Advertbaineateareiatibe nits of 11,00 per square fns Ind lnaortlpn , and for esob suhsgwnl, , lgNeqop Se mam a A liberal discount made' on yearly •dk vortasementa. ' • A apace equal to tan lints of this type measures a aquae:. • Business liotleses set antler a head by themselves Immediately altar the load moss will be charged tan cents a line for each Imartiom AdverUsements should be handed la beforee Monday noon to insure insertion lit that week's Busimma J#reetory. REAVEII. 1011 N MQQai. bra doter in paste. eibipura pedkal Wised mid Liquors,l,lo. :CatrAossl4l442l3lyfetaltridia.l4•s* eerrei Coalbettapery,Tobact4 sad Nan, 3 / flaAs,tilioes ti Metzl er prifittly lion= a cot • =7: )11aln * lee • . D •• .DaaleVla us Improved • so . shwa. , stwing Dactilne. De lo al. arilsaWtDer colitis; • ae BACON Mrs: Pl. IL. Dialer In 1111111.sety , _ _ IA MEM OUR • . Grocery & Itsalsoraut eti Teas. Bret Cuffed, TobseW and Clara, • f ajacgetabla. • AN SBUTZ.. Dealer In , Vain", Maven. Uinta, ie. West end 54 it. selenll7 w. Mt - RE. Itionisato sweat. Bearer. 1% I • Cill end cet oar rt Insured. WPM PIT IflE GII. J.l.lltAnnitllg g iar". it t ptr 11.014PilIMPS. (hut Niel° Agents, op t., Mite Post Unice. Publishers of the ^Rest Ks. tste lteubter," seat free. Plttsburgb. pepylr. I — IitHDEILEICOS - 77, Wholesie Mas t) . gist., bra Liberty Ni. Plitsbnigb. sep:tir 1 - 1) itAXXL.Ertt ,TAT PARLOR. 4! girth Aw• . rune, (near Market Pt.) PiUsburgh. Cr' ;Corialltiookt.eNers and thettoa. igooti St.. Pittsburgh. Pa. (sepitif JosKtill HORSE & CO, 111 Iltazitet St., Patehnritti—lmporters and dealer. is Notions, Trimmings, Uoelem While Goods. ie. (natty 0 Eng= 3110711ZR8, Frau* sed , Amegf cask OMbatmen. " Dadears In bltw *DIN. IC. 118,, Wood 81. IKtubuegh, lgepttly I S. 1100 RE. pesky to eboloe Cali, J • Faml4,Grooerles. No SO ruth Avenue. Pula' burgh. Ps.' • - • . , . i as 07 TIIINN BIGOIERT: at 130 N. Neaten la the New :I i tir u iViging Machines. 111 Ms= hlNCLlNTrleallar.,Drahau kJ. pats, 011 (lotto , . e. special rules to Cory. ' TT Path Meow,. Pittsburgh. Pa. • [seplbig 1 . 7 i P.. !Successor to J. N. tilers. Doles I. 1 2 i'ls piit y:111 ;en . C . l i zit t :=l it Milierrare i4 l i o VVA. LYON llsassaaa Sits Paktum writes • to ordet Ilhosr , dras for every brwitiess.— No. 7 rum Arenas. Pittsburgh. Pa. isepti;ty C. WILCOX, Iditoollactorer of sod liiider Fornitato Cludrr.—flooorood.. Walnut. ifiseitasseous. ALlllrtar=l36aft Daring been eillicted with tilt terrible 'COIF plaist—rximpletely anatting he l ve trislame weeks at a time—tor the hit yam, sad at last bond a , remedy that gives • - Instant and Cbmileie bare concluded to bare it prepared far wile. so tint others similarly afflicted can realm thrlies. ellkor it, semuits th em that Blatt do id!, and more than ail prime - lied for it; sad. that persons race wing, will never be. , tritlir As U. As ItUr/telOtti others who Aare used it • can testify. ti• Cm be had at Me Drug Mon oi WILLI/11UL DURCHLINti. - Bochester. Pt.. or will be seed try mitto ti anl a addrem receitt n ol s on i e l date r rod hortg.ittryll Pa f- r itrbeeter, Deiveicounty. Wlio t: w iA cte i s e rt n g B ll l l B43 b t tia th at u Cirel W TON. wtotht MIMI =Et NEW auttariox. IEO, F; SISIION. Bakery & Confetionem VT K. It.i•treet. Special attention given to wed. dingo sod belle. • liesa 4 :o tiNSLCENBEHO, Merchant Tailors,— f _ttruactway, New Brighton. See ode tvitly ' Binedway, Ntiw /1 Brighton. . • 1•00k/T llNoss. - Pbotoreer. .wubm.. Black. Broadway. Bei p togriphs from ro-totielta 'motives. Poept4:ll %V INTER.* 8ED164.124, Jaweleri and ToMt coulata, Broadway, N. Beldam. • 14;1 PiaENEESiiEEM PIJUH. Dater Is Waif Poor, Wiiidow fltuids. Boollui,etsitioDeery A Nabs.; Btaid v.y. Nev. Brighton. Pa. ZiClllll , 7 lIKNYXLII.DesIers in Lori dootto. 17 , Fancy Goods £ 'Notices ; )11eittuust Talkair A .I.lollilem Oroodwa oettlklY SUAVE'S WALM.. iistrtrgli4tl,—Dry Goods. 40.ensmix 7 e &;;;I Millinery, corner or Main and Baker 'treaty, !Yaw Fell.. • aerpl4:l7 ir EN DALL &TANI4 - 1N: Artlel. &Frac° Pilot- IT.; also, Jimmie and Nilo hilottru, Yen 8L; Waver Falls. • sepll;ly 1112IDGEWATEIL Ir AMIN POttrEti. Tlnner. Dealer In Tlh.;Cop• t/ per and nbect4ron ware, and Iron (Intro Bridge Ikldgewater. (sepl4:ly, te SLAT - MOIL, Manufacture+ and Dealer to V.• Boots and Shoes. Bridge Bt., Bridgewater. Ps. septtly t C. BURST, Uty tiocata, CVOs, Yoi l t: it• Carpets, Oil Ciotti. sod Trimming. Bridge et., Bridgewater, Pt. amp . yirliOTlM, t Ik r. akr is Boot. and 6 oes. !.., • Bridge Street, Bridgewater. geple;ly lIIANAUItit, Millinery, Triinnlngs A Notions • —Midge it., Bridgewater. • sepitly I 11 1 '.WRINMAN, Wanntarture — ot Boots and I.e. Sher. Orld l mi: (sepl4;ly rifi rms. IL, Wale e , l:., il . i n g : 1..11.1v fOiIN WOOldlillFF, S N ' arble Cutter ; Boon • t manta &Totutigtoses of all deteriptiong made io osier. Bt. Market and Water streets. isepleily . .1 talus a co. Groairleslitioguiware, Fiiin• tY • dew Ulm., Flour, Feed & `Oman, Produre. Dunlap's curter. Bridge St. Bridgewster.igpeilly UTIIE It MA GlNNls,—Solicilar —Proprietor J Persian Oleine. Dealer in /ignite Gonda - trdeutto wanted. Water at. het mills, Bridge water. •P. O. addrase. Bearer. Pa. Pep* I y - • -- - (IRAN MEANOR, Dealer In Tionongaltrla 1 Coal. Ordvro left at J 'ft. Clark'a, in Bearer, owl at Smllh'n Dreg Store, In Bridgewater. will be tdowidly attended to. earn on delivery—lowert pace, Yard—MeDonald'a Point. se t9:11 ROCHESTER. 1 ' Itrocitrater. Pa. toey.l4M7 NRY LAPP. Manufacturer and Dealer In 'ltroltare of tll kinds. Brighton at, above Factory. Sao adv i. ' taepthly man d ILF I law' (WIN KARCIIEIt, Baer and Confectioner.— ra %der rt., Rochester, Ps. (scpl4;ty NGRAIIMIII BOYD, Wagon d Carriage Maker,l Rsllmad st., Rochester. Pa. (*epll:l7 6,ZAIILIEL C. HAN:MaliDinggirt , PrtsaiP -1 thaw carefully compounded. Water 'et-, Bo- Chester. 01.9113 y I)lltelfs i lVe S t=le re trUl d ee sl , 4 = e f . Plumed sod Bridge its.. Rochester. se QPRTKREII.& DONS, V. twinkle & Retsll Deal Om In Dry Cloods,Oronerlesjllour,rendsrmo. Itmt rtores.lron & NaThr. Cur. Water a &raw atm. G. FRRDERiCII, Rater tad ConleeDoeer,— VC. Wedding Cakes and Ice Cream fumbled promptly. On Diamond, Rochester. (oepta;ty , - - I'OK, SALK by A. SILVERMAN. headquarters for Foreign t Doerteatte Dry Goode. Notion'. Trimmings sod gamey hoods gewerstly, Water street, Rochester. ht.' • k eel ‘lr lllll.LlSWoutractens end Builders. .11. lb n n fact u rem CO.of &Mb, Doom Shatters, rtc. Weal in Lumberlatb de. Rochester. (no ini 10 y cicurr, BOY LK/. WILLIA 11S,Succeseors toe. C. 3 UMW. I C 0.., Dealers In Sawed and Pined umber. 'wilt a Shingle.. Rochester. spelkly billy KifitTlirair sTTitlLed COAL VARD, 1 between lilt. station and tiro river. oclthly ral. — "ltirtOPPTlFAliclisuntacturor of alai - Wei' i-Dia Ttn.Copper and Sheet Imo Worm Raring. Spollthig. Ake.. attended to. N. Taut et.. ImlliklY 4.I.TATIrLEN A CLARK. twourietoMirt - Johnston C.l house. Good rimummodstions - and good sta. bleu. Ness R. R. t.- - eM_BLUty AID. MIL Bit.' I. Ifontn, 81111/1/N OZI . AD. Repairing dome neatly sad promptly. lure rut (hit Dlunotid. Rochester, Pa. octilkly t *Watt iiiint&rilkClliiiiiiiieriii - ri -- i tt/ rd • Wagons, Coaches. Buggies. Spring , : s. ulkers. tn. Micksontlinne and hor.enb ye done In the best *tanner. itochnter, Pa. Do y siticsLi - .Araigovig. 011 THORNII.EV.Ifsn afaetorei a( the Gres r.) Republic Cooking Store. and Patentee lir roc table pato:pion tpp and centre. Faßaton. Pa. , A I.Bklir kt.7BB6Li. Stoneware' itasofacturer, .11‘ tkilers promptly_ attended tu. Vannort. I.,hd OMC6 111dittOl Dearer, Pa. L•rpipiy HAVING Permanently located la the village of 11 7.l.lU•lmple. PA. kir the purpome oft:emceeing M..dfclne, I remedially tender ray peoferolOnal .yrtleem pr Ihm cid sena afraid village mod vicinity. Inter. 111 redidonca, oppoelle Eagle hotel, rdmre I that always be hand. - saleve prolbealosally rteredtlE ,All reorlee Immediate and votupt atlentiou, A. V. CUNNINGIIAIII, M. 11. oplettlyl a LINNENBRINK. . Dustier In Wsitobers.. Clookr, Jrzertry, An4o4lkali and Mationery. Much., 6.4 Jewel. y ravalned. •Arept. Ow -WEISlir Sewing Illsellne, Itochater FL Vi•tdaz - - .r. 11. af ocnnvortv. VIFORNEY AT LAW 'Third Street, Bearer, 1 1 t. omee below lbw Conti Douse. Dearer. Vt. yet I 3.1 k INTJC iii,04.30 1 1/A 4 M. THOMAS teoREERY & 00 TUOI. weitzunii ditteik , J. P. DlanVO ....J. n. ANOIEL . WCRICIIRY. f. • Itett.t ',tad on time &Tonle; Prompt attention g hen to roneetloos. Alto, !floatation Ageota for l:taal *ad tellable Companies. IM/084f I\R. JOHN C. Id 6 vas, suriromet oar ~kbn f .-Offle m e. darti rea ng the day. Wat alt Oldo•P • ldente er street. nslth:ve Ant . Pst m I. W ill pram ke Sorcery and Med .inr. • • ttnadely:th'd go.oidagt ;eminent /.ocatnn In Itr*vrr. *run renteettally ten. drr profr•otoott ottYltro the Chlteur or Bow r and .ur,onniling *wintry. npoclal allnlrtlon 1 "/ no' treament of townie lgoooto. Murrell rtme o - Oh**k n Ifni bawl dift lo6 . 4 T h i r d tliv64 . f^k 40oro icon of thi court Mme. II)It A reworned. piano loo Metuaron. rinIITIAT Pry.% 1r fnur &tape 111 ' , ..1avr.... to • ere al Itgi. uftiee. bos94Vr tilK. le,lllllll3tON, Awracy at Law 'haver. Pa ()Mt* in the mow for• mod/ occupied by the late J edge Ad Me.' Col' Ae.. PeOluPtlY a tla 4 . 4 o. * uesoletet • NV IL 14.11/11 1119MX0..Z, door let to ISoor l i s nuttlfs G m a irs marts Ito to ppApote to tosoollietaraand on. crontldng to by ttoo at toslooaldlo v Ow. tog unmoved Ido planed beldame" Moo tho any: or tow tlot &Miro to klo promo Motto . tda old. Moods sad pettage to etto WU • ca. • . . ME Vol. 53-- bald de Silver Watches.: Holiday Greeting! • Grand Display . • oF . • OriStiaaS Presentslll ! dente Y3dld Watehm Ladles' Gold Watches. New Chains and Bracelets. Necklaces and Lockets. ! , Fine Gold Jewel . e nVeet Bl ielesi storling Silver Ware; [A Splendid Siock.] Avian and Bronze ! Ware. , _VA.I4C* GOODS. Leiter than /ker. . P. ROBERTS, No.lo ITO Avante,Pitlaburgh. - Pa. Att are tad to call, whoa t the ctn. and as amino oar Holiday Goods without feeling ander any abbot to bay. Data rail to masa and see the WaN• . • octikagetuseal ~' 1.A.21115A General Komi ibr Pea . war county, fthe Onardiat illateal Life' hi- Meat Company otNew York: an te d Ma Meats to rho right man. Fur terms einallara. eddrem Smith, Babette a Uollinphead. Na... gem Saathimat carnet MI and Walnut meets. Philadelphia. pnovitit. 3.llkatttlitw Bridge Street, • BRIDGEWATER, PA. ss WEEKLY RENUYING THYUSSU SUPPLY OP WOW DI BACH OP FOLLOWING • DEPAItTKENTSi GOODS. Bteubewrille Jeans, thuisinicies and &Millets.: White Woollen blankola. White and Colored and Barre.] Flannels„ • • Bleriww, Delai nes, • Plaids, Lawns, Water Proofs, Chinchilla. , - • , Cloths. - Woollen Shawls Brown and Black Muslim, Drillings; Tickings, , Prints, Canton • Flannels.. • Joconets, Table Linen„ Irish Linen, Crash, Counterininm. ' Hosiery, Gloves &Mites• • . Groceries, ' Coffee:Tr, !Sugar, Mulaws, 'Unlike SneerMem °olden and Common Syrup', Maekerel in eels and kite, Star and - Taos Candle., Soap, Spier* sad A M LT. inas Meat. Alto. • • S Ilardivare Nadi , Glass , Locke. Door Larebel/. Hinges. Screw'. Tab* Codeer,labie mat Tea Spooeur.l4Mgt A. 5061 Boars, Vire Shovels asd Pokers. Nails and Glass. Spider, blacoreirk 2. IL and 4 'I %a Forte, Rakes. &eke/ and Soothe. Corn sad Garden hole. WOODEN WARE. Rackets. Ted.ARBO N 0 Batter 11 Primo sad Ladl Linseed es C 4 Oil do Whit© Lead. • Boots and Shoes LaDllB' 31115810` ♦ND CUILDIUMP 81101 CS Is mat varlet/. Rifle Powder and Shot, 1311aattut Poludo. and Fuse. Fawner Wood B Querinwirsiela. Miry rood* &Mend free of elkargi. by doom iteration to bantam. sail byll2 constintly on Mad a well arm tat stock of of all tie dlrefest their kept lea eo try MOM aselerslgard korai ID lb. WIN 01/ Ml tb• poet to salt sad nosh* i liberal shaft Of ties patronige• wairomn. doellnecls.—lftebe. 04w 6 6 41 The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, • A &Mine facilities for acquiringl Moronch.prae• Ileal &Wilma education. Pomemed by bo other School In the country • Since 11. Ineorporatkus lu lEMS, nearly Sixteen Thomand Student,. representatives from nay I,slahe In the Vulun. have attended here. • co vacation.. Student,. enter *1 any Iltue. and receive private lustreettoti Wenzhou% the entire patrol N. Circular., with fall particular, and ail sr 'conlary Information. ut, addregatua d CUWLICT, Principal*. Pm.suitum. Pa. SusMts. 3:0 ell:Litlerti"jr. Dr..l. Man triar,ottlrldge -7,41;;..- - lo detr. mined that uo • . 4 0 11 . 0. 1 bt., DentlAt In the T a o% ertiee r da ; * a >E If ;3 21',C. Pt; hie patrons.— lie are. the he.t materials taanadtetured In the Vetted States. Gold and sn eer tilting perfumed In settle that del ea cave. dtlnn datt+feetion guaranteed In all o leratkam. or the money returned. Owe Ma a t Witty Brighton Paper Mills BEAVER FALLS,, PEPIN'A. PUIN?ING, MANNILL4, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. RAG AND CARPET • 14ANUVA.4:7liTIZED ANA SOLI AT Wholesale& IlellaU,oy hitt** &C.:, 42 riles Aieseip PriMNP joiotWO4 - . l i -- :, , L.;.• ,-. ...?,..T.4^ - ,.. . •'' - • '' - . .. - --• . ''' ''..';‘,. :;.:•'' .. , 1.k.: . .- -- tr= . 4•*..,•;. ... .1 -.• -1 . • .. • . , , • , . - . • '• "-, '-' • l4 -• r- ..- 1.,) -,..,gf,.;..,t.c. ii - ~.. . . . • .- ' • 4 • • . . '-' - ...:' t • '''j.-;" - , -;‘?'..te* - -i.-• $4 -. .; -. . . . . .-.•-,? _ . . • - . . • . - . . . . . - . ~.- 1 .. ..-t , x"' t.-•, . . . .- .• , .- . .., •• ;., :...- .„.• - •• -:..'., ~'.l .;,,, x , -- '-•'/". -- ... , .' . • .-• ~• • _ x . . . . ; • . . „ , .. .. .. ••••,, 1 ‘ 1,..01 . •-..t ..„. tg i n . ti`. tol , i . . , •. - i, ~., ~,, ~ : ~r,..;,. ..:1 - 1." .. •t -- 4... . B _• : • . i .„,, • ~•1.,.....,.,:, ~._:, .. „,.. _....,.: . 7. ; ; . crfi. ; ;;.,,,, i ,1i 1 4 t - • • 1 ''' *4 ., 1 1 : , :...- ) ' ..“ -,', - f' " i 1r ! € ~,i -2 ..*::. , , 4 , ' . ....,',....$ '4:0;414 • ,„, , . , . --• , ~' , , •f i •I. .. ' ... .• . „ ,ft,„ .- • -,, • ~..0 . . . • . . .. -,..-,,......: * -•,::.. i •.' -••; ~ ; ^•; ' . ip , ~ - - ; . ....ork- I ..‘ t • - ', -.-- • - . . . ist •c:•, .: ,_,- - 4-.. oc ., t ai l •,. • • , • . - - , . . . . . . . , r ,_. - • - . , .. . . . . • - , -, 4i . . .No. 4. . . -•.- • - . B1311•VEll' . '7rBp;i 4 ... . ~ "J.. :.1 i, t • ••• /,. ' 1 .4 . 1.1g.:, 111 14 1 4147.. ilktVo.l46•wit ......r. A./ '' •• ' . I I. -- ' 4”,'' ' '''' 4 ' ' ; --; 7 - . .. e ••-- , I .-; ! • •-• Adr . . ES tit ' blifi l ll I ' - "-;;* 1 3 •- ' ' ' #. ' 1 —_-...... ,• - 71., - ; r •. - viis op ) • • -* 4 - -17.1 JO • i' - . 1 V -' SY' • ' 1 A r 1. 4111 k, I • s 41 !.. ...• 0 4V . ..4t. 4 loct .. N. Pkeit . 4. •• .. ' lra . 4VW I ~...A . . ' tatekiLl i ! 4ir r dee -,n, Ali : .' . t ile t S ii. iw - : 0, - HI Do Do -e _....b. 4 g , '. ...., /kb .eeir thiPti. 714-'*- , .4.dar ...:.-1,, ..,....4 len ,;. A VW ...- -; P l 7 ~.f.s4 e ' l'` ANClter' q 4, APJLTir 1. 1,.; :: i" . !„..., "....,. 44 _ . 42.. i . i: y ie e 4 r' _ ' 45 -k pit at • il, '* It PLOW* . . e . _ . et Sr . 'i V • ~_ RAILIt•J4IO. Firm, 111T.WAYMI I CHICAGO RAILWAY. Oa awl Mat naer:4o. tam Atm Intl larre iftwora dany. (heap szerekbl4l r+ -- V Invite Maio 'gam,r Mem 01- 1,4 • rhea losable ll' la ILIO IL.. I:= Plitsleirifth 81141111. Alliames.,. Mewlnor.. Orville.... Wooster... lienalleld.. *louts* 1 BUMS. D :4 a UpplifBasillesky rom Liam Vu' Wert Colombia Chi- =I Man. 11a1paratao pAynestb, wanaw Fort %kris Wu Upper . . irsetthee tusaisem Ihmidloa Castaa. Albinos IM Toeuißiavini.. Saw Oink oar Mika /Wm Iwo reatagettiga if t p. mat‘flovi Cootie. VW p:lia writes at Plitebargli. MO p. NI. litati= P o. Y rea tma .ant.ciennat ek aag- P i m t ha W wr a M . O o a r r. amdUga;e i a goa.n e a n : a . a I M i R I l & aw a r a g ; h in Ora., S ao a. N ma nt T m atAtby.git m a . is.- Retaining. Imes Paaabiligle. tit P. oat ag• dew Raw CaNtla.kal Rae ' r, se. xriuis. CLZYCLAND a lIITSIBUILGII ILILILROAD. • Do and they May Mk IS. tramp 4,411 kris BUu sas daily. (Soden excepted) r lbDonis. •tariosa. Sam. Mee. cirmana .. ....ileir4;;;;;;0751;71 7 tactld Sink . - ...;' k Hodson. li ilia Ili igi IL. Barons- .. ....liolo 155 1110 ' ',. Alliance 111 D BB CB Bayard lii2Ograi 11011 Weibellle ' IBA 430 • • sots a 11011711. . _ irrattess. 1! Yam. ilLar's. Amos i - V7ll;rTire - .7.... — .1( - 9 - 007 - al awn, — l --- eta Alliance ...... . ..... ,10350. M 115 , 'Man . Barenna Itißraci 801 1 020 Hudson' 1103 ,SR i 866 Euclid Street Cleveland ..... ... 1 iiii lila - i Una - - --- ii;liiir iiil. --- ' — ' scarimits. I,ACCOII , UAW.. Far'. - Bother B=l le 1 1ri j—:::: ;7 4 1"". 11 • X Wellsville '' so * Atm 4411 thnith's Ferryl. .. 1.... _ L . Bearer Hocheater. ....... 1 1 BB 6* 540 Pittsburgb _ wo i l lr irim. 4 BlB . __ MB_ MTATIOSSP . III. AiCIIITIII Pittaburgb 1 *Bar arn 111111341 itocherter 11 735 'l 4 MT Braver Betides Ferry 11. . . Airellerille '1 eia filo *ill ateuemmus ... wis aso tun Beata r r , ,1i. 0 . TUSCARAW Leaves rtilladatobla. ND a. a. Bayard. TIO sm. Y. R. J. MOORE DRUGGIST, Prescriptions Curcfni/* and Accarate /y Cbmp7unded. - • TU Mir RRASINI or ASSORTRD Zee si 1.-ct 1 U. eiri, 1 VINES AND LIQUORS; Paints.- 011 m. DYE STUFFHt AIL 1M Of ILL COLOR GLASS & PUTTY; Special ottmttos 'Urn to seem 00 best goat, of lame sad Lamp Tetonotais, Umlaut 41:c. TOlLllT."Altnebitia; SOAPS, PATENT, ÜBDICINEP. Mali Street. borer Pt THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED • • lilElßltiltaltW' • OROIDE GOLD WATMIES, $ll, 115 VI . I DUIONG the past *tutor live years our Watches bare been so thoroughly tested, that for appearance, style of finish. aid' accueacy tinseheepWig, the °Gerard . Watchtsi fare universally Moods* to be the best. ThaJeleilitheltbsilliancy aid mini (WE worn out. Irir If after purchasing and fairly try. ing, any one is not fully satisfied, we will c hoefully refund the money. Lir They arc all in Bunting Cates, Gentlemen's and Ladles' sizes. Every Watch guaranteed for time and wear, by special certificate. tar A large assortment " Improval Orulde" Chains,l.l to Vt. Also. Gentle nien'sa nd Ladies' Jewelry . In great variety. or Manly of imitations. Order di. net from us or our authorized agents. Agents and others applying for circinars will please enclose three cent stamp for Goods impin Goods sent to be wild fir ow delivery. CorlomerspenolUed to onuolse whist they order (bellow mini 111111•0 on payment of Express charges both ways. When MX Watches are ordered at once, ,When will Send an extra Watch (ol saute,kind) free. Purchasers residing at wine da- tauce front ES press °Mem and desiring to nave t Into ittid expensescan hare the goods Pent by null, by remitting . (wit h the order) the amount requited by P. 0. Email or dm. registered ' letter,' draft, or cheek, payable to our enter, at nor risk. Ad , Arcot plidniv, • JAIIIVAIEGESMADOs CO.. 11,991, nov=3tu.) . 8b Eastillr;et • PJAPLES. Tile • • ;ell tiff ' l6;slP isa lore)a all who nrii It. di leap. No =Wee all b=l ad MA' !Irreales. ilmat,Nk9ebehaoll siang4lo•• • tocouitlei of kettagtbs eine ma. *Ms Us wilt dm as* QM) initoslaalso ler polo hie. I" wry dm& wow • Ilszelloat minket •• a Imil boil se Moab aim sals= be olis i Mesis =My . 1408. ,Clmodsti ./AMlNgii. It(sUroads. TAAL= *OMB WWI& 12tEl RI Si ,E 33 a 47 El ti!!! ES 1164 'o4llllSes. IA i soave = le Ell fl 3; 0 El IZE EN ES Gi 12! =I = 122=1 =I =1 %dui WI , SK) ♦eri.w N. MatividejltiOpis Ticket Avid. ED A Large Assortment IlVt'V *MIMS & Wed. MK RILINIORIIMORDIWE The American Sistik klintsV A *Se 1150d54 11 0 1 7.1 1 41141M1P0/49 1 .% wa ly. ma i ~,.,t ‘lgibiga r i ar . ,,r m il anpso rierct ble,A uC ti fimesuia eikas micas km theafflga7,; aFI the various subjelt! cruppoll ,71" ?AIMING, • 811)01t *AMINO, _WOOL GROWING. • DAIRYING. " POULTRY =WINO. he. Bated in handsomely thitedoover. It Ma IL • Vatertriaar. Deigiatrtiwarat seder the chow erase of the alikat Pro. lama in the Ualted &elm who answers through the Juvrimuirse ar *Mr" all questWos relating to Sick. Wired or seated Hems tattle,• bbeep.. or, Poultry. lids mtheat o-nay.. inhabit, wort air reference. and an Mao* thew pessida ampoules a. hitarested mocumutuans. Thai= primal width it is Wiliam, (a.OO Ipar) tall* II within the sash ore% WON flipiendidlettp,te did Prishissitiolerlion asks* to the lateral of Wry rams and Sowlillrealiir toe:tend Itteireoletkin. Stsm s =dirrapertnen Crum large it Navy gilt& Pressiriag Litt. GetspaClabandis6o onieftha miss Premises Garret oeselettig. at Chaster White; lkstshisb*Litallt. Nagle MI *in P1,41111011-ISorn. - . Ableumr. Agrihirentid Deron Calves llostalown, gatawald sad Mauer lamp, Cashmere Oat% Pumßred Potlyl l l±=l=. W Silver . ! 1111We m = 1 :_ihroltrk Mat - Des - Adthisi. - - R. it*OYCII * CO:. Putillabere. - noratil Postaburg. Chester Co. Pa. ~. , Old . . a Ell CD 1 "Ci GU El -' l ca -- - - 0 _ . , - el) to, pit Omer rano sad Sow= Perm 001111131. NEW • GOODS t ERB & French Merinos Wool PIA& Poplin :Plaids. Wick Witteltrtots:.• '--- BruwaVatevrta* Corded Poplin". Silk and Wdol Popllew ' Itials:Poptias. Nvir. Dark pastas. PUN' liked goo* they Pophas. AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PIMXS vregosemaile ise•tfal; 011 f" lk . Ws.- Ole 114401111 1414" MEM CM stet. sett In perkd I la Figlierk bade, &Owl and let veollet• Irilustkei be dean ' On or tlart'ir the,. tteope term ed es. the sop, IMSIIS the tarne - private althea, gao l"' dettroyel *Wow ,other pr 4 ierty Whinging te the assn. kitten. But, renews de . dined to bonen* tleS tbe troops wen such. Idiots (afterorertisklng and snittering a bead orindlint to have been &dm** propertyL.r i l m wlar ta rAille the work of vet and makes complete jiiiinf what the In dina tuel only corF a nced. an greet denied the °act the belts of George Fisher f 332, and did not give thew a not. • . • • We bear no toonifro ' la thins eta claliy until 1842. sixteen years afiee their drat attempt en t he. Treasury, mutt full geneastionatthr hnt of „the wastwhallebis were de. strayed. The genendlon. of Fisberla helm tame Reward and put In a bin Wes. The Second Auditor.* . thew $B,- 873, being halt thit enstalued by Fisher. , The saki the without* , alwoired that it least, half the deem** wislieweby the /a dieux "Wore ifirogin -shated in puma," and of -wire the govern mentg was age t in that ke•- • `•7.6.01 Fisher, deceased. eons forward st~ pleaded for s "revbioal' of their bill Wannest The revisloa was made. but amides new weld be found in Abair Aver e. an error of $lOO in 11* former-Wm WM°. !However. In order to keep up the spirits GC the Fisher family, -the Auditor eluded to to go emit and allow Inter est from the date of the that petition (1832) to the date 'when the bill of damages _wet awarded. This sent the Fisher's home happy, with six teen years' Interest en 48,873 , -the same amounting to 11,9117.94. Total 417, 870.61. 3. For an entire yeer the saillshig Fisher Sunny remained ipifivert tatleled, altern Stehle°. Theo they swooped down upon government with their wrens once wore. That old patriot. Attorney General Tw iny, burrowed *tough the away papers of the Fishers' an I discover ed one 10010 theme lee the dentate orphans-Interest en that original eleardef3B,Bl3 from the date of de. *ruction of tbe property (1813) up toi 18321 Result, $10,4101.89 far the in- r=itt Fishery. So wur we have 0,873 damages;second. torn I terest me It from 1832 to 1848, $8097.- 911 third, intereetun it•dated hack hi 1813,4140 AL Total. 1127,876.- 831 What better investment for a gest grandchild than to get the In dians, to 'burn a core-field her bins sixty or !seventy yeses before his birth, and plausibly lay it on lunatic United States twops? n % t rsi 4. Strange as it may seem, the Fishers' let Congress alone for Ave ar i r t alter t t o i u t iekt irha dst i s= ay Congress that length 'of time. But at, last, in 1804, they got hearing. They persuaded to p.m an set requiring the= to re4manalne their lease. Gut thie time they stumbled on the mlsfue•' tune of an booed, Seeretary of the Treasery,AMV: James Guthrie) mad he spoiled everything. He' said, in very plaits lannsge, that the Fisher* were Wanly not entitled to another cent, but that those ebildren of many sortowa and acquainted with grief had been paid too mods already. Themfore, another Interval of refit and silence enieed—an interval which tasted four years, via., till lBK' The "right man In the right Sohn er ' was then B. Floyd, l er re =ar=n -1 Here was 'a master Intel/ea, here was the very Man la succor the sue. eying belief:date dead and sullerlag Fisher.' 'They acme up from Florida with a rusts-41 great tidal wave of Fishets, *W2 with the same old musty 'docu about the same Immortal gelds of theirancestor. They stratestirlin • neelelleed tranakevingfise'ruenw matter. from the dull truditer to the =taus Floyd, . Whatdid ded said "it was proved`thst use I 46.. strayed everything they could before the troops entered in penult." lie tonsldered,therefore.. that whatthey destroyed mast.,have consisted' of "the houses withall their contents; and the liquor" Pe mast trilling pun of the apdructkm, and aetdown at only $8,200 all told), and that the government troops then ()rove them ofriustlcalsoly proceeded fib deshoy: Two hundred and twenty rasa of .00nt lo the field; th _irty•five • acres of wheat; sad gee him* of live stock! [What a singularly Intelligent logy weW _ te • Mr. eyn—meimis liceotokGte the theigmee of 102.1 • • • • So Mr. Floyd decided this!. the golf. enunent wae opt restsoasible fur that SOW Worth rubbleW wid.Al the %diens destrored• bet wee *red ble for the prelleftY destroyed by the treerhy consisted of (S*ate Trois the minted Vatted tates &mail document): • (hen at Base_ ett's Creek . 13,0001 Cattle, Stock hoep,• 1.050 Dom bap, - • 1,201 NVteest-Hides,- 4,000 Cain an tbrAlabsins Miter • 8,000 dthstei g=i . , . Thatiain, in,his report. Mr. floyd cells the 90 vans of the proy dintroyisi troops." • Hi adwil that emu . to t he iterving Mahe* together, with. Wares& bow .18/8. Fount Alin inew mu total the ;moat* shady paid to the • Fishers Weis *andel, and the etweatal re. a' nation valor 560.00 matwail ador; Wade to sad spin tiny ) Wooled to FlorW ht a coodilksi of ZT=tranquility. Their snap. bed in n zlelded them *together, near.SOT cash. it. - Does the • suppose .that ;was the theend of it? Deal he OW. pore thaw dilated Fisheispireresat. holed? Lathe evident. thow.:•-•The Fishers ,weris" quiet just two gem. Mien they aim ggtr4 the fertile swamp - with, their apinesid okenutarsts bedew* & {)ao rugs. .smite,lawst, Coisposs rspiloblidoulbs trot Wane. Me And - WREN:Ied iViojd , over. hod•tinilepassion=ostrd Pay Opt hilt. &UMW ,vas Ordered UV:brook% Okatsilators kn 4 "Von .-Floyd whet amount was sail due lathe arachnid 4/I"Ena (Can hew ; wherever is. Immo), mammon what Ins Saitirrillirjuid anent Sir. geryluthe gapers. whereby a wit. aa •to the price of corn in Florida in ISIS was made to =medal:kW the amount which the winless had originally • specified as the inns t • .Tbe, clerk not only ealisdlthisupstior's attention to this thing, hot imitating up his brief of the casecaUed partlardarittration to it inwriting, That part of the brief near yet Wore • Owanwar, nor has "Congress even* hat hint as far: pry existing among the Fisher per per. Neverliteiseson the ha* of the doubted grime, (and'totally ig noring the dark's assertion thet3hl l figures were tnantikatiy and vaguer tionably &recent forgery.) Mr. Floyd remarks in his new resod , that "the testimony, particularly In rattan' to the corn anopsi demandsasu b a t h o p t l. sillowsoos Ms any made bythe auditor or myself." So he Minato the mg at shay bushels to' the sere(double. what Florida acres pradoori).and then clammily allom pay, ibr 'oche half the ow, but allows two dollars and a half a bushel kir that half, when there are rusty lid books and docioneabi to the Congremioual librory to show just what the Fisher testimony showed before the forgery. viii that In the fall of ISIS corn waslkla worth from $1.23 to $1.40 a bushel. I Haying accompthibed this, whatdoes Mr. Floyd •do next? ' Mr. Floyd ("with an earnest desire to execute I truly the legislative will," as he pi may remarks) gum to work nod makes out an entirely new bill of the Fisher's&mem sad kith!' new bill he placidly - VI/norm Me Indians al 'together—putsrtide of the de- Angina ofthe lliMroPerty upon them, but even repea property him of charging them wi th burning the ebbs and drinking the whisky.and breaking the eroldtery. bye the eri.. lire damage 1 1 1 the door cd..the jest*. elk, United States wow, down to the very last item I And not only that but rases the Angry to double the lom of corn at "thissett's Creek" sod uses it spin to absolutely &Ws the loss of corn no the "Alabama River." This new aid ably conceiv ed and executol bill of Mr.: Floyd's agoras up printed Unite as Aillows, (1 copy ar& from the States 4ste doom* 31p u liged.81alles e ln na—voiso sea of meat at {SD.. Too boot Odom) imam TO NO hod ototoaboto To YO woo oesios IttoootTo Coo* 11000 07 Toilloorob of wllldor not. Tof totals of %nob 01) 10 CO Ir° dri ll sal sad motehmadiso ' I t doom. 1.100 00 Tot woo of ..... • 1101X0 Mfrs ostol lota to Man ' MO: To croolool woes to "II 100 OD To ...aso• owl carpenters' omit WO to To booms blood i destroyed ' 010 To d doses bottles of wino .. 01 100 .—To 11D acres of emu so Alamo* Ant . . . SACO al To crops arras, ;AZ... WO CO Totol IDOXI CO . To Intact 00tt1,1102 dos Aar MI, so Notootbor. INA 41 a" 41 1 ge 4 aesl itioA, Ism twit gum le u Tul i a mbef. noT.. Toro oat two sus 10,.... - vplued at = ~soo; Total JOlllUlal ii He puts everything in this time. He does not even allow that the In dians destroyed the crockery or drank the four dozen bottles of (cur rant) wine. When It came to super natural comprehensiveness in "gob bling," John B. Floyd was without bra equal in his own or any other generation. Subtracting from the above total the *MOO uesdy paid to George Fisher's implacable heirs. Mr. Floyd announced that the gov ernment was still indebted to them in the aim 'of 11M,519.115, "which," Mr. Floyd compbomtly remarks will be paid, accordingly, to -the ad minlstantor of the, estste of Geokge Fisher. deceased, or , to his attorney In Wt." But sadly enough foi the destitute orphans, a new President auna ui just at this time; Buchanan and Floyd.went out, and they never got the money. ' The first thing Ccingreas did in 1801 was to rescind the math Bon at June 1 18011 under which Mr. Floyd fad been ciphering Then Floyd (and, 'doubtless, the heirs of George Fisher likewise) had to give up financial business for a while and go We the ' , Confederate army .and serve their country. Were the heirs of George Fisher killed? No. They are teak at this -thtirste. beseeching Convests,thro , atblashnd diffideat creature Garrett Davis,a to commence making pa y ments again on their pa:min& ble and insatiable bill of damages for corn and whisky destroyed by s gang of irresponsible Indians, so long ago that even government red-tape has toilet ta keep consistent and intelli gent trot et it. [And before this number of the Geary reaches Wash ingtoti; Dais will be ettin ready to resurrectam v it ones mor e and alter his customary speeeh on finance, War. and other matters, so that it will fit it" Now, the above are facts. They are history. Any one that doubts ft can send to the Senate Document De partment of the Capitol for H. B. Es'. Doe. 21, alth Comma. 241 See. skes, Dor S. Es. Doe. o. lal, .411 d &won, DI Session, and satisfy him self. -The whole ewe is set teeth in the that velment iheikart oftiainas Ir . ' my belief that's* long as the coettnetit Of America holds together, the heirs of George Fishere wilt still snake itligrilnellee= legion from the swamps of Florida, to pleat he Just a tittle more ash on Mar bill of damages levee when they neelved the last of that $7,000, the said It was °atone fourth what the govettonwelt owed them onlong that inawati caulked ; and as as they Choose to come,. they will and Garrett Devises to - drag their nun. phe ethane* belbee Congress. This is cot the only. Needham • fraud (U, hand it is—which I have before re penally remarked is not ven) that is being quietly landed down A ons geoentamt to generation of fetb. er end mom through the persecuted Treasury of the United States.—Gol• my, The Methodke ittecrcke otdecte to pet name for adult weineor. It wet "How 11 would point a vow of Scripture to have It put le mode= oPteloi tem: NOW'S eerWit man vet ekt r oimed Layne, otHet=tt towstotiloUisoutdberiktir A IVIIIVA,IL per .t wilperlistipsikes • In the annual report of the Beim" intendent of Cuannooflebonis for tbe State of Pennsylvania, "In And the following : BEAVER 00.—Ogo. M IPutios. Another decade havlow pawed away. lilt thought the ibillowing tabs hir *lineman ,wonkl prove not only Interesting but progtable; and serve , also, as an Jadeite) the educa tional progress of the County during the pest ten reins sjoingl ilin! 11121111141 awgiii . . . ' • I • "• ,.. ••••iiiss i amtparwagg „ .•1-01! .-$ isassoiti algrig saiigasiilf. egginizo 'avow r•wm &Await ***lllliltSal Altressasur in:ea:ll4Sn) illeiSSEMr.:iNigamiuriaings•iwati iiiiiitir ) 441.4" 4"."1"" Thar it will be men that there ate Mtladditkeed homes and twenty ; forty tour new buildings have been eructed at an . 041moted cost 0(03,000, and manyothers him been recnosidied—. and repaired at a colt a• ProlublY. $16. 00 0 1 a total emendlture for butittytt., of about $lOO,OOO •• the number of pu pils has luarmett more than 1.100. The mddest fact is that the &mete number or mokths taught has in creased only four-liftha of a month; but on the other hand. - the Increase of eighty ipar cent. in teachers'• mia ries may be taken as the true index of the growing and profound Interest which our people take in good, welt toned schools, and this with the at= tendon given to buildings, shows a greatly improved condition of public sentiment: The pest year. and the. only year In which I been ()flightily con nected with the schools, has been one of unusual activity lu education al matters. This is appprent In the effbrts put forth by spool officers to aceure * fund, by foveae "Weeded lag a building tax, kw the esictlessof new school hinnaw=he com ing and succeeding ; in theaslin sod dispassionate on the part of directors, teachers aisi Mends of education as to the best mode of making the schools more _effective and pmetkiilly useful; in the increas ed number 6/educational pumas re ceived and read by thane officially connected with the schools; in the :Marked increaseslattendanceoverfor mer yeses, of teachers at the annual County institute—ont of the owe lenti k dist hi the county except two; in the formation of teachers' sessocta r lion. and; In some districts, teachers' Institutes: in the edbrts of a fisir pro portion of the teachers of the county to At themselves for their calling, by attending norriut' loacademical and se. schools;leaf ln the addition of one seminary, one academy and two pd. vale schools to the educational tore of the county; and In the interest manifested by the mars to publish any matter that would advance the cause of popubireducation. PAO ODOO I.llo‘ 3,130 q dicAools.—Two kinds of schools are recognized in the county—tbe graded and the ungraded or mixed, the lbe mer numbering forty-nine and the latter one hundred and thirty4bree —making a Wei of one hundr4 and eighty-two. Four-lifths of each class did a noble educational work during the past year—the remaining 0(15 welt susceptible of improvement. Ifouses.—Ecooomy district enlarg ed one of Its buildings, making It, contparatlvely speaking, a new strue hne. Hanover built a first-eisaa house, and Industry occupied a neat and contosodious building which has previously been reported. Other die grids. which are madly In need of new houses, are moving in the right di ection. 10217 00 wo DONE, BY WEE aUPiWISTEX• VISM. .Eaurabithem—Tirentpeight prate Ile eratedoetions were held, st wNdi two bumetedand tersely-aloe 'appal. cents for certificates were emunineci; tiro hundred and three received pro visional, and seven professional evil. Sodas; nineteen were rejected. • No private examinations were held. A combination of the oral and written methods 444 adopted In the examlna lion of aendidetes for lice:ware to teach. Directors were pwsent atoll of the exasninatiums, and at most of them. afelr represent ofeit isms. flsilations.—Twe ts hu len ndred and seventy-three visits to scboob were made, averaging one and three hours - enob, Jilter having become familiar with thee:Arens and the of the school, I Invaria bly diseased some bnench apt of oi leg o bein in which - the pupils were en These discussions, Inte with black-boar:l ezeteises, am free to my, did mach to ambit and stimulate teachers In their work, and arouse new seat and energy on the pert of scholars. As to the results' of this mrt of my work", a feeling impreses Itself upon my mind that it la (wpm- Bible to attain mulls corresponding ti amount of physical and mete la bor regained in itsperformanbe. The limited time (an average of Ave months) for the visitation of all the schools of the county, compels, it great fatigue; hurried and unsatisface tory visits, and Instead of the sells factkon efh. complete work, the ques tion continhally presses Itself on the mind: _there not:toxin:try ties that eduld be made usettu in a matter of so much Importance? Sometimes the office is brought Into Feroseh' by the thoue n tins, who Inv ne that the visitat ion of schools Is only duty Ineambent upon the County Superintendent. They are ignorant Ottilehict.Puit this duty is but er the a fractional resent part of hguitmentais work. Und p WA' rei of minty easpervidan,they. also err in ammideg _that the Supeelieten titht is to hal the duties of local oedema. 'While, Indeed, three vblia dons on the partofthecounty omeer, have In-view the progress and ed• vaneement of the sebooh. lion to the Inhereut Power ito 113; In Impressing and enterdne odtts - Lionel thwght and sentiment , met lo directing the channels of oduestionsi it mast bererneoaheredAt writ as admitted, hot leading oldest of school visitations is sr o u n ry and tot asp valuable Inforum_ , _ami made Itnowkd% then acquired to be inifedve onebliehisitt, build= end enstatelnit ergem o f _which the State has smisdned and y (islets for the benefit of Fit t :Tr . goad l e af wr of l l t t s embraces the teathittlf otelltelit74l ed 1818. &Met 1 the number , and abandon , of the schools mit aehind benalliii Use Amnon, itraWs end text books; the , . :ruh eneetosof the teacher; tbe nrearem cif toeholds r the edtessibmal Wiatirawsts awd wan‘t- a the cogoa s ta i if WNW. the; of the venous of the ' wort, both and detail, the quintets returns! dould %erosive be euzilietrielicielithat would be add to stliciener of thiv es a the 's Buparlidentleht work As a measure reinstated -to promote hn peovercent, a rellectlon will be added at= it li of hts report, • _ —The Coen tYjnstitate eon= Nal:high toss mut continued in aessioa nvedays The fttehtlinee,-Widatshes already been given. wass larga—oarptstis*, in this respixt,4ll previous hiantatee by seventy per tent. Marmite of this annual...sliming of Senebseo- more Anita wan" ke the pneneal Wipe( thesehotil room work tassnrestessi were lava In the WNW torstarhee required by law to be taught In oar mann= sehoolAi Lecturer and edk, draws on the Ibilkowi sahlects were made:: Taseher's Hefei, sod tiforolaris, , Ilitociatim, Cratere Fa ontilleholis,Teseber's Mud, *hoot thiwernowstr is The inentate wasissonly indebted haul. Coceler' , of Edintsorn% Mas." A. T. Buda% of Otwerro, New York; is i plat Taylor, Beaver; Prof. ts, ofNevreastle; napetiattesdentAl . cif Leanness nasty; and to of I oar excetient hemertnebsrs, for - pine • idetastif histruetioasc aim lien. MO* Whist and Crow Prof.' lacobssand Hon. B. B. Chats 'beetin, IN able addemses dstiverid dadig.tho pew= di the several tossione 0.00 iwintints. non A guided sehool amebas* was organised asswier ised ftft the past year. The sekutille lalliv said the istarebenge of edieratioaal soot!-1 meats were productive of onachseeed. More than forty teachers were coa- Decteil With the educational element of the county. The association is in- debted • to Proftwars Kelly, liken, Jilallellardwen and Stionti, of Piths ha re rsh, for professional servien ren ded.. Tto Prarl.—A merino( educational tartkiee wen written, and were pub lished in the Schaal Chrackie and Beaver AMU& The dodge of these artkies was to make known to 'st ews the practiad workings of the schools ; to eduade public sentiment to a more cordial support of-them t and to Impress upon *opaline WIWI * truer estimate and a clearer concep tion of our excelled acboid system. It Is gratifying to know that the ef forts pat forth In tbbi direction were t pby the Mends of educe wo teciated throughout the county, and that they bore their legitimate fruits. The courtedes extended to the cane of popular educatioa by the editors of the Beaver AlgiUB and the Beaver Radical, ar gestetully recognised by the Meads e of our common "cheat °Tuns ACIIMICIZIL The Beaver Seminary and. insti tute, lhaverSensicary, Beaver Acad emy, North Sewldtley Academy, Noir-Brighton Seminary. Kenwood School,and three or four select schools in the county, were valuable satin rim in frunishing imams for our schools, as well as walla agencies is the educational force of the county. Twenty teachers from the county were la attendance at the State Nor., nay sebool. Edinboro; Pa., daring 'snow the mast el icient of the county. The Soldiers Orphan Aglaia, kr* cited in Phillipsburg. this county, under the Immediate are of Rev. Taylor and his accomplished midst ants, commands tbe highest respect and confidence ot the community. It urea my privilege to be present at the annual examination, conducted by Inspector Come:cab. and it is due the institution to my, that the pro ficiency displayed by the pupas-- the wardsot theState—intheseveral branches in which they were exam ined, war highly commendable. The encomiums pawed upon the school by Isis Excellency, Cior. Geary, and the Superintendent, Cul. ISCPuland, during a late visit, were but the re. elections or the intelligent sentiment of the community. One hundred and sixty boys and girls were In at tendance during the pot year. MEASURES CALCULATED TO- rho- 1 Mt% IMIVEOVEMENT. The obstacles in the traiet Improve meat having hem commeuted ea by my predecessors in many of their annual reports, I deem it unneeesse ry to mate a formal repetition of them. As • memure eakanded **promote Improvement the following reflec tions are„ in tny judgment, perthsent It is an aditftted Set that our State organisable, to coaling ma system of public hetes:Um. Is *p d• The politica divisions of the SliaM are mantles 'and townships. Won ties tonishthe State oemushatkm or department =stadia for directing Ind contenting the , syshms t beam the necessity for county orimisatke. supervision or superint en dency . The county superlnteedency, thereof, has been called the " tight ann". of the 1 State Department; and by way of, staconameciallos. the " right anti" of tbo whop' systeni. But while the county office Is thus &mutilated, the Superintendent in the disehaza tne functions of his oiler, Ms si right Itor a left arm. This is thoelfht to be a defectald one which has a tender to retard the progress of nodernate education in a county. The opinion,thesof,is expressed.that it will be impossible to have a Mot ough county" organisation until we haves system of local or district su pervision of schools—that is to' say—. a sworn pincer appointed ar elected by boards ofdireesors, (suteeet it may be, to approval es to lines; dc. ) whose duty it will Ipe to ,vlidt schools monthly or more 'frequently; assist in the classification • advise with tenches es to the batman. of pro moting progress in the schools; re port "monthly to boards of dire tors . Use number ofehlldrect In the district. number at school, percentage attend atf=trosches taught. number of to each study, Ac.. dc.; fogra l ehlpilaste Orals report to the exint3r Meal make ap the annual district raped. sad transact all other., business colaected with the schools, sallied to lei* regale ment', the direction of directors and advice of ;h empty school oloor the State to Mei* Musks ear the completion of the system. rfecetares h maY te tbe imad dist gbai rlet salerl ialr ac rbich cy, as now upon the stet to Wpm, ss caneameleienist.bssiloprof a vol es Mat usekinute law Laz ne counts% maYto Its to Its op hmitule. Triihould be posillw- A Defiethe law the Is opooadil; le le bad as od no by, shiny bom =le s the viottoge, b who on fall to put 1$ intatmeatics, lest they besetsarvil witty assuming powers not positively ettr44 , l upon them, and become the su of ill-natued remarks of follow alter a Mlle "brief authority.i i : ,lll It is graple t the county officer should he of any duty now incumbent smog*, him. His whole time should be employed in visitations, holdlaginsettntes. *duet ' Jima useetlegsolic.. while the IMO* are in erasion, and these vieltdiatig to be made, and educational meetings held In that , place or loath ty where; le go gs"Wi rldig etiel:2= 146" a Warallit• Tee. 11*, as flew year le eireses. • . lbrusimilm . a g e. be selfedi sk keel il l ' l Vlseell.ara etlsmilse Irmo el kled 1118111107 seesilainsebby bs esoliseps; l b elketetellbeesebor. : ,_.ll,•selesesagaideationi be la , • • 751"1", minriadm.s.avir. „ . . isjadament. these ' ossastity and 'where the j food ern be' ateouipliabeit: rairmsr to . Vanua other aiatiares that toy is ealeabted to proatote,itawratosat. IA this repot I ' In. C01X41114001 I Mader XIY, thqnkil to disretore,: *eschew and citizen Monailri se thediktad• bee and hospitality. that our Ware inteatte as the p !try as pismaat ast. 1112=121 err. -areas• meth Sab o • amearom masealde. bee Art er:les ' kenos mew YOWL ttsesier Soo Year., Dee. MDR& 1 Ths Harp ev Erin %low la Ma tome. The Ass oe Its Meth imagoes out-there Is ashes there reW-the lamp Is lit no more, lade*the *se ev *meat Ste theseals. .Ther barns dosed sad "the ebstelet min . 1 tear the-49. a sU Nose. the . beDitta t ilfi. Patrick Donohoe. In wi th the 'Romp nv Erie 'Moo we wm a emidkkter for Moot Egger miner, sad I s sa=ted to tit the padthea co • , Herbed OW Is tbki, mew try I.lfi pi lest oao ( , and bed . "The eg J getaamiliary bet' uv Vein twelve times the Satelack slum be tartielpatal in hroaldas into pals, and gave him a coot:set fur SUM ap an armory, on with bousaid muff .to purthis this bundle. To widen his imitate inflame and to reivor a plea es Skutt, Er miner. Mr. Doeoloslitted up ths room la wick I darted the carp me Facia, and booed klio are, neservia to, himself the dlkethess Ind tontsel my the 1 "One with the bar eoatroUed. and the privilege ov his owes - likkor 1 el ant. -So long ea his 1, peameeks was twits he did not ash Ms brawl, but OW . the It Tweed te eleckalunaUm th place be ew was wanted • give. to another cillat teti ker i o bed " thltteautry Who Ma' two teener 1110011111, 401196. NM/ hod wee istiomem, . enraged Mr. Demobue comedown o v a me immegiately fOr rent. 3 eoodeot gay. °win to the thet• Dolt the ty. needed FedendOovennent proveut. eel lifletaa the lamsdaidulhasbytwoot lime, there waolootly ao They had I s u l7 =d w elt & ferry% their ve but ined. pay MX • their bile west, helper Whoa I sh tbetr oed my bWe *at em they het me to idiom. "Meant an to the tyrant Grant with prevented me tram earnio my money on kat eleekshun dr a y I" wow the invadable reply. Theta flew to my hook; to-see wet proadoent worlds' Dennoarata owedisa halides those with I bed seen.'n teak my memorandum and aided of the names, and my midst. ant; wbo knows everybody. inform d m: Etv their whereabouts as lot ' town '•E'atseer McGrath "In the States' Prison ." : • "Deursheiteresidins?" • "In thseState, Prison." "Peter McGinnis?" thelitatee Prison." "Timmy McShane?" "In the States' Prison." • • "Tom liarkere'" - • . "Sein•tried fora States' Priem of lam" And so au through the entire list. The half nv the men were mile out their time for mem oftracee,sich as houseineakia and highway'= • anoliotheelelLLlllPWinilleA l f no piece An me, and that there was notbin worth livin fur. Whets 11w many can't or won't perteet bet friends, I hey no heart to stay mod work fur her. - While in this dement cement bun Donohue came In again. "Pay your rent ! ' ses be. "Yon bet the sent with is doo me ready by to•morror monsin, or I'll bundle yoo out uv this, neck and . crop," he returned,fUngin himself out uv the room in rage. "Hi! ha!" I Wird tardonleally. "Will you bundle me out—mill yoo. This property Is yoors—this bar and these fixtures. Ha ha! Yoo come ' to-morrer mornin g and see wat you will see." My mind was very promptly made up. I determined to make a holocost uv myself—to mit sulcide—and to dolt In sich away es to make my milts more glorious than my lift bed bin. I determined to burn the hnGd la and expire in the tame,. Csinaly awl deliberately I preceded to con struct my funeral pile. The counter and shelves 1 tore down and broke them ap es fine as I m 1 and piled Bframsnts into the 1 40 uv tbe oor, I took from the wall my lith- • °graphed portraits no Andrne 'Jack son .1. Davls,Salmon P. Chase and Geo. H. Pendielos. arid resnonely 'UMW them over the pile. The five - =beloogln to the establishment red soot, and the three deem.' ton and the ts:t at uzjipes woe hp volved In the looks. The stove I upset brute and the pi pes I mashed= fiat es I rood with my heels. Tocomplete the pyramid I rolled out the Ted headed burl nom under the tor and op-ended that upon the top nv the pile no rooks, my Islamism twin to meat myself on the top se the bark and settles the pile on fire. go up amid appropriate surroundings, iliceillardonspular who died amid this. Mane uv the eenbluns ov his last empire. Es I i nly s the barrel I head a Pollee Hav en I there likker still inside ay • It. Cood Home that? No Indeed' I drawd It off lobo a bottle' Seer was list a quart and a half nv 'it 'I got up on the hart, sung two venni, air the last. asuman' song. es my dyin dirge, and putting the bottle to my lips, sweltered the contents, lutendin to touch off the pile with a match. It wus fortunit for the insurance companies that the bottle contained , lest a quart and a Ulf. That qtanti %Vest a plat over my load, and to bet the but dis owes its safety. I tried to mr*e a match but failed misembl e i. xi _j kat:control nv my musk .My brain oreeled, my un steady grew, powerless, and I sank. boot over the moist insenstbis. •••• • • • 1 was awakened in the morale b r a aeries tie vishes. vi=an d Was directed kicks. se stood weer me adadedewria ow an with a wfil sad a iusetim thst wus wonder. ha is we 0 , Mod. Hs tisiol*et ed itot stable was roes'. hostld me dims and li orop ed erti Amid me en top so his wockt : I woosem his tree( sod tift his premises witboUt reproechln up him—l did not eve° resent the bud kick with he gave use ' to assist tneotr the door step. 1 sine. .0y picked myself up eat ay the ot ter aid walked slowt3r, sod with DI Or • Vel s. M w way ork my way beck to''Kete. lucky; Indeed 1 motet shoed her tom: there. 1 idssi , throw myself as the tender macho sr Derma Poorest and Haman; and it they refoole to take cm to their bananas I steel lad another cross roads where I abet art up my tsberoack. :Etl kilt sit a strait Ditourratia a to preachsbel der i CrAr the clerksyprtikshuti .• It not steel start a g eryln some *fitly 'Democratic, eomentmity, where the KM Is strung and rich 'nun to uerdooss good crops without any work but phintie, the whole can do. • f I lame Non York tormtes. '1 bits Tweed sod his servo ohm. 1 go weer to etrlcAnes • , IL NATE.; (Wih tells row.) li PE 8 g ~`::
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers