BM Pia NN ovvir-x.v Rotators* Rottatoselkalallit‘ The Superinteoderiti Annual Report. The following Is an abstract of the • annual, oldlate report of the Saperintendent of thelg submitted tothelalgialatereJativary 404 ThtfßoPettotel*iteays; It ;Oyes me slnciiirtilaintre to an 110elbee tbeeneourating Aid that the renAnwes'inwiter.ithat arlll ever be schools,, and, 'consequently, 4 the nwraliwaew Celli to' the State, was readied anripaseeel during the You d e thing se al, 280. From the ta ble givem where In this rePrt. it • will be seen that the mimber of ehtl dren lu the schools on, that . day - vas one hundred and one (101) teed than. • on:the same day one year previous; while the number of applications on file was seventy-idne less; making a • net , decrease of one• hundred. and eighty (180) in the number of 'chit dive under the aue of the State In one yes. r, Thus the bulk of the pa triode 4064 assumed hasalready been paid, and the coma required will di midi& annually luetil the work Is completed. And yet there have need already • diacleilited, with from .one •• - to six-years of Inetruetion and train . Ing, one thousand lour hundred and sevecity - -five11,475) soldiers' orphans —young men and women t in fact— , who are even now( adding largely to the educated industry and virtuous . citisetishl of it Oommonwealth whose w iseandj timely 'assistance rescued them Irvin ignorance and poverty, If not hem v(Polod them by education, dbal ine, and physical developirient to mate euc. °awfully with theduties and trials of life, and secured for herself their un=., dying gratitude and love. • seaex or scuoina enom foolimence-1 ' KENT TOJO/108;4870. Accepted appliattions received, 8 ,2 244, Orders issued, . - - ' 8,823 • Admission to schools: • - - B,OIXI Discharges on order, • - 8.18 Dieeherre ott ego, ' 438 No hs,:" - - 71 No. in school at dole of theyearf,ll, - 451) The libetel action of the last Legis lature, in appropriating $520,000 for 1870-71, and *her ednetion of the rate equal to about $lO,OOO, makes thesp propriation equivalent to $500,000 at previous rides, the largest by $llO,- . 004 ever made. This removes the necessity of a deficit, and provided for many of the, needy, applicants awaiting admission. The _discharges and deaths last year exceeded the , 'admissions 101, while the number or applkatlons re maining on file was 79 lees, making a net gain of 180, and showing that the Maximum was 4ast. . And as the Increased appropriation will provide for..more admissions after September Ist, the number of applications on file will rapidly. , decrease, while dire charges will orotstbly equal the num , bent received. Hence, the largest , appropriatkin ever required has ban ,rnade, add the next will be lees, as will be seen by .the estimates here - with subinitted. In like manner this decrease ln numbers will contin ue hereafter, each year more rapidly, causing each year's expenditures to • decrease, until this-beneficial system, art honor to the State and a blessing to her wards,.has accomplished its great *ork, and ceases to exist. Three thousands - ix huncintd yet re main under instruction, but will, with probably another thousand. yet awaiting admission, soon go out to 'Hutment - the number of our Most valuable citizens. Pennsylvania has, _therefore, cared, or is now, caring for - more than air thousand orphans of deceased sokliers.L-a larger number than all the remaining loyal Stake oombitiell ! ' • 'What other page in Penfileinania's history Is brightir than this? Where hi -either ancient or modern history Atoms find's parallel ? ESTIMATED, COOT POE THE YEAR COMMENCING JUNE IST, 1871, AND ENDING MAY 81, 1872. If the rates remain unchanged, the following is the estimated most for the next, year: • For the education and maintenance of 2,900 children in the advent.- . ed schools, at .$125 per • ' annum, - - - $287,500 - 00 . For the education and., . maintenance, including • clothing, of 800 children In 'primary schools,• at $ll5 per annum, - - 92,00000 , For the education and maintenance, including • clothing; 0(525 children , in homes, A.c.; at $lOO per annum, -•-- 52,500 00 For partial relief of Al chil dren, at $3O, - - For clothing 2,900 chit- ' dreg, At 212 per annum, • 57,500 00 (/eneral expensel, - 9,900 00 I may add, for general Information that nine out of every ten dollars worth of goods used d uring the past throe years were purchased from the well-known Philadelphia houses of Jacob Riegel &Co., Hood. Bonbright & Co. Remberger, Long &Co., Dan lel K . Grim. M. H. Marple &. Co., (Seaway. anode! & Co., and J. & M. litaunders.& Co., 'and that every 'bill' presented aw `settionneat was kitemised and accompanied by an 'ffidavit from some member of 'these liirms, that' the 'goods were of the quantity and , quality described in ithe bills, that they were sold as . low 6.4 the same goods were sold to other purchasers, and that no commission, • abatement or allowance Was made to any one ordering the same. • insPECTOn OORNFORTies 'upon?. To a home bereft of its support, and seatteregi, and hems which the passibility of faintly , enjoyments and blessings is removed, the State offers In her soldierS' orphans schools, a. happy and beneficent alternative. In these are found kindness, sympathy and piotectlon. Here are taught the value of industry, and the excellence of morality, virtue and religion. Ev ery branch of labor has its superin tendent or teacher, so that all work by the orphans is done under in strtietion. The girls, beside becom leg familiar with all kinds of house work, such as washing, cooking, ba king chamber work &c., are also t au t& to use the heedie and sewing n inc. For want of facilities the boys seldom learn trades. In a few instruwess small number of them are re/ected to assist in shoe-niendhig; At the 'Lincoln Institutiou, located at Philadelphia, all the larger boys gt out to wok during the day in litotes, ' Mow pursue their or ut some chosen trade, and studies dur ing the evening. At Titusyllie•six teen boys are laming the printer's trade in the office of the Long Roll. The food furnished the orphans I hav found to be uniformly goad and abund e ant. I have had fewer oc casions during the past - twelve months to complain of unpalatable and unwholesome diet, than in any previous year.. Cenveniences for, and methods of, cooking are greatly iroproved and better understood.- The darmitoties and bed* are, with hardly an exception, neat and Com fortable. The sleeping rooms are sometiures crowded, buf great cavils taken to ventilate them thoroughly, so that no Injurious eflbets seem to result from it. The good health . of the children and their Ane and rapid physical de velopment are everywhere noticea ble. This is attributable not only to their home comforts and herdthAti diet, but also to the healthful regula- UM/ which govern them. The chit dean also go told, rise and take their meals punctua ly at theorointed hour, and are Used Ongiven day each week. As a result thi s Iv elated variety fa the oasupatlons of each day, and 'observlw Axed Sawa for taking teat and doo r ; far:lesa sick. uess and &wee deaths occur among those chUdtek ha propor their number, than amon any tion other to clink o for tw known. Out of thlrty-aLI hundred childien; not a single death .vas reported during six months of the past year, and the death rate for the entire year is lead than onmthird of one,per eentutn. EEL E. w. litrrirxn,s wow. During the current Year I visited our soldiers , orphans schools, some ofthem three and Antrum oth ersseven nam— Ita awn as six s n m altion with out thus golng t in con, , fai lt lad Bev. Vidi yond the technical requirements of ihe bier. Between ten and eleven thousand miles, in the aggregate, I have again traveled, often over rough and , tnountahmus rOl4 in the extremest cold of winter and`heat of snmmer. During these visits I hate sukledati• the schools to a thwingh I and rigid inspection, winking at no deddency or abuse and oinitting no wholesome suggestion, that • Iluive deemed of advantage to tpern. Whem It is called to mind, that some of the schools are from Mteen to twenty miles distant from any-raliroad sta tion, and require to be reined by private conveyances, or In stage coaches, seldom of a comfortable character, It will be seen, that the I office of an Inspector of these schools Is not a sinecure. Ido not complain either of the exposure or the labor, for the opportunity that Is, thereby atfonled of doing good to the bodies and souls of such a large number of orphan children, Is itself a co I.pents- Lion for every sacrifice of personal comfort. COLOREp EICIIOOL. This school, the only one •of its kind In the State, is located et Bridgewater, Bucks county, near Bristol. It was founded in 1868, by a committee of ladies and gentlemen to whom too much praise cannot be 'awarded for their self-denying labor; In collecting the orphans of our fal- I len colored soldiers from all putt of 1 the Beate; and placing them at d ne' locality, under its festering rctr. l _ W ithin about fourteen moat i have visited and thoroughly Inspect ed the • Bridgewater school eight time& ',My reason for visiting the school/ of the colored children so much oftener than others, was not that I do not cherish for them ail an equal interest, but because, In my Judgment, Its nee/wider demended unusual attention. I dwell with sat- Whaled and'delight on their greatly improved condition, as it Is now ex hibited. Thea "filthiness, and a sus perfinity of naughtiness" pained the eve and shocked the ear. To these things, habitual cleanlinessand order have succeeded. Then the mass of the children were uncivil, riotous, in subordlnate--elnce then, they have learned to be civil; obedient, respect ful. .Then they had to be instructed in the that' rudiments*, knowledge, many of them not knowing the al phabet or multiplication. table. Now. they spell rftd, Write and cypher with facility and aecuracy, and the more advanced are being.instrueled in geography, mental arithmetic, grammar and vocal music. Theo they knew little or nothing of reit , gious truth, and of their obligations to serve God, and love the Lord Je sus Christ; Now they are diligent pupils in the tiunday school, held each Lord's day afternoon, and at tentive, to a marked degree, to the lessons taught them by their txtchers. Taking into account the many hin drances from within and without, 1 against which .our colored soldiers' orphans school has had to struggle, the marked progress made by these childree, alike as it respects their moral, social and intellectual status, is calculated to excltboth our tulmi ration and wonder. Mad successfully refutes the theory that , the colored .race is, by nature, incapable of mor al and intellectual ekeratlon. "The Lewis known by kaftan..". . ROMAN CATHOLIC CHILDREN. From fltdamnection,w ,ith the Soldie rs' hearty. ns Behoolit:' irith - the Aso ' , •• • - Buperinteddent, that, as as an act of &minimal , 'and fairness, the children of Ronitututth-, olio parents, the'fathera having fallen in battle or died of diseases contract ed-in the service, should be placed in institutions of their own church.. A number of such children were dis-' covered in other schools .and homes, and they were accordingly transfer red. It has been found difficult, however, to concentrate this class of Children, for want of a large advanc ed school, as the object is not simply to place them In benevolent asylums, but to afford them the bmt alucation al facilities. During the current year I had., several conferences with Bishop WOW on this subject, as had, also, the General Superintendent, and these have resulted in the selection of "The Industrial &hoot of the Im maculate Conception,' Fortieth and Pine streets, West !Philadelphia, as affording all the needful_ advantages of an advaneed school for girls, and soon' after a number .of such were transferred here from Pittsburgh Pa., under the supervision of their kind friends, James-P. Barr, Esq., and Mies Nary Stafford. Sr.. Vincent's Cbllege, in Westmoreland ceunty,- serves as un advanced school fortoys —which two Institutions supply the most approved educational and in dustrial advantages for Roman Unit one children of both sexes. A num ber, of children of this religious faith are scattered through their charita ble homes, and these, it is to be hop ed;'avlll-be transferred to one of the above named advanced schools, as fast as they attain to the age when such transfer is'proper and desirable. The report concludes in the follow ing language: As to the nature of these results I have but little to nay; • they must speak for themselves. My honored • predecessor wrought intelligently and patiently. I sought to do like wise.. I have labored faithfully, earnestly, painfully and us efficiently as my abilities'inal crippled condi tion enabled ine,'ltAte face of oppo sition alike from th • who differed us to the system by w the work should be slone.Aund th who were opposed to doing it at ell.. n doing this I have but one object in ew— the best interests, educational!, ho ,socially and inorally present end future—of the destitute orphans of fallen comrades placed under my care. It is for your Ex cellency and the public td judge. of the results. My work must speak fur itself—the present condition and progress ofthese wards of the Com monwealth as ,compared with the Weir If 1 have contributed toWartis their prepaistion for the duties of life and their amass for eternity, I feel grateful to God for having beesr permitted to du so. thew asuniit er e of ones more to fostering awe of your Excel : deny and the Legislature, wills the fervent hope that the' good work may go on to completion. If this is permitted, those ,who live a few more years will see these children, now the cause of,so large lam exisen• dilute of money and of so much me- , veto toll and anxious solicitude, grown to manhood and womanhood, healthy, intelligent , industrious and virtuous citizens, a blessing to man kind andatb honor to the Common wealth. - 600 00 $500.000 00 Sincerely_ ,yOurs, GO. F. ihi'FARLANDi Supt. Solillett',Orphans Schools. - —A gentleman' In the interioi. this State, who carried his pipe and some cartridges in .the same pocket, Wad startled while enjoying a smoke the other day by an explosion, an companied by the sudden disappear ance of his pipe and a severe wound in his forehead. A woman living in this . State had havin g it restored recently af ter been Wind for several years. The first thing she did after objects became visible was to sit down and read some letters, which she resumedhad been -sent to her by ladles during her blind ness, when she Round that her jeal ousy had been feeding all this time on a number of coal and washing bills. wiamiiceirOst oe *immures; D. C., Jan t ll, 18R. atNATon W . ILMON ADDILINIED, • • The Southern Republican Assoctad lion at Clark's Neat Hall, 470, Pa. Avenue Tuesday evening upon ' . the condition of the South. and ed the remedies for the 1 ::= evils there. The speaker reminded the Aisociation that-the broad do 'main between here and Mexico were populated, in great part, with ene mice to the Onistitulion of our cound try and its law& The idea, he said, that the Democratic party was dead, was untrue, ar id that he never thought en; - for a party that could live through the gigantic war of the rebellion, is surely not dead now. That the wealth of the country in greater part belonged to the Demo- cratic party—the railroads of the country mostly belong to Democrats. The Democratic party is powerful in their ability "to repeat" at the Mona in the great political centres of the country, and in - the South, Run' the influence of the Ku Klux, to In timidate. - CAMPAIGN OF 1872, The speaker contended that now is the time to commence the campaign • for 1872, and before the Ist 'of bkrth next every little local quarrel In the Republican party, will be healed. If the party does its duly, it will sure ly triumph. The work of the party had only begun, but It was a bril liant b*l.. fining, and as they looked back they could girth& strength and do what God intended them to do. In respect to the late-unpleasant ness (refering, it Is supposed, to Sum ner) be said that a person was liable to say foolish things—he had done so in the past, and the only one punish ed for it, was himself,. • He next alluded to the cause of Education in the South, contending Oat ope of the greatat works to be performed by the'party for the •S. States, was the establishment of a public school wstem through which all could be educated—the rich and poor, the white and the black alike. That if this had been done thirty years ago there would have, been no war, and he, for one,''' was rera io t o o l vote, aid, or give money for' purposes—would vote to-day the en tire proceeds of the public lands. for the establiahment of public schools in the So tb. GRA DMINISTRATION In cone , Mr. Wilson said he was free to hat this Administra tion had so faults, but with all its faults it was . he best since the Ad ministration of John Q. Adams, and that the criticisms upon it were be; neafh contempt.. By it, reform had been Inaugurated in every Depart ment In this city, and Custom HOMO In the country, and the wise Indian policy adopted by it If carried out, would be enough to immortalizer the President. lle counciled unity of action and purpose, and encouraged a noble fight for the muse they had espoused and wished success, assuring them of his hearty cceoperation. • • U. S. C. L. CONVENTION. The Colored Labor Convention has Just closed a session of three days. The attendance was - not so large as last year, nor the enemies as intense. They complain bitterly of the exac tion and oppressions still endured by their.le at the • South, and de mend peop ed a `redress of their wrongs at the bands of Congress. But Alas! Alas! In the combinations. formed for their common benefit. they fell into the same grievous error of the more favored white laborers, in . or ganising only skilled labor, 'leaving common and unskilled labor, with out which, skilled labor can be no more than an engine'without steam, enter out in the add to shift for it self. Fred Douglas was elected Presi dent for the next year. He express ed himself despoudingly.'aiul Urged_ tOirntinlitthit passibte means Tor theelevation of his people. They have evidently notitouched the bed rock of a true principle and method. WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE. • Thq great Capital Is all aglow with excitement over the newphase of the suffrage question. Victoria {Wood hull, of Woodhull & Clafiln's Week ly, threw a bomb shell into their midst, In the,shape of a petition, amending suffrage under the 14th " amendment. At first they sneered, then looked grave, then •examined their own work, then became as tounded at thelogical results, of that work. 4 • What a spectt)cle ! What a com mentary on Statesmanship! on legal law! The Congress of the United States enfranchised 20,000,000 of peo ple without even inspecting what they were doing. The fact will not be altered by their refusal to own up to the soft impeachment ; no logic 'can disturb the fiict ; anti if they go 'backward and declare they did not mean it, anti will not so contrite it, the Coutts will, and their blunder will then be only more apparent.— This is q wonderful age and country! The Convention here is a grand success; the women are elated, en thusiastic, determined; order, har mony, prevails; they propose to fight it out on this line, then the Courts, and it the worst comes, hill back on the 16th amendment. If -Congress declines, then we may look for unlimited lawsuits to test the queitlon - . Money could be raised hi large sums to push the campaign. The aforesaid Woodhullagives $lO.- 000. Judge Loughbrige, of the House Judiciary Committee, at therneeting, of the Committee yesterday, submit. ted a report drawn up in favor of the Woman Suffrage side of the question when it was found out that, out of nine constituting the committee, on ly himself and Oen.. Butler favored the reptirt-rwait, 8. sE:YATOtt Mawr. • It was rare to find such a promi nent native of the South, who re mained true to the Union 'nits hour of trial,.that it should give any one unalloyed pleasure to reeerd the Gat when one is found. The Hon. H. P. Farrow, of: Georgia, Is such -a mu. lie h(U was born in Soutpon 'iut, and educated at the University oNyirginia; After completing his colic ate mum, he settled down as a lawybr In Cass county, - Georgia. lie op secession secession -front- fi rst to lust; as his ether (Fannie Farrow) did efore him nullification. For two/Yeans after the war broke, out, he was allogfed remain in compar ative quiet. he was then conscripted and sent under guard—to the rebel camp and assigned .to duty in the Nitre and Mining Bureau ; itt this position tie remained during the 'War. The political career of this gentle , He never nought or held office un der , the Confederate Government, and only rendered such aid as was brought about by direcilysicel forte exercised by the mill ma d erly as the 16th of May, 1 te ap plication to Gen. 'Mounts to take the oath of allegiance and was permitted to do so. He called the first public meeting in Georgia, to induce the peuple _to accept the situation, and folloared" this up -with specebe l , throughout the northern portion of the State. lie WIN the first in the State tp urge the acceptance of the 14th amendment to the Constitution as is shown by published letters and speeches, and was a recognized Re publican before any of the Recon struction laws were passed; he was the first moan who made an attempt to organize a Republican . party in Georgia,and In 18611 was actively engaged in 18684te was a protninent candi date for Governor, and by his meg nunimity, harmonized the party upon Governor Bullock. his success ful rival. The saute year his name was placed at the head of- the Giant and Colfax electoral ticket with that tot Attorney General Akerman as elector at large, and he made thirty Republican speeches during the last six t y days of the Presidential cam- . Foathe eint he now cialunt a t t u t Beattie. '_ be as no!ntnated unanhnonsty. In cionclosiotrlt'ain be saki of hint what can be eald oftvw wen, that ha never Weil of Intoxkatlng liquor, Cr used tobacco . twang fintn. • - airs ismarrao oomstrridur.' ' The following are the San' Domingo Commistdoness: Hon. Benjamin 'F. Wade, Chairman ; President' ,White or the Omen Univer si ty, li: ind Di. 8. - G. Howe, of Bo*on. Gen. Prune Sigel has declined theaOnt meat &Secretary to the Commmon, and Mr. Burton of Ky., law been ap; pointed In his stead .. is determin ed to allow the , representatives of al: newspapers to accompany the com mission, including a representative of the Associated Press. -It la theught that scarcely-the Maximum' number will avid! t .-h - eirescot the opportu nity. EDUCATION. A warm and excith vg jtate ensu ed in the - House upon.the proposed amendment of. . chairman of the Connuittee on Edut cation, making the appropriatlap $3C,000 instead id 114,500. The Derw ecmts, as would naturally be expect ed of them, to a man, upraised themselved opposed to the amend ment, feeling doubtless that it, as generally acceded, through ignorancer lay their strength vit would , be folly to weaken themselves toappropriate muerte educate the rising tion-Facta are stubborn nil= - battle against.. The amendment. be lug modified, or rather . changed, at: lowing 81.600 for a translator, $lllOO for stationary, collecting Statikties $lO,OOO, for editing and' publishing circulars, was adopted. Cnigt. A IlleltlLlArved Ilerfterap Lawrence Sullivan. a' winvkted: mum ter la prison la New .York city. dePrived of every otheramps *fad cide, is endeavoring to kill himself by starvation. A Nevi York , paper thus describes his condition on Sun flay: Yesterday's dawn :taw Law; tome Sullivan, the murderer confin ed in the Tombs, In the same condi tion as on Saturday--a ghwitly wreck with sareely a spark of life la him. The physician of the prison, Dr. Nealis. early in the morning of yes-. terday, visited thepadded cell of Sul , Ivan and felt the murderer's pulse. Its beating was hardly perceptible. Lifting the white waxen eyelids, the Doctor noted the watery gbure over the pupils, and left the cell shaking his head. The turnkey , pacing - the corridor noted the Doctor's action, and remarked to an acquaintanee,•"/ guess Sullivan will pass in his checks before the end of the .deal ; In other words. Sullivan will die before the Sherlffaills on hini to conduct him to the willows: " • • While the remainder of the prix ; oners'were'at divine servkie, eftrts were made , to, force 'cone whisky down Sullivan's .throat, but with very little. effect. The prisoner clinched his leethtestether and mov ed his head around in every direr lion, so thatoniy a few drops of the . spirits went down his throat...As soon as the keeper gave tip. attempt ing to give - him the whisky, Sullivan operint eyes and looked •at him, as if to , "You thought you were able. Not a particle of solid food has entered Sullivan , s stomach for over a week past, and five words would exceed all his conversation with every orie, including the keep ers, his mother, and his wife. Other efforts were made'to give him stimu l tants, hat these also proving futile, the keepers ut length left Sullivan to his padded cell and his memory. His m other and wife were in the pris on during the day, and were in the cell, but beyond that and their pray ing for Sullivan, nothing happened, to be recorded regarding thorn. Sul livan did - not speak to them, and beyohil the vacant stare of his eye at his mother, he gave her no sign of recognition. - .iumasimemannre he turned on his bed.-put/dz./ace to the wall and- layalai.. -He did change his position during the night, and as the turnkey shortly before midnight threw the glare of a dark lantern through the harr4l' door of the cell, the sight of the shrunken, ' shrivelled up body of the man, the caved In face, and deep eyes, with 'the uncertainty pallor of his com plexion, made doubly so by the light of the lantern, made a terriblesight. A Touching Incident.' - The world Is 11111 of mournful Inci dents. How little do we know of the poignant sorrow myriads of oar fellow creatures are compelled .to Suffer. The following touching event we take from the Boston Journal: "An expressman upon reaching his MK* early one cold morning in Jan fan& observed on the sidewalk, a knit, heavy box, which his practiced eye at once Identified as containing a corpse. Upon the cub of the box, shivering with cold, sat a little half clad boy, about seven or eight 'years of age. Addressing him kindly, he , said : "My lad, don't sit there, you 'will freeze, come In and sit by the stove." Bursting into tears the little fellow replied. "No, I -can't come my mother is in this box and I pmmised her that I would not teem hex until we got home." • Devply affects brave little fellow, he finally succeeded in convincing him of the entire safety of his pre cious charge, and taking him to a neighboring restaurant, gave him a warm breakfirst, and then learned the particulars of his story. His father died about a year pre. viously, In n remote village la Min nesota, having his mother in. poor health "and nearly destitute. She died but a fee/ days before the boy's sad Journey, charged the little•hero with the duty of conveying the remains to her friends in a distant State, and fur nished him with (all she had) a sum of money barely sufficient to carry them both by freight cars to their destination. The little, fellow had actually ridden night and day In a freight car with his melancholy trust, never for a moment losingolgbt of It. The Lange sad the Liter. The importance of the lungs to the health of the human. body are too well known to need alert dbeirurs ing about. - Every Wan knows when he gets a cough that unless it Is cured it will fasten on the lungs and destroy life. What thousand of coughs end Incipient consumptions could be arm ed bye timely resort to Dn. Luna CURE, which not only heals the ulcers in the lungs but at the same time pnrifys and enriches the blood, and opens theointructiohs which hinders the free • action of the lungs! No better medicine for coughs and consumption is made final that Made by Dr. Keser, of 167 Liberty street, Pittsburg h. At 61.50 per bottle, if Mir. druggist does not keep ft mid five dollars to Dr. Key. ser e and he will send four bottles se curely boxed, by express, with tbil directions how to use It. . —A Georgia editor is In luck. Twenty-four heathen Chinese walked Into his sanctum the other day and through the medium of an Interpre ter, paid cash down for twenty-foar subscriptions to his paper. The edi tor wondered greatly what they wanted of an English paper not be ing able to read it, and was inibrmed that they took It for the "pictures" in It, the paper having a catarrh cut, a guano trade mark, and an umbrel la picture. —lt is reported of a young married couple in Massachusetts, _that,. hay ing quarreled they seperated, and am bs e e q m u ielnl tyn we b n oa t rdoe dwor kth eo n same house. Having adjoining rooms' in the latter, they plessanUy spent their leisure time talking to companions about each other •in a voice loud enough to be heard through the thin partition, varying tl a programme oroasictudy by kicks agai nst the In tervening wall and of "I wish It was you? ii Eiiii tTiorsaiegg e ire • IBA: Twain a year attanpte, at . hts .4-Tbs.• Masselkia 14reeriancz's nka of Plain ian Di Manna, Stark : aimityi jos sold during tte Pleat , keastai ,aver fifteen ' hundred oamitoth, p eyi the product Of ids apiary; none foil" than mola F Wool. ' - }Mai out er of a daily paper wade theg head line to one Obis ailil Ltheo 1 "The Mt' Job ll ooo ttak t ag ea dvotane." Hewes %tomb:Nil kikst next morn ! when 'ad the printers vet.- id 'of the matter staring him in the fkr thus: "The .11titish Lion aka -11 Oa WOW' 1 , r--A.,young .lawyt_l concluded his moment Ina • ewe of - trespaas with the following: sublime burst: -"If Ittleown ofthajury, thedektriant's s are permitted to roam at la Te over the 012 of my client,. with haPoalkit and' thout pokes, then . - yea, then, have our foreadheall fraight - emdbielliadied In vain," • '' I - 40 : ' lkiiinsk weekly. mentions 4oloollelie:acominent literary men %%oar. or laivoi been, spiritualiatas t e ' *sea, Thadteray, Browning, Vs. .yearlYleOgedthew Arnold, and a re qf the-Veit known' names in alit'Ltel i,'. 4 4'hespirituallate, like b ehe 'Wane., are p rone • deka kof note, livg at d ,as pirdy their own. .L.A.' coMedicoman, who had been 1 iiitoltatalVerto; iviis ,so unfortunate to 410.4 a mion over the, inte tine cifoneoinel borNYollaif. era. - • A fri " ed epon, the 1 proprietto au act Ip .the awe of outland- in join the church and toadVeirtfilt hank response: "I 4 1 1010 1 1 14ifeileacj i , renifka' an' l'ae gadneto Join 114 church . ; but Miss —..1'1l scald ilaf nigger lust." -In . a Vaellington theater, tlen. qayllel4Orasso,(pccited over thesleep i*alkb l / 1 otlamileicheli as Lady Ilse- Ileth that havehementlygraspai the !back of the char before him, and ;vitt' nit pOrtionof the'caris belong- Nr to 'an ,Siabiwate chignon. The ollosotiOcace Waillait when the fair Owner, at the and of the scene threw limwojd her hecul.the whole tartlet ure aims tumbling Allowarraaiii,. brakis, ..ifelr pineand id!: • / • -41eddliiiellev,Ble revels in ancither sensation., , Jt is bdieved that, a'coup- Itof young , wen, brothers named tegler who died-of a singular ment, we:antismog'. to prevent them divulging the minas . o. parties who have "been depredations in thilt -..1 eimunutilly for several years past, intimation Of Which they . ob tained by overheating a conversation between same otthe parties. • , • ~... . --BHA C. ,Bruce; ,' commission nierchantrwho lied Ids petition In bankruptcyonTuanday, lea represen tative Chicagank • • His liabilities are VMS= el;' ' hitseeets are $417,-m follows; .Brair,caits, two , overcoats, five .paire :or mate. four veabi, two Pain of boots, iiro batik she worth of anderelothing4lo -worth of glove!, cravats and handkarchlak i a gold Watch and dahL-valued at SOO ; a pair of slecive-, valued , at 46- coritailled when., not in meta- a $lO . , trunk. ~ ~ 1 , . , - - --At Cold Spring on the iii4son, on - New Year's .day, Charles !dealt induced two youlig Ann named Nel son and Cunninehain to drink until they became irited, and then forced handfuls vel down their throats. Howl Cunningham and plied lumber, upon him, -rolled -large cart-wheels over Nelson's body, and persisted in his work until' both his victims were insensible. Nelson far since died. Merrit is an intimate as iodate of William Conroy, implica ted in the recent Cold Spring mur- I I tbdicatiitiipequently re _open ciente exerted 01,ilift.pusinetajramerity' or-want bi prosperitit era ,00untre' - upon' the number of marriages con meted In it within a . - giveni _perAed. The Ohio Cemmksioner 'Statistics, E. D. Mansfield says That In that State is 1860 marriaes NI off largely. in com parison wit hthe previous yettr, ow ing,.in his °Anion, to the results of the finagelsi trophies of 1857. The annual average AA- marriages Iti the State during the war was only '3D,834 while since then it has risen to 27,1:02. —Five of the lady students at Cam bridgea University, England, have been examined for the "little go," and four have attained the standard required for a first class end the fifth that necessary foi4 second class: -Two of the five were examined in the ad ditional subjects and were approved. The, classiest examiners spoke very highly of the deaden! works of all the students. f . The colored Ibiople of Council Bluffs bad a kill '9011:113 evenings wo where rich and, respectable white folks quite "cut oat," their men and . brethren in secorihg the favor of the dusky belles. • • • / , —The will of Albert Barnes pro vides that when the avails of his copy rights shall &excel to the slim of 81,000 a year or More, then so lenges that shalt occur, one hundred dollars of the some shall annually be,"appro priated to the use of some student preparing for the ministry, add stit dent to be one who shall have gradu ated at. some college,. and shall ,be pursuing his theological 'studies. Vor the - first fire fears Princeton Semi mirY shall have this bettefir or Ulla, - in cousideratiod ofettendingald to the amount of $176, In Mr. Barnes's prep- Ration for the udnistry.,, Aiterwa rds Union Seminary, Nest" York, Ls to have the bequ. • —The feeedmeti tbe litsalmippl will haw, an opportunity to make mrey this winter. The supply of mei is so short in New Orleans that the agents the* of the Pittsburgh coal inerthants are said to have not!. fiedsteatuboat owners that the quan tity _ .on band is only sattlicient for do. mestie uses in thecity, and that they cannot furnish any RP? navigatkm. The only up lila* !eh thisdimculty can be overcome Why offering prices so high for cord wood as to - induce freedmen and (Ahem to go to chop. ping again: ihit two tows of coal Doom are known to have succeeded in getting out of the Ohio before its navigation wasciosed by ice. —A strong arguinent in favor of the doctrine orbital depravity might be based on the °mantles of the emu ndrelsoho provide for sustaining their wonlete lives by 'swindling the poor lunnignulta arriving on our shores, many of whom are not only strangers In a strange land, but so entirely Ignorant ofour language as to fall en easy' prey. A Wisconsin Paper eh's:wicks" a series of unusually heartless kupositiOns perpetrated upon a German glrl who carnet° this country 1n seal •• °resister. On her arrival In New York she was besieged by runners and taken to a hotel; her baggage being lett at entre Garden. A man pretending to be the landlord of the hotel volunteered to take her cheek and procure her baggage, dis suading her train accompanying him by telling bet that It was not consid ered right for a? man' and woman to be seen walking li4rether bere. She saw nothing More of ibe man, but a person who represented himself as ,a detective told herthat her trunk had undoubtedly been carried °lrby some other person, and that it wouhl be qf no use foe her to try and get it. Hav ing purchased a ticket to Dunleith, the girl safely ;wired there, and ma king known her destination to - the keeper of the hotel wbereshe ate her breakfast, he recommended a man Who spoke German, but said he' was born_ In I relaud, to show her the way. This guide took her icross the coun try and robbed her of bershawl, hood and nearly `Boo' in money, after which he , threw her Into a mineral hole. She Busily camped hum the hole and after wandering Waugh the tiekis found refuge In the house of a farmer, where she, will be proakkd latilther }heads ara bud. . . , (i fi roils'.: . ...Ew....‘ -i, lkdaced Priee,s! Speyerer & Sons llsiyo Jua Itetunted rran the East !TT* A' Liaqr ! STOCK OP GOODS, Bought at the Lowest Cash Prices And will sell some Goods AS tOW AS BEFORE THE WAR Conststinrof Dry. Golds, OraMiele Pro. Bata." Hari'ware, lists. Caps, Bunts , and Show. Dom °cum. Packing Yarn, jron, Nall., Paints, Whlle,Lesti, Oil, Putty. Queensware, Wit- Insi-ware,Flour, • • -ammo, a vatic-- we( erintsatuallos, • • - Tickinp,Delatus,Clux.ks, Alpams,Jettnnillmms,Crash . 'mitt Romeo tat Tens, Coffees. Sagars,Syrups, lintsses,Carbep Oil, WO 6&.. of the Celeiratedpathits AND NEW CENSE FLOUR. ! lust arrival and for . Wholesale and , • . At Pittsburg Prices. 290 Kelp Wheeling Nails: ONE OAR WHITE LIME; . Ltaxl-11(*t, and Akron Cement; :A;Large Stoic of, ' White lead and Paints. zpero r/ua: tBruma 471- ai4adarta% Just Arrived aid for ale. rflaolei;de and kdait. Al.BO, PURE CATAWBA. ISABELLA --4 P Comord Wines, Of our own vintage, for Idtallcinal and Sacramental Purposes, arc highly Re. commended by those who hare used them. They am often Agents for the ENIPPEN MOWER AND REAPER, And Pm. Nat. PJow Co's. Plows. . , Thanking the Public for their past pat ronage. we hope to merit,* liberal share In the future. ' ' ' • All Goals Delivered Fhee of Marge. You an rely on all anntlo being fruith u all our old goode were 801(1 at. auction SPEYERIM dk SONS, aprl3;tc SAKEiRY .►ND . ‘CONFECIIOIIIIII ESTABLiENIRT. - The 1 1 1 . 4 1mb:fled harts' bought out the Be. luny C. naga aC th em e tc N m aety& e a t l e ß chcute.P s, vrott:d tevectgully lalltnis the public that Its nli Kolar Om beet quality AK Oysters m.a In every etria I abet will 'sappy them by tbe can at ramonable pekes. Thom Is is rase oldest should Vlce him an - aarte UI. thinkidionery department is well mocked; mid parties. weddlno , will be eupplied arldt sinnythtmr seeded on abort nodes and ts Um beet atatyle. "Families Webbed with bomb bread ea often es destred. fiIIGOSIME TUEDISINICIL, rwrAL FOR SAILR.—'M undersigned baa Onaltantly on band a lcle of Lamp and Nat Coal. which be will sell mate price. either atilt* bank, or will de plircharem.— The bank la located on Rolf Run. a few rola frac the Pat. Ft. %mac* Railroad, and bat a abort dUance from • Dearer rhinos. I bare also a good article of Fite Clay, which I will dispose of at reasonable rates. eerier* left at my reridenouW Bridgewater, or at 11. Mel Camp's In Roo:heater, or at the bank, will matte promo. attestant. J. C. )10171,fRR, apelptl3B7o--ar Toledo Pump co.' Patent Flexible Metal-Lined Pumps, Po► Wells and Cl/tense. For isle by beestty N . .I.:CROSLI A CO. Rochester. ENZ2=2M :FOININ YOVIKI, Atlanta, at law IP Beaver. Pa. Office and residence twi Tll l / 1 1 811. dist of the Coast Mose.. AU law banishment:lw tad to my we than receive ;wept attention: Also. ner sh vous having town lag Masts fur Sa sat.. ant those wiing to boy property. cost nr holds. any neve time and unary by estllng at my *lke. ~~ MANNA A. DANA. Law V,ht Maw MAIN sun. Ihnnellinel dielPrasong Iless‘ Lowded Ser Pexplit afffilf As issillk SIN-sI bloats imam 111**A00.10,antrats. 111.01•001.1140131. all Nor sat of Zara ?MA est theWtess. Ans. .1 IftwAlial el Wiest. 011:11r 011 POLLAN. £ TZAR I • iixisintaain con Fes sm Or Ws Vies de• Oat •Ooh. Let then is • • SUMO as 0111111 Pest Oilles. 31 147,4 1 / 1 11[LY 1117 X. OS • WAIL .11 um Our ra Merl raleari Thy want Ihs vela I rare arra at lebirearererelmbroall hearer lbe raliarearearmal mbar Maser berm atasilearlesawarteremleitareare. bAILY lIVIte OSA YLL A ntlar i : mr.Mpscg m rstb to imiltticA! All Am sum 081112 • OM II a. fralt m i =ste • year.. =am Ti manta - Its Dour's WIIMILY invocepisionerist . ownestied oar 21111 . 1 1•11 , year.opsarstor, sateremeo (sal . rue sn tolasastrolss else), ollars. ?waft masa aim pea sessratelr siktrasol 0 1 ," la =Merin te =ro s elara. AID *BO K. OM Mt. to owl alarm ma Do Dallateekly ate year se Maw so olotabX Tairspolareo Dollars. aask.ass Fesorstelr oolrooso (sea w Imaymmiltly owl yearto getter UP orate), • TalrspOlvo Del= .oasAloadosr sandal. oat non to olio lub) (mos tiograr sew Mr tow goner sr or c, • MS Deans. Das Worm Gas rear. sepsalleir sa• itramod Isad De fosses mar to= up etelsaL or= fa, . "Azar 1/?vs ess rie g id azin•dh ir „; Tat soft". sus Her. umumell ;sad Rtes ow to astir aP swum • MD TOM MONET Moo polies elseeka,* draft. ea Sew to% ~my 001111111SMIL IF Dol. toes nortuer ibiloliestilisitolowtoosm, Adair, I. W. =QUID. Pub/Linz . Sea Gem New Teel! Oty rqN:mrriTrrT. . . The spideeeleeed tikes pkeeese In lahnenher the mibtie Oat he has erected a new Mee et . 917 Wt. Bridge Street, New Brighton, wilier* be will be happy to meet Me 04 Meade sod do eeyddeg roe tboot In the Carriage -Making Line, will.* they may desire. His shop Is wets supplied with Nod material, sad be keeps nosy but skilled workaies la hi. employ. Hie eta buggies, sad llopearrles^ are equal to say maaulletared la Ibis sank* si ibe BUM libeled waver also caw ,istraeled, tad ripened dale at short Dolce sad as icor.GEORGIC XETZ. , Inerldniui• - KNITTING 'YARNS. A trio apply of tiko Onoboitod RPRINGPLIVLD 1000411 N I'ARNS, hi:imbue' cod quilAss, just Noshed b ' - B. L (Man • OD. Andrisar. 110111%ff M::=== viAsAArrcioN Feu* itleikair 'Shop . anise b•la !lOW la taw Tega/ at wor•thoi .laus.-411eliag wadi us. Mu occumilatat I votistv of snail mom, sides eaaaradapt mails aaa Ilia*[ oat ',Bab COOKING - . STOVES =sad site tsar ft thadvaday Wad thaw fr Cralau r a sea watamisel is sillidis dos is •Ue. , . Xu9 Cl O O7 Ifs MOUT WIWI . •• as Mit* far Ws Locality. STOVES* allarras at DI trataid litylsaibt ILeagns and paddy& areal Remfflic CooltuBten Urn the boo Itecod at aortiooro ever aloof Is =1 LESS ROOM TO. DO MORE WORE. BEST BAKER, MOIST DURABLE ALTOGETIIkii STOVE IN.UtiE. In oonnendion with the store I hove go up a Patent . pxurxrrsioN TOP, which occupies littleront, no additional file!, and is not liable to wear out, dispen. sea with all pipe. can be put un of taken off at any, tiuke, and made to aukall Mores or any sizo or pattern. . Five Hundred Pori/tram Who have purchased and used the REIT REPUBLIC LOOM MOVE, Meat or whose macs bare bees publish. el in the A RUM are conlideutly referred tn, to bear wittaas superior merits ,as a conking store MMus Wow am dam morloos on Mod. of about Memo Immo power Itopoeity„ Miry moo oared to the public rasoosabis tato& JOHN TROIMILIT. I=3 HENRY LAPP, DRAW& IN ALL iCTLIIT, Oi FURNITUE. LOOTING-RAU k PICTURE TRIII2, OT ALL BUIS VITRNISITED TO ORDITR. Brighton 141.abeve Plow Factory; - ROCHESTER, PEN"f. The largest stock to Beaver county corateady on hood, mid seillim at the Tay lowest...prices. Coati. and Deane provided at the shortest soda, Ilarthg ■ Isms stock °WIND& of runtime os harm, au& wishing to make room for tall and win ter work, T have reduced my prices actordlogly. auguitt CARPETS, Oil CI &c. Wholesale and At Lowest-bices, M'cALLUM BROTH'S. 61 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH; PA We Have Feellilies for Supplying RETAIL A. LIU Et, El Equal to ANY •EASTERN JOBBI' U nom McCALLUM BR OX fpt4Ly' LOOK HERE, = Q.PIIIPLIGVANDIFINICIB ifibilbfa. - I .7 l naderalgted begs leave toILIII Intone bN Me no ade astli UM naiad< emend!, that be bee }vat repaired a new rum* et good. of lb* retest styles for Sprida m and dimmer wear Mikis he ram al very mada uzivyvysivs• PURNISIIING t • GOODS. CONNTANTLY UN LAND. -MIMe a wade to eider as the aborteet notice. Tbaaktal to the piddle for pod baser., 1 baps by awe atteadoa to boatmen' tamed. a wadies sae* of Ore- Na.. , - DANIEL MILLER" BRIDGE sr_ BRiImICWATER. • noir "AM C. R. nviunr.• Notary SWle. Dm venoms and Inenrenes Arent. Used* sad Agreements erritamsnditeknewledgemente taken. ie. Harlan Dee* day commissioned seAgent for wastrel bet elms lasennee Companies, repre senting lb* Fire. Life. £trident. and Lite Stock ff .is to take riots an tette s % th tist mom liberal W d as: diem Weak the ••Amehor USW" of grudges Orem Steam ers. Tickets sold to sad from' Vora In Ir% Diamoti r d, Rodmeter. • CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS It INTER STOCK, The undersigned taker plea•.ire m• forming his friends anJ the public gener• 03 . that be has just rec-dreal and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF TIIE LATEST STYLES FOR Winter Wear. illeleeps the MA of workmen in his employ. sod finis amildent of his ibility to cut led make up prments both FASHIONABLE& DURABLE and in such a manner as will plOt se Ids customers. OUTLEENT FUME COON ALWAYS ON HAND OW and see us Wore ledeing your Orders .17setchere WILLIAM REICH. Jr. may4so;ly Brlkewater, Pa Sig. SIAM MERCHANT TAILOR, BROADWAY NEW BRIGHTON, PL Having received n live and well winded Mort and Winter Goods, ecoshting of BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ENG: LIN, MELTON.% VESTM&S, 011! the 4,lllo4 l fl i aa Imartithloaate k ales, ukkis 11!OST TXRAIS sod at the shorten towable ootko sod IFIETIMINI Suitt,* oatk *a loaloo. ocoo bin Mot duo workmate lad Wise coosNaobio oxperkse• lo a Mag. 1 dory amopotftfoO sarrlltay Ur Neste. ao to nobs owl St. I kayo olso so Mod a lOU stock OE =mitt dottlilag Ot base otooldboono. • - ADDRESS 4TO THE Norio= Alla Debilitated, WIIOI3EBUFFEIUN:Os nAvE Br PROTILLOTED FROM HIDDRN CAUSES. OD WHOSE CASES 11141. TIRE PROMPT TREATJERNT. ME • lb Raeder &kenos desirable. If you an ostbdoe. or bars roared form lamb oststy dloclortor. obit cleft Jr protocol at you .genital basal' Do yos trot weak. 6411112L0, eartly droll Does a little coca mutton profits pOpttollos of the bowl Door your liver rub wary my* or yew kklseys. Dequertly got oat Or order P‘ lo yottr tutus omothoor Ildoft. silky or hotly, or. Is it top/ orktoftlftte Or doss • ' won tiro to Ur top t Or Is Olen a irdlsoost it the Uttar after It has stood awhile? Do yea bars opelli of abort Orem/log or dyspepita f Ari your bowels cooettpotolt Do your bore verb et ftlottap, or robot of blood to lbs boon Is your misery booked, ls you obit eottotostly dwelt lb imam LW *abject" Ito you Seel deli. tiotloso. oroplog. UM of eoropory. of Oat Do yea rid tabs lett Ova, to calory from over:body! Does orris tilt rats you molt orJampr L you oloolookos or ratter Is tbotelrerd of yoor :so am blittoott Tler bloom or your desk as bright Do youtooloy yf la occrety so well? is. you panne you buslossi.w &be moo mew, Do yes tool or mob ecalltose• la youraelft Its you virtu tall sad laggisg. glom to Its drat oaridyt • Use, do oat ley tt to you lbw or syn. peptic am you rorlior alfrkrst Year bock web. your low rat, sad balm bet little app.- db. sod pro attribute AU to dyspepsia or Dm.. oteoptalskr ' - Now, elader, esitabese. venereal dleesani bedly eared, and bawd aarw, are all cepsbia et pea diming • 111111k1•19 et the gemeradve Mons. The WPM at rallelalolll. wheals perked beenh. Nasky the MA. Did you ever think that these bold, de. tut, ragetlei peraevering, sueenestal heehaw tong are always those whose generatlve town are In perks. heath ? - Ton serer kw so& men cow plain of being mentriebtly, of aervonanome, of pal pitation Gina bean. They are saver afraid they cannot succeed Ia bestneas ; They don't Imams sad set,dbmearaged ; they are always polite and 4 pleasant In the eompab of Wks, and bob yen and them rigid In the tree—none of yoar down east leeks or Ivy meanness about them. I do cot main theme keep the argues Inflated by reining to Oscar. fleas will nen only rata their coosttatloa■, bet Aw those tiny do beet nem with or tar. How many men, from tailly cured dleemes, ma the erects of velfebnee @ad ezmeire, have brought about that state of meakarms to those or gans that has .dazed the gate* eyelets so moth ae to Induce almoot every other form of disease— Idiocy. lunacy, pualoutv, spinal atecslone, Weide and &haat every other form of dramas which hu manity Is belt to—and the real alum of the nee. Ms @cutely everia@frected. and have doctored for all but the Mat ow. DISEASES Or THESE ORGANS RE QUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTIIACT 13 Mrll IX 17 the great diuretic...end Is ■ certain cure fur disease; of the illiodder, liklac" Orr Tel , mum. Orpw►¢ Weak- nem, Female Complaints. °viers! Deb Lay, And atldhensee tfAthe Urinary Ornet whether existing In nude or kiosk, from whatergrr cause. nrisitiating, aud DO mat er of how long standing rno treatment i. SUliallinlA to, Con sumptlou or hertuity my ensue. Out fklth arid blood aru sepfxbrtixi • (rum these soon:mat! the health and happinen and tat of posterity depends upon prompt WIC or a rvli*ble remedy HELMIIOLD'S ETII.A.O 114/Cllll, Es- tabliabed upward of 19 yean prepared by ML7druCha:ll. DRUGGIST, 594 grey, New York, and 104 South 10th Street. Philed., Pa. PRICE—GM per Utile, or G bottles for KW, Gelivenoktosay soldroo. • .Shit by all Drogis la Eke:3n Mere. Nose are genuine =km done up to owl engraved rr►pper:witb bealadlkt o(a]• Chemical watcbor" sadslamed U. T. 4inwimraicizzo. maJlftl7• New • WILRNMSZVIs 3P/ZArIo:I:IMMEDV. Winis%io Illollood y boo sonar htte4 Ng oros Coo•Llo wo Ms variant two o f wad, or Flood' Ptlet. 'now vrtio us oilleted autos ads ,f• a " im nk. It pa, with kat apolicetk.. afoot oomploto rolidoutd tile fir km., aro ooly mowed to . met a par. withoollony trootrio or tooooreoloace laloo WMllliel Ali iltriorzi li upraoty A. u. pell Is sot iroesoutteadott to com say oub., . 11 boo camel way awes ot over Rdny . aniug.. Prko poo Dotty. Panto by maids 11111.01/b/114 , hu , No More WEIAME. N.EktVk:S. Waning , . DlsiPmlimas Tonle 4 Pftwea .lis=y ler It T y•aessio• jug a„.„,, . 111, ha Tame eve very, tee t. MK sot (stabled ahyskaute fur yeast lo muds gm.' slue ancpstallas wtil as iso• few the nerves. lactoulay bi digtEkat latab coa4e s salt 'stadia, omabling tutu was may a u , , toe, yeas la their mum se bobs, s, 5.. 1.10. tt actepatitlas aad all awi r , LW a/1 Wso set to mmeletaa rtm. edy KOSSZIC If to ate mos skratis a i Its a eilgtuly tomb sad a .0, 4 Dmigoe; sittsbaca p., 4 4". lg. digestive dy e`ger to bets benitly lama „ , i bid pubes baba vw 11U: *sea PlSPapedd AtMe• Far . +l. Mee baltar., COUtIll no /14.0/CE wanlies vousts /mbar 1. br-14 ; •eatalas aod eaves-lora hug. es It peres••••10 ittimeithately tenet ma, Cana:. Lila Rawl üb•tiustr ca”. .4 Cuu„l4, AVOW*. liUr• Throat, Itruackuts.ll.ltuvi,,, lluareetieaa. Aaihma sad I .:tea.ulakta,,, Incredible. bu prompt I. the echai aa4 to 4,, effects la all the abase ca•ea, otauy alLtnaltat IL• thtu. eght Inn:.. that !by oath do LAI puy daily preacribmg it, and tam aud toot the X.l hualtbk awl taper:AA:atm: traine e knowu. Vac auae alauyo atiurull r.lut co / mull Cale. 001 bollie rd.,. a tint, bull II an:• ta large bottle.. I • ta.e. Ma Lama. h., your ttitti fault If yuu .1,11 tough and pal Ls. Shiba= flit car, WINIL OF LIFE. Irbd Orril Waud Puzl2, Deliciout Leak, Warner's Wltasin Whi g ar Wla• at LIG, Is lax twat any drug* ut lutioutitict. • proporod far Owe •Imo taill Lot al - It appetlur mid 'wk. and We Lunt Haug to the woos Sur isitl4 IN: ate bk.'. It s tLeaasiy taa delkssa• Azusa eta' strtatt la the public; 4r"lmitur w Paway. • Mak 3, iusa, bhtssa. as say other azt4Ck. It r Lure hunly, and claps. Both hoO , tad Stay.itang sr sW, am MU tan taloa ut Lab. It is, sa tat, a ilk Is.. serftr. Thom Woo frk to sajui grad bola sad a area lair at anay spurn. %Val do If en I. take the Whew of LIU. U r dllicrest tram aillUdig new below he ow. It la sold by datagla•. Yrter Use lkollar. la quart sate. .tI3I2II.IENA.Gr 0C; Wasser's Eatormagogise is tt cloy $,. dela k 1.0•11110 can me Whites. (It ell( cuss (a every we.) Where Is the Wells i■ Isiah thy, haportsat issedlclee is sea wanted 11 Wen, (a. L t We biesslad ever orieled 7 0 4 sad Ns hatectudely procure Ir. It Is siss s (as Veseate Irregularities, lad (my Iss opus is (every case There the nautili bees obstructed ttuoada cold or disease. red drazgleis. rdce Use DetJar. or sad bl all DiuSens, oir mat by m. 0 r marl pl of 00. Doilbr sail • Quarler. Adams- HO Baia street. %Wow*. la we !S. C. lIANNON.ILarbert.r. BARNES 211t0.. Ilddaywater. sail HUGO AN Db/ EWES, bearer, Pa.: 174 b aHakl HOMES FOR THE MILLION!! Stare oppeetnattles We BOW offer fur mares homes Ina solid Malay aid eortretel <hone let one.tenth of th value lee hence. THE NATIO NAL REAL ESTATE ASENcT baiter Sale tea: estate of every dreeriptiee. ka t . 04 In the Middle and Southern stain: istpeeol start, graisZandinelf Owens ; rice. ewer n 4 lON plantatiou; Umber sod mineral land.: raj% iderwes Sad be " :ado; r iatraZ d Z i ll Wee, faeforles, <te. Write fur Loud Register rotnaluing deeiriptes, location, vice sue derine at properties is Lays an sale. 4 1 . 0 . Connected with one Heal Ealate ore hare a general etaiaa sad Ad.,/ Agra,' one, ' the saperelaine of the well knowe Timm. Tv*. late of the Ordnance belt rderai, ate to:d1 sclenliik &full/radical rt.c meat and well sonr.l. ted le the different Gov ertarent Ek..nartalree. pecLally lo the W.e sad Nary, Ordnance and PAT IN 'l' 0 C E. pop rs cnrefully pr.-pared /mealy taatlly executed. and ititente steered for ors 11. lde akorlealpeariLla tarn, bpeclal attendee . xl‘ en to tojecroi raw. bio• Wry for relater. rzterision, hotelier - Ist.% ebewtor meal. &c. Pg;linw 'wary r.rurntancion rl to the patnotahnny of An 'Mem wade on tweeipt of a brief &scrip. (inn of the make —4O MAO being required Favor vlbolrn - POORVENtons by sn.l.ling them In procuring went,. ILIA aft, wards utilizing their halcutkwon Conliticutial In oar bueirxne relation. with in• rent re. Tama more remouable Mau my ether lelllllll. &Vag . . Inotalar containing rateable teformarree sea free. Address: B. IV, (Lt KEE t co., MSMM2!M TUSCARORA ACADEMY. The 94 pension of the With school year . W tmi.s husnal7 9th. Those desiring. boarding. tirtim,l room, stashing, and tuition In a Ord M.. hurt. inzhchont fora terns of nearly .Ix menu.., Vs', Ilease amid lora Macular toltemlernsa..r.i. UIII VERSA LIMN, irbat itt the STAR IN TII h NEST, Ceuta...ea. large S.pal:,e weekly; eitahtfabed 1.421. It Lift the wants attic &tally ; 1110 pet year, !I aconite.. Try It. Navltnecs. fret. LIAMSON L CANTWELL. Cinclowiti. vt, (1111111STIAN STANDAUD 0pp0,,, . %_,, anti advocates htimitive Cbrietiault, 34 and Cheap., Family Wevkly; n page, La Eqra:c Edited by Elden NAM' Ennrrr and J b Lou, IV.. f .k .Z:el ' .. s gib: P 7:, I m oc ' i n nlZ: Ohio. n i J i ,);;;l. ' ,4 E Ip4;-...„-,...., , -.L.,-7.„'';vll..**l::: r 3 I W/Itham "Kate!) for r . a n k Jln• Roptie Staley. Dayton, Ohm nrpr G.. . IIiNOINIA . NOR WA Y - OATA, 1.4 AL.4 'KM CLOVEIL Sample packa..ry •st is* L , all Fannen; also, a ropy of , the_ Ameilesi Week Journal, by ninny to %. /., Bonin. • Co; hirkendeire, eb sdeirCe. Pr. AiiiiTtai- - kier - Tifsiolc AKeit - ilitil./ - ;C , oar Ills, Write a and he sloe. Adds... Ful. tar, Publhober. SpriagLeld, LW. ttr ' It will P-e 7. nail Tea Vol* Safely Nemo rower Soo= goollnoo. with and without rut-. 1 rci Metloolll6. titans Bailee bull' In quantitle, spodil laity. Semi Air Circular. 41 c.o. how as.ditow York. • laaie . . VIK'S FLORA . t GUIDE . For Si 7/..,.. Tits flare Yurnox rim TIII0M11•11 Li Vidr.s Ittostrso Is Csl4 al ad Is publ= 4 :l needy as sos l stuot Mor Hic cors oad so Enrol"; of almost rreu &Ont./. Flower sad ImPiotals. It Is %Soma& prist,sl co los halal papa . Illosinted ohs rim. usenied lia. Wood ragrartngs sod Too Scoots! COLORED PLATES.• • The wet beautlfel and the meet helium he Motel °old* pablblied. A WIIIII3IIIOI EDI. tbe TSO Sa X Puet. blis bed. to all Other reepecte Itmlidu glie rlreb ordw i e r"e lble ibe. w to llies " ,.. " : y ef,p e :aul . t :e. " :. 6.. ler hi to c m a h ir P ;:hlC 7 het" tbe cod. Addeo+. JAMES VIM, IS•elliesier. N. !OL![OrAHYniALIIIAN..” Len old etendarcl remedy for ComAs, Cold., t .• rtortate. "Staley briter.,`• 4.:VeLLIt. Bon t Co., &moo. DIWIL %TURN' POW 1./K It • IA" mere. Hoperlloongthalr In gr• mimeo ' o3 ' out Irtiory lathe akin. Bent by men for fla .Upliame• Asthma car# iterferee mart violent parosyren In fi r , and elects, •I • • care. Price 11 b coati /18 TIM IAPANEXE Colors the ablotere and hair ■ beNsptlful mown It coeolata of 4.4 owe prepara ,,,, 'lb email by awn. Addreas n. C. UPHAM N“. rentJaya. Street, Philadelphia, la. cheeky. Out flee. Staid by al! Meager, ma. $25 :".7,..itit5.a7,71 1. 7r....,- „^7..*.tr„",, yeah stamp) It. 11 WALKitit..a:;att sea. Po-1,4 1, EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. s3iary An por week. Inn! es o:.. WWWW II, Agent., to veil oar new ami noeful di.• Coverlet. Aditrvos It. SWEETS 03.. Mantua. Michiganjamas.. • AgSlits ! Read This ! WE WILL I'AY AGENTS A SALAI/I LW 41:0122:.'70711rir te . 7== Itltetl . ifune. A adtr.• 11. WAUNEIt CO, foloptuil Mich. A CARD. A ('lerg)Man. while rerldlog In :Youth America a mloolortary dlecovered a nab and simple rem edy for the. Core of :isms. Weston., turd Po cay. 'thins.. of the erloary nod tlrmlot tor,:no. and lb. obi* , train of disorders brought on by "baleful and 'lntone habits. Great numb,* have been curd by this noble remedy. Ynnapnll b. a desire to tbs 'Minted and nolo:toot, :I grill send tberectpo for preparluz mud tolug Inedstlne, In a ended envelope. to any one sto• needs It. free of charge. Address 11e4.1 1 . 11 2:4111A.14, Walton 1). bib.. 11.0.0. Nos Yori YU! • Janitivr -•" • . _ dr Aullftio, lqq_Alsb IQ IVI‘ • 11. 4111 k Mi. Ohrtell. a, QM lia Otn• . g la A CM ri a"1" :1 l i t 4 2 T.. tie r 27. r ' . pi An Is M we ink 111101• INO o l a 1t.. 1 .g_ 01. ' 001101 il 0 bge...' \ Swi W m web Sok • awl; SIGNIICM • • bo.lX:ai arida Ski Asa Inelmet• Om AM OW ow/ Mimi AN olnLirroZi'd ?moist' couN-liuKu.iut -0.• Meal ranted Is eve? 0.1.(1 4 1 " . mond Stave Irma middies... Nesse bioncr, patmatul Ira It OWL all sto• aeon.' bid ebb be aid b any me. Will bat RR Vol anal PM* Wbolesole *row , mug. Tetyibyty MIAMULTON •'- aasybibrug, Pa. bot3Xf Usk Daft km*a• Was Moo k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers