The Beaver krgus: Beaver. Pa— dun. *7th, 1572. c;l7-tiltrtion 'lyikteen iilttes of Advertising. • TiNIL. - 7vr. I • rex. 333. I Gm. 1 year -I- --i- - 1 -,r -:0 0.' , . : S2WI $-3 90'1 t 3 00; 17 00 $lO 00 ~ , .r,'s. clu 350 5 Ikl 7 00i 10 00 15 00 •, ,, , du 500 GOO 900' O. 00; 18 00 ..,,.;0t0. , , do 1: I; Ott 800 10 501 15 al l 91 00 ,01111. 8 Do, 11 00 0.5 00 i 9 00: Es oo L, culamsi >;11 001 15 001 , 511 A 38 001 411 00 dui • . 1 22 Cti l 30 . 0043 L .S Of, 60 001100 Cu - ild x.ectitoris* Notice x.. -• •Sti ..,•••• notion per floe. ten CetaA. PArMEttil to he made gtuirterty, except • 0 traw,ient aciscrii,crtuntit, which maid he paid .::almrtratory' and GIME GEO. P. ROWELL, 40 Park How. N. York. D s. AII. PETTENGILL a: Co, 37 Park ROW- S.. York. nre thy' lute mein tor Tan HEAVER A noun in that cite. And are authorized to contract ("r msertior adverth.ements for as at our 10w ...4 cesb rate.. ..141-crtfarra to that city are re. to leave ttreir favors with citifer of the t• honpe, T. ReCLELLAND A Co. are the A MILTS' agents to Piasbnrgh, and are authorized to Con tract for advertisements at, oar Cash rates. TariE Fa.. E. Cleveland dc Plittaborz,b U. 13.—Tratns Es.t leave Beaver Station sq follows: Mor- Acemnsn 9 19. Mail, 2..17 p. m ;Evening; Feat Train• cnlnz Weft love, Bearer Station to 101- inss. 1%46n AtnOmEtcsittiOn and ES pra tq 11#11air.)4,45 p. in. =22IIIMMIEMMOI The attention of the public isdirected to the following Now Advortisornente which appear for the first, titne In the A II.C/138 to-day: • Notlces—Dr. Johnston .t C 0..... , o-cialltce—Dr. Keyser.. • Ada - S. & 3. Snellenbarz ..... ...... • Nonee• -Ikt It_ V. Pierce. . Pro-oecrm -16Iltsbnrzh Dispatch. , t • Not ic. s—Lontse Holden I".:r-n for Site-11 H. .7ktOore Seminary- -D. H A. McLean ... s• Ms- --Ildanhood—% ]I Pettin~tli. )I,llc.ti Ithctlverv-- Dr P V. fierce special Nuuce- Uld:thue Omitted:—Owing to several eircutp tances.lii-e—are unable to find room for several articles which should hate ap peared ineto-day's paper. Among these are the proceedings of the Beavbr cOnnty Societq and sketches of the live , of three of our oldest Inhabitants. These will all appear next week. , rrnt-ING S•Evt.ll. Stetline Sliver., TO)le Wnre .!. I.reQentntinn piece,. John Sterem,ron's Sons 93 Market ttreet. je7-1y The iinportaneo of giving •S'Arri Cavalry Condition Powder e r to h r-e , that have been out in the enid ar ram• aro i in cold wind. or drank tot water, cannot be over estitna t, man should be without them tl4 a good horse. - , it WATCHES.—The most, complet. line a Pit INharh.nnd all the necessary at , t. to be bad of John ,S?ererown,'s iSons d.. e•treet. Plttshurzh. je-lc Sion. Geo. V. Lawrence and John if, in,: were chosen delegates to' the 1:•1 , , , t I.IH-111 State convention from tt ts!,i , pzton vounty,.at a meeting of the 1:. i .. 11 io-an County Convention, held in •• ante la st wee . CI.kWKA. —American 'Moan a • T. A •wc..M. Inn est - • • cf. Co!, tri Market stroet, Pitts je7-ly. Pen n•ylvania School Report•— \ ~rt• ho,ler obligatiims to Prof. G. 1 The County Superintendent, r of the Ste School Superin .l, I,! Report ror 1671. -- We sell none but trip IMEMIZIE • . ~.• snd prlcv...t . Good. if .q , renerod Sorm Ma-F, - ...t street. 'Pittsburgh. ' i'Ve are indebted to General Hart r, lion. W. McClelland, 1 / 4 :,enator Ru to, V: \\'. Kerr, and Sant: Ham esti., of Harrisburg,, fur public d nu-lents% Free 01 'Charge.— rnli arAudriessen's Drug 13,0 vr, or at Damien's, in Rochester, Ri o n R amr,ll ,- • of Dr A Rust.heo s Getman Syr• , ree r.f, Utrge, Ii ha. Istety been itStrod 1, c,e;:•'ry from I lermany and fcu any a so t , , ollierilez fn•:n a sevyre heavy cold set t.• dun the breart COSAII mption or any di-ease of t throat or lutn:s it has no equal in the world reiztit:ir .ize bottle, 75 cent.. In all cage. the tooney•ar 11• be promptly returned it perfect P , aUs Js not given. ' t wo doges will TeiiPVC any r. Try tt novta:ty Rel. BrlttnAu. who is the efficient I.4sior of the United Pre' bvterian eon ‘ria.tation at Greenville, Mercer count}. %, ill Is at this place on nest Sabbath„ assist Op Rev, J. C. Wilson in the :4'acrament of the Lord a Supper. ltrittaim we presume, will preach on tlic occasion referred to, thus enabling many of his oil acquaintances to hear IMM .k l / 4 I Cr , .A.,zeilts for the • , ,`,, •••• 11 . ..ortiex cu the City of Pittsbnrzh. • - ••ill1•1 , •r•T nt nr,r jilfmr•ie to t•trli•li .• T „,— reltfq.l . l, e)7/X it Co., ¶ll Mir. ••,••,. T'itt! , ticirgh. je7-ty '..00d Appointment.— Dr:C. "1 \\ of New Brighton, has been air exarning ,surgeon or applicants pr:nsion's of Beaver county, i•ire Dr 1 ,ti StAitorl, deceased. Dr. Wendt is ung man of eminent surgical and r" , •.11, al 1 ty, antrhnks desnr‘llvdly 1.:11 a , a physician apel a gentleman. Nr I,t• ;• ter selection could have been =EI Louise Hoiden lectured on "A mer nod recited , selections them, to a delittliteavadienee, at a r , ception of the- Brooklyn W 4 , 1111111 . S Cititl, at the Business Wonien'A 1:11100, I;•,,Lte anti Willonvhby strecti, last —11?'"01.1,/n. #,(i/Ing r. D. %. Weigle, of Rata:owl town ship, this county, m ho has `been in the west for a couple of years past, returned home a week or two ago, bringing with hits a "Letter-half." Ile iv mach pleased with Northern and proses to make that locality his future :Owe. ,COUNTAIV , PFN.- St•methlici: and lii• Fllre and read the ail t In oor r headed, •• Pates( Invention of the Age ' \v, eHleve tbe Golden Fonntain Pen is übsur A goodtws Is a neee.:sslty to every man. !.!!; a! !I !told Agents. here Is a chance :a-, an 1.. , y in in trodildlig a good and saleable lippointments for Beater ('o. P-t•or Howie.- On the laNt Friday of •• thher the Direvtorm r•f* the Poor "I" ntadt, the following appoint -1.;, 1 ,r 1:lis year: NV1111:1111 Shroad.,, , :V. Moore. • Dr P. M. Kerr. r, , 01 —\V i I liam Barton %en ro,it 01liee in Beaver Conn !). ti,t• in , :tanco of Captain McClel- r lt , pr , senintivo in Congress, a office, to be called Cannelton, 4,tablished iti this county. The I ,,, ated in the vicinity of the -4 2 -a---Coal---irtines.- -Mr. J••I Ni o ody has been appointed Post - 4 We were pleased to see, not long • ' In one of our exchanges, some ' v , cvere remarks addressed to sev rsons .•• by Rev. John S. C. Abbott, kept coughing; which prevented • v tn,m hearing. People who cannfit fro m coughing, had better stay .o in , m such places, or else take a John-son' s A nodyne Liniravy them. The Bearer County Minisierial Will 'meet in the Presby- Chu reli, in ISridgewater, on r., ]6th at 7 o'clock, p. -se hject tiar.ikttussion—"Ther Char , I '.tic. of thwtiocial Hour." Rev. C esgayis All are weleotne tuid Invited to attend and take 111 the. di«•ngNion of the question.- JOHN H. AuQUEY, See y to Item for the Ladies.—A rash. sav4: "There is a beautiful stuff now oat called cotton arena_ It has better effect than tarietan, i really more durable than Swiss. ;---t-sse s that peculiar transparency much enhances an evening Li t'•••• • and makes up beautifully into i'", ' "a l overdresses, to be worn with , ohqed giiks. It has just as good :ipp,:tralim as white silk grenadine, wlti, all the "vantage of being cheaper all,. to bear washing. White silk tfrenadin e is sweet, but then it is expen b/N e and perishable. • *- Besiver Falls laatt*ts-at election held last week in , Beiyer Falls, the following persons were elected to till t!!& Offices named: : Bargees—A. G.:McCreary. • t Assistone Burgess--John FL /Steven son. Jostiee of the Peace—Jelin McQtrty. (N)uncif—Martin Metzger, James M. Fesssenden, William F. Modes, Daniel Barnard, Henry Reymer, Joseph Dle- MET. S4OO/ DirthOrd —James L. . 11 .Dai 4 ism,-Mal:Joim A. Cline, John R. FlakM: Joseph Graft 'amstable—John tiray. • A ssessor.Litobert Nowtoti. • Judge of Election—M. 11. Shannon. inspector—t Maj. John A'. Cline. • Tama Auchloi-.- William Robertson. iltiard , of L ade.—The citizens of Beaver Falls have organized a Board of Trade and elected the.folloWing officers: President—J. E. Emerson. Vire Presidenfe—Johnßeev and M..Fegsenden.' Serretary—J. H. Stevenson. Treasurer—Martin Metzger Directors—J. A. dine. H. M. Jivers, W. C. -Hillman, Robert Duncan and Ji)s. Graff. —A correspondent of the l'ittsluirgli Commercial of the 11th, furnishes the frillowing intere.tiug particulars touch ing di - CI - hi provent.eut;•3 •.• ; - . .......,... . . A few years since the•EinrincittylAttlit=' . _ .ty of Economy, Pa., became owners of a ',art of the land included in a •plat of ground bordering the — river on our side, and along the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad on the other. Being covered with immense sand boulders or huge stones, doubtless washed there by the river ages ago, the 1 soil was sterile and non-productive to the agrigulturist, and of no avail to the owners as farming land. It was not dif ficult for the Trustees of the Society that held ownership of the real estate, to see that nature had intended and prepared it for a thrifty loan ti factu ring town that should serve as an outlet to the energies of Pittsburgh, by affording facilities that were denied in the "Smoky City," be cause of the great value of land upon 4vhich to build manufactories. After several attempts to originate and put in to operation a plan that would be MLIC. eessfill, the society employed as agents the firm of 11. T. & .1. Reeves, of New Brighton. to whom is largely due the great change that has been made the last four years. During theyear 1667, a large building was erected, known as the "Beaver Falls cutlery Works. - The lo pating, of this inanufactory began a new era, and henceforth asteady increase has been kept up. Without entering largely into particulars regarding the man u lac ituring interests of the place, I will sim ply say that at the present time the vari ous manufactories of the fla,e elupl , y about eight luttolred la rers, paying out for labor ea-11 month t irly thousand y dollars. The capital em oyed is about one and a quarter million del ;. - s, and the value of their manufactu d'goods one hundred thousand do tars per month. 1 c lia~~i C The population of the place is now about four thousand,closelv rivaling the enterprising village of New 'Brighton, which loses none of its former energy; but is rather stimulated by the competi tion. In educational interests the place is not idle. The "( lid Brick - School House" that for years was both sanctuary and school room, where the little urchin be wailed the too vigorous application of "ferrule" and "birch," and on Sabbath day pious and impious met in the public services of worship, has been cast away as belonging to the past ag©, and a new, elegant Union School building erected at a cost of thirty thousand dollars, and from its proud cupalo the "deep-toned bell" rings its peal of joy and prosperity to the people. Religiously the people aro awake. There have been erected since ISGS, six churches—two Methodist, two Presbyte rian, ono Catholic and ono Lutheran. Louise Holden in the lecture "Our Humorists," delivered not long since in Brooklyn, alluding to the English wit. Sydney Smith, expresses a wish which many will echo. She says: "It has been remarl,ed that some of the most needed reforms' of the present century in England, are directly traceable to this witty divine, or, dirise if 1 : that he re ally laughed John Bull out of some of his most cherished stupidities of leL:isla- Lion. Would that an .1111,r-wan Sydney Smith might arise, capable of laughing Brother Jonathan out of some of 10.4 —N. 1". /b.tity Tribune Bunk Diipeetory Elected.—The various hanks in Pittsburgh, elected their directors last week: Among those chosen to fill positions of this character we notice the following named gentle men from this county : Col. D. It. Da vidson was elected a director for the Pittsburgh National Bank of Commerce, and J. F. Drano, esq., and Capt. John V. McDonald directors fur the Tradesman's National Bank. Fon Ith, newegt and late.“ Watelleq, Jt•wt , ry and Wiire :it the I.oiir%l peter r to .I , di ro St•fr le.eollX So. & Mat : , TeTT p 1.,. T. rltli.bUrT.rh. )T•7-1s The followinz letter was received a few klay ,, ago by the County Commis siooor..of Beaver : lii_ m , , NT liosrrr‘t.. PA., Jf ?wry 11, I'c2. CoAlm3ssin7 4 :EßB BEAVER I:ouvry— (ient lentc7i :—Samuel C. Smith, one Of vcnir patients, cited en the 9th, and was hurled on the fat in here. _We have no record of hi, friends, and if Veil have ally please notify them cf the Yours Very Truly. ('Ash paid for eggs and ehiek - ens, at Itea v rjan';S-1w the New itrightoital elec tion took place in that borough on Tues. day' the 9th inst and recrnlte , l as inflows: Burgess-7A! S. Johnaz A sx•Ntnt Burge,u—S. A. McGowan. /ngh Conshibb,;—W tn. Boggs. ,1 , 1.70r-1 . Reader. :4:MITH W.% np. 1100pe5,..1. K. Campbell, .7. c. NVbitla. Sehoo/ Director—T. N. Smith. Judge Election—Andrew:StCwnr(l. InApeefors.—Samuel Dunbar, I raves. .1 sNr..kvor—F. A. 7%fe(loserm. Constnhle—William Boggs. I= owtriril—Jantes Edgar, Agnew "Duff, Thomas Mellon. &hoe/ Direefor—llnhert Houston. • E. P. T"wn.rti(l. Insnr , tors David Shields, David Whil!a. .1 xs..tsnr—John F. Prier. (kmntable—Enoch Fowler. I=l Coam-il—A. C. White, \V. F. 'teed, I). B. Corthe... - 1 Dircrtor—l(. W. Wilde. .fudge of .1.:104,0:1—G. 1.. Eberhart. Inspectors—Henry Barrett, H. Men denhall. .1 s.v...q.enr —W. B. !Ammon-. I.'"nstable—l). R. (7ort.tis, =I 7'Nr. Against. North Ward - - - No votes returneA Mhid le Ward - - - - South Ward - - - - 19 Fir tho 11naver Argup,l Calvinisin and Arnienianismi re garded as theolozieril systems, may he compared to thin, empty, ereseented forms of the old and new moon, hutting at each other with their sharp-pointed horns from tge opposite sides of n nark out' disc. Scripture does not alter the pp.rtifin of those two belligerents, but by Illuminating the whole intervening spaee, it fuses both into tine glorious orb of holy light.—J. E. Gordon. The error of attempting to harmonize the two systems was never more shown than by Baxter, who, in seeking to do this, only added another heel to the Chnrelt, and afterwards admitted that he had been wrong. —A soldier, mortally wounded, was lying in a hospital dying. All was still. He had not spoken for some time. HIM last moment was just at hand. Sudden ly the silence was broken and the at tendant surgeon was startled by the voice of the dying man uttering clear and strong the single word—" Here." "What do you want ?" asked the sur geon hastening to his cot. A moment elapsed. There was a seeming struggle after recollection. Then the lips of the soldier mumbled—" Nothing; but it was roll call in heaven ; and I was answer ing to my name." These were his last words on earth. At roll call in -heaven, will the reader be ready to answer to his name M. Tile Pultille Beetling at the !ouri Bouse.Timpublle ineetingheld at the Court Heine on,Thursday evening,, . to devise tumid to prevent the bedaking out and spread et small-peic in our midst was organized. by t o election- or. Rev. ri i Die itiko -as'ehai an . oral : It. G. Atc:. Gregor, ell., es Seem The rollo*lng ary. ' resolutions were adopted : Witertess, The prevalence of small pox throughout the country. has called forth wise and judicious sanitary regu lations on the part of many city and vil lage governments, :for arresting the _spread of disease: whet* it Iris broken out • among the inhab tants. and for prevent ing the introdue ion of the disease into their several corn nunitles • and; ve lierq as,=the citizens o Beaver have filet in town meeting to. devise means to pro tect our community from the ravages of the small-pox • therefore. Reso . lred. That the Town Council be constituted a Board of Health, clothed with the diseretionary powers th4t now belong to a similar board in the Idly of Pittsburgh. Rcsalretl. That we reeernmea to the Board of Health to provide free vaccin ation for any person who may desire it . ; and that we urge upon all good citizens the vaccination of themselves, their families and their employees. Re:Wired. That should the disease make its appearance in our midst, we recommend the securing ,of a building. . att. *e."nagdns n temporary hospital, and also:' 1 h o•.: tAigt.y,ni en t of competent nursei:- -- • z. . -7 Qs- :'; - 7.--. , : - -___‘ Resolved, Thar - RJ-lWHl n ii\ imperative duty of the attenditg - PlMician to re port all cases ofstnall-peX 0 varioloid to the Enant . of Heath, and pat proper care ought to be taken throlir the use of welt-known preventives.t lessen the probability of spreading the; contagion by personal contact. • , -t nesni vett, That we pledge , . ourselves as citizens of Beaver,to sustairi the Board of Health in all that it may 00 for the public good. f;4 Committee, consisting qf Messrt Hamilton, Bravo and Atkin4, was ap pointed to secure. nurses for hose 'who may contract tho disease, ail another I t Committee, consisting of Mess 's, Gritilti, 1 . .._ . McCoy and J.Wayand Was eel tecl cloth ed with power to salleit• coo ributions from the citzens to defray ail iexpenses attending the care, of those win may be afflicted with the disease. The Cleveland Illnad. , --4110 stock holders of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railway held their' annual meeting In Cleveland on Wednesday mornVg. when President MeCullouo prmsen4idltis an nual report of. werltings kbo road during the year 1871. From the report it appears that the gross earnings of the road NV re front freight transportation , t*C,375,451[5:1; from passengers, f.-'1;01,0'20.78 ; from ls, ex press, ctc.,‘,3103,259.47 ; makino total of t; , 3,079,731.78. The total operating ex penses were $1,561,037. 1 76. leat - lik a bal ance of net earnings (01,518,01%12. Front this there Vi": 18 dethlrted the mortgage, interest; acre , ; sinking fund, $31,450:: lease al track of I'. F. \V. c. nanway, ; 4 .5(1,571107: bal ance due P. F. W. LC:. C. Rail W4V on al , Count of joint earnings to Dec'. 1, 1871, .144,1;50.40 ; total, $42i1,380.59 skating a net int ome of $1,089,3113.1:1. During the year there were live dig (lends made, by which Sstil,ei.2l were distributed among the stoelamtders,. The expenditures for equttuiient and construetion were—Equipinceit, New structures and rEidtl estate, ;-.155,1;41.11. itch inervandtoolsi and per sonal property, $11,578.31. 870.40. A debt of 510,3:15.48 was paid during the year fur the burning of a planing mill in Steubenville, Ohio, and the; amount has been charged against the income for the next year. A further deW Of about ;489,000 for interest, taxes, sinking fund, etc., remains to be paid as' pfovided in the lease of the road to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Purchases of real estate )ttive been made and authorized as folltita.: At Manchester (Allegheny the "t ;ov ern moot Let," so called, securfng a hith erto unsettled right of way MO ground for . the erection of a round-house and in:whine shop. $17,1114.00, At Cleveland, Block 14 on Whisky Island, to-give bet ter access to the Company's property- at that point, ,-. , l 1,000. Land at Wells ville adjoining - - shop-yards, about four neres necessary to the p,Towing'business at that point, $4,000.00. Contracts have been authorized and executed with responsible parties for putting up a section in the rivind-house and a small machine shop atiManches ter and for the completion Orihe unfin ished win g of the witching shop at NVellsville,ioth much needett improve ments, and work upon the sun& is pro gressing satisfactorily. - "1 Chief in importance among the events of the year is the lease of the g)tupany's property m the Pennsylvania!Railroad Company for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years from - ptieetulier Ist, IS7I, of which von have been hereto fore apprised, and upon widen you have taken affirmative action. D'Alle funded debt from Deeember Ist, 1s 71,91 s provid ed for, and the stock of the coMpanv in , creased as authorized by the ..alock hold ers in the ratio of 4 and Si- Hil)per cent , beeomes a permanent gfiaranteed seven liter cent. security, free of altiaxem coi -1 teeted of or through the comet - alma own ing or operating the road, and payable quarterly on first days of Mlikeli, June, September and December inVach year,. It is thus made a most desirable invest ' immt, unaffected by thecompetition•i and ', finettuitions of business andlfree from the vicissitudes of Wall street speenla lions. The new guaranteed sink issued at the above mentioned inerehse must at an Party day range to par in 'ldle market add mainly disappear from that iliannels , ,r. rdinary steel.; Jobbing ope'v,atitilis into the higher realm of Trust sPunds and .. private portfolios. By the terms'of the leas Lithe lessee 8 ,, 11111es the unfinished impitivements alluded to above, and from qieeemlier Ist, IS7I, provides the mean§ fur their completion. -:• Adjon rned Court.—Atttndionrned eon rt win he held' in Iteaver . i'ion Tliurs dlav the tst6 inert, for the adjinlioation of the ' Artroment List." Thaf!terition for a now trial in the easio of JO:rrieci Ham. rnnvictcd of murder in the 'tir-d degree at last court, will be disposod of donne this s<o , ..idon of tho enurt. `<, THE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH. Parties wishing n first-elats daily pa per should 1:y all means Sriberihe for the Pittsburgh Dairy Disnitteh, one of the larwest, liveliest and cheiMest papers in tha United States. The DiApa.f.-rh has been established over a (miter of a een tury ; ib independent in pulltie4;, advo ratin^ always those me:Wires which promise the greatest possible good to the Largest possible number; gives daily thirty-six columns of matter, emit-ratting the latest news by telegraph, the most reliable mariceereporta, the latest cable telegramn - , - Ahe freshest Legislative, ye ports, the fullest local reports, with all the .news by mail, including the most interesting personal and political items, full telegraphic market reports from all points of importance East and West, and much other matter of an entertaining and instructive character. The Pi.s puteL is furnished by mail nV a year/, or may be had from our agents in any town or village within one hundred and fifty miles of Pittsburgh at fifteen cents n week. CM .',.."1 ihnse wishing a good and reliable city weekly we would reeom mend the Ireckty Dispatch, one of the handsom est. cheapest and most reliable week lies published. The Weekly Dispatch gives thirty-six columns of matter, printed In clear, large type and is one of the hand somest, as it has long been one of the cheapesLif not the cheapest, weeklies in th e country. It contains all the latest news of the day commercial and general—and as an entertaining and acceptable family newspaper is not ex celled in the State. The Weekly Di - patch is furnished to subscribers at 1.345 a year, or in clubs of ten to one address, at $l.OO each, with a free paper to party getting up the club: Subscribers may remit by mail either in money or. by postoffico order, which is the safer mode. Postmasters r&'eiving subscrip tions fur the Dispatch, Daily or Weekly, are authorized to detain twenty :per cent. on published rates for single_o4i scribers, or ten per cent. on ourießib rates. Address, O'NEILL dt 119,4, Publishers of Daily and Vrekly!*.s patch, (Dispatch Iron Building), 67 mind 69 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ta7:l3 - - Quite a large nunilier,of _the citizens of Beaver turned'. OUt Thursday night last,-In pursuance of a Call, to do visoways. tneensun,# ; tneasuree to-pre ventthe spread 6f.tintall 7 poir, which has made its appearanCe. In that piste. number ..of • resolutions .Were eilopted; among .which. was one reque sting the Town Connell tenet as a Board of Health. and :eine suggeiting the .ereetion et ~4 temporary hospital . —Chininerefatof Surd ur gay -la4e, _ , thtto6ntercitildots ilOt Put -*O L a IIB 4 . Thit4mtall4iatc has no.Ozniule !hi appearance" In Beaver; on.thiteentrary, up tcethe'prisettt time;'' e pace net had a single cstse of 1;011B-po.r, In ckur bor . o ugh., a : Amnia alto Mr.-Do yore, 'cf this; Place,. was attacked with varlolold, and . abont a month later Mar maduke. Wilson, esq. was initicted with the same malady (vertolold.) These gen- Betnen hate both so far recovered that all danger of 'heir ttotrimunicating. : the ,disenso to others has passed away. 'rho meeting, therefore r held An last-Thursday evening, Wits not-"te .provent the spread of Ftsitall4idx w Web. ha's snack its appea r, once in" our midst, but to take such ac-. lion as wohla be likely to prevent Its developing:hornet all. The proceedings .of the meeting. its resolutions, tae. pub lished in another column all go to show that we halo do small-pot in Beaver; but, conscious of the fact that the disease 'is manifesting itself in nearly every lo cality in ther whole conntiy,. Our people thought it prudent to meet together, to recommend general and free vaceitili-' Lion, and if, after - this precaution wee taken, any of our inhabitants wore .stricken down with the disealiewe could be ready with money and' nurses to af ford them ail the assistance in our power. " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and it was to obviate the necessity of having any one to cure that the meeting was called on last Thera 'day evening, and steps taken to provost the appearance of the disease among us. - Westfield Presbyterian Church, near Mount Jackson, Lawrence county, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday eveninx; the Sth inst. Tho cause of the fire is supposed to have been a defective due. It was a large and finely finished building and had recently been imp-rov ed at considerable cost. Her. Wm. M. Taylor is the pastor nt the Westfield tChutch. Nnusylvallia . Legislature. SENATE, Jan. 9.—The Speaker pre sented the annual report of dm Attorney Cieneral. Among the nominations for State Treasurer -was that of James H. Stewart, of Beaver county. It was agreed to increase the Committee on Ap portionment of the Stale to nine mem. hers. Adjourned. I lorsE.—Mr. 3. 11. Stewart was named fin. State Treasurer among other nomi nations. A Committee on Statistics and ('oal was announced. Nothing further of interest transpired. SKNATE, Jan. lb.—After several bat lotings .for Clerk without a choke took place. Mr. Jacob gler (Deinoiirati de dined, ahsointely, being considered a candidate for re-Action—this for the purpose of letting the Republicans elect Mr. ant —and he' wits""Oceord inglf elected by a Democratic vote. A joint resolution referring that portion of - the Governor's Message which relates to the collection of war claims by Geo. 0. Evans to a select committee of three of the Senate and five of the House, with instructions to inquire into the Pacts at tending the settlement of tho same, with power to send for persons artitpapersovas agreed to. A motion was made to con tinuo the Democratic officers of tho Sen ate in their respective positions, upon which a discussion arose, pendingwhioh, the Senate adjourned. Groen, of Warier* peti tiened for a committee to decide whether Mr. Short or himself were entiVed to tho seat from that county. A resolution for a Standing Committee on Labor and Co operation was adopted. The members of the Senate being Introduced, the joint convention elected It. W. Mackey State Trearnrur for another year. After which the Speaker laid before the I lim:so the animal report of the State Treasurer. A d jou rned. SLNATE, Jan. 11. Tim Stantling Com mittees were announced, the Chairmen of whu h aro a- f , dlows 'on+titutional Reform, Mr. White; Apportionment, Mr. Strang; Federal Relation+, Mr. BB lingfelt; Finance, Mr. Graham; Judicia ry, General, Mr. White; Juilieiary, :.Ir. Allen; Estates acid Esellea..., Mr. Di:lama:en Invor,cs, We:11;14.y; Itatil.s, r. Evans; Edurati,n, War fel; Pension+ and Gratuities,, Warfel, Anderson, Evans, A ibright and Al: sherry; Corp.irations, Mr. Anderson; Public Printing. IM , •kalem; Rani roads, Mr. Mumma; Itetreuelunent. Mr. ltillingfelt; Canals, Mr. Davi+, of Phila delphia; Agricniture, Mr. Evens; Mili tary Affairs, Mr. White; Roads and Bridges, Mr. Delamater; Elrtlon tricts, Mr. Humphreys; Vice and Im morality, Mr. Brooke; New counties, Mr, Fitch; Private Claints,..M r. Warfel Aeeounts, Mr. Humphrey' ew; Compare Mils, Mr. Anderson. Among the bills introduced :%vere: (Me amending the Registiy taw ; one paying counsel and clerks for services in estimating damages for rebel raid-; ono authorizing me ; chanieal corporations to, increase their• stock ; one for constructing a bridge at Parker's Landing, and one for a reform ed system of voting for school director. Senators voted theriveives a copy' of Purdon's Digest. A resolution tank - ing ex-Clerk Zeigler for his kin; 4ss and courtesy passed unanimously. Ai, - Journed. ilot - sE.—Thee Speaker emir/1111 , Pd the Standing Committees, with the follt4w - log Chairmen : Ways and Means, /Mr. Hewit; Judiciary, General, Mr. Meh I; in; Judiciary, Local, Mr. Starr; Consti tutional Reform, Mr. White; Municipal Corporations, Mr. Albright ; Education, Mr. Sanner;_ Vice and Immorality, Mr. Beardslee; Printing, Mr. White; Coun ties and Townships, Mr. Buck ; Rail roads, Mr. Fleager; Pensions and Gra tuities, Mr. Xceeb; Passenger Railways Mr. Damon; Compare Bilis, Mr. Sanner; Retrenchment and Reform. Mr. Cooper; CI r. White, Estates and Escheats, Mr. 'Mahon; Mirk-41441re, Mr. tether man. Corporations, Mr. Griffith; Mines and Mining, Mr. Williams; Roads and Bridges, Mr. G Military, Mr. Ballantine; Divorces, Mr. Keech; Banks, Mr. Prizer; Library, Mr. Beardslee; Ac counts, Mr. McMullen; Iron and Coal, Mr. Miekey; Federal Relations, Mr. Gray; Election Districts, Mr. Pursell; Manufactures, Mr. Letherman Public Buildings, Mr. Black; Bureau of Statis ties, Labor and Co-operation, Mr. Ouss ; Cong,ressionlApportionment,Mr A resolution was offered providing that the.f.lointriittee on Ways anti Means ho instructed to examine and report as to the expediency of abolishing State taxes on personal property, and all other taxes that can with safety be dispensed with, The House concurred in the Senate reso lution appointing a committee to inves tigate the George 0, Evans 'elnims.• A comthitteo was drawn to try the Green vs. StiOrt contested election ease. Ad journed till Tuesday next. Suattkrn,Jan. 12.—A mong the bills pro sentedand referred, was one to close bars for the sale-of liquors on election days; one to pay for improvement-sand repairs to the public buildings, and one to incor porate the Trustees of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian church of North America. Among tho bills reported fa vorably was ono authorizing coipora tions engaged in mechanical, mining. quarrying anti manufacturing pursuits to increase their capital stock; also, one authorizlnitreformed voting in theelee tion of School Directors. Adj. till Tues day next. PintattIELPMTA, PA. 1 7 4 , .300R23 4 ,10,:1 E6i Ton Anew' following article 1124 1.)04 general ly copied by the Treas tire-i.tait 00ers-of tills State STATE YEKAAIIKEE MACKEY VII. YEKKIKS.' On Wednesday H. D - .4woope, counsel for State Troasarerll. - y,V..llackey, flied in the U. 8, , District '.Court a petition asking tbat,C. T. Yorkes, Jr., would he adindited * bankrupt. ITlteclaltrt.ef Irfr .14tickey is 8165,810.37. During the term of Mr, M.'s predecessor the deposit with Yerkes was. some $250,000. which awn, was turped over, to Mackey as en much cashjed•risgraditaltydrearAt o until theamountwasreduced to the sum above mentioned. Di: the papers filed by Mr. Swoop° there' is proof/ under oath that ,the , Whole einount ,of money lost ydyerkcit' failtire has fbeen - reim bursed - hi the Commonwealth by Mr. Mackey, and that the money is now duo to hiinin his individual capacity. This proof was necessary in order to give him mending .in court to file the petition. The fact Is also attested by the vouchers on the in the Auditor General's office. This proceeding will he an important one, as it is alleged that many 'fraudu lent preferences were made by Yerkes to various bankssand iminkere. delphia Sunday Republic, • . . I Wigh to show yon and your readers that tile above statement is simply un true; and Would suggest to those plipera which have :publishil the seine to also publish the following which is a true atatement of the, facts in the caeo.,j . have them from. Mr. Yerkes himself, and quote his own words., Here they aro': "During the term of State' Treasurer, ho kept a large deposit with us. When Irwin , toqk charge in iSei,S, by special request of 'lCemble, Ir win petniitteAl a portion of the deposit to remain with us. " When Mackey was Trea.snrer.. both years he kept a denosit of a very nice amount with us. When ho gave up the Treasury to Irwin, iu MO, we had over 8200,000, on which. Irwin, immediately on taktna charge, drew 8100,000 and it was promptly met ; the balance by Receipt request lie permitted to remain for a time. "On .Saturday evening preceding the Monday on which Irwin again transfer red the Treasury to Mackey..Mav 2, 1871. I went to Harrisburg and plead General Irwin to make a deposit with n.4ef $254- en This was kindly done by Irwin rifler I explained that it was a special agreement, between Mr. Mackey and myself. I having agreed to permit Mr. Markey to draw ou us privately for $. 3 0,000. "Mr. Meek ev was very arrtinua that I should get Irwin to deposit the money, as he was under so many promises that he feared he dare not draw it from other 13.qnkS to place it with our house." The whole of the above is eoreborated by Mr. M. H. Taggart, a gentleman of the highest grade of integrity, end who was cashier of the Treasury during Ir win's two terms. • - A. Shenango Presbytery.—Sheoango Presbytery convened in New Brighten, January 2d, 1572. The Presbytery uni ted with the congregation in celebrating by appropriate rel igious•services,the 31st anniversary of the pastorate of the Rev. B. C. Critchlow. Rev. D. X. Junkin, D. D., introduced a resolution deelarlpg that this Presbytery will not hereafter li cense any ono to preach, the Gospel who uses Ibliacco in any form,uriless be prom ises fo abandon its use, or procure from sonic repntable physician a certificat e that his health •requires its use. \ Wlien every Presbytery passes a similar reso lutiou, the tobacco devil will be exor cised frotn the Presbyterian pulpit. reply to an overture, Presbytery affirm ed that those members of the churches who engage in promiscuous dancing and refuse to abandon it, !mist be suspended from the communion of the church till they repent and amend their lives. From a coltpction of all the passages In (deriptard in inference to dancing, it may be inferred: That dancing was a religious act, both in true and idol wor ship. That it wag practiced exclusively on Joyful occasions, such a*natioual festi vals or great victories. That it was performed on such occa sions only by one of the seas. That it was performed usually in the day time, in the open ; air, in highways, fields and groves, That men who perverted dancing from a sacred use to purposes of amusement, were deemed ittnirtiom That no instances of dancinz are found upon record in the Bible in which the two sexes milted in the exer cise, either as an act of worship or amusement. That them is no Instance upon reeeid in the Bible of social dancing for amuse ment, except that of the "vain fellows," void of shame, allnded to by Miehal— Saul's daughter—of the irreligious fam ilies described by Job, which produced increasing impiety and ended in des truction, and of Ilerodias, which termi nated in the rash vow of Herod and the murder'ofJohn the Baptist. The Church of Christ, in order to pre serve its purity, must exorcise the Dan cing Devil. the Toharo Devil, and the Alcoholic on New Year's da'y' the writer sau• a man, named Milidr, immured in the Ilanco , •l; county West Va jail, in Fair view. A fow hoary before hits inestrwra ,th,fl he had murdered• at Freeman's Landing,. Mr. Oliver Sutherland 110 was intex icated at the ti me he committed the murder. Like the wretched Ham, ho me:raved on the wall of his cell, ''My mother's ‘vhisky brought me here," so may Miller say to the law-ma kers of West Va., the whisky you li censed wketl men to sell has brought me ti ra" Let mon real the blessed Bible and follow its teachings, 811(1 they will find it a panacea for all the ills of life. Ilan one commence~ to read the Bible through on the Ist of January so as to finish it by the dose 'of the year, let hint react three chapters per day till Sabbath, and live On the Sabbath, he will finish both the old and New Testament four days beforj the close of the year. Let at 7 who have not done SO, commence at once to read the Bible through consecutively. WYANDOTTE. %Vat rtemhurg, Jan. Bth, Neeing the Point.—A boy returned from school one day with a report that his scholarship had ration somewhat be low the usual avers:;'. i wpu," said his father, "von' ve fallen bithind this month, have you?" "Yes, sir.' "flow did that happen ?" "Don't know, sir." The fat:ler ttnew, if the Sani did not. Ho had observ ed a number of dime novels scattered about the 11011R0 ; hut had •not thought, it worth while to say any thing until a' fitting opportunity arrived. A basket of apples stood upon the doer, and ho said: "Empty out those apples, and take the basket and briuiz it to me half-full of dry Sunpceting nothing, the son obeyed. "And now.' he continued, "put those apples back in the brisket." When ,half the apples were replaced, the son said : "Father, they roll oft. I can't - ptit on any more.". "Put them in, I tell you." "But, father, I can't put them in." "Put them in 1 No, of course you can't put them in. Do you expect to fill a basket half-full of chips and then MI it with apples? You said you didn't know why you fell behind nt school, an 4 I will tell you. Your mind it 4 like the basket. It will not' hold only so much, and here you have been for the past month filling it up with chip dirt-L:mlA entitle dime novels." The boy turned on bin heel, whistled, and said, "Whew ! I see the point." Not a dime novel has been seen in the house from that day to this. Other and older persons might well see the same point. A mind filled with fiction bates and rejects truth. A por-k son reading history, art, scienee, dr trav els, May grow wiser e'ory day; but a man may read fiction a hundred years, and know no more when ha finishes then when ho began. There is real sill and-sorrow, and siff- Airing enough in the world for us to pity and relieve, without Waiting otie tears over thetroubles of smite fictitious "Ma tilda Jane ;"—and there is work, and en prise, and energy enough in real life to engage onr powers, without resorting to cheap newels for inspiration and excite ment. • But unfortunately, the girls who will shed as many tears ever some heroine's fictitious sorrow as they would , while peeling apan;frill of omens, are the very persons who would tom up their noses at a suffering beggar, and let a siek per son starve, tins:hilted, in a garret. And the boys who wax heroic over the great doings nf some count, hero,-Or cut-throat, aro too lazy to earn an honest living, and ari) willing to have their mothers wait on them and black their boots while they lie in bed after sunrise, or smoke cigars and swear. to prove that they are men ! Don't fill your apple basket with chip dirt. STATE Oi» PEIV4SYLVANIA, c BEAVVR V° Personally appaered before rniF,4". G. Tayinr,:of the PhilliPsbni*Soldiere Or phan Fiction), who being . sworn ,riocord, 4 ; ing to, law; dothdekinstriuid eay,thatthe, following are the', facts in the Margaret Aynn Lane' -(Forunitly O'llar4) Some weeks pret,i i ions to the said occur. rence i Mrs:, La* and the. Jane Perk named in the infOrOation before Mayor Oallotv,' came. to 0.0 school, - end wanted the said rith J to take o a,, pin; B. (Mara; away from tho sebool, without-any ttu -P . . . thority from the-State Superintengent s who Only pan granks discharge; elating that she was nblii to take cure of him; the sister,- 'Jane used very strong infignage,nnd I ato her that I would not permit any .004 -to use language so far out of the wit'yi! to me, hi my own house, that she :Was talking wittun:it knowledge on the4dbject. I then talked to them very calmly, and in a low tone, for about an hourOind then said to them, 'that neither the GOliernment nor myself . bad any desire to 'have the einitody and care bf the child 'tthen the mother was able to take biro of him or her; but that I was acting under:the authority of the Ciovernment - and must retain the boy until removed by the ordel of the fiuperiniendeties. (the warrant cm-, tuitting him to uiy Care, reads thus, ."To be maintained and taught in Your insti tution, itc., till li.e . Sho It be vomit:at by ety order or that of mipinceesor in °Mee.") I said. to the mother so far from deslriOg to retain John (hOit a pretty gOod Qiy) I would prepare tht discharge pitpers and Millie would get theip signed, and return them to me, I would forward thorn to the Superintendent, recommending . the granting of the petition, and that would secure his discharge, sooner. She took the Papers and said s ha Was entirelysatistled, and said she had at aeon John yet,' to which l replied, itsbe thought best, un der the circutnstatiFes, I would send to the .sehool,room Or bite, to Which she said she would not: ate him now, but in about two weeks iifui would have him at home. In going out the aunt ;said she was not satisfied its she hadonot men John. I offered to send for him again, and the mother sai i 9, she would not see him : and I told boy that I would save her the trouble of cording after Mtn, by tak= log him up to the city, and asked her if he would know the '"goatt home tiom the depot, and she told Me which hiteet cars to put him on. I then !my receltietion,is) walked witittbem to the riveratid saw them on the Ferryboat, she Wing me the money to paY his passage 0p.,: I tried to extend to them every Aindness and courtesy possifile, and thoUght they felt satisfied. On Wednesday, January theArl, Ind -1 • them at the Ferry-boat, and emit; back to the school with them, and 'they said they would sit on the portico, Sitd want ed to see John. I ivenkand asked Mrs. Taylor to send to ;thy' sehool-tiom for John, which she did; and tvittot,l came' back, found a stranOy in my ottlep, wish ing to see me; an wishing tbetwomen and the boy to oceitTpy the °Med; and not remain in the cold,; (the school regu lation isithat mothers and friends see the child in the otlice) i, I asked tho gentle man to step into that : parlor. sithieli he did. and ho and-AI wertil n converOtlon in the parlor, when Mtg. Taylor brought John up, and they trolled him /nt on the portico, and hp and they talked some time, and refused airs. TayWee repeated invitation to),come :into the ollice. She then stepped to the parlor alt reported the fact to me, and'," went ;hi the door nd repeated the liovitatioui : and they fused, and I said that waslhe regula 7 t on of the school,- JO which the reply was made, "We doinot carefor the law or 'the regulations, Five will : stay here." I then, standing on =the dooir-step, took hold of John's arm, (thinking, if I would bring him In, they would follow, when the mother said, "Would , you dare to take my son front me?" , and at the same moment sprang forward, and caught me by the collar of my coat with both hands, and the, aunt took the boy out of my hand, and started to take him away, while the mother held me, and I could not get loose from her grasp till I got to the edge of the portico. I was trying to get away from her, and get the boy, that the aunt was taking away, in this I failed, and I then caught the moth er by her dress on 'the shoulders, and tried to set her over on theportieo,-(they had been sweeping and threw the two largo mats out) on °neer them (the mats were thrown across each other and the corner of one turned up) she tripped, while I had hold of her, and fell, and I tried by holding on to her dress, to pre vent her from falling hard, -but the mo ment she came to the floor, she cried murder, and I helped her up, and by that time my wife had poss es sion of the boy, and I took-him to the school-house and returned. During the time I was gone to the school-house, they used such profane language to Mrs. Taylor and in presence of children, calling me bad names that my wit© said to them that she would not talk to them, ;kind left them and went into the house, arid they followed her to the door of the parlor, and one of them said, "lie daenied if I don't have the boy before I leave Ro chester;" she said I was a dirty, mean, wretch, and that this gentleman in the parlor was just like myself, and would swear all thing (an entire stranger to me), tese of them said she would be damned if she-would not arrest me be fore she left Rochester ; she would send the to the penitentiary; that she had or ders in her pocketirom Mayor Callow for the boY; that I would find it was the dear est thing I had ever done, and a great deal of that kind of effervescence. To which I replied that we had seen your kind of wo men before. I said to them, "You can do what, you think best, I will do my duty." The next night Some men crossed the river and came down the side street, and got one of the boys to go and tell John that his uncle wanted to see him, and they took him off with them ; they told in town that they were armed, and would have him. These aro the facts in brief. I did not strike the woman in any way. She had time to kists John a hundred Clines while I was talking to the gentle man in the parlor, before I went to the cloor,Acihe wished. A highly resp7table young lady in forms me, she nffer beard from women such profanity son that occasion. ) %V. G. TAYLOR Sworn an& sub cribed to beforo me this Bth. day of January, 1872. - JOHN C. HART, Clerk. Election of Bank Direetors.—At, the annual meeting of the stockholders of the National Bank of Beaver county, held on th9th inst., the following gen tlemen were elected to serve a.sdirectois for theensuin g year: John Minor, Ben jamin Wilde, George S. Barker, It. E. Hoops, Robert Edgar, New Brighton ; James Duncan, Fallston ; John Stiles, Rochester; George W. Ham ton, Beaver; Mattison Darragh, Bridgewater. The 'Drs. Oh'shoe, of Pittsburgh, are one of the most enterprising medical firms. to be found anywhere, and if the throng generally seen in their office en ables one to ,estimate the number of thAr patients, we can safely say that they stand'high in the opinion of'the af flicted, and ere having ayerytnn prae- Lice... Not having occasion to all upon them for medical treatment, we nre of course unable to speak of their merits as physicians,butin their business:traus actions with us we have always found thorn liberal, gentlemanly and prompt. Those are traits not found everywhere, but whoever does poSsess them may bo generally regarded as a substantial man, and worthy of public, aantidenbei and such, we take it, arq the Drs. Oldabue, of 132'Grant street. Pittsburgh- • ,Whof,Als the chief end of wan!—To enjoy riches and cheat all be call. J W'SPF;NCER: No. 60 . Diszrixert St 4 Black Silks, ..Fancy Silks, Jap. Silks, Foulard De Sok; Jongee - • Green Mohair, Grisselle Poplins Macao. Cloths, Plain and Fancy pIEZEISS GOODS, Mourning Goods, . Paisley.bhaWls, Stripid Shawls, Lace Curtains. Perseus visiting Pittsburgh are respect= fully invited toexamine our stock, as the Prices will he the VICKY LOWEST. marchzkiy. 1 Rev...W. B. Watkins. D.D.--This getitleninn, so favorby knOwn every where as a lecturer., has been engaged by the Y. Id. C. Association to deliver the opening lecture of their course. He will be here January 23d. Stibject, "Provin cialism and Slang." Tickets for 'the course of five lectures, ono Practical '. raeti.—When any or gan or part of - the body *co mes diseas ed it gives out more than its accustomed share of particles from that part. These separated-particles are carried out of the body through the medium of tiiii kid ney!, and may by chemical analysis aid microscopic examination i ale definitely ascribed to: the precise - locality whence they_ are derived. These are practical facts, not merely of valne in ordinary cases alone, but scien tific men, Todd, Bennett, Queckot, and others, have placed on record numerous Instances wherein the correct diagnosis in obscure cates depended solely upon these kind of Investigations. We ourselYes, during an experience 4 ! of over twent years practice, have bad many individ at cases wherein the ex amination of e urinary secretion alone revealed the t ue nature of the disease, after all the ell - known methods of the very best ph icians of the country had signally fail . When we p oposo to detect diseaseerby an examined n of the urine alone, bein • prepared, as we are at our office, No 1M Grant street,, l Pittsburgh, with all the chemical and ( microscopic apparatus for testing it-in the most scientific manner we base our proposition not upon clair voyance, spiritualism, hocus-pocus or legerdemain. but upon the incontrovert ible facts, and make our deductions in accordance with the immutable laws of science. Indeed, it is these facts alone that give to our peculiar system its true value, that stamps it as a science. For that only is scientific. which is based upon incontrovertible facts. Those living at a distance by sending a specimen (morning's urine) for scien tific analysis and examination can have the necessary medicine , sent them by express. 1.. OLDBHUS, M. D., T. L. OLDSAUE, M. D., . J. W. Oupsnuc, M. D. Address, Drs. Oldshne, 1Z Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. -Changed hands.—R. G. Dill, egg., of the Lawrence Guardian, and one of the founders of that paper, retired from its management last week, and is suc ceeded by Mr. Platt, who at one time held a position on it. Lawrenee county, like Beaver county, la overrun with newspapers, and the wonder is that changes 1n their, , managernent are not more frequent than they are. DIED. McMAßON.—November M. 1871. near, Darlington. Beaver county. Pa.. Mra. Butt'. wife' of John McMahon, se-, aged 61 years, 10 months and 23 day* Miscellaneous. v, r..., e ,14 p :. V) c . CC 0,...., a c , c • •W A: Z tv-II.: 0 co 5r .2g . I - 0 V: : et g: 1-1. 41 . ri - • oi se.g .. co co 04 , i ts .. ga" P it ti 4 r r..- - - r .c4' r 4 .e - ..., ..., v.. w ..s. =it 4 A. w .4 .:, ca 4,4 ii pb t ... w _ 3 4. a gtl .m a 1 to orA 'IS g. 4 , • K _ 03 & w ogq9 =3.= --s . 44 :-..; 3 til m ?ctg. . H Lv i 4 -A -r '8 i t t.i r e s . 6h, 8 fr ~.. c No CID g i : 0: : Z 4 .-- rt 1 1 .. p. :... . 1-.. . 110. 64 ga n v 'f•L =: en flri t's a f.T ' f" J ..... to : •e. - __! tll Cr 4 rr t • IN t • . • • DIVIDEND NO. t.r..1.„. NATIONAL BARK Or lIICArr.ICCOUIrri. N l * BatuaroN, January 3, 1872. The Doarkof Directors of this Bank have this day dec ared a Dividend of boor per cent. for the lest six months open the Capital Stock payable forthwith, free of all tax. ilanlo-3w.r EDWARD HOOPS, Cashier. • FSEINE. FOB SALE.-The undersigned tins en engine and boiler, 7.4 inch bore and 21 inch stmke, which he oSere for sale at a rea sonable price. All In complete order. Cell on or address -311 LO 80M ERS. inn 1012-tfl James H. Rankin DEALEIt IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CETTLERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE Japannese and Plain Fine Ware, WITH EVERYTHING IVECESSA RY FOR HOUSIKEEPERS. Call and see our stock and learn our prices. No. Gth St., (Late &. Clair St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. novl • 1 Y S. F. WILSON; HAM LArS ROOM, THIRD STREET Beaver, Pesin'a. DIMAI,EIt IN COFFEES (Green and Roasted) SUGARS, TEAS,3I OLA 68ES, SYRUPS Aydres, Jellies, Canned AND DRIED FRUIT, HAIRS AND DRIED BEEF, MINCE MEAT, Leaf Lard, in Tin Buckets, Carbon Oil, Vinegar Mack9l4, BET BRAND 3NOW-FLAKE FLOUR: Best Brand Fallston Mill Flour, MILL FEED, CORN MEAL, Buckwheat, Butter and Eggs, MA GINN'S FINE CRACKERS of till Kinds, Confectionery. ORANGES AND LEMONS, RAISINS, Itigs, 14Vste Salt. AMk . LOOKING GLASSES; &c., OVAL THESE 4aIEitOCEELIES Have all been selected with care; and, BEING OF TILE FINEST MAD FEESUERT • • Will be 801(1 at Pittsburgh, Retail Price s. , [dee26;tr. tec ~FALL~ Foundry Rep i ir Shop. Haring been Engaged to tt:t g undry linditess for more ttant Old/ tears . —d , Which time haveaceamulated a variety of 0,1011 patterns, be aides esuetrer.trog models and taking eat patent, for Improvements an COOKING - §TOVES -1324 atter having thoroughty l litested thew' lm tteovements, I tftl wannoted otresing them to the public. : t I Ma !CO VliT , The t GIUUT WIESTIKIN has molls peeler for this 114eallty. STOVES' Stoves of Different Styles for Boating and Cooking, The Great Republic Coolaia Store Hai OA best Record of any fittive ever offered In Ibis market, IT AGES LESS:FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, MOST DUR.A. 131L-IE. ALTOGETHER THE BEST STOV,V, IN USE. n'eouneetion with the stove I have got up a P. 4% EXT'ENSICO -7(2112, which occupies little room, no additional fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, can be put on or taken off at any time. and made to Rattail stoves of any size or pattern. Five Hundred. Persons Who have purchased and used the GMT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of whose names haVe been publish ed in the Anus, are confidently referred to, to bear witness of its superior merits as a cooking stove. having three Drat elites engines on hand. of about fifteen horse power capacity, they arc offered to the public at reaaonable rates. JOHN THOBNILSY. apr2Cttf. Notice in Partition. TN theOrphans' Court in and for the county of L Beaver. In the matter of pariition of the Real Estate of Enoch P. Carson, deceased. - To James- Cunningham, George Cunningham. William Cunningham, George Dawson, vendee of Mrs: Mary Howe and other,.. Take notice that an Inquisition on the Real Re state of Enoch P. Carson, deceased, situate in Brighton tosrustark. Beaver county and Stale of Pennsylvania, containing three hundred. and twenty-seto acres, more or lees, will us held on the premises on the Af h day of February. ISM JOHN GR.EBING, Sherif. Sucarirr'e Orrice. Bsavtn, r January, 2, 1872. t Janlol24w J. D. RAMALEY'S OPE t - Hat House, GENT'S FURNISHING Eiji EMPORIUM, No. ti-1 Fifth .A.vtnue. PITTSBITAGLI The Best Goods at Lowed Prices. *l, aooode sent to any address, on approval may24-Iy. 77te only rellabie Gift Distribution in the Com! ry. .$60,000 00 IN VALIJABLE GIFTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN- L. D.. SINE'S 153 d REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT Enterprise ! To be Drawn Monday Feb. 18, IST2, , TWO GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES $5,000 Each in Greenbacks ! Two Prizes, $.1,000 g 3 Five PriZes, 8,500 Ls. Greenbacks Ten Prizes of $lOO 1 Hone and leggy with Silver-monntinl jlararin, worth Inoo One due-toned Rosewood Plano worth $5OO 'lO Family Sewing liachines, worth Via:leach 800 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches tin all) worth from VA) to fWe each.' Five heavy eased Gold Bunting Watches. and heavey Gold chains, worth $1)0 each. Five Gold American Bunting Watches, worth $12.5 ea h. Ten Ladies' Gold ltnnting Watches, worth $lOO each Ladles' Gold Leontlue Chains, Gent's Gold Vest Chains, Silver plated Castor., Solid Silver and Doubleplated Table and Teaspoons. Ivory-hand led Dinner Knives, Silver plated Dinner Forks. Silver Vest Chains, Photograph Albums, Ladies' Gold Breastpins. Shlrt•Stnds and Sleeve-Buttons, Finger-rings. Gold Pens (silver extern/cp, Sc. Whole Number Gifts, 6,000. Tickels Limited to 130,000. C2=121 Agents Wanted to Sell Tickets, to Whom Llbtusl Premiums will be Paid. Silvio Tickets, $1; SI: Tickets% $.5; Twelve Ti 4 ets, $10; Twenty-five Tickets, $2O. Chit:dere containing a Mil list of prizes. a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other in formation In reference fo the distribution. will be sent to any one ordering them. All larders must be addressed to L. D. SINE box 86. deriitc) Office, 101 W. Fifth-st., Cincinnati, 0. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct 9, '7l, 31 1,948 29 Liabilities, - - - 5,200 00 0. NOBLE, President; J. P. VINCENT, Vice Pt 11. W. Worms, Treasurer, I THOB. F. Goondtien. Secretary. DIRECTORS Hon. 0 Noble, Erle J W Hammond, do Hon Belden Marvin, do Hiram Daggett, dp t'lharlea II Reed, 4o 11 S Southard, W B Stetrltt, dgt H W Noble, doh J Englehart, doh J 11. Nett, do . W H Abbott, Titusville. Hon- Geo. H. Delametei. ltleadville, Pa. ,Tron J Plincent, Erie 'Henry Randle do G T Churchill - do Capt J 8 Itichifrds do !Richard O'Brian, do IF 11 Gibbs, do John It Cochran. do 31 ilartlebb, do rapt D P Dobbins, • ' do 1./po Perdu . , Tituaville. PoUctes based at fair rates and liberal terms. insures against damage by lightning as wall" Fire. CHAS. U. UUUST, Agl. Rochester, Ps., Dec. *), 1471: 4 .- --- - - Address It, STEINFELIN New-Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. dec2Otf `ON A. ri r 11C, eta toertisemen . ROCBES?ER SAYINGS BAIL. ,o„„,,virDomAta J.. arsranarr r 0r.% C. erwesimit, Jr.' Seirstalts, Cash r. sPEVERER 31IcDONALD Deals ha exchange, Coln, Government &end. 'let Make collection on all accessible points lbe United Statecand Canada, receives money Cle 4epoelt inbjeet to checic, and receives time dep.. its from one'dollar and upward; end alloys War est et 1 per tent. By.laws and rules nrntlithed Free by applying at the bank. Bank open. dally Isbni st., a. tn., all 4. p. and on Saturday even [rota Bto 8 o'clock. We refer by peransairt L. IL Oaimaw 4b Co., lima. J. S. ROTAX. /WM. Barer & C 0.,: Oast & Caccia, . • B. J. Quoits a co, w s . K amm ,. Oxman &,Waces, Zone Baum, A. U. Ewan, _ A. C. House ,, TRADUNIMI DIATTOrAL S. B. Wn.sost„ Beek, Pittsburgh ps tioribil-ipthal jets 14.5. itanitzu.. P. A. lianaszt..U. A. Emma. G. 13.1L - Baumit a co., Aetv , JOID G. 18. HAUAKIEM it CO., Beaver. Atli, itt. .134VINT pesters 1n Ksehange, Colo, Coupon*, de., te. Collections made on all arm Estblei points In the rutted States and Canada. Accounts of limb. ants. Manufacturers, and Individuals, solkitsd. Interest allowed on time deg:sites. C,o dents will receive prompt' attebtiod. (=ly COAL and NUT COAL _FOE SALE. The undersigned is onerathig a COAL...BANK • on McKinley's gun, about halt way between "gO-' cheater and Boleeville, where he will be glad - to receive orders for lump or nut cosi Orders tan - also be lett at D. Mulhelm's, In Bridgewater, or at . John Purvis' In Beaver. or at , the Annus otEee - or at the residence of ,the undersigned Market street, Bridgewater. coal on the plagorat at all times. Coal delivered at abort notice.— , Terms cash on delivery. Prices as !owes the eat. US S -/Y/ J. C. MOLTER. PITTEIBIUUGS HANEL FOIR SAY INGS.—NO:OI FOURTII AVENUE, ept. bargh, Chartered In 1882: Open daily from 9 to 4 o'clock, and au SAW .!. DAY BVENINGS from May Ist to Ntrremb..r 1 t 9 to 9 a'clock, and from November tat to_ May 1.4. o' to clock. Interest paid at the of Per tent, free of tax, and if not withdrawn C 0,,,, pounds sent-annually, in January and J..t% Wok"' of By-Lawe, &c., furnished at the °lnce. BOARD OF ILANAGERS: GEO. A. BERRY. President. R. IL BARTNIAN. JAS. PARK. Jr., Viet l'tt D. B. iIIeKINLEY. Secretory and Treasmer. A Bradley...l. L. Graham. A. S. Dell. Wm Sladek, John S. Dilworth. F. Rahn. 11. Y•.ltur bee. Joshua Rhodes, John Scott, Robert Prior:este, Christopher Zug. 1). W. A A. S. Bell, Selieitors, LOOK HERE. SPRING AND ISIMIVIEU GOOi4S. undersigred be leave to Inform 1p frien.i• and the public 'generally. that be has jno firretvcd a new .rock• of goods of the biro -41:ts. rot Spring and Summer wear ,which he Wren - a , very moderat rates. GEIVTLENHATS' FURNI.SIOi-,VG GOODS, • CONSTANTLY ON IJAND Clothing made to order on the shortest notice. Thankful to the public for pes . t [atone. 1 taints by close attention to business to meal e evH tics once of the same. DANIEL MIL LEMPA BRIPGE 871. BILWGzirArKII, mar 240 - -- --- - . Seminary & Institute. R. T. TAYLOR, Principal, The attention of the Ym„th or this and adjoining counties is erUk-d to the 31 A.I.E SCAIO(3I_, now being opened in connection wnh the other Department. Rooms have been provided for Thirty--two Boys or Tensing' Wien, who will receive every ' advantage, and will be boarded at rea,•unable rates. 3 Address the Principal. DANIAL AG Sm. sepTitt Preat. Trustees. 31Z. eilarliStr3r. ~.- Dr. J. Illor• • ray,orDridge /.,.--........ .0 aier. iVter. ,5,......„ ) 11.1112... tut netrt no Dentiot in the .., ". —2llll- ' ••-,- ••••.:- ~., mute obeli do .• A 1„.., .... 11'.,r • ,r, - ...Af - ~4, . work bitter or - 1 , 41 . 111-' iii rill .I,' • 1 "------- 47.,,„. pit a cheaper than AIT be tigers it to hie patrons.— ' W Wfirlir E ll ile urea the he-1 materiels manufactured in the United Stales. Gold and ell g. ver tilting performed in a style that defies compe tition Satisfaction guaranteed in nil operations. or the money returned. Give him a trial. tett Iv $l,OOO REWARD! - A reward of One Thousand Dollar* will be paid to any Physician who, will produce a medicine that will supply the *ants of the people better than. the article known a 3 DR. FABRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic a better A Iterative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic. a better Tunic. and In every way better than the Pan-a-ce -a. No matter how long it has been in use or boo lately discovered. Above all it must not contain any thing NOT PIIIILLT VEGETABLE. $5OO REWARD !, .A reward of Five Hundred DoHare will be paid for a medicine that will permanently cure more cases cf Costineneas, Constipation sick or Ner vous Headache, Liver Complaint, Billows Disor ders, Jaundice, Ithenmatiorn, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Rolls. Tumors, Tellers, Ulcers, Sores. Pains in tiu Loins, bide and Head an Female CompGAM,: thaw VIR. dFAHRNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more estensively by practicing physicians than any other popular medicine known., .IWPrepared by P.' FA.IIHNET's flum. tt Co., Waynesboro, Pa. and Dr. P. FAonsc rtiteag , o. Price 1.25 per bottle. For sale by Wbob, and Retail Dealers, and by JOHN 311...10. lirHtNists. heaver, Pa. i) Childr Of Two and Thrte:Meel Gigs, PERAMBULATORS, A7l) IS ILLOW'', of the best Sew York not, Philadelphia manufacture, at reasonable priCV I S. Also, Lailief Satchels, Haskell, Faiity Notions, Toys, Jet Jewelry, ,ke., 4,e wholesale and retail, at F. A. O'LEARI'lii. 148 Fateral St,2 doors above the NI arta, , The Improved Grand, Oroide tG:1)%1 - "D 1 17 I%tZlitaiZa $9, $12 , , $l5, $lB. We have recently brought our Oroide Gold Metal to such perfection that it is difficult for the beet indges to dlstingnlsh it from gold. The $9 watch es are with patent escapement movements.. lu pearance, and for time, equaling a gob! 011 V cost ing $lOO. The $l2 arc full jewelled patent levers: equal to $l5O gold watches. The ilSare the same as the last, but of a finer finish; equal to oue cost log $173. And the SIS watches are ors fine finish with full jewelled American movements. equating. gold ones worth s2uo. They are - ail in hunting cases; gent:et:len and Ladles:sizes; and warranted for time and wear, by special eertificater, Also, elegant designs of Geztt's and Ladies' Chains,h trom $1 to 8-1; and Jewelry of all Linda. Goods sent C. 0. D. Customers' permitted to examine the goods they order, bets re paying bill, on payment of express charges. Wben six watch es are ordered .t one time, we win lend an extra watch of the same kind free. For farther particu lars send for circular. Address—,-. - JAMES GERARD & Co,. 85 4 - et. New:York. P. 0. Boa Mt . dec4l.llm • TILE AMERICAN WASHER PRICE * X 5.50. The American Washk saves Moue), Time, and Drijdgery. The Fatigue of Washing Day no Longer Driraded, but Economy, grlicieney, and Clean Clothing, Sore. In calliag public attention to this little s machfne. a few of the Invaluable qualities, (not possessed by any other washing machine yet invented,.) here enumerated: It is the mattes t, moat compact, Most portable, most simple in construction, most easily operated. A child ten years old. wittitt few hours' praciaots. can thoroughly et - pprehend and' effettnay use It. Theca is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay in adapting ff It Is Always ready lonise ! It le a perfect little wonder I It miniature giant,. doing more work and of a better quality, that the moat elaborate and ccetly. pne-half of the' labor is fatly saved by its use, and the clothes will last one-half longer than hr the old plan of the rub board. It will wash the largest' blanket. Three shirts at a time, washing thoroughly I In a wont. the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Uwe Curtain or Cambric Ilandketeldef, are equatly within the capacity of this LITTLE. GEM! 'teen he fastened to env tub and taken oft at OIL No matter how deeLtrooled a prejudice mag ex ist against Washing Iglitenines, the Eminent tins, little machine is seen to perform its wonders, tot doubts of Its eitzestn7, efficacy and utility ar. banished, and the doubter and detractor at one become the fast friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous advantages over all others, and from hundreds who have thrown aside. the unwidely, useless machines, which have aiglUy. MEW to actornplieh:the object ,prom ised In prominent and - lona sounding advertisements. It is as perfect for washing as a wringer la lon wringing. The price another paramotiatintince 'went to purchasers. has been placed so low that is within the reach of every housekeeper, and there is no article of domestic economy that will repay the small investment so soon. 08.50• All that h asked *miles GREAT LABOR SAV ER. Is a Bashi:O. We 'guarantee each =chino to do its w ark perfectly. • Satz AOlOll5 ?Ott Tug Uarrra &rink A. R. FRANCJSCVS at CO. '513 Market S*.. loldlaslitat.. -Ilia largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE ROUSE In the Union States. Nett.3m II =SI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers