El 111 0 Weiser, Pa.. OrpL,lBo, 187 alxntlatkm nirteen ibmGvxf lAstei or Ad rms. .; 3ar. 6w. 11- --„, eqr—ltiiiues,!.sll 00 $3 00 $5 00 ,quarec do ! 1 360 00 OD squares, do !` 600 600 900 ti 4IN WV!, do 1: 000 600 10 60 ; 00 11 00 15 00 r column 11 Ou 15.00 SD 00 4 c01umn..... 1p 00 1 1 30 00 ZS 00 Administrators' sold Executors' Notlnes• • •4 3 CO a,seciai notices twine, ten Cent.. 01/ Payments to be made Quarterly, erospt for traiodent advertisemenla, rhictk mast be paw in advance. GEO. P. 114011WELLip 40 Path Row, N. York. AND s. fl parrirraraiLL a co, 37 Park Row. New York, are too sole yenta for Ton B AAAAA A HAWN is that city, and are antborized to contract fur inserting -advertweiheout fur us Inver low.. est cash rates. Advertiserip la thsy city ate re questeu to leave their LIVOr. with either of the bunt houses. illiE - Ti.UI.E. Cleveland B PillilibUrgh B. 11. — T1111 1 41 ruul. suiSt tea.e laravrr Ditalou M. Lanterns: Moe oati; Aei.ora'u 6.21; M4 l /, 1.4.1 p. m ,lit.ntu Feet 9-21. Frani, cotn.; West leave Beaver Stink . = al to.- : 31.11, 7:46 m.: ftvectuamutsauun and hi• pn-ffe. ttballue:b.tiu p. co ryitt. . ILL.—lnutos ir,Lang Eatto e..L. Statank tat cud ul brhlgri to. t 414 ni",,zica. tilFt 4.m.; &gm ;mow IL rata. 144 1 . , p. 14.)114, H ekileave UOCUrsaCT Mahon, Olt euurof brnlgr )a. 1)110,1,•:b. r aecoal. 10 a. E.."'..tu arrant. s.l'Sk.t, an : tzlir akin expr.n.. 5.44 p. LLt.;,LL. F. =con.. p Ma. Trims k;otag hoot trace go..hrseer t I.:pper) L. pot as IuILUR : I<:tax:lSM 6.0.5 a. m . !Amu a. Lola. k. ~.4ew Cattle ammo e. 40 a. In: 4gu la.te a.-at; heaver Fate. strum. 11. i., p. In.; CLIL....gt , Shut ELLC., hrie eip. 4 p. w. Chickgo o.thi 1)- In: &11 ,. Ca*" k' 'n• Trams gum_ tta.t,late Itutlieetrr k pper) pot as tollow4. Chokgom ii'&l.s a. in., brie ele 0:45 a. 11/: be44..r h wt. iicxxitu 13.5i1 a. m." Chicago exp. a. in.. L p. ' Neu' Caa tlr 4..313 p. brii , :rip 4.44 p in, bearer The4cteuLiou 01 flip public in directe4 to We ionowing New. Advertisements wiach appoir for the first time in the &Rots to-day : . twf oul Agricultural Society. Sp (qui lotus-S. d J tinellenbarg. Spectre Nut,oe-Duilttrane Savings dank. Special NOtiCe- D. Nelson: nil Nouce Oldshoe Speciai Nutices--Mrs. hence. Stn-clal NotiCers- A S. Harvey. speost Norieres-ld ScAla- Itugnrene Savings Bank - --James T.. Brady. "'fn. B. ri.sliire Fire liustina.ce Co.-E, Altiron, Ag , _ ('t Farm.-O. F. Davt., Land CommissioLcr. . rti t ct>l Eyes-Dr. W. Spencer. Ca,cl D. sten - art it son. cw.ii-Dr. N. O. Cone ciird-Whtsier C Linnenbrink Many of our foreign miidents who are in the habil of sending small sum:- of money to the "old country," will be glad to learn that after the first of Octo Ler tney can send money to Great Brit ain, in sums not more than fifty dollars, by postal order. Arrangements to the name effect will soon be made with Ger- many: Werctiza, WaTents.—Tite teltOt complete line In the city of Pittpburgh, and all the necessary at tachments to be had of John Sterrniton's Sant J. t 83 Market St. Pittsburgh. - jef:ly Agricaltneal.—A meeting of the Board of Managers of the Beaver County Agricultural Society will be held,at the !'•rir ; rouud,on next Saturday,at 2. p.m. T.. 0. ANSHTZ, Sec ,j. Vow the newest and latest novelties In Watches Jewelry and Surer Ware at tie lowest prices: go • .l~hn Sferenson's Sons st Co., (43 Nirj:et g.rret. Uttsbargh. • lenly, Twenty-five thousand dollars is 'aid to have been the total of the cash re relpts of the Sheriffs Sales at the recent term of the Court in this county. Rather tall for so small a territory; but when it is considered that a great proportion of tnis amount was received from the sale ~ f the old canal. Lock-houses, gardens, attacheli, it will be found that It was not very large. V, invite our friends to.call and examine our •t.rcl; before purchasing elsewhere.- Orders care tufl♦ and Promptly tilted John Mereraton' Sone Market street. Pittsburgh. WI; 1 y In 'speaking of the recent visit of Mr: James McHenry to Meadville, the Venango Spectator says: "Perhaps it is not generally known that four years of Mr. McHenry's boyhood were passed in Harmony township, Butler county, this State. It is a fact thaethe greatest Acura - lean business e nian London ever saw—the man who!was first to build a railroad to the nil region and the most energetic and liberal in introducing v4nanori,:County oil in Europe—once lived Id Butler county." REPAIRING —ir mar watch t. oat of ^r th.r.,..tid it to John Sterenson4 Sons & Pltor. bl)reh It • 111 be recuill ed sod remroed tree of cllsrger All work waiTatnted. lei,ly Beaver Couniy Ministerial As sociation will - -meet_ September 14th, at 2 p. in.. in the leeture-rbom of the M. L. Church to Beaver. Subject for dis cus•um : "Whey'''. the import of the words Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, Tarte reo, as used in the Hebrew scriptures, Septuazint and New Testament '" Es ist. Rev. Jamei. M. Shields. D. H. A. McLEAN, Pre.v't JotiN 11. Auouvr. Ser*u. I LOCK., C txx 7 r.. Cr..ncK s. —American ( 'Mr k s a .tock . newest 1.1 yI es lowest prices. John , o,r-n..son'• A - on.; 93 Mark et street. Pitts bur,: h. je7.ly THE neW disinfectant, Bronco Chloral uni, meets the great want of something ■ lapted to all conditions where prompt cle , dorzing and disinfection are neces sary. It is en'tirely orderless, non pots-, onous and harmless, and being largely diluted when used, its ess - inotny brings it within the reach of all who wish to employ this simple means for the pres ervation of health during the warm sea son. SILVIL 11,-1 . 1-ATXII Warm.- We seh none but triu itXtiiiteet-,; e ne o nd i for d n e r . : r n-Ings j6 l.7d su r r r o l n ces s,,,;:. Sons (1--Co.. 93 Market street, Pittsburgh. je7ly 4:RAND GIFT CONC , ERT, AT WASIIINO TON, D. C.—Attention is called to this worthy Enterprise for the benefit of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, ,te. A list of prizes win be found in another column. Aceident.—W. A. Haus, clerk in the Prothonotary's ; ottice, In Mercer county, while on a visit to New Castle, on Satur -lay of week before last, met with a seri "tis accident while driving through the •treet_s of that place in company with a of young ladies. While passing; o‘er a piece of rough road near the iron w , rio , he was pitched over the dash l.,.ard and dragged several rods at the herses' heels, severely injuring him. The lad teslowera thrown out and injured, nne of them horridly cut in the face, and the I,l4.Tizy reduced to fragments. earF•Ttf! CARPETS am now elcra nut my stock of carpet 4, notwith .laocling tfe,adyance h) wool s at rust prirtcm. B. Mulhehn, Bridgewater, Pa. Till , : moat astonishing cure of chronic. ,harrhma•we ever heard of is that of Wm. Clark, Ftankfort Mills, Waldo , , s , unty, Maine; It e facts are attested by -Ezra Treat, Upton Treat, M. A. Merrill,, of when) might be achlreased•for paruculans- Mr. Clark wat cured bi ',/..dirmon's Anodyne Liniment. ALTH•Iit W•TCREII. Reiur. Agents (or ;he of thege Watc , es In the City of Plttahpre,h comSdont 01 our ability to plea.. In atyte. `" prim. John Sferenaan'a Sons et +Jo ,93 Mar 'Let str••-t. Flttabtirgn Jv7 ly .tecidetit:—ntte daz, week before last, Mr. John gider,..tif Wilmington U)Ve ii-hip, Lawrence county, with hts wife, mai driving into New Castle with a i , pring wagon and while on the plank road.north of tbe city. some part of the sisivtn broke, throwing the occupants out severel) injuring both. Mrs. Elder had her head badly cut and shoulder brini.ed, and Mr. Elder had a leg injur ed, Mrs. E. was carried to a house near by au.. her wounds &wised, while the gentleman passed on into town, and del eLsrAd his intention •of bringing suit against the authorities for the plank roi tx, i 3 in snunsafe condition, he alleg ing that it was owing to that the accident occurred. - - Pear rc Nome* ta hereby gives that, on and at. ter Ilia. GM. and *ant the lit at September. the Cesstg akussalsaioners RIII eet at their °glee In the borough of Beaver, only on Saturidayof eaeb lessat. Nalt,Cri lw irlatlCln Clerk- PersOaU.—f ast week, oh !Monday, Our cotempoiary of the Beaver county Press, J. B. Ham was imimitted to pile,- Om law . - in the several. Courts of this tiohnty. ' • • Alfred S. Moore, of this borough, wits admitted, on motion of E. B. Daugherty . esq. .He is a young gentleman of : moral character. wall educated and, are told, passed an excellent:and cri - examination. This promises wel for his future. Thomas Marshall, esq., of Pitts rgh, on motion of H. Rice, esq., was a ; ad witted. The - bat is swelling. - • eft u nr i',7lolslo.lt lu 00 15 00 12 00 18 00 15 00 23 08 20 00 88 00 as oo to oo 0000 iOO 00 MI Tux !Wert and beat rtylea of Jewelry, In all Its twanebecto'be *rand at Jan atenrruores Sons al C 0.,, 93 Market street.;Dittebargh. le7;ly The celebration of tbe citizens and es-soldiers of Slipperyrock township, Lawrence county, on September 14th in aid of the Soldiers' Monumental Fund, promiSes to be a strand success. The people of the township are thoroughly roused and intend making a celebration that shalt eclipse anything of the kind that has ever been held In the county. STERLING Stkrra,--Steelliis Silver. Table Ware and presentation pieces. John Merenaon's Sons A Co., 93, Market street, Plttiturgb. JeTly Nudden Death —On Friday of week befoie last, Mr. Robert Bell, of• west New Castle, Pal, while engaged at his customary work at the §benangn 'lron Works, felt Unwell, and started on his retnrn home. By the time be arrived at his father's he was so much worse that be could go no farther, and therefore st•"pped.. He complained of severe tramps, which gradually grew worse until toward evening, when death put an end to his sufferings., He leaves a wife and several small children in very poor circumstances, FALL oPywizen of Millinery, Fall Hats, Bonnets. Flower., Plumes, &c., now for sale, at Mrs. Bence's, Beaver. ' aep6;2w. ann. JOSEPH FAREWELL, Mayor of Rockland. Me., Isaac. M. Bragg, esq., Bangor. and Messrs. Pope Bros., Ma chias. Me., lumber merchants, fully en dorsed the Sheridan Cavalry tbndition Powders. and have given the proprietors liberty to use the:r names in recom mending them. ' M RS. BENCE hay just received all styles of Fall Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Trim ming. Hosiery, Av. Butter, eggs, and taken in exchange for goods. Give her a call at 3d street Beaver. sep6;4w. Some Saratoga . women have intro duced anew way of walking in lb, waya of the devil. A local paper says of it: "The flip-flop wiggle-waggle is the sci entific name of the new fashioned 'mo tion.' It is really bard to do. You haie to practice it a good deal in your room, and then if you don't get your fins—we mean your arms—to hang just right you spoil it all, and you hear them whisper as you pass along: 'She hasn't got it right!' 'How silly she looks!' and oth er remarks of that kind. A knock kneed person can learn the motion easier than anybody else, though if you are naturally flabby and loose jointed you can acquire the wiggle-waggle part with comparatively little trouble." FALL Hsps, all styles at Mrs. Benee's .Beaver. ' sep4:2w. A religious paper prints the follow ing paragraph ; "It is asked of all news papers. desiring to spread the truth and the destruction of error, that they pub lish this request and prayer to Almighty Power, that on the three first Sunday nights in October, Pill, there shall ap pear in the heavens a distinct light in the shape of a great cross; and further more, all good people are urged to pray earnestly for this miraculous sign." "Oh, wicked and perverse generation! Ye Reek for a sign, but no sign shall be given you." Rtrrrrn., eggs, and chickens, taken In exchange for goods at Mrs Etence's Beav er; sepB;4w. Burglary in Vauport.—On last Thursday night, Rome person or persons at present imknown, entered the store of Mr. William Harrah of Vanport, and rillod the money drawer. They effected an entrance into the room through one of the windows. The indications point to some one in that immediate vicinity, a!! the burglar A ,N stock of the dre*g i s goods, just recei in Rochester, on the Di Lsepl3-2w. Something or n Bean Pod.— Mrs. Matthew :Johnson of Ohio town xhi•., sent several bean pods to this of fice last week, which for length stretch out no little.. The longest one measured about two and one-half feet and was fill ed with beans enough to make an ordi nary man almost a square meal. GoLn)- FOCNTAIN PVC —Something new and novel. Be sure and read the adyertiefement in oar paper beaded. Greatest Invention of the Age:" heileve the Golden Fountain Pen is onsur .passed A good pe - is a necessity to every wan. woman and chilii Acento. here in a chance in , nilke money In introducing'. a irixod and saleahla limn' le. jan2s, I y FALL CurrittNo.—The tall and winter winds will soon whistle through the land, and winter clothing become Indis pensable to comfort, and they should be secured before that time cornea. Woolen goods and clothing can be bought cheaper now than at Christmas." S. (h. J. Snellenburg have fast returned from the east with one of the largest and ,cheapest assortments of fall and winter goods ever brought to New Brighton, and they offer special Inducements to buyers, at their store on Broadway. Do not buy any place else until after you shall have seen their good; and been told their prices. ('all on them and be con vinced of the troth of this article. Casnally.—Sunday morning of last week, Mrs. James Dagg s residing on the property of Julius Le- Moyne, about a mile south of Washing ton, Pa., wan so severely gored by a young cow that it is. feared she cannot recover. She had gone out to milk the cow, and from some cause it turned on her fiercely, and gored her in the .abdo men, one horn making a gash' six or seven inches long, and between one and two inches deep on the right side, and the other horn mak.iog a wound nearly four inches long in the left side and piercing the coating of the entrails. The entrails protruded to the extent of about three feet. Mrs. Datrg is quite a lusty woman, and it is feared inflammation may ensue, although the attending phy sician thought ar.e was in a comparative ly comfortable condition on Monday ev ening. Fon SALE.-A scholarship in the Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa., can be had no very moderate terms on application• at the. Army? office. Any young man desiroua of obtaining a knowledge of nook keeping, Ay., will find it to his advantage to purchasti+ the' scholarship t‘hre referred to. [Aug2-tf. itrsigned.—John Nei; . eng., edit or of the Butler Citizen, has resigned the •(lice of As..istasit Arinessor of Revenue of Butler county, and W. H. H. Riddle, esq., appointed to till the vacancy.. Mr. Negley made an efficient officer. Ma successor w. eqUally able and efficient. Cot This 001.—A German forest keeper, eighty two years old, not wish ing to carry to the grave an imporant secret, publishes in the Leipsic Journal a recipe he has used for fifty years, and which be says has saved several men and a great number of animals from a horrible death by hydrophobia. The bite must be bathed, as soon as possible, with warm vinegar and water. When this has dried, a few drops of muriatio acid poured upan the wound will destroy the poison of the saliva, and relieve the patient from all present and future dan ger. ..9Pe4 "ride your / ouata. Lot Ii the g#4l l eeltheeeni , ) 3 137. Atire heavenly niesaengens, with iut theta Wings, The , -,,sely hat, wet, negative weather of the past t wo weeks hair tainted every indoOr book' "ind cranny with incipient death. Almost every dwelling, from the poor est to the richest, is pervaded with a dark, unwholesome odor, and this odor arises - 'Mainly from the rapid disinte gratieu which characterizes September alwayB, but more especially wheri the weather has been hot arid damp. You will have observed that your cabinet furnititre is swollen, meats, fruits, and vegetables are with difficulty preserved from decay from one day to another, and the poisonous seeds of typhoid and intermittent fevers are being generated in your cellars, parlors and chambers almost as fiffectually as by the marshes and slow-Sowing rivers. God's great antidote for this enemy is the purifying sunshine. Let it of it—at morn ing. noon, and late in the day. It is lust now more precious than gold. The habit Of most housekeepers is frightful ly suiCidal in this particular. The sun's warm glare may tempt into your apart mentss few more tiles or meagnitoes, and perhaps bleach the complexion of your rich Brussels and delicate Ax minster'. But better that than the pallor of disease or death upon the cheeks of yourselves and children. I believe it was a habit of Sydney Smith often to remind his daughter to "open wide the windows and let in the sunshine to gio rßy the rooms." Indeed, for the,,mat; ter of health it is scarcely poinsible to admit too much sunlight within doors ; and yet in the face of this, either from ignorance or some absurd notion con cerning the philosophy of neat house keoping,, most houses are kept. more like a sepulchre for the dead in this ries pert than a healthful habitation for the living. Throw open your windows, let in all the sunshine you can gecsand thank God for the opportunity. There is at this damp, fever-breeding season, no other half no good a sentinel to guard yon r dwelling from disease, the doctor and the Undertaker. The Prohibition Tieket.—Jost as we go to press a rumor reaches ua that the County Prohibition Committee have nominated the following ticket: Assembly.---J. M. Fife, of Beaver Fallsi Associate Judge.—Joseph Alexander, of New Brighton. District Attorney.--J. K. Piersol, of New Brighton. , Treasurer.—Mr. Mears, of Rochester Comnassioner.—S. M. Elder, of Dar ilngton township. We have not learned the harpes of the other gentlemen who corn poseqhe ticket. Serious Aecident.—Annie, a little girl aged about fourteen months, daughter of Robert Wishart, living in North Stabane township, Washington county, while standing by a chair, on Wednesday of last week, tell on a broken tumbler, which penetrated the walls of the abdomen, allowing three folds of the intestines to protrude. She is lying in avery dangerous condition. Solcide.—On Thursday, August 31st, Andrew Mellon, a young man about seventeen years of age, a resident of Richhlll township, Greene county, was found suspended to a tree near Byorson's Station on the farm of Francis Drake, esq. The young -man was missing on Tuesday and was not found until Thurs day. He was an active and intelligent, young lad and un reason can be assigned for the commission of the rash act. This is the second instance of suicide in this township within a few months. The other case being that of old Pete) Bariiey. Accident.—On Saturday of week be fore last, a young man named John Marks met with an accident at Camp bells' Foundry In Bridgewater, in this county. A bar of pig metal fell across his foot, mashing it severely ; tiqt Dr.• Levis dressed the wound, and thinks it may be saved froze amputation. Acxi dents are very frequent of late. Internal Revenue Baits.—The following is from the report of U. S. Dis trict Attorney Swoops to the Commis sioner of Internal Revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871, rd shows the numbs} of Internal Revenue salts In this District: Total number of indictments found.... l'i umber of sults in personam Number of proceedings in rem....._.. Total namber revenue eases, ' Number of conviction• on Indictment Number,of Judgment/ in Orsonam.. Number bijudgments in rem Total number of cases decided in favor of the 1 - nited,States.... ......... . . lill Number tit acquittals... 6 Number of judgments against the Voiced States—, .......... ...... ........... . 0 Vomiter nticilts ifett ed or nol pros 'd by direc tion of Department . 60 Number of does pending Jmy 1. ItrZl . .207 Amount or Judgmenta recovered in per ....... . $ W 15 41 45 Amount Collected for Government... 111.'X37 41 The.. Game Laws.—_For the infor mation of our readers we publish the following eondensatiou from the game laws: Pheasants from Ist of August to Nth of December. ' Squirrels and rabbits from Dit of August to Ist of January. All pens, snares or blinds for pheasants and turkeys are prohibited. Penalties te each case for tthe above. It is un lawful at any Limo to kill any night hawk, whipporwill,.finch thrush, lark, sparrow, wren, martin, swallow, wood pecker(which includes the flicker and sapsucker), dove, bobolink, robin and starling, or any other insectivorous bird or destroying the nests of any wild birds whatsoever, under a penalty of :35. Sun day hunting is prohibited under a fin of from $5 to $25, and impriscument from ten to twenty-five days. Snake Mt.—There are Rome copper heads to be found in this section of the country. On Saturday of week before last, Mr. Abraham Hill, of Pulaski town ship, stew a copperhead and stooped for a stone with which to bruise his head, but while in the act the snake darted at him and fastened its teeth upon his wrist so tirtnly that the flesh was torn away In arming the reptile from it. He killed that snake. Dr. Nippart attended the wounded man on the following day ; and although the arm was much swollen, he has hopes of his recovery. Se. lueendiarles About.—The barn of Mr. Henry - eon, of Darlington town ship, this county, was destroyed by fire on the night of Tuesday of last week. H was undoubtedly the -work of an incen diary. Mr. 'eon was absent, and in the evening a rough lookingeustomer asked to stay all night, and was refused by the family. In less than fifteen minutes after he left the horn was in flames. do trace of the scoundrel has been discov ered The loss was quite heavy. Turners' Organization. The Germans of Beaver Falls, in this coun ty, have organized a society for gymnas tic exercises. They have procured and fitted up a hall—or are about to fit it up —for their use hi-such manual exercises as is thought to be conducive to muscu lar development. The society has no connection with religion or politics. Youth are admitted and taught gym nastic and acrobatic performances. Tlae Medieat Independent cautions 'persona against eating peaches in the evening, asserting that they are depres sive to the circulation, and exhaust the system, owing to the prussic acid they contain. The following method of pre paring peaches is probably new to most of our readers, but is said to make a Most appetizing -diah : Take good sized free stone peaches, wipe them with a towel, halve thern, and place - them flat side down in hot butter or lard. Let. them fry a nice brown, then turn and till the seed cup -with sugar, which, by the time the fruit is-properly cooled, will be melted, and form with the juice of the peach a rich ayrup, Serve up hot. On last week, Wesley Lehied, of New Brightou, a colored man, attended our court as a juryman. He oeported himself in all respects as a good citizen. Thus it will be seen that the spirit of the Constitution as well as the letter, has been carried out in Beaver l 6unty.' The cslored man is placed upon the same platform with the white man in all his righti, liberties and franchises; and it now devolves simply upon himself whether be will till the part of a good citizen. No man in the United States can now be proscribed on account of race or color. All have equal rights before the law. Thus It should be. Ours Is now the land of freedom. I==l the Court of quarter sessions, hod week, the following commonwealth were disposed of;indictmente !bond; and ig nored: 1 - 48." Com'th. vs. James McCoy; charged with desertion, tried, at, Auto sessions, and convicted at,, September !sessions. The court decreedjhe defendant to pay the coats of prosecution, and pay one hendred ) andatltVilve *dollars per annum,in quarter! -411stalinienta,for her maintainance an Support, subject to the orders of court hereafterto;bo made In the event of death, reconciliation or other ,autticiont cane; and enter into recognizance of 11,000 for the faithful performance of the decree. Com'th. vs. William M. While, Indict ment abortion, at June session. AtStip tat:Ober session tried, and the Jury, un able to agree, were discharged. The de fendant bound in $1,500t0 appear at next court of quarter sessions. Coin'th. vs. John Fox, indicted for lar ceny. Defendant plead guilty. Not sentenced. There were two other!indiet tnents against tho defendant for larceny, to which be also plead guilty ; and on one of them he was sentenced' to pay a lino of six cents, costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for the term of two years Com'th.‘vs. Dick Brown, Indicted for larceuy. The court ordered the'clerk to enter a plea of guilty, and sentence de ferred until adjourned wort. Dick Is a boy of about ten years of age; won derfully kleptomaniac; steals almost everything he can lay his hands on. whether useful or not. His parents are unable to control him on account of his associations in town. It is thought be might reform If placed under restraint 'and surrounded by , , good influences in the country. - He west therefore given in charge of Mr. Samuel Duncan, of South Beaver township. Cotn'th. vs. George Jones,. Indictment larceny. Defendant plead guilty. Court sentenced him to the House of Refuse Lu Allegheny county. Com'th. vs. Archibald Neal, ludleted for fornication and bastardy. Tried, and verdict not guilty. Defendant to pay costs. Com'th. va. George Manna, et. at., in dicted for assault and battery. Bill ig nored, and the prosecutors, Sarah J. Clark and Elizabeth Partington, to pay costs. Com'th. vs. Sarah J. Clark, et al., in dicted kir assault and battery. i Bill ig nored and-prosecutor, George Manna, to pay costs, Com'th. vs. James Anderton, indicted for selling liquor contrary to law. True bill. Cotn'th. vs. John Troyer, indicted for selling liquor contrary to law. 'lrue bill. Com'th. vs. James Anderton, indicted for fueuishingliquoite persons of nowtY intemperate habits—two owes. True bill in each. Com'th. vs. Joseph Barker, indicted for assault and battery. True bill. Comlb. vs. Alex.' 'Long, indicted for assault and battery. True bill settled on payment of costs by defendant. ' Com'th. vs. same, charge of surety of the peace, on ontlinf Wesley Leland. Corn' th. vs. William Reed, indicted for fornication and bastardy. True bill. Com'th. vs. Hobert Veon, Indicted for assault and battery. .Plead guilty, arid sentenced to pay a tine of ten ilollars, the costa of prosecution, and be impris oned thirty days in the Jail of the county. Com'th. vs. William Wiseman and Samuel White, indicted for assault and battery. True bill. t24.on'th. vs. William Wiseman, charg ed with surety of the peace, on oath of George Wobbart. Com'th. vs. William Wiseman and Samuel White, indicted for assault and battery. True bill. ' Com'th. vs. William Wiseman, surety of the peace, on oath of J. Grim. Com'th. vs. F. K. Short and E. D. Meed; indicted for false pretences. True bill. Couetb. vs. Samuel Funkhouser and James Herron, indicted for entering a store with intent to commit felony. Bill Ignored., CoM'tb. vs. Annie Tea, indicted for, larceny, three cases. True bills. Com'tli. vs. Wm. 3. Reed, indicted for larceny 2 cases. Bills ignored. Com'th. vs. John Deffert, indicted for furnishing. liquor to persons of known intemperate habits. Bill Ignored, and prose/nib:or, C. W. Taylor. esq., to pay costs. Com'th. vs. Samuel Anderson, indiet ed for assault and battery. Bill ignored and Bridget Reardon to pay costs. Com'th. va. Wm. Reardon and Mary Reardon, indicted for assault and bat tery. Bill ignored end 31. S. Anderson, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com'th. vs. JoOn 4.03430tt, indicted for assault and battery. Bill ignored, and prosecutor, David Redick; to pay costs. Com'tb. vs. Albert E. Evans. indicted for assault and battery, Bill Ignored, and prosecutrix, Elizabeth Evans, to pay costs. • Cotn'tb. vs. John Johnston, indicted for assault and battery. Bill ignored, and prosecutor, Alex - . Fountain, to pay costs. Coin'th. vs. Robert Shepherd, indicted for assault and battery. Bill ignored, and prosecutor, Patrick Rowan, to pay costs „Coni'tti. vs. George Hum, indicted fur assault-with intent to commit rape. Bill ignored, and prosecutor; Lydia A. Tro yer, to pay costs. Com'th. vs. Alex. Pombell, indicted for assault and Immery. 11111 Ignore4l. and prosecutor, Rebecca Johnston, to pay costa. Conilli vs. E. 11. Cornell. Indicted for false pretences at June sn,,sionst.— Tried at Septembeetiession, and verdict of not guilty. Each party pays their own costs. f "Cheap Farms."—We invite atten tion to the advertisement In another col umn, beaded as abOve, and would say to those wishing tofsetlle in the West for the purpose of farming, that Nebraska is emphatically an agricultural State. With its 50,101,01X0 acres of arable , land; its inexhaustible fertility of soil; its de lightful and salubrious climate; its cen tral location—midway between the At, 'antic and Pacife , and equally distant from the frozen regions of Iludson'ts ; ltay and the tepid, waters of the Gulf of Mexi co, excelling in the production of the cereals and root cropaof the Eastern and Middle, and in sorghum, tobacgo, sweet potatoes, and the fruits of the border Southern States: its wonderful facilities for stock raising and grazing; the rich verdure of its valleys, the beauty of its magnificent prairies undulaPing .like the wares of the tea, clothed in luxuri ant grasses and spangled with an infinite variety of fragrant and gorgeous flow ers, it possesses advantages unsurpassed by any other State, and is just the pla.-e to settle down for life. The extent of its manafacturing facilities are vast; its commercial position is favorable, 'cross ed as it is by the great Continental Railroad over which mast pass the travel slid commerce of tile world; bounded on the east by the Missouri River with its 4,000 miles of navigable waters; the rapid developement of its railroad system; its educational system extending to every child in the State— all conspire to assure to Nebraska a fu ture of success and prosr crity unparal, lolled in the annals ef this country. The Grand Jury wefe in session last week until Thursday noon; and during that time transacted considera ble business. It is remarkable, that not a single criminal case came before that body from„ that' portion of Bea% er county located on the south aide of the Ohio river. This is attributable to the fact that there are only one or two li censed houses for the retail oftritoxica thig drinks in that section of the coun ty. The people are intelligent, temper ate and orderly—hence the absevu_Ty4 crime. It is about the best temFaKince lecture which could be published, and the balance of our county might profit by imitating the example presented by their neighbors, and remonstrate against the granting of licenses, where the re sults of such a line of conduct aro so manifest'!” beneficial to the morals and material prosperity of the community at Idle. Crashed!.—Sunday of last week, du ring the up trip of the steatner Petrolia . one of the dock hands, namei James Munnel, was killed while passing un der the bridge at Monongahela City. The hands wire engaged in lowering the chimneys, and Manuel was stand ing holding the rest, or crotch, as ho was accustomed to do .siu the line boats, al lowing plenty of room for himself be tween the pilot house and the chimneys; but it appears that on the Petrolla there is not enough room for this, and to make it worse, the pipes gave a sudden lurch, so that Munnel was caught about the breast and bowels, and horribly crushed to death. His body was taken to his home, near Greensboro, for inter ment. -- lrlief*lditgrAktnillqta - X 1 1111 . 4.-414 ailibisded 'ease known as the i 'ViThite abortitor !meet"came up for trial In our court last week, end eocupled something ilk. 046e - days of-the term. Thodedind: an t'iv'l the neer. William M. White for merly paStor of the Liook‘Lown Presby terian olliblarch, and the Prosecutrix. was Miss Jennie Eicott,'a young lady of about 22 years, and it member of fiis charge. She alleged in her testimony that orbit. nal intercourse bad taken place between the defendant and-herself in September 1869, and that shortly afterwards she 'ascertained that "she was pregnant. On intimating this to Mr. White, silo went on to say, that he had advised her to tako violent exorcise, mid that the result of this exercise was a miscarriage, some four months after the illicit intercourse was had. 'rho hatlictineat against Mr. White, was not for seduction, not for fornication, but for an intent to procuro an abortion on the 'person of the prose cutrix. The prosecution was conducted by Meyers. Sam 11. Hice a nd J. Wickham, and the defence by 31 . 3ssrs. T. M. ltiarshall, and ziwartzwelder, both of Pittsburgh. The examination of w it nesl4o3, was conducted, on' both sides,. with great propriety, but at the same time with unusual rigor, and all the tee thnony iu the case was placed clearly before the jury. The evidence was sum': meal up b the attorneys and' heir argu ments given to the jury on Thursday. H. R ice, esq.,, made the opening speech in which he analyzed nearly the whole of the testimply in 'the case. He was followed by Messrs. Swartzweldor and Marshall for the defence, who iu turn were followed by S. B. Wilson, esq., who it is admitted on all bands, mado the speech of the occasion. It was per haps, the best effort made at our bar for a number of years. Neither Sir. Swartz welder nor Marshall came up to the pub lic expectation in their addresSes to the Jury. The charge of the court to the jury was s lucid one, occupying consid erable time lo its delivery. Rather un expectedly the jury disagreed, and after being out some twenty-four hours it was dissoived.by the court, without ren dering' a verdict. Itunior says that eight of the jurors stood, for conviction and four for acqu ittal. The parties to this suit are both single, both young, intelligent and very genteel lOoklug; ,and we are quite sure that nearly every person who witnessed their deportment during the trial, felt sorry that so great a misfortune hall overtaken them. The case will probably be tried again at the November term of our court. GOING TO THE FAlll.—Ladie4 going to the Fair should not fail to give Mrs. Bence a call. She has the largest lot of" the latest styles of Frenc.hand American Millinery Goods, as well as the cheapest; also a full line of Hosiery, Gloves, and Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Ace.. Third street, Beaver. sepl3-2w. Bridge Repairing.—Wo notice that work-men are et. toyed in repairing the old bridge acr !`r 4.ta Beaver river, be tween Bfidgewafe'r and Rochester. Mr. McCain, of Braddock's Field, Allegheny county—a well known and skillful me thank in that kind of architecture—has the contract for the repairs, and his rep utation warrants the conclusion that the work will ho faithfully and permanent ly executed. The stockholders were for tunate in securing his services. Thu bridge is now shovel p with trestle work, so as to afford an opportunity for putting in new timbers where neethxl, and keying up and bracing where re quired. The repairs will cost the com pany from SI,BOO to $2,500. • Republican licellug.—Tho Re publicans of Beaver county opened the fall _ election campaign, on Tuesday evening last, by a large andenthuSiastic meeting at the Court llouse in this bor ough. S. J. Cross, esq., Chairman of the County Committee, called the meet ing to order, and M. Woyand, esq., was chosen as chairman, assisted by Samuel Mitchell, of South Beaver; Wm. Bar clay, or the borough of Beaver, a.s Vice President. A dispatch from Mr. Swoope stating that he could not be present on account of ill health was read. Dr Stanton. our candidate for Auditor Gen eral of the State was then loudly called for, and responded in an interesting speech of half an hotir's duration. Rev. .1. W. Bayne, of New Castle, and lion. T. M. Marshall, of Pittsburgh, also ably addressed the meeting. Altogether, the meeting was enthusiastic, and 'a deter mination manifested to roll up art old fashioned majority in Beaver county at the next October election. All party achlsras having been healed, wo eon fi deutly expect such a result. Tilos? Marshall, we understand, will speak in the city of Now-Brighton, some time during the present campaign. Pt.mAgr. remember that you can save five cents on the yard of Couhtry Flan nel, !,y Making, your purchases of M. Schiff 's, Broadway. Now Brighton, who bought a big stock before the advance in prices. Burglary.—Several days since the house of Joseph Dunlap, of Chippewa township was entered during the absenctiO of the family by some person or persons unknown, and a watch valued at SIS, and $l2 In money abstracted therefrom. The family have no suspicion a_s to who perpetrated the (Time, Railroad Areidenl.—At the depot M Butler, on Thursday evening, of week before last, a man named Allen Johnston, of that county, was killed by the backing up of a train of cars. Ho was standing upon the track ritgaged in looking after some freight which had been put upon the platform for him, and' did not heed the warning of the conductor In charge at the time, and was knocked down and run over-:kill ing him' within an hour after the occur rence. The inquest exonerated the em ,ployees.from blame. Arribri to the fact that the TrAmnry Deptirtment has notified Bond holder; of the series of 1562, that they are prepared to redeem the: ame and that a// inlere4 will (-ease af,ter The. I.st Th e p u , / ,, O.A e Savings Minh, of Pitts burgh, a substantial, responsible 4ind ably managed linaneita institution, of fers its services in effecting the redemp tion of these Bowls. All business of this character en trusted to them will re clove prompt attention, and th - e proecetb; of such cxchabge &securities will draw for the owner t per cent, per anniiin in terest. from-the time the Bank obtains thosame uplit withdrawn by the owners. An tagged Heaver county man is said to have been robbed of •sits;,' in Pitts burgh, en Wednesday morning last, while making some purchases in the Diamond Market. When paying for his purchase, and while waiting for his change, he laid his pocket-book, con taining the aboveaumunt, beside him on the stand. A well dressed woman who stood near him is suspected of having abstracted the money. pie papers do flat meution the name of the unfortu nate Beaver county man.. ALL colors in Woolen Yarn is Bold at M. Schiff's, Broadway, Neai Brighton, as low as last year. Narrow Escape•—One of the night watchman in the vineyard of Messrs. Imbrie Weyand, at about 3 o'clock on Saturday morning last, bearing an unu sual rustling of the vines, fired off his gun in the direction of the noise. There was an instant and rapid bounding thro' the adjoining lot,over. the fenee,aud to ward the Fair Grounds. The thief was evidently wounded, for his course for a short distance could be distinctly traced by stains of hlood. Ho will „hardly ven ture Into that vineyard again, at least not this season. • Republican Viallatien — Coniiiitio' tee.—The following have been appoint. ed committees of vigilance in the res pective, boroughs and townships, by the Cotinty Committee. Republicans throughout - the county are earnestly re questeri io frequently confer, with ind aid these committees in the efficient per formance of their duties: Big Beaver.—JainosTattoriltin, U. W. Brown ; W. H. Sm4l3, A. S. Foster. Beaver linbrie, Jos. Ledile, John F. DriiiitO, E. F. Thoutm. • Byroustli Townskip.—S. A. Johnson, W. J. Dunn, J. Li. bowls, Wm. C. Fisher. ; . Bridgewater Borbugh.—Dr. J. C. ',tw it. Brice Ramsey, Nathaniel Lindsay, Jos. Reed. . - . Barien Borough. -James Neely, Enos lirfghion fiburnx/n i vi .—ltichard Suther land, Janina Dunna., Jubn A ndrewa: ! Jesse McGinn*. i ' Beaver Fallt.-3161fil:Metzgar, Cham berlain ‘Vialte,ll.-q.Pinteraou, J.L. 11. Lawson. Chippetca.—JobiliWiliton, David Boy ley, Jamas Cinintogtintnjhainuol 'Wal ton. .z Darlington.—Janes P. Martin, R. A. Cocliratle,ArChio •Robert - gcoitoatyr—Sattittol McMatlam.li t W. Davkil JOEL liendriektion, George Neely. FaUatoe.—Jttnie4 Andrew, S. A. Dlckoy. 1 Franklin. —Jos. iI I Is, Win. Nevin, John Zeigler, Ilen riy Matz. Freedont.—Tlion.; G. Kerr, Dr. J. K. Lockhart, Alfred McConkey. Grcene.-81unuel Leeper. John Mc- Donald, 8. W. BiKler, F. S. Laughlin. Georgetown.—A. Iltalhoun, Collin Kin zey, Andy Parr, George Poe. Hopetrell.- 7 W m. Reed, David E. McCollister, G. C. Shannon, John Green. Independence. —Wrn. ISkeeague, Eaton, Ronk L. Sterling. Industry.--d. B. Brlggs,,Jolin Wilson, Eckics, Jactib Hook Jonathan Jack.. Ifarion.—Shurlot•k• Stone, Thomas Moon.—Daniel BtShort, Henry Darik. New Brighton—.7!orth Ward. —Cape. C. U. Myer, C. K. Chamberlain, _Dr. C. L Wendt., Sam.Dunliar. New Brighton—Middle War d.—Jl - 10. C Boyle, Jacob Pricel Joseph J no. Buckle•. . . . _Sew .Dii,q/4ton-4'outh Ira rd. —J. S M W ner. s, Mer'xick, D. Corbus, 1 New Tkets, Ilrn ry BUtizo, (;oorge Ciiletnan, Henri, tio•hr [rig, N(.4.th •S'ewickleA—Jatne.s \Varnoek, Jaeot ) Gait); Milton Clove. ..Vew quidee.—Prtilip tiriun, John B. Johnson. I.t/oo.—Sanford Ahoy, Austin Petit, S. B. Dawson, Dr. 4. Scruggs., Pattersom,—Jamo 3tarrittis, Thos. J' Wells, James Platt! i'hilipBb ey. --James M. Hemphill, )'apt. John 4lirode3, Jacob Shaffer. ,Hays, Eph. floury Mullis, Win. Fish. Raccoon.--. 1 C. Christie, Washington Weigle, W. W. Shillito, Win. Ewing. Iluche.ster Borough.--J. it Pendleton, John Hoffman, H. J. Spoyeror, J. '-‘1 Hays. linehrster Reno South ./.;carer:-- N. J. 'McCormick, Samuel .Slllll. raughey, A. J. Lawrence.. 7asr.—.lunies ItveiL Alex Graw. Nvw fall and %%inter Dry Goods • arrti Notions Just received of A. S. liarvvy's Store, Ilrldwititer, Pa. 13-;:w IMEIMITI hit)! FOR E Fki ! Ladies tisiting the Beaver Fair Should 'all at Mrs. Itenee•n Millinery and Trimming Store, Beaver, where they mi tll Lind a full stork of Fall and Winter flats, Itonnet., FloW ers, Flumes, ltiblain4, Vel% ets, Gloves, llosiery, and Finley 4 :o,,as gen erally. Next door to F. P. ary. (live hern. House Struck.—*)ino time recent ly, the house or Mr. Stand, of Brighton townshlp,Alds county, was- - struck by lightning, tearing the plastering from the wall; killing a dog and cat, Injuring a rifle gun, and stunning Mrs. Small c.onsiderably, though not seriously. Tux now Franz A: Pope knitting" Ma chine at M, Schitrs creates quite an ex citement. This is the only machine out which knits the top, heel and toe-perfeet ly, and on which a lady can easily make from ten to fifteen pairs of seeks a day. But not alone socks you can knit on this machine, but also all sizes of ladies' and children's hose, ,hixkls, nu bias, scarfs, mittens and gloves. This machine knits wool and eotton,anfi is so simply . con structed that any lady can operate on thorn in fifteen minutes •after being in structed, Every one ought to go Mr. to Schilr's store, Broadway, New Brighton, and see the machine miming, and with out doubt Some will look favorably up on then[ and leave their order for one. MEN. and boys' fall styles of Hats and Caps, at A. Harvey's, Bridge a ter. sepl:l-2Av, Fire.--Messrs. Briggs and Jat:sson, merchants of Industry, this eounty, met with the loss of their store by fire, on last Sabbath night. When the tire %V al insoNered it had already prigressedto such an extent as to de.stroy the Lail lin, and all of its contents. flow the hre originated, is at present n, 101 t it is presumed to have been the 1)1 an .ineemliary. Messrs. Itriggs and tut recently commenced Lusi 'less In that place, and the naisforitoic will fall heavily upon them. 'Mil - ate butte, however, young men, full of elwr gy., and it is to he limit they N 1 ill r.ike Bre rubbish away and "at it again. ' 'lsheir 1,,s amoutits ko about tk3,5110, a of NVII i , •11 i3-covere , l I,y in-ar- OM In the• Court of Common iin Monday, ' , denial) Swartz, Will iant Itteioh and Nicholas Benzing were ad mitted to citizenship. I 1 a rave of Joseph A-nderson v'. Johnston, notion of trespass for killing u dot:, was tried and the jury ont, at the time of going. to press. ./10 t a.O Of Samuel Woodruti thew Jkihnstiin—us , iiiitpAii—was contin ued by vonsent. The ease ofin. T. Tay vs. 'rhos. Poe —yx,te mpsd - a its also contillUCtl. Port choice groeeries go to A. S. Har vey, Bridgewater, l'a IIARR ED. WI E.CUX —Mt/NEYPENNY. - August =l, at the office of John McFall esq., Mr. Rufus Wilcox. to Miss Nlargaret eqny, both or N ewcum her., Plandeock county Rest',a. lOth by the same Justice, :Wills (ace. Mr. John Jobling. and Miss Annie Cole laugh, both of Easi,Liverpool, Colonl biana county, Ohio. HARREN—CFRPMAN.—Dn the kith of August, PM, at Striith's Ferry Sta tion. Pa., by the same Justice, George W.- Barren. and Miss Nancy Cow man, both of East Liverpool, ()hie. CA REGA N —RICTI A 'IDS the same day, at the same place, and by the same Jamtice, Mr. William Caregan, of Lex ington, West \'a., and Eliza Richards, of Carroll Co., Ohio. TEEPLE—SHIELDS , —A ug. Is7l, in Bridgewater, by the Rev. James M Shields, Mr. Horat!-o N. Teeple to M iss Mary Frank Shields, both of Bea% er Falls, Pa. EAKIN—REED.—Ang. I'B7l, by the same, Mr. William R. Eaken, of Beaver, Co. Pa., to Miss AI wilda Reed, of Vanport, Pa. TODD cCARTNE Ir.—On September sth, by Rev. F. D. Fast, in Beaver, Benjamin Todd, jr., and Miss Sheba McCartney, all of Beaver county, Pa. • DIED. LINNE 4 NBRINK. At Rochester on Tuesday, Sept. stll. at 3:20 p. m ., 11/it:- tor Joseph Liiinenbrink, le his sixty fenrth year. New Advertisements AA THISLER 14.NN ENBRINK, Dealers in Choice Groceries. Flour. and Mil Feed of every description, cur. Britehton Adams streets. Rochester, Pa. p . 13; 1 y ARTIFICIAL 1117 MAN EYES INSERT' p TO " MOVE AND LOOK LIKE The Natural ' Eye, No Cutting or Pain Whatever. Aprme. G. W. SPENCER, Artistic Surgpon and Dentist, Z-1 Penn et. Pittsburgh, Pa. . ' sonsation , 4bindt. gold, hunting ghotit., lie is said toitavo made,his_ appearance, In Clinton townsbip'in that.outity, and is black as the ace or spades. , lie tries to make the people boliovo there Li gold concealed in several hills 'of that town ship. His appearance has caused con sidered° merriment and elt?4entent hr. that neighborhood: Uncle Joke ma tions thous not to carry their joke to the Court House, uulc his qliostehilx fur nishes plenty of gold to pay the pigier. In Editorial lissenems.—Mr.. Nt",, 11. Reed, non of Capt. Mount! Reed, of Rochester, this county, ham established' and is now Editing a paper at Indiana. pulls; Ind., railed the "Journal of Light and health." We Wish him suceese in the enterprise. LOY SPEP:II.I---:N DIOUITION.--Tilo /sub ject of Indigestion liar: attracted inneli at tutitiuzi, Ih•c.iu se it has ever been a di iti (lit and trouble:4oElle tliseliKe to treat; It is eitarac:erized by a great variety of symimns, the most promineit of which are, pain after eating, belching; heap.- burn, ‘vaterbrash, fullness of stomach, with tenderness, load of weight in that region, debility , loss of flesh,• despond ency, headache, bad or capricious appe tite, palpitation, cough, nervonsneNs. restlessness, plc., Etc. When the disorder hi of !Ong continu ance, other organs of the body soon be come atfectcd. and the lungs, liver, brain; or kidneys, frequently sutler. In fact, Dyspepsia is the forerunner of a great number of Chronic diseases, such Consumption, Scrofula, Hemorrhoids Uterine difficulties, colic pains, paraly sis, neuralgia, female derangements, nervous speas, weaknesses, &c., tk.c.,-- and is in its . turn the consequence of many of them, and may be complicated witlsalutost every and any disease. From this it is plain that the treat ment of Dyspepsia should" vary accort ding to the extent of the disease and the nature of the compileations. One symptom is more prominenti and urgent in.one case than another, accord ing to the disease wiUt which It is coin plifmted. And hence remedies seldom have the same effect In any two Clises, and all the plans of treatment will most generally fail, unless the precise nature and cure of the disease Is well and fully understood. To determine these 'hero is no better .criterion than the urinary secretions. Indeed, we are surprised that so little attention has hitherto been paid to that now that in Dyspepsia, when we new that there hcno more certain sign . oir red. . By this we are enabled to doter' he whether it he Dyspepsia from liver et - plaint, kidney affections, 'ner&us dis orders, or, ill (=MD of females, front uter ine aireetionsi derangements or irregu larities, or whether these affections pro -1.,,- front the Dyspepsia:—And to treat the case In accordance with the true con ditions, the fixed pritu•iples of a fixed scienee. There is no guess-wtirk about it. -We e cured hundreds and thousands of utses of Dyspepsia by a single worse of niedeelne; others require-more, howev er, according to the disease with w bleb it is coin plicaUlt. Di-s. Ut.ti sct e, 132 Grailt street, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. J.- Foster, I) 01f.C. A NI'ZE:111 , 104:11. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, llome office, 1-Wl4dd, 211u.v.1. M alma! protect 10014 secured to the POT ley Hold ere of tide company by n Sperlal h , y cf the State. For t .lalupie t :•3Mppm.e tnl are thirty flee yearn are, and take an ordinary Lie If )0 - 11 UNE; payruvut, fall to make the :4 ECoN D pa) to of nlich due. ,MWl.4l:lftrett durst , Z 4 e.410 . )(1 toil three tr.ii-d-I,2rr, it you I:ie t:a.• 1,40 eV, and three day.. “nir hint ;y reee', , e he .::at of Ur' Pmtry. only U. , o, er.i, e prof:dont Inn, At Pay . iie,,t keep you 1' -Wed I:1 , e i'r.ern••ntr r- ' I year. IV,: 1 . 1 day. llt Animal I * .r.imente heep ' . )On te!lired run r 1, in keep , ou • _year. ,nd lii dar. Fise Annual pay. ne :• e ill keep to.tin - 10 years and Si da)- i•ix Ant. 'al Pa , hlk It ) Ine.arelt 12 ) or, any! lid- proteCt , ll rippile• to any age. :Intl to ever) Polk). the Advantages of such Protection. Nwv Yocch, March 11, 1571. W. 11. tittEtzie,latv of New York, toured a low year. .inee In the Berhrbiro Ure Insurance Com pany for but. on tu; to mirk,rtune in hnri he,!, waA nnabie to make any payment to the Company (Imme uhr ea• and ten montho prior to lila decea4t, %latch occurred Jaonary 12, WM. I have this day received tat the New Yorliothr, or :Pe Company. 271 Broadway corner (Jr rham h,q, ,treet.. Three thoswond two hand red and ninety-ohm doltuni, thin heck.: the full sulunut due to Ma a Ides; alter o , efLitte 141)nwnis and Intemit. W. Jo; Broadway A ,Special Law of the .tale elf ilas.va ehusetts Trovldee that if you .•htmld fell to make your pay , P• meld %Olen dUe. and sad pre.ervr; the corohoons of the Policy, yon Si ill retnnin inpured for a - Inin II lite tic., of ,\ car* :00l da). tits natter end if death ork nr. dorm; that nap; :he l' ,11Q null be paid a t,.),•. The ratio of es peta.e. to receipts in that Company 19 5h1311,,r than the 3,ern4e nt the Companies (1011 h! hl lit. L oiled states. The True Benefits of Lite Insurance. --it 1, time that _these who teek the true heurtits of Lie I nsuranre should understated that Conviaa mes which strive to do the nArgesk hnalnerie 1311 Q btraltaeLtlY igliore fate re are by no !imam. the he-t to It 1.1 the u h t t eel Ih.• end ftrectors it the Berkshire to do a sale, pr pre --1 lair:nesse. Mende shalt earl] ) rim add to the -eiren,_;th and sta bilit,' of the Company, and at the 'ante time leer nisi' its members Vi ith more. 17.441r:ince, larger I) 1,1.1.1., and gre•ater IltiNa , l l, tf.: ,, l 11:1t1 rot In. LANI to any other l'oinpau.y. Animal Cash Dis - tdriuls I. Strictly Mutual. tel lIIN Id., all the prt.lll4 amo g the Po l icy Holders, -en the Contrihutpin A. , your ( . .1.11 1)1,1de11e. 4 Itat . reAs , thee in. I lire payment-. n )04 malie n eiy dr crreor Ills id.•ml: may le , add•at tee thr and :try eon I. mmm lent may at Jll , pine no reel:ie.:lPA 11110 re-11 EttIi: 4 V.I.I..LISON, t. ilettirr r i'a . Se-m.l- I .ly • REPT:IIPTION OF U. 5..5-20 BONDS, DECEILBER Ist, 1871. 111 QUESNE kVIN6S ll'lrr'l'Sl3l:lZ,li. PA. Authorized Capital, - $500,000. Paid in Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. Nep 13 -2%% t'4 , •r their •4•n Ih.• Trt I 1).11.11111,1,I of t C,Up datvd • day I. I 1 to 110,69:1, inelth , i ye, 1 " 1 " 40,011, 1 " 74,101, rcpt-Irr^d Ito 59:1, inclusive, 1 " " 1 " I " 5,9416, 1 " 1' - " Notice has bern !jinni, by the Treas ury Department, that all iatere4s will melee on the Bonds designated ,by the numbers above mentioned, on nnel of fer Def•ember l xl , IS7I . ho'dert, Of these Bonds enit theretorr Pee the nerihuifY of tahtre4 Flew to have their money remunerative aft. r that date. All for to us for redemption will be rent to the Trean or) Department. and the proceeds placed to the Oh tter's credit, at the rateof G per cud. per annum interest. Board of Directors 'lantern' T. Brady, or James T. Fr -ally Hint:cm Simon Bylner.of Standard White Lend W0r , ... 31• K. Moorhead, Who sob° It Dry tt.ttytt M ., Roberti Jamison, terale &amt. . Jackson Duncan, Supt.. intentitnt Alle;;ltcny Bride. Company Arthur O'Leary, u t ]....11,,var0 Iler tnant. J. :flurdock, tivcrroty Pit:.ltutzti For'. - . t ompttny John 11. facYlasters, law Me3lnt , tt.rs Us home. C. S. Feltterition, Attornoy nt sepLizirn New Advert lsements 100,000,000 I'l):: ~)t~ :~Qi''' _~ No. 64 Fourth Ave , MEI .0 1 I 'II 006 JAMES T. BRADY, President. DAVID CAMPBELL, Treasurer. . . - k OREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALIKEU'r. C_lsPoara.a. VINEGAR, BITTERS i 4 Hundreditof•Thonsaadr - 2, j . - Dear tasilixfolly to their Wonder- ii; ii s " NI Curstire Effects. 3 °' . a . •• g WHAT ARE THEY? S; a 0 0 0 .. '.j 0 * ii oft o ~. ."-i si 1 t & 2 0 .... %•• a t, ' " , 8 =--- F. 4 P a It' o 0 " L e. 2 c u .. b p ... ix S . r 4 :2 , « 0 li Vg ; 4 o L a F, ; I s C g P. 11 0 V . 0 Z .... j 1 7 g ..-.:, 2 it c. fl . .. i a z 4 1: .. i 4 '',,.? .8 .- ~ a 4 '4 Z |k .1.. . < l-. ~F, K 0 0 0 . 0 :a g 4 t 'a i ° ' II I' i'.." r .q . 6 :- ' B , : ...E! 0 it 0 THEY AILE, 1 , .10T A. VILE 5 R fie FANCY DR . INK.LE SAWA of Poor Ram, Whiaker, Pro.f spirit, _td'ltcruxe IA ci 0 orc doctored, spiced 'IP .7r, ct. !nil to 4.leane the tLente, coiled "Tondes,""Apputl: ruzlotorcrr," aana th X p i l -p er c y 'tom the Nntiso Louts :eel Herbs a Callibrnta, frc, 'rocs sill Alcailotlc titinnulunee.. T:lcy .er., 0, LiILIZAV BLOOD PE,I2IFIEN. :ILIA A LiFit LUCING VElNt'lPl.:Enrwrfi-et 'tenor al, r _ .1 '....vi:0r....t0r of VIC- F.yatcm, eurryt"..7 clf all pu.t. r , • r niter al.:1 r. , •110:‘ 1,...,:. LI.. ~ t , 4 n ..• !.4 Ey rwac...t can :al.. ' U. • e uli 4114 te.11181Alu.lf: u 6/00 niLlbo g:‘ . buries are r.ot dc....trosed by Int.crt.l 1 -, I. nbc.r tricar.s, at 0., v. 3.31 or t7 ang vrm,i L d L icr. d iolat of revalz. Par luthusucutary crud Chronic, i:L•aacr :I.= mud Goat. iliSPeoutu. or ludtgentla. anions, Iteualtteut and latermittcnt licver. 315euouts of the Bleed, Liver, 31.r.thler, tbete Bidet :3 I t.'e bees Invat l'CLa * W. the.ch Dlsetugen a-re emceed Ly Blood. which Is genets:ly i rocuecd • y durcr4.-Lc r the Lligertlftre Oran:Ll. InuiPETSIA OIL INDIGt.STIOX, Lchc, Pate l i p the t by:ado, e, oegtel..tt [Let-, , _ Dlztinebs, our Pruct.tticr.s c (the !t , tti_,'. ".al the Itnoth, 11.11ous Attacko, l'alptt-tt of the Ileat"t, Itttetztualt.er. of the Ltmirs, Pttla I: re;,-ionr. of the .E.lthieys,and cl.us.Crett. otltcr oifhprir.ga Iryspepsic.. invi,goriata Sto;nach • . lever aLd 1.(..m. is, wlt:ch 4 - .•.ndcr t! iern L.Tc*y In eleanAlng t!.c ::npartlag new Ilfe and r.i. , r to VA. yster... Ffin SKIN II ISEA SICS, Eruptionr,Tertcr, r. : Mitt:lll. Motel:us, f-potx, r.!: pits, 1%.,e talcs, Dot.. Dttnr:ts, c 0-11 cad, tore ItLh, Scurf., 14.,c,41,,r4t,c1. , of tLa sad DiStabef, of the: Lin, of whatever name .31. , •.re Ilteratly deg ep and earrh.Nl act of the syt,tera - 917C,r , time by the use of tbeze Illite:rB.--44 4, —e tett: .c.-14 eases wlll convince the most Iter.cdttlQue of r:cfr Curative - effect. 7 C.earifie the Vltlatzd Dloeu whene7cr you Lam is t!Lparitics bursting thtoegh the sl.da in Vlthples, Era?. :ions or Sores ; cleicse It when rolftnd tt obstructed imi e singglsh In the veins ; eleante it when It Is fat and your feelings trill tell F. 1.1 ;rhea. Keep the bl pure andthe health el the eyLLera will follow. FIN. TA PE and other WOIE 31S, 1:11 . :. - 11.4; In L.: . 4ysBra many thousane...;. arc tactually ' and removed. For fell cLrections, read carcfally circular ar , tcrad each bettl,, printed in four lan. ranges—Engllsh. German, French and Spanlgh, I. WALKER, Proprietor. R. a. McDONA.LD )rugt, , lsts caffGets. Agent!.. ,Van Frtlielffee, and Y^ and 34 Commerce Strcet, New York ROLD DY All DRUGGISTS AND DEALEFE Yell , ArlyertisfjnentB. M rt. 13 Ms B. tri txj, 1 31./11^.C1TFAC.."TITItlEit IV_FON — CTILI= - TS, Head and Foot Stones. We keep on hand In onr maze room, the largest mtleeLlOU of ano•lied s'Ork thlit all the other works in the county rut:Waned, mhtth _is ;s persons de elrine to erect n Monument or !lend Stone to their d. potted rriend.i . „( better 11 pOrtUil its to e:C. /Able MOllllll ti or Heed Stone.. than et-oothero \V.• wt. roln. Otee the the workman and the prices cannot he bent lo Ih i State. Is ,r,stisti.y ins Ito 1,h0[13 , Et' 5•. rn't .I,lr work h• tore ,• o w here, and theinsuls, G =1 z.):‘, fixtures to hang gtonea. nprl - 2;fitn - -•- - C 1 :ma NUT COAL. FOR SALE. tit.let , t,med La operating a COAL BANK on Mr ?Ilium half wit, between Ro ultet•ter atot Boleat We, where he will, he gted to reeetet• orders 1 . ,,r I amp or agt coal Order. ran .tko fe It• ft at P. Ma:hel m - v. to Brid;:eavater, or at John in It...river, or at the Anors office or at th.• re,oclence of ,Ilto itudersignott on Market -trvet., Itritlgtw •at. al ..r. Co oitk:h • platform at nII coal d.-Itverod at stnrt notice.— Tertna ut.h ott delivery Pri-es att Ittrw aatt4vlow- Lj.1. 3 1 - Y: .1 L. MOLT .R. H 17; IV F• 4 'UM LN.I It If liia~ic ul liit:t itutc. Her. R.T.7.11 LOB, D D., Principal-, :icteii(et'nth StjJt. 1. n^atllifn I Grotind, •nits and recr.,ltiOri t hverful flown. tt, it lurotalatl and twnlated, rearmed tt Ilh zrait, Princ Family tlar!tnlt, all ICJC here and pu pil« frolll abroad, rcfitlerlr.i: Ihe Seminary J real home for All and ite-tretmintal Mietic, haw been mule s.scollty for:. oars. Thin the first itirittt 11- L.Oll in the West to Open 3 spcmal :qualm - II LlM itartm It. Tut. f it - izarts and bin Pnlltitni, one full: .veil (loch...riot! Grand. give ignple opportunity f r prat nte. tisk:. or . - 3nii Classical more ere -t Female Crille;res runt ti.i; mid Urea lag night by a ak,lif al art rst ii,11;1111,.., Oil •Idt, e.f t,rc ~ t reet, f.:.e reltalr, nifor , l opportntigie. for both Fr lee nod for brothers and to...tern to nit at tin came Lil• tint awl in the. .ante re, na'ion room. the only In t. re.Oir , -e ltilOn ed, the eepartmenr4 being entire ly distinct For Men.; ye veal, the present Princi pal has imen in chat -be of the school., and it lri tare in sins that thrust yr It , 6uutt it it no fyvotably h riii3 - 11 anti that it has tl e fn i .est confltlet.ce of thon...•htf.,l men. PAN :L atiw. . Board of Trustees, l'It(101 0 4( 5.4.1E.:1f) AMENDMENT TO HE CONSTITU TION OF PEN YLVANIA.,. 11OfltI 11g) " roll), 4 . " 10ii uil " 1)111 l " 101ST RESOLVTI )1i Propcsing an amendment to the Consti lion of Pennsylvania. Be it Re-voiced by the Senate and Ho U.Re RePteNSenttli I VC.B of the Onnutontreatth (il PennyylraniaLn CA-nes-al A sAcerhty met. I That the following amsnchnent Al( the Constitution of this "t Ommonivenha be proposed to the people for fAieir adoptioll or rejection, pur,tfanf to the pro visions llw tenth article thereof. to ‘i it AMENDMENT. 4 - ; 11;trilie ou t the rf h Section of the ,Sixth Article of tic Constitution, and in sert in lieu thereof the following : St :ie.-Treasurer shall he chosen by the q ualified electors of the SLate, at such „„,i for .aich term of st. Fr lee as shall he j)reseribetl by las " .I.‘ NIES 11. 1VE,1311, :-rwakr r rir I.IIC I I rtIS42 of ReprrsentaLivts WILI,IAM A. WALLACE, speakcr ,f - the Senate. A pitmvell the fifteenth day of June, Ann' , Doolini one thousand eight hun dred and seventy-one. JNO. W. G.F.Alet. Prcpared and eertitiud for publication pursn.int to the Tint!' Arocle of the Con stitution. , . . F. JOI.tpAN, i' 1.-;(1..2y. of the Cummonwelilth I ()filet; Sct.'). of the Commonlivealtll, t Ilarribburgls, .July 50.1, '7l. i l Ju Is 19::Jur. _ .. Zia= 2 ‘ , 9 r, , 2 pe r fin ME ()PEN, 3E2 :Chaaiiirgs IIv_pITTRAN - cE 41ST D General Agency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA. NusMry Public. p,iudCosivey &neer; Filth, LIFE, anti ACt:IIIENT ANCE; "Anchor" and “Nattonal" Lives of Oman Steatneis "'Mains" and. -"Un ion" Express Agent All kinds of Insurance atfair rats; anti liberal tet ins. Heal Estate , bought told sold. Deeds, Mortgages,- Articles. tt.- written ;- Depositions and ,Acknowtedg, mods taken, tix., &c. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the Utill,ed SLatt-s dial Canada. Passengers boolVd to and from England. Irehtud, Scotland, Ilnotee and Germany. , XTNA FIRE LNSj. .CO., (.)1 Hartford, Conn., Cash assetts - • .. • $6,000,000 " By their fruits ye knotty tlietn." Losses paid to Jan.!, 1 87 1....5M 0 0 0 , 04)4) One tha oldest an,l wealthiest Compa nies in t he. world_ :NIA6 4 IBA htsurance Co., OE New York. Cush assetti4, FIRE INS. CO., of csheinnati,ouo asSetiN ENTERPRISE .I . l'S. CO., 01I'i~iladapi i 3 C.LSI) LANCASTER Five ins. Co. 01 LaJtCaAcf, , Pu I ALPS INSURANCE' CO., Ot Erie, Pei Cush cafe nI, IWALF.T.L-LEE 11,5 . CO, (it New Ynrk. Cft . 4ll ~sets, Troveler.!e Life te Accident Insurance Co.. t If Hartford, Conn. er Representing. lbe4rove first. Class' lasurance Companies. acknowledmsd lo Le amongst the bent and must reliable in the world, and representing a gross cash capital Ornearly 16.000,000 ‘ l am eo _ auled to take Insurance to any 'amount desired. Applications promptly attended o, and Policies written v itheta delay. and at fair rates - and liberal tklrms. 'MAW. adputed and promptly aul. INSURE I'AI I lly one day's delay you may lose the gavingsiot years. Delays are dangerous, and HP , uncertain; therefore, Insure It day/ i• Usr to-day, is north Iwo to-morrows. EL1.40, is of the utmost Importance. The low priced. worthless article. always proves the dearest. abovti companies are known to he amongst the best and wealthiest ha the world._ Aa ye cow that shall you reap." Gratetnl for the very liberal pateonage alrcndv bestowed. / hope—by a strict attention to a legit Mame business —not only to merit a eoutinuence of the cant., bet a lame Increase the prysent year ; Mr. STEPHEN A • effll ti fa duly asfthorized to tnl•• applications fur insurance and recelc,• thy premium 16: the same in adjoining towiiships. CHAS. H. HIERsT, Neqr D,pot. R4Schei•zer, Pa. rjel4,l/ Scott's Peerless Walling Compound. EMANCIPATION OF OUR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. .) ~‹J t/2 THE DRUDGER GP THE WASH TUB A BOUsii REA I) ! KEA I) The f.,hosvutw tee , eimony I sub,tnutial and reeident, , of this pity; We do hereby eeirtify that we have nseA the wtpthiug fluid prepared by Mr: Scott, and that it fully meete all: that is claimed !Orli; removing the necertsity for tr. aeh hoard.. warhing machines, or larc,e!y economizing time, labor, and money, and tog the ',tear and tear of clothing Incidental to the proce:s . We most kheerta ily leccommend It, me to the public. Mee. Thoma.* Meereery. Mm. J S. Ratan. Mr , " C. M. Mrti. Joseph Uutl , Beaver, Pa. A P. La cock, Freedom, Pa. Sire. Dr..) D. ( 'colt n. Mr*. J. Y. 3lsr Mrs. M M tiler . Mr± W John!. ton, Mr*. Dr.ttlnrqut* Mrs S Reno. If Don, aster. 0. It. Coe, Roche* ter. Pa. . . Wtn. Thrkeretaft. Mr. W. G. Tay Or phans' Home, Pluilk.shurg, Pa. Mn.. M. G. Sarah Fowler,Biden,Pn Mr Th.,ntts Dnun, Mn. Capt. Whitti..qtt, Item iu¢tou St t ea !". IS MEM 1;e1.1 , Arbuckle, I.!:art Liverpool, Ohio It eeonornizes utn e, rednettig the tabor of a 11:q to that of an hour; it ecunotinz,3i etreui..tt.h. It o'ti lutes the drudgery of thesvatt tub; it ecollu 11117.eq money oavin . 3.l.3hor. 6.3 i) and eioitiiwz 3 elestnetllud whiteness ale‘olutely unattainable by liLy t a tter procel-s. it svIII not Rot . any r^ny Irjeir , 14, rotor fixture ql 1/.. Uur A nts nre authorired to refund ;he money tSlierever it fails to route up. to these rel. reveritarloto, 0.111,o:tit your interct and t.tlse it one fair trial. FUR SALE BY Snitzer Mr LO‘Nry. Freedom Speyerer 3 Sons, Alexander, 'Altigler Lanntnbrink, Rochester ; A Knyipper.- ; Utram Reed, Y. N. Haves, Dunlap.. and heated, New Brighton : D. Smith ; C. Biddle, Ba den ; and In all the leading Groceriel throuzhont thF, country. The article can be olealmed from me, at Hoch eNter, dealer Co Pa 10 cent. p.r holeqale. It is retailed at 4o cent.. D. L. ANDERSON, .itIP lilo,heter. A uL, -Um el,OOO REWARD • A reward of One Thousand Dodur' will he paid to any Phy,/cian sOso will prudace a In, , fin•ln.. that will ,upply the ..,.ants of the people than the article known as DR. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a better Cathalle better Alterative. a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a bettet Tonle, imd to every way better than the Pan-a-Ce a No matter km, long it ha, been . in use or-hots lately rli..covered. Above all it must Dot contain an) NUT PUILT:I r VEGEtillLg. $5OO REWARD!: A reward of Fire Hundred Dollars will.tre paid for a medicine that will permanently cure more Catfeli f eiestavenet.. Constipation Sick ur !Cer sum, Headache, Livar Complaint, Billuur dem, Jaundice. tthemnatt•m, chill!. and }'ever, Tapa Worms, Bolls, T. Sores_ Patna in the Lulu pit and Head and Fondlo l'omplainf* than DR. FAHRNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA which to need more ,ext,n, , ly• Iv by pmo tic; u: phrticians titan any utter pOptll.lll . Itl: . PrtiLtr..:(/ by P. FAnilNry's 11noi 1% ayne6boro, Pa., and 1)-. P. FA onsrr, (11: Price 1.23 per nottle. For •ftle R"boleaak• tot Retail Dealera, and by JOIIN moons, DruAt,.:. Beaver, P. _ - I 1 ) ITT'S n liGH l lILLNK FOIL SAV INGS. —No. 61 FOURTH AVENUE:, Pitt,— trnrzli. l'harteriiti in 1862. (Men daily from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on SATUR. DAY EV ENI;NG'S from May Ist to November t t 7 to 9 a'clock, and from November Ist to May Ist, to S o'clock. Interest paid at the nite of Six Per cent,. tree of tax, and if not withdrawn coin ounds semi-annually,- in January and July. titoaks of By Latre, Sc , furnished at the office, ROARD OF MANAGERS: BERItY, President. S. 11. HARTMAN. JAS. PARK, Jr., "Ice-Pres'd It. E. McKINLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. A bradley.,J L Graham, A. S. Bell, Wm. K. Nitpick. John S. Dilworth, F. Ratan, 11. • Follans. bee, Josbna Rhodes, John Scott, Robert Schmertz Christopher Zug. A. F. Bell, Solicitors. ang.l6t . y Homes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION! Rarr opportunities are now offered for securing homes In a mild, healthy, and congenial climate, for ono-third of their reline Ave years nonce. TUENATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY has fur sale real estate of every description,locat cd in the Sliddleand Southern States; tmprrrd rl , ,ck.vraln and fruit farms; rice, sugar and rot- Ton plantations: - timber and Minerat lands ; city, village, and rural residence, and business stand, ; mills and mill sites, actories, dr,c. Write fur Land Register containlngdescription, location, price and terms of 7"' perttes we hate for sale. Address—B. W. CLO.II.HE it CO. The 4Yattonal Beak Estate AgeriCY. 47; and 479 Penna. Avenue, IVaahtngton. A. t'- mav3;tf. WASHINGTON and JEFFERSON Two full Courses. Ciassiclat & Scientific Each four years. t early entenTte to the student, VAX) to MO. For 'Truncation. address PAIRSIDENT RAYS. Je2l;3TO Want ington, Peun's $1,500;G(K) I ,300,,i00 spiwoo , $240,tp0 ; -$2.50,G0 , ) $3.5%.(0p , $4,500J0',N , En
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers