ARTEIZTISEMENTS. Advertiseruer.tsare inserted at the rate ,f $l , OO per square for first insertion, and •,r each subsequent insertion 50 cents, lib e ral discount made on yearly ad. -a rtisruients. A space equal to ten lines of this type u -sasures a square. Business Notices set under a head 1 y !,,lliselvt-.4 immediately after the lo( w ws, will be charged ten cents a I' .e each insertion. Advertisements should be handed in ofore Monday noon to insure insert ion that week's paper. Business Directory. BEAVER. A!itEs7 CAMER.ON. Attorney at LAW, Deaver, I P. ()filet: on 3d pt., I.k the rooms formerly or Ipled by.the bce Juoge Cuuninaltam. All bnet eotru to e im utl, reveler prompt and r,f , 11 attentio . o. Jet JS roll NB. VOUN (4, A ttorn ey nt Law. Office and rekiidence or Third 0.. ett..4 atllt. Court llou,e. tn.inetz..± promptly uttentled to. ap2t:ly • , .- C IL Mc"REF. Luc. Attorney nt w. Otri& on I . Third .4.., 1.R.10u the Court nottett. AI: hu‘i ,, promptly titfruclett to. jtr.h , ... 'lntl ` - Rs p FA;T, ch.aler in Millinery, Trim ininm,„ Fancy Gooag. Sc., on the corner of :tied end seminary etmete. jets :1-1y P. Attuna y taw. Unice t•ast t•shi Ileav,..r. Pa. mar:kr:l'o:ly It .1 M N urr. SI•11171-;ON. Ny,•,•tal urtk•utt()n paid to tre.ltnwyt of Fenian, Ite.nlenre shd utlice on Third sired. of Ow t....nrt-fiou.,e anti:v:l:ly I V. EN 21EltZ. Ntanntactul l er and llealt.r to Shoo- and et. ,w EA V ) At Apothecary. Main st. l'n•rcrip nn curetutly XIV BICIGIL'IWN. ISENER BIN(.11A11,. anuracttirer9 c,r -bui;:iel4, 41p, hock- \ nod chit - kr , of every dt,crip[lon. •-• practical w. ,rktuctl. Suce,,sin,._ to 1;e0r,44 etz. marfa, • 111 S l ()A1 E. Delnur in I , ittun, fratni.s, garde-n tiiini.r,evd, and Lucy r•tri. , -;, lin;:1111111 LANG - NECKER. clv:i4 L • and JVMCIry Itcpzkiwg tr , ,adtan), !war Pz:11,..,: riovl . 7l ly I V. I PPE la. 11 Confeczpiner • crt-am, iiztni r.ev,,oti. • ' • N 1... W_Pktii4lnz.sai V, smcni, opposite OthC.', 611):1/INt I 'Dealt , in tin 1 , 111411,n: hardware. tr 1.1..-.• a:ls and putty, a titeh he ftin.e.ntr, ctontraei,,re t :ft buiniertt chop fur cash. I tictrfLs 1' -ly [ I F. METZ. Ifrid,tre etre,t,deat [ trs to--h 1 • meal and tat cattie. Ind vt-Itineaver un Thumlay and Saturday of aril week. [kicr.!:, [ 7l-ty • E‘"E It a Itl)—Dr)•tit.tds, Grocerit4, Notint. quee!..ware, Sr. Hight:l4 price for ;rood hut r atAt,produre generally. Oppaisite Preellyteri . , 11117?1,., ItIOAWHY. Itt.p7-71.1% \ I NTEIt : - r .1 e‘‘cler t 131-0!:(1wny neir2l .• :: y t NI 11. 1e1) - 1.1•1.-1L1' 1).••“. r 1 btarp Fatally ttirtwertt,s. t.t1,27.71-ly M —222TSTthadivay, raLthe, the treatmatht eltrinn - u d female t e:thne,-- t ;nee tat the ry r•utola} letnu 1 •a. pm t eale2.7 Iy I • -ithr- fut)cy - • I iry =MEE LAIN- I.ll‘meznipl I Ur",.l‘.iy. Ne-{ , k LLA( E. Ile;/Mr Amen e limmf2c4ires Momm.•••nt-, r re,:.OlAlAt: N.•W 111"1".:111..11 111 IMimrd... o ,,Ttamcco. L. ;111,11;11L7 t. ml 6. rr. a n BEIM ned Fru n and ::r. ry . lirnl_r fir.. I[ ; , :s, EI; 11, ak , r• - :..1.•nlon }„I M ( MsTEA - Ilt,n • C•r Apple Hr.:ninny j , • •\ ILE, lAt T n(ot LATIN° •• (I , — a 1 nil hour.. o-uppliet.l t •• ontie E'rie•• ion% l'au I and , tptl . NT NI It:SEMEN, . r , c - . . "Chret , upt of ENE II 1.1 I. I) DruLrzl.t! , / D.nci Fa:; , , • .141 I. It :1 , - It.l t.r7l -I y n'' - \ , i (• h.•• r -:r %It. , I 1 i: .. • ••••,••• , 6 4 .; 11. =NEE= riLLs (11"71f f:4 r ti`•`~jaattrc~•:e V V'. 1. - 1 . •.0. :••••,% \hi . n. ,t r . j - • " 113 It I Di.. F. A t'r ME • .1 , :l `.l r p k• I 1. drain 1,1 toe L .• It. - OM !)11:1Zit,11. - rz.,t ,ph 1 4 o ~P•r \\ pr nwri. • tl • i•_•• I i. Itrlti:t • t L;r: , tz. r. ) • " 91 ; Inns 11r1...'jk• 1;71117:4•, at. r 1..1 Trc.rum,:: = =III \ l % . i•' 1.. A TV kl. •,1 . I :. .‘ i lIBIMIEMI 'At - = MEM ::1-I F f X,r“ • if / t•, •,' • • I.: : •- 1: ••-;• \.p.r:c-- =OEM =EI ' I.Al'l'. =NM= •• Dr!. lio•Hl..{:rocf.rier..F . l.,ur.l'er,l : .•.,_ C - Ikr Watv_r Z.: Jr.:, 1: , Contrnetor, no•I 11,11! ). • M I. 1,1 1..r.n , ..r lth }:k )1' LI:4 - 1V 5❑ Say. t: , l c..d Pl.• )(Iv. EICS LIV ERIC STA t . O-U. 1 .% I.ct tat lon Vel ; pr. '.rif.t,nr , • , •!.1 , •111,. • 11 , 1:—. (•oCod riccomm•.' • \••,,r It It I).•;•-.; tlea;er ft••p:.tnn_ dm) , nr 1 promp,' CIA MiWIMEI A LELGIIENY CITY L Ottice.lST iph • [..10 1 y A. WI • •!•_•1• to 1 , , iittl, , tl I'll Z LIVIZPOOL, 0 101 ••d ( t,r l S 2in•:r(.~~ ( !I„nz. Bort. aka., ilarft ('; • ,'''-• 4, 4 - `, 11,.. 4.2,, ,, , ,, nrc.1. .. •Altr•••, A c ''' 1444 4 14 4.1 , 4 . A. 4 ool; 1•4•• R. Liverpo , •' 4 114 r, 1 .1 ,, : 44,-44 4 4._ - t. vk I . II ILIA c.o. 1)n...2:n.4. R. NI 14, Prrstnption, car.-fally z4.L4'.. arrnrul,•ly "•4;•••ural,1 fehl. I v v.iNpe ♦ I ,leN ELI IS A CO. -Dt•aiere in (;,,...rai 11 ' k1.•!,',a1,(111..•. !!!greet , utltr) No- 311%CELLANE { OUS. - - I B SNF:AD. Freedom. liCaVe: counts. Pa., I I e../ • dealer in 'Sawed and Planed I..mintu all/ kinds. Flats and Barges built to order. 'A1191:1-4 j TlTORNlLEY.Sfanufaetarer of the (Jr.-at Reptblic Cooking Stove, and Patentee or Por table eventlem tea and centre. Palltton. Pa. EMI Vol. 54---- V E -.) s Ce,' ... ' ..4 I: . __ 1% .... 1,7, 72 . ... ,„, :.- Z C © ~„„ .... I ~. , . al ••• • ~.') . ..., ." Ch C. ..r . X ~.. C.) ..-- - = ,-, ........ a d , .t., „ ~,,a _ F 4 . ...--• , el) `.- ' 0 6 ' .--- - g ,-...., 4 - - , 4 - -.4 ~.., , c"c7 Z 0 '. 4 - : - - ' • "" .; . 1 -:: ' I.D --: T - ''. 7: E . 4 t e 6 ' ' 72 • .to = 4 - V 4 , cc .. - 5 - .' ..• •-Mil ... :. :: 7., • ... ~. r v -i' ....*r - Z . -1 ., : : 4 __L• ::: '•!. — 1 . 4 .-.4,... ..T...77: A -..- . 7 _, , „,,,, .. * 1 . ."" ..t :,.., .-7. a. i nt cz ~ .7 g t, :-. :4 p ~,..-. ~-, , r.l tt l i : 4 ;•••• A * - - - 7- -- 7 1... e. V' {... :7- I:: N. r- , ...0 prn ..r .. .t ... A _ cc - -, • , = , Arg :4 4 1 , 4 '':.* "' l'. '''' PM .iz 4 4. i ^' ' *-- E' - ' < 1 S. T - • in . q .- 1 4 VI cz: u.F.5 - L ~_ _ I- r.r,: , -,, - - ^ - - z. c b. , - 1--!•1 .- 1 - :-.; 0 I- -, - --1 - :.-. i ", ~.....4. ;•.- .4 ire ~ ..: ~ .1-....:: w ,t-.•!-1 r.; ';,7 ,e 4 -7.. , c-, „., oc 7, 4 ozT •,"'". w ‘,,:. , -,.,, L) • F., ,-9 ,--. ....., _ 4 _........,_ IN ri) F--:: z, •:"-: ,-; '-- 4 ,i p....= , t•:. -- 2 ,-‘,=, - .r.: :_-. .- . E. „;„..,,, -, I /e 4 a • 7 c 0,•,) ' -= - - - v d ^ - = E- -L e g e - - E t = : :4 . 't r dy , 3 -- V) ::: .- --;. •,;-, .1 c - -.. ..- = t - m = •.!., - _ ct o._ ..,4- 7.- Z.: • r .: - ''' - 7. . a== = , -- -•=" ~= .".- F,l ~.....• .; 6.,.. ...1 73 6 1 • ." :-. _- - ...,.. ..a = • - _ CM Carpets, 01101oths, :\fattin . crs, AT LOWEST PRICES Late \lc•C;tllnm 131*().'5,) I'Z'i"Z'~43T "1~2~`>71. I'~~i EVerl. Na TA • 1-zlbrrAli, 13 11.1,11,11:1ZS Equal 'to any ; ~t ern House LEE Ic l I DE IV- • It6cr hula of e.N. old h iiitudi ill'. 1 , l'a.. n ill he id.•ai,iif to r. hi. u: and 61 end!. N% h“ %113 y r•lther he /lE' iI)K -1 STOVE. .1 , zovii, or any oth.- - kind of Ciii•tin.z. of tv,t materuzi iind workman-hip The NI in bt• comlticicml by 1.97 n, J. .I AN bEll SON ,1/4 lIIIII=I A 'MTH:I(IAL TEE-rii PER vEirr- E - T.. 1 .1. ;lAN DI. F. It have ptir • the eldneive of !tester counts to nse Dr.tst tick's Patent • - ./by Which they can put up ulconitc at thin as Plate, tia c t...a t i . i: enameled p end FO lit and ICI perfectly adapt Remit to the mouth ; oheiatil a{{l that rlnrrisy And bulky condition, SO much ro, of her, ifore; and lessennig tht ir liabilii 'break Ori per i.-ent. In deed, no One scene it ;Id •inn; to wenrtbe oiti st} le iqate any iot-: ' con. 1 conven iently get them encham.: •ti. A' -ranches of Den , tiscry performed in the ircl stitn.taritial manner. in filling teei'a with _ etc , see elm', lenge compellnfnu from line rpi •-r. and can r.-fet to living snivels whioe .- have , riod li,•- tween thirty and forty Amoinr tt. - n amber lion..lohn Allison will rtttib,t tilling. , inset , . mow, :15 years no the ttelt as pet met the they were flllyd. L.:l:riling Gas pr • d on h I g•Ns' pian, :mein: it from 411 um, .asia -I dun r.ron. effects, making the mi.tru. - .iin , •-eth guns of pleasure miler than of inirror, • pain Prices IL. I.m • as any good doer'-' in lli Orace at 'cleaver nation, Pa. nova:tfl T. J. Ai' 11. J r ILAN 4. .• Bright on Paper Ndits =MBE . tat IZIN t•I) to V. .1 , 1 pl 4 IV .I , lv If OM ANI> :v•F • Is; ) _And MIME :HOMES i,ill Largc.. 01: 'rift \EII,I,P cC! OEM iiio , ..\ r rills , ,. ant! r . 1 \ h.r ) .,•,l I= 44 ,. 4 : - . 1.• Brififie St 1 - .1 . 151 EMI =MEI Ma I)riHn.z. OE 01,1 • (11 awl 1',11711 ,, i; Sy rty. Lar• rt.t- MEE Hardware, iltror 111110 ( 111((•1 - . (., :Ito! Slad sltto ro.ti 80, 1:,•t. Butt-r • .k It )N :1 r',' 9=- , 1r1,a rr'~' Linseed Oil (i . , 11 line Lead. Foot-4 and LADIES' Sip :, ( 1111.1),(1.:. .W7> fra =I lIMIEI Rifle Powder and Hot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour ll;' r es,sl a ic - !‘st•4-ris•Avare. di heavy good.. c 'icereA trot! 01 'barge. Ity clot.. attention I. I,n,tuee.. at,: by I; re pink coo-tantiy ou hand a v -11 ae,nt Led of I,roods of :I tFc differi•nt klnd+ usually kept t!..0 country toor . thi, hOPcS In the future c , ` In th.• 1.r.,t to merit and receive a liberal sliare of the public patronaze. ILAN!: - 1-:1 1 1. - - - - CSI6II fOr . 404d1.r011. --- 1N small or large lots 1,000 tone wanted Ina- Iniedlatelv, of cast and wrought, scrap iron, for which the highest prim.; will be paid Inquire of GREER Rochester, Pa.—Marchl3:tf. i D Roisinger -'. ~,- tat IT_ ; 11 . ..., • . , ._ . .... . . . . ~.... . ......, .. i .....' , •:, • . _ ~,..,, •-,., :: ~- , . „ A .,. ; - „ ,:, •-.., . A.. '. .4 :, ,-, 1 ..‘ t " , • .• - ' . . - 1.4., la 1 . .0 4: „,., . .. 0 4., I t ..-' i. • V' ~ 1:., , - V . ,"...' • ~, • ,- . .7.. c:..11-:, , s Beaver, k . No. 12. ,Pa - . . ~ .W Jfiscellaneorts. Henry McCallum, AVEMI I VC I seippl 1110 `c (';illtun. BEAVER FALLS, PENN', ;' — 'll:lb .11 A :1 L ROOFING, BAILING, Ciaxa ware. I§l itoieSlth• tt. izfLr al.,nt". tc~ Tltir!: .2 I cut MEM ME :-;!E'. 1 . I. • i fr . .~ ~ rtill =EI In I I. : Vv . .. BEE •••I (:I,‘ 1 \ 1. NM r ~.: ~ r' ) • ) ; =II FA L.•l 1 , liu II:: I-111 1 -ti 1 =EI OM 7 r(;t'( a': .~aiis, t ;ISti, •rr 00.0 o• , :err. :‘• ..10(1 Gia••••• 1 4 • • 1'0,01,, 1::••,,,, and 1,;• 1100.4• NV()c)i.I.NA,v; , .:tE R AILROADS. PITTS., Fr.WAYNE R PIIICACIO RAILWAY. Org. and after Nov. 12th, Is7l. Mans will leave Stations daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows.-- irmving Chicago at 5.55, P. Si., leaves dai ly.) fTralu leavintr. Pittsburgh at 3.00 I'. SI., leirrrs :lily.) • TllAltiti GOING WEST. ,TAVONS. F. Zsx'6. MAn. EXP'S Pittsburgh. Itochooor. 163.1cta. Alliance .. Canton .. Orrviile VV,H,ster Mansfield. . KV 555 4t.1 114f.1 CrasU" A 910 010 5041 10111 •••• 0;10 611.5 ' 1110sm :Int) • • • Bucyrust •• • •• •.• Upper S./ia.l tt.4l:y . • Forc:at t- , 23 i ;50 114.3A5i ...... 1152 ~ 150 • Van Wert Fort Wayne glOrst 1:1:10.,11 :ISO :15.'1 Columbia.. Warsa‘s Plymouth . 417 1 505 82.5mx. 510 . . Chic.izo . . 7211 Eiral2l2 ('llicalTo.. .... . O•29AN =WM 1 550 AX Ithirle Valf,:rali,., .../... . . ... . . . l'lyinonth 1205 r s 905 945 1•40A4 ... Warnaw .. . .... ... ~. C(3lnalihta . Fort Wayne Van Wert.. Lima 420 141. Am 3.15 rasa Forest r4t) 4.2 t) t;z:. Upper Sandusky .... .... B4cy ruts . .• • ;• • • Crnstline A,,, ' f, 'ilMl 430 ' 1130 A ;%1 Munstl,•!d i 23 t, - 00 1:2011P3.1 Wooster I. Orrville 9.211 ; 700 •.11.5 1113 Npi E.: MEM Canton - - . ..... A11iance..,....... !MO nrlo 1:0 115rn . . , R he ter..... 101.Am' 1105 717 3:rl Pit Nbrirrh. 410 11210r31 41.1 Yountrequwn, Nes% Castleand haver , Toamrstomu al 2:10 p. 111; NOW 011.11 , 2.55 n mill es at Pittsbrirgli. 5:15 p. tllng. PittA)ur , :ti 71Y0 a. m: arr. a: N..w 9 II a. m Yuum2stowt. a tn.., New Castle aml A• - • rommo‘latlon leaves Yoqnuatotvn. II:3o a. rr N ca , 11.!.1:**20 a. ru; arrives at Pit t2..1):.:1:h, b. It, net:ll'lli oa. ',SVCS 1 . 1t1iblIr:111. 'n: ttr rve:‘ Nem, eastle,4:4s F. 1: MYFY:S. Geb,r , zl Plus-tiger a?,l 11,U! Agt: CLEVELAND PITTSDI'D.GII .\ On and after Nov D!th traln. 5U3'1 , 71 4 d^tly iStlnclayn eve.-1):.41 , fol'os“. .TATIoNs. MAIL. 911..1, AI '.3.1141 11 .d~ae Etr . 1100 1, I 1,1,1 AL.:met. 11:41 ! . . ,•til".le3+.l . r01.1 , 1.r:11 (I;OA.m . 9 flayar .1 .... •:7 A 113.1 . . :Seal 11 u.. t 1%34 , Strt.•••l . rL vtant.l. . :10 '1 915 .1 0 10 Accom MALL Exv • I= ME tin&tr ort . Steubenville. V. IlNviilo Snrith's Ferry linclwat r ittAhnr..h GOING WEEP. =TA: • • MAIL. Exiom Ar, Runv.•r -rry • .. Stout, .i , o Itrict;:q , A LIA WAS i'LAN('II var.• 4 A rrlvv. , .. .N-.E.nflad,ilA, (1311A.m. 1.1/tv:lrd 9;45. n Bayard I 21) p. 3:00 p IT' V. H. MYERS, TickeVitzent, - - Miscellaneons. t. ,UTtIING STORE. N 'INV G 0 CYD ! INTER 34. r-1 , 2t! ,, A t t 111- 11,c nt I r,.( ,•;i• :;t A New Stock of Goods, THE LATE:.c 1:();: Fall and Winter Wear He keep.: the th•-t t , f wf,rkiti : •fl V :Intl l• .1,11! -., t ',I in.: ti;.;,' I,t49Er.'"N IP :IP T 1; (' -.IIJS. NTLENET FURA h)ni,,,l \ ! ord, is Ed's, iridt i'dE3.l.s:9:tr So~'?d ?8..1a iffi : l i! t • '' 7 -) H _E.IS N 1.: T I) EU= 111 . DIG G. W. ..;PIENCED, lEEE I ()!: tz.y.yr. •• • - I: • 3t., 111. r • A I 1,,,• t r II:, iA EMI p. 4 II G I ').4 srrip' ;nits (Tref till y awl A Pr-urcrt, - 11l ( inwpowlf r.l:l7;ns (Yr 310sa1oiaai 11 ! ti, IL. I I 'lO Hall Iv 1 3 ' irit , DICE STUFF'S: LEINE nYES OF AU COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY; TIESEI 131 20 t 4.4111011 .6.,ar.• of I-moto.. and 1.4. mi, TrimnOtze, Lalitema A liitrge TOILET 11 . 1?.,1USIIE:S PATENT MF,I)I('INES, Main Street. Deaver Pa • ITTOIISE 1 in the a rfti d ag T e T?nlitTr x ,s, c"lttLy* l'a., an L house with six rooms im the corner of Its o streets, with pavement on both streets, within twenty rods of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Station. The lots are well set with good fruit; s well of good water at the doer; 'a frame stable twenty by sixteen feet. and other out-hall& Ings. Terms made easy. For farther information ictialre of S. H. Batons, m the village, or the eub ecrtber near Beaver. _ . _ Jardrii ti.) JONATHAN NoKINZIS Sal Toads. ' :Ohm! 710 Ax =pm !:(1;2 e 45 c:l9 MI 1II51•]t !145 ‘3' EA - .4 7 T =I .2::() 1'35 1140rx =I MIHAN • r:!sr'i :, ,51-11 !EMI 11121211211 EEO! EIENNEE EEM wl i .y ,'ll MEM rEn T.:15 114 U , Ili!i=11111 G:VI 1 L ill, r r. • f 111 1,...,, I r I=llll=lEl W • !MA :s.hip Ilnr .tr. , rut_i ; -,, )T:T r:1 ITIE A RT JCL :70A Dec 7. Miscellaneous. A n 7- rol' C n r.' WM El I z llll A 0 ..... ?... 5. a El 15 B 3 © C... Ur t: Pt; I "%TING ...1 . • t • :11 • MEYRA: ‘') ‘),(Cer :Nll , :‘' . l{AN ;.2 - ,1111 I\'ll. 1".7'T•i,I10,11. I'l f- ,r, MMI h "J' 1.. p lIMM I 1i =I HI!!I. 4 .4 .I', : I . ;"I ( • 1.. .1 \ . =I assalra MEI It % \ A DE 1.. ESE ur: fin 1% A uoLuAr,Lb 0n.... Tli i: 1:s ~; REDIENTS TI:',T C(>llPc):',t-: ROSAI)AL• published i:ii even,. ;Lika ;: p, : ,-. ~ tbre it is )1 , ,t a t-e..t; i p:ep r,t11..1. eunseyzently pe" , .. 4 4 !PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It i 3 a emitain curc4or Scrim! ia , Syphilis in all its forins, It he,mia• tisin, Skin Diseases, lacer Coi. [mil all diseases of 01:2; .1:::"TLE OF will do more good th:. of tho 'prase of THE Uti'or_ll`..:lNED PHYS;C: , have ~ ...0 , dalis in C.(.11 prart, , q 1 ~ ....Ifor 1.1.. -1. three yrar. -.J1,11., ' e mir- . na a rLabl, .1:.,- • yr. .... 1 ,an,1 :. • . Purtfiv.r. , 'nil T ' prroi, rr 11.11••" e• • ~', 'i I '1;01 M , -• ' t \ T A ti. ! ' L. . . 4 . , :DTI. A. P. F , l , 4reon - th, "E2l , I:IIDOREIF.D 14 } S: EONS. . Jar 1.1.,,T- 2 . F. NV Itill Litzta, tt. l / 4 71!'t G !‘lcl• AJJLEN, t- ~~ --- ~~ ~ ~.~ ~~ Our net allow nf any , ex.. !tended: telatiez to the t trt,..e3ttt T v the Prtueqlers ire ituarantee a Fluid El i tract neperier to any they have es c r iusod us the trt , atntent of diseased ; and to tho rteal tee say try ltos,attalls, arid ) , ..0 5: ill be teru,,red to health. -- co • liosachilis is s•Jd by all Druggists, pri,e $1.50 per GOttli.. Address CIMIZTITZ & CO. ••• Man ufacturinv Chelan:la, 1i.i.i.143(0/M, Stu Black and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 159 SIiiiTTIFIIELD ST. Fear alms u hixth Ave FINE WATCHES ; CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and Rtneg Goode, tt-c PITTSBURGH, PA. FINE WATCII REPAIRING. Please_ out this alvertisenient out al .r 1 bring it with you. jettly tivl 0 1 .n • ES ~.--- - rj a rsa .0 1.1... k .... A I a~ ~~., via vi) 15 gl 1 ;;I ex - CD r.r a ..`(l,l,llnt J Egi =HEM 1• 1 Fl ; ' 111'.\:, \lr.\ I -S ' I o ~ l I , C. 1t.r... W . ,- . 7 .. ... -- : -. ~4, ~,,,,12W",:,. 7 ' l. .1., ',. ' '''''' ."• ' - .• , - . •-/ . . • .... .. ... - — ---- -:-.-- -----;----- i .. ... 1 ; - .- . . , ..1. ~ , . - ... . ~—.- • - . . 4 . • -, •,- ' felko. _ _, e. , _. . _ :- , N • , ,,. .. 4..* . ''' ' • ." .4 --.•.' ' ' '..- 7, k: . , , .. . . ... . -7:--2.2.7.__'.. - - _____-_, • , • , .7•-• t,' r• . 1 1 4 . r ' : .. . . • • .. , L . P9' ' ' , , . • , March 27 2 ,- E t,abh, ... _..... Gold SI Sitllo'lVatchesi. OBERTS" rro 11-1113tai,r). ~.o;--- American Watches; at Factory Prices. STOCK 1111S ) .r BE SOLD 1 E 0R E R I:311 L,;£l, - If7l GUNN ¶all atLateb.:9 osilece coin.sllver Ca5e5....... 810 qo I far " " • ••• •••••• 21.00 6 it. cc ti 20 00 Elgin Watches : t Ounce Coin.sllcer ;Canes 4 46 United Stat 4 %tilos I 2 Uz. Silvcr bar.?s Cbroniifiieter Dallnce, $2O 00 " • - 23 00 " " 29 00 - :0: -- - Ladies' Goia, Watches, 1, Wl5. snO. (435, g4lO, 1 4 LND UPW-15..1? iro•rrinted Good Time - licepers E. P. R,onmittrrs-, 16 Fifthl Avenue, PITTSBURGH„ Prs,mpt atfp!.tion 4eit to ingatrers by mall , . I . lA:amoi?,. - Er s I()VA !I LE SECTi()N 13 E lA] 11 I PATENTED, FEBRUARY 20th, 1872. rm. of Right, 11Ire and Itn'l3.n Bees. nd I tir s ,a,,, with -tamp. : J. E. 11 ORE. Itridgewidni.) It, :tester l'a. SELE('T MISCELLANY. LOVER LosT A LIE. We were just fairly established at Aunt Ilebeem's for the :antner, and WaS Waiting foritoli 4) 'come down hy the eveninft tranfigt„Arn the city, ru3 , -hands folded in delicious idleness, with nothing, to do but to watch the even ,Inieloafs darken over the fields. Aunt Rebecca nodded over her knitting In the corner, Oily the hitten played with the hall of },ern, an.l lt , e <::tt at the tatile slowly st udy lemon in geography. voices out on the veranda, at th! : where the honey-suckles rex. and, moving my chair a throe, 'see Bert Morley loun :zing lazily on rt;heneh, with Miss Rate .I)evine ittitt• dist:ince of about Iwo n'l-4 ii rntleniight, entertaining him. 1 smiled Itsl thought how be comin,gly she had arrayed herself 1 hat.: morning .tt.42 , she heard that )h - ,llorley wiwlixpected;by train, withillic and fistlilartackW.tospetid two. w eeks' ~,vlZJ3 t l 4O 44Pre viously entif= .o,llllkgeau .,.±., gnic the <Nturicry-hetvlbly dull. , Ana f a- Bert, when he came, I fancied I sae.- a look or not unpleasant surprise in 1 kevt,:l he ho wed to Miss Devine I r hp had heard of her in society, :;tel he n, t .l not fe a r stupid evenings II a 1, 1 / 4 o ' , idle, and no other man Ire; rival. "It a ea,, , of diamond cut dia mond,- I ..aid lightly to tnv-tlf; and tilcn the:-tep I llad been for -mined on tho walk and I ran to 1,; !•: ROI), WhO ( 4 ;01W in \‘ lilt Ilk '-1 . 1111 Of 111:12'.1;:i1w3 and papers, k ing we feel a:, if wo tvere not in the cot:ct.ry after all. tnor;,ing Rol) was oil to the eity Irritin by -It: o'clock. and even r that l'o.rt .Ntorley had be taken lli me if to the lake for a lung 11-11i),•< I lle:trd td dirst a Z Ill` I:l:it' t .001 I Met ;ti tic.,ciollS 7 . OW " .. ~lonr eh-any, coifce MMIII =EIRE hpr HIC,o (I.lrit.y liutitrz chi Lt•r :;...• r taiarzni:tv,-.1; )11 ' , /11'r 10.11V,J111 , 11101 . lan2ul(l...fravt , . h us y itt th k: ft.-a 1,11.1 (a it) -,1),)1)1, ,'N'il 11,•1 r m. (if the .• 1‘) rvatling ;1 littl(-, imi a I i vory afittlik ; is , ~~,.,.,, . . tnr..r it r)ver, l tn. (I v:tin 1 , ) rii mny deoptr manlier, ofnttitude, : eF.I w1,,0ti,,11. I 1 , 11 vcry briitiant • Irinnhly,' - niirl, of )4, -V, 11.1 t Shine lii roll :rrity tooth Ir e ; o the atternoon put or, ti hr \‘ .lit -4 chr , ‘"ll the while 1 .antler, 41 out :::ante s the r,i..plierry nod ,fault it-11 ,turlyinga tom!, ie- , -1,71. I 16,1 , 1 hart such -t nn4l by-ninl try took the :,o ,l, to hear her recite her it history, :1:141 rvh:,:ited in her o\vii ‘.vorth , , with nrhrinnl 1 toady felt, the tir4 time ii my that 1 was i i , ei it ele:ir if iea of tho , 4tately ';i•-ar. , . Wt• had jo-,t. gOt I I'AVII to CO:i . 4tilll ink- when there Viii the 1:111 . ..! hilt:: voices in the ho l e, :11:41 lookio over the r.u.lil , "rry Ilert :`,lorley luul i\ate h•ViII4 , c"ining home. ;-;114. had Inlet Inn', N. ' l . turi)ett hark with ;lin]. Ile I, 1 :oeli as the long aria th he carried (tore wit- M=l ' I d.) think it i- had," s ;in fro'. n. nntny • :cif: nftlt.t (1: - :t•_:::,(41 out just I.) untlo. - . 11 1 lEM fly 11l •p AI i • t , r.l , .•t an d ;:t0,1•1.1i i n trli;inpit!lnt tenor' as he _!; h, gate and laid down hi- 1,. -.. • -. wit; no coral I ~iai t1, 4 -4•Itrellli• gen :\lrs. 1I tl!rrttwny; ,it ci)torS? " .Ul,l p. , ititcd to the flashes of 1 and purl :e .ti rin:vering ha;, i I , vhu \Vent : exam thew, \vc..ii 11,1rt,iration; kit little turning tier l;:1-!: with irog-t, walked kiwil.y to the We hal sonw uf the mullet broiled for suoi)er, but I am bound to say that their flavor did not equal their color; noel when I saw the rest thrown ot re lcssly away, I wished with Rosa that they-were alive and happy again in the lake. But dear me! when Rob came he entered right into Bert's enthusiasm, and wished he could have gone fishing all day, too. Ho had his chance the next morn ing, however, not being obliged to go to the city. He apd Bert were elf by the dawn, with a big lunch in their basket, and singing like min strels. The rest of us being left to our own devices, Kate Devine se cluded herself to write letters, and .1 most unexpectedly got my treasure out of that day by discovering some thing new in Mile Rosa. I had taken a book, and was going across thc . fields tea picturesque old oak tree that shaded a corner of the pasture. I kept along bY the wall, carefully skirting the grass with its bluish purple heads, do asnol, 'to spoil the, mowing, : when, suddenly, nestled down . in the grass, I citraeupon Resit, tsrid she- was.. making, a sketch—=the cietiest thing you ever. saw. She had her sitters and they were paha.; ed ones, all but one,—a great, blue dragon fly, who soared uneasily Just over the grass tops. But she had hint 'already safely soaring in her sketch, as natural as life.. She was drawing a single clump of grass with its feath. cads, .a gold belted spider Weav web from Stem to stem, and, caterpillar ineffectually at the base. ' • • sa, Rosa!" I cried, wateh-( in s!' in • _ pencil, "how . did you 'ever: Tearn to do it?" For Ohs was Only d little nine year old school gill, you krtow, going to a country school. , She threw back herhair, and-look ed up. suppose I take it from my father," she said; simply. "Ho wif-3 an artist."- ; --And then remem her how Aunt Rebecca had told me of the poor artist, Who, died young, and, quickly followed - by his wife, had left this child - tut orphan. - Re had never attained to any erniOnee, but that there was-somethinggenuine in him, was, proved m ,his heritage of this child. She had no,training • her eyes and fingers seemed to trave l right of themselves. Theshort of it was, - took her over to the pasture with me : where she Made me a sawing of my favorXold oak, With he empty :crow's Rest in it; I was luau ec-otacy. "I will make you my - little coms• rade." I told her, "and - you shall at 'tend us ill all our sails and rides, and make me gems of *tares to re member the summer by ; and when limb and IV) to the Continent • we will take yinl with us to sketeh ns an album full of delights." "I will go if you will take we," said little Ito-a, eye and clioek kind ling. After she had finished her d ra-,v• , ing, she carelessly laid her hty,k the griaind, and we sat and ti:ll.ed about her dead father, whom spoke of in tones of esteem anil rev erence which warmed tti.; hear to wards-her. ..$2O 00 x5OO Ell I t was past noon w hi..n • got ek to the farm horse, and mid the fishermen had rctu;ll,l; Ili)1; was cleaning perch in ack I,vr f lite yard; but Bert and Miss lo at ease in the verandah earno,tiy k:u-sing monograms, then first the r ige, and Bert had some pretty specimens In Iris note hook to show. Ito had made a few scrawling attempts to a cave t oge th er hi s own initials but in vain. "I wish some one wuuld de •sign mea monogram," he rsjitid laughingly; "something really original and artis tic, you know. Conic, Miss Kate, isn't that the sort of thing you ladies, arc supposed to do? Make me a monogram, and I'll ye you,any thing you like." s "That's a dimgeroi• oinise, sir!" she said, bending .strous uyes rini•arsin,:'y upon him • nn': help it," 1.;• replied reek -1,, perishil,g for a mono -1.: • Take my name, my purse, but give me a monogram ! rush is, Miss Kate. 1 believe it iN al, intlawsible combination. - Just Bertram Do Witt .Morley\! Who could ever make any thing out of siteh a-set of initials? Could you I you could." 'Uni afraid I have not the power," sifisi 'Miss Devine, with What ...minded like a real sigh; but she made quite - , 'Frithpvi,,lieverthejess;pf writing his itfl ninti6diiintrt*on , thee iyoryAa - • Itosa and I had stopped for a few minutes to glance over the mono grams; but just at this point Roh called, and we went to watch hi amateur mrformance. Two day i atter as I waspa-sint! through the parlor, Bert :Mori , stopped me with a very pleased l' a c,•. and said he had something pretty t show me. It wa- a slip saperwi Ur wi a monogram on it--his own, B. D. \V. pretty and graceful a de si;:n as you can imagine. I ~ an't d,scril,e it, but you can c.irn pose it for pair selves out or the,46 materials—two tustic bar posts, with two slanting down and tWu in place, and then it perfect wealth of running rose -pray twiwing in anti out. Isn't it ,charming'.'" he asked ; "Ito , l wotil,! you have tnought it in Itt , r totio it whoi:.." I inouirtd. "W hy, N:tte r 11 e tine, y, tl been thinking her all along a rninellt _s Itirt ; and here -i n puts me to shame with this pare dainty hit of fatt4.y. ilow long it takfAti, find women out ! I'm really 11..L.1.:,11,111.2, to her now ; I could , lly h.•:p lii;ing any mw with •Ly‘i: i grace a. 4 t " I )on't ho a rash boy, ;t, waringly. "First imprt.---ion-+ ofter night, after all. - Iltit a mom-nit after he waglOkin:,, , , all tine Ugh the hou , e for lititP vire. tr , tempt her oft' with Linn f; el I ill in! row Upon. the ;iilie9. tlf eour4, wpn. in n bon: intr. ~ n p, .nil cani~fionip three 1:: wre:: t e:l,4itli the brontif." \V . 1..: li!lie Inf , trous . eyed and st: y a, 1 telen of 410‘ did not seem Iii;o stalely Helen, hov. - evor. to ward, twilight I heard her tit.-or the g•iinlvii wall talking with 11.)-a 11'4 I NV:l.l;cd clown the lane. —()n the stair-way. aftor you hail gone up with your arithmetic," she was paying (what could she mean ?.; "nnri now I want 'o very nmeh In 1;-el , it." - You may keep it and welcome," mid Rosa. • "And von won't tell any one?" pleaded hiss Devine, in an eager, arlxlous way ; "you w • , 't tell, if you happen to see it- ago', hat was your , 4—tHit is, that I mit do it in know ? I will give y , 'eh a pretty gol , " —t, with ear ri • itf , sa." lon't want the set," said Rosa. •':•• • •, "I don't know what you Miss Devine; hut. of eourse, I •!I , olldn't . spealt of the paper tulle:.; ;. nne asked me." By this time I had joined Bob, and \\*;1••• ''nf hearing. After this Kate Devine was very gra, , ihos to Rosa, and took mitt -old not if'r‘ of her; except, indeed. when 1101 , and Bert were around. (Me giltry afternoon we three—Kate, Rosa, and I—sat under the shaditst apple tree, ftinninv )ur-elves, and now and then talking a little. Rosa said she would like to he hi , r, strong and brave, like Ida PleitTer, and g o traveling all over the world. "Alone?" asked Nate Devine, i; - credulously. "Wouhl yon love i! Now don't tell me, Rosa, that V, don't think of ,lovers and hushand just like otbergirls, for I shan't I;; lieve you I was provoked at Kate forspeak ing so to the child ; for what k the use of giving a girl fancies? Let them come of themselves. But Rosa cur prised me by having her ideas al ready formed ; and child as she was let her heart's chords be played upon even by the careless hand, and re sponded sweet music. "Yes I do believe in love," she said, blushing' and honest. "But I believe a lover ought to be brave, and lofty, and noble, and like a stainless knight. And I should not think of looking for him, for he would besure to find me." "Then you are sure there is this wonderful 'he' somewhere for you on earth ?" demanded Kate Devine, with's laugh. "I don't know," said Rosa, ly; "I:3 if ,thee is, I pray ti every , dity to. keep him good." A little blush fell on us ut this find the . n. Aunt Rebetta called Roue from the windnw, and awhy she ran. • "Was the Meter such an odd little thing 1" exclaimed Kate; and when, Presently . , Bert Morley . joinct languidly finning himself with his handkerchief, she told him as a gPod joke poor Rosm's heart-speeches. ' "What ! that sun-burned little school girl !" eia•nlaterl Bert._ Doe's cime have raneit..4 like that? 'Why what a darling she is, just like Browning'6little Ellie, that had the swao's .nest among thc. reeds. It used to Ii the,dream ofAny.youth to garomniarinbout till I found instsprb alove as that. But.the world knock:: tho notions out of Vt , q and I have grown more pra.l.ivable,ii,venrt we. Miss Kate ?" She smiled half allently.. “oh, Bert!” I said, with sadden feeling, "Don't - throw away ail the gold of your youth so lavishly.' !Tettlgtps there's a mint. that keeps corn' he said, smiling et me; and them,- starting up, in., 6i, , .liere4Nl go to the woods. eau - got ' hours ,t3honti g before "If we were at:the sea slime," •said sate Devine,. "L, would ask you to get me a grey gull's wing, Mr. Mor ley, I want one so much for my hat. But maybe you can find somethireT else:— If any r.'at brilliant bird canes in sight, shoot him for me." "I obey, lady fair !" sail Bert. 4 with a lnw how! anal then he Wit') off for hi-1 rifle, anal directly we saw him cros. , itv the field.: to the woo. Just b:afore hi, r. 1. tired, fluz.l;-:l nail suceoArai ith three bilint;fal red-wined lifelea and 4w ;ifarint.! in his' hand:— I Ie laid one at late Devine'6lcet and one at mine. "Oh, how !" crfrit I . ;tte) in a raptor! the tlik)z for my blaclt h•lt ' ymt'llent thi , off for 111,. ' \ (1/i. Air. .forte y ; thac • ! ;! ! br; to .!,)•• "Oh, ••i,i•ot lit• 11. , htly, :tn.! .. • to!), itatiya- To, ty." I wattt tile %)' P yself, l‘o! i -other two sisters at home w 1 •trt they won;rl joie)) ; so I thy):. - - and hilt) cordially. "'Ch; ()Owl' fir til lit virl that Bert. "‘:cht virls : , tich rhino„ 9. Raga ?" kflut At the back door feeclinLl ellitten-a," replied stint Iteibi, entivisel lVe ttil wr nt out there :And found her surroundiad to her tioek of downy pets. Bert mafie his offeFing . of the red-wintzed I,lltekt,ird.anci explained. took i in a sort (,f pitiful amaze ment, dr o opi n ,, bend. 'f hest, we waited 1; ,r what the would to our surpri-e hnr4 into tears. .`•f )h, bow coma you, how cOn Id you." fie sobbed. was -4) free, and :IMO, and 'happy up in tho tops. Put his-pretty 1,1 my hat No indeed, he shan'.e r:.!)1,-,1 of a single briZht feather? go ing, to bury him jte , t as he out under some beautiful tree." Bert colored and Kate exclaimed, "Weill" n. Bosa stopped crying and walked off, earryine I:1101%1rd In her hands. (h; L' cried _l.unt n(ter it wtt, T ) : hirck t-dt t! ! , f"A-t:1- .2.r0w.1.” But. I;r•rt ut the rueful Vountepancooth.i ; '2,;;:t.' he made,4l.te with, her, lust! heipe I hor t 1 hird't§ , zraceo, thnr• Vlllll4. 'MCI:: the i11111:natifI1 1:,. I di.ll eut of her itoneSt I wa-: anoNei wh , rr out, the flex m0r.. ;1 , interctst, n^. l :,1 ri-111* i)to , t. I that c•vo•r 4 )4 ~!•co, n) i told Jilin' 1k itit an ;;:q•rior kov,:ie , l;ll. :11.•• !rt. of and if N. : , t _ ins lw would find it a ;-•riect port folio of sk(ftehuz, I+l tits,iri I !Ii re eliaroliw; :hap. father au zfr t •At , 1 d. Away lh• ‘‘ . 4.of. - at oliev I ()I (ill' :111t1 Neil I , h zt-o•ci !II:: iii he um t!. • _:iit 411(11P k; •1 .•, as 11 , • •;.,•• 11 - • nf.,l in ‘t ay. "V.. 1 Tl , 1‘)11 , 2• 1, , if :- , (ltti• he 11(•1 , 1 the tit n thitll ,- "Then 1 , , r11:1;.- ,n tire' I t, ; h. tt;JTeirke , l, the n 1t; , n.)te -All I. I) , •viti“, mer, foe, e l Arrio strolliter toNvtirtis umnient, in ,iiietti liar prettit-4t 11l f“ , l . 11.111,!,1-11?Ij',11enyy suelt:le lIIM \h. \v , horw.'" tbo.;01, "Oh, :1 hinv , ;—ati(l - - mon - ognon.4 loot; iti.* 'tier fun. in li lt , fi n . f. , , v: 1! h co id hrini• l m.E. in evi,. She , : te' ; '‘ rl - tat h. , meant, faltered. tried to 'anvil carelessly. I , ut and then, with sortie half utter(-1 apolocv or ex nlanat ion tumuli and loft ti 4, glided a Way over the (2.Teep f-ras-1 again, droppintr, some of the suelcles as she went. Imw the whrol, of life to rn round, if we f.nly \Val' a little \\ - 11'.i1' I awl watch' A Cmy v'lon dr‘wo tort \[orlo' in the li-ht chai-‘ , ‘ ovcr ,:• id+ .1-all., al !win , t ( .1. i - 11.1 H.1:1 E , •' 1) ,, •;11 , . ;In , .)t , !' -tiamwr, hard-owr Ltt "vvo ;rot a n , - A• -01110 thintr.•:. .. 1 •Et•••+.. liatlni‘vay," I. • -aid. "I'm rnmino• hark hor, la -,! •. 11 ,- 111•• r, awl tloxt; and I 1 , 1 \Vic, Invelly-:•.n!1•v,.. it ran ! "Tiwn von niii•4 ''w- , •.•(•, and Ilift an,; -t ; - ••••• " r ., i'-‘ll••rnt,,•r th• \ •,, p„, r t!• - , • Tha''.4 tho . ..1 111 , 4 Self ' 10." ho F.aid l•rav(•k" intl I 'nut Llith in him. . . That, faith has been fu ' ta i:- 'ticss reasonable preeautions as It is now ten yoar-4 lah.r. Bert Mor - i shook! ia .: iiiy occur to any man of levis to-dav a nohle man. grid ft tik's. " '- Ikea-k• :I; i : lie i- too vertian - t to sing to the world. Ansi nob and I I he an 3 lab i - 's spiritual adviser if he smiled gladly in each othei's faces w , -o s kno-olithe of human eitturt• as to " when, last evening.''r"• i v "' ' 1 x‘illi: inns -tietta pit fal i, :nisi is uncoil with fl mono- . wedding invitation , seithis id" the timidly which might be design and eurious , °Tam of dainty' made of his imprudence. interweaving. You could read “ . I f tos: ( i ) : s Vreaily innovent cler , vman who in among the larger letterz, 13i 2 s: gatvt6 an implicit trust in his' c- looked sharp enough at each vine,... . 1 . , in. such i,:e . . is as , i :1er..., tendril, and bud. .. i . lelicaey us he is in , -ooil sense an '. nvledge of the wor ld. A. modest -A , - —Among recpnt Pittsburg' . nous woman. nowever youßg tions, Pi - itenit7; have been I to •.4 I inexperietnA,nlways steers clear Joel 44: this kind of danger, guided by that for °e a l SSmith, e feminine instinct which preserves the mould the WeA citadel of her reputation by never es- rf '7 •-- 1 i t 't o ) i t t ; -; l z r . °f le li v e E a N posing the outworks. The honor of T Brake Company, for the clergyman ought to be as quick innents. and sensitive as that of a thoroughly r _ r il,C , t ;t • • r !I :1 111 - 1;) Of 1.1,t) IMO ( i ,• Ix Bert:"' I :1 , 1:(•11 hy-,titi, dr:min:Z.l I It )v.• •!:•• CIE I -ilkl .):1 !;_ato horato, I, l`. 1)-0 with 4 '" hip W !ILA , 'shed 1818. OLE RICA L* N NDi LS. 4mily Advice to Ministers. Thy suifeessifill exposUre of the *kited and infa m ous woman - who attempted to blackmail Rev. Dr. Curter, of New York, has given mow satisfaction to the p re,.,Qs and -. people everywhere th an aimostany event in the resent history of ,the country. Everywhere there is a call to make an example of the case, and the im posture is now before the Grand Jury; Like efforts to 'frighten and ruineler fs'Ymell are almost every day occur reams in different parts of the coun try. Very recently in Canada an aged minister died, who, twenty Yeah ago, was a' leading, New York clergyman. An - anonymous note asked him' to visit a dying woman at a notorious house. Ho went, and met two men, who accused 'him of flagrant impurity. Then the old game went on.' Exposure was threat-' ed. To avoid scandal money- was paid. The - demands doubled And re-, doubled, and'the.,fearful burden of anxietygrushed outhealth and ly fife. This New Enrdand `Confer.owe has a. similateise: before-it, where the ex-house , eerier of - a late by married minister accuses him of seducing her, and has, perhaps, ru ined forever. He imam • refused hush motley, and trusted to the repqt h of his reputation to- disered- t tYin statemeats of a route>,ed)v a to wornan. Thr Bu 'Edo .iris, in the history of that ritOan -- ,Thent man who IrAt health, hap• and furtuno in flzhtinv. with- uccess, the sue ssful blaekmail of one of these imps of Satan who 1.0411 herself a woman. Of course there ace many had elergymemin the kmq, but it k also a fact that the sa cmrcharacter of the ministerial call imz exposes membersof - the Christian ni ink ry to more at tacks than belong . to most professions. - Thr- New York Ii brld says that asstonint: the innocence of the Rev. Dr. Ca rter, which is coneeded without fresitation by those who know him, "all the tears lie in an onion" which oti ,ht t o he ,:hed over the misfortune most clergymen who are aspersed , xith scandal-. ft is time to rive done with cant on stieh subjects )tai tosay plainly to ministers of the •)spel what !' , eif own sense of pm and in or delicaev`should • iig agio hay.' - ut ht them. bt is Ilt , t often th clergyman can he made the vi , of tbis kind of as p,,rsion with nore or less blame on his own p, 1,. No year passes in which several - , candak %f this sort notcometo light mill nausiate the rewlors of :,,•w-papers; and in a ma rrit y of cameos the reports prove to be but too well founded. As that. 4 o- s , •ript ion of erne is seldom comrt t I by anybody, and perhaps never clergymen, without fancied sem ! L.: against exposure, it is to be pre sumed that but a small part of the a - ival cases ever come to light. A e!ergyman's reputation for chastity is as vulnerable as a woman's. Even a doubt is a stain, and exposure is ruin, The intense moral loathing felt, for an unmasked libertine—a villian who uses the opportunities of , . his Stl.Vreti profession to corrupt f male virtue—is more just and glit eous, reel!its more prompt and ous, • in almost any form lof (E-.;ost for ,le and slimy t-Wpoc • risv. crimes in a •Zileng-yrnan oi-honor religion, and superadd the sacrilege to the inherent vileness of illicit sensual itidnig,enee. Every elergyrnarLshould. (le of this. and cionh - Tering the fre rmency f sueli scandals, no man in that I's quite excusable, however ile gives the ! , •ast lian , llli to so, • imputations. ..ot one holi-e i!. , o-:anal is enn ,Anii il„bygri. , , and y-! every owner - eolpabt inypruder;t who does not prot,•,•t him -'lf I,y insarance. And or , ..,:though :t tn:tori:•.• of elerzymen . Lore. evi ry wini-ter ow( s it to , his profession, and to the sarrk which he is set apart to nphold. •,roteet himself against even t!. , •-sibility of this species; of • A clergymai, reputation p,•riectly in% :.n-rable on tndess he ct.-. to have oth rv, - ;,o; and i Lt ( '!; mailing v 1,a,! it won hi never be :•tetnotol agnin! , t the ionoet•nt, if ihe! k ihel: , prole-- 7"1 \\ re r( :,-t i;ahly 11 , ) ;1. (•;(-1,4y- interview - s ' 'r , nr ether xv(itilt3t). , try' f , t . his church, ..t.! :it 11.true,nr any other place. .;‘• .!I sen s e !e• do it under no ciretirit -t.ntle! l'ri%•;110 Ctlnfo•rt•ncbt, with nn t,..nded WI Mien in Ihe tido of ! rhino +, vi -try cr ribrur.t't :1:4'• itCtS 11 r imprudence. !!!!, , ciou- rectitude of hi. , own inten t c!innot . lustify them, for he lins 11 , ) ritrlit either him-elf nr hi slored ttrof--:inti to the license of 1,!I InilJ , l! ` , lnri•nver.. he should fts! tint 1-itee, if nit the inne t en -0. of so w,int inv . in the tincti•vo delitlitT and sensitive ler which heaulifY FPN, as to - tei; int e rview!: v, ita hin t nlone tin friend. lie Ver Ilt . t . it fein:tl , cllll-exeet , t • 'ti: hottlo. ;le k mnrried, the -tenet. !!!' I cue ivonld p - roteet (!:h it is nOt to enn t.vhnt n •ivormin crntld wisth to , t t.y to her l - tr which he ought ..thrinit; from divul:ziikt.r to his wife. `t •; 11 I he vier:ls - mm) is unmarried, he of roar-e, I), r)rlis in some respectable anti (intuit! recoive an unfit h ruled wniale visitor, not in his w.vrt room, but in tlio open parlor of tlw ragretting the simplicity, H . ll ht• tines not ilistru4t the info (4., of women who call to see him %. :hoot an at tendent. The clergyman mentioned in the : . o . ;-going extract, who was caught i.y going to a house of ill-repute to vkit a dying woman, should have !thuned himself for otiat he sutTered. Not by any means that a lost woman should be denied the consolation of re!iffit,n at 11,e app, oath of death, it %% as 110' , loty the minister to visit her 'sk 11 ) 11 ' 4 :( hilt it was a 1; both of sense anti proo• I: .o go alone. Why dl.l member or ha foully ? Or if he al n., f \vhy did he not find a .tapanpm in ...moo reputable parish 101,ei*, whose, presence would have vrotected hiseiutracter without inter foring with hi- sacred function? in the ea..:e rc,.ited, the Lfergyrn:tn was pro, .thly innoct•ni; but then it is ; I . litertineil) 1/1) 01 Co kind ••• that a faithful nun. ;t he t,)O eau.. beet- and wary. Th, a-es are rare m,l ii where a eler:.r.\ nian ever need :off •r from unjast imputations of that it h- prop.' ly sensitive to the price:es , value of character, and TUE BEA VEit Is published every Wei:Wieder fit 'bet oldAxgus building on Third Street,Bes 7 ver. ?Lott $2 per yew in adviinda Cemmunleations on subj.:ox of local or general interest are rtorpeethfily -.To insure attention flifors o this kind ninst invariably be -aCeougia riledLe by the nuns ot the author. Letters and cornmunleatiens should be addressed to ••- • • 3. AVEYA.Ntrjtesiver. Pa. chaste ivoman. If he._"fears: a stain litres wound,"- he cannot . easily *be put . to . the . mortitlention of vlndicat— ling hichartictet againtit that kind of aspersions. - All 'clergymen who re spect their pro Won should favor the establishment of conventional, rules which'would render such scan dals iMposSible,except in eases where the imputation would bra presump tive proof of guilt. • An "A nti• 9 ' Speech. When Mr. Trumbull made' ':his speed' in theSenateduring the French Arms . debate,. accepting Ahe, princi ples of the Missouri Liberal Conven tion, he. was denounced on the spot by the administration leaders as an apostate from the Republican party. Mr. Morton, Mr. Conkling, and,the other distinguished gentlemen on, that, side of the fence have ; been trying to cast Trumbull out 'of the synagogue, and the rent old . - high stcung party men like Nye, •and Chandler; and marlin, have, .lookeil cigxvii upon him with scornful eyes, from the heights' of theirsu tue.. And now the editornf from Weakly takes the elle civm the Senate ' and' tells us that thepla t form which Mr. Trumbull approves is to all intents and purposes anti-Repub lican declaration directed against cer tain great measures of Gen. Grant's Administration,. Mr. Trumbull di g . posed of that rhar;te pretty well in the speech itself. Perhops it wiil be worth our white - to look over it again. The platform of the Lib-ral R.- t , upticans then. according to Mr. Trumbull, opens by a promise that "by no act or word" will they "en danger the rightful sovereigii ty of the "Union. emancipation, equality of rights," "or enfranchisements." this anti-Republican ? ft demand.% "with equal suffrage for all," " emn pletp amnesty for - Does not Our Republican President 4ecomend the same thing in his latst message? It denounces taxation which " in volves an increase in the " price of domestic products and consequent "tnv for the 'benefit of favored inter -04Q." Well, does Mr. Morton vat to help favored interests at the cNis ns4, of the public? Is he content ht go in to the campaign as an avowed advo cate of unnecessary taxritiOn? Doeii he suppose that to he protection to American industry? The Missiouri Liberals further object to the al.nso of Government patronage in the con trol of conventions and elections, and with Gen. Grant they call for civil service reform. -They coin. mend SenaPiN who have exposed " gross misdeeds." They believo that " local self-envernment, "with impartial stiffmge, wall guard th rights "of all citizens more securely than any centralized authority."-- They denounce " encroachments o! the executive power," the Use of eor • rupt means to 'ratify a treaty, tht, packing of the Supreme Court, the seating of members of Congre-s not elected by the people,.and uncon stitutional laws upon the Ku-Klux, Irreligion, and iatemperanee. These. said Sen ‘ auvutnhull, ." are 0 , 1 priacimlls upon Which the Republi can party has won all its triumphs, and which will go down to costerity upon the annals of the future history of the country constituting Its proud est record." Does any reasonable man supposo that Senators can he read nut of tho Rebublican party for accepting ti platform like this? Is it- treason t , ) , ihe'RePollool.-WV two* one's_ two one's_ devotion to the doefirineS - itifon"‘Vhleh I that party has alWays rested, and which it'was created for the purpose of defending? The policy of Senato: Morton and his followers is to mako this a party not of principles but -cf men. To them the shibboleth or Hdoxy is the pane of Grant. It is little matter what one does, oe what one believes. provided there bo no word against the renomination o;" l;rant. You may oppos civil servico reform, amnesty, equal rights, respect, for the constitution, inquiry into' abuses, equitable taxation; indeed. you mat oppose all Grant's recom inendatititts, and still he a good Re pub!ieun; but oppose his renomina tion. and you shall he cast out. Gen tlemen, yon have overrated your :-trength. You eiiiinet revere-100e a party (111 the prepo-mr: cis hasis you hive, hosen tiny netro t 11 , •!1 r. 7111 make one fifth,. "f stand upon its apex -1" 7'. i'ttti!. The i'iglit.i or , Great /Zen. Mr. A. J. nnniipl!..., in:ma:r ing. editor or th,AN,•w Y , r% Sun k ' m a n who will not ai!ow eume into hi, otike and rail him a liarj When they tin su there are unpleas ant riaLsequenms. A few days a , :o he lelped a matt per , on who h veraeitY,out of doors. The eon- sequence \vas pro-e •M inn f r salt and oattery. Cummit;i made a statement in the ! allot' o,,urt , as wo understand it, in whi..ll ;•-i • fql many romarl, - .:1 1 ,1e :1 , \Vo M P.AT \ 1) •, . rric (;P:x I 'The. nit‘t nrec-d—it 1 that of,Mr, Murat liaktpa,l and . !'n• ve'n , rahl,! tatht•r 111 till , tit! lion. Jesse 11. Graat. r. ii.' teal is well known IV.; I IP' r (il9 raper Navin: the lari.r.,-st eircuhiticm in the west. Mr. Grant took excep tion town article in the Cincinnatti rommerriul, armed himself with mr immerse cilcor h t( ell vane, went ulw into Mr. Halstead's ofilice, and called him a liar. Mr. Halstead applied his hoot to the venerable seat of th 3 parent of -the administration, and kicked him out of his office. Tha case never- reached a court. Mr. Halstead was satisfied, and the fath er of the a dministration. Kuhr.- bly felt that he had got satisfaction. Puplic opinion . in Ohio sustained Mr. Halstead. 'I)ECON "The next preceden' i-: that of I be worthy I)eaeon Richard Smith, of Cincinnati. The detiorn had written somet him , which proved unpalata ble to a diststignished citizen of that I place. Deaeon Smith, your honor, is a truly good man, though he has recently been turned out of the Third Presbyterian church of Cincinnati._ He is the editor of the Cincinnati Ga ze/t. lie was taking an airing on the • streets of Cincinnati one day When he met a well-known citizen,' who showed him an article which '° had been printed in the Gazelle, and that -the man who wrote that article was a ; profane expletive) liar. Deacon Sm it h said that the gentleman must 11 ,r call him a liar. The gentleman ;gala called him a liar, when the O wl; deacon, without more ado, sailed into him. There was u desperate fight. lt was nip and tuck for some time. First the pmus deacon was un der, and then the respectable gentle man of Cincinnati was scratching gravel. Finally, it is said, that the truly good deacon got the best of the gentleman by biting offa piece of his ear. The ease was never taken into court. • The gentleman who had ln it a ieve of his e ar , was siati , fied, amt wlnous deacon was Qari,th.d. !It: h lie opinion in Ohio sustained il:e. vi t tutus Deacon Smith." m:Ec= SST Nlore than forty year. 11.1vo&nits ed 5i111 . 0 .10F1N,4),N . 4 A:C(ll , l'7 , lr LINI MENT was first invented,, dittriov v which time hundreds of th ) ou.iita,is have bean benefitted by its use. Probably nnarti ele ever became so universally popular with all classes as Jou:via:4's AnnuTN.ll LlttitmENT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers