t. . The B - eaver Argu.s, J. WiTA2ID. Marron Ann Paornsaron. I Beaver, ril.• Sept. 71111, 1870. REPUBLICAN TICK . 1870. , Jo4EHEI B. DON of Fly dumbly WILLIAM 0, VUHLOCIC, DEMAS H. LETHERMAN, WILLIAM A. MICKEY. Fro JOHN CAHO Prothono UET tary,: . . Fbi• Cbounistiomer: SAMUEL TORRENCE. JA For J NE ar, Cbruo NOCK. losioww: S WAR for Poor How* Director: HIRAM REED. li For diaitor : J:11. CHRISTY. • For TruSttel of doodeoY: REV. a C. CEICHLOW , X DARRAGH. 7.Tusr WI we ari-loliiiitoFrea—ng tdd dispatches Inform us that Patis has declared for a Itepublic,and Gen. Trochu is installed as President. WE desire every Republican In the B ounty to read the evidence in the ,:•.thurlock—Chandler pubiLshfld in this week's ARGUS. If after dottg r!), they conclude •that.fraude • wa'e ,lot perpetrated upon the party lelet Hay; they construe It very dillbret 'rota what we do. j Hewes. Herrn:int and Wiley agixinst whom such a bitter tight Was made in Lancaster County for Assem bly because oftheirhavingsupported General Irwin last winter for Stivlte Treasurer, were renominated last Week. Hon. 0. J. Dickey, was also renominated for Congress by a la majority. A QUESTION for the majority of t County Committee: According to the papers laid before the County Convention on the 31st of May Dr. Shuilock had a majority of 12 over his ei'mpetitor.,; The papers laid be. fore the County Committee on last Saturday show that Chandler shold have been credited with four mire votes in Darlington township thn Were allowed him, and eight more in Beaver Falls than were allowed him. NOw deduct thefotrr .7)fmvxdict+s cast for‘Dr. Shurlock at Darlington, for'Dr. _ and then tell its,who the legitimate nominee of our party for Assemtily hi? IMMEDIATELY after the 'nation was lost in the County Committee, bn last Saturday, to investigate the al leged frauds In theShurlock—Chatid ler ease, a proposition was made by the friends of the latter that heWotild rtlincluish all claims to the nomina tion, provided Dr. Sherlock cln the kume. • In that event the par ty could be re-united by selecting a man for the Legislature who was in no way. Connected with our present party troubles. • This offer was aiso rejected. It seems to us that this proposition should have been accept ed. To have agreed to it and put p. S. Barker, J. Y. Marks, T. J. Power, John Roberts or James Fife, on the ticket our party would have boon made whole, and the sueeeis of our entire ticket assured. It is not too late to do this yet. Two or three geese here in Beaver, who know better, are button-holing aro Opposing Dr. Sherlock becamie ,a r-lative of ours was not put upon 'the `republican ticket for Congress.' It 'we were displeased at that and gov -coed hy such motives as they impute. lee us, avg. Donley would be the man we would oppose, and not Dr! S. who, so far as we are advised, took no part in the Congressionalcanvass. Not only will 'we not oppose Capt. Donley for Congress, but we will contribute all we possibly can to secure his election, and the election 1 of the whole Republican ticket, with the singleexception heretofore refer red to. Our reasons for making this exception were given last week, and that:they are Justifiable ones will be deafly seen from Decarme's state menti and the Chandler evidence in this -week's Maus. Now • let us . hear no more of this silly twaddle about our not supporting Dr. Sher lock "because Mike was not nomina ted for Congress." A ,IDISEITERIC ED" WITNESS. J. II: JoAsuion's No. l. IA B. Jostwrea'a 8.. I. Now Galilee Jan IS 10 Wsw Gamins, tt ILL C.A. Demme • Aug.* IWO. IMas Sir J. S. Strew. g it.— I intend to wrote you Dear !fir : In reply to In regard to the ituteu i youre I have to say Ire. cue bat put your lettermember the night yow. la the drawer nada:not and Decor:lse visited It till Willie [oldies yea New 01111.• lest fall, tho wanted me, to answer oaly time Immune pith you, la anima I would , bete together. You told that say to you to (theism that Demme. bad yourself no Wther athoutitold you that some Re. the matter at ell. • " 1-publican here talked of %Mak Ratan onely want. not toting for you, and to save you. If I surelyou came oat to me to your pines I would about -It. About half not INlthet camel/ ab..at pest nine, p. m., I want . the matter ezie Ratan withyon from my store came ba you to dime to Gnebbile bo•el. and then I would show when I stayed until you him bow to glee Bother, were ready to retim. he Ratan knows IletterlOneblag brought in s than to make muds fame bottle of wine of about the matter I think 'nuinufetture and that for he 'barely knows helloes all pilaw of thelitiak Drank health to arab. sort. I beard no bar ing for Sheriff. Now,gals talked of, or any. sty Advice to you is to , thlng Improper Miasma not • Bother yourmillwaatildatea of opposite shout It la any way nu.:partles. •' Imo J. B. Ratan pushed! I authorize you to soy you thee Dsfs your., that the name of J. self to the lint point for:Trimide was not meth my Patti dont want anyilloned 17 say no. et Dowser to regard to thsiOneblag • the evening manse If I as help 11.1wo went them last bill. wham I will see you'Nons of the party drank berms long then I outirmely. ae there only tell you my opinion in was bottle of domestic regard to the leather Wri.lwito brought la. and ter than I can write It. thee was not • single Yours Truly tort drunk. Them was J. B. Johnson nothing said er dens by any ono ormeat datr motel to the Interests ores, candidate oa the Repel:Man ticket. Truly Yount, J. S. Joule'. The citizens of New Galilee and vicinity have cause, we think, to feel very proud of their postmaster. His character for truth and veracity is certainly well tatablished now, and that by his own written testimony. seriously : It would ofcourse be un gentlemanly for us or any one else to • Ay that Mr. Johnson had been tam- Pord with, but our fears are no little :cited lest some evil disposed-per ..ns might: think he had been "seen" .H.fore attaching his rutmo to letter No. 2. He is not the only rural hull eidual that has perutitted himself to is' made a tool of recently by a few schemers here in Beaver. They come games of that sort very frequently pf tato, and when the implement" be-, COTOs damaged in their hands they generally kick it aside, and never re cognize It afterwards. If Mr. Johnson thinks ho has not been "butchered" by his suppOsed Mends, let him re flect what Gen. Grant—the dispenser of Postofficee—would say, were some one to send him a marked copy of this week's ;twns; and let hint also contemplate) whit chance he would have for an election were he now er at any future time a candidate fin a county office in this county. MEETING 111, THE MONTY COMIXITTEE. - THE MVO. LOCK-CHANDLER CAUL , • I• 1 , . . . ' The, County Republican Commit tee min the Grand, Jury r f rom a the ()Met Housrein this plans o n lard Saturday, at.l O'clock, p. m. 0e ses sion we are told,- was not of rt very harmonious character, in consequence of the'wide diferresee of opinion on the Shurlock Chandler contested nomination cue. It was generally .understood for some, days previous that this case would be investigated at the meeting refened to, and hence I no little Interest was Mt by the pub -110 as well ashy thecontestante them selves as" to what would be amid and done on the orseislon.. Drs.Shurlook and Chandler 'were both invited to appear before theCoMmittee, and the following papers were laid befbre It by Dr. Chandler. He stated that on the 8d day of July, up, he served the following notice on Dr. Shurlock, at Darlington: ' "Da. W.I3.BHUSLOCK,Erm—Prom information I obtained on the day of our County Convention, and since, In reference to alleged irregularities, frauds, &c., I am strongly impressed that I was fairly nominated. I there fore notifly you that, as soon as Icon Procure all the necessary , acts bear ug on the subject, I will conaest your claim by reqtiestlng the Crean of, the County Courniittas to reassemble .the Delegates and present them the facts for their consideration and de- Liston. T. J. CHANDLER." Being credited with but nino votes in Darlington, and hearing that more than that number voted for him in that township, he repaired thither and found thirteen persons there who had voted for hlm-, 7 his o , of whom signed the folowl ,r, and three others who will ~ ,th to having voted for him If . before a leflld, tribunal. 'hire .4 of these three were laid beforthe County Commit. tee on last Saarday: "DAR'ILINGTON, Te. e lltar 80,'70. We, the unde „ c omens and Republican vo ' Darlington p up township, Berm ribunty, Pa., do hereby certify that on Saturday, 28th inst., we were at the Republican pri mary meeting in the borough of Dar lington and did there vote for Thos. J. Chandler for Assembly, and hold ourselves ready to certify to this un der oath if necessary., . I Will= ...: p l 1111•NID IN. D Cons. '" a &MI Grimm. I Matthew 11. Elder._ 7 Thomas Merry. 3 Perces Johnston,trr • 8 John Olknora. 4 0 4 George Darden. .X. Malls* N 5 L. P. Grimm. "•:' 10 As , . Giiihimir• At this precinet, lbw, were also allowed to vottfor Doctor Shurlock. Their najnea are, as fol lows: Jacob Marks, 15. Foulk, Jaa. Kane, B. Miller, Thii‘pfliceis ducting this meeting were . t---Coc ran, J. F. Courtney and Mr. Irwin the first named being a cousin an the second a haltbrothecol Dr. Shur lock. As to how theft, (Aced; were chosen, Samuel W. Reed, esq., of Darlington townshipAn a letter to Dr. Chandler, gavecthis history: "DARLINGTON, SEPT. 2, 1870. DR. T. J. COLANDLDR, Dear Sir: I will, have no part in present party difficulties. But, that I may be rep-, resented correctly before the County Convention I will say, in justice to all concerned, that in my conversa tion with Dr, Shurlock on the morn ing of May ffilth last, it was I who first suggested to Shurlock the name of Cochran as Judge of the election. Shurlock acquiesced--expressed him self satisfied. I had spoken to Mr. Irwin to act as one of the Clerks, and Shurlock mentioned the name of J. C. Courtney for Clerk, and requ ested ....../.. snarl% c•CIUi . cueur—uou mut brothers—.-and Shurlock a candidate. Cochran was by election the Judge of Darlington tot'nship and borough elections. I afterwards nominated Cochran and Irwin, and Courtny was nominated by some other person. I know of no fraud or wrong intended in the nomination or perpetrated during the day, as far as your inter ests aro concerned. Very liospect'ly SAMUEL \V. REED." Learning that more votes were cast for him at Beaver Falls than had been returned, Dr. Chandler went to that place and found twenty-seven Repub limn. voters there w'ffo had cast their ballots for him. Dr. C. was credited with only nineteen votes on the pa pers brought to Beaver on the day of thel County Convention. , That the twenty-eeren so voted is apparent from the following certificate: "We, the undersigned Republican voters of Beaver Falls, do hereby certify that we did cast our votes for 'l'. J. Chandler for Assembly, nt the late primary meeting on the 28th day of May, 1870. 1 i t Junes M. Fife 113 John C. George , 11 WillMm J . Druts, 141 T. N. Brotkan, 3 Bt. Mit Gray. 15 A. C. Thorne, 4 W. Stewart , 18 John Lattaa. 3 Y. A. Anderson. It Andrew smith, II Wm. Wins. 1.8 D. P. likernsto, 7 John 51... II Gomm, welsh, ti - 0r.....tgg: VLI a r Tret . .". 10 U. m'emary. tt John M. Coon. It Jame* 11. YID 133 T. Noble. IS Job,, item 1 There aro four names to the above ' paper which we have been requested not top:Al/Mod accountuf 801110 prl vete considerations. and we haVe therefore / omitted them. Immediately after these papers were laid before the county Commit tee, Gen. Thomas J. Power moved that" a special committee, composed of friends of both the contestants, be appointed to Investigate the case. •His motion wasdiscussed with much real Noised con, one side taking the ground that it was due to the Repub. licans of the county that all the facts touching the matter, should be thor oughly sifted and brought to light;. And the other side contending that "Chandler had no case, and at any rate it was too late." Gen. Power's motion' was lost by a small majority, and no investigation was allowed. We do not intend now te tTy to convince the maJorityof the sionslnft tee that they did wrong in thus dis posing of the. Matter. Coolness and 1 a little reflectionove think, will shear them that the honor of the party would have been maintained and its Interests advanced, by giving all the &eta in the caaea thorough ventlia , don. They have chosen to do other wise, but their decision in thereat tee will not change our course: We stated last week; in detail, what the charges against Dr. Shuflock were, and that until they 'were properly met and disproved he would not rt•- ceisi.eourpupport. Weadhere to that determination still, and once more ask him and his personal :friends to give these charges their immediate attention. . Con old North Braver playmate, captain William McClelland, the Democratic candidate for Congresa In thb3 district. seems to bo opposed to hla party. He is topresented to be a strong, Fifteenth - Amendment man, and served in the capacity of a Vice Pnuldent at a Fifteenth Amendment ratilicatkat meeting held in New Castle* k* months ago. His party is on the other side of that question. ' In &speech made last opting at Mt. Jickeed et the amniononk luta: . PI bo took the strongest Aground paisible In toor of the *mint of every dal lar of btdeelethees Waned in put ting down the rebellion. The Dem °Matte party in this district, though not avowed • repudiationlets, would ' much rather see the public debt wiped out in eomeother way than with coin or its equivalent. On the, larilfquo3- lion he is a rigid protectionist, and on this mallows, too, he flies in the face of his party. • 'Should the Captain succeed in wor king his way into Congress, it will perplex his constituents no little for a while to knew just how he is to vote on sutiects connected with those referred to Above. Yvon no Anig3 lONE IMMIX' WHY THE RE PUBLICAN PARTY 1111OULD CONTINUE IDI,POWER. There are nt present but two polit ical parties of any prominence in this country. The Bepublicans are now in the ascendency in both branches rf Coogreoi, and I propose to give some reason! for maintaining this position. In the first place it is important that Congress and the President should be In harmony.. The evils re sulting from the conflict of the Exec utive and Legislative branches of the Government are too recent and de• ploiable as, Illustrated in the admin istration of Andrew Johnson'to have been as yet entirely remedied or for gotten. ! • We have only to refer to theactlons of the President during the last three years of his administration, stimula tedand inflamed rui they were by the Dernocratie party, to remind us of the I m perat Ivo necessity of maintain ing 'the Republican ascendency \ in Congress. The acts of reconstruction must, be faithfully enforced in order to secure' continued peace and the just rights, civil and.political, of all citizens. in - every part of the country. • It is a matter of history, of the last five years, that the Democratic party fought the reconstruction measures of Congress at every stage of their progress from the beginning to the end. - No measure that was proposed by the Republicans iG the Senate or House but what encountered the sol ,. and persistent opposition and hos .tility of the Democrats; and now if the people of the country shotdd per mit. them to gain .the' ascendency, would not their first and, united eff ,rts be to annul What has been done, far as they alight be able. to people must not forget tho ly opposition of the Democratic to our great leading measures a principles. They know and s m t r o n o qt ignore the fact that actual n began under amost intense ly "Democratic administration. They must remember that all the schemes for the destruction of the Government were perfected whife Congress ayes Democratic, and Frank lin Pierce and James Buchanan were Presidents of the United States, _and no one Will call in question their alle giance to their party. If the Republican party had failed, and the Democratic party, with Breckenridge at its head, had been successful in the campaign in 1860, their - secession would • have been a • *:"lvAblinlit laibralsiettiell duties of his great- office, they woAlgitave been infinitely more dark indnielees thlut they were. thltt ern the beginning the sympti esof the Republican party without excepti. . were on the side of the Union, for the integrity of the nation • uring all the terrible conflict . owed, thegreat heart of the party never falter ed in i ; totheGovernment. Fro s inntencemeut to the Close of hoed ties, thousands of Dem ocrats and hundreds of their leaders n Congress and through the press virtually gave their syMpathy, aid and comfort to the enemy. Many of the leaders in that party Apt over to the enemy and took their places side by side with blood dyed rebels and traitors In civil life or in their armies. We challenge them .to point to a single Republican, to a man who vo ted for Lincoln and Hamlin, who do, serterted his country and allied him self with her enemies. These are reasons that the people should consid er well why the Democrats should not be permitted to gain the control of our political affairs. • • During • the progress of the war when Congress determined to make the District of Columbia—the very heart of the nation--the sanctuary of freedom, the whole Democratic party in and out of Congress, raised . a shout of indignation and predicted ruin and bloodshed in the capital; and so they manifested their opposition and hostility to every measure 'that the Republicans deemed necessary for the advatio9 of the nation. It was the Republican party that changed the civilization of.9ur coun try by striking the shackles from four millions of human beingi by one bold dash of the pen of the immortal Lin coln as he signed the Proclamation of Emancipation. It was the Republican party 'who recognized the manhood of a large portion of our fellow citizens by put ting arms in their hands and permit ting them to aid In defendlngsred preserving the Government that was for the future to spread its protecting arms overlill classes of the people. It was the Republican. party that provided support and sustenance in the establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau for a short time for fhe pro tectlon of the thousands of helpless and destitute, made so by no fault of thole own, and they established and maintained it in spite of the most malignant opposition of the Demo cratic party. It was the Republican party that declared to the world that all our people are, and ought to be equal be. fore the law. and for this purpose they enacted the "civil rights bill," which placed every man, wornan and child under the protection of our meta of law. Thisparty also estab- Milted the great principle of universal suffrage, by which every man who Is bound by the htwisray have a voice In making the same. In short II *as the Republican par ty that established those great prin ciples that are to-day operative and effective in all parts of the country, that underlie and support the grand national edifice of civil, religious and political liberty. • • When we look over the *cid of iti: airlines of the BepubliCan party for the ten years that it has had Tiontical l i ascendency, and take a survey of what it has acComplishedfor the in terests and happiness of humanity, and all the I tisce of the fiercest position,op we ire astonished at the results, rid wonder that there should be any unwillingness teltncontinu , ance in power. - There are other and many reasons why the people should maintain this Atthe -acebraion of Gen. Grant to the Presidency there was an immense public debt resting upon the country for the payment of which the honor of the nation elands pledged; and no matter what politklans may do, the people of this nation will never sac rifice their honor upon the Minnows altar of repudiation. The Republican party then, with the co-operation of au honest and falthfid President, determined that the - debt should be paid. and in such a manner as to bo the least burden some to the people. Rigid economy and scrupulous honesty in the collet, lion and disbursement of the revenue of the Government were made the rule of the Administration; and after eighteen months of active 'operations, the results are satisfactory beyond the expectations of the most sanguine.' Out of a debt of $2,500,000,000, more than $150,000,000 have been already paid; sufficient we should suppose to silence the tongue of the repudiator and anivirce the people of theitreces any of coat 'Dying In power the party which have guarded so well the best interests of the country. While paying off this immense sum, the current expenses of the Gov ernment has been promptly met and a reduction of taxes to the amount of vo,opomoo per annum has been pro vided for., We then confidently appeal to the people for theiraupixirt, in the belief that, power only should Ale given to that party who have determined to sustain the honor and reputation of the nation, and demonstrated d ii their ability to Who have so cultivated and ped the resour ces of the country as to pMve Jts ca pability to liquidate its whole debt within a period of. nineteen years without being either burdened or op pressed. The RepubliCan part yhm passed just and liberal pension laws for the benefit of the thousands of invalids, widows, and orphans made so by the rebellion which was the legitimate result of the teachings of the Demo cratic party. It is :nest proper that every soldier and every friend of the widows and orphans of , our soldiers who, gave their lives to their country, in order to insure their reception of thisboun• ty, should strive for a continued rule of their friends whO have so gener ously provided fur their needs and their interests. And now with all these and many other powerful reasons for supporting the Republicans for Congress at the coming elections, there should be the utmost harmony in every district, and no private or personal interest, or considerations should for a moment jeopardize the succ of the regular nominees of the party. Let union, nanuoury /lam firrua untll be assured beyond a doubt. PROCLAMATION OP GOVERN. OR GEARY - REGISTRY OF COLORED VOTERS. EXECUTIVE CLIAMBER, HAREISEUG, Ps., Aug. 27, 'lB7O. .) 2b Me (booty Cbrnnassiqners .and Sherer - qf the County of WnEaEms, tho Fifteenth Amend ment of the Constitution of the Uni ted States Is as follows. "Swum( 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race color, or previous condition of servitude. "Sec. 2. That Congress shall ho e power to enforce this article by p propriate legislation." AND WHEREAH, The Congress of the United States on the 81st day of March, 1870, passed nn act entitled, "An act to enforor the right of cita zaus of the United Slater qf this Union, and for other porous," the first and second sections of which are as fol lows : "SwrioN 1. Be it enacted by the ffenateand House of Rejormentaticesof the nate t IStutes of America, in Cbn gra: auembled, That all eitlierui of the United States who are Or shall be otherwise quiaifiled to vote at any election by the people in any State, territory, district, county, city, par ish, township school district, muni cipality, or other territorial subdivis ion, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without dis tinction of color, rice, or previous condition of serv itude;i any consti tution, law, custom, usage, .or regu lation of any State or territory, or by or under its authority, to the contra ry notwithstanding. "Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if by or under the authority of the constitu t ion or laws of any litate,or the laws deny territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a pre-requisite or qualification for vot ing, and by such Constitution or laws persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance of du ties in furnishing to cities an oppor tunity to perform such pre-requtsitft, or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such person and officer to give all citizens of the Uni ted States the same and equal oppor tunity to perform such pm-requisite, and to become qualified to vote with out distinction of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude; and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give Aill effect to this section, he shall for every such offence, f dollar s pay a sum of five hundred to the person ag grieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with ibil costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem juSt, and shall also for every such offence, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not lent than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not lead than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court." AND WHEREAS, It is declared by the second section of VI. article of the Constitution of the United States that "This Constitution and the laws of the United Staten, which shall be made In pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, e • * • anything in the Chnstilution _or laws at any &ate to Me contrary nohoith. swnauzg, AHD WHEREAs„ The legislature this Commonwealth. on t h e 6th M of April, 1870, pawed an act entitl ed "A further kupplesnent to the act rel, lading to elections in this Commoni wealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows: "Sec. 10. That so much of every act of Assembly as provides that on IY ; white heemen shall be entitled to vote or be registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general eleci Lion ofthis Commonwealth, be and the same is hereb repealed ; am/ that herea ft er all freemen, without distinction of color, hall be enrolled andregistered asierlinif :tb them" visitant; cif tbe CM section of rife act llPProvekthe 17th day ofApril; 1869: entitled u act further supplemen tal so the act relative to the elections of Commonwealth:* and shalt; wllfirfotberwise qualified untier ex. bating laws, be entitled to vote a! all elections and speclal eleitio in this Commonwealth.," Awn wnsuass It is toy consu tutional and official dut y 'to take care that the laws be !Mt ere =dal and it has come my. knowledge that sundry assessourand registers of voters have refined and are refusing to assess and register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise qualified as 'elec tors: Non therifm, in conalderatiSn of the premises, the County Commis sioners ;Weald county are hereby ' no tified and directed to instruct! the several AMMO= and Register of %%- tent thereof to obey and conform to the requirements of said conktitn- Ronal amendments and laws ;I and the sheriff of sold county is hereby authorized and required to publish in his Election Proclamation for the ensuing elections the herein recited constitutional amendment, act of Congreas, and act of. theLegielture to the end that the same ma bo known, executed and obey •by all asse ssors, registers of voW"lelec tion of officers, and others; and, that the rights and privilmaw guaranteed therein may be secured bail citizens to this Commonwealth entitled to 0 the alma. • Given under my ;nand and the grekt, aml•of the State, at tiardaborg, the day and year drat a l brave written. JOHN W. GEAHY. A 5150,00 0 ROB BERYJ I The Methodist Book Cosseene to New pork Robbed of i 11,09000.1 . NEW srong,September I.—Y'ester day morning it was discovered that the great safes in the rooms of the Board of Mhssions, of the Methodist Book Concern, Ne. 803 Broadway, had been robbed, and property to trio amount $150,000 carried away. On entering the room in the morning a scene of confusion" presented itself.— The floor was thickly sfiewnl with pallets, large leather wallets and bill books, told here and there a tin box forced open antreibptied of its con-, tents. Among the many papers thrown about the room were found tube a large number of registered United States bonds. No clue to the perpetrator or perpetrators of the robbery seemed to preut itself to any of the reverend. secretaries. On examination the safe, were found to, be emptied of every thing of negoti able value, including a senrit.e!of sit ver plate belonging to Itev. Mr. De pew, oral other articles of silver' ) Ware, the property of clergymen who had used the Amin's% offered by the two largesallsorff sort of safe depOsit,— tiome wailletseintairietl thesavings of a lifetime of frugality and econo my by humble parish preachers, and others and larger ones were well fill ed with the surplus accumulations Offortunate and Usklonable prelates. Such of the bonds al were r :tered were quietly thrown On the I floor, and those which were payable to bearer were inva!lbly removed. Tho largest single loeser is one of the Sec retaries of the .Alissionary Board, who was robbed of 1115,000. It neon& very strange to a casual observer i that the robbery should have been successfully performed-by any one not acquainted with the arrange ments and familiar with the places. There are twd night watchmen out side of the building and one On the inside, and the only persons having rooms on the floor with the excep tion of an artist and one other person are churchmen connected with some of the many Methodist Concerns.— The money of the society was dopes. ited in different placeis,aral that of the Book Concern was in a safe in airsh forir only indlteldulta.-1.. .........„...m.v. sums sae • them, and that it has swept away the savings' f the' best part of their lives. The officials of the Book Concern are very j retic ent, and stated to the reporter yester day that they do not choose to dis close anything in regard to the affair .for publication at the present 'tiene, and that they had . been advised by detectives to withhold all Informa tion for some days. They also de manded the suppressien of the 'above statement as there is some reason to suspect that if the robbery waw not. perpetrated by parties in the eta ploy of the Book Concern, It was accomplished at teat by expert burg lars,as they wereshrewd enough apt to appropriate ad o f the registered United States bon A rather strata sircurnstance of the depredation a that the safes were in no wial injured, but opened with keyetmd, as they were fittedwitb combintion locks,to open them the thieves nest haveph sued combinations or characters. •The safest were of Main's mak . and were considered fag class of their kind. A robbery of tti Methodist uook Concern was effcied on Tuesday evening by burets, who entered the buildiug by mean of false key:*, and after an unsuccessill attempt on the safe of the Book Opcern, containing usually $200,000 linotes t Wadi and silver, succeeded i opening a small safe, from which iey obtained iitiout $300; mall and bode amounting to $l5OOO of the Jerky City war An, which were the avnerty of J. C. Durbin, ofJerseyjity. The Metho dist officials decl e any assistance the police cers or detectives in halting out thithieves. Z I3E WAR. LATEI_i 4 NE GREAT BATTLE.IS4 , IROUND SEDAN Surrender of 111111ahon and Na- Lemnos, Se p tk4e . ' r 3.—A dispatch from Sedan via ksillon, September tkl, midnight, saithe die is east so far as Mclthihon'srmy and fortunes of tbe, empire areoncerned. All is with Franc.; 1 have already pins* briefijscts of the battles cln`ttesday and lednesday, 'each day's fighting .- . terrific. The results at the ci . . • i were favoratathe % ' tuldaY at day) o) - . (Ai reinforced and .• , lug* Won evated position( ' Batillerexten - ing down the to Don:lj kick, rg l m thence to Nancy the line of the Monson Railroad t five o'clock the Prussians enced the bat tle, making a alm e°lnusedattack aorn thfigehtFinrencgathfifrstront left Hank. '.The finery both armies: ng incessantly, the French avid • . , eying a weak er force of guns th the Prmd, , ans. At noon a tierce at was made by the Prussian in • at Douay, with the object . , awl the French centre but et tremendous fighting, the ... fell beck'. A pause seemed to place at 1 one o'clock,the firing . • less incessant but it was only a p ,eof a yet Here er assault. At tw 'clock a simul taneous movement as made along the whole Prussia . e, the infantry charging on the -F guns. i At three o'clock • French lines, which had p revs Y slaml firm, wavered, and he .. tely thereafter broke. The batt hen tiecame a route. McMahon - .rt edserletudy nowpresent it French left :very direillon • rarms. The rd, bent umn t toward Belli troop used, terrible effect, wounded. The terrible aspect. everything, fiyin and throwing a Prussians pressed cutting off their g!uw. The • their bayonet Night closed en suit, leavltig the In large ululation out the battle. At half past tw ... gat ;:: d Sedan. The throdgh a =lmage was sent to the Emperor t his bead rerk advising him to dy to /3el- • Wu, but he was too ill to uddertake • morning thelquedanriprefai• . ato attadt Sedan, which was not* a• condition to , resist.. At twelve o'clock a platy of °Meets, headed by General Whispffen, left Sedan, bear- Ind Sjita' of - truce. It wits received by UM vanced guard and conducted , to the Pnualan bead an_ whence the General forma ll ytbe French Amoy and. Iteiceserto Kb* William. The .Fiench4arty also bore a letter from the- Emperor to King Willitun,stathig thit he desired - to surrender himself, not having any command. • The formal rimitubstion took •place at half past one o'clock. it is said the Emperor . will be sent under h strong escort to' Magdeburg, but hisidestination le a se c ret. A large number of French escaped into Bel , glum., ' 1 Breaux, September 3.—King Wil- . clam telegrari the following, dis patch to the neon and th Wert ' e War Min- ; • SedaS,Septernber B.—The capitula tion hies been concluded With General Mineral, who commanded Instead of - McMahon, who is wounded. The .;Emperor duly Surrendered himself to me,as he had nb command. He left everything to thregency at Paris. i ' . I shall appoint Napol 's place of residenee a fte r the enter View at the 'rendezvous, which takes lace Janne diately .1 • • What a course events ve assum ed 14 God's guidance I ($10f,(1) \, nuitii. A [dispatch from Beilin to day says, The rejoicings over the recep tion of the glorious news'from Sedan ' bathes all description. Iwas known at eight o'clock In the m rning. The whole population you lnto the streets and rushed to the palace of the Queen. ; In a few minutes the Queen was out on the balcony, dressed in a plain Morning wrapper, rind weeping with joYas she received tie deafening cheers of the multitude. Hundreds of women went down on their knees, with streaming• eyes thanking God for the apparent app of the close rot! of the I terrible war. ools were closed 'and processions of children formed in ail quarters. ny climbed the statue of 'Frederick the Great, crowning it with wreaths and Sags An impromptu Pamela a of citizens was gotten up, which retied thro' I , the streets with banners and music. There is a general belie that France will ithiindon further rem tante. All financial circles share : in, the exulta tion, which is shown by be buoyancy of the nutrkets. The people gladly welcome peace on the niost generous terms consistent with perfect security against Future wars. 1 . THE TWENTY-FOURTH' CON. GRESSIONAL DITRFUT. DIONONGAHELA• OUSF, .Prrionuaou, August ,130, 1870. The ;Republican colgerees from Greene,) .Washington, Deaver an d'\ mtmtics, comprising th; Twenty fourth Congre ssional Dl ., trim, assembled at the Alonongatiela House at, 11 o'clock a.l. m., for thd purpose of placing In nomination a, candidate for the Forty-second Con;' grew. Conferees present : Greene—Dr. S. ..11 pm... Colver,Messrm. John Givynn, Joseph S. Ilertig. Washington Messrs. Colin 31: Beal, \V. S. Moore, W. S. White. 'Beaver—Col. D. It. David son, Messrs. • Wm. (r, John F. Bravo. Lawrence—Mrs. James F. Scott, F.' M. Hoover, J. W. Ihtin. • Confesmee organized by calling . Mr. James F. Scott, of Lawrence to the cluiir, and selecting John F. Dravo, of Beaver, Secretary. • On motion, Hon. J. B Donley, of Greene, ',and Michael Weyand, of Beaver, I were put in nomination. The vote was taken and resulted as .66. follows:1J. B:_Donly, k; Mr. Wey and, 8 . Mr. Dotricy having a majori ty of the votes c ast, vas declared Whil4th... ,—,,, , which time the nation,af Mr.*Donle-y— -ley was made unanimous. On motion, a committee of four consisting of .Messrs. I Reed, Orr, Gwynn and Hoover were • appointed to inforni Mr. Donley or his ncim hut- Son, and request Ittens. Weyand and Donley to addreal 'the Confer ewe. 1 ' The honorable gentleman made their appeannice, and after short ad deems tdthe Confeient on motion adjourned. JASmi F. Scirrr, President. Jowl F. Dit.tvo, Secret:ay. New i Advertixerkients 1.101.116 AND LOT OFGRODNDFORSALE 11. —The rubpalber offers for Ink a lot,of growl edlotumg the 'rinser of Meek H li awk. Bearer . ;o., tontalnhie Awn scres„ no ithich Is erected 1141., frame bonding cooldelog 4 room. T ere le a newer falling spring of water co the prembee ; oleo. a_cumbze of fowl Imp. 0rp731 j N . J McCOll.lOOl. BARGAINS!! Ladies Satchels sallinit A 5 cents, $lOO i and $1.40 Just receir4d from our Importers and miumfacturon a large dock of - 4zaert RIO:CY BASKETS. •a • 1 CHINA and BOHEMIAN WARE, HOBBY HORSES,. WA9ONS, WAX ROLLS, An. A ' Gall and, Examine o rr Goods. O ' Leary & Sin leton's, 14S Feder 1' St., . ALLEGHENY, PA., sprl3;l3] chlr pule, .ept. SAXON G EEN, Is Beefier. will not rode, Coa4 Lem thin any other because it will paint twice, am ninth endue. Sold 11 , 4' nil Denlei•so in PAINTS. J. It WEEKS/ C 0... idaufactorers. 1142,N0nb 4th Street, Philadelphia, A VOID QVACKL—A victim of early toms- Jt mdse , eatudng nervous dettility, premium decay, £c., hawing tried In es i l , :zmy advertleed remedremedy.lns a simple means of ee Imre , which be will send free to Ms fellow...so • Address J. H. TUTTLI, II Name at., New T. it.(sepl;4w pcYCHOMANZ tIY-71-1801;L CHMM-1.---A wonderful book; It shows bon either sex an • fascinate any one they wish, IrsttladY.. (All Pow sees MN power.) Ittemhes how beget nen, Alche my, Sweeties. Incantations. Demnoology. Magid. Mesmerism, Spirltusllsm. Marriage Guide, and a [boomed weeders: Mailed Aw IS cents. Address T. WILLIAM G CO.. PablishmlarSouthllh sheet Philadelphia. Pa.- iseptisr PRICE: REDUCED.. The beittAn the 40prentry. • NEW YORK OBSERVER, 13 ME AN N D ONE MONTH FREE (() N TRIAL. H SIDNEY It. MORS& JO. a CO. • ._ll7 Pork Um Now York. WWWANTED- Lando la reratiylvanta4 ANTED for cab and_good stocks. TOWNSEND. DROP 131 Loath mire St. Philo elphla. IC 1 CHANCEL !ALLOY oriPrit6pt-1 own A/ ru Interest in one of th e braPtillver Mines of Ike day, developing. dn. nem Oetetown. Col.— • Can ratlefy yon'of its undoubted , lee wi a Food investment and a paying one. Dest ill . reletwiltilw given. I nab to sell ane.balfot It Ivry anapfor atek. Addle.* my Atto. TOWNSEND BUDS., 131 south Third Street. Fbll idellillia. '. ihr NUN!IN' SIX )(OATES CAI"( RIC MADE by • shrewd and rallab'e man tu a sue, safe se. 'Rahman:neat of $23 will • dear tof $ll3. For Partin lets eel on se ad dress Me SiCiltTli AMERICAN ICTURE CO.. No. 8/ IN tom street. Neer York. • Ser EtirnlPllll ESIVIERTISING. .J.• New Book of te4 perm Pries No eta. by well. AMERICAN NEWS W., New York. 4w , A DIRINIIIIIIIATOIVII lediSlCll.—Let 11. ten of adminlstratlenintylint been panted t o the setweriber on the estate of William Warman, . - • late of Greene township, Beaver empty ~ all permits Indebted Weald estateare Mt k • Mit hamedlate payment 4 retrumd • hawing claims ...Lost tbs deli *ethos uexathe mw....t,' "i" Pr.. t for best _ _..1 SAMUEL Z. PZIIGUISON. emigal.lla.) , . llnim.list r t 4 IPXIIB liftbrita. D. seees. • X BROIL, 431111 U ik anat. tars, sad mbr 2411Atir 'my A , • . . HENRTIAPP Dwill.. ALL Kum 9 i FURNITUE. 1.001304111 118 I PICTURE FROM 01 ALL BE 71211120511XD TO °IDS& Brighillittl It. above Plow Irsetory, '•• - ROCHESTER, PEN A. The lespet do* Is lam cosily cosetestlf sobead,sad smug it the may knees& prim. Conine sad Owes provided et the aborted nodes Huth( leers swig stall WOW .1 Molten oe Mau, sad wishing to oaks room tor hal sod erls. ter work. I lave teaser& my- prim seitottiligly. suillat • lugLesga.,—The Copartnership he .D i ttre j an Meting between the andessissea, dee the arm mine oil Wet Co bre Ude day been dissolved by mutual CoMeat—T. lawn Pendleton :edam. AU patesne knowing themeless to be Indebted to Ore late drat will wake inuoollets otherwies their mom te will be pat In &i n = arm ogees toe coderdon. • IL KILLED. _ W. DtiLdT. 0. AVERILL PENDLETON. The Madam will be costimed maw mate drat mate. by W. W. MILLS'S. W. DOLBY. la Mishit from the above Inn I would most heartily Ilaginnetna f6r the reasalalhig perttlets the peormage of all my Meade and the pubic seeldlAw T. AVIIIIILL PENDLETON. - New Millinery Establishment • IN ROCHESTER. MBEI. IL 2'. NEAL Would inform tho public of Rochester and vicinity that she has just dpcned • NEW MILLINERY STORE ON I3ILWRTON STREET, eatrt distance above Cross' store. • ROCHESTER. PA. 1141111111 AND L II It Et In nil its branch.... Childrerts' clothing. Shirts. &c., made to order; work to be re lied on. A cull sulk:Wed. • p. T. mr2.3.stml. BEAVER -ok BS UG STORE, • .q 9 n ll olflP 'F il l Druggist it Apothecary, nmikvv.rt,. PENN Pure: Drugs. Chemicals, Medicines AND ALL THE OFFICINAL Plumaoeutioal,'Preparations ALWAYS ON lIAND Paints, Oils, Varnishes,' Dye-Sites, Window Glass, dw. Al the Lowest. Omsk 'Prices. Agents for Fahnestock, Ilastett & &hwartz's Idtrleld'y Vitro 'White Lead At Matlacturces' Prices Airenta for the Chemical Pition‘, one bun I Physicians' Prescriptions careibily and scientifically compounded at any time day or night. Lang3l;chd vo `to t ContrlatittAilrit 11.101. ?MeV' YOU DEAL oral, 1 Bargains in Clothing ! Great Closing - Out Sale I !1, 1 Of Summer Goods!: ;pie l. —AT— 1.1 SCRIFF&STEINFELDSI NEW BRIGHTON, PA. if Mohair Dress Goods at ' 0 ctv per yd. ~Qunhleached muslin " 8 " " " ;Heavy Splendid bleached do 10 .• • ,Comfort Callen, (Dnsis do 10 Ladies' Hose, 10 , 11 a pair) ,Gents' Socks. S do 1 (dents Summer suits, from s33j(gs9.l 1;• I t All Other Goods at Cbrrespond-!!: 31 ingly Low Priem. • ..,7 Cnll early. Wyou %lint to mecum mann 21 BARGAINS AT is ‘. SCHIFF & STENOS ;7 •gueni343 rim eaqattike vi sarniS Ely innn2Och(l. • The Cheapest Paper in the World. or 30 CENTS I The Weekly Patriot. CONTAININO FORTT-EIGUT COLUMNS of Nutter. Political, Literary. Agriculterat. Cu' rent News. it, front tier First of September 1010, until Ow Plrat of Jannal7 ISIL for Pills Coats to eribeeriberl: to clubs of too g sem to clubs of tweedy, and sso.co to clubs of one hood.' red (to ono address). cash In advance. Addniaa R. P. MEYERS 2 CO.. Editors and Proprietors. limbhurg, Pa. anglitaw fIIINSMITIMING.—The undersigned has iLif ripened • gunsmithlag eutabllshment in Rneb. ester. an the bill. where he will make and repine C. pistols, BRACIMOND KROTZ, angl7;lnso Pa , looms , . el the Anasrion , thimeity. am nrallar mondental was _ al Oannim Semen and them Ittr lb* nere diesseml. • Painless se cttlat=iie .1.4 h. me .....".,.. an tl e P 4 Thep * malt rlllll7 Melded tor.l lei rs :1.1 . f 'h treatment i* ' asps. = Inter the -r-I'''-' 1 - ix •la amltmo= 7 meet/1m no that they Naiad. dl. and db. Ortersad ern met Mora All than .1. ina ar earl ea tame/... Ilerhenta & Daum tbarentrY: er outdraw. !Cm 414 Pun Street, • • 071 CZ= Allen's Potato Digger. WILL DIG /MORE POTATOES THAN Can be L(fted by THREE NEN IN THE' I irSUAL WAY Over 01te Hundred cold Last Ahmaati by we. ALL WARRANTED. Only one returned. Bent on receipt of fifteen dollar,. W. W. KNOX. 137 Liberty /rivet Pittsburgh. Pa. Oen't Agency for the W;rst. [suirlOgur offend to Ilna A ar . !Bead Wimp. LW nave a , , 111 : —.11- 4 0 :abas asataasad to try q9p a j r a:M om oaf mea su aad women segira Clothse Lbuts , Par I P ar Pirderaes ad& ilbe v Ocasaii Was WIWI, Philadelphia, Pa. •apiviie I win send the re. " E setae by width 1 Was eared of Cs c AT A p g‘-k tarth sod Dolma free. Add r ess Mrs DEAFNESS X. cLegion. Ho srterAw __Agell,#.. o ! : Wanted. For ._ .FREE LOVE. AND ITS VC/TARIM% by Dr. Jame B. /Mum.. Tlie met errerruko honk of modern throw. The whole estdoet 1014 bare sod Ito blOrosenee• et. weed to betversel exeastkes. WrUlne le Ike IM 141*StO V Clrillsealors. CArleNoeitr. (ma Male iforaetly. . Send for theaters sod terms. US. Pubtliblag Co. N. V., Clodonatl. Ctiteego end St. Louie orpt4w to OM WI POMO WWI MINA a mum STATIC INFORMATION forth', Pool odors um mirriAmiTh am. our Ituisits awl ow min's. commumpre a Naas ragra=aim "CHILDREN CRY FORITH Elf." CARBOLIC LET S • specific for all dimities albs ruplratori or fatill I Olt IUKIIS plawbratie. No family should ho without DP. Wens ; Carbol,(oTablotea. They Should be promptly taken In alt eases of Dyptheria ‘ lloarsetlear, mid In all a ff ections of the 'a brood and Longs. For Worine in Children they are *lmply tovaloable and an a2[CliCllt Mtn edy when time Althwye do not perform Melr toes. noes properly. Seed for sonar. Prior !unity. sts cents per lion.. Situ by mall on receipt of ibe once, by 3. Q NEM/It/G. 34 Platt street, N. Y. bole Agent for the U. S. bold by lira...cleft law Agents Wanted (Male or Female) for the PHYSICAL LIFE 01" WCOM.A.IV. BY GEORGE H. NAPHEYS, M. D. ruvc IVrtrx I. the great - iucresi or the )ear. 45.000 rave already beenld. It a4lll sells with a rapidity quits unprece dented wi ented Agents all agree that tb.,y titmice money hotter sell. lag It than any other. Much first class territo7 dy " ems, "lll ;111. 1 1.11/rl4%ll7l:? h P i fe 1 ptia. ROM York , & Boston. 4.-p7:4111r Getting Up Clubs. • Great - saving to Consumers. Pathe encintre hue, to get op thine. Our an. swerie, send for Price Ll,t. sod a Club /01,61 wt l accompany Itmith full Cirectlous.—malting a 'erg. saving to Consumers sod remunerative to Club SHE REAR mockx,TEL YO co. 91 it 331111.3EY 9311.11 ET, • EW. RKeept3. P. 0. Dos 5613. er An unfailing remedy for Neuralgia Fociit., of ten election . a perfect core In n stn-le day. So form of Nervoci , Illodsoe fails to yield to Ito won• derful poorer. Everett, the severe CRAMS of chronic Islenraloa, affecting the enur , oyotem, iu nee for few days affoncs the most astonishing rellef and rarely folk to produce a complete and {ors aunent care. It contain. no Inst.:riot in the ittighteet de gree Inintiono. It ha. the mutual: Mel approval of the beat phyolciono. Thomand. to ev,ry pas of the country Cr.lto 'llll belie It- pO, Cr to wed' the tortured nen e 4, and red )(1.114 the strength. Sent by mall on receipt of price and post vo. One paCtage.........flin Pootnge ....I; on Six package. 5 Ott do ... 27 rent.. It 6. sold by all dealer., in drnm , and medicinru. and by TURNER a all:4ot. Proprietors. I 21) Tremont Street. Mao.. lang24l:3turo.i. THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 11, lore than 600,000 Persons ;11 E• - Beer leithrony to their Wendettult4V . Curative effects. lIIAT ARE TII Fes c g 5-• E-'Pt " • -a Z-1 c >;a 575: MI 75 1 s ihte.FANCY- Made of Poor Rem, IVla.asky.lrroof Splfd .ltTeittinellinclu.e t phtta! lu iZ r., e taet "u , ‘ "c " alled km," " sere." - R....toren. • Sc., tharlmd the tippler Oil to Ut unkeune•s and ruin, nut anis true medicine, mode from the Lathe Route and Herb. of tablorti Ire*. from all Alcoholic eigemaulants. 1 hey ore me a. BEAT BLOOD PCBIIYIIiat and Life GllvAng /Principle, • perfect itentrratOT slid invigorator of tne r , y•- tem, carrying taintt pul:onona molter, end recior• log the blood to, Lealthy coon:don. Zso IA nets Can take throe al wt . . according to direction., a ud remain loug .100 tvlll be given loran r hworable tape, pawl • eel the bones are uot devioyed by tutueral p rona, or Other limn, :OW .be Vital organ. V 1,44%, La•yond the {{tut of Minn( For Inflammatory 8 Chronic When anatbuss and Boot* 1.1 apepata, or Indi gestion* Willowy Itesalticial., and In - Serviiluetall reran; Dieesaeo of the Iliood*Liva,Kld•yd Bladder,thiaO Billteni nave e bee. mi. iv . Bee.. is and aorta Dlat cayman cusod y Vlirated Idlooa, winch la wrnerelp too . - • A rraneemetit of th e Oldeatare Or.- • Ciao., the eltlaimi Blood whenever you Enda. Impurities bursting through the skin in pimple., eniptioin. Itehluge. or.dense it oboe you dud it obotructed at...lugs:an In the veins; derma It ertien It Le foul, and your feilluo will tell you whet'. Keep the blood pure and the held, of the spans will follow. I'lN, TAPS and other WORMS, letting In the system of ar twiny thou.anda, are effectually de stroyed ur removed. - In billions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. these Hitten Dale no tunal. Fur directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed iu tour languamm— Kughott,• German, /rends and Spanish .1, NV Ai.fiElt , Proortetur, an Commerce St„ N. Y. IL R. McDONALD S CO, Drugguts and Awn's, Sao Prautisco andl ecrameuto, California, and SI and 31, Commerce/St. N. Y. I SOLD bl DRUOGINTh AND DEA L. MRS. - eug3l;ltr Tho !hoc Cowl) trill change any colored bale or beard to • inrmsnent black ur iftuvrn. contalno no polron. Anyono can use It. One lent by null for mar dollar. Ad. Brea MACIIC COMB CU., Springfield, Maas soriptn. teXIITIZ Isata ta - '7l! twee Tears yr TR Inlina.Plais TUN LIFE OF lit°. I' 410 0.0/1 a 10 ,, of wild adveuture a n d a thirst fork kn3wl. alga of the indien their customs, 'ports, 11,11• Mao*. wars. great hit's:., hunt., lett a home of plenty 10 OLlo,loll.lllig the boliaus adopt ed their mode of lit-, marrlad Itie beautiful Was. telle , tweante a OFf Warrior, ll.mttr ctn.! (eM./ of PI) Lodges. wmc.ppointed Lieutenant la the I. Si. Regular Army fur meritorious service , with his 'braves against hostile Indians. A book orthe most .thrilling Interest. ,a reality well auMeniiceleti. Truth stranger Mendelian. Superbly illustrated. 71) Eagnmings, with portralluf the author to full haulier C0 , 1310e. Price low. Should outsell any book extant. Wend et imce for Illustriterl circular, table of contents. sample Now and terms. A.U. IIUBBA litt), Publisher, 400, Chestnut St.. Phila. A GENTS W.INTED.-410 PER DAY)— .C 1 by the.AMY.ItICAN KNITTING MACIIINS CO. lith.TON, MASS. or ST. LOU IS. Mo. tie:Miro Wtl4 - tit?, 6"AlltliiP. Z.°4r.".l!V: the . 4 El.de Loch stich," and la warranted for years, Price $.5. Ali other machines with en ohder•terel sold-for $1.5 or les+ an. harlocrtoveds Address OCTAGON ShWINO Wit:GING CO., LotrlClLL. ll . l deslo.liGhoopt. Ps., or Boston, Mar, Jetthin - $lO tie ° . — be i rttl 4 n73 . 4in t e r' iy t n ;) w e:c ' n a in h i n s h reir: calm.* free. Addreve .1. C. HAN I) & Cu. lord, Ka_ XI74NTED A(IFNTS— To sell the 11011 E I V 811 SEWING MACIIIN/i. Price *23. It mate, it - i altar 4/11 both Adel) and Is the only Iletn-rd under.feed .Alacillus sold for lcsa than Efak Letvuoed hr Wheeler & Groacr .t Raker. and I.lngar a Co. All other undrr-fird Nhnnte Machina...sold for IMO Kan lip sire Intrlnaerounts. and the .1/, and osier tlahle to proteention. Andre.. JOlll l l. SON, CLARK a CO . - Boston, Ms..; itt..burr . /•••• etlenCO ill or St- Louts. Mo. dert3to I'I'ALIEiN 1113 ES. FOR SALE 20 BIDES ITALIAN BEES Oat be Seen at the Ikstdenee qf T. W. Moore, BRIDGEWATER, PA ?Int came, Brat served. Anglo:4w J. W. MOORE & CO. Radical copy 4L—aend bill to irgua. OLOTHIrd STORE. * NE GOODs! Airing and glimmer Weyr The um:term/geed takes plta3tire it la forming has tliends anti the Vuo:lt Fin er ally that he has just recArtil optta,l A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES Fttit BRING and SUMNER Wear lie keeps the best ttl w em ploy, sod reins contitictit 11...4i,ii ‘ t y to eut.and make up gamma. Imul FASUAINABLE& DI ItAtiLt: and In ancb a minim' its will I.lt-a,, hi, cuswmcra GEITLEEN'S PUBISIIING GOODS ALWAYS OS iIAND Oil/ and see us. before luiri4 y, ur Orders Theichere WILLIA3I REICH. Jr. may4;7o;lY BnJgcrnt,r. ft, PILE REMEDY. Werner's rue Wined (eat 01.0 In O&M case) lo (Us, tut) wort: ul need, -tinder or nleccti.g rm... 1 WI/ AMICtal abolud 11s1Wedi./“.:, ca.! //t/ I//t:r ... s ci get W•tallt / /: .• prenly lee the , and t. LW. 4.11 conseur other gnwor•. It L., cert.! nuu t „.„ of tl%ct al }clad •trtAlltly; nit everywhere. Y I' ka? , war err .. Dirapepala Tuttle Vart.ll e/p1V..11.0 lur 1.1).1.vuc. 41,1t.tiott •ull.tiL 4 .111 7.olll.lCuotirt.u...s. It •11,4115 iutac awl ot a t m.:wild lappet met; a wtteu( , l.c. b. strffitsl3l YYd re.turgs tun titgce I tre 1,011.0 V. ILICaIiI47 Mx. :Wt.... Sail d)"P'l. , er. Sous should gm,: Iturner • bohorptsa saw L d711, ,, t0ti. Crier thlt, 11.411 r. IL; t_.l U Ili-1 - 1. uf., .1711 A-P -,14 1:: Warne"' cough la*Lusa ue tiali4 and eivecturumg. a lua eair.urcuu,,, rr it yu+.e••.. tellerainAna rl [LI War VI iwrc lhtual, Mout:bit., is.arecosetm. Anibal& awl itiCanthina. bap pi Ulapt. I. UK ICUU nuol CA./ .:a nab...1411a all We Y 1 lb) &Lail...L. .'L. Wow, 1121/ 4111.1:00‘lb•It I.k amis proacriu“.‘ IL. sud out at• I-, 1.:. Ito 113•••11 ucauYlt aid tX1, ,,,, 0rat.u4 fits4llll. Übe WI. •.A./ru• WI:Mt Paint/Ye 1.1...tt1e ad.,. • "ay. ztslrl 41 4114. gists, lulArre put II • .1 % 1212 . .. tl . ll , laSal[ll 30,1 et:II C....4,N too V• 7 •E Tll., Great LllO.l l'uriller aihl arnee• 41114/11 Itar.or %Slue ul Life, is Ince ITUW stliy 4y4 - au: lag prepared lox lilusc 0240 -L.; - It IS a eplrtalld si,iwitzLr = tEoll2=ll== In Wain flu( 1.4 ay uwet arucs. It .. llAtt., (.brapvr. duiD tu..to/ tat. Laic. tn. 11 we ul It 0, .1.,„ n . 1.;, • •cfacf. aril° alms 10 00)0, K . ,./13 ...a, • 1r.., [km Et. 14E01) Waist VI 1.110. It a wthrcnt Islay .112 thqVIV In I.e. IL IL no,d a,. .510014. f • EiEe Vue 110..3',1, L:MM/ONAGPOGUE 14 . 11111er . . Eol2llllCnagy6lSC Is the cr.l ac tide knovtn,to cure the Wader. (it will .6te every care) ha re is the tamil) .11 L Important tr.ed it toe Is tot wantedt Is the great...l hter*ittg e‘er °tiered you.at )..) shoals luau. cliately pr,cure It. It la ni-114 , re for Female Irregnlsritte... sad min be Orpo.w.el tqwn In eery where the r been obstructed through cold • f druggists. Ice On 1./.3,1•1ut hy r... receipt of une Ilallar sod a ti 4 4 , u trot 619 Stale etreet.l'hiCitgO. For MI. , by N. A ); 11.tHNE . ..1 813110..11ridgrwater.andllUttu AN laciver. l'a.: CARPETS, Oil ' Cloths, &c. Wholesale and Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. ri la AN-entat PITTSBURG IL PA • We Have Facilitio !or MI RETAIL E A ILE s Equal a ANY EASTERN Joni; YIeCA 1,1.111 HILO% =ll9 - HOMES FOR THE NIILLIk)N:! Rare opportunitlerare now offere, 6.r locum; borne* Ina mud, healthy and cohgtr.l.7i one -tenth of their valise dee ye re hence. THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGF.SCI haator ”le real C.tate of story desci rd In the Middle and Southern Stair, Inpr,rd *tack, grain:and fruil farms: rice, striae CA too plantation*: timber and mineral tend•, rot village and royal residenoes and bu. , it.eso s_a•. milts and mill riles. /into/ire. eV. Write for Land Register cutitAlcfng &emptier. button, pries and terms of propentee ter hair for *ate. Also, Connettell with our nral Ewate nth:, hare • prweral Claim and /Went .17eary anan•. the auperiarkbo of thru..ll kno•u Tn..ma• Ts.!mr. lade of the OrlitiglOCO Pep runeni, ohs le Dab • acituarfik and jordaval m,nl.:ni.. and arn:larqu .In ted la the dleferellt rruttirl.l Prpartnol a, ro. peefelly Id the War and hi. y. Ordnance and 0 VIVI C hrtent paper .ref fly preyed 1•11,1.1lVd. stud Retnts acw•d r,:..•• Cr. to fAe tkorterl p)ssiNe If • Opecial allo•illuu go co to r,1ea..1 1../... •:• ,3 Case. fur rriasuci rzfrotrion, iaf. rferrae, anent, elt.C. i'rrtiontrurry qarotnatton t•, the pattllil , l try of an ankle made uu receipt of a lute( don of the same—so intetlei todag manned Favor ebovro I'ool2 Ili 1r" 1:: 'l' 0 1 by asoloting In procuring pa:runk awl ant wards utilizing their !uremia... FiNiMMSI=III Terms more rraaolLll,lo I hen an• othe. 1112=2511010 EMil sent 're... Addmpo : U. W. CIA WO, 1. 0 • TA/ ngonalg al Plat, .4g., rt? and .1711 Amu,. Artnuf, IcasAbwo., P Jr29,a rer Atanki nmrly all the different 1,1 sale at the A IPA Vs °Mee. lasts tatloov HAS RECEIVED A. now and ♦s•ell wi-li•rtrd ASSORTMENT oi DRY - GOODS, tmoita=azaz o ctuuk'NsvvA.iz MEI 13_ALIZ7D - VT_A,R,E, WHICH lIE OFFERS MAC:AIAT Priori• eve efts. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers