The Beaver Argus, Beave r. ra.. Nardi 1. I&71. ' (*rotation 'Ttrblern Hersidied. - Rates or Advellialar, , rims. Ur. 6w. mm. 8w : 1 sear I rqr—ldllue,o, 111 OD 1706 55 00 11 00 ea Do i 'glum, do' 350 11 00 - 1 00 lOW 'l5 OD 1 'guano, do , COO 800 11 0/ 11 OD 11100 oquotei. do -800 800 10 50 15 00 SI OD culwna....l . 6 00 11 00 15 00 11.1, 111 CO 11 00 15 00 65 00 ROO ill 03 c01nn15..... 111 00 WOO 1100 lOW MO 00 itdmlnhonuens• and Mu:tutors` Notleco....fd 00 notices pot hem, loseento. Popoonto to ho node famotorty, onegt ior transient adTettlsiolento. which moot Vol pal In *drones. • GIRO. In ISOIIVEL AND ‘ 1440 Park,Rerts. N.Y.:eh. TIMM L it. GILL* Oft Wren Row, Neer X rk s are the en d an ihr Mir EIZIOSO Atli Ma chi. end an guanorind &Owning% aw • I wing advertisements tor U. at oar Imp v..i raw. Advertisers la th at city aro re. qa to leave their Amore. With either of the stn e bows. Stitt. or Mb Thiseireameter for the wook ending Fobruary 25, 1871. . e. 2 P. 71. V P. N. 11i 33 deg., 87 deg. 87 deg IV 33 dog. 46 deg. 40 deft 21 33 deg. 35 deg. .41 deg to 21 dog. SI dog, • .33 deg 31 deg. 52 deg. 47 deg t:.4 dug. • 64 deg. 62 deg 25 37 deg. I LI deg. • 43deg R. T. TAYLOR. TAME TABLE. ilevetammil t rallaalwargk w al.—Tralus %Aug Kada lease Beavar titailus an followsla; g Nov, clog reo' (eartleap. m.;liveo (c.o. 5A NV, L o c al riel3l4 paveetagera)4,ll p, w. coin Waal leave Dwyer tilallou ILI fol. T o: Mall, '7;13 a. ex.; Local Freight (carrying paoletitmn.r 10113..m.;Accommudatfon, 11.47 p. m. Wa. W. & C. U. u.-11shogolnIC Kcal lr ee: p elt !Rattan. (at end 0( *kV) u Beaver Yalta Acton:. tars a.m.; Roue accom. ; 10 a. ul4 Maw Can4le mews. 3.30 a. MIS IL Falle sceow. 14.111 p. m. zfralav golito Weal lucre it:wheeler Mallen, (al nd or ledge) av follows: U. P. mecum. 10 a. to.; and !mom. 3.13 p. (a.; ielo elgill express 1.40 p.' V. w00:m.737 41. n. Traloa golai flaat kayo Hodoster lfpperf Dep put as followa: B. 7.-aatos. COS a. s; Nam: ac 0in.1.15 a. m.; _New Castle atom. MO a. a.; i'titrago cop. 10.11 ea; Kama Fall. seas. 11L.13 D. 111.: Chicago Malt tin p.'4l; Mtle exp. 4. le 1.• trOtaleo exp. am sou f.ILLe• s. inure WeW, leaveNacbeeter (Upper) De. pia as f011owr: flielcago 3.13 a. at.; Kris exp. . ts l a. no; Beaver Fall. secant. VAS a. no.; Chicago esp. 11.3 U a. m.; Chicago exp. 133 p. ni; Na. La . IV. ammo. 4./10 p. m.: Kyle y p ip. 3,4 i . ea; Beaver f ,114 ammo. tad. - - - The attention of the public is directed to the following News• Adrertisethents which apPoir for the first time . in the , Rolle to-dey : • ssrrur • Bake—John Gneblng. • sp.clal Notices— O. ealtger L Co. spoclal Notlea—Dri. (*Lbws. Sew Adele—Geo. P. Howell & Co. specie Notice Dr. H. V Pierce. Notice to Bridge CJutractore—Comentsilooere everial NOtice —lt. P. Boyer • tko. For C. Wilson, &ley SpeclA Notice—S. &.1. Snelledbarg.. Public Salo—D.ll. Dooeboo. pi;llimats for I.lceni , e—J. C. Hut, &Th. Re!. Jobaron's Leeture.—Those ho were not preseut on last Thursday cvedlng to hear Roy. J. 'R. Johnson's lecture In the id: E.• Church—subject: Erasmus—missed s rare treat. There are those who think this was the lecture of tidy course. elnen Apple }totter for salo,at S. 8Oft; ger A Co.'n, Thlid street, Beaver. Home A galo.Williani POrter,eaq., of Rochester, who,, together with his %lAughter, have been spending the win .hir with a eon and brottthr,residlog r uear Culpepper Court House, Va., returned home hot week in the enjoyment of their usual gootl health. Mr. P., reports the ravages orate war in that locality as holy almost entirely effaced. best quality of Teas, pure.Splees, Arbuckle and Jenkins' roasted Coffee always. on hand, at S. Snitger & co,'., Third street, Beaver Dealk er • V, lee,* Aged Pena.. -Mrs. "Betty" Brewn, a very aged old lady, died In Brighton township, this county, on last Thorsday,•(Feb'y Md.) She had been quite feeble for many years and when her .end came she was little more than %Immo shadow. She did not know her exact age herself, nor did any arc else. we believe, in this ; yet nearly all agree that she had passed her 100th year. In all probability there fore, mho was the oldest known, at the time of her death,in this county, lon Dried Peaches and Apples go to s. snitgor Co.'N, Third litreet, Beaver. They keep a choke article. N. ELKIN AND 80LTL1.14% , --RINId With out fail Oeor Ot Cady's advertisement in laugher column; and write them at Mar. hind!, Michigan. Janll;ly. Persons wishing to purchase either reul,or personal property, will do well by attending the Public Salo of I). M. holtelloo ma tits ith day of March next, at which time will be offered that valua ble uroporty known as the "Mitthell garlco lot" containing about four acres, „wall frame dwellijg house ; fruit ate. It is beautifully situated, nearly adjoin_ log the Borough of Beaver on the public . road leading from Beam' r to Vanport. Also a first-class steam engine all cant plete almost as good as now, the premi- . sou Itlwklwl Nfare of "leaver County, and her thorough !god colt. Eleven head of .ettle, Buggy, Mowing-Machine, Sulky- Bake, elder prom and a number ofmrit elm not mentioned. Halo will commence at, 10, o'clock a. m. on his farne near Beaver. . . Faamen'tt Antl-frietioa I% I.• grease for tat)e at- S. littitger C0.,4 Third street, Itravere'r TIM /WAX* OF LAND FOP. SAUL—Ten acres of good land adjoining the borough of Beaver is offeied for ado, at a mode rate prioe.. The lot itaMelosed with a ioard tonne. For pafticulars inquire'at the Ammo office. JatilB;tl " Dream:P-Ih° Radical of thho place ho Just now putdishing " i'Mly'a Dream" '—"writteti for the liee itadieal.7 Here le what the Maims Pree Preas of Kittanning, Pi., says about the originality . of the story refer rat to: A very entertaining and touching nar rative is the "Journal ofa Poor Vicar in Wiltshire," from• the nerman, which °a. reproduced (not as original) in the ntiMl Free Press of Jan'y )41, 30, and retrysli, 'ism. It is, we notice, being published in of our exchanges, un der the name Of "Folly's Dream ; Leaves from the Dieu \cif the Vicar of Wilt shire," with someschanges In phraseolo gy and in the namea'of some of the char seters. In this guild lt,purporta to have been written for that particular paper. 'rlie plagiarism is too transparent not to is , seen at a glance - by those\wh'o have `ittad the original. • • \\\ UN. of the best New Orleans Sugar for one dollar, at 9...8n1tg0r h OcWs, Third street, Beaver. Golden Poemlola Par.—Souse thin new and novel. Be sure and read die advertisement in our paper headed "qtestest invention of the Age." We believe the Golden. Fountain Pen is un mopused. A good lion is a necessity to ' , try man, woman and child. Agents hero la* chance to make money in intro. during a good and saleable article. ' • - • OPettinz Letters.—ln an opinion reeently delivered at Erie, Pa., Jade N tetiandleos down so a law, that "a letter sealed by the humblest person 4~ the hoot cannot be opened by any of4' 11011 through whose hands It, passes, but, be held seared; and not even the Puumaster 'General himself has the right to break the ROIL" gout, ."a-, !I If - "P a for Boys for ?.3 cents, alt, A. •• irvoy's Ftrldegonter, Pa. fob.`. "«'w An Irspailad IValiker.—A COM° youth limited Markman, recently order ed his hither to get up and bulkl • fire; tut the old man talked back, and the WY had io flog him before he would itilnd. Of late yaws fathers ®rowing more and more:impudent. We wonder what will have to he done with them! - - Ctoeteo out Winter Goth at cost, at A. 'I.-Harvey's store, Bridgewater, Pt. • teb22;2w Apesethisig ofs LostL—Aeolinling 'to the annual statement of -the Commis. Seneca:6f Lawiedoe tonlity; the'indebt shoos of that county la ri1if,405,91. How would the taxpayers of Seaver cennty I like to toddle along under a load like that? ' The Heeded Hest Veg.—Hr./Imi ry Fsdcht, of Bridgewider. on last Thurs. day. slaughtered a bog. raised andflat tened by himself, whinh weighed. When dressed, 593 potted , . The hog was of the Chester. White specie., and was near. ly throe years old, ' when butchered. This was the heaviest hog killed id the county this soison of which we hare any , knowledge, but taking into considers= don his age, there were 'others' that ex celled him in porcine rapacity. , Executions in rerrailvaals.— Jacob F. Medary Lfurnlabes to the Head- Mg ,Eagle a record of eXecUlkma In Ude State from 1760 to 127Ii`ahowirig that 112 persons have paid' the penalty of their life. The list he gives as follows: rhil-i. ;Adolph's city and county 28;' Lancaster county 12; Barks 7 ; Dauphin 6; Chest,. er 5; Allegheny, Bucks, Huntingdon, Lyaoinlng and Wayne, eachl ;, Bedford, Delaware and Waihlngton, each 3 ; l But ler, Crawford, Luteciu ' m Northampto r , Schuylkill and York; each 2; Adam Blair, Centre, Cambric, Cuntherbin ~I, Erie. Franklin, Lebanon, McKean, '• Montgomery, Monroe; Potter, Susguef henna, Westmoreland and Wyothing, each I. If is statement hi regard to Alle gheny county Is entirely 'too small, as there have been eleven persons hung there since 789.2. Mr. M. la also at fault I4another °natty: heaver county is In his list, yet a man named Sheet was executed here a few year* ago. • Wu are nut giving, way to a feverish desire to flatter B. dJ. Snellenberg, of Now Brighton. that " thrift may follow" in the wake, when we say that they un questionably turn oft some of, the bee titling suits .of gentlemen's Clothing to ho seen west of the Allegheny Nunn Lahti They au that. They do so, not ton ally, but freqtiently—conthiuously—al waysi." We never sair - • bad fit . .from their extensive mercantile clothing 'house: and most of our 'fashionably dressed gentlemen patronise them ex actly for this very reason.- Thwiemploy none but the best workmen; have the' choicest goods from which to' select; their prices are not exorbitant; and they are courteous and attentive to customers. The leaders of fashion call at that estab lishment, and where they go, of course the majority will follow. This accounts tlir the large and increasing bulginess of their Clothing House. Pittsburgh is contributing its custom to this establish , ment; which fully sustains the remark that "the man who advertises freely will always succeed," S. dt J. Snellert burg are 'notersid to "sling printer's ink." Pitisbutghers would have been Ignorant of the facilities of obtaining tho assistance of these master workmen in Sitting the outward man in comely ha biliments had they not advertised liber ally in the Alms. A Bit of Tem? History.—On last Saturday evening • man residing in that' portion of the city !oath orthe:Oolutie visited some of the down to salaam: and continued late in his debauch. Sun day morning he came home and shame fully abused his family, who fled to the neighbors. Our noble mehdant Marshal used his endeavors, in a private way o quiet affairs; but the man would drink. On Sunday night he disappeared. To- Ward morning he was found in the me ervoir—not drowned, but thoroughly soaked with water and insensible. Ho was taken home and revived, but could . not tell how he came where he was found or how he got. away: the next thing we hear, is the wife, that, had been , abased and turned out of doori, at the counter of one of our Drug Storm purchasing • "wee bit of Brandy for a poor sick man." Gentlemen, be careful how you sell brandy and the like eleept on prearrip tiou.—Alliartee Monitor. A YEW INDUMTABLE FACTS:—ek treaty of peaco has boon signed by the high powers of Germany and FranoNand the winter wheat looks remarkably well in western Pennsylvania. Napoleon is still held as a prisoner at Wilhelmshohe; and good potatoes aro very hard to got in Beaver. The Commissioners from Great Britain to settle the Alabama claims have arrived at Now York ; and bunter still commands 35 cent* per. pound in this vicinity. Washington was always looked upon as the very imbodimont of truth; and Simon Snitger & Co. have the freshest. cheapest and beat lot groceries to be found anywhere. The San Domingo Commissioners are busily engaged in trying to ascertain the an:. nexation opinions of the people of that Island ; and if any ono doubts what we' have said about 8.. Snitger & Co.'s gro ceries let him millet their old stand in Beaver and see for himself. Ile4. N. Webber, principal of the North Sewickley Academy, died on Fri day the 24th inst., of spoplexy, at his residence In North Sewickley, Beaver county, Pa. While at worship, on the evening preceding his decease. he was stricken &ken, and In a few minutes ho wool into a comatose state in which ho con tinued till 1w expired. Ito was burled on last Sabball n at 2 o'clock, p. Rev. 11. C.'Critehlow, Ray. Mr. Hervey, of the Baptist Church, .and Bev. John U. Anghoy, took part in the' funeral. services. Bev. If. Webber has been in the ministry about thirty years, nearly ell of which was spent in western Penn sylvapia. He leaves a widow, sevtin chile and a large number of friends and rekltives to mourn his lOss. i tir•At rest that terrible Catarrh, and thus avoid a consumptive's grave by us ing Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. . The hrupriator will pay WO reward fur a ease e cannot cure. Sold by druggists, or send slity rents ro Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. 1., and receive it by mall. Pamphlets sent free. EDITOR ARCM/11-I Balm hi your pa per of the 25th of January, that a lucky hunter—Samuel Stewart of Fayette Co., —ham; during the past fall and winter caught 51 ialomns and 140 opciosaonts. Now, sir, If you will allow tnetoczpress an opinion, I will say that there b were decidedly too many "arnica* lairs" in 'hat lot to make the story/ a plausible ono. Sow, Mr. !Alan.. I have nothing much to brag about on the coon quesalon Chia year ; but will say when this Fay ette hunter can boast (without regard Ito thno ) of catching 7.5, coons , without gobbling up a single opossum, he can beat the Col. Mr. John Shearer of Ohio township, last year caught over ZO ree -1 coons, and no opossums. Enough of this. I must. now tell you about a fox hunt we had two weeks ago. The hunt ' was gotten up by our, good Steward of the Poor pumse, who by the way is a good hunter, and a unmoor in good standing of our For; Lb. Ws , "wers up ',astly iu the morning, bad tj aut early breakfast, Mounted our horses, and let loose eight of the long eared stock. Ar riving. near Dental Shorfs In Moon ‘towdship,"our iititis gave us to fon , sic which nine but a bunter . 'ppm ' elate. You may be aunt It was not king until Mr. Fox was roused up, and away he went, tlie hounds cloudy after him. The =slop:nit now was exhilarating, and made to all feel young amain. .The fox made several, circles, tuld lreeO eh at frequently by members of ithe,_ , but none bit him. After. an *eating chase of about four home, we tWaied hltit, the whole company agreeing. that is was the liveliest fox-allase they wee; Were a party to. VOL. lEt. WALTON. • Izidustry tp., Feb. ma, ion.- ; Maw fkazariats Mame* at 86 coati pot plias; au We it 11. Natlpr. Z co.'s, Thlnt street, Biror: • Polities Is Denver Co. Thirty. three Triers Ailles.74fripoquts lir ed us a inpy of tie "WtheMin mi t ; t, dliet.Wialiala 1P4;1YP 8 ..1,.T 1 / 4 was the W year , Wiser campaign yr, anajudging from the reports of meetings published to the Copy of the paper here referred to, we take it that things were pretty lively to Beaver county. at thaLthas. It seems that sometime . dining •the esursas a " Resumptlen Celebration" Was hildle. Beaver, at which a 611:14 Many' Watt! were read by the prondment titan of the neighborhood. From Woe; as ptibllsti , ,. ed In the Anus, we clip a few; to show the holing entertained for "boneseJorf' as -he was then called: . roiuria. l ],' ' • . • • BY Win. B. Clark. Joseph MUM the whole hearted Pennsylvania Wagon er; with a faU team ha has faltllled h:s Arse receipt without dockers. • The peo ple on the second Tuesday of October will tarnish Lima sooond hill Of lading. ' By cDaniel Agruni. Jcis k oph Miner - he needs no eertificatcfbr homily awl ustl ao Ind y, nor calortcre to give him reslcit ~ , . • . By Jones. This asy—an event ha day; oneran which the people will earry in remembce to the po 'on the 2d Tuesday of October, and give lls a 100 pall, s strops pull, and a pull altogether, for, our present worthy end Judicious , Far nor Governor. By F. C. tipeyerer. ThomasJelferson -Ids principles, not the property of one party, but of all true Americana, • By Wm. K., Bodes.. The National Ex ecutive-A hard bargain, they Wore op• pressed us In every shape and form - , let WI try what we can do fur them on the day which, it la hoped, will dispossess them of their power, \.,. .- ' By J. Reyuohbs. Martin Van Buren and Joseph Bitner—the former- with a servile Congress at his heels drove Specie from ,circulation—the latter with the people at lds back will restore it. By J. A.• Frazier.. Joseph It" Wier the self made statesman who has risen from a wagoner, top fanner; from a fanner to Governor of the State of Penniylianla, which odlce he has tilled with dignity and honor, swill as will secure him 01- umplumt OUCCOIS In October nett. J: 8. Darragh. Pennsylvania—a will always prosper If she has • Jose ititur to•equalize her currency. ' • • By D. Warnock. Dickey and Stevens, Cabal Co4tadasion ris of Pennsylvania— Orm, *ogees and t - an honor to the S and admit=: under which they act. • • 'By a Dutchman: • ,••• Der Joseph Miner lab ier man, Der Anson Meat reghteres keno." By lt. McCulloch. Joseph Rituer— a whole team. - - By J. Eakin. 4 The Whip of Pennsyl= vanie—may they teach the experimen ters and their supporters* lesson on the wend Tuesday of October next not soon to. be forgotten. By J. Bannon. May the wings of Liberty never want a feather. By J. B. Clow. Joseph Ritner—he drives the team of Mate with a skilful and masterly band. No foreign or do mestic foe to our intermits or indepen dence wilt be permitted to Pass with im punity by him. his bright ploughshare turns up and exposes-the foul corrup tions of the enemiea'of our free had. lotions. It MORI that editorial " whacks" were ahout as freqhent snit as pointed thcu as now. The / Aurora, was then the organ of the,oPposite party, and In aday or two 'the "Resumption Celebration" it ulleged that " the great masa of the Re• suitiption party ou the 13th wore pretty well fuddled and that the whole prp oeediug was disordiry, and disrepute- Me." Whereupon ti's minor of the - A3l= ova comes hack on the Aaron' ismilit this style r " Only think of the Was of is man' who will take thfrtyrewo Aorta owe bar, in one day, 'charging men who "touch - not, taste hot, with iuteuiper% auce! ,To soy tlio' least of It, is It • rob ridiculous!" .• A Cheery Note.—We take the erty of publiblang the ft4lowlng _note, received sin last Saturday, - through the Wn KAITLAZID. FunNigilp_riLl February 24, M.. EDITOR'Aaoue, Dear :—Your re port of "school boy days In North Bea ver," Is too good to be indebted for, so, please dud two dollars enclosed to pay one year's subscrlptton frail. December git ISM Sly willeddaiks she emia,kettp Muse without the AMIN. Shifines daughter of Msjor David Warnock, (dismissed.) and consequently a render of tho Mums, almost, during her whole lifetime. Respectfully Yours, • T. J. 2.IIAWIIIALL. Standard Welight.—The Legisla ture of Pe:. nsylvanla recenly fixed the follosang figures IS the standard, weight In this State for the following articles named t • .. Wheat, 60 pounds; rye, 56; shelled mini, 56; cob corn, 70; meal, 40; coarse salt, 70; ground salt, 6:2; tine salt, 74; oats, :L'; buckwheat, 50; cloverseed 54 ; turnips; 55; onions, 46; peas, ,malt, 38; unalicked limo, 80; anthracite coal, 80; WWll:anions coal, 76s coke, 40; po tatoes, 56; sweet potatoes, 54; flax seed, 56; bran, al; beans, 58; dried apples, 2i; peaches, al. Airless Seurat Netlee.—Tha °Moors and managers of thelleaverrounty Ag riculture!, Society will uteOtit the kihtT - • Iff's °Moe on Saturday, March 11414 , 1871, all o'clock, p. in. A full attendance Is required. By order of the President of tho Board.. H. R. Moons, Secretary. Mews' and Boya' bats at cost, at A. S. * Harvey's, Bridgewater, Pa, teb...2.42w tl■ the Wash Oordon,well known ati theerbninal court. of this county, warCreoehtli con• victed'in Lawrence ornanty of an assault and battery with intent to kill, and sen tenced to the penitentiary for the period of eighteen mouths. U. arrived at head quarters on last Felflay one week ago. geeevered.—Prof. It. T. Taylor of the Beaver Female Seminary, who was in 111-health some time ism, has so-far recovereti, sato lie again-stterniing !obis ordinary duties. 'toffee* us pleaanre to see hls genial face on our streets again. Reeolleetters of the Older .Tice.—Sanford C. Hill—and who has not beard of and read his almanac—ls just now writing up some of the inci dents connected with the . early settle ment of East Liverpool, a Short diutance down the river. From one of Ida Com munications we clip the following: -NoaliGrant, the grandatther of Gener al Grant, was for ton or twelve years a resident of what it now Liverpool town ship (sec. 12, T. 5). Jesse Want. the General'. Esther, recently said that when about ten years of aagges,, the And mermen he ever heard pradwd was hy Robert Dobbins ' In Faweettstown,(Methodlst) and thatll* faintly removed about or 1909, There Is a man still .11virig In the township, Michael McKinnon, who, on tbe let day of . August, 1871, will tie ninetyyes of age, who was well ac quainted h Noah Grant, and had rhos made by an_ The two brothers of Noah Grant's wile lived In the township fir many years after the removal of the Grant family to Stalk county. I was well acqnanted with them. - Often have. I board my mother tell, that while living on their Pormaylvarda farm, one evening In May, about Dal, she went out into a Saki where my Mb-. er and another men were planting corn, when they beard the report of two guns in quick succession,. Says the . man, "If your. Wunsch' are as empty as your guns you are In need of your suppers." lu a few minutes a man came sunning. np, and told them that the Indians hail Jurd billed Mullis Calvin and bet child, scalped the mother. and bedlY wounded bor both an& - That abed ail the neigh,. hors Ica their homes and enearnped at • certain house. The neat morning An drew Poe, and Adam, Ids brotherbarld I Bittenoind two, bere. a n im a m om , tves - and printaeW Greliediasdkli m , month Of Toardison's Run, now in libut cock county ,W. th ou s I,g ree miles from. Pughtown, where, Andrew had that celebratedencounter with Big Foot and la= al eads. the re sult of which generally known, When a boy. I" was. well acquainted with 'An drewPos, and saw the scar on his hand made by. thetontabawk of Use littler In.' Witinifien., Wayne's coins' mad was rimming to movethe Western Indian; MeJor Van , madt'• men en camped on Mo ground whets East Liv [ erpool now 'abutli, Mir t,ainilUng for supp li es; they' cut dein la= *bestow& tease, and etaofgreen Wadi a number of . them sickened and .41011, beingliic that everburial= the. Awaits of the, Liverpool • grounds. The place , woe marked by * pile of - Moen, and is widble this fty. /leaver - Obtefe4 aetieleittimel TeershiOatielikAiii)ihketim. • r ft „ v iVfiaver,4%.o> t lith:1871. Herres Alava :—The members of the QohYd~ oa ,~ dt wt ~~ o(dok, ;~k ~dlt~ "ta greedorn. Wawa& 14. Churob, pursuant to antangeMentlittunlibilt hiatConvention !midst lnduatrir: . .The Convention was =lied to orderli,Y;Yll.'.'.Q. T,: liras /V,: Welab., of Ili, following appointmentsf - r. W. Bro,,lkselto o , of- Agotunk , Lodge, 'W• 4 4 1. 1 1*0. A0../044 tr.4401r Brighton ; W. M., Bro. Funkhouser, of Now Brigitcro,'W.. Scot.; Bro. -Brea: Job* of 'Beaver Mills, 'Oder; of Darlington, and Clabaugh, of lgoine wood, were appointed a committee on credential! ; and Bros. Bostwick of New lirigtioViirseCalliociresusti Todd, ..t,M.l.74.l".PP:rut lotions. -spy, c'sr pier* were received from the various lodges of the county t Bra Beleel responded to tho cull of Bitola Lodge In very liworable terms. Tfiey to:indria:oclithlg thfieldest lodge in 'the odulty, 4 anct at prised were In a good : working condition. BrO.'An derson reepondrd la behilf of Amaranth Lodge.l N9w BriglitcusLedgo Wog titp led, Ben. Alexander 'mild: With' pleas ure. he was hero to represent that Lodge, It being at present' In a good working condition, always ou the, increase. now numbering 212 members: They had In circulation a petition for 'prohibitory law, srldell Id, present wasspooklng ln ilatteri“ t • ereminflts4. till at 4 pad In contemplation the inditution'ofa now kidge. • •-' Mound Valley - Lodge was responded to byliro. Banks, of Beaver Fall., who spoke of a petition being In circulaticM for •• prohibitory law, and that present Indications spoke very favorably of the Temperance cause. Darlington was responded to by Bro. Elder, Who stated that they had but one initiatipe during , last qqarter t hot the prospeers the futiiiii'vrere)moreiltikw shis4 Bro. Penne/ Coonab, having with his liptures awakened the people to a tense of thel uty lady church meni6ers. . Industry Lodge w as responded to by Bro. F. T. Todd, who stated that their summated hot really. been : what waif hoped for, but the coming quarter prom ised a revival In their midst. Beaver yelley ; pale .11 responded habit Brotheir CObaugh, ood, who said they had prevented applicants from obtaining libmse, and would' use their best efforta In the future to prevent It again, as he understood- application has or was about to be made for lieenne. Glasgow Lodge was responded to by Brother Wallowei, who laid they had suspended twenty-Bee members, expel led two and Initiated-seven last quarter, but 081 were working With a good In tetioteoft the putt nr the relbalnlug b et ykdp, Free:ions Lodge was responded to by Brother Cooper, who spoke In very flat tering,teims'of Weir 'Species'. 1, .:Brotbspe Bestial& then .ofibred a. inn.. Bon, which was agreed to, to Instruct the ftedretsty bred tortedion" tor* pioeutle twotundredicationitkaiaiodeessrds, and t 414 e 'warrant be dunes upon the trans inwikir the aincnuit of 2oe to procure • On •motton adkaaid to • meet at It o'clock; p. in. ortretcomir muostosr. ' ThWobliestti4n c wwgalleolle ardor at 11 o'clock, p. m., W. C.TT., A, .1. Welsh in the chair. ' 1 06 motion ofEA:off:4 Wlliwn, the va cancies,pf the Ifeß ware4ll l ed nO4srthewhotitleog members of the re spective lodes . . The Executive Com nxiM litsinfloolinnlttool the 1'0110414g 1 P.. That in our official ospacity we have visited nearly every lodge in the Dis-. I , (l . elthit*liir InuartiaLland islaz fiat one br' two' aft wad sai,leer.l44koripik,hir-4,10-,adv • ment 666 eroik; we, liseteGtre, 'then submit the fulkwriwg ntrommendatpps for your consideration: ist. That 'mho; lso urged to active, fraternal and social fooling to a greater extent amongst each other, anti especial ly with visitor*. 51. That more atten tion be given by Lodges to outside work, or wink among Mom who do not toide in and help us. 3d. That Lodges be urged to cultivate au.l utilize the musical talents los their Lodges. 4th. That Lodges consult and advise with their memberreay. of this onnunitteo, that they e enabled to perfect lans for the frose b entims of did wotk M ore v igorously . igorou during the present year. The suemben‘ et Mu different, Lodges who have sly, matter to piiviont tolth; Dis trict tiluteritfolf, rho Old hand ICUs their m.emher sof this optutnittee 'previous to couvaidonk. The Committee ou Basoltdiens then submitted the following : . Resolved, That we, as a Convention, do heartily concur and believe that the put sage, of the Local Option Liquor bill, (now pending before the House of Rep resentatives of this State.) would advance the came of Temperance and lemony of society. Laid over. Rooked, That. the representatives of each Lodge use theli Influence to pro cure petitions for the passage of such an act. Laid over. Resolved. Tbat vihrlitentk holleve'that the Temperance cause will never succeed without the aid of woman, and that this is specially woman's work, and that we -recommend the right of woman to the ballot as a means to that end. Paned. Resolved, That the Temperance Neste is a great, aid to the church, and as such should receive. Its earnest encourage ment and Septet Passed. WUKUSA/S lre are convinced that the only rentedy;thr theiterviblectime of In temperance is to be found In political and Weirdly° action; and „whereas; we . believe tliattho order of Geoil, Template in our county, can, at any election for county.ollbsere rally around the temper ance standard voters enough to count tete a "balance of power" that will elect the candidate in whose favor they may cast their hallota; therefore, Resolve!, That for the :Intermit of the cense of Temperance we p ledge °nivel vSe to vote for no auto who is not, ready at anytime and in any place to raise the temperance flagend hold the stair in his own bands. Passed.- -' Resolved, That we will support no per son for any °Moe of profit or trust who is not a knows; temperance man, and who will not do all in his power to ad: vance Use cause of Temperance In his °Metal eapanty.• • Prised. Resolved, That thiOond Tetnislar'soh. , ligation is as binding out of the 10001 rot dt; and is aserdetr to In our lives what we teach In our lodges. Passed. Revolved, That the District Bepnty shall call, at least' once In a quarter, a meeting of the adjacent Lodges in the Ms idol, and Lodges at which such meetings shall he hold, shall dispense with all Wilhelm* Ikea/ te*y - Mr practieel, and the es'. ' , Odle, isinsilst of disensaidns. dresses, music, eke., for the social Inter course bribe Members. Pissed. Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention me doe, and are heremy tendered to tbe members of FreedemLodge, Nn tarty, &. foritAla We. t,e nte intiw eli-ereeelpo* of the 11. N. Chun* ibr the of their house for eur meetings. Passed. I'het evy of Use proceed ings iminletidna n of UdeCoistrentkin beihrwarded to' each of -the'lldsver pa pers ar)el_the Keyoto4e good presphir for Parsed:'; on motion of Brother Bostwick. the Convention proceeded to eleCtiourbf of- Mere Bforig the nest Convention ; where- uped .:rhetIMIUV,TCAIItto inn 'elected' W: •C:* T ti ; o i Is Darlington. W. V. T. ; and Brother Mr ; veneers. of Beavertails; W, H. On motion of Brother Banks Beaver Falls was selected es the plane of next meeting. Among the visitors, and those who took , pet In .tba sierOnal, Vo.leoileed Slater Golf. of Philadelphia. 9n motion adj to most in Bea ver Falls the Friday of August 1161 4 - • • ‘1 . 11.14, Batten. *est. , : ' ; Ststh leitene!ot thiCenurser, Un der BM arisPiete of Use - Veseitillen's ChrhstisasAssexiation of dallier:al le the ht. B. Lisuredi; vu emit Friday- evening, by Miss Hindman pf Pittsburgh. ; The' Pltbbergis papers , apes higl►ty.of 4441 limy " wlnsturer;- and we truer she will he hesseee4 Wills is 'lO4 iidier'sFei MC. dies 'ieVettflitietitriid . 10, itl!tbjeet: 4116,11yeg,"3,othoilein‘ Pennain, Legislature. pea inanyliell; Skins Ibt Ma keg *Sou altos' 111117 ere Prawn !Irac ed:r lALMej l at ailoy Widow lipto. Pfssed. vuotin ow i e imognotin ••••10p. **lnif Sot Orel tholik* !email! -Tht(*aiolrig o!t. ry spree.. • qtteditig the Attorney Miro* to runtish seriite *ldiom opintout In *gird to trttiOwefOtialtioad , infrorporatore - 1 0 , ot ewito . o4fort":" l6. , of:; toll " "? 1!: wal tonnago, was ridOpted melte a suipen..l aloe' of itib 'rake: ' Poollirr 1 4 411 ,.." prtirde blita width ware oraldered and Palrd, wai olto. to ostfot tho Atulata . ;lawny Aut, relating goi.aPPelbr and eranaeripts ftecniadVirglq° l 9 4 4,l l l.°l' the reitay.l47l3teree etotoki , ;:tof l TAl. dal "gawkier . on. Patina printfug will reportOoll93?dipy, to rr wlta r Mtg. Atli, Houdic.—The nodes wactsot la ore: .1:" . :. )44,' eatitllu i til=s 064 1 0 11 L it oli with ltaideedthlereseepr.. 4 edfaalation-;- hailag 'eight Misdeed mdissaribeja adtirtialnk, Wiliam*" • eritrit, alleging that it • 4 .... • the drat year.- a -e per=-saute ilsi .of lb • 7 q4e 4 dor Ie: per year. Hare f', 4 T t ••It II 0 1 1 8 1. 1 #4. 0 4 ' " Raking nountra ?'._r• • Is. published byi s • Joint - • - aspany; who do not expect to realise aUr Ihood. from the pracoothetotthaillfh. snag btßes r but`ibeely g!pealte Ontriall *ow , ft l l -4311 4 11 6 ed r ,ta" * I pawpaw, and cenductial paid/ for that eadi OeidOiti 01#104.rikreat li lid aes aliessi eitabi imbed for legitimate Putinosis , ParlistMthe Igaliftsle worth but 11.00 per ammo', sad the publishers being swatlll4 1110)4wItraitsf it all that price. of 'Omit boner takeagood paper and in3 , llliikt • . I • " Another Madden Death.—On leek Thuniday morning, Mr. Samuel Haar sey, a imiet, worthy ckiken of Heaver, died very suddenly' of itt4Htihmisia; He bad .been eotuplaining-fbe a * I dap; previous of feeling unstop. but nothing serious was apprehended by hit: Melt or 700 theMothirVer.libedetthil with tnn. Poi 44 'hi* ainodintOr• ha: Ptt dowir tirbreakaust intlintie *takings& some rood and a cup of coffee, be , laid down on the bed and in a lbw momenta breathed his last. Ilia Are, was ,about , stztr-four years. He sofa wile end several children to v in4Strli ileath.o 1 _ 1 L A Nwiraw , EnOn 7,,,t;:t*' . past,oite o'clock, on the •• 24th that, a German. ",;:r • .31%e name of Clbristian Heti' 4 ",„ . 7 r aL IP was traveling on th e Inc * . :141Fl• W. it C. It. R., fell antis Iron bridge at liesvar , Station lailkscheitterialleight of some twenty feet downupon the hridge mod, breaking his right leg Just l abera the knm joint, the bone protruding out the flesh 169. n #: We i frightfully - lamming and face. head pP.d VW*: of Ms fiPitio.. • D r • Winans pfd Hole apt legHinkettilid ed ths dping as sad ii could'de impribel: ' • tHelgilitir.-11 M a aiMinier but not 1 • p ! - lut*,Norh, that Obl l 4 .4 01 4 1 1 iiikmg &AM 'ewer aftbc 4,1•1111www; • Monroe eight :ream alter Midlion ;Lind John Quaiel•AAatisiAightleinszroe. WA Anothet * If dart ' AderW tite eIV.• ' l 4l when Pa riled «•7 e wile. sixty fax"; 14•4Isnis !!4 Adze Monroe was els ty-alx aud•liANAQulincy Adams, bad be been clic* WA sooond tem. Adasne_, =ffffial The painedlie Eiteaka.—Letteia ofad mluistration have beeisprented by the register of this council 'Upon the estate of John Covode, do ease l t ,to Ma , Widow, Mrs. Margaret A. Coved°, Jiitia :Octit and J. M. Reed. They filed a bond in MON, MI& Uri Uplegralt sad) ; Aberist A. Stewart iii the suretise. l Tbe ptwaeu al property tit oaehnsited at #OO,OOO, but from tide is to bededucted all debts and liabilities. -Mr. ,4;evedes was assessed . -with 676 acre's of land,one lot Anil a half k tn Lockporti r th stationlesuse and ware buffit ett lAA !til t Wiriest ,factbry. sew milli l and :II 1 *neat 'liocaelk : tie whole valued at 15.442 for taxable pur poses. Tie story going guy-monde of the newspapers. that be wile worth be tween 01,000,000 and $1,600,k00, weal Ca ttird.t.,-dFeea /RsprMits eissipeut °erne, Feb. 17. _ Cesigreashitaaill Centeat.—On Fri day hod. testimony was taken in, Getty*. burg in the Myera.Cossna contested elec tion ease. Mr. Myers attended in per son, while Mr Cessna was represented by easttomey. A large amount of tnony was , tricen; - hut with little .reletah ey to, the issue. Some half dozen votes were shown to have bectt irregularly east ifor Cessna, ineleding -tbur colored . VOtei front the Year House.. The Star says: "We learn that. lila the impression of informed persona that the testimony taken in the differenteountles of the die trlet, makes out a clear ease for If! Cess na, and that there ean be little or no doubt of his securing his seat." I3TAI(DARDI?AIXCIPLII4—TIieni should be ataadord priseiplcs In medicine ai well as pbllosopy. Without a "zero" to start from, or a "standard" from which to calculate the deviations, the principle and prabtito of Medicine, in far* the principles, of any art or science, cannot be saUsfactorily elucidated or properly Undeintood. The art and science of modiolne Is vided Into several special departutenta; each hiving their standard principles which form the basis for their s'cientille elucidations. Every particular 'St' of tte human body Me had its average -natural pro,. Odle% miestitnesits, quantlties,ite.. re: aimed edeMilie principles .to, a standard Of nemirdellnite proportion in health. This serves fbr the on re correct ele cidation of ,diaesse by comparison and measurement of the deviation from the h ea lthy ~la n danLl Thus the taverns proportionate condituents of thb blood lat *NOP WM. redluX4.o 6**1.4. 'YAW dobsideilible tteivtition MAI itigo struidardnurdity of the blood The same In the urinsry excretion; the avgtage natural 'proportionate sameltu-; enta Cebu Intalth form the btand ord. ahy coiisiderable deviation limn .whkit; barhi, ;either in proportiost constituents, exhiblUi disease. This latter is a prectical fact widch we -are daily dentonitrating at our odic°, No. pant, atiets, 4 whidt an; ore can "N4t.d t t ibei o4 l2l • , ;ending a ,dard specimen ` (inerriing'. Urine) &elk . .it - snide analpis and exitn !nation: . ' • I If • fail to detect tbe"inorbkloondi. sny - fe_ Way." or any; Or to determine the its• tare or theohlease. or the organ* affected. as the lutists; liver, stositaeh, kidney". womhogc.4here shall Vona chargonualc. lie sure to give the age of the' patient at the maim Ibuta, ratite urine varies in proportiinsate constituents In the differ. aid " roo f h i g atch childhood. Manhood, wad al ipsee • - r• 'or m' ± l 73oWow aboald be alien alio. In ()Mir to- efOld, confusion of tines where medicines see Mao. -Aug. plaguig. n • = - t ioRK ,u,uus I op** a Ur. have 1068,,ree0iiit,, *go stock. ofitiOar Groserle‘whleb they offer for sale as fasiber.eiebalaloghtle Pittsbere. 7a • • ppeourait •. Moly Millar, realms !wealth4bint ebiNidaitei sou wait Mgr alto , 61t,Abi4 1 , • ititkiiioiiitt TritArdk ; ' l* *l 4 ll l4. M' his sitd . w4Fl'44 0 0 0k 41 - 4 .!4#1 10 04 . .. • fifs or_lWYtititifP44. _ 144 . 4 4441401.***A5...Y, intsionalon ' osaueettataitismiairsabse4o, irltl bm.ipratifallyt mostiirol. man of about Illtyleenterageoritholurs, andhalelittUill of beeline - ••jobtrees Ipltinuat(vos tir. Um , naive* illtier;•;Atitailes„ Ohio „Neigh borboodsrpeni- pissame ' r..ual! n4 rsid, petspertysarts•ntsw,l4lMhli4is,t Ja signior anotbafialsrt of tbatmanty &nosh evens. dap If yew want .lundsonis and attractive ohs bills goitbisti3oilnistlPite the Anus' Job (Ilea. pityiltratietue armaiiiitiota /aro sfwh aluitar • MO &I mola slaw do a lot of bills lintnisilato ly atterlirecaivibti 'tiktiL inter. Mamma toms flow the Amitotry. as, 1 ) Witg. #lloisi4?haws tifiralt boxtr ,o ;w o . bl,gertimki get disk bills Nana WM Abeam., Anti lama largeatteadance and a susseasfral ialeadvestise whittling bays to 'dispose It'elemistels mid Is Wad inure iudisisliel) , than isiy'ntiter , • - papalits the county. ..!•• Yew 'Ovid ratadbre &.eds • trioeit 4f *,.-_Ws faro riraitrof Trani S. coyer & Co., of Park..borg, Cheater Pa smnpkos of. Imported Norway Melte Myer end . (Minter • county Moth Corn t they generously offer to iWod adopt* Prioiraleafree loan Cr ins wlna acid gamy* - payAicrits, Masenr Buyer & CO, Aug the lang int Importers of Tboroughbaml Stuck and Make Seeds in the VOW Mateo, and slithers Is so that* boetut Norway °ate luttrailter seeds being sold, they artab to Wormy Sumer In thetourstry a chinos to teat their Genutne Seeds, 'Jamul' charge. We hope all our farmer 'friends will - eyed themselves of Wager mous offer. , Tit far Tat . —lu New Lisbon, Ohio, S few weeks ageoi whisks tiibtalar, 000 *gallon keeper Or selling Mao wtdalky, and had •hhai died 0,73. - no : l iaison keeper then turned arcnmd'and stied the' guasler for getting drunk on his liquor, and put It up on hint to thetsue of tlite , 00. aisle wore' fit' that. town to'gst . drunk then it does to orate drunk; Dll4lloElL—Aboolotie Invoices brgolly 'totaled in New York, Insole, and. odior ,Stereo. teir porosoo Low may *taw oreworry.suo.: 'woolen; eir..ootiletwit mewl Do pabilidly. • No Pardo radii dhows lin oreddson.:. Antics Sore. • 'Andrew. NOONN An INCH : • • • . Coonewr i tnr. • let MD nownwtr. NerrYorli City.' DIED. RAMSE tho23dof February. Mr. Samuel Ramsay, of Beaver. New Advertisements. I=EZSlii;iMia David Jobasoo, Dotal Michaal • Jahr Miller Jacob Marks John II Ohrodm lim Ukkersta Lisboa Clow " //khan, Dosimeter • P Waller C Cbtrk • • Urnasso Eektomli el Fall. • Jelin Johnston ••• • NAlslltlee • U - sear' timut Hoare ,Useltester • • •To mudo . tiltn Wadi? .9( but • 1 / 1 4/1 . one .s.,, to , et , Omit lito. met , C Speys!** f. haw. , . 4 4.,„,E4pcbegler mo. L La Uontlon FIATIOsnam • • - JOUN C. tIAUT, t. mollw C - -- Notice to Bridge Contractors; • Omer. Earrza. I February Stith Mt: iyealr u arlit bat ecelred °Mee, by the is ilitmonlekarrs, until drum. day March abb. trit e at hi eclok a. m., 110/1100` 014 superstructure of ITS lime tonnes. dflbealltyrivodeatrspal rath..airtiE u f tou So t bet roadway; liittribMolree Nan la Palmed arateshim abets th e - road armee the mounose arm Brash Creek. 14, f Mediazdavalle lu North &triad.* lowahlp; one ricer rite setae ereelt:MlLToleervillerta New Karla'. !ea= rm over ft:Kravis' creek ,Itt itan ip: Obey roetroorgurevra gad Pitts. burg rosilenome said meek, sod the boo 'truer lartrof the • • at Keetera hill over Ms Va lor the stractene meet be scaraptlierCat saternest striae - the total way* Mahe east and wooed boa of mob bridge; tbe general work. tag strontium& tbeuttlaiste or broskft streagtl per linear list. is well se the greatest load toad each bridge will mudalo. Plane sad medico bee for the- orroostry of meld bridges me; be room at thi. elite from the dietdaE l ot March until tee day a( Lattbrg., L lSba,Comm looms will wane the right to mem any or all bt ' •• 0: By order of County Com rM. corr. Mari:aw. JOILN NeCOUN. Chat. lattice; ropy. i .1 - FOR * - 1"{E• ''''.' The tedenigned, by stitue of Pima of Adm. my to nut glare 0; the widow and belie of Wm, Deritima, Sr. deceased, will offer fur rent for one y from April let, 1,,1, the &Mowing emptily. Four.Farins situated in Chippewa Tp. ;Ordaining rapettlrely It, 'a, VI, and OA acres. Alm( onember of Late was bate of Bridge• watee belonging to the estate of mid deceased. Fat farther infoanation all at Ida residence, mat, on tbe Towarawas mad. or edam Beaver C. , Pa. JOS. C. WILSON. reart:Sw • ^ *try to fed; de 4 • • Kialey 's balding, eset,of Public Snare. mar .11:ty. REGISTER'S NOTICE. VOTIVE * healthy niece that the Mowing se ll cadets of Yarmouth, AtiontilstratoreValud. lam. Ate.. have been daly passed to the Wester's once and will be pretested in the Gotham' Court for conirmatket. and arkmande; uo Weduceday ter tad day of Misre6.lCl: Flop account o U C. andGce. E. Daucchar. ntr•MtlprollAehpUtsotodief,t/etalamt.. ,•• • Adlignda °Moth Killthica: tillshrieflaterhf the Mate of John Ductrelgie, iteceaaed. • ' mom of James Dad, Jr„ administrator of the estate of Jame, Heed, rr., deemed. Real and permed! Mate accounts of Wm. John son:ll'44o'r. of the Mate of John Derry, deemed. • Abdoetteof Dobett'W. Ouch tixecator of the will or ,arturet Dorm. deemed: Account of J oho Mc Dwelt, ad m hos Dane of the estate of striChaoll Schrum, deed. , ,'Acttputit of Mary A. (Whom, adminictratritt of of the Mate of Soot (Whom. deemed. Accou - t of Jets, Meteor, • adnitolonitor af the estate of John )Mercer. deceased. Noel account of 'Robert. Potter. admhdatrator of tba estate of Nancy Deed. deemed. Accadtat of A. igoard bin oft:has, D. kk.pcio N opoomiselortased.: • Real mud personal occoduTa EdWard Etats, adorn of the estate IrDattWl Ems, Mewl. Account of T. J. Y. !Samuel Davidson. idea is of Wm. Darldrou, Pt, who was executor of the ea • tale of William MM. democrat. Account or George Gardner, administrator of Michael Miller: demised. • • • • Final amorist °ham thcarthi& exondriXdf the last will and too mesa of John Reed. deemed. Vhsal sereaut of John Doedt. admisktratea of the estate of Mary Doudralecessed. ' AMounts of fillubeth MI James B. Ferguson, .exemora of Davtd gnomon, deed. wbo was de giantism of Ida and Clarence May, children of El. be May, deemed. ••• Art of W. V. lberamod. guardian of William Gilliland, son of Matthew Gilliland. deemed., Account et Dr. D. S. Martfels. executor of the will of Dr. Smith Cannam. deceased. • • Amami of V Ilartenbe& V Fuchs. ermines of the will otCoarad Harlealsock, Marred - Deal and pecomaill1:00611064( =Zabel& Jorte. eon. adeare of the estate of Jason Jammos. doed. • Final mensal ofJ. E. Thompson, admialstrator tithe math of .Itohera Mason. doomed. Final gement ofJoseph Comma; adder /WM ksog.go &Immo. of Joeeph Gannet. deceased. fns • Kcal and pectoral acomula annum D. Ybber, wholes M the odate of Doswell R. Yhtog. deed. 'Almanac, Robert Daria..adesinistrator of the Mate Ma. Ella Lercholccessol. • - Account of .1, W.Bouso, guaollan of Rebecca canoe, rdWillho Do Canoe. declutetl. • allorbantifJ.ll.l. Wthruct, adedialdrater cam foe fustrarle ammo. of netole ofslane Wliean.neerL Mod and persosia7 Monate td .1: C:Whien;.ed matulatrator dare Mateo, Jot IL Mitttuall: deed. kiwi acanthi of Gaga Bathes, Meer do boots own, cam foslogionto aomoro. of Josiah McCown, deemed. dearest of T. Matter, guardian of Mary Altar lire, child of Dasepson Marker, deemed. Final account of James Thompcon. adndairtro ter Ditto estate ofJohn nommen, deemed Visual amount of John Metall; adosiobts slue of to militant Milo Dermo.decettoed.... Vital monad WilibmilDemsadettisaMet ef the estate of Cathartart Whimper. &teemed. Final amount of John Viroul.alladadatrator of the estate tin Penn's.] of James Dorm. deed. Ifinalacconat MC'S Wilson. seq.. Daemon of the wino( WJaltelk Wan" *ILK/.. lebehawl If.IIINUEETON. Weft. IDVIDLICAD7I4-A.'56-7iiillefreaufMnit- tar aspehtlesiOMon the Menthea. rat • 9:041ay, March 40, Isp i at 2 p,'lm. thalkharefile how, sad iota. tie came of rout* Weld sad I. ranee in Ina baraedb ad Br* ref. Masa tans shirks with bet mar. hall and' landau weaned. sod .adisr. underneath: OW tae j ,h,:baa. *table and "Amber naCessary nathardtadt: putt If** uptderApisenate,ionitkVial cup Milan UrIBINOLX. • Ifebthark Agana fa Mtn *awed Dastai. $30 ....... . 0 . PER - MONA! 8 .0 iir,A,6, y.... 0 ,, bid ..m.. it.. r 22 pklmest at from Oise Sar Three nous& C 1 12 il losidionw ku• / 4 turerbill. Xidiffas. 111, juall.ty 'Pl3Wll44l"iftilq7:43TY" la NC 04 ° and tee n eti . de0w1241040111 torablte mete am tbe Fora ayes 06 , a a t = 6 : 'c it e It n'ete r k p: at„, 5 44 1 - 14; . Ilkit y , l i ra 4to. 11l ' If sten Nom-4 So.!! OM Veda taqg Mt , on erldeb le . weenel dasta ..d.insi Jr,tawmgsft Wig . ra.-T.peen it i l etd: of eir 11..... . tota add lb vans, sad die entbe lad OF itgArell PP, . a ~ II Jl.lll .4 Ifl A ll 44 1 .11 1 0:11'..*: roW•Ceellasiallellr. 1aar,11570.-411, AZioaVlutotthr of Wm. oicielldOildora of - 1.. 10•41U1 , 644110014 WY, 444441' hp Pb .4. ou TO gida y. vo i ni ______ t * P k iit,W;ii orreeqpti , lo 4 4 ,110*!APi!f4. 1 4 70 ‘, 4 1" 11 / 1 3 Piq- I , l4 ol lfr lr i r_li• i'ir h°7, rite 7 , , T , akiwx :i . be suc lis 401.6;..46.;..i. - .4..,,iii . -.., -- • 1 0.44i,..=.4:::: - u. :''' .... „.,.... oe.* -' , k ...„ intptel4 tittle.. 9 toKossls'S :, -•- L Yam wawa! (MOO. 11,1A161 4/ ' • •: , 1 flue salorArs lagfeat. Mai w ..t .1 iit I ir . ‘ 7 l — : - .1 1 . 13 " 6 1'4440•411•44az !mar:: ..." -:t •", ' , ".' i: ,TI p0r14144:.,,.....,• rat risin••• ofebois •1.12, .11-• •, , • ltor:smiloinikeut.hil. al - Iliffy: , i I ! Fr,14". 4 ) 4 1!!!!!!40$11 211 , 20 t. , 4 „ . i e l 16 :•,(;;:k!., ~!•!::.: ,r.f - :1,: , .. ---.. ,f. 144 ige " "tu1a1 IVII 5 Nf fiw ral;:"dogh..lll oay.-.... , •...,...,.......,4, I • 10t ,34 i.1 4 RI I b li i '''t: ,- .7:, , iti; ;,, ... . . rfl':'l''' ,/1 : 46 0 11 .= 1ueram0.:"....:111....1 ... ''.i . 1 , - +.• 'i 0 1 44 1 0 . St )2 , ltreut ddvertisementi. 1-‘ 11.4 -aka At 0444114ilaczb1 . e ' iS*AO , Ol4; i;t148 1 1 ,4 1 d 4, A2I4"thePY.PIY. la 4. * 4 4 4i 4 .. Atiw;. : 4ll4; moOr. a • ti,sas . :At . „ lIM Wisktit*: . Toy i s; ' *C. A nay' , mait •firailmartiseed • To wt ird 44akettiii: -* • :/17i 4t•:t•bqr;o4,i-tir O'LeAtyl:',W:SingletOn; A LLEGII.E.NY,:4IA., spirl3;lllchlalJane.sept.; dee. Jan. SA. DUN InaIUNG. , Attorney at lair, Beaver. 19. Ogee end residence owthltd at. east of the Court Iluetesi. Alt law beet...settees ted to my cent shell t‘ ttettive poems anaelaos. Also persons basin: eat Nstats for Clols. 004 those wlettlag • to Day property. owl ter hem Mad.. may save dtatasaid money ay Wage stay. °thee. • ' I • . , IV I PLLIII . Galt Ea ' . de43"- NI Mt; Pow or t h . " cht • h A c to f ... " Ilfttiet=lter. Ps.. where he is to wenatertiatemod everything in his oasoulble tat, es Use ta. place - busWeve from the earn er a ear the Bridge ttt . preleal locator, he I. sites ,Itl• olds feketts. patrons to env'''. $ m ylaliey: • • . , . W . 1.1.04 .i,Z • ' 4 l! 'orruz 'AGE! • S!EMi IM!!!EMI ~111LUt1p.barg ) 143 beater MEM] GoLDEN-FotettArN PEN. E r isi e runt s arm : z ' A l um, sums min" WESTERN POBLISNENO CO. n: .• Aiwas. fithbuio; •,, . : .64". • . C=11:11 MON ON GA.I-110LA. Co 17.1 V 3Zi rt-sr 4n4' Machine' Weeks. ' Anderson & Freyvogle, Successers4o S. S. Ibrrler, - • Iroe Fauber : seer xill . Fut:hers,. Jicutufaelitrersof • Mist, Saw-Mill and White Lead Ma chinery; French. Burr, Cocalico and 'Escy's Mill Stone's, (Do Four A. Co,) ; biertnan Anchor Brands Bolting Cloths; Water Wheels, Smut Ma chines; Mailing Mill and other ma chinery; Pulleys, HangersandShatt- No. 39 WATER STREET, - rebls;3m) , Pittsburgh, Pa; Join T.•l DONALD W. PrZYKIZA. ow. C.. &&&&&& CM. H. J. erticass,CatA'r. sPETEREIZ & *eDOYfALD. Water AS7.,,llochester,.. rer lutemst pskt ou Tmt Divoats. cense glow promptly attended tu. Government Cbirpons Bought' on Ittroroble Terms. thrrespondenVes [norl6;ly. 811111 MASON &MN, NM BRIGHTON GOTI•ERY TORKB, artertfto3=l 4 cal:awl:m a 2 . . 3Iit%4WD a 001 - ttl'ili NOTICE TO Hui Lunn's. • Seills4 propos& sie liatitediuttll lbeilens of Webruary, for tie election of s Mardi Build. sss , te Me butouglhoildskfor Springs, PL Mass end speclfiestbesi to be Ykoee b7T el .of Uto subsolbsys. . „ . . . A. O. 110CinirEV.., Rs : • I • JOHN 3. , . • U6NUYCOWAN..., . • : • Mau Incited orwasak wanted the ,ua Ste the ereettca anltengthltut the sum botousk, rim -And Liam to thaws 'by N • iter hi tWe sibrert ' •, 1 • ScpULLOCUII, Dual, Abia, 1311Mry4 LEItrEIX; opetualqiinuolivOrmi teem • ; Ran - kiting & rgnpaisig re the Illades, asliwo balm' kw" ouripotves to tb competent le INI!! 111 4 Tell boif.oo teeosooloy,oooolloot loot We do beet • of steel . 1 . 111 - 11 - iie alasoarlowsloor bow Is Ho b u y",fiym, rem owl Wo &PM alrele 64 workoeto o l ife e 0 nlNCtAfefo • • rocKgrdonvirt. • &41 • 14 ! I rt? *el& reat 10111Vitg. ligalei'keia it; a. ri sreatbilleg." llo ","g tha ,, .ISMtyad twr4.4 lam*. Onittiul c*lftd !? elm • • - • bat/W ariaLr w ` *- * t . - as ter riTa t 4tiiOnt• • ' ' ROO:* sgSSIKO, 4 fe• 111 Intpuk!pdi .!011'!81,11041411' i; fir ' • ,p .T rip _Ap a r tA rros. • "•~Peilltinisettil . GOOD.: ootrEo ruibml4.,. =I Nfitto.oi, k'+~rir (3~M ds, =I .iliaivlintseutea. ratILTIVI. DeF 33 33 7T1,1169. BANKERS, .V.INUFACI'URERS OF LOW IMLAPPRthiIiIbUINTB !ripus naives* i l opnams,aa: vigor fluf Att. polyincobly of Mb 14}b : y1 Ji_iyobt. at yoo OP MI to toibetelooo ol ow ol to nat. dn.=• oboolon f• dm catauof Ikmo Imago* Wow tom Iffqd iff fbe Ake of dui idyls ef the Inpu . , l 4ibiltquirafed son. lo Irk: : Cbccouci lc Ibu fossocat blilifikurlaku : cd by tbe Milo Ad " faisdlcallsm.4meCl f Afar. vuul XCNIS d id fiff.. ~ . .... a. e ... Ibuilfrta VW t' ot ii = 4 of , 11l V• !alto Iblalt-: I • •. • , ',.._1 '' ' ' ' li:. . Myr. y to mOust of tondo locum *lum 1 b, yffut 111a. - Amicolik4 fieff4: Woh o p..s4fer,, do SoVlsoos... ! . - .. twoosil xto moo; 1000. • Walser , ' by widow or obi WI; *child : 1 4: liTfalifle ccuentat; : per:' * f.':' , • i :: "' '' tr, l llMa stal i Id b un . A Lead. inumoitum + • ,- . : .1 • ',' • Pcnifoof prihtfi=ort=r4"l.B7 by Wow al M. No, : ,t,.• lr. bootimel AMIN* afadeffirasure. 4 - ' • Permal prosody to the Taloa of I fuleild, by am • • Wow cOpoyM.llllivoro, tit, toped; I,'!"' nog .1113mobbl, iaaUtrotoro. • • ' • Notice to booby Suce , bcfnp:. trycoaqa. • Mr hiqalucConflpfil istbeisoiek to apple; as tho pest ;cm uf fbq C4lfft.'bullagef Miss lbff Iblltdty tit betoir Ike Ott ay wilco:b. , WTI), booboo moo t Witr x r ~ , ..l iart‘ allidit'llby dial • Ifeffltlf c j " th" " ' a l laq - EircitT:Cinif. ....... ____. V417:41• -• 1 1 Iri b irititili/Visituo ' a Allows Millis Towage. • es.'ithebtotowilloareg Co • JaniallithiltoOtheow • Om. • • DS 11 10/104 Clattlaa &DWI co Dlorsua VoldbitiotWelth ' "le • • 11l Ashram J 3111thlroll I • ;. • ‘,.111131.1i0 Unwed, Mechem Clotho C Ltall Ou Wow, Drodkro ' fir Job. Dilworth von r. , . , *. I Jaorsil Murton 'As • • Dude Rows= rise^ Wsbillat ' Rabat II Mule lkit) Oki 4WD' Ostler al PW C W Mr4 4 2lr . -.‘ r.,:b4go,farra ~.• MAW %eke V aliabatgli • • - /111 likslartai wife J //Wales . T. „ • ae trey fissiosos, Mites v. • ' •W Trlasllkr II dolagelit • • , • • Mortis WIMP , Westlthrab.dl fi VA 7,1110,11 Worms. T Kelm. W Drulluisir T inile ~tiieeoorn, 1P1.1114/41 • vs • - tiatewitkubsa •i Jill 4 Jain WOW.% J. 6 . 14 „ir e IL Ilsodsllisll Few swims • —T. w missal MOW • • as .11 Asistit Ws, &Nu %WC. , , -; J daoba P_l/1 Cos* IN Jesus Tors Aoholes' Walilawles • ws • Loewy et al 44806 faahrt ; S. •. - • Wus BIUM/1 1,1041111X114*[ Iv EiSeahall , •••• 'rip Posy • IlessW Woe* • ~J MMellUba Janos AWL*. • 1411 /Lima al IsekalLsld Jl.Wlalsi4, Jsmss YrSzar ;mom •Wegosis et al sip • k , • . J !IC &lan, yr: ' , i .ar Ikaatt, Moms A Tarsus stAl , Binary .166ds Illeldtdson , y.• Ts ' • Wakes iesalllniessa d •n • W5.,11~ Vanes dal a. . Nampa Lelia ./ aS -• It Midler ME • • • laaaamitaata lb .Aadriaa.e.i 4 C 4 .3, um/ alaaVtaa - , Mks lanualtimay. 3 Wrirli easy 11 4 18 7 A %WA ft el :lass watt r. Dania Ulnas W Asaarsua rt ' a Una wleabana sw dls•A Iv a m . . olr . • 446. o.6bwgt Rat ago, two • 'Ol P a Um . , --,:.#g rii •CA LT44 "l% rr°' trAtil BUILDING Wood nevarashair shop. WILLIAM PEOPLES . *nestletiy City. Pi. • .• , . Is prepared alll high of Wand: Turning. Scroll-Sawing ant' 81r.11 )(qui _Ziewelrat. italusista anal [rand WITR ALL JOUSTS CUT, READY TO RAIN; furnidol bn shaft Pollee. Orders by malt prow*: itteodetteker any be left vith Gowen &Va.. - 411tb At. r , Mlellterrbi Ps . mod at *O. Mll4 . ember .4 Webster Avert lad _ ofiVer A.Cadomy.—Tbebortaillerq 13 of this betttution • 111 oapeo oa the Ibtb of March Next. to ecentaeo 14 vertu. Yee eery. to aprebrebot ply•tor • . •.. C. C. BIGGS. Pere. . - GREAT • BARGAINS,: TO MAKE ROOM YOR•BPIAING CIik4CP.CIOI:III3..• • , ). A — S - 11.01,VEY • . ~Of e rs kit •DryAgeedai end Nolione AT GREATLY REDUCED. FEWER Ali Winter Goode, and Nene' Ind Bays' Milk *III be cleared out regardleusorevet. - • A' tinge start Of GROCERIES, of the beet:quality on band and for ask" at. low 'Met. r A. S. HARVEY, Qv. Bridge 16 :Market mirk. Dndirelklier, Pa. • . • , • ieirthaw Wpsser, 0.114 awl kr; Clothing. ellothlairl Warms awl beavi =I AI Parlor as the &along Mange, se oust we change our Light Oar- ments for 11cLivy Garin eats. hs the . 'Nectninlc 'and the I,Abrorer gn PI - Maedafly labor; and ibe.Professiona nail business tit= to their Mimi or phut,' of burbler, these cola stud chilly usoru- togs, the thought enters their.tulto)-7 WHERE SHALL WE BUY IlOur Winti3r Clothing I . To. Iho also whn buys bis , cuoils suatly mule, we wnultl say : 840.8nellenburgs I Broadway, Air Brighton; BECAUSE ?RI MB 111131 R Off C3fr Co CO ri , Anil Keep the Best Anortenent in Bearer Cbeiedy. the man-abn has his Minds marts order, crhy measure, we would my: Unto . • : S. & 3. SITELLENBiRG'S, lieoinste they hate a Caller, And Tailors aeoootl to ilOaa in lleavai CO. • KEEP A CIIOIGE . bIOCK. OF Piece Gooisf* Mid titled; AND THEIR MOM) IS "14110" •arrr; NO 'PAY." JWMEYEER 11110ADWNY:, NEW BRIGHTON. Eeplitui4N94:o ". " :2 :111Cii:11:#1 .W.ANTED, MI ultimo of Ct istaa Chracter. i kullitorkscitow TgesSravo 9101 . 3 . 11 olhe s so dia. resd.toselt girda fur that sew. and hpap•Ortatdbtx!kcathlad t e . - OPIOZT '331.3 3 / 1 1 0 lie obi Red or God to tbiAttidee ad Yet; by Bit. Semen roam D. D.. - • boa hot • good Weibel lepederoke s.! needy yeedelorso einleot trey mien* seolAdt toooltedod deoloo -To west* ottotetiose ao valaiesere red It I= sti dProorstort. It le }sot the weft for , r • • - • • APPIOdor 41.(f10.10 dada ea* tense. thole e l " !"k. rroiriza ;ebo n y. ) leek le: DO. Jittotenob..l%; . , , ...✓.Xt~i. ~rL~ • # liF k itftlill,lßOLDl •, 06i4kotifiVP,LUID '.•1•11. tgxttattt entro*l;ol' GRAPH PILLS. • Owsijitronat Iterls—Pn44 Xdrael • Mall Art; _ 428 4 / l iblinid Pumps unki.,h4c4. ; Jane., Alien: Narrows ihnsracif.inotwous., Ifinlrern e v e n w rZrig gial l er nor " JNniv • • Thk4eihihnaritin: Jinn %tiv4htinl ant inirgitlee,,Silkrsispiti cantor lit, uhigur.slit, etc. They Are ernstinwril 01' the Inert ingredient.. ,After kir-days' inn •of them, nue!' an Irig imam 14 the entire /Often' tilt* plied is ter appcir tntrxcul uaa to the- *twit mit enervated. Whether inning Mon • Ile Arid - erne- or -disease. II /I T, fiehabokre Conspire nd Flukl.Entiset Ceti whin Drape Pills are nai sugarcoated,! Irma inn riot than sugig-andaL liana: through Ow without, shook ing..constrognill.4 On 4, poiluce , the nieniruti TAN tAr`. TAwn.t 'u RA ve PI LLS,4I,4g pMasgol in hi:steam' irior, not ; beingnu ;sir " 111171 r PER lIOX ' • ' "” . Il[LYln •r. iFairrAt nwslUT eosterttnnsu•eisweoewn' • ' FLUID' EXTRACT,SARSAPARILW: Will twlit:ally extersuns4te from Use .syth: teas 84retel,s, sryphtlis , Fewer,lsisews, 11.- • were,tissee - I:yes. Dors Legg.'lioru Mouth, thew fi end, ,Skin Diseusee,, !fell Itheuus. Cankers,•itinusings flues the • ' liar, White :Swelling. l' unsure, Cellttirithi, • Affertious, Nodes, 'lt ekes,l'llndulitt treats; ?titer, Iturnor• II( na• kinds, Chrome lilseutna liar, I)y.prroikand ell diwarftthot, hart. been rwaistlebel in Alm 'yam - for year*. liens irrepareti exiiNsely for the *lmre (jump'shaa Its hlrsallutrilyinr, ptopert lei are ;roster thin *brut he eor m entwida • if Lam pariits. •it eves ttk, Itortrithesinn dearand healthy mkt, , and ymitutro Use patient. hi ■ stste.4.ltuallts nd pinity.• purifying. dm blood, removing. all chmnioontuttitutiunaltlistausuarbdirgironi an inaintre lusts the bluuJ r utuithuonly relish u soul vlGTttytl kruwn .rtatestly, for , ihi'curaLutvalsiv und sop lug 414 be WINS, ulegnatiotitt sit' the thrust Awl li^l,ihitih i-6 luuplP, tut'lid 10., urysiite , ss in *7l Kitty tn*:a‘.6 4111, suit .ticitttry . .. l leg the'compit,x;oo. - 11110 E 41 501 1 9 .110TTLE: ' ' ' • ' • ' ••-• A rm lIENttY T. niumnovis ' ' • :Nais:im.,Tzi) FLUII3 • CO ttidllti. • THE; GIiEAT • DIURRTICI, ' • tuts cured every eve of ilittbeumin•trltikk It boo been given, firrlistlott t f the Netdt of the Illetitler and Inftaination •al the. .IChtstrys, II •nttima .1 the • Kl.lncys and Riattikyr, itetenttire nee. Dvieseies of the kinship, filmed, Stone ithutiler, Colculusoirsw.l. and MUCOU'I or tlilky I fiacherk.:e. rind fur en pvl,6l aria delicate eiinsUtution.e. of Unth aexes, sitteufk4 with the pilliiwlng L. , Lrie, tJ Pl:4er 1,11.14 Of Difficulty fit' 4.trent 'l s l. freak :re rveyt, Trembling, 110 r 'cm- of • Dl.ease, Weaktnlnise, Dimness or. Vision, yaini, in tlay flack, !Int reitilf, Ylushlue °Me Maly, Dryneiiinf the Skin,* upthin on the Pnee,INIIIII (NT nee:timer,' ' cif the Muscular Hie. tom. etc_ Used by persons from the elm of eigh teen to twenty•tive, end Crum thirq•Qveto Sftytive. or bs. the skethsts or change at life : alter matistemeatorhsbar pale% best! •writing In cllktren. , • nebulas Ws Extract Dacha Is Mare* and It loosi•Pia rilying, and run:salt dualism arising .frorii Habits of Dissipatkin, and excesses awl impinticocca Imps ri• tits's( the Blood, etc.,Supercaing Capons& In Affections for which It Is lisca, and Syphilitic Affections—ln Ulm Mimics used in cannrction whit Helmbnist's Raw LADTEW. In many affections peculiar to ladlot, the Extrnetllinehu 13 unequalled bizz ether y—se is llisionmisatr. tion,lrrrgulnritr, Pninfillneits or tioppres• Mon of customary Evacmdkms, Ulcerated or Schirrox stme of Ihe Uterus, Lettior rlar4 or Whites, Sterility, and for all cam• plaints invident In the sex, whether aris• in frrnu Indiscretion of Rabits of Dissi• patina. It is pnacrihed extensively by the most enduesit physicians s midwives for eufeelded nod 'delicate emistltutions, tf Moll sexes anti all um, (attended with any tit the Matt a disksies or mytu 'adult) EOM IL T. lIELMIIOLD'S EXTRACT ILU CHU CURES DISEASES ARISING }TOM 11l DENCES, 11A11. ITS Or .4 . )I:6IiIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, :it litt'e expelae, little or no 'clump: in dirt, nu liwouvenitiiiie, iind no rkixikum. II camas a frequent de sire, and uives 4,101101100 Urinate, there. by n.• - log Utranictioiss. Preventing and Curing utrieurta of the En:•Aira. Al la) lug NM and lultaination, so frequent in this clam of disuiscs, and expelling all Poisonous nuttier. Thousands who have been the victims of ineousikteit persons, and whn have Jed', heiry fees in be cured In a short time. have found they lave been drained, and that. I he ' Poison" liwo,by the use of "pow erful ruitringents.?• been dried up lathe eyeteni, to 'lntik out Ina wino aggrarakd form; and perhaps after Marriage. Use 11E1,1111OLD'S EXTRACT EU CRC for all aliectiona and Disesaes of the Urinary Organs, whet her exciting In Male or Female, I r a hatever reuse original• ing and nu matter of how liiii. standing. PRICE ONE DOLLAR AN! ) FIFTY CENTS PER fiOTTEE. HENILV T. HELMBOLWS IMPROW ED HOSE WASH. cannot be unissued as a FACE WASH, sail will be found the only speed& raw. dy in every specks of Cumulous Affection. It speedily er.stliostes Drynois Indurat!ons of the Cutane ous .Ibaubrane, ktc., dispels Redman and incipient Intlathation,Rives Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Skalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Setts or Ointments arc used; restores the skin toe state of purity and "annul, • and in sures continues healthy action to the thane id Its versa., on which depends the agree able clearness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But how ever valaulde u ancpiedy forexibing de fects of the skhs, ft T. lictuboliTs Rase Wash has Atop sustained its. principle claim to unbound patronage, try possess ing qualities whim render it a, toilet up eciidoge of the most Superlative and Con genial character, combining in an elegant, lurmula these Prominent renebites safety and efficacy—the invariable scaxispani manta of us use—as a Preservative-and Refresher at the Cionplexion, It ban excellent Loth m lbr dimming of& Syd=l - is Minute, and'as au injection for of the Urinary Organs, arising frcm lush be of dissipstiosii well la connection with the EXTRACTS BUCIIU,SARSAPA - ItILLA. AND,cATAWBA. GRAPE caPlnLnalktion.snurpaidif. pur ss ivi cr 'reoan„ E inc Do nit LAR PER BOTTLE. • • -D ihertEvacuee ueilic JIMA leipunal e iZeilaiinCe#Xl,4lCit aecoln . ti. iany 114 tellable charaetzr furniabod on app .. Wile.)' with hundred.' or' thonsands of living . witnesses, and upward. of 3,403 do 'euliclted certitle. tea and - treodunendatoty letters, tunny 44 which ate front 'the high et.' *numb'. Inch:dint cntlnent Physician", Clergymen. tttateanten,' ea. The pro twice''r lets never retorted to their poblt 'cation In the newapapers ;,•ke duos apt*" this front the filet is initial radii OS MA MAN Preparatlntuk and dolma awn! to be propped up by eertitlentol, „ Henry T. ilirlaibeldis,filestsbjC Pr"; Wiven4 to 'ow itddrms SCaorii (ran observation. ' • ;- • • • ESTS,BLISIIII:DUP WARD OP T,W E.ll - YEAI(. • tiold4ry . Druntala evety w hero. 'Address let ratbelutottnatlon, In rontklentee Id HEN Y HELRBOLD. Ihroggli4 andlCbemlat. "./ I • -Only Repulse IL T.•IIELMBOLIY.4 Dnl.and. Chewed Waralanuan,No. .504 Ito odway. New York, Kin IL T. lIEL.II - llttlkol Depot,lo4lkoo Tenth Street, Pldbokllsdaht • • REWanw., ow connwsniwllO. AA' 14 ,Ilssitr T. flituanotAial ZIEEIRIOTEIM outylE:loow] cbd fhWi.s. • EMI I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers