ri El E 3 171 ID JASON AN INCIDENT IN P.ENS"SYLVANIA. •. The mists of the morning still hung heavily on the mountain-top above the vilace of Redcliff, but' the roads which led toward it Were crowded with the varied population of the surrounding population-froth far and near.' lii`Aylesbury the shops were closed; theliammer of the blacksmith' lay upon its anvil ; not a Wagon of any description was to be Seen in the street; and - even-the bar of the tavern was locked and the key gone with its proprietor toward the cliff; as a token of an important era which was without a parallel in the place. And—save here and there a'solitary head looking through a broken pane in some closed up house, with an air cif disappointment, -or the cries of a little nursling were heard, betoken,- lug that in the general flight it had been left in unskillful hands; or may hap, here and there a solitary, rag ge4andk-Dl-natured school-boy was seen, or a - hot .less solitary and ill natured dee:either seeming but half appeased by - the privilege - Ma hori day granted on condition of staying sat hotrre—the -whole village- exhi bit- ed a picture of desertion and silence which had - been unknown before.' But, in proportion as you. drew nearer the ponderous cliffs, in -the midst of which the little town of Red cliff was situated,.you mingled again in the thick bustle and motion of the world of men and women, boys and horses and digs, and all living, mitr ing and creeping things that inhibit the wild distracts.of -Pennsylvania,. The village was crowded to over flowing long beforethe sun bad gain ed a sufficient altitude to throw its rays upon the deep valley in which it WY: There the bar of an inn was crowded, and the -fumes of tobacco and whisky, the tingling of steal' change and the perpetual clamor of the throng, were sufficient to rack a brain of common flexibility. In the street there was a greeting of old and long parted acquaintances; the bar tering of horses; the settling of old itcmunts • the buffoonery of half in tux limited men; the clatter of women; the crying ,and hallooing of children and boys, and the barking and quar relling of stranger dogs. To look upon the scene. to mingle with the_crowd, to listen tO the con versation, or to aurvey the counte nances of the assembled mUltitued, led to no satisfactory solution of the cause for which this mass of dietero geneous matter was congregated. - Within the walls of the old stone jail at the foot of the mountain, a dif ferent scene had been that morning witnessed. There, chained to a slake in the miserable dungeon, damp, scarcely illuminated by a ray of light, now lay the emaciated form of One 1 . whose final doom seemed near t hand. A few hours before, his wi e and little daughter had traveled a hundred miles to meet him on Inure on the threshold of the gray . They met, and from' that gloom vault the hymn ascended with the ascending sun ; and the jailor, as he listened to the melodious voices of the three persons whom he looked upon as the most desolate and lost of alt in the wide world, almost doUbt ed the evidence of his senses, and stood in fixed iitonishtneut at the massive door. Could these be the voices of a awderer, and a murder er's.wife and child? This brief, and to be final inter view, had passed, however; th unfortunate ones had loudly coin mended themselves to the keeping of their heavenly parent, and parted; he to famtheassembled multitude on in scaffold, and they, as they said, to return by weary journeys to their sorrowful biome. The convict, worn out with sickness and watching, now slept soundly. His name was Jason Creel; his: place of residence said to be in V it ginia. He. had been taken up while traveling from the northward to his home, and tried and convicted at a country town some miles distant, for the murder of a traveler, who had borne him company from the Lakes, and was ascertained to have a large sum of money with him, and who. was found in the room in which they both slept at a country inn, near Red cliff, with► his throat cut. Creel had always protested his in nocence, declaring that the deed was perpetrated by some one while he was asleep; but the circumstances were against him ; and although the motley was nut found on him, lie was sentenced to be hanged, and had been removed to the old stone jail at Redeliff for security, the, ounty jail being deemed unsafe. This was; the day the execution was to take place; the scaffold was already erected; the crowd pressed round the building, and frequent cries of "Bring out the murderer," were heard. The sun at last told the hour of 11, and there could be no more delay ; the convict's cell was entered by the officers in attendance, who aroused him with the information that eve rything was ready for him without, and bade hint hasten to him execu tion; they laid hands upon him, and pinioned him tight, while he looked up toward heaven in wild astonish ment, as one new-born, and only s id : "The dream—the dream !" W hat drratii, Mr. Jason'!" aske( the sheriff. "You would do roe great kindnei.s, if you' would drum yourbelf and me out of this disagree able busill(*A." "I dreamed," replied the convict, "that while you read the death .war rant to me on thot scaffold, a man came through the crowd and stood before us, in a gray dress, with white hat, and large whiskers, and that a bird fluttered over him, and sang distinctly : "This is Lewis, the murderer of the traveler." The officers and jailer held a short consultation. which] ended in the de termination to look sharply after the man In grey with white hat; accom panied with many-hints of the r&- ignation of the prisoner, and the pus sibility of his innocence being assert ed by a supernatural agency. TkiP prison doors were cleared, sad Creel, pale and !Mile, with a hymn-book in his hand, and a mien all meekness and humility, was seen tottering from the prison to the scaffold. He had no sooner ascended it, than his eyes began to wander over the vast concourse of people around him with a scrutiny that seemed like faith in dreams; and while the sheriff read the warrant, the convict's anxiety appeared - to increase; he looked, and looked again ; then raised his hands and eyes a moment to the clear sky, as if breathing a last ejaculation. when, lo ! as-he resumed his first po sition, the very person he described stood within six feet of the ladder! The prisoner's eye •caught 'the sight, andJlashedlitii fire, while he called out : "There is Lewis the murderer of the traveler!" and the jailer at the same moment seized the stranger by the collar. At first he attempted to escape ; but being se cured, and taken before the magis trates, he confessed thedeed,detailed .all the particulars, delivered up part of the money, informed where an other part- Was hidden, and was fully committed for trial—while Creel was set at liberty, and hastened, like a man out of his senses, from the scaf fold. Three days had elapsed, Creel had vanished immediately after his liber ation.when the pretended Lewis as ,tonished and confounded the magis trates by declaring Creel to be -her husband; that she had concealed the disguise, and performed the whole part by his direction ; that he had given her money ' • which he had suc cessfully clancealed ; and that the whole from the prison to the scaffold scene. was a contrivance to effect his escape, whickhavlng been effected, she was regardless of the consequen . cea,.. Nothing could be done with her —she was stet at liberty, and neither she nor het husband was heard of again. ,31arrisze. , At the premt time, when the marriage relation occupies so much of the public attention, the following views of the late Theodore Parker On this subject are not without inter est : - Men and women,' and especially young people, do not know that it - takes years to marrycompletely two hearts, even of the most loving and well assorted. But nature allows no sudden change. We slope very gradually from the cradle to the sums mlrof life. Marriage is gradual, a fraction of us at a time. A happy. wedlock is a long falling in love. I know young persofis think love be longs only to the brown hair, and plump, round, crimson, cheeks. So it does for its beginning, just as Mt. Washington begins at Boston Bay. But the golden marriage is a 'part of love which the bridal day knows nothing of. Youth is the tassel and silken flower of love, age is the full corn, ripeand solid in the ear. Beau tiful is the morning of love, with its prophetic crimson, 'violet. purple and gold, with its hors* of days that are to come. • Beautiful also is the even ing of love, - with its glad remem brances, arid, its rainbow side turned toward he*n as well as earth. Young people marry their opposite in temper and general character, and such a marriage is'commettly a good match. They 'do it instinctively. The young man does not-say, My black eyes require, to be wed with blue, and my over-vehemence re quires to be a little modified with somewhat of dullness and reserved! When these oppsltes come together to be wed they do riot know it ; each ' -thinks the other just like itself. Old people never marry their oppo ites; they marry their similars, and from calcalation. Each of these two arrangemenfa is very proper. In their long joniney, these two young opposites will fall ea by the way a great many times, and both get out of the road; but each will charm the other back again, and by-and-by they will - be agreed as to the place they will go to and the road they will go by. and become reconciled. The man dgvitl be nobler and larger for being associated with so much humanity unlike himself and she will be a no• bier woman for having manhood be side her that seeks to correct her de -ficiencies and suppl her with what she lacks, if the div rsity be not too great, and their be real piety and love in their hearts to begin with. The ofd bridegroom, having a much 'sherterjourney to make, must associ ate himself with one like himself. .A tterfecrand complete marriage is per ha* as rare as perfect personal beau ty. Men _and.women are married fractioriallY ; now a small fraction, then a large fraction. Very few ti.e married totally,' and they only, I think, after some forty or fifty years of gradual approach and experiment. Such a large and sweet fruit is so com plete that it needs a. very longsem , liner to riper‘ in, and % then a long winter to meltem and season it. But a real, happy marriage of love and judgment between a noble man and woman, is one of the things so very rare that if the sun *ere,as the Greek poets fabled. a god - he might stop the world in order to feast his eyes on such a spectacle. lam" England will soon have all she 'can do to manage India in the East without getting up a quarrel with America in the West. The recent as sassination of Earl Mayo. Governor General of India, and the similar fate met by the Lord Chief Justice of that country last September, has had the effect of calling the attention of tile public to the existence of a gigantic conspiracy of Mohammedans extend ing throughout India, the object of which is to expel Europeans from that country. There is an amazing degree of Intensity in the hatred o,f the natives for the forcing infidels and lids revival of Mohatntnedanisin will increase it. There is yet danger that.the English. with what Chris tianity they have taken with them to their Eastern possessions, will be :driven out before the overwhelming masses of infidels by whom they are surrounded. When we contemplate the millions in Asia who have as yet no idea of what we term modern civilization, to say nothing of Chris tianity, we can be content with the fields for conquest that are yet be fore us and not sigh for other worlds than this to conquer. RE-ANIMATING THE ii A Itt..-W hen the hair ceases to dra w from the scalp the natural lubricant which is its sus tenance, Its vitality is, as it were sus pended, and if not promptly attended to, baldness will be the certain re sult. The one sure method of avoid ing such an unpleasant catastrophe is to use Lyon's Kathairon, which, when rubbed into the bculp, will speedily re-animate the hair and pre vent it from falling out. Bides that, this inimitable resuscitant and strengthener of the hair nourislses and stimulates its young and tender fibers, remOves all obstacles to their growth in the shape of dandruff and dirt and ultiniately produces a new crop of hair, stronger, glossier, and twice as abundant as the old. As a hair dressing it is notably the most agree able refreshing and serviceable arti cle ever placed upon a dressing ta ble PURGATIVE Ytt e Ls have become a settled necessity with the American people. Indeed, cathartics always have been and always must be used, in some tom, by all mankind. in this country the Outfit- form of ad ministration has been growing in favor since pills were first made of Aloes and Rhubarb, rolled into a ' ball. Their high position in the pub lic confidence has linally been secur ed and fastened:into permanency by Ayers Ckilhartie Pills, the most skill ful combination of medicine fcr the diseases they are intended to eve, that science can devise or art produce. Those who need pills, no longer hes itate what pills to take if they can get Ayers Pill.— Wheeling (Va.) Pre.v. New .4dvertisements. 1 1 1.EerTOE'S N(YflCE.—Letters testamentary I_4 lump,: been Issued to the nudersigned no the tistate of William Sheerer, deceased. late of Ohio township, Beaver county, P a. all persons Indebt ed to the same are herehi notified to make imme diate payment: and all those bolding claims on it will present thou duly authenticated for settle ment to JOHN SLENTZ, Et'r. Mack-Hawk P. 0., Beaver en, Pa. tetr2l - - - - - • CARPETS, M.ATTINGS I,llNllow - A full and well selected stadi.ot AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES. C' A Liberal Reduction made t o min isters and on Church Carpets. ROTARD. ROSIE & CO.. 21 Fifth Avenue. mar Bel-131 PITTsBURGEL Pa. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! The Improved Sampson A: Howe Standard Scales, All sizes and r arietis for sale by SOUDER & M'CLURG, 63 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH Also, Warehouse Trucks, Patent • Money Drawer, AND GROCER'S FIXTURES February 7, 18711-Iy, Ifiseeliapeous. Th 3 B est for All Purposes, More easily managed, more durable, and runs lighter , ' than any Machine in the market; easily cleaned and kept in order; large bobbins, holds twice as much thread as any Other shuttle. Lock-Stitch, alike on both sides; self-adjusting tension. Justly Popular. From the first the " DOMESTIC" has rapidly increased in popularity, until to; day, in the opinion of ftli..experienced Sewing Machine men, it stands forth T 3 NRIVALI~.jIJ! It is mining favor much faster than any other Machine heretofore presented to the publie o whicb can be seen front its increas ed sales last year over the preceding, being OVER FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT No Machine is increasing its sales and gaining public favor as rapidly as the ``DOMESTIC." THIS IS IN CONSEQUENCE OP ITS ei - cri=muzlOPirarY" WM. ROBERTSON, Meat, Beaver Falls, Pa. Call and examine the machine. Feb. 21: 3m. Brooms! Brooms!! The uhdersigned have lately commenced the Manufacture of Brooms, near the Railrod Station, New Brighton, Pa., where they will he glad to have their friends and the public generally CALL AND EXAMINE THEIR MAKE OF BROOMS. They Will 'Use None but the Best of Cbrn, and having had considerable experience in the manufacture of brooms they feel confident of their ability to satisfy all who wish to bov. •feb2l:3m. J. L & R. ThOMPSON. $l,OOO REWARD! A reward of One Thousand Dollar' will be paid to any 'Physician who will produce a medicine that will simply the wants, of the people better than the article knoWn DR. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanse. or Panacea. It must be • better Cathartic n better Alterative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic. and In every way better than the Pan-a-ce-a. ICo matter bow lone it hex been In use or bow lately cli.envered. Above ail It curet not contain any thin: NOV PURELY VEGETABLE. $5OO REWARD !! A reward pi' Five firrndred Damn will he paid for a medicine that Will permanently cure more caeca of Coutiveners, Conetination sick or -Wm , wins Headache, Liver Complaint, Billow , Dienr der& Jaundice, Rhenmatiem, Gout. Dvepeptia, Chills and Perer% Tape Worm, Unile:Tamnr., Tettere, Sorel , . Paine in the ulna, Side and Head and Female Complaints than ' DR. FA lIRNErS BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA. which is used more extensively by practising physicians than any other popular medicine known. PrPeeparad by P. PAnnerne's Duos. & Co., Waynesboro, Pa.. and Dr. P. FA ITRW7.IF, Chlcazo. Price 1.e.5 pgr bottle. For sale by Wholesale and Retail Dealers, and by Jolts XOOll2, Drurrists Deaver, Pa. James H. Rankin, DEALER IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. , CUTTLERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Japanaesc and Plain Fine Ware, Wrru EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. Call and sec our stock and learn our prices. No. 6th SY ( Late St. Clair St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. nocl•lr AVTANTaiI..—TWO ACTIVE, ENERGETIC TiYOUNG MEN to net as agent.; for the N'EW WHEELER .t WILSON SEWING MACIIIN'E in Beaver FMK New Brighton and Rochester. Only each mm as can Or apexd reference no to rharcet,r and ability and furnish a bond need ap ply We will pay guaranteed itainrie.. to proper men. Apply only In person. No written applica tions desired. Outfit Amniotic& WM. SUMNER & Co.. 140 Wood SL_ PittAburzh. Pa fid t 4 4t] S. F. WILSON, BARCLArS ROO3l, mum STREET, Beaver, Pen tea. Tll VIA LIE 11. IN CIDIE" Fl-17,1 Qt. (Green Bnll Roasted) S'UG ARS, TEA SMOLASSES, SYRLTPS, 4S'pimB, Jellies, Canned AND DRIED FRUIT, HAMS AND DRIED 131.:EF, MINCE MEAT, Leaf Lard. in Tin Buckets, Carbon Oil, Vinezar Mackerel, BEST BRAND SNOW-FLARE FLOUR. I3est Britipl Fa 11-t \Sill Flrair, MILL FEEp, CoRN MEAL, Buckwheat, Butler and Eggs MA Gmrs FINE CRA CKEIZS of all Kinds, Confectionery. ORANGES AND LEMONS, RAISINS, OVAL FRAME LOOKING GLASSES, &c., Ltr. Tutusu GROC-F:RIE.IS Have all been selected with care; and, BEING OF TUE 1 7 1 T AND VRESIIEST will be sotll,at Pittsburgh Retail rthP.Fjips. J. D. RAMALEY'S OPERA Hat ANN) GENTS FURNISHING EMPORIUM, No, 0.4 Fifth Avenue, The Best Goods at Lowest Prices. Gortokl.,- cent to srly attirm, pH approval may24-Iy. - Valuable Real Estate For Sale. :. I 1 4 :"..-,, THE property belonging to the 7 i. ,/ heirs or J•atcrAnancsix., deed., 1 : 1 . ... pltue..ed In New Brighton, Beaver J. - ..e county, Pa , Is now offered for kale. , - ‘l.. .. • The lot extends ftom Broadway to Water street, and contains three acres of ground with44arabberr and choice fruit trees in great Ta rte ty. 4 7 There Is a GOOD DRELPING HOUSE, Brick, with Frame attached, containing fourteen rooms and cellar. with good cistern,. stablee, and all . necessary ont-beildtnge on The premises. Also a good sell of water. For further Danko tars inquire of SAMUEL SCOFF. janlo:24tal Bridgewater. Beaver Co.. Pa. tfkarer County Prres, copy and send bill to Mums.] Miticeti r ane - 41. Mow. cansog,' MXIC. einem' R. &..' A. - CARSON Wholesale and retail dealers In grocerlis and country produce, forelgn and -domestic,llea and gtna. Monongahela. rectified, tye whirl/ At, lid. Et/ Federal street, oppoilte P. Ft. W. - C. IL - AllegtenY CitY• • 11y54 . . Manhood: How `host; IloW . Restored , 'Just published. -n-new ( 'I , n ...—:•-• ,.. 7....,. oditl we o s of D c rgalver• brated i ~., _ . Essay on the radiori ~., --, curs (Without medicine) f "-) ' -, -•. • ' - oftipermiorrricesorfeem;. 1 '• • • ' Ina l • Weakness. Involan . . tary tiaminal LoSses. ' Derertarier, Mental and pi ve t r at .inespatity, ippediatents to :Marriage. the.; also, CONsettinlaN, , Faiuspir, and Frew, in.. deiced _by welf-indolzence or sexual eztravagance. nice, in a sealed envelope. only 6 cents. • . ho celebrated author, in this admirable emir. 'clearly demonstrates from a thirty yesn'auccets ful practice, that the ationtrig consequences of Self Abuse may be • radically cured without the dangerous use of interusl medicine or the applica tion of the knife; 'pointing out a mode of care at once simple, Certain, and effectual, by means of which every stifferer. no matter what his condition roar be, may cure himself ebeithly. privatels, and radically. • ( . . 1"/"! This lecture shoul d he In the hemds of ev ery youth and every man in the land. bent, ander seal, to a plain envelope,:to any 4 dress, postpaid on receipt clefs cents or two • stamps. _ ••• Alp, Dr. Cuiverwella "Marriage Gaide." lathe II WWI. ~Jll ddress - the Publishers.' 1 ' " ' " '' `,.- ' ' CHAS.' 3. C. KLINE{ * CO. t U? Bowery, New.Vork. P. a itozotdra. • • aoa•linclliylittepnantrzi. A. H. Franciscus c , co., 513 MARKET STII EISTE, Philadelphia. We have opened for the Spring Trade; the largest and best assorttal stock of PHILARELPIIIA .CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths,Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain. Cot ton, Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bas kets, Buckets, Brushes,Clothes Wringers,Wooden and' Wil low - Ware, &c.,_ 10 the • I ted States. • • ' Our large increase in linsiness .enablett us to sell' at low prices 'and ltiintsh_ the best quality of Goods, SOLE AOENTS FOR TUE ,CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASMIEI I / 4 Price $5.50 \ Over 13,000 sold in six inhnth's. Tends: Carpets GO days, nil other goods 30 days, Net. [Fehl4;3m.Septl-3m. 239 REMOVAL: 241 • Arbuthnot, ,Shannon &Co.,' Have retnared TO THEIR NEW BUILDING. Nos 230 & 241. 7 . S,ZICEET, Opposite Wood Slrvet, And open With an ELEGANT STOCK OF DRY - GOODS; 2V bons, and Stnall Wares; SELL at LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. Buyers are Invited to call. C. ARBUTIINOT. W. T. SHANNON. J. G. STEPHENSON. fel)7:3ta. Hardware, (De £ O .A.LLSTON Foundry & Repair Shop. Having been Engaged in the Foundry Business for mole than tlarty yeas,—iltuing which time 1 have accumulated a varlets dt useful patterns, be• aides ennatruratng model* and taking out patents for Improvements on COOKING - STOVES --and after haring lushly tested ibfte provernenuNl feel as own In offering therm to The public. r4 I Zit Cip WISI The GREAT WESTERN has no Su perlor far this Locality. STOVE - Si Stove,. or Dieerent Styles for Mating and Cooking The Great Republic Cooktua Rove Ilea the be Record of any Stove ever offered In this market. IT TAKES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, MOST DUIELA.I3LE ALTOGETHER TII•E ILIES'r STOVE IN USE. In connection with, the Ftnve I have got up a Patent . EXTENSION TOP, which occupies littlr room, no additional fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen ses with all plpe, can be put on or taken off at any tftne, nml mad e to suit all stoves of any size or pattern. Five "Hundred Persons Who haru purelled and used the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of wtilise names have been publish ed in the A lairs, are confidently . referred to, to bear ii itra CSS of its superior merits as a cooking stove, 'farina. three firk claps CDlZltlet on hand. of about fifteen borne power capacity, they are offered to the public at reaeonable rater.. 101 IN '1 HORN ILRY. npr2trtf The only reliable Cifl DWI-Motion in the Country/ ;100,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! TO BE DISTRIBUTE[ IN L. 1). SINPE'S 37th SEMI-ANNUAL - GIFT Enterprise ! To bi\llrawn Monday March 15, 1872, ONE GRAND CAPITAL. PRIZE OE 10,090 IN GOLD; One Prize 5,000 In Silver l s Two Prize3 c sl,ooo •-. Five Prizes ? ;, \ 5,500 LI Greenbacks Ten Prizes eif * , IOO 21to Family Ctlrriagea and Matched Horses with IS'ilv'ellfottnted Harness . worth 1,9)0 each ! I Rorie sod Boles will Sliver-monnted Gar nee*, werth $OOO i Two tine-toned Rosewood Piattee wpb f5OO each! 10 Family Sewing Idacblnes,l 2 olh MO eta I and 1,500 Gold Silver Lever eating Waidies, (in all) worth from VAt 1 o tap each! Ladles' Gold Leoullne n ' , L;haina, ' Got's °old Vest Chaim tilisertdatea„Steetots, Soda tithe t and Donbleidtited Taldaliad Teaspooet,oryilattad le4 Diaper Knives, &e., !Le. 1, 0 \ Whole Number Gifts, 000. Tickets Limited to 60,000. Agents Watitottn Sell Tiekkts, in W tom Liberal -Premiums will be Pala Singl e 11ekbIs t. 12; StxTicketo, flft; Twelve Tlak. eta, it2oi . Tweelptice Tlikeia, 14.1. Circulars containing a fall ltst of prizes, a de. acription °rale manner of drawing, and other in formation in rrimenea to tte distribmion. will be tent to any one ordering them. Alt oiderg must be addressed toA. D. SINE.."box SO. demto office. 101 W ., Fitth.st., Cincinnati. 0. i'Rowea to.liAdvertisemetits.:-. - ' 1 •*, ..4,101"39 ;11 • :• 1 ..EOIIS ! Al_ • ,•.. AI Work Dtptimolthe:.. - Histoiy#l. reui 'York iiivark9ttif Phased. . Irqspleadori irretetiedn epa: • Its bigh antlow iffor; it" marble pabseear and dark dens. ;Its Mita.: tkensacrdadgetivilto Singtead~ B ol4 ,l eid"_. log intuaralwllisciana;lts SI "norm; it. Gam bits; mystegitea and attn, : , 1 4 11 . 1 4. 0 Pta Until =Wane anzravtagE • • Agent* libitted.—dend for Menial and us our • terms sad sled description of the mcar.:Addreat National rtibtieding Co.. Phil* PAL kddISAI HISTORY' OF. - es In CUICAGO 'end the WEST, by the Item. E. J. Uoodspeed, U. D., of Chteamr. Only complete Calory. 7UO See pima Litt engravings. 70.000 at. ire 3 d7 Bold. Yrlce V. 541. 9.01. 1 0 agents made In 03 days. Pratt kr) to-stdierers. Agents Waided:•ll.• • • 1.;90/r.. 4 PEED 4 CO., :11 ltnt e rUen York. Perk : CELTIC 'WEEKLY- ' • The greatest Illaititind Original Story Paper In Amalca. _EVA: .lincr.Original Write In the ilm. number. No literary treat equal tort. Agenta• IRO enovrtavers wanted In every town attireirrot the Union. 810 aw " k easily realized from the Sale ot this • extra° inary Irish and . AMOIIOI/3 . 1 " 1 /"/ StfiCalnktl eoplea sent free. For rale . by all newsdealer. I co dc; Stu) Per year. Aa. dress ht. J. WizenTA. Co.. I'. U. Be 6074 Near 'York. • ; ' - ,j- • . • • reb29;4 '47.3141U - ' 2 11 0 LitUlArbo AndlElo J wr to Read. 'Being etas:sided !Maier Choice Reading. with ap propriate Mitts and Um:larks, adapted to the gen eral reader, to stibstribera, and to persons intend ing to form collections ,of Books. I 12tao z Ha pages. 'rice Si) cents. Bent free by mail on receipt of the '-Priedl, D. API') %TON & CO.. Pubitsbets, New York. feb2l:4w titMegita,' 131/ Extraordinary Impro IN CAIjINEI C OI : LLIANS. The Mason eh Hardin Organ Ccii, reepectfilly announce the Introduction of Impineements of numb more thangrditiary interest, . Tbese.,aro Heed and ,Inpo CalllnetAirgan r being the only semessful combination of i t w i t FU'JdI with reedsver made; Day's Transposing Key.Board e which can be instantly Mond to the right or lett, changing the pitch, or transposing the-key. For Drawings and Description*. Re Cireifar. Wei° and Elegant Styles,qtDouble . Reed Uzbinet Organs, OA $135 and 111.1 each. Contiderlag Capacity, Elegance and fhorougk latretkrice of il'orkiWan eACO, these are cheaper then any before offered. The Mason dr Hamlin Omens are achinealceffee BEBT. and • from extraordinary. fuctlitles for man ufacture, this Company can afford, and now un- ' dertato to lull at prices which reader them 'UNQUE6TIO.NABLY CHEAPEST. Four Octave Organs, $5O each; Five Octave Or. gins 1000. Maud upwards. Arty sty:m. 2l P go *lson each. New 'lllustrated Cetaiogne, and • Testlmontal Circular, with opinions of more than one thousand musicians. sent free. DINSOY & lIAMLIN OR GAN CO., 1.5-I Tremont Bt., Boston, b'.lo Broadway New. York. feh233w (fur orporated Oda olumbia Fire Insurance Company. °\, OFFICERS AND.,DIRECTOIts: S. A. Detwiler, Preet. c Roben Crape. Vico Prerl- _WinLcon Patton, Herbert Thomas, Treas. - Jamer Schroeder, J. F. Frnenott, Sec'y J. S. Slane, J. U. Bachman, • 11. M. Strickler, Gem* Bogle, It. T. Ryon. For Insantacc or, agencieo, address 3. F. FRUEAUFF, Uolumbld, Pa. WANTED, THIS SPRING, 10,000 • Farmers, To improtento,(Klo acres of the best 'Farming Landa Mies, tree from mort„,, ,, ege or other ill tumberhatc.- These lands colgirlse the Govern ment ltaltread'mets adjacent to the great thorn. tires hchrecn cautlnt, act 4 }?to" City, and lie chiefly In the • Al I 1313 LE liegihn or Western lOWA. most fertile and healthful porooll (lever and ague beim: nuknown)— i rd traversed by ra il roads , N In every direction: Ode *ms the time to Secure di , lionwal $4 cold $5 per acre, upon long time, with ii per cent Interest, In the luxurious valley of either the Boyer; the Maple, the Soldier or the Little SIM/2. Agents at. Stations are provided with teams to show lands tree to purchasers. , Send fora Guide. It gives prices, terms. neKriptioes. where explor ing tickets are sold, and how to reach the lands. County maps alto sent tree. Addreee JOHN B. C. LIIOUN. Land Commissioner, lows Itailroad 14114 Co., Cedu Rapids, lowa. lelaiBtl secure the Agene at Once For the eat, S'ezczn achine 1111. ~: J. L Ft 1:;., tiestnnt St Profitable Employgtent For onciar -two firsons ot either sea, In every town lathe Unite States, by which they may re alise tram $3OO to $l,OlO per year, without but 'hale interference with ordinary occupation If the whole time is devoted, a much larger sum wlll bo realized' Domiffi girls i tan rake-hearty es much its grownit Some niaking from Et to $l5 rier week. atticulanriddress J. DELL 61,13,. a. i• fst Vkianted.—Agents make more moucy at work for us than at an thins else. Business li , zht and permanent. Particulars free: tsvuratia .5; Uo., .Pine Art- Pablishsra, Port land. Maine. PIA NO CO., N. Y.—let clanC29o. No L • Agent., Names of pattono to 40 States la Circular OPlUM'o;?l,Knenviirati/o"nazir Xnetlidenre will out cute. No pain ur inconvenience. Sent on receipt of it 0. A ItMSTIIONfi, 31. D..— Finding lostitute.llerrieu springy, Mich. farts To Adveruservers.—All persons who con template making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of Advertisements should send to Geo P Rowell & Co far a etrcular, or turloact 25 cants for their One Hundred Pace Pamphlet, containing Lists of 1000 Newipaptro, and estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many lustre hints to id vertisere, anti some account of thio,experiences of then who are knobs as Suecessful ;Aarrerfuirtrc— This firm are proprietor* of the American New& paper Agency, 41 F'ark•itow N Y andeare popFe.med of nocinallod facilities for'le• corinvrtho fraertion ofadvertittemente in alitNtwe• paper,. and pertodleada at lowtoost rote*. worr,voltlt. TOOP. H. LAN Z. case. T. TILL& c. 11. wilk.yr. JOllli D. C11611.14T. WHITMORE, WOLFF LANE & CO., Importers and healers in " Sigu of the Anvil, No. 40 Wood Bs., (Three (10017 above St. Charle* P1.79'813U1t(411, PENN'A. Invite the nava lon of bnyerr lo their Spring Stock; which. lu tilt:coon awl price, I . nnsurpann ed In the counti7, They are Ageter for American File Company's eelebrated Files ..fittßasps. Rubber Belling and acking. ospi- iiii.en,)laisksiebelli. Ellison 2 Ws English Steels S7e z.Lock., Shovel*, Sold at Mniinfucttrere price, fetelft:lni PIANOS, g3ot i)ittiAr4s, Nu our thonld litwithuut A PIANO Of OKOAN, when. by .aving44,, or .5 per reek. you can buy such iuturiinwitt. ns Decker 2 Baarne's nnrival ed Piano.. Bullet. Palls 2 s and Brad fo'rtl tr ro** t it i e g naied Bigtor k Abney (Wears Organs. Old InNtrntnents likkell In part payment lor iirw )lie... Monthly payment. taken. 1.. 7 1...131 rate. to Pr arhors.('ltarrlsts, S. Schools di earkers. Send.ur circular or cii'l on N. llAltl wroN co., St Fifth Avenue, litighurgh. Pa. PY74O7Pt. tineilenharree space. BOIDIZ engaged in mnktiir up a large stock of Spring Clothing. they Warmed me ;hut they had no time to an 10 Owl: - Itivertt.ttia.—Kl). r itls 44° .1' S ...1 0 La t cr N , Co Li '* ... A.., r, 1 OE Neer Arritnginen H. S.- - 1 - 113333A8AD \ Has purchased her RED FRONT, rot tape, old atand)nort doot to Po 4 Umbra ter, Pa., where 60 Intends opening OW tbe Ist of with Drag, Dry Doods,litillinery Goods &o.; ae. • •• ; • janttAl Cross' &Cols citumn; Tew Faii JUST RECtIVED BY S. J. Cross ct Co., •:, • •• • ItOCHESTE,II.- F. , , -; T Oinrterocx og Navr AND SIMONABLE DRY -GOODS • IS LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE, ,Ostiltp OF CLOTII, CASSIMERE; JEANS, WA 'TER-PROOF, PLAIN FLANNELS, BARRED FLANNELS, CANTON PE/LiITE.LS, DRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED, AND BROWN. MUSLIN, COTTON 'BATTING, sriA.Ntrt,s, , SIMI% WOOLEN YARN, HOSIERY, GLOVES • '•ia 44e IV Co 1 1" I 40) N.IS Ready-Made Clothing: COATS ! PANTS, *FISTS, , s Drt.A.w ions, Hats and Caps, A VTY LAR(E and IiKW STOCK. a fflM BOOTS & SHOES : Men's, Youths' and Boys' zoorms4 WOMEN'S, MISSES' ad CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GU3 SHOES, feb'&,4w ALL PURCDAsED LOW AND WILL ADVANCE ON COST. WE ALSO CONTINUE TO KEEP L'P OUR USUAL STOCK OP GMOCEI3IES, GRAIN, MILL-FEED, SALT, LIME HARDWARE: NAILS; HORSE 'SHOES, HORSE NAILS, Window Glass• Paints in all Colors, DRY . and IN OIL : WHITE 4,EA D, LINSEED OIL, PUTTY, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, ALCOHQL, GUM SHILLAC, &c Wooden Pumps FOR WELLS AND CISTERNs. ALL HEAVY QOODS, DELIVERED , WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE, FREE OF CHARGE. CUSTOMERS WITH COAL AT THE Rochester. Oct. 20th, Mt. Dwelling Houses, imaN - Euvolavirs, IMPROVED. AND UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE IN ANI3 NEAR TILE Borough of Rochester, FOR SALE AND RENT a. IT. C 714.06118. 3layll.l3r:chcl IMI Ljanl2'72_ -1 =II =EMI DEGADVIS, , PLAIDS, ALPACAS, MERINOS,. OINGEAMS, CHECKS, TOWELING, DENIM, IN GREAT VARIETY &c.; &c., &c., BE SOLD AT A SMALL PROVISIONS, FLOUR CbIII.INT WE ALSO FURNISH OUR MARKET PRICE E4til oltaias-i: 11.4itnam, tosxmkp, . ; ;WM itcBll4.llll ~Tajsttt . ttaadildbytichlegikhistonllo. sliA4r 1:0-15Z—ERS A l ls l,Bl F ll o, B Atfaklrils.-!„ 57 , •and 59 : Wood ,'Street, .Pli2artt4tr*TV/V2o4:' Call and Examine THE STOCK OF PFtV gOlaDs BOGGS •& BUHL'S. 13A-ItGAXNS, At Present, Wortkedf Special Attention. S, 100 'PIECES POPLIN ALPACAS- AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. STRIPE CLOTH SHAWLS AT$l.3O Former Prime 86.00. YARD WIDE BROWN MUSLINS AT NINE" AND TEN CENTS. EXTRA GOOD ISLEACHED MUS LINS 12x, ii9 . 1.;4, CENTS,. , WIDE 'BLEACHED LINEN CRASH AT EIGHTY-THREE CENTS. Dress Goods Exceedingly Low Prices. ulltYl7o,” .gelra Value in each Depailment, TIOGG'S 1213 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGaEN? CITY, PA. apls-Iy;eh mr.r. 40/litttg9.ootli novll2,feb. 111 ACN OUS E. THOMAS M'CREERY & CO THOS. lIVINIEBRY, J. F. DRAW)ANGIJJEL. i.ll. lee -Jimmy. interest paid act time drpoota; Prompt attention gives to collections, also: timurance Agents for good and, rpllitt4o . CoMpst4eo. fjostylBtf The Improved Grand Oroide 14`03,1a> nc74l2TirviLltilik ,$9, $12,. $l5, $lB. ' We have recently trough: sine Orotde•Cold Metal to such perfection that it is difficult for the beet ledges to distinguish it from gold: The $9 watch es arenith patent esaipement movements; in ep pumice, and fortime, equaling a gold one cost ing $lOO. The $l9 Arabi' jewelled pittelit keen; equal to $l5O gold watches. The slsaTe the same all the last, but of a tiler finish; equal to one cost to $175. And the $lB watcher aro (define finish with full jewelled American movements, equaling gold ones worth $2OO. They are all hi hunting cases: gen t;emen and Ladles' sizes; and er smutted for4ime and wear. by special certificates. Mao, elegant designs of Gent's and Ladles' Chain, tram $1 to $1; and Jewelry of all tones. Goods sent C. 0. L. Cnetonieis permitted to examine the goods they order, bet re paying bill, on payment of eiprese charges. 'When six watch es arc ordered rt one tAme, send an extra watch of tbe same kind free. For further particu lars amid for circular. Address— JAaLE9 GERARD & EG Nasean it. New York. P. 0 Box Stin. decti;trn N. 11111.LEIL, W. DOLEIT. ..... ...J. T. KA MU M, MI LLER. Ary CO Q , Contractors and Builders; PLANING - MILL BEEI %wiluan.lta--u.rzaa3%4:E). r/Q4001•19. EBELISZL 1:-.A.U1U.:.W.LMUe Constantly on hands, and mat o to order ltochester Orders by mail will receive prompt at rntion. . blor8;11—ly A Word to You, Friend ! ! FOR GOOD COFFES, FOR GOOD TEAS, FOR GOOD SUGARS, FOR GOOD SPIZES, FOR GOOD FLOUR FOR GO OD FEED, FOR GOOD TOBACCO, FOR GOOD CIGARS, FOR EVrTIVTIIINT ‘ ,7 X-1 1l IN 111 E Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT PRICES T nEAT IN BEAVER. on F.T.MVIIERE GO I'o S. 'SNIICG, & CO.'S, ad sired, BEAVER, PA. j~nlU'7:•ly POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA. HENRY WHITEFIELD, 3IANLTACTURER OF Sash, Doors,Mouldinga,Flc or•boards, Weather,boarcls, Palings Brack ets, deo., dee. Also, , DEALERS IN ALL KINDE:- OF LUX ' BER, LATH, SHINGLE S AND BUILD/NG =RIM Having purchased 'The' the territorial in terest of Mr J. C. Anderson.° wncrof the several patents covering certa in improve manta Sd tha constractims and Joininir weatherboards and linings f,r •houses and other buildings, weave the °I persons authorized to make and tl:e- same within the Remits of Redier co nitty. 'Par mterested tv4l please obst tve this. • Oarpenters' Onuilantlit Kept foli r and. Ever* Anson& of 5h01...W0l k made to 0ct4;17 1 2 ,1 ! -- Ifititeettiaiteost&'4; '----,----,,,-, • -.- 2 - , . . Cas . r . h Hurst I NSIDrRA-NUV, AND General Agency Office - NEAR ME DEPOT ORO HESTEIR;PENNA. Noutri 16isilie and costireseuxcen, FIRE, LIFEi. and, deI;IDENT ,INSPirk ANCE "Anchor" andrNattonal”,l4Mes of Ocean. Steatite's; . 0 Adams 7,aud °Ea ton" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and •liberal 4c rink , Estate bought- and sold ~ Deeds,rifori,.ges.. written t-Deposithnik and,Acknowledge mentAtaken, Goode and Atonal' forwarded Io all parts of the - United States and Canada. Passengers bithked to and from England, Irellind, -Scotland, Prance .and Germany. • ..t i /V* . CO., Of Hnrtfotii; (loan., Cast: • "ts,,y their fruits ye know them.* Losses paid 1, 1871 . .'; .3213,000,000 One of the oldest and Wealthiest Campo `Dies ill the wbrld. =ME MAG-4114, .htiturano Co., . •Of New Itcirk. Cash assetts....., - $1,500,000 ANDES FIRE__'.ENS, CO., Ortintinnati 3 Oht6; - t Cash , asscus, ENTERPRISE INS. CO., offhiladelphia. Cash assetts over... $600,000 LANCASTERPIre Ins. Co. Of Lancaster, Pa. Cash assetts T. 240 000 ALPS INSUrtANCE CO., Of Erie, Penna.' Cash capital, 5250,000 HOME LLFE\WS. CO, Of New York. Cab' TratieleriO ' Life & AcOident Insurance Co., , Of Llartford. COM/. Cash swells over. $1,5p0,000. itepreuesitimy amebae. Cost chum Insurance Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the best end Most reliable intim world; end representing a gross cash =Dim) of nearly tifi,ooo,ool4l aza en abled ; to take Insolence to any amount desired. .tipplicatione promptly attended o , and Policies llama delay; and etfair rates awl liberal terms. [oases liberally culfußte d . arui promptly aid. INSITRM'Tv DOLT? By one day's delay you may. /ow the paving& pf years. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; therefore,Thaure fa dayT Onela4dy, is asorta two tamorrount."— Quallty, also, is of the utmost importance. Ttie low priced worthless article. always'proves the dearest. its above companies are. known lobo linongst the best and wealthiest in the warld. ' As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful for the way liberal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict attention to a legit imate hasiness-Oaot •onIY ter merit a continuence' of thematic, but a large Inc ease the present year. Mr. STEPHEN A. CRAIG is duly authorized to take. applications fur Insurance and totetTa the premium for the same In adjoining townships. CHAS. U. IIUIRST, Near Depot, Rochester, Pa. Lictkly. WILLIAM MILLER, - - - JACOB ?SAS PLANING MILLER. TRAX , Maniffactirrerigrierneaere Os Dressed Lumber, -SAM DOOTIS, SITUTTERS, SIDING FLOORING, MOULDINGS, &c• Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY 3IAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTLY ATTEIMED TO. Mill Opposite the , Railroad Station. ROCHESTER, PENN'A. anril 19'71; ly . . OP LtGrAIVIZE.II3 a 1841. iS m. iwza La al LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Home office, Pittsfield, Mass. Mutual protection is secured to the Policy Hold eniet this company by a Special Law at the State. For example : Suppose you are thirty-five years of age, and take an ordinary-Life Policy. If you should make ONE payment, and should tail to make the SECOND payment when due, you still remain insured darn r, the second year and three days of the third yerr. if you die Manna the two years and three days. your family mrlll receive the run amount of the Policy, less only the overdue premium and interest. One Annual Payment will keep you insured years and three days. Two Annual Payments will keep youi neared 4 years and la days. Three Annual Payment,. wtll keep you Insured 6 years and 27days. Four aunualpaytnenta will keep you insured N ears and 46 days. Five Annual Pay ment, will keep you Insured 10 years and 56 days. Six Annual Payments will keep you insured 12 years and 14 days. Thu protection applies to any ape, and is expressed in every Polley. • The Adtrantagew of sprit Protection. New YORE, March 11,1374. W. 11. Guessz, late of New York, insured a few years since In the Berkshire Life Insuranee Cont.. petty fo; $3,50D; but, owing to misfortune in bust pees, was unable to make any payment to the Company during one yea. and ten months prior to his decease, which occurnd January 12, 1870. I have this day tecelved (at the New York office of the Company. 271 Broadway corner of Cham bers street), Three thousand two hund red and ninety-nine dollars, this bring the hill amount due to his widow, after deducting the overdue payments and Interest. W. B. HARRISON, 107 Broadway. A Special Law of the State of Mama nhaia.dis. , Protideri that It yor E reftrild tall to make yoar pay- Mart lollop doe. and still preserve the conditions of the Policy, you will remain insured for a nd time cer- ftainel i t numbernST of yearit a (lays thereafter, and it tn.' e Ito. Policy will bo The ratio of expenses to receipts In Cle Company it smaller than the average ofall the ompanies doing business In the United States. The True Benefits of Life Insurance. —lt fa time that thole who seek the true benefits o Lae lasursoce Should understand that Compa nies which strive to do the largest brulnesa (and persistently ignore Centre liabilitleso are by no means the best Companies in which to insure. It fit the atm of the Officers and Directors of the Berkshire to do a sate, progressive business. which shall each year add to the strength and sta bility of .thePtantiany. and at the same time fur bisti-Vta members with more Ihntrattell, larger Div idends, and gr e ater advantages th an can be reali sed in any other Company. Annual Cash Illyialendu.7 This Company Ia Strictly Mutual. and tilyidet all the proilta amoi g the Policy holders, .m.the Contrihntton Plan. Ai your Cash Dividends Increase, the fu ture payments which you make will gradually de crease. Dividends may be added to the Policy, and are never forfeited by the non-payment of pre miums, but may at any time be converted into Cash. SHEN ALLISON, Agent. Beaver, Pit., Sept 13:11 J. B. SN I E . AD Has now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL • . IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the, latest 'improved; machinery . for the manufacture of BATH. &C. &C., and . is now prepared to attend to the building and repairing of Blenteats t Barges, flats, &e., Keeping constantly on , hie* a superior quality of Leather., The patronage of the public is *respectfully solicited. All ordexii pccarptly executed. • inugB.47 A LintiElxn" COMPLETE STOCK pf W 9 arid Thre4-IVheel Gigs, PERAMI3UVATORS,...LID WILLOW CARRIAGES, pf the best .New 'York and, Philadelphi a manufacture, at-reasonable prices. Also Ladles' Satebels; .13asketsf Fancy Go o d,: Notions, Toys; Set - Jetvelry, &c., wholesale.aral 148 Federal St., 2 doers above the Market, mayl7;ly ; - 7 7 : Allegheny, IQ Cot :Wl:strata; the pones of. Using rIMECCE , I3 I 4 Fountain Nasal irdeetor...' - Thlß tn etntment is expitittillydeifilmcd for feet Application of OR. SACS'S CATARRH RaMEDY, It le the only form of metrament yet p.• with winch fluid tnedloute can.-tau carrn s and palectly applkd to gallons of the nth, t. a •Srld, this them benskor.Lax,ities kupaus.s. qtreivith,in Which t ores 4 erast, and from ichien Iho (Latarrrai ow.ensir7e s • rally proceeds.. The want of eucces.s in tr,silss. Catarrh heretofore has art een target, fl on) t he ins j • sibility of applying remedies to these ctiN Ines ir ctiambers by any of the ordinary WO•thode 7111:. Obstacle in the way of - eftec.tiug•comis os. Onus el) view:sae by the invention of the I , e h. er I ss. ttne Instrument. the Fthill is canted; ty its allelic - 0C 1. (Itoamdting: iambi or pumping tieing trstotren.)nr nostril In stall gently flowing ' , trot.' iirtne t portton of the rutgal passage*. pa,se. intci reit 11 • otlghlyeleatutes the t tr.1)(1. •• therewith.and tors tutu, theevpasite . la pleasant., and so simple that a riold a, • stand It:F. run. slut .extel telt der, .•ti e accompany cacti tu4trument. 11" . • tastrinnent, Dr Feim• attacks of "'Cu id i<r l/.. . • applicatinnsa Symptoms of C' tars t . ache,„dioCharge t I , 1. .r. . lime. watery. „, • • •In others a d ‘ rri,-•, .1 ;,.. oyes. stoppmg up ~r . , limiting in ears. rt,Mre. „ ... 1, 3 „ i.,„, „ cleat 'throat, ttle.e,ot .„- Altered. •• 1 , total tlenifeminsu of .euss.e . :I a• t nese; mental tit-pre...0:1. I, - . Lion. eiilar.4l,l t•.,,-, .s I,r i , • few of trse eu a au Y CaS 11l elle Dr. *rigors catnr rya with De.."Ploree , s4 • . eurnpaniod tilta toe roe-wet VP leeimuniensl 1 sr s. s• s bottle of tile R • s • 4gith.sollW, . a ewe. Sao re wo Ps . The n •nuiav as m •• Ir." , • • (105tr011.7 ( -le-. • itemetly •el.I ,t • (.; till ttfrnw-f•r--. pricier ":, r•-•••-l•st • s _ -$3,500,006 Jan 17a y afr Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. 1 youth. Thin . ,iair is thiciened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always,`, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can te saved by this application, anti stimu lated into ' , activity, so that a new growth of hair is. produced. Tnstenti of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigoroli:. Its occasional use will prevent the h:l' r from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. "rile restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion , of dandruff, which. is often so un cleanly'and offensive. Free from those cleletegions substances, which make some preparations dangerous and inH- Pious to the hair, the Vigor can onlv benefit but not harm- it. If ivanie.i merely for a HAIR DRESSING. nothing else can be found so desirai , ' , Containing neither oil nor dye, it bo , . not soil white cambric,. and yet long on the hair, giving it a rich, lustre, and a grateful perfume. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ed by• their boom itse ; and every family should have them on 1 1 ..1, for their protection And relief, when rismh Long experience has proved them to be the ,rd e,t, surest, and beet of all the Yills with a.m..: the market abounds. By their occasitin.it the blood is purided, the corruption» of tin > • teat expelled, obstructions removed, am! whole ninehmery of life restored to it- he.td; activity. Internal organs which bison . .and sluggish. are cleansed by Amer's pat, stinu into action. Thus mriaieni is eh: tged into health, the shine of a huh rimy:: when reckoned on the vast multitudes irtoi r.. -it, can hardly be computeiL Their ' makes thorn pleasant to take, and preserve- t:•. virtues unimpaired for any length of nms. that they are ever fresh, and perfes•th reitards Although searching. they at - n mild, and river''' Ulthollt dibtilltallet to tile coustitution, o' k c-ii itr ' gr u e . ctions arc given on the t ' ea. - 11 box, how to use them P...! A Faintly l'hysm Mitt for the following complaints, whit In llit:1 fifty rapidly ewe:— For Dyspepsia. or Indigestion, t Littltte... now, Lanwuer fuel Lots of _I ppetit , .s'• ilmuld be taken motlerately to stiontiale4 ire stun. arty, and restore Its healthy tone and atm... For Liver Complaint anti its Varlon. • DIMS, Bilious licadkache, Oral ache, Zgandieeqr Gimes* Sickness. Its • 1011 1 Colic and Zillions revers, they be judiciously taken fur each case, to correct it,: diseased action or remove the obstructions will,: cause i For Dysenter y or Filliarrbira, but 0% mUd dose is - generally minima. Forlihruznatistn, Gout, Grate!. Po h l . : phaeton of the invert, Pain i n I ;tide, Back and Loins. they stuitild be -antis tionsly tnkcuias required, to change the MAY , " action-of the system. With ditch change complaints disappear, For Dropsy and 'Dropsical mitell in4l they Mlortltl be taken to largo and frequent dime, tbrolOdUcCthiaieffiiet of a drastio aurae ' Fos' fitappremillop, a largo iloSe ' 1 "'" 1.1 I as it produces the desired effect by sYla malty. 'AS a Dinner . Pill, take one of two r ills ti promote digestion turd relieve the stontv it • An OeCasional des() Stimulates the stomach tin ls bowe, restores theappetite, and invigorates system.. hence trig. often kdvantaffeallo wP el v i no serial:malet exists. One w ho . llnds that a dose, of the' Pills makes Mm feel decidedly better,f( oo3 the' cleansing And renovating effect ou the dig apparetne., Ciddrea 1, r _ 3fedntiZ.: , BEE Ayer's A dreszing which i s at once agreeable. healthy, a ,1 effectual' fo x preserviug the hair. it soon restores fisdeu or gray hair to its original color, with tin Prepared by Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., kractic• 1 ❑-a Analytical l'heriticis LOWIA-414 For the relief ant cure of all derange menu ha the stem acb, [inc. 004, bow 4pm - tent, ' ar excellent purgative Being purely veg table, they cont. , . DO mercury or ma, ral Whatever WU Itcrioux sickness any FAiffering is pre t enc • pgraysqco For The ATJR CO./ Practical Chemists - zowszr,, 8. 4. 8Ala : 8r ALLAILIMISTB ZYM II 7 4 V UEBE 0r.t.44 ME A ' '111;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers