The Beaver Argus. f. - WETAND. EDITOR AND MOrIIIETO tt Beaver, Pa., April 10lhaS72. IN our notice, last week, of the liemocnitic candidates for the Gov ernorship of Pennsylvania, we omit ted the name of lion. Wiliam Mc- Clelland, the member of congress in this distlet. The Capt's Wends, we will present his name to the Demacratic Convention, and taking into consideration the fact that several of the interior Counties have already instructed for him, they are eonfident that that body will look favorably - 1 upon his claims. JEwr.l.4,'s plurality fur Governor or 0)6 kut I Q ,No; rruijority over all 3 11 , 'Fla. Senate stitinls 11(- publicns, 6 Democratse the House stand,4l3l Republicans, 1111 Detno crats, Republican majority on joint :;ti, last year it was 24. The Republicans elect sheriffs in six coun ties, and the Democrats in two, Fair field and Litchfield, The Hartford anirant gives the following vote for Governor Jewell, 46,386, Hubbard, 41,446; Gillette, 1,526; Harison, TiE Evans investigating commit tee seems to understand the art of taking vary of No. 1, and our Legis lators at Harrisburg are not tardy in aiding them in so doing. When the appropriation bill was before the Sen ate, last week, it was found that a clause had been inserted allowing each member of .the Evans nrveAi gat ing committee $:;00.nt) extra. Mr. objected to this but it was carried desnite his protest by thetol lowing vote: arooke. but tnl•'' Ira vlnrl, I)-1 , Delamatvr. LI 11. Ftlidlny .....Naru II ta Nlntna,_ lintatt N kr+ -Allen. liilhrzlelt. 11.1% l'!.! adelptita. 1'•....U.1'11. W4lll t. Wart.:. T61.1-1(;i:\M from fitted ..Ipril ::rd. says' Senatim :lle- Clure, while not authorizing the statement that he Will attend the 'incinnati Convention, commend- it a- on. \‘hich every Itcpubliclui can attclut with con,;4ktency, and one t 1. kt may heemue a, supreme pet•essity -aye the I,triy1 , triy fruin (ieelare:l "the sy-tt•twitir ostracistil of every to itt.puillican ttio , e who •••••elii 1.. control the national ;ithitin i-tritioti, ,t -..ource of flit...eon] in the party, ttnd that he w ill et courage any meeting of Itepti . that In-k. to the dethronertiont of the orL,tiii7.lto.ri and-uric tleinort , tration to the P1111:111( . 11..11ia vrilt a`, t‘ ill compoi it to:1(.11,1r tlif.,t7t.ty anti sueep-4 of the party, - rt•garill:-- of per-on:11 inte•rest I \ \ !"i. rtint.lN wi•rt• pri , \ ;dont (Litliaging to th.• ~1 tur- . au l l'alik‘cll, to Ihi 4 \t.•iit prollri.,l 1 th it in th tt ht.dy throiezii a'rupti,m . t fid I,riH•ry. y wcre tecting thelr lionur and utlii iul ,h ll l4- ty hy declaring that nay •51itaild challenge and deneifill 'fit ininefie Rh . This ‘t Its a u i-t• alti,getli- MIMI et - propt•r tour , to ' l.llrille in the: Sllit. 4 4llllVlltiy, 1 hc Rs Legislature tooh the matter iu hand aria in-titoted ileittiry in re;zaril to the to pro cure the elect iut, of thip. , hotiorahle Sigmtnr.. Ninny Were x in4.fl, ant Ow filet eslahli.ll(l-1 that nn 1.,•r ,- ; of flu , I,t.z . i•-.l:lltiri , , \\ 11,•11 hi,-1` Nvert.• 1 "" 1 1-41lit " ith 'LIU" "f " 1 " 1 "'Y t" V"i" fIIT tin nr. The. ;1,2:110 , N 1 ii p;l'd th- 11!1'1111•. r , Will, rt.rl•l\ - are fußy -i•tfi , rtit iu Ilit. re- rt on 1 tett -tthj. t-t. Ttit• itivt••••tig.l - cuntltlt , :tc(l, :mil the 104 , tinrotty priltt44l at I:tnzt• in tthe 1:1•011-A , nt•t.v-it:titt•r•••• Sovt•ral ‘‘t.t•ls hr,t t 1•:1-411 by -lure tht• r•T•trt ,t 1 th, (*toiltWirt,r• w:i ti liiti - :tfr,).rd :in "I'1"0.- tunity t Point•ro - Cald- \%. I', t , , :t-1; I(,r n Hy*. ti_ itnnt i t!i Sul jrc t. tn-littT rnl [lu nt tn i t rlui its t 1 f viridiratt. s " th..y 11.1 11,:trrzutt: th 1.- 11..1 thilt thcv :tri , rullt \ in Unit. 11111111n11/11. 1,011 tho purit -, ,f the •-- , -int.te that the iii;tll.•r he en :tn.' the. ufTeii(ling per ilt . l :illy .zuilly of tho I.rJory pxl.4.lh•fl fr ,, in that IMO I . .1 t, it 11.. 1I tln Ir4t* id4 ,, 1i‘1114-: --ectiri , 111,4 n it'll- Iwimty" Tht- charr4.4l: 14. t 1,4 :1 0 tit , 11. M.*1.4 11 , 4 11(•I'i t'll illit nth , 1 in ilia[ t ll. -: 1 / -1 ith" 11 : If .0AI:101110- fr“ln 1 ,, tli• I,ifipri 111:111 . %" I The nln.t ruiuinrnt Ftv puhiwin- in t ; int•ti h t h.- 1:.•loildi , -.111 ' , Arty f•o -:LniLdith fltit dotinitcly .wtll4.fl Io s',II.111111•11 of .\ ;do., Li :Lod .\ I;r,•\k will heof t ‘s le r. n` the. b4,/ttirvr; I A•wk. (Ir '1(1 , 1 , 111 ;104r; ~f M. ''.lol.'luro 113uphin, ; ..44ri of I ',Jim', r p o tti.,( ) f c,rawfnni,:ind many nthor , , it attf•THl that ( . ..tiv.'ll i(111 Whilt• ti.• li-t ‘,l , lelc.r.itt , if Ncw pre wit strnm , and leadircz ntrn nc (1/.11 - rate:tynnsylvaflia ni, whit IN•hillil. Si) or rho otht.r Stato-4, it may be :-aid they tire si , ntiintz their tutt-4 pnitni lit•nt St:lto-mien tttol citizen t i ti , vale , . Let Ni hat nasty bes'aitl, it \vill enovvtlitit. of Itepublit-Jr: talcnt au I itatritti-tu not to he th-pi-441 nor t^” I -tittvernta: Curtin, it ii (Apt eted, sill -yritp:t thtze X\ Ith 1 he (InIIIZS iiitrlV nue tin Thc re'tilt of it, tleht)enttittn, kill fOr with ifltert , t. They notiv . . Lace an important bearing upon ttw Philadelphia ir.aivention. Pl - :()Fstplt IILNW; and the other scn•ntilie men vonneeted with the mittp:onion In , titute ant tht• Naylit 01,-.# , ..evatary thtve united in an inter- e,tin ,, memorial to Congre,,,, urviug the appropriation of izi, - ,n,p00 to make an extensive and thorough prepara tion for observing the transit e,f v,._ nus across the the snn, which «ilk take place in 1874,and is looked upon as the most important astronomical event that has occurred for many years. The last transit Was in IS7_, and excittA so much interest in the scientific world that several - Eum pean Governments made liberal ap propriations to enable their astrono mers to take observations. The trans it of ti. 7-1 will not be visible in this country, and will be best seen from the islands oftheSouth Pacific ocean. It is proposed to send naval expe ditions to thosepoints, awompanied by scientific parties. Is the New York Tribune of April sth may ba found a le.-tnre on Jour nalism delivered by Whitelaw Reid, which would well flay perusal. In his criticism on Arthur Help's new volume of "Thoughts upon Govern- Tricot" he utters words that deserve the profounde s t attention of any young man propnsing to himself a futdre in !newspapers: rany nut of the 'Press." he says. "enters In to c!,,se anninee with tiny great political patty, that part of the firers lose mach of tts infinenee; (or dc the pub desires the Pre.e to represeet Its views told n and tines not delight in manliest ad ocacy on behalf of political parties, Then comes the question. what should he the relations between the Press and the government. Before all things, these relallons should not be slavish on either side They should. if pOssible, be frjendly, and at any rate should be jusf.",. Thereat la y st we have it—independ ent Journalism;—that is the watch word of the future in the profession and an end of concealments because the truth would hurt the party. An end of one-sided expositions, because darpaging things must be allowed only against our antagonists. An end of assaults that are not deemed fully just, but must be'made because the exigency of party warfare de mands them. An end of slanders that are known to be such, but must nut be exploded because it would hurt the party. An end of hesitation to print the news in a newspaper, because -it may hurt the party. An end of all half-truths and hesitated lies. An end of Public contempt for the voice that barks only approval to Sir ( n - acIJ, and through all the busy marts of trade and amusement, and learning, and religion, keeps ever barking only this: "I am clog at Rely . Prtc) cull me. W hose clog are ) Art end, as Emerson taught the happy phrase, at once of official and offici nal Journali.;na—that I , the boon which to every perplexed, conscien tious member of the profession a new Declaration of Independence af ords. (*toter it journalism expands In a balanced and unfettered devel ( • 'tent; ee.ises to be une-sidtA in its views, and to he distrusted even in it, fact -4; becomes the master, not the tool of party; tells the whole truth, commands the , general confidence; ceases to be the advocate, and rist-s to it the jadg,,e. Tut: committee on Public Land , reported it bill, on lai+t Wedne:ilay to I. in the l'utt-ilay bid' We conceiVe to taw (41 the 1440 , 1 imporotrwe to this oountry of any pro , entett the ?-0:,-h,11 the prai•iii..• of llonatitig• Iluletie -1:4It lee Itailruael VI L. , 4 011 , .11,11'111 . 11i prt•Vah•ilt The hill I tuvi le , 1111.11 all arable litink of the 'tined 7,1.11/..; ...1 11 ,11 he re ' er\ - i ., 1 Irir actual not pro the nratttin^ of limited Jrties o 411(1(10 lonal internai imprf),\enletik. The prv priipti,n latct tire entirely rope: o.lli I.y the Lill. and it N provillkl that 1.4.r50i- Li...ll:lug a bona line -zettlenietit on tile. Ifotnesteall lain,-.111111 :li .. .quire 11 vit.:toil rnzlit of property in theirclniirn,whiell i-an on ly hi. ferit 101 l I.y thcir tallur;.toelini ply \v itll the condition-. of th(•,!am... - ['here 1- a -,erkible provkiori in..: the clau-e' of the 11Cinie-10.11(1 v 1.‘11:1(•1.1 -hut- lit MO) niel a+l , l comfort to the rtel.ellion front the pr, ivilrgi•-• lit. Hair. thrigirratTelt•vraph i-t and .Itiantio Cable man, da3l nr Tue-day evciiiiirri2nd. in t. at hi , rii-- idr•nco in Nii•a' York . . lit' di.rrn tidniiiited ar and -inipture iii rurope, in which it lii ranii• Init a prii'd•li•nt. While "f thy lin•ratury (.1 (In• dt:-.1;_711 in the l'llivt•r-ity nr 1,r,, In 1 , ; - .In ci.:nl,lvt,-1 f , ir electric tele;2,-nipli in,. In 1, 1 I • un a till tottkin;:. tti.pronriati , ror the eon ruct km of the first tektizraitli lint from llttitintore to \Vll , ltington. In 1\ 1 1:ty It-11, ?lie wort; tlanpleted, tt ont--tort• -ont. Mor-ft . - , y-tteni tetittlzrttpliingt proved tiv it .% eNtory n a tion in the worltl , ton;zlit II.) hint It , lflOr Ily1 • 1111 - fOrrin',Z "II 11 . 1111 Ilii`olll`. 111111 orit.trs;of titi itotiortirintii I-y ti n n.t- iEm ilf icStilllolliill iri,:ll , --',111:ili ; 911 in wltii•!t Ili . - ill ‘va-, hr•l(l. Ile (111" I ut th.• • ~1 . \\',llk-r,;•:utwri!tteniltqlt ••••111ti- T.l I r:4l(l.l•ditt•-: , , I?.Ert f+f 'To IMIIM thole_th it look:that way. Atie•ricaris ar y ~pen fr ) ( . 011 i1"1 . 11011 11J‘voys, hut 110 't 11'1)111 iron-clad iirgiimetib. The tioly Nl . ay to meet that sort of talk is sending a fleet of torpedo boats out to the Azores to give the titlieers a re—t aft r t-heir reetlit silecessfill es 1 \ the ni \t i..ti t- Lig !Wally th aiwitint ‘viii.n it The 1,,1-1, 1- ; ;: 2 1 ;1 ; i n 1,;, ) i•w r 1;. greatly \ N‘ililt;ti ail iitiliT:- , tatt.-; PI•1111- 1 :3 , 111 ,, t - c 4 ‘‘, -intl. \t 11,1. It ‘‘a, 1 1 111. 111- 1 ' 11, • 1-1 ' 111111 e ‘ 1,0 .1.1111 , •1111, 114 I\‘.' - (I 1- 'II a i,l 1 ,, 1') W:1- MEI II: illt• lic(-.1010 It 't1:1- Itc:tr;y 1 Liiipi,,oll,(iO4) lintl urnilv -wo r-r N(•rt• tiv;th I ;1- ch.t:tt 1 , . I . llt-q• ti,zurt-Nit;irly formur nntlin,tl pro ^r,,, (71 ti.l' t,,witry tlurin lltc lit,t ten .% \‘:tn ex I nn. , rdin.try itt;(l la 1 - 4r,~r:.llrlril IT xvill ht• i , ut a t tint. nou th,i) , ,i:twal ,tter' 1%, bt• "4.. t 111 pre-erit appe:ivaricf. [Aare will Inr ably u national tick et"; in the tit-14, viz, the otne t 9: bk. nominated at Cincinnati on the ist and the -Pcottil one at Phila delphia on the :411 1,1 Jun e . It i, probable that Juthze Davis of the Ctuted states Supreme Court,. and ex-( ;overran - Curt in of Pettne4y va it-la will he a oilitettctl a, tht• tin,t n , inurllelace,anel I (*.rant and Viet. Prr-ident Coltax renominated at the latter. Should the-,e ihencoiniakie the two ticke tt-, the Ito titieal will he unfathomable fur a while to a large number of well- meaning voters. Under these;circum stances we advise everybody to keep cool, read the political literature of the day closely,and watch the course of events between now end the gath ering of the chits in May and June. There is no denying the fact that a good many Republicans of western Pennsylvania have turned their eyes in the direction of Cincinnati, and like Greely and his Tribune will ex tend to the comVention to assemble there in May their sympathy, and its nominees their support. —A membej of the Reformed Pres byterian Church who was summon• ed as a petit juror, asked to be excu- Fed on the ground that it was against the doctrine of his church to co-oper ate with the Government, as it does not acknowledge God as the author of national eristance. Judge Blitch ford excused the juror. —Professor Watson. the astrono mical detective, claims to have dis covered another planet. Wed() not know how many planets and aster oids he has already discovered, but quite enough to convince all sensible celestial bodies that there is no use in hiding any longer as he traces them up and is sure to find them. The widow of Meritt, the man who was shot by the insane American, Dr. Miner, in the streets of London, has received more than $5,000 in.sub scritpions from sympythisers. This we presume, may be regarded as one good, resulting from the recent in dignation excited In England against America no the Alabama question. —timall-pox must be getting very had in Chicago. The newspapers get so enraged when it is mentioned.— When the present epidemic of small pox 'in Philadelphia was at its worst, the journals of that city would im molate at once any man who dared to say any Philadelphian had even a dictionary containing the word small-pox. —The calamity at the Lackawana breaker at l'arbondal, Monday,by the breaking of a plane, has resulted in the death of a boy named John Pal mer, Weighmaster Dwight Morse and John Clarke. James MeLaugh -fin-,' w-ben he felt the structure giv ing way. jumped over the side and laude over a hundred feet distant in a pile ofcoal tkrt, without r veiv ing any injury. —"The Spirits" in Corrinna, Me., have told a man that there is a mine of quick silver under his house. Ac cordingly, ‘vith pickax and drill he is digging for it , and so he has been f or two yea - t\+, so industri ously that lie has entered the bowels of the land to the depth of sixty feet. Nome argue with him on the folly and N 4 ante their wing ; sonic laugh at him ; hut Mill he dig's and digs, poor fellow' What a pity it is that the earth is not so construct( it as to make such fully impo-4-dble —we mean, of cour-,e, that (.4 the earth oWII - Ity 11 M:titio 111.1111:w. Dr. k, that hi. k fri...a for .1(•Itt. The na tivt•-• art• houtitiftil provitlor-1, but PX tremply f"iartin2 MINI pay-day cornt-; and, having ex hatt..ded the Ox now taking po,st. ,, init of hi. Tht•theory is ink ninu~, and \‘o• the Izond ,l,R•tur nlOll-441. anti COITIC 1):1:•k• in I IP . -Arne heat wit It good rthor, ..1 farm., though hard! in for the . prt.s ent laurtato , to opletir.itt won dia-ful I'vpot. in Irk limpid, in..l - —.‘ t which i.; hiit ititert-1 beori yn:i, , ;t )1 . r. (If the rwk vxc;tv:Ovd I,rstiliway partly miller the Convent of the Sister of Sion, higellwr with Warr( 1 , ;1 ,, a;Ze and the newly iunil aqueduct, which were part of the :men nt system of ohtainimr ter from the north. Mr. Schick has also iiisci.vereil n sermul serieF. of cav ern-, a little east of thee previously and li Is !wide a -ketch if CMIZI thy ntr)re than fifty f-rincrly -;uppliefl cril • \vim Li en to An na 1 rit•kin , wl, , 41y-; j 4 rapidly (1))- v).1))11in),); nia-ell lino way)+, whivh, tinfurtlinately:ar))not manly, nut on ly say.i the vvry line; of 11).1 . fitot. %von- intlesihle and cold. t titit rectignizi• ill the Hard jaw, rt-alo).), eye, find pall iii fata), the attractivt) huh) girl that tool; the world 1)v -torn) a few ..1)))rt ytars -lie ;;rowing old at "))), y, l 1111.Icr yrar, of 11).1) .;11). awl I-) -)ettl)4l in her niantwr-, ns if 'ra. amuld ;L,Snraii, iii•wifi.,)f .\ ti,pt of iron-clad. i- •.tittion..ll at the .Izores to await ri•-•Ult of tlit. A Inu Wt• de) not that .1 , 0111 Itnll (11!1 ..(1 fooli,h 1 , ) la , ran thin iltd/v thr art at Yanitt•e nat ion into a hack- -111 the cal,inet itieetipv Earl letter in reply toSecrola ry I'i-h w.i.4 read. 'rht. pntieulars • the letter vannot Lc a- ,, rertaitted. It kkttuwn, however, from a roll:1111P •tnrrrethat tin. letter from Fart I:ran ville in the etrirleter of ;In elabo rate ar,:ttruent :I:2;aitd the clnifti-4 of tle [lifted .estate- for indirect Murat gem. ()Lir leivernment %t ill adhere I 1.1) t, sulailittingit.:- entire ca-e,el,,M is for indirect' or cotietltien t danhuge- included, ith a %All liwites-, abide ley the (leci-ion of • tlm-e (le-i;znated by the - treaty to ef feet an adjte.trw•nt of; the difference between tLe twocountrie,.. 111 F.Olllll read a more conitortable lessagita ting prediction than this: Alphonse Adhemar declares that the earth is coverell by a deluge once in ten thousand five hundred yeur.4. Ile reasons it out in a way which forcibly impresses us, albeit we elu not in the least comprehend it. All we know is that a gigantic polar glacier, by its di-ruption, overwhelms a hemis phere ;" and to wake matters com plete, tin. world is simultaneously overwhelmed at each end. But, as this is flat to klippen until A t, 72:13, we and it' , impossible to get up the least excitement on the subject.' HERE AND THERE. tie:,t \\ • t. OM not knilW Wiwi] M ruiVE Forty - Second Congress. SECOND SESSION., SENATE April I.—The Joint com mittee resolution toAged a colossal statue to Admiral Ilitiragut was a dopted. The ease of Abbot who claims the seat from .North Carolina, was postponed on account of sickness in the family of Mr. Carpenter who de sired to take part in the debate. A bill was introduced authorizing salas of timber on Government lands in Wisconsin. A resolution was offered directing the Secretary of War to make a report concerning the op eration of 'the eight-hour law in the armory at Springfield as compared with the former system of ten hours; it was moved to include the Rock Island armory; the amendment was accepted. and the resolution adopted. The Indian appropriation was taken up and debated, but the Senate ad journed without action. llbusE.—A petition for -1,000 Cali fornlaus was presented, praying fx)r the passage of a sixteenth amend ment, giving suffrage without dis tinction of sex. Thir civil rights bill again came up, but action on it was prevented by dilatory motions,whlch consumed the remainder of the morning hour. Mr. Meicur moved to suspend the rules and pass the hill repealing all laws giVing portions of fines and penalties to informers in internal revenue cases, which was agreed') to and the bill passed. Ad journed, SENATE, April 2.—Nothinz of in tereset occurred. 1.1( l'S E. —A bill was passed making it tifklawful for any Register or Be ech* or surveyor of Public Lands, his W'ffe or clerk,to locate or purchase any eruct of public land, or, act as agent for the purchase of real estate, or for the location of lands for any person. A resolution wits reported and adopted denying the right of the Senate to originate a new tariff' bill, and moved to lay that bill on the table. The House then considered the steamboat bill for some time, hut without disposing of it, adjourned. SENATE, April 3, —Both Houses adjourned without transacting ally business of importance. :SENATE, April I.—The Commit tee on commerce reported a bill for ship-building. It provides., fur the payment of a drawback equal to the duty on timber, metals and all other materials used in the construction and equipment of vessels all kind-, built in the United States and em ployed exclusively in the trade with foreign countries; and in C:15(1 can material is used in building such vessels the Secretary of the Treasury is to pay a bounty eiuivalent to I In duties imposed on similar material or articles of foreign manufacture when imported. Executi ye ,a; adjourned, 1101' , 1:.—Resolution of vondoie went On the death of Prof. Mor , :e were adopted. The stt amboat gill wa. then pased. StiNATE, April - - ).--The I lou-e hill for the relief if ii)ettlers iin ioill lands in lowa under the liomeite.l.l art, was passed. 'rile Indian appro priation bill al -4) pas)iie(l. till \tunday. I 11)u-4:i—A hill pasi-ellatiltiririzin-..; joint entry by pre-emption 'tittle...-. The bill to pay the sailor -1 S marine who t i le-itriiyttl the Ai (llama thi it pr17..1. Money Int,sed. The army lip proPriation hill Wa- , :11111.•11(led trod I I;it• 1 one the Vainieroulun Clast;tion the are IMAM,II**II F. cprurry 01 the Pe ylvaitlu Lcul.intare. II -Tilt. It , party in thi a vote of tititt,ood. unili•r i•o-A rid a faction that c.itinot : , nut - 1 0" V I l l'h c t lion is in the fart that tilt,- faction -- called Canicron all o• dirot•ted by !•iifolk eXporiolo•ed, Whhichlll., and told tog - ctlier hy in tit putiiic p.itron.i ; 4c, a rtionop 013 , w loco Loth StAti• rttronio_rc anti hinv Niiirly every wan in tlic ~:,1:1 ;toil i•vcry 1- a Canicro ilitift; and all Nt lo) n,.1 in I I !II • rt• intvrpsteil itt pulilic.v.ork., tut , , of , ortie kind. The inter.-t- of the Csciieral tiovernitiont arc not here it; in NoW York,h;lt yet Silirh'lOll‘ to ,liclatc I,,trty merit , of Ow Adinini- , ion , any 111.1 d,• titiNolo tt party lint-,-Ltt, in thc casc I M 'hire, the now Mate !-;etiator ft - ono atli.lphia. white:ut L i k en lit protior I,, u piti ng of the tlici State. way licslapA f , w to the 1-‘t ifrunninpzilu I, t.tture 1.1.4 yc,ir: The it , rat of 1, ntih itt-tati , c ittnoutitc,l ' , Tic , .iai t,9, , ; ti.loks:7:z2,T. l. 2.:o;plc;tcr: and f ililcr- N.% 1 .- freight ni.ikiwz a fin I,', I - , - t 11( =BM half th , 4 -4tim :11.0n , prist11.41 by thi.4 -la:tire to lati.ln• s.•hools. Bon.try ittoll of the -stmr clittruct,.r tholi•gli! t aniounts an. smaller. 'rho rtrular stationery tor the I ions.. and Sonar: , anntunt.ttt t,1:,1 s those hills the meitittors wort. imitt 5P19,7'13 -; for extra pay .: stationery,et v.' and t (.lerl9i'-t•iq' the tm p.m! i.:7,5113 (it for , skationery, fuel, (r., m a king a eonthrigt.nt I..xitt.nse tti $77.- 7,12 tV.I. If only; one -tin trier ;if t was for stationary, the ‘vholo Hut! on this actstrinOva.i :t \- there are MI M.111i,(41, this tyoulil \**• e:11'11 I , Tll' 2:t in pens, ink, and paper or NV hirh an industrious ratan night -.5 . 2i) worth. Every .11.partm....nt of the I i. l Vl`llllloflt 11!'- 111;_f , Uppiieti in the siitin. manner, the Stale ism t raet.s for sta ;: tionory must be ‘% ell worth itavin.•, r. ;01). Borg - nor, CM - lit - matt of the Beputtlioan Committt.t., is the inimodinte beneficiary. Such an amount of stationery requires a t.or rt-sitontling outlay for Isostingt.., and th.• ch.trvt., for po-t -tge amount to .1i:11.1912n, which sum tilso passes Ihrough Berznor's hands. Those rhguros are 11l enor mous, and Iht Mate (loos hot stiffer very holivily,but tho showiing - is shg- Wile:int a. in.liratim; the system by which the ptilthie Is matte to furnish the int.ans for continuin44 the Camer on rule. 'This system isstYpnlenietitt-ti hy a ritgoroti , xat ion of plarcs,overy otths. in the Commonwealth ha virhg to its apportiuntal hunit•n. - peT).:VS but fir Wililtt•V‘T fair} (I , l' the Clan rimy h.ivi4 to ,•iirry on'. po‘vi.r of ;lino/ably for yilirs unilor in• nl,lO leafier, (,in harJiv he my re ~tirnare I. )ppositinn, rirely undertaken. h-s , frerusilisl. It this which excited sucligetn.l:ll intf'r• e.t in the ni.itle• •, 1. in tin. I VIII 1- , wi.tlait, I )i-- I r:t.t. : \ nil thi• lwar ty s.iii.sf:irtion in his final triumph is t•xpriszsill I v oin. fnrnitila urt Pvi.ry hand: "It is Ow ‘%orst hlo%i Lon ertiniiins ever reel The which enables defend ft; an certain eriminal cases to tes tify in their own behalf. has Iwo silzneti by the I iovernor. It providtls that in the trial of all indictmeg'ts eomplaints and other prceedin4s ai.rainst Peron; Vharged with . the commission of erimes or otTenses ttt above the hide of misdemeanor, any court of reeord, of criminal jurZi d iet ion, the - person so chare•ed shah, at his own request, but out otherwi, , hie deemed a competent witness, bit. his nt-dect or refusal to testify sINI not create any presu pt ion aga4t him, nor shall any reference be oiloe to, nor shall any comment be made upon such neglect or refusal by cod - sel (luring the trial of the cause; gip rith d that this act sltd,ll not e. ter4lo the trial of any persOn for an indPt ,ir ment for perjury or forgery. Shocking Catastrophe at 61111. • raliar—Loss of Eleven Lives—A Series of Calamities. A terrible.eatastrophe occurred on the morning of the Bth instant, on board ttie British screw-Trigate, mine, which resulted in the deatii,by d rowning, of two sub-lieutenants and nine seamen belonging to that ship. It appears that morning on ordinary seaman named Felix Bichardson, fell overboard from the `main-top, mast cross -trees; the. ship wits going Rt theXte of ten knots at * the time. The getout! cutter, in charge of Sub- Lieutenants Jukes and Talbot, and with a creW of eleven men, was at once dispatched, and the vessel was brought to the wind on the starboard tack; she, however, drilled consider bly to leeward and so lost sight of the boat. At half-past eight as a heavy sea was running and there was no sign Of the return of the boat, all on board began to feat uneasy: steam was got uP and the Ariadne went in search, sighting the missing cutter about ten Wclock, pulling before t h e wind and sea. When within about three hundred yards of the boat, the anxious watchers saw the crew at tempt to ,tei•r for the ship, %Olen suddenly 11..11f2aVy'SPri struck her,and she capsized and was swamped im mediately. The heavy sill prevent ed the A riadue, a very long ship from being steered close to the strug gling men, and the first cutter was accordingly mantled. To the horror of every one this boat, as she was ! e. ing lowered, stove In,the officers and men being precipitated into the wat er. Two °ulcers and eleven men were struggling in the water alongside the ship, anti a similar number some hundred yards off. No other boat was available,and life-belts,gratings, ropes, and„ in filet, everything that could be got hold of, were thrown to those near the ship, and they were all fortunately rescued, exi.opt the man who wns killed by getting un der the ship's counter. Attention. which had been temporarily diverted was now again turned to the:unfortu nate officers and men of the other who were one by one seen to be swept exhausted 4uto the , ea, un til only five were left. The A riadne Was then backed stern full speed, and brought within reach of the surviv ors, three of whom were taken off th cutter, and one swain to the ship from a spar to which he had clung. And now came the most heartrend ing scene of all. The fifth and last survivor had managed to float along -.A., his hand had grasped the beat falls, his safety seemed in all human probability :mired, when nature, so long and sospverely tried,colild hold out no longer—his strength faibsl !din and he fell back into the sea. - Not yet however was he viven ulc hy ltis !,rallant enniradeq. Mr. Ellk, it:wain.anil one of those who have lived to tell the tile Of the illfated captain, spranfz into them . ner and swain to the:is-Ist:nice of the tiro wn iter num. Ho supeeefloil in vettiwz hold of hint. and had liroinzht hint aloin:side, when he Mr. Ellk was -truck by a holt on the side of the shit , which was; rolliii dreadfully, and partially stunned, he wa. ohlhz "I to let Lro his hull in order to save his Own life, and the sailor perkheil. In all eleven wen were lost. Flnrn'ln' Inwrrnre . l Danger to the SUPCelli% of the Ite pistil tea ta part v iu l'etto..l . ls a - la like!, to re.iult from Riot: lisinsozentelat. 'rho Executivo ('ull] niittee 1):,vt• u'redPrt ikon in ei‘lthe iii.tHrity GT Of thP (11'10fn0/ \OM 1..) intl . ( I!I OW lOt h 14i 11 1, 111illati011.4, \VIII, poll er :tl tho ~, tine time to cast the entire itet,nl , ll , -an vote of Penn.' Ivttnia for nioi Vice Thi. !ie• -4•01,e of tins •,,uthority, whit the colotnitteetuswinsto Lrive I,y, -ay :1 rior/.4.11 of It in ENI(4I county, to ratify the action.of ina. , 1,7., \vho for the prevent, tire \‘',,rl: int!, the interior toachinery of the I,:irty. hatever opinintili the Itepti,li, ;In-; of thi• ,ev‘ entertain on the t i lietitate Convention i- to declare them (-nthusio-tically in ravor 111, , rv; In wr 0 ,... to viii' it may 1.1 . ,,n , 1inwe, ( . 11 Ihe (I,l*vites \vlietti it Tii.lV vote C..r tiu nI. Thi- NA ill pre,ent the I . ‘ Il 11 eritt 111 , 2 : -. ..uctilC/I' (Jr PeIII) , y va nia allbrOkist: crow in the National l'otivention, anti vot a , ct unit at the diehition, it way I.a, „ 1 111,11 in till' tioll. VIP Ittei he-en tt) whmt) thr ret.t . ..-4.lttation ni hilt-,• vi e kv, tti t ty ..tlf,/, be (•,,Ittitiell, ••••:,taht ( ttil ttnt:t,n, hy tru.- .Hr i ty. Is t„ uurkl a„ttrattet• hy the a itttointificitt. e ple(tHral tick( t. thy • hi. ii i:it. 1.1 ion, it r,. !train. 1“:- t ,I‘.• - MEI till 1 , .11"t . %, 1 ,, !),(( 11,1, I ' I Ti r, 111( 4 h. r ‘‘ ili i,, i'i'i. N;tii-11- „i \\-L a t Ilit'y w(,(11 , 1 (li, i it \V I,' I. ,I ri(quir. , a vrry ( , I s it woulgi r, \: cc . icy to clopowt.r It nti..ll, in :Any w,ty it till . iol ~1 ,t.vt•r:ll c re , ,11...tri. I. in right tont . t.) r , nr,- who -11:.1! I. pi. ':lt \ - In N.tti 111.11 i- ilo.:trine hivh hat. 11.1 ln c 1 1 e r t•itiler 1 / 4 ":" It Y , ..n.l utterly repn , r...te ;I- .I..ihlienit ..1 lie ju-t rU:hts of tLI. ~!.. if Ilse:' rlKt,f. can ho (till; rt. '.riolt..(l, lii may heal(jeetell fu.::cer litnitnlU.T..., or denied :din- The Convention floe, nclt represent tnt(' 1 i nr, but the rtn.l (tic tiection Io hot h the iteuple's inalienable ri;zht. Their chniee fcf 4 to the Nation:ilC , aiv..!!tion need , by the 1 h , H . Anti we thnt ell ry :Oh ulict t.) .11.• I Lind:inf . tht. }1c.1)1,!,, i :1 a urt clc ), 1 11 1 1.:Icrpr..olpt Ty and xt. , A.,,t1;(1 till. :.not -:r.•ll:4lliattic ',all V. I ‘,‘ filitnitgiii;z W. , ltar ty. .fr • ; A.: , lit ul , i , n -offuririf2; :in. ; 1 ; 11 ,. y :in. tt ith I.•s . and 1,111-0-I , Ciili d 11 thoy ti,t I , iii :41 tho darizt.r tclti,.ii y party to 1/(.5.-‘t nt HI" f•lPctioti . ., in this Stitti !H.\ t ;Ali; 1 t o iv Iv this h I..) in tile S'n!", \vloe. cour•—• in i'•e t e!..etion, i- not yet (ictcrtititA v, .11c, in thiiir c flitclit, with thc pri•-ent drift (!f political tthil,:igoftwilt in l'Ptur-y I viinia.;tre rp,t in a mood tr , he teal hy Lein tnifl that the nr.ttler i. alt arranged, and that tlwy will he efunia•ilcd to vote for the predeter mined, or "-et up" candidates. They do not under such c"lnPul sion, and.not wit 11 ,- - - tanding the stronL: hold which Pre, , hlerm i Grant ha- ulnae the contilten• e of the . peophi he ni:iy he ur 131,10 to 0/I.oln through alit plare- , :eekeri who may get a ph,ce I,n local tickets. Th sehn„ol ina,ter has been ahnod ..,onie..tinif , in the old Key.4torit`• profe-zszional politician: will flail ut iv•rhap, nit till, after they Int hroket; (ln\•n the Reim! )!knit - part, that they must consult the pouple if they would get their wntiqencemict 1 their suffrages. I li = IEiM tiv•rf, ORTHOGRAPHY. E - If woexamlno the sounds represented by tho consonants, wn shall find that, some of thom can not to prolotiked, awl that they escape with the breath instant ly. These crop, b, 1:, d, 1, and g, as in. gln; and represent a class of sounds exp/oSivex. Tho souudsi repre sented by J, I. in; 7t , r, ng, Bh, Z , a, and v can. be prolonged, and aro, therefore, called continuous sounds. Again, there aro what aro called cognate consonant sounds or elements. These sounds dif fer principally in the /miter - la/ of which they are made. They are predated by the ,auto organs, but one has some vo cality while the other Is only breath. To make this more clear, I give below a ta ble o t the cognate elements so arranged that they stand in pairs; 1. That ofp ampltat , . •.! That oft, to but, j Is t% nilIN that. That or 1 . la fan. t 4. 'I hat of r In Va.. I . 0 3 euhvotut. Or Ih In Ii ti , llt as 11Spir.11e a. Th it of Ut la thaw. 1 1.,.41).-til)via'.ll. 7 That of rto ti,t. t audilinate. 'That of dill I . I, a rillSio,ll TILa ut t ut I all a,larat ,, . lo I ii,t , ,!yth cur. ,la a That urn It ta, II 'llia( of :A 111 .111 p, 1 is an an,rll,lli That of zla .17.111 a. )Is a onhvoi..-.11 It will be (Jbser%ed that the vocal or gans are in nearly the isame position in making the sound of p that they are in making the sound of b, the same in f as ill fl as iu I, and so MI. tiuute or these cognate e:eniems are eon founded I , y some races, especially those repre sented by b and p and t, and ,L They are, also, ronfounded by seine Euro peans in their first attempts to speak English. Fur pull they say be//, fur ilain they say ((fill, and the reverse. The elements are also clttssitied With regard to the organs With which they are uttered, or formed ; and r„ p, f and r are called labials, because tiny are ("ruled x% ith the lips; ;',2,? and ng arc called nasals, because they are formed ut the apertures d the wise; sii . azure me called let tai'., lit-can-a! they art formed x% ith the tooth ; and I , 4, / and r called gutturals I,,oause they are lormed nt tho throat. of these setul to belong in a de gree Co tWi, Nfor 11/stittivv, in to av Wtql as nasal. 1 t a ill he ob served, too. that the labial sound of 1 , , Ow dental of ti, and the guttural ul g each has a slight nasal quality. fu relation to the sounds represented lly el, and!, as in I will state that some authors claim that they are com pound eteuientg, awl that ch is equal to plus and that , equal to LI plus :h. I.AL rtll inns tact and to iii•rhitlis a 11.) , ,el hut, that IL L.) proi, , Unt e au aspirate and a stithviiii.:ll in the ',tine ,yllatile. If we at pronoiiii..t. vow Lltlatl II the a...,i)irato Will stlilV.. • • I III(' N110V.'..11 Will 4S1)11 . I,r 11 is 11 , ,t at all ditti , ti;' i• , It, Wt 3 tr,' We that, I' %1I• 11l Ll , t. tu thAr t., .• • Li.. , 1 alLelir, "...It'll .1 c01111,111111.1 , ,11 1.• (Id I 11. s eit h er rf . l either apt or he. , )ilies either ..r uks. I. lt.lllll/), i n hi • Trilllllll3r,lat, 0111: I.— 1., t.:at re.l HII.. to lru 111.111 . f. 11 1 •1111.41.1: `.• •. th. 1111111.. T 1.1 4 .1 1• an. at lea.: till.— thk, 11 .. 11 I.1112 . 1.1.1:4 1. . I uuur,, I. r.• 1111111. L.lll t. art; • the pr,..l•smr,l : 111. , III•, llit•piu • r 11 , In ; l,• , ; I t't.•l It, uI .I anil ither are thc. I. 1114/1 - t. V111'441 111411 t:. • I. .!1 ' lll4 . 1 111 (lie \U , •1.1 ' • : :11111,!, till: WA A A: - jA,1,11A:11111 - 1,1 .. ..1•1111c11 .lEtt • lllpt pr.,- 11 ,, 1/111:i • It 3, I • Hit` • • , ;11:11Ai 0:AIL CA. 113, nI ' , II:, • •.% . 1Al • A ',I. Ag.Liii, In -11, di I . i i Ili)11 , In I ‘,1:; .re• Ih , •lr 11 ;1.:.1.11, t!”. ./. 4,r ~ 1,1 ( ,• 1 1/. !I : , .1i , ..Zi1t•,•11 111• I " ,, flll4 tilt• I I4•1[11.1141:1 1. , 4 . 4 :4• 1 , 1 , .144M14 I• 41 111 IS\ I 4 .yi1.41•1,,,,t, 111,104, N, 11. 4 .441-4 cr•1%444- • .1. e•l' 1,41 I,.titt the .•I t... • aroi I. 1 .1,11,11, I L t Caln t ,•I I 1.1 , 11.1111 tilirll . 4ll y. , - ‘•3l , * HI Ith j 1 ,4 • t• 1 t• H , t I “Itilo:11,t1.,11 , , .l? t•.\1',111: t!J,•I.t, 111 , IA ~. 11111 1 .1% 111 , 1.l•,11 4 , ..•r4•41. 1 4144 4 : •11! .. ! ..,1 1 / 1..1 i,i a .1. tit'', .et7'll/1 . , „ l l e,ii flee . 1/ (to ir,• ;.,,,;,, nl, ,i; l . P/i lii ueld yglit I . 1 1 ;01 , 7n u,.;( 1:1" awl Ilia/ Ilr, it (*el lot Nrile 81 . 0 , 1hiS rr,, Will' lIMIZEI r NN ; II t lt pin!j linurly, mid ' t 11 , 0 - mg (he loonixonost (out hest \, :ill .111: • 1. /1!//f/t,I ,570,•4 . 1. (HiAii in tilt' Irrn 1.111'.:1111:41. tr Uhl'. I t, I' Itundi-vd :%I•.kr , , 1 fliffi krepimi nothing but the hest t _;Ili :-.• 7th chapter ti - ri (11) , ,( , ' ( . 11(1 guaranti ring one w it i•f•:l,',l In ‘VN and In t , doin tht• Itihia, prirlS to hl as lOW (1$ the lowest, tee al—, • art ~ ' utilise,( that we ran make it lathe /II rante by t, • tat tl• .1, ;art I ble. , wan N% ittl• rex, nj im,•rhusers to look ;/[rough. da.., and ahr,irk.n t•l•afd hu.; and tnaet ottr In . itrrt )naking their xpring apti hr . ‘ rc waq mycol. II yeq,it,.. Ai, I Rr . c , l ~arn,. d c,itat un d 1./Percher..ti.N. To close hullers at whole tin 411. nen, Ir, d • v - in 11414 - Tlfon , 4•ll, and ! pfir, ten run ofrer .none xpeeig/ infiare thei , ‘l.,till; .• , ua t.bci,•ol . w ! r " )r " . Q f the 11:114..'41 .11.• I. 11 , .1, 1 IBM 7'./„r/ tl , —At• t-,,..:1•1,1,1atin,.• of ray tie I;IItHE'S 811.1 the wynde, hlev.tvat ; upon that Loess and at I. II and _ %%a, the fall of it. ,\) 1. y dif.(l r, I•t4 , Tyitrinle laved it r par' • i awl the !al:tanning. aal ,attaturar...; has taall.l/111' , 11 Nt• T , ••taciorit Nt a. 111,t p , ,1,11•••ht..1 .a and it really I. , ittitlatt•at Jame.' tr.uosla tluu -ou r i a hia‘lt ap peared att 0;11. '•.v. La alislatioti or the all ti.,' .150th lho slitilP /IMO Ihitt 1110 kW Ver , ton ,11,1, alial ha, , Psalms as ...till I. L in,•,] in i; , 1, , t (!nriltllc,rl l'rave•r now 11:ot hy ;:;•• htirch till. . I L ill the I prt.sitint• M , ,ln • 1.1 ":it• iz—dorn ,sl.• s Lovt „r ,11 -AI, Chey that I.t hi , f . “ 1" he r{c': , 11:11 /, 1,1 ,•,; ,• In a , ; n; (111 th.• t,•cit.N of 1r. , 111 !TIN' text, ..ii:%t:tbfr , 4l , with a ti. t• In Inv tra. (11 , 19...5it0r ..f.w 1.• 111..11 111, 1 r....f -rt.:1110r elq‘a/k, OW an in l • I 1 r ,11111 Mad."' " iti tlil . ~f Inc , 1.0;1 t r rilitit .1: ! !111 INN,t !!! t,l 1 . i. 1111.le II , rt •••••( ill, NN ill happril 4.Nrti Ha! \ Cr% % ,, •I r.'zll'at , ' , lll. a prw,:illlz 1,1,1 I..yr .\ 1,1.11 7. 1,:1-t Tut (141 y rte- , . ' 1•...,..,1, u a tanner of ce.n.ty, Ky., 101 ruerly IZectur of the op;i1 church, shot a negro tutineti k tged About tA% only yrar too t ing thirteen hurl:- ,h(,t in his I ,n 1.. Tin. liozro -ran onf•hundr.. , l yoril:- and 1 , 11 when TernHo \rent npto hints ttttht Hinz 7.1 e I) f the gun to hil•headataililischarg ed the othur borrt.l ;Ind blew lii, ,•. Luting 1 Silos w. 1., twain- out. Teni pie was arrested and frnar2otc.l • tritql at ,Patlucali on Friday and sat- • urday. ' , , 1. , )" , • lxiii"w r h i wt4l „ that NOTICE to CONTRACTORS.. Smit,l ”af, tleP!) Fill litgyt, , a t Vi'lll- Sealed Propt”lmile4 plt•'s liou-e an I while kindling tint s , io hi. ilat_.;:•hter's 1 , (1111 1 he u-4.41 some I‘..l.llllb. r l7l7 :a .d tt l ir . o it a ". 7l -r =3 " tt r l e a h ! P t i r o'clock, it:- ill t ing lan;zuage to thent,and after- In.. r , 1 living had ,r lA, 1 , 111 lit I Int oi lour new se ' t:ool I 11/ f rIPI.V. In wiirtkiloa-ted around of h i. S n u:;-dis o trict. I N us. 2 ':. I ..t, 5. in .aid township: iTlTiiiWil Mil 11(11 i ~ /ti with lii (2 111 . 'Mils Material, Ui t- cl: . I t t : S b e t " (ln v4 i . o n t:e e ti 'l a W nd e t a ti c r i :il h :l;e n d 'e l:; bri 04 to!cl to Temple who was nearly the builder according to plan. and stpeeiticatton,‘ (I l':i f, of a very neryou4 anti eXt7itable eh •rh 'i e s h A the i s tl: C a r rd ta 7il7 na th e e ettq a. ko l .. 5 told brick ninperament, long almost a reelpse, I boos,' near John Braden's) to consider bids. and pinning sndtionly.ppon .t...zniith th k o . ol i t ' iS m ci; ur i-R i ti m u e se d s a Ti; ';, ) ,,e.."1. - . re:( . 01 1 14 . A w i ll7s o l l slifit7llll :Halt un;:,t)vernahhjiiipulse. t. 4 .t. 5. at public auction. to the highest and beat Ili' Wi1. 4 11t4(1 in ti‘e thousand dollars bidder"' By order or the Board. tur27:3w I JOHN McCARTER. See)._ bail to answer in the Circuit Court. ; nAdtca4 Conservative, and Press copy. STAR BASKETS, THE BEST BASKETS in the Market, FOR FARMERS, GARDENERS GRO CERS AND FAMILY USE. SEND FOIL DESCRIPTION„ LIST. Add ress— RANDAL KENT, Jr. Star Basket Works, Pittsburgh, Pa aprt o:3m Mounts NtonoANSTEUN. NATIILN NOI1.0•NSTE1101 MORGANSTERN & CO. TRI7AMIJ\iGS, FANCY 'GOODS, Foreign & Dopestic Hosiery WHITE GOODS, &C. 1-4 ' -4 () Market Street, e aprlU On PITTS BU RGH, PA Notion & Millinery House 73, 77, and 79 Market Street, P 11'1'8131'11(111, are tOO% prilo itva to eXllthit to thy trade the Largest :mete , tioh to be had. East or West. in Hosiery,(Noyes, Embroideries, Laces, Lace Goods, While Goods, Hoop .`l,-iris, (besets, Gelds' furnishing Goods, Hair l;uoelr, Hair Net:,, N o ti o n. and Small I\III,LINEI2.Y (1.001,) ,S Hails, Bonnets, Ribbons, Corded Satins, Silks, Velvets, Crapeen, Sc., of onr own importation. at lowest ruling prim:a. Woot.zsamt toit.Y. A call bOlkii ed. Orders promptly filled. Retail Shires, 1:07 and I¶l9 Penn A venue apr 11)-41m _ Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Beautiful de:gig - no with:llly flnipheri Sattu paper. The laree”t Is ,prunent of IP 11l and Stamped Gold Paper, ever opened in the city I)ining, Room Paper Plain Lt. Paneled. Chan - liter 31111 Kitchen Par, all new In Demign 'rt... large -at any. clietipent Wall Paper House in th DE ZOUCHE & CO. Wood Si... Thit,botrgh. k Liberal ltnllN :o Deulor, Ittyrlo-3m BOGGS & BUHL. I*-2m■i toetleral S.reet, Spring Dress. G(x)ds w tir3v f„ r .11itsitt t-,triv , •••• ,!f .Lll , l ut•nt.:, .1.11'.\ NESE !• , II,KS ' J oin 15 to 75 outs. M I h •••1. 1,, , t quality 1 ,, r the pr:,.• n , u.,1 in thi , market. ilt• t , r111111 ,, . Tr Shawls & Scarfs. IMEENEMEM •••11t11 . 1. Ili ; loot - h.. (.hoicest An 1-:;x1 ra 1 3zirgnin. HEE= inch 1: 1 ..( k :it $1 7.1 rid: silk upwl , x•tniltropql ref•,,rmilt•ntk r- Ilt IV , . .1 •,r hrck.A.;t• tivantot— P.1H;(,: , ,f- MAIL. F. ; ( - Hy Apt . w. . 1 4.: 'O.. :`~' I I I ii t'e - wpr (twif}erlecc to their Irtr -114,0)1t.v 61( . 1/ , / . ..4 (If f the 7 , 7 717 , 7 tht/Jr(trmy new styles '• \ //, rrr I:Ary . Orf• tlfrreil IJI 1/11$ "t1"•1. "r "' mu t. Spe.e.eal ettlentiote is re titte.vted th, step - k'rf .11 1 1 , 1(71s, r prioed ihex.s• Goods, L., .2 1 4;ti1l it s( ,, fl-4 (y - (o)d..< in th i.Y market, vont pri.ving nviny things in ,Wtawls and 111011 . 1,111 priced Dre.,B tia.orlB, not kept in regular wholesale guarantee our prices as low (18 ( I,I Y New York or Philadelphia ("notations, and only (18k (111 e.r(1111OlOtiOn to eon bay( ris llnd we can do them ' good. 172 a 171 Ve,te•r,// .N . 1.,.1/try/or.ny Pa LOOKING GLASSES. P., r f;htx.l , ,r I 0 , 1 , 1 r . 1 .' 141,1'1 r, 1t 1 NV41•4)(1. h4t Pit 1,41 . but rich l'tl. •,” t.,11.. ..1 11,• i Input.). f. , r t•r,el a ill t.,•r 1;1.114, rl tt•••1: 111.'1' !war L 1 111 [.nn• 111 4!1#2 minty u 1 11-aver. - ary 11,er,t)y 1.4 tile I Huil an wn b.r our 1 . 1 , "111 , 1•111. MAIM:I , n. and zi Ii a. irrr Al 111 In. 111.111 111 the T,lll .I,lt, 1.11 11, 1.1 Nl.,n4lay f,ther 11 , 1 i wn, at a, u l niaco 1. \,,uun 1.1 , 10;. Tuna '1 :Ind my l'hot.turttpli taken at H. Noss New 4; d ry , hrrKoh,vay, N. IL" New Advertisemenis: I.III . OIETCID , AND JOILIIEUS IN N cyr loNs, 'IIIE LEADING Jos. HORNE & CO., lIIIIIIHREIRMLI/;1 LARGE :-,TOCE kT it l'ltll'ES Ef.1..(;.\ 1).--11.1Y )1;t , 111z1, JI ixrell(t oefms ,/,/,/ 171 ,NYro rl AllllN'y I. Ell II I.‘" no, 'el h.I tvl,7 PICKERSGILL, LYONS & CO., =I 1.:It•41-t lou Miscellaneous. LOOK HERE. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS.—The undersigned begs leave to Inform his friends and the public generally that he has Just received a new stock of goods of the latest styles tot Spring and Summer wear ,which be offers at very moderat rates. GENTLEJIHICS" FURNISHING G 0 . 1)R, CONSTANTLY ON lIA AND Clothing madeto order on the shortest notice. Thankful to the public for past favors, I hope by clam attention to business to merit a coutinu mice of tho same. DANIEL MILLER,PA BRIDG E Br. BR IRO IC WA TER. mar 24:tf DO3l ;14 m.O 4 )-I Ea . The Best for All Purposes, 7tlore easily managed, more durable, and . runs lighter than any Machine in the market; easily cleaned and kept in order: large bobbins, holds twice as mud, thread as any other shuttle. Lock-Stitch, alike on both sides; self-adjusting tension. .Tut4tly 'Popular From the first the " DOMESTIC has rapidly increased in popularity, until to day, in the opinion or all experienced Sewing Machine men, it stana forth TTNIZTV A T ,I_,==)! It k unit:ling favor lunch faster than any other Maehint. heretofore presented to the public, which can he seen Iron' its increas ed sales last year over the preetttlpg, being oVER FIN E HUNDRED PER CENT No Maehint• is increasing its salf.4 an( gaining public fuv r us rapidly as the ``DOMESTIC." Tills IS IN CONSEQUENCE uF ITS cUP JP lOP ITY WM. ROBERTSON, Agent, Beaver Falls, Ya Call and rxamine the machine Feb. 21; sm. _ - R IS OTlCH.—Ecitate of George W. Park. Jr lute of Beater county, Pa, deceavcd. 'Lettere of Administration upon the ertnte of Geo. W. Park, Ir.. late of Beaver county, deceaaed, hat trig been grunted to the undervlgned, all ',cr oon, indebted to eaid estate are requcau•d to make payment, and those having elatma againat the name to prevent them without delay to LUKE B. DAVISON. Adm . r., inrnit Wilkenebnrg I'. 0., Allegheny Cu_ Pa, Administrator's Salt( VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY Virtue of a decree of the Orolaana Court of Beaver county, the utwWr-igned. administrator of the estate of liannwh Marsduri, deceased. will, on WEDNESDAY the 17th day of April, 1 , 7'2. on the premises a( Wasgrox to cell county, sell at public sale the followin,, ,, described real estate, viz:. One third part of lot No. lb in the plan of said borough of tilasgow, on which to erected a large two-story brick-house containing 10 roms, a frame stable arid oilier out•hiiii(iingr. There Is a PuVrrb under the entire hums, and an eXcelletit well of water on the premises. Terms. one-half of the purchase money do, a and the balance in onv year. will, approved ...runt, SW, to commence art o dock, p. m. J 13 CULVIG, Adm r r 27.3% James H. Rankin, UE ‘I Kit !N HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS cuTTLERY. pLATED W.l RE, m)f)EN AND WILL() WAnE Japanne.e and Rain Fine WITH EVLILYTIIING NErES,NRY rut HOUSEEEEPEE " :"4. I •••ee cur k nrid r prices (Vh ~ i I,ale Clair N.) PITTSBURGH, PA n"vl lv aouLOWAYS . 1 0 -t ? N •-• --- ? i 1 x... iti r y l f g; ', - 1,„tii„, • 441 -,.........4,0. 4 4; ‘ , .. 4 4 00 EVERYMAN HIS OWNPHYSICIAM ( I 0 '1`111.: rttt.! f,,r HOLLOWAY'S I PILLS ()INT,NrENT. has , tvuttord utipitti cipOrd Pirtle. to cotinterlolt the,e UtiblC In orde•r to protect the puhltr and .ntrrr•l% IS, nr have I.•ued a new — Trade cons tTt lug of au Egyptian circle o(a Nerpent. nab the letter II Ia the Centre. Every box of-Tenntne HOLLOWAY NEE. and OINTMENT will ha.e Ib is trait, mark on It . none are Genuine without it. Cr, sole ProprieTorg, ", Malden Lane, New York GIESE SHARP & HOFFMAN, ROCHESTER, PENN'A., 1 A. I Itm4 I\ GROCERIES & PRONISIONS, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, STONER:4 RE', WOOD E IVAR E 11. .Ittli•clw az* e w INDow •GI. Ass . N Alf ,s,r I* TLERY IV HIPS, PS, NOTIONS. 1 , ,0U (U AIN, Mill -It - Meal, Lard Oil, SI1()T, CAPS, LEAD, 1,1":4E, Rifle and Blasting Powder, It• and i(etai Chimney-Top:4 awl Drai 'Jaye Pipes; WHITE LEAH & LINSEED OIL. Dryer,'Tu 'pent (i)tor.4 (try A.- in (lit; pAINT nitt . sliEs ()1.. ALL hit U 5. '111: 11.kVETIII Averill Chemical Paint Mixt•t; n ~I\. PI RE Wurrr.. kiws, Wterrfinicoi Gi a it 1 If ;old .o`y titian; d N.-- by the (03 rt, uI lot ;4-.illdn tin Imrkels, or bv to r kru:. THE AVERILL PAINT naS Vl.ll for 111.111 y ye it in all tlnin, ut the vim ntry, and Inn, heel, ill us, In this di-it - iffy :about five ytal., proving it,elf especially, the colas awl shntlre, alpsonit, ly The 1 - 3trst ztild Chcapeg ' . Paint now in use. Haiti flocs not effect. tt before dr) ing, and a 11th dry a has a hard glassy surface; will not crack 4IT peel (lIE we will send satupl•, card, price !Ist and testitnoninis to any person asking for tile All heavy goods veret: free of (-barge in Rochester antl SHARP & HOFFMAN, ROCHESTER P A ma rii:lim Ncot,t(!e. qIIIE books of Dr. Kerr, or Raccoon township, %till ne kit In the hands ut James A. Kerr and James A. Inglea for collection on and lifter the 12th day of June. int Du. P. M. - KERR. apr3;6w. N GO TA o 0 A N. BARKER ..F. A BARKER' C. 21. B %RE G. .S. '11.411K1314 a Co.. ;tea Bright°, AND • G. S. BARKER & C0.,; . /2caLor !., BANKII . I. . 6 4 , Dater In Exchange, n, Collections made on all atm. asible poihta rotted Stater and Canada. Accounta of N. • autc.Manoracturers, and InMxlduals, .011 d, , . Interest a')owrit on nine cklkedte...- dent* will receive prompt attemtiori ALLEGHENY ,CITY S ALR-13 IT L. W4)1D1)- PUIC v NINC; t 411( )1. Neweix. Bulusttra. Rawl Beall wl• In oil and boiled. ready to finny furin-1, nonce wiLLIAM PEoi•LE, tnnrtl.lpt Cor. Wel4tt:t St. & ,•rnt. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, Cash Capital $250,000 00 • Asssets. Oct. 9; '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - - - . 5.200 00 fA NtIBLE, President', J. P. VINCENT. V, , i• H. W. WOOltel, Treasurer; Tno.. Ir GOODILICELSCcrinry 1)1 RECTORS: lion. Noble. Erie lion. Geo. B. Delano •• • J \V Hammond, do Mentiti; Hon Seld. n Marvin. do Hon J P Vincent, t. Hiram Dag :let 1, do Henry Rawle • Clutrle. Reed, T Churchill S Southard, do , Capt JS Richard. , %V B Sterrett. co Richard O'Brian. W Noble. co F II (Abb.. J Englehart, do e loha It ( ochrnn. J 11. 'Neo. au, Si Itartlebb, \V 11 Abbott, Titu.ri lit. iCapt PP .Jno rettitr,, Titusville. iretued at fair rateri and liberal ter Insures agaln..t damaire by Lightning . lire CHAS. B. la UST, A.; Itoeheeter. Pa., Dec. 2tl, e t 1 mitt r y manufactured it, the enit•-d 4,,r1x Ver dlnnz performed In Thnt Litll., tit iOll Satipketion zintrumreft fp; , • r_ or the money returned. t..t c bun a tri, tenthly 1,()()() ?. rusvard Hie 1 It. )1, 1,0 h• •.•••• v., s% i!I y the r,' e • th.ill the art). A' ktion ,• ('Plebrated It mttl.t i,,•!ter ntl.lot 1n.., 1 h.:l, r ni..l % a, r 11..t:er t .1 d , -,-,..••red. A t.,vs. a I :ll' W..: oT ri 1:1,1 V 5 F ••.F.` 5111..15 $5OO 11FWARD:: A reward of b Ivr litm , h , al fur a medictue that wi:, rr: r.! ca-es "'u.+ Headache. Liver Cut.ipia ' Ehit Jaard.,. htllw 111/4 Fels. Tap.- Wortr, i•• - T, tier- .•••••• S.rt, - t - and and ori.mas, r ttl r . BLOOD CLE.llNstill OR P t( I s% Orli 14 used more eft • y p , I:hy• s irisint. then any ot tra n r , r ‘ d and I F , ' A . it Y. „1..: Pric.- IVt Twr tu,Ttie For +nit- I.y - .1(,• , :ill Dealurr., Lied 1)) J.,11!, _ - Janie's T. Bradv Li) BAN K 1, 1 RS. Fillailcial kleilts for the Ullital Staff na - itTit vE.A: \V 1' PITTCI3I I).aocr , ,n al, I+,o , - of o , rnm••.,' 'User and Coui,on. I.os at. -, .NOrtzade.. - antl tIN 00 Nl.irt•y 1 loweM rata. Interest allowed Oil fepo•ii% • Taloa- ly ,t‘ a ' ' (wort Two Valuable Lob( in Ih-or , ,• R, Itrtue n( an order of ate Orphan - iteroer ennntv. the midervii,mol Adtn the et•tate of B. u}•emtn llarfnn, • fl se to 111.11111 C rlale 011 the pretnlQes, on Tne-o.a , :WI, 1.7'2 it . ? p m„ the folk., • (rthed real e. late, late of .ald deevast.l. those too rertain. lota of cronnd Pllnate borouffh or BNOVer Falls (minty of Ii- .te or 1'enno)1VITII:S. 110; N.. Ito, A - in borough. bofinileil on :he North 1,, I'. ts rim street. earl by Nlniti .ouch is /IDII r-I by allri • each of nod L.' too lug a front of 4:1 Met on Mlllll street • and • 1. n•nd nib hack then-from I tr.. (eet to Main :Ole) - (fife :hint of the purchase motley b.• prod in hand oft Clll.llirtl/S:11111_ I.f rale 61: • .1.'11115 :Ira 'he rvln lll.tirr m I , l'll 1. 711.1:11 Ullllll., •fa;lmcutr from that that. stub Isoervit r•- fran ihr pant • I lm , _ .1011 N I . lS l iii. 1.11 IAISSt 01.1 TI ,, N 11 , — ;•: irner•tup twr. I 1 exiebtin:: Lo•tul.t.ll Da% id 11 Calt•r and under nam.• •trd ..ty.•• .11( al. r t !- cr. *11• d'SntJlll,l 41) 'Wirt): I rot),10. 311. 1-.71 :.1, Id H ‘l.l ”t•iil • 11 the hi ,•- the late arm. u t kl =I THE BEST IN THE WORLD The Im pre w, 41 .Nilinimon Ilowf Standard Scales. ,izes anti varietb for :sal, ‘tOUDER & M'CLURG, Wo()D ST, PITTsBUI;4; II ~, N'so, WarvliotNi. Truck,, P:tti r' Droleri. N GEOCEICS 1:1 F(.l•ruar% 7. 1,7?--Iv COAL and NuT ('( I'OR SA LE. Tlie tinder-It:pert Is opera:tn: .1 ( . un Alt 111111. abl.tll twit H • 11 , 0ter and here ho ir•'•l - I . l•Cels t. Order, I'M' or UV, 100,1 hr left at John .•. fl John Pont..' in Renter, 'Sr or Irw 1. at the Iwoldetiew ~ f the L,te'e r• :ilnrket Itrldge, It all ihnr. , rriml ' Tortns mitt Ott 11.•11,,N Pr ie., - ' •t I. iYS I, .1 I )1, Brooms! Brooms!! •Ilio tP)4.-rd;Tled have 111:11 111:2111.1 lul711r,• uf niuoulp, ut•jyr ili• Rai!rod Station, New Brighton, wherr they win he glad to h;1%.. ,h.•tr I•. th.• public generally CALL AND EXAMINE 1111 :I: \I \ or 11Room , :. They Will Use one but 1/U and bay s ing had coinddurahl. etprrlv.l. MllllllruCifiry hr hetloMtt the, (et:l corthh ahllily to .ottimfy all who 0t,41 n. hi:, 1o141:31o.. J 1.. S K. I itto.ll'" 1 6? ACRES OF KANSAS LAND FOIL RALE OH EXCH.Viilil•:, FOR BEAVER COUNTY PROPERTY. rrLIE al)osi.s lauJ ie In1:111.Cti Ilear n tb r t, wu of over SOO iuhtd , tati h., in th.• .I,rfergon, itirongtt which the A tchipdn. Santa Fu Railroad ig to be coaling etitnnier There Is a etrearn through any ettine stoue and Itaainfr on IT, try road on urn Bide, and a State road th, "• ThO 14.01.1 hi nesey all rolling przOri.• I warranted. For rarther particulani in,loll , ..1011:1 11. Mt LEAS, !WOK., ter: or Uir273in W. W. Llt‘VIS. Nee.- Or Blanks, Bill-heads, Cards, Per trr,. neatly exectietd at ata omce. ~~seetla~e~r~.~. Eli • .e! Cc4r, c t - dit C.) • •' 4111 4, 4 a• • t +IF F .. CC t e a.; p. 14 ' it a•• '4O 11,0 • 711 " Tr , r_ 1 1 1 ‘.a-4 ?:/_1 - ..., • Emmi 'P• I • ir -• 1 , - LEI Dr. Jr. 71 a r ray,oll., rVer l• =MI I).r 11 , v. or, L . chrmp r he 0,1• DR• FAHRNEY'S MIMI DR. FAHRNEY'S JOHN FISIII - .1 1011.'1, alr%e tintple I=l ram El El A • 4. / 'IA f A 7 , - 1.... - I. ON i . PM - . - L'
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