The Beaveritt :. - li — ealter,l l l l l , 9' , ailAialli.:1110/LX - 7 ' C r i 1 .5 0 .0." , — 2 -N1!. 1 • 4 # 1 4.. 11/ .07 11 .4? 4" • •• Rotor of Mivortiollag.. -, ~..F. sine.; ~ } b5r.....,11w. • ",, ; fc f.iiiii: I 4.-- - -fu h.,' es - Tio Ira tic r oom, i ~,,,,,........ .8,00 ..6 000 00 ,00 ,13 00 3 quoivo, do .-500. AI 00 I'o ; 410 141.00 4 011 4404 . 09 , 6.00 800 . 10 us uu II au 4 tolouxu.••••e BOu !WWI 15 ". 2 33 00, I cuhuan,.... ILIA IS 0 , '30 . 0 , ' •1 5 . .....Cg I 1 aq 4 44 4 4 4 4. :tr. LI 4 ttl i k is ,r 4 l l ,4 " Iff__. ♦dminLirators' .vt•rtA • • pr Psy (or tnmlkit rtd In faits:cc:is _ GEO:r . .l . 3ollnliLteftrig P:44Wircilt: S..3lt_tirriellidli * COOTtliric-Rovie New Voi in top:if:4o4 Alen ii 10Aviris' ATtacAba abotkapd. taltantlEt , or melting Vgraff rAqii,u otr ea. ark , Adm., Ad , NO* -eltrAte't•,' NMI tolrome gAlltt of :SA Att,IITAPI •Stirtriorthe Therorrunietrar for Mail' . week =ding 4Prit 224; ME,: i 344: r April 4)i d - "La at 19 • 57 11141,4".". " 4 .. 0 de g 1 25 "6114 Q ..21 50 deg. ' ' 46tieg 2,..; 43 de_g• ..1 'IVTAN.W* TENS -TABLE. . Cleveland . 1c rilleebarile 11.—TraMs going East leaft Beaver Station as : 51m. 14111.1 Accoaa'n 1.17; Mall. 3.47 v. p. m:(Brealitg 11x. 3.30' Local AMMO (carrfes pamagem) tat m. • Tralna.golaff Wett lcaya • Bayer Statkot fol - sowd: 7;31:21:r toestelPrOlgtalaarrylita ps.osistenif MOUS il...l;Mimekniodattai , ltort ta. Put. IL SC—Trains gotrig9E.ait lom•o Ifochettef - 153tIonlat end of bridge) m 314. IoW Beaver Pala' Amman. 6.61 a.m.l - 11Mottaomm: 7.3 a. m.; NeviVialle *Mont. WM a: ia.1.11. if Mk cecom. 11.10 p.'111.. • . " • Trains' going Wert leave Rochester mama, (at end of bridge) as•Mtlow*: 11. V. (mom. 104.. at.; Earn aecom. 5.3 p. m.; sight entomb.* p. tn.; B. P. accom. TArt p; m. • • •- Tramaiming tut t ra g e. llikimatar(llpper) pm. pot as followo: a. P. *mom. GAM e. m• SIC COM. i./5 ta.; Nem Castle mon.' m; Chleago trap. 10.62 a. a; , deliVer Yana seam. 1115 p. m.; Cblcamt Luspl.ll.3; • P am: enkago e5p.,5.31 P. or =l. 'Mali 1). 55 1( , Trams gams Westilitave Roelmatez(uppar) pot as folFowa : • Cbtaaromsll'l4s a.; ane tap. $ 13 a. m; Derfef Fall. accom:ll.l3 I. ot.t,Cadeamt cop. 1 IMO s. el.•; Oblelavexp.l4 6 3 p. Sow Car Ilr acc0m.4.20 hearer P.'l4.loccoM. 'Luc .-- - - . emosat 'Foiit; - 'itc:- . 1P011.' lowing are our charges for announcing the names of caudittutesitor the several oilleoo ; also our rates h)r"printing cards and tickets: ; . . . For gore allay ..... ................ .. •• . $lO .O O For Tnakrurerlo 00 l'rrt. Att02111121...i , .., t ,....,....A t'...,..... .6. 00 . Coman9filoarr arrocialeJnage '• 1 ' Poor more Director' ' • • • • 2ou AMAMI' a 11)• rudoes or a ukiiitor ..' i .0 ot: Curd per 1000 .:..'. ...... : .. ....... ..... 1 11 00 Ticarts • .5 00 The attention of ihtepublie la directed to iho following New Advertinoment which appear• for 4e first timo Ih the A goer' to-day: ttdminlp tritor's Notice—Ale:tor Shields. Bounty Aecocuov,lngiosisy,toqnship. Spechil Notler-8.(&1.11“Nell? . Fg. spc hal Noncesz-1,.841110L,' i `a'Nollete-It4itopt . ueclnl NOttees•- hits, 11., ;Beacon!. specistNcolcs-Ilugo gen. Specni Notice--Argss 441. cc special Notices-W. 1.1100. - Six‘cial Notice-Dr. R. y::pierce. special Notite..--Dri.lieyser. New Advertisements. P. towel!. ' C..11-W. W. DuSkle. . • . Nor Dry Goode Store -n. Nelson. OLICC to bridge Coutaactront ,, ,Tottn MeGoura Nottce-4nniee T. Nevin. ' ' Gulden Fountain .l a cu..—Some-,' thing now and novel: Unsure ant road the advertisement. in our .paper 'headed .4:realest Invention of the Age." We belinVO the Oolderi Fountain . Pen is un- surpassed. A good pea is *necessity to every man, woman ,and Agents hero is a chance to makomonoy tn intro ducing a good and saleable article. .Iy. . "Lost Tr enstitr i ajotind."—Soine two or three weeks , while a man was quarrying atone near Frankfort Springs thlaconuty; suddeidi-,carne upozia mustard box containing »00 of wan torten money—a part of it "gold" and the other part. "sitvW"fhe box had evidently been plateirthers many years ago. NEW (loons! ^ Ysw soon!!—Look out for low priotii, at the Cheap Store of Will Smith it CO. [iiiirl9;2w.• Mr, D. Nelson. 4 former rldent of . Rochester, this county, but for several years pasta citizen of 'Mercer county; has once more Rattled dow n among us, and opened a Dry duals store on the Dia mond, Rochester. Itfr.! N., is a very re. liable Mau, and It will afford us pleasure to heaF of him receiving a liberal . share of the public patronage. .\ Mar l masted. —A telegram Nits rent ni Rochester, this'eonnt.i, on last Thursday, to the Pittsburgh .date etives requesting them to arrest a man named I . :pi:mg° . Barnard, who is •ibarged with having committed a theft. The telegram gave aflescription of the accused, but no information touching the eliartiztbr of the, Flik:811 AItIIA7ALS (semi Week 1Y) or. Hula . Bonnets, Shawls, 'Aces, L co Col lura Jaakinoni and all kinds o Whits Goods. . Lom: VIER': yds of hem Prinis for orie dollar. „ .lonx atilt continuos to buy h b Goode' at. the Cheap Store of Will Smith 4t. Co. he 610'tio botteetboro than any House In lho IV El' have procured the servicem .at tirst-J:laaa prom .11akor, and win war runiNttbifat)tfou. Any onottottlngVark: dono imtbULtlo %/LW , / well to , call at tho cheap .bore or Smith &Cu. . , IL , \ l 7 - 7 -7- , •► ` 7 ,--' ' • Beaver Valley 'NCWW alcins.—J. 'Vanntte, - Ciq., connected with the Pitts burrt pispageh otlloe, wllldeliver a lee-. turn in Concert Bali, New Brighton, ou next Friday evening. SubJect—"Ex , citable People hod their Siimulants," ins tee, preceding evening he Will teeter!' in the Presbyterial Church In .I.leavey„.l ,Palls. Subject—" Eccentric Peopistt 'filo proceeds of these lectures are f r the lenient - of Sabbath Schools. —.t foot race took . place at New MI vo ton one do,' last week.' The rano rs were - James Carey and James Fart Illi rev won the race. Distanee 1:10 vitY4§§. 'Cline 101 seconds. .Coneiderable 'lousy w i i , as bet on. the result.. '' : , • i —The town milliard" lieet•ef falls' e gol ogle force the building of sldewal . there, are their resolutions: Resole/4 -That the property ,holda t is on Lindets isittia4s, ititw'etnii • Maln. W eek and the &pet, ar e ' *Welty reipilted to' make sidewalk's, the ordinance width. , AI.), „..., ~, „, ' i ;,.. 1 - !b-rnlied, Thai . 'if eidatialk be tnadel on die eastaidarAlalo (thesetnwidtlid Iroin the rail ' itl - rldge- le . A Vatterson .rust, and that p_ ublic no'beo .. of both . r....olutxons be published.. . - ' • .:: —An old man natnedrKendal, whorls unforirfit from intralyaia Camp very near his life the „other • clay, in Now linghton. . lie, had got .on the . railroad track just us the Feint 'iwoommodsdion ass waning along, and It WEIS. with di f ecaity Matte got pir i 4 again . in Ally) ; hts life. • —The . Odd Fellows or Beaver Falls dedicated their new I . laii in thitplacomi Tuesday of 'Wegt. The . Wei+Fees %ere ittipEEEIWEVIE;,e • ' A FACT that all should:know. ..Where buy a good article for a reasonable Vahe clothleillnoweltltee niede or made to oiaor, S. &J. Suellen lcirg's on Broadway. New :Brighton„ir emphatically speaking 0)2 Oacc. i3o and convlneed. 11=1EM Fon LADlEsortz.T.—#l43 ladie•Ahould . .. • • -- - remember that B. h, J. hinellenburg, Broadway; New Brlghtosibaviehletrge xtock of Chlldrortie %tithedla, Throo6 . and 'Walking auks, which tiro Suet thoth!ng for bola front !bur to ten of ago. Biing your boys - filth - you 'and clothe theta ht sty's. . • ; ' Change In 140 '1194.0.0,011111ea Uon. Ww. C. Harblachmor,Lownice ,0 : 1 0th •tt Wit a irr r ?ft = -enfie /116,114.1010" ifrust• raiti: lind. • '2la9=4= - ' paoL*l 4 : )000 ham his predooessor. The Amok)Ca "'lm a will . laam a llro t: te. in; lsartia e V a r i ,sn:riaiti f ib 4l 4% PP l l4 l tal.'ukwß , f?° ' FPPOP* asiecable-and-populai.odhanv4:l//ask; `.(l , oo ll, 4ePorkr. 44.911.440......z.:1.-.. i .•. ~.f : 1 *mamas I- *andel:a ~ , thaw..&,, , t. 1.. jinellenburg Inakh - firii.-414 iiiiiii fa• - • Mond-clans prices ? tiiiiiioso• tboy. do 'the largest 'trade %q eldtthing In the coon ,ty, , sell goads with a .await' protla . and , muy , "ganda' at . tat -lOvieeCiaaate'isiltiai. oalli at 13inad:a:40.i' ii#:!Tirishiiiin - ,; . ; - aint . ho oiniviiiihiitr, , A r,•,) ~. .• -. ''' ~ ~ -.. ... - 1..:;t 1 ' ' ! ' , '' ' ‘ •-• '7777 4 ..1;... .....4.11 A. . 11 4_!ilefFe-,TW.:#44s!,,aofigt. ailthtEd.wklat-an thing tat 1 , 4411 sVi eta. papa:. t 2 h.:•?' 4' ::.• c1i1.:......, ...;:L 41,...! •::1 ... 'that they hal , "pleotybf tim e(. , tar.. I.o4:bad mai' pt: ' '-''' ':' , - ;'; 1 : t .' lr3 ..": Plid:Ciiiy,o '4 l 4,!!flqf' , ' PY: o 4 - 1 7 I cLr.p.othipit.: 1.,..,,.......i. ...:..4 ~:. :1 .. , bet Alley_ in t isve. nal apinioni NW 'their owa..-'• .. . • i :: E. • .. :',14 i.oel v'eti: ... U'hile they a tlid kno•awetarr , thitl ; *bather infor of it I not. ''" ' - That they luts pleniy f money. r ...T,., they mhi I d t'q t .l e "i eV P r Ys. ° A) swag ahOyilthittiav'ete.,, , ,:, 1 • That Skay.lo44 l , l oat 4:1"..:1 /1e . II IIT . , thetelketWoi'ho t L' '•'l 1 : ,; 1 J Thai dig . , edinnid 'pant :over) , map's ' nanie,who atiendan dog Sett i3i,a .bc4tif; race, . , ~. Eli <„ ~, '„~ y~i- ^ _ - • a' . AS. Breliell 504 . Pr . 0114101 eidt. 4 -7 , b 11844. Jefinifi,,MOilliae, a good looking school' mutt, of Venango county, made the discovery a few months ago; that J. P. Wagner, an olltntweirint , of 011 City; did not intend to fulfill'hie igreelnlint take her out eta state of single ble!sied news, whereupon she mirent fortklutf' In a suit of breach otpronalse. The triad the ease elicited great interest in . Bfanti lin 'last 'Week: The. Jury give' parde diunageofaiiiituotltigkio,soo.,l 13 irthiIIBUOCIING 1 NO plat bottle of Dr. Sage!" I Clitarrli Been-. , dy is prepared from one fifty cent pack age, and the proprietor offers 5500 for a ,ease of Catarrh'-he eartnot , enre, gold by Idruggliti or send slily 'Collis to Dr: V. Tierce, Buffalh, N. Y., and ree3lVe it . by , ,A pamphlet tree. . . Bolster says pdvarty is only an Wa in nine cases out of 1.4..50me men with 110,000 it yetrotnifer, Rior tin. wanl y of Means than others with .000. The nen nen, is,. tim. ,richer igliit Juni. artificial he suffers enough for being' dunned for 'unpaid•debts to kill a sensitive man. A man who earns a &Alai a day, and does not go in debt, Is the liapptor of the two. Very fewpeople who have never been rich will behove this; but it is true. There are thousands and thousands . with W princely incomes ho heVer know a minute's peace. 'There is keaily more happiness among the,, workingmen in the world dm; among those who are call ed rich. • S. Sat/taxis . nutlet, Of ,tho dint of S. dr; J. Suellenburg, Clothiers. and Tailors, New Brighton,' is going matron Monday to lay In their SprlngStock. SO lookout for Hire goods and low prices. Found Flouting in the River.— On Monday, Ugh inst.:, a drowned tnan was found floating In the Qhiq river at East Liverpool, Ohio. Ills height was about 5 feet 6 inchesond the only clothes upon his person worn a pair of—panta loons, vest and shirt. One of his teeth on the right upper Jaw was broken ott . Puzzler.—Below wo give a copy of a letter which will he tranalUtad by calling on the advertiser. • • ltamun, 15 March, 1471, Mir"; rucinm:—Oxkune me dal I schrieb yon in Eatglinh. Ich kith* PIO , long stark in WiliCollllill gtiwont, dae ich .allreedy twine geyoted• dna Englisher talk eteet mir no, vor that ken net hard ley meta ony dutch some More.. My *Orem° int zwil main from. Itaeine in Bunch. So you send up melts der Poet enter I gets em right away, quick. . . KAlskal. S. it .1. Snelleburg, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Broadway, New Brighton. Rletard• Henderson, more genet , allyknomin tia Santa Anna; the Hermit, deed on Sunday morning, 15th Met., at East Liverpool. Hevoral days previous to his death lie rollout of bed in a tit, and lay for two dayithotit anytlog td to eat beibre he was found. • CongetLfolonal Wiliiatn McClelland has our thanks for a copy of the Congressional Directory. We brit express the general sentiment of the District when we say that _Capt. McClelland has thus tar been one of the most obliging and attentive Representa tives' in Congress the Stith District ever had. A &roams AFr ECTLON.—A love-sick swain desirous to Indicate the extent and diameter of Ida love to the empress. of his heart exclaimed ! Miss Brown, My affection for you is as strong as—as —as the butter,they gave ive . for dinner. She was itabottled, as they boarded at the satiM' place. They wets; married and leading a happy moral llfe. - S. it .1. Stiellenburg made the wedding hui!, Death or tiunfbed C. 11111.—San ford C% 11111; be - rii , ..runo 20, 1706, near Fairview, W. Va., and dial In East Liv erpool, Ohio, Monday eveniug,•April IS7I. The'ulmvo deserve.; more than a passing.notlec. While he is well known the country over, as the "Almanac Ma ker," his Aim:mars, It is well know', euntiiin more than mere speculations re specting the weather, .tic. In these were choice gems of religious matter; thus. while H, C. 1111), blessed society at }ergo by his calculations; he was INlvring good .seed; which we doubt not, will bring forth its fruit.- Wel/Jeri/1c Minn. Denlit of Thomas Williams. (Jr Esq.—Thomas Williams, eau., a limner ha editor of the/Asti/ of this plsee.and au ao fm - count of' 1010$40 illness wo published s tit erpplo or week" ago, ditd at Sowiekto3r,at OM bowie of a friend, on laid Wednisidai!. was'about 27 years align, and for the taut year or twu was the editor of t h e Pittsburgh Mali. Ao Old ClLlsep of New , ewstle Iliessovedyto Dearer.—ThoNeir CM ,fle fleinrdinn of last week says: , 'ATr.'Jesenh T. DuShatie,whoot few days . altice;vemavad lifnm this city to Reaveri wnwthe oldestlivingeitlrcuoftthincity. Hb mite to Now !Nettle in ISttf. and has timeline home here over slnce..6ll period of sixty-nina'years. Me believe that. he has never been away from teWn for any length of Ilmo, citifying when learning the belief trade in Ilehver. COLD SPARKLING SODA WATuu tlavOred ',dill pure Fruit - SyrUps,44 BO: car Drug Store. : : aprzow. Important,: Degialea.—Tbe Sit: pretne quirt of Pennsylvania has decid ed .(Judge Sharassieod. delivering the Ophalon) ; that "Iturehasey at Sheriff% midic riot hound to look beyond the jiiak went docket io.asicertain wbidher, tho entries. thereon and properly made by. antherrity; and,,thai 'where .there is a -de- . redly° entry or,jridgwiendVar, ant' thr;rizatPentry thedpso thonotary is Iliad eth l llanttiges, party injured. 211euee;' whore -thq prti thcsnitnry,,vrlthbdt the .ailthotlty ,oltbe court; entered , c‘n "hit 'Andrei avdnitt ilplktqin4.•lttittl#l4 . , -k-sys, held that the entry Vras.peireAlfiodithtf"..,"4 l3 , .conelualvestrtothlrd. pinujipc the judgment itself regulartyd9ok k etild, 9inAluillite :notice/ ate: that'll, was fOttierifi * d‘- cfrtelii wkether ,ttipsiiiriti'in,V ' if g!IL Rrdar 4 6 11 14. 4*etlitli attoh satisfaction.' 7 , ‘.,' • 1 . 4 4 —Ol6 . 11 titt i ttitrag = liar* ' • vitt beift It+Annaciffittif • . to nnwry them, Int w 0 : Irtilgtmerykk;, The=g2 stated tho'd• &11' been /eq. engaged in selling prize pea- • s°1 10 3 :1 fr a te l = o: ,appe the tag , and pFepoutd paatalthoPYZAarr n 4 t? 0 pripiaitiikiiis datibk hg _ m i l , th i ) PreV 4 P.4 l 9l l lPrit,ti bl q._. wed" `dhow were commenced. • ° young men pi6XpMlan bops of whom proceeded 'to bomplete the arangements u aititedgy aa possible. ,(I.i. .dayt•Prrjr . .•: th •VZ g i C4 I E It:indent afiddenty amp ~ add anitortatoan II realm 411961.0ii•ft" were indebted at the hotel for boarding to: thkatelointeiftwal-itteldeaulel Rak ;Odes they Ampd tkernotlyte minus .v -iral arfibl Ojiberee*Jellehliff toenail to *Or-lovers. - Astheriterit , WI their "good donne." were seized by the landlord Li sfeitirliiDenitAi`playmeni it fie 4,l9l4froperi===o had Indulged watt) tbu t a„ divipated, and the rosy pictures of the happy future whfdlt Lail heen . prelent4 - 14d Vapidly &Wray. Tho disappOntifientwideh they experienced was only equalled by the .cintgt,in neessioned by the loss' of their knelling; '•• thild relS.l o Yenl 011 0 431 OW, Illl4,viallAd the Mayor't males this wiarning , with. a view of obtaining aisistanoe in search; ing for the worthies. They declined to give any names until they can ascertain Whether the prize men will either fulfil the promise made or give them money enough to redeiim their trunka—Pitts ,twrch Chronicle. Jobs. Carry, a well-known resident • f Chrvsville, Washington Co., and a sol dier of the war of 1812, died on Wednes day of last week, of Inflammation of the bladder, In the eighty-fifth year of his "age. The deceased was a most excellent citizen. Wntre LEME, Calcined Plaster and Louisville Cement at W. .1. Dunn A 'Co., corner Franklin sledlele SOL, Allegheny. gond malt, of-to W. J. Dunn, Vanport, Pa. [speil;at. A Fire (*corral' at tha resinenea . ,af 11 R. Miles, of Dig Beaver tp., Lawrence Co.; on Thursday of week before last, It Ignited from a spark failing upon the roof„.thit.wak extinguished bekre vaty serious damage was sustained. Lonlivilie 'Cement at par 'barrel; at Minn ihanklin ,anil Preble Sts., Allegheny. [apr2(l;3t. A llflnifiter •oit church ifi'whieli Rei4. A . .tiray late lim ier of Christ M. E Church Pittsburgh, figure" the prominent, Character, pas begun In tbstnitynn yeaktarday.; S. Dempsey this place, Presiding El der of that District, is the presiding offi cer in this trial. The charges allege that Rev. Gray ha, been In the habit of malt ing clandestine visits to a Pittsburgh la dy recently.. • Tuu'inottii for every man. Groto J.Snollodourg's, Broadway, Now Brigh ton If yOu von?t neat fitting gattnenta. On tho 31st Warne Hugh Turner, ern- Ployed at Victory, coal works,Carroll township, Washil3iiton 00., wono badly inlurid' by • tho Ming Icif slate that he died a fow days afterward at his real dent,o,. Wilknisburg, His back • was brokaa.nurthe luiyri3r half of, his bcp.dy entirely paralyzed. ' tiNVP;tiT PQTATO PAANTlL—Anyponions wanting the, Nainternond sweet potato plants, can bo supplied at 50 cis per hun dred, by leaving their orders at the An- Gum office prior to May 2ff. [Apr ;Et. Trask-laying on the Chortler,' road has been completed as far as the Poor Monist tarni;abottt.threl:tallett:tront the terminus in - Washington,' PS, Allent forty hands aro actively engaged in Push ing.the workidirough, and kt . Is highly . priMatti the Mini 'milli enter'that* borough by the loth of May. The-work on the depot buildings in Washington Ia Slatardny evening Bth " while \W it Conlin was dmwinggaaulitm In a - warehouse attached to the store.of ,oaeph-•eonlin, • In: upper. 14twetown, Washington Co., the fluid ignited from the candle-and set tire to the building, which, together With its content; was entirely conautned. Mr. Cottlin, during the early progresii of-the are, rushed in to the building and threw o u t of the window live kegs of powder thus, t!o doubt, preventing Serious 'Nudes to -the women and children who bad gath ered in.the vicinity. The losS was about $1,500, on whiCh the're was no insurance. X SUPERIOR quality of Spring Shawl'., at Mr'.. Beacon[''. [apr;4w. ISootor Brooks, the colored indi vidual recently convicted in Pittsburgh 'for procuring an abortion upon the per son of Mins 'Rachel ilixon, formerly of Muuntown Washington Lvutity, wan brought up for sentence the other day, baying been suriendoted by.hls sureties, who seet4ed alavuoil fot the safety of their griambacks., }le was sentenced to irnprisonment In the pent tentlary-for bareo; (Alerted that It was in:consequence of Rodin log MPS" pi t * ihtit pot i on Pres ton, wlio is confined In Wdellittaton jail. for,kiiling_ Valentine Craß„, sl i elsfk,s7 vino; hot. got Ihito; tiro)); uht tion. .1, I 4Lt. the Kyles of Lace and ;Anon col aS' [a U;1*:. Borax.- 7 Asido front its indispensable use to blacksmiths, and workers in iron nit steel, bow. ievery, valuiddeha va. pus household uses. It is the hest \ kroach szterminator yet discovered. half pound, costing but ally cents, L completely cleire d a large house, al orlV . iotartiling'Aritlts titia, 'id" that to . warthog, of one in a mouth is quite no elty. The various exterminating vs miffed and advertised have been foe I t . ft 11 if i o .dh i t 00-PlaketherwrilislikaPuLY44llln to, itm , eat ' - Thireitils*Mallhitstr, pseulisar; 'eith ii44o, sinell i tir„toucii of borax wh h'is certain' (gothi tothen:'" They %ftifieetin PP'illr , Acl i tt.anci ile'rilaP pear again whore it bar once been lch . also a grea t ati vantage that • s bomx is 1411cl:fly' bartnti*'; \ tu lonian ' beings, hence no danger from poisoning. it is also valuable for,latailtripargiosos. The washer-women of liolland and Deign i m, so prinorlially ober; tiuid 'Who get up their linen so hotutifellY ;athite, into re- hoed borax as ieasidni porthir, ittSiead of Jo* ia, , litlt" eftlealtiloil RCA large iriful of born[ pannier to ten, -gallon* of water. They save sea near! nea ono ilettadrttltterilti ialicta, combrie, etc., an extraguantny of the ' powder is' notectYand' for criltnilne vire. fitfiritig to be *till) a atrarger solu*lon Jai' necessary. Borax being a !Miura( salt, doss not hs Abei.ilikidimia lliegnee/b4 are c the texture of linen. e Its r i kis to sof ten tbehirtfod 'tisitor t ' n• ituSt6e'it should be kept tbe iolle tilde. As a Nart,ft il ' .4 , 4,0 • • better than a so 0 on o bo x n wato7. It ica - ,K4, - p*lptes . ifolik cleanly condition, and the hair is Just sufbcient -4 sildlatt4eo :Win itttplinAr TlCiasillr rotas however, can bo readily removed, ir olljee c,lqialge t ''V% fluditiieWitif'Wit ter. Minix Ye l 'also an eVostiont dentl .r!VP f elacq.qi It i 4 Wi li4 Ef I "? '4°44 the tooth-weskits.'" Id' c ountries It is `llll9tl, in eotobbtattort with tartariti, add add 'bilitrtiontite of sada, los I st 04011bg •,the. . 44011 :,.•, 1, 14.1 Vote Duo.—" The Swallow'a Parawelkr • Misses B.lllsy, gad Woosirtre. ultarre woeptaplmfoitAirp. ;Prof. 0 v r• T a savenTartii*inti4) Vat- A n doar=gaim.i: • -- rr • 'Vocal Dtict4.4Yria=brlMPises 44 de - 1 7 1,4121tet t “.* 34% k t :" t • ybeill 8010.7".Hahlt 4 n t P U P I4". .21n " gitikafaiti Al nano 6onbeA, d. neuter. 09.004 a, friim prehesten. • Ottatetie:—ThederiCklidiaier. a Oar pinter,orWarls4 Obkh: coullnitted mar. !bide orrEkindarmonting,iill 'week ago, by thinning lb the-cistern. • 11bi wib been ttp!,witti htin most of liistiliday• as he had been sick fora few days.. Between Ave. and morning, he Loki her to go i3istainkiipoi. 4 down amid rest herself.- She but'abe soon &CA:messy about blot, laid In abOut fifteen ;strut:arab° gnus down to the room orttereejlad lett inin,bot he was not there. r. Oallod.tit gpi NM. antiwar. Bho., then . began to look for him, and &Bei somellt4 time found him in thi detain.; There was a board down 196 the' water, which they imppose4 . be put there to elkle down on. ',lir. %haler was 'Shy yearsidit ' sober'-1n- diustrioulttnatoSllo63 circuMstances. It is auastiea lie wait rifsabb it the time. 'galtaaica , Drilling"; Nansooks • wnd P. K's,aoll4.lliiii4iVii.- - spr2B;te. ,- T4H . 11.E#SON wall' every one rushes tliii Spring to the old.C.lothlng Stand of It. Stejpfeld, is a puzzle to a good mans: but Qt: is easily explained by the fact that R. Stelntsid turns mit ad "noble suit of the season," at such a low price tbat, every ouanin afford. to be dressed in style. - call and see him, and inspect his stock, and you will surely be tempt ed to. leave.your tae aura for a new 11=121=1 • Aim Elopelamet Mt IllasitreiC—Ort. last Saturday morning Mrs.' ..fehn H. Bence, bl" Beaver, thought she Alseovered some movements on the part of her hoe band. and a Miss Musty Merriman,. a young lady Whet had been living with the family fee torear or nitpaitt, that did not impress her very favorably. On speaking to Miss Merriman on the sub ject, that . young lady frankly . avowed that she. "loins% 'Mr. Bence and would die for him." Mrs.-Benee was horror stricken at 'these remarks, and immedi ately.left her house and proceeded to the residence of a neighbor, across the street. FromAtere, she could see her buaband and the Yining lady ttrepaiing' to leave the bens" 4 . . is waft engaged the most of the clty, it ltlugdrunks goedit, ftet, s sititch he had'bilken4rOM bi store previous-to its being closed by the Sheriff, a eouple 'of 'months ago. At about 4 ti clock, p. m.,, everything being in readiness the - Miming 'pair together with Blinks, helm!, 4e„ left the premise., in a " buck wagon" for the depot at Ro chester, where they intended taking a train for few York. Alter reaching the station the Deputy • Sheriff went after Mr. Donce,cpr some coats which the lat ter—hid leftlh an Unsettled Condition. After 'an exciting . elms around and through the Rochester lumber yards, he was captured, paid the money, and . was e 5. then roi Latter Whieh the runaways took the,. n and left without further tnolestati .: , Mr. Bence le a man of atxtutithirty-fouryears of age, anti a few years agn was one of the thriftiest mer ehanOttn-'Beaver ; but latterly he ' has been drinking to excess, neglected his busincis, and now to crown' all ho de serts & faithful wife and two little inno cent children. The partner in his guilt —Miss Merriman—is a young woman of prepossessing appearance, about twenty or twenty-one years of age, and bad been living with the Dance's as wo have al ready stated, for a year or so past, In the capacity of milliner and dressmaker. Her relatives live in Beaver Falls,rand aro regarded there as respectable people. Der mother, welearn, is almost distract ed, In consequence of the disreputable conduct of the daughter. It is very probable that a criminal intawacy has existed. between the parties for several months past. 1 Hatching Ukiekeus by ilitessu.— Upon invitation of Major M. H. Cryor, we visited on last Friday, his extensah anti well regulated poultry yards, a short drive west of town, where we witnessed for the Mut' time the novel and intereit lug operation of hatching chickens by edam. The "Incubator" is a square box through which glass tubes convey steam and heat, and is kept at a temperature of dne hundred and one degrees. It is 'di vided-into two apartments; one the egg drawer, where the eggs are hatched, the other where they are kept until they are sufficiently old and strong to be taken in charge by the "Artificial Mother" an. otheriugealcms contrivance and which evidently takes better care of the Young than Many natural mothers. One hun dred and eighty eggs are considered • "setting" and twenty days are required in hatching.—Sakst Journal. A Flue School House About to be litullt.L-The citizens of Beaver Falls are,going to build a school house the present season that will bo an ornament to t h e place. The contract price for 'its erection is $27.000, and when the gun:mare and surroundings 'aro completed It Is estimated that the cost will reach about 1Nt9,00 . 0. A Reayer Falls mechanic militia the work. „ , Mr. nod 3lns. Daidel Ikert, an agedidid very .worthy couple, residing on what is known as the "Stokes 'Prop. arty." hi Beaver, have -both been quite ill during tho past month or alx weeks. MM. /kart his abciut recovered, and we are glad to learn that Mr. 1., has passed the cristiOid his t dinease, and• to slowly improving: 'Their numerous Womb" in this vicinity will be see them out lecutlaniongst theirs; again. .. • .„ • w a ' °rltflM yt otre*ipp,Mreessuted 105 ist With gbMfoMs will soon be here again. These annul! visit's to the cemettles of the couutry, have now become geneial;andlt le tbbe hoPattiakithe gat edittriot aidngle.eol d*tippitoowu otHuntY, will be neglect ihieh community ought to attendiet,..thia patrtotin duty them selves.' Where there are Ponta of the Grind Army, of the Republic, they of mime not, neglect it, but where there are • not the .people 'can gather at, some suitable place, and in a body' offer a torah,irßo j, or with their ist, or Srattot Ititvo fallen since the war c .td osed. 'Ofif sin town rro presnuss atTongentente will soon / be Rai on foot to 'gait ~ p tlert4 custom which should be agreeable to all and of- Nutt* to notut. - Aptuwal Logan, wha is thii druid COMMinder or Ain:if of 4 , 1 ) , ° 1 e. A.V l s.r.-afPrehPltd. soon 'Watt atiordeti; isktnettiti Mends or the dead VOW Iff4tAlMPTXPrlleri to join in paying this tribute of respect to those who died 43i defame of their country sad . IM free in'stitution ' s.: ' - • • Are oa lant awanagy, Wag loomeia: Vl* etwaged; . g i g) 1 / 4 7 4110 if1u , ilia ao , will bet found la ogii, will la liekt . ea Attu County copve tt , .414 fpounnittoo acted not postponing. Mb Its_ west ono %Imo 1111 !* V? DA. Inniatrked hrpeat ib, would awine tiaw to New Totaail, et Schi ff 's Dr3r °was Store • „they would police Veit china* In pat riots: - . Crowds of ladies visit this stare ; 1 11415 , ,,,WhOWen‘fatnInti9 to Pittsburgh to buj r , .„their'supplY In Pr" Goods, but' vow.shipiiii;d Ibis Opring such . tod stook at. U. Schirs at such prices w - can not belated at Pittsburgh nor rll B ii = B6l l 4/ ° ? r , l 4 thisklicta ' 12, ctsditl'unbleached+4stualin at 101etn.; Ilibl - aid dark Oft color *lots; id :l ix d r Towag e Towa with' fringes, at 124 eta.; hi* at 10 ets.; Gents' nr4d•eidted autffs;'S Itts. tbr 25 .ete.,. heepiy English Meta, et , Z 5 cle.; L'adles' collars ;torn Wet& bp; new styles Plaid, at 25 , Gingham at IN „Void 16114.; Sprfaeltiarrls; , splendid MOM, at 1000 ; A No. 1 liiselrimiti adored i j om , r o pu nn , at lid its.; formerly mid , 04 ob.; K 1 '4/ 11 idlLi Cet tiinaltqa:4,okids•f.'' •11 Intot INT* pierce, it . ifelidl 21 jst tp.75; white embroidered Ladies' skirts, at $1.22; and all otker goods at 'cirrespondingiy to prices; , The Marlon CbstatosseallApt luta the billowing institute notice: "Married, at Plintstone, by tke Rev. Mr. Windstorm, Mr. Nehemiah Sandstone and Miss WU hitimins Whetstone. both of Limestone. Look out for !kin:atone next. A New Vasa 011111* ta Vaspart.— The Post (MSc* Departnumt at, Washing tan hai detainnined ko establish • Post Gffice: in Vemport, this eount3r,. and a ireek Rt. so ego, asked the citizens of that town to designate , a anitiible person to take; charge of it. In *montanee with thin order the - hotlines men of Vanport held meeting on last Saturday evening to determine who should be reconunehded and on counting the vote It was .seer tidaedthat Mr. Baker Reed received le, s:otrannd Mr. William Harrah 12. Mr. Reed wax , therefore recommended, and it la presumed the office will be In work ing order 'in tile course of.. a couple of weeks. Rite ProspesS aortheCreps.—Ne- Where, up to this date, say! the German town Telegraph, Have we noticed of the wheat crop. On the contrary,- from our own information At well as from what we oars find In our cotemporaries, the com mon remark la that the wheat looks well. The winter was favorable for the crop. 'There was leis thawing and fremlng than for many years. ' The frequent rains have wonderfully froahomxl up the grass, making it very forward, hot it is. of comae too soon to to speak of the hay-crop. Many farmers got their oats In the lat ter part of March, and the rest are watch ing the openings in the weather to fol low snit. • The sooner ails crop is sown the better. • The - fiult:spiri on the pear trees rival even last year in number, and that was the greatest pear year •we remember. The lato scool weather was needed to check the unusual forwardness. We shall probably have another snow-storm this month; after which there will be little danger of being "nipped In tho bud." • The accounts from the great peach re giorut snare us tha L ti the prospects of e hirgererrip *Ore Snegrie ttrereetwouragiog at this period, and the only thing to be feared are late frees; and they ham need them up. The Worklegasen. SMITH'S FURRY, April 2U, 1871 Horrdß Armus,J:karßir looking around us and observing the men of the lierbxl, we are almost inclined to think that this claim is nearly extinct, mud at some future date atecimeds' °ranch will be eagerly sought after as one of natures greatest curiosities, and placed carefully and tenderly In the museum there to be admired and pawl at by gaping and curious , multitudes. In this progressive age of the world, the men aligippear to possess such extraordinary talents that' their brilliant minds naturally soar high above an ordinary occupation or C dAy'is hard toil. Work! Why, they drew fitick in disgust at the very thought or mention of the term. .The idea of them laboring is simply absurd. it is ad much aa their dainty white hands can do toeteiei *Cant or stroke • silky mustache., heir chief occupation consists in, Standing on a street conger or hotef'atepa and watch ing the passers-by. It iareally a pleasure to see a strong broad-shouldered, well developed man who puts in good use the muscle and sinew with which God bait _endowed hharafter beholding so many puny specimens - of whose titter alm.and highest imbithery on thisnihnitattespkiere.le the tying etf cravat or the cultivation of what they pretend to call a mustache. This is the way a portion of them do. A great tnany thinking that they possess inure ability and intelligence than the common herd, must have a profession. To hear them converse, one is led to suppose that the all-wise Creator had endowed the men 'of this period with a superfluity of brains and brilliant Ideas. instead of, as is gen erally the case, a superabundance of brass or selftsimmit. Wollope none will be so foOlish as to think we are not In fa vor: of 'profeisions.- Far front fur, among their ranks are found some of nature's noblemen . . Those Whose lives are living simples of true and glorious manhood} Wo do think that a great ma min a mistaken idea of life and the character of labor enter a profession tifey are illy calculated to All. Thereby making the grand mistake of a lifetime. bringing „reproach upon the cause; misery and failures to themselves. La bor Is the keynote to succesa,and he who toils not wises:gout naught but failure. It is noble and good and sweetens and gives tone to all the enjoyments of life. It conquers all things; man Is misera ble without it. His vary nature cries out for employment, and until he heeds its yoke he falls to become, as was in tended; the noblest', work of fled, end these wbu ,. thinking to shrink hard, toll, very often hide their indolence and lack ofenergfurider the mask ofeprofeeslon; thinking of Course it will eover all de ficiencies; Reviling that labor of the mind,• heart, or brain' Is the only true manhood and the only true nobility. Romig:ma, Pa.. April 19, MI. EDITOR . ARtrus :—A snit of wine Inter mit to real estate dealers was tried before Esq. James A. Sholesof this plami,to44.. As the parties to the snit arkreakienteer your town, I will give you a few of the particulars: f3ometitie 'dating the 'past winter, Dr. D. kleKinneyeffered to Ors Mr."..liiines C. Spans 'ten per' bent: Ibr selling some real estate in Beaver, which he was desirous of disposing of at that 'vrboaatter , lookallibaut foia:aut tomer, and finally Caine Remo a Mr. Coyle pi jeweler) who had some notion Pflaaalag Set Beirkr . tO PFP, 4 1 1 ..4! business. To him Mr. Spriggs sold the property refereed to; for $l,OOO, one hun dred in head the - Wanes in paintenta. Iftratiltraa laudatory' to Dr. Makin nay, tic POO was pad tablas, s jodgment,beed . with interest woo . taken her the reanatatng Itata: rliotLio~- was said at that time about the . percentage "irs"Vit • •or • inWitine • 'lfl 'theibiadmaiiapiagvi bOinAtiliffio.o6 froitillMAlraindAbeli WA?* , iooii his ti."llllnCla:tlien'iniiif theltr.:iustrelaltned pa; ) 1 •01 40 m4;y4.41 1- i 4io tbe . gls or itmkproputy. 'The D s: Po! 'find* le pay the perceolaim Oita reoshred the money' from My* the person tombola the property was sold. Sprilgs -Thai& entered 'snit Wine Nig; &Mies far Ms 1011:00tgaltritind a hearing was had on last Wediniday: Por thei Owing' appeal - nil niesirs. J 3. B. wpapii find tiflokhain c rind' ft.c . the Actendalt: Messrs, Me, VitlisOn,arof Moore. , ter takinisometesilmouy,ludipuelit rru given In :favor of Abs. plaintiff for Abe amount claimed. An-appeal. will, be taken.. , • .• • s ' teet•iict. of 14 poin . ttia iniviesiii of the x. 14-0; A. or &Kw -Lima Thu Exley . .evening•in tbe.Df E. etnerth; Rev: De Radial et 'WestenV Theological t:' • ' • • Persona :'lioldlertklueir wilr Violet prow/itUeel at the door eis 'the evenßig abOie Pnbri.d.b: t : * ; .• " A PArrot *ad large iralOrtinent of lleslA' Ilona* Vldwara,' Ribbons • sail every " article lo argrelatkr: !Wilma piloaa,at ' -r.; 5411,,21:4.4* ' Mr. 1114,11i4r11.: &tidal of .Iribo isa twirl adrioualy 111 for am U id r , peat, wd are glad to dotted, is'able 'to about again. • ' • ' '• • - • - . Fur lb. aloorer AVM. gOirEMP. . • - la a knaly stale mat wolics +104; On 'bead/Willi:el site: ' • AO the Mere hare all the Nam be weeptem . .SIAM that mothit died. What'll.* relight eons .he allele limed me. . . Banding low her head; ' Now I weep alone and so ate Gambol tee: ?or my mottai'm deed:: 0! I hoot to rest bold& her. ' With my ephrtt hue:. • . Only make** parte little whim. Add theree modeler , " With my eplrlEe platoon work . nod dtwylos. , 1 bane wandered bog. Poi lbe sound of brivenly Imspdietnitillsenlng. And tor angers mud. ?Mere are Owe erldo adds mak WO, me, Those who gladly skids; Hat Them', no ors an tbo emitflud loves to . Ude my noddy died. 0: I long to far beside 1 , et, • RIM my * Olt bee; • Only mete the raven tittle wider. . At.d there's Mom foe me. . , CH *short M irlW with *maid tinvilab. -• Idatlior dear. to.allakt, , ?arta volltsda thy HAI mut langabb, Hidden bane thy algid. Evers golden diem any ;mum boil cherished, avelliope ham dsd ; Every bad elloy ►u earls perished, . . Yew my moituei dud. O! I long to rest betide her, With my spirit free; (rely make the gravq• little wider, And those' s too tn fin' me. Pennsylvania Legislature. SENATN, April 18.—Mr. Ratan pro. minted a remonstrance from 250 eillsetta of New Brighton, against liquor-odd bitten. A burlesque liqtior lasewsi Iti troducvd. The Constitutional Coltman- Bon hill came up and was poilpontid. The Apportionment Conference Com mittee have done nothing. Hovau.—Several privattand local bills were ,introduced; but none In vrttekuit-' . liens of, Brassy, county are hatarested. Several private and local bills passed. 811311111%. April 19r—The hill preventing. trespassing on Railroads, passed.. The House bill removing convicts from -cer tain counties East to the Western Peni tentiary pissed. It is reported that the Committee of ConNwence will report a bill to-morrow satisfactory to all parties. Hover.—Mr. ileardilee, Republican, offered a preamble and resolution psis tibg . forth thetthany important hills re main to be acted upon, anti infoiming the Renate that the House will be reedy to adjourn dually by Thursday, :Nth instant, and requesting that body to at tend kriegislation in time to adjourn-at that date, which elicited lengthy party discussion on th e dend-loek, and was passed by a party vote, the Democrats voting no. Mr. Joseph offered* raw. , luthm to adjourn the House from Friday till Tuesday, which elicited another par ty discussion, and was made a special order for Friday morning. Several local bills were passed—none of interest to Beaver county. - SENA're, April at —The bill prohibit ing saving Fund Banks from accumula ting out of the net earnings more than.: Jo per cent. in live years, and turning over to, the custody of the Common. wealth all deposits unclaimed ,fOr thirty years, passed finally. Nothing 'further of interest. .11oums.--liovaral private and local bills pissed—but of no general. Interest. BENATX, April .—Mr. Davis swingt ted the Report ("he Conference Com mitym on the Apportionment. Bill call ing the previous question and the Report was adopted by a vote of twenty-seven to four, the nays being Warfel, Billing felt, Allen and Findlay. The Report was agreed upon at four o'clock this morning, and is as follows: s I Cheater and Delaware Montgomery I Blacks and Montgomery! . ............... ......... Berk. Lanukter ....................... Schuylkill Lehigh and Carbon. Dauphin and Lebanon lauterria, illeftturt sadrite ...... . . . g Bradford, nuquoehanna, W sync and Wybuslng Columbia, Lycoming, Montour. amt Camerae. McKean, Volta and Timm Snyder, Petry, Northumberland and Union Clinton, Cambria. Clearneld and kik.. Cumberland and Franklin Adams and York lkillord, Fulton, Blair and Sounerstt Centre, Juniata. and Milmilfitidn, • Allegheny (c$ whom two aro to he elected and one In IST& Indiana and Woatotoredind.... 1 Fayette;dd Greene.— ....... .................. I Beaver. utter and Waohlugtou Clarion. Armstrong, Jeffetsui and Yuroat / Lawrence, I.erear and Vendome, • • I Crawtord .................... ........... I Erie and Warren.... ........... M7=1122:1 Philadelphia Adurnr Artuitturnt dearer, butler and Warltington— Ltedruni and Fulton !lurks DWI -Braden. and Wyoming-- Bucks Cambria Niter and licKean 3 Carbon and yunroe ° Jr.l A Ilegheoy, outside of Pittsburghs Tirrts se.Mied. Thled FOuriii•Yetb, SI grit, tiesenth Eigth, Ninth and Fourteenth waste or Fitts. bargb Tenth, 25keenib; Tualgh, Thitteenthy Sixteenth, berenteenth,hsghtnentli, Blueing:lth; Twentieth, Twentyydrat, Pareniywecood Ina Ts enty•lidni. wards of Pittsburgh... Chester Centre . . .......... ......... ....... Clearfield . .* . .... Clarion and Purest ' ....... Lycandugand gulltrx• *doublet ..k Crawford. • Datiohln and fferry Delaware Brie • Elk. Gunmen sad Jefferson Fayette Huntingdon Jardaia and Lancaster Lawrence Letanon , Nositglimary..:: .4, Napier •, • Northampton Northomberhoid and NIXAMIIt. like and Wayne ........... Snyder and union Sitseaehal?na and Wyoming. Tinge— . Yenaogo and Warren— Westmoreland Turk theme.,. Somerset. Mile A hill.from the special 11.aiutilttee on Border Claims reported 'in Actor of the bill recently lotroduced.Adjourned tlit llloiiday evening. • ' Xiousit.--Ths rafieet tinter Ceethree,, .tiommittaitettappostioriaiiiatersellit_eo" ed,;-eild• after , a • storms debilw-Piered tinder callflbr precious gesstket; 11100013 for ro.ccorstilkeetlisa rile pother: tallied. - *OK lion ' id~or r vii<' - jlll mon'fair• . .}ft i 4:-"lliirfs4-Lb-."-Zifniiiitiall MY. iffileffilionwpt held*. the court Muse. Afters free end friendly intemioange Of .intarsollitirnikPled . the knowing • • kale, lead , ll;wskaAessas .11hr Os • ffinaffirsineultuf Asa Iteindilkona Iffielassegilloeffiagas• linanonl..thisdideles for the various •ogices shall be notiolusted by a' dire 4 Arms of the Republican party by ballot. ilite.2 All 11140 claim to be, and are recounhied as members of the Republic. ea party, legally entitled to vote et the *ensuing e 'ember election, and residents •11f timelection.diatffid where they pre. pose to Tote of. at that* of 4lie primary •elocillon, sad minors who are ideatified .nlik the Petty. and who will be full age theneal ensuing election, shall Ile en titleittd.votc fur candidates•forthe'veri• 'our tollicei to tilled at sad, 010100 b. Sin A • Candldates for the respective Officer shell announcetheolssirea nautili in at is m& one county _paper, .fur. two 7reeigleWore the Minima elecdou; And Piselobegh=rl to l4oilq-#3; SW: 4.' 'The primaryeieetion for nom inathig eandinates IJO Odd at the as plinetif holding primary in ascii district con the rises :ffiaort ai t l y n C ally la, each' you', end shall be opened 2 o'clock p, w., except In elletrietihere ; the population eteeeds" two they shall be opened it 10 &Clock's: MI, •and close in the • I • cfelcoeke tro.,Mid lathe boribe at 8 &cloak, race. 11: The ilepabikeit :ideation .pre. mental Melina/ kw *maw the deeioa, "sal *lnn 0 ,0 r*•• PPS ofuld, tilectims rdirt itril t o ' bb' And tard said deckled' as Weald elee lion - outddischerge the dffilelo 'ffieuMbeat• eel soak °Mere 'midst itsesiweglaticiok aid clerks to farm a cornet list of the comet of the pr Tbsouotka ot HdiatAA, shall also.. afltbe Dame theiCailid Sam shalt batitok sWlLLiald,One 'Parma as a membered the County Cuannittee the ensuinurear Ito miry lea or Tree tiOn of 100 Repaffillcatt vets. ma at she lest preceding October election. lisc. 7. Anse 'WWI" am doe& the officers of the election shall norrealY count the votes mat fur each candidate And for the member or members of the County Committee, and shalt duly cer tify the same; over their signatures, and such canitleates, together with the list of voters and tally papers, also certified by the officers, *ball be carefully *seed in an eavelopeaddraissed to the ' Chairman of the Repdbllcan Coulity Committee, which envelope, together with a timid elate for the members elect of their elec tion •as • members of the Comity Coo- mama, then be delivered before 8 o'clock, a. as. on tiro Tuesday fallowing such 411:140: 11 7 the cadge or one of the 'Clerks , to the person who had been elected a member of,the County Committee, dr either of tbetet; when there are more than one In the same In mar the member of he eCo inty ; . Committemeleit ti eteble-te at..... a e the duties as wact,,he way - appoi nt dilute pro Ina. Sac. 8. The mem, -of the County Committee ittal bet * bet i mble at the Court Mouse, in Beaver, on the Monday following said election, at 10 o'clock, a. m. and shall be celled to order by the Chairman of the. County Committee, or I In hhi absence, by the Secretary,' who dualreside ea temporary Chairman for o on, and to whom contmittee. men dual deliver their certldeatea of election as members. When a roll of members shall have been wade, they shall elect one of their number as President and two Secreta ries. The returns of the election for candidates shill then be delivered to the Preddent, which he, aided by the Chair• mad of the County Committee, shall open and announce therefrom, then ow her of vOBl.ll returned for each candidareg , to be recorded by the Secretaries; whichbeing done, and the votes carefully counted, the persons having received the highest number of votes shall be,declar ed the nominees, and the result shall be I ordered to be petellabal in all lbw party papers g Use asginfiri - --; -." ..<°•. ._ 9. Any•taree o morn Persona Oar beg an-eqoat -nemof votes ter the eausitoMetibleaU be . t foe by We b r iotiod Chanty Combated, theperstFl, calving the highest atwitter of voles be the 1301111T1011." • ' ' . Sac. l 0 A- majority' of the .oeanty. themmittee ow being nallatiedof freed in returns or otherwise, of any election district, may reject the votes clench dis trict to the extent of the hated commit ted. Sac. 11. The COunty Committee obeli appoint all , Congreadeaal and Legible. tire conferees, and all delegates ),e Na l bond and State Cooventions. ... . . ... ...;.e Sec. 12. Dnotedistely after omeartar nominees for the tainting election—the members of the County , Committee shall proceed to permanently organise by electing one of their members us Cher i man, Secretary and Treasurer, and the appointment of seven of their numbers an Executive Committee, for the annu -1 big Sac. year. 13. Auy candidate who may. wish to coolest a nomination, mild give no tice thereof to the Chairman of the Clona -1 ty Committee within fifteen stays alter ' the meeting of the County Convention. Sac. IL The Chairman o?the °pant r y Committee sheathe the Custodian of all the primary election court papers. D. STAXIIIII Cain. W. W. Kash, Say. " • Mn. EDITOR, Dear Sir :—I flndthe en swer to the first Enigma given in the Anus or last week, Trfa BisAvca Ax ons; to the Samna, Beaver Seminary lud Musical Italtue, Yours, Prli!aary accordance with the rules of tbCparty, tho Repub licans of Beaver county will meet at the usual phew, of holding citations, on haterday, the 17th day .1 May, and vote * thelbllowing nominees for the following omens fh!e per!tol AO . . 64 4 6 7 wo pertm They: will ty Commiliet as follewe alt' tartar,. .... Waste', .... Mares 1aw0ugh........A Yarliwe ihersaigb towaship.....l' Mcol l / 1 14'••• • • • Ikidipawater kingipau tawaship,.....l; New Brightaa, (N. hi.Jl Milan botunti I. do (M. W.A...1 Heave? Valle boreadh..3 , do , ‘ll. W.J...t Chippewa. New Sewickley 1 II North beirscider Ilearnal warstatip. e* Gall lea ,Outoisth. Palistaa.,.... ..1;011/0 ' . ......1 Newnan.-- .... .. . ?madam distric t 1 ....... Freed= baeoinle..... I nebula. 1 Frankfurt Markt, t diedcaoa.. ...... Greene Wreath*, Rocherterbmotlgy it (lea waMarmltatin bworigh...l tuw . •WP•• • St. gtqb ail raarar r ladepirtedaaed ..... - The Cduaty Convents will be held • . at the Court awned, on litssaillity, the 29th of say, at 10 e"iifeek, a. mei. D. STANTCIN.CI:: . CO. (bit. We are. relocated to announce the names of the following persons an undi d:des for the once l designat Autscuibly. JOHN Y. DiAIIKS. Hochast r. JOHN ROBERTS,, - Beaver rills. • ' Da. W. O. SHUHLOOK, Darlington. Mil JOSEPH b.' WILSON. Brighten Tp. .BENJAMIN TODD; Industry Tp. ALFRED O. M'CREARY. Heaver Falls.' THOMAS d. • • JOHN JEFALIs; Ohio Tp, • JOHN. U. WILSON, Franillo p. ....: a DU/a/LES P. WALLACE.Barm FaU& JAMEB-REED,Haaaver.lp. , . DAVID E.-APOALLLITSII,MopeateIL. CURTIB.Mreraa Tp. • ." DlaMpllca Alaiguer., • JA.HRS CAMERON. Beaver. JOSEPH. 11. HARRAH, Beater., " - sAnsun. Nurraritta h sou*, Beaver. HUGH ANDERt3ON;Beavar. . H. J. MARSHALL, Big Beater, A. UALER; littsbtaa ° ' Pear Haase Dlreatir.", )0. SAMURIIGHISOR. lisTileMaa =0 XeW ':ActvertisN”ikmah!.. Ig(T •W . DIINEI:W.WwWwwwm Dosp IV boatload Wow. Ord& Dos ' to Oissoloctory rsiNk Cal: Soo& of if" If '' "vg l AMAUt'sagre LI toy wad o.o' b Ittft l oolf BMW 01001 1 0 bog 0001, le ifflOto a.,,... Ws.; au tin Mk Yollgag oft o oot mitiom =OW. to sot* =I, or m ,== reu r Wig bor do mkt Ziffnart . ! "" Jr a ltre i h r ;;o fatten of 00 ofooof 0010otooff$ Mat t t e doel., tote %%to :sty, Ws bits &O owes to: IoW .Milo 610 Wood ply. motile Vital off moor Itostoreidmi ;pima ttio woo win "mos 040,104 1=5' catod ootelootoot. 111frIttlt 0 itprloolo. Mil BRAVE'''. Pa., April 24, 1871. EDDIE TAYLOR. _ _ ......----. ,46ametaite . judge. C=2 111131 oir.asiaTiati4e rit tog - = • 1 , -.otottleat•pitiol ow] . WEIOEfkuNIVIIIr.;+viIIiWI6*.• weft 80. IBM by Row. JAL Widgol c ot Moog tp.i to Dototit• W of PhilUppbotg. , oil of flostet rs. DZID. 1i1MVP24. 4 -Apill SlDtb, :1Soc: Wm. E . vs; b. D., lit Ito 612ty-tiMilt ymit , of imurLD.—On 117edt=the OMlit of April. at -New , • . Imola, Illrav Mails Goald,isir=r . of Marcus T. C. Gould, aoq...lbnisilly. ~.. of 40040eler. Pennsylintola.. MI; OM eery-third year of her we t • • ~.. .---On. A. 14114 loot. , Mr. ,Thaingill 10. at.%Wvail tuurustap,Jainrenon couty, ova 18 yews, f months 'end. 11141 ML. ,et•bllsofq laimedolp.icas. L witlilionoty Pisa Wow mos sati, we. =Low. Tomb guar; dmilleatio mai •,110 , 06m.. - ...i.i.k • 11090 1 4 To ( ?, 11112 :‘, Tr 3471 , 4111 1%a. o t os* ',mi.. Ist.imendwoos itt ' I ' Ily b li=hr=l42lll M blot: atop 1114•1•11telail bora_ e• awn ts : 1101;, : toirAM_4l6"ei. '11•VIIIrr , A ~Brlt., L ArAtest la asr. ..d,sda NWT hag- , ' • . - t • _Dr. Briu.simp,-"lttitZertakr."4 Mime br . • , e t ' a0t5.4 7°64 " 6 1: 141 .0 rk..scae" •„,• , • or VIP* OIL 011!.t7.'inaL as best ofjosr kamilsijr J. 'CAVIL' • A. IL WI WJAN L 50251. imegiter. JNO. ADMIX 1871. T 0 R . , „ , The on4etelyned takes pleuerrein is fonolig tbe public that be besjustvited a: sew Dry.tboode Store In the Room re: eentlyoorupled by Jatrialkiciae, on Or DIAMOND, R9OIIMMI,IOB, MS STOCK CONSISTS OF. Muslim; Claims; DeLains, - Arms, Sulks. awl every variety and style of [solo Usually kept lietiat Stores, which be will sell at the lowertleash 'prices. sPtillkSat • NELSON. '.WHOLE.SALE• HOUSE JOSMI HORN, &, CO 711, rt apd 7s ' Market Street, pirrominEtari. audit mowed the Ratan Deputmot of ow Market Street Bowie. to the shown retook 107 end ale Peso attest, Mon Belletelt.w• as batorPillettodtheltely sera& b entail:Re to toset the &made of UM Jobbing Trade. . We world reetoettelly solicit tall hoot Alas it Dalin bi Wl* weed Iles sie Wee de se well,lt Sot Wraw besets est roles'. Wow may boas. Mit els Wee. Sit • . . . al Gtlk4sarg.Cattais 2145. roulitue:M P Abefoets:6l4 l r. ParrnlA; = atm, Brads. Apra. sad Swall. wares: • entitling Is MILUNERY AND STRAW GOODS, . , • &It LOffin SLITI2.II MCI; , 70,77 & 79 Market Street, New' Girds Arriving Every Day. Mercantile Appraisemont. &Mt et las WOMem 44 neve in 41)iffisqf Of Ilisavcar , For Use y trIMEI Dittman Matta, 11 I Dracut* Davos 13 Wildest Deed 11 A • Crelgheisi 14 A Main 14 Wa *edit). a WB V Novtor sa W Mi a nkel 14 D Ilseirat a Sao 11 YAKa area IS _rammeal it Soo 14 le U Whistler ' 11 Jamb Maur 14 ' II J Par4l4. 141 8184oti 8 Mtge! 411 Vo 141 Wpm Uri Cooper 141 8 Clark Itub.rtillka IN AgilN 4mws Zwrnt Wary Yen Small Atkins Mei If Wawa 111111X1111WATIM _lobs Maflag 1 :L rhi ltw 7Co ii neer Filming 14 Jaws )1 Barbour H Doberry A Straus 11 Brown 13. A C Borst AN Macey • 112' B 8 Hauger , 12 1 II Mahout 14, Htlla a Leew- • I 11 as 11 Numb l4 macerrraescialu. 11 11, Healy 14 Jobe CanwaY 14 Wlll Bad& a. Co 14 Hempel McCabe ' 11 I .B*11; W '! egkerd 4. • 14 V im , 12 1 1 1 2 214ber ,14 Jcohn Cbaney 1 D I Lo B wt 1 13 • , 5?. CLIIII into. is I' co . ; a. Co 14 , %ADIS. Mg!l Nue (Alma 11 L I.4eGookis 14 Asthma, Supper 14 C l !Loathe, 14 IrWiros. I .lmot Dosesail Co 10 Raba TT. Wlnuil Muni • 14 J D4.3851.s 141 Jobu abarp . IS Whistler t Llueubstakl4 I 5 lt Campbell 14 Hllluges 41 Co , William Cary 14 J GI MeCotebeou • 11 J 31 Hibbard • ' "14 EMia N Cringe Co Hew Lupp N Uawkir . six_ ,w Coo& Dump L SteWlateld Johostank J Liseabrisk 4 Sous lamb Ileetteusteht 11111, SMICXXIIT. 11 Beckett 14 imam J Parks NOST..IIIIIIICIUJIT. I4 dreamt. dielaield • Gawks Hall David Aualwrobiagb Alai& BD.-- A V Med%leia IRLET.iII li MaranoKA ISL Iverio4Th w!Mr mas • (karts Frederick Jahn A Kin ; Benjarabs Pfeifer • ,1 D .- ,1 - Neiman Rea NSW 1111811TO1. J 8 Jobnoton 14 J S Redoen ' 11 Por r ta . iv C Glorr JM W Slorspooe 111 lemma • Diet .d Mutter C tr --- 14 Meow a co DAJI4UICIII Freeman Batt' 1W Isogon_ Syhrester &WWI' Went Dunlop John 4llbw° Geo P 8kmoo• • n!fEini NEM J C Doff 11 R G Cook. . 14 JID Kftr. . 14 caw Tr. John A 1,5:41141 13 ID X Irwin 13 13 X Boyd • 14 Jselkaoa a Wilma - 14 X WA • 14 ._. X W X anick 13 14 taa/y .1 LI J 2. P Rawl' 14 Aber X Reed - • 13 P ATA Boyd thim4 ,14 iulonsirr. _ 111 Bald A L 413441104 i W D ideLkmaki Kam rub 8 * Jt Uh ellaburn , LLLLYIUe E Warts J r Mitchell • W M Waddell /1i Co. Thos Boron T N Bann PCIUD MaaeoU Winter &Bedlam' Frank Leap/ate! U U llene - , A WWlsod. Haver Aadmaa Juno Wilma . A Winner Jl4 MactrAn • a Merrick • - 11RWlIscos 111 1 1sser " IS !Jr Nachos lb ISos IJoia Mega SIGs IS SCCOC t IV TrV Tr.. !ecot 111 Spelsget • • 14 _.....-.....44,44 JoSl4l:o4bus ' . •1411.1 11764410 S ' • a maim -:• • ' tit- - nWidesbiisoa. MlA's Rtmorly ;.: &MMus Laub '. • 14 M i yt ir ' ' .11 ',JIM , 11 R B &Am ' ii - Gault ly. ' • 1 lifr i 4Mtas , ~.-, , 14 n .1 R Todd OrrisoG ' • 14 ,• 3 4 I. . Boor &rick r';,',.' 'lll.ll.l4eltenws , 11 /tßankbt , ~-'l4 Daitasomiy. ~ U =ATM PALM BMWs 43 &Woo -14 DClkOwit - : T U Melt 114113130,131._. 1.1 1444 0 74, _a es a /obi 0 ial,W • U all aCO IS G X tli -•''-: 1 14 ', • 'l44l4srusr. ' • ' ' l4 ' s 9 " 00 e 8 - ‘'.: . :34 Jobtaseloow . .14 Mmi nag -,, „U &mimeo a 84400,. ,31 L B 43,1&ws ' '' ' ' • U Aber Ai Asti 13 awe a mut. ' l . • ' " u- Omni Wog ~ ,st Getwet a rttioit . 34 11 Rwur • ' ' l i• ' • KS X 44044 ' '''.. VP litwid /I Lew • 14 Nameable Megaw/C..• iwitsawas Tr. • Mast, UM t „ UPI 'WNW 14 ffillaial#l •6 9# l..4 '' . Aika li rom v " . •• • llll lana•••• 1 ''' • :a Rase twlll l l l ll lll o •= & taw ussinet& ; ...,_ 114 . 11 W V' lai ngl r '! ."--. '.'4; f s i t sm • Tslt' ' ' - ;4=l C nert- • is I 'Ow Swestbumi & maws Wm. aszaturwww& i ll CWittoa _ 1 II ireisellnot •• -, '4 B B Tod& 14 ' • • • ' : Low* ! . • --.. , .4 MI 1114040ws •••• . .31 , - ; oat., , - 11111kIbletd" r ' ' 3 A' ds ; Cattits ' 4 II OMENS •'t • ' P.' t t WM In .• , 1, •. 4 l l W,RaeaUM -. , 1 .. 1 1. al M 3400 ~I • . ._ i . arnmmr•rnapassatom. ~.. ~ . ? .. t vatrua" 2 " ,- ` - • Aim — . T WalmiL lialter * ' l II ' Jr Athwiet ••- t i : lap i s ' : Ara: I. . '. ININCIIMMIS. Onnot,W Gude& Iltpas .)0 , , *Ill " " 11 2 . , , mensei . t m . - 2 I . r ~ ,I0 mini tiadiesit. ' i " . isaimii: d ' Ma arwell Slldalki - 7ii • MI6 • 1 • The alosa mg Mt bd4l - 0 lib odial olikeoftwimarssosu. :_._ : . • , lipettte. ' . ... - •Iv. , 4,1. !--; Orphans' Gantt - • Atnnirsidikilbking4 Ef ir ibto• or am or4fis tivhilir d ri lliumpreromory lobs soisollOod 3681/411.1 'IT Ty . ' 4 l ll OW!, P! , 0 1 ,1 0 , mrkiiirgids.vwfspi it! , NAM* arapnimr Wei • LtreitgolLlAMaa4._ ra w= CIC tr r Yo rof;r -ri- initteraN ra w=a' avow TE1L • 114 6.66.4 1) ayN adia... .;'! 1 ..4. ::: . : ,' ,40 1 ,.„ De=eoub .liellei. snot N - ,1 .. : r 1 1 . 1•160•011 0 1. 1 = 614 . 1 0 111 trir zl .1 F i, LI a Iti taM m i t 1 ii Ili il i e rl i tl i, l La c • , , Vel pettbeele ant nytteloor 'hale; ' ti.larita• lear.Aulte•Willatri•! • • I'. milietta. re* WNW Ita.! .„: , . 11 a UMW ArgaM INA We lubserael sum a 'lli . lipillieee Throm p isigL " Eftwatimi. , r • ,i i iii • iiii:( , . , g , tt , .1: ~ !....."7:Z"3 . ! • . ,"41;111 -- • tivt , . 0 hone Court Sialta; - .. 0 I BTvvvtttdddooow..atto: •i. immid•Allelll. At/ eiallalt tit oloVeartretorWie.role al i L emew ;•,.. =ma.. 1. 2 . 111 . ,_ , le era% rah l ~ I t pees to isle y rabbi! Mae, fi . ::.llla , peep• '• ' NOY / 1 / 0 1•Pnit • • 1 .. h. ' 42;i i r iii, ; • :••• I 11=11.112 1 h t i i i i. , .. t Ng am Nal thoTh= . real aTiviel• ' i Zwitipdads**/ i l tillillaipip, Omer ems% kr fo f ,V IV *I ramooklatookrat am oh tty /Ma Irea air Ihe toot ler tame OW ' Thliebili Akira; I :., " Atlg ni Zire=o " :o4 4 =Zitt , -ham L roe onto* ordiaks frit ea the : prooriret. rohoote,hthboaaCrolobteara= , 1 on la :-Caloalatit ei pattMes awl ... as'Osallemdos of ode ' bir fili. prima, Oa the Wawa to two opal melee, WS he. 1 tenet therms Irmo tho dote Of NA D vil= oelerred West hamoile to WWI Chili-41le posetner iv pm avow dor ~i C1ai1i114.151 1 4 OA IWltilell NW momivr, • : NNW . Yoe tiuthor habwider. *rho &Mk WU. • ••• A Mom. Ammo it {er r Ikanntr. h: er. of the woharlgoor, CPO*" P. 0 . a 11•10 . 7 easily. L . • JAMBI Caa2halhoilhallailtrillar.: • • ' • • maw.) . . A dministriitoes Nottoe IS Raderstvwl Pallas .bees imobted MO:" WON Miss at Mulls Mae. of mottles .Cllppririewaside. Iftionietimilln 16 o ur all pilaw ladlebted la fall Via Me lannadlate mama Is tsliatesd. Ili .'mornorld lanais Ciao a NOWde NM ammili ass regifilit to prem ed theft l, optrAlfra.) '.IVtrIVI. I 4 I . . FA.LIANTOTI!i' Foundry ic,fippr 4.5h0p. Botta' beau Magaral la Um Voir* ludimui mato dna tllifts took Eltdt Itar t have atcanatatad * tariats at aw tak Mao nartreettlat **leis 40 oat palmate COOKING .:STOVES —Not atm; tattoo thosoaokto, imtat Oro boo I NM onolsott4 In oiltdaillonl to t PL . c 1 1;57 Eh The 4szmi - a pork. lbw Oftb.uNlSv. sitsevisi Store of Diarist Elciies katlai sad Ceoklig. The Great Roe Mill are Has Oh kb Hof my Move halsh thb swift IT TAKES LEGS FUEL, LE/38 ROOM TO DO OR WORK. BESER MOST DURABLE ALTOGETHER THE BEST STOVE IN USE. In connection with the stave I have got up s Pstsnt EZTE.NEGICON 1N:!P. which occOplea little rang no atistitlonal and is not ILblp to weir oak sea with all pipe, can be pot on of taken or at any ti Me. and Made to Salt ON stores of any sise or pattern. ' • Ply° 1-liandred,Persosus Who hare parchised sod used the OW OHM 0301116 TEJ Mtvst.or whose names have been publish• ed in the Ana l are confidently; rettrted to, to bear witness of its sullied,* merits u a 000ktng stove. MALI three NM elms infuse os lisp. of = i t pi l Ve h ar ""t rouonatle a r s i l ies t"1"."1"4 101111 TVOISNILIT ' welt. IMI !R MO Had and Foot.Staa. • W.. imp yaOaf. Wilt* VMS. the Arid warinal of nabbed writ tau an tie east slate la NO army award; elddi gheeNeerdo. met a Adawiem or . ka ',Wag o o Omnr illepalled Meads, a Anon a makable Ilaaanman= In aaairbeee.' Nevin nainmeale Ur no Ws. sad Ow paw tau* Millie la 'n= l. • alre•aaald nopeetnab' WO" pantos* wialliag Xatiola wart: so WA eat son ow watt' taillaa pigebNiag 4! Ism bars. aart est, themelvo. Also, Grind: Statics, *viz- • 'visa tie wit stria toot. t.; wa . u=le nammileria • • • giTml. lithe* . l6lllll 111614.• LOOK :HERE. Urt i tatT g gere . saitis ~Or Mai Ms WON rseettiod WIZ sClaiirtrallt s lgit i vo l g nein* • ; eimmirmaanir , hiPwaszumra GOOD& - • . . COVSSZUMIS ON• WAD. SO Woe mai slimiest Nona. • - Ithttothei loroire Wool I MO , • *ldiom lbeamaii to mois,voollso• "" el• • ?MII :DANIEL IffLLEIV 5 1. '•• , 0 .surinargr. BRIPORTA TI M: - • * or NO , 1 1 ••• , • • ~ ••, . Ii,II• , .: ••:••• 1•'..• ~,,i .• • . • i • : ru=3 IN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers