The Beaver Argus. Sealer; Pa., Jamul)", 155,16'73. Circulation ptirign Hundred. Ma TrBB. 1 itit, 80. -- 1 oqr-10 noes, 'tau 63 00 2 equaroi, do 860 -6 00 i eqdares. do 600 •00 4 squares. do , 800 800 Acolumn.-- BOO 11 00 calsorin....., 11 03 15 00 I who:no n -4 13 1301 30 00 Adadniettatata' and Executors' Not3Ces-... 300 peas! nettats rag line, ten coati. raymento to be made quarterly, except for transient advertisements, whirl must be paid b aa va nce. JOB WOWS.. Elehila Sheet BIITi 25 copies or less...---$9. 00 25 additional copies or less. 50 l'onrtb Sheet Bills 25 copies or tar ..... --.. 300 25 additional copies or 1e55...,....,.. 75 aril Sheet Bile , 2.5 copies or less. 500 -:5 additional copies or less 1 50 Foil Sheet Bills 25 copies or les- ___._.... 800 25 additional conies or less-- --. ..... 200 Bin. in Equity flee pages or less —.15 CO Each additional page -.. 900 Waal :A. plea. one - quire.. 2 00 additionecoare....--_-- 1 00 Otter Job work at same rates. TiMiE TABLE. Cleveland & PlUabargh B. R.— T halia A•fflog East leave Beaver Station S 4 follows: Nor. Accom'n 9.19: Mail, 8.137 p. m.;Evening Fast Line. 7.07. Trait"? &mina West leave Beaver Station ae fol. :ows: Mail, 7;44 a. m.: Accommodation 5.40 p. m. The attention of the public is directed to the following New Advertisements w tacit appear for the first tiros tu the A Roos to-daY special Notice - - Dr. Keyser. ~_ (• :. , SI NOtleAll—Holloorin's Pi115.....__ C !..- pvria I Notice- Lyon's Kinharion... . t.l.einal Nonce:-- & J Soellenburg....— ..,0 Athcrttremetrt—Dauchy L C0,....4 and t: too 4w Raul: Statement—Ed. :loop: .. 4 3w Sank Notice—Ea. IL ape.... ....... le 1w public Ba.le—Robt. Gorouco . Zoo 3,e r l'rp Notice-- Oeo. Good & Fred Fib Publlc Sale—W. ii. Frazer To Mr. "Homo," alas Samuel Mason of Canton Ohio. DEAR ID. —You have chosen to request me -through a public newspaper to discon ue the Anous sent to you at Canton phio. Allow me now in the same man ner, to say to you that your request will be promptly attended to when you pap the subsCription you owe upon it. A remittance in this direction will there fore be in order. Hoping to hear from you right speedily, I remain yours very En. Attune. lIMEZ -Zest Bargains in Woolen Goods at W Sniith's, Rochester, Pa. janik-2W Ins -- S. d: J. Suellen burg, Beaver coati tv Clothiers. Loss orSheep. —Mr Joseph Alex antler of Independence township, lost 00 head of sheep week before last, in con sentience of high water in Raccoon creek. ° ••- '193...5. &J. Snellenburg, Beaver coun ty Clothiers. " 4-Selling Millinery Goods and Furs at coscat the Cheap Store of W A Smith, Rochester, Pa. janB-2w We are indebted to }lons. Simon Cameron and Charles Sumner of the Senate. and Hons. W. McClelland and W. D. Kelley of the.ponse, for valuable public documetts. 7,t'.• Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds, Silk Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, good a , ;sortment, selling very low at the Cheap Store of Wm A Smith. jan:3-2w A: J. Snellenburg, Beaver °finn y clothiers. • County Auditors _ in Session The County Auditors are in session at the pre.Pn E time. The Board is compos ed of the following named gentlemen: 3 11. '1)1-1Atref Rocco. n tarp., Chas A. of Beaver Falls. and Dr. C. C. of Beaver. 1..11.1.1,,,,,r• Ro.oo. r....... IV I (Jib len. _ _ lackey selling cheap at W smith's, Rochester. 2.6 c %bout Actors.—A. few days after the death of the great actor, Edwin Forrect, one of our Pittsburgh contem poraries is said to have referred to the 1.3,1 event, as follows: "She was never fnualed in her time by any terpsichore an artist,though Bontanti and Betty Ri gi were formidable rivals in her later ME! ztr- S. t J. Snellenburg, Beaver maul) tv The Citizen's Prohibition Es ecutive Committee, will meet :'nun Ilouse in Beaver o-• Satunl•iy inn!: Jan. 18th 1-878, at 7 o'clock p m T:ic attendance of all the members is earnestly requested. Small-poz in ludastry Twp.— Several eases of tonsil-pox have devel oped themselves in industry township. The malady find. broke out. we learn, in the family. of Mr. rienoni White, and ,übsequelitly it appeared in other fami .ies in that neighborhood. Mr. White hitnself was attacked by the disease, but vre believe is now convalescent. ==Mil } l-4, -Millinery and Woolen Goods down to cost at Wm A Smith. Roches ter. S. 6: .3 .Snellenburg. Beav or con t'v Clothiers. Fatal Railroad A efldroL—A brakeman nn one of the trains of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago .ilroad wag accidentally kilted nt tt ( "Lr depot in Allegheny on Tuesday " ne •..ek ago. His name. wee AMMO Bond, abi aged about 2:Flyeam. Hie pa• rents residc at New Brighton in this The deceased was coupling , -an4 when the casualty befel i',) is , _. 7 -- -,...--•-- iring a•oQ lea. wagons, carriages, ar ite.. go to In rahinf`l3 , l4uf ic-b(lard '' - , lepot. in Roct!ester. MI order.% T r 14Y 2 ] attontled to, sept4;ly iMe(IITANI TO ALL.—Tile balance f The Large Stock of Clothing at the .tereof S. d:J.:Snellenburg will he sold at a reduction pf ten per cent., for 6( 1 - deco. Parti esan need of clothing would .1 , , R ell to (.017 . base now. as they can ante at least 4tr; on a fine suit- S. &J. Nuollenbnrg, New Brighton. Stealing Letters.—A young man named Samuel Williams. an employe in th. Sharon Postoffiee, Mercer comity, Pa., was picked up a couple of weeks far opening and stealing letters con taining rrionev,frotnthatoffleA. A hoar- In , : was bad in the ease, before the Uni. 1, 1 states Commissioner at Pittsburgh last Tuesday, and after the examina • ~n , young Williams was held in the •,i an of 0,000 fht trial at the February • , rm of the United States Court. ,T--Chappedlands, face, rungb skin, pimples, ringwerM, salt-rheum, and ether cutaneous affectionteured, and the akin naftda Raft 'and using the In "Per Tar Sonp, utt deire Caswell, Hazard & 4 New -York. Be certain cet the Juniper 'rar Soap, as there are many worthless imitations rriadi with mm on tar. . nova-ant ISM3!IIMEI We are indebted to Col. R. B; Beath, t':10 i urveyor General of the State, for a of his annual report for 1872. From t WO learn that Pennsylvania is situate hos - een 39 deg., 43 min. and 42 deg. north latitnde. and 2 deg., 17 min. east, fln4 3 deg.3l min. rest Longitude, from Washington. Its mean length is 280,39 miles, mean breadth 158.05 miles; its erf-atest length is 302 and 13-40 miles. and greatest breadth 175 trilles and 192 perobes- Number of acres in the State, 20 ‘ , 18.350. _ Beaver county contains 466 square miles, and its acres number 298,240. lta Pnpulation in 1860 was 29,140, In 1870 36,. Holloway's Pills wad Otstmeut. sufferm from- dtseass, thew, prepare- Ilona are endorsed by balf the world. With such teatinaonisis. sre• they not wortktryitig? No internal or external abeeigfp can res Tat Want. Sold 78 Mald en Lane. New York. Price 25 cents per box or pot. Ask for new style; the old is counterfeited. Accidentally amt.—Charley, a ycruiigiiiin of Ex-Sheriff, John Gnebing, of New Galilee, was accidentally • shot a few days ago. The gun from which be received the wound was being at the time, atrelesaly hanllieof by a comrade. The abet were lodged in Charley's arm, and were aubs€quently extracted by Drs. Brittain and Hepburn of that place. The arm will not be permanently injur ed. raising. Ma. nm. Iye i 5 OM OM $7 u 0! $lO op 7OW IO 00 15 00 •9 0 111 00 19 00 1050 15 00l (k, 150 10 . 00 ,1111 00 3000 MOO tO 00 3800 60 Oa 100 00 _Or The purest and sweetest Cbd Liver Oil is Hazard dt Caswell's made on the sea abort", from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard dt Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have ones taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided It su perior to any of the other oils in the mar ket. nov2o-12t Does Not Want to Marry.—Mica Clara Louise Kellog, the _lady whose singing so often entranced Horace Gree ley during his Itfetirne; and who so beautifully rendered "I know that my redeemer liveth" at the funeral obse quies of the great Editor, is crafted with hiving refused more offers of marriage than any other lady in this country. To a thrillingly delightful voice, are added great personal charms and a solidity of character, which corn 'Woad, make her one of the most attrac tive ladies of our day. Consumptives. Attend! The treatment and cure of this dreadful scourge of the human race, is gradually becoming bewr understood. In times past, the weakening and depleting sys tem of treatment was altogether pur sued: now, since the introduction of that inadieine of • rare and singular virtue, known under th name .•f Dr Keyser's Lung Cure, the patient is built up, the blood is renewed, the peeeant matter which is fastetang upon the lungs; is dissolved Laid carded out of the body, and strength Is brought up to the stan dard of health. CEI Dr. keyser'noffiee for Lung and Chron ic Disease.% 187 Liberty street, Pitts burgh, Pa. A pamphlet of 32 pages ent free. Complimentary.—The Butler Ea gle, in speaking of the change of fore manship in that office, thus refers to Mr. Treiber of this paper: "On parting with the young gentle man, Mr. Treiber., who just changes places with Mr. Butler, we call only say that we part with one whose relations to us have been of the most em - dial charac ter. He was a most courteous and ()bin:, lug assistant. A few yeaxs eppilc~tti ,u, will, of course improve his capacities, even now; he is an excellent mechanic. His close application to business while here prevented him *um forming an extemire acquaintance, in such a short time, yet we onbt not some of those he did form will. last through life, and in due time bring forth such frnits as only gen u ne fidelity can produce. • Ten Eteeauseri.—A Hundred reasons inizlit be given why Lyon's Kathari should be used by every intelligent hu man being in preference to every other preparation for the hair, but ten will suffice. Here they are: because it nour ishes the fibers, multiplies them and makes them grow; because it thus pre vents them from withering and bleach ing; because It removes the scurf and dandruff which choke them as tares choke the golden grain; because it keeps the scalp cool and prevents eruptions; because it renders the hair as lustious as satin ; because it make it pliant arid elastic ; because it is a fragrant and delightful dressing, be cause it.doea not soil the pillow, the cap or hat; because it is without a rival in cheapness, and because no article sold for the same purpose, in this or any oth er country, possesses all, or even one halt, of these invaluable properties. The committee on Permanent Certifi cates, elected at the recent Institute in Deaver, organized by electing Benj. Franklin of Fallston, Chairman, and J. G. "Tillman, of Freedom, Secretary. The committee will meet at Rochesfer school house for the purpose of exam ining applicants for Permanent Certiti - este, on the last Saturday in Nfaren and first .Saturday in i Seotember. 1873 u Lions for the r ertuanent cert.lni ate must be In the hands of the Secretary at least two weeks before the days appoint ed for examination. No application will be considered or endorsed by any individual of the committee. Applicants are recinsted to observe the foregolog directions carefully.— Rad lea/. Death of Des. Nancy ItcLure. 7 -- On last Thursday morning, Mrs. Nancy McClure of Sharon, Beaver county, Pa., died, aged 94 - years. Mrs. M eLu re. w-as a grand-daughter of the Hon. John Hart of New Jersey, one of the signers of the D4wlaration of Independecce. She was married to Dr..lulii, Dickey it, 1903, who died at Fort Meigs in Isi i k r. while serving as a surgeon f volunteer-4 in the United States Arm • In 19l.• she was again married to . r. Samuel Mcture, with whom she lived mitt; 1942, when she was the second time Idft a widow. She never married again, and has since resided in Bridgewater and Sharon. She was a lady of fine pres ence, and in early life received a finish ed education. Her funeral took place on Saturday, January 11, from the resi den.• of Mr. Janics Nollitt of Sharon. Her remains were followed to their last resting place by her matty relatives and friends. Thus one by one the old peo ple of our neighborhood are gathered to their fathers. Parents, Give your_ Boys ti Trade.—lion. J. C. Wickersham, the State Superintendent of public schoolg, elves the following interesting informa tion, in his report just made too thn (inv - ernor : The far-sighted founder or ,fur com monwealth, before he left fluiziatid to visit his infant °obit, y. framed. among others, the following pj)ViKi,on whirl Wag adopted by the Provional I '4,“ twit in 1681: "That all children within this prcivimp of the age of twelve years. shall be taught some useful trade or skill,so if they become poor.they may not want. - He seems with almost prophet ic vision to have forseen what has conic i t! pass.!tur prisons. penitentiaries and who having learti - ed . lilr it nU t io ET " !' skill." have either sought to obtain property, it may be to st.tain life, by criminal meani., or unable "to work to live,'.-have come to poverty and want. our education seems faulty In this: ton Many young people are seeking a lly li hood without working with the hands. There are multitudes idle waiting for vacant clerkships and unfilled offices, 1 while mechanical work, more honora- Me end renu invites on all sides the efforts of willing hands. it is a feet ns startling as it is significant, that of 17.000 criminals in the United States in I.'silti. ninety per central] had never learned a trade. Out of 240 convicts re ceived at the eastern penitentiary last year, only twelve had been itpreritieed and served their time. The good people of the tov. , nshin of Greene and Hanover are becoming con siderably interested on the subject of a railroad. The route proposed is from a mint on the "Pan Handle" road, at or near Oakdale, through a very rich por- tion of Allegheny county, striking . the Beaver county line near Mnrdnckville. passing near Frankfort and Hookstown, along the lino of Traverse creek and Mill creek, to Georgetown, where there there is a prospect, it is thought, of con necting with a road to the lake. Two weeks ago, meetings were held at 'ftf or dockville, Frankfort and Hookstown, presided over respectively by Mathew Anderson, John J. Carothers and James R. Trimble, escis. At these meetings, committees were appointed to secure the slid of the Pennsylvania R. 11.1 these committees, ,together with those of Alle gheny county, met on the 21st ult., and selected Joseph K.,Buchanan of Beaver county, and Robert Potter of Allgheny county as a committee to represent their interests before the Pennsylvania com pany. The result of which was the• of fer of the company. if the people would grade the road, to put the ties, track. tan, etc., upon it. The length of the proposed road Is 26 miles, and if opened will add greatly to the value of the lands of the country which it will pass through. It is mho hoped that the peo ple will take up .thelinbject in earnest, and if so, success will crown their ef forts. INN 1=1:1 I== A story told in the western States a few years ago is worth repeating. An eastern man was traveling in Illinois one day, when be suddenly came upon a large crowd of inen, six or eight of whom were pummelling each other in regular western style. Stopping his horse, he dismounted, and walking up to one of the by-standers be thus accosted him : "Stranger, ar this a free tiglit?" lie was answered, "Yes, Sir." "Count me in," was his response.—Off went his coat,hat and vest,and in a minute or two afterwards, he appeared before the same by-stander, with nose battered and bleeding, and both eyes set in deep mourning. "Stranger," said be, "did I understand you to say this war a free fight ?" "yes Sir," "Then Count me out." A performance at Harrisburg last week brought the western story to our recolleCtion again. Our good friend Dr. Stiurlock went to Harrisburg in due time to "set things up," so that be could bag the Clerkship of . the House. We fancy that ho took arosy ?view of his prospects on tba way thtther,and scarce ly did be suffer a doubt to cross his mind relative to his succes. Arriving there, we fancy still, that the Dr: strode around among the members telling this one and that one "if there Is to be any tight about this thing,"connt vie in." On Saturday however, the newspapers in formed Us that General Seltridge would be clerk without doubt,and that Dr.Sbur lock, having been made to see It in the same light had asked to be "counted ord. - Of course the Dr. did not return li“ine with nasal organ bleeding and out of snap?. and with' eyes draped in black, but we are swift to believe that "the ,übsequent proceedings" at liar- Ti,bo rg, "interested him no more." The Pat(ot Cat.—The inventor and proprietor of the patent cat-exterm inator, a yoinig and rising genius living in Ohio, has published in The Ciereland Leader a lot of complinientary testimo nials from the press and individuals ap preciative of his remarkable invention. We extract the following: ••Weliave been using for a week plod, a recent invention of a Cleveland me chanic. which is nothing more than a sheet iron ( with cylindrical attach ments and steel claws,and teeth. A bel lows inside swells the tail at will to a belligerent size, and a tremolo attach ment causes at the same time the patent cat to emit all the noises of which the human cat is capable. When you want fun you wind up your cat and place him on the roof. Every cat within halt a mile hears him, girds on his armor, and sallies forth Fortunately, fifty or one hundred attack him at once. No ROOD er doe- , the patent cat feel the weight of an assailant, than his teeth and claws w,irk with lightning rapidity. Adver saric.; %%IMO) six feet are torn to shreds. Fresh battalions come on to meet a sim ilar fat( , and in an hour, several bushels •if hair. toe-nails and fiddle-strings alone euntin." "No lirst-elass printing ofli'ee with a roof Hat enough tO afford a battle far in furiated felines should be without one." —T. TILTON "II has saved more than SIO,OOO worth boot-jacks in this city alone, and a mince pie or can of pi eserves goes far iher in my family now than at did be fore the war.''—J. M., Mayor of Chica go. "p o w any family can do without one any more than a 'Dolly Varden' is a won to me.''—E CADY STANTON. "The roof of our office vas covered ith cats lour ranks deep, until 'we placed two of the 'lron Thomas Cats' In position. Not a cat has been seen since, and we have sold bologna.sausage moat enough to buy three fonts kir typo. Ev ery young man going pest should take a few of these cats with I3ENNErr. "I have used the patent cat with much success in my family. My mother-in law has been visiting us fOr the last six months. Night before last I wound up the patent eat arid sot him under her bed. At his first bawl she leaped from her and yelled 's'eat,' and at the same time stabbing at him with- an umbrella. I earl hardl:% v. rite for emotion; but my dear tn.ii her will not take meals w i t h us for some time Su Come. All the money for twenty-five more eats, and also send new claws for the old one, as the old lady was tough."—B111011A31 YorNoe. We might extend these testimonials. Lut it IM useless. The manufacture of cats will soon be one of the most valua ble additions to the business interests of the growing city. In the meantime, strangers passing through Cleveland, a nd all who are inLerostod In the exter mination of thecat tribe, are invited to examine into the merits nfthis great dis eovvry. Jilltu B. Butler, formerly of this place, but pow foreman of the Eci g', lohlice in Iliit:er, publishes the f0110w ,4 carl in that paper of last week. It i- in response to a notice of his leaving I;enver published in the Anons of Dee. Sith: "The Management of The Buffer Ea (fie kindly permits me to respond to this friendly and very handsome corn , plinient. Forty-two years -- since the days of Ramage presses and buck , skin ink-balls—l have been a printer. I ' have witnessed the establishment and growth "fall the daily papers west of the Allegheny mountains, and have been employed at different times, on mars of them n assistant thrernan, ttreinan, newsmonger,loral editor, coin . menial and financial editor , and river reporter. I know all the weekly papers in the State, and have been acquainted with To E: BEAVER ARGUS ever sinekt ran remember. It always bore the char :icier of a well printed, high-toned polit leaf it-int-nat. whose voice was respected on all topics of moment to the State and tui tion. Under its- present editor and p ro prietor—Col. J. Weyand_ft n a ,,, b een ereattv enlarged and improved in ap pearance, e. bile the bold, fearless and independent character of its editorials most cemmatei the attention and con lon of e% en its political opt "'tents. Weyand is in advance of his party; I tit he is pail iota o and fearless. Those ' charaeteristies were exemplified on the fiebi „f battle as well as hi the editorial sanctum, and his views (politicall,v) must eventually obtain, or the Republi , can principles of our ancestors—for the perpetuity of which ho and I, with mil -1 lions of others, fought—will end in mon archy, or whalis incalculably worso,des potism. - ' But, I mentioned my years' expert clop in journalism not through vanity. t,t wich medigtere ability I t ight to be eompetent to form tolerably c.•rrec•t opinions in connection with i t ew,,paper management, more especial ly sine" 1110“ of my long years have teen spent, in Its various departments, in the employment of others. While 11 , (10 have been dissatisfied with my services, with none have I enjoyed more confidence, or more intimate and friendly relations, than with - Caul. J. tVeyand of Tem Ilkav En Antics during the four years I was foreman of that pa per. Mrs. Butler joins me in reciproca ting the kind wishes for the future ex,- pressed in the article heading this ac knowledgment. True,we formed many acquaintancesand contracted friendships which will be as lasting as life, during our residence in Beaver. It was hard to sever those ties. If we consent to spend our declining ears on any part of this habitable globe ontside of Butler, that place would be Beaver. Its society is intelligent, refin ed, social, religions and friendly; its lo cation picturesque, healthy and beauti ful—easy of access by railroads, river and canal—while its educational advan tages are unsurpassed in America. It is a heartsome and delightful place to re side. But, "the green fields and fair itinvers" for us aro in Butler. Here are our children, grand-children, and oth er relatives; here reside some —for the majority have already "crossed the dark water"—of those with whom we were familiar in our youth, with whom we hunts], fished, danced on punchon floors, went to quiltings. huskings,enon buntings, military trainings (alien Ma jor Reed, God bless him, was Brigade Inspet-tor; here is where we eontribu ted our mite to the erection of a temple dedicated to the worship of a crucified Savior, within which we feel more at home than in tiny other, although the same faith and sacraments be preach ed and administered in them; here are the graves awn' relatives and the place whore we wish to die and be buried when God calls us. Do you think it strange we desired to come to our old home, Colonel? "There is no place like home." We are as happy in greet ing our old friends of Butler as are little children with Christmas presents. God bless everybody, and Col. We and and family in particular. I thank the other papers of your coo Ll ty for the very complimentary notice* they were pleased,to bestow upon me, but my article is already so extended as to warn me that I am overstepping the limits of my privilege; and I can only add,l wish them long life and osperity. jour B. BuTLER. • Where They Asi;— i the Soldiers Orphan* who lute be ladaegfa4st, the Pbllllpsimirg iodine; '; •••'lttie, AMA there they Were sfiteeti 'yetis' of ago, are DOW residing at an'd engaged as, follows • • • George M. Gould. brlcknisiker.• burgh, .Pa.; ; ; per year. Laura A. ...tine% married and lines in Enon Valley. Pa. • • John Cook, in roiling Mill at 'Etna. Pa.; 075 per year. Marion Bolder,miner,West Elizabeth, Pa.; $3 per day. • • Emma L. Purvis, married. Isabella S. Ault, at home with mother, Temperanteville. Pa. • Willard W. M'Cune, deputy sheriff, Butler county, Pa. William Craig, nallcutter. Bennett, Pa.; $3 per day. Mark M'Caslin, law student. Erie, Pa. Samuel Mdrphy. superintendent packing .room, cutlery manufactory, Beaver Falls, Ps.; $3O per month. Mary U. Delo, married. M'Keesport, Pa. Hannah E. Preston, married, Sharps burg, Pa. Lucinda Maxwell, married, M'Bees port. Pa. • Emma Aughinbsugh, married, Alle gheny City, Da. Johnston D. White, teaching, Pitts burgh, Pa. Elizabeth Dawson, domestic service, Allegheny City, Pa. John F. Cumming, artist. Alice Wray, mantuauzaker, Beaver Falls, Pa. ' Sarah M. Sample, milliner.Alitigheny City, Pa. Charles Glatzen, farming. Barthegig, Pa. Samuel J. Watson, farming, Industry, Pa. Samuel E. Hoyt, farming, Liverpool, Pa. John W. Wyke. collecting clerk, Pittsburgh, Pa.; $l2O per month. Julia A. Bennett, domestic service, Enon Valley. Pa. • Al hertina Blair. at home with mother, Clinton. Pa. Ariada Grandy, tailareas„Elbaron. Pa.; $7 50 per week. Wm. J. A. Leith,steamboatman, Holt, Pa. .Yamem U. Moore. hotel clerk, Pitts burgh, Pa.; MO per month. !oho 1. Mallon, painter, Meadville, Pa. A tine W. Reynolds, clerking, Pins bn rob, Pa.; 0 per year. Martha Burgess, teaching, Jefferson Co., Pa.; $2.5 per month. arietta Dougherty, domebtle service, Clinton, Pa. Priscilla Eckles, married, George town, Pa. George W. Cook, nailcutter, Etna, Pa.; $9OO per year. iry E. Grabaugb, married, Wilkins, Pa. Cornelia W. Young, clerking, Pitts burgh, Pa. 7 '3OO per year. Mary W. Murphy, at home with her. mother, Beaver' Falls. Pa. Sarah It. Morris, at borne, Cincinnati. Ohio. Rose E. Cole, married and lives in Wheeling, W. Va. .Wilhelmina Laufer, married and lives in Philadelphia. Asenetb J. Prentice, mantuamaker, New Brighton. Pa. Robert Donaldson, miner; West Eliz abeth, Pa.; $.3 per day, George A. M'Caslin,clerk, Wheatland, Pa. Pauline Speiss, married. Ellen Craig. Married, Bennett, Pa. Joseph P. P. Baker, telegraph opera tor, Pittsburgh, Pa. William It. Hall, miner, Beaver. Pm.; $OOO per year. James Kennedy, working in glass house, Allegheny county, Pa.; WO per year. Elizabeth Carson, married, New Cas tle. Pa. Elizabeth Rolling'', teaching, Shady Side. Pa.; $36 nor month. Jacob Peters, railroad employee, New Citstlo, Pa.• ' 860 per month. John Patterson, clerk, Rochester, Pa. Mary Brown, attending State Normal achool, Edinboro•, Pa. Theodore Davidson, in Foundry, Pittsburgh, Pa. William Glatzen. farming, Raritieslg. Pa. • Mary J. Cumming, teaching, Alleghe ny, Pa.; $3O per month. Eleanor Wray, in brush factory, Bea ver Falls. Pa James R. Olentt, at home with moth er, Rochester, Pa. Isabella Reed, living with brother, Bridgeville, Pa. - Evangeline tiutcptnson, at mune wrw mother, Butler, Pa. Abby E. Hoyt, married and lives in Liverpool, Pa. Thomas H. Johnson, farming. Lydia F. Nelson, married and lives in New Castle, Pa. Henrietta S. Young, clerking, Pitts burgh. Pa.: $225 per year. Lydia Marquis, in cutlery store, Bea ver Falls, Pa. George L. Laufer, blacksmith, Pitts burgh, Pa.; f1.i2.5 per year. Margaret Brunner, married, Pitts burgh, Pa. Jane C. Burgess,, Alle gheny, Pa. Thomas J. Sonlsby, gunsmith, Alle gheny, Pa. • Harriet A. Dawson, domestic service, Allegheny, Pa. Alpert Jenkins, carriage making, M nersvi I le. Pa. William M. Bail, carpenter, Manches ter. Pa. Frances L. Grandy, domestic service, Plain Grove, Pa. Mary A. Howells, domestic service, Clinton, Pa. Loretto Reynolds, teaching Soldiers' Orphan school. Phillipsburg. Abraham T. Johnson, brakeman, Pennsylvania railroad, Latrcibe, Pa. William J. Murphy, in cutlery store. Beaver Falls, Pa. John Harking, on railroad, Blairsville, Pa. Sarah C. Fulcomer, at home with mother, Armagh, Pa. Henrietta M' home with moth er. Glade Mills, Pa. William A. Crum, farming, Wilmore, Pa. Mary E. Puivis, at home with her mother, Rochester, Pa. V. Cole, assistant matron, Phillipsburg Soidiera' Orphans' school, John Reynolds, farming, Aramgh, Pa. Frances L.' Heasley, teaching, Leba non, Pa.; per month. ' Eunice Brown, superintendent dining room, Pennaylv ania Soldiers' Orphans set WO l. jjonrietta Evans. at home with moth er. Philadelphia, Pa. James c. Donaldson, at home with mother, West Elizabeth, Pa. Kate Jones, at home with mother, Rrady's Bond, Pa. Lewis Gratzen, farming. Harthegig, Pa. Sidman A. Mickey, wagoumaker, Li gonier, Pa Melissa J. Delo, at home with [nether, Rochester, Pa. Augustus A. Roach, at home with mother, Boston, Pa. jacuts Craig, nailcutter, Bennett, Pa. Anna Cook, at 'littie with mother, Etna. Pa. Ida Reynolds, mantnamaker, Pitts burgh, Pa. Drusilla !gallon, at borne with moth er, Meadville, Pa. Margaret M'Ginnis, attending Penn sylvania Soldiers' Orphans' school. Jesse Hanson, in soda works, Natro na, Pa.; $7 50 per week. Elizabeth Meekins, attending Penn sylvania Soldiers' Orphans' school. Rebecca Reed, at home with mother, Rock Point, Pa. Margaret E. Magee, at home with mother, Ronseville, Pa. George W. Lowers, miner, Ironton, Ohio; $9 per week. Laura Shaffer, at home with mother, Beaver Falls, Pa. . The lecture of Prof. Leo Miller of New York, delivered in the Court Dense on last Friday evening was well attend ed, and the lecturer made a decidedly favorable impression upon his audience. His subject: "woman and her relation to temperance" was discussed aocielli politically and religiously and many new points which honest and intelligent tem perance men bad not thought of before, were laid tersely and effectively before his hearers. The Prof. is in favor of tamale suffrage and believes that the temperance question will never be satisfactorily solj ved nor a reform in oar politics obtain ed until woman has the ballot played in her hands. So favorably were hli ideas On these questions received and so forci bly were they presented, that the large audience present requested him to de liver another lecture in this plane on next Friday evening. This he consent ed to do, and gave notice that his sub ject on that evening would be. "The era of woman, or the Divine jtepublic:! The Court House was first designated as the place for nett Friday evening's. lecture, but subsequently it was thought best to change the place from there to the Presbyterian Church. 'The lecture on Friday evening, therefore, will be delivered in the Presbyterian Church. at 7p. m, Admittattee free. No one should fall to heae thielicture. ~'. =ME liar 110 16 .' halt of. lNi moms and steadier f* cetka,ltrytor 42131/ n. ote,Aeleutile, hal 4 4 ym itt u t culminated - In ergiatied' 'effort, at work, will resaltiri Beaver liOutity giving ret the prbalkittort - tiearfiehlve. rolledupst isrt fait iiecioldbigt- edto M g , 11 At &MAU del ' 'AV9 T ll 2l4ent agditraeileat rOl volriu4l and ligious tatihslii - . 1 - • •ti the' front and Join hands in ao eariteat_ crusade against the further contlntiatre of the whisky gtdesiu , our.. midaYirclekteeeflissl, railfying to Mans at the temp& once cause ~ Pennant, to a.privale cab, a.nerpher or ieil knoll*Viand :eadlkig ihizai‘thethe # i ca u nlet t ' '~: i • ' bteCF#IFY, BlifivitnaziW474 ,.., 'i ,to 0;4404 4141 - ' out . — -,, - ~, WeAudiwria.t 4, fr -lee lions. The meeting organized 'by calling Rev. .1. ?amnion to the chair, and electing - Mb rlittdterut...".;"&icieta• :T. The 'wed' the par- pose of the meetieg; rilvkynts followed by Dr. Vaylor, . • cibitedk jro gAsieltraions' deg PO 'li strhtini(titifiatist the license iyato ~ 4 , • • "• '• •• :being! called upon, pelttoollti 04,-FrOo_ • deal efforts intim d • election-Ats• Wets instead of relyintrip*teniventfotis and addresses as htukbeen too Mu& doite bekotoltite.P r w 4 lo,„,. 147P,!-...aL S. McNutt; Whet tifeketitttl hit Vieth threibly and 'Clearly .inftgitsfia* taw. YRev -,5 4 112.U/eke-heft:next !dialled, itien. that he, was itutheriq Witerfor Hon„ .. J. 8: Ratan; thit iiinpathles were with the prohibition cause, and that his whole influence, both In public and pri vate, should be employed to further it. Mr. Locke also reported that sentiments of a similar eharicteeirere,expreseed by E. P.X.rillre-csq.'E B. Daugherty, esq., being # ..4i/rturrnt his Tigers, com plied - in ,ieme Weil tiered a nd . able re marks..--„i liCikggestleitie ~to trio brit illitnoeliiargeftfaitl4kteniperance vote out,Arutuidinthstilhe *erat of all pres ent.l. by M. Weyand • egg., WM), irt his mita& happi , style, =- domed . ihi4einforeeti the, positions es: sumedArldr. Daughritty...l. F.:Drava; esq., expressed his ggttfiriation the. unanttnify*liletat?lirevati Sarong ma of ldridetial‘;4 - Arietthhas(„under eOl,lsider4t.lPnittoi .0•01011 with the views' of the - preceettio4 speakers. 'Rev. D. P. Lowary express his ideas as to the duty of the clergy. Smith Curtis, esq.; assured the gentlemen present, that the RADICAL would o'xupy advanced ground in favor of prohibition during the cam paign, and proffered the use of Its col umns to the friends of the movement. Similar assurances were made by a gen tleman present, on behalf of Col. Weyand and the Alums. J. IL McCr&ry, esq., stated for Sam. B. Wilson, esq., who was prevented, by unexpected business, from . attending the meeting, that no earnest , and vigorous effort to wipe out the license system should lack his col/pen/imp, and that he fully sympathized with the pur poses of the meeting. Further remarks were made by John Caughey, esq., and others. On Motion, a committee onaist ing of Messrs Wiekliatir, Daugherty; M. Weyand and Curtis, -was -appointed to present at the next meeting the names of gentlemen to constitute a Citizen's Executive Committee" to co-operate Vitir'itte tilrPoroeor electitin, nutr''lrift4- -- ir.e. racily tires to eeenre the successor- the-prohibi tion cause as may be itootnod advisable. A committee of clergymen, composed of . Messrs Patterson. Locke. Lowery and Wilson, was also appointed to etimmunl eate with, and secure the earnest and or ganized assistance of their ministerial . ' brethern throughout tie county. After the transaction of some other business; the meeting adjourned until Saturday evening, January 11th, 1873. Pursuant to adjournment, the meeting assembled at the same place, on the even. big of the 11th instaut, when the commit tee appointed for the purposes/ above mentioned, reported sir members of the . Executive Committee, the following named gentlemen, to wit • Samuel B. Wilson, If. 8. Quay, John F. Bravo, E. P. Kuhrt,„,T. B. RUM), Ja cob Weyand, John Catughey, D. if. Dots ehoo, J. R. Harrah, Frank Wilson,- D. L. Imbrfe, William Orr, R. T. Taylor, Geo. W. Hamilton, D. Singleton, and Frank H. Agnew..Chamberlin White.. On motion, Rev. Patterson was ap pointed a committeeto convey the good wishes of the meetitig to the regular tem perance organizations of the county. The Citizens Prohibliion, Rzeontive Committee above narned,silltisiannoun red elsewhere, meet at the Court House in Beaver, on Satprday ' Jan. 18, 1873. at 7 o'clock p. m., to organ ize and prepare for work. That they will be warmly supported by all good citizens, in the work they have under taken, can scarcely admit,ofa doubt, in-. deed to think otherwistrwould be to in.- suit the moral sentiment of the people of Beaver county. REPORTEIt. OAKLAND Onovis, BrAvER Co., PA. Naw-BitioEITON, January 11, 1873. Col. J. Weyand, Editor of the Beaver Argus I respectfully request you to publish hi!, short comnannication, I aek the attention :of the reader 'to a letter published In the Beaver Radica of the 10th that., dated at Philadelphia January 7, and signed. "Trefoil." Now what I desire to hive 'you real Ise is, that all letters published in that paper which are dated Philadelphia or Harrisburg, are written by Quay or Rutan, or dictated'cir Inspected by ono of them. The letter I refer to above, wiz-prepared - In NM 42, Glitaid House, by J. S. Rutan, D. L. Imbrie, and one John F. Price, who left New Brighton for its good, and was given the position of cleaning the 'Post-office at Phiiadel- phis. J. S. Rutan is the fraud who a few hundred republicans voted for, because they were bought or driven to it by the party lash, and who. declared on the - stand at New Brighton, (when I drove him to It), that the Old Indian thief, Si mon Cameron, would not be a candidate for the iElentita;,and trite we", b9l,:it,coild: noi vote lot him. Or siouraa u jew o was no reliance placed in his word, but I writs this to remind the pure, who', pre tended to believe him, that Old Simon i s re.sositnated; and that that Cadaver ous rooster voted-end. electioneered for him, snit Vattifor for which he rectilveit hii cash Ari ati= vanes i Ae for hie othlr -treachery, ell yonr readers knew too- kaki). This proves how falthlbl he is to, you. SO far as the other lierion spoken of in the first part of this letter is concern ed, I send you with this. S. article clip ed trait:the Tan r Eatpiwas, leading Grant paper of the whlth, however, will net bey surprising to ma ny people. It is huwftlating to think of thAAtoving ring forcing that ,siOrth liret,` fraud 'ion the ,tirrestitiliesei Centiniti_Oft ft9aB thetini- - Usiter . .Erprists, WWI/. li l eals-Peb4 l o 2 : and I earl:teal* urge uhonjoii, Hr. Ed itor, to publish the 10141.. girtiote,f / lUD ' 'CiUtirei r bh t lo . *PO MO a sk on to insert in the As =B.! . • The Hirrisburg ooriatthe: Pittsburgh Cbouneretal, -who sup sad to know, says the following gentle- its:* bite ban minenteindlyt aeididdiii lepailtertit the ./Initsat , l • bfilEiranklinfilim of I MA ,Nati7Z7listutiaaltrg : it *or of the retierr ache . 4 'tin in hs She leSsrlie..of the .coiitb papa . wlvi now run the polithhioftnothne.'' . lle will be ientirelr atutirptabla ft 'the Truaiiiit, and 'CorPoittlen:lling‘ The mine" Owns! Whilst*" thaten , marniogoinentr will be affected by which Mitchell will ba made ChiVrinatt of the Ways ern% hlesinteme. mine% which; means,' 'we auppoee .' that -bits lei lieeoaxefkout thuOir El' lint, Iltiefdkeems little outa thit Oa& E.,ll4lloddge will be sektted Clerk of the 3101110. -Tlto Cbcnsercin adds. that Nuts Senate 1 , 111 lie organized without soy trouble, with Anderson as Speaker, Rumen Etrett Ia iCbief Clerk, and Roil 'yrs; "McAfee 9.04 Cochran maistants. Ilegeriflit to Avistant Clerk to theCOnz mitutional' Convention; but Se the Chief 'Clerk - to that body, Imbrie of Beaver, .ituw placed there by Welting, merely , as , a reward.for Ads , polithal services( in ut- , .ter disregard, of, his :qtialigcstions for the loam, Rogers,. Vito Is reeky a Man of`ability and experience, is not disposed to play seeotadiddie to such *notorious incompetent chief—hence be is a candi date for Assistant Clerk. of the.. Howe. The. Convention, Justine to Reel!, .ought to . get rid .of sod elect Rogers or soutelnirsou equally compe tent-In' his piluie; and they will no doubt - find it nedeasary to 'tie tux, when they get fairly to boldness.. • 'Tbe nehrepapews- Whose relations to Bartrarift ere such $5 to lead . As to: sup ele they. would know something of hie intentions, persist int declaring, Vet "hti• boa .nor decided on' bin appointments:" But 'it isjust" ati confidently'assierted by these who ire &Deranges:treed' in their conclusions, that M. - Sillitajr,.of thißea. ver his Secretary.of tbo Commonweallib; =OAP announcement Wit made, that.behaasold newspa. per to Senator Bitten Wade to porrobor ate the statement - We have no doubt of the fact ourtietves.'' 'The:Secretary of the Commonwealth will-b` one of the Com, naissioners of the Sinking Fnnd, and who so competeut to menage the affairs of that trust as one of the oldest, Most accomplished and - Most. unscrupulous members of the Treasury Ring in whose interest Hartranft's nomination for Gov ernor was secured. Quay, like ac leg, is "a clever fellow," and both are as abroad as they,are clever. With Allen as the third member of the board, the seventy-five thousand Republicans who are responsible for the 'creation of this pleasant outlook will have their reward. The indications are .that the ensiling session of the Legislature will be - a test for, the integrity and, independence of new, members. .The Ring have. laid their plans deepiy and strongly for carrying out their schemes, prominent among which wilt bethe scheme for robbing the Sinking Fund of its sooutlttOo s amount- Ingto over trine million dollars, end such measures as will secure the succession In the treasury department to Mackey or some one equally, trustworthy in his pe culiar line of qualifications. The course of the laneastbr delegation will be watch ed:withideep interest by their comditu enter Their course will demonstrate Whether they are worthy of the *mil- Odom* reposed In them, and a renewal of that csitifidence at the close of the m elon. • The Erpre sa willjudge them fair ly and impartially from an independent Republican ' btandpoint, keeping its readers faithfully advised of their deliv erance. They hove their reputation to intik° and maintain, and our earnest hope. is that - they *III make It, to their own credit and the hooey of their con stituents. 'My reason for writing this letter Is the mention of my name In the letter In the Radical. from Philadelphia le con nection with J. 8. Ratan &Co.'s attemp ted fraud at Beaver Falls, which we so effectually exposed, and, which will, I think, be exposed still farther. The people of the county may prepare themselves for fulsome puffs from Oar , rioting, In the Radical. Ratan. it is said, now owns that, paper, and as lie has practiced -writing puffs for himself, he can now publish them to his heart's content. - More Anon. . • , • Very rtsspeattatty. . • • W. W. IRWIN% For the Bearer Argus. New You'', Jan. 5, 1873. BROTHERWETA ND, I believe I promised , you when I write an oc casional letter for the columns of your smug, sun uaviug a roo .1 .0 Won:0105, I thought it might not be uninteresting to the readers of AnotTs, to drop you a few from a sense of duty, as well as Diluter eat. The United States embrace a hirge ter ritory, so much so, that we 'either do not, or cannot comprehend its wealth and magnitude. Hew many (Atha citizens of Beaver coo*, for iiistanee, know and reallie the size, wealth and vast resources of Pennsylvania! And thiais only one of the many great States that compose our Union, and IL I were to ask you, how, many of the readers of your paper know anything about New York city, you would perhaps smile, and yet I can as• sure you, that none of them have the remotest conception of it, unless they have spent some time here. Now York city is the Metropolis of. America, and from this bet deserves a passing notice, and I here venture the assertion, that it Is, all things considered, the leading city in the world, to say nothing ot Brooklyn riJoining, and nearly as large, perhaps quite so in benndry; but not In the nuin her of inhabitants. But the American people generally look abroad, over for, eign fields when they And large places, —it is more historical and classic, You must remember that "we the peoples' of this country, are a fast people; we are too apt In our baste, to overtook more Important places at home, to see less im portant places abroad. We gross the sea at great risk and expense, to see mid know something of other countries, be fore we know anything about our own— this is the true character of the Ameri can people. But this is not all, for it is equally true, and more strange, that - in this our common country, the people of the north, as a general thing, know but lib. tie of the people of the south, and con versely; and more, but those who have traveled in the different sections of our country—can imagine that we are of the same nationality—living together as one people, I repeat it then, that in r , point of wealth, fine fous!neii houseo. life, spirit, energy, talentibusiness, variety and en terprise, this city has no equal. I never fully and practically knew the meaning of the ssying,that "iron sharpepeth iron," non' I hail mingled with the peo ple here. You seem to be 'ole.-trified with the quickening spirit, and to breath a different Mr. You are carried along with the tide; and every thing you see, and every step you take, seem to be a new lesson. Here toeie: era all CAsseefof society, from the richest to the poorest; here for tunes are won and lost in a day, the man of yealth to -day, may be the beggar of to morrow; and it is bard to tell. especially in this city, "what a day may bring forth;" certain it is, that money is made and lost more rapidly hero than any where else.,3nt.Whateverjbelircircurn stances may' becthe people bore, are more intelligent than you generally find them elsewhere, and there are ma ny reasons, fpr it. In _the first place, they bavemany#2, peeilier afiintntag es over ploit'plaeee, - andthen they ',asks good use of them, they improve their opportunities. They have superior ad vantages in all branches of learnt ng,both practicilfil7 amttheOrettcally., , , , '. For,examploi there :who Cooper Iti.- stitute, where young men of all grades, have a free opportunity of learning all i' the mechanical branches,, under the most 511IM Wrfititttailll and ;sallied pro fessors. 4 .-. ' Then, there Is the Astor Library, which was donated to the city, and is I kept up by the iinuriff, This library building is very larke;poupying almost an Ontireblock, a!uisinest handsome ly finished and furnished thrOughon! , , the _parlors or reading , ropate, are very aloe end often em e r y- fort -60d etten-; lion. it le tree intePetitoidtsAnd mu- Mina , „mew- linnimend velnams. :nod Tome tete hundred' Werke' are employed to mat upon the public. The Academy o f Anatomy, le a place too, that every .r" «.we+-.yx- „ ~.i "r y~,~~..%. r_.}.. « .~ri~sws:'Ar~.e„~ `-7 5 7 ~: t%S~r:~~.yu~~'!FB"` v ~- u'i:+G.~ Aiw. A la: 'aoGS~~i~r--x k': ~'lsF•R_`✓~~• ,anadiaidAntdaoOnidiftfinia-414 h.s 113104 /aza that 4 4r.afafgarinli7 and wenderfUlly tiiiihl:* lot ne '4lrailliar enntaln NOW Yorkalt3r.•Without visithsg thisiostrectire andeuteitill, ping Osattn tiOn, *bleb bilo itsellibitsttubsit'sou clans of knowledge,the traveler's beacon • and atilde,lhe Philosphdr's Meditators retreat, tho Moralizu's temple of virtue. A few beans spent 'bore, is equal to a course of:lectures to the medical eta,. But spade turbids that i . Ana tai ilea tion many other pleas of like, interest. It is no uncommon thing to see boys. from twelve to fifteen years of age, act ing as book-keepers and- cashiers of banks and loge buninest houses, or to be found'side by eidei, with the man of years and experience, perhapaarying to "drive • Et bargain," or negotiating for a 11 4 11 loan or purchase Involving ti ff or one hundred thousand dollars, in offend instead of their employers. ye here do not have to consult their superiors, Ibr they are presumed to .understand their bininess, and to do it. • Broadway is always thronged, end at times very difficult for ono topsail along except with , the crowd, ,which has fre quently.tri wait for the pollee to check the hurrying mass of vehicles, to enable them to eross the street. whilst wagons, drays,-carriages and cars. are closely jammed on either. aide. atrevels •kaolin - Arend wide, and irate grisat inciney and stoek mar ket cif our couritrY. and thd, name of "bulls" and "brers."*.h!cil theite mon ey have'earned for themselves is well applied.: Here the scene in the Bieck market. or auction room beggars altdescription; spathe manner in which they surge. tight, struggle. pnsb, aurae and threaten;is both shameful and amus ing. There le much to be learned here, and practically, what cannot be learned any where else. Tn conclusion, let me ad vise your residue whether they 'contem plate going abroad or not, to visit New. York and they will never regret U. You will nest bear from me farther &oath. ' - ATLANTIC. Messrs. C. A. firlffita and Benj. Ew ing of Beaver and - Reno of Roch ester. left on last. Monday for Harris burg, where they fill positions under the State Legislature. They will attend to all duties assigned them with fidelity and promptness% ' 1:1=11 Beaver Fall% Borough Ticket, —The Republicans of Beaver Falls, on last Saturday evening., nominated the following excellent borough ticket. It will be noticed that the objectionable el ement in the party in that borough was assigned a position 'in the rear. We have not heard the result of the elec tion ou Tuesday, but- unless secret treachery has been extensively-engaged in, we have no doubt that the following named gentleman have been voted into official places : Durgess—Alfred O. McCreary. Asa& Burgess—James noon". Cbuncit—Martin Metzger, James M. Fessenden, • " William H. 11(fon, Menry M- Meyers. School Diree'6--J014) R. Eakin. (3 yrs.( 64 41 Chas. - D. Refloat, (3 yrs.) Judge of Ejection-O.H. Noble. • hurpeetor of Election—A. F. Wolf. Baum Inspector—N. M• biacomber. anistable—James Houston. ..(I.6aisaor—James EL Fife.. Asst. Assessor—John R. goopeS. - Auditor Wm. C. Fe:menden, (3 yra.) William Shannon, Co. Cantaiittee—VillihamTrazier. **" s ' James S. Elliott. 114 Francis Banks. I=l Dreadral Castsalty.--LOn last Sab bath forenoon the two watchmen on the Railroad between Enon Valley and New Galilee met on their beatanear the Little Beaver bridge. They had a lire there, .kaaliehoza-war'ret-4rto4nourinirtztertiinai. Leave of course wear granted, and - Ina short timeafterwarda the watchmen left eiraosittf74,7,t . • . • alone for HOMO time it seems he took a fit, and foil into the fire. How long he lay in that conditieri is unknown, but after a while he appeared at the house of a Mr. Haggerty about a half mile from the lire, with head, face, arms, breast, and one side - burnt .to a crisp. The clothes on the poor. creature were almost entirely burnt from his person. - Mr. Hagerty having no room in his house, and no means of taking care of him, di rected him to' to the residence ofSber iff Gra)bing at new Galilee. He reached there at about 1 p. m., and the ex-sheriff, In the usual kindness of his heart, open ed his house, and at once proceeded to render the on fortunate being all the com fort in his power. Dr. 8/ unlock was subsequently sent for who is now doing all in be can to allot late the sufferings of the unfortunate man, but there is scarcely a hope that he wilt sur vive. His name is Edward Shaughnes sy, and he is represented to be an intelli gent and seemingly well-bred person. He has relatives at Cleveland, Ohio. '):i.9.-Can't be undersold west of Phila delphia—Chop Store, Rochester, Pa. .tans -2w Public School Statistics.—We are indebted to Hon. J. C. Wickersham, State • Superintendent of Common Schools for his annual report for 1872. From it we gather the following inter esting statistical informatioh: Number of school dlstrteco in die State... ~ Number of schools.... N umber of graded schools Number of school directors. Number of superintendents Number of teacherr.... .. • . Average salaries climate teachers per month... .......... 511 71 Average salaries of female t eachers per mont h Ave rage length of school term in Number of pupils • Average number of pupfts ...... Percentage of attendance upon thal trbole, number registered........... .04 A verage cost of tuition per Monti] for 61each OO Cost of tuition for the,yeur ...... $4,101,273 53 Cost of bonding, purchasing and renting sehtxd bowies 2,601413 3i Cost of contingencies.... • ...... 1.261.65 , 1 DO Total cost of tuition, " &c., and' contingencies........ Toted entll,lltCludtngt-expendlttlnta of S all kinds.— 8,11.15,07:2 Estimated value of school property. 19,689,024 00 11 to the 50,345144 78, expended for common acbools, we add the 4313,9C0 61. expended for or • pbao school*, icle hare a grand total of $8,8390 13 - 4d,c.xpended tor ectioel purpost,finder the direc tion of the Department tinting the sear. MARKETS. COIMEOTED WEEKLY Wheat, per bushel ....Sll5Ol 85 Oats " 40. e, 45 Corn "'- " res:it 05 .. ITC. .75 Rye Buckwheat per hnehel ... ........ .... (te 40 Flour per sack 4.3 40 flutter per pound .._.......»»....._._... 30Ier; 55 .__..Lard lOCt -11 Tallow ,' " - .. FP' 10 Eggs per dozen...-. .......... ...:- ........ 1110 N 35. Chicken, pee palr.-...... - - . - 0(c 50 chicken's, dressy' , per p ound I.lGr, - Potatoes . per 'bushel' ".1/0 . 01 81:1 =46, 45 lioneY'Perponed......; :... • ... Onions per bushel...-. 4.........0.. 1 05661 75 Appler; green, per bushel__ ..... ~ .... IIM. ,G 0 Beans per haahel ~..- ... .... . -....-.... 3 71reirs - 00 Beef -khld iaarter,.B OWN fore quartede O. ysb. Dreamed .4ibbita.. .-.- -..- ...-..--15es 15 NE.W . MISGIEITON GIZAIN MIAIILIEST CORBSCTSD BY, WILsoN. White Wheat, - . 401 d Wheat,: - New Wheat, - Rye, • Corn, ' Oats.. Buckwheat , - 314.RBJED. MBTZGAR.—RUSSEILL—Deownber 23, 1873. by -Rev. M. . Wortnian, Mr. WWTatu.A. 3fetzgare ,of Balineaville, 0h10,.t0 Mimi Sarah A. 'Russell, of In dustry, Pa. X01411..BI;---REkINGBR,-Cin the - sth inst., arKtiob, Winter Co:, bYthe R. jno: Brown, Mr. Win. Konkel lb Mfaa: Elbsibetti Reneger. RAT—BAXTER—On Jan. 1, BON by Rev. John McCarty. Mr. Win. Ray of Pulaski, and Miss Maggie Baxter of New Brighton. w — mtnts. "The q Fa ith _ 0 h at a HOPy, c. -Grades." CHARITY ".tied solo abiddA 70,1114 Hope, and Cluadtg; *an fires, &WM preako4l Moss ice/tardy, Nothing has appeared. Ifs" eolith= ittt Riffle,* Woe so ome. Sod, kidder. beautiful. as LW mew picture; The grcraplog of the adefeets grace MAUI sad the' coardeftnees of such Damn* aweeteerst. that it seem as if die Mild tutalleve seen them to a —Moo. _ Thts rue and at y $5 lime 'Ad stipple steel engraving Iswet tti subscriber to "Ar• tilicea !Uttar Maw for y UMW Price of Magartne, $250 • year. Sampledumber LOO4IOO4II4IVASSING AGIESTS Mani° 04 everywhere. large commissions and territO• ry guaranteed. Send for' Agent's Coundential Circular. You can hardly show the i'Clireitian times" 407 balm or %sate ot religknut. feel ing without gettiog._a subscriber. Ad&fts' • T. S. ARTH SOPIN Pldhuielphia, Pa. IRON nil THE MS . For gEietle. I lteretwith (des for sate two of the heat arid most raleablesitoo Properties in tbeiitate of Ten , uessee. One tract about 5 miles °elm Fort Don* elson, containing 10 , ,000 A.OR.ES, known Ratko "Iron Mountain Furnace Lands with abundance of rich Ore, Wood and Limestone, and within 1 ,4 to tale of the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, also including about 40 , Small The Otter 71 , wel fronts a mile On the Tennessee river, near Fort Henry, incluaing 3,000 ACRES, pert of which is rick river bottoro'...thelance covered with the best kind of timber. such as Whits and Black Oak. Poplar. hickory. Mania; Asb..te &e.; anderiald with the 'kept of . Ore: Both tracts mein Stewart Contity. Twci valuable Tracts of Timber Land In Houston county. one of LBlO acres. within halts mile of the Louisville and Memphis ft. it.. and Ito miles east of the County Seal. One other tract half a mile west of the County Seat, with the Railroad' mein." through one cur ri er. containing 'JSO acres. se Both of the tracts have " a large amount of White Oak and Yellow Poplar 'limber, and we',l art pled tot farming. Several Farms In Inek•on County, on the North Western R. R. • Any of the abovo Properties are as reprwented, with good Titles to each. Any of the above lands eao be bought at one-half their value, and other Forproperty will ho taken ea part pay Ildeaired. For full description , call on or address C. BEIII..NGER, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, janB-owl 118 Smithfield Strut, Pittsburgh, Pa New Advertisements. TRUE TIME For $l . NO 50.000 LO. Magnetic Tlinc-Keeper, Compa.s_and Indic:Myr. A perfect GEM for the pocket of every traveler, trader, boy, farmer, and for F.VIUtYbQDY desir ing a reliable tim,keeper, and also a Superior eompaee. Usual wutah-bize, steel works . ,,,tlass crystaL all in a' neat OBOIDE am. WiItIiAN TED to denote correct uucl to keep in order —if fairly,used —for two years'. ...Volhing Like It. This perfect triumph of mechanism trta be cent In a neat curse. prepaid to any address, for only one dollar. Three for 2 doltars. Circulare sent free. Try one. Order from the mannfac's ‘ZER- IiONT NOVELTY Brattleboro, Vt. dec4.l tn. Cam' READ (Mit OFFER. _ DEAL:IIFUL $5 Chromo For Nothing! "Early Nona" and "The Young Foragers." Wo 11;1 , 1 present one.of the above beautiful Chro :nos to each enb4crther to either of the follow- lag Papers or Magazines: Ilarpsrr's Weekly, 64. New York Mi , $3 Frank Leelle, si. Net York Ledger. 03 litirper's Bazar, $4. Fireside Companion, Leslie's Lidice 3114. tt Saturday llarper'e 3Ligaziue, 14. Hirenological Journal $. Moore's Rural New Yor- A utertain Volunteer, t. 3. ter, ¢4 Prairie Farmer, $.l Hearth and Home, $4. Scientific American, $3. Hodey's Lady's L;uokt3Perenion's Magazine, S. Waverly Ilugaziue, e 5. Address ail orders' to— Pidtabarigh Supply Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, A Serial Story By Dr. HOLLAND. New Story By RUE ROM A Long Stacy from BRET RAKE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIBUTORS. CLARENCE COON On Furniture ct Decoration B. H. STODDARD On Antlforc. Extraordinary Inducements to Mew Subscribers; 500 Pages far 11100! die., &c. The Publisher's of Seritnier Monthly, in their Prospectus lust minted, promise for the ensuing s'o44444lAtilViagiirrr a Y 7 l,srozitribut:ory,_ und anuid.mhocr inirosrzioe." 44 herto uppEareel Us storyf 01 th..ear. will write the serial in form,' will be an in entitled Arthur Boriniccistre. it .....ableyris of Amer There win be 3 :t One•Leyged Dcineers. Burr lIAUTE. the best writer of short strwirt VOW living, will Contribute a characteristic story; entitled The Epic of Fiddktcocn, which will-be illustrated by Suepparcl. It. 11. bIODDArto will write a svries of enter taining papers about Authors,their Personal Char cieterialk.s, home LiJe, Families, Friends, Whims I and Ways. A series of Darer:Ws of Li ring Ante c lean Writers. Is also promised. CLAnzscs.COOK will grille abOut Furniture..( the Decoration of Anzrrieam Monies. These pa pers will be.eminently practical as well as artistic, And wits be ifinstratrd with designs and sketches by numerous •wtists in audition to those which the writer himself will furnish. AMOCIZ those whewlll covb Moto are-- Matra Anderson, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston. Fronde, Higgurson„ Bishop Huntington, Bret Bane, John Bay. R. H.. Macdonald. Mitchell, Miss ['below, Steadman, Stockton. Stoddard, Celia Thazter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, be sides a host of others. The editorial control and direction of the Mag azine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write the 7opica of the lime," w deb tie New York Independent -says —tiro more widely quoted than any papers in any American magazine. Watson, write Old Cabinet.' _ " as hitherto. Prof. doLin C. Draper conducts the Department, of ..N'alure and Science." The De partments of "Home and Society," and "r u it,ire and Progreaa," will engage the contributions of more than a score of pens otr both aides of the At lantic. The Watchman end hefleCtor says: "ricrib ner's Monthly for Sepiember is better than neub which indicates a useless waste of editorial brains and publisher a money, for the Magazine was good enough *efore r And ye: the p blisbers promise to make tf:stili better for the CC/Ming - Or - or! The subscript lon price is $l.OO a year, with special rates to Clergymen„,Teachers, and Post masters. The following Extraordinary Inducements are offered to subscribers; For 't5.50 Inc Publishers will tend, or any Book seller or Newsdealer will supply, the magazine for one year. and Melva numbers of Vols. Mend IV. containing the beginning of Mrs. Ulipliant'a Serial, "At ills Gates :" for r5O th 3 Magazine for one year. and the 24 back numbers from the beginning; for e.ttl,Al the Magazine for one year. and the 2.4 bask numbers boon" t f vols.), charges on bound toll. paid. This will give neany pageaof the cluiicest reading, with the finest illustrations, for $10.50, or nearly 5W pages for a do lar ! and will enable every subscriber to obtain the series from the first. Special terms to Dealers. Clergymen. and Teachers. SCRIBNER at CO., oct3o:3ln .C. 1 4 MtanteltrtlY. 2.699 15,9161 4,9 , 39 19,156 ME (,:ET THE BEST ! cwt HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES, eoi4ifizi:T Samson Standard Scales, ' Also, Stored; Baggage Trucks,Patent Cash Dr/merg, and Oro cers'N S upplies SCALES REPAIRED. W. A. .AIeCLURG, General Agent& 63 Wood Street, P;ttsburgb, Pa. Off Send for Ciremlart and Price Lid [reb7:ly. CZE R 34 313 536 221 NICOR. .18 , ALLAM , A Fresh Cow and Calf, nov2o- tf.l 'lnquire at tbia office. Orphau"to Court Salo isluable Farm in llopetcdl Ttcp Brhino of an order of the Orphan ' s Court of Beaver county- tho undersigned, AareSnip tracer of the estate or Mary AtlciTaberty„ demoted. will espose to pnblic..snie, on the prenthots, on THURSDAY, • FEBRUARY . 6, 1873, at I o'olock.p. m.,ntreict of laud situated in Elope' well township, in the county of Beaver; and State of Pennaylvanta: botuaded on the north by lands. of , Spaulding's heirs and iiterge on Nevin . e heirs; east by lands of Sarah Cham p helm eonth by tends or 'bonen Ilarne•' tab he ing irs: and west by lands of Benincasa ; con shout ninety one hundred soil eighteen ewes, acre/rola-filch ere clearewead inn good Ptato of cultivation:rho bateinat ll timbered. and the whole tract, under fence. There are on the prem ises:to of dwelling houses: two log stables; and two &chards ofbearing fruit trees of differ ent.varietles. The land Is of rood quatitr.lslwell watere4, and in suitable either forullago or gran • ft to only three-famine of a mile distant. ROM the village of New Sheffield, and one mil tit ant% *bait from LegtottylUe Station on the . P. Ti. 'W. it C. Railway. 4 • TERUS.—Oaa third of the purchive moner to andpaid at the confirmation of sal e n ema Coact. the rentainder In two equal install ments from that date, withlawfol Interest there.' for from the same time. For farther information address or call on the tindetsigned at New Sheffield. Beaver county. Pa. :-- • .- DAVID PA.TfON,Adefr. latt.d;:lw $1 Ma7o 160 1 To 70 53 '3s BEM Jan. 8.-= In the Orpban'a Court Witt-aver county. in the matter of the dual account (Heal) of Daniel Fig. , ley. administrator ortbo agate of Ileaty Bakst, .dootosed. ) And now, to wit: November 13th (SELL Yr r go . li C r John id. V --.4i4n a . , . " : .. Amu.? io. di.tribut.. Ink Ist: ance - in the hands of the Administrator to and among those legally entitled thereto. Itmln the reatrd. JOHN C. HART, Clerk: ' Ite Auditor above, named will attend to the du ies of his itointnirftt at the Conrt House In Beaver, on TUESDAY, the With day or Jandar9. IBM at Id o'clock, a. in ~ wh en and where alf:- •p.rties Interested may attend aeclS td JOHN 11. BUCHANAN, Auditor. . ALSO, ALSO, 111r= A.udi - tor's_Notice. .... ~.~ Dauc- v—CCotiAivertiaiumft OL eVetermitt V Stig°M WF Co: 6Q n lEtre York. Pro TUE WOISICIIIM 43LAS% Mate or - 5 - 51 . 111 : 6 0. 560 • week gaarent4l , 3sepoetablo employment at home. day or even •- 00= reatdreet fall Inatroetlona and . le. of goods foetal with sent tree by tesil. Address with 6 cent' return Mama. M. YOUNG eh CO.. 15 Courtland et., Mew York. 4w FREE TO BOOKAGENTS: .44-Etsganattßo.l vanvastho Book for the beet and c Pining BMW even sub. dined. will be 'scat hes of cbarge to any book agent. It contains nearly 500113 g Neplase illus. tendons. and agents are meeting IA nappleadent ed swath. Address. stating experience, etc., and we will show goo what onr agents are doing. NA. TIONAL PUBLISIIINO CO.. MIA. Pa. 4w The Sabbaths of our Lord, , By 1311911.0 P STEVE N , . Is an entirely new work, on an _sit= topic; written in the satin:WS meal" potserfet Is. It presents Me autiect in none/ and IWbts. Can not fad to awaken a deequtreat and be productive of grrat good. to wanted. tO Idiom liberal commission will albetiad. AcV. dross J. /L STODDAUT it Co., PabUsben. Phila.. D9N for c 'T BED ECEI V ED, ougtts, ' coid4'eoro But alma. museum, and bronchial distkulties, use only Wells'. Carbolic Tibletsii Worthless Imitations aro on the market. but the only Scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid - for Lung dhicases is when chemically combined with Other well known remedies, as in Mite WILWra. and all partici aro cauttoned ilkanilkt %Sing any other. In all etyma of Irretalion of the mucus itrathabranci thew taat.ars ittpuld be freely. WO, Hi/if sing , g a nd heeding, privertica arenatoniak BC Wartxr.n. fitter nefrieet - ei told Isis earfly l curtain its inciptentatate; whin it becomes ettrone, to the care is exceedingly cHillmalt„ use Wella' Car bolic Tablets as a poecific. - • JOHN Q. l(HIJAKI0.18 Plat t•St. Sole neet.t for the United Suttee. -Send for (Neon tar. Price 25 cents s box. leri2:4ll! • t , Qum!: all o.2llEXpla Oittlieople 4 , the middle ageo.thoiio tilictare just entertir , ' life% awl youth, of both sexes, buy hi:4mA with E . l the ;, , reuiegt profit ArYJOLLY PRIER'S SECRET ; 1)10 la_,t and best Book It I.:. apeeting with the gre,stestsucceep; "" . .r ued therels . None!" In lend Lit oar circalurs, ac., 'which me ' ll l4 2eut free_ (iZO. 31.A.CLEA.N.140111. i s 4w Crumbs of Comfort The Ladi'fs' Frinttd. B.UtTLETTS.BLACKWG ' Always gives sat isfa ettOn. Try tt. . • PEARL BL J?E for the liinndry Ins no equal. SOLD BY GHQ egtl6. 11‘11.1 LE'r & A. 10., 11;01: ti.. Pr,rit Ft , Philadelphia, 113 Chanibers pt„, y I. Broad st., - =SEILET ' S Hard an& 4 T 11113213 Abdominal supporter and Pile Pipe—Ralletina rnre for finpiltre, Female' Weaknesses, and Piles —milestructible, Tight, safe, cleanly (steel spring's c, aced). never rusts, breaks, limbers, nor comfort. safety, cleanliness, and data- Whig. Universally approved by the MedlcAl Var lession, a:.d all who wear them, ae the bianr most satisfactory ap p knees known. Sent by, ail or express. 'h'shildishments, 1317 Chestnut '2et . pritladelpaia; and iTlLlroadivay, New York. Care ful ana correct adjustment. EAperienced ladYi attendance j.tir GI A dents Wonted for CI 13 'SW . 0 U - 41 011, SCIENCE AND THE urnt±l Tht , hook ;:tveg the eery eir am of Science:tn'k in ins tilliiiiir4 feliitieP, beauties, vronder4And ppm bitug gem. , a hundred-fold cutro tritoreatim than on. * Every man, woman, and child wants to read It. It 1- , endorsed by the Press and 1110- ir,ith of all denominations. Sales immense Agents :spurt gl— 13.5-46 —9J —57 and 96 copies per week. Groat inftocemente to Agents. Employ mept fur Yono4 Men. Ladies, Teachers and faler67- men lo every county. Send for Circular. Alto, ti:retll6 \vat nd for the People's Standsrd Edition of the holy Bible. Over 550 Illustrations. AII our 'own for other buolir, , and many Agents for other prlNlFlierg. are selling this Bible. with wonderful success, becufse it is the mostralnata, beanuful and popular edition now in nip. Market, and io sold al a very low price. Canvaulng 1.•00k.s free to worhinff • Aneuto. Address ZEIGUER ISI'CUttIIY, 21a Arch bt., Philadelphia, Pa. 4nr •v - • ,acvna r:ndi CIL tit, affirm! 1.7,11/09.4 reheVed of oute. the blood becomes impure by dEleteriouF Feet ettous, odneinet acrottdoueolt ek to dfseasas, Blotches. Fehms,Ptlstilletr. Canker. VIPIP-1X244:C• cal Tendency, enc. s irnisetiMe:s intefthineradregar ul L . • ffire gds ° Orianet You ere liable to traftering worse than death. the system in perfect health or you are oth conta erwise in great danger or malarial, mbirmatic o th erwise in diseases. Ars you dejecte , i, lrowsy, dull, singlet) or de pressed spirits, kith head-ache, hack-ache, totted tongue, and bailinating month. For a certain remedy tor all of Mesa diseases, I weaknesses, and Rol: ales; fur cleansingand purl ' tying thervitiated blood and imparting yW restoringor to all the.vital forces; tot building np and Inc r ealieued constitution, L.i7E. U RUBEBA, crotches pmnouneed by the leading' medical 413- tliorities of Lawton and Paris the most power ful tonic- and alterative known to the medical. world." • Thi. is no new and untried .dtatawery. bet has been long need by the the lending, physi cians of other countries with wonderful reMeCti al remits. Don't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and Oyer.... give only tempo. rary ind ige,..t ;on, tfitulency,and • dyspepsia, with piles and kindred di.cia-ies, are sure to for low their use. Keep the Need pure and health Is assured. J 01.17.4 Q KELLOGG. 14 Platt Si.. New Tork, • Sole Agent for the United 'States. Price $1 per bottle. Send for circular. jan.4-iiv N‘TANTED.—A reliable and intelligent man V of good address. to engage ni d desirable and lucrative business producing from :I,?* to $5,000 per year. Addrees .1 U FORD S Co., New York: Boston; Chicago; or San Francisco. --- IV AN TE D .1 N. 4 I \ ;l72i S DA T AR for fainq use, or act as an t. gent, address. WASH - INC/TWA sEW LNG 31AC'HIN E CO., Roston, Mass. Jau.l3-tw TO BOVE CAIiVASSERS, NEW WAY or riv:anz a book. Can seli Ithonsands per week. Address MUItILAY lIILLPUBLISaING CO., 129 East tritttSt, Nett • York City. junls-1w I3ST011011.&110Y or BOUL-CIieJLESG. uow I either sex inay fascinate, and gain the love and affections of any per , on• they choose InStuarty. This simplo mental acquirement all can posse ,,, . Free by mail for (gether with a matria4e Egyptian Oracle, Dreams. Writs to Ladles ,te- Aqueer. exciting book. 114,000 scid. Address T. WILLIAII:i Co pablishers 4w Wante a For best sell. _Mg Plc/tire& ®Silt and Clizirtm. AL.°, for oar %wing ant Linen Thread. $lOO to =V clear rd per mouth by :mod. active Agents. Ap• Q' ply at dine to 1) I, Oi'EAPI3ET, eOtteotd, 'Tint PlelBllllll, 1111i11.1i371 Ikmble hlerated Oven. WATEning Closet. Broiling Door, Gender Guard, Dmaping and !baking lzratu DirecL Draft. FULLEII. WADREN 2.7llVattl *stlrePt, N. • lAni:S!aat OF elffeederlo Jrn OtewartDurner mativnam and UNEQUALLIM • bURNS4 UNd ANY SIZe. 'MUM N7IU .Iriscellaizeous. Orphan's fi Court Sale. VALL'ARLWA3IO WELL IMPROVED FARM By virtue elan order of the Orphan's Courtottho county of Bearer, the undersigned, Administrator of the t state of James Irmo, deed. late sofaope well ten., in raid county, will expose le by public vendor or ont-Ory on pfeintsts, oh FRIDAY, the Slat day of JANUARY, A. 13., 5823, at 10 o'clock, a. tn.. the folowing real estate et said decedent. situate. in said twp of Hopewell, lathe county albersaidt-tounded on the north by land of Wm. itprincer, (lett of Thos. W. 11cReejt on the east by land of Wok Ann Bryan; on the south by lands of Mrs. Spauldin,g2a helm, and Geo. li. Shannon; " and on the west by buld or Sprlnam; containing 114 acres more or feu, end.oll which there Is erected a large tVI.O-atOty frame house, with cellar underneath the whole,. with godd spring and sprin-house stricte cellar; , also& two-story Tram. balsa 16feet ,square,„. ' with cellar underneath. and good well of water st the door; a large log barn with !rune shadei, emery, carriage house, cow stable, corn Crib: en d e a o ther woman outbuildings, and all of which ago to good repair. id acres cleared and well fenced, balance welt timbered, and . all ll watered, and hieing a three feet vein Of; cottlim. dernesth principal portion of the same; a Mee or. chard of bearing frui trees ou the premises. laid , promises are within t me tnile of Leglodlillo Sta tion on P. r. G. 14411.004. extdut , Conyen le nt to sc..oole, churches add mills. TRltitlik , . Medlind of the purchase money la band on condirmarion of sale by the court; one. third Mons year Prom date of confirmation, with interest' train ,vattle date; and the balance in two /years, from Slid dotal with interest nom woe WWI MOSS, Administrator. - deda.3W . MIXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Letters icammentary _lV4ito the estate of W. IL Poser- deemed. lulu o the boroughof New-Brigton, In the county of Bever, Pa..liavhig been grant ed t° tbe sebeelt , bete reiding In said boroug, thereto:a, all per ' sons bating ctalms or dementia against, the es , tate of the said decedent aro hereby reqeested to make known the same to the undersigned with out delay: and all those Indebted to the estate are guested to mate Immediate paym LAN ent , - nds27-6wi W. S. 11OR Eer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers