AIIIVEIMILEADVIVINL Adivorrlecenenta ere Irtsertad at the rate of 81,00 IM,aquirtaforttrot Insertion; and for each subsequent Insertion BO cents. A liberal , dlaeount.madArter. yearly ad vernseMents. • ,• •_ • • A 'T aco coital to ten:lltree 'of this type ineaattros a square..• linelpeas itiniekli head by dietaaclrea huntedladalvitterlhe /OW neWS, lOU obazged. 'ban cents a line fur each insertion. • • • • . Advertiaomente-abould:bo handed In before Mouday.noon to incurs insertion In that woolen .a . .r. - Business Cards. \ \\ \ ) 1 1:1 1 1 1 gic L NIni l l'i 1 5 h U e r e g ay e° 1ill i flUrli t a l :T; I x\ --- - - --- A i.. . i. ner; ,,,, 0 . t i n ,,, 1 r g , h r. t at I nly via re p a rse lde tti n ic.. ce britu ou rgiy, :si ty, ifil d 7 .l ,i d t. : • yoliN U. VOriti, Allterne7 1 11 11 Ism, .'tl heaver, lla. 0 Iceland residence oh Third St. ~,t of the Cuhtt Ilpuae. MI law bus her antrum- Ind to my cardaliall receive prompt attention. .vise persona lianitlg. Bea! Aurae-for ink. and :hose wishing „to bit Loynd property, coal or form • Iwo,, may nave limo d money by eating at my ~!tav• apriTtly • S. I ncriurr, M. , Rowing-permanent t) , la located In Mona., w t‘realextfully teu• io p I tt. r stleyylouol service:: to eM u ilie of Leo ' .1,.r and surrounding country. ~z ial attention • 1,,,1 to the trotiment of female die so,. Surgery • ~ •t..• tt on a skillful Mind. Wine on 'bird street., : ~ ken doom west of Wu Court Bootie. ttl ooi.' . ;ohin . • .., i .1. ANDEILSON, 'twang taken hold of r) , his old Foundry again, to •Roctesster, Pat. ~,,, he plowed to meet hie old customora ridok ;tnds silo may snout either the BEST COOK IS 0 STOVE, Beating Stove, many otter kind of ~sting:-of beat Materna and workanauship. • The Nosiness will be 14,ff] ._ J 1 J. ANDERSON S.SONS. ILLIMIL ItiIINES, dealer In lkiont . shoes, Gallery; Silppeni, Sic., next door to Porter's Tin chop, 'Wino ettent, liiidgewoter, 1.., ushdo he is prepared to nmnidacture anti sell . ,et ything lu Ills Mutat reasonable rates I lay rag rem, ed the place of business from the corn. , r near the Bridge to hie present location, Ito id. - s deo Isle old friends !and potrutui to give hint a tall. • . . . - loyloll'iila. l. I, , ..l l .llElCTlllk,TAiliirney it Law. dike in SIC. ' _.4 itlnley'y handing, east of Public Square. new ahly. ..., 1 - JAS. CAM I,IIICON , Mihrlicy at Im* Heaver, Pa. (Mee in the room tor ,„, rly occupied by the late Judie Adams. Cul . 1,10 , 111:, Sc., promptly attedial to. so:otitis:ly. . .._. „. la JEllillET;Watclunaker and JewelOr, - 241 o , 1 reet, Betieer, Pa. (In room adjoining J. • I 1)116011 . /1 OMCC.) (loud Watches and citron- ~,,,, s , repaired and warranted. Engraving t,,,,,•• to order. Tbo patronage of the public :a s.:lcanti, and •atlefactlungultranteed. Give no a • 1•1•1. opt - ll'es,::ltn. 111111311 Z, Denier In Donis, Shoes, slippers and Whom. Bouts and shoot made s,..rder. A long experience In the inu.lness ena• lam to do work in a superior manner. Terms b...oonne. Shop on 'third street (near Rev, 3111• Bookstorei, Beaver, Pa. Wye him a call b. ire purenasitig cicewLere. apr7,isnS:ly g /1111IST, Notary Public. Con, 93 nicer and Jusurunce• Agent. Deeds and Agr,kineuts written and acknowledgement s taken, liaviim been duly commissioned siAgent fin eel !Irk class Insurance l'osapanles, repro , nting the Fire, Life, Accident, and Live Stock I iepartinente, is prepared to Auks risks end write pe.letes on the tun-t liberal terms. Also, agent I , ', the .Anclior 1.1 w," of first Claw, Ocean Steam 'rickets sold to and from all ports In Eng ieeel, Ireland, Scolland,Germany and France. OF i, In Louis brick row, Diamond. Itochester. aprgniii I I>EAVEII. NEMLINAIIY AND INNTI TETI; Mil 01101 4 il. 81King tiann , loll Marcia 311, 1570; 'Lev. U. T. Tinylor, Frindpal ~sistell by nil able Instructors in Ms lliirnrent Clam 601 urn being conducted, now, In Greek, LaUu, Fre.uch and German. Principal Is a snecetsful Lecturer and Experimen ter n Ith lilt Appantlas, Philosophical and Chem'. eal. Music on the Piano and Organ tanglit by Professor Univocal music by a suerestqul vocalist. 'rho in gnu tion is flourishing, and is raps ri thrlit`; and it is determined by (bon -having the direction /111 that it shall stand in OW tan of Ara new les null Semi:larks, as It has done confessedly for ten yearn. Address— HEY. 11. T. TAYLOR, Beaver, l'a. MEM I,ITAGON lOU FLILLE.—The undt;raigned V V ' I. A Two Hone Wagon, ita good run- Ling order, which ha low for cos,, or ex change ror a good burro. Also a good cultivator lor •otle. J. C.11.01. 7 1:1'E1t. npr-Iftf Itritigestater, ILTIFICIAL TEETH PEIT.FECT. ED T.. 1. S HA. CHANDLER have pair-• dinned the exclusive right of Deaver county .-n-• • • to uneDr.Stuers Patent - rt . by nitich they can put 't ; i t' • ' Vul.olte no thin an " 4 40,•404 n o l ' el v er polish and no light and elantic an to pertectly itilapt itself tit the 111011111; obviating all that clumsy and bulky condition, so notch complained of heretofore; and lesnosing their liability to break 100 percent. In deed, pu one Seville it would be willing to wear the dd style plate any longer than they could coven fenny get them exchanged.. All branches of Den e.try perfornted in the best nod twist nubriential manner. In tilling teeth with gold, etc..we chat. huge competition from any quarter, and can refer to living nithiectn Whore 1111111ga have ntonel be tween thirty and forty years. Among the number lion. John Allinon fillings tee insees tel Millie fill venni Age teeth Ea perfect 8111 Ltio sss, were fined. Laughing One prepared on a new plan, freeing It from all unpleasant and dan gerous effects, making the extraction of teeth a source of pleasure rather than of horror and pain. Price... tow ns any good dentist to the State. I 'nice at Leaver :station, Rochester T. J. 11..1 CHANDLER. Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, The inmq perfect eod m on de machine of the kind Boas of tlw above popular inticillors have liven !nt,ly Inipoorit mall thrrr11111(1 without a rival. Price of the SINOF.It PAMILY SEWING MA• HINE front =e."1.00 upward, of MN If EYS arithini and Sample: , mulled free nu applieu- Ln SITICAW d• MORTON, GENERAL AtENT:3.. No. ,N) Sixth Street, PittAbergh Pa ;:entn wanted Tor the Wilkie!: Marhlneevery.. ti hr,. 111111 for the Shover lu W1:1111'111 I'enneylrll• 1111 F:u•h . rll Ghlu and Wont \'a., ti hen: there ire 10/111 . already 1,1111116 1 111 . 11 111,21:131 BUYERS, LOOK HERE! -99 u• utolerAcnutl, thankful for rod fir nr,vould r.•.peetfully Inform the public that In. 11.11+ OM' of the tlnert twit:y(lone of WILL PAPER, WINIM SHAI FI,0( )11. OIL e4_,( >THS, Etc., Etc, II 1111114 to be Conn lln tlta Count). Hip. a•oort Ittt iit tot school.. Yllarellaueoits and lielltzloupt 3E3 C2O .C) K. St t• routplett, %%taw hu pahue are MitredC,ll tart part ta make 111, STATIONEItr DETAItTM ENT 4tal la the best ht City Establleh meet, Ile 1. the t•sc lustre agent fur the celebrated V4vlcyom f or tut, ronnty. Those seeklitt: a good Gobi Pen, wottlit do well to see them before purchnoing. I• the A4rtit for this county fur Pitotogropa larrint• Certificate. The attention of rfeag)ltten lo reopectfully called to thi nn he .11 Pen Ihent at the tame tilseount no they ,s !z et Irmo the l'l.l.llt , her. Atwater', School Got • ernment for role nt Pithlioher'e price.. Al.() on hoOti, Toy. anti Vortety Good., onitable for nil oenoono.: , .J. V. inu I. v•;t1:1 ) . ' Broadway. Now Brig!stub N E \V BOOT& SHOE STORE, 1.:r.,:-;ty:s-p-; 1)1AMI)N1), 144 . 11EsTEI:, I'ENN'A Th , l wlrroi nod, having tnkeit SLIMY' Ito . otir,ll.rmetly occupica NV Zifc," IV I 11.,!•4401N Incites the attention of 'l'lu• To hi' , Stork of zsava[az ;) ;:titers & Slippers. Clu:toni Ahich; ANruric KErrroNsTANTLY ON HAND Vet> iYJ:›Z •A :L \\l) ok"riii• Pilter4t mict tw:4l ALL CONVINCED that hu sells as cIIEAP AS THE citEAPESY .1. 1). 11ILLEIt. I)ianiond, ItocheBter. nprl3;ly ffira Vol. 52- Miscellaiteous• THE' SUEZ CANAL ! WHILE the World is more or less ex ercised over the opening, of the Suez Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi cinity, should not lose sight of the faettliat S. SNITGEIi Su Co. At their old stand in Beaver, re., are still furnishing to their customers everything called for in their line. They always keep a full assortment of GROCERIES', ;Your, adize, Ras, SityarB, Tobacco and. Cigars; And all other articles usually found In a First Class . Gh()CERY S'CORE., From tftylr long and intimate acquaint- tine° with 0 Grocery,. Flour and Feed.. business, and lair disposition to render. satisfactiowto th y who may fitvor them tp \. tvi'lt their patron 4, , they hopd In the fu• tura, as in the pas , to obtain a liberal share of the public pat nage. • Give us a Call and see if Ave do not make t to your in terest to call again. jans. S. SNITGER 110. —..- COUGHS, SORE THROAT, ETC k 1 \ No medicine or treatment can excel the poweiful car«lire power r'y" )11,. SIMMS' White Pulmonic Balsam. It cures with a rapidity miconalled by ony,other remedy offered for Throat and Lang diseases. 11. Is recommended by tiver2,oeo person,. is Winning. ton, and hundreds in Philadviplint, Baltimore, and other cities and communince throughout the coun try. Mr. Pennington, of Wilmington, Minnie, writes that shire ie not (with a few exceptions) a family in Boldly who will be wlthont it If posel. m hie to ocur It. Stich In its popularity wherever it It known and this popularity arises Brim the fact that it nuivervally curet all who nee It. Them to no coon of COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. (Torr. 111.0011. SPITTIN HOARSENESS. and even KIM°. NARY CONS num N, where the system le not broken down with the wear of the disease, or pre tended medicine, or inexperienced advice, that thin Balsam will not cure If carefully need accord. lug to directione. We guarantee It all we repro tent it to be, unit invite a trial from the adlieted everywhere. Price NI cents. medium sloe, and $1 fur large sized bottles. Prepared only by I. H. SI\IMS, M. PR Af 'TW_4L OR&A NA! CHEMIST, No. 707 Market St., 117/LMLNG TON, Del Philadelphia depot, Johnfon, Holloway row den, WI Areb ntrvet. Baltimore depot, S. S. Bailee, leS Baltimore St Per SAle by Medicine Dealer" genera lly . Juatel:enlblY BEAVER DIWG STORE, T4' Q 'APl)AkEi§g}i, Druggist tt, Apothecary, 13 F: .A. - V F.' PE:WIN". : • MEAL _ R IN PUREDRUGS,CHE WEEMS, PAINTS, OILS, V ARNISIIES, DYE. STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS PUTTY, (lhoioc GROCERIES 7t, t , DE AND 11E1'1 NE1),(111.8, vI.AMPS LA.MI' CHIMNEYS .I , II'IINERS,&( of t h e gvvalest Varicly, and :it the Lowest LI DEEM earrfuli!, l mid scientifically vompmmileil at :my time lac or nizlß. a.; - .Agent', fur Falint,tnek, I laslet t and Seim:a:Zs Strictly Pure White I,qat, the oldest and - hest brand in the market, at immullieturers' pricer•.'+(] toctiLly, The Celebrated Wilson Shuttle Sewing = .STITCH! STIT(11 S77Tell Stop— p1.14e, and don't ruin your eyes and con stitution by brndl tut oser the slow 1/1•11:711•40111f 11.1. 11,1110, Intl Pave the all Important &lath, lime and n. opry by ;m0( . 111 . 1111.111 Brit Nl' oar that ntalto. the celebrated lock el itcb, alike on both .Itle4, and doe, all kind. of work; to luau. due abltiand pimple in construction; nut. very 11;:ltt: Is eaq to operole .• rerrivol Illy first diploma at 140 1.4. fair: 14 tilt tag the boat of satisfaction to Its purelda.,•rn; uorralkOol for three years. nail Jtrice only $lO. Such On one Is 77a etieftratod it dlsnn Nhullls .ti, sing Noritior. For farther particulars call at - tlte'lllllCe, suns tilstr below 1.N.-Atkins* Ilat Store, lb-aver, Pa.. or atblres. for te..timonbils, dr. cutup., 5..1. AND EIISON. Agent. inar.rl;l:t I Beaver, Pa SLATE fil-rm rrivslrxiv CITY SLATE COMPANY Are prepared to furnlnh Builder+ orSlatrrr, their l'ery Dark Blite thlorol Saperiolr Roofing-Slate, From their own gnarner located In Northampton crpty, Pn.. AT QVAILItY PtrICES. Satnplert may he seen, and communications ad drr to E. L. GOODWIN, Agent. J. N. XIIALLENISEIMES, Preen. 1 - Office: BREWER'S BUILDING, nuqU6iNE wAy. corner Eighth St., Pitts'burgh. I a. miDint: • , ... .., ; • " :--;,,,, 4 7 ., - 1•' , 1. - . r; P'''- ••''' -' - • •••:-• i••, , •-.. - -„....,-, .Al':, : :-..- , , t• •.f , ' . - "1 , :•:::. •• " '‘‘ ~ ~ : ,`' . ` "-..‘ V:-;:i ; -, • - • •._ ---..-• '.,,. '''' -; r ' , : ..•,` - • • ' '''.•:.; , ;••• * •P . . 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'. : ::t • band a - "#.• iiiilaubjek ' '';': A• . - .... ,:,,,,,, ....., ...-., .., ;•., ....,, ~.....,....„ „„.•,,5,:..„,.,,. ~...„. ~ ..• •.. ,•„.... ~ ..,.., ;....„ „ .. „. „ A . ~ ~...i. . ;4.„........:.„.; ,:;.„....„,:. • ..,„,., -.1..- :„. - ... .• - • .--. ••_ ~.,. ......,;,....„.„..,.,„....,. uv,.,,.;,„,,,•„....„„..„ ~, ~,,,....,.. . . ..1 • r'r ' t ' ' . . r.e. Pr IP • i nOWII ' • $ lefP9T . ' ' t' ' • 1 . '' • t'" ' - " 'r • 11 1 :114 , 1: T T 0 9 .1 1 ' t . SI" martrottroommtmrwortramotort ama a • tn. .o;t a i rt• • m t0•••••=7.............._ ‘.. . •.tt V. ,r , ... C. -., r t: .r. tr .•: " i ' -....-...... t- - ILIA kind nll$llllV t' l ''•" tr M • io r j' . , , ... .. • ........ ,- -------,....„-------:-___-,--. -.•---- --•- ' ~ . - 7-- „frith ) ; i.h4itsindur: . 4Ttalio tha . No: 25. ‘! • ;,. ... -,-.- - - - ~ -,- B -• , - - ""• 7 • . pa., ~,,d ite. • ~ ~ - . 0 . , p ..... ~,,-...,..,, ;,.:-:,.., ...... ..arevonninteattetili '• '. 7- ;- ,' - ".• -. ''' 7 ' ', ' eaver -,- We • I -.4 il 1 .;Zi . - .. 7 ' 4 ''' •..'' ••:` ••• • ' Estia,bhshed..lBlB. ~1 .1,,,,1 4 i • .' -. -eit...../*Aillt.' ' ' ...... ,..., .1. wr-,Vs:NK . ... __. ~ ] . . t.e "• • ;•."..1,. chit ( ' idle bi - i 64 • . ing4:iitOt •::: - • -'' I,st - • . -,_....__,..._,, • . , tir .. ~.:.,..- ..-. ii --- t p,F - • ~,, ~. ke,, ...,, ,, ,, iw0c ) k .it rvt: x .o . n u ; Aliti e w ,.4) ,,irt int i = lb a , 1,. .. :bm t.- 1 , 1 , ... o _. ~,,.. j,,,,t,..,! .... • ..,,,,, ,- i ,.• • 11 - . 11411111 Alt ... AN Liflt ivr..411.4.14404.10 fitreeti ; . ' ' g. , r. ' - - 'Zi -; N lar. ; '. , 0 i': :rlifttv ;o ; fqilVefi' %viti:ted; -riiitfl: ? lfil i itsiftkulenrit' ~, -:: , :'• ,- . v 4 ::;' - ' ;:ir :.: : if; - - 1 : 'tirdifft; • 'intrih'nigliftiffeethe* trrenit'wb-4 0 vbr. -I. EWATER. PA- - . - 4 maitoovitto %oilier./ s""' :-- 14' - •,'''''' '-• ' "'"-'°'-'' •' '• ' - k.... '' ' '-. ' ' 1 'fflii . 'J4 IMO hi 11.4 f J' ' tiEs vo li tt. s o lj w i TN l* 4 l. '''.• ' - ° ` 4lr4 - • " 44 ' ; .:'' -,•-• ' '' 'l '''' ij.. .4) f . 4i i.11- 113 "):: -.‘-r " -' ' ' ' '... ' J' . ' " '' - .- 4 7 "- ° 4 l / 1 1H :tV • - t'' n '' l3ll4rll4. ' af. ,ty hetber th . 0 "I * ' 4 ... F !in* . **. Pthe , PTUnk/Se ° ' 4l ' te . ' - 11 -.-..-; ' melte - . ,, ' - •- • tnl' ilki t/ nu ' ni1414 -: . ...- • "A''' o,l** ll lck;a , keret' -the zitervl ~,.. :, I itUretituess *Nut ' I p lita ''''''`'''''ffice necks 4 • 91:1 '''''''• :. ' '•' '''`ito)itdittke3oiogbAirlili-tiviii.• 4 4l ..' . e teo Prte4 s 4 4 V .40.01,1 iii litear. l 4 : -4- . - :i.L a- • ',..- '--- i • - • - ' 41 ' . ; •• •"' null lit IF 0 0 Ult • 9 0,at4 4 0iketri , ~ 't* . •!,- .4lll:t.iti#4o4gt44Car,tyittg t ,.;,_ •,,..., -,1 .. , . ~,,_‘. `...,n. =lila . - .44. .. • t•:: • firriihi4.'tii ,lili„"witlicut.ll. '''''fi- ": 4 17 ' - iw- ,- -$l-if,, •- - ' • ..- .7.. i --• PP, 1 ', 4 : ~,,„ ion s r ; , ; 41 ;1 , , . ..,.. 1 ,being • much Mar. • - - • ' J t‘- :;. m '`rio t • ...,.. o°'. ', - ,1 !'•''.. -r i c.4lfiniftr . erkyetif'' &Clock 'on - t I ,: : ~ ,,'m .-- ''': ), - . .. i . ..f.r . c„ : ',ll;urtiV'ighf.tV6iiiiiicil; • . g . ' .;$' ''. '''' 6 ,,, . r.' A.-/ , r'til:' 7 t -..: : 1 44 1 r4 31 )03t,eii•PAttn_eirtinil .• .• ,' ' ' ~ . t . ..... . 4 :,,- ~1,..7.,._.,,•.. Ansi:4oo4o4A tolliome .: . 7 ' - -,/,.- ' - 7'..• ,s`•• • :' •-.- “.- ... et, -creme=. e : ' : • ' • .; :''. :utinngth" l o o d 'n!' -11 .1777„ 7 :••-. A .1..'.,. tyy,,'.ot4f -.:llilitiilfdh'llelyl*l'''"A / i b i--; . 4.t,':1,...: m . f.etiretil rig' ftit . lhe ifrovei; ; ,/- 1 1;14 , -Xe* lb " , ..'' ' ''t ' - :4o tho furterpl, and lirivateiginikriregs v.b. '' 444. -.,.' } it, so that I-. might find At `without 4 . .. i . ktinOlijileulty. ', ‘. ''' _;ii, ' ...,.. 1 .• - . • •; , - ... "'!; : iilifit 4. Vitis clear 4647 yita'r.. ;* -" . "'-ti ; : !:', , ... ,lightt but d 044444. ~Ail.was still.. ±. _- • 1.2-- „, • • : .ti-Tiie •wlilti iitonnthentitribneei - N . / ;l ir ,'-'''''''' l'''':: of Iciimi4'tiett 2 -"iiiiSed their . ._ ........ ,Wt i lt 4;! , ' Aid , I .40•_,..... , i . E • ' '.,,it ~* ; .i - 4. ' llo69 t trd n - , 1 4 0 ,, ..! ' 4. - ':- '- 4 !,,..'• i • 4f it 'intittloavr ,'' '•:, ~,,- ...,, ,' . . ,::::_ ,t;;;;,.. LAT :, kw: 4, .., .. .. ~. „ ~:. ' '... :- . 1 . . : . - w 'i. .- . , I hill' *•biiiit 1.44) lutttleiled hi the .1. 1 rof; l ' z,. ' .'''''!with . ......r ..-.: , ousinetri,w ho very sentiinental; so, 13 Y- ".- '''' 41 k r i ' -7 I n ' drawing off my coat ~,I requested my t t t ,;4;.....,', l '''n's° coloreti ally to go to the brow of: the L s ' '. ',ls:flt'rr, any hill of the intin road, and r.,-- '' 1 :, i• • • ,,, -. ',.-_,,,..„' hisop6inmantling a full view of the ad -•1 ~.• gate/keeper's house, and keep a tare c,P a. ,' '' - --' l _,: -,nU; Pc's' rut watch fur any one who might '''''''''-. ':' ' : uuturn ' interfere with our operations: this' , . ',. •" 7 : T have / - - "I then fell to work on the -grave, Bearer, . i ..fmateri-' r making the earth Ily thick mid fast. After working thus forsoine time, `43-1... is .liter 1t , , ,, :. .1 . if it ie r and: ' becoming tired, I summoned my el ' '''' 'Y -unen assistant by a preconeertetl signal, ~. ~..- . ;. a„ . ;:. , , , prlsoned who took his turn at digging while I ke , c,. t. ~ li,tvorite went on 'picket.' After two or three ":- ,:-':::- - " ''''' turns in this manner, it came my 1a ri: . ,„:,, , • 7 : ,..t.A v % some ee. tuft x f_or the last round. ob , '''.l-.:ol,ipeces. contactra ls y t i h ; iie v: l vri) % t v .h us sot h s oe l n m i ii i il l ii i i i: ,., r t. t p l... ti s. ci.k i e , [13,. . ,:_; .,: prii:!,y. , 78... c in im t e h7 t t i g h rough box, and after throwing out a ... ~,, - ti ,:' ,6 trouble., few spades full of earth, I reached the cl ... !,''said lie, co rn s IR ti a n.t . ~, , - co ' .." ..'-'.- .'. - "I was just about to split the 11l g, , with my spade, when I . received a t '-' if Peru/. I c e - ‘ smart tap on the heath from above. • arrival of I stopped, looked up, amid there saw q • society, I distinctly outlined against the star t Y , - 4 ' 'lunation of PA!. lectu re, in full uniform." lit sky, the form of a pence o ffi cer '' he city from "Come ! Come! my lark, you are L ,-, ~ • my prisoner; you're in for it this : . 'd, he. " D° time.. Get out of that,] and come .;--„. jWO mun along. IT just stick you in the lock i'viern hu n g up till.morniugouul e then you must • go before the Mayor. " .., . Thomas Allison, I4VING REMOVED 1103.13T0RE : • TO BEIIYEIt. In the Rooms comedy occupied by Oil. Copper, where he now has' ntid Intends .keeping A General Stock 'of , • MERCHANDISE 'Wing received from the East, within a teir days past, a flee selection of _ , DRY - GOODS , OF THE. 4ipices, Latest Spring Styles, CONSISTING IN PART POPLINN; ALPACA, . „ PLIINTS r De LAMS, GIN(111,101:4; CHECKS, CASSiMERES, CLOVIS, JEANS, coTToNADEs. FLANNELS, HOSIERY, .Cc., SG; `BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, SHOVELS, • SPADES, IC A kE:;, • HOES, T(TBS,IircICETS, Q CEENS WA RE, &e. rEn the above articles he ham athltml a 0-ROCMR,IES: CUFF a s, WHITE - BROWN SUGARS MOLASSES TOBACCO. t All the above articles will he sold low for cash, or exchanged for country' prh• duce. Call and examine his stock and Brims. TIIOMAS ALLISON.' I apr20111:13. ; ICE, CREAM SALOON " 'A:III,IMH' The undersigned having bought ont the lee Cream Seloin] and Confectionery establishment 01 J. C. nays. near the Pint office, In ltochuster. wou:il respectfully inform the public that he will Keep the beat quality of leo Creatu during the' Summer, and respectfully ur ges those in want of that article to give him an early call. Ills Confectionery department Is well stocked: nud parties, weddings, &c. will be supplied with ererythlng needed on ehorenotice and In the bert of style. r Frannie. rifrolshrd with fresh bteml er 1)kon as deMIMd. GEORtili FREDEILICK. mayiltly m e a a I x zs W A. 141, PAPER). WINDOW SHADES BOOKS, STATI ()NEM:, &le., Tim LARGEsT, CIIESPEST AND itEsT assortment Of these Goods that has ever been brought to the city. Calf and examine before purchasing, and be txm• vineed, at P. E. WELLS & CO'S.. .riklsllo6 • FEDEltit - ,STREET. ALLEG =NY CITY, PENN' A. sePtls;ty.Fek9cli'd ~~~ The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, Affording focilitien for nrquirlm: n thorono;,prac tient Ini+ineix etlocatlon, pit,svest.4l by Int : othrr School In the country. Since Its incorporation In IS:A nearly Sixteen Thountinil tithileting, renrenenhill‘t, from entry Slnte In the Caton, liner attended here. No encatlnn, Stailentn enter at nay time. owl reeelvo private Inetructina tin onghout the entire N. Ito—Circulars ,n WIND particulars and aline Inforimuion. on inbirc....miLT sriuNG AND sUMMEIt STVLES At the Old Stand, No. 59 Smithfield ,Slreet. So•olul 114.,r from Fonrll'.\crpnc•. .14 We call the:Mention of our Fortner pat rons awl the public: generally that wr arc now prepared to supply them with :1 tre• mendous stock of WALL PAPER; of superior ilanlity 111111 excellence, at luo•. er pricel than can he had at ~ny other CIICIICIIES. LODGES ANI) Furablied at the very 10we:4 rate?!. Purticular•Allentiou Paid to the holvmal 13epurt e at. pr20:31111 .1. tiIIIDLE s 140 N Children's Carriages O'Leary & Singleton's, •tiplendid Assmdment of 2 mu/ 3 Whed Gigs, and Wheel Perambulators OP TIIE BEST MANUFACTURE LA.I3IY:S 9 .SA:r4CI4I.II,S, IN NOT EXCELLED IN QUALITY Oh PRICE, IN TUE TWO CITIES. FANCY-GQOPS, TOYS, NOTIONS, S. AT WHOLESALE cfr RA AIL O'LEARY A. SINGLETON, aprltly) 143 Federal Rt., A Ilegheny city, I's. Inne tr. changed. Miscellaneous. ItEMCOVA.L. TWEEDS, 1212=2129 SYRUPS, sPicEs :NO APS, &e. EMI S COWLEY, Prinriprilo. PlTTNarrala. Pa. ionl9:ly. Wa 11 Pa last-, (14». •27) Ye«nr.) Establishment East a• 'rest PUBLIC BUILDINGS CALL. AND SEE CS 14,4 lisedepul St., ALLEGHENY, PA., Price% Low MI the Lowest. OUR LAupe STOCK OF AND FANCI DASKETA ALSO, - A FULL LINE, 01 Dry Goods. Bridge Street; ' . BRIDGEWATER, PA. • 1 18 WEEKLY RECF.IVINO A FERMI SUPPLY OF GOODS I. EACII OF TIIK FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: 131 7 1.1( GOODS. Btaubenrlllo Jeans,: Casshneres and Sattinetit, White Woollen blankets: White and Colored and llurreitFlannels„ 31erimes, Delahles, ' • GI 0u1111' , .. etibergS, • • • 141V11111.,. Water Profits, Chinchilla. t.- Cloths. , IVoollen ShawiA. Brown and Black tat„ , ••••• • • • • Canton Flannels, Jacinto:a, • • Table Linen, • • Irish Linea. Cradi, • Counterpane:l. Hosiery, Glove* & Mits. . • • , Grocso - ries, Colice ,Teas, Hagar; Molasses, White Silver Drips, Gulden and Common Syrups. Mackerel le bar rels and kits, Star and Tallow Candles, &tau, Spices and Mince Meat. Ales, - . ' MALT. Hardware , • Nails, Glass , Door Locks. Door Weller, II SCMVP. Table Cutlery, 1181,le aid Tea 13poono, Sleigh Belts, Coal Dozes, Fire Shovels And Token, Nails and Glass. Spades, Shovels, 2, 11-dad 4 Tine Forkr, Dakar, Scythes and moths, Comend Darden lima. WOODENWARII Buckada, Tuba, Churnt, Butter l'rlntt and Ladles BEE! CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil it White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSLIS' AND CIIILDItENS' SIIOES, -- In great ,nrkty. Rifle Powder and Shot, -Blasting Powder and Fuse.. 1 7 .1nur Voccll Queonswaro. - .11 heavy goods delivered free of charge. ify close attention to business, and by keepin.• constantly on band a IVO A:Melted stock of gouda of all the different kinds usually kept In a country store, the undersigned hope in tho future a In the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. . • 11. Li. Is AN G ITT. dettkriktly.--jytcligd. NEW MARBLE WORKS. We 31 liu•tiirt MON - UM ENT S, Ilea et and I , ' 4,ipit St ?S, ASD ALI. KINDS 01• Marble and Stone Work ON :MORT NOTICE. hoJu Ow Pest Ilrork in WeSitt`rll Vvianmy Ivan in , =i Andlra to do (tx Ire 167».e.5ent =I AT .110 . 11 E OR ABROAD Persons wishing. work in our line are invited to call and examine our work and price:" el,ewhere, as we will guarantee satisfaction in eve:y case. We hart., also, a vvry fine selection or work at the lioclmaer Works, which can not be heat, for workneinihip Or mice, anywhere: 'W. 11. MARSHALL. marl G;tim—jc^_'_;ch. DRUG A ! Djurciste mEtnc[NEs rtaR.T.TSIISIMOS ! W. I IT TECI-ILING German A i ndiscruri l and nra gg ist ! IN THE InAmoND ROCHESTER, Keeps con,tantly on hand a Well st•lrCtcd stnc•l; PURE DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES, PI:itI•TAIES AND St .\ PS l'AlNrs, )1 Ls WINES ANII 2lectht;tl Purposes cigars apa ('rode and Iterhied ALSO Sole agent for I) f. Itelzel • s Potent All kinds ol Trusses will he delivered 011 0101 t notice. Physicians presierildions will lie filled at all imurs of day lied night. c -A shurrof pal ro urge solicited jy2l:ly. Brighton . Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, PRINTING, 3LEYN/L LA , ROOFING, BAILING, hardware, Girt, Straw. RAG AND CARPET PAPERS, ALAN A.CT UIiED AND SOLD AT who...lea Retail by Frazier, Metzler & Co., K 2 Third A . PITTSBITIVIII “rnati taken in exchange. lecr, Lir Blank Deellot for rale at On Aga,. omre 'muter wmir:DOEN rim= It =mos vino whorl] or Kirix " Ay betber . th tJ Or y,relkia • the thjd itheeithther Aoiga teli79e.,thPr 9 tbcr 'ltreatters math! _ it *Ottani Ittlle how I In a world of sorrow, *6ettkot7 . ln lough I P' 0!..11vq011:sny bpnen llot whothoi Id* ttte To sotten the weight On the Antod chock of ' It matter twit I auttOO Ole utter° . What*. Patna land Ay pprlintirrook, 'Pa • It. tpaltara Uwe *ant! But Nabetbna thantlirer' And works my ba01! n I nian arbq "WI ' 4 ' o 9 . It 'Pudica' lunch! [Wetter' fhr th atEsint glentlemen, 'salt! this lecture closes 11 atomy; and with terminates my labor other 3lediatl Coll( "I have alwnysei you Anatomy its sible, and have lei ed to accomplish never allocVed a at' for dissection, to to our progress. "I have ‘resurreet4 shot at many tine once; all for the sal =ln "I am glad to lam States at least, wise." enacted which will sity of obtaining tweeting.' "rcame near gett 0 your delightful looking at me That same evenin around the stove in ture room, awaiting the members of the asked the Prof. for al his remarks at the in which he referred which-I mule "I will tell you," you remember when (lows, M— and In your city?" ‘.."1d0,” said I: ". • Wall, I happen'edlta"lle there when it'omurred, mid a_ party of.; Physicians resolved t o for' one, of the bodies at least, an in vestigation of 110 mold. anatomy. " made all our;itTangenienti; hired a spring WagocCititd a shovel, mattock, and'ecii - mohijig We made our way to tholtalLk4itgailtier e Ili . 7 7.7 i tit.§ll I I , • • , ' night when we started— . "On arriving at the Cemetery, we divided the party into two reliefs ; one to work while theother watched, to prevent being surprised and cap- . tured by the 'blues.' / "One of our party,' Billy C—, a little doctor down town, . on watch, applied himself too frequent ly to a certain black bottle!which he had brought along; and ! the conse quence was, it got into his hair ; tre mendously. We kept him suppress ed as well as possible, to prevent him from making any undue noise, "After working away for itbout an hour and a half, and being frighten ed by several false alarms, we at length reached the coffin, pried off the lid, lifted the body out and, en veloping it in the sack, deposited it in the wagon. We then tilled up the grave and prepared to make our exit from the Cemetery as quickly as pos sible, and return to the city. "Billy C— insisted on driving. Wo remonstrated, but to no.purpose. Billy WeS drunkenly obdurate: late claimed that he was a first-classed driver, and would bike no denial.— So to prevent too much loud talk and altercation, we allowed him to mount the scat and handle the 'rib bons,' V "\Ve hail not proceeded far before we became conscioasof the fact that Billy hied over estimatol his abilities fei a driver; and that too unwh whisky did not add anything to his powers in that Partieular role. . "We began to perceive that the wagbn was describing some fearful curves and angles, too much so fur ablolute safety. We tried persuasion but no use. buddenly with a kr-r-rim bang— whack 7 over We went into a ditch. • "As this event was not 'altogether unexpected, all of us except Billy, pad held oursMves in readiness for a jump, and so escaped injury. "After securing the horses, we turned our attention to the driver and our 'subject.' Ilurry up, men, for the Lord's sake, and take this in fernal carea. - s oil me!' gasped Billy. the breath nearly knocked out of him by the concussion. 'Hurry up, I can't move for the darned thing.' "There he lay ill the ditch, with the dead body lying acrozks him, holding him down ; arid to make the matter won.', it had slipped out of the sack and was almost entirely .naked. LIQUoItS 1,011 "The upset, the souse in the mud, and the heavy body Ladling - on him, had thoroughly sobered him, and ho pleaded frantically for them to help him up. lirless time than it take l tojell it, we raiser both Billy and the 'subject,' and deposited ;them In the wagon, which was nut broken any. We started off again, and after a rapid drive, reached the city and deposited our charge in a private room in the -- Street Hospital. "How we did cut and 51a.411 away for two days and nights! lle fur nished glorious dissecting; muscles well developed and not much adipose tissue to bother uS." "What was the trouble you came near getting into,;Prof.?" said I. "Just wait a moment, I'll come to that by-and-by." ~W ell, yon know, or if you don't I do, that the bOdy of was buried away off In another cemetery. I determined to Secure that for my- MS ORIG By 8. Q "Hero was a dilennna. What must I do? Where was my nigger? What would be the r&ult of all this? The4e and many other thoughts flitted through my mind with lightning-like rapidity. "1 remembered the jail at Wash ingtotiClty, where I had been for a similar serape, and did not relish the ideit of going again. But what could 0',1,6717he policeman . had the ad vantilge ofe; I Si'as grave, and he standing, above, armed with a mace and revolver. "Thinking discretion to be the better part of valor,4ind not wishing to make the matter any worse, I ac cepted the situation. "Well, give toe a hand and help tne out !" Ile did so, and in a twink ling landed me on the edge of the EMEM "11. e stood and looked at me fur a moment; then aid: "Well—ye ahem—well I gue I won't take you before the Mayor, but you r /can't have that body. I'm paid fo watching it, and it would go hard with'lne if I let it he taken. (in! I may not be doing my duty to let .you off so,hut it long as I don't let you take the body, I think I do no harm." "Without picking up any of Illy tools, P turned away and walked slowlylin the direction of the vte. "I saw him begin shoveling the dirt back into the grave, .tul all, my rebellious feelings rose up. I did not like to leave that body after so mueh trouble and risk. But then, thought I, hr has acted more generously with me probably, than I deserved." "Itut," said 1, "Prof., how tame• he to let you otr."' "Well, you see, when he took my hand to help me out of the grave, a thought Hashed through my. mind to try a 'grip.' I did so. and felt it re turned. '9l;rl 14dirvvutnr 'rag rt bra! her Ma "I reached the city, but never saw tny darkey afterward ; he had Rived Ilk own !mean, and failed to warn ".'And this is how I got into the sompe in your city." Strange Freak of •'Electric One'of the most remarkable in stances of the peculiar manner in which lightning or electricity some times plays its pranks to the Mien venienee and eminently terror of mortals was e3:hibited Wednesday evening on the road near Oakland. Dr. Spencer, the well known dentist of this city, was returning from the lower part of the city to his home be tween eleven and twelve o'clock, in a two horse buggy, accompanied by his wife, and when ascending the hill this side of Oakland there came a flash of lightning and an instantnne ous.clap of thunder, which, was not heard by the l)oetor, as he •kas so so vereiw stunned as to be rendered in sensible, in which state he remained fora space of two or t h ree minute_.On returning to conseionsnesf , he first discovered that his wife was not in the buggy and that one of the horses was down. while the other was stand ing on its feet. Ilejumpisl out ofthe buggy and started in search of his wife whom he found lying in. the road nearly fifty feet attend of the buggy. She was apparently bewil dered and partially unconscious. She could not tell how she got out of the buggy aud did not remember anything after the flash of lightning. The Doctor then turned his atten tion to the horse, which was still ly ing on the ground. After cutting the harn es s from him and bleeding him he succeeded in getting the ani mal on its feet, when he discovered that it was blind, and in working with it the animal fell over a preci pice at the lower side of the road, go ing clown a distance of forty feet, where ho remained until the next morning, when the Doctor's driVer succeeded in getting theanimal home but he has not yet recovered his sight. The Doctor and his lady, we are pleased to learn, have fully recovered from the terribleshock they received, and felt gratified at having escaped so fortunately. ma?utu tutter r endt whl nnit 7 . ned , petfumretonciuglatagelitg. Ihieliel•lieid:Mtts Mutt iiie•plute upon spited' lite oast !tutu 0914rttip Olgit with dexterity'. At, Ito. moment, in fault •notivapittur. . tut attitude, with the plump bated im and well poised head Rachel Ito t fir-represeutathie - orjhtS:tetutue . Maitre histiiukieijdtr ;. • • Nirbrivu _ fifer; ..VuS ereeiri loaf; 'Have yoti got acquainted with the Braytons, Rachel:' Jlrs.i PettigrOW' was inquiring, as a sort of roundabout introduction to quince 'stNs' and the -preserving kettle. 'You know that family that has bought th'e old Shor ter place.' 'No. I haven't,' returned Rachel, with a slight jerk hiller tone, which •showed . her disposition Wlts not un mitigated swes'tm-ws; 'but I know their pigs and chickens too well,' she added. 'They -have been over-run ning the garden for a month past, and father is so easy he won't sty boo ton neighbor whatever happens; but, at last, I have taken matter:do my own hands, and have declared war. We keep bur animals at home, and expret other folks to do the same; r else take the consmiuences' 'I know what you can do. Rachel, when you get your dander up; but it seems to me you have got a breachy cow of You r own.'renla rked Mrs. Pet tigrew, who took peculiarxomfortin touching up her friends on their weak points. 'Oh, y6s,' returned Rachel, careless ly ; Bess was trying, in that re spect last sutnuter. But see always paid damages, and now father keeps a board on her head, and looks well to the fences.' • Well,' and Mrs. Pettigrew sighed, '1 d'On't know why the Lord put such propensities intocritters; hut I'spu:e rooting and scratching is the way pig , and chickens have of :truing a living • though some of 'em do seem total depravity, I'd pint to them shotes we had a year ago, come next spring.' 'As a gen6ral thing, if pigs and chiekens have enough to eat at home they won't trouble the publie,' remar ked Rachel with a little asperity,. as she opened the oven door and tried the temperature with lice hand. 'The Braytons haven't had time to get things ship-shape. Old Eli Sitar ter was dreadful shiftless, and let the place run down at the herd. Besides Rachel, don't spite your market. There's a likely young man over there. Everybody has a good word for Herman Brayton. Folks say . he has hogn through cola re; and kn. • nsi lit ; lciThe donTjnii - Ott . and has chomsi to lie a farmer. nether than go into la wing or doctoring.' '1 tun not acquainted with the young man,' said Rachel coldly; 'but I can tell him one thing—it takes Inure than college learning to teach some people to oh-erve the rights of other,' 'Look out; Rachel,'—,and old Mrs. Petpgrew screwed her`eyes into an odious wink—'l'v heard girls talk just as you do atore now; and there's no knowing what may happen. I must tell you of a remark Philander made last niglif just as he was blow ing out the candle ; it seennsl to strike him suddenly ; and says be, 'Utility,' says he, shouldn't Is a bit surprised Hone of these times Rachel and I ler nein Brayton struck up a match. Fur yon see the farms jive, and it %could look, as we might say, proci dent ial." 'Folks needn't trouole themselves about making.matches fur me,' broke in Rachel, with her face in a flame. I can attend to my own'atfairs with out anybody's interference; and lier man Brayton is the last man I should look at.' Tome, Rachel, don't get riled,' the old holy made haste to sly in a purr ing tone. 'lt was all a joke, and Phil ander, says he, 'ltachel lenderson is as smart :IS a ,whip, and any man who gets her will be doing pinguey roll ; but she'll N. awful partickerler, know she will.' Now I think of it, Itaehel, mold you len:hap your big dripping pan ? sister Blake is arming over with her family to-inorrow, and mine won't take an extra-sized roast.' The negotiations for the preserving kettle also aceomplislasb Mrs. Petti grew went off, swinging't he dripping pan lustily ; and Itaehcl in the inter val or watching lwrpies, stood at the window to cool her hostas' face. 'owl itutionally, Ate bated Oleg:is:4p of a little country neighborhood ; and it nettled her to know her: name MO ui .nun been j , )inell with Herman Brayton's. Now, with at positive 'feeling of dislike, she looked across the pleasant tlelds—with broideries of sal and purple and gold hung upon' the fringe of the forest trees, and corn lands ready for the sickle undulating upon the little knolls until their russet touched the hi of the sky—to where the chimney-stacks of the old Shorter place came out from amidst their nest of trees. 'Rachel! Rachel!' called out a half 'grown boy, running at' the moment around the miner of the house, and holding- np the lifeless form of a tine cock. 'N'on told mai to let tly if I saw any of Brayton's chickens on the place, o. when I ketched this tall strut at the cabbage. I just clinched him a stone, and he plumped as dead as a door nail.' 'That was right, Jack; but upon my word, you have killed the Shaferlikt rooster.' And Rachel felt a little twinge of remorse knowing the ex penseand rarity of the dead specimen before her. 'However, I am not a bit sorry,' she said, after a monufut's reflection, 'Experience costs dear, as the copy-book says, and I guess, in time, our neighborsuill find out that we are not to be imposed upon. Take the rooster home, Jack, and throw it over the door-yard fence. It will be a declaration of war.' 'lf father should find it out,' said .hiek, reflectively, 'he might scold like Sam Hill. Them I 5'p0. , ,43 yon could stand the brunt, Rachel, eh:" 'Did you ever know me to shrink a responsibility?' Inquired Rachel, loft ily. 'Go along, Jack, and don't be a coward' When Jack came in with the 'miff- - folks at dinner time, he looked sulky and out ofliorts, and kept telegraph ing in dumb show to Weber across the table, until, at hut, when she got up to cut the pie, he followed her In to the pantry and shut the door. 'I tell you what It is, Rachel, lie broke out. •that was a sneaky piece of business, and I don't mean to do any more such Jobs. I threw the rooster over Into Brayton's yard, and then I got behind a tree, and pretty soon one of the girls came out and found it, and began bohooing like a baby. As near as - I could make out, it was a - ..... _ • - - -- - ----- --,---- - - . _ . bier. and she:had rabed i t n ahasket Land 1 felt just ,us ILI bad -beddlifealingh sheep.' . "Let-them - Nihon," replied Rachel, with - sevenf'diguity. "They ought tif thlnicinfotigh-of their elude° foWls to keep . thegt at hotne.'" : .: 4:1 .. • . After c tfaaAllpner dislitas,werp but. of way, 'hid tho chores • alkdime •n LI; Rachel ' repreqlehed ' her ,fl re : and iinctitein vital sized kettle Of Water ' ;to- heat. .. Then she went up - stairs and changed her 4reils, add whop she 1 gatnirdoWrOagain there ,was a bit of W.lttee'rolor with transferred wdrk, i •and a cheitif 'heir at 'the throat bt "her- &lane dress, ;Jeer , whieli she pl y i _were a Attitt , black silk .ampit with liptithal . eta. '„. : - ... -Sltd,sent ,-jainell With her irericr basketlitlho'sitting-toont windniv a . atrittilat' HA" Irlooking for' comPany, Witt :let her, gaze wander , :dawn ;he !visible:ehpat !Otnlnlbpw*Olgoilitn• rod and asters loedned,:44l the li med' - Imams - beside the old stood 'walk appeared , to drip. with, scarlet 1,,,___ ,, .• ;prt the poke-berry-wai turn ' utliltylvid purple.. Presently User -..010,4w withn gleam of triumph. • 'were the Brayton pigs,.neming 1 aloifithrough the dust of the road, I 'and-fer adee,.'shtiirrisqlail to see the fie ed with agr trt 'sinks ofuntry• : that, to see thou turn in front habit to -ward the Ifenderson . side glue, : ! vhiell was shaded by a huge black cherry tree, and begin the proms.; of rooting under. They dug with the nozzle, bent the fore legs, Inclined the dorsal column, awl lifted power fully, untill the gate was unlatched, awl the, whole bristly tribe poured Into the. yard with grunts of satisfac tion. rnder one of the kitchen windows lay a .tempting pile of potatoe parings, previow-ly prepared for the bait, which a vicious old female, the mother of numerous disreputable children, immediately :-cenitd. They gathered together, pushing and. struggling fur the tit-bits, when slap dasht down came a pail of boiling water upon the backs of the miscre ants, and with heart rending they galloped in a hotly from the yard. It was evident to Radler-. . mind that the hair and hide of her (Andes had suffered considerable damage; but still she replenished the I fire and put on more water, deter mined to be prepared for action should the porkers return. liowee er, during the remainder of the af ternoon there was pray, along the border, and Rachel went to bed that night [lashed with a conseio u-- nes: of victory. The next morning early, Mr, I ten derson and his men Went Off (I) diStant 111(11(10W, to -110 fl job of top dressing, mai took their dinner with them. The partrigus had been heard whirring through the bright wood for some days past, which caused Jack to shy away with the long shooter front the garret—an ancient tire•arm, supposed to he worthy of much reverence, liecause of a tradi tion which connected it with war of 'I•2. It would "kick beastly" as Jack expres,ed it. :mil, by a good deal of coaxing, Managed to go one time in ten. Rachel had enough on laud to keep her pleasal.tly occupied for two or three hours. There was a tray of solid, golden butter standing upon the shelf, which must be worked over and laid down for winter, use, od the last scald was yet to be giveh • • sweetldeklea. She opened the window and let the warm air in, la den with the mellow ripened ;well or apples dropping from the °reliant trees, crysintheinuin aid zenias blooming about the di or yard. Over the primnatieally tinted w• ,oft cued by a tender haze, crows were circling, and their loud cucut's as alone broke ale country stilness, which al ways seems bleeper of a dreamy au tumn day. . . Rachel was contented in the midst of her busy Imagines-. There was something about the load glow of the morning, and the beauty of the world and the soft wind coming in through the south windows, that tilled her with rest. She had almost fiirgotten the annoyaneesof yesterday and Ihose Provoking Bra.Vtoll , rmod wa, ,tvP ping about singing "( ireenvillc,' in a dear, but untutored voice, when a gawky hid, ;ill of a color—from his w crow-ers, hitched high in the back I•_ improvised suspenders. to the straggling locks that strayed from below the riot or a torn straw hat, made his appearimee at the door. ,'1 thought I'd stop and tell the folks,' said he, putting his head in, "that dlrayton's cows are in ymir corn. ( losh ! they've stullbd them selves until they're ready to bust.' Instantly the ;train 'tied on I ta chers lips, the spirit of peace went out of her, and she was prepared to act on the old law of 'an eye fur :In (we, and a tooth fur it tooth.' 'Choy Alall go to pound in-taltily,' he exclaim. d. Mit. mom folks aro uvay from home; hut if you will help tiro, Tim, I will Nl,9' you got paid for it.' - 'l'd do it to obliv .you, quick as wink but, you , tv, father Incxut down to tlw blacksmith', af ter a 'coulter. 'l•he hor t are up ready to do t joli of fall plotcin;:• and if I should stop he the way he might tt•h:de qloalong,then,' Rachel prou 1- It' 'I q•iil drive them to pound Illy and at the moomet she look( and felt equal to anything. At start ' lug, Rachel tied on her sun IHmilet and armed herself a ith a long car riage whip, having a particularly vindictive snapper. The cornfield, which was rostliwz ''with ripened grain almost ready f.,r the sickle, lay on a crass road. and it gave ltaclwl a peculiar feeling of sat . isfaction to know that she would 1..- able to drive the cows past her (me , my's very door, an; thus cast anoth er act of defiance in their teeth. Se cretly she hoped to find the whole Brayton dairy of thirty cows brows ing and enishing the tall stalks ; but instead of that, only two animals had broken bounds, and having eat to the point of satiety, they were stupidly standing bY:the gap lit the rail fence. Rachel drove. them out into the rival! at a smart trot; but as she martsl the Brayton place she slaeketusl her gait and looked up at the front windows. But mine of the family were vkilde, and thus half of her triumph itntre.l abortive. . The !wand was a good long country nolo distant. Rachel was in a hurry; for she had left untini,hed work at burnt. The heat of the autumnal raid-day scrotal to come s Jrniaiit Aown, with Seltrilly a lifeiith of air stirring ; and Rachel did not spare the cows. \\•hen nhearrict•th hot and tired, the pound linvder, n•!to ‘‘:l-. a jolly. fat man, came out to tout 'Well, now, Itiwliel." said lie, us he took in the situation, •von are a spunky little ; but I told Itiy wife I wouldn't give 11 brass thrthing for a girl that hasn't •n o te snap to •I\'u Mtlitttet Staild it any haiger,' said Rachel defiantly. "rite Bray ton animals were over-running ins, and it's my opinion- that tholes a point where patience caws to be a virtue.' " That's true us preaching, and all the better fur my trade,' said the man, walking around one of the eows, that was shaking and quiver ing now, as if in an ague tit. 'But it strikes me you must have drus a good Jog,' he added, with a refreshing disregard for grammar. 'This • one ants as if she was sick. She had eat WZM 44 • • lalQf♦,y, 14 thO • StrOof,lSos- , aaco. loch Of local I,4fully Mm ' . flavors o f Ib 3i )r. 310ottlil I rtl Alc44E. • , sesfull'awa Belt ;Ik. safe to stir: critters I In- tame. 'They amcietintee tluuttwenty4our hetirs: • Titr e be a Isulpleceof huslneac.:Youi.. not like to kill a nelghtkr'.e.,w,l would yop 7' • ' i " 'Of course..nute. returned Itaehgl sharply, with a Kirputlful sinking .45 the heart. 'Youslimit mean to tell we there Is unxnueli;tltuit..-ert" -. am afraid:so l ' JiAreplled, eying the Cow profeittieuaSy ; slit looks a little statly ; latt,„you bad .better.go and 110 ( 1klerptan:Iifaxten, upd tell Mu ell &lota it; hels.better, Nitta] olt cattle (114elhot Mari bielf the caw doctors itt the coutitry 4 ,- aria tiny hotly QM save theStrltter's Alfelte tan; Rachel turned hack ' tin ,the raid feeling half [lazed and wholly fright cued._ Iler father was aloes to ung,er•, but she'tlid not like-to think what tire tonsequents-s be,should he discover that his girl had been In strumental in killing a neighbor's cow. 1 ter pugilistic spirit oozed out; and left her in'st. had rerupe. how could she fare those -Brayton's with her story ; anti how recall she beg pinion and assisttuire as , It were; of Merman Brayton, toward whom th94m444.409.494014..nt.t-454:1kerie titre wretched thous its in her mind, and reeling very humble, it young rnaweprang over the tow wall by the roatkide, and Politely raised his bat. lie wore a farm latx , rer ' s Mom, a nd eheeked -hurt; lint the line.; of his form were graceful, and his manner had neharm quite foreign to the home slam yuutlisot theneighborhotxl. 'Excuse me, Miss Henderson,' I nr said ; at num.. 'I knew ,you by sight, and, ;weing you go by, thought I would like the opportunity to moat word to your father that six of his vows are in my yard. Old believe they all her, has a vicious pair or horns. Sheslipped her limo per, and let the others into my I.llek wheat field. I shalt have it to Mr. Henderson to estimate the damage. for NOW report ~,ys of him I knoW he will be inelined to do the fair thing.' For a Itiolilkit :11:101C1 overwhelmed be the lesson in t ian forbearance which I ferman Brayton hail unconsciously taught her ; but at lust the tears would mine to relieve her painfiAly excited state of feelity , s, and I must admit that for the moment her conduct was not .nt all in ketping with the chanteter of a high strung and spirited girl. flow eoufes:ion w:.• made I do not quite know ; but certain it is that Herman, ' as old 31N. Th , ttigrew expresseil it, 'took a slilmo to Rachel even in her tears. 'I hat't di.-tre.., yourself about Brim life, ' he said,rsoothingly, as soon ay matter: wore math• vlaln to him. understand cliw doctoring. pretty thoroughly and think I know just what to do for her You have been sadly pesteml with our unruly ani mals this.summer; but I must say, by way of apolgy, that the old place when we 1110Veli in NV:IS neither hen our pig proof. Crops were pressing and hands short ; and, of cottr-e,soine things were neglected. Ile assured you shall have nothing of the kind to eomplain of in the future, Miss Ih9e. (Jerson. unless you take ,me up for trespassing; fOr I meeut to conic over some day and sue if •we cannot ar range a Knotty of peme.' That evening Herman sent a 111( . ... senger to say the cow was out of clan ger, and.a strange new flutter awoke in Rachel's heart. A few Nveek4 later, when the firht sIIOWS were lying on the ground, one Sunday wonting in church the .par -on took for his text these wont: 'Love your enemies. Do good to them that hatt , you, and spitefully u-e you and Rachel, turningaround caught a glance front Ilennan linty ton', eyes, which And forth mischief and triuniph.—When Ate walked away at intim, Ilel'inan joined her in the nitt.t natural nianner - po,iilde. 'lto you know, Rachel,' said.he, 'how 1 construed the Ininii.der's text? 'co 1110 it -ouuded like this: Love them that -tone your chickens, mut -eald your pl;g,, and drive your cow; (at.,mind, and it did not -eem a very d'ifficult tommatul to rs. Pettigrew %%b.. was ‘sa:liing tiudgid herd:tin:liter, F.sther, and whispered, ••1 allus told you how it would 411111(` Nov the Ilentler-01l ;Ind lir,i tan Tartu: are undid in one, WA has demonstrated to his hors, by his tall grain, and fat mead ow, the reasonblene,. of seietitilie farming. Ile never tires of joking Ilk wife It:icing:liana her war, and if ...lie expvet: to heir the 4•11.1 or it during her natural life 1 ft-ar she will it Ilisai.pointial. A riti:vrit naval olliver who \vas pre-ent at the bornini; of the of the late King of Siam, gives the - following ele•wriiMon of the' stralegi• ceremony •, I luring' the afternoon, ae. , cotnpani tl French . . and the Uhaneollor of the Consulate, I visited the Meta., or 111(.1111111..111 which contained the finteral pile. •I'lli , l'ell..trllelliill NV:I., r:11.141 in t sound:., the entire population Mil i rililltlllg to the hil.r, but the pieces .1 timber 'chief' supported it were nearly a year arriving' at Ilangkok„ and wene the tallest trees in the king dom. The editiee Ara, ltearty three hundred fit high. and covered with gilding ; in the renter, under the dome. a:1•• a raised structure devora ted with -old and precious stones, 'and on witielt the 11(141y WZIA to be plarvd. Early on the eighteenth, the .inal preparations conitneneed ; the con-true Jon supporting the pile WIN temporarilystripiwilontsornaments: the gelded V11.,4 'a as changed for one of capper placed on a grating with peanut's:, anti beneath was plactsba lust p of fragrant wood tight feet high. - About live in tin-evening Use entire company Wil`l 11 , : , e1111ilieli around, and the king set tire to the mass, without leaving his throne, hy means of a train going from his feet to the centre of the tints... .%..cord ing to tradition, the tire front limy.- ..II which burnt the palate of the King's riiiitlfat her, and which kis been pnakly pre-ervul, was that ti-ed. The people were then allowed 1 to pro.: forward and throw on the tire 11,,wcr , of .-,tnilal wood 'chid' they had brought; when the flames began to rise high the Prince-, , es sur rounded the burning mil. , and utter ed lamentations. The tittle employ ed for the cremation was l•ltruely an hoar, and the tire died out before the lima , wenr entirely nshiced to ashes, thioe which remained being deposit ed in a small urn of gold, set with previous . stones. The a-lius Were :,qttlien4l tip on a picile of tine white stint', which was ' , laved on a golden dish and ,onveyeti 'elth great cert.- mony by the Pcincts.i.Os! in mourning in a 'prat, to a eonsecati...l point °lnto river, to be thrown inti. the water. —Barnum was' by nu 11ILIM the first to impose upon the public means ottautamorplatedanimals. Southly inure than seventy year; ago, saw, nt Bristol, a shaved monkey shown for a firy, and a shaved bear, in a cheek waistetxtt and trousers, siting in a great cludras an Ea:lope:in savage. The poet says: "This was the llllpot cruel fraud I ever saw. The unnatu ral position of the beast, and the damnable brutality of the woman keeper who sat upon his knee, put her arm round his neck, etlled tun husband and sweetheart, and kisNill him, made it the most disgusting spectacle I ever witnessed !" la El
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