SELECT 3118CE4ANY. A Cool Ilobber...i Policeman Badger of th Tenth Station, had a bit of experience the other night which he is not fond of talking about. It was pstrliidnight as he was leisurely pushing; his beat through Jessup street, and ita he came opposite to Drayton & FogOjewelry store he observed gleams Of a light through the chinks of the ishutters, and he rapped on the door.i "Is that you,'policeman,lV' a.sket a voice within. t "Yes," answered Badge 4 only me It's ail right. Kind o' chilly out;lsn't it ?" "yes . ” "Thought so. I was JO f fixi n g the fire. Good night." Badger said •tood Ight',s and pur sued his way. An hour afterward Badgqr passed through Jessup street agiiin, and again he saw the light in tifejewelry store. It didn't look right; and lie • banged at the door loudly.: "Halloo!" cried the voice within. "Is it you, policeman?" 4.1 -es.” "Alt right. Won't you.! come in and warm you? It won't hurt any thing for you to slip from :3•our beat a few minutes." The door w•as opened, and Police man Badger entered, and lie found the inmate to be a very gentlemanly looking man, in a linen duster. "Come right up to the itove po liceman. Excuse me a moment." The man took the ashlian from the hottontof the stove, and carried it down the cellar and eniptied it, and when he returned and:Wiped his hands, he said with a "Chilly night, isn't it?'! "Yes." "Chilly outside, and dill) inside. ( Another smile.) New gOixls for the spring trade, and have tatikeep our eyes open. Lonesome Work, this keeling watch all night ; bvt 1 man age to find a bit of comfort in thi.e. Won't you join me in a tip. You'll find it the pure thing." And the man in the thister pro duets! a black bottle and a Aumbler. Policeman Badger partook, and having wiped his lips, and; given his fingers a new warming, 14! left the store and resumed his beat, satisfied that all was right in Drayton Fogg's, -But the morning brought a new revealment. Drayton tk,FPgg's store w e robbed, during the night, of six thousand dollars' worth OT watches and jewelry ; and though policeman Badger carries in his mind an exact_ daguerreotype of the ro:laber, the adroit rascal has not been tOulid.— Nror Lvdger. Causeless Calun4l3, The man who lingefs along the ways of life full of aches7and pains, his with flying stitches, his right side dull and heavy; his heart driving the blood like projectile through the arteries and Veins, with occasional spitting of blood, with too much expectoration of ttucus, ach ing pains in the back and soreness of the limbs—may rest assured that he k bringing on himself cateless evil, if lie lets it run on without proper ef forts to get well. These symptoms are evidence of a sadly deranged state of tie general health which, unless remedied, will go until the whole body crumbles into ruin. Next conic on; the creep ing chills, night swats, the eough anal sleepless nights and dreary days, full of pain and suffering. flow ma ny a consuMptive hits had one or more of these warning and allowed them to pass by unheeded, when a bottle , ,or two of Dr. Kei)ser'll Lung Can' Sko Uhl Lave swepVthe disease from the-system and restored health. Dr. Keper'il Lung lltri; is the elix ir of life to all those vit* blood is depraved, and Where pulmonary dis f•ZLSPS are cropping Mtwara, as mani fested in signs like those enumerated above • even In the last stages it has arrested the disease, and the suffering invalid to hedith and' re newed life. $1.50 per taittle, or four bottles for t 5.00, at 167; Liberty st., Pittsburgh. Dr. Keysees office back of the Store, from 10 a. In. to 1 p. and from :1 until 6 p. m, every day exeept Sunday and Tueeitay. fhe Decline of RninilllClP. Mr. John Ruskin htartily detests the railway, because itis at war with the picturesque, a?ul converts trav eling into a swift and tiresome rush through dark cuts, !. - under dismal tunnels and over pr*le embank- It is certain that the railway destroyed the romans ii that clustered about the old fashiort;ed stage coach, (ruin W hich the traveler enjoyed-0e picturesque beauty of valley and hill ; but it is only One or the many instruments by which modern vivilt -7.:16011 i.s expelling%, sentiinetit and null:ince; from everY day life. Steam t. -t --sea tially prosalt; and whether it associates itself xiith the manufac tory, or with travel, by sea or by boil, its breath everywhere withers t IH• dainty flowers (if poetic fancy. Within the last twenty years we have -zeen the prosliceffecht of steam in the mercantile siervice and in the Ilavy. There Was once a fiLseillatiiin in the life of a sailor, which exists no longer. The boy who dreamed of furling the lofty skysailsof a clipper ship, or passingtti! weather hearing in a gale of wital f until an uncoil 'lllcra hle longing f(fr t to I yen t u rote: I fe of it sailor drew him from his country home, is how only a tradi tion =ol the past. No boy, however fund he may he ofi adventure, finds any fascination in the pm-y. 4.1 of shaveling coal into a steamer's fur iuu of cleaning , and oiling her in tricate machinery.: Steam has driv en the sailor frtint the mercantile .cry ice, and the feW packets that yet ply between this chuntry and Europe are manned by the refuse of el ties, hy men who are ;neither sailors nor. landsmen, hut whom each element is alike ready to 4porn out of ex is-' tense. In the navy, scam COW plivated with the deviets: of Ericsson. has made the sailor of ilarryatt's novels no longer tax-ksible. A chase has cistsill to he deide4l by the skillful rt mining of sails; but has become solely a test of the. relative strength of two steam boilers. There is no lingcr a captain of the maintop, tor that lofty locality-, is untenable be ttlLlSc of smoke, and the crowding stoker has Made Itla• abl.2 seanlan superfluity. Even Midshipnian Fury, when placed on a monitor, loses his htiyish spirits and his rapacity for mischief. lie is no longer a "reefer," for on . - boartt t he monitor there is nothing,ito be reefed—it we except the smoke stack. lle cannot be mastheaded for stealing the cap tain's sherry, for he monitor boasts no mast, and to ,send the guilty young man to the fop of the turret, the loftie s t locality on ship-board, would be equivalent to sending him to the weather-Ock of an old-time frigate. There to plainly no room for romance on the monitor. and the midshipman soclearly recognizes the tact that he has un longer the heart to play those Ingenious tricks on the Pursuer, with thqnarration of which f'l l l4. :V a ri'ya t t } - as accustomed to divert his ingendus readers. Ike . We copy tote , following from an exchange, whtch is important, If true: —Chronic diarrtnya or long standing, also dysentery, and all similar complaints common at this season of the year can be cured by the use t internally I of Johnson's An- Linpnent. We know whereof we affirm. Among Bie Big Trees. Grace Greenwood in a letter from California to the New York, Times says: We had a!day of pure enjoy meat inAhe uu jds. AlTe drove for live or six tniCps up the beautiful canyon of the Sn Lorenzo, a shad owed, winding Mountain road, suet' as we find nowhere hut on this coast. and picniced aqoang the "big tree," These are gigrOtic redwoods, licit quite equal to those of (Illaveras or Mariposa, but wait a ft w hundred years and you will see. The largest named for Fremont, is two hundred and ten feet in bight, and eighteen feet in diameter. In the hollow trunk of another, he had hisq uarters for awhile. A man ow rideinto this on horseback and stable the horse. I was told that a devoted wife once spent here several months with her husband, a lumberman, and kept a couple of boa . rders. I felt for h e r. I khow what it is to live in a trunk. By the way, a young fellow passenger on the stage told us several astouishing stories, about some big trees near - One, he said, parted into three about sixteen feet from the ground, and at the point of separation there was a hollow, which hollow was al ways tilled with water—was, in fact; a little lake, thirty feet wide and seventeen feet 'deep. So you could bathe or boat in it, if you - wished to, or bob for eels. Ile described the monstrous hollow trunk of a fallen tree,' into which he rode on horse back, and after trying In vain to reach the concave ceiling with his cane, galloped on for a distance, anti then rode calmly out through a knot hole—a providential opening for a young man. But I have found that the only safe way in this country is to doubt nothing you hear. I hAve an impression that I shall some tiMe come upon tha j t triune tree, with its remarkable water privileges ; per haps find it utilized into a railroad tank or &baptistry. I half expect to ride into the same trunk prospected by my young fellow traveler, and to emerge at the same knot-hole. The Northwest Boundftry. The Northwest boundary question has again been brought prominently into view, by the appointment of Joint corn missioners to run the boun dary line through the forests. lakes and rivers from on initial point to the Rocky Mountains. This ques tion hasgiven more or leas trouble to both countries for many years, and its_ early settlement would re move a muse - of angry discussion, and one which might readily lead to rupture between the United States and England. In March last Con gress peeved an act giving the neces sary- authority, and appropriating money for the purpose. The work is entrusted to the Engineer Bureau of the Army, and officers are now in Washington receiving their instruc tions. The English party are ex weed in a. few days. In 1570, it may be remembered, vomplaint was mode by the Lieutenant (;nvernor .. of Manitoba, through the British Minister. that- a corps of United States Engineers under Captain Heap, In selecting a sight for a mil itary station at Pembina, had made astronomical observat ions which threw the Hudson Bay Company's fort into A merimn territory. This was the result of instructions to Cap tain Heap to determine the true po sition of the forty-ninth parallel, along the line of the Bed river, or Winnipeg country. This line is four thousand six hundred feet north of that heretofore recognized, and, as it was the work of the United States only, the Dominion authorities, while not denying or admitting its eorreetness, were unwilling to abide by it. Should this line be recogniz es', it would place the whole of the liudsonßay Company's stock of in er chandise, and all future importations subject to the payment of duty to the United States. An understami ing was had between the adminis tration and the Governor General of Canada, whereby the United States was not to object to the occupation by 'British subjects of the disputed territory near Pembina, and the Treasury Department notified the coileetornot to disturb the existing condition of thin'gs on OW border until further instructions. - The Brit ish government then invited the State department to take s teps so that so much of the land boundary to the west of the Lake of the Woods, as has not already been fixed, might be determined and marked, begin- ing with the Red river country—a distance of eight hundred and fifty miles. This i .s the work now to be done, and the officers of the two countries will enter upon it imme diately. There is no reason to p. prehend serious difficulty in arriving at a satisfactory result. The deci sion of the Emperor of Germany on the San Juan question, which he has announced himself ready to deliver, may finally settle alt matters rela ting to the ,boundary between the United States and the British prov inces from the Paci tie c avan •to the Rocky Mountains.— Pitts. thnimee riaL -- --.10. . ••••- - - A Gambling Hell at Long Branch A eorrespondent of the New York World writes: Perhaps you «•ere never in a club-house. Perhaps you never went to a circus or a clam-hake. But then these are parts of this world, which are said to be very wicked, but it is wicked only as you make it. And 1 assure you, you may enter the soft lair of this gentle tiger and come out refreshed, and possibly, enlightened as to the fighting propensities of his neigh Stir, if you preserve your balance. A club !liaise isn't exactly a place for the restoration of one's health, if he be reduced to it vegetarian diet. Because at eleven ol•lock, when it is altogether tie, late for feeding, he will he invited to a table such as xvould give a ghost an appetite. sum, i:it) mackerel, woodcock, crabs with soft shells, and every conceivable delicacy., kith of food and drink, will be kept before him; and do you think be will need coaxing? Then, if he chooses, he can fondle the tiger. This tiger is a deliciously soft and frisky creature. feeding on g,reenhacki4 only, so that he is fat and sleek and rather attractive. But no man is forced or even invited to fondle, and if you rim heat the beast you are corres pondingly happy. Of course this is all wrong. But the men who go wrong there can afford it generally, and the Long Branch Visitors will have their tiger as well as their clams. La Ite Tahoe. A correvondent oftt - Ti; San Fran cisco (id/ Ktys: Like Tahoe ielear waters) reminds one of Geneva from Lausaune or Vevey, but is more re markable both for its transparency and altitude, being surrounded, like that, by snow-capped mountains, but unlike that also with primeval for ests, with hardly the trace of the work of man. Here it is: This grand basin of the • clearest, sweetest waters, fri--sh fnnn the 13111/W', Of these granite hills, thir ty-five miles loo; mid fifteen broad, resting MI and amid the tops or the Sierra Nevada mountains, six and a halt - thousand ft. t above the ocean, ' Order! Omiut by snow..elApp,4l mount aim rising from two to three thous and feet above it, hathed in the sun shine of a clear and cloutlls sky. Mark Twain has hardly over-praised it. One going Kist— for it is the sight one wards to see last before leaving California—can have a night's rest atyruekee, come by stage (fare V 5(l, fifteen miles) in the morning, rpedn theitay here, and, if he please, return by the same stage int he even ing. He will be inure likely to stop Over a day or two, and taken ride over the lake, for a suitable stessner is at the door, which, wi , h a small' party, will not he expensive; and the hotel is ►ouch bet ter and less ex pensive than the Yosemite hotels. There• are plenty of splendin trout both to ettekand to eat, not to speak of the pure genial mountain air. it is a ptessure even to breathe. A Boston gentleman, who has just re turilM-Inn a few hours' excursion in the little propeller, remarks: 'This, of all others in California,ts the plate where 1 wish to tarry." —A - funny joke,and all the more pal atable as it-; truth can he voucher! ft says a New Jerity paper, occured at'a prominent church in that State. It that a worthy deacon had been very :industrious in selling a new church book, costing seventy-five cents. At the service in question the minister, ust before dismissing the congrag,ation, arose and said : "All who have children to baptize will please to present them next Esab bath." The deaeon, who, by the way, was a little deaf, having an eye to selling books and supposing the pastor was, referring to thent,immediately jump ectit p and shouted: "All who havn't any can get as many as you want by calling on toe at seventy-tive cents etch." POLITICAL RINGS. Between the men who believe in republican institutions and desire to preserve them by honest adminis tration,with in the strict limits of con stitutional law, and the men who re gard public employment as-,a gold placer, to be worked for private ad vantage, irrespective of the interests of the COMMOllwealth or the rights of citizens, there is a gulf as impassa ble as that which separated Lazarus from Dives. Both clasSes may belong to the same natural party; that is. both may claim to be svpporters of the same leading doctrins, accepting such a paramount issue as the salva tion of the Union. fOr instance, to link them together in the hour of danger. The crisis passed, however, and the need of united actual passed with it, the opportunity for the de velopment of selfish instincts soon causes a divergence. The mere place men, animated by personal interests and objects, usurp by fraud,and force theivntrol of party organization,and thus lower its character. Those who restrain them within limits compat ible with the law are thrust aside as obstacles in the way of their greed of power and money. Avarice, the low- ENtofall passions that deprive human nature, will impel) men to override everrsentiment of honor and hu manity; but, when It is supplement ed by ambition,and the path to pow er becomes also the road to wealth, then men who would under monarchy have Is-en misers or brigands under a republic strive to becotne ruh rs. To ph/rider the ( otntnonwlth un der the color of law is found safer than to rob individuals the letter of the statutes. Hence, hands of men who would, in old tiIIWS, I have orga nized under Ali Balia as the "Forty Thieve. ' " now refuse that kind f risk and organize, under Boss Tweed and others, what are aptly termed "political rings." The political ring is the offspring of the same distinct as the brigand age, except that it sutritit utes low -cunning in place of the ad vent urcus spirit which prompts the latter to risk danger in its pursuit. The "Stand and di liver !" of the brigand is an infinitely more manly method Of de— pleting the pockets of the unwary traveller than the unblushing appro priation of the people's money by political robbers, under color or in defiance of law. The former is a stranger to the men he ruts; he open ly prof.-:es and commits no breach of trust. The latter adds the meanness of hypocrisy and the guilt of breach of trust to his crime of law-breaking, and does irrepara ble damage to sfsiety.and rebublican inst it ut ions - by destroying confidence bet WeVII man and man, and display ing the capacity for evil there is In the maladmmistration of good lay's or the phis age of bad ones. We know of no greater evil that can befal a republican community titan to become subjected to the done ination of a political ring. It mat ters not what party naiLe It may as sufne or what principles it may pro fess, these are but a part of the tools with which it ex prs-ts to accomplish Its Work, and are the reflection of the preponderant sentiment of the com munity in which it operates. Once secure in the possession of power, it reverses the whole order of government, and uses the authority granted for the protection of the people to plunder then,. It reads all laws with a perverted gaze, and is expert in construin-4g, rights away from the people to aggrandize itself. The money of thecoinmonwexalth is diverted from its legitimate chan nels into streams of corruption, and instead of being devoted to pay hon est obligations is used to subsidize retainers and organs of the ring. As I Its power Mem-lir:es, and good laws, however badly administered, are found to impede its course, slaves of the ring are put in the Legislature to repeal them and pass laws giving All power into its unscrupulous hands. Ingenuity is exhausted in devising commissions for the oyEl - - -- 1 throw of municipal governmenralnd Meal rights wherever they areiound in the way of the ring, unfijiall the machinery of government y moved by its That will is ultimately embodied in a leader, and aith' ugh he may have the brains of others to help him, as was the ease with Boss Tweed, held together by the cohesive power of public plunder, neverthe less the whole tendency of ring man agement is towards the personal pre. eminence of its leader. This must he the case where an organization operating in the name of the law is a conspiracy against the law. A hand of Forty Thieves must have a cap tain and rules for its own govern ment, which is of necessity a des potism. "Offwith his head!" is the only penalty for disobedience which Men of Raba's pursuit can give, as the slightest tolerance of inkubor di nat ion might imperil the existence of the band. "Honor among thieves" is an old adage, and to peach on a pal the worst of crimes. The same principles guide the action of the Po litical Ring, which. by spreading its demoralizing influence through the l.ody politic, and resorting th tracked conventions, bribery, perjury, ballot- Iron stuffing, false registnd ion, rlllan ism, and their kindred crimes, steal away not only the people's money but their liberty, and bring republi can government into disrepute.— Fume- s Premt. 1101. LOW Al's Pt t,t.s. Toese Pills alone, among all the medicines in existence, possess the property of cleansing and regulating the bowels and purifying the animal fluids with out depressing either body or mind. R Ail is Maiden Lane, N.l'.—Pries, 2.5 cents per 1)ox. Ask for new style; the old is counterfeited. LirEltipememstif the real 4 , 1(1-fashioned bind are rare in these Antsy days.. There was tine svectmen. however in Illiu. , is lu to wrytit.y. yfmeg mar. W:1 , in oVt• ti it It the dativltter of it rich farmer. .Mjeeted to the te,itth becati , r lie was: pour and fliriratie hint the !muse. Yet tie the atimpins pair csmtinne set unit :nu! sea t 1 .w vet int . ..3 ,, es to and Ire., and .111 4 night li.• c „ ueh platitt , ! a ladder at the maiden' , - Ntml”w The maiden was wattinz as s h e should; hr, and descended int,. Ihr yet the nizht anti ot her ad cwtit lump; carp lier. They tied while the Limier slept they were made one. 'The Rev. Edward C. Towne, who now resides in New-Haven, Conn., has announcsl the intention of lecturing the coining season on "The Failure of the Woman Move ment." It is nearly fifteen years since Mr. Towne commenced his la bors on that subject with an earnest appeal for the equal right of woman to vote In n Christian republic, and if he has in some respects changed his position since that time. it may he set down to the,, influence of more comprehensive thought and a riper experience. At all events, he will bring to its discussion before the pub lic a rare gift of powerful statement and eloquent illustration. Borrowed Trouble.—Ball the misery of mankind is borrowed nos,. ry. For i -e, our neighbor's child Is taken sick with measles. Inimediately one he gins to ciirju re up friah lel visit)t s alum' one's own children. v. hen, very likids, tln•y will t-+•c:elx• tIK eto t t,, gt o n a tt o geLt ier or get •lirninzli .t ver) lighiJr Or, we are tilieu ill ours-Ares. Imam diately W,.! ag graVate ever• ymptout, un•l banish possi ble sleep by computing the! loss to our butness it - •laid tip," and It dicgifig in tears that we may not recover t all— torpettiog those golden words, 'SLIM:lent unto the da2, is the tv II thereof Miscellaneous. Attractive Stock! JOSEPH M. Mc fc,?uttv'm I.3ulltling, :3tl " We Studiously av Fancy Dry Goods : The Latest Novelties in FANCY DRY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS, JAPANESE PLAIDS, JAPANESE LINEN, FANCY POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, TRIMMING 'ILKS AND SATINS, DOLLY WARDEN PRINTS. WHITE GOODS, P. Wm. anal Light Fancy SHAWLS & SCARES; NEW SPRING SKIRTS, NEW WHITE SKIRTS; LADIES' MUSLIN' UNDERWEAR, DOLLY V ARDEN SKIRTs& Bustles. p .- +b --4 111,.•InlIMI LADIES SUMMER SUITS IN WHITE EN, CROQUET, n u t other New ?tinted O. M. WWI May 1:(411 R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUILES THE WOILST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes • NOT ONE HOUR Alter maslin i f t thisadvertisetztent need my ova FFER WITH PAIN. R_ADWAY'S EADY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the eat nal hi The Only Pain that Instantly stops the most excruciating riisins. al lava Intniumationa and cures Congestions. whether of the Lungs, Stomach. Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES No matter how violent or excruciating the pain ilia lied-redden , Intent, Crippled, Ner vous. Neuralgic. or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF MILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFR.&MUATION OF THE 'KIDNEYS. ' INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. lITSTEBICS, CROUP._ DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. N EURALG lA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS: The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or ditillcultresists will afford ease and comfort: Twenty drops In half a %ambler of water will In a few comments cure CRAMPS. r•PASMS, &GUI: STOMACH. HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE DOWELS, sad ail INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should alway's earry a bottle of liad.. wave Really Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent lankness or pains from change of water, It Is better than French Brandy or Bitters as • stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. tEVRII iiiqb — gli v lTE -- clitv7 - 1 ftaiiy - oWs, ,veto ts not a remedial agent In this world that wl:I cur. Fever and Ague, and all other Idniarlons, 111lieu', Solid, Typhoid, Yellow, and other lovers (aided by RADWATS PILLB) so quick an RADwArs READY witzusv. fifty cents per bottle. SOW by Druggist& 'HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE WWI DLOon_IN CREASE OF FLESH AND wEIGHT-eLem SKIN AND BrAernruL comiLzaciol-sitst: CURED TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II AS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES ; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE TILE CHANGE • TIIK BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN PLUENOE OF THIS TRULY WONDEIZII I. MEDICINE. THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop or the SA RSAPARILLIAN RE SOLVENT communicate* through the mood. Sweat, Urine, and other !limit and juices of the system the vigor of life, for It repairs the wades of the body Walt new and aonlid material. .Scrnfut. - , Syphilis, Con aumption, Glandular dive-sae, Ulcers In the Throat, Mouth, Tumork Nodes lu the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes. Strumous Discharg. frmn the Ears, and the worst forms of &In diseases. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, F,rvslpetak Acne. Black Spots, Worms In the Flesh, Tun..., Cancers In the Won't,, and all weakening runt palnfnl discharges, Night Stemma Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life printuple are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry. and a fkw dare' u.e will prove to any person using It for either of them forms of discsow Its_ potent louver to core the. Not only does the -Ssassr•anAts• Tf-i;mtvrlcv excel all known remedial agents In the cure of I broNle, Scrotoloun, Constltutlonal, and nui ; Lut to the only positlea core fur Kidney ek Bladder Complaints, rnnary, moil Womb Aise.ases, ciravtl, Dlatwies, proPs7. Stwfdri,Cei nf Water, locord Memo of Fritte,, Igirt's Disease. Albuntlnuria, and in all cases where there are briekdust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of r ace, or thread, like while silk. or there Lea morbid. ..dark. bilious appearance, and white bonrduPt .1, - posits, and when there 4 a pricking. beaming PM'''. ilon when passing water. .n 4 pair* b. tho Small ... the Back lad along the Loin'. Price, WORMEA.—Thennly kao.o altdsure Itcmc,lT La Worms—Pot, Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 Tears , Growt h Cured by Radwayls Resolvent. flanana.v, Moo., July In, n•Di• •T —1 hart dad Ovarian Tumor In th• °Tarte. and bo , welt. All tea Doctors Id " Ulm! was no !nip for It " I tanod ovary thing , that onto recotarnond.d; but andnue helped me. I.a 'our Raustraut, and ILnuaLl I would try tt . but dad faith In It, bor." I bad suffered for Lnelvo ,cart. I toot all bottlaa of tbr I:rsol.ent, and ow boa of [III., and two kettles of your head.' Tbellrf , anal morn 4 not a .ego of tumor to do wen or 1;11., .4 I foal bettor, arnarter, and happier Id. I boos for toebr• Taus. Tar worst tumuo was In [GA lan std. of the Amato. urn the mom. I writs th is to 400 for the breeds of oat**, You can publiad ton adajoe. HANNAH P. ILN APP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tandem, elegantly coated with sweet gum, ' regulate, Punt/. cleanse. and strengthen. Itsdreers Villa, for the cure of all disorders of the monsurb, Liver, BoweLe Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Inseasea, Beg/these, Constipation, rostlvenrae, Inbeestiort, Dfrpeorda, Whooshing, Brhour, Fever, Ind-nat:ratlon of the Bowels. Piles, and all Derange ments of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a pcentive cure. Purely Vegetable, Swathing no mer cury, minerals, or deleterious druge, or Observe the folkoslng aymptoms resulting from Disorders of the Dligestlve Organs: . Constipation, Inward Yellin. of the Mood la the lietd, Add 11. Stementi, Nawsom lisertbane. Disemt of Foot, Faßams or Wight to the fitondieh, Saar Ennithe tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Ptt ofithe Stoeaseh, Swine. mine of the Head, Hurried tn./ Micah tosstbiag, Moor- Lod at ths Heart, Choking or finfocatiapi &swatter when le a Lying. Posture, Dimmees et Vizion, Deis or Webs baton the Sten; Fever and Dell Pain tit the Red. Dedelency of Perspiration, Yellowness of Me SILO nod Eyee, Path la the Side, Chest, Limb., and redden noshes of Heat, Saralee I. the Flesh. Xi few doses of RAHWAY'S PILLS .111 hew the eyetieni from Ail the above-named Price, 15 s, cents per hos.. SOLI) IfY num ;u READ -FA LSE .1 T E." Send one letter otarup to RA OW& Y & CO, No. 87 Malden Laws tir.-fork. inforthatiou worth I.l,ousAnde be sent you. [Kuril 72 ly A Word to You, Friend ! FOR Go( )I.) cOFFEs, r(oft (:001) TEAS F(. R, li1)411) SUGARS 1 , ()I: Co u)l) Fol: Gimi, FLovit Ft ))1 GOI )J) FEED Top,Acco Ft)1; Goof) (.1(;.1103 Ffll Ky E rr ING u ()OD IN 'HIE Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT PRICE:, THAT CAN'T BE RE VT IN BE tVER “It ELSEWHERE a 0 TO S. 3d Sirret, BEA VIER, PA. tn 10'72- y James H. DEALER IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD*, CUTTLERY, PLA . TED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WAAE, iv/panne/4e anti Plain Pine WarA WITH EVERY" HIM) NECEWILRY }!!di EEPERS. \ Call anl our stock and learn our pricei. No. Gth St., (Late Si. Clair St.) PITTSBURGII. PA. 20A DAY Lose!' Dorman's Little Gem L inert Card Harker. A wimple with lour name si nt hy on receipt of .1.25. Cir culars free. Address U.S. .I.lte'n Co. ti; W. Lombard St. Baltimore. Agents wanted everywhere. norl Is New Spring Goods! (REEKY tt Co's 1 4 .0 ett,ll3 cave r, Pa. oid Inferior Goods." New Millienery Goods: And NEW STRAW GOODS, Dolly Verdun HATS ct BONNETS, Trimmed HATS A BONNETS, Untrimmed HATS & BONNETS; RIBBONS, all widths& colors; FLOWERS,aII the new,shades: Buffing, Puffing, Tucking, A Embroidery, TOURIST PARASOLS; SUN UMIBRELLAS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS, . _ _ CU lITINS, U 1 b CLOTHS BAZAR-CUT PAPER PATTERNS. ALSO ADD CAMBRIC, White LINEN, BUFF LIN als that mat• appear during the Sermon BEILY c&Onto wi• 0). IMPORTED PURCHERON HORSE Iterne4ly Ttits liar-- was selected at a :Inge Fair held In Bernay. Prance. March If !r, and was Imported on the steamship Lafayette, May 7th, trita. Ile is a mirk. ilanpl.A irras, Ifiii haled" Walt, and weighs I 3011 lb*. , and Is wield years old. Ile win stand the present season at tlie'Farm of C. P hall, East Carmel. Middleton tp., Col. counts. Ohio. la•mance 513.011. Fur further patticulara. sot dress )ritytt?;2m 1 CIIAS P. HALL. 1 4 1 X Eel TOR'S NOTI - OE.JLetteis ry I awing been issued to fhe tindendwied (us e settlement of lice estate of Sarepta W. Dugan, .17ceasell, late of Darlington, Deaver county, Pa. therefore all persona Indebted to said estate are hereby notified that immediate payment Is requir ed: and all persons basin:: claims rtizaii•st the some will present them deli" aathentirat , d for settle met t. .1 Mr EL M ITCI I ELL, Ex . r. u.l . )•29^,hint SHARP & HOFFMAN, ROCHESTER, PENN'A., GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, (IUEENsW ARE, GLASS W A RE, STONE WA RE, WOODEN n'it RE Hardware, WIN Do W-GLASS, NA I LS,C u Y; WILIPS;LAMPS,IIiOTIONS, LT, FISH. FLOUR. G - HA IN, • - deed, Oil - Meal, Lard Oil, sfic''P, (' AI'S, LEAD, FUSE, Rifle and Blasting Powder, (Whole',ale and lietai Chi inney-Ibps and Drainage Pipes; WHITE LEAD &LINSEED OIL:. Dryer ,Tarpent ine, Cblors dry in 00; PAINT 1:1N.:SIIES OF ALI. 1:;N DS. Averill Chemical Paint Pt UE ` i l iiiii Xl . l. (I)1.'i: . C 7 :0) SHADES, find tur al , y trialaity -1, 3' hi' tout - L. in tin t .1114; lay th, THE AVERILL PAINT giN*. iill l ,otitalvil sat i , 131• 1 inn for many' ycLirs of OW coUlit ry. and ha, be w 1,1 this vicinity about fit'e .Ving itz:4•ll . t the tadur, 1111.1 .diadem, al,sobttely Tlie Best and Che.a.pc-st ri.o.t . I:4iii ( -1 1; . ct tt before dry and %% licit dry it Ints , it bird .011141 111 i).,1 (•,:t, k ~ r mr VIII`A r, I • : 1 / 1 1p1,, c:rrd, parr li,t ittid testittiotnal, i., ..ny per,om azkiitg 1.. r the h.• 3% N Irt . t . Id h ,r;;e to HARP & 11101"FlIAN, niarlio;nl Wall Paper! Wall Paper! in LirOily uniedied Satin paper. Tbe mem of tad 11114 Stem pod Gobi Paper, e'ter opened in the city. Dining Itonin Paper n .1.(1 Papcn , nll new in 1),..1zn . The large,i nun rheve.i Wall Paper 111.1.1 e in the 11'eri DE ZOUCHE & CO tr,„,,1 St., Pittsburgh. Notion & Milßory house JOS, HORNE CO., 7.5, 77, and 79 Inttrket Street, 1'177817 rft(;11, are now prepared t., eztdhtt to the trifle the laracvt selectimi io tre had, Enpt or \Ve,i. iti (16.ves, Elilbroider White tionds, Iloop .`./cirts, Cbrsets, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 1 lair Goods, Hair Sets, Notiom and .Siii(lll II r e.v A extentlrti Linen EILY (1001).S Hats, IlortaeGr , Rowers, RiL4pis, Cfirded ins, Silks, Velvets, Crape*. 01 Our own importation. at lowest rullnn price. Wnoi.r.a•t.... ONLY AWI Pollelt rd. tJrtlera promptly filled. Ittl.llll Stnres, 197 and 1:19 Penn nprlo-3m. - - LOOK HERE. AND SUMMER GOODS. —'rbe begs leave, to inform his friends and ( he Pnblic generally that be has Jnat received • new store et goods of the latest mica, fur Spring and Sommer wear ,which he often§ at very modern rides. Q.EN TIE-YENS' FURNISHING 0 OD.s. CONSTANTLY ON 'HAND. Cistiltsg made to order on the shortest notice. Ttotokful to the public for pelt favors, I hope by clove attention to firmness to merit a =Una anoetot the same. ILLER, BRIDOR S DANIEL r. BRIDGK M WATEB, PA mar '24.t Miscellaneous.: CARPETS, 13EAVtlt, PA 1)1.:A 1A.:M.4 IN iIAvE THE AI ed ready for use 'G1 4 '1(1001 (;earn ItoCliF:Tilt. nt; Rates to Ihntkr. It F. LE.IDING Lucca, Lam Goodl,. Miscellaneous. ~~ 40 . 7k,, \ Z-HT Ps 6.H.MARSHALLif UFACTURER 0 MONUMENTS & GUAVE iS TONEISr 1 fi I, ,ir t v f, 1;,;.,51, 1 ' ip4,-i {l jlll l . 4liilOo 4iifiqo 11, 11, I ~ L E 41' ti , , ~ • - ; l i i , ~•t.,i. r lii,; ill' i :it I :PIN C\ '='; l''' ' r.' , I; ,I.i"d i , -- - - -- 11:211:21 E have on hand a large selection or any da l' lolled work, which we are gelling IS per cent. less than any other firm tu Deaver county. P , wats wishing to erect Monuments or Grave stones, call and see our work before purchasing elsewhere, as we will guarantee to do as we rep resent, and will warrant our work of the best hal tan Marble; and for workmanship and finish we defy compel It ion. [aprlo-tim ALLEGHENY CITY STAIR-BUILDING •ND Woon 7 /rurtNING .Newels,lusters, Hand Rails. with all Joint• cut and boiled, ready toluing furnished on short notice. WILLIAM. PEOPLES, mar64yl Cor., Webster .SL t Graham alley. $l,OOO REWARD! A reward of'One Thousand Dollars will be paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that will supply the wants of the people better than the article known as DR. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea.. It must be a bettor Cathartic a better A Iterative, better Sudorific, a better Dinrelic, a better Tonic and In every way better than the Pan-a-co-a. No matter bow lung It has been to use or how lately discovered. Above all It most not contain any thing NOT POLIELT YEULTABLE. $5OO REWARD!! A reward of Fire Hundred Dollar. will be.pald for a , medlcitie that will permanently cure more cages of Coativene.s, Coma'nation Sicl• or Ner you. Headarho, Llear Complaint, 8111 our Disor ders, Jartitlice, Ithommatl•m, Bout, liyapepata, Chills and Fevvr, Taint , Worm., Tumorg, Teeter., Pain+ in the Loin., Hide and Head and rung...lie/41 than DR. FA HRN EY' S BLOOD CLEANSE ,11 Olt PANACEA. which ii used more extenriv , ly by practicing phytdclane than any o ili er popular medicine known- Prepireil P Pm s+ !I :Agavermo.t Co., rynesboro, Pa., awl F A intsEY. Chicago Price 1.25 per brittle. For air by Whole.alo and Retail Dealers, and by JOHN wont:, Druggist/ Beaver, Pa. Lb 12-Iy. lilconorated by Act of Luis'atm. CAPITAL. - - $lOO,OOO PRIVILEGP, 147)0 , e10rr , sod - lief-ofltrt , reshne”ls el-chino ly. . Six Per Cent. Interest Paid to Depositors . 4)n the Com poun- ding Principlv Irer A t ten t 1 on IA directed to the liberty] nmvils ions for withdrawing money dentoott.d. It can be done In pram' mounts, WITHOUT NOTICE FROM THE D Epos ITolt, All commuulcatione, will receive prompt reply JAMBS T BRA DV i PresHent DAVI I) CAM PBELI„ Trtasorrer inv•.l;:n frz / : Co-( )IJEILA TI V E', 3Foc)oirsw . m•ra.-w - ASSOCIATION, L'EAVEI: FALLS. ITNN'A S;I*PC.) - c7 )1A" NV A ULU -4) AND A :411.1:NDII) 1110I'SF: - FURNISH I GOOD N. SANIPLE A \ I)'-.11.1:'; IZOt) NN, Reevs' Brick Block, BEA V El: LLS CUTLELY May 1,311 l ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY oF ERIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets, Oct. 9, '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - - 5,200 00 (b. NOltl.F., Creel/eta; .1 t'. VINCENT. Vice Vt. II W. Trert-uier, t 4 ei-reliiry immci•ort,:.• L .lalo-1m Hon. 11,,0 oelameter, .1 W Ilanonotl, M end, file, Pa. lion Solden ?thrvin. Hon .7 P Vincent, Erie Hiram D.,ggen, del Henry HAM le do ('hark, It Ite,il, do,i; T Chereldil do ti Smohard. do ; Cap! .1 i Richards do Wlt Sierritt, .:o. Rialani O'Brian, do II W N0h1... F II Cobbs, ,10 J Englchart, doldohn it Cochran, do JIL Nc,i , ' M do \V II Abbott, Tltu , ciliti.trapt Il P Dobbins, do iJno Patti:, Titusville. Politica lAAnAd at hor rate* aerl hheral terlll9. Insures ngalh A Z dAnnwe by Lb:1111111w 11.4 n ell ts Fire. ell M. H. IR usr, Ag't Rochester, Pa.. Dec. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. orteEit for sale the fullowio4 valuable prop erty. Academy lots No id containing about acme*, ly ink on the publlt toad leading from tleaVer to anport. ALSO —Academy lot No. 73„ lying on the Ohio river. adjoining land of Patrick Mulvaunote on the west, containing about six acres, these lots are all sowed down lu grass and in good condition; the lots are enclosed with ood 'board fencer, any person wishing to pnrchaae will inease call nn me at may otlice, where all necessary informatkra will be given. t;FO. W. HAMILTON. apr4:ll. G S. BAnatn.. P. A Barbet:lt .t A. liArti.r.a. G. N. BAltikElt !It Co., Am Brighton, A l b, Ann G. S. BARKER de co., Bears, 1011 P, fO J gAN , Demers In Exchange, Coln. Coupons, Sor.. Collections made on all acc., ratble points In the United States and Cannda. ACCUlltittl of lamb , ants. Ilanufacturera, and Individuate, solicited. elovred on time depOsltes. Corressppon• d ttr al/I receive prompt attention. JAYIES R. ItEED AL CO., DEALEfte IN ATCHS, CLOCKS, Ani* JERE, No Cit 4 Firth Ave.. r I TTtyE3,UICGI3, I',t;. FINE WATCH EE CAREFULLY REPAIRED. znyalt;3m. 11111 . l_j LI $500,000 k•-“rtit).•nt Nl.Ait Miscellaneous. --- jtokans bionoassrtitit. NATItAX 111011GAN9TERN&CO. iIItPORTIMS AND JONDEIIII IN TR I MM I NGS, FANCY 'qOODS, NCITION; Foreign & Domestic Hosiery WHITE GOODS, &C. 78 anti SO Market'Street nprlO 311)] PITTSBURGH, PA IZie o .llatlertr i W. ~,:" Dr. X. MlEtr ,(" ".. wanotilridge. ' .'- - t" ,- ' - ' - '74 t)jetk, water, is deter . 4 '''' C 4/114 , ' mined that tio .., ~, -, 'ir ~., _ . . Dentist in the , . — r7::--- ' '..', 'State shall do ..' tr'S 4 ,- -,.‘ ,-- T . , , , ,, • - ".., ,, ...:,_ 4. 1 ., work better or .1: '" - ll* 161 - - 010 - cheaper than up .r.s be °trent tt to - ,ani Ai his patrons.— f 411411.1111:1 1 "' Ile neck ihe bmt materials manufactured In the United Stales. Gold and oil per dlling performed In a style that defies compe tition hallefaction truaninteed In all operations, or the Money returned. Give him a trial. totals Black and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 159 SMITHFIELD ST. Four doors above Sixth Ave. FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and Fancy Goods, &a. PI TTSB UR OH, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. rimse c•ut this advertisement out and t>ring it with you. jeI4IV N Foundry tt, -Repair Shop. Ifa i vtng peon Engaged In the Foundry Business for Mille than Intrty years. --during which time I have UCCULDUIated I variety of useful patterns, be sides c,mstrurtlng models and taking out patents for Improvements on COOKING - STOVES —and after let ring litorougthly tented there Im provements, I reel warranted to offering them to the public. PLOWS The GREAT WESTERN has no Sn parlor for MI. Locality. sTevEs. Stovve of Dv!erent Styles for Heating and Coot:lug The Great Republic Cooktni Sion Ilar the be%t Itccord "r my Wave eVer otlert•tl to OM= 'I" I'AIiES LI SS F E LE Room To 1)() MoitE BEST BAKER, M()S'l` )IJI-ZA.13.1_,E I I. TUC ETHER T 1: I: sT sTOVE IN USE In cuui,• i II•d• v. ills IL, st, , vc 1 Lave gut up u P•Ltent 14 - :xrrt:NsioN TOP, whieli occupies little ro4 , m, 11,, ailditionn/ fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, can be put on or taken otr at ant' time, and !Mathe l() suit all stoves of any size or pattern. Five II u ntlred Pert4ons \Vitie leter ptire6asetl vHIJ th,tll the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKIE STOVE, Mtii+t w names have been puhliat eti in the .1 mil's, 111"1• row:141(110y iyk•rred (41, to tit lir it.r.t.-Ls of its merits /IN n NMikillg .44/VC. IlaeinL: three first et,zule., on hand. of about filteeb horst• plAt e-rr3patity, they are offered to the 1..0 hut: al re,v.oluahle ratert 101174 at,r2lo-tf. SECURITY TROT CO. 1114 - ttriturated by the [a•;;t-lat (.1 . Pri 'a N. \V( )01) STREET, 1 1*1 - 1 - rf.4ItITIL4 - 411, Vu. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - $1,000,000. (' ARTS II PEUPETIVA L. PrtrsiDk VT LUIZ LlC"l'4l.llttTi: JAMES T BRADY. 'HON. R McKNIOHT, B 1.. FAUN b.STOcli, 1 HARTLEY HOWARD, DANIEL EL W ER, 1. J. BLANCHARD. W M W I Ll—so H. s. FETTERMAN, BENJ I, INUEILLY,, PHILIP HENTEL, DAVID GREGIL P. V M. DoNALD. I)EALEtis IN (;oV IiILNMENT BONDS Deposits solicited and interest !Mowed on s.k SU 11,11:( - 1"fo mai; Di% iiienth% 'ollectod N% It out charge ILL CLASSES OF SECURITIES Boaght and ,old 017 C011110i11:0011 ritutcr Jonas Scorr, N, lee Pres . L. VILA: Charleston, IL ft. Cots.stssi, Coleman, Rohm , Ihnito•sne Iron and S eel Works 11. L. Fto u.Y AN , Prrootteor Merchants and tacturers• Nerional Buhk Dmo S HEAD, PreAldent Second National Itni.k. 110re..1. 11. iiinKeAlitlUK, Judge ul the District roar?. JOIIN E. PAREZ, Park, & ('o. P. Men haat. f F JoKr.i. 'Jones 11/01.1. SINOEItLY, Stair Printer. H. P. Foen. Saw Works Wm. M unity! T. Wm M norrniy Jostxti WAl.Tophi, Coal Merchant_ Wm. ti .1o11,0•7i/N, (; J J Chll.-stoe C 11. I'ALLow.N. Wli dopaie peak./ 111 liars, Caro, nfid Furs .1 V. MythisrAto Cool l'iiti•rehtni. Y l'ettcrin M r_47 - .Viocial at 1,1 itaa rler. n 1 . 11 iuralucy mora y In first ciasa ri lie • . for 1,1,0,/ors, At, mietierator., G word ial, et UM{ Judi diktat*. Ma Yet Ir 11. A COFFIN Trea•urir. MESTER SAVINGS BANK. I= lE= GLO. e. tiPLTEII6Ii, U. J. eII . E.TEILER.Cush'r SIPEIVEILER do 111cDONALD Deals In eNthange, Coin, Government Securi ties. mace collectfutt on ail accessible points in the United Statesand Cunada.. receives money on depovdt subject itteheck, sod receives time depos its from one dol , ar and onward, and allows tnter est 5 per rent. By-lsws and rules furnished free by applyiuft at the btrik. Bank open dully from SI, a. to.. till 4, p. m„ and on Saturday even ing, from ti to S o'clock.. We refer by permisolur to— L. 11. OAri*N A. Co , llnm. J. S. fit-rAx, AILEO, /LeO'rt Jr CO., VIM d: COOPER, B. J. Cnoos & ('o, WM. KEN N EDS, BN/ILDSIt & WACE.S. JOHN SHARP. B. S. P..knur.n, R. B. EDUAR, A. C. BURST, TRA LitEMEN'S NATION AL b. B. WILSON, BASIC, Picb.burgh Ps oosl6'7l•ly.Chd Jelb Notice. IR STATE OF JOON JACKMAN, Deceased.— .k..t Letters testamtar to the crena of John Jackman, late of the t en owo y rhip of industry In the county of Beaver and State of Fenurylvaula, de ceatted, having been granted to the subscriber, residing In said township, all portion* having claims or deatandr against the estate of the said oecedent are requested to make known the None to the onderrigned without delay, _ Jelkl-ftw.") JANE JACK.MAN. Hie urns. minintrwition Nottee:. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Hugh B. Anderson, late of the borough of Heaver, detreastai. haying been granted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those haring claims or demands against the same, to make them known to the Undersigned without delay. . THANKFUL A. AN I) ER' ON. Jeri-r,w. ~ t dmihistratrar, Beaver, Chas. s l). flurst's INSU4nANCE General Agency Office, ROCHESTER, PENNA Notary Public and Conveyancer; FIRE, LIFE, and ACcIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Littc s of Ocean Steamers; " Adams " and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal let ms. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, &c., written ; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &e., Goods and . Money forwarded to all Parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, France a'rui Germany. 2ETNA .Fllll7 INS. CO., 01 Hartford, Conn-, Cash asserts '56,000.000 " liy their fruits ye know them." Losses paid to Jan. I, Pl7l ....$',N,000,000 One of the ,1(1.,t and wealthiest C 4 )1111pa nies in the world. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Cunt u.sse Its, ANDES I'LRE INS, CO., Of C inchinaLi, Ohio, Cash use as, t,5(A1,000 ENTERPRISE INS. CO., of Pjlilacttipltia. Cash a.ssetts $600,000 LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. 11( Lancastcr, l'a. Cash asselts $240,000 AL PS INS U . t I'C l:' Cash aLpit:Ll, _HOME LIFE INS, CO, Cash asets, Travelers' We iL Accident Insurance Co., urn:tram-6, cast, tk.,e1.1..., over $ 1,50000. Liepreawnlllog the above first Mass Insurance Cumpaulea ackhow ledged to be amongst the best and most reliable in the world, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly $lO,Ol/0,01.k. I apt en abled to take insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended o. uhd l'olicles written v ithout delay, and at lair rules =ld liberal tennis. Loosee liberclayrnijneted an4L prunaptly TI ;..1 Y ! Ity one day's delay you may 14,4. the .a ring. of eare. Dv la) are don y , erJen. and lift llucertaiti, therefore, lustire to day: One to-clay, ra worlit Iwo to-morrows -- quality• also. Is of the utmost itriportance.. The low priced. worthless article. always liroves the dearest. The above companies are known to be amongst the best and wealthiest in the world.— " As ye sow that shall pm reap." Grateful fur the very lilmral patronage, already bestowed, I hope —by u strict attention to a legit imate btoduess—not only to merit a contiouence oftitle same, but a large increase the present year. !Tr. STEPII EN A. CRAIG Is duly auctionzi d take applications for Insurance and recetv • the premium for the same In adjoining town s hips CIIAS. tit, III"ItsT, Near Depot, Rochester, i'a. Jel4 ly WILLIAM C MILLER, JAI Oil TRAx, PLANI2VG MILL. MILLER & TRAX, .3fanufaeturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SAslr. DooRS, sH("'ITERs. SIDING, FLuuRIN )If)t - LDENGs, Sc hcroll Sma‘-itig litlit 'Fuming; ill/NE TO ()II)Ele, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECI`FULLY soLicITED, AND PRoMPTLY ATTENDED Ti, Mill Opposite the Railroad ASYation, ROCHESTER, PENN'A. April 19 '11: ly [Note.—This to Snellenhurg'u Spare. Being, enguged in making up a large stock' of Spring clothing, they informed me :hat they had no time to attend to their advertking. DAB IA (IREGG =I 1,111 E! 1,111 E! IItOM and after April tlrst, we will h.• prepared : to Itire.i.ll ea-honer. w ith freeh burnt Lnue of bent, (laxity at Power.' l'ariport ntur2o,trj 110LNEE9 ()HIER. Itadic.l and New litiOdon copy J. B. SNEAD Hag now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the Intt improved machinery for the wanulticitire of. For_acoc•Ft.x.NTr. s SIDING, LATH, &C. &C,, and Is now prepared to attend to the building and repairing of 3teamboats Barges : Flats, &c., &c., Keeping constantly- on hard a superior quality of Lumber. The pat: onage of the public is respectfully solicttecL All orders promptly execut e d. faug2ly Miscellaneous. AND NEAR THE DEPOT Of New Yorit Of Erie, ►'cnnn (lf New York r, l k" \i'' s •• CY I.IJ 2. --- .4 •L ...I .: 0 z Gg a 1 t i ) L , k ~ 11.0110 - WAYS ..,............„ , „ -„,,,, • fes a , ~x 44 1 it ' 441 0 00 ‘ EvERyMAILHIS OWNPHYSICIAIt CAUTION. immenme demand for ' tt , 1. PILLS and OINTMENT, has tempted unvo. timed partice to counterfeit the, wah a ia, elude. In order to protect the ;mime hare I.sued a new •*Trade Mark." con,thdtt,4:,,f; Egyptian circle or a serpent. with tio• the centre. Every hoz of genninv PILLP and OINTMENT will have ttd:i trail.. p, rl , It none are genuine without it N V. CIIEIII, AL Co 7N Maiden Lane. N. This Cut illustratei Inc manner of Ustng 6. DR_ .F'IFtCE'S Fountain Nasal Injector sl,:wo,uuo fect application OR. RACE'S CATARRH ft ElattY. It to the 9nly ~,..r1:••,•rc • • with Winch :11 , ••: ,, • , , and pei:lrcfly appltttl itt rt t • ••1 . • . yamy•stres. and the chant r 111••theret , 111 1,4 !I •••//r..,. :// •• I. etiot. and e..•:,••• , - rally pr”cec,h. Want nt Catarrh heretofore i.a. fit - ,./•// Jar •II.• Fibility or .41,,,1. t:1 z reel••.: /• ••4 1.. !h... • chgulher./ by ally of I I/e "reinat) - .ohotar I, in•• ell., I ITIZ • - . overcool, he the tit...n:1..11,41h, 11 , • • : the; ite.truinc It. the Fluid is Carried Ly its Don (no anutflng.torting or pumping being recnirec uo.tril in a r ; ., -y I'l. 11•. V. I •I. In • • portion of la,. 110.•;.: - i•a•••,-••• otethlY all the to nhdrhanther, , thc reun t . tut d flows outot the opposite imam plea-aut. and that a I 111)0 • Otaild. It Fall and explicit dirt-ti accompany itch lie/trtiment \V 1,,•n 11•IstrIlInt nt I t, 1"/1• / ?, ( . :113rrh 14 , r1e/Ir t / ./... atlack+ 'it In the Ilend apple sy mitt° ma of Catarrh. a,hc. di-cliargre tnr-n• xery. tint k u,u, ,i• hl hther- a drvin,o. ~54. rs. ,LA • .1. • $ 2.50,00 U 4.3,:100,Wd rin_in•: iu i rl •nt t•i! it 1 I •r • ,• at %.3••••••• I afar ris Rrm.•dh • • lion, li MEI H • 1 -, " 181 For rotor natura: '4 . 1;14. 4P, 4.4 irr •. • 4-rt v , • A- ...- - 11. , Jr1- d. Lei! hyu-.• r.• t'w wh,r, frr avt , l; hut -.101 hy in! gr , rxtli of Ilair I • I. . •!, it . oci•ii--1 , 11:11 n so- % Ili • • from t ,r l\ ooll , ,qllently h -- rr , toraHon v tlil :trrk--ts nou of • • II • 1'r:11lr.C . 10 , 1: •-• I t 4) tilt' II tit', ti \ lott, hot 11:u-:n .• I :11.•r , •iy for a lI \ c.tu • 1 • ~, - • iwithor 1 , !“ . 1_: , C.1 •_:!\ 'Hz 1,1,7 •, .1 a •,4rat,f Prepared by Dr. J. C. ' PraetiCal 111111 t.t,t) t LO %YE". L, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOi ttit un .If r . of menus 11. 't..• avh, er al•erient. , r exeelleni I • Reing pu , .'` - table, the, to , mercur, • " rat w hate , .. merlon> , •1. ••••• surrerten; s • ' ed Lc U.. • • alol every family 4totild have them e I,:w them proteetton and relief, .when Lung experience has proved theni to br ' sure -t, and heat of nil the A.M. n .u. the market abounds. By 6100.1 paritled, the eorrnptii.. , . 1,4) expelled, obsdrtietion. I, hole tinviliner, of lire te-t0 , e.1 act!, it . Internal organ. oho 11 • and are eleaii,ed In • • ' dtinulat,,l int,, actr..ll 'L1. • 11.. L ... • . t. clianged nit., health, the , alio. ot o • %%luta te.•kone.l on ths , 4.1 WWI 111a1,11:t 111` 1..,1111111i0d. 9'h... twte. them idea-ant te take, :ow e• , • - •*'''' to tut , loam pairva Im ) • that the, are er.•tv f I, and u. .I.lthonzl, ...carrion.% the, .51.• toii.l 11116.11 i‘i Fllll .11fl,•04111, are 1....11 Ott .'" 1.,0‘. 111. W 1.. 1.1.1• Ilrrn t •te toot for the Colton toz • . :oj,l ,1: i'iffs rapid!, — For Dy•pepaia sr It:Ott:l...tidal , 1.1• 0,- * no.a. Lanwuor Los. t o ettt.ti , -houla he taken moderate: 1.. •1v h, and restort• it. health. Cole to•. 1 t. For Laver COMplistusai..i I "3t-, Hiltons Illtradarke. ache. Jaundice or tb: roan Wicktiro. 14 100. COlit and Ultima re , ter'. ii ' • bo judwiondy taken for_earti I.• • , aetion o 1 remove the ~t0 t e,,,1,0, . • For Dysentery or Illiarchcra, ' ' uuLl ,1”-.. {.• 11,1111101 I l'ui Fur 11:01111. Grace irisailou of 11111* Heart, Pain %air. Hack roll Loin.. the, -11...11.1 `.. ••'... toilisly taken, as repure , l, to etilloge tto • 1 to non of the sy-lam. N 1 al, t.. dizappear• For Dropsy and Dropsical noellinp the , -tumid lie tOken lanes and fre.inent I to produve the eltreet of a dra-tte tot ~ze For nup oresaion. a larFe 1 . 1 L'l. a, it produces Uie rae.t " • pathy. A , a Dinoer. Pill take one ,r r.n. 11 101 11 ,, te diee-tion and relieve the i ll Au ovea.ioual dose gtamulate , the , 1 . ,, ‘ eta. restores the appetite, and itivnr,oral , ^ ,, - . ' tv'Y stem. Hence it la often advantage9e• nn merlons deranl 41 ement existi. One te,,e.. toiVrality well oen llnds that a ~e v't ./•t/is makes him feel decidedly better, free , cleansing 11fu4 renovating effect on the apparatu.s. ,Jan 17'7?-~Y Dr. J. C. AYES 8 co., Practical Chrmisto LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A • mu SALE BY ALL DRVGGISTS EYElntr 4l E l} " 0ct.4,1y. We Fir I.llankr. Bill-heads, Carle,.' I ri neat!, execuetd at this offlce. Medicinal. 2. UP .if . • t! .1(!. - 1,11 MEE It , 11. f),. - r H•• c• -a, K and , rnisrAnfra) BY IZE
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