,v . ~...,~,., The Beaver Ar. us. M=SZ=I seavear. tra. Doe. 1111106 • at"CORRIMPONDIVIT of the Pitts burgh Cbsunsitiol, wilting from thIS county. suggestsihe name of Col. R. B. McCombs of Lattrenee airmty as the Republican candidate tot Govern or of thli State In 1872. " GYJImL Przanawrox of New York has been nominated by the President ibr Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue. in the place of Ron. Columbus Delano promoted to the Interior Depirtment. appoint meat kgenerally rimed asa THAT law at Ohio under which. a wire and children recently re- . covered three hundred dollars hem a saloon- keeper,as damages for selling whisky to the husband and , father; might be incorporated into the sta tute ire% dr Pennsylvania, without the least detriment to any moral, social or material interest. • Trims is something too much of this. Admiral Porter's friends are less discreet. than himself in urging him into print to prove his amicable relations with Proddent Grant and his friendship for the late Admiral Prompt. The publication of the diary a few days ago and the corms wade:we now given to the publicans errors almost as great as the writing of the notorious confidential letter.— N. Y 2Wburie. Tim 'Pittsburgh Cbmnsareial sr rayed Itself In a new typographical suit on Monday morning. It pre sents. a neat and "newsy" appearance. In•referring to Its own prosperity it says: "at no time has the natronage of the paper been as large or the batten in every respect as satisfac tory as at present. It Is not only firmly rooted, butconstantly lamas ing--a state of things which we interpret to menu that the public Is ever ready to support Independent and Intelligent journalism. ' • TuE Director of the mint In Phlia ,delphla—ex•Governor Pollock makes -a suggestion in his recent report which will be favorably received by all who rea4 'lt. He recommends . I Congress to authorize the issuing of silver Coln at the denominations of 10 25 and 50 centi of reduced weight, to take the place of the fractional cur rency now in use. The day for frac tiorial paper money has gone by. With gqld standing at a premium of ()alit, 1.10, the ditrerene or has on a quarter or a half dollar would be felt by no one. By all means let us have the silver. Remus of Cabinet changes come thick and fast Just now from Wash- ington city.—One of these has it that 31r. Fish hi to go out of the State De-, pertinent and Gen. Butler is to go In. Another insists that Boutwell is to vacate the Secretaryship of the Treae ury, and that Delano is to take his place.n this latter event, our fel low eitran, Judge Agnew Is to be come Secretary of the Interior-. Whether there Is anything at all hi thesinumora, we do not know, but it is altogether probable they me,. put afloat by letter writers who could think of nothing else to scribble about. THE two Senators from,Mlssouri Schurz & Drake—had a lively debate in the Senate during the past week. The discussion arose on the introduc don ofa resolution by Senator Schurz granting amnesty to all the late reb els. lu advocating the passage of this resolution General Schurz opened up the whob•6eld of Missouri politics, and in doing so took occasson to han dle his colleague, Drake, without gloves. Drake obtained the floor soon after. Schurz had finished his ppecch and replied at considerable length. The general impression Is that while Drake had the right side, Schurz best him in the argument. TuE New York• Wo - rla (Dem.) de nounces John H. Surratt,ln unmeas ured terms. It says it is simply In famohs for any one. with a full knowl- edge of all the facts attending his history, to help him to make his fil thy living. By paying to hear his lecture on what he knows about the assassination conspiracy, doer that much for him. The Worid,.eo doubt. underatands, that the favors shown to Bumdt, and the respect accorded him now, will be hurtful toils party in 'the future. It therefore seeks to , prevent his "appeanusce on the stage." Whether the World. mo tives are root! or bad, it must be ad mitted that its words are wise. - - • • JOBEPII II; RAINEY, am lay claim to being the first colored Representa tive. who ever sat In the Congreal of the United Slates. He Was sworn in and took his seat on the 12th Inst., OM Whittemore's successor.. front one of the South Qtrokina districts. Mr. RainCy took his seat on the Repub.. limos Nide, in, the extreme southwest corner of the hall. He is a bright • tnulatto, With straight hair and -bushy side whiskers. His first act was to vote for Gen. Butier'ißan De nting° neolution. Rainey is in his thirtypinth Year, and a native of '. Georgetown, District of Columbia. His fatberand mother were slaves,and having purchased their freedom, re moved to South Carolina. . ' --------s. Sous of of the Phihsdelphht papers are no little alarmed about a move ment, which they allege Is on foot, to take the management .of the Pennsylvania Railroad out of the hands of ths Pennsylvanians, and invest a lotof New York adventurers with Its cootrol.--- The Philadel phians see trade diverted from their 'city as a result of thlsrbovesnenkand therelbre protest empgatiatily against New York or New Yorkers having anything te do with the running off the Pen iv Central. They al lege that systematic effort has been 1 'on foot f r a year or two, on the part of eats persons In New York to buy-up all the Pennsylvania &R 1 stock that was offered for sole and' only last week they found a Prinsyl- ivaniatt who was stupid enough to '/ sell thent,eight thousand shares of f It. Having obtained the requisite' amount of shansi t of stock, It is alleg ed they will elect such Directors of the Road, asmill run, it in the inter- I eat of New York City, and In open hostility r.t9 Philadelphia. Wo do 6 0 t attach much importance to these stories. The 011iceri of the Penna. IL' R., have generally moved them. selves able to cope with all comma, sod we presume they will nut suffer thellitlitres to be overreached now. = writes from. Hares- MPS to the Blair county Ronffecsif "An informal caucus of IlaWAlffing was held in Philadelphia, last .week, and although tho proooedattri were secret, it has leaked out that Webb is to be Speaker of : the Hour Auk Strang. Chairman . l of.. :Wags , Hems. No definite action was had on the Treasurer question, but is wntopered that Mackey will go off, Huff has hdeLy coasted' hi tith sup• port some strong help fiem the AVJunkin element displeased at the iladelphia Pb'eu& Taggart is los ing ground for itui regulir nomina tion, but keepiupa bold front. White is belngstrongly opposed for. Senate Speaker; and it is hinted that a strong man will be brought out against him, lacked by great' corporate influences. I would not be surprised if ‘yhlte Is floored." A srrtint fight has been in ~pro • see among the dlepubikans of Missouri, for a year or two past, which resulted la the defixd of the regular Republican`' ticket at the re cent State election. There •is a very fair prospect just'now of the healing of political troubles In that State. The news reaches us from Washing ton that members of the 'House of Representatives; representing both factions have been in consultation re cently, and on last Wednesday mat- I tersailminated la:an interview with tho President, at which the whole' situation was talked over. The members present were Mesmer Van Horn, Burdett, Dyer and Benjamin. The president received them cor dially, and the . Interview was of very 'satisfactory character. Both sides came away satisfied that the President Would co-operate cheerful ly In an effort to reconcile all present dlffereaces. There is much .good feeling over the present situation among Miesouri Republicans, and they feel confident that the relations of the administration to political af &ire In their State will now assume such a character as to prove of great 'advantage in the approaching elec. Bon of a succasor to Mr. Drake. Tun Washington Reporter Is still anxious to know how the money went hi the late political campaign. It says. "It is stated that the total expendi tures, in the campaign of the Repub lican Congressional Committee, for speakers, documents, traveling ex penses, and expensek of every charac ter, were about fifty thosand dollars. We acknowledge our obligation for this Information, and hope the Com mittee will go one step further. Let them itemise or localize their tw counts, so that, we may be able to as certain the . happy districts in which those stamps wore expended. .We are very curious to' see the account with the Twenty-fourth Pepniyiva nia." We "second the motion". and call upon the Treasurer of the committee to glve‘us the ileum, so far as the Twenty-fourth district, Is concerned, at least. • F the public tun believe the Wash ugtou teleiratns, there Is trouble brewing among the Pennsylvania politicians. John. Covode, who id- tends being a candidate for Governor of this State in 1872, to said to have me 1114.41 dr..— —A. be impossible to carry it kr the 'Re _publican party if Cameron is allowed to control the Federal patronage. HO says ho has no penvinal hostility. to Cameron, but the sentiment of the State Is so much against hlin that if the impression that he is the organ of the Administration is allowed to pre vail, the State will go against the Administration. Covode, who is now the Chairman of the State Cen tral Committee, will not nceept the nomination of the Republican party for Governor, (so he says) unless there is a change In tile present tactics of the Administration. He does not propose to run and be beaten; After all we suspect that Cameron's friends are doing more to iniure i , him' lust now than ho is doing himself.—They are desperate and unscrupulous and every improper step they take is charged to Senator Cameron's ac count. If ho won fd manage to shake these creatures from him entirely we have no doubt but that he would in a very short time stand much higher in the public estimation. 'Suppose be trios the experiment. IT la tegarded u mat probable that F. P. Dials. r.„ .111 be ettorma by tbe Drake, the Wowd so the autoomor of C. D. Drake, In Celled Stator }koala Weaved a mp bably no better tu n as for the place. A gentf culture. of thoroughly Democratte principle., and enperlor 031114, Mr. Blair would rove on of the ablest ietillOnl that Inwood h o. had nin e . • Mr. Denton. —tAkoro There. II will ever remain a mystery why Drake should get a life time office at the expense of twinging Blair into tilts. Senate. It seems that Drake rather gloried in the prospect of having such asuccessor, its though thoSchnrz bolt could be held responsible. The plain duty of Drake was to hold on under such prospect, and we wish the President had refused to appoint him, notwithstanding the promise to do so. The' appointment sicuply, gives effect to the irregularities in Missouri at the recent election.— Pills. amanterrial. • -. —During the thunder storm on the sth inst., the station of they. FL W. & C. Railway ut nonillion, was struck by lightning. TWo gentlemen, W. B. Bingham and Lumen Brigham, were sitting in the station at the time, and when the loose bricks began tum bling about they rushed out. Scarce a rod from the door Mr. Blngluun was struck on the head by the roof which Was blown off, and instantly killed. - Mr. Brigham wasalso struck on the head by the roof and severely injured, while a spike passel through his right lung an 4 two or threeof his I ribs were fractured. His injhrees are pronounced fatal. Both gentlemen I were prominent citizens. —From the Democrat (Tuscarawas Co) we learn of the terrible effects of the storm on Monday of week before lastin New Philadelphia. about half of . the roof of • the Buckeye Plining Milla was torn off and carried away. The board yard was tumbled up in wild confusion. Mr. A. Bali! and' wife were returning to town when the storm came up. An oak tree WKS blown across their buggy, falling be tween the dash-board and the seat. After much trouble . Mrs. It. extrica ted herself and hastened to a neigh boring house Ibr help, by means of which Mr. Raiff wag taken out, but with a broken leg, —The Tusearawas Chronicle sn)s John Marshali.of Dmnivide, was not kid on the steamship Cambria t mut first *meted.' He writes from I.eeda, England, that he expects to be at QL diz In May next. ed . ....11`o11111:114.N.....: UEllO_ AND THERE. The cheeie faetories in the neigh borhood of Kiwi: MA closed for the 'season last week. —A lady; who hai resided for sev eral years at Philadelphia, in rather. 50'i - tightened circUmstances; was, last Beek, made happy by the 'discovery Ofa illamond,brenst-p,lo s worth over $4,000, In a box of jewels, which had at onetime been in the pcimess lon of her Whet.. She had -it for 10 years without knowing its Value. -- . . Mrs. Nellie Ames, well known as Eleanor Kirk, will l&ture in New- I ark; on Wednesday next, on "why 1 Went to vote." The chief Min of the lecturer Is to shim that the evil of intemperance can best be checked by the Influence of women in polity and by their power us voters. .Hawlev, Hartford citY inlitileruu7, has In the pitst year cared fbr 300 families, and distributed $BOO worth eta's!, $l,lOO worth ofgrocer les and $l,lOO in oish, beside • giving away 7,000 articles of clothing. Ma ny of the families ° helped are not those Who beg or make their wants' known, but have been searched out by the miailoncry and aided. . —The following curious advertise ment is in an Arkansas. paper; "Whereas, I, Daniel Cla - y, through misrepresentation, was induced to peat my wife Rhoda in the papers, now I beg leave to Inform the public that I have again taken her to Wife, after settling all our domestic .broils in an amicable manner, and that ev erything as usual goes on like clock work." . —The Osceola &aline/ says that Mrs. '':Asa Jones, of Ilopeville, who ran off with a vagabond employe of her tnisbandi has been bean' from. She took with her 8240. They went o Indianapolis, Indiana. A, few days After Mrs. J. returned to Des Moines, • ininus her money, having been rob bed and deserted by her paramon . r. She Is well nigh crazy, and begs her husband to take her homeagain, and he is about to do so. —At Raleigh, North 'Carolina, •on the 3d inst.. Hon. Joitiah Turner, ed itor of the Raleigh Sentinel, and ex United States Senator F. L.Clingtnan had- an encounter on the street dur ing• which canes were freely used ; M. Clingman was very badly injured, having received one very severe blow. Mr. Cjingrnan made the as sault: `The difficulty originated in the publication in the Sentinelnf some strictures upon Mr. Clinguaan. —The *troit Tribune of Satui•day .week says; "A well to do resident of oureftir has permitted himself to be draWn into criminal relations with a woman, who with her husband, was in his employ, and has found himself to be entrapped by a pair of schem ers,• by whom ho has been unmerci fully plucked. 'Senna $1,700 have been extracted from him, but finally the man and woman have been .4- rested, and the whole matter bids fair to gain publicity through our courilr" —Mr. Henry Bush, of Kittanning, killed two hogs, one day last •week, one weighing 332 pounds and the oth er 132: Both hogs were of the same ireitah l r"trkifftigiUki be t uute pounds In the weight excited surprise, when it was tveollected that the smal ler animal began to fail early in the season. An exiunination into the cause revealed a bail of hair, eight inches In circumference, and perfect ly round, in the stoniach attics:nal- ler hog. —The circus pr victors arc almost ready to'forswe r the South. There is very • money to he made; traveling expenses are high, and etch city'nnd town charges as much i fora license, as it C:111 get, Besides k this two 'or three proprietors have F been shot and killed, to way. nothing hi of clowns, drivers and general per- L I B formers who will return home in the t h fall with one or two ballets in their (2( lsxlles. • -4 ' . . —Mr. John L. ltreesq, a wealthy 1 farmer living in the neiblxwlimml of i the big Mitami t and now arrivetl at ' the mature age of vventy-six yearst• took out a lieense . in the Probate Court at eincinatti, un Monday, fur the purposeof leadingtO the aim . Miss Lydia Ann Dean,. a tine _looking young lady, aged twenty-five years. Theslight dlffereumoffifty-one years between the ages of the bride and bridegrooM struck the bystanders as sometimg;'uttusual, but the old gen tleman noticing the surprise endeav ored to remove any solicitude by re marking that he felt bitn6elLits young and as good a subject Vir mat ... _ . rimony as he did forty years ago. , —The Madisonville• (Ky.) Times writaes all this. "It has been quietly whispered around for several days past that Esquire Samuel Borer Mill Miss Cordelia Johnston had eloped and gone to Shawneetown, 111., for the purpeue of uniting their destiriles and sure enough they returned ou the 7.30 train on Monday last, man and wife, here is a Mending of the two mast extreme seasons ba otteL spring and winter both in ono and at the astute time. The Esquire some where in sixty, and-his amomplishett bride -yet In her teens. We had no idea that our venerable old friend had so much romance In his nature, and she, we praurne, concluded that she had rather be nn old man's darl ing than a young one's Alm Sensi ble conclusion, Miss Cordy, and may you be a dutiful, dear good child to him, We congratulate the two sea :eons upon their happy blending, and may neither of them over have cause to regret the step they have take!). editoio/ the Concord (N. H.) Patriot thus speaks of a political op ponent, a citizen of that State, whose name, not-long since, was familiar in political circles, and whose early ef- Mr& In behalf of freedom and equal ity- were energetic and potential: Hon. John P. lisle may be seen on the greets of Dover, any fair day, walking slowly and painfully with the aid of a, cane. His whole right side is paralyzed, but not completely, In walking lie drags his right Spat, the difficulty seeming to lie vainly in ainl below the ankle. In opening• a door he is obliged to use his left hand, clinging his cane to the - right. Intellectually, Mr Hale is vigorous,' but thinks he is somewhat in paired in memory. The rotund, rosy man of yore is no more, for 'Mr Hale Is but the ghoSt of his former self. His hair is well silvered and altogether, no former acqualutairee would iecog-, nize the man without some clue to his Identity other than that presented by his appearance. • MIIZMIMMSM"E rESINSYLVAANIA, SS. In the Minty and by the Authority of the Cbmntonwealth of Pennsylva nia--Jolni IV. Geary, Governor of the said , N Cbrpinontpeo/lh—A Proclinur lion: ' WlitilitiAti, By the third sectiog• of the Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth ' approved the 22nd day of April,' Anno Domini. one thousand eight hundred - and lif ty-eight, Autilled "an Act to eitab ' lish a Sinking Fund for tin) payment of the'Piiblle Debt," and by the sup plement thereto,' approved the tenth day of April; Anno Domini. ono thousand eight hundred and Sixty eight, It is made the duty of the See; retary of the Commonwealth, Audi tor General and State Treasurer,Com nrimioners of the Sinking Fund crea ted by said first recited • Act of the General Assembly, to report annual ly and certify to the Governor, the amount received under the said Act, the amount of interest paid, and the amount of the debt of the Common wetith redeemed and held by them. whereupon the Governor shall-direct the certificates representing the same to be ameelled,;. and, on such atriCil lation, issue his proclamation stating the fact, and the extinguishment and final discharge of•so much of the urincipal of said debt: • And Whereas, F. Jordan, J. F. Har trunft and W. W. Irwin, Commis sioners of the Sinking Fund, in obe dience to the requirements of law, re port and certify to me that the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia redeemed and held by them fro • the first day of December, A. 1).1870, amounts to one million six hundred and two thousand three hundred and twenty-One do'ffai•s and thirty-one cents. made up as follows, viz: Five per emit, luau redeemed sixi.ses.si tilx per amt. loon ..... 316,40100 Relief times Calleeilvd. 15.15) 11,835.551.81 NOw therefore, as required by the third section of the Act of the Gen eral Assembly first above mentioned, I, ,john W. Geary, Governor as olive said, do hereby issue this, my Proc laination declaring the payment, cancellation, extinguishment and fi nal discharge of One million six hun dred and two thousand three hund red and twenty-five dollars and thir ty-one cents of the p ineipal debt of this Commonwealth Given under n land and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg this 10th day of December, A. D. 1870, and of the Commonwealth the 9th year. By the Governor: • JOHN W. GEARY. F. JORDAN, biro'!, Of thin'th CANIERON AND FORNEY. Both Eating Sour Grapes iu Very Troubled Frame or Hind. A New York IferaM correspond ent has Interviewed General Camer on and Colonel Forney, and - found them both in an extremely retiring frame of mind, suggestive of sour grapiN. Mr. Quperon averred that, so far as ho knew, Pennsylvania Wilma not atixlous to have a representative in the Cabinet—if she was she proba bly would make the point. The Re publican members and Senators did not demand' . the appointment of Douglass—if they had done so, ho did not entertain a doubt that they braid have won. Mr. Cameron says: The substantial German and the Scotch-Irish element of Pennsyl %mega were too proud to ask any President to recognize thelrState if hedid not see proper to do so. The people of Pennsylvania would boiled to see one of their representative men in the Cabinet; but they were not uneasy about it, and they were not going to beg for it. As for himself, Mr. Cameron said he would under no consideration accept a Cabinet position. He had done so once against his betterjudg»tent, and would not again—a declaration that ;Mil sound curiously to those who are fa c".olitt'r of. Mr. Cameron's confmslons is the declaration which he several times repeated, that lie "would neimr again be a candidate for the Senate." Con sidering, that Mr. Cameron said this seVeral Mites before his 111 st reakv.- tion to the Senatek.some p+sons• wiW take it at a discouft, The interviewer 42tuarks that"this sentence Mr. Cameron repeated sow send times," adding that that "wits one thing lie had mobile up his mind b e to, and intended' to adhere to it." As the people of Pennsylvania will be found supporting Mr. Cameron in this 'resolution, it is probable he will keep it this time. Cameron said 'orney did not want a Cabinet place, is i dention being to go to Phitadel hia and to attend his paper. This , orney confirmed in this interview lie ire porter had with. him. The ,:olonel gave the PreSident a sly dig, hoWeveri as follows : "I have heard that the President istille4 his inability to obtain a Cal,- met Minister from Pennsylvania on .he ,ground that he had offered a' place in his ministry to Mr. Boric, George 11. Stuart, kYilliam Strong anti Lindley . Smith, and that the three latter had declined the proffer, while the first only held the position for a short tinme. With entire re spect to all these .gentlemen, not 'one of them is a known representative of the Republicans of Pennsylvania. I wish the President would offer it place in his Cabinet to some repre sentative Rupubliean from our State. I asked the Colonel if lie considered it important that PellllSylVallia should have a representative in: the cabinet to isure the State for - the . Ca ltepublicans n in the nedxt Presidential election." Forney confirmed what Cameron had said, that between them every thing was lovely, and declared that when he went to Philadelphia he in tended to devote himself to' uniting the different factions of the Republi can party in the State and to support the administration of President Grant. Revenue front the Large citiem. The Internal Revenue Bureau fur nishes the following exhibit of the receipts from internal revenue for the last tlxnd year of some of the princi pal cities in the country : New York, $19831,815 ; Chicago, ;8,395,131 ; Philadelphia, $7,693,09.1; Boston sl;,- 180,5l0; Brooklyn, 0,860.2.91; Balti more, $4,607 ,981;St. Louis, 0,590,339; San Francisco, $3,1, - )1,998; New Or leans, $2,76n,065; Richmond, $2,379,.: ISO; Itullalo, $2,315,449;.N'ewark,- 152,882; Pittsburgh, $2,01'2,129; DC t roit, $2,015,966, making arraggiwate for fotitteen cities of $73,166,994. The cost of 'assessing the internal revenue for the fiscal year was .$4,11K,201,. liWounesein Revenue'Ofileem Apropos of the nosnhintion of Mrs. A. L. Canfield as a deputy collector of internal revenue in -Ohio, vice , her husband, deceased the question Ls raised 11.9 to the ability of women to serve In revenue offices. It may be stated in answer that the wife of Assessor (..-ritne, of the Sixth Virginia district, recently mune to Washing ton to arrange the papers necessary to shirt distilleries in that district, about which there was some trouble in the internal revenue bureau. In the preparation of the necessary doc uments some mistakes had occurred, requiring patient investigation, as well as satisfactory explanation, be fore the authority to start the distil leries could be given—Mrs. Crane showed herself an adept in revenue law, arranged ' everything required - with facility, and concluded the ob ject of her visit procuring \the nexosary documen b t. y The ability displayed by her attracted the atten tion of experts in the revenue bureau, and -she. received etteurniums from the officials for her proficiency in dis pn osing of application well tumngin tl g the forms required by law. - - --On Tuesday morning of week be 'fore last, the dwelling of Emory Trib by hi Brookfield,' Trumbull county, Ohio, with all his goods, Was entirely eousumed by tire. NVA.H. NAVES. LONDON, December 17. The offi cial • affirmation emanating from Bordeaux and Saying that the neu tral potvers are stirring to facilitate the - admission of Franco to the 'eon- ference, and that some of the powers pro pme an armistice, including the revktuaUlng , of. Pans, is rkilseilatelY, false trociordWg to the bighestanthor sties. On the other hand, the, state ments before telegraphed respecting the steps taken by the French. Gov ernment towards an armistice areen tirely accurate. Prussia Faoposes no conditions concerning' the presence of the Frenth representative at the conference. A dispatch from Versailles to-day gives a new explanation of the delay in opening the bombardment ofParis by the Prussians. 7-There Is a lack of ammunition in the German army and the roads are so wet and heavy thaf none can be brought forward at present. The same cause has pre vented the movement of the heavy siege guns. It is probable fire will not be opened for a fortnight yet. VEBSAILLOS, December. 17.—The Germans, after a slight idrirmish, oc misled Beaumont, a few miles west of .-T F.lvereren, on the 11th. ' LANDON December 17he French garrison at Belton still makes a gal lantdefense. Theneighboring bights have all been captured by the Ger mans, but not without suffering con siderable loss, The French loss in these preliminary engagements was comparatively light. the German position has greatly improved lately. LONDON, December 16.—A dis patch to the nues'frorn Berlin, un der date of December 14th, says that Paris is without gas and that there are detachments of troops outside the fortifications to to p deserters. Ilismark has bably been created u Duke. - _ . . With the fall of 31ontinedy, sixty five Quillen and three thousand pris oners fell Into tne hands of the be siegers, and two hundred and thirty six German prisoners were released. A balloon with two passengers and two hundred pounds of letters de scended-on the 15th inst. at Borbon, in Nassau. The French Government urges Austria to demand the restoration of three thousdnd Austrian railway car , seized anti held by tho Prus blans. nissounK UNITED STATES SENATOR. The Probabilitteo or Falling the Vacancy Created by Drake's' Resignation. The nomination of Senator Drake as Chief Justice of the Court of Claims makes at once a vacancy in tho Senate from Missouri. The Re publicans have a majority on Joint ballot in the State Legislature, and if the Gratz Brown' anti MCClurg •fite thins unite they can elect a Republi can. Senator Drake thinks that the Brown men are tinder obligations to give the Democrats the Senator out of gratitude for the aid the Demo crats lave , in electing Brown, and that Geneal Frank Blair will be chosen. The Brown men here say, •however,no such programme is con templated; that they are now the Re publican party of Missouri, and have no intention of voting for a Demo crat. If the McClurg men are dis posed to forget past differences, there will be, they sit,y -- tm trouble in elect ing n Republican Senator in place of Senator Drake. The lion. Ben. Loan, the Iron. J. F. Asper and the Hon. J. F. **mitt are mentioned as caladidates, the Democratic candi dates beside Gen. Blair, are the lion. J. S. Plelps, formerly trllleill i ber of the H use, and ex-Governor HA: The I mocrats here say that Phelps has t e best chimee, and are confident thst enough votes can be secured frond: !lie Brown party to S igilitfKG; 5tr...;:,::. .....r. xr,rfri • EXATE. The Washingtok correspondent of he New York T4une, of the 13th st thus details a sane that crscuried the Senate On th f t day: The Senate, to-0, was the scene of one of the mostnceiting and elo- quent debates to miich the galleries h a ve been treittedor a long time. Mr. MeCiecry of tentucky rose in his place, and asia leave to intro duce his resolutiotet appoint a Com mittee to inquire to the ownership of Arlington Ilig4 awl to consider the expediency olemoying the re mains of . the ITin d' Cad interred there. nafresttion of the prop erty to Mrs. I,eeldOctions were made, and the dell arose on allow ing the re-olutiod be introduced. thirdly had Mr. Vreery uttered a dozen %cords befq l the news teas k t g n l n ile t r h i z N l % g .e l r e e l i t i e lobbies, and xt lth a throng I of interested spnor4,. Senators' \vim were bendi4er their desks - enga. l d in writitaid 'down their pen • and all listed with astonish met tto the speeciey heard. An eloquent eulogy the character of (ten. Lee was premed on the floor of the United Stdienate. When Mr. MeCreery white, the whole Senate st. , emcd reito rise to Its feet in protest, not sitelt against the restoration of pry to Mrs. Lee, its against the descpn oft he graves of the Uaion deatine after anoth er, the leading 14liemi Senators took the floor, indignantly op posed the introduof the resolu tions as an insult 0 country, and an insult to the trig of the patri otic dead. Sentydmunds anti Morton, Pattersid Scott, and Sumner and Nyli Inspired by the sacred mein , of the past, threw back In hit the words of the unlucky autlithe resolution, and before they tone he wished to withdraw the d. Mr. Sum ner's speech was led to be the most eloquent oto-, and his de scription of Mr. a, as he gave the order for the of the patriot dead at Arlingtd his announe ment that he inOury thedead there as a permatard over the ground, so thatimber of the tinnily of Lee sitter eotne upon it, was grand. dinner closed With the wordbed over the tomb of Slinkcsreurst be he that move any lend said that he would write tads, that had kept the dust of pear° sacred, over the graves dttrlode dead at Arlington. Asbury alone stood by Mr. Mdm the floor, / and even he wothink of re moving the Utd. The Ma jority or the Du. it should be said to their erre as indig nant as any thattionor should be brought upodtrty, though none of them Indies against it. When the I taken, but four Senators — e a. Mr. Fowler, and thibland Sena tors.— recorded les as in •fa vor of allowialtxluction of the resolution. , i - - —A tnaeldneshoe stiop_it4 to be started info• —The new signsCliiha will .W col aboulgit month. The ve furnace stacks, the frailly-five feet high; the secon l ve feet and the balance of icor reducing naked ore to pe —There has it the Ohio Secretary ofSti Columbus, the certificate Von for the inerease,of owl the "Alli arm Rolling r mop() to $440,000. The lire a major ity of the Dire? . —The Athetivo an 1112- count of the ue of a dog which was claim George Tippey's farminty, a few days 'since. Id a strap round his necitacking a ram this strap tanged in his 'horns, nut 'as found next morning be ram's horn, dead us • ' —The Chino - Abe ' Ohio, Rolling Mill Opany his Just Bled at CO; Itunbak its certificate of incorpora tion.- The capital.ttodi is $114,000, divided Into sliares of MO eaeh. The company la _located at Chillcothe, Ohio, and the corporators are James Boulger, L, J. Delano, Isaiah Lord, Win4okin4:Edvi l d:YakaibTde, and Amos Smith. New Adverttsementf. the - *n4 CIIARMS A. DATA. V.Altor. gollaiatretkig „Sun. Itsirspapre N tilts 'holiest Thus. Isteedloil for PimlialP Itow • 11 SaTik• laalMlit lumen. Mamas% Ilsrehants. PrO. Sosslseal Mes,llVorksm Thisters. sal all Nas ser of Booed Yolks, and the Wives. Sows sod Dasghtaire of all seal OILY ONE DO&LAII A YEAR I Ofi EIIINDInta COPIES FOIE 1113116 Or less true Olio Coot a Copy. L. there bo a $5O Club as every Post Oaks. ISISII.W11:11LY 11117 S. ea ♦ ISA St. of Wo um' else !sae general character as Tag WISEST. Oaf with a greater variety of atieesellaacess rwidlattAnd tarnishing the sows to Its sates:fibers with greater troshasat. because St masa Mice a mask Instea4 of oars 0010. TEM DAILY SUN. es • YEAR. A preDatAellilv readable powspaper. of= Com lioclreolallou us von.l - Yroc. sad Ilcartwo Is politics. All Om news eiretrwtars. Two cams • Copy :by mall. kings a math. or $6 oyear. • TO CLIMEL • 1 71 Z4 3 11 'WEEKLY !DUN. Flea copies. one DT, osobracel VbeodrrD olress-a. rs isla. Tea mar. one rear. eeverstelr SdAreare.l laud se emirs wavy to the getter up gi ot g e h la i nh ollar.. Twenty wpm, c opy year. seperstelr oddre•red (and i n cells copy to the reset, op of Piller. Dollar.. F27,l:42VYTtlefirr.rit:ritifarVetil. tu° Thinyothree Doliare. nits eopiesone year. seestatel r a "drer , e4 (and the Begii•WeCkir oPC year to seller Ot• O. anti, Thirty-ava pee bemired encl.'s. per sear. 4. roe teed the Daily tot was year to the getter a.. ur Fitly Della:F. paw basdred cooed. one y'br. ssnarattly rsb eteue4 tend tbo Dolly I.ous year to toe geller ap ordeal. . Mats Dollars. TUE .131LIII.WEEIL LT SEX. 1 - Pro eoelea, omoyeat, aeoaratel r add. Eight Ten conks. one year. repara.ri- Ore.. (a .4 cites cop to gutter aP nr .1 n I. r t...:141 a. I=l hi Post race enter. ever •.•- •r- • York. wherever ronvealens 11 • s 1... a a.: .••• tba letters coutataiur . v. EIEENEM ==M=l CM NEW - GOODS W. ERWIN & CO'S French )brimo..4 IVot.l l'oplin Black Waterpeoots. Brown Waterprof+. Carthml j'opl I us. Siik . and ‘Fool Poplins Irish Pnplinx Plain 3lixrd Giaa Ur y Poplins EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES Wholebastle•-rtild ,VI A. W. ERWI}T & co.'s, I7S Eedentl St., Allegheny _tiept2S l tc BUYLRS; -LOOK -HiftE I Tim nodenitzucl. tlb.ukful for pam (Atm,x would refltectrully Inform the public but he taw tote of the fluctw pelectload of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OH. CLOTHS, Etc.., Etc,. ou hand to he found In the county. 11161 usual went of School, MareHammon& Bawd ReSlalom. 1E( CO CO 32E. is comlete; nu pains a rc E. on hi part to tnakobis STATIONER 1 )EPART3I ENT equal to the hest 01 Clt E.tabllahments. Ile la the exclegthe egret for the celebrated Poley's Gold for thin conoty. Those reeking/a good Gold Pen. would do well to nee them before purcharloc. Ile is the Agent for thin county for lirlder'n Pliologrop.. Harris:l , e Certificate. The attention Of Cleiezynieti is renpeetfully called to this, an he tan Pell them at the rarer ilineount no they *could pt from the l'hhlblier. Atwater'. School Gov. ertiment for +ale at Puhih.her. price+. Al. on hand. Toy. ted Variety Gooda...noltable for all renmion. Jruil. INTO: y 1. I Broadway, Ziew Brighton. FALL OPENING. New Goods ! New Prices I Mire Received A New Rock of MILLINERY - GOODS Comprising an unusually Large and Se lect A.iorlinent of FLOWERS F:UVETS, FEATIIt;RS, SATINS SILKS. LACES Plain Ar e Viiney:ltibbonas, Arc. In order to make this notice as attme tire ait pmwable, we &lialisexhibit a large nuuslkr of Eastern tritnnied Ta'aittlll2ll Matt'll: lbgether with many Desirable NOVELTIES. Juts and Jionnels Trimmedto Order SOliciting 'a call, I am, Respectfully yours, L -HANAUER. Bridge st.,l3ridgcirater, Pu. 'sp29;tf —The Iron ore mine recently diet coveted in Lanesbaibugh, Mass., hlle beep leased for twontyrtlvo years hY experienced miners. The Colby me bed, In the same town, Is producing ten tons or more of iron a day. . ' ' —The two furnaces of the Grove Bros. at Denny!lle, Pa., are produc. ing ;bout thirty-six tons of iron .t•er. day. They use ten or twelve differ ent varieties of ore, all of which, as ,well as the coal, are-mined -by firm. Dru Reduced Prices Speyerei& Sons Have just Returned from the East WITII A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Bought at the Lowest Cash Prices And will sell some Goods AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR! Consisting of Dry• Goods, Groceries, Pro. visions. flarit'grare, Hats, Caps. Boots s it ' a dSbow -- 1, tope, Ocam, Packing ' 'arn, Iron, Nails, Paints, IVldte Lead, Oil, Putty, Queensware. Wii low•ware,Flour. Feed, Grain and -, Bacon, a vatic• ty of Printa,Muslins, l'icking4,Deltsins,Checks. ' Alpacam,dea ns,Di in ans,C ntsh and hosiery ; also. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Carbon Oil, 510 1,61 e. of the Olebraledaintoh City AND NEW CREEK' FLOUR, Just arrived and for wile, iVliolesale and At Pittsburg Prices. ° 200 Eggs Wheeling Nails ONE CAR IVIIITE LIME ck Land Plaster, and Akron Cement A Large Stock of White Lead and Paints A very kuperlor quality of Strumz & We zel s sinws; and a lot of Carbon 011 Just Arrived and for sale, Wholesale and Beloit. ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLA Concord Wines, of our own %-intaec, for Me.lichaul and tinernowntal Purpom., are highly Re• consno•ndea who have übed them. Thy nre nhtn Agents kr the KNIFFEN MnIVER .\h►) REAPE And Pitt. Nat. Plow Coe. PiOIVS Thanking the Public for their past pat munge. we hope to merit a liberal share In the future. 411 Goods Delivered Free of auvrve. as all oiii..ofti gaxla vreirei;lritirution: SPETEREK ac SONS aprl3,tc Forty-First Year. Godey's 'Lady's Book FOR 1871. The ('lrrpe,t .m.. g 3zines, be u 115... it it Ilk brit. It Lit+ way I I 1) . 1 I ht care or 11. e pub lisher io combine in its pages t‘listever is useful, whatever i. elevatinJ, 0 luttever is pure, dignified und virtuous in sentiment, with ‘vhatever our Arond rational and innocent .111111SetlivIlt. For it. Lit entry Department, ill sit years, TH% LIF..ST WRITERS 1,1 the litentry world have vontrtluiteo : :lll.l will ts.ntootc to lurnish articles for thoytur itui I. Stich names as Marion Ilia:mil, Iwo Chun hill. Louise S. Dorr, Metts Victoria Victor; S. Annie Fro ,t, Mr,. Dennison, Mrs. C. A. llopkips, and others, Cannot k round on the Prospectus any other 3higazine4, BEA UITII - 1, STEE'L PLATES. Of 'lima the Linly'sll .; contains four. teen each year, superior, (we challenge comparisouk to any puhliblica in this country, ettlier,in book or perlodicd. OUR COLORED FASHION-PLATES Have a reputation for correctness the o ILI over. EMllltol DER Y PATTERNS. —We give frequently a presentation sheet to our patrons eontainink! twenty, thirty and smnotimei farts designs In embroitie ry. MUGINAL MUSlC.—dotlty's is the only magazine in which mtpde mepartsi expressly for it upt.teurs. MoDEI,•COTTAGES.—The only wag- - sting in this country that gives th ese signs is the Lady's Itook. DRAWING this . We are nlwi alone. We have also a CHILDREN'S. 1101 TICULTCRAL and a HEALTH depar meat. GAMEY 'S INV ALUA BLE RECEIPTS upon every subject, for the Boudoir, Sur. serv, Kitchen. House And Lautuirv. TINTED ENORAVINGS.—fhis is a scrivs of engritvinv that NO OMc ha% uP tempted but ourselves. They give great sat is fact ion. LADIES FA NCY WORK DEPA irr -31 EN T.— Some of the designs in this de partment are printed In colors, in a style unequalletL Terms for 1.1471 One copy. one year, Two copies one year, • Three copies one year, • • Four copies one year, • • Five copies one year. end an ex tra copy to the -person getting up the club, tanking niz copies, 14 00 Eighrt copies one year, and an ex. tea copy In the person getting up the club, inaktngnine. copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, nod an ex . Era copy to the person getting up the club, Hulking twelve copies, • • ... 27 50 Lstly's Book and Harper's tuagrizine will be sent one year on receipt of $5 Mt Godey's Lady's Bonk and Arthur's Halle Magazine will be sent line year on receipt of f 4 00. Godey's Lady's Book and The Children's Hour will be tent ono year on the receipt of $3.50. Goders Lairs Brink; Artlines Home Magazine and Children's Hour Will be sent one year on receipt of live, dollars. 119.. The money must all be bent nt one time for •any of the chubs, and additions may be made to elubs nt club rates. How 70 . 11Esitr.—ln remitting by Mail. a P wt*Office Onler on Philadelphia, or a Hnift on Philadelphia or New York, pay able to the order of L A. Goiley, is pref erable to hank notes. Us draft or e ost (ace order cannot be procured, send Uni ted States or National Bank notes. dress L A. GOOEY.. FRAMES, N. E. Cor. Sixth h Clo.skroitsit:.":l;l2l4l6. BARGAII S A. W. SKIN & CO.l Very Vine Morinovo. Al' ONE ittliiidlt • • Extra. Good Wetterp roe. • AT 3114 C kNTS Ezra Good Tublo Linen Bargains in Many Neti, Than ( G owls CA LI, #I.IVD SEE EM. A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S No. 178 Federal Street, junl:ly AttaTerspY.:ClTY, WANTED -Ascots For PHYSICAL LIFE OF MAN AND WOMAN. 'ABA DVICE TO BOTH SiXE-4 —a highly mor al and chaste work, being • compendium of the haws whme observance 'vinyl health and hap piness, and whose infraction, disease and misery. It contains a plain, decorous and thoronghly sci entific treads,: from the latest English, trench and German works, corertn,.l a Milieu!' yet all impor tant field of advice to Maiden, Wife, Mother, Iles baud and Son; principles of purity, moral and physleal, elements of individual. social and n•ni. Tat, welfare. and Is couched In lancuhge that can. not offend the most fastidlons &Mosey. It will And it. •aay.intoand prove a blessing to many a homehold. Agents wanted everywhere. For full description, with table of conten , s. address PARHIJ3k. d CO , 181 dace at., Cinch:mad. O. deeltaw The Best Paper, =II Best Inducements) ter's 13 Nun :NMI SENT I'ItEE to al T6ia •tVc r riblitg. bvfore ' llecem_l?vr2,l. IS:0 2 fur THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED RURAL 'AND FAMILY WEEKLY FOR TOWN AND COUNlitl. —und— Tux 1.10.' ill It. Cal Scar, le m t only the Largtat. lire oad (''raped, but i.y far the Largest etretdeling Jourhal, of ila efaso, In Mr World: Natii..ll to ..:liareeter, Ably Edited, utt pt:rbly Illu-trated mat Illult-tt. It la the MI:RICAN WEE KLV: It le the 2eTA NDA 11 ArtllttltlTY on all branch ea 1.1 .Igriculhu e, llorltroll are, .P.- As a Lifer.. ry Fuindy lLprr it la a tat utile In otAny of the I•v•I all I'ver the Cutou t Canadt, Isideett.3lnouevo Itt - ltiL An. noitirol i (la aplierr, nod la the Lary, WarlruledJouroal on the eon. dueut---each number cent.dulhz Sliforh num 'fajta, oluable Lae rtze al moat pullers of it, thy.). It Is Me taper for the Kart. Wet.t, Not th and houth. TERMS-1113.a Year of rd Number., and only 62.50 In Club et TM Thin tjua ter • 13 Nuns• hen scut FUEL as uttered above. Our Club In. ducementa for Prll ant unprecedented. Premium Line, Sc., and tree to ail forming Club.. —and we want a live Club Agent to a...1.y Too Addrer. MOUItE, dl Park HOW, New Tort: ; tur The New York Methodist ? burnt! hfOry for the 'grotty, a nen . ( tree e ery Ltiat4 with the I-ttleLtli torlals by the bent filetbotlod nrit.r• tml Ottll Foreign and Ihnuertle Cum•epouti. t, full De partmente of Itellgttios and ul3r !no Ill.tecee. Prier $2,50 a 3 ear. Lllo rat) remittal. or t, eh t orn tul•slone to CAM aeecr, buttetrapitoto co u ,mcnce at any time. For !Pa Y. anal., a too re.: •tamp to prepay poems.., tido.. 'I II k. 31E1 0131zT, 114 Neoeau M., N. 1 HOLIDAY JOEIINAL For IN7I, COIIUIIIIII a CH Ills 1'N.13. e.TOR Wayli r eceip t , h 1•34..., for • a a 3.ta Free oat at one etamp for p 1.1 ize. Ad dreeth.tatA.llb at , htleto r. !Memo. td: Ita Mrtsonic AGENTS %VASTED. Set.tl fur Cires:nr. Addretto A1140,11e Pro. Co. 4. Browne st. N. Y. vlittiv IfsisTm AS GIFT ton arty NO.. orribeis to Appleton'. Journal, put. d Weekly. oOt OS tutii.eript ion littore, The months of Stiventiver nod Detterstier. V• 11). gives grail, to ad t•ulto,rtiters return:lig tt 1. for the roar Ai.; one desirout. of nankin; a trial of 6.• Jot - tt.• NAL to 00.7 %bolter they like tt. ran have It for TWO MONTHS tut n•nallting u* Fifty t 'his.. Pirforrorpte An•Prica • , conntittingt 4.1 *plendltlly virented *woo i t Amen, au Snencrs, , nintlimiced ' In No* ernner. U. ApmasoN 1 C 0 .,.., Pulllit hen , . i I New Ind,. .It•c:An• • taE74l. ItOIFT. E. LEE'S LIFE, Nen, lA ly ready for 1%1M.. .ohm the Itiography of tom. IWO tiler E. LEE, by Jac, 1.41 n. ( oak, , author of •• life of Stonewall Jackzon," - Wearitir Pm Grey. - etc. I ioi 004.. 1 . ....10 101.100. lilwil,ile.l. To be mild - by ellb*alptlun. AGENT:. WAN tED. IL Arnim,: ,C Co.. Pohl/4os, New York. (iv.. SHORT RafiND, ,v.. , ,, : ,...i. 5 .,..,., ( 1,1,..0,1,.. t. 1 4 1 : t z t r Circular. J. ti/tAY.k. U. lion 4817, New Vitro T.TiA.ATT , ,,'LIETIS ' Lt.Fiti ANO AlittliJEA VINSCIIANCi. COM PANY,pf Hartford, Conn. took Pinter, fl.:Aaktkkl. Grant. LIFE and ENDOW TEAT Punch,. of all ap. pro* eci I, run, Ample recuoty, low rates. Alt, accuren aLiatu.t At'cl. DENTS onto' itActith or total ill...Ma ly. Polleit then by the ye.ir or yealo th lts l!t!t o te to ld tta S ,72, P ro;!re y r. lo . —(o i id t 7:4w iionoT WASTE '111,71E .t,7%it L.mosi by asking . Up 11111 - old Axe. :•eud II :AllO I.IPYINCOTI & IIAKEWELI., l'iti•burgh. Pa., and the} will send a ti{.-top Ake. Expreticace paid. Ilalf a day Joni In grindwg will that. Ire 01.00(1. E M PLO '4'7". NON-EXPLOSIVE Itlelalle Kerosene Lamp; la absolutely sate from capitation or break ing: burn. anti co.' oil, JZOOd or 1.11: gives More LiyM, Nu Odor, and uso, lean 011. • "It Is perfec(ly tems-e.rplooi re. The light lo bet ler Mau It prtathmett by any other lamp."- - rrt, Prestilenik..Afassachel.ilts ..Iyrt.,ltural It Is perfectly nomexploolre, glve4 a Lell, light, and Is more econbilairat than any taller i3lllO ht rate."-- W. II efts, kite eCeogo. • The •ppallbez death. and fires trona glass Lamps exploding and 14‘raling create n great de mand for this lamp. It PA AS t.. nen It. sold by Caavastswre i Aments wasted every where: Send for circulnr a n d terms to Mont- Roguery dr. Ino, Cemftud, U.. 42 Ilarcisy ..f.r York. lw $ 1.9= A Week Salary' s :. Visite:4ms wanted aid as local end soirsmen. Addres. twlitt stamp) R. I! WAL.N.EIL Park How, New York. itetT:Or ic•iii ADA V, sure. LATTA CO_ Pitt - ell, Pa. Agents ! .Read This ! ‘V PAY !AGENTS A SALARY 'OF v v $3O toe week and CSIO,II/44, or &low a large tlmmusston. 10,,11 our 1:00 and 0011. Address M. WAGNER 4, CU, Marshall, Miob. , deck its 182,6 pul.r. , Tl'n"Z`KlVltmo, 1870 sue old standard remedy for Conchs, Cold*, fAin sumption. 1: crLast, Biwa A llootQn. . dectase CIIELIRT PECTORAL TROCHES. Are superior to all others for COl:leis Mad Aline Ina. Bronchial and have tent are eiceral• Ingly inflatable, have bone of that nauseating and horrible Cubeb taste. are very soothing and act like a eita.sm ?Masters, Singers and . Public Speakers will Itod they are especially adapted to the solo, Sold by Druggists. Also • Itusittotes (P. V.) Cod Liver OIL tor Consumption and Scrotal,: use no other: td7.lt UPHAM'S 11RPILATOUT I'OW 1.) Mt. Re tuOVe• SUL/C:11000S hair In Are minutes, with out Injury to the skithf Sent by mall for lUphanes -Asthma Cure Itra,vm most violent partaysm• in fire missal.., and edects'a speedy epee, Price F? by mall. The Japanese Hale atahr Colors the whiskers and bale a beautiful rasa or 010).N. it C 011,1501 of only-one preparation. e at, by mall. Addrets S. 12. UPHAM, No. ^s Jayne St., Philadelphla, Pa. Ctrculare sent tree. Sold by all Draggislo. trl 00 5 00 7 50 10 00 liromyal coehed and Information tondebed by (EO. UPHAM. Penticton°. It. I. 13SYCIROMANCV.—Any lady or gentleman 11 cm make .I.oOu a month, secure their oun happiness and Independence. by obtaining PSI CIIO.IIANCV, PASHINATION or SOI*I. MING. 4W pages, cloth. Fall Imi:ructions to use this power over men or animals at vi 111 , how to Iltiamerbse, become Trtknee or Writing Mediums. IHrtaatiao, Sptritualhon, Alchemy, Philosophy of Omen. and Dreams. Brigham 1 oling's lberetn. flulde to liforrtage. to.. on COtittlit ed In this hoot; 1110,0.10 sold; lain., by mall, In cloth. fl 25; paper anerelt 1. Strriew—Aoypenoio willing to act as agent will receive a copy of the wart free. Ae uo capitol In required. all desirous of genteel employ. ment should send fpr the hook, encloeisig 10 cents for postage, to W. EVANS t 00. , 41 South eth etreet, Philadelphia. • der No Toledo Pomp Co.'pt Patent Flexible Metal-Lined Pumps, Fur WOW and Ciekruo. For rale by b0r23;1/ 8. J. CaoBB.B CO. Rochester. i; At 75 Cents, Ono,Letse of nest pair's Fifty-Two Numbers of MOORE'S RURAL NEW - YORKER Teems, Inducements, de: PEltKpi'ss HOUSE'S PATENT 113 gement," Min MASON & SOT,, NEW BRIGHTON CUTLERY WORKS, MANUkI.CTUREILS' 0/ aP/M"B3M.:II D , taur : 7 . 3i 4 2 , 3 t'' :L. ~3'~'i;~'~3i ;: ~'l~'~~Z~ &e., Aze., tli Special attention n 61,• it to 11, Hardening it: Tempering if the and we feel and knoll( ourtehr. r to make the eery wet. a. wt. ttelpit, perlenced workmen, she a... .h. telsayeetecl 111 fewreet bJ• ;„ beetoeys forty year.. Bud hi. Ir. workmen. Wu are also „r, r. POCK ET.KNI VKM. PEN-M.:WI> 1.10"NIAls' 11. eteel, wad Err ry Blade ii ;;,'",,,..,t SpOdal 2ltennon is ra..ed u,. .vet..: Itazorx, Poebel birth 11(1111:ere,' I cx' All orders will &dykes'. (9' I'dc• Li.• n::~.ur. I/ app ICA I =9 NE , A 1:1:I~,IITUS.1•J ttct 11, It tittrlt It VO — Dlank lltrd. for tkiq It I, Nit..••• ~ 1 1 TULIN B. VOL NG. Atturttet ut law J Bearer. oake awl OL I east of the Court Mu., ted to my care .ttall Ate° penman /featr , ,, ••••. sun those wl•tang to buy 1000 T•y. Cll4. or tun land*. MU rave time and office. .itirt: I) • DMINISTItATItIV NOTICE - Mclfulum, n deed. ladter. lion upon the et tate of John ~r Brt„..bton township. county of U , ll•Cr, hat lug been duly grauted to the ut0t•r•.,,,• , 1 • • persons Indebted to the said estate •re to nuke payment:and !Luise luau tog the same 0111 present thew to Lut2'l;fits• uuniter mcmA 110:s. .11.. , A I.OIINISTI:ATOIt'S //,7. '4 4, intot-trutiou hating been ;limited to T , strilter tio the rotate of Arend...l.l Mt, At.;'.•• deed.. late of Veto lb Best et' tow mobil". best , , Pa,.. nil per•onr Indebted to raid most,' are ed to make Immediate pat meta, and those ha, oklma azstust the name w ill pro rut them dui thentlcated for orttletneut. 111.:11.1LN nor.atiw dm.. Coal. Coal. liE unennilgued to 110 M engaged In I. • •i, TI.II;SINESS.stoI will supply partlini w , •11 rate artlclE of Pittsburgh coal at 11 , , •• io• busing Orders left at Joseph COOptel., or at the lisnknig Hutu,. of Th..:n, emery at. CO. In U.C.Per.% 1,1•11 e (1011. L14.163f, r It. MI:, VT...tNq'F.:ll: A itetteral ,ver comity. for,tlh.t.unnttan 14 kog surnucr Chmtmuy ofl.-Nro 11,o1; ment• to the right men. Fart tritg..th, adds,. Smith. Holten', •.. em, South-cart Cotter 3111 01,1 • .- . 1'11112,1.41041a. 1: - .Nri"ruNc; "V" A I t 7%. •/ A lir4c rupply or It.• sPIeIsr;FIELD Il•rn,f.l: S 11:.\ tor etl: clon. mid r•-• I. • MEM Vlaning dills Hider• I ViThitheld. & Anders:l MANUFACTURft , .f Sash, flours, Mottle lihys, I Weather-Issa - ds, I 'alihfp, Bra,k• et,!. DFALLIts; •N ALL •KIND, of LI M BEM LAM:MINGLE, AND purchseed the It i•.tert r; of Mr J. C. Anderson, owner of toe nt. 1,1,41 rsrt sin llmprovetnet.t. n. Ole ••• and fointn,...• f weatntrlewnl• lesa e. and other bu11t1164.. • we , an. t A, lotion-I,d make well 'Lt . • • imits or Denver ennofy ii.t. u ;dears üb.ers e hicm • 117lt7iient' SllppliPS Hand. cry manu.r of w.,r1.: made t >rpitans• Ci->tut-.1 =IIMIN By 'tinny nr an I tr.tor ii. Orphan.' Bras, tho futdortgitett hat. , tr. ..t fin , : I r•lolt. n 1 ~f ,mtt..1.11,:,10-' I Will exp.., to p u 11 IC .3, ..I1 tt. promt.o• Oil 11;.1,,,mhty, .I(riamrll 41h, 1 , 71. At I o'clo, 1.. I. . dot, •• cont. , . late ..1 .... All that Ulu truer "1 1.1101 sit Lan .n Ovilufftnif 13...muer tout), o!olt ott lee '• of ..r. , tut 1::.‘ , 11nri• lam!, of IVnt. 31celnn, au.l xe.t on.! land. or .11.:1.01 Jamr. and Janie. Mrl.rorg. jr. coots:ton: Eitildy-ji re AlTes and .17 of lay& Know or le., nb.lnl ls. acr. ..r 1,. , cleated and Inn i4L...1 .I.llr of ri111,11.o•L am, a, en Th.re are co: lb , rra • Mu story franwrla.ellin4 .r.....• oro,tury hon., a 1..4 a:. : fralne stable. 1 - 11 e laud I• ..r • 2 oituate within half n cult, of the I'. hallway tiffulun iff Neu T 611101.-011, third 01 the l'hut t paid iu habit on the contittuAth, th , .; • • the Court. the balance Its too to, t. ..1.1 hootht Stith intere•t For farther information a may to ii•• NI New 1:1111co, Pa.. or Ihe •..i -prrticey. !CYNTHIA 3111 , Uhl I . dayl.ilts jJ. ,; 171? „ 1 , 21,.., ‘4, tiar i tnz u tai l ein wk lit he pirated r t Y ne7i . ••?il a• friend. who may scant alto, Ili , Ctr l I I Ni. STOVE:11,01m: Nose. ar aita • La Carting... of h•-at material ana • htailnrco o 111 i!iimlnctect los Jetntfl J J AMIE:I:SON j 7 "It Ne 02 14 3.111,H NI I.: 1 Z Fl A N '1"I'.1 II .o %Ml' 11 NEW BRIGHTON, PA it. ill,: 1 . 1 . 1'11% t ., 1 13/p• and well .lock of Neill and IVintcy Goods, c ti.l tin.; lir BEA rE RS, CHINCH L LAS. CL 0 TIM, C.ISS M Ell EVG L L IMEL , ES'T of the lateot untt roost fughtonattle to. ronde to order on the MOST ItF:AsoNAIII.h; TERM- and nu the shorteat poosiblo notice mot %to-, to give sati•fsetion. Y. S.— As !employ none hut flret t t.w. and having con•idersbic experience It, I defy competition any nhere In the •rroe a• nuke and fit. I keep alto on hand s (WI many made clothing of home in.ufacturc octitAtf. • • l i , STATE OF Ult.:. 1:1-17-1LIKEt 11. D 1... I. 4 Notice la hereby chen that lc.. r• - Ilitratton on the ealate or the Ono.. loom .1 d• dant, !aloof the Borough of Ihra,er air Bearer deed., hale bet tt t•. Ile'. rt facia,residing to the ehy ~r .L.' therelOre. /141rilig cbtlos or the estate of the rood 0,,,,th01t .sr '''"' make the rime known I !tic .41.1 111Ihotit delay. ItUtlttßi 11.1% la.. We. atlttread 40th otret.t, ritt•bur,:t, l'a PIMPLES. The underrlgned will clik•rfulli , mad all who wish It. the Itevigie met hill de, • ”.. I • I r preparitig twin.? a •limile hewed," table th.t will immediately rt Freeklve. Movie., 5.1 cr ept i.• iniptivitlea of the Skin. san e mooth and beautilul. lie will also send Jive I Instruction. rot pr."`N . Inc: by very pimple trawyx. his unapt " hair on a bald head In . gremeti • The above can he obtained hr r. lore 11.5' addrevalog Titus t 11,e1 . 11.1N, t nov2:3to. 151 Bowden,. Neu 1 or t. TheNcheapvst Wholcalt• 300 1 1 1 t SHOE HOUSE =1 Joseph IL Um-land, 3a a as wood sirect. Aranowitirer, 117,01,5ate,c., emninis. oion Divtler in BOOTS. SHOES de B FIUME/01. At Nrw York end Ilo.cou rgic, - ' Moot for Maimfelebl•clty outdo good+ at Ilmk ofacturets prices. Orders from country dealers promptly filled andettlafactton 1r unwed. r 0 .4 gomb any. (epl.oll __•._ rffrßlant Arrerments between Trartirrs and Boards of &hoot !Bretton , , for sala at thh, =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers