(Clanciuded from , First Page:l studying the disease, declaring to the Baron, that with a few more experi ments, heshould begin to understand the cause of the disease. In Paris, where he eould hot obtain criminals, he experimented on ani mals, until Louis, pale end wretched, prayed that the mysterious disease, 4:31' which he was the unlucky paK-e . s sor, might talnivate his life. All palled on him; even his love for Cor alie was a source of pain to him. There was a secret between them, and there was an inevitable ending awaiting their love, and love of its nature was eternal. - Louis felt like a man pursued by a specter--a criminal' condemned to death. This secret was consuming his very life, at least, all that the doctor had spared him of it. To one of his intimate friends, in a .moment of prostration and mental agony, he confided the treaty which bound him to the doctor. The next day the club received him with an air of Indulgence and pity, treating him like a spoiled child. His friend, and the whole club, to whom he had Confided the revelation, declared him-4o be mad. Saddened, weakened, and discour aged, Louis one day determined to confide in Coralie. "Coralie," said he, "I have asked , you to be my wife." "Yes, and I have consented." "But there is a secret between us. I have not told you all my life ; or rather, the death that hangs over me." "Death !" exclaimed Coralie, "death!" "Yes-1 am under sentence of death, Coralie." "In danger? Louis, I have won dered, whether in mylife, I might find some,opportunity to show you how deep"and sincere was my love for you. Now I can share your dan ger with you, perhaps." `Neither. Listen to me, Coralie." Then once again he told his story. Coralie listened with intense interest; but at, the termination, much to his surprise, she went off- into a hearty laugh. "What do you mean, Coralie?" asked Louis, indignantly. "I mean, my dearest love, that I am a better doctor than the doctor himself, for I can save you." "At the club, I see they consider me mad." You mad ! Ah! uh ! There is but one mistake ; that is, that the— well, no matter." "Are you not afraid of the fatal disease I bear in my veins?" "Nonsense ! The fatal disease is in the brain of the doctor." "Look at these, brown stains," said Louis, baring his arm. "Where are they?" "I can see them," said •the baron. "With, the eyes of infatuation.' Now, promise me that you will not interfere with anything that I do." "I promise." "I hear the doctor's step on the stairs; now remember." Dr. Wolf entered, and gaily salut ed the young people. "Doctor," said Coralie, "do you think I love Louis?" "I want not to survive him." "Him? What do you mean?" "He has honorably told me all." "Well.", "I know he must die. To begin a life of happiness, knowing how it would end would be torture. I have resolved to die now." "I new desire. to be Inoculated with tho disease that is ultimately to kill Louis." "Never!" exclaimed Louis. ".Nonsense; my dear Louis," said the doctor, "if she likes it, her name will be rendered immortal, and that, too, in the interests of science. Come, Louis, bare your arm." "Coralie, I will not survive you." "If I die, you shall not." Dr. Wolf, Tuthiess where science was concerned, prodded to business, and in a few moments the baron lay thintington the sofa, the blood flowing from his arm. . • - Coralie then laid out hers. The doctor made an incision, and with an instrument he had constructed for the _shortly before the departure of the purpose, infused' the blood he had. :lamented Herbert from India, he taken from the baron. "Now," said the doctor, binding preached a sermon which contained up the arm, "how do you feel?" this beautiful sentiment : "Just aSI did before." "Life bears us on like the stream "Hump! You have a good consti- lof a mighty river. Our boat glides tion." "Yes." .1 the playful murmurings of its grassy "But you cannot resist the vires— . borders. The trees shed their blos that means poison." sums over our heads; the flowers He sat and watched, while the seem to offer themselves to the baron slowly recovered from -his ! young hands ; we are happy in hone. syncope. . Then, kneeling before ; a nd w e g r as p eagerly at the beauty Coralie, he watched her. Not a around us—but the stream hurries. change was there in her color—not on still our hands are empty. • Our the least variation in he_r appearance, course in youth and manhood is atone For two hours thus hesat—until at a. wider and deeper flood, amid oth last, coisdie, rising, took Louis by er objects striking and magniticont. the hand. W 6 are animated at the moving pits "Now Louis, I have saved you— turi..s of enjoyments, and industry you were the victim of an liallucina- I around us; we are excited at some tion." short` lived disappointment. The "An hallucination." - stream bearsus on, and our joys and "Not of yours, but of his—Dr. our griefs are alike left behind us. Wolf is mad." We may be ship-wrecked, but We :'How dare von shy so?" cannot be delayed ; whether rough !'"I do; and 1 repeat It. Listen to or smooth the river hastens .to its Me. You have no mortal malaciy home, till the roar of the ocean is in Look at .me; I have imbibed_ the our ears, and the tossing of the poison, yet there is no change. Dr. waves is beneath our feet, and the Wolf has deceived you •,. not willing- land lessen s from our eyes, and the ly, for he has deceived himself first." floods are lifted up around us, and Dr. Wolf sat in speechless - agony. we take our leave of earth and its in- His illusions, his hope, his subjects 1 habitants, were all failing him, until of our future voyage there is no wittiem save the Infinite' "Now," said Conine, ''we will d Eternal. leave Paris together, as soon us w are married." ~, •.- A siosT RIM A UKABLE DOCUSIENT "But my debt to him?" ' jms perished in France. The Archi " Your agony has paid it."- , -- - --repiseopal palace at Bourges was de "But I am poor." , stroyed by fire, and.at the same time, "But I ain rich—rich in the gen- I all of its various manuscripts and las that trod has given me—rich in pricelessliterary curiosities. Among the art that science and study have these, in spite of the general brillian obtained fur me. I can make you cy of the treasurers, one shone out rich." brighter than all. This was the death "But what can I give you ?,, warrant of Jesus Christ. 'For many "Love," said Cbralie, "love, centuries this has been regarded as an which is an artist's life and (mag m a- authentic relic, and whether it were tion."so or not, it had concentrated upon it Mlle Coralie, Baronne de- _Roche- so many awestricken looks, so much %aneuse, has kept her Word. She haS of the reverence of ages, that even the achieved a fortune. mast skeptical can not help regret- Dr. Wolf's villa is transformed ttug that it should have been lost. into a ad house, where he is the Persevere! centuries it has been the onlyAilinate; his one idea has devel- property of the family of Latour oped into insanity; all that remains I.Y Ativergue, by whom it had been of iii former life is the memory of placed, for safe keeping, in the Arehi- Loui . anti grief at the loss of his sub 4 episcopal palace. The - warrent is l said to have read as follows : I - nit- thought of a woman. 1 " Jesus of Nazareth or the House of f-They itiwaYs were. ton much fur sei. Judah, found guilty of disturbance and ence froth the days when they ate of rebellion against the divine power of the tree of knowledge. , Tiberias Augustus, Emperor or Ennio, _........ e”tidemnect for ans./au v.;4(' vieste, by the LakelMiehigtvu Silver 311ne, Juige Pontius Pilate, zu: it with upprcv al ef the Men. b ut oar Governor ifereat, imperial repro- It was the property entative in Judea, )4.). - ,dio no tho Veutiti, . treat :mining C o mp a ri y, w hi ch , own _ , shaiimuirt.r (kat', to-Morrow inorniir-,„ ed seventeen thousand acre near ' t.t.oh"tu2;lltintdtapyl4:Csf,t(q:LeE•slal,druttf.tiM:treh olt111111:1 1 -by t)DOCDll.oeally , f the Pr'sleto'rL)lti:l4U'ithi. - this point and at other points along the northern shore. This company I : i r et h t (3 „ B ,l" - J,lll t l' i t e 54 " . , l 1 11 - 4 of the Jews $.11 , t1 . 1 6n uuiuut pro?, . Al l VI b -has spent $700,000 in attempts' to de- liclo4neers and subjecta of the Eittper,,r velope their copper mines. When ~ .. .Lost.berozkintatt7iTiniiti in lend a (1011,- kijerosydein.oleittleele ''''' ‘ l 'l t t ia " • o f the Ides the company was well nigh discour- aged,liaving failed to see a single I , of March, in the year of nol 3 ; dollar in return fur their outhty and Many years of waiting a gentleman in their employ discovered thesilVer ore in this Silver Island, and asked the company slo,oilto work the mine. Supposing it would only fail as hit' their former;efferts had failed, they' would not Vint the money. So the discoverer applied to Captain Ward and other American eapiLalist,s who, believing in the project, formed a company, and, last summer, bought the seventeen. thousand acres from the Canadian company for the sum of $235,000. They went immediately to work on Silver Island and before winter set, lu they, had taketisloo.ooo worth of ore, which they had turned into silver bars and deposited in bank. Up to this time they have ta,,i ken out Ude summer, with the labor 1 of tea or twelve 'men, ore to the am oust of $600,000. _smelting works are being put in operation at - Wyan- 1 dotte, , near Detroit, and Captain Ward 'expects that within a few weeks they will be reducing inatioSe works and taking out b.frs of pure silver at the rate of $2: 1 ,000.td.823,000 per richest silvery mine in is supposed wor to ld. be the the Tha tiopary Lovers' Reath 'at Saratoga. [Com-sr.:adult New fork Coruna& One .of the saddest discomforts to youog lovers, newly-married people, and oungentlemen who desire to get certain young ladies in the string," is the absence of benches in the park. .There is only one bench where two people can sit and talk in the wholejnelosure. This bench is in a conspicuous lOcation on the coin ma nd ing all the approaches, to bp sure, and so situated as to incur no I very quick surprise on the part oft he dog in the manager pirates who spend their Cline in watching hand-holding beaux, or ' , susceptible bachelors, al ways on the point of proposing. Ev ery lover in Saratoga knows where the double . bench is situated. You will always see it occupied, morning, noon,' and night, while hovering around within accessible distance, wilt be half a dozen couples, waiting ftir the next chance to sit there.. Yes terday I met an old Saratoga statisti eap—a rusty old bachelor—who, un seen, has watched this bench fur fnurteen years. He has the name of every young lady whose hand• Has ,ever been held by couples sitting on this bench, the number of kites sto len or-given away, and the names of the stealer and the stealee. He showed me them In his record book. s;m-et Heavens: What secrets Were there. What a flutter it wouldeause in Congress Hall, I thought to pub lish them: "How many young ladies have al lowed their hands to be held willing.: iy ?" I asked of the statistican. "Eleven hundred and fifty-two," he answered. "How many uneilllingly?" "Three; but they had false hands." "How many unmarried ladles have been kissed there?" •'Three hundred and ninety one." "How many married ladles have been kissed there willingly ?" "Two hundred and seventy-slx?" "two—by their husbands." "How is the proper way to occupy this bench with a sweetheart?" I asked. "Well, saunter•along with a large daily newspaper, spread it over your laps, holding it with one hand, while your sweet heart holds it with the other. This leaves to each a hand free under the paper. These hands will naturally seek each other, and then you can sit and defy detection from the most observing, Such cases I never watch. They defy detection." Now, for the good of humanity, for the benefit of scolding husbands, loving brides, spooney lovers, and the great army of flirteN at Saratoga, I plead for more benclus in the parks, more, seats for two persons, more seats close together. Amen. What I hay I can do. Thou Sands of cases of lung disease could be cured in their incipiency. Not only in the winter but even into the summer months we find these situ:tents. Many people are beard coughing and they apparently pay little heed to it. We speak to warn them and do them good. Every one of them could have been cured when the disens began, and even after it is seated they are not hopeless: We have seen many a seemingly hopeless case cured by Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure, a medicine which is Almost a specific in pulmonary diseases—for a com mon cough it is a specific. It reaches right to the spot; it .makes new blood and enriches the old; it con veys its heatingvirtues along the ar teries and veins laden with new and precious nutriment, and heals over the ulcerous and diseased portion. The use of a bottle of Dr. 'Keyser's Lung Cure is often the prolongation of a life. Go to the Doctor's °thee, for chnanic diseases. eNo. 167 Liberty street, and he will examine your lungs and tell you what to do. Of fice hours from nine a. m, until one p. m., and from three to six, and from seven to nine at night on Sat urdays. If your druggist does not jeep it, send five dollars to Dr. Key ser, and'he will send fohr bottles se curely boxed, by expnos, with full directions how to use it;l THE Treasury Department has , decided not to take up tilt. question of refundill,7, taXeSoll 611 1110e3 or State milkers, at least for some time to . come. The matter is of so much impor tance, and the dividing line between Federal and State rights so indistinct ly delitied, that Secretary ,Bout Well does not feel justitied in opening the door to the innumerable number of ciaimants which would apply for re. • mts ion of taxes Daid. —A young British officer in India, who was. shockingly mutilated and disfigured hi battle, after mature re- Beaton requested a comrade to write to his betrothed ill England, nod re lease her from 'her bridal engage. ment. Her noble reply was worthy of a true woman: "fell him if there is enough- of his . body left to contain his - soul, I shall bold him to his en. gagement." —A fellow tried to hang himself in London not long ago, and the mag istrate before whom he was taken very properly ordered him to try the man who cwt him down ten shil lings for the Job. lie Mutest Emery Ilion ° TO MAN. LIB Y'S Improved Blood Searcher, FOR THE CURE OF AR diseases arising fjm an impure state of the blood. Cures, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Debility, Cutaneous Disease 4, Sore Eyes, Pimples on the Pace, Salt , Rheum, Mercurial Diseas and, in short, is the best S e ring.and Sum merl% edicineeverof . fer to the public. TRY IT, and be con-vine ed. It is a purely vegetable pretara tion,compounded from the finest Roots, Herbs and Leaves, which Nature has provided for the ills of man. Not a single grain of mineral composition,so that while it affords relief. and effects the most wonderful cures, no over dose could injure the most tender infa c nt. This Medicine is for sale by all Dfuggists, everywhere. JNO. F. HENRY. New York, Wholesale Agent. Prepared oulrly R. E. SELLERS & CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. febls ly] No. 45 Wood Street. Pittsburgh Pe 'WM. WALLACE. MARBLE!! Gravestones, MONUMENTS, Railroad Street; Near the New Depot,. NEW BRIGHTON, PA.. Would call public attentlon t' the (lc that he keeps always on hand an ex tensive and superior supply of ITALIAN AND AMEWCAN Mgr 33 MA 333 9 AND MANUFACTURES GRAVESTONES. MONUMENTS, &c WORKMAN - LIKE MANNER And tit L'uprece(lentetlly LOW FIGURES• BEST 041.1ALITY OF Gr - Iv spo k. S KEPT ON HAND. Satisfaction Warranted in every je2l:3in BOGGS 6 BUHL BlacK A.lpaeast At. 25, 371::, 30, 62!4 and 75 cents per yard 'raving purchased n large of Black Alpacas` and Pare rlohairs At a great bargain, we will sell them Dos his - 0y a! 10 to 15 cents per yard less than same gtxxls, can be had elsewhere Summer Dress Goods At customers own p*es, to 'nuke mon for Fall goods. Grood Yard Wide BROWN SHEETING 10 CENTS Extra quality Canton Flannel 123 cents. -Men and Boys' Wear, AT BARGAIN PRICES. Wholesale and Retail. 128 FEDERAL STREET, A.LLEG EIENY CITY, PA aprs-Iy;clitknyl7je2lang9. J. B. SNEAD Has now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the latest improved machinery (or Alm manufacture of Fi.s.^IC:PRING. LATH, &C., &C., and Is now rimplared ,stn attend to the building 1,11,1 refihiring ot Steamboats ; Barges, Flats, &c., &c.. Keeping constantly nn hared a superior qualityof Lumber. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. H. CHILDS ik CO. BOOTS AND SHOES, AT VERY LOW PRICES. H. CHILDS & CO. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. A lame stock of Nailed Modena. for Mum and Furnace Men. constantly on hand, which wo sell from 10 to Icents per pair below the ognal market rates. ' [Jyto-.lm MEM • BEAVER SEMINARY & INSITITLITE Will Open its Fall Sessiton September 1.2, 11871. It has added to its Curritultirn, a rriettCherrs' Course, Designed ixpecially for Cnnonon School Teachers, wlifnqi; interest special atten tion will henceforth tie given. Also, NORMAL COURSE, Boilable tor those is linwould make teach ing a profession, told td themselves for the Isighe.st ,grade,, or Principalship, of our Ltitinn. bola. Young men are given a Business Education, nr titled for College. Semi to Rey. U. T. TAYLOR. for the DPW Catalogue. fiel4:3nt VFAIIIFIELDIPS PATENT COW WATER SOAP, Washes in told or warm hard or KA water. wee time and Inbar. and =tea clothes beatriltilly white and clean, it antehea out oil, grease and g *tains, and Is ualanteed , not to WOMB the lineal fabric., NO BOILINO lerequired It is excel lent for the skin. and is the BEST SOAP IN USE, for allhousehold .prirpcoes, Manufactured by tteed'.t Johmtott. Pittsburgb, and sold by grocers generally. - - TOH PRINTING neatly and expeditiously V executed at thin once. AfiseellaneOns. DEALER IN &c., tte IN THE 4IOST CONSTAFTLY , Respect Miscettaiteotts. James , T. Brady. 6.: BANKERS, Financial Agents of the . United Stales, FOURTH AVEI•HIE ct WOOD ST., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dealers in alt. issues of Government Securities, Gold, Silver, and Cbu pons; Buy and Nell • • BONDS, GOLD, 'MORTGAGES, And firs( class Securities generally. Money Toned OA Government Bonds, at low eat market DITERET ALLOWED -ON DEPOSITS. rnay3-ty ChilarenlsiCpriagesl A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Of Two and Thr.:e-Wheel Gig; PERAMBULATORS, 4.7',D WILLOW CARRIAGES, of the hest New York and Philadelphia manufacture, at reasonable prices. Also, Ladies Satchels, Baskets, Fancy Goods, Notions, Toys, Jet Jewelry, &c., .Sx; wholesale and retail, at P. A. O'LEARY'S, 148 Federal St., 1 doors above the Market, mayray . Allegheny, Pa. Sulam 8. Jonxiras... ..... Joann Excunetni WO.LtAs G. Jouivoros Estatlislied ty Etcbbanm &J0W1011,1816, William G. Johnston & Co., PRINTERS, STATION-El-IS And Blank Book Makers, 57 and 59. Wood Street, PITTS,BURGH, PENN' A. • my24-ly J. D. RAMALEY'S OPE 1%1/4 Hat House, GENT'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, No. fi-t Fifth Avoilue, PITTgBITRGH The Best Goods at Lowest Prices. annotb! sent to any adaressc, on approval may24-Iy. 4 4 ;0 LONG AN AMERICA keeps the Itibie, the Rlbte will keep America. Tux OPEN Baum. An important Book on the Great Queittion. AGEXTS WANTED, 01' . F.,N - 131331_, Br Raw. JOSEPB BERG, D. D.„ Atehor of The Jettdles, Myrrh and Stale, de Third Edition Now Ready, REVISED AND ENLARGED I:343ENGRAVINOS4,. Liberal Comm billions ! Rapid Sales: Quick Profits. THE SURE ROAD TO SUCESS; A WORD TO AGENTS. There is no scarcity of books to sell. Hot the great successor an agent lies to his selecting that work which meets the wants of the ttm, and deals most p owerfully With the living issues of the day „ The The recent efforts of the enemies of Protestantism to banish the Bible from the Pokiic Nehools, and the late attempts In the Legislature of New York and Illinois to legalize this outrage upon our clvii and religious liberties, have arous ed In the minds of all true Protestents a desire to know and have .chentated a more thorough knowledge of the intents and purposes of this great organization, which boast they will possess this country before the close of the Nineteenth Century. Tna Oran Hints deals mina. thine questions. and the readiness with which the first two editions have been sold is sufficient proof ot the intereSt felt in the book. Address for descriptive circulate. J. R. FOSTER Jr CO., Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. apr3. New Trimming Store, Cor. 3d & Seminary Streets. BEAVER, Mrs. F. D. Fast. Has just opened a choice lot of fashionable Millinery: Hats, Bonnets, Frames, Rib bons, Fine French Flowers, Illusion, &c Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' lose, Gentletnens' unbleached Cotton Hose— extra quality, • • KID GLOVES, CORSETS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, EIfBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, SPOOL COTTON, Mdchine Silk, VELVET RIBBONS and all articles usually kept in First-Class Trimming Stores. In adition, she will keep a good assort ment of .Toys, Lead Pencils, Statoinery, Penknives and Scissors; Fresh Confec tionary and Gingersnaps constantly on band. (aprl9:tf. ROBADAL•IB 0 S A D A L I S 'THE INGREDIENTS THAT I COMPOSE ROSA DALI S are published on every package, there. fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma- Aim. Skin Diseases, Liver Coin• plaint and all diseases of the Blood. oss somas OP 80S, DAUB will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDCRSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Itorculalis in their practice for the past three years and freely endorse it ast reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DEL T. C. PUGET, of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOYKIN, DR. R. W. CARR. " DR. F. O. DANNELLY, '' DR. R -L 8 . - qvanics, of 2 , 1 ftehakindn e , DR. I. L. hIcCARTHA; Columhia„ S. C. DR. A. A NOBLES, Edgeeomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY L B. FRENCH &SONS, Fall River, ass. • _ F. W. slum ziekin,.lifieh. A. F. WHEELER, Limo..Oblu• 11. VENN' Lim C 0.,, CR& Gordonsville Va. SA.WL. G. hIeRADDEN, names , bozo, Tenn. Char apace will not allow o 1 any ex. tended remarks in relation to the virtnesof Rosadalla. Totbe Ladled Pm/mica we guarantee a Fthid Ex• tract =paler to any i hey have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to them:aimed we say try Rosada th lia, and you will be restored to heal. Ravadalis la sold by all Dn3ggiata, price .1.50 per bottle. Address D. CLEXENT2 A CO. Measfortsvilap Cheinista i - aatnitolx., iID Jr2s-/Y. ang94w A. br ri FOIL TILE. Bowel) Adverthements; wHITCOMB'S REMEDY FOR ASTHMA For .44111,an0, Base Cold, lbw fever. de. successful."—T. METCALF, Proggist,Possoli. Recommenileti by Dr. 0. W. Hobnail. I always relieves. 103.117217 En A CC., Boston, Kass. bottl by Mt druggists. Tuscarora Academy, • • ACADEMIA., PA. A SPA BOMB SCHOOL 808 BOYS. The Mb School year will begirt Sept 6th. More than 3,00 U young men have been ,progesed for business and for Colle , m,, . For boarding, washing, flantahed room. tuition In all the branches tatight. except French and German, Sr.MO; or for the First Sftision. $3l For term', location, character of Sehoid, Se., send for a circular. D. D. STONE, Piz. . t-rancipals. J. J. PATTEItS4P.N.A. M.. CAOLLEGIALTEC aaa Commereial allitnte. Ziew Haven, Conn. Preparatory to College, Snakiest., Scientific School*, 11. S. Mili tary and Naval Academies. Fall lerSiOns thirtT sixth sear. 12ntris Sept. 18. roe catalogues, £a address the PrWApal. /GllkrrsTOWN ciente& Inatitute.—Agood Gad aide Boarding School for young Men and be a. Tetras moderate. Send for a wieder. R. J. E.. AtszAmorm, Principal Hightstown. N. J. 1; 1 10111ALF. totLEGE ) Bordentowntlif. fu nil Aes the best educational advantages, together with a pleasant home. Board and Tat. Don, lArti pet year. For Catalogues, Address Env. J. U. BRAKELEY, Pa. D. SCHOOL/YIN MOUNTAIN NEE - All, For both sexes. A thorough aud superior School in all its appointment*. 13th session opens Sept. Stn. Ray. L. L STOUTEN BURGH. Principal Schooley's Mountain Strings, New Jersey. LEBANON ifrilley College, Ainville, Pa. For catalogneg, addreAs L. if. President. A'r . RGI - NIA FARMS, &C.' FOR SALE.—Five tine fame with Mills and Foundry, Addrees owner, HICIIMIII No. WOO Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia, H. HENDERSON'S FAMILY Litt 11 0 CASES, 'Each Case containing One Bottle of OLD PALE BRANDY; HOLLAND GIN. OLD BYE WHISKEY, OLD-PALE SHERRY, FINE OLD PORT.. OLD BOURBON. Guaranteed Pare, and or tbo very beat gottliiy. Price, Seren Dollars. 8.14 by exprees C. 0. D., or Poet Office order. H. HENDERSON, 15 Broad SL Now York. AGENTS WANTED for the TRANSMISSION OF LIFE. COrNANLA ON Tll6 NATIIII74 AND ityatEisz or Tug MAscuusr. Function. Dy• Du. NA.PLISTO. author or •• The Pity*teal Life of Woman. "It re lates to the male «s; is full of new facts; deli. erne bat outspoken ; practical and popular; high. IT endorsed; sells rapidly. Bold by subsetiption only. Exclusive territory.. Terms liberal. Price Fd. Address for contents. &c. J. G. FERGUS & 0. 7 0.. Publishers, Philadelphia, Fa. Agents ! Read This I uTE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY TV OF $3O PER WEEK And EX.• peusea, or allow a Wire commission to sell our uew and wonderful Inventions. Address M WAGNER at CO., Marshall. Melt. 0430. We will Pay $3O. Agents go per week to sell our great and valu able discoveries. If you want permanent, honor able and pleasant work, apply for. particulars. Address DYER d CO., Jackson, Mich Lean, A MILLION DOLLARS. Shrewd bat qatet-men can make a 'fortune by re vealing the geeret-to no one. Addreei C. EL. WELDON, Lalo Broady ay. New Turk. CARSON, ALTXX. iZAULEION. R. & A. CARSON, Wholesale and retail dealers In groceries and country produce, foreign and domestic wines and gins, Mouongahela. rectified, rye whiskey, rtc, FederM street, opposite P. Ft. W . . t C. W., Ailegheny city. SPECIAL NOTICE ELupuc timutto Macau* °Mot, 17 /WA Avenue. Pitistiing, Good. reliable MCII. of experience and spproved standing. are invited to make application to no to *Ct as agents for our machine. The Elliptic has some of the best selling points of any tnacbine the market, and we are willing to pay good men a Large commission. All Information. circulars, and samples, will be tarnished on epplitation to HOWARD EATON & CO, Gen% A gents. Hardware, .50e A.r.L.srroN Foundry & Repair Shop. Having been Engaged inqhe Foundry Easiness for more than thirty years,--during which time 1 have accumulated a varlet, of useful Patterns, be •l.tau c.lustructing modOls and taking out patents for Unprofre=DUl on COOKING - STOVES —and after having thoroughly tested the.e Im pruvemeuts, I feel warranted In offering them to the public. PISCIo NAT The GREAT WESTERN has no So pfer!or for this Rascality. STOVES! stoves or Di nerent Styles for nesting and Cooking The Great Republic Cooktni Stove Has the hod Record of any Stove ever offered In this market. IT TAKES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, INICPS'r DURA_EtL.V. ALTOGETHER THE BEST STOVE USE. In connection with the stove I have , got up a Patent IIIXrFI.INSION TOP. which occupies little room, no ;yiltlitional fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, can be put on of taken oil ut any time, and made to suit all stoves 01 any•3ize cr pail:au. Five, 'Unwired Vermont!. Who htiTepurchnseti and used* thu GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Must of whosci names' finVe been publish ed in Ibe A 'oats, are confidently referred to, to but r a itness . of its, superior merits as a cooking stove. navinc, than finat 021,s - endues on hand. of abont ditven home power capacity, they are offered to the public nt reasonable rates. 1011 N TIJORISTILBY. ettlaY t f. "ZTE - '9ST MILA...P BEAVER COUNTY. A ZARIIAII 1111/110IN Is rettlng up a Map of /1 Beaver County, Pa.. in PirsiesClistsafttylle showing the Location and connections of the ttrla z luat Surveys. of Depreciation, ropulatiopc Reserv ed, College and Academy Lands, awl - Local War - rat, , , Stn AMR. Roads. TOWTlPhipfl. Still/O%OEI4CP, with many of the residents. coal-ftelds and mines with such other data as will help to make said map desire ale The whole map, including a map cf Braver Hirer Valley, will he about live feet square, canvassed nt d mounted. • Maps will be ready for delivery in shoat six months. - - _ CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODgI St 'ln Ell STOCIL The undersigned takes plvaQure forming ills friends ntitt the public gener aP; that he has just received and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES I FOR Summer Wear. He keeps the best of workinen in his employ, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both FASHIONABLE& DURABLE. and in such a manner as will please his eustomers. GRIMM MOIR GOODS ii.LWANS ON BAND. aril and see us before leaving your 'Orders .Elsetchere WILLIAM REICH. Jr. may4;7o;ly Bridgewater, Pa Miiicetlatwito; • THE OLD ORIGINAL :OTTLING HOUSE. CU •22 and 24; Market ,Btreet,..„ PITTSBURG, PA. Established in 1844, by 11.'W. Buffum. Thisoldeut end largest Bottling nOOllO weal of the mountains. has made extensive preparations for supplying their 'friends and the public with their celebrated Mineral Waters, Ales, Porter, For the Spring Trade, at the following prices : ' $ /3734 per. dov Mineral Water........ . . ......... 37% " dnepbarry " .......... 313; Champagne Cider, ...... 3756 Porter, - Ale, Malt bottles, " KOLIZICL. " Wlllterto2 ImPorted London Porter anti bottles, ... Impotted Scoldb Ales and b0t ..... . ...... . 300 Crab Oder. 83 per gallon. Syrups, 400 " liOnles 73 cents per pot. extra. Money refund ed when returned. Goods delivered ffte, and freight paid to nil road stations and steinnbillandhtgs. febM;ly CITY BOTTLING' MOUSE, No. 39 Market Street, PITTSBTRGH, PA. a - BOTTLERS. OF Sarsaparilla, Mineral and Raspberry Soda Waters, Syrups and Cider, Smith's Kennett, Wainwrights, and all the best brands of Ale and London Porter, select. ed and bond bottled for Medical and nal use. Goods 4elivered free. [torS;l7l;ly A LLEGUEtIY BREWERT. —Opting Water Ales. SMITH k CO.. Brewers. Rat ers and Hop dealers, Na. 466 Rebecca street, Allegheny, Pa. -. THOS. BOOTA, R; A. YOUNG. Highest cu p d for Barley. jy&ly G. 8. Bmilmn .. F. A. Umtata.. C. A. 114..exxs. G. S. & Co.. Aim BrigAtoys Pa. AND G. 8. BARKERS & CO., Beaver Palls, Jb. 13A.NICEFIES, • Waters In Exchriege, (otn. Con dc., Collections made on all &capable popons, ints In the United States and Canada. Accounts ot Merch ants. Manufacturers. and Individuals, solicited. Interest allowed on time depoeltes. Correspon dence will receive prompt attention. tdec9l:ly S . ,S' ' C ,* OF THE PA Ti Tsu DacsYssa 72n, x 8146 ova CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN Basastbisi Ata initimri rt i.4o Hurlholhav . . i. ' 4. Ara Pattie • Wriratay a=la 711 ' &Vpui, lapja mks* aide bays& 74 BR AGENTS, awl Ite= .1, lean ' -4 IPl;ll e aa llai rre= o •Opareast. l ;" Pima 1 mots i tam kook ItS titi • ta SY trazita. SLOO{ ttaVvit Smash ..,,, WEsrERN. Pususin - No Co. • • ••• • Agetiu, Pittsburg., Pa. l'a i l l ta matu , ll-4" "`""t.&:= 1 3 otiose t ,„ hadv,w. Cesulsoypuiv. b M .1"A!* stye ya w N_ _timmjaa7. rrt. I s Yatiss.l"4".a. am41:4111A".4 with 23 ; 1 TiA.NICING.FICOUtSE. THOMAS Pd'CREERY & CO TUOS. 1111CIREERY, ttuaLtr. J. B. AN9TEL, J. F. DIIAVO J. H. IM'CREERY Interest mild on time deposits; Prompt attention given to collections. - Also. Insaranee Agents for Coat and reliable Companies/ [mayit3tf . ' Reduced Prices Speyerer & Sons Have Just Returned from the East WITH A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS i Bought at the Lowest Cash Prices And will sell some Goods AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WARt Consisting or Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rope, °cum, Packing Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paints, 'White Lead, Oil, Putty, Queensware, Wi I lbw-ware,Flour. • Grain and Bacon, a varie ty ofPrints,Muslins, Tickings,Delains,Checks, Alpatas,Jeans,Ditilms,Crash • and Hosiery ; also. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrpps, Illolas4.4;, Carbon Oil, 200 Mts. of the Celebrated Clinton City AND NEW CREEK FLOUR, Just arrivediand fur sale, Wholesale and Retail, At Pittsburg Prices. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAR WHITE LIME Land Hader, and Akron (event.; A Large Stock of White Lead _and Paints. A. very supt4ior quality. of Strum it Wet zel's Soaps; rand /1 lot or Carbon Oil Just Arrived and for sale, Wholesale and Relent. ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLA —and— Concord Wines, Of our own vintage; for Itleaieinal and Sakratnental Purpose 4, are highly Re commend-ed by those who have nsed'them. 'They are also Agents for the KNIFFEN MOWER AN REAPER. And Put. gat..PII/ViCit . d. MOWS. Thauktng the Public for their past pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share in the future. All Goods, Detkvered :Ave of Marge. You can rely on all goods being fresh, as all our old goods were sold at auction. sPEYEREIt& aprl:l3c -13 41.MCM3R."'Z' AND COMMONER! ESTABLISHER?. The ondetsigned having bought out the lla kery and Confectionery establishment of J. C. flays. near the Post °Mee, ht Rochester. Pa.. won d reartecriblly inform the public that he WM Keep the best quality or m lee-Cream which herit!' in every s le ; also, will simply them by the can at. reaaeae -prices: Those in in want of theta should give him an early tall. ills COUtettloaery department fa well stocked: and Parties. weddings, atc., will be supplied with everything needed on abort notice and in the best of style. Families tarnished with fresh bread's" often as desired. GEOlltiE FREDERICK. tosythie Netv_Advertisements. Cartets,olloloths, Mattings, Aac., AT LOWEST PRICES Henry McCallum, (Late MeCallm4 Bro.'sil 51 FIFTH' AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. RI rA.zz. DEALERS 'Equal to any Eastern Jobbing House. 4165 . 2117 MOCalltirrt. 125 1 25 800 S. 0 1 Y - L,E; • . . 17 41. W 1a21143135. VI AND JEWELER, On Third &reel. &Auer. (nearly oposits Moore'r Drug More ) All Orders promptly attended to, American Wotan,, Clocks. Jewelay, Plated Ware, Spectacles, I*, always on hand. sprlttl. 8 CO 888 3 8 3 &&& & & 3.'4 3 3 3 3 2 a 2 : a 2 8 11111110111 p 222222 • 11 1 , t, 1 . ' 40 AGE! L I A lk th L It & la L I lik 2 2 ''.; It • a TI 1 1 1 0 0 M 11 222 2 2 2 UVUTIVU It it SSIISSII Merchant Tailors & Clothiers, S• & J.Bnellenburg _MERCHANT TAILORS, BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON Sep 14t 26;tri r29clid 1 y CARPETS, MATTINGS, U T I - PSHADES, A full and well selected stock of, AT Tilt: LOWEST PRICES tier A Liberal Reduction wade to Min isters and on Church ,Carpets. INWARD. ROSE & CO.. mars; 71-Iy] PITMBURGH. Pa 4101,4,114143 AL TEETH PERFECT. EDI-. T. J. & 11. J. CHANDLER have pur chased ihe exclusive • I; ~411111 b• right of Beaver county • to useler.St kite 's Patent by which thereon put # ' u - p Vtdcanite as thin as • • flit* Osi Gold Plate. with a bean -11•O•fw enameled pulls/1; and so light and elastic as to perfectly adapt itself to the Month; obviating al that clumsy and bulky conditiots; so machcomplained of beretotorm and lanansing theft' liability fd break WO percent,., In deed.he One'aseitetft would be willing , to wear the "old style plate any lohger than they Could conven iently get them exchanged. AU branthe•of Den tistry performed in the best and most wabstantlal manner. In filling teeth with gold. etc., we Chal lenge competition from anyquatter, and can :eh to thing Pia:lett+ whose infirm" bays stood be tween thirty and forty years. /among the lumbe r Eton. John Afison wait exhibit fillings we inser ted some 85 years ago; the teeth as perfect as the day they were Ailed. Laughing Gu prepared on • new plan, treater it front all Impleasantand dan gerous effects, making the exaction of teeth a source of pleasure rather than at horror and path. Prices as low as any good dentist in the State. Office at Beaver Station, Rochester Pa. T. J. & /1. J VIIANDLIAR. EST LIS E.l) 11433. .../114••• LANE EROS. SUCCEsSOHS T 0 B. NvoLF. Jr. & (baler Of Liberty and Sixth Streets, (Late St. Clair Street,) PITTE3I3IThint,. PENNA. Importers and Dealers in 42, Vie a Za. AND 111 ta 79 '. Have now in Store the Largest and Best Selected Stock offered in the City. lair Special Inducements offered to the country trade. aprUnt I have facilities for supplying 21 Filth*venue, 1. Cross & Co. s Column. S. J. Cross & Co., ROCHESTER, HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF eeneral Merchandise, PITRCIIASEIV FROM FIRST HAND, And for rale at a ama:ll4lrAnce on c,ost IN THIS COLUMN, proposie to call the attention of , the trade, ssrEciALLI(To OV Erressrvr. rrocg or Building Hardware, HOMIC-KREPERS'. HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, FARMERS' rEdCOLS, NAILS, Window - Glass, PAINTS, OILS, 1p "Er its . Nar, (fp o Sane of the leadixr articles of Building Hardware, Are: Butte of every size—cast and wrought; RIM, MORtISE AND PAD LOCKS In great variety of size and quality ; GATE AND STRAP RlNC,rss, GATE AND DOOR LATCHES, Cupboard Catches, Screws, Shutter Hinges, Door and Shutter Bolts, SASH PULLEYS, SASH CORD, SASH LOCKS AND FASTENINGS Hat and Coat Hooks, Rooks and Steepl es , Cairiage Bolts, BASE KNOBS, &C., &C MECHANICS' TOOLS: AXES, ADZES, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, SAWS, STEEL SQUARES, TRY SQUARES, MITER SQUARES, REVELS, CHISELS, AUGERS, FILES, BITTS, BRACES, PLANES, SCREW DRIVERS, &CRATCII AWLS, DRAWING ICNIVE4, SPOKE SHAVES. WRENCHES, BENOIT-I SCREWS. MASON AND PLAST,ERS' TROWELS, Masono& Ccupenters' Lines & Pencils, OIL AND SYTHE STONES, SAND AND EMERY PAPER And every nther Item belonging to this department. Farmers' Tools : FIELD AND GARDEN HOES, Garden Itake;, Spades—long & T handled ; Round and Square Pointed Shovels, HAY AND • MANURE FORKS, HAY RAKFN, GRABS AND GRAIN SYTHES, STTHE SNATHS, RIFLES, SPADING FORKS, POTATO HOOKS, MATTOCKS, PICKS, DRAW AND BREAST CHAINS, Well Chains, Dog, Halter And Cow Chains, Whips, Lashes, &e., HOUSEBEPERSI HARDWARE : Knives and Forks, Carting and Butcher Knives CARVING SETTS, Table and Teaspoons, 'Fire Setts; Coal Buckets, Coffee Mill 3, FLOUR & MEAL SEIVES, LADLES, DIPPERS, &C., &C Painters' & Grainers' Goods B. L. Falmestict & Co.'s PURE WHITE LEAD ; PURCHASED BY THE TON AND SOLD AT PITTSDURDIE PRICE. Lead and - Mineral Paints in all colors Dry and in Oil, PURE LINSEED COALE'S PATENT DRYER. TITIR;PrE brrlN - E. ALCOHOL, VARNISH, GUM SHILLAC, SASH TOOLS, PAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, Puitty,P EC.niyes, GLAZERS' AClfts. Window In all sizes, Single and Double Strength. rirWe are giving -much attention to his brunch of our business; and, while 12 quality, we always handle the very best, we ere confident Unit our prices •cs and terms are as favorable as can be given by any responsible house We are thankful for a liberal and In- creasing patrcniage, and will spare no pains to merit public favor P. J. CRoss §O., Rocnswrgn;-May 31, 1471. May.3-Iy:chd my3l Iffiscellaneous. ROCHESTER SAVINGS' EAR Some V. procntat n. r. J, arersaitik-- 660. O. a a, 8. J. erlYtkBB,oo6.`r SPEIVERER & 11cDONALD Deets In ex Wince. Coin, Govtn:lntrot g.rari• flea mare collection on all &erosible pntma in the United States and Canada. roeetv,,, man ," on deposit subject to cheek. and receives Ime Its tom one dollar and upward, and apn,r s Int., eat at 9 per rent. Ety-laws and rote* fornkt.-4 rice by applying at the bank. Bank opeti dniit buns J, l 4 m.,, till 4. p. tn., and on Saturnety Ingo from 6to 8 o'clock. I . g fprefer by pertro.o4,n to— L. B. OATILVII & Co., Ham. JS. ftrnoc" Mato. Scorr St Co., Dan & (;oopit, 8. J. C6OBB & Co , WV. KENSEDY, SIIEDER &r warts, JOEIN ' B.B.ltatcoen lt . B T I I.4I)P,IIEN • rt„,,L A. C. Hyrum, 8. 8. Witaox, au. Pitcsl.- novicTl-i9-chd Je2B EMI NEW FIRM SHOE-STORE Iffn.stead&Wisner XF.EP.CIO.NSTANTLY ON HAND A 101 l And complete stock or Lilt Lit t .si styles of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. tirA SpECJALTY.—Fine stitched PAets for Gentlemen, and first ela.ls tine weik for Ladie.s,, made to order. l',/.4.1 4 - 2 , v , New Brighton, near Siemon'sGignhxtu,b ery. Oise, je2l;Goi Nack awl Gold Front, GEORGE W BIGGS, No. 1[59 SMITIFIVIELD Sr Four doors above Si.rib Are. FINE . WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEVEUIT Optical and Fancy Goode, do PITTSBURGH, Pd. FINE WATCH REPAIRING Please cut this advertisement out and bring it with,you. jel4.lr Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES The moat perfect and simple machine of the k ever itteented. Roth of the above popular machines bavc tftt late_ ly Inwirovea until they atand,olthont 4 rim Price of the SINGER FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE from $6:400-tipwarda. Price of LiEsiKLEY'S KNITTER:: $.lO. Cirenlarn and Samples mailed free on applica tion. STRAW & MORTON, GENERAL AGENTS. No. 2U Sixth Street•Plttgburgb, Pe Agents wanted for the Ilinkiey Machine every. where, and for the Shier in Western Pennaylva. nla Eaetern Ohio and %Vast Va.. where there are none already entablished nov24:lT. cbd jets NEW STORE, 1 EW GOODS .AT J. M. McCREERY & CO'S. QUAY'S BUILDING Specialties, ORGANDIE LAWNS. PA(' WIC PER( ALEs FRENCH PEIWA LEs. • J4PANESE ('LATH JAPANESE SILKS, FLORES, - E SILKS. WHITE ROBES, FIGURED PIQUES. FANCY & TUCKED NANsOOE, PLAID tV, STRIPED NANSOoKS. & BISHOP CAWN!;, FRENCH A- ORGANDIE SWISS AND SOFT FINISHED CA NIBRII S. LOUISE SHAWLS. SHETLAND SHAWLS, THIBET SHAWLS. BUFF BRILLIANTS, BUFF LINEN CHINESE GRASS LINEN. FANCY COLEREp TA It CroN Embroideries Hamburg Edgings and Insertion , , Swiss Edgings and Insertions, Marsailles Trimmings, _ Cotton Trimmings, White Ilimp and P: Corded Sattin Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Sash Ribbons, . Gros Grained Ribbons, " Box. Quilling, Straw Trimmings, Hats and Bonnets. Butis' Hats LADIES' UNDER-GARMENTS AND FURNISHING GOODS_ GENTS. FURNISHING Gool) NOTIONS. PARASOLS S. LINEN 1.-51111tELLX FANS, FANS, FANS, CHILDREN'S WHITE LINEN si . lT` Children's, Buff Suit.q. Misses Fancy Aprons, Sumner Skirts, 'Mine _'Noreen Skirts. Carpets and Oil Cloths, g s and Milting, Stair Oil Cloth, Stair Pads, at J. NI:PdeCREERY & CO'S jel4tl. BUYERS, LOOK MERE. It nuty not be a matter of speci.k terest to the people of Beaver e,aii;lN • knock what is transpiring between K rz William. Napoleon 111, Bismsrk Trochu in Europe, but it is a matter tz~ effects them, materially to know wu , l they can buy tine 'and cheap Gitt. - }:f. lES. S. SNITOER Sr, Co. At their old stand in Beaver, Pa., are ,L• • furnishing to their customers ever)lLV called for in their line. They alwsp• a full assortment of G - _ROCRIZIES. Flour, Feed, Coffees, Tetis, Via , . SPicfm, Tobadeo and Cigar`; And all other articies usuall) pox:- ' In a First Clas GROCERY STORE. Prom their tong and intimate eft r. anee with the Grocery, Flour 3 U ' business, and their disposdi“n 14 , rrn satisfaction to those who !This heir wi'li their pat ronate, they hope in th' - tuiv, as in the past, to 414:011 share of the public patronsge Give us a, and see if we do not make o to ) terest to call again. jan2s. S. SNITGEI GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS , . ...IFLEM I Doable and SlNtle 10 °1 obon.Linol lievois!ersAmtbaninee Goods, Ride Barrel., Locks, Bloinitiec! c brtials. Send for a Price Llsb Addre.e. .1", STON. Great Western.;4fue Work-, I:l l Lr .t° strict. Pittsburgt. N. B. Army rarbilies, Rifles mad 1tc! , ..!! 1 bought oetreded,for. ! STAIR BUILDING Wood - 'Turning\ 4hoP' WILLIAM PEOPLES , - Allegheny CIO• e a " . Is prepared to do all koids of W'"' Turning, Scroll-Sawing Una tl 31.'!; ding. Ne.rell's Balusters and ilt.tn l ' T, WITH ALL JOINTS IT. RE.-111 TO HANG, furnished on short nauct Orden by mitpromptly attended to, ins! lets with Giooper & Co.. 59. 4th A'. rltt 6 b ,4 : Pa., and at the Mill, corner a web,o, Graham Alley. r:jielatiera .3r ' Dr• o,Jlrdr, , wa t er . d e • 41111111111—'..")tto -to toed tbst Voitig gs'..3ivOrk bel te f,: e , cbetr er i 1 a gr ; -. I b e ofEto ro.7 '; 1 111 " (le Dltl~ pert IDste Ineunteett red In th e United States. Gold I' d CO 4l Ter filling performed in a style that ..etlea Litton gatterietton guaranteed 1 / 2 1 1 , 1 1S ert OT the mcratai returned. Give Muk a tn. , • teteklv . M:gt, 1.. PIQUES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers