Theearirgus. 1team.1 . 4,..1ay 10 ISTO._ 7; -. 477.• rall 3w. 5W 3m. Om. 1 n4O-101Ines. ,0 g • IPPUI Nunn', dO d 5 ' Mum do IV 'lO 'go res. do SOO BOS 10.110 , 33 WOO Ni c01umn..... 1100 1100 13. 00 S 2 CO li ...11 00 25 00 WI 00 20 00 columov,— is at * op CP Administrators' wend nOldeldij Prrikrid cor oscolent . , In adYlllloe, and Emanuele Nottcsa....sB SkOtna.illaicalta. -I ' /Plifl l ooo RRYsoll4ll4gyle -- "MateorkoM499 - eimetirertiorthe 7 N. 9P. m. July 11 7 1kueg. ~; so deg.' 78 deip, 12 70 deg. 78 deg. 71 deg. 13 00 deg. ft: deg. 73 deg. 14 78 deg, - • 83 deg. 75 deg. 15 73 deg. 87 deg. 75 deg. 1.1 , deg. 140 A, : 4410g. 17'. hio TIME TA 1.E.. Cleveland it Pllttabarjgbild. "Hug Rest leave Beaver Station as follows: Moe. ram; Katircss, 0.17; Evening Itlpress,"l.l4; 5.14:11u. ", • • Trains going West lesve Beaver tits : lion tu fol. inw.: Stift, 7.43 a. tn.; Exprms, 3.65 04 Ae. memindation . 6.43 p. m. PHU M. W. kg. golpg East kaVe ltochmier Station (M end of bridge) no 'W him,: Beaver Falls Mann. 0.02 a.m.; Imp octopi.. 7.10 a. m.;.New Castle accom , alid a. ta.: D. Fain amino. 12.10 p. tn. Trains 'going West leave Rochester !Ration, (at end ur bridge) OW B. atom. 10 a. In.; Edon aeeopl. 3.19 p...m.; lirleltight,vlPress sAIS p. in.; B. F. accent. p. ' Trains going East hare ltdebester (Viipen pot as fellows : B. F. a0Mm.6:(13 atm ; moon Ile rem. 115 m.,• New Castle scam.' 8.40 c'to; Chicago ap.10.52 a. ism 'Bayer Falls SCCdII 13.15 p. W.; Chicago Mall 2.06 p. nwcitrla am. 4.10 cidesgb eg i l*ln; Erle mall 11.10 p. Tmr" iktturedWillieedeete& pot m follows - taiga 8.151 d as.; rle exp. doormat; As... Kills :1=131.7 10,111 .1.11 4'.11,1/1. The attention of the. to the follovrlng. Ailvertliienient ' a which appear for . the 'firs; 'tithe, In "the Aware today s • • - r special. Notic!sse.",..........WlLl.AndfiagAb Speelal , 'Notlew i 44/149 Staines:ion. Teacherts Wentfeli eirThoWinglit Adv'Ortisemeilloi, . Sowing Machines; S. J. Anderson: spacial Bsrgainr,. A. W. Erwin do Co. Clothing, Schiff dr. Stelufeld. , Nabooriptisoteleultlearitoster Asa gust:---Tite* folio/aim Inamod venting have paid•thereumesset oppodefisttallar names on subsetiptron to, th i s . flenVer Altettii, elope the dMo of oar lea pabll- cotton. John MoMehon, Beaver t • • $2 00 E. 11. Daugherty. Doevt, ! ' , • , 200 S. B. Wilson; Bay , J. S. Calvert, Near Shadiela, 200 James Eakin, BrightoOp., 2 00 R. T. Taylor; Beaver, 1 00 George Shaw, Bridgewater, I'2 00 Ow/. GresalsavAbsopeel , ..—. :2410 Netlonittllahk, NOwateiiglitonc /00 S. Mid r SIR g .1111.:,.....`aa-,-...1•1111 A Lintia:e called 6&L kido.ticsts , for and told him he most retrace• some uncomplimentary' word* or tight, 'There was no retraction, and when the lawyer left the onkel his eyes 'Wore black and Ida nose bloody. • AT Hanauer's, hats 81.00: 1,4 atm Hata and Bonnets at half prig° at J. U. Bunco's Millinery and DrZ °eds . /Wore, tatctiltinetre AT Hanauer's, hata delta. The *liver County Agricultural' ,•iety, will hold its nort Annual Bair Beaver, on Wednesday, Thursday and toriday, Sept. 29th and 90th 1870.. ape2o;3tuos.] ii. IL . MORE, Sec'y. SINON July 4th, all goods lutes loan itiirkod down'very low, at Borioes"111 1 * vont° Bry.Mooda,ssaketilltucriJd 4 tre. 3,1 street, Beaver. • Julyl3; 4t of Fashion keeps the best stock of trimmed nna nutfim nwd bats and bonnets lit 'Bolivar omint,y. five Mtn n crill, corner Bildge and Mar ket streets, Bridgewater Pm 311-s;tl 121 cents for the best Delslas to the imirket, at J. H. Ileum's - cheap Dry hoods and Millinery store, 3i street, nsaver. , ' , Julyl3l4t: .f.rilatiatier's, hats 25 cents. Jol.;tt I.Ain us Uatn and 11,0pnotild bglf priick at J. U. hence' sNilllitiery and 14; store, Beaver : , a good suisortment always on hand. • 'Julyl3;4t. r,O-Ilata and bonnets trimmhd to or .lwr at Hanauer's, corner of Bridge and Marlefstroots, Ilridgewatdr. jelf.;tf Z-frlkfulvanon Limo Kiins, Vanport. • Bost limo at the lowest pra t *. [ J0221f. Sods.: inly 4th, all' gockl.4 have Loan marked down very low, at Bonce's fa vorite Dry Hoods and Millinery store, wl street, ]leaver. t i ,Julyl3;4t A vial; let of Millinery Goods are now selling at coat; at Will 'Sealth dr. Co.'s ('heap Store. • 12 mute fur the beat DeUlna th .101,03 market. at J. 11. 11. lienee'sl - eheap Dry • (mods awl Millinery atom, 9d:sw4, Waver. • ' Jniql3;4t AT Ilanauer'N. 'Ladles tios!e, 10 , j enta. els;tf , LA DIPS /WS ii1(11C31111041 at half price nt J. 11. Denee's Millinery and Dry Goode store, Beaver, a good aaeortment always unhand. A wilsig lot o' P. Ks., Victoria, French and Pacific Lawns are now selling very cheap. at Will Smith a Co.'s Cheap Store. Seen. tho 4th of July all goods have lava ularli4xl.lo4en very low, it /alleol lavorlto bry hoods' and 111111hiorY oittird, :41 street, Beaver. Julyl3;4t AT Hanauer's, hats 50 cents. jals;tr ===l 121 mots for the bit-Delarns in the market, at J, H. Itenee's clump Dry iiiKAn and Millinery store, 3d street, Beaver.• - ." July WE hay . ° a few more pieces of those plendid light Prints, only I.S cents per yard, at Will Smith & Co.'s, Rochester. tin Kg Ifets and Bonnets at half price at J, 11. Bongo's and Dry I i.,(04 store, Beaver, a good assortment always on hand. Julyl3;4l SPLENDID Bleached Sheeting, 21 yards a•ulo, only 55 . mote per yard, at Will smith dc Co.'s Cheap Store. • all goods have benn Start: July 4th, ..... -r 111114:N1 down very low, at Bence , a favor ite pry Goals and. Millinery store, .034.1 street, Beaver.. : 'fits Sly quaker Hoop Skirt is. the Lost and latest—for sale toy Will Smith & Itocliester. Call stalely ; tp pecure I ta rgui r 12k cents for the beat. Deisinc hit the market, at J. li. Bence'a cheap fey 4;ooibi and Millinery store, 31 street. iktivcr. , , Julyl3:it itecravan at B. 8. flingers, one, War t leral of extra Ncr. 1 Salt. Also, Scythe sueatlis, lieythea, 'Rakes and forks, for Nate cheap. And at the • same time, we ct , eall your attention to a lot of tinelEtagars_ for preserving purposes. . 4y13:3! • TUE Oaken! and . 74anegeti or the Beaver C,ounty AgrieUlAnral Society, will meet at the Sheriff's aftlee, in Beaver, on Saturday, J , 19 23d,1679, at 1 p. m. A prompt and full attendance,* elLMellt• ly requested, aa business of importance wilt come before the meeting. By artier of JAMS* pAnaarm, , President. ,• *lir )a" 1 4 {!i 3 "T.— a n o lo n2-131 e b:&at i to 44 1= 0 :" L—. iiirchmage. Weil, suppme it hi, whet of Meat the Beaver Radical Outmost Ww3MZX:lgAialC s Z : : bl printing "the Wild Rose of Beaver or the rival beantkw of Bort Wanteida," and isn't it now engaged on "Toneaqua lila Pride of the WyandoteV , We th titigt=4oollVlCl isooawndeavor to engage the writing of a powerful and tbrUUng WO entitled: "drizzly, or theltithbVeoted her of Seismal's." We can ,promise the public a rare treat when wolay this story before it ; and In anticipation of coining, we would modestly urge every body to '•aubscrlbe" for the 'Anovs at "9 4 4: 4 1 • • • 7 • ViLbil: Loafers Look Out.—An Eastern exchange says: "Eightoon young men have boon lined 110 each for habitually 'loafing' on the steeeneognetaintSWinne All right. We are to have an anti lasting ordinance In operation in Beaver 111 ; 41 A 9 PAVIe PlidlMO,. till's.. PS Alt is strictly enforced, and the tines as heavy as in Boston, wo will guarantee an over wholndligh-,atimeighr trtilitio l before twelve months expire. Who disputes the proposition? At the Falls.—A party Of ladles and gentlempn of this,War vialysil Falls ina krical ItrioylrOWCAlteM 111 Motu quo over there, and aro confident in the belief that water power Is "laying around loose" n that vicinity. 1 litiaaiiiitii;V:A t iKon.—The Methodist of last week says: We learn by a cable despatch, received June 24th, from fir. Hurst, that the German and Switzerland Conference, which met at CsArdhe odur tbe V , 44 , f 'MAN= I 44149$ O I total affirmative vote of the ministry by this addition reaches 4,940, the total nega. tive remains 1,5e9, and the grand aggre gate becomes 0,535. Three -fourths of 6,535 in 4,901, or 45 less than 4,940, the affirmative Note s /FRI, pdta ,the result beyond all contingency. New Paper.—lt is stated that a now woe will soon be tatted in Now Caage, to 'be ale teWeliee Vaik It will be edited by Capt. R. G. Dill, re eently•conneeted withPD. Sankey, sag., tyrveatio thejournal In new pett y I t Int • • • le • ddnt tiblica in' II Brat number will appear about the lat of August. • We are pained to learn that a little child, abmit two yamQf age„ *longing to Mr. leferaffah ( BWL: Aelh4r, in this county, was badly scalded on Monday afternoon of but week, It appears that during the preparation of dinuer on the dap' of 'the OniortenittV a quantity of boiling water was thrown out of a window, beneath which the child was playing, and falling upon him ter back pealell,l4s kiead,,lips,„bmt and alitilksAterer - WpMuntil Tuesday evening in mostiexcructating agony. and then died. Mi. Booth and family have the sympathies of all their neighbors.— Wellsville union, July MM. , 200 pact to to relieve and cure an inflamed eye by dusting irritating powder into it, as to expect to lubdue and cure Catarrh ( lT m " ther= d p2= f r e°ll Z head) by the use of irritating snuffs or strong, caustic solutions. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh by mild, soothing action, which subdues the in flammation a n d restores the natural se cretion of thelinteouafollicles. The pro prietor, R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo, N. Y., offers $.500 for a owe of Catarrh, that he cannot cure. Sent hymen on receipt of sixty conti. Address the pro prietor as above. Stud by Druggists. For ministers' sore threat andCbren, chills, nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext., or'fiolden Medical Discovery. JO/ 5 0 They Need Counisel.—lf the mor al, intellectual and ambitious geniuses who spent an hour or so. last Wednes day night hp Awing clog thipcof pi:l'th° 13°it141140t11111. ef.AniTY) 414611, in Beaver, will call at the residence of any of our ministers they can learn of something to „their pirmanent advan tage. They will there have a course pointed out to them which, if followed, will keep them out of the jails and pent- tontlaries, to whose portals they are manifestly tending. In case they failto visit 4ear9 istmour elargpme i ch,l6, attention of Constable Griffin is respect fully invited to any future demonstra tions on their part of a similar &erecter. Their names are not unknown, and we can tell thorn noW that the people of Beaver will not perinit "'night to be made hideous" with any more of their clownish performances. VAntax. A Useful Table.—To aid farmers in arriving at accuracy in ascertaining the amount of land in different fields under cultivation, the following table is given by an agricultural cotomporary : 5 yanks wide by 968 yards sicnt prbh ; l l o 9, ng contain ooig66l4ondsidibl* sy by 121 yards long contains ono acre ; 160 yards wide by 401 yards long contains one acre; 220 feet wide by 169 feet long contains one acre ; 110 foot wide by 300 feet long contains ono acre; 60 foot wide by 726 feet long contains ono actel 1 , •., Marelage,stad Deastik.--Why 114 it that the marriage announcements are immediately follnwed '114.' obituary no tices in all oorpipers? Does death fol low so close on the footateps of marriage? Is grief the page that carries the train of happiness? % Doe" the tomb open wide Its dark and ponderous Jaws beside the nuptial couch ? 'Tie the plan of life.— We read to-day of our friends' marriage, and wish them 'Joy; to-morrow we see their deaths recorded. and say, "peace to their ashes." Our merriest songs are timed by the foot-falls of dosth, , tind the "silver i•hord" is as fragile as a spider's, and the "golden bowl" is more brittle .than glass. , _ The Shortest Method lbr toting Interest,—We have received, from Prof. 11. 11. Lipes, of Toledo Bust -110,14 l7nlveralty, the following short method of calculating Interest, which be insures to be correct and reliable: For months at yr cent.—Romp in 0:4444 p4l the 1 attd Atlielplf An Miff UM Alm b 8 of months. For days at 6 per cent, — Remove , the decimal point'thVoo plink to tha n left, and multiply by ono-six tit the number of days. 7 ! tor edaL t itdd A " Per cent. subtract 8 " 4 " 66 I 9 .. 46 1 3 44 46 A True Nuelle Mer"..—Whik the driver of the :doge coach, one day last WOW,' *SORIA the , vos# frtmi Cumberland to Somerset, ho passixl on the roadside a largo black snake, measuring from eight to ten feet, and wblleendeavriringtriklll itthermake ran berme hlmom the aide of the stage; luto . the boot. The passen gers in the hack were greatly frightened, and all Jumped out, declining that they would go no further unless the snake was killed. With a great deal of labor the baggage was all taken out, when the snake was found In one corner of the boot ce2fTertittelleg j ff n ile The work on the' new building oat the Poor noose farm, m.,progressinif finely, as we learn from a gentlemen" who was recently there:The joists iurve beim had' on' the , lieeolid 6terk, abd ►t is believed that the house will be oturtp)otatt on the itth of November, the time Used by the county and the contractor, :. Illovetllo l l .: " 7 e‘ '' • not been ilbUrealltittelat In - healtb' *lir driibriser an , ha to Sadlerd Springs to - r ratan " : elaxation from - n siel wok and an Indulgence in the pare silent lkdierdeonnty, may be the mesas Oflrmpletely restoring his health. lIIBIRWIRP•Beeident.r 4 : O n last Wednesday, ; while Mr: Robert of Brighton township, was en gsged in Snowing with , a tnaohinoi he ! plied broken In two places. Dr. Levis was 14.40u11 6 .nit r PlOrffelmi'f l P4 PIMPS the fractures. The patient is *MY i!n prdiggeill 144.0fi IlLarimpamaa iesitmallr.XoWoe — From one New Castle exchanges we clip the —The bee has always boon quoted as an; example of industry; bat the Ne sbit:mock tp. bee Is a prodigy of dogged Mr= latltiZatt E. E. Sankey, of the above township. which in fifteen days filled a honey box Winches long, 14 wide and ten high.— iupt fourteen other hive! which t are noWlttlflis ColititlOS at thO raft , . —We have had pretty strong evidence daring the last week of the "total de pravity', doctrine, judging from the number of cases of wife boating, swin dling and other striking cases. LOn the 4th inst., Col. 1). 11. Wallace and lady wore driving on Washington street, and , in turning the corner or Jef ferson street, and at the same time en deavoring to pan' a coal hiam, the wheel broke down and throw both out, severe ly,but not seriously injuring them. The horse rait-eff homeward; 'smashing the bueintvgdn'tp pleoreirrnat • iihrisebeet 'lnterfeltente. Earg...:•Ou tBb istl in t.; at t llbt*deribelit'iteeher, 4 C 6 4li t . .0; t,." .owls` *A°. 4 0 Fixieu , gam JUN, eilPd, nevtkaly nine.. years. . B. knid 'been. In. maim aceopeehrierpart,muld his was that nnalpettigl."'Fbr i 'itiartylilara thifdteimiatttl'ldildd 1Ve:. 443 0 4 / 4 ...*PWACl` lO4 ; 4'd gio yougounie qc.,,DAlghbort and blends. who .lollowed,bis..‘ their finel restinwplnce, on LW Friday afternoeiniitteet Iro the lithetarefri *Melt 'lrma' bold: by inn*. lain - clik 6 . 4 ird 494111 lteneroun(tlend,anet teetionate limbered, and ~-aar indulgent parent-kin paamod•flont turiodrue:i' •••• Expematee. Vire. casokers, whieh, s Ilrouyearir 'since, half burnisd es oily tic Terthind: hairi just done the tame service (or Miller Qua Gram lias),lor was ion lbspl , lourth of dnly. , -It'irtber old ettiry:‘ . .A , Otay - Piwkei of tr tag' *reit aTithind 'Multi:lilt:an* stable iiard:'The le r) sitailvignited. The wind wait high. Tink,pet remelt of that boy!s fourth. of ially,s,,,,nwenty-two betiding* destroy aL I_Loss , from 115,000 to • 00,000." • A moat'. expensive jubilation. This, or aintrimittig hiAnitoly worst,' May occur ia any ronith 'OfJ lii any cliy a / 1 fe'r„thei :rrtillmtlen.of childish love of Xgrent many atlas and towns alreadppeohthit t h e sale of the little in eeodlerieu Bunton wilt 'net have'oile fired - within tea att Wilyiray; If the police can prevent It; and Keekiik will .P9vf, probably follow.,the example SAltetitedlet State Committee, forPeatisylvania will be held in Phila delphia on the ettiOth` and' Bth 'of Sep , . tbtilber t‘.. n will;tio 601130u:4 •of too delogoiei riCateach, pasierel elCarge l / 4 the Bishop residing in the State, presid ing elders, presidents and professors in colleges and seminaries, agents of be nevolent societies, and editors of Metho dist papers published in the State. The exercises will include discussions on the following topics: "Methodism, its Growth• and Present Position in the State." Committee— Rev. 'Messrs. I. 11. Torrence, W. 11. Kin caid rind .1. M. Maris. "The Typo of Platy :is:Creme:try to the Highest 'Prosperity of the Church." Committee—Rev. Drs. tiorgo Peck, G. D.-Cerro* and•F. Hodgson:. i "The Charitable InstituUons of the Church." Committee Col. John A. Wright, E. H. Worno and Rev. 11. Mil ler, 1), D. "The Duty of the Church in lalation to the Christian Sabbath and the Cause of Temperance." Committee: The Sab bathot—htev... A.„ llohnea tiT l l ). D„ * lon, trfteoF utitrii.. igtali,s, Jaz edit; ~ an ttev..P. mbe: w "The kklueatienal Interest of the Methodist Episcopal Church In Pennsyl vania." Committee—Rev. A. Wheeler, D. D., ltev. J. W. Jackson, and P. W. Shaeffer, eaq., "The Duty of the Christian Citizen to the State." Committoe—Wm. H. Alien, LL. D., lion. 11. L. Richmond, and Rev. H. S. Nesbit,' D. - D. • ' Thanks.—We aro inatiotod to Capt. J. D. Dunlap, of the Steamer Sucker State, for Mos of Western and North Western river papers. We are glad to know the Captain has more regard for the Dyne htriaseenymE v the ulAle safe ty of e property an transitu on Ms steamer, than to sanction racing. The St. Paul Daily Press of July 6th, says : :Some of the papers have highly sense itional accounts of a race up the river be tween the Sucker Stateand the Keokuk i which runs . botween 1A Crosse and Winona. We have )u'it had a Oonversa- tion IrUh a gentleman who was • pass enger on board the Sucker, State at the time of the repotted rioe ' flossy. there was no race or any ; idea of, one among the officers or passengers of the Sucker State, and if the Keokuk prepared for a race, as the report says, by taking on board a lot of milamable substance to make steam, .the offieent of the ,SuckoF State were not aware of it and did noth ing themselves. The Sticker Slate did not, as the report said, lay alongside the Keokuk and start out with her, htit the Keokuk started out half an hour ahead, and wbou the Sucker State ran past her It was on her regular usu4 a run, making her trip without any regar to the time made by the Keostuk,'whatever may have . been the preparations for a race made by the latter boil. In race as 'far 'as the Sucker Stateutas glummest, thet, was no race—and the report of it was II& This is by far the most, pleasant . and desirable view of the matter. For to largo portion of those who.ride upon steamboats—especially ladies—the idea of a race is an extremely terrifying one; and If it should turn out that any of the magnidOent,boats that. rim from thiscity to Dubuque or St. Louis, should indulge In the rbollah and criminally dangerous pracUce of racing, the trip of pleasdre and delight would be ono of terror—and as 811, ' PePregri k'Y a I S M" V ar. lion . ° the passengers- especially would this be the 'case In regard to the boats, whtch.titalddllAWdild in the Practice- It la a great credit to the Sucker State that she was not forced into a race, and that Capt. Dunlap , has ito much care for the Weir land obinlbreof hlekitisseitie. BALLOU'a MoirritLY MAUAZInaIa FOB Auourr.—PNmpt to time comes Aaj-, h x Y a . fee.t.tiPant,'ll with a remarkable stem of good things in the shape of reading matter. The opening.adlcie Is as Illustra i tel :chapter on billiards, and. then follows pictures of Havana, sod severed 'engraving" of Interest to the general reader. Among the stories are tWo Ins yarns of the Ars qiiiliy;seversd for' lady readers, two tot children, and tales of adventure and daring.that all must ; On the whale, Ballou's Magazine is about the best and cheapest PUbliaation to be found lii this or any other pountry, for it is only 11 GO per year, or 15 cents single copy, and is Air itdiefyi *Bake stare le the 1 , United States. Address Thomas A Tat hot, Boston, Mass. !i N 1 itrefiatfc owitpF rto 9k 8 PkWart . Pit 01 , olireqrsutownbUnh fo owing from tiorl Pittsburgh annistweitd, to r w fil *llt i 4 2 it tAt Li r 14 1. 5 747 at of= .1 lit 4 1 11, 1 1 1 4/ 0 is:4 11 .10 411 i ;meeting of the-Incorporators and , attaitholddril • Otlthtft Rallintors, Phis burgh and Continental Railroad Com tarlyr2..lhel at liallevil vtlslr,sa l=z i sue stamen Mallous g Mi ' rM i irge l ! y r, .ent i g 4 L. 'A I A n t, 4 s Reagitap&c. T Richards, ok Mount. lead; 3. M. Os borne of Rellaviller &II Chamberlain, of Leeoulat A. Waddell, of Columbiana dingt df Qidaeveeteti tisk, Whale 11. Terrill ; of Nashville. The Board I elected was +idtorwardes caned to ardor Zi,ktTtisg i pw Erg tare. The t ier teterposed rail road was discussed, and it was resolved to prpooodmithonbAelsy petensplate the survey from Belleville to Renton some sl i tzdieNe4l . lan:), , El l sl l l2r- Ea atre - e7 Prwitdrzt; o=i u'x'rga ••n•aicide.; it watOreiselved • heat dads member of the Beard act as a committee ordttil iisk•thiefr ireotellokFreldlstricts, to secure entiscriptionof stook for there'd. Adjourned to meetr at Loudonville an call of the President. • huiti la MidiUtilLiit i nine 014,91154 , 4 0 t4, a triage con sling. a partietfaallics ("Lad 134441 U dulled in front of our residence on Mount Un oils street, and aliOting from the vehi cle a gentlemetrUinelkt isid -invited us to take a Vfle.. , rhoovening being vry pleasant, no pastime could be more de airable,at)4l.Very_koolOte Weill comfort ably enisef•gyed with the party , and wend ing On'iway °Vim the beautiful' road southward: ' lmmediately - after, passing tho village of Mount •Onlon, Mr. Wm. gkwiliat andbdilannirdWaiiier seated ip, Trove jamtwapitlon, Rey, W. K. in a ludttfie ftttle' odivitiony, itt sarid4 IL ass ~b ; eds of wodlkk&Orval' .ent situatiou_nirther on tho same , read, the party liiktielliiftetijaiod plc-nit provlowiteasvhich we re turned Wain' lieratia'Sviabing the happy pair as delightful jufjotatuay through life's long pilgrimage aawas thus beauti ful . prelude at tho outset. difflaare Molitor. Pitiriii4iskagavtiatiag folaista they owo it to tberePlilYee,PilittAthe commu i yto delne44 that - thee°. Who assume tea responsible duky”sit eompoundir and disperadng resits:Bless should hat • thixA 4 4ol 444 k .iirecWiii 04144 1 50 of their .busduess. ,- Laws, have. been en eet.ea. already' An.APY,Pla, * S tate°,' P r°lld. lug Dugan parsoniciestretus of engaging In 'plutimuicy Shall; Brat pass an e*- Suninatkus betereisregularly ooludituted Board of ,Examiners, and . wo trust that our -legislature • will, before long, do eatuethhig hi this direction. The news papers of the day are teeming with in-, stances of sad and fatal mistakes, whore human life his fallen a victim either to want of care or to downright Ignorance In 'those who style themselves "Drug gists." We are glad, however, to coo that thoopeeplb!soort illpitrivi.atello dif ference between an edutahst apothecary and tistignemt. vendor of adulterated of t 4 ldeft &AU, iresibleiss dri4ij l "female pills." In • very 'abort SIM° his Mr. Hugo Audriessen, the gentle manly prpprietor of the peppier "Beaver Drug fitsire," gained the confidence and Pigronage, of the.leading PhYaielanst:of this neighborhood, and his business is daily increasing. His stork' of drugs, trugleinp. sted.ehemicolai tspf, the best 4411kYidnd ;Wall massiiiied,airid two Ido not hesitate to recommend tho "Beaver Drug Store" to the patronegoof the pub lic. Mr. Andrlessen is thankful fbr the encouragement already given him, and assures us that ho will always endeavor to merit it by adhering severally to his motto:„"Atediralscatayera.' XI timers. irrom toe Lionence,,tooni•i. Jun 15th.) EDITOR JOUILNAL-1 ColltiMs to great surprise upon reading the communica tion of "Plaingrove," in your last issue. I could hardlYeredit the fact that Wash ington and Greene, the only Democratic counties in the District, had really mo nopolized the member of Congress dur ing, ibis entire apportionment—and yet such Is the simple truth. With Wash ington county always uncertain, and mostly Democratic, and Greene with her overwhelming Demooratlu majority, a continual dread and drag upon the party. Beaver and Imwrenco—depended on al: ways for the Republican, preponderance —hays ilaibieddleolt 'i , .heweirs df woad, and drawers of water" for their sister (aun tie& ogthaDkistrki A friend has Winded me a late copy of the Beaver Radical, .00ntainingiconiumnimitlon, from which I clip the following extract, although re ferring more mulicularly to Beaver county, yet gives additional weight to the clear and forcible argument of your correspondents . , 'There is no concealing the fact that doe in Beaver county there is a dee seated feeling againstteagek renialehi ' ed to Washington and Greene. T partly grows out of troubles dating yearn aaggoo,, when Washington and Beaver eon s Muted a 'Congressional District, and partly out of recent ditliculties. Watch legion county made the district , an hits enjoyed nearly all the advantages of this apportionment. The first term was lost ttitohgla the defeictiett bf Rethiblicand hi Washington and Greene,. and the next two terms ' were wrested . from Beaver (Lawrence standing with Beaver' after a 1 l=enetruggle.•;ffleuei, a good , view wa led and wohninntedi but the com plaint is against the county alone. Two years ago Washington county. again I claimed the nomination, and contended bitterly for it, and Greene finally ob- 1 tained what of right belonged to Beaver. Now, Greene Is clamoring for the last term, and if she obtains it will leave both Beaver and Lawrence, the only two Republican counties in the District, en tirely out for this apportionment. Thus Washington and Greene, both giving Democratic majorities, having defeated the only nominee from the Republican end bithd.Diatriet, will divide the litho's of the ted years between them. • This la more than the Republicans of. Beaver county feel like submitting to. We are not speaking now for ourselves, but this 114 ;Ie is ling,rsnd if the Republicans of ve county wgire 01110 upon for ious e ions Oil waluld almost, if dog ofu to unanitiadusly,,demand a sepira- Bon." Yet, with this state of facts before us, I have hearA It Intimated by the friend, ofietieiskldatafromlOlGlAllatt uhfids he is nominated, and the entire ton years accorded to the ediathern fide of tho Dis trict, whoever'itE f alight be, should be defeated. This would be generous treat ment, truly, or - s> re. ast' Mu. Entvon Ttetnifed'States has now an area of about three and a ' half millions of squarorellea—all Europe ban 1 4linittle r liseres `.PF iNcirliStkollill Ear forty millionat wo double it in about a g9porat4ort. , Hy, the end of Um reaturyr thin' brigs haie tts` eighty millions. In about eighty years, it will equal thhitesent . poisniation millions) of all Europe. Thomases chil dren uow born who may Ilvo to see that time., • And what an epoch will that be, If this republic but maintains , its unity. Anditmay and will, if "young Ameri ca" but cherish the memory of their foreettbsirs, and imitates their virtues.— FrelmentlY they ishonld read,at least once • year; that incomparable Farewell Ad dress of Washington, and ho profoundly penetrated with its teseltinga.-, We have had emmgh, gar a nentuM,of distinion and war. The school house and the church are now oar strongest bulwarks. : No wonder, Its his:skins forward to the anticipated groWtb brills beloved coint• try, with immense solicitude foe her Eating prosperity,Vashirigtosi asserted that "of all the dispositions and habits Which lead to pollticarprespekity, Ilgion and morality are indisperudble aup pit ih ti• , , .SO Inuit MOM In tbat, areateastbk..X o 4.Wr ;a*, do waildo,faiad.? . 'l , : I =.l: Y. - i gtV) 'i :t Bat =ratio :Use bawl& , 24 i t : * iiiiiiisysida*lbill;fbletshillo , offer' to the 4iiids bi ifttitttyildi t F l o wn of the i -lbeebtisii•lM,;,...f 4 1 !.1 4 . 9 0 ndrriii'lil iiitibitii lithibivp!:lo l 9 '!1,1170 elate -810; tided lo o N ve of I • .4. i 1 V. .1 t ,1r1* .4. :A w an A . giPt• 491 N 11T111/ 0 19011414 , PR 0, and Abeillat bi AP; Übe , 'fliltdeateboli..,w aniPtilitkedli that i 000 rWe the Tird could seed latirititoit .4 6 40 1 * .ait.tha ago - atiterlialridleif ilk o, l l llooind bob iii*elatbraittie i lif / fletroihiirtiiisci 6 FTO!'f!t• 119..qtal i 4 7 1,.. t,tl4 l lm he VArifOri4•M d •. P 9o 'IP : . AhP. criltt,O . P..:_,.iii . 6 gliPto who, a tow years__ . 0 woo ot, mord Ihri,kbl WA. Ali WM.*:,init , onnn Ow e i e d e dkkensrpoca II I ORO. PeciPtei by liboburtrobastariAiliarnie6, !and dti. c h al iod:ol uitiblObi". width ilmbred upiia hftn, ; for tawny wateilwave; lon i a . with diatinelehed ability;re; l i g *, of liriVi#o4 43 4 _490d, k' hi 'lnsialOrs I 611) &400 10 .h4 iP ital q-S0 (4 0# 11. Hq.4 1 114 , g tiAlMlli!t_ *l9 l t4.Wit 4- rYiin Wil.ifignilYr4o4..o3. In the sstb year of his iligiN; ,I .1. ii.. U. The Democracyuf Beaver comity are requested to meet 'tithe natal plarea: fur bolding election In' tha several election dlittrietii;- on SiatirdilYt 13th day oVAu kitet 1870—Iti tfie Mitiethipa betvietni thb hours of 5 and 0 o'clock' the ,beronghs from QM klior pti.-rfor tho pur- Of eleellog Anii: 4o / 8 i644 o*n each elect ion, I li4rtrictto IWO in. einintOr vantion a the !I:0004 10 mo Au Bowmen Monday Lab .month at 1.0 o'clock , a. lel. ticket to be init.° ed at the •eusnliig general election.'' lly order of tho Dem ocratic County 9Mitnitteo of corrcepon penro.' ,; S. B. yllinm!,,cieu. 1 . , .forty', - First. Congress. 11ECOND 44 EPIXIOII4 - SKICATE, •fillyr . credentials Of Senators • Anthiatty and' eruigin, re. ‘ elected fdr siz'yoitis twilit 4th of Mtrich; next; ware priscriteSt Severn! Meal WWI Plissed. A cotntaitteo ' df cenforence was' appointed on the , iss "hill. The appr;?i prhdlon bill waa cenildered,and antei4- meats reported,;.4reed t!):: }:aecuttße. /Sersion—adJoilnA — ~ , lifoosn.—A nutehrir of .wore; In troduced. :A itimitttioir.deciaring .that the FourteanthWad Wlftewithintielaw of the amendment! , to".the Coiititutkrti, hiving been dtili "railfddb'y,thiillGleglet= latures of the several 4atid.le all Intents and pnre'eses as a part of the eihnstitutlon, and ,as, arieh ire 'binding and Obligatory on :the E.icrnilliev::Conr greea; Judiciary Of the Several .ti4des andTerrfteirles and all, citizens of :tire United States, was adopted. The Senate amendments to the Naturalisation WU, were concurred In, and the bill passed. The VIII providing that pork packers, lard renderer's, and those engaged in smoking Mons, eurlagmitsts and others known Its provision dealers, shall not Im liable to the ),41fruil teat levied on etimukw,tosers, and reudiung any suck takes.assessed bog not co/ ecovl, wait Passed. ,-The Senate amendments to the Naval Appropriation pill,. recommend• Ington f rarrencesn , SOMS and non-non =mania iir otheri:' The recommends tlotnewere agreed ill 11114 A &afferent* committee entered. The Peruitti joint resolutymt approPrlate 11.50,e00'A0 pay apemen of Input dglegatl9ns iiAtyash tagton muted, ....kfter thearansaction Of some further unimportant matters, the Bonseadjoumod.; i SENATE, J aly —AI number of pri vita bills were ruried:lncluding one grant ing a Penshm of P 0 per month to the widow aeon. AWc.-XLays, killed in the battle of the **leeriest. Also granting land to tho St. Paul and Sioux City rail road. A committee of conferonce WAS appointed an the army appropriation tell. The report of conference commit tee on the hill M 'navies° the pay of ()rand and Petit ',Furors in the United State; and !Metric'. Courts was agreed to. The Sunday civil appropriationisill was considered, nineaded and 'pimal. Ad- punted. llotron,The Sonata amendments to the army appropriation bill was adopted as a subetitnto for the Senate bill on that subject. A joint resolution relieving Insurance companies front' income tax on undistributed souls carried to their. contingent fundS, war passed. A con ference committee was ordered on the Georgia ; also, another one on the funding bill. A resolution to print the index to the Congressional Globe in one volume, was adopted. After some fur ther unimportant business' the Mouse adjourned. u:l4 13.—The annual Post wan amended end,:paisel. A resolution 'to Brian 20,000 additional copies of the bill to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment, Was adopted.! The report of the conference committee on the tax and tariff bill Wits agreed' to. Ales, the report oP a similar committee on the funding bill wan greed to. The Deficien cy bill was repotted back with amend ments, A number of private bills were passed. Several amendments to the de ficiency bill wei:o adopted. Adjourned. Housr..—A. rein:Auden directing inquiry as to the treatment of a colored cadet at West Point, was agreed to. Several bills, of a locn nature, passed. The Senate amenduionts to the, miscellane ous appropriation bill were non-cOncer red in, and a donunitteci of conferiume appoint/I, A like committee on ,the army approprfition bill was ordered; The report of the conference committee on the tax and tariff bill was agreed to. The report of the conference committee on the funding bill, was agreed to. A joint resolution, suspending whisky metres at distilleries until further action of Congress, was Wined to; '• and' Passed- The report of themajority and minority of the 'toward investigating committee, after considerable debate, were ordered to be printed. Adjourned. biassfru,Juli ti c -Serena private Lilts • , were reported and acted upon. A bill to allow a draw back on certain cotton goods exported prior to May a r /84N,.was pass ed. Mr. Anthony was elected President of the Setae pie few, to preside during recess. -.The bill granting Mrs.,Lincoln a pension of gi,ooo per annum, passed: The death of Iron. D. S. Norton was an . nouncetl, and resolutions of respect and condolence paned. Tito reports of the Conference Cointuittee on Sundry Deficieney bill, were nitrestdto.N. The report Gras, coiroTenco Committee int the -Georgia Was adopted. A number olio* bilbspatused. The Mime bill plating stooo,osso ism t}ne bands of therrealdent, for lodianaffsdra, was wised. The repiqt, of the Confer ence Committee on the Army Appropri ation bill, was adopted. ,Adlourned. tnamber hif • load - bills passel—about.: e i g hty—twenty-five of them for raiload Mac The reports of moat of the' Conference Committees were agreed to. The death of Senator Norton was aiinosinoed, and usual ao. Alen taken. The bill placing $3,000,000 in the bands of the President, for Indian affair; was p‘ssed. The report of the Committee on Conference on the bill to increase the' pay of U. S. Jurors was agreed to. The Sundry Expenses bill; Additional Delcieney bill, te.; reports were agreed to. The report on the Dtawski, bill was also agreed to.. Ad ' jourded. - SsersTE, July 15.—The-Senate, at nine o'clock, went: into executive tendon. The time for adjournment sine did was postponed until two o'clock p. 133.. The last cionference report on the Indian ap propriation bill was concurred in. At *4O a message was received from the Ju'cm,: r • , • • OtIO • AA " 631 .d#P,Rectellk fif. ll 4o 147•CINcre m1t plikOrm ansitiot.AbllVla Aweemo 1 iv) , =II,II I IPO SW itweianetrldltWilly oltidniwed ► andhadmideefig., *OOIW iTheWedweidatoollltielnitdH.' :teeth titatedi7-41t.Pattn4, tea Vll °44 tk t ' ir tr 4l4.M.• tt l i t ' .4040 441041.51.41t1iqp 1 4 , owteiP•Milt. ..ko!?r dent Mpitreni was' 0 0 41 AR 0.195 1 Tii• um sqpilegnegfly.OputtedAttiliNist• *no bed6hollurtlintoeinhauttO, skim Ault* ut.,lheManittlintionipei whet ewe." 5e ,, :).0.11, ,, , , d.` 1.”):‘ •ifit 1,71 1 re , nofile:;Mielfdditiireffilaii i itiiiitr ir to=oii likikad iOittit'V t l ia lithso 744/In eir 1 : Oiriiiotot:svig; l !* ' 3.l ; 6l ,linikOr f ir plumon..7m;,p9l4ii . 1 49 t iri icii 4. figt.iliadmarzeP PRE8441444`, le , 41.911010 Imam smtoprimin , o4 l 7#40, Noma iocumilesinowswrocetratlfroin, the • Preettlent , attnounetng Itueldese war. .Thw eornatittis stripiiinted to visit upon the President, retimiadtthatleleid, ni 'titherrt . efignieeitaUy" tb riet3T,4 +i. t ;P II ,Yr I ,oiTl i r# 4 i#. 4??",_!,, • ihOtP' ' Setlaw44B4;4oltigiii ' to be arde4 attar to 1 17 aver ant& ter irdirdit; sterne r ' fib athinuttta _priori° 'Vie War, g thelVar, mut Wash ''gls4foOP Isow—Aihninst , ',Peadoiven•— • Pesti , of Mester. Norton-kinfera„Of fler—The General Land Ojitee. 1 ; ~, T he mores at Ilee.Cspitol from :day to Any.= the session'of °envoi's •is tlrow- Jarto Setae, binest interesting.' -Net irithlistitling. the, retail. progress' , tnado 'dating "Wawa . foci dare in i'euittin lots or tniflabfbail , business which the lobbyists preload to _ , , eaptre vasny opponent W the nation, thotigh.lhe , People here. generally ; ,feel will,beer time . fur ,considertition, and not Huffer In oeitennenee of delay over t tillnext sOxiion. ' Atnuitg Dili one or two 'hinidred . hulls tiewihtion the SpeatierM l ijlo, there. aio theSentboin raeta6 tbo indlkashingtott , Air Lieu IRO w0w 1 ' 1. 44 Now APporthgnuou hilt tletertulniutg the elenther.ol 1,1 • Col for thu next Congress, and bills grunting lend subsidies to•Allforett I itsillroadi in the South and Went:: ilt Ia iossitiliCthht 'the Senate nchytialc'etEhO Hot a vest- Isirioniittitof adjeititnnenefer 'ite' iihribeho on on Pt° 'VririrAleVit.4 4 * l99, + 4,ll.,lb9lttL'all of ifiiirgat.AY, Vtalir 1 4 4 k u 4 inf±. u divg ~some de littitostetAtit question at. the validity. olludlan treat. les; , aild - the acindesteimt liessllemieeits iaStatentsder the tunturotLfiteilln.. • • ', The halls and lbbblow kfflthe thipltol arei filled So overflowing; this Iteriroied tative; and that Senator has to Seen and thlked with by . 1! thousand and ono persons ow:natters ef - 19 , 459t0n1y to a few. •Tlui 'recltiethm el clertiml force in several of the Departments has thrown upon the tender mercy oilthe people of Waahiugton a ntimislr of needy and helpleos , lhmilles. The ttaimil of %Vetch dog of the House which wee vulgarly . , though significantly, applied to Minister Washburn°, while he was chairmen of the 'flees° ' appropriation' eommittec, can with More propriety be! . applied_ to the present chalruute of that trottnnit , liitwes. ,a slegle. esmptkie, there has net benn appropriated 1 ,3, 4 40 several departments 50 amount' asked. cot by their . respective heads.; wild the tenllt la. the mlarleal. form, inrush do re duced, (the r sgts the IleaVens.falljonly Yo be Increetaid at - the • cony ening of next session 7 42f i ci A the election: • ' _ RIM inrose,' : Ctorki than iage4 Vivo no al.• t'Okintfvo but tR mako un. Ouklaii4t. uii LLeir roin*4titiv4B ;or a. tko comma iMroan and ;tbst ,equrts In .that° enormous. So groat is the prousurubroughtupun 9pueml Walker, Superlut.uutlout of thutrbll2ealli, that whole time is.takan. up ju .licariug up- peals from M. C. 3 In advocacy of choir claims .upon There has been no Inconsiderable in terest felt-bereeemong all VISV4O% of pen- pie, as to tho eeßnlt of the 'lowan! tuveg tlgation. Fornando Wood, of Now York, limo three ,tnontlat since, prefer red moat astottildlng, ehargoa against General lloward on aomunt, of, tho way Ito used Froodinatem Bureau funds while Suporlutendent of tlutt bureau. General Iloward, the organizer of now- and University, located In Washington, and now President of that institution, has become ltientided with the interest of Washington, and the manly and era terprtsing 'course pursued by him during his residence hero has ingratiated him In the favcr of the . people. 'rho re- port to-day of the committee having his case in charge, exonerating hint from any censure, is exceedingly refreshing to' his numerous friends. If tho Capitol movers will let us alone wo will mike a considorabln city of Washington: in a. few years, and one which the country will be proud of ; btu every now and 'then 'they raise a howl, and the timid and old fogy portion of onr. Population; aro so frightened that theycome to it stand still. , Anse draw, backs ,retard progress, bat, of course, cannot stop it.. We . hive made canny Improvemouts during , tho last eight years. Before thowur Washington was &Southarn city. • We had slaves, 'slave trado and all of its eOneotnitantsounong which wens* gaudy ehtialryosilelicious satisfaction in things iv' they were: and a imiatarlylnactiviVin ail 'galas of im 7 pro . voriiesits. When tiul'a;tir , 011 lee' ;Pia' :play: . rouiwtvOla . "....Ak94uo PaY4 ' ,o 4. 1 4 4 the Poolvska its kind...lf ttio .44 1 1 • Intrt the.Wir. it *mascot en smoonunon thing to see Gov ernment waganii stuck in, the mud upon F street; between the tPatent and Post - Offices lii the Tory heart of the eity, and_ Your correspondent has seen npon Fetal teenth street, our, fashionable drive, holes scooped opt by the wheels' of Ve hicles until they wore so deep and long that croon ii'wnson Arent down into ono rif them the top was, JuSt visible' above the surface. This was remedied sothe during,the war. Slum the war, a gnat improvement has been made. A•num bee of ono .AVenued have 'boon paved, sewers and 'gutters have been made, and a different and mom modern class of Msidonees have bean oreetisl. Gfirlamii• illation has been, increased in Minibers to aisle& double, 8.0 there hay - beeii an Ininaiou of Northern any Western :Crier gy„ which is higidy refreshing and. i II:. teresting. Congress, kris • seemed more alive to our interests during the present Session thaii ever before, and while they have not ,passeda great many bills which will tbodelit 14 1 4 *lli/ they have reported a number sad manifested' a drop:Wilton to do ma : The President has signed •the bill for ro-pavingPermsYlvantii Avenue, and we hope that before, Congress again , assembles wo will have the Most beautt. ild street In the world Paved with, wood. the only material which should over Le used;upem o find drive. . , . . •• • • Admiral Didilgivieuluts.been a resident, atlig aside gtoo, the moet•part of the time for nearly thirty years, and his seiklen death .on Monday was 'moot painful to the citizens here, with -whom he has been so long inthnately. connected.' Ito was esteemed' as a gentleman of Unex ceptionable ehanieter; and his sympathy. OW the, Poor was best alPrechited by the thousands in indlgeat circumatances,fer whom ho yearly contributed to support. • Itoii.• Salad, S. Norton, United States Senator from Minnesota, died to-day at his residence la this city. ' TelegraM has been received at the In= than Bureau, • that the different luditel delegatiatei, which latety'vlsited Wish- Ingtim, , are exerting `e good Influence among the different tribie In the viay:Of enconraging a friendly-rebith'si between them and - our Government. This is considered the dull spoon In the Patent Office. The hot season is ratbor ailaillA litiinilguit 'cif an kinds., T 4 4 .) ti le / 33 P 1 0 416 1 kl'.l l 0,(01 10 % °Wild l l c, /4 1 40 PfAiIACRIA4....N 4 I I4 /‘ , arataa. cal Um Inlo9,aomMiuM .1:, ' I wtulgagrkitaiftn MA NO°F.IMM. 4 IerMY, 1911411 , 0411. *A IMPPitra OW 1 41 . 1 ? Ti Pa" PolittildliAbi IPMIIII3, LOW , " ; /4..01 11 19F ha *la mom of Alba yoaatgbatt any otbar; Viiiitgribittorababiqrnibtp.sitt oVio!lialp rib,' in /41t.4111;0. ar . atitriap,oittoniling Yudikiitt?itt4titir ork*st Ma tita§ki iWu ' hit,claralirtritatil f i tiN i i. • . 14 ,. r , ..s . ec '• .rnit , i , 14, 1 4P1NN1 1 .141Nt•• 41Wi r lfiS I SP047, v .l'''' kti AilliP9/Ifflth 4/Rif" ..741W.D1P/Ir , Vlrlit - Attesttld tto.lutrttariumitiAtumhors gyftry liar: 1r atilt, Aybit• 4:4natoos. soidOtottr, Vi•J•y(iattlisittos!randroa.att. latsdolaisa; liorbript%Ohifiettea lila! `aitilf•tilpaaall. Ws- 1 , Velaeb 0• t.4,' titoriliel •11. phrtiii„.ii: l wiivikivoo viitt l viAbA4l Voittlid.tlit i ritO fi n Wt , ieyta:§A. , It .....,,,, 1 tit it, . 1.,,i.. .i ' d.k. l )r i li {l{l 3 .,V 4rl Y/ ik li 0! '1 4 ;10' Ifr' t.'f. I. ~ •.. , 0 I. , 7'1 1 .f. r ''t t,'' •I 1 J.M.4ll:'O9lMt I :" ) 4141 44 , 4 , 44 4, .4, 0 4' ittiodol 4 ttuktpioaw fiwol acP.Aeu4l lo l l by .tbo ~ rabaltiPllka tool rl 0.111,111. V ,in auprnpriato vurrot, tdr.. fitturo • tilferatet., , for the bettellt at tlw .oltice. Thor° how, Levu 4714:1ift11dtt. , 4 liuttiett trout the °film d titi ii kr (I'M 4.441131( untie iboary#.4r4 t tot I ended. 1 • ';.:; . •--,. , 1 ,..,,t., ,, ' i •,,, .0, -t i, ' l '. ' Theirtil won, 3illatooto boaliot 1.41 ['Mill kilti itti( lin' Trigttay , for - tho , j4kinits -, o 6kk • •i:1 t , . , I, , ' • ` , :t• • Ir, 1r --, T A, , i,i,, , rpoi Nyl v ido,f.thil i....ii ttoi oni,iit.,,i. , ,ti - , , rt;„:4li t t!.ri(iiiiime.n. , int' Ao.lo4wfrlivtlftriFA49o lll 9e,'l ,i o ,. " - wa a titotosal during tbo, moat moat'', or 4 1 0 41114314 ,artib1i llubligiliblls: , Pll, •Osinesdo Territory., 113,777v.soringtto Id blbothuri; 30,260 p MoaaJulrin,l Minnow itOimmil4 O. ,l ).. , : (311141.; Inn 'llinniro Tint 'Method afrievatgion Ibis . ~ ma, ITU•6; New , Means or Volre. , - ~,Eltz trial,' 'am a .Inedlelne., : • • • uurtrwthoct onnitt , toi In the the ofliletirkitiond ..nedlettnes by nuterttott.,r taints let:1400. .no not onil pee. , le tenant, came' itste body but. 040. th.coilut ellen With 11. 1 11:.11;ingennent, Pat* lu4b oo,..}kbow, dowdy rw sad In reef h the 1 .. r g 3 f , ..l of wi g , qk Us. b,, 4 :)• taloa, 1 ,*1 Aff, luilluu I ot: Jo relkve, At treoltlell and 1.,a11.1 up the weak., ..rookie wool P.T.001, A. ~ 1,1 ,. 4 , , ....t , '.?e a, ietrd uttep o.k 111;•fr ph ) +t G ill; . wt... - tinli : "Per ‘,hat dlAtaiee i... electtlelty vtaptid r* i„,,,,..d ~r AA AA .. ,r, they °twit get AU echo o(tite poet i t :Horst...onset tarp:nitre ut gilt ;rut:ottani l'4l - wit; tgic•494l power,, ,Tlit•44 , ...tto, , tieui4 Igay tohh"?,aftratt ;Itot,ue §troptre: to ;Ire On ct. . "P t!a, LLT Mit!Pu.; •ao4. It Ptl!'iltit. - 4;to JAMVU 44 ,V01`91.4r . 11 1 1 eor9 t et . OAr AlA•Tiii.... 414 - .lna: jeltxA...iiio/ atil t , neitnflanlaint, to od. civikid u.k, r a.: oi,ou otowe.,-ao tnettm 'whit Watt iiiiae',AYthfii4. l py ti enttinit tieliaie 'iiiiplriiitoidethiptllM, , I li eta' nf tiet,istasg , It Oatarst: . SinladlaJ , Obauen Dist' mutating' fikwy, fro-Zipsnmetyritly,ecbson a. 11409 - OA Ltvir, th., .Iree•AtOo o.W.f fed, and by a,.. notary 1.••11/orouhansettik ffitbe..pbtai.of 4 , 1 al] oflaldrpl4 l +4,ltika aoaaaarvatabacev.r ?rot: ir i t q A!'"V`i!:... . 4%7Z . • " a tr er PTF 1 " "` , . vie cialtiltAlietneyirt treating! 'Female Dtbea. 01' Oitt• Ihdlated , Vectio•nstlar'inl pat the thlis fkm# ill Rink, oreakoes.ig •It Is Wagons; see &leak the Ifentnient of Maass en Pint, Asa-, mew litietkas St. Mts./Mad: lig sitrietiwi Itulenit; /Tyr and Ear //I.tesseriPiks, Lower rAemor JilAtiou Ali rOriaks qt Arr , :n4a; vAras 4c.itiarrfuTa: AN.igraigichAemuillsr., Ihictrocek PA•veri iii , k- .i , : i, - ' •-,krierv.ze frr.44 Tr , p4a: J9li 4 e oaway. trey morchutt..lfotheinkr, AL; IbOmu Camp hedijr., Clef.'Strarp ilentphlll, Din Jabal:lmgal, ...Effeetnarr. df.hitfhf 4 MD , . X ,00, 721 3 i 0 P: 114. " IWO. Mr.. J. J. rower, MI. Mal Whet.. and - nueibere brothrre o r lawee 'tam., .ean he ghats if • 4 awn. ;-Qny dellirpez_trestinetni } airs clasp ro t medielhee. No etta eltat:e ref tie urappnri- anßoe hatidiented Whin ' Infteatteelat mated on ponuaet. ,Cssouliallai 113 .... Pal i 4 oe o, ' , 4 - chino, for teltultd.teting the *Wee treatunnlibl la. &fat 'awe,' hf cake rend Ilholdenco-canttrOf Um Unanal, p. , seinsikl4ltx ,Itoduestet, Boner , cl l trigt .. • , •- , , ik ' . 4 : el: Y. 1 1;i , .... ; ,; ..,•-.1 , ..... -- IT -1.1;.•:1-,!; , 1; • 1 •,1 1 , 011iaPellost.P.4 . 14" , *0 0 !WOW , 4:01 4 * all now, Inroad of 1•11.1-si UPS4,4i Killa.clos• volt 011 • Mell Mean to* lat. Childree .;s:e. to it. p ylied' failsroo. dontr..l Minnesota, it. 3i.pkilcrs 4 k. 4.4 4 - . Wept irir l eta rttaltufgh, Po. ' _lii~ i•rf i:c7: i bii the iili hentedt,.at,'llitt i - esi derive . ill, the hchlett parent., by i;ON". 3: B. Whltteri, NIA'. \V. C.'tttemart;olloever Falls; to •-, Mime BelloNreereekett, 0( Scott terlott-' whip, lbergrettet 6ettuty, Ye. • • . Died. • AT It D--( )11' the 1•Ith nrJnl , ill' fleaVer, l'a.; infant m6ll •i)( W. A. ltrttl ' - • •• • '-Vete - Adeertiscliftipts: • : I'EAGHERS WOTED (,„„, 0.1 female 'rowdier,' two wonted for the rot otoli school'.. Appllcationf fur ptpdthin, will he received hy. the Secretary op to the tint Montley of Auv”o. Ity °odor of the lhaaro. J. V. lytsdixs, Seey. VirILSON _SHUTTLE Pli We ere netrottle to oder to the Public A FIRST,CLASS SEWING MACHINE of Sorrier Styled Flnhat, I..iiibriteing all the latevt improremeids (wind In Hipm and dtarries. at a Price ttulto stitlaln. tldhe reach erevery 11loaae. ho MOO • aid; 17wrs0Litcrr7.i>. „ . The tilereatrni of tai. Hewing Socie• ty Rte be Maria plaint bki. Clortn: Beaters sairJ in,n bad the WILSONJI•HWTTLE IM G MA CHINE lu use fur prune tine, take pleasure In etat leg that. the nlauplietty of :eons trvietbni,' ra aCopTnotion. spool and beauty o 4; rigs lOrMAitce clr bullion It Is not surpassed t any Mintlee in the market! , • Mra.4. P.ll*.iiro. per. i A:M. Ail:lust • • Mire NE.A.Heirlodanuer,iMrs M. Drum% Pos.ll , lrs. 11, Butler. litrs • M. Phillip*: Treds. Mr.. W. Diener. Mu. Prot. It T..7selon, Mn.,e Esq. Mn, Rev .T. 11. Miller, IMPS. 11. A. Wharton, Moe. lteu. W It. LUche, Mrs. Agues Johnston, Mts. Rev.:it/1E Pasty lan.. 11. M. Lyon. Minh hr. McNutt, . Elects Allison, Mrs. A. Border,- Isa• Lou. C. Wilson, "MN. Wlllbon Kramer. f Mrs. Andrew Mite; Mr.. HotiatisrJ &Mutsu. • rtli D. Seer. , ltoorn °Third St.. Waver. Pa. nihrttkOtergll ' S. J. ANDERSON, Agrut, In Bearer Falk borougn ' wilt plerrn attend The ex. aridearion, to be bed bible :reboot bourn thn Couutyltutuelourollaut — rriquy Jal y ,elll he t.bwrom lid' then for thildlng Ono emsnit tee.ien Tea Omit ebartlod. -•- ' ' .Iy/la,ki ' • DV. °ROW or opAnu. ) Jrrillank Norgagre furtalest the Area of. • , TOE lltObli • „ And:the Public Schools.' u;iii ni t.7o4.4 : tian • .• • • : • • • • (*articles:4 • • •Xteleurre,Ochnot.'reachara. and &lll:rarer, an dis posed. le set 54 e ntitled egret* tor that nog turd Important hook entitled the °PEN nintm, or Ike liana of gtod fn tfie Affairs of by Rec.-Jo. with /); , . • Thin work has a great zubr,:loit to . Perforiu. and la Inattny rehiring Ore natnesraml bendy enderrae• , went of ellenegutlatt draterfitentlows.. Tarutgute no work prracuts gnAbx,sttrAllons aa [Fielders lend It theft uhpporr,'everywhere. It Is Jest" tbe *oat the thaw. 'Apply for dereertptive• thee lar and Ceres.,titan (he territory, you wish. kg, r.s7Proaprtua hooka furublonl free of coat. • J. R: EO9TEIR '2, CO. ,Bcr) .• Dag 41D Pittsburgh, Pa. • egrßlank Deeds Of sale alahirAioes aloe. AA 11.71INISTIRATIOWS 1402108.—Let• a( adsolnlstratloa hating been granted to the inbactibar—resktlng In tba borough of Beaver —at the Mato of V. m. Framuten,lle., lota et New Ileadridertoottship„ all pruatins Indebted to saki estate are :coasted , to make Immediate payment, and thme having clatte r oe against It will purest diem duly anth=tlcated Cur ordthrtuent. • VitMel • ~ WY. FIIAMI'T9N.Je... 4 doe. - -- - • • -- r rOl VLF; Cr 0 OID IWO a gi The Istrt cr. _A=,"%rrs2l.4ls:g AnctlOn, -At . Boors Mote Well onpoc by iald doomed; Mayer. tommeagetez irf " •• On • Meinday, July 18th: - 1870, ' • The entire Sfeela of Goods belongtriu to old es tate. Consigning of IMF, o w ls, Groweieat Hardware. Iron trail* Glow, And aziklios assay to he found Ina Eared hide. Term at sate. . • idtrilts Advatelstrefor will : attend at the Mote nom: every day from date until day of sale. loose 9ln IS &dna, for the purpose of making mettle. =DM W , .HEN .4.fner. WOW OdAjtVafiliiiibi 4 Few • .0; at i SPECIALTL3gfitiAINS tsr( Vti; .1 ' -,;;• 1.17,41: ; 11 4 111k11 , 178(ZOW4:410t41 '• • , tioi,lti A t i 4firfrFrep i tt' i ! i l I - 7.. bi.,l vII .1101E4.17•ri ; 4,, fri,lllll ; 11 , : 11 10g14,41•40411(1ACC 1411"3 011, Alta. -.lthoPAI -J. J013,:-.1.. , 14.1.2. tin If • 1:.•• •1‘; •2I • . ;.•3 f • •, • • •)• 1 A'/'37; (71,1 N 1/2 , • E4 1 ; 3 1t 004:4 4 1 ;9 2 4.tY 171 2. ' att•i,!: 4,2 rif. !• ;$.• /Pit 41:441.. EMI „ • , • • . ~,,• I At ti .0411 A,' A. '<vry irtisai-oapr, Int v.if MS PRINTS. 1;IG r• ; ! AT .12%,(i ENTF. . 1 . 11. . . • • .m.441c14 .•" EX•tr 'Ay 111.1 . I Figure.' Cretuidin,o+. very elatti. Light: L iWIIS very elieuii . 13 rent Iterluer in tee ; i trill; il Al? kinkliet iittlitiner Csiux,.. A. ll' Alt 117:v ,c, co, -• ' 't-,4 rcotiitti l .e -./tliAtkity , 1 •,....e. ...g r. " • jilt 26 '.. . ' .:. 11 . " ' ,_ ..__-...1...—.....—LLL.1.1.4. 4 .- , u_L5_.—.... , ...: -. .... L . . " ",, •T• ' I ', rl: • .., ; .., -‘ .l. • '''' ' .. • , •••-...? ', . i" i •", :. : ! " • e '' -' .; .1...1 „„ , . 1- , ' . .:. ;i:',:i1, , , , ,i . . ,, • o,l* ' i - , VL0 U41.14- ' a l . • f . . t ~ .N , , ..!.„,,,,.:,,-„„ t opt. ..i ;„.. 4in ts,4lt.,, -I ii ... COlill l . ll' , l l 1••11 M' . / i S .Z i I I' , 1. '• A i 1., 1.11.1 q . , •..•0' 11 trittli . , • 1.1 •• 14. 1 i •I 1 ‘ .. • a i . i ;11; !I • . 'll •, $fi•• •• . • li.: • ...i ' •• l' i . •• 1' 1.• i , I I . ' i • ' ll' • . ' Barvaitttrits •Cl9t/iiitg/'' • vt , Great Cltning , —Out.Sale.f or 4#4 ~ I.' , • •i ' _ , !ill I ' , of sunimor .G.clociai, : rte.. -. 0 4 ' Se I • ' ' • ' • —AT-= '. '' •"' ' I -1 SC t i XirraS=Argri' , " .. t ite e - ,, IIEIVIIIIIIORTON , ) , PAC y i . c. ~ . 14 1 47 -.. :1„, - ; .,:iii , .:: . 1: 0 1 .. :•..1 ,. ~..: t '. 4 IrcrAteLea , 4oiWisi hi I,tocht'tierjra 41 " • t • rhikilOttelettlultsTin , " :6 , ••• • 4 ' ' ,,, 1 : S il ple .' i . ::l . iliite ,174.i1: 1,:• :•,• l); , ,••• 'Currienteatico.• , , ~ . •tk. •-•,;:- - i:E. 1.12 lartfa.. •dh .1 •,, Ali n. ...• , n,liz lip:dies" lleit, :.• . 2 . , • 10. Is it pair.l:i . _orCirni.s' Socks.... , , :i 4 4 3. i. ••• do siL' 71130111•tiniiiiiitr.91‘0, Ir..lll*Vsid4llF Vii; • • '' ' ::—.-,-- all ~ .L.,iu fAw hor.odt, at LUir l eipowilli 1 1 cl h ' • ,•...,,,{ 349/7).:Low , Prieesd ,, . , • . .1..., ZIKNII attlyi lfyou want trblvpure resl,o2 2,1 , ;. . 11.1.11LidL.NS A!r , e • • .is 1-i' , i • • son . , ••• & STEINFELD'S .1 'ruotl4J pup' fis.m , a , [MN .10,11 jung2¢cl;4l .LARGEST—I-BEST---CHEAPEST! anti l oll'7.7.`a:34ltt mviity"..4nlibetna. lived upon MOor's Rural New Yorker, And 110 & iVellit it to nor pre oniumiLl), the I.arg err, !kid and Cheap, et ILLrmaaMin u.. 1. Lor twiny Apr, rartiLa hi the World. Teat. u y idudnoike Dmple, all oirr the Continent. ta le and admire the Ift Lid. for L. ou porrior.OUity, Thine, lUustraltom. NW, fe. Be Press ad Peale Pralse it rue P.Viltiple. an Exchaage m.)0: Tito Lela. num( Priwfrti, :LW A 11.11.1, I{ ad, ['Wok:o.d 41.44 17"1,1419 )114come.1 114nen. me Wink irAtch an I. do tear amooplAra fin.pde. ja per o. XXLI. boa July 9 Tiy 11` Only P1.3t1 milmne of St number., or VI per year.— Lean to dub., alsbotribe how Adam* I).U. DI HAY" 41 Park. Itun% Nen York. Jyt - 5 - c 8 5:12,K- 1 1414, - ,;i 7 E ... , • the SE.ll‘ 7l 4 dinLwLryAL 171111 do do. ID stets a 4scagli pays 10.` 9116 DAILY brs. Mayes'. I. W. rsuLAND. Dltisl Publisher:Sew Tart PATENTS Inventors who wish to take mit Letters Patent are sfirjout to counsel withal/XS & CO.. editors of The Setenlihe Americo.. who have unweceted chthrut betas* ttai VstestAXse. • fur sorer Twenty Years. Thew ,Aincrlcan . oqd MeOP.M , Agency lithe moot cratefuls° In Mewed. Char les, lows than arty other reliable whey. A pamper let centaininefelliruitumflOns to thrusters /*Ault grade. Mt" Je CO.. 3:Park stow, New %wit. NeitiaPer Advertisifig. A Book of 14 closeJ t i printed pages, Istely • lase. ed, contains a Ilst of hest'Atherlcan Advertise lag Medians, siring the write;. dretzlatlons. and full particulars Conceralla the leading Deity and Weekly Political and Fatally Newspapets togeth el' with all those Meta% Cargo circulations, pub. Wheel In Me Interest of itellnkm, Agrwahure,l4. mature, Lc.. etc. Neely advertiser, and eeeq person Who contemplates beernalitg mach, wilt Ihnt this book of grad value. Yana tom to as/ ad. dram on nmslpt of fifteen cents. tamoutat Y. ItIhWELle 4lc 00" Publisher.. No-40 Yark Row, New Tort. The Pittaborgh (l's.) Leader s ll4 its brute of )(as 4, 18:U: .-The firm of U. I'. Cowell It Co, whirl' Nonce thin Interestlrtg and Womble" loot. Is the largest and best Adrartirlat Aram is the UM zed Marv, and we can cheertully recommend It la the attentlen of thaw who deslre to advertise theirpmenewf selentlllEemllyand eysliemaintlis tally Ice Inch a mai : Qat et. sio to wane the largest amment of pahliclty fdr the tweet estecutil. "'re' of money." • illit.SW SX.O' 'GREEN 1 In Bnglitt.r, TIE sot Irade, Corti data than hay other Occattre it willpahat twice se moths efface. Oida. rAlMS.rsht•,lxi a ulen •' • J p fl tirtt. l'h PROMPT.ROWORABIEHWA E: AA GENTS. WANTED I St ltscrY lost an rWago for, the largest end most soccewfu I DOLILILE . EUVIIE lie the country—ONLY ONIC andonted by the lending Papers and Ewers !Ws of the United titans, Dos gouda give nolsensal ratlsfaCtion, our premiss,. to Agentia eh tat stunt. rod ohs check• are free. Heston two hoises—Reston end, ,Cldellgts--Mar factlllts are l", and our basintyn exceeds In amount all other contents In title trade combined tmr SEND MR CHtfilleAlts A PUKECLUB to C. WitOMINSINI 0) . , 1311 Stmet. Boston. or .DIS,Iw) Starr ture_rt.Ctratte 31rNen. iediddsl ir;bw• 110 sav ddr.t ilnyelluXANfA, Olt talar/1=11.11%1.—/ sooderfal tddld m ci , • pee. rasda+ts as Wrll.4.4sCrt / * WW W gel rkh, *th w - r. rdee,Wellnatlitiodok Demo.= iti l e ; Ilemarrism. plriteudism. Manias. erne Imenders. Maned for Its ' seta. Address to WILLI/Ott Oil.. Cabiblests, 'Ranh sheaf rbilm• LOOK HERE. • srIBING AN lege D NIIDMER GOODA.—The leave Le Warm hie Wee& sod=igeeerally that ha has Just reoetved a yew 'lock 01 goods of the Walt styles Ale Meng wad domain , wear othleh he Weevil( very 0 FUltilltWLNO. GOODS. 2 CONSTANTLY ON ILA 0.. ' Clothing nude to order on the shortest notice. Thanktal to the pabild he peat Imam I hope M Now attention to boomer to merit • atothtn. ones of the same. • DANIEL 3111.1.ER,itt• DRinei T. BRIDUSWATKR. mat :MO • ...f, 4.4; 5tw00,..1..31 .'4 I. NSWAGIOND I DS l igri fif fir.* mit lf 11! /11 I . ‘‘: 1W41 * 4 I i l l refi :l24 l I •• - 'l !;.: 4 o . # l .s i gi t MV; i 4 " tlVit ',ll 4 ,ll4l: . 4 ..telty l ebO c fiririofi r t kai r (4 r'') , ( 11 . 3 I r Me - • . q{: Bftetalcre; i Nt r, l:4 ilf P ". • .1 1,14 loirC,% . • .01. J. 11131 i jii ~11.11:1)1e1) ,Aprnorr LA :Wirlie I; ' AO ; 0 0 E AWR : P t " . I M I R 4 Wl' ail . lahi4VilePtyr , A r iplitil; ' " ):t ~, 1 ,•. -%;44A " r i M.Kv 4A m alf.ooll. fr..lousit Tre..,T # VORl4ol7loiihstiii4rf4A4e 40.1: •fr ..141 1, • Ain10 4 4 4.1 5. I - , A; I '" / Piton '" .' • 4:11 • •i •• • I.ivt. t Mirk lit.nuuti; p i '0 11(4.14.N.0404,141t.g. .-1111! , • 1 •, -• ••••• , 1! .04040141114VA.0Pfq...- , l• • 1. .1.3 !Vr EIL wIY &có 17$ : Folic St roe t. ALLEaviitnrs s Jurt9y-}e29-10!) 1_ . . rgatiewt to ,Coinktractorsi: ritorosritli .111111 het' reedited dean tk."l Anti way for ehe thump ledrie err She iris hull& etf the rstebyterlee. (.1114. ite If Thrust intktfinetkeee bie iwas at the C. 31. a osiet.• CuiL, lath WO. • Tlv• Coteepttice _tteereer thes, riAl4,lO meg NI CI ell tea. "rke unser at tbe Mg Cbtosaiiteet.. •• • I.l ‘ l* !. ; mirl wer. N.l . l•Av ,131 . e f F & SNOE STORE., nia'srosu. nricnzgateit,"tiNN*4 11 , tf . • The Uisk'rsigned.• bst•Jng taken the I • • . • 1 Itnoio, trwrly octuplqa toy Itrii:WAliT Az ,W4.1..50N ltes tbu:nitentilmrof The Pitblic Generally Twilit Stock oC SAWA I A9 '4)::tlOltas9 GuiterN (Sr, Slippers. dtliitc>rri AlttAe AVork IZEPt CONSTANTLY. UN HAN 1).• i erot l )a l l AND OF, THE I,lw-sr. :Intl best Qtutlity6 CALI; AND U) CONVISCHII Mai 111,....114 as :( 4 1161, AS TOR CILEA REM'. atorl:kly Reduced Prices! Speyerer & Sons !Imre kott !tennis' from the Riqt wart A LARGE STOCK OF 000 DR, Bought at tlio Lowest Cash Prices, And will M4l Rome anodes AS LOW AS BEFORE' THE WAR! Conti!sting I)ry Goads, Groceries. Pro. vi.,lhas; Hardware, liars, Caps, Roots and Whom 'Rope, 4,141 am, Puking -.Yarn, Ima, Nails,. Points, • Waite Lead. Oil, Puny.. goecuswarir.. • Wis. 1. lor•rrare,Eklur.. FPcd, Gnarl awl „ [lama, a _vrarie- ty ofDrialrOtaslias•- „ Ticking'," Gelsias,Chee Alpo c.usJoras,Dhams.crasil lloitery also: Tess, Coffees, :. Supts; Syrups, Migsmes, Carbon Oil, b815..41 the (1./e6riderialidora Ulm AND NEW CREEK FLOUR. , MEI Just srriveil awl An' sol, Who stall • At Pittsburg Prices. 200 Zegs*nbieig . Nails: +ONE CAlt WHITE L 1 .11E1 Land nosier,' and Akron' (Wood A Large,Stock White. L6ad''and Paintt A yer7 'superior quality et St mar: at Wet tel s Mnnps and it kg nr Carton Aria . . find .Arrirel and for auk; wholesale (Dad 11.4ai1. ALS , PUUE ('ATAWIIAr ISMINLLA Concord ,Willes, Of our own vintner, for 31e.lieinal aMI finewimt•ninl Pnrpowt4, are Willy Re-i ootnnirnikal by limbic WlO bhvis trio% them. , • . They hre Man A4pub4 (or thi KNiFFEN MOVIE* WAD Anil Pitt. Nnt, Pioi r e(jR. Plow& Thanking the Public Car tilde pas; pal maige. We he* to malt a liberal 410te In the fututn. AU Golpth Delivered IWe y ChariX4.), Ton can rely on al: goads Wog freak as all oar old gm& were saki at anction.' SPETEREB & XONS, nprlltc ;1.l :i ;.I YTS ` .. .1. D. MILLER. 11huuitrl, 11.rbester. —and—
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers