DVEUXISEMENT I4 . k,ivertisements aro inserted at I bo iT „,ii per square ror rose. iod, and • ~,,•„ se bseveti cee,.. a l (1 (X) .ut wade on yea_ ly , .eti Burn of this typo ~.,, No. We* net under a head by immediately after the local „ ~[ charged ten cents a line t .:,•ti i u.rrtion. ~-ewents should be handed in !,,I) , lav noon to insure insertion v, eel. s. paper. Business Directory. BEAVEIL J. F. DUNLAP, t I-4w. ()lice In the Court All uromptl) utteudeti to kruzip"-i-2,1y. \ W. , JOll \VOICE: neatly anct exve - . t•xt, nllll at. tile A ;21,1",. °rat,. • I . 11 y•• I LID ~•.- 1)r i 1,011 , l turd rlrt, maitiGm. I 1 ." ti.tit R.1.),11(1,4,1114 r ov. r Mr. I no.. ~. • ••t.r, r. Pa ..1 rtrt ;„ argil arratited Ti •,..N t 1114 a I'3ll. 13.1721 . ; y. Au.,tia.2. at Last .„,11:•.ivor, 21. thr nt.ana fortatrOy ut l'ulitottghatu. All bap I : : I.tia ,s tit rt•cet‘t prunyt and I .; ttorooy at LaW and lord r I , Ca l of the co.°. ik.ut.e. t,) to. npf.ay ~r.l; V. ., Older on the 11... • All 'isi . II I ndrd to. , Lutl \ ) :it Law.• Ott east I .11rd -tract, Bea% .1. Pa. toy t:TT, PUY acISN AND St2ItGEON. • tnuon paid tu treatment of F r ivale. 1. -at,nce and ofilce on Third ' , treat, el the aprt - r 71 : 1 ) M ERZ, Manufacturer a , .d - -.taw. and halters; Mali' Ft.- 11I2N ly .1, 'HUI; Hugo A - pirFlTC‘cary, Main .4. I'i'•' e) ..putpoliudad. isapts,.o DER' BRIGHTON .AI 1 11 , aler in paint,e, frames, garden • ~ and fancy tunic. Fad,. street, sep27'7l-1y I~r.\Fft S., 8l V .\ M,. anutacturers of car baggier. spring-wagons, buck-wag iilcire, of .•vi•ry ,it,crlption, Bridge S'. i,r I c.ti law It. t , lleecnt , Ortl to George marfdy A I - 1: . 4 al, r lii \Vatches, Clenskr , 1,111"1 , g neatly oicculel, • .y. : n.vr Fal b A:. t oniectioner ; Ice a. t.ntl pq•.,011. no,l _ V I II oppo • e •,S °11k.% Bt OUCI • 'le - It.:ih:ing hardware, glas , . • irt• forhisto, to contractor} oct2s 71.1 y M I.IZ, lir,rf,lt. e t,. 1., lit,llt • rt• !ii: m 111 ipit er :in 'L.I) and iir.£2l) of ...:101 acct 1. 72....;; I 1:',) I), 1....4,41, Notl,aln Iligh,st price Tor go, 41 but .. ;ft nerally. Opp:l,l[e Pr,b)t.•rt- V04.1.1,‘,:y. [.tied; 71-ly I. - tVnt , Itma Or, Jeu vier dud Cy . V lir.:ithv, n.. 0 1 -71 ly \.\ LP Tem,. F ,r, ''' nr lVlC•trlls.l% • ' , 1,1% N\ I , ~re, Sc. e..ev2771-1) 1 I . 1.1 . . - LL 222 111....0 , %., y, • 'it.' ,21 (1.10131 c c,. •.••• y tun o the e% ,tl , lll 1 ,, • 1 . e , p2; . 71 ly LA IN Photograph t.allery L very a• :L Picture:, heathexecutc:l. corner or New Bri•ztiton p 2 1111,1 ,n & A n• -u 11131011 x 1nr.,1 Mou re.i,ol .11 , 11• 1.1 , • 10. pOt. NeN 11 MILL , . lillll.trde. T,11.a.ur,• 1, c, ut Broad, a I. lil .4; Dealt•n. ui Boot • • I,ar 1 , 1• . 111"Ll ' S 4 . 01. f t. 114111 E.:-41 AI !IA NT and i•A•ri t• ~•• , hour.; ler it , the o.eason !ow. Wm. cor. of Pout and lima d n-ny y'- 0 4 - 71-ly _ E‘er •l•,, c..n 'I Frei., Three ntilem I art of k 29'71- Iy) E. Till/MA: , . .t KElt R. Drug:2:44n ;,•c! .•• eor. Broadway and Falls ! • :' k t•me.ce,..Aort , to L. li. N.. febt27l-f y , ~, Bakery l'onfetionerv. • , pr. Intl azteutiot , given to Wed . and lic-Cr ,. .1111 [sepl4 ly , ' e.• .zr3 r ot) , rnple , frua.lre-toneh i..ep: Wall Paper, Window -.neer) Notion.; Brcoad i• [4ele4l.ly itIAVER FALLS the rote ••• 1.11-1/1.0 :MAUI et.. B. Falie. own 1 - 1811. It_•al Estste heats. ana lOguLa eftl. =EOM A SIIN. Dv:lit-I , * in Yanizet \l.ll,; r , t .I.:vaNvr twiil flit DGE ATER M3nufarture of .Boot, and 1.• lirnl4..• , Anter Cm•l/Tl'.ly ql,nder in Cool. of all s Hun angtr7l-.1) I: I: I rt,Elf. and Sir,n Pain . lirio::••water. Pa. aprP2'7l.ly rtruct, her Watt an•.:••peC'3C3 , 9... 17,* .1,111v7i ~•d w.ri.no•ti empl,i)vd. fet,m-71,1y • _ . : Tlnn , r Dculer op t- . • Ir.n oral iron Cort•rn Bro,f, is at t•r. Pep / 4.' I;; ;,;;;;;1,.. Cape, turr. ;.'h, and Trlmmd,g 4 Bridge SVOli(1) ROCHESTER 1)r) ‘lll.lut . r II I.ELF I AL:t.llr. - 114,6 , ry r. 11,1 • r)-!,•,- .1... 11, rt in •• ••••••:, J„u rt ~;71,17 ul_ Pit -h,•rt L I M 0f..e.,[714 , 111;... dean w i•r !g••0•20- !‘ • LI N flitlN K. I)l.,.;Tirin - Fo , iir.ilDri Mil Fecit • , ,•10.11.1y \ r tt. 1.. L. • • . -7. 1{,04 h••••rorr I,h - 21.1 y N. ork. of Pr lc', jau I y • ~...;!,14 i.r rr and 1 , ..31, .11 F. I ik BrVZIIIOII .1 11114,N I• It \\\E-?... l'r , ,c,r 1.. 1: - K I: e , 4 ~, F'l,mr.F..•4f ECM • u:.trn tur an I • urrro .1 , •• r ,N LE ,t I I.LIA :•••t, Vs in Sit‘ , .• , l and • .t• 11,1, he...1 , r - I I EIIV :•• AR!). -lati,) aLt!ilty4,, nciy LARK. pr ,, prfr.i.•r- ,, 1 • c.hil.ion •"I ~,Tnnlo'listit,nr, gooi F I Mil ,•• r in BOW r • 11••311., o ,vh•—t,r. tI.I.I:GUIENY !'ITV F.,,, , rir.lll'h!..lciat chr,lrc IT. , In'•) , InCt• 1 , 7 W te.h N''.•:t),•lky t a. li3 '..•;)11.1V itT ..t" f) , i,er+ Dry•t:c. , )ds..Groccri , . pilo. paid for coliiitry 311 , 1 ELLANEOUS. kli F-pc,totn. Pwaver county. Pa . un,l ~f oct bait in order Au! , :y 11 , .1:NI LEY .Manuf,ttir , r of the (0.-031 I "4461111: SToxe. and Patt.tite, of Vot . 4,r, too 111111 tr, 6). IoN Ii • 111. D., Late- ~f Darlin_ n. 1:14,,e11 to cv. Bn'ht r otTcrF • ,r 3 zt: iTS nrancltcv, to th.• p•.t,p:c ~• I ourroutinn: country. utt,r rpr . • MEI lironflwav \\* rED iTITIEDIATELY, Two •'1'1:1- \ 1 - 1 14 to the l'arpehter tineowes. ' ~p:t ~thout rood reserence. 11‘1M AS t•ItA!s;"1". New Galilee, Pa. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN INsEHTE4D-ro ' I ,4 E THE SATURAI. EYE (',Alin/ or Pain IVhalever. Di;. G. W. SPENCEU, Sur d Iltrnti P.-no ettmet. PIRA [grpl3 ly BEAVER DEPOT BANK ( 131.1. AV ER, PA tLiAsoN' mi MADE nvu EMITT E ri , ienCe find re - 011111A N,,ltrlted ON TIME DEPti:•.lt, \' HANI;F:, SECURITIES, A: ~,1 BOU(;11T AND SOLD. Office Hours front 9 o. in. to 4 p. m t1e5:7231. Vol. 54---No. 35. Miscellaneous. J. ANDERSON, having talien hold o. . his old Foundry agntn, in iZochegter, Pa_, Will he pleased to meet his old customers and friends who may want either the BEST COOK- I Nt, STOV6, Heating Stove, or any otter kind of Castin;ll of beat material and workmanship. -The mistress m. ;, be conducted by J. J. AN bIIRSON &SONS J. D. lIAMALEY'S • ,„ • Hat house, GENTS FURNISHING E M PORI I'M, No. V. 4 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH The Bevil Good% nt Lowesl tior)o(1. , , :ent t.. ~,y ttl.tress, on npprov:ti ttlar2-1 1 y SPEYERER & SONS - A E 11E1 LIVINO A LAW it: and WELL SELE(TED NEW • Naight at LOWEST C.A. PRICES; I'lz(oi uni l -cloc•ns, l't()C uttrk:s, BOOTS lIATS CAi S I.; I.:NSWARE, =I WWI: AND OAKUM, MO =I An.! In tln Fires n •il BM AV 14 IT E LEADS, DRY AND IN OIL; AND A LARGE STOCK (f OIL CANTO CI TY Floul 114 _B_AItItELS FALCON FLOUR; 15 HOGSHEADS New Orleans SUGAR au,-..tR 1, BARRELS N. 0. MOLASS 1:"41 KEGS WHEELING NAILS: 10TON4 Oi WHEELING IRON SONS SPIN =I ,_r\_, , oxsi\ ,_-_. MARBLE WORKS .- /W.H.MARSHALL, 'MANUFACTURER OF MONUMENTS' , ? GRAVE , I ar I/11 ~111./3 BEE IMM =1 •., pi IN =IEEE MEI MEZCIZI MSEMM W hay , 11.ino1inn ,r( tlu,• tip Intl. LI iL are l:ion fury lirrn In Bea% rr County For-on, V. 1,1,, [4l ern t MUIIIIIIICICP jut I.;u. ell WO lo , •r uurk ptirch.l, , Lng here, as v. , • %Nig gunr.ble , to (k 1 Il+ and a is earrant out w.rk of ilk , 1.•.1 1151 lan Mar hit, and for ii.rktnarp.lop u;.(1 ant-11 ue (1 ,- lv competition apt 10- Gm v 4 E cio NiED ,1 lc E _SEWING MACHINE. MEM 131tit..W I ' !.-irr rr< 'I I nr• . 11 n .1V111: 111311).1..• 111 M I 1 . , .110111 rnnn l ilz NI .11.1..1,11, to' I'.,t,Sr'lll. 1.. ( In !In , nnkreqn.r.nl F r Ir •rn Son 1.111,1 o) n. :ei out of order We clam, 111:0 the I Nll'ltl ELLipnt FAMILY MACHINE NOW MANUFACTURED. And we wlirit an examination cf it Age,, wanted in OVviy county, to whom we will alce ;•e moat hh rtl term. EATON BIROS.. febal.la 1 19 Fifth Ave.. litl,.lmr.h. Pa. Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. MANWILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. RAG AND CARPET pERS. INZEM MANUFA c - r WED And Sold At Wholesale A: Retail by PITTSBURGH rr — Rage talremin exchange. Isepl9;'69;t THE A ' 4 , 1) Price* ~lrcG 1=1130•11 II WLI )‘V ARI FAIINESTocK'S PAINTS. EWE 1111E1. , =I A ALSO, OEM A 1.,0 -A T - I? ()CHESTER 1! !3',11 ME MU THE VElii PRINTiNG. Frazier, MetzEer & Co., Ell 2 Third Avenue. M '.re//(N.(P4IRB. CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS! SLIMMER STOCK. The undersigned takes IL•aQure i i in forming his friends and the punhe gener al's that he has just ree-ived and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF TIIE LATEST STYLES FOE Fall and Winter '77ear, Ile keens the best ni WOrklUell .employ, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both PASBIONABLE& DURABLE. and in such a manner us will pleasl his GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ALWAYIi ON HAND Cell and see us before leaving your Orders Elsewhere' IV ILLI IREICIV3r. hi.iy4;7o;ly 'Bridgewater, Yu allim ENV% - I) I.Z. LTG GIST P em-riptions Carefully and Accurate ly CO7ll paunded. THE BES r ASSORTMENT OV Garden and Flower Seeds. 1- a. int 14 . () i I ..1 . MYE STUFFS: HOE DYES OF ALL COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY. Special attention civen to secure the hest quality of tamps acd Lamp Trimminza. Lanterns Sc A Large Assortment of rot I. ET A tcrict,E7 , . 131 t 11.1 S PITEN'I r.v.•r , T •,11 MEYRAN & SEIDLE, rrc .r.v to Reif-Wing, X11.:1 - 1'. A N S;14:1[1_31,1: 4'2 :it'll .IVE, PA GOLD AND SILVERS?TITIT DEALERS IN FINE JEWELR\ Walches, Diamonds, Nilrer 110; Ware, &Et Thomas' (Yorl.•.a, 'fable ( 'cry, French ( ' lock REGULAToRS, BRONZES FINE SWI: S WATCHES AMERICAN ' WATCHES JULES' JERGENSEN, WALTHAM \VA'I'CII comPANY, LDwNith pEitEvGAux, Ei.ffix wATeit VAC lES( N CONSTA N TINE. UNITED STATES WAT(3II - 04: CEIAItLEs JAccrr. E. 1101 VA 'THE ZIMeH:MAN WATCH,' made by . R 4 offered to he both In AMAMI atire-TOIV ) tog k no. ex.1,11. , u2 the FrodAtam ) ITIEICRAN & SEIDEL, I.IOV A 7,0 t k Tr 4 3% it Q. 41 It ,44 Bri,(l.oe Street, BRINIEWATEIt, I'S. is WEEKLY' RECEIVING A VI'LI OF joODS IN EACH OF THE KuI,LoWING DEPARTMENTS: III?. oti:(JC.)I)S CasaimerviNand Sattinet., \\ ban Woolen Blankets, NV bite and Colored and Barred Flannels, Meran , s, Delaipes, ( rl 4 , \\Tiller Prad-, FlAnn,•l-. I;u nn t,, 1,111( u. Groceries Cake. Tee.. titlizur.la...lwo, White Sliver - Drip% Golden and Common Syrup... :14 arkerrl in bar ridri and Liti. Star and Tallow Candle•, Soitn. Spit••. and Mince Meat sA ! 1, Hardware, Nails, Glass, Door Lock!. I).mr Lairbeo. :•••cr , svr. Table Cntlery, 1 able al.d Sp.won4. 1..0:11 nole.n, Fire Shovels und Pokerr. Nail.. and Warr. Spadeo, 1 , t.0% elm, 2, 1 anti 4 I tne Forkr, Raker, Sc)ther and :••unthr, orn and liarden Floe. W( )1 ) I ) EN W A it E. tr.t.to, T tint, Butter i'runtr , oncl Lodi, CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil & White Lead. - Boots and Shoes E AND o.aptENs )o,s Cr[lfl at `77f,ty Rifle l'ov,derc and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. 1 , 14)u r Feed % Qui•enswa rt 'l'l he•avv Conti• delivered free of char;zl By atnintion anti t , rwn-trtnth nn hand a well atSolleil o f o n the difforrni kindr usually kept in a .-oantry Pion.. the undilitinznect hop,. in the (more a, In the part to merit and receive a liberal .hare of in.- , ['ohne. fiatronace 11. 1-4. It A.tit.: I.:11. ("27. r haf I . ALLEGHENY cury S 'l' A_ I li. - 13 1 T I I, 1) I N < 4 W(14)01).."1"Ult:NiTNIU .Veu , elA. Hand Rnibr.ui h A rod and bultrd, ready to h. tn.: furnished ~n .( 110Itcr WILLIAM l'or. NVehytt.r Si .t Gralom nllov W. I: 4 PLce.oor Jo Barker C llase'ttne.) w.." AND itr,AIL DEALER 1,1 CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, a• I.ilnooaciphr,ll(rin and ('olored, Cho /111, ht., !.'tae Parfait,. MouVfitg. and Picture o" etl kind., K 7 Fifth Avenue. 13 doors daelf.l St..) l'ittekburgli. [ninrC7tly Homes Still Larger FOR THE NIII.LION! Hare opportnnities .re now offered for secui tog homes in a mild. healthy, and congenial climare for one-third of their value five years nonce. THE NATIONAL HEAL ESTATE AGENCY has for sale real estate of every description, loral. ~d In the Middle and Southern States; improved stock, grain and fruit farms; rice, sugar and cot ton plantations; timber and mineral lands ; rite tillage, and rural residence, and business stands; mills and mill eiles,jactories,,tc. Write for Land Register containing dear?* ion. location, price and terms of properties we have for sale. Address, H. W. CLARKE & CO, The National Real Estate Agency, 41' and 479 Penna. Avenue, Washington. D, C. mav:l;ti. 1 4 `.XECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Estate of Hotted IA Darin deceased.—Le ten testamentary on the estate of Robert Darra:h, deceased. late of the borough of Bridgewater. in the munty of Bea ver, and State of Pennsylvania. having bre& u . runted to the fobteriber.. ail persons ravirtr claims or demands agsinst the estate of the said decedent ate hereby teonested to make known .he Fame to the understaned without delay. STORE. lid A TTISON BARBA - GU, 1 eilstorßers. ES , !.:a I InL ry. & Mth, r. ,FAVfiIAR_ Beaver, Pa., Wednesday, September 11, 1372. No Person can take these Sitters ac cording to directions, and remain long unwell. pro vided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poi son or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructation. of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a Letter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of 11170M211h00.d. or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de cided an influence that improvement is soon per. ceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and litternuttent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no eqnal Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, wli.ch is ite•terally produced by derangement of the urn:am They nye n Gentle Plargnii re as Ttell as a 7 °Lie, t7o.•' the i.e.,: :ma Ps a nor.- .•I a 20.: , e, Corzestion o• I as , n n of .he Lee. ..tur Viscerz.l and iu B. boy Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Blotches, Spots. Pimples, Pustule-a. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sote Eye*, Frlslisilas, Itch Scurf!, Discolorations of the Skin. Humors and irises., of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system to a short time by the use of these lifters Gratehrd Thousands proclaim VtNIGA I Byrrwsts the most Irtmderful Insigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. J WALKER, Prup't H. H. IacDONALD & CO.. I Franctsco, Cal, and cot. 51 Wa , ' 11,i1/11 and Charlton Sts., New York. . OLD EY .\LI. & DEALERS. ly -to Rr•; irort(l.l. e 0 " ' • l'Prill, WA . AL 0 I - C.ll ••11. .:)le 1 . 1. II 1 l Is otti Nt,. 1 a. .No. 7 :No. A. ' MA, l'acKx Nit i7.x Tluem 9 ()Awl ' • YIS /145 I 11;1•III' 615 , V 511. 41 ::- 1 717 4•21. 94). A - . WI) Into D t„.41 4,IJA . 8.2 S ,I 11 11',1 4'o 'AI 2111 2.5 - $ ' "'fir u' II:1 5111 /I ' ,21) ir Itnrhta , rr Orr. 11 Up1...11, It For Lima Fort Wayne Ply m n inth Chicago C 111 No. 8. No. 2. No. Co. o. 4. 4TATIosm. IL. I'.( ; hi , F.. :.- 1:•2.1.21 5'..41A11, 9111 lllcs 911 - , : 121() A m 121 , 5ral ;:nrA 1 . 1%r,' , : 1 - rt :115 111AVII :IL:, • Ph 'h.. F, . Wayne Li mr Poi 113 411 rd.i) •clint. ) A , 5110 ALI/ 1131.1.4:4' )421 2.1v0.14 I, •.‘ , 9(41 22.5 r•l2 ';01 1111:$ 10 ~701 - 41 1111P9 11:,-1An .11(6 :k2.4 11)1/ 4:1.) M ,it 1, • Orr tlit Allis " re" No I daily n„,xcept 7tlonday: No 5,7, $ & 2, da•lv. ,•.xcupt Sunda - y-4 No, A & b, daily: No. 4 da4v, elcept Saturday and Sunday. MYERS. I ivneral Tickrt cLEN ELAND & PIrrSBUI(GII ItALLItO 0 On and after .Inned, 1:472, train,. will SrationA. daily IBtmilnyo 41.“..t.tat•d) af, =I : 12 I :••• ; I 1:021.31 .14:2 4•21 4,.•% C:323111 Beim! 7intjobitrzti... o . =1 !YYI Wvll, liit• Allier , , 11 , r) 123 Uik) I 110 3:115 ita% 11 .• •• . flo • r l.m oi . i a Oil nil; F. 14 DIN 1:•IoN Arc o% Ms,L. E: r , A• MEE Steui)etis 11le Well4.rille Rochester. Pittshtir;:h mIS Ltrir • u 931 2.7 Z lam 4co I MA:L. Ex^ - Ar Om At t IMAY 210 PU .ant a 1111 ' t al 11 t 6 O • ,•1.; 41.1 . 711 l'lttontlrgh Rorile-ter. . Br , 1: •10 , 1 BCthd r I -et , •I DJ. irq• r ililWell(1)1 1 ISE 1372. Spring and Summer. 1372. BOok, SII(WS/ (V, tiait(lS! .1. 11. 13()ItI.A.N1), os. and :V3 II "ood re II • 1 •I • .1,1 I, Or !1,•• col , „ r t „.„ 1 „.„ 1 tlin-rt !tom th,. N1..1,1,(2111 , ,rit , for 1).41)r,' thir rt•evlit coce in 1,,, , ,6er I. 0,41(1 :kr • t • Fi N •• , - Y,,ri s .911 ist—h.n 1111:tilklitI1 1 / 1 City 0.• (04g1% uI !thinufnr un r. r rtr, NE \V (“)()DSREcIlIVI:111).111.1 , :t1 11.1 , •ccrrit•nc , offerf-.1 ra-h ur s, ilt . ith%••r. ITho• r7l dop!irnied A 111 , 1•aoI I Xi,. !I irlr- pr“tni.'l• n. fv - 1•,•11 arnt.tet.A. Lill anti r k b.t prl :.1 11. H( ) It LAN I)•S, &: - )7) \\"()0 , 1 (•,. POINT PLANING MILLS, ),•, .TER , l'A HENRY WHITEFIELD, h Brurk- (IX, (tr., A-e. 1)-:.\1.1:1; IN .11. E. K IBS (11 Ll )1 ELIt. LLTII. SHINGLE- AND TINIELIt I fit , . t!le t tf•rritorial in if.r,it r . 1 onnnrrof the tral r.nr. et Hain intibriuve ntutit4 in the conwtri.rthin flint j ( d n i nL i . . „f Vio at hi rhoant+ and lining; I r anti 011.1. r builiiin;rs, a-at* , the Irliy iluthorinid tit make and st , II It r mime within tiwilintitii nC P,e:tcu r ti , tnnly I tie., 11114 w:II "li:4:rye , thi-, Cu,-polaters' ,tiripplirg CVmstuntly lie9l • r Slam-IV. rk t .0 L. IL NORTON. Pt.% IN STATE AGENT ISE roll No CELCBRATrD JEWETT & GOODMAN ORGAN 11).4 SNIIICIIT'IFILE) Ontioello New City Ilall. I'I I Tso,URG,I r.t lar - Send Cur .;01,1 CIII3INItTY" TOPS. ri•ii 1..0e1...,;red nrr nifinntat C.ll.nmi 1 Top, 01 Size++, Pla;ti and taw v. ',aye all facilkle. for Tnat, Ing n No. 1 nr.lcle. and tcopectrully 6,011u1t lire natronnza of di.. punk_ S. J. JOHNSTON t SON, Vanport, Pa. mayWlT,tr.] • 1 II• INEM 'll4l !!‘/ 'hi . "1) 11 1 . N! 0 14 flattil , t,lv MEI 11.1 im Cold AD Save). Watches. ROBERTS HAS yt u: 13 EMI No. 22 FIFTH AVENUE, (TURili DOOM AIIoYS OLD BTAND.) WHILE 'REBUILDING. Our Greatest Specialties: ,1! E. HOW RD %(,, CO': 'INE Wait Iraltham :ch I b,..,. ..71 a W e:6cl, vrcif C 0 . ,. WATCIIE United Sin ^. (Mr .:13..) Watches. ---:o:--- El Lowest cash Prices : NEW • LADIES' GOLD WATCII;.i.II, (kocra and Canni Chains CHOICE STOCK o':'l, , JI.IVEI.7IT i: N. e .i;t; S.' we • r ‘7.• e. ' ' ,. . 5 ' . 3 CRONZES 4 ND FIN* CILOCkI4 STAY! A '•) SILVER PLATED WARE, American Clocks, AP Sr:CT/1171,ES nod EYE 11 LA' `I,Y; :0:-- E. P. I{ol3-FiRT,. - Nu. 12 iifili Avenue; PITTSBURGH, PA. idu • nen.l lo r• , to • gt-.- SELECT MISCELLAi*-i. YESTERDAY. fly EDITH LEE Yes erday was fair. I remember hOW cheerily shone the sun, and how the birds sang, and how the morning glo ries came creeping up to my windbw. Do you think I mean those twerdy tour hours preceeding this present day? till, no; I refer to that string of yesterdays that have fleeted by, and which have left us standing— loitering in their wake, with hands outstretched.; petitioning to hold fast but one ti - ney joy, one that we per ceive too rapk ly vanishing. oh, the looking back; oh, the chasm betwgen now and i nen! I reuiendxT howl sat at a winttOw and looked abroad at a belt of trees, and at a cross on a church steeilie above them shining like gold, and beyond still, at a bredth of sky that WILI as blue as the bluest depths of ocean. I remember how there Was a screen of vines to frame the sunlight in a golden green setting, and how a bind sang in the branches of a tree growing in the yard ; yes, I remains ber all this, and that every day I used to heara dear, bad, little boy in my neighbor's house crying out, 16h, mama, please manna, I'll never do it no more;" and I remember 'that after a whle I grew to wondeting what was this he was ordinarilkin the custom of "never doing no mores" and how in the world his mother could have the heart to resist that WI, sweet pitious little voice, singlngthe §.72194,0,unde1ny three hundted 'am. I'll never do it nci - ric . crio little fellow! Whv didn't he do as I used to do? March bravely up and take his whipping, and go straight off and do it again ; then march up bravely the second time and get an other whipping? Do you remember how you writhed under the few faint taps the dear old mother gave? If you don't, or if you are ashamed to own you do, I'll none of you. My lad. do you assert you never got a whipping ; or getting one, that you never winced under it? l'shaw! I'd as soon believe the moon was made off green cheese. show me a little fellow that never maimed a fly, nor stoned a eat, nor "smashed" a win dow, nor playedicap-frog, nor pinch el) his sister and sneered at her for a "girl;" nor ever "sneaked off" from lesson.; in school, nor ever got other boys to write his compositions, nor ever wrote those of ogler boys, nor ever knew what litile scapegrace it %%as who broke the school-master's glast-es in trying them on; show me sorb an one, and 1 would prophesy for hint but an insignificant place in the ranks of lift•; the roll of musket ry and the heat of drum couhl arouse no enthusiasm in so tame so docile a nature. Ali well, my lads, the outer bu: was a trifle rough, but I dare say warm, brave hearts beat beneath yoar jackets; he who is no craven in the battle of life was e'en a veritable hoy, sweeping into tho house tike a strong wind, bringing freshness and glad 11( . and to, ; revive the drooping mother. I wooder, now that I sit no more Ig-itle that Fine-screened window, nor look abroad upon tha - 11 belt of trues with the rm.:: whining as a bea con a bove them, I wonder what has become of that sweet, had, little boy, who was wont to put his moth( r to the trouble of administering a elms isement every day of his life! Ile never seemed guilty of falling but in one much-loved sin—daily specified as "it" In his little, plaintive voice. What was that tiny, dearly-esteemed sin, I wonder! Poor little fellow! Perhaps he hail been caught making mud pies; and who don't like mud pie:' Didn't I used to deem the pastry cook a farce; . and that, compared to my dearly be loved experiments in the soft mire, that range of danties In her depart ment would sink, -Clever to rise and seek their level again. What a time is that for children ! What a wonderful time! For us who have grown up, and who have left it in the past—it la simply yesterday ; long ago we put away those tiney joys; one by one our childish dreams have fallen from us as garments scant and well worn, to he donned never again. How bitterly the blasts blow upon us now ! How ruthlessly sor row fills us with his strong hand ! Yesterday, we children sat with fa ces turned to the far towns and mead ows, and gathered roses and butter eui s on the way, and cried gaily out at the beauty of the distant hills, and gardens, and music, and wondered that the earth should he so strangely fair. To-day, we have reached some of those halting places, and our eyes are full of tears; and our hearts, ald they fainted once—twice—on the road; for there were the the terrible partings, and the graves, and the lost hopes, and the long, long days. and the longer nights, and weary watchings, and the lingering farewells, and the last kisses upon lips ere the co ffi n Id shuts them in forever. Yes, we hve had our joys, but we have had ur sorrows two ! & Do you remember that day when the first death was In the house? We were quite small then, and the awful stillness of that shrouded forshi was appalling! For months afterward we would be awake at night, shuddering at the beating of the rain upon the windows, or the moan of the wind around key-holes and down chim neys, but when summer came we iwent afar into the green country and forgot, amid hills and cows and clo ver and farm houses, there _lNiki a dark, dark thing such as death ; Oh, We forgot the horriiriitit. the bitter- i ness all! Do yon remember hoW:ihe years passed on, and hoW we were anion?. the brightest and gayest in the laed! Up in the morning with the birds, and out on the uplands, or in with the pines hrushine ant iti.fal len leaves for cones and burs. or wooing the green neediest° shower us over with their splintry barlii! Bright and gay were we till that shadow fell which Las marked itself h solemn, reverent nich in theyears fOr all time to come. The sun shone brightly, one day, and the birds sang. Yet there were two little hands folded together, there was-a gleam of golden hair, a brow fair and white; and there was the darn. g of a household In her pale, dead beauty - , lying beforeus a gath ered (illy. Year inner year the day rolls around, and we come down to thelamily table, Ind there is a look on our faces whieti tells to each other how thought Is traveling backward, how it has• leaped the gap in our midst, and how it sees only the terri ble yesterday whioh dawned with so Much of desolation, though the flow era were In bloort% and the childreo played mid thrushes chirped. Tel why wander on in this intiancholly 'strain 'there are so many yesterdays lo my life gurgling over with freshnekii4 and bloom, and beauty; so many!sheaves of golden joys yet ripe for the hearves:; so ma ny stars coming up from the east tow ard themeridian—sfars that are flash: ing, ruby worlds that link the har monies of this yak sphere of life!— Yet I love to thing and write of those whom I hope to'dleet again in that fair city beyond Me clouds; that city With the gates of pearl and streets of jasper; that city 'Where the faces of those we 'knew on earth shine out with a wonderful' lustre, rare and holy. Srklt is I turn to one whose time for yOuth and beauty seemed all too brief; one whose flower of life bhrsomed where, the angels dwell and where the weary weep no more, land where pain and sorrow are never known again ! When the s. .nnSer was warm and bright upon us them were two, three, six of them—a bright, joyous hand ; how they used to sing and laugh and dance; how they eusetl to tease and frolic and romp! The days flew past too sreedily; the nights rushed head long. Brightest sunid the bright troop moved one—that sweet and gentle girl, Minnie S—, who flash: ed upon us like a sunbeam in all the radiance of 1 - 1 gay,: blithe nature! I remember how green were the river banks, and how at:evening the cow hells would come up the roads in a faint, broken tinkle, and how at night the houses whitened in the moonlight, and the lamps shone rud ily from the windOws. I remember how free we were from (tire, and how kindly the voices of friends seemed to fall on our hearts. and how cheery It was to understand our elders were gladdened by mingling with the young whose time for sorrow has nvt quite come. Was s it well we knew not that ere long she—the blithest of the group—would: leave us for a brighter home? is it well to say, "Now.l. hold my friend, now 1 have him to love, but I know next.year will 'come that dreadful parting ; he will go from me, and 1 shall have on ly my . tears and ray sorrow, and of our friendship nothing but memory will cling?" Not so, not; it is well we knew not our friend was going away ; It was well. When the last new year set in we found her falling to sleep ; glad to be at rest frost' the : long, long days and nights oflgutier -4fernekalsthatahe'Father h called ' for months she had borne salt/Mt so heroically. I remember the sweet face as I last saw it, more beautiful in death than in life, the most beautiful dead face I ever looked upon. It lay in fair, serene repose; no line,. mgrred her cheek, or brow, or lip; thetlark brown hair fell in long braids over the bos om; flowers like white clouds clus tered amid that wealth of hair, and were scattered pro,usely over the white robed figure, as if loving to nestle where lay so much of peace and purity. Beside the window, a bird in a cage drociped sadly; it was Minnie's bird, but while its young mistress lay there ,so cold and still, no song trembled from its tiny throat; poor little bird! It seemed to utelerstand somewhat of the deso lation with which we stood beside that• white and lovely picture, so soon to lie put away m the grave. Yet who would not welcome death when he comes ire guise thus placid, thus gentle! 1 think he is tender toward the young; he g-athers them closely to his bosotn, and bears them away to a land (vhere they never lose youth, nor freshness, nor ro mance! When Wo who linger la hind shall 1w gray haired with age, and shall be inuMbling our !pitiful stories, and shalt , be sitting in the twilight cold and dull looking back into dead years, there will glide , front the spirit wtsrld to cheer us in our desolation theseyouths and these s she's re ts e ,, s i B en N R i n d, maidens with their laces ,young, and ()Hist ss , S 'is-stes likely and befotehand shinink, and golden glad; their feet el a young feller as there is in the have never been weary with travel; i mi nors. their hands never hardened by toil; fir. Avenel started, their hearts have .never known the I a ; en N i s hos, ! as• hy, hitterneas of sorrow or breaking. 0 I l ey. sh 's only a child." happy, happy Yottth and b l autrYl 'f" "She's seven lien, next week," Ise plucked from , the garden on a nodded Mrs. Narley, "and high time morn when the dew is yet spangling she thought of settling." the blossoms, and the grass is green looked across to where and waving; to be plucked from the Juliet stood in her pink gingham garden ere come i the noonday sun dress, lI`P soft summer wind stirring s to scorch and wither their fragrance; h e . curls, and her cheeks as softly ere falls the rain in pittiless cadence tinted as the standard rose on the upon their sweet dreams. !limey, law„. s even t een . was it possible happy youth 1 that hltle Juliet Ilawkimrst had I do not think we lose those who grown to he seventeen. die; they go from us a strong, a oh , re l en tl ess t i me, t h a t would not brave love, and that love lasts /.°l.- stand still! cruel years, that ever, and no firms can darken it, and went by arid stole the fair brightness the grave cannot Shut it in, nor can o f c hildh oo d away ! so Bin Nichols eternity float it away. No, oh! no, actually warts Jul i et Hawklitirst to The river still 'flows on; and the b e h i s w if e boats sail away; nod the people glide I "I wish you and Harry'd talk se to and fro; and the twilight tails; and rious to her about it," went on Mrs. 'the stars cone out; but it seems all Narley. "It ain't likely she'll have changed to me now, vastly changed I Nits- more such chances as that." I wonder who likens for the cow- "No; to he sure not," said Avenel bells, who marvels at the greetri, - 'abstractedly. banks; who notes the houses whiten- '' And of ceurse she'd oteshter think ing in the moon-rrays, or the lamps , it over well," added Mrs. Narley. shining ruddily Nem the windows. certainly, to be sure." I ant glad the Voices of friends tell • When Harry Avenel came home upon our hearts !kindly then; I ton from the city that evening lie found *glad we young ppople were so hap- his uncle sitting in it brown study. py. You see tpat was yesterday; "Harry," quoth the widower. and some of us have dropped off Yes, uncle." front life, and sortie have severed old "I've been thinking—" ties, and nave gone fur away; and "So I should conclude, sir, from some have found new hiends, tor- the H. shaped wrinkle between your getting the others; and some have brows," laughed the young merchant. "W ell, and what has been the subject formed new ties and new associa tions, and the old loves and the old of your meditations, Uncle Joe?" friendships are faded. So we meet "I was thinking what would be and part; live and die; and the world come of us if Mrs. llawkhurst should goes on and on without pause. take it in her head to leave us." What matters it that yesterday Harry opened wide his merry ha has gone; it wastair, I know; but It zel eyes at the idea. is past, It is dead, it is buried. Look "What made you think - of suet,. a up; do you not see the new day thing, sir ?" he asked. breaking in the East? Do you not "Oh, I don't know. She has a see the world ireu.bling with the I good place here; but we can't ex sweet, new life stirring ou her hill- ! pect her to becontented with a house brows? Still, still, yesterday was fairer; . keeper's situation, always, Harry." "No, to be sure not." then lay its memory to heart; lay: it "She has become very essential to to heart as you Would place a flower our domestic happiness, Harry" con between the leaves of some dear book; Untied Mr. Avenel. green shall itrest with you forever syes, I grant you that, uncle." and aye; green shall it go with you I "And I really don't know how we to your grave.en get along without her." s My friend, when will dawn that ! u • i l i t i aise her salary, uncle." day that shall know no yesterday, "No, I hardly think it WOUltl an no parting, no sorrow, death; that saver my purpose; but, Harry—o day which will see the sun rise; "Well, uncle?" and the birds sing. and the children alr. Avenel looked slightly sheep play, and the people come and go, i i s h but which will be no day for you I "Can't you imagine any other way nor for me. It is surely on the way; of keephig her here?" heasked ARGUS. let us look to it then that our yes terdays tat made fairer; let us look to it. that our lives be. not all of this world; let us be braver, and brighter, and truer. Then, eh then, will we not surink from the call; rather, we will go gladly forward and upward to climb the golden hills, and to lave the stars and the angels, and the majesty of God. Yesterday was fair; but let us make to-dad• fairer; let us make to-day shine in our hands. To-day! What :t treasure trove we own! Ilow tong may it tw ours to hold? Perhaps not a year; perhays not 11 night ; perhaps not s n hour! "I neverdid see such a sight in all my life," numb Mrs. Narley,elevat ing her two rheumatism twisted bards in the air. "Dust on them beautiful velvet carpets; glass in the eonservatory . windows all broken; chickens scratching up all the gerani ums in the front lawn, and to lazy servants dawdling away their pre cious tlme;, while poor, dear Mr. Avenel and Harry' don't know any morewhat's,going on than if they were boardens.Ya I, `Dear heart alive, Mr. Avenel, this is enough to make your Txxir wife turn in her grave.' Says he—you know his pleasant way—'Well, I know it isn't just right, Mrs. Narley, but what eat. Ido r And I answers, says 1, 'get a housekeeper.' 'Where?' says he. Says I, 'advertise.' Says he, 'Mr,. Narley. you've hit the nail on the head. I'll advertise to-morrow.'— And that's how that paragraph hap. penal to be in the papers." Here Mrs. Narley stopped to catch her breath. and nodded emphatically at her auditor,.a pale woman dressed in deep mourning, the unbecoming frame work of a widows cap around her face. "And do you think I would suit the gentleman?" the latter asked, timitlly, "You can but try," was Mrs. Nar ley's encouraging response, "Mr. Avenel's as easy as a lamb, and not one of them as is everlastingly chcek ing hills and counting nickle pcnnies, a n I Harry's dreadful pleasant tem pered. Anyway, if I was you, Mrs. llawklifirst, I'd go up andsv." Anti Mr.. llawkiturst, holding her pretty little daughter by the hand, went up to the handsome stone house on the hill. There she found Mr. Avenel in a state of temporary siege, for others besides herself had seen the tempting, advertisement, and had made haste to answer it. There were fat women and lc an,tall women and short,Scotch and German, slovenly women and trim, sharp visaged women ; women who had seen better days. and wt,men who evidently hadn't. Mrs. Ilawkhurst looked around ! - omewhat discouraged by this formi dable array of rival candidates. '"l'liere's no hope for me," she thought, despairingly, and was just about :o turn away, with the timid Juliet clinging to her hand, when Harry Avenel advanced. "Do you wish to see uncleona'ain?" he asked, courteously. "I—l called to see about the house keeper's situation," meekly mur mered the widow in answer. And Harry showed her in at once. The fat and lean, tall and short, Scotch end German, sweet and sour, went, for Mr. Avenel decided to en gage Mrs. }lawkhurst as his house= keeper, with permission to keep Jul iet with her. "She Is all I have, sir," said the widow, apologetically, "and she will INVbitriligraktuiViAtttilltMe." enel. "Fifteen, sir." "Well let her stay," said the wid ower, good hunioredly. "She'll eat no more than a chicken, and I dare say she can do many odd things about the piney." Mrs. t;awknurst soon exhibited her executive ability. liradually the chaos about Avenel place was re duced to system and 'order. The wheels of housekeeping revolved so softly that no one knew they were moving, yet these were the results. You seldom saw the housekeeper glide about the halls, yet the serv ants declared her omnipresent. And Mr. Avenel hound himself the in-_ habitant of a home once more, as years slow 4 ly passed away. lie was sitting, on a piazza One day, stn , kip g a cigar, and watch ing the graceful movements of Julia IlawkhuNt as she was planting trail ing vines in a marble vase that occu pied the rt.ntre of the lawn, when Mrs. Narley came out. "A wee evening, sir," said she. "Oh, there she is!" "Who?" asked Mr. Avenel. '• Why, that foolish girl, Juliet," answered the old lady sharply. ••I hain't any patience with her, that I hain't." "W hat has she been (toing*."' ass eel the whlim er, with au AMU:A.4I A GOOD STORIfi• Nar- Established ICIB. llivry stared at' his uncle. Mr. Avenel feltdisosed to give him a good shaking for his stupidity. "Oh," cried the young man, with a sudden dawning of lucidity over the darkness of his brain. "You mean mat ri mony, -do you , • u ncle "Yes, 1 do!" said Mr. Avenel, stoutly. "Would you object, Har ry." "1, uncle!" , "Because you are the only one in terested besides myself—and her." "My greatest interest is to sic you happy, uncle," the young man an swered, wringing the eider's hand. "And—if 1, too, should conclude to marry at nodistant day—" "Why then,", cried Mr. Avenel gaily, "we can all live together, just as we do now, and be the happiest family in the world." And he went into the house, whim- Sling. as he went. "John Anderson, my Jo, Join," as blithely as a boy of sixteen. Juliet llawkhurst was standing by the little garden gate that evening, thoughtfully watching over her left shoulder, the slender silver crescent of the new moon. Juliet hail cur-, tainly blossomed into a perfect little rose of a maidea, during the years ifie had - been an inmate of Avenel Place. She was fair haired and rosy, long eye!mhes, deep blue eyes full of shadowy purple gleams, and a complexion like rose colored satin; and moreover, there was in her very moveMent it self faNwessied gram and dignity of mien that was inexpre- si bly chartnin4 . :-. , Juliet ilawkliurst had 1.),T.n horn a lady, but no toward f ite had made a housekeeper's daugh t r of her. A. she stood there leaning over the iron rail of the gate, a footstep sounded behind her. "Juliet !" She turned with a little rose blush and a smile she fain would have eon cealed, and Harry Avenel came up and stood close behind her. "Little elt, you thoueht eou had away from me, - but,\-ou see I have e,.ntrived to find you al, eve:i here! What makes you blush, and look so confused ?'' "Do I And Juliet 11,:ed he r gace very steadfastly on the green turf at her feet, where a single y.•llow dandelion was closing its eye of dow ny gold for the nig: t. `'Listen!" cried Ilorry, triumph antly. "I've got a piece of news for you." "What is it?" "What should yi• t tholk of a step father, eh, little one*.' Juliet looking op in real and genu ine astonishmelit. step wither, l harry "My uncle has conlide4i b4.,ine this evening that lie thinks ut rciarrying, Juliet, and from all I tan gathyr, the bride is no other trail your mother. So when we are married there will be a nice little family circle of us, eli And the audacious p,ung man hel ted her sletitler ‘‘ai,t with hi-; arm, and v( ntured to draw t a r a little ellr ser to him. "Oh, Harry, you are all wrong," cried Juliet, crimsoning and soiling like a Jute,. flower, "I—l meant to tell you of it, but somehow the words would not come to my lips. Your ur•cle told me also that he had con cluded to marry again, and—he asked me to be his wife." "The—mischief he did!" cried Har 7 ry, stnrting back as if some one had struck him a t,l•)w. "You! Why, Juliet, you are young enough to be his daughter !" "Perhaps I am," said Juliet meek- ly. "And what did you tell him? You ofvw`ntrd_itlna of course? lie is rich gold.' "Harry ?" "Tell me quickly, Juliet," he cried almost passionately. "Don't keep me longer in suspense." "I told him," Juliet answered in nocently, "that I had already prom- I ised to marry you.'; "My little dove!" and Havy Av enel's dark face brightened int >sun shine once again. "And you were right, fur -limy and November never yet were happily mated. My uncle is an old fool ; and yet I cannot blame him.,,-4luliet, when I look at your sweet :;face." - 11(1 countenance of Mr. Avenel was slightly confused when he met "hisztAiliew at the hreak fast table the next n)orning. but, further than that, there %tits no sign of the discomfiture he hail lit - Am.:one_ lie gave Julia' an ex,ini-ito set of wedding 'wads when she was married, and congrat , idated Harry after a very cordial fashion. But lw never proposed to 1 MN. Haw k hurst, and as she had nev er expected anything of the sort, no harm was done. And everything guns on at Avenel place just as it ought to do. Mr. Av vile' keeps his housekeeper, and liar . ry has gained a wife. Proposed Amendment to the l'ousbi.otion of Pentooy 0 , 4 ao a. •; , iO 11101.4,,1N,1 AMEN ENT TO TII E CoNNTI , I' 1 .(l' I , F PENNsYLVAN'A Be it re..tolveil by the &woe and n o n.s.e of Representatives of the t‘no too n wealth of I ennsy/uanta to lieH. ASA einbly Met, That the fullowmg amendment of the Coto•titution of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adop tion or rejection, pursuant to the proN - Kittl.' of the tenth article thereof, to NV,IL =EI he out the sixth section of the six ih article oldie Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the quali fied electors of the State, at such times and fur such term of seri, ice as shall be preseribed by law.'. m .Spotl,er of the I fosixe Il‘ prcxentitt J.\\lK S. RI:TAN, N'peafrer ,t 1 A Penny ED—The wenty -SVCOIO day of March, A lin o Domini ono thousand right hundred and seventy-two. Prepared and eert led for p pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Consdlution. FRANCIS Jouna.N, ;Secretary of the t:omuLtintvettlth UFFitE SEC'S" OF Tut.: COM . TH, 11A RIZISIIr (to, Juno 2tith, 1572. .The uncertain days of pet roleu n appear to be over. No man is to-day a beggar and to-morrow a prince ; those who grasp success do 50 only as the restilt" of - the most legitimate hard work. Vie wages of labor are comparatively sin/11101nd all branches of the business reduced to the closest system of sharp competition. The next few years will not:wily. tind the oil country in fewer hands, and con • sequentty better_controlled, but will disclose some immense fortunes ac quired, not by dumb luck, but by hard work, forethought and accu mulation. HOLLOWAY'S Ptw..—No ease of ague,-liver complaint, colic, indiges tion, bbdily weakness,sick headaches, or sexual difficulty, can withstand the curative and at the same time in vigorating action or these Pill 4. s n i t ' 78 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Price' 5 cents per box. Asks for new style ; the old iseounterfeited. 9 —The New York Tribune the other (lay gave a list of only twenty-three liberal papers in Missouri. The Mis souri Republican adds forty-six more to the list. Is published every 'Wednesday in the old Argue building on Third Bea ver, Pa., at .62 per year in advance. communications on. subjects of local or general interest are respectfully ao 'kited. To insure attention fatore cf this kind most invariably be SCCO.P flied by the 11.4110 or the RP.; Le, e aid adt• ed Ex-Senntor:Jont-s, of lowa, lutg Just kid down II ui arms, and Out for Greeley. The Jli o nesot.edemocrats who„!).. port Grant are declared to be as ntre as white black birds. There will be seventeen repreen: tativvs elected at large in fitate.4 hay ing more than one to send. Was I lenry Wilson ever a Know . N.ithingY Only the Giantift find it hard to anwt-r. There are :Wove R,OOO republican liberals enrolled hi lichigan, and the nunil,er is - increasing every day. Isaac N. Smith, a colored man of Jones count•, North Carolina, Will m.ump that St ate for Greeley and l;, own. • Tlie Grant pal ty has abandoned the field in Tennesee. independeht can didacy is the order of the day. The newest name for Mr. (;reeley is the "modern Calaline." Mr. Gree ley's opponent.: are,at least, becoming classical. Mississippi i 4 not bein' Oven up to Grant > but the liberals are fighting 'the ground inch by inch, with fair, chances of s jeeta4. —The Cs' for nia Llzaminer (adm r.- istrailou) takes time by thelore'oek, and concedes California to Greeley by a hands( me majority. —John theme, democrat. has Leen nominated for re-election to congress in the fourth di-taut of Maryland, on the Cineitiliati —Simon ILuidall , 11. Clay Wil Hauls, and Steven Mar-too, forrtik•r ly "big gun," of th- republican i.ar ty in Wisvonsin. are stamping fur e:ey. --General Itobert Li. Van \"alken b.trg, president 01 the Florida fiber= al convention s %VHS a repubii:lo ii,tAii ber of congre-s iroin ring Lincoln's term, and afterward minister to Japan. —Geo. W. Price, jr., colored, was reek ntly removed train his position in the Wilinimgthn, N. U., custom house. Ili; only offenco w.is that la• was an independen: eandlOate against the Grant nominee. • Colonel ( U. Sy mes, of the Wis consin volunteer-, a Grant elector in Kentucky on the ticket of 1-4;1;, any since a territorial judge in Montana, has conic ont hut rueley, —Governor Aug i n lair, liberal candidate for renomination a s guv c•rnor of nielli:zon, declare, that Mr, Greeley's ea-tern trip has strength ened the chances 4.1 his s um , '.:Ajl over the rouniry. "I)iitch and red whiskered 11y#44•11 I,uppie , , • nrt• tw).,f the given to liberal by (Alice -holder!, chat literature is very lively. tuuml I;uP ke, of Newimm, N. 11., ,urnierintvcabur f cutigre7 , s, tor of I G(9Ge,. 1401 n II Ini,,,ioncr of p wader off ors to bet zf.l,tiott (I,llllr-, teat not fifty deffio crni- to the State wilt vote for Grant. C4thilllius, Ohio, adminis tration Journal says honestly: "We want accur•:.te rei , orts friends. -- 1)o not send us worse thaauseless gushes about the republic:in ranks being un broken." The Detroit Fro Prro itskS the pertment question, if four trunks full of rebel archives are worth s7.s,tion, what is the worth of four can-loads of union archives which Badeau took min the ‘var dtliart went. An act ive 2 i reeley dui) has been org6„nized in Natick, the home of Seaor Wilson. I)ver one hundred vyteri have joined it, and the cry is eu • r . secretary. Both are staunckrepubli cans. Woodbur• county, lowa, gave a majority of 472 for llovernor ri r • ter. In November next i' , zo 225 for tirecy and third congrres:,ional dinlrict in same state will give honez.t lloratv as majority of over :'„ono. The ban ner republican -tate is - doubtful for tile little g. ive in good health and enjoy ment i, one ut the greatest boons al lotted to humanity, and to a limited extent it is placed within the reach and government of all. It w;,l not do to -ay that we have no control 1•C our physical condi tion. We have if we choose, and it depend- a great,..deal on the attention which we I,ay to iii first inroads of, ill-health. The lungs have so impor tant a part loperform in the well-be ing of the h. dy that any ilisarrang,e mem of them should enlist our vir hest ca.l2 and attention. It is well to know .;oinetinnts how far they are diseased. Dr. Keyser will U-11 you thi- with almost the accuracy of nia themittls. fly a -trictly scientific in vestigation tile I )I)ctor has enabled to sound the lungs with his Lung ,S'ound -o as to tell exactly how far they 4 are diseased or imptured in their tune t ion , . and with that more than won derful teinedy, 1)r. Keyser's Lung Cure, will restore the system to its wonted health and perfect working. Let the incredulous man try hut one bottle, and hi- nyredu:ity will give wav to a l>elicl in the curative virtues Dr. K, ! /.•0 Limy Ciu•e. It doe; to wiirk Iry a gradual restorative sys tem, and builds up the sy-ten) little 14y little until .the whole form is re stored. The cost is a trifle, per bottle. or four bottles for taken at one time. Send ion Dr. Keyser's pamphlet of:;' pages, by mail if you want it. Dr. Keyse:'s (Alice, 167 Liberty st. Pittsburgh, where examinations fur Lung and other chronic diseases are made daily rrom Ina. ui., until 1 h. and from 3 until p. in.; on Nat' rilay MOIL until 9 o'clock. Co. Ou t rages In Pope o Arkansas. LITTLE RUCK, Sept. 9.—Serious troubles have again broken out in Pope county. 1)n Saturday eveninlz County Clerk Ilickox, Sheriff Dod son and deputy sheriff Williams %were engaged in removing the county rec ord:.from the latter place. After loading the wagon it was started out of town. Soon after, Ilickox, I , ocl- I , son and Williams mounted their horse.; alai started after it. After go ing about one hundred yards beyond the public square, while passing an - „id ,hop, they w ere tired upon by a party bid in the shop, and Hickok . killed dead. Williams' horse was wounded, but he and Dodson escap ed unhurt.. . A coroner's jury was immediately summoned by Alton Brown, a justice of the peace, and an inuest was held over the body. About' the close of the inquest, while the Justice was put ting away his papersatifim:- ties who shot 11 ick.oFf fired upon the --Justice, mortally ounding him. Ile was still alive I . t evening, but nu hopes were ent tained for his recov ery. Dodson And Willituns arrived in the city this afternoon to report to the Governor. It is thought on all sides that martial law,will be deciar-- iiiiklerergainty at once. ' s. „? . ...,.... a ...:. : ....- i. r.....zergite ---1 tte u se and its entire contents of . i‘res.-i ). Lytle, of Lane-aster tow tishtp, 4 , r county., Ohio, were cons. u rftetl9s , c i3 re on lust Sabha t I I - , tt - re 25th Ste. 7 i llr„. Lytle and his family wereValN tvi t tv from' home n t., the time and ot.hvic.., turn found Nothing but th nlidfil ring ruins. , They have no knoll .of the orig iin of the fire. ThWrig was no insur :lnce on the propert3p 1 ” 2 .IPo N W. ;EA I{ j 3:31u THE BEA VEII AR IN WEYAN I), Leave • Pa POLITICA L NOTES. .4 Falai Economy iti Life
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers