slowly any Stead ly, while the prisoners and several others audibly counted: the Strok , as they fell. Small did all he conk by bending in his body, inteyposii:, his bands or otherwise to break the force of the blows, and when the thirty-ninth was administered he drew a long breath as if a blebs had been lifted off his shoulders' . an, , asked, eagerly, if he could "go free now." "Well. Is rnfi I, you bin here niongi time and 1 spec's you better go sou* eliar also now," said a big negrO4 and the others all 'laughed In chorusli The culprit soon clothed himselfl and followed the jailor, the' iron; doors swung back upon their hinges,: closed behind him and he was free. The farce was, played out, the srectators went back into their cells, and we returnedlooursanctum with eel bonuo syllabling our thoughts. • Mat riage ofan English Ladtsto liahometan - Prinee. An Fli" , licth telegram from Gibral tar'says:' The marriage of his high nem the 'sheriff of Guazan with an Englisk ehristian lady, Miss King, took place at Tangier on the 17th.--,'„' The bride rode to the English einistP- - late on an arab horse, covered with a scarlet saddle and cloth embroidered with gold, and was presented' by the -- bridegroom, The • marriage' was merely a civil ceremony, and was. performed by Sir John Dramtbond Hay. • The bridegroom -appeared in a flowing eastern dress of dark and was escorted bya guard of Moor ish sellers to the 'Victoria hotel, where a 1 the consular hodyAwere present - . - His`highness has nowifgur - :;,. wives.,Mis.s King, by her marring .to a Mahumetan, forfeits all tion of thetnglish BEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers