LI The Beaver Argus. aesver. Pa., Fetnrisaars a• 1071/. Circulation Thirteen Hundred. r7‘ O ,"•Tr7T7ll TIN!. ' $ 3 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 1 11. 00 25 00 30 00 pqr-10ItDei s 00 .vares, do 300 ,quarea. do 300 oquares • do 600 c01um0„.... 00 , 1 1 00 IS 00 SzuWanton' and Executors' Roam. 00 . pedal nonce per Me. test maim tlr" Payments to be made Quarterly. except or trausient advertisements, which must be pald laranCe JOB WORK. Etzhtla Sheet Bills 35 copies or 00 25 additional copies or leas. Fourth Sheet Bills 25 copies or 300 25 additional copies or less.-- 75 ball Sheet Bills 25 copies or less .....»_...._. 500 2:1 additional copies or less..._—____— 1 50 Full Sheet Bills 25 copies or less ..... 800 .15 additional copies or ..... OD 1 . 000 In Equity fire pages or leas—___-_..15 00 Lich additionalw flanks, plain, one c P it ai rre. ....... 2 00 Each additional quum---- . 1 (X) ohur Job work at same rates. • TIME TABLE. tieveland IPittaburgh B. IL—Trains , ilig East leave Beaver Station as Pallevra: Accom'n 9.19 Mall, 9.37 p. m.;Esontng Fast L , 7.01. Trains going 'Kest leave Beaver Station as tot %s: Mail , 7;46 a. to.; Accommodation 5.40 p. m. The attention of the public is directed t • the following New Ldverttsements hich appear for the first time in the 110 US .tO-daY t , 'octal 'Notice—Plantation Bitten ,ctal Notice G. A. Gasicee... ..... .... .. , .. -Biook.. eewitie Machine C 0... ..6% dqs . 1Y - .., iII Notice—Brooks Sewing Machine Co 't-1y i ~ -George P. Howell & Co 6 eqs 4w ~ied Notices—Wm. Robertson... .. -16 A. , % - Kerney's Extract linenn ... 6 tismi-ly A,l -.J. B. tiyolt il. D lAA au ly .. i .e,isi Notice- Reymer Barman & C0............10 11. ot , itay's ?bits C Ointment C Dr Keyser's Lune Care. - '' Al' -Dancny t Co .... •, , o,•cial Notice—J. Weaver & Co.. --- _Chapped hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, salt-rheum, and other cutaneous erections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard (t Co., New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many worthless imitations made with .)inmon tar. nov2o-3m Last Wednesday morning was the ,I,ldest, morning of the year, and for that matter the coldest for many years past.. At day-light, the mercury was stand , nw—in a southern exposure—at 10 de g rees below zero. At a number of points in the west, It fell to 30 degrees below EEO Free of Charge.--Call at Hugo An d r esspY s Beaver Drug Store, Beaver, Pa. and get a sample bottle of Dr. A. Bo schee's German Syrup, free of charge. It has lately been introduced, in this country from Germany, and - for any per son suffering with a severe cough, heavy cold settled on the breast, consump tion or any disease of the throat and lungs it has no equal in the world. Our regular size bottles 75 cents. In all cases money will be promply return ed if perfect satisfaction is not given. Two doses will relieve any case. Try it. Winter. SlVlneete, Winter.—For many years we have not had as severe a winter as the prasentone. Everywhere it seems to be cold, and more snow has fallen thus far than we remember to have keen for a great many years back. Cold 11“N‘ ever, as it has been here, the air has more piercing and the "white man- Le . ' much heavier in the far west. There cattle and human lives have been in great numbers, in consequence of the extreme rigors of winter. In the cmoq too, the poor are buffering and nict, aching hearts are waiting for spring =EI .:Zr - W. E. Elliot's Illustrated Plant •,red Catalogue mailed free to all A nil (Cants. W. It. ELLiivr,No. 114 Market St.,Pitts -I,,lrgh, Pa. jantw Rome idea of the increase of iron pro ‘l,l,•tion, 1, 9 Mercer county and vicinity, iii ay be:formed from the fact that there are chitty-two blast furnaces in the She !, mg() valley, located as follows: Sharps % 1,1, nine; Sharon, six ; Wheatland, ;. Middlosex,tocart New Castle, eight; \ •1, cti m, one. Total capacity, 319,300 The purest and sweetest Cott Liver i.nuzard & Caswell's, made on the shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Hazard & Co., New York. It 31,..01ute1y pure and sweet. Patients \•• ho have 'nce taken it prefer it to all .•[1“-r.4. Physicians have decided it RU ^rior to any of the other oils in the mar nova)-12t The Internal Revenue office reports tauhundred and sixty-nine distilleries a operation in the United States on the Ist lust., with a producing capacity of t 9,638 gallons daily. An equitable dis tribution of this product would give about three drinks a day to each of the voters of the country. FOP. good linggles, wagons, carriages, ,pring wagons, sulkeys, buck-boards. e., go to Ingraham Boyd's, near the in Rochester. All orders prompt 'v attended to. sept4;ly "Give me," says the Rev. Robert faylor, "the monoy that has been spent in drink, and I will purchase every foot of land upon the globe; I will clothe ev ery man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens - Would be proud ; I will build a school-house on every hill-side and in ever valley over the whole earth, a college in every State, and till it with able professors; I will crown every tall with a place of worship consecrated to the promulgation of the ;mspel of peace; and will support in ev ery pulpit an able teacher of righeous lless." Splendid Heavy Black Velveteen, the very low price of 81.00 per yard, at the Cheap Store of W. A-Smith, Hoch u,ter. jan2B-2w That excellent Democratic paper, the I'rlaw•are Herald comes to sin a new and greatly enlarged. Bro. Hurl burt In making a paper that deserves a vrrc large patronage.—Alcubenrille Ca- The Mr. Hurlburt referred to by the retie is a son of our esteemed fellow Charles D. Hurlburt, eaq. Extra heavy twilled flannel at ty-tiveeents per yard; good shawls otie dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) each; inu water proof at $1.25 per yard. Great Laraatus. Call early at the Cheap Store of W. A. Smith, Rochester. jan2B-2w More Farms. Sold.—During the week, Messrs Stevenson and Wit ttsh disposed of two farms, ons in Poles township containing 75 acres, for and the second one In Big Beaver ri.hip, containing 136 acres for 11,404.). These gentleman are now in front rank of real estate agents in this entry, and their yearly sales of real e‘tate,stnount tc a sum that is almost tat a long. We are glad to see them pros pf.rmg. as their prosperity exemplifies thu u•se of printer's ink. Millinery Goods selling at a great tiee, at the Cheap Store of W. A. Rochester. jan.%•2w .1 Question in Arithmetic.--A ~r respondent of the Pittsburgh Gazette, ~r 1(11 that paper the following question. aria asks its solution. five we any ru rAl arithmeticians in Beaver county who 'Dive it ? nim Smith, who was worth 64,500, on his doath bed was informed that his wife was about giving birth to he at once sent for his attorney to Write his will as follows: If the child is a boy the estate is to be divided equally between the mother and son, ' but if a girl the mothens to get two thirds and the daughter one third. Now, it so bap. pened that the wife gave birth to twins, a girl and as boy. What is each one's stutre7 An early answer is desirable. The second Lecture of the Indepen dent Course, will be dithered by Rev. Ira G. Bidwell, In Beaver, February Is, 1873. Tickets for sale at On it Cooper, 3d street, Beaver, Pa. —"The lecture of November Alt 'by Rev. Ira G. Bidwell, on the 'secret of Personal Beauty,' was practical, honest, out-spoken, full of sharp, teen cuts at the follies sad foibles of DiehlOn, and of exaltation and praise of godliness and • true living; these madtpeople beautiful. The lecture was eloquently delivered and couched in manly, but, embolus lan guage, and his sentiments we would most emphatically endorse."—Bath (Afej Journal. Elm Om. - - $5 00 f! TOO lo 0 00 0 sat 11 00 10 eo 15 00 15 00 so 00 9000 00 00 38 CO CO 00 EEZ3 $lO 00 15 00 15 00 00 VI 00 en 00 100 00 —"Prof. Bidwell's lecture on 'Beauty,' pleased every body. It was instructive, witty and eloquent, a model Lyceum lecture."—Portsmouth (2,. H.) Daily Chronicle. Dec. 12, 1870. —"Rev. IraG. Bidwell, - gave two very excellent lectures before the Institute describing in the first, in • humorous manner, the district school of gang sync,' pointing out its faults and reme dies. In the evening he gave a brilliant .lecture on 'The Secret of Personal Beau ty.' "—New Hampshire Sentinel (Keene, N. H.; Nov. 24, 1870. The greatnic in the money market, has broug ht down the prices in all kinds of goods at the Cheap Store of W. A. Smith. Rochester. Pa. jangt).-2w Kentucky is beginning to move in the matter of temperance. A bill hie been introduced into the Legislature "to prohibit the manufacture and sale of apiritnons,malt and v Inoue liquors with in the State." Founded on a Rock 2—The disap pointed adventurers who have from time to time attempted to thn their worthless potions against DRAKE'S PLANTATION BrrrEns, vow that they cannot under stand what foundation there is for its amazing popularity. The explanation is simple enough. The reputation of the world-renowned tonic is founded upon a rock, the. ROCK OF Fatrzatzucu. All its ingredients are pure and wholesome. How, then, could tricksters and cheats expect to rival it with compounds of cheap drugs and refuse liquor, or with liquorless trash in a state of acetous fer mentation? Of course the charlatans have come to grief. Their little game has -failed. Their contempt for the sagacity of the community has been fitly pun ished. Meanwhile Plantatim► Bitters seem to be in a fair way of eventually superseding every other medical prepa ration in the class to which it belongs. In every Witte and Territory of the Un ion it is,to-day, the accepted specific for nervous debility, dyspepsia, fever and ague, rheumatism, and all ailments in volving a deficiency of power, 1755 Pqs 4w 10 Archibishop Bailey; of Balti more, speaks plainly on the subject of the liquor traffic "A real inspection of liquors would destroy two-thirds of in temperance. Any real good govern ment should enforce such an inspection or stop the sale altogether, because the object of government is to protect the lives of citizens, and while it enforces stringent laws assinst,the sale of decay ed vegetables, it is far more important that it shOuld hinder the Baia of drinks which poison the blood and madden the brain." nov-1p Retributive Justlee.—Tbe widow of John Lay of Logan county, 111., who broke his neck while intoxicated, bas recovered $1,200 from the saloon keeper who sold him the fatal liquor. Two Days or IProllallbitlein.--Dur ing twelve hours on the day of our State election in October, and also on the day of the National election in November, the sale of intoxicating liquors was pro. hibited. The good results of this act are matters of note all over the State. The thing that some of our temperance men say "can't be done," has been done. If we can have prohibition two days in tie year, why not three hundred and sixty-five? The good results were very marked. Will tlie gentlemen on the hill make them lasting; or betterstill, let the Constitutional Convention pat prohibi tion in the new :Constitation.—Harria burg Prohibitioneat. Casualties.—One day last week a son of Phillip Selser, living near Clin ton, this county, was kicked 'on the head by a mule. His injuries are very severe, but hopes are entertained of his recov ery. At the Beaver Valley coal mines near Clinton, a few days previous, a youth by the name of Woods was riding a mule with harness on; the mule threw the lad, and his feet becoming entangled in the harness, the boy was dragged down a steep and rocky hill, injuring him so severely as to leave but slight hopes for his recovery. A Beautiful Handwriting. There are but few of our readers who is would not like to acquire a pid and beautiful handwriting,for th eis no one accomplishment so highly raz ed as this. The business colleges of 'the country have a ff orded the best ins ueeion in this blanch and have succeed in producing the most accomplished p enman. The best penman in America day is Prof. Gaskell, Pres't of tho Bryant. & Stratton College of Manchester, N. H. There are few lovers of the beautiful art of pen manship who have not heard of this wonderful penman and many have seen specimens of his skill. His large speci mens have attracted great attention in New York City and throughout the country where they havebeen placed on exhibition. He is now engaged day and night sending out Copies for self-instruction, which he writes himself expressly for applicants, so that any one can learn to writs at the home fireside. These con tain full printed instructions, and are 'put up in large heavy envelopes and sent by mail propels' fOr $l.OO per pack age. They are all numbered and so ful ly explained that no one can fail to learn rapidly from them. They have been or dered by thousands—not by poor writ ers alone, but by the teachers of pen manship throughout the United States and Canada. Our readers would do well to write for a package, as nothing so complete, beautiful and useful for self-Instruction will ever again be offer ed them. Mr. Ratan last week offered the fol lowing resolutions and petitions in the Senate : "That the clerk of the Senate be direct. ed to furnish for the nee of the Senate five hundred copies of a skeleton map of the state, with the number of as ascertained by the lasj_enn eration, and the population as ascertained by the last census. Agreed to. Providing for the preparation and printing of a calendar of private bills. This resolution gave rise to considerable discussion, and attempts were made to amend it, but voted down. The resolu tion was finally adopted. Miners of Beaver county, praying for further legislation for their protection. Also, of Angeline M'Murtrie, of Beaver county, praying for permission to adopt John M'Murtrie as her heir. Amended—Joint resollition to provide for the payment of the expenses of the inauguration. The AnucA "stoats" the following ar ticle from last Friday's Pittsburgh Mail: The telegraph monopoly's bill, in structing our representatives in Con gress to vote against the postal tele graph project, Was neatly engineered in the State Senate by antral editor, Ron. James S. Buten, who know' about as mach concerning cheap telegraphy as he does ofthe Chinese marks on a tea cheat. The bill passed the Senate yesterday, and the only man who would not bead to the magician's rod was Senator Gra ham, whose love of honesty and practi cal good sense induced him -to vote in the right and in the negative* These in structions are not the instructions of the people, but possibly of Mr. Didf Western Union, and Samuel . B arr. eq.. his brother-in-law and private sec retary of Senator Cameron. for the postal telegraph project is directly in the inter est of and for the and the people are in favor of and heartily desire it. The monopolists, and the Ignorant who would crush out the spreading of intelli gence, are opposed to the bill, and we are surprised to read that Senators An derson and Humphreys voted far .Ra tan's nonsense. EH 1=1:111111 Bars to SPOdla lit. attention Otte PaigEsh a wain, as well as the 'Oxistituiloss_ Oonvesties, should be aslist to tbspro. visions' oohs now Masts Ilanat which prohibits th• losetftturo Polittair specialism la tits billowing. smog 0* sr snosserstsil mos : Granting divorces. • Liklingout o oPsdni, ;alteringand work and highways. Vacating raids, town plats. etrists, al leys and public grounds. +wingß or changing county seats. ha g g county and township O ra. Rillhulatin the jurisdiction and duties °Unities of the pesos, police maglittsis and' constables. Incorporatingeities,towns or vilins t or changing or amending the charter of an ge tme ti t i y or alike.. the rats olinterest insi!. ey. Granting to any corporation, associa. tion or individual the righs to lay down railroad tracks, or ILMIMIIing charters Ibr such purpose. Granting to any corpondion e eeseeia- Lion or individual, special or exeltudve privilege, immunity or franchise what ever. In all cases where a general law can be made applicable, no special law shall be enacted. Our Senator wad the “Ar ehives.”—Oer Senator, as is gonnally known, was speaker (Mho &We &Ir ina the last Lynn. A. norrarpondant of the Pittsburgh Mroniele tells us what lb. "arittilvas" moan. and ithstitesse. the tax-''payers of the 61.11' to keep the thing running last session. Here is his account of it : "In this connection, It may not be amiss to state that the Hon. George H. Anderson, of your city, Speaker of the Senate. has carried out a determination formed before he took the chair, viz : of abolishing the "archives." To the un initiated a word of explasestlas is suss sexy. Heretolinvithaabeen the oriel as of the Librarian of the Senate to provide something for the thirsty members,, which was not only dispensed in pe rooms adjacent to the chamber, but fi nally found a hiding place in the IlUle room back of the Speaker's desk, and here many of toe members were wont to make frequent trips,not only In hours but out-of hours of session. To the more temperate men in the Senate, the "archives" have long been an eyesore, and last year an attempt was made to do away with the obnoxious arrangement. It worked well for awhile, but finally the pressure became too heavy, and the "bottle" was fully and completely re stored. And now, if you will turn to the report of expenditures for last ses sion, you will discover that the "ar chives" coat the State something like 51.- 200 for the session. Speaker Anderson having decided to abolish the institution notified the Librarian of his intentions, and informed him that no appropriation should be made to pay the expense of the same. This proved • "squelcher," to we Infinite disgust &several, of the members, who openly denounoe Mr. Anderson. The Librarian is relieved by the order, but the supply might have been lessened to a considerable extent, had he been so disposed." Temperance llWass. intemperance. like a ragtag Aoki, Is simian Off the ; • Its dire effects. in tests and blood. Are laced an Awry band. It OD. boos incry Tea lws d to sod their dr sat; Wbo 'MN Os WOO l tortsot stff. And thoppotet the taiab • Abnight7 God I no land bliallthre Can check the lioarhte tide; stretch out Thine awn of punt Mdse. And bid the flood anhdde. Dry op the mires from whence ft hawk Destroy its Comdata heed; Tom dire Intemperance wad its woes No more the earth We:spread. Liquor Men in the Field.—Last 1 winter an act was passed by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania and signed by the Goternor, giving each ward, bor ough and township in the State, the right to decide by the vote of the people whether intoxicating drinks should be sold as a beverage, within its limits. This is commonly known as "Local Op tion," and is probably the most feasible mode of dealing with the - liquor ques tion, in the present state of public senti ment. Afterwards by means of a trick, some of the large cities in the State. such as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, were excluded from the benefits of this law. It is not pretended that the enact ment was perfect In all its parts, but it was a great advance on our previous leg islation in this State concerning the sub ject, and prepared the 'way for a grand movement of all the friends of temper ance and human well-being. As might have been supposed the liq uor interest was taken by surprise; no such action bad been anticipated until it was too late to make any effective oppo sition at the last session of the Legisla ture. During the summer and fall the liquor men quietly completed their or ganization so as to operate on the pres ent Legislature. It is said that at least two hundred and fifty thousand dollars have been contributed to bring about the repeal of the law passed last winter. If even a small amount of the charges of venality brought againt the Legisla ture should be true, this sum of money, with the promise of a political influence, will boa powerful weapon in the hands of determined men, unless the present members should be vastly superior. In the aggregate, to those who have pree ded them of late years. Indeed signifi cant indi • c t., ons have already been giv en, that th friends of temperance have no time to If they would not awake from comfortable sleep some meaning, to be startled by the news that on the previous evening "Local Option" bad been repealed, and that the liquor men were having things their own way. The result of the vote in Clearfield, Bea ver Falls,New Brighton, and a few other places, has thoroughly aroused the 11. uor dealers, and they will leave no means untried, Jo accomplish their FIN poses. The people have this matter entirely in their own hands. If every pulpit, every temperance organisation, every newspaper, and every friend of good or der, sobriety and human happiness, will speak out, the Legislature however dig posed to yield to the demands of the liquor dealers, :Mil not dare repeal the law in question, until a fair trial shall have been made of its merits. Every man who wishes to save the drunkard and stay the progress of temperance, should, write at once to each Senator and Representative from his own district, entreating him to use his influence sgalnat the repeal of the law, Übe would not fbrfett the confidence reposed in him by the great body of his constitu ents. 'ln this way a mass of influence an be brought to bear upon the Legis lature, which all the money and suppos ed political power of the liquor men, will not be able to overcome. We occu py vantage ground now, and it would beperilous to lose it by sheer indiffer ence. The obligations we are under to, our children, to 'our fellow men, and to the highest interests of the common wealth, demand immediate and perse vering action. if we would not fall In the discharge of our duties as chris , Liana sad citizens, we must meet the emerges:iv with promptness and Ann- MU of 'resolution, Which will ensure suctseaL—Presbyteicos Banner. Ir4o public will please remember Col. Conweirs lecture in the M. E. Church, Beaver, Ps., ob Thursday evening."' Single tickets 60 cents; tickets for the course of four nottnes, $1.50 instead of 12.00 as heretolbre annoinited. No-re served seats. Tickets for We at On & Cooper's, J. M. McGinty's, Beaver, aml: B. Mulhalm's, Bridgewater. t By order of Committee. =BM 1 1111$4 ilkilLlPOdateas Thrstop.thegarliburii thilert4 o 4o l 4 Ofilliddiat',dattr of theilendsai: Met wow °tour iii. tors. BoneattimperllonstuuniodASUbt-' lawiPerforim4loWselitlks serdee fbr the money reeeltatarwalle" others of Mesa millittiO4s*4 l 7.l4* Miami IS at c*e. Sere is What 14 - Wribis: • legiststors is p The buidnen o tai *ODA I St*: 44 t y the people,aliaough the anatomists lon been in practice, and is s source of fost evil and waste of pualls Money., In the Auditor Gmseralle report ler in. 2. I And the following statements, which ars tereating as proving how greatly &Sena toes pay can be swollen by extra pay for , aerviess which are In tie elm watm for while a si rve armed assts;,assts;, taw, Limo!' a 1 r belongs to lite coast'. Went., w be covenants to occupy with work at a salary fully set down be fore he takes his oath *Mace. But - 14 the figures, as I And theid In the man* referred to. trader the headlgsvpsiallt;arillHotthe con=egib, pegs wrolepothalted the alTillfr PSI 111 .„,„, J. D. Wide •.‘ .l# 11 2 J. S. Jaen ZWII*. Claris B. Beeksiew. tormows mound -- hi the Keplaneesay eoleaseed e1eetk0...41.1110 of the WebberMs Hoax, Eitindstieds, for bead of me tahals afthat eoeunittee-....1.811 Diodes R. • Deeleave, lot peeekes la the Chapilleetare J. D. Dada do., as do —. • eoa, coo .1100 ; • do. D. IL: i do Jeooo-1. filieesivlces Vie Imo B. B. 8 terlaVeft*olf D. tt. cut,- do. - do 500, J. N. . Weak% d do. e. do. d o " 500 DA. Dame do. do. d 0... i M.. 8. Hompbeirkdo. do. d 0.... ... . 500; E. 111113agfelt• do. do. do.— In additkla to these extras every Bens.; tor reoeived his regular pay and and when& Senator wins abroad he had. hishoiel • :WhiWaltenstor was' ass mat.' • - kis reedit. da', %bp*, on se usual, and the ortmeetsio Senator, was doubled, and tripled' by this =sum. The gentlemen who chine , these extras have pieedideat for the set; and are not the first legislators who have . thus paid themselves. Caiituurrox, 8. 0. Jan., 29, 1973. Brother Weyand. After leaving Weldon the next place of importance or entitled to mention Is Goldsboro, N. 0.. which was one of the principal operation points of the rebels during the war. It is beatutiftilly loca ted and bas every advantage !of heirig a nice town; but whilst naive - bias , dans, its work nobly for the situation, the presence of the architect his -tmakmaat.. ing; and its future growth and glory on ly await the - advent of the . -progressing and invincible yankecs and a close ob server cannot fail to see,' in passing through this lovely, sunny clime, that it hail been sadly neglected, and the once fostered institution of the south has left its shadow behind. The entire south seems to be, and really is, an undevel oped territory. Its mineral wealth-is still a bidden treasure in the earth, whilst the surface has only been abused, and partially cultivated. The same fields have been worked for over halt century, in cotton, rice, sugar-eine and tobacco,, without any change, rest, or, fertilizing. In the Carolinas and Geier, gia, the soil is rich and productive, sod all kinds again and.vegetablattaahe raised In abundance, whilst gulps*, ap ples, peaches, figs, and nearlYalr the northern fruits doyen, and ,oftbstilueat quality Limes erverseart; it Is also-a fine stook Mass eountry, and: thialp are weeilleabio tolcolltept and *noosed truly. and If it bloat the landcar"adll4"- . . of u lione7;" _ Bail estate is much cheaper' bete Abet is lain the west, for the same quality of land—and especially the Improved.. The beat chances and opportunities of get ting astut and malting Mosey is, in the south at the presses Thee. sad whilst have the greatest respect for the memory and philosophy of Mr. Greeley; and-his advice to the young men of the north to. "go west," I would say to the young man—if he la not already on his way, westward bound—to come south by all means, and the sooner the better; as the tido of emigration is already in this di rection. The climate here in winter is perfectly delightful, whilst in the sum mer it is not as warm as it is in the north, besides not half the fuel is required, and any one who spends a winter hero will never be satisfied to remain in a cold cli mate afterwards during the cold season., Aud now whilst I am informed that in Pennsylvania the snow is from one to five feet deep, the people here are tna kieg garden, and green vegetables are being sold in the market. We will eat our spring chickens before you set your bens. But perhaps your readers won ld like to know if it is safe to live in the south. This I will answer in another letter, when I come to speak of tho manner and customs of the people here. Charleston, once the gayest city in the south, sits sad and lonely by the sea,— the destroying angel, or rather the "Swamp Angel," hes written destrue. lion upon its walls. The ruined part of the city (the result of the 'late war) has not been rebuilt, and perhaps will not for years to oome,—the people here are in a bad fix. Property here is both cheap and dear, and a store room which would rent for 51600 before the war would not rent for over $2OO now. A house and lot estimated to be worth 'fif ty thousand dollars before the rebellion can now be bought for five thousand; but then it la assessed at the , original value, and at a high rate, so that the pur chaser would have to pay, say $5OO in the shape of faxes, whilst be could have rented the premises for 5200—and there fore it is cheaper to rent than to buy. A story is told of a man who bought the defences or Wineries around Char leston for $3OO which coat nearly two million, and subsequently ran away to get clear of paying the taxes. Charles ton was formerly one of the principal 'shipping or commercial seaports of the south, but in the attempt to ruin the country she rained or forever blasted her commercial interests. A good natured merchant of Charles toe, at the time of the war, tells the fol lowing characteristic and amusing sto ry: During the war he said the people of the south were led to believe by the leaders in the rebellion, ("for they did not get 'any northern papers"), that ev ery battle was h-;ictory tor the . eolith, and that In a short timethe north would be conquered, and the confederate bonds would then command a fabulous price, so he concluded to invest his all in bondi and make a fortune,—not so _with, his wife, however, for she was rather siep tical, and advisei investing in real es tate; but the strong mind prevailed, and he took his money (all gold) and pur chased the coveted bonds. Well, whet about the .bonds, said I, after a pause. "Well" with a twinkle of the eye, arida smile, he silk"' have them yet." fle still cherishes a faint hope that the time will come when the south will get con trol of the government, and redeem his paper. Yours, ATLANTIC. , shwa ibr at. Endigellia*7-litee.T of our readers In Wisdom Pa., and other places. will be pained to learn that the Rev. John Eagleson,'D D.Pasterof Up per Buffalo church. Washington Wee bytery. died on Friday, 24th inst., from an attack of erysipelas, which developed itself in his eyes and bead one week be ford. Dr. Pigissosi graduatadat Jeffs," son College in isa, and was for . torts years, pastor of the , same thumb- Ho will long be, remembered .as the CWO - of the Committee which prepirog llsecreport Praebyterian Ris , Unktal the great Philadelphia . °Wreath* in 110. .411. gicllllBd. AIM complete notibe will appear in due lese.--Preabtericai Banner. mmeza 21111121 . -. 110011410 ; - e tto l , *plum In die Presbyterian rburbb of Etridgenritee, Mee. J. swab* pea; tor) through: mad& gulf* a number, of persons bed esteditherueejses wigs that bran ireh. • We are *hat' Dr. Deropery'sceegMoeis to the IMMO Vii• /MO in in the midst et l one ado mod interestins Nld , enerainat religions re. riealtt 411liesieed liilhit conigiiewl* ibr menyval,. Over Aft POTOOnIi bus slime* plead the tetep4l, and . the 1n- Ore?t, instead of belng on the wane , MOMS to bs i on the increase as thr egiSicii• inegtelo4 '4ulte4 bar of heads of luaties have been 'converted. and many ::others who had hitherto ,given the eibiect or r en t . ion little or no thought have been made to ass their oink and SiAleep humugar bow theruselvee belbektiod. tor. Now vey has labored herd- Old diligendly far Liapeople,!Oath* r astbays eno'tr , marinating thteeedvall clannotildi to be eteeidingly gretlitylug., to. himself end Viael iatier temaliiug in the kint , oalasatatectiss* -row. Feb- IA 1878. . • - - - ' , l ivadinit Wm.*: Andorioirt vow:a uelisni,„::- Rabat &ON , 'MIN& P. 34mrs, . r . • Barker. . Basolaiin Patton-2, os. 1A •- • Jotio Piarsol, ' . I ' I6 AAORNADos . 1 . 4 / 1 1 MAWS -P glasses, . n I L. •.• ~ , I tissi, le,-- jv Manta% DWailevilellaw3 , laret#ll: 4sm : li tij ets MIL riermLiata. - • . 7 O: LlOyd, - 0.4: -4,1110 ii, 0. D. McMillan. Joliet V: Ocoee , Sarah J. MXybow. ' CAPOEI 81 111CP• Miss Cilia McCrea-2 Alban Wm," • - Miss Maggie Mar- 10. M. Wilcox-2 Wan.] T. ki Taimon.y. M. Maki of intilg in Beaver Billiiiil4o4 l l4r.A*4. • 'Mr Michael Deirdon, D. Clark, J. A. Cline, Mrs. Margaret Da il. C. Greew M • [via, MrJosiah Ja ckson J . M. Johnson esq S. C. Kenney, esq, tioticks tit Wood Thos. Leonard. • Wm..large. Mr. Adam Manor, Mr. D. G . Morgan, Mrs. Powers, care Mr. Rice John Riley,] Mr. John Roberts, M. A. MoGasmcg, P. M. Wan Tan-1,000 bashebs Rye at Stone Mill, New Brighton. WALDO. Wawa. feb.6.2w ••Tikii quiet village odfornewriod, aft; uated In Big Beaver townshtp,this coun ty, is being refreshed by a breeze of ex citement, caused by a Rochester compa ny, engaged in opening a aline of iron ore near that village. The ore, of which about one hundred tons have been ex tracted, is said to be of excellent quali ty. A Youuptoorti company are, -On gaged in sinking a coashafli In the lime township. They have penetrated to the depth of thirty , feet. WANTED-4000 bushels Rye at Stone Mill, New Brighton. WADE 'WiLaoir, feb.s-2w Tim 94itor of Shp Annue_dona hot ap preelMit tblksidtie o ft • knife cOntaining photograph view he bird', Prayer. Value dependsupon use, and we sup nom,he hadno particular need of that kind Oa doable -edged tooL—Radical. , Ifielave "need of that kind of double-edged tool;" but what are-we to Utak when we are told that Mr. Curtis desires and asks his friends to no longer put, "Rev. "to his name. Has he become ashamed of the "cloth", or does he re gard Pisoladt as no longer Silo- wear it? It the latter, and It he has Wien that much already lance he put on the edito rial laraisk when *al he be in the sours' ofiiyear otillio hence? Let him explain. - DiiiessietAW *WWI the banhest t domestic happineus la the purest. It Is the mission of the Dowiestie Sewing Ma chine to p upset the,Abruter sad set up the iattuS Itotsertsoute the went for nand knows all shout QM. on Beyond Ns ! Jolla 114.111rderpaie, Vaik wbositintafaiittati.‘ • lime quarry at that place a couple of weeks, we mentioned in the last Annus, we regret to say now, died on last Saturday morn ing. lie ism burled pa last Sabbath day, age about 64 years. Interesting.—One otthe most inter esting things seen An this county for a long time, Is now it Robertson's Of fice, Second_ 80. , Beaver Falls. It is • sewing machine that makes a business or doing Just what one wants, and doing it so easily that It Is a real comfort. There is something homelike in the very name of it—the "Domestic." Mrs. Presly, Pfpm- Moines, sued a liquor dealer for selling liquor to her husband, and recovered ;2,500 damages. The "Christian Onion" the 1872. This journal, whose editor is. Henry Ward Beecher, has attained the largest circulation of its class In the world. The publishers have arranged for sever al .serial tales by the most popular and famous American writors. Aniong the authors thus engaged, are Louisa M. Al cott,H arriet Beecher Stowe, Edward Eg gleston, and Robertson Gray; a splendid list of contributors, including not only those who have heretofore written for the Christian Union; but also many oth ers who are among the most eminent and attractive writers of England and America. The premium for the Christian -Union for 1873, Is a most ezquhdte French Oleogrlph entitled, "The-Pet's Paradise," and Is an admirable center piece for "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep." Every subscriber, for three dollars will receive the Chriiitian Union for one year, the Ulustrated bonds* number and the choice between the two picture preniltims, viz; the charming pair of WI ehrotans, ••••Whle Awake" and "Fast Asleep," and the exquisite Oleograph, "The Pet's Paradise." 1 . B. Briggs is agent for Beaver. county, but If orders are left. fit ROV. J. jpif tiler's.. Beaver, alley O''attendfo"*ii We would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement hi another column. of the Brooks Sewing Machine Co. of New Yorh. they advertise. what, is intiaid s Valttable; inventlooi first etassi /Vowing Idoichinik; Curl: WO dollars. ly feb.s- How is this !Or Csives?—Mr. T. hicKibbrt g f Iticc u en;4wisship, near Green Ge !Which about two months ago. gaiii birth to three heif er calves. The calves are still living and getting along finely. It was only hilleintnlt, we made men tion of I calf ov,pf,. Id glut same vicinity. which, when one hdur old weighed 91 pounds. If the Bassoon and Indepen dence people can b. beat .raising big A Sves and plenty of them, we would Ilke to-hear of the facts. Laced Option.—At a regular meet ing...4)Mo Beaver county eitimitekEz ecutive committee, held at the Court Home, Fob. 1, the following action was bad: Reid Seek Tiisiersiffncerely - riepreciiiii any interference on the part of the pree mie Legislature, with the Lace Option law. until the lame has hew fairly and honestly tried by theCielieneofthe Corn .etinowesllll. t w n ffeseleed,4liithoiMAriitiMentetitiasi from the counties in stitch they are to. . cated, fs calculated to defeat the object of said brir and is an initialled for canoes sion to the liquor traffic. : 7 Relieved, That we earnestly requess our members of the House of Represen-, tsetse* and our Senate, to use their- tit, mast efforts to defeat all attelll* to al tar the essential feseelres of.theillw a un til the people have voted upthithee Name. Reeigred. That tiectekery - ,eif this committee be requested to fbrward at 0jgtr4 14 0 0 1 4 " 1 " , , tiallo in } Pao*, [tons That Oats Pao*, Wong Ise: Pt!~ .41010;404pepsns pf tl* ()minty. Adjourned to meetst theCouri liaiiiseilti - additek.l Fritleir Feb. 14. . A Vale Illuilleam—Tlii Bietibia 011•Gazwesugamsuthafklfaut fouri*". hendle counties Were annexed to Paw 41vania; end** renuelnderef the State -Mittied to old irgirda, the esquahWee shout • removing _'the POMP would oink We ire et,mere put there Me emiethlog la tide as sinelefor odete Wee with our Charleston !Wetherell. , If they will let Oa Penhendlegio to Paw. ,syleenia, lb whom IS beionim 11Mtmdly, , gusgreccen=thoally i we IC guoutel forever and dey "r /Wellt UM of tbarenNiuMtidedevettore et Irho l l ett 'to the matter, andemateeek dim • PrVonitieW be Put IP ' 11 011"7 , llKelt4Mneen , ' - , Duritorr, Mum" Jan. Ink DTP. A.-PIS EM. . a . Patna% btu= fosse su bject ed to a corstld analysis it Wilms or. to Lead, blinded "Be. mar Colman &Ws Stalely Pine Wane Tittsburgb, Fs., and find . fQ to be as represented, a strictly 'Ones • article, free from alt solmtztora ;Your*. dc.• • Rufus*. P. DinnrlMAßb• . ansidogging afialbeiliglisAfkat in some read/I'o'We Annul be so kind ai to Worm the Writer what horrible disease is, which the mane sly tenni*. sated .the mortal existence ; of t he Era-, Poeta Frame Wilt some physician give its diagnosis,' and oblige ; - Ragouts's. .011 e day , last week,the wits of bfr.iTo-> seph McClurg, of Greent torinshlp, give ,birth -to a fine boy.. Mr. ble'lurgboast ed that beiras 78 yesri older than Ids '.lllrellaiirora IPIUN aiii“Hatimmeat. :1011rbarefore submit to Inedical expert /milts when it is an assured truth that tplitrirty climate. and under: every state -01" dircuntstances, these remedies cure li exteteutrand internal diseases? Sold 78 Malden Irene r; Y. Price 28 cents per box or pot. Ask for new style; the old Is counterfeited. colowsumvzs, Cosatrand—Let us ad vise you by every consideration that is apt to have force and weight with Men, by all moans,' ifyou have any disease of aconstuoptife tendency, Bronchitis, Ca tarrh, or Manus, to try a *Atte or two of that world-renowned . medicine,known under the name of Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure. It will care the first sUgft of Con sumption without fall: it will often cure it in its last stages. Itbas rescued many a one from the jaws of deatiu It has ar restartonsumption hundreds of times in its Incipiency. It is sold at the Doctoes.great medi cine emporium ited,oftice fcir the cure of Chronloand Ltmg. ,dbmiuses, It IS7 Mar erty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Price 111.50 per .bottle. An , essay on Chronic and Lang insane., sent free,,on,application. Mats Fromm, E. Presi dent of the Female Depastinent of the North•western Uoiveraity, located at Evanston, Illinois, lectured on last Peion day evening In the 11. P. Church of Bea ver. Her subject was entitled "The New Chivalry." Miss Willard is a cul tured lady, and having traveled exten eively, in the old world, she is enabled' to tell an American audience a good many new things._, lilhe contrasted the lot of woman there. with her lot here, and her conclusions were In no settee derogatory to the character of brother "Jonathan. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFI4II OF PITTSBURGH CORMERCIAL SATURDAY, February' 1, 1873. APPLIS—The market is overstocked and prices are weaker. Riles elm:Jibe at 00a2 iO. Receipts 49 doLs. APPLE BUTTER—Demand active at 50a6Oe j pe r i gallon as to quality. Bl 1 'ER—Receipts 66, ipackages. There is no quotable change in prices. Prime to choice roll commands nelie, Medium to good 18a21c; common 940.0 I/ lb. BEANS—choice wbite nevy $2 6032 76; inferior s2sl bush. CO BROOM RN—Prices oorninally 4la 70, as , to quality and condition. " -BACON AND PROVISIONS—Re eMpts, • biotin. pieces 2.1301% • pierce 65 Dealers report- a Asir trade demand Tito following era' the' Gores: it which otaal, sales • are made: :Boger cured hams 13 anger cured shoulders 719.5 Win shoulders ale: rib Sidon Sc; clear sib aldes,Blm clear sides 9w, breakfast be. con Madded r beef 18v, mos pork 11454 tivearaolvitit i t g luz bble.lo 25. 40; kegs '2 I **elPls-410811, tierces OHEESE—Receipts light and prices unchanged. We quote se follows: N. Y. Goshen 16lcipr; Ohio Goshen MM. 12alalc; Ohio Factory, round ro lir t l sLo. Jobbing iota 14,14*c. CRANBERRIFS—DeaIers report a fhb demand for Sacketreind Carey'a at sl.4@lblibbl;ettitivated and common lea., CARBON OlL—Standard brands, car lots, 174217fc. with the asual advance from stores. COUNTRY MEATS-4241m haat at 8c; clear sides 81c; shoulders Lard 7a ?Pet3i DRESSED ROOS— The ruling of tho market is 5aW 11;1, m. EGGS—Wa continue to quote fresh eggs at 86838 c, though some dealers hold them at .40(4 pickled 25a• 213 c. Owing to the high ratesaskeli.the demand is light. FLOUR—Receipts 2,471 bbls., There is a steady demand and dealers report some difficulty in filling orders. There. are no changes either in mill or store rates. We quote as follows—Stores : 25 for spring wheat Mineiesotas,and $ll 50 for red winter, Mills: 89 to 810 20. Oat meal SS. '-Corn meal scam at $3 25 HAY—Supply light and market dull; sales baled on track at $25a30; loose hay In Allegheny market 80a3518ton. HONEY—Market quiet, with small sales at 35@40011 ib. HOMINY—SaIes at $4 25a4 75 11 bbl. HOPS—Market active at 5.5a60e for 18- 718; 1870 a not wanted. LIME—We are reported sales Cleve land white at $2 ID; Eastern 1 75. MILL FEED—Prices are lower. quote bran at 00a95 re pwt.; middlings $1 10a1 25. MINCE MEAT—Choice brands 12c 1-1 it.. ONIONS—YeIIow $5 MO; red s4a4 50. The stocks are light and prices active. POTATOES—SaIes In a Jobbing way at 130585c513 bushel. SEEDS—We quote clover seed at as 50; timothy seed $3 25a3 50: flaxseed $1 90a1 95 per bushel. Wheat,ore bushel _ . , T. -- .. Oat* .....- Corn " Rye " " ' lt 75 Buckwheat per busbel..:—...—...— 854 k SO Floor per eack........0—...—:,.........,... 3 30k - r3 40 Batter per pound .......... —... 300 t 35 . Lard ' " 10 79 Taliow " " 10 as Rams pa per ir... . ' 400 50 Chleitand, ,Potatoes per ..... ...... 220 25 Onions per , taishei.. 1 2501 15 Apples, green. per baabel—,-;.-.-- 5_119 61 3 Beaus per bushel—. pea 00 • Beet-11nd quarter. 6 amtallore - iiiiiirtene 6, r is. 3%1 • )! 4 C , ) Y 1 1 4 , ri :if 01 White Wheat, - - - -- .1 65a70 Old Wheat, 1 70 New Wheat, • - - - - - 160 Rye. 80 Cara, • 55 Oats. 38 . Uttektvheat, - ' - - • - 00 EWING—COOPER-41y Rev WIC Mc- Knight, Dec. 0,1g72, Mt. John B. Ew ' ingot FrankfoitSpringe, to Mhos Mary A. Cooper, of Clinton, Allegheny Co. Pa..f 4 JOU ETON-A4 the realdonou of Thom 'lutSfkokinley.eaq., Aeneason Wednea- Wed. Jaamorx Thh, Harriet JI Ohnitton, datignter , of W. P. and Meitmut P. .Alcorn ; aged thirty-four years. New Advertisements. Avant QUACKICAND 11111 , 0111 , 088. 1r "10 • - , tics • 0/04014403. • 01161 0 0414 41 l• • a 4- .Vr.4.l_ , AlD4oll43rsdosts ofJtjfesion itediiat Voltigissethor of amend valuable f wtd i eshn Cali licuiralted - oil all diseases , of the or V Owns. (which he has made ao oisill la wo% or Tel:isle:110 mat ter iteill ranee oriataatrat or allow long standhur., A oriectiee of 10 Teas enables him to had" disease trlth mesa. Cores attanusteed. Chuiss nesaable. Those it a disuses an for- WaytiagioWiliiihoibluo symptoms sodeseiosl4B "ratro=hriels ta rs ti HeriVli, Prise 10 Ceeis; . 5 , Lil4l. MOTT. Y. V ,floidolas sex litggean. OM . 2' .. 101 Dame se.. Now York. ~_ FIRCUTOWB Nuncs—Lisuen testipeßtiry =le of W. IL _Powers. deceived, hite of of New4telitatink In tbet County a limen Pe.. viaguessi greaten to the inibeert. -144.rieldbig in sew boost. therelbre k an t the t loos Irwrieg slangs Or demands igatap,, : UN the add decedent ere hereby raimidad to NOW theism toll* undersigned wltti. out nett sti Weida to theestste ire req totalize eiste earnest- worirt4wl W. S. YORLIN, Bet. ~r521'::: :~`. DEAVER MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY G 5 ory cOltititOtED JILLPRIBD; , DEED. dc COsAdverilsements. (RES:L . A ,RALE-:7 CHANCE I: * ,pa r ..I..iiteass per week Car Cass who wilirrogligewub am' krloack. Berrythlas. fluslakeiVand ass POUL Mika" .;. .' -•-.- - A. QO Tiß CO, Charlotre.lll4es., ss' To s2sllol)*itgenti.- th 'Wantect to pit* resittnivp~t: ott _ "of the Ham Of Illeitridust:e Goa- 0, AitsaDir. Smut fw outiu 26 di. for: UM*. :esaiscp , T,lllll Cheese:J:44 PhlkAefolkii6lNL: • - ' 7 GtivISOWN 11211 1 161111111• = aItIMMILIM STAMP. -‘ Wholesale .to: tb Nob. 131ialeinin* seat Topidgrid. on receipt at SLIM T.TRUICAXIFP, - Raidlog; ss,l9A 4s =4o l 4Me t t i tlftES . Ot ' Uwe MOM at work tot Oa to opowomortrootror all tha.timo dam. at anything, elm p rZ n lcalart free." Addresir n1111501f& RD 1.400 4. 7 . - 8E of DMA ' • °/ l e.l orlcerated riles flat DE lUNGII Rettettirtlps to - care; It ts pee: pared expressly to cunt tturtPtlert, - and nothing Ors. bold by all dsuggtsts..-Pries. SIM. . ArlanicLaw Oflll6 Sexes. Conditions which impair verility—positivo mid eleetrieity--proof that late evolved WitLoct nulon—etfeet- or toluteco...lnilasoce of aah and pliclapborle diet—moderu treatment of pelvis diseses, strictureraricoeele, and ar rotor development; ten Jettures to his private elms, by. RDVIXRD it. DIXON. X. D. 4 4 .1 1 V i ti Avenue. N. L. r. 4 pages. $5 cams, "Ev ery line from 'the pen oflir; Piton is avoid value to the whole human race."—llorsee SEND 25 CrENTSVOIS THIS ADvERTIsEIIs ,. GAZETTE, • A book of 128 pages. shOwing bow. when and where to advertise, and containing a hat of near , ly B,OW newspapers, with =rib other Information of interest to Advertisers. Address GRO. I'. ROWEFL d CO.. Publishers, 41 Park Row, New York. fel:s.4W New Advertisements. stt VALUABLE INVENTION !$5 AN ENTIRELY NEW SEWING MACHINE! FOR DOMXST I C USE. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With the New Patent Button Hole Worker. The most stmple and comkiict In construction The moat durable and iZwomleal in use. A model of Combined ngthe and beauty. Complete In all Its parts, uses.the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self Threading.. direct upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Peed and Cloth Golder. Operated by wheel and on a table. Light Running Smooth and noiseless like nil good high priced machines. Ms patent check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Una the thread direct from the semi% Stakes the Elastic Lock Stitch (finest. and strongest stitch' known) firm, durdble, close and rapid. WM dotal kinds of work, line and coarse. from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descriptions of thread. The best mechanical talent in America and EntoPn. has been deyoted to improving and elm itlifying one liachines, combinin^ only that which Is practicable, and dispensing with all complies ted surroundings generally found in other ma chines. BPecial tem)s and extra Inducements to male and female agents, store keepers, itc..-who will establish apmclealbrough the century and keep our new.machinea on exhibition and sale. Coun ty rights given to stmt agents- tree.' Agent's complete militate tarnished without any extra charge. Sampleaof sewing, descriptive circulars contain , ng terms, Utimonials, engravings, &c., sent free. Adt.resar BROOKS SEWING :MACHINE CO. 140 FiOADWA.Y,. ;NEW "Y.ORIC' Ibbts43,' Dissolution Notice. locToncx is hereby Oren. that the partnership .1. 1 1 between J.ll Ilicerft.ry and Mrs. d. H. San derson, under the drm of J. Id, Mercury .2 Co. Wart dissolved on the 20th day or January. MI 111.06 J. liandemion_ratlrin.2.t Ad debts dne - -to the s e m i pitnietiettiverieui44 td-so J. M. NeCroery, who continue the 41411144411114..8eatree. J. at hicCRRERY. IsoZ4w urn. J K. SANDERSON- Auditor's Notice. I n the Orphans' Court of Beaver county in the matter of the account of John Beeves, adminis trator of the estate of Ellen Costelloe, deceased. And now to wit, January gith S 1873. on motion of E. B. Daugherty, ilt• attorney for parties In interest, the Courtappointed Joseph F. Dunl ap esp. an Aucißcer to make distribution of the bal ance remaining in the hands of said aAministrator as shown by his acconht, to and amoni thole le gally entitled thereto. From the record ArTater— JOHN C. KART, Cleft. The auditor above named wall meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, at -his aloe In the Court Bowe, on the 19th day of February 1873 at 10 o'clock a. an., when and whore they may attend. 12E494* • j. F. DUNLAP. Auditor. FARM FOR . 141.1_41E. 2624 ACRE S The undersigned, Executors of John Young. deceased, will offer at public or private gale, March 4th, IBM on the OTC= lsee. the well known "JORN YOUNG Farm" of SlMlliarres as a whole, or in tracts to cult purchasers. is is a rateable grain-producing farm, In an excellent farming and graln-producing district. is well watered. has good buildings, and plenty of good fruit: on pub lic roads; to convenient to marker, churebel, schools. mills, and is underlaid with an excel lent quality' of BITUMINOUS COAL. The prop erty is sionate at Athol% Colombians coanty, Ohio. 4 miles south of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne t Chicago R. R., and is also immediately upon the lines of the proposed Palnsville, Youngstown and Ohio River; and. Baltimore, Pittstmigh and ContlLentel Railroad. For terms or information concerning the property, address W is. LAIR, Columbiana. Columbiana Co., Ohio, or call upon P. Y. BROWN, near the Premises. WILLIAM LAIR, t Executor ,. P. Y BROWN, Jan4.B-3w ETI 3'Col=l. A Fresh Cow and. Calf, noW2D-tf.,] The largest and Best Sleek of allitartu - wwta•wi WEST OP THE 310UNTAINS. Of out own litanufactureovitt be found _ At tho Ilauunoth Furniture Establishment of C. C. HAMMER '4lO SONS, Tho newest and most approved styles of Fine and Medium Furniture, fn lurger variety than any other tiouso, at very resat:mob le prices.. Persona furnishing houses would do well to write for our new circular, or when in Pittsburgh, Ire respect fflUy sonclt a visit Sr our wdreroumr. Don't for get the place. • 'tZ s 5 40, 48 & SO SewOolli Ay., Pittsburgh, We challenge the world for prices in the same quality of material and workman ship of our goods Mr Cut this out. 451 nov2o;3rn Best Thing in , the West. litclismi Nola ti Santa Fe R. R. LANDS TIIREE MILLION ACRES Situated in and near the Arkansas ratky, the Pinar Ibition ef Kansas ! Eleven Years' Credit. Seven per Cent. Interat. 2214 per cent. reduction to settlern,wha improve. . A FREE PASS TO LAND ISUYEUS ! TITS YAM Omit thta Grant are Low Priem!, Long Credit.. and a Rebate to settlers of nearly one-fourth: Rich Soil and Splendid 'Climate; short and mild Winter= early platinum and no winter. tug of stock; plenty of- Rainfall, and Just at the right "mon:Coal, Stone and Brick on. the the Cheap Rates on Lumber, Coal, dte : no lends own ed by Speculators: ilomestead and Pre.entptlons vow abundant; tlrstolasst Rllltoad ou the of a great: Through Bente; Podnele will pay for Land sea limprovernents. It is the Best Opportunity Eras Offeted , to the Publky through the recent eteoplotlett of the road. Yoe eireulare and' informattoo. itddrtute. Or Ar ing e l lier ' Xh'n't• TOPEKA. KAN. MMI 'Executor's sole! ..Rouse and tot ilk *aver. • The tinders! ed. Nxecator of the last will and testament of AILAIIIIIS. J. MCKORTRIE. late of Hanover township. in the county of Beaver. de ceased, will expose to sate by public irmulne, or ou t.cry„ on the premises. on FRIDAY, I FEBRUARY 70). 1873, nu 1 o'clock. P. ro, The following Real - Estate of sald , dacedent. via: All that parcel or let of aonad. White in the borough of Beaver Falls, BeWter comity. Pa., being ho. DI In Petterson'a plan of lota in said borough: bounded north by Oak alley; castliy lot No. 98: tooth by Linden street. and west by lot No. 96, being.~ kali feet wide WI said Linden street, anti extcndin„,. back of equal width 115 feet to Oak alley aforesaid, and on which Is erectsd a two4tiiry frame dwelling house. *Ollll fret, with 5 rooms.with calla tow derneath half of same, and all - necessary out buildings; good cistern trite pomp; lot enclosed. TRSSIII made known on day of sate.- Forpat• higulre of or address ROBERT SUCH' xecutor,Service, Pa.. oiIIICE, WILSON it MOOlll4 Beaver. Pa. [January 11, 1813. . . Inquire at this °MN, J. - Vitiaver & CoAi Adieriiiementii "The • I h rii Graces.' "And now obit/ea Faith. Mpe, and 64,tit v : theca th,rµ batr# 4 lttateschr altar w ansrity.• -Soaks ha rmieared In religiose art knehing Moose* mire, end teener. *ad - basatlild. Wm this DIV Intim. The grout::we,' the elluell le grate itself tong the Cannisnaacee 'of; saell , pravtlibr mweriness, num ii seems as *pip ¬ most Mire sera theta in it vision: • ' MI S rare ands aa rat 65 Dee Inn - stipple,' Med ei gg ri g d eVt sate substrther to "Ar. llinee taus& Row Xdpasise far; 19714_ Price of Magazine , $2.50 a year. Sample number 15 tents. • / : 7 " c LOV CANVASSING AGENTS Went, al ever/where. Dirge 00131101d01111 and rertito ay guaranteed. Bead for Agent's ,Conedentlel Cirtalsr. Toil =beatify, show the "Gartman Grates" to any yeraon of taste ar=rort feel ing without gett an *subscriber. IN - 11.:AIIVIIVIAlk Ph 11041014, Fr. . IRON UHLER LARS For SBale. I herewith offer for age two of the beet. MA most valuable Iron Properties In the State of Ten !leaflet.. One tract about 5 miles nelow Fort Don elson, containing 10,000 known MI tho =lron !fountain Fur;urid&WC' with-abandon to of rietiOre, Wood and LE stone; and within to M r mild Of tho Tennessee an d X 24'041'1,10 Wettable about 20 email Farms. 77t4t Miter trace fronts t mile on the Tennessee river, near Fort Henry. , twinning , B,OO6 L A.CIZES, part of which is rich river bottom. the balance covered with the best kInC of Umber, snob as White and Black Oak. Poplar, Hickory. Maple, Ash, Sc , &c.; underlaid, with the best of Ora_ Bothtracts are In Stittrart County. ALSO, Two Voluble Timis oiTtwdow loot Isk Iloostass. county, °soot 1,11:0 acres, within lotto mile of the Louisville and Memphis II aid 1 !clad** , east of the County Heat. Ono other tract hada mile west of tbd County Seat. with the Railroad passing through one corner, containing 950 acres. Both or these tracts have a large amount of White Oak and Yellow Poplar Timber. and well adapted for farming. ALSO, Several Farms In Dickson County, on the North Westernll. Aity of the tCove Properties are as reprenented. with good Titles to each. Any of the above lands can he bought at one-half their value, and other olandi property will be taken as part pay tf desired. For full description call on or address C. BERINGER, DEALER- IN REAL ESTATE, janB-4wl 116 Smithfield St:Met, PittabFgh l Pa- HOUSE Esi`ABLI.BllSll MA* , JACOB 11. BCIILZT... ALES. P. uaY. Jacob B. Nubley , Jr Co. COIN mcrit.)l44l . Ladies& Gentlemen's Ice Cream & Dining 4 Rocms Libiary Bnillino9s Penn Ave. Pittsburg'. Parttes:Weddinge, and Banquets furntabed to any accessible point by rail. Prompt attention to mail or dere for everything in the trade. • jan'4 -41 r , , ARIZONIA D.I.A_MONDS• -SET IN SOLID 14 KARAT GOLD. WARRANTED. Watches And Jewelry Of Every Description. No. 38 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBU RG }L AM 21v. "How's Your Health. " If you Would be welt and strang,stAdy the Laws of Life and 'Health, brmultng `• , ..E13C1- EXCE OF HEALTH." the. beet health, journal published—not the organ of any bruslneas or in stitution; but an Independent, earnest educator of people, in all that pertains to the , PUESSEVAIIOIS and WOOMNING of health. Only a year, Wets, a number; and the ANXIOUS MOTIrEIt, • splendid OIL 011101110. Twice V. Oval 1 0 ev ery attbactiber._ Our Chrome are now ready tor DELIVERY. If sent by mail, mounted and Tar- Mahal. ready for framtn am% extramust be sent for .ea.k. picture,. Agen ts wanted, at once in every town . Cash Comm salons given. Address at once, S. R. WELLS, publisher, SW Broadway, New York.putZ-tw • Niscelkneow, Orphans' Court Sale House and Lot in the Borough of Freedom. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Beaver county, the undersigned, Executor of the last will and testament of George Mohr, deceas ed, will exose to Public Sale. on the premises, on WEDN E SDAY. FEBRUARY 26th, '1673, at 2 o'clock p. in., all that certain piece of land situ: ate In the Borough of Freedom, in the county of Beaver. and State of Pennsylvania; being lot No. 17 and the Out half of lot No. 16 in the general plan of lots In said borough, and bounded on the north by Main Street, eaist by lot No. IS, south by Wolf Alley, and west by west bait orlot No. - 16; being 00 feet In front on Main Street. end extend ing back 100 feet to Wolf Alley; on which is erected a two-story trame dereiltug house. , TER.M.S7.—The whole of the purchase money to -be paid at the confirmation of sale by the Court. 3011 N MENGEL, ecater. January 29, 1573. JNO. P. I)EAN, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In e a a al V' a reg Mi 9 No. 81 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pt. American, English, and German Cutlery; Spen cer k Nicholson Files; Disston's Saws, and Boyn ton's Lights nu; Saws: Beatty's and Yerke's and Plumb's hatchets; Eastern Manufactures and Pittsburgh Novelty Locks and Latches: Mann's, Lipplncott's and rare Axes: Axes' And Row land's Shovels, Blacksmiths' Tools ; Otito Tool Co's Planes; Coil, Trace and other chains; New London W. B. Globe, lgatibunl and (Aber Horan NIUE Fire irons, Stands, Shove , e and pokers; Pra, ti, al Clothes Wringers. and a full lint of %en ral anraware at the LOWEsT Market ktaTeS. Agent for Park Bras. & CO's Steel. 0c116;6m er READ OUR OFFER. jr3 MMMII $5 Chromo For Nothing! "Early Morn," and "The Young Foragers." We will present one of the above beautiful Chro tuns to each subscriber to either of the follow ing 'Papers or Magazines: Ilarper's Weekly, $4. New York Weekly, $3 Frank Leslie, $l. New York Ledger, $3. Lealj librner's Ram. St Fireside Compan I* Inca e'e Ladies' Msg. $4 Saturday Night, $3 Harper's Magazine, $4. Phrenological Journal $3 Moore's Ittirtil New YOT- ATllefiC3ll Volunteer, $3. - Prairie Fartnes.s3. • Hearth and Home, $.4. Scientific American, $3. Godey's Lady's Booksl3 Peterson's Magazine, it. Waverly Magazine, $3. Address ail orders to— Pidtsburgli Supply Company, Fittaburgb, Pa. septlS:3m SCRIBNER'S. MONTHLY. A BorIOI Story By Dr. HOWL= New Btory By SASE ROLM Mang Story from BUT : HARTS BRILLIANT ABBArof CONZBIBITTOBS. CLARENG'E COOK On Furniture & Decoration. ,R. 11. STODDARD On Author*. Extraordinary Inducements to New Enbseeibarai 600 Pages for 13.001 tha t Arc. The Publisher's of Beribner's _Monthly, lit their Prospectus just mined, promise for the enema year a more brilliant array of contributors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its Ulu trattoria, . already conceded by the critics to be, 'liner than any which hare hitherto appeared in *otry'Asterietto Drliournr=tor, will write the serial story of the year, which will be autobiographical In furor, mad Wlll be ilhastrated•byMbs 141 s entitled -.Arthur Donntaistle. awl ,6 , 111. deal with some of the most difficult probleaut,of Amer leap Lite. it will be commenced' in the Novem ber Number. There will be a new story by SIMI / 10 4 ' l74 e One-Legged Dancers. Barr alum - the beat writer of abort stories now living. will Contribute a charneterhate, ey, entitled The h:,pie of Fiddlelown, wi:!inh will he Illustrated by stampard. " '4 , • ' It. 11. tSTODOLUD will write a series' of enter tail:Ong papers about etuthers,theia Personal ch ar _ aeteristles, Boma Al e ; Families,' Friends, Whims anti Nays. A herlesot Poe:rodeo/ Lloing.Amer lean Writers. is also promised. CLAIIIISCE coca will write about -furniture. re the Detorafton al - American Homes. These pa pers( he'eminently practical as well as artistic. mud wits be illnatrata d with designs and sketches nutoe,rons 'artists in saddler' to tiacise which ildtwriteriffinziell will Ambit. • ' Auleftit tame who will,con u lento are— , • Bans Andersou,. B r yant, ,Bushoell, Eggleston, routte," alphopjluntin on. Bret arm Jobe ash U. Li-. amadonal 4.lllltchell, maw Theitr, woman , est.:baton, Stod Cells Tbazter.—Wararr Wilkineou, Mrs. Nhl ery, b e . sides tow brothers:, . The eottoriat in and dlreettonut, the " me w ill remain in the hands ofDr.Dalltatd, who emainte te write tr The lopies of Me Tone," watch .New York Pidepeadafit Sari 'tare more widely quoted than any similar papers In any American. magazine." Watson didn't/11l write "Via Olt; ffisffimet;" as hitherto. Prof. John C. Draper co nducts the Department of " Ncdere and Seidel." " The De partments o W f—rfkiree awl &tasty," seri ,rterapere and Deitt." will engage the contributions of more then score. of pens on both aides of the At u. The Watchteairend Reeder 'aye: "Scrib titnerde'elfcmtbly lbw September is batter than tumal, . which indlectets MICAS waste of editorial brains and publisher s money, ter the Xagazitte was good enough eelbre And yet the publishers promise toinetkoriCilltiertffeelof the awning Fear/ The subscription priCe is ws.oo a year, with imecial rates to Clergyman Teachers, eta' Post masters. The followins ..A.74raordinctry .fitilocements are oared to lubaciberit For $5.50 the Publishers will sand'or any Books seller or Neaudrater 'apply, the magazine for one ye= anttstsive nurabempt Volta, 111 and IV. containing %hi:beginning of Dirs. 011phant's Serial, At la Oates t"- for s7.soths llitgatine for one rear,smd the 14WEnumberetrom thebetalard= for slo.4etite Willuthio for one Ifilir% Ott Act( bath' number* bound` (4 vole.). charges On bound, paid.;!Tbis.will give nearly 50u0.prigeti of the .choicest reading, with the, finest illustrations, for $10.50,, Or nearly 500 pages for lath:dm and Win enableerery atitweriber tat attic tte Odes from the thiat, , 4 i d,pedal terms to Dealers. El and Teachers. SCIIIBNICH rIPM EI4II4 ~ oct'3offim 654 Broadway. N. Y. ~~L~l~a wi~irS~K V'bB4P.~: li +e'}p ~. 'lsaudiv _& ;Cc's - Itionymmeriiiitstergi wrg C* 66 FPltai at 11116-410 *atm wanted for the' new and 'startling_b3" of 'WW I Ileyn e llistgezia= .. • _est.endorsen Wog dirinetZ.VLt s t pas, Linn fiti ll .fMM T_ tiEE'YEARSA A MANV i t PRlLlaitneerly_teA a menet 1, - hemble. 4 10 .111. 1 bTODDANT &Co4•Pabliithely niu" ade • • - AGENTS WASTED /FOR • PROF.:. FOWLER'S GREAT WORIC Oa lisaboodp Womaahood, sa4.their Xatital 4 7 . tanlielstiat; Lore, ita_ ,Leint Polish 14 0. /food for op_odstietlogui and drcolui, vishkrAl Add NAT/9/ 14 44 rt!tusull'!'i co. rnINL. •••-• ki all dares. Oldpeopte, .0 , ty ega ~ i t thgae who are just entering life. and lOWA , Of both eexce,,bny arid read with the greatest profit : • k s ; Mi r ka nfflirattlE i t : W , mo LEWIS' lasi and !eat 54 4,... It Is meetiti with thergaiatertaatedia and there ta Avi v = Bane for oar c _ , de. which Tiro ' 41 4 sent free. OEO. MACLEAN - 11'51W The immease isle, WOOD IN OMB f Omr . _ "• wyni, Livingstone in A flit c is Iravlog. MIMS It above ell alders the bock the MASSES WANT. It goes like WILDFIRE Over an' pave., only $2 50. Itorentiont Wanted. • " • Nottee. T -Be not deceived by mbueptei — Yenta; no= Iwo, to palm off high-priced Iderterwowne.,` but send for circulars sea. see PEOOlret Wino meats and. great snetess of oar meats. -.Pocket r i Ang . ic i • s o t r i t e t i t i tik l matted rre it e . ith06111:112111,1/1,2 A gents Marinted.—Themoat bevel terms erv:t er offered. Eartaxiastous ANILICA. TIM Dui covittin DI- S C 0 :V -E R E D.. be adventures oln most affect:Munn/I WM A leejil octavo aoltinie, splendidly- illustrated. _Contain,* incidentelotthevoretterfulcareer.of tlieGreatTrat. ; oier. the Volute, Animals. Nausea Benito. ? me" , The.beat dteeted Vyelopedla of AfrlcattXnowt , edge stud !Aviator:our:a EzploratiOnssesn pie% Itsheff. Fall amount of Hots SoratitaT=FOkleilC ' LTVINOSTONZ. The only book . endorsed by- - tlier Press. Send $1 for outfit, or write W. Fwcr Co., Philadelphia, Pa.. or sprioggeld. Maw ' DON ' T for c D ou E g C bs, 111.1, ), SOIT t throat, hvareenm, awl bronchial . difilenitles. use , only - • Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Worthless Imitattans are op. the martrat; tiac the only Scienti fi c pre p aration thatioite Acid for Lung discsetn la when chemically combined with other well known remedies, _as in these istisra. and all parties are cannoned it,gainst ming-any other. In all cases of irretation of the Mucus membrane these TA atm tbonta be freely used, their clean sing and healing propertlea are datoolithinz Be wanrrxn. nerer neglect a cold, it Is easily cured In. its hid pient state, when it becomes chron is the cure Isexceedfngly Car bolic Tablets as a specific. JOEN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Plait Et N. Y. - Ftile agent for the 1.7 tilted States. Send . for Circu lar. Price 25 cents a box. • . • - .. 4w Crumbs of Comfort "Tbetiacti , es' Friend- Ask yongfor l ef for IL BARTLETT'S 'BLACKING 'Always gives Bathsfaitio3. frytt. *.E .A. - "Er IL • BLU E for the laundry has no equal.— SOLD BY ORO CEILS. IL A. DARTLETT Co.. 115. 117 N. Front st.,rhiladelphia, 4 3 Chambers st.,, N. Y 4311 road at.; Boston. S-- ---- - - Agent* Wanted for AINTS \ SAND , ' MIS OF THE ' BIBLE. its Patriarchs, Kings, Propuets. Rebels. Poets Prteete, Heroes, Women, Aposties. Politicians. Rulers anti Criminals.' Genial es Poetry and e's , citing as- Romance. Its exeention la faultless- Pa illustrations are magnificent. It Islast the r bath for the muses, or all who lord Ilisto e Btndy of Character, or Cheerfht reading. itsa terms to Agents. Send for circular. Also Acento wanted for the People's Standard Bible, ei 650 Mnstrations. Our own Agents, and many Agents for other Publishers. are selling this Bible with Wonderful success. bemuse it is the most mu ter edition published. Canvassing bcoltit — free to worbino Agents. Addbess. ZIibOLER &a!- CURDY. Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio L. Lapis. 31e.; Springfield, Ness ; or Chicano. il l. gihere Want of action in your Liver dUiipleen Unless relieved of once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious sea aeons, producing seatetdobsor akin diaeresis, Blotches. Fektus, f!ustrilest, Canker, Pimples. ire. Hare you a dyspeptic stotnaint I Meant- diger eon is promptly aided thelrisAem_bsffehlUtated with lass of vital force, l'overty,of MOO. Drolv.l- cal Tendency, General 'Madurese or lasiltade. Hare you weakness of theintestitueL Yon Ara In danger of Chronic Mance& or the dreadful In gamma/lon of the Bowels. Have you Weakness of Me Uterine or Urinary Growl' You must procure instant relief or you are llablo to suffering worse than death. the system in perfect health or you are otherwise In great danger-or nal see or cola* glens diseases. dre you dejected. drowsy, dull, slue& "or de pressed in spirits, with bead ache, back-ache, coated tongue. and bad tasting mouth? For a certain remedy for all of these diseases, weaknesses, and trouelest for eleansmg and Que rying the vitiated bioartand Imparting villor to all the vital forces; for building pp, and restoring the weakened constitution, LS,E JHRITBEI3.A., which is praneunced by the leading ;medical au thorities of London and Pula 4 ' the mbst newer fill ionic and alterative known to.: the , tnoitme world.", Thista no new and untrlett.diaCoaery, bat has been long used by the the leadl physi cians orother countries with treirderW remedi al results. Doter towhee and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics; trey give only tempo rary teller; Sidi:zest:on, tletuleney,and dyspepsia, wtltt plies and iimdred diseases. are sure to fol low their ass. Keep the blood pure and healthit assured. JOliN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Phan St. New York. Sole Agent for the United states. Price $1 per bottle. Send for circular. Jen.B-4w : '' C - :. ~ ILLUSTRATED: Floral Work! FOR JANUARY, IS:3,r NOW OCT. Issued as a Quarterly., Tho tour numbers sent testy address, by mail,. for 5 Cents. The richest mid most in atinictlee Illustrated and Descriptive Floral Guide ever published. Those who ordered Seeds , last year and were credited with 23 cents, Will re eelfo the Patti Quarterlies far 1.273. Thole. who 'order falpds this year wIU be , credited wah a sub sariptien for 1874, The January number . cantata nearly 400 E n Two 4311therb Colored: Plates,. imitable foe framing.. also Tinted Plates of our gorgeous Floral Chromes: information relative to 'Floweret. Vegetables, &e., & their calibration, di all each mattes as was for _ merly Wand to our Auaal Catalogue. Yoa will Luisa it U you order SEEDS before seeing dc tiro's. Quarterly. W cluillerAge compartaouon quality of Seed and prices and smut of packets. Oar oCalender S,dwanee Sheet and PrieelList for 1873. 99 5ent See. Addm.s. El6ltiDS4k Seedsmen and florists, UOttithSTipt.32.:Y. - . TfprALIMED.—A rellagle andliitedigiedChin V of good address, to engagelltadaapdailasad incrativo bualuees Koducidg from f MVP i,4OIIJA per year. Addrega JD FORD it Co.;:is: Boston; Chicago; ortian Frandsca. - j!i:: • a 9R for family use. or act as au appt,_addresti EiGTON SEWING 1111.CIIINE • CO., Bosto . Mass. -61 . 1, t i•Aanls.4, I rk Bpog e cqv.usgs. A ih o u%s'- t,,?-4i=ng.,jlittranlir nal PURLUSLILNQ CO4, US Sot 'Attt-St., Nor-York , jdnls:,lar PSYCHOMANCY or .80tarCHARKERIii..: LIOW either Bel May , fascinate 4nd gain the love:and affections of any person they choose Instantly. TWA iimpleilmewat acquirement nil can posttest. Free -Ay .maii for 2.5 c.. ogether with a marriage guide. Egyptian °male; Vrloleams. Mont L a dies dies C. A queer. exciting boor. ,OCt soldd T. WILLIAMS it Co.yablJahers,Phibt r, 4w eeritsVirant edr:Z=l; . and Cadad. Alto; for our dot Lissa Thread.. taint deer ed perm:math hv good. actirwAgents , ply at once to I) L GrE/L 7SET, Concord, N. U. • • ' ' 1151 Prezio - 12.1:0211. Double Elevated Oven. Warming ClOart., &TOM Door. Gender Guard. Damping aqd gra to Direct Draft. Ruumn, Wa u nE x & C 0,235 'Water street. N. Y. - lantre.4va e feederß A I&E Diewan urner 11311MMT IsU Uasiv RNS Ati r lartar ialaD ? ULSET 4 WARREN &Ca l 236 Water AL. tt I Orphans' Court Sale. ABM. BSTATB• IN Sr. 91..e.4,AVARIJoii By virtue of sit order r ot the Court of Beaver county,' the endersigselL- adminhrtnaris Of the estate of PRESSWO,DUNIAP, deceas ed. will expose toiblic sale on the pretuises, on WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26th PM at to °Week.: re.ii apt lottosopie deseipeei tea estate Of add dect*ent, TIE The undivided ono-bait of a Certain ptcee of lard situate In St Mirborouh, Beaver Co. Pa., being lots Nee 61 end 13 to the Van CLAM& oorpagis, bounded oa the north uatchtalirei( Run; east by Blida Street sonth. by -Find Street. anft westby the P. itaviegialM.d F. W. iff Abe Acted beteg, under AMOS And thereon a frame SLAUONTEE nogwaaa, limer SITOP. • ' • Thß3l3ssh in band, On trnrliivaLLoa'ot the sale by the. Court. . . wiLARia DUNLAP, derfairdshxditt ' ang9 3 w Freedom, Po.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers