I LEM -ADVE T i •• • - AdVOrt*Weatalite._MOW NU_ or $l,OO per square Inr.ursiumerunn e ana fur each subsequent insertton'l3o emus: A liberal dlsoonnt made ow yearly 46; %el-flameouts. ' • - • . 4 , a pses equal 0 ten Ilifeiof Uda type measures a square. • . • . 'Ruthless Notices set under a head by themselves inunedlately ,altet the local ! lowa, will be „charged ten cents a Una Mr each insertion. Advertisements should be banded in before Monday noon telnante Insertion in that ,week's • .r. . Business Directory. nitionins. TAMES CAMERON, Attorney it tow. Office rl to the Radical belldhlr, Barer, Pa. All nnainest nntwarted to Ms care will receive prompt mud r. Burnam. , [a.V7l:ll I.: C. IItIYLIS, maul Winclum — irer and Jew -1,,), tier, on Ttirg•ti.-ei. !Myer, Pc; (WI) l , oeltelporrenbrug Store. sErrlfij Y - 1". KOHN: Attona y Ogee east sad of Third onset. Boyer. Pa- warserktt, 1 It. J. ef. lecererr. LID • Claffltelln .L , sprolnl Wen ciao paid to or:annealed LPL D..cdpcs. lioadwace and °Moe on Thud Mash • fow dom. em I Mine c..urt.flumee. aparrlay II WIN MOOR& IVO and dealer In *lds, oils, pure mealcal nes •nd'LlitOn, GLIM. ware, Laulpi•and 'Faucy Good._ I,lld it. Pie rcrl llou• carefully compounded. seplphAy T r uy Matioticturst and .Dester / Biwa*, Shun and UaltersObthiit s Ilig-Wile DRUG trrt)Rl76, Hugo Andrlespea, Drugglps apotaccary, Pmerfyy ion carefully compounded: ,•. • (NoPitlY W 11• SargatllitiTt i grArr'SM card Inanotticr column. sepial7. BB.CoM n B. 11.. pealarla '1 S'hlarm nI; Third •t , Bayer AMES aIISIALE. Orem., & llcautataSt Molest T. hest Coffees. Totegeo slog Cigars, -Coo. fretiosery and Vegetables. Male et. asp4g.ly , yy ft. ANS~IIITZZeaIcr in' ?inanity, Mores. i• tastes, gte- Weat euttad at. . . aspl&ly FriW:lsh 1 - 75171 - Locirtulte agent. bearer, P.. 1 • Call and get your ro insured. oeffP.l7 PITTSIFIVIIIIII. 1 • 310MGANSTERN.Dealer lir Boots &Shoes, el No 86 Market tit:Plttaburgh, Pa. taepl44ll ItoFT heal Estate Agents, op. puslte Pod Office. Publishers of the •`Bat No lteApter. ' sent free. - Pittsburgh. isepttly • Os., ''bolesale Drak. Pitsabaegb. sieDl437 LIEN ERBO t) . Otto, 1166 Melly 81 I 1) RAMALIVIII XT PARLOR. el it) tune, (oar Market St.):Pittsburatt. 1 Q. A. cLA NEE &CO., Bookseller' and Bretton. 1.73. en. DA Wood Sr.. PllttbanrthrPa.L Inepltly - 1 - 1/.IUILNE & CU. 77 &79 Market St.. rt Paniburgll—lmporiess and demlere Ln.Nottont. Trimmings, lloalery. White Goode, &C. teptiay _ 1 - 1 NYDER & BROTHERS . French and.,Antert. .11. - can Confectioners Denials la nets, Malt. 119.151 Wood St. Pittsburgh. - (5ep14417 Dealer choice Vets. Coffee.. & Faintly Grocaini. No 20 FlnhArenne. Pitt. inn:ln Pa.ieptkly • - WIN 11100 MCP ON. Dealen in the Now el y Weed Fatally Sewing blachinet. SIG Mama Street. Pltlrburgh. Pa. seplday 151.51.114144.x.:1f, co.,..Denlere In Car. p 011 Cloths. de. Wpeelal rata to Clergy. Fu ki Avenue. Pittobsres. Pa. tsepl4;l7 1 ,. P. Sireceiror to ILitre. Dealer to Watches. Clocks..licaelry d Giber ware. Yid I.; Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh. teeptily vir A. LYUNB,lIuose and Sign Muter; writes 1I • to order Show Cattle be eon brodnesa.- No. 7 Fifth Avenue, Plltetrurgh, Pa. - fetoptkly T: - FlrfirON 11 . - unufactoror of an I( NM - derht T • Furniture and Chatret-noeewood. Walnut, Mabottany and Oak. 45 Sellthdeld it. : oets;ty ALt.siausswcalir;• (Pi ANS.F.lec't Heal physletali• Chron lez dricases made a specialty. • (nice. 1 . 87 Wash I , ctnn avehae. Allecheo City. Ile. so .lily `NEW BRIGHTON• DW . ; TON RESTAURANT and Sanwa 8/. 1) Loom: meadel /tall boors; table/applied with thc di:lle/eh. of the sesamm. Price/ low. Wl3l. shm , thi/d. eor. of Paol nod Broadway my 94•11-1/ 1 111unwlEcT MOUNT NbItHERIBIS., Ever. 0.r.0 and small Fruits. nu.s miles ast of New Brighton. (await) 11.7110 MAS. n . 10 - (4.—BILLICANDThIt. Drug& 11d Apothetnie*, cur. Broadway and Is on. New Brighton, Pa. (Soceetaors to 48. No. / EO. F, EM ON. Bakery Caufatiouery, 1, 7 E. R. rd met. Special twenties gives co wed eln:. and Mlle. (1.P14; s. ELLEN R • ttfi, Me • nt 1011..- 0 Ilr.dany. New Brlgbton. Bee *di Pyle:ly ttl WIIISLER Dentist. Brnedn ay. New tir;glllon. • [sepl4;ly T 1 NOSS, Photographer.. Milton's Block. 11. Ilroadway. Iliad photographs from re•toorb ...l'negative?. tsepiltl3: W INTER dr BEDISON. Jewelers and Tot:wi ll tronktd, Broadway, N. Brlabloo. Isepl4;l7 .1. BO RATER. Groceries. Queensware and Boutiehold Goods. Broadway. isrpitly I VAN Ia Wall Paper, AVludow I'4 Winds, Books.Statlonetry & Notions; Broad. way. New it ghlon. PA. [seElLly R STEINFELD.DeaIen In Dry Goodp, CI Fancy Good• & Nottorm; Merchant Tailors& clnihlern. Broathvni. , neatly BEAVEU FALLS. • - t i M l f L t Man r rti crgt ierin W. Itt it t paid to manuf.ctory of tlnoCalf Boots f lotestsfylp. norterOm • I IVlli!;,V'e•VV.7llT,AlaN4.D.`'ltrnlnSit.Tavvedr FAN. ol!pltly 4tul: KiNfi.-Dry Good., (Lneemelcarc and nary. corner of Main and Bair streets. ricacer Falb, ' irepltly EN 11.1I.T.ifAN:;:ifY, Artists &Priam° eatnt -11 art: alto, House and Sign Painters, Main St., lt•tver Feat. septtly • ,t FLIIIIING. Dealer In Boole and Shoes of eery di...Motion. at low pritee. and t a so let,. quality. Main St. Deaver Palls. Pa. PupB:ly BRIDGEWATER. ItGE Bono. and Pin Pain• 17 it•r. Bridge M.. Brldgnynner, Pa. aprl2ll:ly BREHM •Drldge etreot, Bridgewater., Pa. ;I. Dealer In Gold sod Sliver Watches, Clocks, achy sod Silver VVaro,hpecescice,ac. Watch -, t%d•kr and Jewelry repaired. tfebls-11;17 _IIANIEL BILLER , Bean Sortable Tailor. one I r bin ex ertuneed workmen employed. Shop .., Bridgewater, l'a. febSll:l7. I'A NIES PORTER, Ttnner7B - ealer . 'Dn. Cop• rI p, anti Sheo•tron ware, and Iron Bildern Ploup. Bridge Pt. Bridgewater. (aepitly BLAII•NBit, Manutiiturer an - d'' 7 Dealer In 1.• limos and Shoea. Bridge St., Bridgewater, Pt Sept4:l3, 11 t7111:11.51% thy Good*. Bata. OiiieT, Fora. • Corpets. Gil etintia and Trimmings. Bridge Brldeewater, Pa. aepl4;ly II DOIIERTI. Dealer In Boom and Shoes. r/ • Bridge Street. Bridgevrater: aaplaily 1 41 A N Millinery, Trlmmluga a Notions • -Bridge rt.. Bridgewater. repl.l:lp r.NVEINMAN, MannfaCture of Boots and 1.• aline,. Bridge M.. Bridgeirater._Ssepl4; ly 1111 -, BRUIEN. lientienTOlTiing.cleansed :it and presae I. Water St. above Bridge. (epliCly I WIN WOODRUFF:.Marinnentter ; Monte ./! rem* Tombstones of all descriptions made onler. In. Market and Water streets. I sent lily rlTs . rilas ir r Win • atm Ma.. Floor. Fwd . & Country Produce. D. 1. 1 , I' corner. Bridge Stntrldgewater (rpdt;ly I I IIiAM MEANOR, Dealer In Monongahela 1. teal. Orders left at J B. (lurk**, in "teaser, nod at Smith's Drug Store. In Bridgewater. trill be nr,otoly tend ed /at to, each or, delivery—Lowest Vara ciotinar aelat.tly = . s S ewli .. re rr a ct!in; a e l l New York and It. It. Sir Itoche•rer. tfele22,l) Dunsinlth. N,4work, of C) the heat material, made 'a order. ,111 work warranted. Repairing neatly done. Prices Low. Aaron tit.. liothester. Pa jaulti:ly ILL ri311 , 111 & CO., Fancy Dry tioode, No t Itone and Millinery. Madhatu at., near Ilia. rr,,ont. Rocaerter, Pa. ) F.SItY LAPP, Manufacturer and Dealer tin. 11 Furniture of all kl Ida. Brighton at:, Mince Po, Factory. See adv't. t"epttly UIIN K UtellltlClliiker and Confectioner. Il %Valli . Al., Rochester, Pa. Dwpll;ly I NiatAlIAM BOYD. Wagon feirriago Maker, I, lioche•ler, tu r eplEq c. BANNER, Druggiet. non. carefully compounded. Watepet., (eapttly Y It E ienierTitioiliefail er• in Dr) Gooda,Groieries,Floor,Feed.Ortin; 1t,..n •tores.lron& Nails. Cur. Water & James sta. FIiEDERICII, Baker and Confectioner.— VI • Weddlnt: Cake. and Ice Cream furni-hod i , n , mpity. On Diamond. Rochester. (senl4;ly I,' , It SALE by A. SlLVlODAAN,lllendquartTii ,”rl , °reign Dom Dry Mod, s 4 0 0", I , nimingp and Fancy Goods gehendlynratee Rochester. Pa. \1 STILITK It Contractors and thOldc . re. l• M. onfacturers of Snob. Doors, Shatters An. humbe., Laub At. Rochester. Jaeplll;ly orr, DOYLE A LLIASS, Soccrnmore to C. Leklnsa Co.. Dealers In Sawed and Planed Lath &Shingle., Irtochret,:rL,:yrtdilr. Lir.F.ItYITA COAL kit 0, 1 bon con R. IL station and tint° river. ael9;ly 111MPPifilAiCidittufseturer of and dia . n, Tln.l'opper and nbeet Iron Ware. Roodng, l.t.‘atlnc. de.. attended to. Yr York at, tXtIRI.Y &,CLA RR, proprletarsol Johnston Good Accommodations and good eta. Nenr R. R. Depot. cella:ly I - I. - Iffaßit. desire fn Boots, Shoes.Bilfirs, ar. Repairing dune neatly and promptly. the Diamond, Rochester, Pa. octlS.ty WALTER .n BRO7'llBit, Manufacturer. of • ' Wagons. coaches. Bo Ito. Spring-wagons. glacgssughtsg and kerseshoeing • De to the•ta•st manner: Rochester. Pa. nol&y Cum LiVaurcootWo TAKE -SHEN it EL.—A general assortment of Queen/ware, titoureare. Canted Cor. 811 & Breath% ay: ntsIM!Y SOMA ir - illtildP4ol•4 d co—Dealers in Pry. coot!, - Clothing. Bort, Shoee. lion & Cans. 4 1.•••••• Queonse•nre. Gk....vire. &C. 1.11..111nmy t Cook oto. E: Liverpool. (tnrfkly HILL d. Druggist, Ilsoadway.nem • , 1• IL I'reevelptiona carefully an. accurately ^myuundwL• ' feblav : , 113kCE L LNN EOCS; 1 01!,liS 17 1 1 , 0 e ltN , ILE , 711 utaetarer ot the Great n ta kb g Y Sto ' v n e. and Patentee itt' s roe I.3 b ll 4 r Ztenoloo top and centre. Pallaton, wi r .. r... cI:BLHT th'isbElTL, Stonewa re. ono 11 lmlisro promptiv a ttend i ed to . Id Va . nr ie rt p . i4 P ; a ly . Piiot nalce cidres*-11<aver,..a. ITIA\BU PerritillelitiY loc. ted liitlke p viling uz of Zi•lierinile. 1`.., thr the purport o f _rlir em t.. n M' 4l, ne. I tenrctfully tender_ my ai v ici nity . I `rr , ire. to the cltleen• oreald viliage..l ,ee . "[lk e , In rerldence. oppoalte Eagle lintel, I i.licl Cast,. be found. un i l s : P , iipir,kit. All call,. will rk:e . ' lmmediate and --, Primp, attention. A. V. CUNNINGUAM,X. D. reptthlyi ....._. J. AN essatior, her irdi Wien bold wll.be old Foundry NNW, la litoehester. of m a tfriend. wbo meet Me old enotora rad e.!rant elther. the BENT COON. , c o . , ,l e nz i of ife t eette t eritiisiolvee4 wor\maneblp, emir other kind of manshlp. The hurler.% w 11l be (volumed by i e ktfl d. J. ANDERsoN ammo. . , -_,.-.. a., •- ', , :,,,, ,-,-,,,,...'• ' . -.',-- •1.: -7, 7 )4 11 47 4111•1 0 2Y04:- , : '' - rA - - ''''?: 77 : ; '..."'M .. :-)53 ' = • • • •7,..,..•,.. - 11• • •. - ', - ;1" • I' - ' --, -...., „• i . . . • :`,- - ' 4 .f' t s{"..` ," ,-, ••`...1.- :.• -'. , i1,-+• , ,• ' - -)- 4 -er•-•.„ - •Frr .1?0-• • , • • .6• ;, . , ". ,' :`.;.:" 4'.::'?:?s,??2friT `''''''''' _, :.:***,, ~ ..„... 4X., l _girt;H: I': *. :l. . "...;,::,,,,... '' . •, , :ki t 7;i2 . . 5 1 . , ..r.V.'f . ...7 . , ' .:.:4:1!•:..f. - r • - •ii":•. - ;. ,. :.,.,,, , „4;. ,: :#•'..- . 'l ' ..,,. ''''''' . • . ' sf • .. .1 — ••• tr • - • - 1 , = • ,•••Il" -41 .,.. - -;:f ~ . ' .• • --_, ...?",',ll. , , • '•r, l k *'' --- .3 " ," ; is , -..- .- '' #. ''' . o :.* - • . •'''''''''''. v' '• -- .. , . • .. 7 ,',l -- • • ••' - ., ,- .•.7.!:. 1 •. , . . r ) ;akfi ti'' '..-., ~;,T., ~ •.,'•: - ---..•-, • • , , , 4 -' - lir' : I', •-•-'7;g•••-'•...-,-•.-.1'7..-:-. .:. , ' '' •.•:•!,1,, , ...5t . .. „ ....-• n:` , ts? - #:; - .1.•,. - - 'l',‘,,V - ;''' ' - 1•5 * , • -;, +' ' ' ' , • •' 7 4.;' •• '' - 1 1 • ' ;' .•t 7•2' - . • • ' .t.' ' a . • • - - - ..' 7 'N • -'• ' - -:- . ' 1: ''!".:7' - ',- , 1 ~ • ..- T,,..• -- - - ,,. ....1.-- . -'7• - ' ,. .t.,-0.k•i,„ ) , , ;(-) • • 'r .-- 1 -...---:-.- -,- -. . . . ..,- z ._. ay,44------i- -.77--r----. y :. ,- , *-. - ,-e.,..t.., Einmgimwmpkv.p.., , .„x.......... , ..,........ , .........„=6____,..------r----.„_.... '--4.-.'F' . --"..- 4 - "? .- ' ,. .. ' : ' ''g' ' -•'•='- 7...; ' -.."'..*'. ° V.7.- 1 ... -'' . - .' .:. ‘i`-r- -- - .ft..' - - ---' f.,, . ' . r.i 8 -t:T. .rd 141,..•, ...„ ~ 9 7... , ;,-.,. ~., 1 717..• - ;:f 'it; _ ...,7 .......; ~, , ,, , c .i. ii -7. ~ 01 tr 7 - - ; ; ~ -. '- r •cS ' •'. • Aid Asiosbal lo 4l oll Thirdaira l l i kaillw . _ , . . „ , --,----- , ...--- • - i; a it .-ti •••., ).r , ' I:. .11 . . • '. ~ , ' '..]r t-. ~.-:;"1 - • :''•• - I. , i : ':- ~ „ -.-- .., .., , , : sir. Ps4astplipfs . yams's eihsibell. ' :, • ":. -- *1 " . .r: -, .:. : 1 ...-vg, .: r• ; . - • i -,',::. ....r:- , ' 2 , • , - "-- .., 2: - ...: •'-•,'. '•, , • 1 ; , I ' , ... ' ' Oommiurcsitoss ou subjects cif bed \, r: - :,•, , -'' " ' ;-.. ; •,"' f .. .... ,) z-;- . •,' ~' ~ 2.,, -^ ' . srgaustalfatersit Ste soaped:MS, se- , • , 1 . • , ' Ucitsd. !ra l Waage ationtion aiTeri at ••-i --- - -:-: :' i'vr a .', '.• , :.: . ' ~ ' 2...:... ~ .11...>, . k..r:1 5 Y.- -,' ' *--• • “-• , ....' .. t, ' -••• ' 1 1 — this kleinlaut lartiiishly bit sesomps• - liksi_tyy thensw- ---- - ---- __ „-, ~ , -.., 1 -:_•: - , • -.. _L_ 4 wi. ~ ..4.40: • , q; .: .; :i.m..3-__.. • :_ -• .. .. lift .0 , • ' -,-. "" -- ' 911: 7 . -j b _ . .~> VOL4__• MtaeeilaneouB: • I bifiGoi*Cifpetste- I,• , , W4Otiti: l BTOOlirarO../A6EIVED. ;$2130111114 Ulna pi. 141 1 Otto . Tr o i l laßDQMi " „ They, (41 t •cA - 17 '. , ;,.•::ANDS' 4 .• 7 :***44onii best LUir4; • , pet, Atanufact " i entry, *4-,* ain in taupp gr* .t., to • . Comae ripi~ - ~trjt ifi LINE or bay superior wide No. 1 Brown heavy. at 1.1% curi k lill Other, goods satonlingngly low Don't *44 to give us a W 1,138 tel Street. . - N. B. Mr. IL & °Livia; aliasimth, for merly of Beaver county, wOutil toe plaid to see his many Mends. - [spr&Bot nay 19417 an UM *WM DAISRAGBIL, Ilharoit, ver county, Pc. Posraaand Fawn& Is prepared to.do a nseek In her line at • ressottsbl• rates and on short notice: Ike pet— rousse of the nubile to respectrolly mitiatl7l3l. JOHN V. JeDOKALD W. Z. 010.1`. rrrrr awn, 0.2. ornriara,csall`r. SPEVERER .& AgolOON&TOD BANICERK • Water Se.,Soohester, Pr Interest PH on Time Dept:nits. Ooglo• tit.= promptlyronded to. • •.. , • .• .Gowninent Cbsq:)ons Iknyiht on - Amoral. .7Erms. awnwpondenes [novl6;ll4 Fifth AF• implitly Inistaist Belief For The . 2Liitl23:XUSt. . _ . nimbi. been allUcted with that terrible ,coar• platst—completely cmlMtag me tor, busbies* for weeks at a ilms-or Ike is twelve years, sod at Wt fond a remedy that glees Instant and: anivAe Belicf, - hare concluded to hare It prepared for We. to that others ehallarly Aimed mu motive the ben akar it, matuin them that 12 will do all, and more titan all prcini • isedlor if; and, that penes elite %edam will never be with. out it, As numerous olhirs who hare used it Can be 'had at the can Deng tel Tue , of WILUAII IL SMICIMENti, Itbeheater,' FL. or 'dabs seal by men to any addressee mem of. one deltas% eau ten cents to fsenitstage. CHAS. 8: UUIIST • - souvaa 7 3 itoslissteo3anse aiscar. rs. L Minn. Britgge Street, ' BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WENYLT RECEIVING A. PRItIiII SUPPLY OF (MODS IN sAcn OF 7'HE'POLLOWINO 13 It C. 4 Steubenville Jeans, • ' • Cassimeres and Sattlnets, White Woollen blankets, .Whip' and Colored and Barred Plannels,l 4 Merin , " . • Detainer., • -. • • Ginghams, Cobets, • Idwns, Water Proofs, • Chinchilla. Cieths. Woollen Shawls Brown and Black Muslim, Tickings, Prints, . Canton . . Flannels, • • Jneonetit, • •-• • . Table.Linen', Irish Mem, • Crash, '• Connterpines. - N . • , Hosiery, - . • .• . • ' HloveS • otMtta - Groderiet4,—.l Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Mobseseg, Mate SlisesDrlpt, Golden and Common Sarum Mackerel In bar nip and kits, Star and Tallow Candles, Soap, Spice, and Mince Meat. 'Alec, SALT.• Hardware, Nails, .Glass, Door Locks. Door Utak,. Binges, Screws, Table Cutlery, 'labia alO Tea Spoons, Sleigh Bells, Coal Roses, Flre Shovels and Pokers. Nall. and Glass. Spades, Shovels, 2, 8. and 4 1 Ine Forks, Rakes, Scythes and Snatba. Corn and Garden Hoes. WOODENWARE. Buckets, Total ~ Omens. Mater Prints and Ladles CARBON OIL, ( Linseed Oil & White Lead. • Boots and • Shoes LADIES' MISSES' ADD CIIILDRENS' IDIOM In great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Puss. Flour Vaud alk Queeturvrare. /ill heavy goods delivered free ofeharge. By Maw attention to burliness, and by keeping constantly on baud a well swotted stock of goods of all the different kinds usually kept In • eonntry store, the undersigned hopes to the future as in the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the piddle patronage. I!!!113!=1111:1EZU:il - 31. MILLER,& co. Contractors and Builders; PLANING MILE A.Np WnlinVizZa&ASZ). riciors. Slash . . 1 AND SHINGLES Constantly on hands, and made to order. Itochoster, Orders Uyinnll will receive praropt at tention: f 3farB;'7l—ly ADEINiSTRATORM NOTICE. —Tbe undersigned, basing beam appointed admin istrator of the estate of William Campbell, late of Brighton townonlp. deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebtedto said estate to make lot mediate payment. and those basing claims against the same. null present them without delay foe set tlement. WILBER 'itIDD, Administrator. ' ' Industry, Beater Co., I's. NIEYIIAN & SIEDLE, Successors to ' _ • HEINEMAN, MEYHAN S SIEDLE, N 0.42; Filth Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa. GOLD AND SILVERSMITH!, • And tlettler4 in FINE .JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND sa,yER PLATED WARE. Agency for all the-best makes of A.3I.I3ILICAN WA rcuEEs. SETH THOMAS CLOCKS. Special attention paid to tbo repairing and adjusting of • FINE WATCHES. octs.'":ll-Iy. Brighton Paper Mills BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PAINTING. MANIVILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, neurdware, Glass, Straw. RAO AND CARPET .416. 3P' 3EII 'EL 03 , AcArruk-A.crrunEr! AND SOLD AT tLLLtI 1111ABINES, drier n Boleti Oboes, thatonW.do., best door to Pedalo. Tie; shop. Wert, Ihridgmotter, Pa.; where Ite o rasnaisentre End mit everything to Ede Une at reasonable mum am bit removed Ma gime or bottom floes tho corn-' - or nom the Bridge hie propentioottioo, le in-' Atm hie old kimono and piteous to giro .Itini • ealL foram talme;Lienehooge. [eopliklett 100101113.. ' Wllliplinsale 14itaillly Frazier; Ketner & SI Third Awning,. PITT43I36RCIiC ~.,:. 11011 ~iw.neass: errre.azwamis a ainar4 011-ml altar Dal% Oh now win w=g as adirws.,-, . lovas A& gr a r t iMa P. X, kilirma auks.) • • amain aours;rair. lubs.L . t;•••• . . .edidadts„ "i4. -... '••• =""e• =I Ching°. pa s o w ittb.. Columbia. ran Wayne Vat Wen. Lima— Gomm. oer bao4olo Wooster ' ...... LEM Tantegstrant..Seir Mee and life' dampen limas Taangerarra at NM p..rm New Culla A9o pa% tithes al FiCilnupp, p. m. Murata& leaves ntstetrtds tOO a. , is: err. it. New Castle, lk m. Tau=s; I=l4l pl i 4 in,,io Aa on kerns Irdlsmitown m e m, Haw Caette,l:lo a. m; antral at A , Idle a. et. Returning, Imam Malmo* was; Sr. ril" NIA 0111101.44 Onsiral ilosatagar sod ItO Apia • • CLEVSPaiII d 1171881710311 =IMO — ati. On and after Ito mo. teats will lane tal .ram daily reaMaseeprepad) El=l"=lU=! Cleveland— lior..lld Street. • ....,..... 1 ' fa .. All*ate • 0130 rx • hlon wa tine — if its • GOIXO NORTII I:=MIUMLI32 Be ard Alliance llama Hudson. Bntld gitreet Cleveland • gars, mum. - IMATIC011.• 'Amon Rms.. Xxs's AMOS Metier 1 1114340 .... 101rst 4101 us • 1 i tWa5...,.... . 322 • 533; We .... 14 . I 156111 41° . Smithy Tart . - ..... 3005 r.. ....k ..4 I. ROCISOM;. '' ' vis vs 540 Pittsburgh itait 420 1145 • 901110 WWI% STATIOX/.' I MAM. ii:Llel. Amur Loccur Pittstuirgb ' INaar 310sx 495rst Rot tester 733 410 337 Bonus • liltoitleit Furry ' .... . -- - - Welisslll4. es 530 700 , , L F . 141014041114 143 1120 Bri u rart... ..... 1103 , 713. 1 815 . I Be 4115 713 . 1 830 .TUBOARAW ; - Leaves N. Philadelhia, 640 a. m.. 1 illayard • . P. R. Al XMAS. Gen iHicellaneous. r_ to x Adt Linea of Bonnet and Ponsim's Black Silks• Good Medium Black French Silks, from $1 to $2 per yard,' Cheney Bro.'s American Black Silk, S 2 per yard. Fancy Dress Silks In Stripes, Checks and Plain Colors—a complete assortment. Japanese Silks, all qualities. Irish and French "Poplins, Nohni r Los tree 'Wool Delalnes. Spring Empress Cloths. Black Grenadines and Ilernani. All New Designs in Spring Dress Goods. New Spring Shawls. Silk Sacques and Basques. . Ladies . ..Suits] Ilsiidtingham and Tanthoured Lace Cur tains, Chintzes,l.Prints and Ginghams. 1 12111:13:32 Domestic and Hoisekeeoin Goods. James Caldwell. 118 and .12d Federal Street, Allegheny aprs;3oal J. MOORE DR UGGIST, .Prrecriptions Car<fully and Accurate . ly Cbmpounded. 1 TEM BEST.BRANDB OF ASSORTED M (11'0 1 3::L. 3L. WINES AND LIQUORS; Paints, Oiler. DYE STUFFS: MIRE TES OF ALL COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY; Special attention deco to seeeie the bes quallt7 of Lamm sod Lamp TriomfMO Lime Ma Le- ; TOILET AATICLEts, SOAPS, _,II3ItUSIII.ES PATtNT MEDICINES, Main Street paves Pa J. H. Droc-nlismiur. ATTORNEY AT LAW Third Stree4. Bearer, Pa. Woe below the Court House, Hearer, Pe. lead :ffd{li~oai ; 1 sa . . 005 NO: a • I ,i sea ;5110 ilk 11 P 6 rif Iwo EMI El a E2:l MM MO Ei 900 ax 11102tre CM L=l CZ= ~I El ! . vp . h,. 138dal a Eil, i Accoal 8100/ 11116rit s!_t i Marx, , l'oio i 100 535 1 3f/2 00 00 , I \ ~' 1101dua 003nt 1026 Huss 715 ':l9Cirx Mau Bib 835 • BR w ANCIL • /knives I !led, IMA Ls. N. MadepttaAtepai era! 'Ticket Arca, atebrakd WITH IA PULL LINE OF CED A Large Assintment of 11:2103 Medietneil. REMINDER. • TO Debilitated Terlifinic T7ooD Mtks, To 13 rmlkt4niAver voinglint, . To thwie WWI OA= To those witit , .C9ll- dilutions, To Nervous _People, To Children Westingerty, To stip with pddlits ftedive e Or limptons 84iering with Wtoate ow, qf the l i sordered ollowinp mehipli Law or =men, states • • nosh blunt ' Mee, Panacea • ea Blood, to , Use : =WM, of the Itaissajlett-r •- thwFwat"l/- nen c l4n =t in the Staunch. Soar kroctatkrofsklatg or Mt itelpitsdt grim terthgattheite!l 77 teersehZirk... role of the Hut flurried sad Dtfitralt , - ltulyrat the been, Clink the or Flo liimilithme whoa to 'brag Poem, Dimmer of Vlslos,_Dots or. Webs b Ibre the t, Perm end Dull Pt* ta the of Pereplzadwyerlow- Im s at tb• nad firs. Pala htthe. flidejlark, Chest.Wm* Pm siu'• . • dee floadel •of Beet, - Darn; r'- of ltili m raillesll4 o.lm Cbastinat •,. ~ Great DA D IMIRODI D Ell UN 11=8. . A . -Bitters Ailhout kaor or 4trila of • any kind. fsdlfierent from all othem It Is cam a. I of the pure, Jutcea, or ViltallWriss ielple ofitoots. limbs 'lad Harks, (ot as medicinally termtel klxtracts,) the worthless or Inert portions'of the ingre dients not being used.. Therefore, in ono •Itottle of these Bitters there is contained as duch,moileinpl virtuous will be fourV in several gallas of ordinary mixtures. The Roots, dtc:, used in this Bitters, are grown in Uermany, their vital principes extracted in that country by a scientific Chemist, and forwarded to the manufac tory In- tips eity, where they are corn. pounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous ingrAlents, this Bitters Is free from the objections urged against all oth ers; no desire for stimulants , can be in duced from their um, toey cannot maim drunkards, and cannot under any circum stances, bare-any but a beneficial effect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC; -Was compounded tor these not Inclined to extreme bitters, and is intended for use in cases when some althholic stinsulentis required in connection with. the Tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of tie Tonic contains one bottle of the Bit ters, combined with pure BANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored In such a manner that the extreme bitterns* of the Bitters is overcome, forming a.preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to the palate -and containing the medicinal virtue of the &I tem The price of the Tonic is sl.saper Bottle, which many pinions think too high. They must tate into consideration that the riltunleut toed is guaranteed to be ore pare quality. A. poor article triuld be ttiraished at a cheaper price, but la it not better to pay a little mote and have a good articled A medicinal - preparation should contain none but the bestingrelt. cots; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and - be benefltted by it will most certainly be cheated. HOOFLAND'S German Bitters, toommmi A - PODOPHYLLIN PILL. WILL CURE YOU They are the GrattAt PURIFIERS BLOOD linown to the Medical world, and will enidicate diseases arising from impure blood, Debility of the Digestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, In a shorter time than any other known remedies. The Whole Same Court of Pada. SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES no would aqk for more.DignVed or Stronger Testinaoiigl lion. GEOII3III W. Woonwsanjonnerty ChitJus. tire of Ike Supreme Corrl of Ransytran , at prowl! 2kmb.r of Coq/y.(4Blmm Pcsasyfranio, irritee Prinanimenu.., March 16, lea. I find " Iloodaada German Bitten Is a good tonic, useful In diseases of the dlge-tire organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility and want of narrow, action In the system. Yours retry, OHOHOR W. WOODWARD. Hon. Jaw= Yawn., ex, CAR, Attlee of Me Su. preme (kart of fkassytrania. Puttansulats., April 18,1867. I consider Itoofbind's German Hitters" a takes hie medicine 13 case of attacks 01 Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience of It. Yours with respect. • JAMES THOMPSON. Won. Gamins tinotswoon, .litatitegf Mr Supremo (bort of Phiasyfrania: Ynitanctrnu, June I. Ada. I bare found by experience that "Iloofiand's German Bitten" is a very good tome,, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. GEORGIC SHAUSWOOD. Hon. Wm. F. Rogers, Mayor of Me City qfituffa- - to, New-York: Mayor's Office. Buffalo, June 22, I have used ••lioodand's German Bitters and Tonic" in my amity during the past year, and can recommend them as an excellent tonic, imparting tone and vigor to the m stem. Their ore has been productive of decidedly beneficial efiects. WM. F. ROOM. Hon. Jae. M. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Williamsport, Dransstronlo: I take gnaw pleasure to recommendlaff ”Hoof land'. German Took," to any one who may be af flicted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so badly it was Impossible to keep soy food on my stomach, and I became so weak as not to be able to walk half a mile. Two bottles of Tonic effected ■ perfect cure. JAMES 31. WOOD. la13X1:121111 - JEll THAT HOOFEANWS GERMAN BITTERS E I MI HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Will cure every Case of Wit atitagiliallif Zit Or Wasting away or the Body.' 1M3130.31.11E11. , THAT lIOOFLAND'S.GEMIAN REMEDIES Ale- the medicines you require to pertly the Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, and to enable you to pus safely thmeigh any hard. ships or exposure. FIOOFI.AND•tI Bk " VanaligirrWigirlD Or Substitute for Mercury Pills. , TWO, PILLS A DOSE. The Most Powerful, yet Innocent, Veg• dable Ckdhartic knoum. It is not necessary to take a heedful of therepilli to pedant the desired eilbet two of them act rtuly and powerfully. deeming the LirezStom ach and Dowels of all impuritka. The Ingredient Is Yodophyllin, or the A kohnirC.- ract of Mandrake, whlch Is by many limei more lerwerfal, acting mid Remelting than the Mandrake Melt Itsp alar action lo upon tbOLloor, elan tag It nom all obetraedons, with all the power of llimmiry. yet tree trot the Isdoriono re. cults attached to the riot that mineraL ls F all amines. In which the u of a cathartic th or eicated, thaw pills wilt gheentire Wham:don in sway case. They NEVER /PAM. In case at Lbw _Dp_pepobi and ex teems costiveness. Dr. Hoasod's German Skim or Tonic should be used In cot a ectlon with the Pow The tonic effect of the Hitters or Tonic builds up the system. The Shed or Tonic purl. les the Mead, strengthens the tilers':exam:mars the Lim. end Ares strength, energy . and vigor. Leen - lour Bowels active with the Pine. Ind tone up the sweet with Bitten or Tonle. and no die taw con retain Ito brad. or ern wall dJooes. • Iteeollyet that k Is DR. /100 (Ma MAN 1114111tDISIS that era so valwassily mod and MEW , dad; and do not wth DTl:mg - tato h ig r ul tos7:o to take anything else the he may ay 3ust sagood becalm* hat wakes • W, 0 / 23 t. MHO llosoilloo be mut 141 EN IPA rO a rf tha ulm eM s trat th t. CMS STORM. 631 Arai Sty Phllladelphl6 CHAD. M. EVANS, Propileter Formerly C. M. JACKSON ed CO. These Remedies are for Sale by Drug gists, Storekeepers and ,Difftheine Dealers everywhere. *lndy . • • .Gkila - le *10! .Wall* *, ' ti • -,- ;4: 4 r rs; • • • ..--------- • -,-- , - Our .. . Standard A:•eciali4. .„. . voitfis,..... . .., . ...r.... -,-, --; rhaday.-Cherettiloots atter to . . ______ ~,. P sot tro: tc W : " topai: r ot eek. o 2 . naive a hearartY root to oito• • . 4 0 wimp ss,,giga -.1 itonray.-To goer allies go, NV Wit* ago o l7 ''- &ratite Lord; Inn Maid re be, • . . . • To the tempter sewer Ito. • .. . A. ;NEW AND XLIi.GAN ::. i 0- 0? : Torador),7•Do west good You iso. ' 7 • - ' ..: ~ : -.i;i '- ' .'. ,'. il'. . . LOP to.= !WI COO got moll ;. ~,Adles'10111" . . _ Steam Ills Is eat a span. Wateaday.-Give magma Ina; A Fbil. atitrilfe_ ~ .4 ,_ 0 . , r or : .. ? " 6 ,,,,,,„„„. 7, 3 ,,,," l ";: h u r ie roa gocK : lust. lam. . , ~ .. ~. ger a t t a. , . ! Gents ,a f . Thirieley.Sslin Vag 41:111111apos chthit - d` michtiooraer Stage; ... jiii i iiii . k .. 4 4l 4 . iiiCklid ' Wposi Om helps; hie wait Lilac • br. . .-, qi „ •• - el ' • lridloy.-Ffiriks t!sth be wont ~ --L,..,,,,,,,...;''.- ...- • ~•'"ii.1. . ..: .; .. • Ono gait ova lathe mons, • TOM WAiirEgifilial • IVAIANIK 1 !. rot a Wale vpipt lowa. - . Tali, EITOkiiOEST 4 6 Aggrr . 11 A-V. . moot* to bto tremor, ettig ; :- • Aaii n p v i • .Thoo reaktr. . .Be prepared for Terror's i t hig. •. ' ~. nos gonnhopa on Jesus east- ' 4411diglikrtillInbillttt 3 . This let sit year erscheint pat, . ~ ~ ".rtissweio and rem PVRiirr WATCH WARRANTED; 7 'Price! the Lotted is tims , 114 bf ts, "two. 10 FittliAirci!ue, ',LAZAR .'S, iIS, MORRIS <o PERFECTED aiPEPTA.CIZ9. ottklignidideeti: 11tlaeeltd~eous: James .T.. Brady Co BANS„ _Financial Agents cif gra kER Unitedcgazes, FOURTH 21.VENUX &WOOD ST., Pittaburijit, .Pa. Dealers in all issues of Government Securittea, Gold, Mar 'and 0)u- . Pans; 111, 71iv 4 4 4 & li( 1_ BONDS, GOLD. And first dais Securitioixaterally. is r u oimi t oomen GoremutatiZoods, kow. INTEREST ALLOWED 010)170iirri. . taitySly MOWERS AND" RZAPERS. C. AITLTMAN & CO.i Citotoi2, Ohio. Me extrostvely melted is sisnobetare of the rtgekeye. Mowe s, . (Both Juntas asdieslora vrtth &albite and Dropper Attaciuneuts, with their • NEW: ROTARYMILLER, Or more commonly booms Is the ithrosmoro Pl/ 1 / 1 /12WIR la &added blip inmsest on the com -101111 Learm n elata. smile destined to mks fes plod W_t_th ,per comblued uts ,thisostwo both a Mal* ad Rasps BR. GOODS DELIVERED PROJMY 4T.DEPOTS. DeZOUCHE as C 0..! lii Wood 5t.,9 doors lions 51* Acme, Inarls;llm.] Pittsburgh; Ps. 3=101:Lt11191t - r3r. • MINNS. Mar. rayoMgdget. - -t„ water, Is deter. mined that ho Dentist in the '-*State aball do - - work better or A • -4 he oWre it tn I I f• hie palms-- 11e uses the bes materials manufactured In the United Stales. Gold and all rer ailing performed In a style that deem compe tition liatirlhetion guaranteed In all mentions, or the money returned. Give him a trial. fcbtly ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. ED!—T. J. At H. J. , CHANDLER Meaner .. .• chased the exclusive right of heaver county . • . tc.useDr.Btucles Patent 4 ~ "bleb they can put ._ A A fa up 3 # ulainite as thin air IS 8.1% f 4 Ml' rime. rdth,atirtri and so Ight and elastic as to perfectly adapt !bell to the mouth; obviallugall that clumsy and bully condition, eo much complained of heretofore; and lessening their liability to break 100 percent In deed. no one seeint It would be willing to weer the old etyle plate any longer than they weld conven iently get them exchanged. All branches of Den. Hairy performed In the beat and most substantial manner. In filling teeth with gold, etc.. we ell lenge competition from any quarter. and can re er to living subject' whose sutras have stood be tween thirtyand forty year". Among the number Hon. John Allison will exhibit fillings we Inser ted some as years ago the teeth as perfect as the day they were filled. Laughing Cu prepared on s new plan. freeinci It from all unnloisantitad dan gerous effects, making the extraction of teeth a source of pleasure rather than of horror and _pain. Prices as low as any good dentist In the State. Mice at Bearer Station, Rochester Pa. norttll T. J. R H. J — 2 -- STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, • Alpt3lS, CR1105109, , FRAMES • E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, NOW•York. Invite the attention of the trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of 'their own publication, manufacture and importation. Al%), PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and ORAPHOSCOPES NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. Anthony £ co., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropoliean note Iniporters and Manteanturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS marB;7l-1y _ __ _ 13.A.33P33Ft:1e . - AND -COMIONERY MAIMENT . The underarm! timing bought oat the Be. kery and eonescdonery establishment of J. e ihys, near the Post Wilco. in Rochester. Pa., wand respecthilly inform the public that be will k e ep the Mtn quality of Orthes which he dowses in every stile also will supply them by the can at reasonable prices. Those In An want of them should rive him an .early Rim Confectionary department is stocked; and parties. weddings. .be.. will be sap lied wit h everything needed on short make and to Meted ol style. . Families famished with fresh bona as often se desired. GEORGE FEEDEssax. . . . Ellhoot: How Lost, How Rested: Jost pubilatied. a new 'edam of Dr. Delver. Weals Celebrate& Sauey on therediceicars (without inedkine) of SPIZZATOWIIItOria or Sear Jul Watkins*. Involuntla Sinaloa Loses. rewriter Dental sad Physical Iscrepaciry. Imp& smuts to Naniscre. Sr. s im r C°lstilrnm • NruerrsY. and Yen . Mated by aelf,indulgence crr weal extronopereo.i =EV. to • • ealed4avelope.only it cents. bitted anther. in this admirable may. clearly demonstrate' from a Wiry years' aucces, nil practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the downier-ass et interned medicine or the awn cation of the knife: pow out • mode of cure at once simple and edoc. by memo of wirkb orerientana, no matter was:lb!' condidon may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately. sod folb DP nor Lecture atroold be to the bandsOf 'even' 7011th Nod trey Ma In the lead. • Bea& ander Real. br:.redn envelope, to any ads odw id pt of au crow or two pod stempc. Alm Dr. Cain:wen "lfroWeee Guide." w ee IS ewes, AeldrecO the PoUi man. J. C. ICLINZa. Co.. Poway, New York. PoDOSee Jiat 4.411. ADMIY. 871. Vet, these sop* ruin out of the Amoco, owl ortlce them deting life. J. K .Y. roe Me Seery Mem. • • per. EDITOR:—It is written In Goria book; "Men' shall not live by bread ,alone," this bread he must have, and for it he must labor; hut he should labor still more for the mat (John vi , 27) that endureth unto eternal life, viz: "Every word that prooeedeth out of the month of Goo." . . Ihe time wan when kt required all that a laboiing man could earn limuly years to get a copy Of GOD'S WORD; the men of thoie Ilmee will rise up and condemn us, If we do not swell ourselves of our superior advintages. It is an* taw, Psalm set, 11-12, " in at tiy ways," mewing in the path of duty, as Goo will cot preserve s portion from harm when out ,of the-path of dtity.— What is written !lithe HOLY Bible as hi what we must believe and practice,, can not be had without labor dilly and per sistent. But no labor is better rewarded than a diligent study of Scriptures,. "Search the Scriptures, . for in Wens" (John v, 38.) "Go and search diligently," (see Matt. ii, 8.) ' "Search, and look : for, &L- --- ; - "- (John vil, 52.) Short articles, and not long ones, that might not be read, nor find room in this paper, are all that is asked, and It is hoped they will be furnished and be edifying. J. K.. M. Tie evening of every man's life is corning on apace. The day of life will soon be spent. Theann, though it May be up in mid-heaven, will pass swiftly down the western sky, and disappear. What shall light up man's path when the sun of life has gone down f He must travel on to the next world ; but what shall illumine his footsteps after the nightfell of death, amid Me i darkness of his joorney f What question more im portant, more practical, more solemn for each reader of our journal, to ask bimetal That a long journey to travel without light, without a 'aiflds, ind without a Mend. - Yet *may seas mum perform lt. ; The time is not: On. distant when all' men will begin the journey,. There is an evening in the natural world. • Its radiance is bright and;beautifat, and cheering to the be nighted traveller. 'But life's- evening Ater to ltra!graid hope"of• heaveh. Its fitiantYand.brlWinalette reffichfcl from tbefiturotnightecaumens," whose bright rays light up the evening of lift, and, throw their radiant* quite across the ' • •of the grave info Immanners leha.-qtitas illandnated many a tray value.. -It le of priceless -chase It ; yet it is offered and without price to him who will pen itently and thankfully receive it. I S / Miseltier.—The town of Meroer, contains' mischievous boys, as, is evi dence from the Mercer Dispatch of Fri day last.' The editor says If the scamps who thought it was smart to force a cow up our. back stairs, on Wednesday evening and leave her to be entertained for the night, would come up and repair the damages to McKean & Co.'s dog churn which stood In the hall, we would take the joke better. We shall not complain if any cows wanting to 'be advertised as strays or puffed for Usk good milking qualities, make their ap ce in person, but we do oppose icligri n 3g them, unless they bring a stable. boy along. Golden Fountain' Pon.—Some thing new and novel. Bo sure and read the advertisement in our paper herded "Greatest Invention et ,the Age." We believe the Golden Fountain Pen Is un surpassed. A good pen is aneoessity to every man, woman and child. Agents here is a chance to make money in intro ducing a good and saleable article. The Army of the Potomac. How responsive tice country's heart to that sublime thoughtof General Fairchild at the Boston Reunion : "To the the sol emn grandeur of that time of 60ITOW and sacrifice and high resolve seeummons like another age and another life than like a dream"v }3ut to that noble army, carr ied over :tett. of dread defeats up to the sum mits of 1 n ever.brightening success, the words speak with all the intensity of elo quence and feeling. No, it Is not a dream. A dream is a thing of sleep, and sleep is a thing of repose, not of !menses% lite and action. And its picture galleries of life and thought are but faint out-lines, dim and shadowy reflections, at best, of a life that has gone before. But it was the glory of those men to have divested life fiaim sleep and made it it continuous labor, and all that hibor.a sacrifice. That army's existence stretch es, indeed, along a line of only four years, but.tbeir triumphal arch spans in point of great and endnnng achievement the path way of centuries. To such a life of sac. ritice and high resolve its .panicipatom will always turn in' thought, and its viv- I kines.s will sometimes pass it again, al most before the natural-eye. To some, yes, to thousands of that band, sleep and itsquiet came, but It was the sleep of a soldier's death, whose dreaming Is not of mirth. It is by such memories that a boy al,people strike those finer chords of sym pathy, gratitude and patriotism. Little by little the sorrows of those long years die out in the fuller meaning of their joys The storm is past, and we but see the sil ver of its cloud.—Foarna. TnE manufacturing interests of Pittsburgh and Allegheny City rep sent a total capital of nearly $54,000,- 000, compfisfb d in 1,557 different es tabllshmen*, of various manufac tures; employ 83,635 hands, pay $17,434566. in wages annnally, con sume raw materials to the amount of 05,338,039, and produce annually to the amount of $78,289,938. Here are, say, 33,000 men employed, by whose labors at the very least 132,000 souls are !supported ; 'and supported, too; in comparative comfort and abund ance—in a style of living said to be' unknown among the artisans of Boone, and especially of Great Britian. , , Taw ljnitartans of FAstern New- York have been debiting the, ques tion whether they would not be better off if they were more like the Meth odists. Daring their bite disensdorel, one of the reverend gentlianit Bald that he would have Pa Omit' that combined the fervor of the Metbo distsithe piety of the Catholic, the or- derand aisthetlc worship,of the Eple• copid, , with the Intellectual breadth and freedom of the Unitarian"-as if a wet were like a ilum-pudding, Into Which the rule is for experienced arks to put all the good things they may happen to have on band. Seats exist by virtue of their dominant ideas; and, if each is to appropriate the ideas °call, there will be an end of - • lialtegether. ' ON the authority of other mows.. pets we mentioned that a bill to prevent the vending and . drinklng of intoxicating liquors on election days bad passed both Howes of the Leg !stature and been signed by the Gov! ernof. It appearathe bill only pass ed the House, endives tied up In a committee of the &mat% which halt no notion of untying it during the , piseent messiah. : The Desnocraczare a little less liberal than we OW WSW credit lbr. Inettad of leaving the topers the evenings of election .days Id which. to drink to the success of their lhvorite candidates, and.. tea: training them during the hours when the pail are open, they have refused to interliwe with the tippling at If Democracy and whisky. are not : twin-sisters why do the . Democrats always come to the rescue when the latter is In danger? Boca horzof the Leilslature on , Tuesday of last week, 'agreed to Abe border claims bill, amended so as to proykle for a revision of all claims, and the Issuing of certificates signed by the Governor • and State Treasurer, and countersigned and registered by the . Auditor General" the certificates belueptiyable only the United States shall pay such claims. The revision of the claims is to be made under the direc tion of the courts of the several coon ties. II ERE ♦?4 D THERE. —The colored population of the ignited States, according to the last census, is nearly 5,000,000, being a gain of over nine per cent. since 1860. When we consider the "wear and tear" ceased by the civil war, it must be confessed that our colored breth ren have done eiceedingly well. —A New Orleans paper complains of the crawfish as the chief agent and conspirator In producing the crevas ses in the levees,. He starts, it says, with a whole army of sappers and miners, and dip a hole, into which quickly the water flows, and present ly an le mass volume of water Is drawn, through it with a velocity which quickly extends the break and defies all human power to arrest it. Palmyra letter to a Cincinnati paper sags that the Ku-Klux of Northern Missouri having abducted, and probably murdered, a Union man named Ausland, Gen. McNeil published as order to the effect that If Ausland were not returned within 10 days, he would take 10 Rebel las oners from the jail, and have them shot: He kept his word. Ausland was not forthcoming, ini(lyllebels were selected by)ot. One the ebb wad 4 .H.AITISIn o f Sunny. a young and was shot with the story tfuly, though vouched for. —A shameful state of things was lately revealed In a Waltham (Mass;) free school. It was found that both boys and girls had been reading obscene books introduced by one or two of the older pupils, with Conse quences not to be mentioned. y. The minds of parents, at this . revelation; were "filled with inexpressible pain and consternation ;" the school was suspended; and to make matters worse yet, the local newspaper print ed au article on the subject. There has been a greatdeal of investigation and no lack of admonition, but these come rather late when such a calami tous mischief has been done. —Vermont - is a tolerably ancient State, and it is quite wonderful to think that there should still be such a wealth of Wild animals within its borders. Nevertheless, a mighty hunter, Parker by name, of London derry, during the past season, has brought to death 22 foxes, 0 ininks, lemuskeds, 5 coons, and 6 skunks— wereupon he claims to be champion trapper of those regions, and deserves' to be held in fragmht memory even if ho had killed only the half-dozen vermin last mentioned. The old for est races die hard. In some parts of Maine there are na l only bears and stags, but even catamounts of great ferocity. /...,. —The editors of Maine, Massachu setts, New-Hampshire, and Vermont. are to have a grand pleasure excur sion next Smuttier. Their first point Is Waterbury, — Vt., whebey are to rally on Monday, the .-Sth of July. Thence they will ice to Stowe, by stage, on the same day. On Tues day they will ascend Mount Mans field, returning to Stowe for the night. The next day they will go to St. Al bans to dine, and In the afternoon to Montreal. Thursday they will take cars for Newport, Vt.. where the par ty will break up , with "appropriate' ceremonies," Thursday evening. Then, those who wish to do so can return to their - home, through the White Mountains, at redticed rates of fare. . —The amendment to the National Bank act abed July, authorizing an. Weems of bank circulation of, fifty four million", an& provided that for one iSvar none shoulego to those States which had s surplus. Of this only about twenty-five million has evO.4 applied for, and of this mi ta issued. • The year is now I n 'rly np,`and the Secretary of the ty has been applied to . for au th rity to start a new bank in Bose to . After a consaltatioo with the ptroller;he decided to refuse It, au Informed the applicapts _that he ltv nit! hold the balance or the ftfty f r minions until the South end t were able to take it up; that be thot4riti the Middle and Easter# States'had all they needed. ,_ —His. Lincoln, whose arrival In New-York we announdmi some days ,ems, bas gone to Chicago. She will itfor the present with her eon e ßobert T. Linioln, a rising young lawyer of this city. Her Boajio3l . led. 1818', youngest son Thome., eollurtoll, 1 7 known byhis pet rdskname of "Tad," returned with her. He. bar ;war ape tall, fine looking lad of 18, who beaniput a firint resemblanin to OP tricksy little sprite hum visitora to the White House her Wilde most comic teats= of tkuit dull place during the cOiNtlii raga ottbe,war. He has bienattanding achoollndisst triously in4rope; has aigainki a good know ot • the Frartcb. and German iangpacts and•halroorne;th look much like the "Bob LincohP of the early data of the War: . ---k3ornebody writes from Teindiki• sa, Alabama, to aßostonnewsmer, that it is a charmingly peaceful and orderly city, ••, its citizens "having yielded pWlosOphically to : the : they itabla and ramrod dead banes." Only the other . night, a few of the e d it tro Indignant-that a black man iitdte.woroanshould live togetb erhattered down the door of the of. .feruiloianntes Ludt Wog fired otbY the grams, tired back igain and shot blat'descl. His shot, however, had also told; one of his charming, peace ful, and inoffensive visitors died also, aint,this pretty party retired "heal fiedarthetragicalendingotthe lark." When the peaceful Tuicaloosas • next gi upon such games they mustn't, if they; would avoid a tragical ending, go with loaded tire-arms. • —Wu have a striking example of the . draullid effects of: household drudgery in the case of an unfortu nate woman In Connecticut, who was so busy at her . house-clean ing that "she could not attend her fatiter's funeral." This, hoWever, may not have been so hard as it seen3s. /Us posslble that this woman had a Pati:tiou, wool& for house-cleaning; which prevented her from tco keenly feeling her bereavement, and brought With. it, in fact, au exceeding con solation. :Some matrons have a no tion that . houses t i cannot be cleaned ;without something approaching a coup d'efal which drives the men of the family to desperation. The evil has been laughed at and grotuini over fora long time. Even Dr. Franklin wrote something about it. The 'gol den secret of quiet and tolerable. re novation is this: Clean one room at, a time, and don't be in a hurry aanday Reiu.l Anniversary. Mr. Enrron:Your correspondent was present at the Anniversary meet. School b f the Presbyterian Sabath of Freedom, on last Thursday evening. The church was densely teal, and from find to last the interest was monianted, The following was the Prayer, by the Rev. D. Soy, by a select choir °fp:4El4ot the school, led by Mrs. •Ms.ry , Bente l on the orwm—e:lmust eMcient teacher of song and an indefatigable worker in the good mud Song, by the same. Ad by Rev. D. P. Lowery.— Songs by Choir. 'wading of the his tory 6tthe School, by Mies Sallie Niekunn and most admirably was it read. Song. Rtenstidion of lle• wards, by the Paskir-iDev. Junes M. Smith—for committing verses of Scripture and questions of the Short er Catechism, to the following: Annie Beater, Curtis Nam, • Mary-Denny, Frank McDonald, Flora Bryan, William Dluney, - ' 0 1 1leanor William_ Wolf , Annie Buckihr, TiteolatlWeett, Singing and Prayer. ' The ibllowing Is the "history," al luded to,above, prepared by Mr. To bias Hetehey: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: To night we celebrate for the first time, the Anniversary of our Sabbath School, which we design holding yearly to commemorate the month it was first. organized, for theenconr agementinuilwelfare of our school, and to record thee publicly, our ad vancement or retrogression. In thus coming betbro the public as a school, we do not design to show you any great, or flattering efforts of the past year, for our little band! have only for the first time come before the praise r so if we do dot ask your raise or approbation, we will ask that. you do not "view us with, a critic's eye but. pass our imperfections 'by." ; Before we proceed to tell you any thing of the school, as it 41, we will go back to the, time when Sabbath Schools, and Sabbath Schoolchildren, did not occupy the prominent place in the public mind they now do, while but a fesi heads with many hairs grown grey now live to-tell the history of the Presbyterian Sabbath 'School of 'Freedom, Pa. When a School House was the place of meet ing, a handful of books—the whole library, these being considered a great luxury, and 'lets. as the days' collection wesa marvelous sum, but when there were as many happy young hearts and bright faces as we find in these days of advancement. The first account we have of our Sab bath School as recorded lathe minute book. is on February 4th, 1844, with Richard Gardner as Superintendent, Robert Hall Secretary, and Wil liam Stillwell as Treasurer, and 17 teachers and 108 scholars.' A few months atter this the Sabbath School moved from the School House to the church we now occupy. This was May :76th, 1844. The record is as follows: "This morning we moved into the new house with our school; our line of march war 106. Rev. Mr. Morton led the little band." Exclu sive of those who served as Superin tendents and among those who eery ' ed as teachers and officers, and who I their time and ation to the Sabbath School, is the tten name of Mr. John Nickum t who served long and faithfully, and the only one now living in Freedom. The gentlemen Superintendents who have served In this school areas follows: Mr. Rich ard Gardner, elected May 23th, 1844, resigned May 11th, 1845. He was the first Superintendent Who served ln this. church; he is now living in Salem, Ohio. Mr. George Baker serving next, June 22d, 1845, servitur leg in that capacity the years of 1845, 1848, 1849, 1851, 1862, 1864, 18881 and strung and able to serve marry years:h f ulowas o il l i i 3 oli eleeted n g m r l i f e r the r' 5 0 1' cit g 46: Wi th' 'bail'd 9e r v e d iVi ne e dn g add t to 1858, Ailing the office Thiry id um puraud teeschool; Mr. ey curry foliose next, June 25tbe4 84 . 7, served one year; 'Mr. Daniel Miller yune, 1848, served one year; Mr. N, P. Kerr Senior, elected December rate, served , one year; • Mr. John M e l e„ one year In 1854; Mr. Henry Bryan began his office' as Superintendent,December 28th, 1858, and ourvettheMlowizyears: 1857, 1858, 1881, 18863,1868 BF : Landis now in 1871 the present& ttmd ent of our Sabbath Schots , serving with honcrrto himself and theschool; In 'January, 1858, Wllliato Irwin was elected and served one year; Mr. Jams Manor elected June, W..% serving also, the years of 1867, and part of 18811; Mr. G. E. Palmer,serv- Ing the remaining six months. The by LAniviiisliiltia s r. Letters sad comissanicstion shotddb• NVICP O II.2tD. Bolivar. P affloonief- thief-Wafts .year me Mr. Henry Brno/ KuPertritemiet; Mr. Charles F. Dented, </albumin Super intendenl; • Mr. John Ithereasy, Secretary; Mr. David E. Lowry. Treasurer ;- Miejlends A. Nidaun and Mr. Tebbe aetehey, Librialms4 havingsdryisdindsatcapeclty Sims. The persons Who held the office bit fore are as follows s Miss A. Nickum .• Miss Linde' Partsi Mho Amanda Baker Mr. Preston -McKee, Mr. W. McKe e ,Mr. C. H. 1, Mr. John) * Mr. D. B. ~tiori a li t a d Vs zt Mr:-.11:171.16-abit, Wilson. - Bev. Aimee M. Ital kr eas charge of the Bible Claw and ID. lidr worm or foal be. ie. always to be found in his place, notwltbahuiding his infirm yars, awl the distant* be has to travel. The teachers of our school are as follows: Mts. • Miry Bas, Dental, Mrs. Kate <Fronds. Miss Sarah A. Nickum, Miss Jade Beasett, Miss. Martha, Bryan,: Miss Mama-Morrow, MID, Viola - -Leon ard, Mr. John P Bantu* Mos. Craig, Mr. C. IL:Boatel. Mr Jameellanor. The number of pupils of the school 1$ sixty, the amount of money col lected during 'the pat year $76.91; also $1.75 cents from Mra. John P. Bentel's class, the proclaim of their Orphan Box.- , Death has entered our midst and severed, three of the lambs of oar fold : Jennie Greer who died Marsh 12th, 1870, aged arms ; Kate Greer, who died 3Woh 23d 1870, aged 18 yews ; and Ida V. Wilson who died December 9th, 1870, aged 8 yeaselisd. a half. We have missed their voices in the hymns of praises, and their bright and happy faces: The good Shepherd -had need of them, and called them to his bosom, where they are safe from all pain, and sickness, safe in the fold. Although our num ber has not been' greatly enlarged doting the past year, yet we Axel we are pfttly blessed in having so many of our number spared to us. Thank ing you for your kind attention In them last closing thoughts. When another year bath burst upon the shore of earthly being, and we meet to celebrate the 2d, Annlverauy of our Sabbath School; witen errors will bo corrected, Mom edvancelpent made, and when we have a steadier hold on ,the public mind and fever, putting away - all prejudice. and all questions of church creed and church doctrines, with one heart and one Voice, bless God for,this glorious ln stitution of Sabbath' Schools, and for his choicest blessing to rest upon all children of all Sabbath AlwWloto of Two Datehatem. gang Vanderpelt was an honest old,Dutdunan, and some years alum lived near the head of the Mohawk rives. • Hans • bad for a long time teed talking about joining the church, or, la he expressed it, "being taken in upon de clutieh ;" accordingly he took occesion one Sunday to stop the 01211011 on. the road to church, and communicated to him his intention. The Dominic, expressed great oaths faction, and appointed a day for Haas to Viskt him, so that he could examine' him as to the Scripture. During service Hans wore a most becoming look of gravity, and ex pressed to some one near him that he felt already that he mom altered man. - 'On his road home, Hans fell in with onoof his neighbors, Yerry Van Cleck. To Yerry be related what had passed between him and the Dominie,'and they would go togeth er and both get "taken in npon de Church." When the appolnted day came, Yerry did not arriVe In time, and Hans 4yent off to the Dominkis alone. "WelVemktir4" arid Harts,".lv'e wrier° taken in wart de church." "Yaw, repria wog blues t: ginning to de end." Well,how many Clods are there, Sir I" "How many? Why, I don,t rightly know—dare be (Jot of Jacob, and deliot of Abraham, mid de Gut of IMac, and a great many more— about twenty altogeder." '‘You had better study your Bible a little longer; I can't takeyou lathe church yet." Hans left the Domini.), and on his. way home met Yerry.' "Turn back Yerry, you can't get taken in upon de church." "Why, what's the matter, Hans?" "Why, de Dominie will ex you so . many tinge what .you don't know. Now, how many (dots be there. Yer ry,r. rVIlv hy, one !" "I/under and Blitzen, only one (lot? turn back, Yerry, you'll never get taken in upon de church wid . your one (lot. Long Sernioas. "So you come to hear me preach, last Sunday, did you ?" said a min ister to a little boy 'whom he met while visiting at the house of one of his church members. "I saw you at church, sitting In tho pew with un cle;" and he lined the little fellow to his knee. "Yes, I went," said theehild, "and I never was so tired in all my life. I the% you never would get done pinching!" and the clear, truthful eyes were raised in full confidence, while the child's accents Seemed weighed down with the weariness be had experienced, and so well remem- The minister listened In surprise. , "Is that so?" he said. "Did I preach - too long a sermon ?" "Oh yes," said the child ; "I was very tired." The minister could not forbear smiling at the simplicity and sincer ity of the criticism. •'You come next Sunday,"hestlp ulated with the child, "and I won't preach so long, I promise you. Will you come?" The boy promised, and the minis ter kept his word. The sermon the following Sunday was sbortenedJust fifteen minutes, to the satisfaction of the whole cormation. Only csasissisals. John Wesley once was troubled In regard to the disposition of various sects, and the chances of each In ref erence to Mare happiness and pun ishment.' A dream one night trans (erred him In its uncertain wander ings to the gates of hell. Are there any Roman Catholics here?" asked Wesley. "Yes," was the reply. "Aux Presbyterians?" "Any Cipgregationalists?" "Any Methodists?' by the way of a clincher, asked Wesley. "Yes," to his greet Indignation, was answered. In the mystic ways of his dreams, a sudden transition oecurred i _and he stood before the gates of Heaven. Improving the opportunity, he again made the inquiry "Are there any Roman Catholics here?" "No," was replied. "Any Presbyterians?" Any" Congregationalists?" ' "Any Methodists?" "Well, then, he asked, lost In won der, "who are they inside?" "Christians!" was the triumphant ` ~kl W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers