.(Contbzimdfrom Firs€ Pgge.) gro shall be free, and prefer that he shall vote, and they will faithfully protect him in all these civil rights. Those who object Are exceptions to the rule. The Northern Democrats have more prepdice lagainst negro emancipation and suffrage that:Sou th cruers, and the present • generation will never admit that either was right. But long after it was written a, plain as noonday that the natiotf can take no step backward on the' issues of the war, they have finally decided that they will philosophical ly endure what they can't cure. They have, therefore, abandoned dead issues long after they were dead, just , as the Whigs abandoned the United ;itatas Bank, the distribution of the pi'oeeetLs of the public hinds, and the annexation of Texas, which they lieved to have been accomplished by and justas the South accepts \ the painful but logical results of Get tysburg and Appomattox. Most of, them will always believe that the Avar was waged against them unjustly and unconstitutionally by the Gov eminent ; but they were vanquished,) and accept the consequences. The ; action of the Democratic party this year, through its State Conventions, : . joe made it impossible for the issues of the war ever to be reviewed be fore the people in national contest, and it is the crowning fruition of the great struggle for free . Government. 'IIIE IsSUES OF THE WAR SETTLED. . L 1.41). -- Tholl you regard Mt- the 1 -sues of the war as settled? • M't'.--Yes, they are forever set tled, and never will again be agita ted before the people, and the su preme Democratic stupidity of 1661 ..and ISGS can never be repeated to convulse the country. The next na tional struggle will be fought on new and living issues, which can and will be considered,on their merits, with out the apprehensions that any of the results of the war may be siteri tled. m IN iz-,lFs IN 1872. HAT T-- --What will be the main issue-: !.,72? \s't'.—They' are plainly marked uly, but eireumstances may es sentially Modify them before the party deliverances are made. Just }ONV the Republican leaders would declare for the present violent and dist urbi poi icy a class of desperate and must unworthy politicians are fl,rcing upon the South in the shape of force hill. They are the fruitful ,ource•of discord and disorder in the Southern Statc, as nearly, if not quite, every reputable Republican in those States testifies; 'hut they are. persisted in to carry out the hupos slide programme of control - 1 - v the elections by martial law bayo net,, instead e 4 f A itoingi to deserve the contidenw of the - country. Just ilt:w Amnesty would be denied Iv place in the Republican plaiforiu s al though nine-tenth of the patriotic people North and South regard-it as the harbinger of perfect and lasting peace. Just now the odious and inquisitorial income tax would be al lowed to remain an issue by the Re- puldhlins, and a swarm of needless revenue officials be kept in place to squander the taxes; and the policy of impqsing needless idled oppressive burdens upon-the crippled industry nod energy of the country would be approved, to show a) large reduction of the public debt. These are the is-nes which now present themselves, alai how far they are to, be tuotlitied will depenll ITL.II Fi.o (>t a of the ti,epublicans iii the next National Convention_ The Democrats have eon re-sed their Suicidal folly and ad vanred, their standard. If the Re publicans do not advance to meet thu necessities of the times, they will be defeated. Iti . :1'1:111.1cAN "NEW DEI`A RTI RI Rep.—Then you considet'a lican new departure as essential to success of thetiarty ? - i MT.—The nation deinancl.• a aor departure, and the party that best respects the supreme urAional want will triumph in The-great de mand of the c:o.untry, iTrt. - pective of , party associations, is for a square de- ; partur.;,kfrom the c'onvnisiotla of the :.ar to the ckiJia, ..:onservative theas .ures of peace; from the violence and usurpations of military power to the I -Mire :supremacy of civil- uthority ; nom oppressive tax laws and ne&l -li•ss tax g;ithere..ns to sufficient reye, Hues", lionktly and economically ad- ' ntistersl, to maintain the national credit and meet the leigithav,te- ex pense of the governmerl; : (rpm the ! logic of bayonets • ialvs in elections to an hep.i..5.3 4 appeal to the int....grLty and ii.tolligenK• of an uti truiui people ; in short, there most t» an entire departure frola the irritating and oppressive dreg-, of ,var to all the attributes ef peace. This is the great nationtt 'mint, and the liemocrats,have, ro 4 4.,ctantly per ';m., but positively, advanced to meet it. If tho Republican party fail- In advanco with the trece&s-ities ni the country, it repeat the sui cidal prate' .st) stuauge xm ly eeplified hv the . - mocracy to the 1 wIL.t. `Rep-- Did you tel that the itepub,l3-...u.s will rt.-cognize such a . N.l't . Upon the surface of laklitical 1 influence and the im rri - ense patronage affairs it ti6a4 not just now t oo k as if ' c of Grant, which is entirely at his dis they would i but when it is consid- 1 posal, isnot questioned. How much ens' that theublest ahtt mdit respect a- it has already cost the party is visi ide statesmen orttw l .artv,inandout of i-ble to all—how much it'inay cost the congress, have alreatly- faithfully party hereafter Ido not pretend to proclaimed the danger to the partv, s'IY• I look fur him, however, to do I am h„ p o u t th a t th ey will „,,, I „.,._L L sottie. good fur the Republicans fur vail with. those in power as to.make 1'('72.. He will be against Grant's re . 1.14 %, adintnistration and the party 1 nomination as things are now, and will do much to straighten up the advance, as it has ever done, hi the I .past. to meet the patriotic demands ; party, He ha's the real faculty of ruining Grant, and using his patron uf the nation. Of course it cannot be I done if St Domingo jobbers, and of.. I age to create a man to beat him, and I lice holders, and office hunters, and by the time Grant discovers it the tlolters, anti gift bearers control the few old clothes he will have left will policy of the next Republican Na- I not be worth picking up. A losing tional Convention ; but I think tnat 1 tnntlidate for President would lose the extreme and patent peril of the 1 PeuusYlvania and the next Senator' party will so awaken all classes of I ship, amino Luau knows better than R,. l , u tdi rans, as th e conven th- .41 ; Caineron how not to lose when he is ,Irma, near, that they will eLoopel, i personally interested. lie 1 " 11 14(th deference ht the popular will. • With :ordinate everything to personal sue such trusted leaders as Sumuer, Wil- : cess in Pennsylvania, and in that s , iii, Patterson, Fume air, Mknit.tli all, strode he will ebrne in contact with Logan„ Schurz, Blaine, Curtain, Geary, who is carefully surveying i ;nary, Kelly, ..cial dt„t a . i ., t o ri d s ,. the field, and is not idle. their voices, as o„.y wiil, the 'impute Rep. — What would he the eact of liean party tio.y, and I trust will, be a Republican deteat itt 157.:;.': saved from defeat, mi d, w h a t i s s till , M'C.--The Republica& Itarty would M 4 , , NA.' t . ll ti(letit —4l ishimor. titerieeforth live oe s il in history. ',O,N. ‘,l: ...NT ~Nl, TiiKe-EN-N,y-i \- k _ , Ib'o. —I hav4;.. :seen your name .;:FA caa.t.. - rio,N. ' mentioned a):4k.Untlitiate for Senator Rep._- Ito you rei..;ard(irant as ver• .;, o rta il i t i , ; t t pp l ro Ul i tt l e .e ll. is it done with lain to be the candidate? , WC.- -It looks ver,- touch now „. M'C,—Nr, I have never entertain ,,,.„l„,, 1 , 4 ', , (sl such a proposition. I regard Mr. if Ile would, but future 1. 9 ‘. l'onuell as one of the most efficient make a change so clearly neekL ualn , and faithful le4islators this city has as to effect it. lie Inti lost the and I would vote for him elements of popular strength w lyi v h ' t ' a " r had , gave him such a decided, ttiumil,ph in pinst any Man in the district. But . it he was ma a candidate, and I 'as. Then his election, was demand - :could be eleeted without a contest, I ed in the name 04 - peace; m it .now ‘vould not accept wotild• be oppasu.i, iti the name of ( The forgoingthe Position. vas submitted to peace. Instead of amnesty 811 ( 1 'll'Ol. 31'ClutLf . pre tranquility in the South, we have dis: !pared, and is an I :l .i h t had -been tt entie expreion order, luvp.T4,,z the people and violent I o f hi s _views, on the questions pre and r....v.Alutionary enactments, all in i seated.-- REP.' the interest of the most shameful I and most widely, execrated political :iiiventurers who ever cursed a coun try. But few indeed-1 know of none—outside of those immediately interested in his personal success de sire him as, the Republican 'candi date. Very many of our best Re public :14: would support him with great reluctance, if at nil. The Re publican State ticket in Pennsylva nia is in perirto-day, mainly by the load of Grant's renomination in '72, which was unwittingly incorporated in the platform. The leaders of the contention unanimously agreed, in the Committee of Resolutions, that they dare not venture to declare for Grat.L's renomination, and no refer ence lathe next candidacy was made in the report ; but an ambitious odice expectant, sick with hope deferred, precipitated it upon the convention in the shape of an amendment to the report, and it had to be voted in or voted down. It would have, beell . dangerous to some of the managers to vote it down. and it had to be aCcept ed. In order to save the Republic:in ticket in the State, it is carefully an flounced in all sections thit the reso lution- was a trick and is meaningless, for all know that if the issue was fairly made onitirant just noir, the State would hi; lost by thousands. As it is, it may be lost under appre hension that if the State is carried it will be claimed as deciding the re nolnination of Grant next year.. If Pennsylvania should be lost this fail, I take it that Grant could not hy d e. i nominated ; and even if t isc!tr it is possible that the premonition of defeat may make the party break through the linfs of office holders and present an available candidate. IShould he accept the advanced meas ures demanded by the, people, he might be nominated acceptably arid receive the united Republican sup port, which would elect him ; but that would involve the sur render of St. Domingo, the restore . - lion of„Sumner, the abandonment of force ir.AWS which now disturb the South, a change in the whole finan cial policy, and, above all, some rea sonable deference to the popular will of, the party. How far he is likely to advance in these measures,. I -cannot judge. It seems clear that only under a sense of Imperative necessity will he do so. Whether he will appreciate • that necessity is . the problem to be solved, and in its solution is embrac ed the issue of his renomination pos sibly, certainly the issue of his re election. Without such a departure by the administration, the Democrats could hardly commit such stupendous follies as to render Grant's success possible. SUCCESS "EVEN WITH (;ItANT." Rep.—Then you regard sucms.s within the reach of the Republicans. in 12+72, even with Grant? 111 1 C—Yes; the Republicans have an undoubted majority of the votes ofwhe country, and they can elect any candidate who fairly represents their views. Grant could be ejected, as have stated, and I should vote for him cheerfully if he advances in harmony with the.pidpabledemands of the nation. I do not by any means despair of Republican success in 1872,, hut I believe that those who honestly criticize the blunders of power, rather than the sycophants who are ever ready to mislead others for their personal profit, must give it stk.'s& ('LORE AND 'rim ray:mot:NT. Rep.--What are your personal re lations with Urant ; 3PC.—We have never had any difficulty. I have never had a con ference with him since his inaugura tion, a I had - uo , favors to ask. Rep.- . -Have you not asked or sug gested a Cabinet appointment for this State since Curtin went abroad? 31T.--No, 1 did not. 1 have been frequently cimferred with on the subject by prominent Republicans both in and out of the State, Nit have uniformly said that I had no candidate to urge. One gentleman was once suggaited, whose appoint mentl 1 would have approved, but do not know that anything wastione in Washington about it. PENNSYLVANIA AND TIL4CADINET. Rep.—Would a proper Cabinet Of ficer from this State improve things politically? 3PC.—I &loot know. It is a serf-' ous mistake to suppose the office or liatronage would make the Republi cans 'harmonize with the Adminis tration. Those who are most decid ed in their opposition are own who Would not accept any position. They have fought the battles of the Repub lican party through evil and good report without reward or the desire fur preferment. arid all they ask is that the party shall keep its re.erd stainless, and administer the tlovern ment wisely in obedience to the wishes of the organization. What 1 they complain of all Otte plunder of the administration \t .at not change', nor could it modify their views or 1 actions. , •Ttittl) trl' Itep..—lio you intend to t:,l3e part ' in the campaign this year? M'C.—No. Since tit of the war are definitely sealed 1 fee--t no special interest in politic. vote for desemit. Republicac., When ; s find them an the ticket, aid vote against thuic who are not deserving; but beyond that I will not take part in the contest. in Presidential elee tioas I shall always tale sufficient interest to participate more or less ac- tively, and-I would be glad to render any service to movement's looking to substantial reform in our State and city policy. Both need it badly, and hoth must get it before long.- KING SIMON ILAS SUPItpIE PoWElt. Cameron Die nominated fur tile Viai - Presidency. NPC.—No. The movement was a mistake, and untinin can better ap preciate n Monier than Cameron. lie declined fur reasons as obvious to ; the public as tc hithself. Will he likely be re-elected Sena .l ator ? He might be if the Republicans I control the Legislature. He has a great funtines, tor public position, ,and great aptna;.s for obtaining it when a Legislature is to confer it. l-That his power is supreme in the Re ; publican party, through his personal - • J it - . KEN - scat's Lt - Nt. C't• nE, a well-known medicine, prepared by the great 'lung doctor whose name it bears, is a trophy won to science . whose merits are acknowledged by thobsands of our best"citizens. When -we look around and see the thous ands who have been mired by its al most miraculous power, we cannot but wonder at the careless neglect which swell; the list of those who die annually of pulmonary consump tion. In its early stages lir. Keyscr'it Lung (Arre is a specific; in its last, stages it will alleviate and often eure. If.: Liberty street, Pittsburgh. If your druggist does not keep it. send five dollars to Doctor Keyser, and he will send four bottles securely boxed by expiess, with . full direc tions how to use-it. —on , Thutsday evening, at Rock ' ford, Illinois, a negfro named Smith committed a rape on l.be person of the 1 daughter of Rev. E. M. Walters, laged eleven. The excitement is MA, and there is talk oflvnching Hie beast. . Miscellaneous. The Greatest Mot Mom lowa TO MANI. .•LINDSEY'S • Improved Blood 'Searcher, FOR THE CURE OF . All diwases arising from an impure state of the blood. Cures Meets, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, Sore Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseas es and, in short, Is the r best Spring and Sum tnerMedicine ever of - feredTßY to the public. T and he cony inc ed. It is a purely vegetable prepare tion,compounded from . the finest Roots, Herbs and'Leaves, which Nature • - has provided for the ills of man. Not a single grain of mineral compasitiou,so that while it affords. relief. and effects the most wonderful cures, no over dose could injure the most tender , • infant. This Medicine is for sale by all Druggists, everywhere. JNO.. F. HENRY. Nev) York, Wholesale Agent. eparei only by R. E. SELLERS & CO' PITTSBURGH, PA. ' 10115 ly] No. 45 Wood Street, Pittsburgh Pa. ALE A. 3Ft 33 La M. MA 1 - U F`A. 4C"'lr nmu, M,OLTTTMNITS, Head and Foot Stones. We keep on hand in our ITWe room. the lartlert sele•ctfon of tinlobed work than all theother work* In the county combined: whkh gives persons dc• wirinu to erect a Monument or !lead Stone to their departed rriests, a better . pportunity to select a suitable Monument or Mead Stones than c isew here. We will uuarantre the the workman • ship. Mid Or prima , Cannot he beat in the We troalotl respectfully invite persons wisixinu Marble Work, to call and ere our work before purchasing elsewhere. and satisfy themselveic Also, Grind. Stones, ar I e , p( lei woo 2 uwa p.r j row"( and all the urn. pty le flxturt~ to hrolg iLtonew. 1,1 reasnuablu aprit.errh BOGGS BUHL illacK .I.lpitent4 At !;+.5, 62' 2 and 75 cents per 2.-nrd 11. s•: iag ptu - elia.-ed t largelot of Black All►aeaa and Pare Mohair,. 'it it trrewt bwr_falll, we \V ill sell them luta- n: 1O t,, 1 l cents per yard less than San. goEnk, ean ht• luta elsvw her* Summer Dress Goods At ril•dpillf . IJ.T rt price:, to make room for Fall goods, Good - Vara Wide itErri NG lo CENTS E:qrs quality Canton Flannel 12',1 2 cents. its a and Boys' Wear, AT BA RGA IN PRICES, Wholesale and Retail Os FEDERAL STREET, ALLEG a ENY CITY, PA spa- 1 y;clidni v je2 laug9. J. B. ST‘IEAD Has now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., - Hay ing ttrr latc,t improvetl machi nery for I tie militulliefuru of iTimac)c)Ft.iivw. SIDING; LATH &C., &C., tall I s now prepitreil to attend to t 1 building :int' repairing of Steamboats, Barges , 1 Flats. &c. &c .,, Keel o rig constantly WI 11:111(1 it 'SULK! riot quality of Lowlwr. Thu pationage of the public is respect lit II y solicited. All orders proitipt ly execute,' Taue-ly. WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. H. CHILDS &CO. BOOTS AND 8110E8, AT A ERY LOW PRICES.' H. CHI LDS (k. - , CO. 133 Wood Street, A large,,atia:k of Nailed Itrozans, (or Miners and Parlance lien: constantly nn hand. which we sell tromp 10 to •-alcents per 1 air below the usual market rates. BEAVER SEMINARY & INSTITUTE Will Open its Fall session September 12, 1871. 11. lots a , l4let! t its Curriculum, a r reachevt4" Course, I)vsignetl esoepially for Common School Teachers, t.) intervst *special atten tion will.,bencet'ortls De gtven. Also, a NO.IINtAI, COURSE , Editable for those who Would make teach *: a profession. and tit themselves for the . grade. or Principalship, of our union Schools. Young non ore given a Business Itrtucation, or titled for Collego. Send to Rel . . R T. TAYLOR for 14,2: new enta lozde. • fjel4:lm W A COED WATER SOAP, Wishes In told osanarnt, hard or soft water, 113Ta7 time and labor, and makes clothes bean:Bully %bite and clean IL cra,thes out oil, grease and "tens, and IA ;roam/teed not to injUre the finest titbric... BOILING I, required. It Is excel lent for the ettin, and la the BEST SOAPIN USE. for all household purposes. I Manufactured by Reed It, Jottnston, Pittsburgh. and sold by grocers generally HENRY LAPP, Dealer in all kinds of literniltere, LOOKING-GLASS & PICTURE FEARS, OF ALL SIZES FURNISRED TO ORDER Brighton street ' above Plow Factor ROCHESTER, PENN' A. Thu largest stock In Beaver county constantly on hand, and selling at the very lowest prices. Coffins and Hearse provided at 'the atiArtest no tier. Having a Irma Mock of all kinds of tarot lure on hand, apd whining 4o make room for fall anCwinter work, I hue reduced my pares ac cordingly. msy2 t 6m HAVING Permanently located in the village of Eglienople. Pa., for the purpose-of practicing Medicine. I respectfully tender my protessiona services to the citizens of said village and v icinity. Office. in residence. opposite Eagle Hotel, where 1 shall always be found, antes. professionally engaged. All calls will receive immediate and prompt attention. A. V. CUNNINGHAM. M. D. sept2l;iyi Chas. B. 111‘rsfs I NS URANCE General Agency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA. FIRE, LIFE, and ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and ~National" Lines of Ocean Steamers; "Adams" and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of insurance at fair rates and liberal tet ins. Real Estate bought and sold. Depth, Mortgages, Articles, Lte., written; D.e;insatinns and Acknowledge nitnts Inken, tie., &c. Goods and Money forwarded ro an Its rts of the United States and ('anatlit. Passengers booked to and from England. Ireland, Scotland, Prance and Germany. ...ETNA -EIRE INS. CO., Of Ilartforti, Conn., Cash assetu $6,000,000 " Ity their fruits ye know them." Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....528,000,609 One 01 the ohlest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world. NIAGARA Insurance C 0.,, Cash assctts, ,A. ANDES FIRE INS, CO., o 01 (a Of Cincinnati, OLAIo. Cash itosellb,. ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Cash assetts over.. . 000,M0 LANCASTER Fire his. Co. Cash ussetts ALPS INSURANCE CO., Ca•lt HOME LIFE INS. CO, CaSl' a,svlei, Travelers' Life & Accident Insurance Of Hartford, Conn. Cash assetts over Ilepresentlag theabovenrst class Insurance Companies„acknowledged lobe amongst thebest and moot reliable in the world, and representing a gross Mal capital of nearly slfl,ftal,falit, I am en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Application@ promptly. attended A mid Policies written • about delay, and at fair rates and liberal terms. Lasses (Oft -ally adjostpt and erminfty' aid. LISUR.F. Trs PAY t By met j's delay you may lose the ravings of years. L ) elays ere dangerous. and life uncertain: therefore, Insure to day: Use to-day, is worth Iwo to-morrows. also, is of the impost importance. The low priced, worthless artre-le, always proves the deafest. The above companies are known to be amongst Me best and wealthiest in the world.— As )..e sow that shall you reap." linsteful for the very liberal patmn.age tirratly bestowed. I hope—by a strict attention to a legit. 'mate business—not only to merit a cordinnenee of the same, but a large increase the present year. Mr. hTEPIIEN A. CRAIG I t duly authorized to take applicatlmis for Insurance and receive the przinium for the same in adjoining townships. CIIAS. B. 1111IRST; Near Depot, Rochester, Pa. oel4:ly,_ BEAVER . LADIES' SEMINARY. TBE NEXT SESSION will open SEPTESIbER 12th, 18 1, and wilt b., continued for fire month:. I have concluded to have two e , eetslons in the year, of flee months each, Instead of three of three months each, no heretofore. Many of our best schools arc returning to this dirt:don of time, and with decided advantage to the pupil. It saves nearly a month of time now lost in vacations and arranging of classes, and give* time to complete In one session many P tudles now interrupted by the three-term arrange . went. The cost is the same—a pupil now paying SW. a sereion for three seed:toms, will pay $l5. a aerrion fur two sessions, A full corps of experienced teachers will be em plbyed,. and our aim will bo to secure thorough- IWSIA in every branch of study. Furth' In music will be received who do not enter tut pupil; in other branches, and we hope for even more than our usual succt:rs-dn thin department for the coming year. As the Academy' has been closed, I will arrangg for the accommodation of all boys and young men preparing for busLumm or fur College. A. wo &re a choice of studies to those not Intending to grad uate, teacher., and those intending to teach, can se:ect the branches specially needed for their work. For'Catalogne, or Circular, rend to D. If, A. ItIci,EAN, Prio. Beaver July 19, 1101.--11 A DIG INISSTILATRIZ , NioTllol3.—Let ters of Auministration having been granted to the undendgued. on the estate of William Rich ards, deceased, late of Rochester township, Bea ver county, Pa., this Is to notify all persons in- I dented to said estate that turmedtste payment is expected. All those having claims against the aerue will present them, duly althenticated lot settlement, to Mrs. LUCY A. JOHNSTON, ..I.dne,r. jyl2;ftw Homes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION! * 1' re opportunities. Are now offered for securing hO: ill's mild, ArallAy, and congearai climate, for, e-ttdrd of their value five years nonce. TJE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY hniohe sale real estate of every description, locat ed in the Middle and Southern Staten; improced clock, grain andfruil farms; ries, sugar and cot ton plantations ; limber and mineral Linde '. city, village, and rural residence. and nue-nov.l stands; milts and miU sites, factories, &C. Write for Land Register ecrntainlng dencription, location, price and terms of properties we have for sale Address—B. W. CLARKE & CO. The National Real Estate Agency. 4r and 49 Anna. Avenue, Washington, D, t:„ mailttf. Two full tburaes. C/aseicaLk Scientific Each boar ymrs. Yearly expense to the student, tau to $2 I. For trformatton. address vivo POtelEll AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION OF PENNSYLVANIA. PITTSBURGH. Pruposing nn amendment to the Conad tion of Pepnsylvama. Be it Revolved by the Renate and Hou.te Of Ileorearntatives of the Cbmmonwealth of Penny ylrania in General asciebly met. That: the following amendment of the Constitution of I his Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit : Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Constitution, and in sert in lieu thereof the foilms - ing "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service as shall be prescribed by la - x." JAMES H. WEBII. ang9-4w MißceUaneo:ii. AND Notary Pa We and Convoyanren Of New York Of Lancaster, Pa_ Of Erie, Penna Of New lork WASHINGTON and JEFFERSON Co L:I,IE GUP... PRESIDENT HAYS. Washingtcrn Penn'a ___ • .le2l:im JOINT RESoLCTION AMENDMENT Speaker of the House of Heprese ntativrs. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anne Domini one thousand eight nun tired and seventy-one. JNO. NV. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Arttele of the Con stit utidn. F. JORDAN. Seey. of the Commonwealth. Office See). of the Commonwealth, Harrishurgh, July sth, 11. Julyl9•3m. Rowell di dos's Adviriiiinenis.' WHITCONIEJ - ,REMEDY FOR . ASTHMA !bp ibittuaaatose Aotd, Dr/Fet r. ete.• — Nattoog so successfulA—T. MIETCATZ, Druggist,Dosion. Itecoinmtmdetl*o. %V. Ildhaert. It relleres,tos. $ A CO., Boston, Mass. bold by all drug& Tuscarora Academy; ACADEMI &, PA. • A BOAUDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. The 86th School-year will begin Sept. Bth. More than 4.600 young men have beet prepared for business luid for College. For boarding, washing, furniabedroom. tuition to alpha b4nchei tarytht, except Ftench and Greaten. 16/): or for the 'First Session, Va. For terms, location. character of School, &c., send fora circular. D. D. STONE, Par. , D.,t DAncip a ii. J. J. FATTERSON.A. 2d.. f ' COLLEGIATE and Commercial In sedetetet. Pew Haven. Conn. Prepetatory to College, Itualnees, Scientific dchoole, U. S. /11ll taty and Naval Academics. Fell session, thirty iamb Year. beens Rept 19. roe catalogues; de • address the Principal IIiiITISTOWN Classiest Ittecitnte.. , Agot, iui and sale Bearding School for young men and boys. Term, moderate. Send tar a etradar.! Rev. Ataxannita, Principal. nlghtstown. K. J. FERSALS COLLECIE,ElonientowaIN. J., furnishes the best educational advantages, together with a pleasant borne. Board and Tui tion, $ per year. For Catalogues, uddrets Rtv. J. H. BRAFELEY, PH. D. 101100LET 1 3 1101 Mill SEMMAIT, For both limes. A thorough and superior School in all its appointments. 13th session opens*pt.. Stn. lire. STODTRNBURGII, Principal sehooiere Mourdain birtugs, New. Jersey. L.EIIANON valley college, Annville, Pa. For 14 catalogues, address L li. RAXMOND, A L. President. . VIRGINIA FARMS, -C• Lynx BALE.—Five tine fauns with Mine and Foundry. Address owner. RICHARD IRBY, No. Idoo Cary Street. Richmond. Virginia. H. HENDERSON'S FAMILY Laqv on CASES, Each Cate containing One Bottle of OLD PALE BRANDY,' HOLLAND GIN. OLD RYE WHISKEY, OLD PALE EMMY, PINE OLD PORT, OLD .DOURBON. Guaranteed Pare, and of the very beat Quality. Price, Seven Dollars. Sett by express O. 0. 11 1 .. or Poet Offloe order. D. LIESDEItsoN, 15 Broad Bt. New York. A GENTS 'WANTED tor the TRANSMI3SION OF LIFE. Cotrassts oN Tat NATuna AND HYGIENE or lON MARCULINZ FUNCTION. By DIG NAPUETS, author of - 27te Physical Ws of Woman. " It re , lutes to at male sex ; is full of new facts ; dell- rata but outspoken ; practical and popular; high ly endorsed; seas rapidly. Sold by subscription only. Exclusive territory. Terms liberal. Pricy $2- Address for contents!, &c.. J. G. FERGUS & C0..3 Pdbllahera. ebtladelpblas Pm' Agent 3 ! Read This ! • WE waLl.r.tv AG*NTS A. SALARY 011 $3O - IPR WEER And EX• penile% or snow a larva °natal:tem to sell our onnf nod wonderful inventions.. Address X WAGNER AS CO., fdandiall, Mich. 10130. We will ; Pay *sso Agerth43o per week to bell, our great And vats able 44ceverlea. lt you want permanent. honor able nod pleanntstrork, apply for particular! , Addretel DYER dr CO., Jackson. Michtenn• $1,500,000 A MILLION DOLLARS. tibrewd bin quiet men an make a fortune by re sealing the secret to no one. Address C. E. WELDON. 1,210 Broady ay, New York. ILOET. CAIIsON, ALEX. CARSON R. & A. CARSON ) • Wholesale and retail dealers In groceries and cnantry produce, foreign and domestic wines and gins, Monongahela. rectified, rye whiskey, cfe, No. te2 Federal street, opposite P. Ft. %V. & C. It. W.. Allegheny city.' SPECIAL NOTICE ELurrtc harrow Id ACIUNZ 17 Nth Avenue, Pillabrrgh, Good. reliable men, of experience and approved standing, are Invited to make application to as to pct as agents for our machine. The Elliptic has come of the best ceiling points of any machine lu the market, and we are willing to pay good men a large rommicclon. All Information. circular. and samples, will be furnished on cppileatton to . HOWARD EATON S CO., Gera Agent... $240,000 Hard ware, tee 6250,900 VAL 1....1.5V1't_31%7 Foundry dr, Repair Shop $3,54X1,000 flaying been Engaged in the Foundry Bovine.. for mote than thirty yeare,—during which time 1 have accumulated a variety of , useful pattern•, be- aides canstructnif models and takinq out patents for Improtements on S►,:100,0 00 COOKING - STOVES —an4/atttr hating Potoughlz tePtoil ttse.c lm protitoents. I tat Warranted in affertra them to thelthllc. Moro The GREAT WESTERN bay no so perlor for Oda Locality STOVE,SI Stover of Diflerent tityler for Heating and Cooking The Great Republic CooMk Stove Elam the bent Recant of any Store evar offered In IT TAKES LESS FUEL LESS Room TO DO MORE WaRK, BEST BAKER, MOST DURADLE T II E II E S STOVE IN LT S E In connection with'the StoVe I have got. up n Pxtent lE:X'I'k;NSION fop, which occupies little room, no additional fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, can be put on of taken Off tit any time, and made to suit all stoves of any size or pattern. Five lltandred Verpaonig Who have purchased and used the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most or W kose names have been publish• ed in the A arc confidently referred to, to hear to itriess of its superior merits as a cooking stove. Havinir three drat ela s rtizine4 on hand. of about fifteen boree power capacity, they are offered to the public ul reaaoushie rate, )URN TIIORNILEY. anrtalf. NEVT M._A_P 13 V. A. V IF. N ZAHIAII INN Is getiinti op a Nlap of It Beaver county. Pa.. to Pirst"Clana !sty le showing the ha- A tino and connections of the Orig inal Soreeye. of Depreciation, Population. Reserv ed, College and Academy Lands, and Local War mth., Far. ams, Roads, Townships, Schoolhouses, with many of the residents, coal-fields and mines with inch other data as will help to make said map desirahle The whole map, including a map cf Beaver Diver Valley, will be about five fret incluare., Canvas.ett and mounted. Napa will be ready for delivery in about 141 month.. jy12.41 CLOTHING STORE NEW GOODS! SUMMER STOCK. The undersisued takes plea.urc in in forming his friends and the public genet• aPy that he has just tee‘dved and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES FOR Suiamer Wear. He keeps the best of workmen in his employ, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both FASHIONABLE& DURABLE. and jn such a manner as will plegsp his WRir 3 I3' 31' , Ciall and Bee us before leavihg your Orders Elsewhere WILLIAM REICH. Jr. may4;7o;ly ' Brhigewater, Pa , Agood 811,19 4w this market. A LTOGETIIER, customers ALWAYS ON HAND Miticellattec)tes. THE .OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING HOUSE. IL W. 1131.11FIPITAI & CO 22 and 24 Market Street, PITTSBURG, PA. Established in 1844, by H. W. Buffum. Thlaoldeet and largest Bottling Bowie west of the mountable, ham made extensive preparations for eoPplying. their friends and the pnlblk with their celebrated Mineral IValere, Ales, Porter, ire., &C. For the Spring Trade, at the following prime: Samspartila, $ STM, per doe Mineral Water 3714 " Raspberry " 3714 " Champagne Cider 371; Porter Ale, mien tattles, " - Winterton ........ Syrups, ...... Imported London Porter and bottles, Imported Scores Ales and hot, ~. tier; ....... ........ . .. 0 00 Crab Cider,... . . FM per gallon. Syrup. , '5 00 Bottles 75 cents per pox. extra. Money refund ed when returned. Goode delivered free, and freight paid to rail road stations and steam boat landings. febway CITY BOTTLING gousE,, No. 39 Market Street, PITTSBTRCTH, PA. q 2. . ,4u/lee m BOTTLERS OF Sarsaparilla, Mineral and Raspberry Soda Waters, Syrups and Cider, Smith.ii Kennett, Wainwrights, and all the be 4 brands of Ale and London Porter, selec( ed and bond bottled for Medical and Falk ily use. Goods delivered free. I.mrtl;'7l:l,k A LLEGNIENY BREWERY. Elprin /1. Water Ales, SMITH CO., Brewers, Matt ers and flop dealers, No. 465 Rebecca street, Allegheuy, Pa. THOS. BOOTA, It, A. 'YOUNG. Highest cash price paid for Barley. Jys;ly G, 8. BARNET.. F. A . B AIIKEII .. C. A. Barmiest. G. $. BARKER & Co.. ilew Brirjl~lon, Pa. ASV. 0. 19. MOUES do CO., Berm' Fall., AL is A. 'lc le K, Dei4ets to Exam/rt. Coin, Coupons. ttc., tt.c. Collections fluids on all acctssiblo points in the Coiled States and Canada. Accounts of Meech. anti. Manntactneent. and Individuals, solicited. Interest allowed on time deposltes. Correspon dence will receive prompt 'attention. [decilly , c 0 OF THE P Dacamaza 2.rn, 1869. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN .Iretive .. ll. l4 6ls i ts•=llT A ar bi l Ira: kiwis 1071 111131701 etroWsi initial' 1;:i WWI ON iir l e 31 .1 ;Ainn setwear • ilosva k. 011kbezes. c) iti 01 „.. /g OYLT n t ATIATA as! Ow OIL N, IV luer 0000w00,_ 00 , 000 ass iroallse , 11//00arsamth., Pro= ••••11401per esid.l .4 Two samia• Pa; 10 °eats' 10000204 54 ...i . i .. afa m i . ll=. .1.001 twilwe beam t i WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. ".." Manufacturers' Agent., Pim:Kul:h. Pat. W mow om—Ths irresia=m2 4,ol4os as. • CZPear Ms led Ss =sax who gimm air oun. 4 .P AN Vb titio I• Illy .Pare stv• /war NaallecTinnePW , s watztes. az. sle d' Ist" atilmatlair Jaw, IIA NU. ING-lIOUME. THOMAS M'CREERY & CO THOS. 111 9 CHEEFIT, Cashier. J. F. DRAVO,„ . . J. n. ANGIEL J. 11. WCREEHY Interest paid on 4 timedeniosits; Prninpt attention given nto collections. Al.O, Insurance Agents Mr gdod and rellableCompaniee. frosylBtl Reduced Prices Speyerer & Sons Have just Returned fr..nt the Lug WITH A LAIAGE STOCK OF GOODS, Bought nt the Lowest Cash Prices, 4 And will sell some Go6ils AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR! Consisting or Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Soots and Shoes, Rope, °cum, Packing Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paints, White Lead, Oil, Putty, Queeusware, Wit • low-ware,Flour. Feed, Grain and Bacon, a varie, ty of Prints,Muslins, Ticlitigs,Delains,C becks, Alpacts,Jeans,Dintms,Crash and Hosiery ; also. Te l ls, c o ff ees , Sugars, Syrups, 3lolasset.i, Carbon Oil, 200 bbls. of the Webrated Chntonly AND NEW CICEEK FLOUR, Just arrived and for sale, Wholesale and At Pittsburg Prices. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAP. WIIITE LIME Land Plaster, amt Akron Cement ; A Large Stock id White Lead and Paints A very superior quality of Struntz S WtA ' zel's S+.aps: and a lot of Carbon Oil Just Arrived and for sale, Wholesale and Retail ALSO, PUISE CATAW BA, ISABELLA —t.nd— Concord Wines, Of our own +vintage, Tor Medicinal and SacnimeMal Purpo,44, are highly 114:- commended by those who have: used them. They are alsti Agents for the RNIFFEN MoWER AND REAPER, Am] Pitt Nat. HOW PIOWS Thauking the Public for their past pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share in the future. All Goods Delirered Free of Charge. You can rely on all goods being fresh, as all our old goods were sold at auction. sPETERER & SONS, nprUtte N3.4EL1T.,..M.1FY AND tumnatuto The undersigned having bought out the Ba k-eel and Confectionery establishment of J. C. flays, near the Post office, In Rochester. Pa., woad respectfully Inform the public that he will Keep. the best quality of leo-Cream. which be verses In every style ; also will supply them by the can at reasonable prices. Those in In want of them should give him an early call. His Confectionery department is well stocked; and parties, weddings., &e., will be supplied with everything needed on short notice and in the beat style, Families furnished with fresh bread as often as desired, GEORGE FREDERICK. mayliat New Advertisement& CuTets,Oil Cloths, Mattings, Soc., AT LOWEST PRICES. Henry McCalltim, (Late McCallum- Bro.'s,) P.T.lrriitillETFlGrli, PA.. I Lave facilities for supplying II lETAIL DEALERS *tat to any Ettatern Jobbing Holmes 1.29_. 1.25 3W enry McCallum. , .pry. S. C. C OYLE, 3 00 TtP l-nrICALI. "FaULl43allialiVerlana ..e( • 'On I hire/ Slred , lhiitatr. lb . (nParili oPPositi lloores Drug Store) •,' All Orders promptly attended to. InertCAß Watches, Clocks. Jewelery, Plated - Ware, Spectacles, &a., always on hand. aprl2:tf. AGE! • '4, 11 tg\ t as It It It Merchant Tailors & Vlothiers, S• &J.Snelle#burg, ME Rel . ! ANT TAILORS, Stpl 4t ;ncl 211:m r99elid 1 y CARPETS, 0 /1 'A4 'a 11 '..1 I> '1 ) M I.t, MATTINGS, WINDOW - 2111.111 1140,D04 AT THE LOWEST PRICES air A Liberal Reduction made to Min isteri and on Churoh Carpets. mart+, 1 . 1-1 y I'a ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. ED T. J. a 11. J. CHANDLER. have pur chased the exclusive right of Beaver county to useDr.Stuck's Pateut 'by which they can put up Vulcanite as thin as Gold Plate, with a beau tiful enameled polish: and soli ht and elastic as to perfectly adapt Itself to the month; obviating all that clunisy and bulky condition, so much complained of heretofore; and lessening their liability to break 100 percent. In deed, no one INVIM, it would be willing to wear the old style, plate any longer than they could conven iently get them exchanged. All tminchea of Den tistry performed 1n the best and most anhetaiittal manner. In filling teeth with gold. etc., we chal lenge competitton-from any quarter, and can refet ta living subjects whose have stood be tween thirty and fortyyears. Among the number Bon: John Allison will exhibit bllings we inser ted some 33 years ago,' the teeth as perfect as the day they were filled. - Laughing Gait prepared on a new plan.frsetun It from all unpleasant and dam gerona effect*. making th the extraction or teeth a source of pleasure rather than of horror and pain. Meese. low as any good dentist In the State. 011 ice at Beaver Station. Rochester:Pa. novalfl T. J. lb 11. -7 CIIANDLBIC.`, "ES 7r J-11F3 - 1,1 S I-1 El) 1 ti4.3a. LANE BROS. gLTCCESSOIRS TO B. WOLF Jr..S: an2l,r of Liberty and Sixth Streets, `1 : • (Late t a t. Clair Street,) . PkTTSBURGH, PENN'A. 3 , 141 It Have now in Store the Largest and Best' Selected Stock offered in the City. lar Special Inducements offered to the country trade. a prs:6m M FIFTH AVENUE, AND J irwm.an, If 11 El n 11 BROADWAY, NEV BRIGHTON A full ntul well sderted stock of, BOVARD. ROSE & CO 21 Fifth Avenue. I ! fin Importers and Dealers in ?a IT a IA Tva MEI S.A. Cross li!Co.'s Column. - 17 - S. J. Cross do Co., ROCHESTER, HAVE A VERY I..AROE STOCK OF General gerchandise, PURCHASIT FROSI FIRST 'RAND, And for site at it snueradvince on cost IN THIS COLUMN, We propose to call the attention of the trade, . ESPECIALLY To nun EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Building Hardware, USR-ICRE PIURS" HARR WARR MECHANICS' TOOLS, FAIZIIEICS' TOOLS, NAILS, Window Glass, PAINTS, OILS; 'JP TT IL" IL" 'ME", a Some of the leading, articles of Building iardware, Are : Butts qf every viz RIM, MORTISE AND PAD LOCKS In great variety of size and quality ; -GITR AND STRAP HINGES, GATE AND POOR LATCHES, Cupboard Cat;lea, Screws, Shutter Hinges, Door and Shutter Bolts, SASH PULLEYS, SASH CORD. SASH LOCKS AND FASTENINGS Hooks and Steeples, Carriage Bolts, BASE KNOBS, &C., &C MECHANICS' TOOLS: AXES, ADZES, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, SAWS, STEEL SQUARES TRY SQUARES, MITER SQUARES, REVELS, CHISELS, AUGERS FILES, BITTY, BRACES, PLANES, ! ra 3 ° rd RATCH AWLS, DRAWING KNI VE:, SPOKE SHAVES, WRENCHES, II B 3EINCII s gatl VS. MASON AND PLASTEitV, TROWEL, Maxon d: Carpenters' Lines d l'encilx, OIL AND SYTHE STONES El SAND AND EMERY PAPER And every other item belonging to this department. Farmers' Fools: FIELD AND GARDEN HOES arden Rakes, Spades—long & T bandied ; Round and Square Pointed Shovek ti AY AN!) MANCHE FORKS, GRASS AND GRAIN SYTHES, SI - THE SNATHS, RIFLES, SPADING FORKS, POTATO HOOKS, DRAW AND BREAAT CHAINS, Well Chains, Dog, Halter And Cow Chains, Whips, Lashes, &e., dz,e HOUSEKEEPERS' HARDWARE : Knirrx and Forle, Carring am! flattlif r Koires Table and Teaspoons, Eire Setts ; rual Buckets, coffee Mill; FLOUR & MEAL SELVES, LADLES, Painters' & Grainers' Goods : PURE WIIITIE LEAD ; PURCHASED Iiti.THE'TON AND SOLD AT PIT'MTDIRDII PRICEI4 Lead and 31 t7l eral Paints in all colors Pry and in ell, PURE 1../ Nli.ii - E.1 4 .11J OIL, (TALE'S PATENT DRYER TURPS NTINE, GUM SHILLAC, SASH TOOLS, PAINT (V., VARNISH BRUSHES, r'W.ty,P4atty Window Glass., In all sizes, Single and Don1)1/. Strength arw, are giving much attentinn to this branch of our linsinc , :s; and, while in quality, we alwu}•s handle the very best, w•e are confident that our prices and terms ure as favorable as mn be given by any rtsponsible house We are thankful fur a liberal and in creasing witroonge, and will 'pare no pains to inerit public favor ilocusaTEß, May al, 1371. Maya-1y:clul my3l t and .wrought; Hat and Coat Hooks, SCREW DRIVERS HAY RAKES, MATTOCKS, PICKS CARVING t.414.3TT:4. DI PPEILS, &C., &C B. L. Faluiestoci & Co.'s A1coi101.; VARNI:=4I GIAZERS'TACKS J. PRoPP 8 %. ,0., _ Miscellaneous. ROCHESTER SiVINaS BANK, JOSS V. VeDOXJILD H. J. APZTZ/Ltit, OW. C. lIPLYZIIER, U. I. i 3 PCTEUER, f;i2, 1 4 SPEYEUEIII & ItIeDONAILD. Dew& In ex' banze, Coln, Government Serer Una, mato collection on elf the State.. and Canada. receiv.. roo f , 0 : deporttenbleet to check. and receive., t, Itsittorti one dollar and upward, and allow. 14'1 eat at per rent nt By•lawa and ru'en Ire! 4; I nr,til t i t t le tn t , 'ar et i t ' d tatn ttata74 " 'a" trxfroth 6 t o 8 0 . 6,ek. We rel. r by pe:iy:,,„ : :o % L. R. COAVILiN A CO., Hon .1 tt AL.OZO, HCO'VT A Co., Oak I (Aorta 1 L.IIC )C1114751 : 711 glue zT166:8:1;"‘", 41hIC7::;11111:78g.r':‘1111::::::.1n r.: h a 4'ILAor. n0v16"71-ly clad Jek:B ANEW FIRM SHOE - STORE, thistead&Wisner KEEP CONSTANTLY OS HAND A full and complete gtnek of styles of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. prA SPECIALTT.—Fine o xrai•ri Un Gentlemen, and first elasst fint for' Ladies, made to order P,r. 4 1.,,, New Bngliton, near Siemciii, ery. JO Him. Black and- Gold From, GEORGE W. BIGGS, No. 1159 SMITHFIELD AT Four doory sixne Sixth A FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS ; EMU Optical and Fancy Good , dr PITZVB CRO 11, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING I>leuNe tut this ativertisement ut &n: )ring it with you. '2,1-14.1t Singer Sewing Machin;. L • HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, 'the moat perfect and simple machine or :a. eve, Invented. Both of the above popular mackdneg late improver' until they stand withont a Price of the SING= FAMILY SEIVINfl Bli CHINE from $G4.00 upwards. Pecs of HINKLEY'S KNITTERS • Circulars and Sample mailed fret ut, STRAW ot 31011 TON, GENERAL A GE".:Tiz ifNo. 'W Sirth Str.+t, httNburgL. h Agents wanted for the lllokl•-y Machias even item, and (or the Singer to Wertrrn Pecnn,o, nta'Eastena Ohio and Waft Va . Ate, none already established. nov24: iv NNESSTORE, EW Gook) AT J. M. McCREE.II,Y & CO'S. Ql .118 IiFILDING al)pectn,ltles. ont;ANDiE PER( ALL FRENCII J.‘l'.‘NE:sf: I.lqll JAPAN! FEPHEN:F. IVIITTE 10)HE. FIGUIIED FIN(' TU( KED NANOOK, PLAID & STRIPED NANo)hK. VICT°RI-k IU-}lol' LAws, FRENCH & OUG•ANDIE Wl** SOFT FINISHED CAMBRI('' I. 4 )I'ISE sfIETLAND sHAWLs. TIEBET BUFF BRILLIANTS.. BUFF LINEN CHINESE GRASS LINEN. FANCY COLERED TARLTON Embroideries Hamburg . Edglngs and Inserti. , n, Swiss Edgings and Insertions. Marseilles Trimmings, Ay.otton Trimmings, tyVhite Gl,nnp and P. K. Trititumw , Corded Sattin Ttimmings, . lionaet Ribbons, - Sash Ribbons, Gros Grained Ribbons, Box Quilling, Straw Trimmings, Hats and Bonnets. Boys' Hats LADIES' UNDER-GARMENTS AN: FURNISHING GOODS. GENTS. FURNISHING GOOIO NOTIONS'. PARASOLS & LINEN UMBRELLA' FANS, FANS, FANS. FANS CHILDREN'S WHITE LINEN IT' Children's Buff Misses Fancy Aprons, Summer Skirts, White Moreen Skirts. Carpets and Oil Cloth s . Rugs and Matting, Stair Oil Cloth, Stair Pads, at J. M. MOCREERY & Co's jei4t BUYERS, LOOK BET E. It may not be a matter of spec ht. terest to the people of Beaver kno‘‘ NI hat k transpiring between K II law, Napoleon 111, Ilismmic ' Trochn to Europe, butt it is a matter effects them materially to know why' they can buyAine an,l cheap GIWCEI , IES. S. SIN ITGE R & Co. At their nld stand in Tt‘ aver, ra . furnishing to their eustiffiters evernt hint called fur in their line. They alway , key: n full ttssortuient of G C it I. E S Flour, Feed, Cbffe-es, Stiyars. Vpices, Tobacco and Cigars: A r all oilier articles ustia,l) rOtIE In a First Claaa GROCERY STORE. From their long and tntinte unit » ith the Grocers•; Fl,o;t business, and their (lb:posit:. t , ' satisfaction to those who mar wi'..ll their patronage, they 11 ,, pe In • b' tuirv, as m the pest. to oht.on share (,f the public patron:4T , Give us a Call and see if we do not mak,- • terest to eat' again. jan2s. S. SNITGER " GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS., lel FLE - 5 ; Doable and Single BarK• Si1011.,GOOS; Resolvers.Adomunitw r. Goods, Ride Barrels, Locks. Sionfiticc . " r teTials. Ste. send for a Price List. A (I.lroto. STUN, t,rest Western Gen Works, Ptrect. Pittpborgh. Ys. N. B Army earhlnev, Rifler s^,! R,', '"- bour.ht or traded for. • STAIR BUILDING Asa Wood - Turning , ;h 4 ' ll ' WILLIAM PEOPLES , • Allegheny city• pa.. Is prepamt, to do all loud, Of Turning, Scroll Sawing and Sr'-ll 31 , L ding- Ne4rell's Balusters and Bumf Ma- WITH ALL JOINTS cur. HEAP'. TO HANG, furnished on ',bort U Orders by mall promptly attended ;"$` left withGloseer S., Co.. 59. 4(11 ritw .c. . - Pa., and at the Mill, corner of W-r-h.pr Graham A lley. roeiatistrY r • r. J•1111Ir 4 441C'' er• ;.- ~.5110111W ajtitr7l4.2.„ r :uw ei u rs i )1: ; 13 ; • : : :: ff his pstr • -4. t il l a He. bt..t mantigacrtnred In the Milted Stales hold sad ver ty performed In a sle iu that dencs kap"' tidon Satiefactlon guaranteed ail petal*"' or the moue returned. Give him a trial fetd ly ME wiIITE I'NC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers