II A Adiiertisements aro Inserted at the rate of 0,00 per squerofor Mit Inge ktligh and, for each subsetjuent!lneeitkilD W ,Anta, A li bond flirOuPA il/ad0,. 9 41 1 3 YY) 3 .:rat verneemonts: A spar° . NUS to ten'llneb P.f WSW" , moasuriti `. .• • Moline= Notkel qhdeiletbeed by theinselves Intinedlitely - east the Ideal sews, Will be charged ten cents aline for each Insertion. AdVertisenbilltn. should; be butdo&to boron) Monday noon to Insure insertion In that wok's.• •r. 1. 11 - eisimma Pirgpf6?,rll.• 131439611. . • • OHS MOORS, Prillgric4l44l4:ake Ip 3 41 : 1 0. CV oils, pure medley t Mutes midlaleara WW l ' Ware, Lamps awl Figgettioods; Mall a t Pito scrlptlous fatefully fOgOpOotkay____ V.ld• si ••• • ilooegy, Tolima:a aud_aarc (N 1 1 %_ •1 Y "ITINUY Vapor ,aa r- Reakeln 11-flook, Stints I'.* • •• at VoPircif Ilenglst r llon‘cardully •).• i3ll. • 1 1 _1'4_2 • 11113pfeecoll WII• aria _Shuttle now •._ Main at, See reel isi`cmailwr t c fnl Quuda aspptlkly l AM t i 4 , 7a er L m a u m u :B TrluinsAit4nd 0. silly, dA 344 joktmll.,Oroosty R*lllll.lo eiwke Tees, Best Cob ten looety Ind Vege t ables:74l 4 ••*Maly 1 - It. AStIIIUTL Ikaler Inl Maki" Blusea. %J. Clittee:.e. d West and 34 st. • peptS;ly . _ it , W. DIIVEHE, Insurance attest, Beaver, Pa., 1 • rail atolget your rn..„4, Insured. oc113:1 '' P I. •'• ' 7. l C riiri - illEtall •i,•IIi Li g i 4 :4•••••• •• . • • ; t o '• • • • tioai lice: ' • '4444i 4 TV ih i r W in '—' LT. Nu NI. ar cl t. l burgh. Pa. ilay , g I itiPT - if 111 iliFirilttrEtiie:iietiis, ‘.. pitelle Poet t/Mee. Publishers of the "Real hs. WO Destellev," sent free. Pittehurgk. • , [seplitly 1 II KNIODIBON .11 111106., Whelleasie lifilit. _i) . glad, WO Liberty St. Pinstionch.• sep:4;l.y - 1 D - RA6LI - 1:171"73 . - .AT PARLOR. IS girth& v., el lap!, Wear Market Sri Pittsburgh. lseOltly LAICISE & CO, &tot:seller* anifilatlon. .il. e A rit, C ltil Wend St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. i Depl4:ll' yOs Mill HORN K & CO, 77 .2.llll4trket tit., CP Ihttaheigli-linpOrtise sad ticelevi In Notions, Trhulnin&V - Ilnalagy Vital* Goal* ay.. tePIV7 I 7 plintliitmtJfiltallialS. biebeh, Mild Moo+. t. cal Cetifeetiouers. .Denleansta nuts, (mils. . &e. WI, litcl.3o WPod Rt. littaborgh, nu, ., JS. X 07117E, ) esiler In choice le SiTerifteei & .‘'Fatility tocerie.. No 20 Fifth Avenue. Pitt. burgh, Pa.. ..'• : i. + . • . sept4;ly. TORN 111(7RT.& S Dealere ON,. in the New 11 415. f/ Weed rani] sewing Machlues. 110 Mantel I Street, Piltsburgb,Pa... mint:ly 1 - 1:1V:171( WC - 17UNTOVIC & CO., Dealers in Car. v / pets. Oil Cloths, &e. Special rates to Cleft?, 21 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa. (*cult ly 111 P. Agreement te .1, -- fil. Wis.'s?". Dealer In l's. Winds% Clocks. Jewelry & Oiler/ ware. No it; rush Avenue. Pittsburgh. , [seplitly NIT A - .1.1'05, House and Xilirrainter; writes V • tonrder Show Canto for every [melees/li.- - Nu. 7 1 0 11fth Avenue; Pittsburgh, Pa. . [senility rp C. PIM CON. Manufacturer or and Dealer 1n 1: • ritrulturs and eh:tine-Rosewood. Walnut, Sisbottuny and Oak. ,46 Stltilthlield at. DicOtly • 4,I I GMUND GNOTZ.: Gunsmith. New work. of 13 the best material, mode to order. All work wnt rantvd. Repairing neatly done. Prices Low, loam St.. Rochester. Pn • Junie;ly NKW DNIOHTON, EU. F. SIEMON, Bakery .1t Conretionery, Lit. It. street. Special lineation given to wed dionstand ballr. (seplitl.l l .It, .1. tiNELLENBEIAG. Merchant Tallots.— • Bnatilsay, New Brighton. See adv toplitly t yl. WIIISLEIt, 'Mullet. Broadway, New 111.. itrlghton. J septlily 11 I I.l;t;fOiraWil " B)ovk. I Broadway. Beet pho t o . graphs from re•loucle eJ amputees. • . • . . trap:tly AUESTER 1 BEDISON. Jewelers slid Tubsc.. coulsts, Nrustheny, N. 'Mehra% inereltly 1 J.WOkatIL lirucerliw , klut entware.atid t) Hontupold.Gowlm. :Broadway. Ittyl.l:l3 , I'VAN Venler In Wall foyer. Wludow bI" I. Nowlas.Switionetry s Notloile; Prowl. y. New Orighton. Pa. 't STXINFELI).I)caIcrsTITCDry. (hood, F.../ . 1 0 44 1 1:t NotiV l . ll l Meryl/tat 'Alfons cl.morrt. ' , matte . ocat);it ni:Avso WALLA. TVII.I.IA It ROBERTSON. Dealer lo itaprovemi n Rowe Sewing Alachinno. Maio St... Beaver F.,11.. • _ .epttly .I.KiNtji:—iri g e o de, i li eiid \l 1111•rycu„cr i3nlraT:er •t., 8,..%;•r Palls. ENDA LI, AN N EY. Artists Frroco . Palub I% sr.: aiftl, House and bike Pathless, Main St.. Iten‘vr Pallo. ~ bald l;ly ( . ..';',.•'',ymi eN..,.% pitt'o ni." . at ,l l in w prices , 6a n : :I 3h or e :s o u! perior yliality, Main bl, ilUaver Palls, 1au1847 URIDfiEWATEII. r AMER PORTER. Tlnner. Dealer la Tin, Cop. rl per and itheerlren ware, and Iron. Cistern Pernik, Bridge at. Bridgewater. (eopllVy • BLATTNER, Mannßeturer and Dueler In 1. • Boots nod litaree. Bridge Pt., Bridgewater, l'a. eepti;ly A H r e. lICST. My Goods. Caps, gun. AS • Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings. Bridge $l.. Mid "writer, W. .8 .14.1 :4 . len et: ret..llrl4l.4water. ;., 11 7 1 ' . lilinoracinndAlt old 1.4. Shoe". Bridge St.. BridguwaVer. (1403" ITRIK - 1 - IBUTET:4.tientlemen'a Clothing cleansed .11. and preaae 1. W. ter St. a boveltridge. l4;ly tilts woontetrxr, Marble Cotter; 3101111- I I went,' & Tombstone. or nil drat:lotions made la order. Bt. Market and Water etreets. toe:44ly rISTI LEH & Co. tiroteries. litoonnoware : Win • d0w , 11b0.,,, Flour, Foett t Country Produei. Du Melia corner, Bridge St. Bridgewater. retll:ly 'plum mi:Asolt, 1)....igr In Monongahela Cold. Orders lent at B. Clarke, In hoover, and at Stuldia Drug Store, In Bridgewater, will he I.riquntit attended to. Cash on delivery —Lmweat prikse. Vasl.:-Mellonald'o Point. relatty (iciiitsvisn I 'MITI! .t CO.. Fatiry Mry (loath+, No tl' Ilona and di ltlluvey. 31a.liefin at., near Bit. tumid. ICucia IN. feeplitly Manufacturer and Dealer In 1 ) 14A , 11;t y r . k, e o t ra 5 1111::.:1 . , it . a. a Brighton flue' 10110:11Elt. Maker Confectioner.— r) t., Rochester, outiil4;f7 Null/ WAX DOYD 4 •Wairou 4 Cursil:oLuipkyr. I • Itallruad Docberler,Pi. •OW 1:17 A M C. • Dritgglit.. Prinicrlp • ciuuruzbae , ll. Meter I ) e thd rirl44l , t . k k u t frier or MA1411414 entlßrldgq, Itoebbitir. - WAVY E 111 i VON 8 . 14 bOlorain t Kean Dal t ers In Dry I,kuzUg.Grourtes.lriour.Yeed.Eiralu. Dust .tores.bouit Nails. Cur. Water .t James .1.. (2. FREDNItICX,-Baker and' Coofectkwer.— I.X • FedUnn Oaken and. Ice Own lnint.bed promptly., On Diamond. Nnebestet.', .(nepltly VOll drag by SILVILUMAN. Ilddquarters 12 lot Iranian d Dortimik Dry Good ni Ttlons. Trltnnihrea and Piney (Mods paw . %mar treet; Ruelanter. Pa. pldly 81 -11111 sIal CO.. rtartirand i •Mi a moo*, Man. Shull... &a. Dula In lambed Lath de. Itornastet.....andlrly tral.ndrarltia a.. wiwrattioweemmor. MC. Q , laklus Cm,-Desler• la Daweddad Pharod Umber. lath b tailnalea.Dadorame. ' fir fin NTFi a is L'ol - .1. 11 baboons lt. R. oration maid,* river. aeltly (=gunk CHAS., Manufacturer at saliCerikir le Tla,Copper and blunt Iron Ware. Ildodna. Sinmaldltsde.. attended to. 'Vatic at.; oeUdly ro/ -c dors 044""ito " PC12111,'03.04 inniestnadµk±ne and rood atia Mee. Neretll.ll,Dayrol s s , -- - 11 5uww...411.44., In INNS, einue.thluem . &v. .fteparles dotenranialy and rotopily. I'D., 9n tlnt Diamond. Annbenter, oetinzty, v: A LTE*, Darinfacturers or ‘1 • Wigan% Cornelia'. lingalms. haring.narrons. s nihma, Illaeltenhtlang MM. Iseenealrael done Iu the best manner: llorta•ter. teddy LIVERPOOL,O IS. HILL, Drugghd, WAlnued.. near 12.11 l'n•Kriptlone ran•tnlH And t t ccorid••le pouded. MINCELLANEOUS u f.ITIIOIINILEY.Stanif tetarer of the (treat t) Itepublte Cooking Stove. and Patentee nt POT. table rltenolort top and centre. Palls on, Pa. LIIERT ItISSILL. Stootware LlanutLetnrer. 1 Order. peomptly 'Wended to. Vantoort. I'AL l'.t office uddrreo —Bravrr.ra. (oppitly Arnatieutly located aZI the village of / L Zellehople. Pa.. for tho purpose of practicing .11...dichme, I reougafolly tmolrt my lauferrionil gerN, vx to tbc eltiiro. of said villge and vicinity. lg. pruldqnnyappoelts Eagle MAC. slime I pi.r4 alwayrobo..fosuol. uukv flrofrrrlousUly ....red.' eallr will receive Immettlata and prompt Attention. A: V. CUNNINGUAD, D. D. I. LINNENI3RIN.K. bealler li>< Watcher'. C rooke. Jnrelry hriodkah and tinanotiery: watann and Jewelry repetred. API& far the KU" eewles mstalpe,jtuchaster • . .1. 11. mounE Eat. 72: - ATTORNEY 'AT ' LAW Third AYreet. Ileaver, Pa. (1171 i below the ORM Snow .1161*; ,“ it-tar • • liA.N.K.irtro-nobtow„. - IROMAS M'CREERY & CO TlROS.lll'Cliling ANOXIK4 .1. p bltAVO, s .j. itlr t . !Itetmt wad uuthutudructellu: i'rumpt alteullon rite% lu collections. Also, lusurance Aceuli br goott m u d rellstale Cutup.=lce. [usayitta • - - 74 . : 1 1eNCT1N 31. D., Iluvlug permaueut• If • ly located In- Hearer. would reopectfully tol d., hi. pod...tonal aervicee to the cithcua of flea. Vef and •urroutullor cation. !Special attention " 51 to the Oral meat of female disease.. tinrgery dme with eihillt u l hand. °Mtn on Third direct. a renew. welr of the Court I.louee. ie ,rtr.luviut I C n Eit()N, Atinniey nt Ilenver, Pn. (Allele in the mntn for ne.rly orchpled by the late Jade Ad.tms. Col. promptly allelic.'" to. 041.191kr1i.. • ILLLIT 111.4111eR1, dealer In &tote " Shun, Gaiter', ell pen., ,kc. , next door to "'neee 110 ahoy. Bridge etroet. Brklgoetaten l'a here be r, erythina to he p luine at drenm e* ntieara end well t flee' t leg restored hie placed twiner lens the Coen. urat the Bridge' to Ida present location, Ike In. c r a lli..e . his old Mende sod patrons to Men Met s ll7ereet Vol. 53—No. 6. Gold 40 Sliver Watches. goliday Greeting! G rand 'Display . OF • Christmas- = Presents ! ! !.! Cents' Gold Watches. Ladies' Gold Watches. New Chains and Bracelets. Necklaces and Lockets. Fine Gnld Jewelry. • . Gold and Silver-Headed 0111(11. • ,11 1 91 d Spectacles At Eye43lliucilt.s. Skovlingr Silver ...Ware; [A Splendid Stock.] ' larian and lyro'nxe- Irgret - FA.N 07117 GrCIODSI'. Priers Lower Man .11,er. .RO.I3ERTS, . No. io Fifth Avenue; .PiLtaburghi . . AU are lotitea'to call, when tit the tOy. and ex amino our Wanda, Uoode without kenos guider any obligation to buy. Don't tall to wine and am the Driani. Ditplay. oe,t3;ittnelitlegil .Miscellaneous. , Istritan t Relict" For T3:3.e .AastXmi:Let. Having bent aflikted with that terrible ago plalitt—coinplettly unfitting toe for bovines., for week, at a time—for the last twelve yeari, and lad found a remedy that Blvd • • • • , Indthil and :Cbmplete have ciao:laded lo hare It prepared for ale. so Ihtt other. almitulyafilleted elm twelve lb, ben efit:ern, assuring them that It will do all, and more than all prom ised for it; arid. that pert°. rate wing, will never be with• oat It, As numerous others who hare used 11 • • • can testify. can be bid at the Dmg More or WILLIAM 11. DUIDIIILING. Uocbcrter, PA. or wilt be mot by mall to toy addrear on celpt of one daltar. mad ten meta to pay post .ag.P CHAS. IL LIOHnT. n0r16,21e171 Docheater. Deaver county, Pa. WANT.EIII2-- Ailnners& h'eent Ihr Bra ye, coaPt.Y , for that:urtful' 3tatttal Life In. nuance Con:twiny or New York. Metal Induce ment. 10 the tight rum For tonna and circulars, 0000r0. Sunnb, Roberta t nolllntlahead. Mem. tem deutb-eaat corner atb and Walnut streets, Ptak&lo.la. tuarttf. • • ac 4 tanctptw . . idge . Street, ' ' - • BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRIDGI SUPPLY OF GOODS IN SACII OF THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS s • GI- . 1111,1 C CO CI 1.3 S. Steubenville Jeans, Cashmeres and Sattlnets, White Woollen blankets, While and Colored and Barris' Flannels., - 3lertims, Delaines, •Plaids, °high:tuts, • ;.. • •--' Coberge, • ' Lawns, • Water Prnata, Chtnatillht - • • • . Clutha, • • • - Shawla . . tritt7 hickßroistnandil Mus Friuli, ' • Canton Flannels, Joyonets, 'rattle Linen, Irish Linen, Counterpanes. Gloves .51,its. Groceries, Coffee, Teo, Sugar, MoWere, Whin. SilverDrip@ Gulden and Common Syrup., Mackerel In bar• trip and kits. Star and Tallow Candled, Hardware, Nails , Glass, Door tkeka. Door Weber, Illnttea,l4erevra.Tatde Cntlery, labia aLd 'rep apoonr. Sleigh Dell,. Cool Wane, Fire liborele and Pokers, Nada and lilua, tirade., bhorela, I, 3, sod 4 'I toe Yorke. Dakar, Scythe,. and Months, Corn and Garden Ilona. W(R)DEN WA 11. E. Buckets. Tub*. Churup, Butter Flint* end Ladle!' CARBON'OIL, Linseed Oil 64:, White Lead. 13oots and Shoes LA MEV NINSIZ' AND CULLOM:AS' SHOES, . . . great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powde• and Fuse.L Plasur Vocal ac laueonsewore. .11 heavy gouda delivered free radiant. Ity chew attention to buslueve, and by kerning cnnstantly on hand a well gown ted stock of good. of all the , dttrerent khide usually kept Ina t ountry 'rota, the undersigned hope.. ut the future r in the peat to merit and receive ■ liberal Cum of the public patronage. 11. Arts 12.A.NG3E14. decCrarnly..--jytchgd. The Most 'Complete Busineis Col =lege in the United States,. • Affording Iselin leo for acquiring a tbertoutt,prae• heal business education, poisoned by no other School In the country Since Its Inetsrperstlen In litM, nearly Sixteen Tbousand3 tit ents, representatives from every State to the C oti n, have attentiniAtere. No V11(110011, Students enter at o stly lime. arid receive private 'enaction IN ougbout the entire sallel6ll , N. 11.- Circular' 'Hitt full Inirllculars and inn'. "miry Infurnuukal. on addrernint 8311T11 .t COWL6I,. Principals.' Prresatraca. • laalikty. I.3 . eollatingtr3r. Dr. J. Nun. .... 11 1 7,aBekte• ..--,:r>..: .-- .....)".., water. k deter -0 mined that no ' • ),.7.erfTr'• Dentlat In the " - ---.L_ "" • . State shall do ..-- -Ilif wort better or fe . ~ - .1 ~ r• - • 4 15. , l ' kr — • ' cheaper than i . L 4 A.; he orlon It to -$9. hie yatrone.— Ile me* :be bed materials manufactured In roe Untied Stales. Gold and alt. let Alibis performed le a style that. dam comps. thlon Sat ',faction guaranteed In all eralloony or the money returned. Gm him • kW. . fehtli • Brighton Paper Mills, i . BEAVER FALL‘, PENN'A. . • PIUNT4G, ROOFING, BAILING, Itariware, Glottal; Strati. ' , RAC+ AND CARPE.T, 1: 10 3E3 RS . 'MANUFACTURED AND SOLD AT, Wholesale dt Retail by ' • Frazier, blur ke( s ji , • EiSt Third Av • ae. , . ' , trivia au.: ~ - - 'drift. two in ex .p. ippikimpf „ MiZRI sualo PTlTS l. ....liT dan .w: lB 7Ll 40 . 11 .1.i.d 1CA00 ). . 11/A ita lL 10 W ... : . :Y . ... Us .ssoll uner Ner. 4th. ISM. Mau will Writ lellotli. Mono It SS& ri .: knee 1441. ('lady isssiss , ilttobstslt . al WO P. )11., '.. • lady.) • . . ... -.- • - • .... Tiuss sol id din., • • ' - .! seAsioss. _rSxr ••.04_,4r, sIYIIL. =cinch .., I . l,?Aiiii • lac:. ....... ~ su , IWong. —1.4....... ii : Li : A 1114104 -.. ii ".'' ••• casion ........ •..,, ~ • Namillpn 11 I lia. .44 Orrell hi Iffaarter.......• • •i, ~.. t a , Masastleld... . .:. t sas . ...- i '1 A . 1 10 M • 111 event] tie a ...., „ .• 1 .fteir....., .. , i. .. ~., Upper Situdroky ::: l lin .1 tau ' ll !'t ''' " iitteurmjlo4o. '' ,• '•••'• Van Wert- Fort Wayne tl Wanton glysiontli %al l patalao.. ^hcano 6.. .. I.* liiit 1 u.... T1141N• aollila ZAIIT:• , -- aiiihia . 7., — .", Vaa Irmoitillais 160; 4•14.3—ii —l --- Chicago ......i, LORAINI 516rn1 MOAN opera ; Valuersleo - • • •. ' ' Plymouth v.... Nikelne lial j Faux Columbi Columbi a ......... .. .1. . Fort Wiyae '• iIS • is* *tiro iii LimaWert .... . ..l;. - I. ; • ••• - • - ' iii i i'i.tti its * Vtireirl son ; 143 413 ' .101 L 11qcyroe O rei nh up • I D A t, Vii. I ow n) I ma im .; . 35 055 . xamisai • • $ TIT taco , 1 Iv flop Wooster Orrrllle - "In Ilia • =5 • liii3 ifarelllon ........ !.... ' ..:.; 1.... ,•• Cantos =llama ' „tilts I iso . lino lairs salem. .... ....,.... .•. Itoebeiter ..1155ant1011 1 Slant =7 Pltertanuh . ' el•Vi• 1111Or11; 343 MD ..... Youngstown, ,New :Nada amid Mr Mimeo Imes Yeendstows al ig3 p. is; New Castle, tOO p.m; are%es at Pittsburgh, 5:31) p..m. • iteturatec. Mires Pitt:bur:lt 7:01: a. mt arr. to New 10.41 a. m. Vesamtwil. lltll a. IL Younzstown., New Castle uhrt; Pittaburgh At , eommudalkm buttes Youndstawb:artu a. at ilfrie Castle, ay m: Mires at Alleabeer. itl a. m: lirtarui g Warm Plttaborals, too p. we. m etes New,Castie.4.:ls ' P. it. 11111 fr Unreal litasehger mad 7140 mt. • CLEVIMAIin .t.19ITT:481.11t1111 Ou 'and after Illay 1111 b ISM traltto wlll leave Stnt ani.dally (Newby. excepted) as QS= Cleveland.. Euclid Street. lindens Alliance . Bayard ... _.„,.__ . SATtUlkle. 1, Mau:. I kfxr's.+Arcia --- —.,---,—, Wars-111u - ' 1; 91104 x! adrx • I—. liarurd 11525 ! Ida ! , Alliance-- ..... : 11:15 ' 715 , 725 Ax - Ruvuma..... ....I ; izrai l :1 1 •,,, :4 liudron Bueildilneet. ..... 1. ' .. I ... ~ .... , 1 I 210 I 915 .1010 tili!velnai_ 110)140 LAST. ----. 02•110)14. • t - ACCO/17 SAII6. 11X - Pu iiiija I . !----_—;— Bulbar ;.. 5111.31 tarsi 410vx Bridgepori.— ..... ; 555 .. 1 910 1 410 Steubenville !!'llll !.. 1.. . 115 BM Welloville • 015 155ra 440 . &MIMI Ferry„ —Si ... .... .... Beaver Boebeher.• !! XX XX' 510' . . Flttrburgh 11=4 400 645 1 ulnae Valor.. ..- .ITATIOMA.: I.K.a. , WIP7I.IALKIXIACCON. •••—••• , Pittaburgh ' ; 1254, 2101.1 415ra I kocbester !! 775 410 . 557 Better Smith's Ferry 1.... ... .. Welliville.,., I 1191 515) - 760 Steubenville ... l Md. BPI • - 7trax Brllloport... ... ..Ifa 1 oa Tts .'. , . 915 liellnX . ' ' 1115 725 , - TUScARAWAS DadNen. 'Lanesnivel§ N. rtilladelvbla, 110 s..s. I Hal! 0,045. Los. Ilaysrd, tlO a.m . • I N. , Obrpill*.ll oo pm V. H. 1111Y1J1.3. Gepand Taket Agent. .411hteellancints. • _ ][ak, l [3 , Gl-GEIST, Preacripliems °lrefully and Accurate- 1y Compounded. THE BEST BRANDS Or ASSORTRD iur a a. 1 0 . 1 ii a, 1 WINES AND LIQUORS; 'OlllO. DY I K , STUFFS: ANILINE DYES OF ILL COLOR GLASS & PUTTY; npeel: -- d id Caution glren q Cl Lams and 101117Lit a tet t C-. 4111i7 • A Large Assolit - rd- TOILEr .AILTICLEs, SOAPS, 0 :la ;4 iliz_f CSD{;:itsll PATENT MEDICINES, Main Stmt. Lehrer Pa THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED Zifir2,llllls OROIDE GOLD WATCHE, $l2, $l5, $2O, $25. DURING the imam ror five ytairs our Walchea have been ao thomughly tested, that for appearance,,style of finial', a n d accuracy of time-knelling, Abe "Gerard Watches" arc 'wirer:oily acceded to be the They retain their brilliancy and color until, Worn out. • O"IV after purchasing and fairly try ing, any one is not fully ft&Shined, We will chccrully refund tbelunney„ tar They are all .in Hunting eases GentleuMns and Lull& sizes. Every 'trateli guaranteed fnr tune and wear, by special certificate. lar A large assortment "Imprimis' Orrade" Chains, 32 to 48. Also. Henn°. men'an tal Ladies JewelryJewelryylngnattxardety. it Beware of imitations. Order ,reef from us or our authorized 'agents. Agents and others applying; fur' &clears will please endow three cent stamp few postage, E47_130,0415 sent to be paid for ea delivery. Citstomeropersuitted to examine What they order (before paying bills;) an paymen or Exprem charges both wart cW,':When BIX Watches aro orde nt once, we will send en .extra "tell (n 1 sonic kind) five. ~ . liliir Purchasers residing at r' some dis tance Wen Express odlcesintsl desiring to savekti me and expenses auf have the goods sent by mail, by remittyfi (with the order) the rowan' requimikby P. .0. Money or dm, registered letter, draft, or Cheek, payable to. 17 . /firiler, at our risk. Ad dress plinnty JAMIE GEBAUDik CO., /P. 0. Box 3,1191, New York, n00,1;3m.) B.s*Nassau Street PIMPLES. The andeielgbed will cheerfully null (free)lo all who wish It. the Hoodoo and WI ditectims for preparing said Wan a ample and beautiful Verb. labia balm. that will Inunoilatay moots Tan. Fretailee, P 114406 Mathew. and all anytime and itePutl del of Me Mars. kering the same dolt, clear entomb and beautiful. ', • lie will also Fend (free) Inatruethena for pledge lug. by very pimple maim a luxuriant growth of hair co a bald hood or smooth face. The above can be obtained by olufro mall, by idareasing • THOS. OHAPKAN, COMM, novibloo. . „ ,7915 Broadway. New Yea. IMMIE NM ~i:,itbtr4ait:; UM STIOAa i MO; NU 1 431 AtISSAIi eriai; 152ra M. 11, 1= .23SAN 11U0 f ll 133 145 I -ail 125 ' =6l:= Yu~Exr' or: Acutisi I=l its 1 . 1314 156• 610 U. I ItO . SitS3 . 1:030 01 , 00 Nonni LEM [DOCT. iOtf, 0 ;:0 Mal ,Beavpr, Wedi eiltano , 400 IPACIIMIP 01r. _4OIIIITER FOR OIE The Arnerican Stock Journal,, , large Elandsomely Illustrated Mouth+ ly; , containlng 3 la In large Plible Col. uum .Pagai. tified.with orlyaust nutter fmnothe ablest writers in the country, iie the varleus,satijeAs connected with , - '• FARMING, STOCK BREEDING, [. I WOOL . ,DAIRYING, , POULTRY KEZeING. . Bound in handsandy finial unser.. It liao. 'A Votortmairy Iliegairtusient under the charge or ono or the ablest. Pm. lessors in the Venal State-. who answerer thitagli the Joetisoufeee of cane" all questions relating In Sick. injured ne t tile masa" Horses. Cattle, Sheep. Seine or Poultry.. This makes it a rely pliable work fin; reformer, nod an almost' holt& pensible companion to, all liderestal in stroCii. ; OUREDIXII., The tow price Antic!, It is .publishisl tsl.oo p ear) brings' it' within the inch of all, wh y ile the teem:crib Agents and Premiums to at6wiliers wake It to the. Interest or clrety Fanner and B'o'U:eater to extend Its circulation. Saud StarapforSpectinen Cbpy, large illustrated Show Bill& Pregaglil List. Get up a Club and obtain anent the many . Talumlik Premien; offered, nashiting 'or Chester White. Ilertuddtr, Sulltolle,Magie and Essex Pigs, SW11.11011; •Alderney. Ayribireand lama Calves, Sesallidtant. Cotswold and Menet. Shed r. Cashmere Gong*, Pure Bred Poulay..NorwarAthits. Seeds, Ayricultund laiblenumtS, 'Pan% Watches. Sliver Warr, Books. ate; rtptvlawn Copia sent Arc s _ N. P. BOYER d: CO .' Publbhcn novZhill Pittir.q.burg. Crir*ter Co.. Po: NEW - GOODS Mal W. EIUYIN & Ftril PlNitk. plin Plais!. noel; Witterpnkifs. I:rown Waterproof. p"ptin. lind Wool Poi. Iris , ll Poplin& New Dark De!atria Plain Mixed Goods, Grey Pophns.. EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES Wholorsule nud Itertail, ~• A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S,, 1711 federal St., Allegheny. Heis2B,te •i , 1 P" i" .' 1* 11 C ; 4 -CL - OF THE )4 AGE! Dse !!!!!! a 114. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. .17 doin o. etrogivr . V2141411:11mr• set NW Ilsesirtettie Ci am of I NM 4. E tl Nola •vi • Tan'TraM F ....t. i e . a =. 11.041 e SZTe 1 / 2 WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. - —^dues• Agents. Pittsburg:b. Pa. II ciarnem-Thserie Peru. kd wasertat ‘Ol =2 Toys, Tots, TOYS! WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Tin. Lend nod China Top, . Ikix Top, all kinds, China nod !Patent Ifrrd Dells, ' - Wax Crying Dolls. Hobby Horses, Wagons, Chairs, Work Bases, Writing Desks, !Le. Alan n complete stock of Pulley Goods 81111104, his the Holiday track, beirNo marked up pricervag O'Leary & Singleto 148 Vedera.l ALLEGHENY, PA., apr19,131 eh'ed joue, aeld.(dce. San. H MES FOR HE MILLION! Rare oppOrtanttle• are now reelect for rearrhag boors bin mUd ArattAy and congenial climate ler onotraili of the! t valise five Jere brace. TRENATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY -ha for mile real ratite of orrery demiptioni s heat. ..nd In the _Middle and Soothe= Staten: ingisotod 004, grala,:andiruif farm; We, lagar and ca lm plantatkonv (laser and sribierel , ol; 'Uwe and rend resldeskea and fireirom s tand.; , otilli and mill facforks, tee. Write for Lead Register eestalultgilenelptlia. 'location, price and. tennis of propertlea, ore have sot wale, ; . . . Aim), connected with twitted Estate old, we _have • gement Mita and /Oka Agency under the supervision of the well known Tannins Taylor, late of the Oninance' Depattlatint. who b both a • seleaaniapraelleftlimeftaaeeouni erellaafterta• led l ob ed ifferent Goverameut Drpartmente, ca. 'pectaili In the War and Nary:Ordeal:ere aid ' P.A.!I•E.Arr OFFICE. /Weal ;wpm unfitly prepared. Drwrisars WWII, executed, and Ititemloeictirt4 Jor Wad re in Vie sAortest passible gar. special attention Oren to rdieged r6ua. alas clias ter r d itew,erfersOosolatuf emu's, isbandow mind. 4e. Preiladeary eavnalealltes as la the palenlahWir of an artless node on metal of is brief acealr lieu of the seato—uo mulct of required. Favor Aeon' ' roolt , zri*inwrcona • artheleff - thane la daft wawa and after . lords gala:Jag their faraftftreas. Coutidential In oar le:sinew relations with in- Terminoor• inssouable than w 'Giber rell;hi.k. sooty. Ctrtnlarpritaltdaltralroblobtforrnotiow sent fro. Addl.*: D. W. CLA itwer. ak. co, • 71":2Varinaul Real Ad' MT 414 472.0.04. Areawe, .1447- )10ff =MI I'd Tu l t 111 1 1;!.., '.-- g . i • .Pare. to U mem st' boat, Me 7 =e.e a i 1 . , ta petr fr eilL :sal g l itirimii-- ibis ',- t poi nistl:6l% Owls am Z t: Ut"L .041444-1. _____ . tr yaks thl iebl;4or. 'l'".niK , ' = meniGpa, Illustrated and 411 , 7otrier ANDSUMMY win be rosy sondthstand* wronscos,Ve- 1;a ea elriaat, ',lib scaly. •• .Inv* Asd taro amply septu. Yll porressouo urlgtoallty. a rze nwl will bit boas all malt of IS cash; wrap, value d the Mewl. that the tat via of fare., as It 31..abt0 1104 Plea edud 5 1 ,4""V for Val . , . Our Cbl4 Win beA4ll) Id el 1110 Win ropte.enl rut peplabiZ riOrt. dearr to mike tt tt land. Ass /1104,1 E, M et least Wu Doh MA It 4i eretumete u ■ Pretoloot upon losue rrxq 0111. 1826 imkr, owdpil4 Q... P Uriwire move. Bupernuoul out Nor) tattle Mo.. lUpliassgs R . Retirees awipt vkllea 1 'VW mia.clit auff effect.. a cpcattr et ik y malt TUB J A VAN ...._ .Ilk .14f0 X. Color& the *blotters sti ff los. a taittleal iffaCte oe snows. It ect.slito tarilair 014 *WOW" , 1 75:0111* by wan. AV.fetff.. F.lirta4Ml. iffo. Lt).. 4l riuut6Bttf i t ; f 1 CUUIOIIii. UOW STUANGEt Tar Alarried Lades Prirali Compassloa' thins the eeilted loretteation. Sent Wee ter two ',tempt. Address MN. 11. XYTZOKR. Ilauoly w „ Ps. febl• 'a) Fritl SO :LB) EMI SILVER WATCHES, ri r-vi - - Genuine Itl Cana Grad lt i ting. Mara Wattles we (Gemmed Lodi& aIL linlaud managed tar true and Wear iu hall the asual.priee),.asty d 23 each. • The E.dra Fiat Qtrartly; tiVatal Geld. Hipriun, Tamed. Uuntlna Cued. :Full Jevrelket Lee tioveernmte, perfectly adjusted (a all annum, (n'9 alaledl, add each vra special at only Iral each. • rdc Harr and higher "grade, 'with' CArossoiaster 'glance at fig each. ' 17n. Same ae Last. Irma Tilt NEM= WOLLIL6, and edam-ndudlag east Mir elltathaseati Ir lag no key, wound and set the Stem, only 4l i each. AU the abate Ilalutts ample/ at A' price, Baal ft , * wrieniated tar time and war. 'WATCHES. Refits File. Pure ritirer:hlontlag Cased(tien . and Lactsesit. at only did each Best gettaity (bts Sitme , Hunting Cared, Fell Jewelled (aver, at $l3 emelt - lie' ten PIP. Quatity, PaWnt Lavern, and Chro nometer Maventeets, ttetteJewelled, al eetty en) each. or liar %Valetw ate all warranted. and It. not Nolo. will be talon tenet Ltd money remised. &V ,— We Mod. no anoint Ca adectookbul arid all coado by Exp... payable oot delivery. ,wrrit tritnixas so ores aronliVoinnit lICTORL polo eon. by payhag claftes, and if Sot oath (oratory, returned. Ileceardirre an Exteriors.. roods will be 'est by )1411.„in resider., package, by rending cub in advs.* PERSONS ordering Xis Were Ans at gnat. few receive an Fens' lOWA gm. vatic/leo .We, GOLD CUALVB Orate, at $6. $0 to *IS ' at $lll, fit to $l5 ascii: T. dove Gold • • and Or.ddo Gold Malm at ea. t, II to $0 tacit. • .. Puibt defficription and pike of Wateb reiblred, sad ordered by me fl dime (*cm THE UNIOVTATCIII CO.. tat Fumy VAST. acre York. DrU GOO(ie. BARWAI 't/S Al /- A, W. CO,l Ai 75 Cents.,:ppc citiki of /Very Find Merino AT ONtIDOLLAR „Extra Glootl,:Ntorpol”, ■ AT VN .CENTS Mxra. ,Bariiiini in ifuni'lrew Press qkitids CALL' AND; SEE ritpr.''' A.'•*,E.RWIN ,&, CO - A No:fifth Fiadra tirieti., ALLEGHENY CITY, Jultlsl-la 9 j); sta. t • out= 2:ssiff . cotmainirts . R. NArl, p_i_ e t t ligTe i rea mi r t u te ctit r eani . • rirelli=4 27 111V 1 3 M22 lait4 Josn Yehll •=ll/ mot*. t to Ms: 23 amp. • tbeyitt m N 1201.41702. Iliethborg, Wt. . • " zaarintr — W9lWilitleedelligniedit thAaaoi - 4 • • , =I 77. _ , 4 , 1"41 , 41-0 , ,14e ;14: 7AI: - . • _-'ff • ' 'Dm ea 'lB i•-. _ .• • •-•Akitico ..„' is' • o".;• ,•; •. { • ••• ' i. 11111;04,1 0 4; ,?. 1 1 I , l 4Tkie!-P;',.? • • +iW IWF ;1414111_. 1 4.1 • .1 r,••-•1 •1: -.! 11 114 1 9417 ff• a t. 1 1, 1400W140 1 4/01Th tgi*AN 4" K gr4I PM/Ol e s'lt'll !I 1.1 • 1 ' t " 4ll4 ***lffl , tglot**4,;i,;llii,t ;:d Jil;! Ns. asetlaa l4TtMrlSp • 1 1 44.0..-Wittli ` 11 40 1,11, 1 1 1.4 11 11:r10, , ./W, 3 ,t7,1 ' Cia• war*" copprool t , lifisenitcyrsimmor4L44,4 ug!h!,....:_z aiiitpt!rrOPommu; • es ammo 0044 cm v hsoms *, , ,.. p 4 4 ' Irpe.4ppook !•• ' 61' - / 10•tlt rkJtl 1111, !!! fO/01‘110114 . t , 1 . " • I .1! •.• aitallEtemsa•WWP 4144 i ''``• -So spisso.o4 Font. FY nj ill.qtfeliposl, ll , l 4- • : ••.• ;• •• • !,”•.• t For sa4 goootartlkil loWsk.",•, 111. 1 1/bp:VP 1 014~.. ' • InltiraullOri izakifer Poi nob Pill, • • - 1 .1110.101 ,404#1111, 04 1' %€4511 N;. EEM!EM ~ rivelSri MIAb filLbriast. • -1Y thulliCoo 4 4 boo 4abbed 7, • t • arhe ssdultuvon4 , h° , ! 4 a t I ' d . PA ear, 1 a .' nt" g." • . 8: 4•TSCELEINE tylip *tits tbt a. la Use streditt soy ollwit' Tbe Chitol !__t•LEt'2 7 P: . .rni: *Wait% u rmivrat. '.. `-: ottsitirifilniiitinit'pe oft until LW E ...,,,..,,;:,:-.4„7.-, 1 i'utiOtiftlet tiii i itzlifiw itiri "Offtr 41 21 ~ . salwt . . :;,??. ,:it• atcher:4W i 'fakiiyaKy r ptes'aiTdufaile la' , - *to trkiti Dcitiet. Evtitt drily - .balkitl' n E r iiiiete"' Dome. : 1 :8 Onist',tha ir iiiiiiit t lightatel 11 411 er4klr . yid hombre Iter. i lr t _ 1 Old ttlimiltebuSrolitid Ic lP * #lo ittler. *!"?; P he ; thty ea'!,ol4l,omital,Tei watt, IA jflght sir of tojury., l 7,`Tou Laid queue was both cif y9u, smitten ,Witii.Lwor Plirk o 444'el7P4Y 1 9 1 0 14 0 4 0 w,t ll eiwughet • - • , 1440,,',;44 Cii4ro Duriel.vuliglie, Ma vial-natured cilfr bead ; ,it wa r d HOTULII:0 aglitter A ' arias Utter :: ',out 1 Vas' iiiNitis *A I 4 to tonla -- 4)04'. wid4,4 l xo' A*. kt!*-2'. ' • t 'iiWell." - saki +Mull Dorgotahn ityp • "ted kx?k. . ithlglowpmr off alittie7 -.gum is anteredze ihani• oar , tv4 tiaia • boverklriaitfl Vega scriervik " MEI tA.a. .:r 4or wia.ta - will. .1.23, a Comfortable liann;ishlilTaed Tien , sera ofjersiey blue. "Golly too we will," said his broth er Job lroin the threshing licior,'"lf 1 Cousin Lu is as lively us they say she is,; It will be a general training the most of the time while* slaYs." - Job was not as good-lookin - as Enoch, his hair was lank and his face wad sallow; but there were funny lines around his mouth }} and he hal a dry way of saying things, and a taste fo drollery of all sorts, that made him a &verde, lie kept his wit sharpened. ut Enoth's expense; and Enoch was rather open to ridi rade, for he had n sneaking fondness for hair-oil and fancy neckties, and scented micket.hundkerchlefs, and secretly. believed himself to ho the best-looking fellow In StiNkbutn. "Hullo!' said Enoch, studding still ion the load with the easy sway of the hips, and shading his handsome brown ace. with his hawk), as he looked up the road where it ruse un til.the spiral Lombardy • poplars in front .% of Elkanah Itayno - s.'s house allowed gaps of sky between, like partedlingers; and the old chiumeys were, nestled in a power of, fruit trees yellow and russet now. The mei, down which Enoch was perig e e m by. no !ause swami - ion country ' id. Thu lasers were all of the his and footpaths were shaded by fine, stueky maples, that were airpeting the wag• on tracks with flecks,/ flame color. Every house in Stoekburn neighbor. hood was snug and neat, with:a well. to-do air. Itzhad the best school house and chiirch in the township, and also what peoplecalled a"creck" street/"T ere's thestagemningroundthe turnpike Corner," exclaimed Enoch, mills eine follewed a :dead of dust. "Cousin Lucy :" ‘ shouted Job. And be threw down his kirk and 'dashed way.telhe house; and ln a minute more rncielkirset, bareheaded, with his broad, good-natured old face smiling all over, and little, bustling .Aunt Dorset, with her ,cap 'strings flying, hurried out into the front yard, - There was a face at one of the win. dews of Itaypor, farm house 'as the top heavy stage, with Its' slx horses, andliapping - leather curtains., and .piles of trunks strapped behind, went creaking past. .The house was too much shaded .for. health, and the face was In shadow. It was a 'yoang.fiwe, with au abundance of soft hale, regu lar features, and large blue eyes, that fought to have been patient and lot . - lag; but there was an unnatural ex presslon about the lines Of the mouth that made It look a little stern. Now, as the stage passad,anickly ing,to the wsttching eyea,at the Win dow' a glimpse of litscluating,girlish countenance, lov,e r ly Id Its bloom, ,with a little blue veil fluttering from ti.lockey hat„,NancY Raynor's head bent dawn ou her work, and Wien'. ed astliough'something said in her' . gni : "Ile Sill lovelier ; I know he ,wlll . So it appeared that Luey Dl » lcoen s' arrival was musing sornelleart4stini= tag its Stoclitirne nelghberhpod i All inconscious of this t bick—the sound-, .est, plumpest, Merril*. little maiden Overageu--tripped.' out of the Stage 'when the driver had .brought his • horses to. There. Was a pair of sparir ling black eyes 'iuloruing her. rosy ram suid.herlaugh rang out as clear as a silver bell. Ludy had 'endues parcels, bug and. books, ''which which she shed abont ata {inch little Minxes Will; and *young num, who , WI gottlown fruit the stage. to assist ,her alight: lag, gathered them qp and.' handed them back. Ile was evidently si town-bred span, with „Whlte hands: 1191 d a dowuwantionit;,iutd too' little ship, and a carefully, kept ,rtinehe. Lucy took her thhiga • from hint In 1 1 tr4ll:Y. petulant, d' . dm; l a curt tle be 1,, next inmost WO. wqra ant* 111iP0,911 4 and.shelad her -rats huata., round Uncle Por. BBl7 ° Peck'. C~ A • • .1 all : • ! tat : 1 . ! ;.• : r : i if. jit 1., .• 3 .1-i %V); I; . „ e nr 4.111 ..1, ,;: • _ 4 •Don'Ul'ou lupin) tp• idea war one or them, ittOdn ' , Lbw ?"-'inqtilred b e fal rappinealug tn , Nita his uncurl& .Aplintibeirile r in kiwis nl?ont.. . 4hiolc i r out tti tny AZI-POBTRY. The saaryrlittla.ittaid;' shook , her bleate tivaastrerZfilrlYl illgichtic ayes fit .Eunq t o Ntuat nsitllwaght , jast 5.1.4 - y . Parkes Li 'tiothirand• ;the;nkt ihtliiietif; la _ , cirse: Of -Mr 'OW prielous Hts, she etnbaweil snakarauk wilhAW ehl on ' s g i t r efaMtl, ll .4 gay, 1 , lilla a sountiTri . , rtpnr gin. totict her - Mild '-',' lb( liantil , ntsiy , have add)to. hare; in _,' Who lathal ikoWeif,lialtorl ilviktw,: who kel .4.90 oui, a pie 1 i w. Wage. nu,' 14 '1 lttl AillleNiiitel 1 gull Itg Vinre . her Initiestlid **is. i!hi he air lecimaintinewof 'youniVl Theyoungassrajeaktuuwatodks•the d we's 011 e, the; operation. of, I t !auk ,off was wa r n ' ' tO4teovrablli ...' p‘ it the"-yasdratider the lasesNritlrermsidensble intens!. t, ' - ~. '!011s A•kPlAcra he has tit.4tslueis seniewhere Atrouudjtere.„ Martial 444 with au IndliMentlaif Whet wad .. . - •'•"116 Vier vittio ellAtJ tic into tlivibelicouveler.M.rf I :1:; ..: , • .7.• r .. f •- • law AdrdiYMUlWAPl,klitteadirip 'ildld,",sal NuniDsoset,,,,tidihelf abe Model TO belief; " : 1 - fer naklitif. wits begykhet pPitYslfabesibouldn't bet";4‘l4. ;;;,- t ..-4,1 .‘, 1 ..:- . use aMO ! .0. Auntie r' . asset Lti ey's bhtelt eYei'rulTbdilp; iml 'her motith•pueketeil ltself.into w dewy, rosy tisehthuttlooPubd. ~. I; ~ i They went Italie ;lapse now and •AUnt Dorset, had show!) he; nieceup mynabutt: room., u us'the ;best are aptlo'bor shut lif 't p he tawdry, and' rather heavy with bid mahogany. llirult Ure,.. ate I , a ;high-posted , boat. Stead, Arab ,itit.dimity Wider tuul usuuntaln of feathers. - The' inOment tile thiniplitig of a lady "Its& trotted air dflite. runut4o Mob annethjaw that Anal beet; kigruurn.LueyvilmAij. hi • The ~ .w/odow••• iiiashed. beck, the Minds, and let . her handkerchief llUt ter out nit the breeze. Strange tifilay there Witlerni answering I signal: Mao the O 1 thestime.--EnutAt. who woe lingetilig,below. itt theyakdosaw the por seuvre,. and lb blueself: Bhesa ti4ular littleease. , I believe - she knows suuteAthobt that! fellyw than she aretewls.kt •• • - 1- • Lew hadhaeuhmught tip iu a ii t n wn of qiustilticridtio size, wh I.' . ere eh bislionSpreValkan'liplitAta bad bro't ail her gaudditiartUrbeifflra to Stork burn,-witb, the: hogittrf electrifying the nativeat.f9T,hee sou' was by, eP., - niameakuve suck feminine tritimply tihe opened' her trunk, and , bung smite trin'lcas illalut'heeplump tittle sperlicinp . add utiestied•vouse butes of :thertY 4kbootemilighet!itlisw,Y , Wevit 1 curls; slue arcut,Otwu stairs Just be -4),74 tea. , • . - .. '' IIkW ii6,leii keit, I" 'tit! .Ltici. 'Woking Out otititi ilithirrotim win -41440 ';I heMuir . , ead golden.: ; *II have ulwayit.gaineeoped uphAtowp. Untie Dorset, and you must. !Fag! . we Au_ be . a country girl:* ' 'mr . 4 1PgdheYoutimiA 4: :daigli yikt,” imidleadaliuutdd 3 1011#1eittalit : -'71411 ipousti.itcoivrt.; ett . e..,ttiugennlilf Just se) . o,„ e u liillinynfos n iece 44' .wbeit tate. mutptere• mri , I"Vide' Mini y 0 k k : . 1.1.:1. i..f LIU, 1,, 1, , il., - • . ... NM • 19 1NwhaPS •tatursed - :Loctr s entity, bursting lottif . 4 .ogrY, "autt,ihen you know .1 sqletitnli'pe lieve that potatoes greirbrittustiet.". "Oa Yeltilee" nggled ufr to Your itttheroutd. _)l`. • las- pkased 113 cutra- , iPopr4 to 40,,asehe put '. .g of tea 'in the ot_abtiti Pot. "There s'a" sod deal of the . k 'that' . WM Oita ' . 0 4sstasIde atoned Ine,'l dry way. . • • They were soited at the pleasant ten-table now. Enoch had come in, and Lucy was the centre of everybo dy's attention. In spite of Lord 13y ron's-chnrlish opinion, she wfts per feetlY etntrmlug while engaged with her knife and fork. ',Tell. we, Enoch," inquired - she, "are there any, Iliee girls in this neigh borhood?' I don't rare a fig for your young men (there was a sly twinkle in her eye)—they are horrid, conceit ed eresturtu; taw I should like to ge n t acquainted with a nice girl." "Nancy Raynor is our next neigh bor's daughter," raid Uncle Dorset, "and sho 18 as likely a girl as ever was raised here in Btoekburn." "She has got what 1 call ,pretty manners," put in Aunt Dorset, ash lug-out the stewed qulneeS. "Most or the girls now-a-days am too brazen to suit my old-fashioned notions." "Ask Dioch about her," said Job with a droll tt• nk. "0, yew." ruck in Uncle Dorset; "Enoch an Nancy used to be very thick, add 1 can't say, whether It's her titbit or his'n that they don't hittib homes any iv." • - Enoch colored US he bent over his plate, and Lucy cast a mischievous glanke at him. "Nancy, don't mune herwas often uri slie used to," said Aunt Dorset, pouring out the old gentleman's cup of ten and putting in.whal he called a "long sweetening." "She ain't the kind of girl to let any young man think aim's going to break her heart about him. She's an independent little piece,.if she does look as if but ter would melt in mouth. All the Itayuors are herd-bittal." Enoch looked really annoyed now, and kept his eyes fixed on , his plate to avoid Luey's wicked ilttleglaucies. Suddenly he looked up and said to her. "If you get acquainted with Nan cy you catt wave your pocket hand kerchief out of the window: I believe you like that sort of thing." Now It was Lucy's turn to cast down hi.r eyes. The house was full of fun and mu sic, Just as Undo Dorset had predict ed.—Lucy . kept things pretty well Stirred up, and plotted against Aunt Dorset's steadyjogging, old' fashion ed.itietts.—She wanted to have her fingers in everybody's pie. She med dled with cooking, and made nnerti sled-looking cakes that nobOdY could cat. "Pelf to me that - , these 'biscuit have got the measles,,' Auld Uncle j.kovet - ocia - mmning,as he broke one open Decorated with a number.Of yellow eyed. "I made them, dear," said •LO - .7., looking *5 penitent. "You know have been brought up • in. Alteadfut Ignorance; but now,' am !earning to wok, (or I expect' to niarryn poor man—perhaps a'. farmer,"- And she cast Such a gtance at Enoch that Aunt Dorset took the alarw. That same fonsuset, while Enoch wen down In the Evans' . IoL mending a plea e fence;to keep Stpilre'Brldganilt• cat tle out; his anxious motherappesred, with herttpron overiver head. ."Look here., Enoch, the.. rtigh 'bora. havngnt - it round , that you In tend to Marry With Lucy lialeout.; I wouldn't be (lake -BO particider. . tn -ward ...her,. 1U I was. you. It never .turns out wellfor first COIIBIII9 to ouar r, • "The neighbors May inse ' . nded tlwir own.husines,UtialdlNsom am- V ly as he Unuttered : gm/W. I W a ivh " ci T i u la t, d 'A i tit t ,; id 'ret pet up or ied hel y o sin i2 r tl ss l , bikes a tiles to catchArglirt , and I couldn't wonder that - .11.141uxt you are well-matched.. 'i'us ,plain„l dert't thiuk you hive ;Feat .Nancy 'Raynor right rand the day wilftome when you will find what a true heart worth." • .. • „ An spite of, all this,, Aunt DOrset liked tbecteattpc„ Lucy compelled Sklar from thaw - who 'did noq 'ap prove ,of her. , Nhe WM ~,tllaerderlY, and . opsetlitig. and / fshOpicea .the old . ladyCif ni 's,ldeas bthodand tegalstri ,Y i : but, Still the - *wild beer More man' her thin front. anybody else, lob liked Lay's ROM' of fen.—She W'at nut too big to p* Itotriboy; sod' Aglow the bo” Inni the gel d. ride home Imo, bad of Putupkins„ leitiking'llite aliffiequein arson her gokiett fteMore Shebadaein Nim. eylillayrier: . ttflehtteetti 40f. a Sunday , mornie,fotesttbaltdna as nentwillte. two githabott.,ewroaeluhkesch. out. 'te: tu respottle to "Liise'S' thualhg, Aunt Oilier Had iitiltett 't he ' oath. kors 411' ten ; bet on' •the , attenuant of .thil day appointed Nancy had amnia, akVithitt.aho inwdkie excused,- on ac count of *And, itegfathe., - ..feb Min ,farted,Lney ,by saying that Nancy Flend(' surely come to ' the' husking e;' but Nancy as..el4. lay aWakci ghts,: with , , thet, tears wetting bee 'biteolui..thwlt,to broad( that she ,*geoid pit go • ' I W&ith the girl's . rioniptt . l? het pittei et "vintage , y theeriodowowithl 'Washes! -look tiff petits's. , " betherath. onialeglast. -she W mdehed Enoch pool by in che'nueoultgfd," with 'Lacy thispitig Jois Milt" stal l genie* n • tilti bee, 'sheathe:et • lturottirtnestrd it ed.:, 3ifilim by , /4 11 ey i but the bewitelt r 4 Alt hot ge'Very far. 'lle wait a' ttg men. who • had a' very geed op nion of bitnaelf, and his conabuteediad not • beau: develop-. ad. ...lie lilted. to have a number of girls thud of him, and lie thought It was rather a fine thing' to cool off to ward a %masa he had done toNsw , ' ey Raynor. .Still, , witb her hmeeent pussy- tke: ways Enoch 41441144 A .Lucy.. lie had. caught her . sending billeta , "prleatele to. liflddletmen by thelum-hand t eket , and he had not Ibrginten her adventu rein the !stage , • : "'lire prepiwailinis for the husking. lee were aitrat ceitiptete; land Lacy was quite wild with • 'delight. • The big ham , wwf , o be nieeip ilitunina tedcand thesupper of pumpkin pie. •doughnutis and cider to he', spread In ,the. ittlehen - after the good old: onto, dorteshlon. • Albumin's the; great tom floor was to be dewed, and black tiddlers, wimps] at Middle town, were to play . fordandng. Two days before the husking - bee was to come off Lucy math -Job, ,an apple-pie lied. Job meant. ticistaven, with her, awl therheid alteration he tailed up the stairway:: : 4 ' O " • " "utdo 'Luck; don't ' you to pike a ride IA led 'WWII Wetly?' - ' Lail 644 of course delighted with: the preptrltion. ' Bo she . stepped to the windeweinwl peeped through the blinds ; and them Was Ilrowli' Betty' hitched to thd'aulky—;.a light,- airy Ming, , thatiooked as if wade oroub. ' webiyiwith the tiniest of backless scale hung ia the , tniadie. Lucy. up : predated the ifikf,,' 3iell, ' while Job nut back to the'carrbige honaeto gut' his etkit, , she Appel down stairs and 'u titiltenediffrosm :Betty. and i was off down-the. NER4 1 .41 1 9* 4leti l i- _.• -• , • ;:t:/, - Otamm,te.titt„ ', eereeched ' Aunt .Dorset, running to the 'flier; ' "That ; child wfl surely get • killed: t She det2t know , nothing' about driving, anti.themare la skittish as a Mit l'! ~ Joh,dasised out, ,of. the earthige I house, looking emit-fatten edOugh: 1 "She's a pluelly little piece of hew gage;" Mid be I , •"aad there's•nw use trying to get' Pmd .of ,ber.,• WWI worry, Inother,'; Log isnble to take sere of herself.'.' Theresj - '-fnlyVatt a' 'ere"- water, _iss as a coat/. button box," • she added ;' "and I would•like to knowwho- is a. little sulky now." Lucy explained later, that aceldeu tally she had met Mr. Allen, the young man who was so polite to her In the stage. In return foe turning her horse strewn:Labe Mid asked him to come to the !MAW* bee. The night of the husking bee had came, and Mllton - ltaynor way bhtek ing his boniest the hock:tkor of the farm house. "Aren'tyou going over to Dorset's to night:" , he inquired of his sister. "No, I am not." • ' "Now, I would in was you, Nan cy. it don't look well for you Matey :cooped up here at borne. Folks will begin to my you are love sick. • "I don't care what they say," re turned Nancyeand her voice sound ed harsh and metallic in her ears. She went op to her room and sad down by the little wlndow, that way festooned' , by the Virginia ,creeper, bunting with a deep'autumnal erMt son. The moonlight was falling Still and white on the stubbk-fielde and of woods. It blanched Nancy's Aim —not a patient nor submissive' Med. Ffer. eyes Might have•read n raxiti that lovely .evening,' but they were full of trouble. She.minted to crush out the constancy and devotion, in her heart ; but she knew not how to do it. She'wes too e edies fo stay within doors. :to she wrapped her _head and shoulders in it shawl, and glided out Into the shadow of the trees along the roadside until she came nearly opposite to Uncle Dor set's house, where ihe could seethe light from the barn, tool catch the sound of fun and frolic from the hus kers. She was haunted by an inn done' d esire to spy' tipon Enoth and Luey and to .confine what she. so much' dreaded to find true. - - Mr. Allen arrived early, and with his white hands. his want of, chin! I black moustache, and city-made clothes; quite captivated the rustic beauties of Stockborn. tint Nelly Blake, a blue-eyed little blonde, re ceived a much larger share of his at tention than Lucy Malcolm did; al though Lucy in her scarlet spencer aid black skirt; below which,peeped the trimniest of ankles and tidied of buckskin ohms, was certainly very MidnE She was always with , sighing and sparing ,and Staging ck her bright, saucy ..wit Enoch had Just whispered kilter thiti if ho round the red ear she , have to suffer, when some oue sermon ed that Mr. 'Allen had found it. The dov.eletet was ruffled, and the•glrls °compered over the plies of coin and Aid in the,hone-sital la, trying to aVsild thePenid tyofa kiss, A. last the young man took after Luck, and Abe lied footed UAW( gavelste;a chase around the barn, and sthett dashed away through the door into the °penlight, be after, her. and the ring of bet. ver)augh was the last 04*T-snow" uflittle Lucy. ' ' the '&atfuslon nobody intssed them. The whole 'companywent to pamper pretty estesa;• and nem . than . I ,it au h ou r had pawed. when .noch ouna a nd tpuk hoki of Job's coat , .she Ye. They stepped outside the kitchen dear, and then Enoch wild IP an agitated whisper: - swot Heaven'sisakewhero isCous- In Lucy? , .That fellow Allen has dis• appoints), too. Canit be that she Is playing one of her iirtmks? Father has gone to bed.• don't speak to mother yet. (lets light and, man up to hey room with me." . The two , brothers slipped up the id:Armee Into Lucy's chamber, wherry; the moonlight Was I,ying quietly up., on the. carpet.' -Elterything:. seemed as ostial; only wriote lay upatithebu-• rem; addressees! Ur Vocits Domes, :In • Lncy'a pretty girlish handwriting. Enoch snatched andtore itopen: • • It ran as - • - • . . Is published over' , Wodtmoday 1 the old 41 rinlikagli# 41 1 9 / 3 1 1 4 e1 1 / 4, 61 5 ier, rm., at Jeer In 'dm"' 1 3inlitmunlaatloos .os =WM" of , kofiti oiglikeral Intoroot it. niipoetfully so- Ilelusf: Wiwi? iushultn , fettotts vs , f; thheigind toast Irar*blybe Iwo" Pal" Med by this mutt bt as mattock/ • Lotter+ sad ao naumleotlonsaboullPT oildnosoad RE , • J.Nvicuito:tig—ormiN, "Don't•beerousintilaeultinte,thetol, dist, l'ut going IQ instrr,t tawdlit yaritsweitti. liiii`t.llr. ' all. I thliik'pit Nut been *OO, l tuWitrds• Cherfle. lib' emtililult Jet him osme to the; house.: .lamoutse, tie , , wile a little wild. But now i Z .hae reformed and ikakdslnk •" mid ismalthettet . ' WWI „•, 1 telttiw„ l'he o lyy.4itylnets he ds,lla ; - .31kIdletOwn'teit•flit ite,efhtitle Mere, ' f etti Su breitittibutlie , .1 IwOdW %ire illuseUelu.,4l6lllnscdttooadi ~.0 Wet- • PtdrficiA, 1 ,4J4 ivisMll3; 'alglit.,. Nutiod.Y nvt4 ,1 1 - I ° )Y ; .!!si u ' 1 • PeriuMicklniielettlteredlouthtat; any Dahl burnished): lhe,apetettalthe hand. "Chi down istolt*,./011,rdrOidt... ,ti h i e, "aunt-try to keep sfogulk4HVlnifi • (let [Ma 4tittive it ypit mother quheyet. i,wili • pigirieko on one tot the farm homes,. and,:merp,.l eati bring the mazy girl to tter_aeneed .1 The fellow looked to mejike a itnakeld! , * Mid . / thire,my t he is atTer.l.l*le, .11u- f _ name ,W,on't the ni,T.getittp- ,, • man fume, ' • " 1 1 . - •-" Eneett , tee otlWleti lateivis *dr ithgaleitir thutuonelight-matlo.ltett. • be. ! I I 111 1 41?% i il l it ; :' ey"W,Yar— Is there t" - TO titled+ Nit ' 1 sbitrply. , ':As• tin • tittsWee .tamMitiel idighteu;locik ttut brititeireerhfsann •.1 and twitted ildo.oo , 4lo o ‘Fit,* "It's me, piTatIFY 1 4.1:n0t,', na!s feint Volee.' , • • • • "You;•SailOy. 'Mane this" Unto P , I 144 eight? Did yati surYta2dX/• , " 'Dam ernh haur.baukV:i..4o.. l hurriedly}, '.lO array Lacy '3 iu :IC • heinsei and gm:No. l 6ff with , ilieh that had liven hingisiraliautterti aver. .': idneeahnisuna.r.. , n Apr..: uftea.ijrugiit.„ ll what seorilfurtudeaslg wu peak to'Enoeh 'batik; h heed'"? to,bo hamlllatod is hee , prtionilopbut flaw. tha.appurtuai!y.: 1.,r all har,,yindictLyeness had vl!ll "And Ou• you care 04 very Me i slime her:l7 . Blle asked iti it - taltWidi'' voice. pin,lo (trt; in theielfekniithilitei x dO;Nadev." Enrseleatitifeernip. : ' , Limy yoddeniy asserted , ltsettillttlrba: only girl / 4syre cook 44;/#./Ar you. and I was a foul and a uo7WpiN i .. ivittlyWnnit wken./ "wanted 'to •eckne"baileytid“ , I .Weie as leo towarifdta »Ofwinea r y 1, Altuerizeti deoorypthoyou,should . never speak' Wino again." I 1 , 1)h. 'Enri c h! Hew- •rnisernillei bait+ been," riabh6l-Natie7i tis her htnd went. duian: Enni:k trend a . dTalent, le,,whieli tqami fort ler, lot • 1. rote - fowl again on h l • 4 4 ei rai away afterthe But. they viere'not fmmd that •Tho tame My Loey'eame with bee grate. I, leas hu.d.atdoust threw. hereeir.,it.. Unele.Dorset's- feet and "begged to Int&rOde Willrherlither. Martial Enoch'; niid Enrich wOuld ae rtladyi te'sheot anybody !wire Intel& IpYar 'llll4 klist.he dlues• not. ktve. Ada t ‘tl.kAe?!.F!,) l .l .• ik.eismagrariaie 7 7w.uespeWriaill A. l ..st'•• west vtraiwt. riatrw . : . • About tour yews everiarn, T own.tut : 'count:ll "ITesi With . hti 'tniethet• Ezekiel's , w 111..— diiiemiaohite ,Ezeklet started in priniatteitttieltigl- ' ,tivek idler ; rit a week or tio her **dived helm 'to lament, la the sellualeof Mild& ilwaVhotne e tba oxtan. •• •i• • ,!, L-Yeats. , t he knieg 11 , Abet/ way H Yett Virghr do • • alibi VI I 1112E5 sways run smooth, tney pulled lup stake* and, like tbe."itur of eutplre" westward took their way: • : - • They crossed "the lathes Of wife , tete,' and still pathing 'on,. trusters-. ed the plains, and thew towel' the ardor of their lore • u;s•en d etU the • snow-cupped snnimitent the 'Rocky Mountains. lastinialing front these heights, tliey tried living in the fer tile valleys west .(these mountains, and pitched their tents near Omaha. Jut, after a. while James because tir ed or. the felicities. of married life— the Iwponslbilities attending 'theta became Irksome. The Idea of having to support a wife—and she another loan wife, too-was too much for him. Remorse of conscience pr.extsi nponMind. "lie found, too late. that he had-destroyed the happiness of a brother's household, only to bring additional care and grief upon himself. Willing to makst what amends he Could; he resolved to re ttrtti her to the Ixslom . of her lord and his injured brother.tio ho tame, bringing his fair, elmTge. along. Akw weeks ago, one, morn- Jim as the Slim was just beginning to rust Its refulgent beams over and Strotmd th 4 'mountain. enbilv.ofithe with:need - Ezeltiel 4 ,l mind •he having imokett nod eaten his breakfast, alone. was washing the dishes, lifted upp Lis eyes, and !orating lowardthe dbor, 'beheld the former partner of his joys —his lung hest wile. Either suppos lug it to to anapparition or unwilling to have his affections ,blasts d again. ,he fled through the other door, hav ing the inconstapc,wre to .try life :without a twitter for a while'. James ;lift Itninedintely atter delivering his Am Old ntsCirs Mime. At trio fogi'Oroad, - idreet, JOiey eitY:lleighLs; on pie' itorth'Sitle iron stairway ,runtiltig. ,the hilt from the foot of First Street ) licit,b6;' ken, says the New 'York; A hole in the `rocks some four Wet a half square whlth 'leads Into ft mas sive cave, as: yet unexplored, but which, it is supposed, is several hun dred feet in , extent. . , This eave Peter Van lilecht, an old "miser, has imado his headquarters. He has also a Sim ilar abode on the - river! road leading up to BulPs,Ferry, and,another near Newark, and When night overtakes him lie makes one of these ptnt'es his sleeping-place: lie risesat daylighti souk never enters the cave until after dark: :He is about sisty yenta Ong% and can be seen during the summer months along the walk leading Up to the Elysian begging. Helms no Mends lave one, a (iceman groer, at whose store ho gets his food,: al ways dining on cracken; and• butter, and drinking nothing bu t beer. 'He logrePoted to be wetUthy. and has been scot, with bank book,, Heal, ways appears to.have plenty , cif mon ey, Workinett are etigtigeditt Pig away the rneks at lhe trod •stepit and twr -dada this mysterimart pas, sage-way will:awn be 4 1 1, 1 4' Cl[Piqted. lbe Piercer .111Maisinesst. • • 11, .. - A lAtutitut tnenument • htusAnit been put u 'over the htst riding plate of the fate el+Prttsident/ efeme..l It shntds upon a buse :ef ,l tuttstenertid granite;' tied • feet high' i and' .liartY inches squarei . The plinth is :Awe feet the.* inches square and terslisetne high, the "die twentyy. Inches equare and two feet two Inches - high t' dip thirty inchce•square Ind 4 ten Inches high. , The shaft-ie. foUrßen. inches equate, at the two and ,eight nt.tke top, and is seven feet high,, twelve ire and four thick. The cross is • hentltifully 'draped with folds. The hight of the entire monument is lir teem feet.,. 11,184 the firsetitallaP marble, every, part cut frame single block, thus insuring evenneet ef ity and 'ofrolor. •' ."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers