Fawn rota s uts s iI D r E N N G T 7N "Rl"' 1 the riglit to vitigriy, . with men far r 1 equal . tverk--0- t may; be in'antioneti , \VILLXJ"ToN, July 2:i, 14 . 1.. _ that three of - 114 ittdisSti employed id Daring the past week here -One i; this Bureau haVe reeentlybeen pro , ticod not stretch his imagination very . I trottedto elerkships - of the first:Class. much to believe hileself upon the ;A circular ha .just been - issued by highest peak of Mt. Washington.— 1 'Dr. Young to be neat to the unfits of l'he air has been cool and bracing I different Steamship companies call hozh' day and night. 0.5 d so/ seems ' log attention to Section l:.. to have lost his usual vigor in perse- ; March 3d., 1555, requiring the cap: of Act of United outing us with his fiery. rays. it re- ; lain or master of any . stlit ally seems that this coal weather has i tacking at any port 11 1 t S s I the been divined expressly for the lieneti 1 States to place In the nn t :,,,h.,.„ of the poor over-worked brought People here 0 - 111(N:tor of Customs of thou e] port t or manifest of y ps who have not the time or money to il • . spare in luxuriating at bummer ; 1 %0 1 every foreign country, stating CI.. age, sev and ocxupation o each, resorts. tin , ' the country to which they re t:ll(•ef nitly !atom. This requirement b ris beco so iluperfectly complied with as greatly to detract ; from the fulness and accuracy desired in our •t:it i-t ic- of immigration, and the ob j,;ct of the circular Is to interest the agents of,the several lines in securing littler attention to this Important Invitt.-r.' CRCE,.. 1'l)U MILLION 1)(1i,1,‘11- , 1,..1; Fitt NATI()N kJ, C.i • Your teaders,doulitle- - , will recut le,:t that your .Wasniugvn earn., powlent hai ever been favorabie to Wa`hingt"ti. ft-4ithe permanent site for the Natio:Mal Capital, and has, from tune to time, given ht^ reason for his opinion. since l't ,, avls ht 9 died (11- tal matter he means; the eitizen'.: of Wa.,lllnr,ton,. generally have Item favoralk% to making Wainington. ' N a l l- a Capital of such a Nation as , oar; .Ithuld lie, and ha!i7e, therefore, mum. its ItepreAmtativibs --• li-prc-'hiatives since have be e:4,lw. a telrritory to make silteli ttp propriati, n, as arc necessary fur such a on rposil our .I.Lig . islatnre have made the ap priTriatioll and have authorized a 10.10 ot:.four million of dollar: to sat kfy -aoh'..appropriation. The llort:' 1). 1'oo1“ u s, or Governor, has ne votiated that loan at the satisfactory !i;;Ltre of foz, , only I ,:00,000 to he ta ken at present, and the balance to he takim as ivsautt•il the Merest only lwaring on the.sinis at -nch times they are taken. Ihr lirimic/c, and the finn• pnb li-lioql iu tit , 1 n-trii.t favor .the appropriatiou'of the Low,- Orl.l loin, and the negotiation of it at !i7 2 per cent. by our 4.km - et - nine:it. pziriot, the I)einuaratie organ, it arid has encouraged a- .et of old settler-, ex-rebels at heart, to lay' an Tri r juitetion on the sale of the iiiin.l-i'whichlnore than threeNtourths .1 ti e reprt'4`lltatiVe:nl the people of tli. It strict authorize to he iteader, after all the ridicule heaped upon oar :rpital, fur the want i,t" enterpri.-c In its citizen:, what your verdict? Which party in the fault" Echo " not tlic party." H 14.11 ffi , FlC-IAI-4 u.Nr A I, LA V 1: 1.1',..-1 \( I ii u ve tier often visitation of Sena tor-. Iteprt_sentatives ant] their ibl• I,)\.‘,N anti the IletiVC 011,ratiOtIS of tl conLret.ssional Committees pre p.fratory fort he '72 campaign, IVash iii..2,-ton at prcient . avoulfl inflect] beg \Pry 1` . 111,Q. 1110 Pr,---1 , 1 , 11t 11:1. - • 1,11, 1110 , 4( of 11-4, ( th . 11,:141- '-f ripe- t ~ , ‘ernmont 11:1\ ,111111nry, , I uppor tinity to recrc.ati- a lit ti.o, .1111t1 hAVV, al , O ;oft town. :•: ,- 1 0 ;„ 1 . 11 ;f t tho \Vhito i[ ,;mt.• once.rtain whethor iy not O. -for lii. iritr•rid t,i vi , lt to tin th , • Ii m.)11111 :I ;it , A .1 1 , ,,•! 1 \l:lll,Alouhtio,,,,reznril ze..,;alll.lwforf. Not: 'lii , ' I- 1. , titis , tig - LFI a 1. , i i•Na-it ing.a groat ilinsif interv,l, here with Loth parti,-. Ifilte I itatiocrats are thrt4 Uttar lit-lilts medium, to preYegt.. a great many Iteoultlioan voter , iVrOtt going: to the 1, ,11 , , thu- hoi,*l6 trio. The It ytuhlie.in , tire viittity -anguine, that through the timikkr,nid of tho I' tintint 'ungro..;,ional l'n*nittee,hert• Wa,hingtom in the wilt. of :idyl-- i:ie• with anti l'lll'lairag . ing . the Union or,z,anizat ion: of the S-tal , . t-ti a t the tin-Blur he thaarted. to ;t great te•:tetit.' in their tleterm d . inatio vontrol the poll , , The Coir_rre4-aioval Committee i- tio in; stn amount of valuable work. For North Carolina alone fatly tow litmtlretl. thou,anil tioeu meta, have been printett circu lated through the State. Senator 1', , )10 rrtnain , ben• wt irk Mg; front 4 , A rly morn into the ~ ,t nalkhours of the night. Holden i, al,u here doing good , erviet; for the St a te,. - Both of these gentlemen are that the Itepubl lean , will triumph hv a maiority ot, at lea-t, from ~111141 tlyiott. lIIIIIIIIIIIN ponide of Witsltington enjoye(l a -ensation aliont three o'eltiels. yi s terday morning in 1.11,' shape of a brat } f.x pl.):ion at the t . . S. Arsenal iiwatoil in th , Ibtithprn por tion of the city. The shock %vas so ;;neat that it itv'ol.(• the whole city - , an(l such it rush upon the strk.vts all (aty of front whence (now the terrific ht , n uAlwriellred -Mc tk,k,-111:16.111 of Prk4i .l.l,i I it fe‘v, Ltdore thy i•rtaiti the fitot- 111 the Mat i.. awler thl• iwlief that an (ittat:e ha l s.a.CloAveil up °ne tt tit of the city. Tip. 'Urn k Vll to kat ‘‘ ere it ni it to iii primipt an l eilrcient actions of tit- Ii(iliee,1111(1 tin , li•partmr.nt tht , rity in pllttiTlV: .1.11 tli tiro. •:z 1. 0 ( 0 , 1110 ) 11AVi' rn tht. 1.1:-K I I X Clii Wt•II niis repr,zenteil nica,urt: is I:Tactually, 1.10 , urely working way into pub ttr• favor,tlittlikr - - - , to the , wise provision , of the 111\v, and 111(• quiet :tint ,f the Prenident in th di rection of it-, etil ,, reenient. Already, Inane of 1111. luidtwilt have 'keen unearthed and tirre:sted, mid t11 „ 11-and , (4 other-, aro •it>lu•nii 1.1.1011 ;111:i , iCcaliAllig \kith n(•\ t dcvelop:rit•nt-s, ht•f(.n.• , T1:1 I' , )11 h:IVI• t .1 . 110,1 am a- t e k d ari (JIC (irgii.ll/Z-ilo11041:t1 have ,t_teh int ,1-111.t.tam tilt:hand. , judiyiary, xvi II t the ,trre-t and of rut the uutrla,..,. 'The tv trettihhie2 f , ,t - the re 11t. :01 , 1 11.‘: toll t ''Nt'N% I 11 0,1•.111.• M 1 1 ,1.11 1 ,1 t Ik• break- of the Ku-Klux Clip] on the ih- pvisperts lor the rekil 1)e -ni4 in the S , ,utli are becotiiitr,: tluhi tt= in , 1(9.1. If tit: , Re:,tiblimtp. of the •••• w -.14, upon the vitt Livorithle opportunity to bury heir personii I ,inarrels, and orpitriZe. fully and univep,ally, In ihtfensv their prineipie, and priviler th, I X I h•mo..raey will gottoe way ni ithe lost taus itt lhr St:110:-. ui V u.a:.~ I Lt Tlte valaablti report on th suiject I,‘ I )r. Young, Chief of thc Btitrati of k exciting deep attl'Atiiut alike) in Enropejand and railroad etimi•a nies interested in the transportation ui innuightuts, hove or4.IETN 1:11511.1 the ( 1 Printer; one thou,;- and copies each for 1.-",ratuitonitistri hation in Europe. A.n order waAire- , ntly received from Philadelphia, t:lrugli Jay Cooke L Co., for three copies, supposed to be aLso, 1 .r I.:(irllpoan distribution, in tlir in tere,t the Northern Pacific 'K. R. T 11,. I reau of Stat 'sties h bet`oinv .010 of t IllnSt useful under ho Gv • , rtiment, affording it dues, cum ve and accurate Statigt les* of t', Li iiiivree, and on which, le,gislation tariff and other niutter4 largely 1,1,01). T t silpervinionof Dr. Y dung, t t,,• ‘4 . 4 irk of the Bureau has beerio3n- With roarked-ertincny, a:;(1 0111,tallt effort ha, boenliott‘lejo ex ti.4ltl the----phere of its usefoloe.. to utnio,t attalnabld limit. By the tv . ;_!-,y, it. chief ha* recently beeW the r&I pien t of a sTII. - 111t.tie honor, -seine ivhat nominal_ in official circle"- the ilegree of Ph. li. l)uetor of l'hiloz.4- phy) having been quo fern •t 1 ay.Auati ts Columbian Cortege; of thtseity . , at i ts,htst annual commencement. As illostratin7, they progrkts., or prae tie:lt I'" Women 's Rights" e,:pechilly t I .i1)1 The I;xplxedou at, Vineenuen. A Paris correspondent of tee Lot- don _Yews, of July 15th, says e_ Paris sesans doomed to a life of sensation. We had another grcutexpbasioa.ves teni:iy at Vincennes. though without the terrible loss of life which distin guished the ale i r of the avenue Rapp. It was nyt indeed with one explo si, al that We Were Visited,ljUt, with a whole series, extpitling aver about t %ye! ve hours, frOlifiutlf:pOst oae Friday afternoo I Sat tail:ty morn four, however, rtra,7;vii suuth, riding past onii beard a louts detonation, round, and saw a very grant a mysterious column of wh shooting up into the sky, out overhead, and forming tne Of a gigantic mushrunn in the air. A- large quantity of eartridgeOlumbs, anti casi?-sliot had taken tire and were oloding. The Laciltliag was not far from the, donjon of Vincennes, and a few hundred meters from the Poly , gull. It was used latterly fora store house—a storehouse, however, in which spine Might wdrks might he conveniently carried tin. Hither t he tialiLl unitiori of the Commune was, carted, 'Much of it antiquated and henceforth useless. ,It is calculated that about :00 cart-loads of citOridge. had been deposited here, together with 7,000 or $,(100 shells, bombs. and case-shot —all the pyrotechnic waste of the Commune, Mixed up, no doubt, with u good deal of valuable mete , rial. It was the busine% of the ivorkiuen in charge of thisstorehouse, or series of storebouso3, to divide the ammunition, the good frain the bad. The work was apparently being done with great care; the cartridges as they arrived being generally render ed useless by copious applications of a'ste'r. it -- 1 " p in the particular where Water was most used and least care seemed ueeued that the explosion occurred.' On lc heap of damped cartridges the workmen were in the net °Nesting a fresh bar row load, when the lieutenant in command perceived a spark in the midst of the projectiles. "'There is not a moment to lase," he cried; "run for your liV'es." Ail, or neatly ail left, and the explosion took place very shortly afterward. The build ing, took fire, and there • was explo smn after explosion, as compartment after can pertinent gave Way. A. 1 1) there was, as it were, an inceint musketry tire, single cartridges, and whole boxes of cartridges going off in ,succession. The coast ishot flew far kind wide as it exploded, and going over the ground to, day I found crowds of people picking up stray bullets and fragments of shell about coo or 7151 yards from the factory. At midnight the powder magazine ex ploded, mid at two in the- morning there was yet another event of the same kind ; but all, even now,. Is not regurded as safe, for the public is kept as far as possible from the build log by a strum , line of soldiers. The eihwt: of the concussion were 'felt very far. All around for nearly mite the glass of the windows is bro ken, doors shut with a bang, and loose furniture fall with a smash. The loss of life, however, is much less than was at first supposed. -• • - 'ALE FORGE. The lieniaining Vestiges of the-liero hition for independence—A rive of the Once ..Fluned Scenes— Washing toles Headquarters us Seen After One Hundred and Tirrnty Years of Its Existence—The 'Old _Fortifica tions. A correspondent: of the Philadel phia Pee.:(:‘, writing from Valley Forge, says: Valley Forge is in a deep hollow on the west side of the Schuylkill river, twenty-two milts from Philadelphia, lying directly at the month of a small,stream known as Valley Creek. Hereabout the yeir 17411 a forge was established by Isaac Potts, a member of thejamily that settled Put tsgrove or Pottstown,from which it,afterwards took the name of Valley Forge. In October, 1777, Washin4ton c who was encamped about fourteen miles above Philadel phia, where he had marched shortly ' after the disasterous battle of Brandy wine I resolved to march his troop.; into ,winter quarters at the Forge, which was unquestionably the most secure spot in Eastern Pennsylvania. T - 44, not intend, however, to write up Arri'qican history, but would advise my- rNders, in the language of Cap tain Cattle, to "overhaul the books, laud, when found, Make it Itoti_t of it." 'rue first thing, of course, fur a stranger to see is Washington's I t eadquarters,a small t wo-and-a-half story house, made of a peculiar brown-colored stone, supposed to have liven built about 17:12. It is now inhabited by I late tali Ogden, ho Nvas born in it. and has lived there .inorn than sixtyi years. She is al was; pleased 60 sei• 6sitori,:and they are courteously shown over the h lose, from eellar to gaiTet, if they ' wish it. On the secoMl floor is a small room said to have 'been used as a beilrooni by Washington. Innu merable elo.sets 41 secret recepta ' cles for papers, &c., arm to be found in every corner. As we pass out of the house a large old-fashioned clock, standing in the eorner of tne hall, at , 'tracts our attention;'' - made, as the superscription states, by "Thomas Wagner, London," but with no date. The fortification is alx;ut half a mile off. Just on the other side are two large hills, covered by -dense . %roods, known as Mount Joy and Mount MiSe•ry. it is popularly be-. tiered that \Vashington, having ii•,., ,10.. t on the later mount, oireft - ; spread his cloak, a la Sir \Va ;. L ,, if . lkiliegli, and, kneeling, offered elaborate liroyer, • imgVißrneci media ' 1 -, ,uhtl his way,l o mount. Joy .w l r a pArty wa. search i n„,a , for him. 1 I enee the iinmes.of. the - hills. . A lkal t a toile beyond, the Forge, on the• laid of N. Piersol,of a large oak - tree through the trunk ut which a ( - amain hall is to have pas, - se d, and under it a 'ontioeidal soldiet lies Sorted. Over Jingnraui Midnight. The .13ufralu ..12‘pre..s 4,1 July 29, - says: Two more men have been swept over the Falls of N iagara, making in all live persons who have in this way perished during the pmcent summer. Nu living perion saw the terrible ev , it or witnessed the agonized struggle which they doubtless made against the fate which had overtaken them:, but the circumstantial evi dence is such as. to leave no question but'that they lost their lives in the manner stated. Alexander leant:lot, a French Canadian, has for some time resided with his wife and three children on Navy rsland. LastWed nesihty morning he erns...vett in his boat to Chippewa lar the purpose of getting supplies, At the usuaal time Redid not return, and :he dis t.r*ilf,liis amity gretv Beater and greater when hour after lidur passed without bringing any tidings of him. ! At chippewa, too, others were seen in mourning, for when the news I reached them that Lanclot had not IMEEN • returned .to ..Navy Island, •• made known that he started, away. from the shore at twelve o'clock that Wednesday night,. accompanied. ht his boat by a man named :Edward Bogardus, belonging to that village. The route that they were obliged to take lies hot a little way above the rapids.: home mischance. the break ing a fan our or some such fatal vi cissitude. must have set them at the mercy of the current which bore the hapless boat to the rapids and cata ract brink, over which it and Its oc cupants were hurled. The friendsof the lost men 'remained in suspense until yesterday-when all doubt as to the tragical occurrence was set aside by the discovery below the Falls of fragments of their boat and a sour sack which they wereknown to have had with them. Neither of the bodies has been recovered at the time of our informatiou, Mrs. I..anclot was informed of the discov ery of ber husbanii's death, And her „grief upon receiving the sad intelli gence was beyond the power of the pen to portray. Whether the other victim, Bogardus, was a man of fain i Iy , we have not learned. (From Fred ElhOugLafor New National Eta, Jul. 441 RECORD OF THE REPUBLI CAN PARTY IN REMALY' OF LIBERTY AND lEQUAL RIGHTS. A,obflef recapitulation of the vari --lures enacted by the Repub. y, daring its ten years of behalf o the cause of lib equal tiolitiml and civil men, Without regard to ir, will he a matter of use tation 0 our readers at ind aid them in coming to correct decision as to the can the most safely trust ous ineasi The first blow at the "Divine" in stitution of slavery was a bill, which beeline a law in August, 1861, con fiscating all property and setting free all slaves used in aid of the rebellion. January 26, 1862, a law was passed prohibiting the use of the jails of this District, for the imprisonment of fu gitive slaves. The great measure emancipating the three thousand slaves of this Dis trict passed both Houses of Congress and was signed by the President in April, 1862. tin the 13th of March. 1861, a bill becune a law forbidding and punish ing the return of fugitive slaves, coming into our lines, by naval and military officers. March 6,, .of the same year, the President had recommended the pas sage of a joint resolution proposing a co 7 openition between the General Government and the slave States for the general abolition of slavery, on the principle of compensation to the owners. During the month a bill covering this suggestion passed both Houses, and was signed by the Pres idebt April 10. The bill abolishing the long-exist ing, odious distinction in this Dis trict against the coiorect people, such as taxing: them' for the education of white children and denying them all benefit from the tax,becamea law in May, 1862. June 19th, 1562, the President sign ed a bill, which had passed both Houses, prohibiting slavery forever in all the. Territories of the .1 nite~ol States. June, I g 62, a law . wnsetracted estab lishing diplomatic relations with the republics of Liberia and Ilayti. In July, of the same year, a law was pas s ed conferring upon colored persons the right to testify in courts of justice ; also prohibiting the inter- State coastwise slave trade. In. July, 1862, a hill became a law emancipating slaves coming within our lines whose masters were in re bellion and all slaves found in places captured hy our troops. July 7. 1g62, President Lincoln ap proved a bill punishing the infa mous practice of using the American flag for the protection of vessels en gaged in the slave trade, in open de fiance, as had grown to be the prac tice, of a plain constitutional provis ion.. Under the provisions of this net one Gordon, captured while en gaged in the slave trade, was tried convicted, and executed. July 17, 1861, a law was enacted authorizing the enlistment and mili tary organizationaif colored men. September 22, 1862, President Lin coln issued a proclamation declaring that, on the tir,:t of January ensuing he should issge another proclaiming all persons free in such States as might be named. And vn that day the immortal declaration all Raves forever free in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Missippi, Alabama, Flori da, North and South Carolina, and Virginia was issued. Mara, 1863, a law was enacted in corporatmg.au institution for the edu cation of colored youths, to be loca ted in this District, from which has grown up the Howard University. A law was enacted in February, 1861,' enrolling all colored men, whether slaves or not, into the na tionall tor , allowing loyal masters a boon yo *JO for their slaves—af terwards .duced tosloo bounty. But this was wholly re p:mg led in 1867. On the Mbof jone. 1861, a bill became a law Placiugcolored soldiers on a footing of equality in all respects with white soldiers. June `..,)54, 1404, a bill was signed re pcialing the infamous Democratic fu gitlve-slave law. In 1804, a law was passed allowing colored men to contract for carrying the mails. The year before the net \Fes passed prohibiting all distinctions on ac count of race or color in the public conveyances of this District. The law ertmting the Freedman's Bureau %vas passed early in the year 166.). January- _';,'lSt;, the fatuous talk tethith amendment to the Constitu tion, which had previously tieen ap proved by the Senate, pasted the Howse of Representatives, forever abolishing shivery in the United States. During this year, acts were passed repealing the various measuresenact ed by the. Southern States, under Johnson's rule, designed to re-estab lish slavery iu another form, author izing the disgraceful apprenticeship system, the law in rega ru to vagran cy. and authorizing the whipping of negroes. 'rite same year a law was passed abolishing the system of peonage slavery in New Mexico. In December, 1865, a resolution passed both Houses of Congress, ap -1,utizi4,4..., the joint Committee on Re ;!•,. - - en, to whom was referred • ntinls of all persons claim from Johnson's recobstruct etE- .7-.• • and all measures in regard ireeOnspuction. 'ebruary 181 A, an aCt was piss ed declaring that none of the rebel States were entitled to representation in Congress until congress shal I have declared such right. In April, IM, the civil rights bill, which Johnson had vetoed, became a law by receiving the necessary t wo thirds majority. Jnne 13, ISGG, the fourteenth amendment was passed, making all persons born or naturalized in the United States citizens, prohibiting the ,States from passing any law w kith shall abridge the immunities or privileges of such citizens, defining who shallbe Senators or ItZpresenta tives, Protecting the civil rights of-all citizens, declaring that the validity' of the public debt shall never be ques , tioned, and prohibiting the United States and the several States from ev er assuming or fraying the rebel debt; and rendering it illegal and void. In Deceit] ber, 186 Q, Congress passed over Johnson's veto an act establish ing universal suffrage in this District. In January-, 1867, a bill was passed declaring that within no Territory of the United States should suffrage be denied on account of race, color, or former condition, In February, "Mb , the fifteeath amendment. securing to colored men the right of suffrage, and forever prohibiting Its withdrawal, : •passed both branches of Congress. In March, ,-11)119i tR laW Wes Passed striking the word while from all the ordinaneesof this District, destroying all discrimlnatitat; , against- rolored men In such' laws or ordinances. In May, 1870, the bill known as the enforcement act became a law, its , object being to protect colorcd . men in all the rights to which other citi zens are entitled. In Aprll; 1871, 'COngress passed what is known as the Ku-Klux act, giving the - President power to pro tect the loyid people ;of the South against organized bands of assassins; and rendering the people of a county ' or city, under certain conditions, re sponsible the for nutl the dattiages done there in by aws. Such, briefly, are the leading meas ures adopted by a Republican . Con gress,and viietioned and sustained by the Republican party. for securing to the colored people of the nation the boon of liberty and the right of equal American citizenship. • As a "Companion-pieee" to this long list of acts in the interest of jus tice and humanity, we ought, per haps, to publish the record of the Democratic party in behalf of sla very, wrong, and outrage. " But it can hardly be necessary, at least until the wounds inflicted upon the backs Of the four millions of ex slaves have had time to heal. If colored men bear no malice against their Democratic owners, they will not be apt to forget who fastened and who broke their chains. Consuiunptlon of the Lungs. The belief in ,the fatality of the dis mse usually denominated phthisis, or consumption, has allowed many an one to pass into an untimely grave. That recent discoveries 'in medicine have done much to ameliorate and even cure many of these so-called caws of consumption, will no longer admit of doubt. Those, therefore, who allow these afflicted persons to pass beyond ~the reach of medicine ore justly censurable. Dr.. Keyser, at his new office, is compounding sr niedecine known ns "Lung Cure," which will in every instance greatly Improve anykcase of pulmonary dis ease, and In many eases effect a thorough cure. It has a peculiarly pleasant taste, furnishes to the wast ing and decaying organs a healthy plasma fur their renewal, and its soothing effects on the irritated, throat and fauces cannot be otherwise than beneficial: A medecine of - which we know so much as Dr. Keyser'B Lung Cure, and compounded by a man of Dr. Keyser's skill and integrity, we do not hesitate to recommend, with the firm belief that we are conferring an inestimable favor upon our read ers, especially that class of there to whom a prospect-of cure will be sure to meet with a hearty response 167, Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. If your druggist does not limp it, send five ckillsrs to Dr. Keyser, and he will send four bottles securely boxed, by express, with full directions how to use it. Joluison's RheematO Compound. Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrups. Lindsay's Improved Blood Searcher Rheumatism and Neuralgia. No medicine rver offered to the public for the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia, ix., has gain ed such a wide spread reputation as JOLINSON'S 1111 COMPOL NTT, it is without doubt an invaluable medicine. Testimonials have keen received from rich and poor, learord and tchlearw ed, ririfiun and soldier, while physicians recom• mend itand use it in their practice. 1t471. Estahlkhed imam. Sellers' imperial Cough Syrup. %V t. ber , to call to the minds of our readers that this season of the year. above all others. la the one In which they are liable LO COLAILIN CULL/S,, I.4FLU• ENZA, WhnAt the uprt.e ON are tn constant dancer of that most alarming and falai of all dis eases, c sour. It hi, therefore, neeensary that every family •honld provide n punitive remedy, our that ht ready for one at all time.. StCLLEltzi' COUtill SYRUP you will linda mire and epeedy remedy for eoldn, and all din nrining from them. Lind= ra Blood Smith er The Blood is the very fountain or life; therefore, if we wish to restore health, we must first purify the blood, and to Insure continned health, keep ti pure, LINDSAY'S BLOOD NEAllenlat t tie Safest and Most effectual medicine for obtaining, this de sired effect, le always safe, and the moat delicate can use it. - These medirines are sold by all I)rug gisi:s everywhere. Prepared only by H. E. SELLEBS & CO., er-Wholesale Druggists, feta, ly) No_ 45 Wood Street, Pittsbargh Pa. 1.'11(.) POIS'E.II AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION OF PENNSYLVANIA. .10INT IC F.soLt - TioN Proposing an amendment to the rousti thin of Pennsylvania. Be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the thalononicenith of Pennsylvania in General .4 sseirbly met. That the following amendment of the Constitution of this Commonwealtii be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof', to wit : AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Constitution, and in sert in lieu thereof tte following : "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the tittaltfied electors of the State, at such times and in; such term of servlce as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES 11. Speaker of tilt:Howie of Iteptesentati yes WILLIAM A. WALLA(');, Speaker' of the Senate. Approved the lifteent4 day of June, Anna huniiui one thou:4ld eight hun dred and seventy-one. J.NO, W. GEARY. Prepared and certititsl for publication pursuant to the lfentli Article of the Con stitution. F. 4011 DAN, See'y. of the Commonwealth 01lice sec). of the Commonwealth. Harrisburg'', July sth, 11. Julyl9:Mn. Clt-phttus" Court tittle. BY virtue of nu order of the Urphsua . Court of the county of lk•uver, the undernigned, ad. fillUtitratur of the eetatc of McCready, lute of the borough of Bridgewater, in raid county, will expose to sale by public venduu or outcry on the prerulnea, in Sharon, on • Saturday, Scptenflier nd., 1 871 , Al 1 o'clock, p. of that day, all the following deveribed real estate of said deceased, elz ALL that certain lot of ground 'situate in the borotlgti of Bridgewater, tformerly the village of Sharon), in said county, containing 60 feet in front on Sharon street ; thence at right auglea with said ftbrit, In depth DM few, mid bounded on the north by gronnd formerly in possesalon of Thomas McClellarrd, math by lot lorcuerly of David Shields, east by Sharon street, and west by ground formerly 'of John Dickey. ALSO all that certain other lot or piece of ground situate in the same borough, (once tioaron hounded „and described as follows, viz Begin. Mug at the north-west corner, thence south decree' cut, li9 feet 6 inches to a corner, thence small 54 , , degrees west,9l feet to a corner, thence south 35if, degrees eaat, feet to scorner, thence north 54!y degretas east, 111 lean to a corner. thence south 35 , , degree.* east , tal feet tom corner. thence north 541, degrees east, 4k fee; to a corner, theu.c 'north 35 , .; degrees coat. GO feet teiticiwiter, being the northeast corner ol the lot; thence south 51 , i degrees went, 210 feet 10 Inches to it cot our, the north-west corner of the lot : thence north 59 de glees west, 52) feet Inches to a corner. the loath 0 eat COlller of the lot; them'. north 54i. degree' cast, G-Itith rods to the place of beginuing, con• tallith:: 2 ACRES AND 115 PERCHES AN - O •abt FELT STIDLT MEASU ALSO all that cer tato other lot of ground. aituate in taut borough. touce Sharon 1, bounded rod aeserthed as folios a, eta: North by Hafnium (formerly), cast by Public Road, south by Alley, and west by land of dec., daot, lacing lot No. I ih John Dickey's plan mine continuation of the village of Sharon. ALSO all that eeriere other lot or piece of land situate in Brighton townatop, in said county, twinned as follow*, ,tz: Beginning at a post [formerly a aterrn, thence by land formerly of Joan Dickey,' north seq degrees west, ili 6-10th perches to a lo cos! stump: thence by land of Joseph Wray, south 3fey degrees 'west, 16 perches to a post; thence by laud of same 60.14 begrees east, :lb perctuai to a post; thence by land of Hobert Dar ragh, north tel s east, 40 perches to the place 01 beginning, containing 6 AClff.6 AND 102 PERCHES STRICT MlCAstattf. ALSO another lot or piece of ground adlohaing the above situate in the borough of Bridgewater, [formerly Sharon], beginning At a point on a 40 feet street, being the western street of the 'tangent Stumm, being also the corner of the orchard lot of John Dickey ; thence by said lot south 54% degree.. west, Ai to a port thence by laud formerly at said riche, .513iAelegnaa enaLS(.3l.-Ititith perches. to a post ; thence north 604 drama. east, 23 12- 1001 n perches to a post thence north :351i degrees Wes; 11) feet on said Street to the place of begin nh.z. On said premires there are two good two story frame dareiling h. uses Running un Deaver I. a good frame ham and all other ueccaaary out buthlinv : a well of good water in the yang, and a noon spring at the barn: a doe orchard of kach and other frult trtas, and &quantity of small fruits; a good Cad atone quarry and coal bona, oyez and in funning order, and all of said premi ses being under fence and to a g• od .Lce of el m' ration. TERMS:—UIu-third or the Ktinhare money IL hand on the ru'ullrmatlou of the VII: by the Conn, and the butanes In too equal annul iustaltmouts trout date of cotarsuattoo with interest front that date. :o be treared by bond and ruort=e on the premises. Purchaser to Toy for deeds, stamps, mortitugo, Se. For further_parttculars Inquire of or address MAILMADUILE WILSON. AdatioiStrutor, de., irtS. Bearer, Juky 21,1871. • AckViiii4reth i g• OS" TUSCARORA ' ACiprini The 06th A. The 3fith sebei4leer 140 tetaber dlhq. Ismaticin-heshatni, attractive sad! ell adapted to Ordeal dasalopment. - Free from loafing Owes ono sitoblotakit Pawnees areolitkal. We • 5.000 soma; Inca, have here POO! Mama& tot colleenor- borineu. i to 1 Tarim Moderate. 'Appl? for elfr iar, ' P. D. STO Z. A. M. • 1 40'.1 J. J. M rATT, 1130'31. A. , Mutual Fire Ins u ±ance Co. At Woodstock. bas been doing, hugest*. Abbey bee years.. Biz pant it naa laid :00 esseinPleents. !sod the average fate of asseartient destiny, the lbtriponeyears hes been 2 3-4 PAS ctivr. A MAIL The aneastment for the year look et &CI is 14. PER CENT., awl Me Catapany /tali a clear eiurplial veer alt -- - MSALLE.— 200 acres suplitiof WILITI3 OAK ack Land, near Lock Itasca, Po. 4000 Semi • Tim eta laud, !Potter Co., ~Pa. P. W. Sauna, Lieoky , lol R Satyr.Pottsville, Pk. _ ROOT BEER,I rar evwiLies7i.":7,,,m3ge . .. Can bee .117 mad.. eboet 5 term pee Ones, with Av. carsaAcii k: Unal.lo &triage Root Beer Ex tnict. Agit for It at your stur. or send .25 CM' fors slat and directions 14400 North Third Street, "Iladetphla, Pa. AGENTS WASTED for the TRANSMISSION' OF LIFE. Corsairs.' ON silt Nstca Brontne or rah Mascrunrc rtiViltf. By Tlll. Ns',NETS, author of The lihysteal Life ior''• Woman." •It re lates to the owls see; la felling new [acts; deli cate bat outspoken; practicaand popular ; ly endonted ; Fells Sold by ettbacritOott anis. Exclusive territory: - Tenon liberat. Price C B3. Address fo cositents, piti J . O. irEttolltid, Publiebers,r Agents ! Read This W WILL PAY AGENTS & Haulm( OP KM PER WEEK. Amid Ex penses- l or IiiIDRII large onnotission to will our u9w. and wnderful lureatkaks. Address Al G'SER d °CO., Marshall, Mich. A MILLION DOLLARS. :Shrewd but quiet men can mote a fortune by re realtuz the secret to no one: Address C. E. W RLDON, 1,21013r00dr ay, Now York. 1,003 GIFTS. /ARANO GIFT CONVET and Meta k button for the txmetit of the Fondling Asylom of the Sisters of Charity In the City rd New York, and SOLDIERS' apd sellaltb' WWII&Ns' tioliE. Washington, D. C.. to be held. in Wavlaingturt„, D. C., under and by virtue of a permit from Hon. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, on Turesosy, Jets positively. After the Concert the Commtssionerr will award to the successful ticket-holder*. I,oo3offTs AmovrrrtNa T 0540,040, 52,000 Tic... only vrtll be sold, at SS 01141%. Ilon. U. 11114XcLuiveu, of Elkton, Mil- ,'PaiLtr (Aso T. CAsTLI.. lialdraore„ Commasittoters. lion. Jas. S. NEGLEY, 31. C., Pittsb Ta., Truptee References : Major-Gen. D. Bunter.. U. S. A. Washington. D. C. ; James S. Netc e C.. Pittsburgh. Pa.; First National Banit, ra town, Md.; Applernan & Bankers,llagcti OWIV: rp• - dc g reph .t Sous, Hagerstown; Hon. R. J . Brent; late Attorney General, Baltimore; r'ohn IL Fouri er, seq.; W. IL Myers!, of W. il. -Myers & Bro.. Ifachange Place, Baltimore. Deed* of the Beal Estate, ciartified to by coun sel. in hands Of the Trustee. Tickete and circulars can ife had of P. D 1 3111.11 N, Gehl Agent, Stationer and Printer. No. Et Namanftitreet, New Yo.lc. Tickets emit C. 0. 1)., if desired. Send for Circular, contain ing description of prizes. Ykketa for MIN fibit) by MIXT 19saraar, at their News Stands, Ptilladephis, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, bc., and on line of Penn. Hanna:di connection. WHIT. ALEX. CAILMIN. R. & A. CARSON, M 1014.1.010 and retail dealers In groceries and country produce, foretgrrand domestic tones and gins. Monongahela. rectified, rye whiskey, t he, No. fa Federal street, opposite P. Ft. W. dr C. IL. . A llegheny city ays-ii =II .1. It. & CO.. - Freedom Saw and Planing Nibs; Steamboat, flame and Flat bander.. Manufacturers and Dea ler., In ; Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sc. Steam bont reimiring. U7S-tf Hardware, &c .I_,L,S4TCON Foundry d, Repair Shop. Basin:: been Enuaged tut the Foundry Sating.. for MO! e than thirty 'cam—during which Lima) I have accumulated a variety of uschil patterns, be , aide.. cJoetructing toctdelg and taking out putout* for Improvements un' COOKING - STOVES —and after having thoroughly tested these Int. provernent,, I feel nUrranted in offering them to the public. PLOWS 9 The GREAT WESTERN !ho no Sn pertor for Ibis Locality,. STOVES' Stoves of Dltlerent styles fur Heating and Cooking The Great Renting, Cooking Stove the bust 15peon1 of any tove ever offered in thts market IT TARES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO IX) MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, MOST DURABLE ,If,TOGETHER TILE lIEST STOVE IN USE. In connection with the stove 1 have got Patent 1.1X'1"1.;NSIOIN TOY. which occupies little room, no additional fuel, and is 0.4 liable to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, can tre put on at taken ott Apy time, and made to snlit all stoves of sac '-ire ter patt , rn. ' I 7 1% l• I I 11114 h -ea Pereo:ouir Who have purchased %ad usod GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of %%140,4. names have been publish. 4 - 11 in the A Mitt, are confidently telerrol to, to hair N‘itiltss of us !superior merits as a cooking .F 1.% 11: vlnr tbret• I'o4 rime etelnes on band. of Shout fifteen horsu power ea pacity,.they arc ollered to the public at reasonable rate. . 1011 N 11101INILKY. aprattf. Vv NEAP OF Bk.:AVER COUN PV. ,t MALI/lan WYNN le _getting up • Map of 11/ Beaver County. Vi., to First-Class Style showing the location and connections of the orlz inalhurveys. of Depreciation, PopuLation, Reserv ed, College and Academy Lands, and Local War rants. Stria:wt., Raids. Townships. Schstedbonses, with many of the raddenta„coal-helds and mlnes with such other data as will help to - make said map desirable. The whole map, Including a map cf Beaver River Valley, will be about five feet square, canvassed and mounted. CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS! St NCO ER STOCK. , The undersigned takes plea.if re i , l in forming Lis friends and the, public gener al's that he has just rec•tived and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES FOIL Summer Wear. lie keeps the best ot workmen in lits employ, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up glinn6nts'lmtli FASHIONABLE& DURABLE. and in and. a wanner as '. will *ask. his customers. GENTLM'S FURNISHING GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND asa and see, us kfore leaving your Orders Elsewhere • WILLLINI REICH. Jr. nuly4;7o;ly Bridgewater, Pa -3: - THE OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING. HOUSE. H. W. 131:1FirlUDI dr. Co. Mend 24 Market Street, PITTSBURG;... PL. EiiablishpdialB44, by H. W. Buffuin. , ,_ 'lbis oldest and lament. sottling Bowie weal. Of Use mountable, has made extentive preparations' for supplying their Glenda - and the psiblle„wlth, their billiWated -- • ••t • • - 111iiteral Tecdera, Ales. Porter, &o.ote. Finst.be Spring Trade, at the following ;deo bareaPaPla..... . ...... ...... $ Tr% per dos. ILtueral Water -• ••• • alMs• ttaapberr: .77K ." Champagne .... . 37% " Porter Ale, await bottles, " Kennet " Winterton,... lairoPoN •• • • •• • Imported London Porter and bottle., ....... Imported Scotch Alen and bot tles., 3 00 Crab Cider,.. . . per gallon. Syrnps, ..... f. OD " Bottles 73 cents per poa. extra. Money refund' eti when returned. (foods delivered free, and freight paid to rail road stations and etelmboat landluge. fetrl2;ly CITY BOTTLING HOUSE, No. 39 Market Street, PITTSBTRGH, PA. q=2. Sarsaparilla, Mineral and Raspberry Soda Waters, Syrups and Cider, Smith's Kennett, Wainwrights, and all the bez,t brands oVA le and London Porter, select ed and bond batted for Medical and Fam. dy use. Gotxbi delivered free. I.uut3;llay A LLEGINENY BIEBEIVEUV: —Sprina It Water Alm; & GO., Brewers. Malt en and Bop dealers, No. NO Rebecca. attwt, Allegheny. Pa. TRO.9. BOOTA. R, A. YOUNG. 1117,held cash price paid far t Barley G. S. DAnktn.. F. A. B.intzn.. C. A. BAAL&Ica. G. IL HARKER * Co.. Ana Brighton. /V G. N. BAUKICIR At CO., Beaver Falls, It. 13 AN' If. It , Dealers in Exchange, Coin. Coupaes. 4c.. &c. Collections made on all amtrisiele points in the Ignited States and Canada. Atemmts at Meech. ants. Manufacturers, and Imdteldnals, salient* Interest allowed on time deposites. Correspon• deuce will receive prom-' - -mien. • [47410y 4 S. ' 14. oit-i, OF TIM DRCIIIIIIIIII 7T11; 1869 GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. JNO; P. BENTELI rs z t is bo log i : a nottiottiod i at i wil:= t.... ktviwo "l et ' Vtlllilll owtwomo doom imto_weet woo basso cl — OLIO 11, B , ABB, sod kr this t il rooms gay ,orootLithutoostw eon maze , IVlll•psinmottli. rv•asinnorSesjorgeasa .e. Two towisto row. l• swots I two 00204 CIO .4 tiouttl =mai SLOW ; metre bomb c o i illmot WESTERN Punusnmo Co. "i '''i .. If2m,Cactunrrs' Agents, Pitisburifi, , Pa. tjAt ti l i I.?lmilim i ma mte_ 4=2 : IaM . C. l 2 N r •=br il es th a Z ingitr Mon sow . sad Mato 4at•AT atteetatimah • siadl wit\ 15211J:1v 13-VNIC I N 4115; FICITJE3M. THOMAS Pd'CREERY & CO TINOI4. RINCIREEIII.IC, liudier. J. V. DIC.AVO . .. .J. B. ANCHEL. Interest paid on time denopita; Prompt attention given to collection*, Also, insurance Agents for good and reliable Companier [innylBll Reduced Prices! Speyerer & Sons Uave just Rettimed from the East WITH A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Lowest Cash Prices, AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR! Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rope, Ocum, Packing Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paints, White Lead, Oil, Puny, , queensw are, Wit ware.lion • Fee( I, Grain and Hamm, a varie ty of 1/rints,Aluslitis, Tickings,llelains,C becks, Alpaais,Jeans,l)i ninis, C rash and Hosiery ; also. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, :Molasses, Carbon 1 iii, 200 bb/A, qf the Celebrated Clanton City .1(1.4 arrived and for sale, Whnlcs►lc and Retail, At Pitt:.Abityg 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAR WHITE LIME; Land /Vaster, and Akron al-nerd; Loge Strx•k of White Lead and Paints. A very superior quality at Strutuz S Wet zel's tita►l►s; and a IoL of Carbon Oil Just Arrived and for sale, Wholesale and Retail. ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLA Concord Wiles. Of our own vintage, fur 'Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes, are highly Re commended by those who have used them. KNIFFEN 310 ER AND REAPER, And Pitt. Nat. Plow Co's. Plows Thanking the Public for their . past pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share in the tuture. All Goode Delivered Free of ,C7wrge. You can rely on an goods being Awl), as an our old goods were sold at auction. aprlltc 13.1ILMCJE11=LY CONFECTIONERY EgfABLIMENT. The rindend"eed having bought out- the Ba kery and Confeettonery establishment of .1. C. Rays. near the Post Mike, to Rochester. Pa., wou.d.zespectfully inform the public that be will seep the beat quality of lee-Cream, which be serves to every style ; also will supply them by the can at reasonable prices. Those in In want of them should give Mm an early call. .flue Confectionery department is well stocked: and parties, weddings, dtc.„ will sup_phed with everything needed on Short notice and in the best of style. Families G EORG Efu fresh bread as often aa desired. VIIIIDIERIM mayil:l3, . 19. s . •3 00 BM BOTTLERS OF 12e7 G El OUR' CELEBRATED • J. H. WeItNEM Bought at the And will se!) ROILW, Goods AND NEW CREEK FLOUR, -utitl They are also Agents for the SPEVERER & SONS, GEE z -1-;" GarPetSl o 4o/90$ &0:1 - AT LOWE,ST . Henry riVicCatitinf,' (Late McCallum -13ro.'e,} L 1 ,FIFIII AVENUE. . PITTSMJUOttr I have facilities tor•supplying RET &*L DEALEIIS Egua/ to any Eastern Jobbing Frou.se Henry I'vleCallum. aptltly. S. C. COYLE, PItACFTCAI. 1 - 4° ta alt at, al tit AND JEWELER, Da 7 hint Street, Beaver, (nearly bppctile Moore'e Drug Store ) Ail Orders prompt C y. ,attended to. American Nirateher, Clocks. Jevodery, 'Plated Spectacles, &c., always on hand, • 175; 1 7 , 4.&L & & & & & 3 3 ; BB 88. B. B fi II fi ft 11 4 222 2 2 2 I NA 4111t,11,11'1 2 2 2 1.1 2 2 It rf . If li 11 11 M 0 . 0 t 0 2 0 j J'u V Merchant Tailors & Clothiers, 8. & J.Snellenburg, .2fLE ANT Tel IL aks, BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON j~rpl4t,ix•t ; ui r2'.rchdlv CARPETS, -0 a :d., .0 11'4 4 I.> ,gi yz o r, , MATTINGS, WINDOW - SHADES, lilt r00t,.141. A IbII nuts w ell t.elet-ted , totl nt AT THE I, OW EMT PItI r E S • Se — A Liberal ileilialion ina.le to Milt 4ters and on Church Carpe BOVARD. ROSES CO.. ma —1 y 1 PITTOIIIIIOII, Pt ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. Rol— T. J. 6 11..1. CUAINIDLkIi bare pur r chased the exclusive '" - right of Dearer county to use Pr.Stnek's Patent " . by which they can put ; np Vulcanite as thin AL. . livid Plate, with a bean 'titsil enameled pollsb ht ..Chistic as to pelted!) , adapt itself to the mouth:. °hoisting all that .elutusy and bulky condition, so ninth complained Of heretofore: and . lessening their liability to break 100 percent. In deed, no one seeing it would Do willing to wear the old style plate any longer than they could com"en lently get them exchanged. Alt branches of Den tistry performed in the hest and most substantial manner. In tilling teeth with gold, etc-. we chal lenge comtelltlem from any quarter, and can term to ho ng subjects whose tilthtTa have stood be tween thirty and forty. 7rears. Among the number lion. John Allison writ exhibit fillings we Inser ted some aS 'yam ago; the teeth as perfect as the day they were Ailed. Laughing Gs* PlTParoti on a new plan freeing it from - all unpleaeantand data. gerona effects, making the extraction of teeth u source' of pleasure rat than of horror and pain. Prices aii - 104' a* any good dentist in the Str.te. Office at Seaver Station Rochester Pa. J wor&sfl' T. J. 3os-rAnra STIED twlis. LANE EROS. Sumo sous To IL WOLP . Jr. 4; Co., Cbrnelr of .Liberty and Sixth Streets, ( Late I•tt. Clair Street.) PITTSBURGH, PENN'A Iniportcrs and Dealer: in maalwvicvatatu 'CV D.I 1 41 Hare 'now in Stor4 the Largest and Best Selected Stock offered in the City. Eir Special inducements Offered to the country trade. aprs;titu EZi I=ll ME Li 44 AD-t-f art tt M •21 Fllllh AteDl3e. KED S;:codo-EoE's aCaae. ---- •••• ,7.77 - -; • • • 77 • '''l • S. J. Cross & ROCHESTOL, NAVE A:V4ll' . l/911.03ErST9QK OF General Nerchandiso„ PURCHASED PROit FIRST lIAND, r • And for rale at a annel advance on cost IN THIS -COLUMN, IVe propose 4i call the attention of le trade, ESTECIALLY TO hurt nvEssrrE livieit nF Building Hardware, HO USE- KEEEEII'AV HARD WARE, 'MECHANIC :.' TOOLS. VA..1131 - EICS: TOQLs•, NAILS, Window Glass, PAINTS, OILS, PT 'TTY, cto a. some of the loading articles of / Building 71araware, use : Batts of prery size- oast and irraughl; RI NI, 310101 SE AND PAD LO( In great variety of size and quality ; GATE ANDSTRAP HINGES GATE , AND DOOR LATCHES. Cupboard (;av_thes, Screws, Shutter }Tinges, )I,.4"and Shutter Fiats, 3 , • : SASH l'Ut,l.l.7,Yti,:,SASit SASH LO('K £NI' FASTENINGS flat ana Hooks liot.ka anti tiLeeples, Carriage Bails 'BASE K &C., eze MECHANICS' TOOLS: ' ARE:, ADZES, HAT( 'IIF,TS, HAMMERS, SAWS, STEEL tiI2UARES TRY SQL" ARIES, MITER :•;QUAR ES, BEVELS, CHISELS, A UHERS FILES, lIITTs, BRACES, PLANES scREW DRIVERs oitt;ANDIF I VW\-. 1' kLIFIt FRENrII \ I F 1 \PA MASON AND I'LAATELLS' ' • • ' Tilt A W LS, 1 RA %% IN NI Vt.:75, sp4 )KE SHAVES. NVItENCIIk:S, I I S CR FWS. ihmun Orrpeillers' I,fise..s )1 I. .I\U syTHE sTuNi:‹ SAND AND EMERY PAPER, \ll4l cry tft partincill Farmers" Tools: FIELD A ND 1; .ADEN Dol. Garden T hand led R andtlulr P"inted Si lIA AND MAN U 111-: P()RKS,' 11.1' ItAll.ll-3, unAss AND GRAIN SYTIIES, 4YTHE SN A THS. Rlh L SYADINU FORKS. PoTATO Ili )oliS 31Ary()('ES, DRAW AND RREAsT *'RAINS, "%Veil Chainc., Ifulter 'l. lid w hairs-. %V hips. 1,:t5111.4, Ltt• , HOUSEKEEPERS' HARDWARE It'Ar. and )4,14, rarrmg an•l 17"/ Mer CARVING SETTS Table and Teaspoon', Fir c Setts ; Coal Blicketß, (` tPcc}Gill FLOUR l MEAL. SELVES, LADLES, DIPPERS, &C., &C Painters' & Grainers' Goods : B. L. Faimestock & Co.'s PTTRF Witr - r-F1 IL I._; A. 13 ; PURCHASED BY THE TON AND soi,u. AT I , ITT:owI:4,D ,I'it.D.l.>4. T.e.ta told .11,11 e nel Prli la IA n ot I/ g.o• Toy.. anti in (1,!, I . 'l'M LINS 143 1.: 13 (-31.1. i., ( )Al, E'S Y El: firLTRPE WiTIN-M, k LroifOl„ Gum , sHILLAC, SASH TOOLS, PAiNT VARNISII BRUSHES P'fitty,i-"ntty lint yes, GLAZERS' TACKS Window Glass, In all sizes, Single and Double Strengt li rgr We are' giving much nttention to tbl, brunch c•f on r business; and, wllll4 in aitmlity,, uc alwaym handle the very !lest, we are confident that our prices and terms are ac fitrOntble aq can be given by nny relion•Aible hnuit We nrt• thankful for a ii,beral wail in- rea-si ng patrol and will spare Do pulttA In merit 011)11e farnr S. J. CRosP liocliEsTEß, May 31, 1471. May3.ly:chd my3l "`" -- ift - eitcineou4l. ===l ROMMILVINGS BANK. 40111111.1h - 14110111660* W.411..a RRRRR Ear. iminiyzatt a. a rrretten,Gee. r Sri/PA/EWEN,— & 4cDONALD, Deal , I, . 6 .1. bang*, Coln, Government Iles make Collection on all atteseible: the United States and Canada. b•cehrt , .. depottit subject to check. and r,ncelv.,, Its from owe dollar and aoscard. and allow. eat at. 3 per:reint. Bplants and ruits bee by applying at the bank. Bank open Mti from 9. 6: at.. till 4. p. and on saintday lugs from (Ito 8 o'clock_ Welet.r t,y to— L. it. OATILA3 ft Co.. nos; J s -".„. Azalea. them & Co., Ono .& toot. t S. J. Chars .t Co.. War_ KENNEDY SNIEVER & WWKS, - Jon N Ky sat , . B. S. H.A.Noan. It 11. Eo.,ta. A. C ISA 's. B. Wasn't. Itt Ph.whur., p s nuribibly..end Jets A NEW FIRM SHOE-STORE. Umstead&Wisner 'CUP CONSTANTLY i A hill lind complete , locli.- 4 -of sfyleg of BOOTS, SHOES & d4LTERs VrA SPEC! %Lry.—Fine tylig,ll;.„,l hr Gentlemen, and first via- , for Ladies, made to iirth•r New 'Brighton, near Sienton' , Coniel.„., cry. jeLuxtu- Black and Gold Front, 'GEORGE W. BIGGS, No. 19 SMITIIPIELD.fkT Four doors utro e xtli A FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, ECM OpHeal and' Raley (;(,i,tlx„i, PITTSII '1N:1/, P.l. FINE W "Vie II 111,EPAIRILy. Ple.:oo• cut. Lfiiu advertisement bring it with . you. • 30 Singer Sewing !Lachine. HINKp KNITTING MACHINES, The diced pecfect and sMiple madame the aJz, , ever invented; both of the above popular machines have lately improved until they stand without a r. , Price of the SINGER rAMILY SEWro, m A CHINE from $66.00 upwards. Pete OIIIINELEY S KNITTERS Pu, Circulars and Samples umtlid free t.lou. sirnAw a MORTON., No. bt Sixth Street. Pitt.tiurrL, Agents wanted tor the Rlnkt y Machin,. where. and lei the Mincer in Wefoen, nla Eastern Onto and Weser . w lk. r, none already eptablished. nor?L•lr . y NEW STORE, 11 EW rOiiDIJ _A_ T J. M. McCREERY L CO'S Qr.\ Ir,Dlcii }'l. }. - .h; \1'1(1'1'1: is i;l 110"1-:!- FANCY A: rt, KED N. 111) A -I r t;l!'i.l) '101;1.1 ,t 1;1-11 , 4'1 111" ()III:ANDIE -.WI CA MU( I)ITAIVI. Tlll . l IEI -11.1 P.l 111ZIL1.IANTS.- CHINESE: I;RASS LINEN. FANCY COLEILED Eult 1 )1.0 Hamburg- E(byinas and Im•erti,,,, Swiss Edgings anti Insertion', Marsailles Trimmings, Cotton Trimmings. White Gimp and 1' K Corded Sattin "Linnet Ribbons, sa,h Ribbons, Gros Grained Ribbon-, Box (2nilling, Straw Trimmings 11. t i, and Bonnet , . Bora' Flab; LADIES" 1741)ER -(1 TI3IF.NTS AN! 1.1: UN 1,';11 i (MODS G f7I?4V.LS H I G ( ( /1' - NOTIONS. PAILAsOLS & LINEN UMBRELLA - FANS, FANS, FANS, FAN.- CHILDREN'S WHITE LINEN sl IT Childrot'. Billf. suii„ M1•04.s Fancy _Aprons, Stinuner Skirt-, White „Ilorcen Carpctb and (hi Kum and Matting," Stair, Oil Cloth, Stair Padp, at J. M. MeCRVERY & Co's j‘.l4(i- ht,, BE' YERS, LOOK . BERE It may t, t be a matter 01 sperm) ti wrest I.) the people of Beaver eouni what is transpiring between William, Napoleon! 111, Bismark Troche in Europe, hut it is a mattor ellects ilium materially to know they can buy tin.. LES' I , : I t cti CO At their old stand in Avt•r. fit their rt4tmnery evervtlw, c:ell,• , 1 I r In I in•ir lutc "Hwy ii w ;i full :Lisurtnient (:;IZ()C_I",1 - ZIEs F11)117* , Fr' ['r VePeS, TPt sr Tu1): cc, a lid Cigar'- Alut all "thcr artivies usually pd. It) a First Class , (;RC( ) ERN' K" re) i? 1.: Prom their long and intimate a,p, ,, ,1 nnee with the Grocery, Flour and business, and their. disposition t,, satistah!nion IA) those who may NI W i%// t heir patronage, they hope tore, us in the past, to obtain share of the pnblie patnmage Giveusa(':tll null see if we do not make it terest to cull ritrAlti. ja 1125. S. S.NITGEIt s ( GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, RIFLES ; Double and Single Darr,' Shot-Gusts ; ';" Goode, Rule Barsele, Locke, MounUn.''• tecialn. Send for a }Rico Ller Addree• \ STUN. Croat Weetern (_,tin Work- etrect , Pit toburgh. Ps, ti tt Army I 'arbirtea. TM, .t. 04 I? , bons , h t or traded (or STAIR BUILDING 0 011 = a'Aurnina Ito 1), WILLIAM PEOPLES , Allegheny City. 1,3".. Is pretuirell 'do lauds of W. Turning, Scroll -Saw] n 7 and S7l - 4 , 11 M".. ,, ding. Newell's Balusters and Hand 1;:i' - Wrril ALL JOINTS, liE.llll TI I HANG.-furnisbed on sh. , rt Orders by mall promptly.attendrd rn left with Gowser Co., 69, 4th AN. Pa.. and at the corner of WeaNler 1 ,, tr , c 1 limber.) A11.4v Dr. J. :Our cowl lintL • • 1.• , frt• • , ttu 1::; 1 lurk tesprr 1"1 * Xrs pitt , l•• uf , l , tor-t manufactured 111 the nailed Stlleli. fifth! Yee filling performed In a style that defies r,.ulp , orlon. batlantetion guaranteed In all opera e"m" ° r the money returned. Give him A trial. febtly fil BUFF 1.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers