IP • " ELL A 7f T. • surisafetion,ofiusUees. At the regneat ors number of Jus-_, bees of the in this county, we re-publish the act giving criminal Jurisdiction to Justices of - the Pew% also the supplement extending .the same to Beaver county. Justices are reminded that the sections as num bered below refer to the Pamphlet Laws of 1861; AN AV! TO Cla.kNOlr. THE MODE OF CRIMINAL PROCF.EUINGS IN Es LE AND UNION COUNTIES. SE,criox 1: Be it enacted, dc:'‘ That the several Justices of the Peace of the county of Erie and Un ion, be and are-hereby authorized to hold monthly courts, with Jurisdic tion to hear and determine , in the. manner hereinafter provided, the: several offences and misdemea** mentioned In the thirtieth, thirty first, forty-fourth, forty-sixth, slats-- ninth, seventy-second, ninety-s et enth, one hundred and third, one , hundred and twelfth, one hundred ' and fortieth, one hundred and, forty.; eighth, one hundred and fifty-second' sections of the'act of the thirty-list day of March, Atm Domini one housand eight hundred and sixty, entitled "An act -to consolidate, re• vise and 'amend the penal laws of this commonwealth." SF,C. 2. That whenever any per son shall be brought before a justice on a warrant issued by said justice, founded on the oath or information of the party aggrieved,the complaint or information shall be fully read aloud in the hearing of the defend ant or party waned; and if the de. fendant shall plead guilty to the charge against him the justice shall proceed to into the circum stances (I the case, so far as he shall think best for a proper understand ing of the defendant's guilt, and shall proceed to pass sentence upon the defendant, which sentence shall have the full force and effect of a sen tense pronounced by the court of Quarter session in like cases, and the defendant shalt be committed to the jail of the county until the sentence be mmplied with. SEc. 3. If the defendant shall plead not guilty to the offense charged, and shall at the same time signify his de termination to be tried by a jury of six, before the said justice, the jus tice shall make an entry to that ef fect upon his docket, and the defend ' ant shall thgn enter into recognizance with good and sufficient surety or surieties, conditibued for his appear. anee before the said justice, at the ensuing monthly eesiden, Rtl4 not to dowrt without leave until illsehailt-, ell according to law; but if the de fendant shall not enter into such rec. ogatz,ance as aforesaid, it shall be the duty..of the constable to keep him or he safely, until duly discharged by course of law, and in either case the justice shall proceed to the trial ajthe cause, in the manner pointed odt In the following sections of this act; but if the defendant shall not signify his or her determination to he tried be fore said justice, the justice shall pro ceed with the said defendant as if this act had not been passed. ,SEC. 4. Whenever a defendant shall signify his or her determination to be tried by a jury of six, before the jus tice of the peace, ....fig-any-oL.the of fences of whichlidosticoiK,thrilowe shall have jariadiettit'il-tifOt*ne, to the provision* of-theTfinif'eetlonlit, t his act, in the manner • pointed ,out iti the faregoingleCtlnn E thetlickitugo tic* upcosnett Wt. ~tby,.re+ (mired to -ccoftft_t,W ewe to .th 4 ensuing 113(1134111 94411,4611.tgr, jaMe a venire, any eonsiable of the proper-beton* -eity. or town ship, where the so muse is tiv, be tried, commanding him to summon six good and lawful men, citizens of said township, city, or borough, and having the qualifications of electors therein, whoahall be in nowise of kin to either defendant or complainant, nor in any manner interested, who shall be ehmten as follows, to . wit : The justice shall write In a punnet the names of eighteen persons, from which the defendant or i h ..9 agent or attorney shall strike one name, the complainant or pweeetitor one. and so oil alternately until each shall have stricken six names; and the remain ing six shall constitute the jury, to be and appear before such justice at the time to which said case shall have beep adjourned, to serve as a jury for the trial ofsuch cause : Provided, that in case either party shall neglect or tefese to aid in. striking the jury as aforesaid, the justi& shall strike the name In behalf of such party. -- SEC. 5. That it shall be the duty of such constable to make service of said venire, and to return the same With the names of the persons by him summoned, at the time, appoint ed for the trial of the cause. SEC. 6. That it shall be the further duty of such constable, to be in at tendance on said court, at the time appointed for said trial, and during the erogre sof the same; and if by reason of elndlenge for cause, sick tirs or other disability, the persons whose names shall be returned by the venire., or any of theta, shall not he enapanneled as jurors, the said constable shall till the panel from the bystanders, asie done by the Sheriffs, in the court of common pleas; and the said constable shall he allowed for his attendance on said court, one dollar petday, to be taxed in the 1411 of costs ; and at the close of the trial the Am shalt tie conducted by the constable to some private and eon- venient place where they may detih eratetv and without interruption wnsult upon their verdict. Sne. 7. That the competence and credibility of witnesses, the form of Abe oath to the Jurors and witnmses, and the constabe who shall wait up on the jury, shall be the same as in the trial of the same offences in the Court of quarter BROOMS, and the jury shall have the same jurisdiction and control over the payment of costs ; Provided, That the county shall in no ease be liable for either the prosecutor's or the defendant's bill of costs; and the justice, in ease the jury shut', by their verdict, di rect that the prosecutor or the &kit dant shall pay the whole irs , any part of the costs, shall ..proeewl to pass sentence accOrdlngly, and the party who shall be thus eeateseed, shall be committed until %he sentence Nyer y peed with, „. --ocruSive upon elf SM. t.,Vitlot•fact involved there ttrlind uo writ of certiorari or of er ror or appeal. shalt be allowed for the review teS each case of fact so tried by the jury, and- in ease the proceedings shalt be removed to a higher court upon certiorari or other wise, the dlatrictattorney shall there after conduct the proceedings in be hallo( the commonwealth, and his fees shall be the same as upon the indictments formed by the grand ju ry} to be taxed and paid as the of costs of the case; and if the proceed ings shaft be reversed , on any astir>. rari or writ of error. sued out on be half of the defendant, on accoun t of any defect In the statement of the offence with which the party is charged, the' court shall send the proceedings back to the justice ft% a new trial, and direct the district, at torney and sworn to bythe proseen . tor, and thereupon the defendant shall be required to enter his plea ta such amended infartnation.or ace.u satian, and thereupon the new trial shall proem' before -the junk* as on the former meaning. SEC. 9.That whenever the Jury shall render a verdietzfrollty, the justice' rhall proes?ad to pass sentence upon the desmaut according to law, arid with the like effectsas if the defend ant had plead guilty or then convict ed in theeOurt of qu arter sextons: and any sentence of merit which may _be impOnsei ti ly b e in. dieted in ittellat i t, e c oun t y; and *II the Um shaft be fund culleutfal the sad paitt; the school of at hOOl to the offence was eommitted. In which and It shall be the duty of thejustice to re ceive the amount of the fine and pay It inki the treasury of the proper dis trict, end any .neglect to pay the same as aforesaid shall be COnsblef ell ayniadenistaner In office. / SW. 10. That in allcows which shall be tried by JOY u ir ,„* "ff i ce t provisions of this'acr, tinnrl7,,_ en the peace trying tbeingrae, s "c` titled , to a fee of twallm'arei and each jpror shall be entitled to fifty nts AV to be taxed as costs. ce ter , s Er . 11. That w hen any person ( s h e lf be summoned to attend as a j o nv.,,andehall fail to attend at the time/nd placespediled the, venire, havin no reasonable excuse to as sign f rauch a failureevery such per son shall be fined in any slim not ex ceeding ten dollars, for which fine the juatice of the peace shall render judgnient In the name of the com monwealth, and Issue execution thereibr, and when collected shall pay_the same into the township, bor ough or city school treasury, for the use ofthe common schools therein. ELIsHA W. DAVIS, avaLer of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY. Speaker of the Senate pro tern. APPROVED—The firstday of May, Anna Doinial ono thousand eight hundred and sixty one. A.Q. CURTIN. An Art to extend to Beaver County the provisions of an act entitled "An Act to change the mode of criminal proceedings in Erie and Union ' , aunties," approved the first day of May, A. D. 1861: Sgertox 1. Be it enaded. - dx., That the provisions of an act entitled "An Act to change the mode of criminal proceedings in Erie and Union conn ties." approved the tat day of May, A. 1). 1861; be and the same are here by extended to the County of Beaver. Sc.s 2. That !n addition bathe fees allowed Justices of the peace in Sec tion tenth of the act woresaid. said justices are hereby authorized to charge one dollar and ti ay cents In all cases which shall be tried by a Jury under the provisions of said act. WILLIAM ELLIorr. Sj.caker of the Mouse of Representatives. JAMF24 S. RUTAN. Speaker of the Senate- Aeptcov ED—The 21st day of Feb ruary, A. 1). 1872. JOIIN W. GEARY. -- - . ...- WHIPPING IN VIRGINIA. Exercise of the Worst belie of Bar barism anti glarery—lino Negroes .Receire Twenty iVripea Each —Hole the Operation war Performed—.4o - indiferencv of the Offender:— An Er-Hangman Applies the Lash. A Richmond, Va., correspondent orthe New York Herald, writing of date June 15th, give 4 the following account of the whipping of two ne groe4 in the yard of the jail attached to Henricocounty Court House: Two poor degraded negroes were subject ed to the punishment of the lash at the whipping post, for a small theft committed in the county. The names of the victims to ih44 relic of medieval barbarity and tor ture were B. Mosely and Benjamin King. both honored names among the ; chi valry of old Virginia. They were sentene ed yesterday by the Court presided over by Judge Minor, to receive 1 twenty lases eitch on the ham hack. well laid on. The morning papers announced that the whipping would take place at ten o'clock. Your cor respondent never having witnessed :the operations of that peculiar in vention, the whipping post, was on at the hour and requested per iniFsion to witness the revolting Itlieetacle, which was granted without 'hesitation. When I re:ached the Court House I found the Judge there, Surrounded by some half dozen dep uty sheriffs and Court House loiter ers, such as are always to be found in the vicinity of every temple of jus tice in the land, from Maine to Tex as. Judge Minor is s very youthful and handsome Irian, with an empty sleeve, having lost an arm in the "Lost Cause." HP was examining the scourge which had been prepar ed for the lOcession, and discussing its merits. I t was simple April of heavy harness_leat her, shout thto feet long and two inches wide. it was nailed into a small pine handle. This was the whip. Deputy Sheriff Walsh was selected to execute the sentence of the law in this case. There were only six spec tators in all, and they were members of the pre...k4 and officers of the court. The outer iron gate was unlocked and we entered the inner enclosure of the jail. Deputy Walsh carried the Rtrap, the instrument of torture. while another had two pairs of hand- cut fa, and a third atotxl by to count the blowy. The door of the cell, all iron grating, watethrown open, and one of the negmeß, TIIE TALLEST WAS BROUGHT Ot'T. He was clad in rags and horridly ' filthy. This was R. W. Molly. He is about twenty-five years of-ilee. over six feet in hieht, powerfully huilt and attune and monocular. He bad a dull and stupid countenance, semi idiotic in expression, and look ed around with an air of stolid indif- Orem*. He was perfectly obedient to command, however, and al thotteh it was reported he declared that no white man ahnuid whip him he offered no TettifitAlWß. Deputy Walsh took him un to the grated door and ordered him to put his hands tlimmeh between the bars. This was the wittppine-past—the substitute rather. They have a reg ular nne in Chesterfield, the adjoin ing county. litasely put hie hands through, and they were secured by a pair of handcuffs. One of the depu ties then said to him. Jrwr stun' I - 0178 EN - F 2.1 AND GRIN, and you'll not feel it at all." .This deputy was really a kind hearted man, and really felt for the Poor fellow. Indeed they were all full of sympathy. and did not at all relish the beastly hnsineas. The hack woo then hared from the shoul ders. "Ready," mid Walsh, as ho bran dished the scourge, Count the blows." And the first - fell with terrible force on the bare, black loins, turning thern almost white. The poor vic tim squirmed and w-lom Os in shran>rehut mow after blow fell back. He counted them as fast as they came. as he writhed and seemed to be on the point of cryinT out when.the twentieth was called and the deputy desist ever Relied not whicnperect, how , nor did he tremble in the ?east from first to Last ; but he evidently suffered the most intense acoity. lie was freed from the gratin and al lowed to put on his clothes. OFFENDER, NO. 2 Is n'ftrlxPETP There was only a 0%04 refer ra i s . sinn In the performance. when the curtain was ring twine the next act. The other neve was broueht out. this proved re be King. He was quite a dwarf In stature. apparently few than Bye feet high, and about t wenty-dve years of age; compactly huitt, stout). and with very thick beery African firma. Hia rounte nance seemed equally idiotic in ex. Invasion. lie did. mot speak a Word, but put his hands between, the bars and allowed them to be fistened with the handcuffs. His back was bared in the manner hefiwe describ ed, and the operstion began. The little fellow bore it well, hut his face was horribly contracted, the twenty lashes being well laid on. The little one was then cast tome looking very sheepish, and made some remark. at which his companion larighed,and the show being over for the, we left the jail yard. This is thefirsti ease of the kind in Richmond since the revival of the whipping past. Judge Minor thlnkS it a humane way to deal with small offenders, but others say it is not on ly cruel and barbaarere. but disgust. ing, If not ridiculous, There Is same. thing solemn ana_isivirmilve'aboat an execution either- by- hanging or , shooting, but the whipping post has not one red eamto ftuanhy. The IiMIIM=II!EIMEi ' n age add It was him* time, and go send them tO jail would be to de. neve the farmers of their assistance ht the field. It may become mm mon here, but it cannot fail to have a brutalising effect upon thaw who witness it or those who inflict the de qlng punishment. It Is lsnrpris that Virginia, which boasts the o est and best civilicatlon In the Med States. should cling to this birbarous custom of the days of sla very. She seems to be fond of her relics. no matter how repugnant they may be to Christitmlty and civilisa tion. - Rowell & Co.'s Advertisements. w &mg! rqa urn A. 3 ED MP' 07 JAMES FISK, JR. Contains biographic,' of Drew. Vanderbilt, Gould. Tweed. dn., with a Ananclal hbrtory of the min try for -the lot Ibretyranp, and what Great knew shout "RUCK FRIDAY." Over MO pages. Ad draw New York 800K.00., 145 Limn Meet, New York. KANSAS REGISTERED BONDS Bate and3Frotimble Investment Bonds. dome of the wealthiest counties in KANSAS—AIta., An derson, Ftentriln, Johnson and Donglas counties , . Registered by the State of Kansas. interest and principal paid by the State Treasurer. The bootie pay I per mt. I nterest . and are over three years old, the connote luring been always regularly and prompt, paid. For acattstice end informa tion, address tiklitTEL A. tiATIAIRD it 83 Wall meet, New York City. NO MORE ILITESSINC.2 itIT oat 07 STONX FOUNTA WAISEIERS. Retail price. 11.50. STONE & FORD, 639 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Send for Cfrenkr. sl 4 oooPor any ake of AM Log. It.ctlng, or Cricerideb Plies :that DE MN (i's Pllp lieto , 4l Mlle to cum It Wino pared expresolyr to tore the Piles, and uolking else. Sole by stldrugglets. Prim:4ol.oo. tk," Tliß BLOOD ItL • SNfi•S with rucket•llte violence to the bend. cau•btg hot numhea. vertigo. and dininean of Muhl, It to a certain *lgo that •alubrtou•. rooting and taloa twiny Istialivc I. neqnloal, and Tann a Err Lev Eaegfrr Sxt.rug A ntittavir rhould be at once refort.l to. BOLD BY ALL vitutilditcrs. A GENT. Wasted. --ACCI3II , mote more 11, muuer at work for 11• than at anythlnz rlrr tizainev. Bud pormsurit. P.rticulsru fr.., O. STursom & Co.. Pi.. .4rt Purt• land.. Valor_ e PIANO CO., N . Y. PRICE e 2 90 0y . No Acente. t Denier. free 411 OaGANOIC LAW OF THE xerariest— couditioss which impair vitaitty—posltive and negative electricity—proof tbat Ufa t. evoked without union —effect of toll-teen— tothaeoce of mat and phosphor.s diet— modern treatment of pelvic &Prowes s stricture and varicocele, en l rest of development: ten lectures to hi. private class. by EDWARD 11. DIXON. Y. D., Fifth seenue.N. Y.; Rt pages. 9.5 cents. "Every line from the pen of Dr. Dixon is °retest value to the whole bazaar race." —!orate Greeley. el BEAT MEDICAL BOOK of Metul jkl.owletige to all. Rent free for two Menlo. A ddrer. Dr. 801 l r A 1311; Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio [ 19:4w. TH k: It 10,-4 'T DRESS GOODS Lr• Goods ,at 4) min ri Whol to is et 1 e It .1 - 11: #ll l A I 1,, A If. ERWIN 8 CO., 172 afid 174 Federal Strebt, Allegheny. A GREAT STOCK! A VARI6 STOCK! it() t on THE DVCLINE. 140N1F4 ClV'rutp. Most Remaliable Bargains GOODS SHOWN FREELY. ROCHESTER = SAYINGS BAH. JoRK V. U.DONALII 060. C. K J H. J. SPITIMEILtkish'I SPEY En.E4 ar. 111cDONALD Deal. In ex. haniee, Coln, Government &Tort tie.. tae on All aceml.ible point* in the United States a d Canada. reCelves money on depoilt stillect to kherk, and receives time dew,. its from one dollsiiind cmwerd. and ,Uo*s inter cot at 1 per rettiL.-By-ino• sod rules :tarnished free by applyiug it the bank. Bank open daily from a. a. in., till 4 p in,. and on .Saturday even ing. Gorr Gto P ollork, We refer 'by pert:m.oor L. B. OATXAS &.1. S. It VTI Ammo, Scamoua cooreo. B. J. Cno.s S. Cot, We. KINN LDT. SNIEDILS & W ACV. Jona SHARP. EL & RANIAES, It. B. Lzoiku, A. C. Arnrr. l'asnitsairsr. lirsrforfal P. B. Wilson. :'!" Bass.. Pittsburgh I's IFJOL.I.A4'.IIPON Foundry 6: Repair . Shop. 'laving been Sagami In the Foundry Ittudnerr for more than tiryty year.,—during %Math time havens:Ml=l3M* a moiety of weird patterne, emotructqdr model:, and toting out patent, for Improvenverir on COOKING STOVES —end after hailing thoroughly tested tber.e Im provements, I pel warranted in offering them to the public. ;. VV . - its 6S 3' IWNSTEILIII kite es No Pee foe Mb Liman') . strevas. Stores of 1)Ill ir Styles for Unsling and Cooking Ttte attar lifpultraft Store Bat the beet laseurd of auy Stove ever offered to this market IT T,:irat LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORE. BEST BAKER, MOSS' DI JR A. 11. LE TOOP,THER T/I E E T STOVE IN UsE la esrauoettojt with ate more l bast, gni Up a Fiteto, iii ICFSI•itiIICoNf WOIPr spliiclt nocuities little room, an fu e l, nod is *ll liable to wear Out, (napes mos with all :ilipe, can be put On or taken off at "any Iliac &minute to suit all stoves of any size .is patteru. Five Oundred Portions Who 1144 purchased and used the GREAT REMLIC MING STOVE, matt of wle names have been publiab. ed in the Amity'. WV confidently referred to, to bear altness of its superior merits as a coolutirsiove. wpm h Iloorteii *et aw auto" op bowl. ot rome pow cl er capacity. wary are aid to the public alcrearosable rates. Joa TIIORNTLICT. sietEktr. 7 CM MEI 0ar.29-17 I=3l ==Z== WE fliffilf N=l9 Macella Attractive Stock! JOSEPH M. Mc Quillen Minding, ad We Studiously av Fancy Dry Goods : Tbi Latest Novelties in FANCY DRY. GOODS, .1 A PAN ESE SILKS, JAPANESE PLAIDS. JAPANESE LINEN, FANCY POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, TRIMMING 'ILKS AND SATINS DOLLY VARDEN PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, P. K's. an,l Light Fancy SHAWLS S, SCAIW.S NEW SPRING SKIRTS; NEW WHITE SKIRTS; LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. DOLLY VARDEN SEWN& Bustles. LADIES sr MMER SUITS IN WHITE }N, CROQUET, and other New Maier jOS. M. M'Cit Jinn• 1 Ani R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF LATRIM' TUZ WOUST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reamthls ad y ..r.tiserra ' treed icor oue SITFVER WITH PAIN. farmers MIAMI RKLIEP IS A (TILE FOR llvrizy PAIN. whe the Ant ark 4 _ _ -- The Onl Pain Bernetly that ilusently stops th i s , ost excruciating paint. &Rapt lattammattoria, and cum conge.thma, whether of iAngs, 13toatacti, Bowels, or other glands or organs, li=tO n NE TO TWENTY itINUTES„ No matter how violent or exeractaLltirthe WA the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Crippled. Ner. coos, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may safer, RADWAY'II READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. • INFLAMMATION OF THE , KIVNEYs. ' INFLAMMATION OF TIM BLSDDEIL INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. coßozwrium OF THE LUNGS. 6011$ TMLOAT,_DIFFICTILT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF TUN ILKALT. HTSTEDICB. CROUP. DIPFITHEICIA. CATANaIL /N FLUENZA. lITADACILE, TOOT/MC HIL NEURALGIA, Rzsmirism. COLD MILS, AGCY. CHILI* The appllcatoo &Doh 11.0 . dy Relief to th• ran err parts whets the pain or aiMculty exists will afford ease aed comfort. Twenty dr,po In CRAMPSer of water will In s Maw mamma Curs tiPAIDIrIi, SOUR STOMACH. HEART bICK HEADACHE DIARRHEA, DYSINTEILT, COLIC, WIND IN THE DOWELS. and INTERNAL PAINS. Traveler* should ;away*earry • bottle of Ra 4. way% Relief with them. A few drops In water wi prevent aleitsess or pales Ikon change of water. It IS better than Frftek Dramt7 or / 1 4:4 ,3 • Mbuntant. BEVIES AND ADVIL TITER Alt D - AGtril eared foe any cents, There Is-not s rennedlal agent la We world that will cure Vow and Ague, and all other Illshuinus Mous. ="I•nbold, sod ether Ferrer. (sided he Arts_ FILLsk so quick as RADwArs RZ&DY Awl?. Fifty cents per bottle. bold by Drugglits. 'HEALTH ! -IEAUTY I I STRONG MID PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE Or FLESH AFL WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION CURED TO ALL. - DPt. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS %UDE THIC MOST AsTONI/5111240 eV RES ; RIIICIE, So RAPID ARE THE eIIAIV&Es THE ROM UNDRIRCioEs. UNDER, TH_F. t!4: YLITEHCZ OF THIS TRULY WONDE.HFUL MEDRILNE, THAT Every 011,y an Increase in Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THAI 0101.14.T the BLOOD PLIBIPLUB. i.rert drop en of ue SARSAPARILLIAN Rt- BOLVVIT eneleates through the Bleed. fltweak Urine, and other fluids and Jokes of the s pi es" the ingot of Hfe, for It repairs us wastes of the body with tiro and sound material. Scrotal:. Bradlloyeow eamptien, Glendular diessie. Ulcers to • maned, a ttigiq E) `rte the gam and the trona forms of Shia dlsenser, Empties", Neer Boma, Bald Reed. Bag Wens, Sail glesens, rojelpelaa, Acne, black 6 yds, Worms • I. the Flesh, Marva Cancers in The Womb, sad gli weakesing sad- Waal dwatalges. Net S.lzts• LaM Sparta and an waxers or the It e prtnelphr, are laity Yea curative range of tills 'wonder of Wat ers Chemlatry. and • few dsell lane .111 prom to any paw:seeing It foe ether of these bows of disease Ita_poteni palest I. mire them. does the tiarsaraanatars R ItUOLY WRIT *Teel an known remedial agents In lb* rem of 1 ltrnle, Scrofelous„ Copatlintional, and nktu but It le Vat only positive cure for Kidney & Bladder Complaint*, Urinary, and Womb disoses, Grarel, litairtee, Drop", Stoppage of Water, leeonthlence of Urine, igt's Idgease, Albtuninuria, and In all awes where there are Wetting depodta, or the .111e1 IS Mkt cloudy, ertzed with eabstancee-ilke the white of an ege, or threads like whits silk, or than is • onettdd, dark, hlkone appearance, end white hone,doat dr POWS. and When there la a pricking; brook/It NMIs• (lon when passing water, and polo In the Britoil of the Back and don* the LOMB. Price. nOR . SS. -.. The ally kaolin and sure Remed y Ng art Tape. etc. Q Tumor of 1$ Years , Growth Cured by illadwars Resolvent. Itaosoos, bleed, J.ly IS, II.& u.lltaoWat :-4 bove bad 0.1. We Thome I A the wrestles arttl.beerels. All the Doctor's said "thete .or be help for 1t.." 1 trio* warp Waft Ittor ti reemosordal; lot Dolitlbi ludArd, Pl. i ye. Iterrieeet, sad Quereht 1 weed& rt 7 It , bat bid fee NIA to It, berms I had waned 1.. twelve yew, I toot els bottles the ttienDrel, and rote box of Bodensee PIM. ad toe battler of year lieedy PAW • sod there Is rot stem of femme to he sorb .1 fellow' I feel order.', mid bender rhea 1 bate for ferrite yeses. The word Woo, oar Ii the left side ri the bowels, ewer SO. Po. , I -rite *le ro fiethe %meet of ethers. Yes cm ;NOMA II If yew chosen HANN Ali P. =SAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly taatekaa, elegantly coated mith 'meet gum. place, par tly . cleanse. WWI strengthen. Pura replace, POs, for the ears Of all disorders of the btoms, Lira,. Bowels, Kidney Bladder, Nervous Di Headache. C Ciwitiweweaa. I Dyupe,mth, Bairn:mem, Dillon, rem.; Inflammation of the Bowels, Pile% and all Derange ment of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to affect a pottlmi mare. Portly Veritable, umeataltot no togs , cua l. ml=or deleterious druge, the Alberto( 'Tropic= ireaultine from Disorders of the DigeW.e Orpas : Cessomules, lavari Plias, Sams. elf the Bleed Is the /had. Aeidity et the Saimaa., New, IMertbera, Napo of nat. "althea et Weirs to the Stemma, Sear Snot. nem, Making oe Thew* so lb. Pit Melia Stomach, Seim. lame of ths itentsd mat Dtharalt bualdat. Flaltue• the *art, Cb ktsg sr Sellimatiag Sematioas aluse,la • Lying Moan, tameess ef Vides, Lime.. Waft brim the iSight, he. and Dail Pais In the Had. DeSeimey ef Vellememe .1 the Shin Iliad ILms. Path is 0. eedi nubs. se Hui. &mon loom IA trey elane of ItADWArti PILLB wUI erectile stem all the oberwo-oamed d ce, isorders. Pri a; system pro Boos boa. SOLD BY DRUGULBTB. BEAD "FALSE AND TR U 6." find ens letter stamp to RADWAY At (Xl.. No. 61 Ilsideit Lame, Hew- Tort. Information worth tboassurts will te Pent 71,0. A Word to Yon, Friend ! FOR GOOD coFF-ES, FOR GOOD TEAS FOR GoOO sUo,►lts, FOli (4001) Sf'lO.ES FOR GOOD *FLOUR FOR GOoD FEED FOR GOOD TOBACCO Folt Git()1) CIGARS FoR EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE Grocery and Provision Line, AIID AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT t BEAVER tilt EIAEWHERF G 0 To S. SNIT zk co.•fs. ad Street, ItEAV:lit, PA. jAti ty James H. Rankin, DEALER Vi HOUSE RUBNISIIIIIII GOODS. CETTLERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Japnnness and Pain Fine Ware, Went nvnnvlticso NteXss inV van H OUSEKEIEPERS. Call madam our stock and lemony p r ices No. 6 1 / 1 SLALate 81. Clair St.) 1:1 1 3 / 3 17RGET, PA:. tto.t-1, .DAY to Linenrm Attie G ets &Card fatter. A simple with rime name sent hy m a il in receipt of Clv., liars free. Address U.B. (I.'o Co. in W. Lombard ~ Baltimore. Agents Panted everywhere. [aprl7;3m. 1111231113EZE1 T : ~ Id: Neiz4ringGoOds! Ch EERY t jo's Street,Bonver, Pa oid Inferior Goals." - NeNV MaienerY G oods: Aod NEW STRAir GOODS, ',; L , , Dolly Vnrden HATS & BONNETS, Trimmed HATS& BONNBTS N , ETS; Untrimmed HATS & BON RIBBONS, in ryttittg ..Si COlfird; F LO WE ,all the nov shades: Rutting; Puffing. In ing, & Enthroning, TOURIST ARASOI4 SUN UMBRELLA' r GLOVES and NOT NS, lIERY. r 4 RPM'S, CURTINS, OIL I,',LOTIE3. BAZAR-CUT PAPkit PATTuRNS. ALSO ADD CAMBRIC.White LINEN, DV? LIN- Ids that inny appeat during fie Sewn. 111; 1 1;‘ Y a GO!,' spic!tl, t , 0r . .._-........-- pleasee the taste, called " Tonics. c APPetiserai ~ Restorers." &i.: , that lead qi.e tiller on drunk tru e fedici enness and ruin, but are a ne, made from the oative roots and herbs California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants Tifley are the Great Blood Pultier and a Life-givine s Principle, a Per. fret Renostor and Inrigoralar„Othe STailltar C 2 ," ing off Xisonotuf matter. .and restoring the blood to a i IltYColl4olon, enocbing it, refreshing and inrig t both mind and body. They are easy of minintstration, prompt in their action, cm -41‘13 to this results, safe and Tellable to all forms of disease.' P eo N. P on can take these Bitters ac cording t directions, and remain long unwell, pro. ruled ih r bones are not destroyed hr mineral poi. WU or er Means, and the vital orgaus wasted beyond .e point of repair. Dyslispela or lidlkirestion. Headache, Pain M the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Scar Kructancms of the Stomach, Bad Tate in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, PalPi tenon if the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain iillie regions of the Kidneys and a hunched other panful symptoms _am the offsprings of Dys pepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bale will prove a belles guarantee of its merits than ngthy advertisement. lit Fo Female Complaints, in your or old, marr i or single, at the dawn of mad, or the to of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de adedtus influence that a marked improvement is soon . -piercieperbile. Fa Inflammatory and Chronic Rhintnatism and Gout. D i s s ....osia or ludiges timitßilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Disuses of the Mold, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, thee Diners have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blond, which is giherally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They' are a Gentle Peuzative as well ' as a Tonle, possesidag also the peculiar merit of acting as a pc . :mm . lW u ligentii relieving Coles/ion itithtllTlVes — fikseases• Pew Man Mislsallges Irnptions, Tette:, Salt- Reuel, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Cyhtmeles, Ring-worms. Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Easipelas, Itch, Scurf; Dtscoloraturos of the Skin, Manors and Diseases n( the . Skin, of whatever oats or nature, ate latrallydog up and carried ova of dt system in a short time by the use of these Butts. One bottle in such cases will convince the mostncledulous of their curative effects, Claim's!. the Vitiated flood ssiseneeer you fid its impurities bursting through theskin in Pimps, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find icbstructed and sluggish in the veins : cleanse it whii it is foul your feelings will tell you when. Keep se blood pure. and the health of the system will (ohne. tirisetua thousands proclaim Visimee Surat the meat wonderful lusiguratit that ever sustains the sinking system. Pthanpe, awl ether Worms, helms in the *sem of so many thousans, are effectually destroyidand removed. Says a distinguished phy. siologist Them is scarcely an individual upon the bee of he earth whose body is exempt low the presenceof worms It is not upon the bealthyele ments oldie bcdythat worms egist, but upon the diseased Tumors and slimy deposits that breed these living mcnstenseAdisease. No system of Meth rine, no street* no anthelminitics, will free the system font wormlike these Bitters. Bleehanteal atseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Morals, such as Plumbers, 'Type. setters, Gold-beate, and Miners, as they advance in life, 101 be subs ea paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against its take a dose of Weticav'S 171,ree.an EITTIASnce Of twice a week, as a Pre- Vents,. Unions, Redacts*, and Intermit. teat Fevers, itch are so prevalent in the val leys of our great iyers throughout the United States, especially ose of the Missemippi, Ohio, Missonn, Illinois. 'nnessee. Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Cooradcgraros, Rio Grande, Pearl, Ala. barna, Mobile, Sannah, Roanoke, Jamex, and many others, atilt sir vast tributaries. throughout our entire country ring the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably saning seasons of unusual heat .and dryness, are tenably accompanied by exten sive derangemenof the stomach and liver, and other abdominal very In their treatment, a pm. gauve, exerting Sowetful influence upon these various organs, issentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tiburpose equal to Ds. J. WAL KER'S VINEGAR. I)YEKS, as they willAseedily re-- muse the dark-adid TISCid matter with which the bowels are leaded, the same time cumulating the secretions of the Er, and generally restoring the healthy functions the digestive organs. Sereigista t od[tragru Evil, White Swell ings, Ulcers, Erpelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofahms Inilanctions, Indolent Inflsoinnattons, Mercurial AfEecui„ Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes e, etc in these, as in all other constitutional Dotes, WALKER'S VINZGAit BIT TICS have shown It great curative powers in .10 most obstinate anettactable cases. Dr. Watke Kalifornia Vinegar Bitters act on tem cases in a similar manner. fly .purifying the they remove the cause, and by resolving awar elects of the inflammation (the tubercular dens} the affected parts receive health, and a penitent enre is effected. The propene of Ms. Wm Kus's ll ix*. GAR BITTER, areperient, Diaphoretic and Car minative, Nutritit Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Irritantodordic, Alterative, and Anti- Bilious The Aperin and mild Laxative properties Of Dr. WALICEILrENIEGAR BITTERS are the best safe - guard in all is of eruptions and malignant fevers, their hal*. healing, and soothing prop erties protect themors of the tutors Men S. properties y`pain in the nervous system, stomach, and s, either from inflammation, wind. colic, cm j etc. Their Counicolmtant influence eats rougbout the system. Their Anti-Won:a pnripes stimulate the liver, in the secretion ofwilt its discharges through the binary ducts , and apenor to all remedial agents, for the cure of if Reser, Fever and Agne, etc. Fortify thendy against disease by purifying all its flosrath WEIMAR BITTERS. No epidemic can taknld of a system thus forearmed Directions...ale of the Bitters Ott goini: to bed at night from tall to one and one-half wine. glassful}. Eat goleounshing food, such as beef steak, mutton' chdvenison, roast beet and aage tablas. and tam islkow =erase ; They era com posed of purely limbic tagnedtenta, sad a/W illi' KS etmit J. WALKER Prager. ea • U.. 1 1. IDOBALD di. Druggists and Gee,gts., San Francisco, eal., and cor.'of Washingtoma Charlton St.., New Writ. SOLD BY ALL RUGOISTS it DEALERS aprl:;ly—to cb.2.1 IMPORTED PRCHERON HORSE [n0r17.'72.1" • ir a "Hon" war asecLop at a largo Fair held In Bernay. Prance, larch 1919, and area itepelltee tee the steatnnhin !Arm s , Kai Tth, 18112. Fla la a dark, dapp.d g r a y. L6Li hands hick and smad• 1400 N., an( ts el _ years old. will the Mien t seam at the Farm halt, Sam Carmel, Xtddlarm tp.. Co L count 7, Ohio. Insurance TCIAM. Par farther particular*, ad dre" ,jrtd./m 1 ellAt3. P. RALL. PICKERSGILL I LYONS 640., . a urcracrearas AND LOOKING GLASSES. Multei and tier Lookinil Waist% and Nture BPeciattP• 141 VITOOdI Pittilb Pa. • MiteCelicow(m4'-,4 BEANd7It, PA ow-v - 1-•1 - a - arwQ4 EOM A • 1ai.4:7:4 Z-• I We have on hand a large lot of flue finished Work, which we are selling cheaper than any other ono fn he county or State. Persons wishing to erect Afouutnants. Held! sad Foot Stones this spring, sow is the time te:get a bargain. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. We will guarantee satisfaction both as to workmanship and prices. Also tirind Stoney and. Fixtures always on hand. ritTirlo-6m ALLEGIIIIICE CITY STA.I.K-13UILDIN4 AND 'WOOD - TURN IN a SIT OP. New4a, Balusters, Hand Rails, with all Joints est and boiled; ready to bang furrdahod on short nonce WILUiI It PEOPLES, nuat:l7l Cor. Webster St. & Graham alley. $l,OOO REWARD! Al'eward of One Thousand Dollars will be paid to any Physician who wilt produce a medicine Chat will supply the %saute of the people better than the article known u DR. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser-or Panacea. II mast be a better Cathartic a better Alterativa, better Sudorific, a be4er Diuretic, a better Tonle and in every way better than ihePan-ii-te-a. No matter bow tong it ttna been in nee or bow lately ditmovered. Above all it mum not contain any thing HOT pullets veoltrant.E. $5OO IIiWARD!! A reward or he Hundred Milan will tie paid far a medicine that wilt permanently CUM o=ll , -,IIPCP Costirene.a. Con•dipation Sick or Her- VOllO Headache, Llvwr Complaint. Dillon, Dillof • tiefi, Jaundice. ltiteumaii-in, Gout plepi•palia,, Chill' , and Fever. 'rape Worm', Botta, ?ninon, Teeter*. Clays. Korey, Vain* tu. Ina Lola/, tilde and Head and Female ComjAitsiJals than DR • FA Li RNEY'S BLOOD CLISANSEIi OH PANACEA, *bleb is used more ezt.nalrely br practleing Opticians than auy other popular medicine known. Or Prewar, by P. Fannwerr's B Cm, Waynettitorm Pa., and Dr. P, Primo:cc, Chicago Price 1 tfi per bottle. For gale by Wholesale and Retail nesters, and by Joni room, Dritgriate Dearer. Pa. iy . Pi- 1 Incorporated by Act of LcOstature. CAPITAL. - $lOO,OOO PRIVILEGE', Depositors secured b at e e sten e ett .relrmir.ly, Six Per Cent. Interes Paw IU r.repobltwee en% o"eoptsiumn.. ding Principle. Prr Attention is directed to the llbernl prosts• tons for nritbdrawlng money deposited. It tan be done In tmail amounts, wrritorr NOTICE PROM TH E DEPOSITOR. MI communication* will receive prompt reply ~.. J A MEM T. BR SOY. Prrsid,nl DAVID CAMPBELL, Treasurer. luurts;rnii CO - OPE.RATIVE PiC:›l:TlVrirt."'42* ASSOCIATION, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A CYV" EMS, 110 LIAINV WAIF AND A SPLENDID HOUSE - FIYRNINIIING GOODS. ;..11111...E. AN I) SALES ROOMS, Reevs' Brick Block, BEAVER FALLS I'UTLELY May 1, Tin ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY of /E, Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets, Oct. 9, '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, -- - 5.200 00 0. NOBLE, President ; . 1. P. 'VINCENT, Vtee Pt. H. W. Wool's. Treasurer: nos F. (ittnonimt. Secretary, DIRECTORS: Hon. 0 Noble, Erie. Hon. ceo. R Dehtmeter, J W Hammond, dal Mendellia, Pa. Bon Selden Marvin, do Dun J P Vincent, Erie Hiram Daggett, do Deur Rawl, Males H Reed. do G T Churchill do 8 Southard, do Capt JEi Richards do W D Sterna, Oro Hichard . O'Brlan, do 11 W Noble; do F B Gibbs. do .1 fingletuat, do John it Cothran, do J Net do a( tiartlebta do W H Abbott, Tltuvl lie. Capt P Dobbins. do Jno Teriin. Policies isatovi at fair rates and liberal ,emus. Disarm against damage by Lightning u well u Fire, CHAN. H. COAT, A 9 t. Rochester. Pa., Dee. 'MI. 1821: 11 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. OFREit for sale the .iol/ooing valuableprop ' Academy lots No. r.l and al, containing about 9tt kuus. ITthe ou tba public road - leading Rom &Seaver to Yamport- ALSO —Academy lot No. 'Vt, lying on the Ohio river. adjoinuig tand of.Patticklinlvannoo on the west, containing about siz acres, these la* are all sowed down to grass and In good condition; the toll are enckased with good board fence*, any person wishing to purchase will please call on toe at ely office. where all necessary Information will be given. CrEO..W.ILAIiaTON. Novi: U. G. rt. limucaa..r. A. lismicart.. C. A. Garman. 1. IL IMUREIIt ft 21ers Brig/110a, it, Reaver BANIKEHEY, Demme Iti iteebingw, coin, ljusflntw. dc., 01. Collections made ow all accessible points In lb. Milted States and Canada. Accounts of bent. awe. Manufacturers and lmilvidea/s, solicited. Interest allowed on time depulites. Correa-pow, dents will receive prompt attention. Nee" " JADES R. REED .t CO., ASALLIIN yes, - CLOCKS, AND .JEWELRY No 68 Fifth Ave., P 3E 1 :171t GI Fly !As PINE WATCHES CIARIPULLY iimpArago:, m7B'7lklttri. tsameoue, „ re) c. `\ t, "WORKS W.H.MARSHAL UFACT . URE' MONUMENTS GUST-D, $500,000 Asgilrtment or NE IR reezt, I===nE 6M;=:ME=IC= MORGANSTRIIN &IR lAfroitlVlS AND 40113113 lA fAmcy qoot), ivoTtows,' Foreign& Domestic Hosiery WRITE GOODS, &C, 78 and HO Market Street aprlo 3ml PITTSBVII43II, PA SHARP & HOFFMAN, ROCHESTER, PENWA. IYEA7.EItt.4 IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, QUEENSW AI tE, GLASSWARE," STONEWARE, WOODENWA IILJ Hardware, WINDOW-GLASS, Nit LS,CI TITER Y; WHIPS, LAIN PS, NOTIONS, SALT, FISH, FLOUR, GRAIN, Mill - Feed, Oil - Meal, Lard Oil, SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, FUSE, Rifle and Blasting Powder, (Wholesale mid Retail;) EMI aaimney-lbpa aild Drainage Pipes; WHITE LEAD 4 LINSEED OIL: Dryer ,Turpentine, Wore dry & in 014 PAINT BRUSHES OF ALL KiNDS. WE U.\\•E TUE Averill Chemical Paint xe.l ri;:t(ty for use; PCIFIF. WHITE. ALE ColAntA AND Summok, Uenume, and (or sale In any quantity—by the quart, tu tin etn by the gallon 'n tin buckets, or by tive gallon key?, TEE AVERILL PAINT Bas ven unbounded satisfaction for many years in nit sections of the country, and has been in use in this vicinity about five years, proving itself to be, especially, the colors and rhales, absolutely The Best and Cheapest! Paint now in iise. Wan does not effect ►t before drying, and when dry it imam hard glassy surface; will not crack or peel le We will send Fatl mplr, card, price list and testimonials to uny person asking for the same. A 11 heavy guotli delivered free of charge to Itocliemer Lind vteinity, SHARP at. HOIFI'MA.N, ruar6.6lll. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Beautiful drelio. to highly finished Satin paper. The Iturer, ap,ortment of liktr and Stamped Cold Paper. erer opened fn the city. Di hicig 'Wow Paper Plain S. Paneled. berm Kitchen Papers all new In Deslgo. West. The hook and cheapest Wall Paper House In the DE ZOUCHE & CO. - 110 Wood 81.. Pittsburgh. IJberal Extra to Dealers. CaprlO.3w THE LEADING Notion it NI! finery louse. JOS, HORNE & CO., 75, 77, and 79 Market Street, PITTSBCIIOII, are new prepared to eAtittrit to the trade the Largest Selection to be had, East or West. to Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries, Laces, Lace Goode, While Gooc6, Hoop Skirts, thrsets, Gcnls' Fltrrobihing Goods, Hair Goody, Hair Nett+, Notions, and Small Wares. • Alpo. 11 - Vended Lino M I LLINERY GOODS Hay, Bonnetx, Flown, Ribbons, Corded Satins, Silks, Velrel.s, Crape.. 8r , of our loco Impurtation. M lowesl ruling pricer." Wuot.ea►rs ONLY, A call rollett ed. [trier., promptly aired. Retell Stores, 107 and 190 Penn Avenue. aptlOAm. roerutimeirtry. Dr. .14 aura Pay,ankidge. t. ater, 14 deter. mined that no Dentist in the r ` • - • - state shall do ;51 11416 " work better or , Ji ebear than i r he o ffer tron it to g ;Pr/ We s %se a s * the best naareytale manufactured to the Vetted Stales. Gold and all ver 1111Ing performed In a style that defies compe tirion Sath.factlon rttatzutred In all operations, or the money returned. Givelitut a trial (eh* I, POINT PLANING BULLS, WATER BT., ROCHESTER, PA HENRY WHITEFIELD, 2114 N UFA CT I: RE II OF Sash, Doore,MouldingsiFloor-boartia, Weather,boards, Palings Brack ets, &e., Are. Also, DEALERS U ALL KINDS OF LU3I TIER, LANIL SIIINGLES AND BUILDING TISIBER purchased the the territorial in terest or Mr Anders.kikowner of the several patents mvernie eertain linpmve inents in the eonstruction•and J9inintz weatherboards and linings for houses and other buildings, we are the only persons authorized to make and sell t'.e sante within the limits of Beaver County Par ties Interested please observe this. thrpenters' Nupplits amstantly Kept on Hand. 'Every manner of Shop-Work made to order. oettly . - _ LOOK HERE. SPUITIM ANDMICR GOODS„ —The tiodenli gm ed be lam to 'lnform blare/soda and the public generally , that _he has lend received s tieW fiOCk Ot goods of the leleeivetylea for SPv liltra t etritg and Stip nits wear ,widch he offers at very • GENIZRMTINS' FURNISITING GOODS, CONSTANTLY UN 14AND. Chntrtne , wade to order bn t hee Oatmeal tiottec Thankful the public 4or papt htrota, 1 hope by dorm attention to tinriuexs to merit a ccuitiroi itime the itin,4 et 4 DANIEL MILLER. tnar 44 if 4ninower., efervokwArAva. PA. litgek and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. In 15311113111FLIILD four doors above Slitb Ave. FINE tiltiffia l CIXIS, JEWELRY Optical and Fancy Goods. &a. PITTNBURGH. lgE WATCH Masse Fut this advertisement an and bring it with you. jelly MIMI SEM Chas. Hurst's I ICSITRA.NCE General Agency Office, IVEAR T. Tia DEPOT =ME Cash assett24 ROCHESTER. PA Mill Opposite' the ItaitrOod Vation. ROCHESTER, PENN'A. sprit 14J '7.1; IY C~Wora — Thin is SneJlentsarg's Space. Being eromed in making up a tame stock of Spring Citdbinc they informed me that they had no time to attend to thelr adrertis4ll;. - ED. F RUIT and alter April drat, we will be prepared to turtd.h ruptetnere with fresh hunt Lime of hest quality at Powers • Kilns. Vauport. tareo,trii BOUM. A. 44 - Lited cal and NOW Brighton Preis. ropy I J. B. SNEAD SAW AND PLANING MILL Having the latest improved machinery for the manufacture nl irgx,..c•custaroar• L A TH. &C. &C., and, isov to attend to ttLo now p r building 4is rd nd e rep Steamboats, Baitcs, Flats, &c., &C.. eetung constantly on hand a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage of the public is respecttbily solicited, Ail orders promptly executed. [aug2-ly • , Irisootkeneous. AND ROCHESTER, PENNA. 11101ary Public and Conveylaar-en FIRE, LIFE, and, AM/DENT INSUR• ANCE; "Anchcw" and "National" Lints of Ocean Steamers; " Adman ; " no d .11 21 . ion" - Erpress Agent, All kinds of Inatitinee at fair rates and !Iberia teinta. RO4l Estate bought and sold. ; Deeds, Mortgages, Artichat. &c.. written; Depositions and Acknowledge ment; taken, Ac., gke.. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States 'and Canada. Passengers booked 'to and from England, Irelatuf, Scotland, France and Germany. 2117 NA • FLUE INS. CO., Ot Ha rttivil, Cash amens. .... 46.000,000 ",By their fruits yo kuow theta." Losses paid to Jun. 1, 113;1....$21$,000,000 Outs of the oldest Lust wealthiest Compa nies in the woad. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Of New York Cast assetts, ANDES FIRE INS, CO., Of Chteinnati 3 Ottio. Cash assetts,. ~..,..,.$1,500,000 ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of PhiWl.ll)6l+l. Cash Ltssettm 4 4ver.. scoo,ooo LANCASTER Ftro Ins. Co. 4) ILa neaste r, Pa ALPS INSURANCE CO., (if Erie, Penna. Cash capital, $ :150,000 HOME LIFE INS. CO, of New York Cash 1114805, Travelers' Life & Accident In Co., Of Hartford. Conn. Cash assetts over nepeektentilne the above first class Insurance CoMptutirs,acirtiniviettged to be amongst the beat and most reliable to the world, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly $14.000,000,1 am en abled to take luminance to any amount desired. Applicatious promptly attended u , and Policies written without delay. and affair rates mud liberal terms. L00..r0 liberuity ati.j4.44 and promptly aid. iNtitHE Tr PAY' By one day's delay you may lose the savings of years. Delayayite datitierous, awl life out.vrtain; therefore, insure te ddy. bs. to-fay, I. worth two to-morrows."— quAllty, -also. I* of the utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article. alwaya proves the deareat. The above companies are mown to be amongst the beat and wealthiest in the world,— " As ye sow that shall you reap.' Grateful for the very liberal patronage already 'bestowed, 1 hope—by A strict attention to a legit. (mate tatoiness—not only to merit a conthinence of the same, but a fame Increase the present year. Mr. bTRPUEN A. CRAW is drily authorized to take applications for insurance anti retrig,• the premium fur the same In adjoining townships. CillAb. li. iIIUILST, Near Depot, Rochester, Pa. WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB THAI, PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX, Mantilacturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS. SHANG. FIA mot - WANGS. tto- Scroll Pia Whig nod Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED:TO. erl• .1 mia C. 5 Lia EC d) Cl 3 4 A 4. tr) LIME! LIME! LIME! Hat now in operation a new IN FREEDOM, PA.. SIDING, U=Siff!MM MOWS 41 ‘ 4 l O birRYPIAN HIS OWN.PHYSICIMI CAUTION. T ug Immense demand for HOLLOWAY'S PILLS and OlbaltlGHT. has tempted elve n . clOted parties to counterfeit th ese valuable medi cine/. to order to protect the public end onfeeleeil, we hallo Weed a new "Trade Mark." cotedatinz of an Egyptian circle of a aerpeut, with the Whet Ii to the centre. Every box of genuine ilotum,•„ Ptita . and Otavacarrortli have this trade mark on It ; none are venufue vrtthout It. N. Y. Cantle.ll Co., tole PropeuturA, lotaidezi Lace. Net York. & — s Cot Illustrates the Jammer 'of Using ,DR. PrEtteTZ'S t Fountain Nasal Injector' $1,500,000 This Instromeat Is especLally feet application of DR. BACA'S CATARRH RIMED', Ii is the only form of instrorro, , with winch fluid fnedicmc can 1.• razz,,,, .. $240,000 • and perfectly applied to all parts of th, site , passages, and the chsaihersor,aritle. ins eam, 111 g therewith, In _lc Ala: exist, and b o rn whien the catarrhal triwnni.,- , ra lly proceed. , The want of 'there,. in Irk at I Catarrh heretofore 412_ansen Utrzels frcea nil:Wily of applring remedies to three tn. itleo ro it chambers by any of the ordinary viettsul• - obstacles In the 'nay of effecting, cnre. la ento • o v ertu re, by ehtioh I lir 1)01a he 11, 11.1 • this in.trUnonO. the Fluid is carried by its ern raga, (no snuffing, forcing or pumping being redalrado tip • • ,• nostril in a full gently [lowing i•freatii to Dsr LOOP- , portion of the nrusal paorairr.. parred into and tip. cicalar Cleante.ll/1 Inn WI., and chanal.vr. conneee. tllerewit h. add Boos ant of the opposite nostril. its n-, Is pleasant, and BO simple that a cinkl can nun, stand It. Full and explicit direction* accompany each mstrumens. When need with ltd. instrurnent, Di Rage sCatarrh ilAtmeCly Ulm* attacks of "Cold in the Hendry b) applications Spin ptom• of Cittarrh. ache, do-charge tailing into throat. POIDeI .1i • fo,e, watery, thick tun(a. intruleut, oflemo,, In other* a drynees, dry, watery weak of sodas , C)l,,‘ eqopput4 up or oh•tr nctiuti of • rinzing in ear,. fiettrnen.. kiwk)ng and clear throat uleerati,nl , . w at.. from our , • $3,M000 $1,400,1.*0 alte•rt+! 11:1.1) tiran ~acur»e I, reatti total cation of r•. I,*r HlPti 11-!. Int•Titai of appetit.• 11,41,,,_ tvl4. ell *02,11'.. tickling ccnigii. Art: v.1,...ty 111 1., ./. any r•u..• at , nI.• nrrte• Dr. %age'r Catarrh Reined 7, With Dr. PI e reel; 11 sisal Doisrlir, I , I I, 10 n..1.111,II•1•••! bottle ~! • Lk- .1:,• !al I:1, $ :o' , r ‘. rd BRUM all I) r r.tat 12•11 Jan 17./ Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair It! natural Vitality and Color. Color, ,(•;th gloss :ruth. Th:• hair is tliatketied, falling hair (lit...Leal. arid 'baldnes s often, thozji nut al way-. cured by its use. Nothing can rest -a the hair where the follicles are tat roved, or the glands atrophy-1 . decayed; but :1.6 rrutani saved by this application, alai lilted into activity, so tla at a ti groWth of hair is produced 1.-;•:atc... of fouling the hair with a past . , meat, it will keep it clean and \ Its oa_tscasional use hill prey. frptn tartiirp.; gray or faiiin consequently prevent haldu. I restoration of vitality it an, • soalp arrests anal prevents ri,. ; ; tiun of dandruff. which is ;•• •I• cleanly anti offensive. Free •i, aleloterious substances ail i; h ita soale preparations dang•Proa4 11 tht_ boaetit but not harm it. i: merely for a 11AlR uot !ling else can he found so tie-H., ifutitaining neither oil nor n o t sod white matubric. arid 1.: 1 , )104 hair, flaun t ( it a rh lu. fre t and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fso. Practical and Analytiral 'LOWELL. MASS.- Sarsaparilla :111f) 20t•f:t1114 ,1 ••• narkalde eure! , . So mild a• to CU:111V ,•( •, •- 1.. to eneetualh ,••• -upti,.th., tit' the blot.!, hi/Lb • • (*Wit:WWI/Aloft.' 1 , • sr dim...sews titat itasti is • - In' z.i..,011 ichi 14/ 1 / 1 1, 144 141 1. 41 ,anddit•appear. Hew., many it' wi deli me Intl tlit Scrofilla, and till mNtftalotr. t • • Ulcers. Eruptions, or, • oilers if ow ,Lin. ' PoNtides,-sim- Antlminyis Piro. ftase (as, Totter. Salt Isbeinti. ,11 He!afly itingwarau, 1 !eratianis or the IL I and Li% er. It al:to curt • . Aaints. to whit It it st ttii.l 1•••! t•st ' atlaittott, ttos•11 a tititops), -Vol!' sta. Pits. Neitraigia,l4eart Peneale Weakness, Ifebility. • • 1 LetworTheisa, when they art , in ' lin., of thr wrortd.n,.. It in an ext-ttllent remorer 4tretezth in the Sprin , . By nawssn.: appetite and vi , rar of the ditre'lit.'"r , t (16sillatt, the tiepres:.ion and tb.th , s • • 4uor of the season. I•' •.n whew no .1 , people I'M better. Atilt live for cleansing the Mond. The sygtem nivt with renewed vigor and a new It 4 /11 4 4 4 /41 (laufT - It-ty PIiSP.i.V.VD Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Ck.s►Lb. SOLD BY ALL DE`VGGISTS BY/MYWKIBUr. oct.tty. vorßlazike. 8111-beada, Cads, Paters, do nest CUCCACtd at Ulla office. =MI P IN•a• L =SE =I = atirrt, lIMI vz Etter, D., Pr ,rich, FFkl ,, \ Ayer's 1. IJ, i i • AL ~t Wrl,Abit7 MEI t• 1.1 .L 1 o pm '.. r\ hair. restores r u n,• .j, ,i y I'M I Ayer's r. ~, .. 8, I 0111. U . . Lill' 11 ill! t tI • 111 ; • 111!, ~1 14,41 ' r•LIIILI% Irl ure~i.:, MEIN
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