k -------„,..,.,, , i ,,.. The Beaver. vs. _ ..f. - _•_'_ Beaver: ra. !i±lie.ifiNn.it.'.,: i 'lmo/lel/NI Over AWN. Hundrect, ' Rides or A4lifilifOlix: "77 .-!. ---' .ri.tx. 1 , 3 " . .• ' fl f ;, ' *..* 1 4 .,' lItit„ 1 ~,,go iltro .111. r n $1 1 , 2 All .1 tut . :11. ‘5r. ,...4 .. d u: ion , , i a ; ~. , ~ . 0 . ' 4 ' l ' l ' dP 111 -1 w ag • I ..,,,, ;to' 18 1 ,' c =,:::: 'Win 'l3 OD . 1' asto .0 S , i' oittuu....4 Vta P:r9o I. B S_ 'V OP #9i!ff idminl•trettorie aid aO1 1 liiiil44;,,•,,Aptoo, ..,:lal noticts tor , Mutt •Int-OMOO-. ,, t 1.i.. ,•• ,0 .• , ' v ....i t yool . to bit' Otte itaileilt,iiioot , , 4 ,,,a,1ait ailireithßu4Cl4l4 w O CiirliabaPaPt: „; mIti . 1:1!!!2_1' •• ' 'I := ,•'••••:••••• •-•• Liosuis Ruth° E al- tons 'atictska.Te4loo°'• for to',;o - uiwt.ret the =ma. titTIN ;t ..tibsCrip .1,1 4 raPert . act Tberstammeta Ibt the; 3uno; 4 10870I • ' • , Li. N. 2. e. IL , --U T. 11. " -. 4138-7 7 Wali:. . 53deg• id deg. ; Wks. . edes.. di deg. 83 deg. •, 0 3deg. 02 deg. 77 deg. 01 deg. /, ' 3 dog. 7 dog. 03 dog. 3' 7 dog. .78Aleg. O2deg. 4 kt deg. . 80 dog. 65 deg. •, '? 11. T. TAYLO!t t ; ' state or %, endin. )Lq..~i 1 ~~ iw .0 luhr l The attention of thdptibllo is directed following Now Advortissinents fol th rftn tlimo In that' tr. nix to-tisy :. , Nalcps-4:, Doice. • Notice , tJ'Stosihniders—j: piss"litticr bilitleo-3[. C. llartou Special Noticiess—jatiica L NortunO. • New artX:Pry StOE-7.1. Stiles Sz . special Notiee,..s—B. H. Itaugur. pccisl Notigoi.—Mts. B. A. Kooken Notice—John Moore. Notices B. Situllteint. liie'eensus—W. MI. Kerr. Special Notice -4. Silleg A; Co. Not lound-z-Mt Cole. .t&riculterul:Notice -11 : It. Moore. 4.- sithwerlittio‘no Lothe Beaver Ar. I l i :01.4.—The following named persona ha6i pelt' thtisuins riot opposite to their oil imbseriptheit to the Beaver .1 it i WS. Mime the ditto a our last petit!. T. B. Witte, Now tirighten,\ 00 C. IL Ilratiford, Now I.lrlgliton, ‘ • 200 C. S. 'tenger, liridgowator, \ 00 IL Irwin, Darlington, • " 00 New Brighton Woolen llllla, • '2 00 Iterton, Ileaver,• ~2\oo smi uel Ecotr, Bridgewater, 2 00 W iilimn Hamilton, Blaelthawk, b 0 J.ain Nirkpatriek, Brighton tp., 200 The Latest residents. 1;.),I morning, my frieeee. I wish you to know uur Millinery and dry goody wo have qulte - w,show. 'There urebunuets and hate, and !tower' yimell find. ,\ no dry goods Co verloui, they'll salt every mind . ; We make boneets to colic, aud trim them up stoat, 'Met over thechignon t. ay At to complete; With Inter and flowers and ribbons so blended' That the entire burnout I ; oks really splendid. • e have hots or straw, mp, hair end Mllon-- I loupe three few line* will be no intrusion.— ntl now, my dear frieurds, I hope you will buy, .‘nui tryout bring rasa 'twill Jost All my eye. Well roaku It your interest to give flu a call IV giving much b.ugalas as Fril Ls mum andlill At .1. 11. llettoe'a Dry GurnD and 11111luesi &tab ti.ltnitit, 341 .trcui, Itomier .(IcB;Sw ....To the parent whoso son dies In In famy," says the Louisville Qourier r sui, "there must be something pa ,sillarly soothing in the thought that, no matter what may be the fate' of tho .hild in the next world, it can never become a member of a base ball club In Mis." Dry Goods, A splendid now stoe'te just opened at Renee's store In Beaver en Monday, eon sistingf n part of : • 'rho hest Detains spring and twin:nor .n•lo 15 cents per yard. Good shaded poplins nil style at 15 eents;por yard. Extra licavyrgloss grain silk for sack- • ing:s2.oo per yard. . l'ikays white and in colored stripes at Pi cents per yard. iteautiful gronadines for dresses, in new patterns. Poplins of every shade.unll color very Very good yard wide bleached or un bleached Muslin, 121 por yard. Double width mohair lustre Alpaca Al colors 30 cents. .1 very good assortment of Lawns, now patterns very cheap. 'toot' shirt fronts at .121 cents. Plain and Ribbed hose 10 cents. A good pure linen Handkerchief K eta. Extra wide all linen table linen 371 ' mots per yard. lace curtains, counterpanes and other goods too numerous to mention hero, Inst. revolved from the east. All those wan ting real bargains eau save money by 'ailing early at J.iU. BENCE'S, Ifillin • cry and Dry Good Store, Third street, !leaver. jeflplw Summun. SHAWLS - A second lot, Of those beautiful shawls have. just been opened Benee's store In Beaver. All those ladles who were disapointed in not getting any of the first lot, 'can now ho' .upplyed. Iro t'ald Sputkllng Soda Writer, rrmli the fountain, at lingo Antlflemen'a I er Drug Store.... "CitAiti.," the agent for the book "U Mormoninnt, by ileaale, Is now Illn• %,Issillg thin county for Xiibscriptions It will no doubt ho a work of thrilling intere4t, and those who are dinposoil to linme more of the inntantion of I')Olyga tily in this eountry,altonlil procure a copy tlibt work.' Ile Is also canvassing for a Polyglot family Iliblo with . IllwitrationWand ex- Onnations. 'Phis lan superb work and should be in every family in the county :. mayll:2mov cANlnn.'4.—A:nice assortment. of Can= .ties, (Merge Frederick's, confectionary, Rochester. We manufacture .candler ourselves equal to the bast. may2s;2t Go to Mrs. Neal's new store, Brighton ..treet,ltueitester, for niillinery and dress making. Sho strives to• pleas° every- Mr, :4. 'l'. Neal, milliner and dress maker, Brighton :street, Rochester. 9.t I h 1.1. I funds neatly printed at this °Mc° Pre,ili variety of Millinery, Flowers Trimmings, ac., at Nlrs.S. T. Nears Ito iiiiNter, Pa. 7 Ounl 2t The Heaver County Agricultural So ,iety, will bold Ha next Annual Valr In Ikarer, on Wednesday, Thursday' and Friday, Sept. 28th, 211th and nOth-1870. apr2o;3llloB.] . 11.11.2d00ng, Sec'y. Shirts mad() to order, n L uulonliely, and mmio to lit, at Mrs. Neal' s. • 21. Thomas Wllllrwn, EMI, of the E..rning Mail, Pittsburgh, on his wayVe Youngstown, Ohio, gave us a call on Saturday last., lie h looking well, and up to the tines in his indtudry to reefs perste the Evening Mail establishment, Which Ito informs us was partially de •troyttl by • tiro on Ifonday morning ta,t. it kriti*ittlao —"The Scala Water at Moorti'm Drug Store. Ifohas anew foun tain set up and a frill head of stear . ll Pn% ' . 1:o drink when you feel dry, boys, foe' eertain you ought." Of course ladles are not excluded, as this is a refreshing, healthful and mild drink. *. Ju6;2 tknc hundred kegs of sises=— , just received and fur sale, wholesale and retail, at 11. S. Ranger's, Bridge street, lithigCwafer, Pa. Executors mud . Admtalstratorui --Aocortling to the Internal Revenue laws any Executor or Administrator neglecting or refitsing to deposit with the Atudstarit Assessor, a schedule of all the property In his possession, within thirty days of his appointment, renders himself liable to a fine of 1500 and coats of prosecution.. itruars# 9ne render i are well - acquainted with tans ' Far- 1 I=ltt=la be is receive* new goods every ten I day; and will bo very happy to show any artiolo in his house. Ho has Jost re adved a large lot ^ Of French Glnghams, Ite—wpV". - nittl Ai l2at - DFINZ.MMU. exceßeat Cloth for Boys' suits an Men's wear. It Is notorious that Mr. Fortuarthptioat g,it is! pe trubit ir lo glow' ed 0 49 .; :Mt bb lin* •td on alt, from a little girl who wants • rowed plus ton /ady, ildn! 111111361 s , ten: dollar dress. Fall ) *novolent Social?, 9.r Presbyterian Church, of Bridgewater, wSU hold a Fair and Festi 4 val 44 for thea4 benefit - of the elmrla 4 rel 1 4 1 phigs . this week, Att trlttitt ,Church, Bridgewater. All aro cordially invited tenttaidi fTo :0111146 Zatio P=.l3u a nday bra. gnat by lightning; damage slight. sutra. anted house, in reatgllrt=r 81.7 itirl in Rost rata, au are& p etifisal ithictilblatipure linseed oil Just received andErld fetrottApz,44 S. Ranger's, g 4 l'a. ,1111111lirAhtliiii;1446.—George En gle, as usual, is on band with his large, luscious, creaun-Itivlplirtn i dl An some ono sagely troth slide thaippd wade a better fruit than 'iyirtakmlirtl but then God did not do IL" We concide in that opinion ; and as we aro fond of ges4., we are duly thankfhl ourself and hunt-, lyyist luxuriaiddirllpfhtffloorge's anlihriktishif, !le may be blessed "In his PoikeLandt=crigg The empleyeeli of'nur George Eagle success. Buy your straw berries from him. TIIK cheapest and beet selection of cur lints and oil cloths. at B. Mulbeitn's. . ii.Cisitswor—tfig:Widnitsist; Juno bit, the Deputy Marshals were to commence to take the ninth censui. We caution our citizens to be preporwl, to render all possible twaishmeo in giv ing accurate and reliable Information. Tho deputy marshals will require the names', ages, 'amber, sex; color, &e., dr every person; statistics of farm prodnets,, menu factu res, ate. Meads of families are the proper, persons to give information, ,but in their absence any member of the fnwtly over twenty may act as their aKdnt.• A refusal to furnish the informa tion, or, a false statement, with knoW. lodge, renders the persons so offending liable too line of VIO, to be sued • for and recovered' in an action of debt by like' deputy. funrithol „pr assistant So, , wAtons sttch:reftnutt-iorlabie statement What 'lts'S made. ' . The. following 'questions are to • be answered on sehednle No. I: Name , age, sex, color, procession or occupation; vain° of real estate; value of personal estate (embracing all other property); Sipe of bigh,wontago,-if bore within thrt Year'). 11 . married Within ther yettri attended school within the year; cannot ,read ; cannot write; whether deaf or dumb ; -blind, hournd, or Idiotic; Waterer male pbrsorts 21' years' ago wko ate olligiblo to vole. The following questions are to Abe ansprered o 4 schailnla NO.: 3: • rfnlailiei (Ahern( of improiddlind ; do. of Word . land ; of other unimproved lands; cash value of farm; cash value of farming implements and machinery; amount paid for wages during thb , year, Includ ing hoard; number of horses, mules and working oxen; Timber of other (tattle, sheep, hogs ; value or live stock ; trtishelo of lig' ntor'Whealt, rye, corn, oato,llitrio,y, buckwheat,, rico, tobseeoi Ills. ioaxdonitsd-itocifilbtugh elm of pan, beaus, Irish poiatools, most potatoes; product of thelorchard in dol lars ; gallons of wino ; produce of Mar ket gardens ; number of lbs. butter per annum ; lbs. chase; gallons of 'milk issiOl4 - tons • of scar; btrehefir•of - etorer seed and. thnotby, 10°11; lbs, of hopB; tons ofl‘enip ; lbs. at flak ; Abs. niaplo sugar; gallons. of molasses; lbs. of honey and wax ; ;ening of home nalidn manuractures; value of animals siaugh- . tered and sold for. sLaughtor during - the past year; totarproAuct of - farm incitulz bug betterments , and additions to r stoelf, •'rr t i' t 'Tutu eheigiest anti beat selectioh of • car pets and oil cloths, at H. Mulheinis. r . ^ Btiy►i 17111Pillif 114 Z hope to meet their friends in. the audi ence moot' Of-the new ' F blruipli, tip Ileavcr, at their FeStivul, oa t even big thi,'4 Strimberries and Cream, rue Cream, and 811 . the good things of the season. Conte anti bring your children and friends. There will lie ample room for promenading. Ity or der Otembutinee. : . .1 I. cheapest and best selection of car eti and oil cloths, at 11. 3lu'helm's. , Our reader+ will entice the tutrertieentent of • w'Wirerfl PrideMaptie—J. althea Co.. ut Dunlap e old gaud. Mr. Stllce hue been so fa. • vorably known to the grocery buslotwe fur teeny you.. that he swede no introduction at our hand). extremely careful ist *circa% gootle, hon- 1 getln ..the‘eruirof 6114 hul inly:Ov-ionvct. weight. ebdealtuaores, bet by rrpeceentlog truol I quality, and In withal Ivry acceontodating to his: (mylB 4t easterner,. Vie bevenk kr the neorSrm son.ex- tentire patronage. 'Prow sui (Kongo/Moo of filo :rt. ,Lit the respectiveigeetbill dished for Auditor, In - MS etiun l ty, It will be found the addlan la iiteorrnat. ' It should be: Scott 581; Christy. 755-Im. stead of 1199, as published. Thb: would mak . ° Christy's majority 178, instead df 118. VIII color*, +t - 3iril.• oux itriclieslei.i " 1 i 4, 1118112 V 'rue - T*IIILUC? Scar; is th 0111,16 of a non' felPi e jut 4%•l l i4rnP-11 3 4 1 rY". ,, Pr, , itho'n dui° editor and proprietor of the de funct Beam. Local, of this place. [Joni 2t. llwwK, „Ilawk,.kipit, Spit, Blow, Mow, and disgust everybody with the nf fensive odor from your :Catarrh; jdst I,&,auso some old fogy,. doctor who has nni'disetiyer l erii4,*l*t *le*, itkat the world moves, tolls you that it can of be cured. The . proprietor of Dr. Sage's catarrh nte liedi payldoo reward , far's' clue of eatarrh which he canuot cure. told by druggists, or send sixty Cents' to It. V., Pierce, Id. D.; Buffalo, .N. Y., fog it. DF. glerlds 4U. Eitt• 5F('44 1 1 1 1!n gd ical Discovery Is the greatest Anti-pil lions Remedy otPts ago; .1 Stunekby Llgktaliag.—On Wednes day of last week, a severe thunder storm passed over this borough. The electrl cal discharges were rapid and fearful.— Thu house of the widoir Dunhill, on I.:ourth street, was struck by lightning a n + I _ ll ol o Y , 4 n erg e t l * 9 e * l ga curret passe d down the water condue• tor, at the corner of the bowie, andlleap ed from the end to the corner of the ballding--about: :there feet ;from the ground—and tore off she weather boards from thence to the earth. At the same time, another discharge occurred about a red gautb, shivering ,a :cherry No one in the house was' Injured, but severely shocked; as were als'e the neighbors in that vicinity: A cow, be longing to Me., Graner4 Via knocked down, and so severely shocked at the strange occurrence, that! she refinica , yield her usual supply of milk. }NNE French flowers, et Mrs A. E. Kooken's, Rochester. infie2t ; biIIe.IIMVIP3 14 445 111101140 1 11 yooi Paper. to iiistrn the MAAS of the . Faculty and the Orphans, at the Phillips burgh SoldiersOrplisn Scheid to Messrs. lienrici and Lentil and the Economy !Society, for the compilllueid supply of shells= ft the Deco Mbl ofo dead. (They hare dims been gener ous and Loyal.) This is not the And time the Orphans have rejoiced in the generouss kindness of the Economy So cleintlAskluEllk 14AM #191 1 10.110 1 1 1 17. 1 i God bless the Economy Society. • W. ti. TAYLON Prix. May 80, 1870. NEW cloons—anmmer bablons—Gran- Wines, wash Poplins, Alpacas lustre.. and all other articles of drew goods just received, fresh from the East, 'by B. S. Ranger; Bridge street, Bridgewater, Pa, rriOlike Mr.. A. E. Kookea's,Rochester. juBat How Very Trae.—How very true the following from the editor , of one of ntligiMtijdrittiabitif di y. sap: "flow true that many able !and good ministers destroy their use. IfUlnetti iiktiadiiiissio theferk4vlntit Their pulpit prayers, instead of being from two to live minutes Wog,. some ,times tirti on I thaY. ser :mons are prefacod by long introductions, branch out Into divisions and sub , divisions, reminding ono of the' beast m with saypn= K .7=tholorr eacher hutting Gospel, think they must never quit — TuA signeati and.hestlismirstr• Btu's. I . Moine NewNpapers.—Wo have on more than ono oectudon' given our 'reasons why it is not enly-tbepara- Mouvi duty of avery,communit .a w best policy. The N/no York Tribune gives the Ibllowing sensible and com prehensible views on this auttleot: Nothing is more common than to hear people talk of what they pay newspapers for advertising, dca, as so ipuch given in charity. Newspapers by enhancing the value of property in their neighborhodd, and giving the localities in which they are published a reputation abroad, bene fit Al surly putalenlarly ((they aro mer chants' or real estate owners, - Ihilae the amount yearly of tho meagre sum they pay for their, support. Besides every public spited dawn has a tau, prld vluf i g n mziarit ti holl Xi I Nene YoNri4 A good coking, thriving sheet sips property, gives character to the and in many respects is a desirable pub lic convenience. If from any _cause the matter in the local or editorial columns should not be jo your, stanch!, not cast it aside end %Wane's:mot for nothing, - until satisfied that ere has been no More labor bestowed upon it than is paid for. If you want a good readable sheet it must be supported— mitehust not be supported inlit spirit, ity. either, but becauseyou feel a' n •slty to support it. The local press is the power that moves the people. The ittremeorial of yesterday published an aril ele hmdce ,-" wool afaer a f g ave cnallt theMeapea s for e en tire article wet the Gaselier' th Wool Market of Pittsborgh. published' In the issue of the Stilt ult. The Actors changed the heading to wool Dearer coanty. As we furnish the Ilvestock , and peoduce market for venous country pa pers. we tract that In the future they will give due credit, and thus save oar neighbor emtarnsum_tent cd fr i a l titel . f4tr. gtIaSTI P I r7 That is a fact: I, John B. Butler, loft in charge of the Ana us during the absence of i theeditor, found upon inquiring into w'r 4 1 9 , +t h 9, Jett undtodibeatilkiitif Sh.lWan Sid cd it. But, Just how I omitted to state thati-in reference to the wool market west of the mountains—"the Pittsburgh Gazette says:" &a., I cannot exactly un detstatid ; since, if I have one editorial ability more prominently developed titan another, it Is that of saying: "The Pittsburgh Gazette says," or "the Pitts burgh annutercial, nays." or "the S. Tribune says, remarks, or commeritsi," &b. The fact is I newt to swear by the Gazette in the days when "out army swore terribly in"—Rebledont. If ally one supposes I aorkgoing to write an article on ant subject when the .ther ' mometer stands at MD in the shade; while at the moment there lies before tile ono which expresses just what I de- H e l ulr r 4.f I +,3 ' ‘ l~ 21D alter or transpose the sentences of my adoption as that the author would be puzzled to recognise his own offspring. I'll adopt it in extenso; and as for any lashings, in consequence, I don't fear them. I ant too pachydermatous° an old soldier—both military and editorially— to regard things of that sort. But, if 1 ' desAlilt lcredit.uPllorstagddltPl FttaPt is away. The Commercial. was all right, because the article wa.. a true reliex of the Beaver market. . Distressing Mystery.—Mr. James K. Pardee, or Wadsworth, Ohlootrange- ly and mysteriously disappeared,. re cently—it is believed was robbed and' murdered—when about to, start for the .West. Every effort has been made to solve the mystery, but thus far without sueeess. Mr. Pardee was formerly a resident of this county, where ho mar riigl a Miss Lukium, and moved from hero fa Wadsworth, Ohio, al Ut tw Yea."rtirt h, evMillt itb pedai. , kW! Wh.) id h • proprietor in the Wadsworth Pottery Works. Thus much being promised, tile relations and acquaintances of the absent man will be interested in the fol- lowing, which wo take from, an extra of the Wadsworth Enterprise of May 28:: ' "The past Week has been ono of udn giod hope and fear with the many friends and acquaintances of Mr. J. K. Pardee, of whole mystertousabsenee our readers have been informed. Soon atter our is sue of last week atelagram was received which inspired some hope, but the next news left the matter as dark as ever. On Saturday Mr. Loomis returned from his tour of Inveitigidon, with tto more light on the mystericaes absence than was known before his departure two weeks before. To-day Mr. Joseph Pardee will return having remained back for the re turn of ono of the detectives employed lathe search, but no news is expected These Thm , e gentlemen had employed the best detective force in the Wait, who left , nothing undone to reveal the mystery. , ltiver, lake, public'phioni and by-ways were carefully searched, different points visited; but, all without the least reve lation. It seems to be quite certain that 'Mr. Pardoo reached the Michigan Cen tral Depot, for he parted with his friends about half past ten on the night of the 27th of April for that place, having pur chased a ticket for Omaha and ordered his baggage to the train. Ile, probably received his baggage at the station, had it checked, and in waiting for the train ..21 tie aL reac.h o c i g • woVeY, conclusion left, and to offer a reward for any. information in case his body should wash ashore, Is all his friends can do. It is thought • that Mr. Pardee 'did not have to exceed $5OO in money at the time of his disappearance,andis 'ohmic , * was to Omaha, at that at h is not fully known. "If his friends are coirect in their opinion that he Is dead—and 'we know not how any other conclusion can be reached—Wadsworth hot krt one of her best, most active and energetic citizens. pritipipok proprietor of the Wadsworth pottery, an energetic busi ness man, and always took a great pride in advancing home Improvements. Ile devoted much time andluoney, to &web °ping the coal fields in Wadsworth, and elan Srldettee that he commanded the confidence and respect of our citizens they elected him a member of the Board of Education and of the Village Council about the time of his departure for the West. "Should anything be developed on this subject we will take the first oppor tunity to lay it btifore our readers"; until then i ßarm i with who; fa Frolif elz2 PAINFUL IIitATIENT. An Ohio .1111111 Visits Chimp , 111111 l Strangely Dissip hrViinspleiens Waal On April 27, J. IC. Pardee, of the it= of Pardee & Ca., stoneware merelwaita of 'Wadsworth, Ohio, arrived In'Chiesgo on Way to Omillbiaibiallironinent ma itti21421212-iairAn Mauectkm with bla buslikess. : Be had Omah4 propmplt*lW,9l, l l4 o l.l o l l owm lieroadi r r Ltdai *Tads, Kansas City and St. Louis, and may bare Intended to visit other ,plaoci. go spent the day of the 27th ulbmo in Oldeago with his friends, and parted from /hem at 1040 in W1:1460g with the ex premed view of taking the 1100 train, on the' Chicago, Burlington and Quincy liklied WO . OM he had taken a ticket to Omaha, and P.4.11:41.11111.; Pa rdee, leather one, marked an ms CAMSII I IIOIIIO Ur**. 'fiat thou; clgobtft- Atottskixtner-Oli /owa. Ile I llandolph ssc krimP Aims* proceed /rig toward Lake, with the view of going to the Central depot." Since which time ihCre has nothing been seen or heard of 2Z=Ut u gnM bls route, been foully dealt with. Ile leaves at Wadsworth a young wife; his wally Mations have always been of the 11/4 1 ,, allai ol rs are la Y 4 such good ronditl condition as to precludo the idea of his having absconded. This trip from his home is but ono of • ninny and in all previous ones Mr. Par dee kept up a prompt and frequent cor respondence with home. Every effort to discover sumo clue to his whereabouts has been made without avail. Tho search I still being continued by his *other, 4 W. Pardee, of the Great Eastern tick et office, corner of Randolph and Dear born streets, in this city, who would be 'grateful for any information which may i ddr h i n t , -- • • niA Zi ' r&ird*iii ' atic4l; yeaceßciiiii l o. 6 4 .4 y 3 yo n l ac k ie s l46 ; awn oundomsualboutone hundred; and thlrtpthropo Oiled 000splowo lON 1 4 4 0 0 0 frOded. ••• Asir nicht obla wwwori:o 33 4 atus • 5n10..444 .eats 40. larOWn 47/1. , COMM 1r: 0 AA 111 4 , With If 4,; wart. go fics. pante probably g lbft feurthringo, - vr d anditatmith Mluidnid embleMsaretrildit lit black blaek : htutd-aateltel;entwnel;aref and had afih isimta dark • blue • ehineedila • overcoat. • Mr; Pardee* brother mandril that papers in different sections of the country giro lotibileation:lo Meant:lvo.. - - - - - The ailed* iinalniirigT3ri!of the Ape- . ver Ounty Agricultural fpciaty. ‘Nyikk meet rst. the Sheriflovordelidn Beaver on itiaturday J ono the HOMO, at 2 o'clock p. m.- 'IL R. Moosaolkey. • Nor 1r FOUNIX—The„ cow bcionit7 tag to Mr. Coale,.which .straved• frau his residence du thy 16th. , 43eci Adver tisement. - --- DECORATION DAY. in amwdassey• with , a custom now generally 'observed throughout the en tire north, it large number of the (Honda and relatives of theßnlon dead assembly], In Beaver on Montlay . XitY 3 0 th to visit and deoorate with. flowers the graves of the Union Soldiers who • ore buried • in -• • - our cemeteries.' The number of people presenton the oceasion is variously es . dinged at from 11500 to t5OO. At half pest ono in the atternuou, the [cumbers of Post 201 G. A.. R. preceded by the Rochester •and New Brighton braistand. leR their Halt and marched to the Court lions°, which was already filled with Pil,rSMl3 dosirous of joining in the services of the 4a7. on order being obi tta;. aoldier'a orphans of the Phillipal l eurg school Bang the , following memorial song composed by. Miss Mag gio M. Taylni, - . danghtor of the principal of the school : " !tiepinTial 8ung.... . • Four hundred thousand patriots Freemen Who loved the right, (tare their Lives up to their country In the strength of manhood's might. Left home, and wife, and children, To shield the Striper and Stara— , The dug of a Free Mama— . With Its white and climatal bars.' • 'they All on dada of battle ; : Starved in the prison pee; But did their countge falter, Thol, brave, true, noble men Oh, nor. the sacred honor Of their country was defiled ; Vita; mattered that the path to right • With dietician:ll - roue. Scar piled?' These polished stones, we eronn to-dny. Are emblems or the ones onr :ountrr's fathers thinly laid When the tinlou was began. These monnments, above the tombs That rear their marble white. 0 ) A r it: e"4l4niamltit. I To . ettspour. ye cat They 'II tell the story hon . Oor !Alien fought, end 1 . 11 . 1 . and di'd To lay the fruiter :0 low : Auti we, their children, proudly come And salve one voice in eon: ; lieeolvin that, whateer the colt. We'll never eDldd thh Froug. The Ilev.‘‘(:t. if. Locke, was then in troduced as the first Speaker. lie spoke as follows: Address by Rev. W. II: Locke: LADIES AND GENTLEMIIN When first Invited to address you en this oc casion,ittej. thiet.it vied be only a thlaseifitallaut are heck+ Rut now that the day has come, , and I find myself in the presence of this largo as sembly of my fellow-eltizens, especially of these orphan children—the , children of the brave men whose deeds of bravery. have brought us together—l could wish that some one else were to address you. It is no, mean otleririg to the senti ment of patriotism, that among a people whose national. , einurcteristie is meccas lug devotion to business, there should be such a general suspension of trade on this day ; and that men and women, and youth and children, arrayed in holiday attire, should go to the graves of our dead heroes. , And not only because of the bosun ful sentiment Which it Inspires, ander thesrer:leux mamerlea that it will keep forever green, but because of the tire wrested from hard-fisted toil, the d Y we celebrate, which is every year coming to have a still greater glgnifi mice, must be accepted as another step upward for the rising masses. peroration day, though it scuds us to the grave yard and to the cemetery ; though it opens afresh gaping wounds that time may have but slightly , healed, is not tans:tether a day (Or saddening re flections nor, for hitter tears. A country' freed from a great wrong, a country tri umphant over a great evil; a country re generated in thought, and word, and I deed, ham come up out of the bitter struggle wherein our kindred went down to death. Andes we pause now to decorate their greeu graves with the Bret iloireis!of atiminer, - the 'satisfactory present, smith° large,promising future, make this day ono of gladness rather than ono of sorrow. - You have closed your stores and for, salmi ieffi jnlJeb.4 onitnitnes4 thatiwo may think a while of the _courage; and the valq v and tisyllith of the men who I have _hfilikTrii'itiu'etf, and whose faces I we shall see no more. It is not needful that any one Should go over again the ex perinnclaktbalobie. mown bor. ROW 'heart:Sick' the notion bec;ame at the hope of - victory king deferred ; how the coveted prize eluded our grasp, 1 andiwhisithe c tsiteettned:iiestratiiaisie , some unforse•3n event made it more dis tant than aver. The trials of those days will never lie forgotten, as the d*4/Fle of thoso days is a part of the Amer ican character.. But it must be said that% the courage and the valor of the Army never Nigel,. I only refresh your memories as to' the * irdthridneini 'd this remark', I when I say that the army defeated a sewed t 4 nson the plains of Manama; and hurled back on the capital in broken I , Maas; gathered. Strength in a 'day,' and were the victor! at South. MountainAuld, Antietam. The army defeated at Fred; ricksimilh "OF disimpaihflolt Chan cellorsville, marching from the banks of the Rappahannock, to the interior 'et, ' enFallniliell 011INISAWINII ilk deity*. . ... . t.tiattle4lneelbat exad - -: ' • 'llLVOrtitilt"ilialttlVOlifite ,.l4p#ll* ai - •' .o*,4 4 ft A ..*tt,,,, . . .• . antsaltsw...4lta: " , uladaint : poiiioofia ate:rood ,i*iot T io2 , , •-• ...spir,o iititia46o' 'Noce,.7,u'iig . , , wtie . tatiktbangh it took too yobo x y. sr, stud) : inalte !world liadPSoll46kozzi '.'.:.;'.04414100 wo.o.lloo4l,ooPfAti, . y r ,aneirlt Ira eamplel.P. "- , ,•' a l ai itmilisikabra t i 0c ... 0 . in " 10r :• . ..e ., ' rjlit:lMlC:iftigt, . Iti:OdIU : Mr : N*lX: gnat& pziatnic 7 - 11,1 1 4 0 ;'4 7 6 nairn thii:J4 • oigir *Or : #O lO .-1 0...it'EtC : _* 1 : biiiingeon,ll4.lon of ultimata tzinntrasti ' ' 0 eatutii - .44 ildlieti those o :4 oll, ;aW , *illi . vfas:ie,sti izegkezneent'Pdtd., y: : Witikio;ntierned,l 6 eM ivialliiii • iiiiiii;j ;0!,1t9.p44 , 1 1 ,i.:' Ilitil i t h li t Nl t ." r ib,o Gaul Jail -.the •:ilehteettaniasS l of, the ttllCitigslkjedsil faith in God ...w". 1 4t; YY•elf tlltitk : 4o ,: T i g i lWei t t944; 1 ti v .iii.d......../.14.4 , ...r.„.....d L .iiinfldbetsgo4 lo4 l 4 # o i , l; 44 o i l i C Zug. Butiwtilit s.lidth: like - Thafro: i : an d, ,tbs . 44 ; attritiiiidiAir; Ot4 : o ri-guitstfelth, • • per m : I=t 7 -.1 ii 7 ,4 ii . :,, - 1 T ' wigeb"Ohtkir to ala,gl i I),WklylibblittONlM !PA zalr ar theta tatidirbentUrasiortko We, are.: err St :010. t,0,0 01 , 04° 0 ttOlfrAeit! 1 0:0 Yon aPßl•dmk with".l3oo 7 o oll .the l lizavos of: thotnagkr)o4 ,in 4120 amatory,o - 1 03 ,eife; 1 land 6int you : sirni. ' ,#o. - at : tho : ho; ihave crumbled: littoldushitifgraves fur; 4,otAt ar4iullilipliip.'.,ll ut wbel,.yah! i ii :,„i e , g i, 00 ,,' Wier ..dainds ,,, will• Meows Iflowenolm . 4l,wwe tonzba and Wireri'yildri. Ihearti•aZe iinfilln • dea th, 0 11 10:' • hearts : twill think of the nation's bistV , M., '..Por, .not until this nation loses every re-I mainiigisrafrikiat ittaroiailtrildthia, i: inot until nations (hall exist no moro n will this Amerlctui l People forget their, lien .dress, .dress, another tong--"lfte'Graves of our ;Fathers"—was sung by - the . Phillips- .bu School, .after,*hich a recession I; ti l itt tlV.R t e h ta k a u k - The column was headed by the band, thotsit,lteutenthammfltita (i•*4,Artny of I the -R4priblie,tri:lsadlerTf(oWbt'ltibersi• r . ,jo , Itilier t O , rekant p Awe last the alming cif Ileavei A : 11d surroundini country. On arriving at the old grave yard the (column was halted cud John F. DXavo, etsg.,,witammoutteed as .sleeker. Mr:••Dravo then delivered the ifolloWing Liliiro , pifivo'rrA -,..' ..: ....., 1 4 1 .1. Frai.tosi - Ctrizzvsl—ritam ang as we now do within the gateway of this city ofgte ilitldi in• view of thbprrzet:i if chillthinqoarawltlctledls twhem ta t free to say that prominentl, among the legacies of the fate terrible war is "Dc!e• oration Duer ;.". a hiplicP•ilidileac ;du lie more and more appreciated as the roll of 3:4&14441„..,„149 OA td a comprehension of the magnitude and grandeurofthe events involved; °vents not only affecting idle life of this nation, but, In their Girreach ing inttimaide, permeating the life of all nations; the day Lolling theimaSees frtim the crowded activities of city life, fioht toil and, ,carp, from rural hppkes and flowery pathways to tho religious and patriotic work of festooning the graiMs of the nation's hono ,• cad ; a day that : is to be, in a pre-en - I ~ , , i sense, our na tional religious ''• ,I dedicated Ito -... 7' holy work. ci , , -. .. These "flower . .:, ' compo.4:l i of the richisi:lffiri.•-•• 1 7'7 ,— ,„ 0000,,, p're pared add fashioned hyL„' ktudis, aro no un*aning trilmte 7 these 'processfkus and foqua i (tormenters ifo Idle, chow, as i the wok' in etAiir , . szpplitude and ;tall was no unmeaning conflict to liana the ambition of seine Vain ruder of the; pen. pie. linos not a eanilici of opposing forma, itivlting - 46,7addering . and ,depth four hundred thouSifid of. the' 4tio'.'s truest and beat cones an offering upon thenlter of physical proWaso. Nay; it was'iti a-pr eminent sense a• iver of Ideas; not A wee o 'or ;domain, :: • Warii - to re • „,.... l'?"• dims and liiik . ki -' f.. :: . :"..: ere .the all ! t at* • 7 • • •• • : and Lib erty, Progrest,'P . Jraulity a Brother hood. ,It is true in...the , early stages of tho war,"Union" was made the rallying , DM; back (44hat *OM , Millet/ itiiiid men, praying men, thoughtful men, from the east and from iho west, from the north and front the south, discerned the I holier words of Liberty and Fraterulty: "ITnion" became synonontetut with' the progress of the ago as it iveot"itiarching on," leading the nation to grander ideits and to the posseasion hthroader liberties. To the thoughtful and religious patriot the sublimost incident of the war was the marching of the solid coluums iff a Massachusetts regiment through.l the] streets of Now York City, singing as they ' I kept stop to the beat of thO drum "Thc ' aim! of John Ilrou-ntloon miirehing (m.,, I —Sublime In the undreampt possibili ty of such an occurrence—significant of th e etet'S o , •90•00001:Mi.proplteth:of :tom ing eVetits st+hieli were :hue casting-their shadows,rforo the prtaiursor 'of ,a . , fuller an More benignant dispensa tion to the nation. • The war call that unto to your door, demanding even mom than the "first born," was to be a war of education, pre paring the nation for a higher civiliza tion and leading it through baptism of blood to its new regenerated life. 1 The grandeur of tic end to be attained. es wortbyief thii iiiicrilh4 :did it;i3 l Uteri:ice mado was worthy of the cause. Nobly and grandly did sons of the Republic re spond to the call"To arms," "To arias." Nobly and grandly did they give; their toll, their strength, their blood and their lives fur four long—very long—years of dreadful conflict. 'l'u-day their graves are found in every State, of this regene rated Union. National cemeteries are the pride and glory of the country:. You do well then to honor yourselves by thus honoring the nation's dPad.— Henceforth, evermore, In tho•lifo of• the saved Republic, on this recurring day 4 in' ihti todattrat coniiiii or IlOworg," hbi children will come, forth front / their homes, clad to holiday: attire, to engage in the holy work of deenratiug the graves and embalming the memories of the he role sleepers of these - cemeterieS; and with these gatherings, down ,alorig the year's of tii'd future, will Homo the distiu s sign of tltoto Molts whiell were elintinatt ed by the war for the Union, thus carry ing on the education proelaiined by the gleam of the sword and the flash of artil lery and liii# : ' woo?' of arnief, i WO.- day fake iatiiiiit'rt' Ile these Cataeleirtfm; we add our natepf lutluenee ; vie lake. our place in the b.:IE4 succession Or 1)0+1.'0- rAttgn&ytniat (11 - 0 gysr„.loljec, and green the memory of our britro boys in blue. . • i Ong woril Inure while tvp iitzo . prrat ro day eitotink saltiloirmit uk.,....t,an kriies of loved ones. 'ln many acemotery over this - bread Ion]; you silk find ItheaddoV rowfnl word on many a gravestone, "Unknosizi t3oldlen" ' The leitidred of some of these dear, precious "Unknown Soldiers" are aniong us. We May' not cast the; ear:3(1314 Selezted: l Wlßr•Sem upon their graves, but we, may :mite in our heart of hearts in ps&ing to :their memories our deapOtt,:profoundPat trib ute, and wait in!iationce to the last great day to hear the, Supremo Judge say; "Well thou goOd and faithful ser vant," •Proceed then In yourself-chosen work of Religion and Patriotiste.". :After the #ellvery of this address, the graves of the following soldiers were visited and flowers strewn over them: • J. P. Carson, •WiiliantMorroir, Wm. Thoin6; file-LlN:mix, lA. HonrY Hurst, William, Rail, dol. J. Q. Anderson, J. F. Fantiesfi, J. 'D. Stokes,, Taylor MI Stokes, F. M. iiihnsten, illiam Jack, Frazier id. Dillon, William Davlg, Lt. A, F.t.iiiiiio, sotiiivueon; AloinfiioiiL : lee, Howell Walton, Richard Walton. The march being resumed, 'pi, now counetry.was reached, and those graves visited - and the usual tributes offered: ii address J..lllllidieseityoiliail.4lo l bworOtil ' • P4Bobleit4.or..Dtvid Wahl. ;; i -In Ude kinier, aUllielltraltaslxen recited loa kliiilii 'AI , II.,! cm! a Inagiablnt irciti#ol4ithiltiniitikrillaniitatlinsc if iflf pi : a4ntbijAirid y,lo4itucoiViciddlai s atiqAd li t i O i fifli l u f i li 4W itit r A k * b ' , X 1 0 4; 01 ..; icipp l cinconc Ilia 'Mug, ' Villorpf), 14.1N51111VN1 FM IF:c:riQr Rt 13998 -FPI:. Fin:l4r4 Or gr1ggai*11 0 944 1 414 31 : 1 44 0 i parallegaielbnt.ll6lWlßOVß9 l o7' Inarndviby ,/inv.l.,D: yPSllilitant.:t Tho r: , ;Low& !;griii Mien. nungo dourly. nII. "milting, lttntitietbannedkalon prontnineed . I: ,lll l Dr:ldicialC, yokibitieliimlretridtla"Wari aiiifeimled i .` linid` '2ol:iifti:iijaidie! , Aldt&l 413, uarliataiY, at. lick,l# ., iai l :, paid' Via') rfl?F°:L e t il l e liff r OgP" , l! " !' f i, ' P ;4 0.1 0 i i :•:.1410 , 1 , :rii! , :',. .: •,,, / - :X13lareigPlea. 11 04 14111100 : 'dgliy,l ant every portion pawn,. behaved . In aniannacballttini theikmaalan. no Viniciandnlnta.liVeyandLlaittellaago at i Oa carenionliOird , waii andated Ipeaddil , ' nicdocl'WhlteyiAanktandliihamore: , ' ?tii,aiili Ili% dunin i ttMladic.4 auk 'ion 7, itifan an 9r itlii, ipr, ljrLdAowii.o.i . ,; 11,4 N-, * Af.,,co;;c9i4s, lielp gili4.:lllli4Fs, roi., ''tiv wimilon.:parPaoKly..ar. 4 wu Nagai lad*Wuc. P. Idiput. nig., Of Paden fdr a 1 biiket of dowers; ec cit to headquarters on • Mil ntnin Ins , or thalOth.: •, 1: , ' .• ; 1 114 Ai+ *cia Cc I)eatttittil !ciao and MI :Oilcan:Mal iiiinalcn tlia',dcfMaicatredion a; isacMcl'inc#lik, ' Try, dig or oltho Pas c:." • r ' Tian.; Tian.; A..iiut:ii . k; 0.04;14 . " ' ' ' ?.....-.':.,..14.........__!_.,, , . 1 1 1M,010!0)1t11 4 Mrp 'lll,Zwis. • 4PI . siltryirsbuif • Arfidritorg, Um' Itepublipit of &erne coo cl ili6doff, 11 94 1 4440 Y.! borg. Mr:miller ; fia4,l4:o* - ii0v 0 , 111 4. 4. as editor for. About two.yoarit. - • „ n . -.11. - I,6nrtittniOd 'lSfargekiet Itrn ell *am faiptddend ctiterbed, tit Ilubbard, Oblo; ofl Sunday, loth Lust.;, and :tin' intuits being !hand On•hdrperatin :to (Hato viola/leo, the juryreturned a ver; diet of natural *Ott!, , • •-0nt.1.i.4t Isaac 'Hartzell, Sr., eras dirtying a . lie..4•Ylly - loaded' train on street; .*lriapee, When the nnek,ritke broit'o; the; hories ran off, tlit. old roan, was,t brown. under the . wheels, dislocating his shoulder and being other wise badly•bruised....• . • .• • • : -Tite•lrarri•nf 'living be-. tweenllvartahn t rgarid . the old Pittsburg Road, eountY, has struck by . ightnlng on. linuday of and entirely destroyo4. 'Thera dare nurnherprit.grionitural •Anpplatnenta in tilts barn sti Oat ti roe . which of coo r. 441 tacit° also de!itroyed. , —Bomalie,rsorl or por gy lo sto mera. 'hoit "1.1.. . 4F! w teal w sky arlulf tutg. op! oppoi4to for it- that will send fling tp tbn gslo4 o With :monks polo, and. it w0n1.4 not imioncloultalilo W HAY. to hilt noted:" 1 , —On l'iloyiday luorniug Coroner Lewin Baker held an 'wood upon the holy of Junes B. l'interson, quite an agedinan; , erlio had eoinntitiod. 'suicide by lianglzig,'llte night preniously, 'ln . Ahecp , hopse; near tlio residence 'of Mr. DaYJd. South, Strabano vUrn shin, thred miles nurthcast of 'Washing-. ton, rit. . • , Stetthenville 1.01 , 11,1, . of last week, says: '"A r...w elits have been bromtht into this market, this season, but nb i+uttlecT prices have been anuoune e4 that we aro awaro or." TIM Parts (Ohio), CiO:uu say* the wool, buynra are beginning to . stir thnutaulvos to that quarter; They.aro °tiering twenty-tiro emits for comated, and thirty-lire cents for CMS WOOL: ;.. : (I.llltil ii.'serieus accident: happened on Yechle:hlay" last, in )Vtlyneslatrir, Mercer .:ounty,i.u . a ,colo rod boy, son etlolitt itedniOnd, nriticeome other children pliant en old frame of soma kind, when it fell, catch. tugtheehild•rtlegitad ernirbing it In a terrible manner. It was terrible to hear his sereruns! lie wag doing well at lAA acconnia. Ed. Dick s on, son of John Dick- Non, was driviag a spirited on (lowa Morcer street; New Caudle, . last nil day morning, and in :passing a wagon, the horse becanntrimmanagoable, and in turning the corner at Dr. Reinholt's of fice, Mr. Dickson imnpcd nut, and the buggy upsetting, struck him on the left limb, fracturing the ankle joint. 'kite limb was re-set, midis getting well. --Ou Tuesday' morning kW, as Mr. Patrick Collins was going to . work in the Mines at (level:tad Landink, counts - , he met a diaft of tire (hung, which ignited and Instantly hint. Pat WaS a splendid fellow, and a bravo man. Ito served through tho Moziom war;and was ono of the first voluuteoM front Washington county in Lincoln's f rat call for troops, being n member of Captain Cooper's company. —John Jlclntyro, csq., met with quite n amidene, which might have ended more seriously, several days alga', while ' driving a six Mow wagon :willss tho bridge near time ntilroad station at Johns town. The horses were •frightened by the locontotive, and started to run. Mc- IntyreWho Was at the hack part, of time wagon, started forward to stop the team, when ho sttnutded and fell, one of the horses stepping on his hand, ermh- Mg it, and but for at galak awl timely jerk out of limn way, the wheels ; of the wagon would hive run over Ids body crushing him to death. Tliursday, the ultimo, a party of men were digging out a trio on a road . in Mt. Pleasant township, Wash ington county, and a young man named John Allender am:nailed the tree with a rope, which ho wished to fasten so it.s to thu , tree in a certain direction.— While he was at the height of about fifty foot; n blast of wind prostrated the tree. and the unlucky young num had his thigh broken and also received a 'severe cut over the left eye. The sufferer has been removed to the County Alms House. —A very disastrous tire occurred at Taylor's Corners, Nl:atoning county, a few miles west ofTt mat:ton - in centre, on Thursday afternoon last, in wldelt a three story franao building, owned by Mr. A. I'. 'l'aYlor, and used by hinb as a carriage factory, was minted to the ground, together with its contents T sonio seventeen finished buggies, and about eight in various stages of completion.— The bungling caught tire on dui roof, it is thought front sonic sparks from the boiler. s i te. The tiro was considerably advanced before It was discovered' by those in the shop, anti the buggies being in the upper stories, it was found im possible to get them out. Los‘s between $( . 2,000 and $15,40. , -LOn last 'Mimi:lay inorniog the accom modation freight, on the Atlantic Great Western kaliroad, incoming:from , Oil City to I ranikllfl 'yonatigii county', juMpcd the track 'about half a mile,frem that city and prociplui4l nine cars into the river.. The lecolnotivo and' tender, had passed tho,place IA safety, Litt, ,the cur immedistoly.sittaclied to, the tender became uncoupled and went over - the embankment; and 'was followed, by eight others- , two tank -earn tilled ,with oil, three box cars:und four 'coal. cars, leaving the passenger ear on the' track. ,The oil curs contained nhout 30ff barrels ' ;atoll, nil of which was- legit. The track was torn up lbr n lOW rods; delaying the express train abent four hours. The occident was caused by a broken rail. ; —Henry Johnson who has been long know ru New Castle as "'the oldest habilant." died last week. Alts ago Ito neVer,kn'ent ,lie had no knowledge of numbers. bxneonversatlott with him. some months ago, it was learned that ho had a distinct recollection' thooltovo intionary War. .Quosticintng -him on his knowledge of that ward it was ascor- Wahtoa Galan lass onasvinitrill .at tho Siege orYorktown, which was in 1781. !This, ho talk was the first year after ho pros shot oot on tho farm to work. Po w ebmo, ono' ha thitreifi anit a 1 64; , ' l 3 40044 1 1"*.i4i0.11 ntil.` ho p),* 4:44lift BPS!•.ff . hownxosgbtoonat Untinto otuke botilooi Yorktown-rand wressippaso ho - was•Aso anon hayo, boon 167>1t him doing. ,-:• Ie i , 1.e,-•••••-i-J---...,:.---p-s.. -,....,--,-..-,---- •.. —Shunt is to tie superseded by.elee tricity: 'allumbiew. , Yirgrk- uorrespon dent mittallostun :Amnia/ timeribes 'Fermin itivention•lfuntirlving lathe4i. idanlitsilutalitines,und other weehan, leal furntogements, ,, iby ~ this ,pewer, , TO ron...nitiengine . , of . t weptyrlworse I Power , bye this, Invention :would. re,. quire.tinlYwipitcli of :three feet long; t wkr, dbet •wille, ; anti,: LW° , feet. high.: !rite eost per Alay•would I,Kithir,ty-iitte. iltlltai .!iht asteutriship neural would , lie required, and thesinice.now. used. 'fur end anti iintebituiry couldixt uacd Apr cargo. i.. The 'stub bent 'mishit:we of electricity to meelum (mil .use here. toter(' has,ll.is lbelievetl;, been ever tonter.l.,,A,t coediting's • :lhatery "His' beset I steered , ., mid: tither . di Iliculties.. removed, i principally '..through the mil of the magnet... if the invention works us; well•me a large entices it ines on' themachinery: to whieh ;it Is ,:now applied, ,Iti .- is: thought. that . steamships will Soon.ply the to ,untler Al \ e new propellhog power. A. ,machineOC. great attineitY is :be ng. constructed,- and. will soon ~he on ;exhibit leitm New York. . : The whole tltlngweiighty euoughto carry a CuP 'him& to J,iverpool.• can be secured In n small trunk. , The •,se' iratific Amer, leers considers, these. statements "deo-. suttiunat. a n d nut worthy serious thougld." . •.. • H , . . . „ Ntrutbp-it, 'party 4111(110s antigen , tkuien were enjoying themselves at a picnic a few miles from Colfax Sta tion, ou the Intlianuqolis unit Chlca go Itailread, on Saturday, the dwell ing house of a Mr. Thomas a short distance from the•ground, look tirp. The children ( (aged respectively elev. en, eight and two years) were play ing in thesecouti story, and the older ones, frightened at the thiumi, ran iiown stairs, leaving,the babe in the upperro.an. The pieknieicers host elled tliesmne,, and upon their ar riyal, found the house, enveloped In flames. In the confusion, the ,babe ttite not Joist Until,.itainyor %vas blunisc.consunaSl,' and • neither parents nor:friends ,et theibild See4l7 ea :WI fliui to risk au uttenqit to save it. ...It thissbige,of alairs, Mr. H.C. Holt. of 'Chicago (formerly a 11;4- dent Lidianapoliso hastily kiak e4 the lisjOhniqf the„rooni iu xvti)ch the Child was lefti and wrapping himself in a, • quilt, dasiold, up the buraingSiairs, found thC altioxit Sur; feeated - child, told brought Wont safe. He had sCarcely curierged from the house when the stairs •fell, and Immediately aftei, the room and sec ond floor followed. 'Mr. Milt was severely burned, but the Child was not at all injurtsl. Tog much praise anoint. be awarded Mr. Holt for his heroism. . I•ITTSBURGH MARKET. lit' Viet{ oV Tit GAZFrTiI. INI , );:n.tY, Julie 6, 1570.5 perry:El—The derrund fur conenissien fruiter I. exceedingly light. owl 10, dull anti bard to evil. . Ouc h ` ture reports having solMt ' la m s e prnuc at 16—ottatons nu)" be fait./ for pool to Clollro. t.tt rather dull but usteltanged, Ottlo ut and Ohio Factory at li11(11.1.1tti- Sinn, prime; No. 1. $.4.50; No, g. .t.t; No. a,.:AI: Coll/MOO, $1,1104;(,3 11111 El/ 'l , lll'lT-11/o stock. of the better grade. Is pretty well rodared and there la little or lab to. ttutry for Dor roister kind. We continuo to quote APpice at 7/t.t. l l!ieeute nutch., Vet . fur quarters, snit for itolvCo. 11(;Gli--The 'arrlirattr eauttnue liberal. and *be tudticet I. gales dud unflawed. Soon: dealens re, pore haring bold at tr. bat 19 [nay Ix: regarded as th• rating 111114a/hn. FUJI :11—'14e t.tart.et If 11112.11 th%; firtntr,. but Mute 1. 110 Inipnoetnent In lie demand, the great proponion of the Wes b,ing in smell lots, while prin. , ant tottnatered.. We. col/tit/CO to ontau wv,terti tioUrt, In More, lit :5.7.") for •pring wheat. .V.. 7.0104 for whiter trbr.tt and $117'.7.311 for Lacy brunt.. stye 61101.1'171F.5. —Sugars. tires, w 1/111i glrotly city toll country demand; uhlte .SlTUils ore tialet and unchabge. •1 he following. are the qautotious: Sugars--Porto Rico In for lair; 1011 tor good. cud 11l ~(41 1 U forrime at choice. ti' fur crushed; A Coder 1.114: 11. Ill; extra C. t, yttilttur, il. tor fair Ina; 913 for gaud. al for Inoue., tautag tor chOlvv. It nu—ldug~s)a Carotin. ht. NcoC Orleans IL/13., , pc,,e0. 7 te.i. YROVI7.ION7 I —Markel Wady but. wall the ex eclat.w of utrd .ablch to a tiled., tower, there Is no change in prices. bhoultlere, e fur team; 1:Ii!e or sugar rattraettedl 17. Clear eider 1.14,1111. e. itreaUfnit lateou. I.4ti. .11rIetl beef higher...ll.4all e . Lard, lat e in tierces and 17!akr. 17?: la hey;. and buckets. bnitltS—Yfaxtetel is in *toady demand at t. g.ti. Su detnaud lor rioter or timothy resole. St •road'. Cathirtir Syrup, toed in ineteml of PILLS. UPSONI SALTS, CAS. TOR OIL. rte. 11101.yilivered. Plea-Ant to take. Children theft: Pike FrO mite. Wholeeale. It. E. ,ollort A; Wood ' , hoot, Pittetru . rgli, jertly • - Married. ill;NTElt—SOßUGthi—Juno Ist, .S7O, •at the re,ddenec of the bride's parents, - ha the Rev. J. C. F.vanx, Mr. Clark. A. iunter, Miss Kate, daughter of Dr. .1. Scruggs, all of ithro township, Bea ver county; ra. • —They had good cake as we judge front the slice received. hole they'll ho happy —squalls deferred for ni least a Died. 11.111e1...1.1"--Un Sunday, Julio sth, 1:,70, at al. ut 5 o'dock.p. in., John tlarday, aged about 75 scars. Sea! Advert ise»ients GItOCERV :4TUEE ri Bridgewater, Pu. a. STILES :(2C) ", Demißp'..r conif e, nett,. Use Bridge, HAVE OPENED AN ENV RELY I.'l ESII STOCK 01• FAMILY GROCERIES, Q,UFIE•NsWAILL •.;;AILS, 11'IND9111: uLASs, FLoCII, FEED AND' cocyrity pRoDucE. And Iv getter.tl uli arliclet tot:tally found In pitch waters ion. TIL4 room hat been remodeled, and cons ettlent ly artatird, 551111 large Atm schr dm.; Sc. Mr. John Wilco. to long Itnown to this connounity, will give Ma permotal /attention; large expert:inc.:, and thorough acquaintance with the Tr.ote. to tho ',election and purchase of choke goods. suet I nvltet the patrontge of all who with it o lovt gsuoLl 10 the snorkel. or the lon eat. callpace. All It J.CO. B Indo cllllll,ry prodace wattled. STILES COrldgewtter, Po. jow.:ltts. • ire sTocKtio Limits is lll/Clll. 1. That AN ir VEICIIV. Then , will he n ine.liirr of flo• titoetilotitle, of the (Web. e.ter And I tltltlt.Aur; Ireriy Co.. in the orrice of the W looflioat, of Ibmhturr. 'CU VrA./AY MOI:N IN rcJl.`., lsZo. fly order of JEAN V. Mel)ONAll.l)..x<ey. 1 '115:44/LUC/ON r.t zurvEigsga EP. L." The itortitershin heretofore existing beta eon (tarsioe nod M. e.fhwitin, builders. under 1110 :Inn of ll:ironic Ilarte a.. nor dissolved by inningl consent unJoue I. tr;it. 0.11 aria gexonnti • will be Irettled by Mr. liorAte. IV L1.1A31 GAIL:SIDH. N. C. IiALLTON. MEI • - roust; .tan I.(Er I , OIIL sr LE.—'llla tobserther UT Ts for tale Ids house unit lot In Itowetowo. South Dearer township, In this conu ty. The lot cuutaisui about acres or Land. ions, to. .1:11 good rdem mut irnit tree.. Tho i!i ,•tory.l,lgh, with roar rooms stud good ee:lar underneath, Attn::ether It In a dc:drable proprny, mitt will 'ito sold hue, For further par: ticulara Inquire or the underoldned ou thettrenit• re.. • .101EY flAltV or to ttuglt Garvin, nt Itachezaer.. • Inn I tat* - EXAIWINATION. The exandualion of 'Crechetr. ky tbe Connty Su perintendent, will be held in the New /irldhlen tEnloe School btilldinz, New Brighton. on WELT: - NELSI/AY JUNE 11th, 1.470.• COMITICIIChIC at dock. 0. in. ..Tenchere deatriLic. to realm applics. Ilan fur labial°. In the rchout nex. tone, cum. mended September Ter,lvill filmic be ptiaielit. Hy order of Mello:nil, A. D. GILLILAXIII, jelraw .•• • _ dterrlpry QTATEMENT of BOUNTY ACCOUNT 1.3 of the buroughpf Itochcater for the year.lblbi: Amount of duplicate $41.2:'.3 bu Exonerated by council, Including Ira.: taxes S taddlemt=ettipt by bov,lfett .16 Entered at VOAVet et ri leCtor'. per ..t ai ...net minced. from clilm againot Y. 31. Alidenron ' Cori 31 Total realized Ca . Dl eavh pald D. Merl ... , . $1. 004 - 23 ' Hy cash paid licnriei .b Leala, I,talt sr: . Ain't pil Argus .t Loral for pub lishing account leeel, ........ 19. W 11,1?: ''= ' • • ii -7 balance to Rochester iiorovgb .. '. .... $ • i• 2 We ccrtlry the aboseatidsnicut to be a tree and iorrect suites:lent of the receipts and expeuditurim of tt,a taunt. mod or Rochester n o w toe the. year ics, and that a te borough la now Rea from debt of any Ilg lad whatever. 3,10 NE MILER, W.V. JOHNSTON. Financial and Auditing Committbo. Attra—JOßN CONWAY, C'terk, Itochceter. Mar T. , • EC AND DEB -• , .. MRS lifts the largest, lkst iolovers,.. Lilioi:l.lleletior, Ladles:, tip4l Iroofficetvlikto, Jeveln, stn4 lairGnod!, emstota tiles Lathe* vlbitltig flip liter! eral Please CoMpaxiii*iidav ~[i;wa~'.Hnte.l'ri~mil. '~ ~,.r tAdieh•poi; Trimmed, 11Oniietmk VAAL' - „ . .'• • . I;wn (-74,Itattg fihr fifklevaiiitth Particular' Attention apr,,A2m Mbiretl4l - , ..rcrrscas.-1 - hereby pa ll y all ousMaahaitter 1.1 pneetnuttnit two solos of Mad mode !payable too. W. Craldnoad, or order, and si gn ed by W, IL Steer, David naten sod : J. P Britton, one Whitby for foety.stne dollars sod one foe • SR, dol. laes, both lamb= data 71x7 XXX 1870, ao tam Mr terminal not tu psi Roma. they being trandidanhy obtained. - W. U. STEEP. Dearer Falls, Royal, - t • Lint of 4 ppllgawitifor License at Jane Saslow', 1810. steritts. Harrison Aetna', Hearer Falls bonged's, David rJohne ton .... Home wood. Jo...ph V. Reed • • • Iteldgewater. • lt. Dosimeter Rochester. . . David Agave— • Rear Brighton. . . LATF , I4I ItOVUM. • . . Jaruee Cookie • Beau Fetid •barot4l/1 Louie J. Wagner ' du. 1:! d fid Wiiio.o MI PRI 44,, dg ; • do Henry Boyle, ',..HhllaPtora 10 4 4.0 1 1 lA' Mom Howell ' • . ,lierr Briukl46 Den. %. -To veal Itcaure Ma gautttlee of • not kw than ran quart together with; other good, and mach. audire. Mary Aleytuder ' Ike/realer bortariah. T. 0. Morgan, Bridgewater botochti. , marn://t I JOHN C. LLAILT, Ckri. - --- ---- Wall Paper, Wall Paper WALI: PAPER! WALL pArEn,33 Carpets, Carpets; :Carpets T Carpets,. Capeis.. Carpetri 011 .Cloth, 011 Cloth: OIL CLOTII! CII. CLOTH! 11,7tulosole.v! 8/avkid! WINDOW SHADES! WINDOW SHADES!! 13. IFET(LEA, In the State fornicrly occupied by A. S• HARVEY. dn Bridge Street, ' Bridgewater, Pa„_' Ix just receiving one of the tArgyst nn I Best t;clocted Stocks of WALL PAPER Carrala,ollClotlnsWintlowSliailes„poolts , Stationery, Traveling Bap, Satcaels, Basta.e, Trunks, Valiem Toys, Guitars, Violins, Fluits. Ac cortleonV,all klnila of Mu. • sic Strinp, riot - k1:1 - Na caTat.sst:g; (all sizes),, Picture Pram* Bird Cages, Inks, Blank Rocks, Eitenessves and Stern scopie Views, and everything desirable in lus line that has ever been brought to this county. Ills Stock is CAR.E.frLLY SELFC'TED, PorchaNed f}' in lira' Lando', and will be Sold at Greatly Itedueed Call snit Exnnaitte for Yourr.elve* OCR STOCK OF CARPETS Will be unusually large for the pet:sent season, anti it room for the heephig and sale of Carpets will adjoin the Store. r23:3m] New Millinery Establishment IN RiUCII srrE .11-11.5,. .. T. 11rE.4./. Would inform ti.Jo public Of Itochvider an vicinitl that she Ims just. opened • NEW MILLINERY STORE EMI wrixklurr, A slain dlltauce above Cons' store, ROCHESTER, PA. MID A MOM MCI MILLINERY In nil ita brauelio: Childrens' clothing ..e. made to order, work to he re lied on. A eallsoliened. _ `JVIRS• } 5 • PE"- ny - 25;6mb • 5N233 Mk:l4l3OV 1311. 4 0VV17N,, U. S. C i lnim'Agent, GAirrru Building, C oruer GI h Avenue and SuittLitchi Simi new rind well bieleeiteil I'ITTSBUIttIII, PA. iipr27;Bni HAS HEcEivED Assoiam ENT W DRY - GOOD •~s3-:~L~;':33~y~ LIT . 1.1.1•IN"f4 AV Alt 11.1 IMO IDNV.haVE. aIEII X 1,136 WIIIOII 11E' OFFERS • AT Law prises mai LI :If MEE 14. \ Yggi c ILAfi i.jil)ol „, ,„.„ 0„, , 1 • 1 • AL: *vs 0 16- • 4.1.0 , I 41 1.. I I I 4 314 * . 1iti4 3 ? PitYra• C..; BP B. )1 • (4410111tnii .of • 14nlietiSMow ChiWrens' Apnplt, Laic, (1i s% iinsiffy M• any Rail 18<nr n mina, and lx! 1.41 Clt: wie those of 012Pragusds: (.%IThM ...ILO° Ihitakerrlll6 l . Sun ...... {tatl~rum . and frame 41- f ier . ed. =I ..rar reh UM per Meek TYRO a& Addreal 1. llTLBllL•ol.tartfee4. 11 rosyltelw . 25 tittoplealiffe7t.- tseu lAVrernt tosynktw : 1 . • .• • -- juggagligload ise theiliWostostelass bugloss,. and steady ornploonent." WAVY. 3T A Matreet, Intllidlelillts, Ts. , fay Is; 111 , tialte;ti. I 1 cite. )(Meet% $ 70* to lo." 0" ", beigns J. Apply to .1. A. Lieetwort, Mead. intyllelsr itit7rtm leafy* -Pri rite' talarpahlon tbe de sired Informal:1o. Mak Oen tams WV , Adams Meta. 11, NVew,%:Por.l:= l ";,7 - ti:Ant oar per, loventloon , . Adorm J. Bala* ('O.. Marshall. Blela 110 Plelw WA . ?STUD, AGWArS4I-01110 alok flie s Ores' kraus rrefy 11M nsau will art es due 'kande: Bamitelas Onba tad . wdee•tde; M. $3 O el , ' 407. ,Altdiresn'ST:lAtaalwe d, illtsburgh. m w 1 - 61001400r.“ - rit M r It Deaver Se eep CDC Reset ••• ..emingl. Rapids alts. Par addlasli l'esta•nraa C Moat:rood 1A ChM mey,.42! grEtWastedirletijnbirst. St. laNerscor. littitat4 Ma. lel 4 w ptimar i kyvAgo.s e tz . o 4 l o , l 4W fill book ha. full too = to. eiblit:Mk er fu Other was, or 000 MOOR. will. ltestnerboo, Sptrttosllsm . Ina and • bf other curious experiment*. It ear, he obtalo•dierseoil liAll. (L in n Be. Eir ai a ,re es 7 l 4lr aili vi t siNtriv.mttpaxwmg , % to wkow•Xlsoeiltdflitlalmar. vadat fun Nmense (of • sena ktpd),ll6 ll Ile Ms es podure of dwindling. liming'. ate. • °eV It e I ta • year, Is.l asupetu esteeming, "Evabrltste," st tat gratis. NOR eleenteion. Imq refried . - ..et to all wee oat It is wklaawske, feariesa, truthful. Try U now. 15 eta, a year. st... Orient FIREIL. Address - BANNER," lito•- dale, 5.1 1. foutLirelsr Inventors who utak to take oat Utters Paawl are *Mord to coinsci with *CNN & CO., edl; ton of the Meal& Arafraoto, irtin have prows• cute,' claimer twfore the Patent twit-v tot orig. Twenty Year*. Thelr Americas* and European Patent Agency to the moat eatenalwe In the world. 4.:huge. low than any Gate tellable vase/. A pamphlet containing full iroanletloos to Inrenters ie gent gratis. MUNE 5 CO. _maeltaw)_ • _37 Park RCOM.NOW York. One lalion:Acfes Choice lowiLands VOR SALL at $l.OO per acre and ppottrds. for P moth, or on erOlf. by the lOWA Natalroad Land Co. Italhaida *heady bait Omagh that Lauds, and all side. of them.. tireat inducements to aettkrs. Pen &for oar free pamphlet It idsn prices teems. loeadom habwhoahotdd tome watt: :what they ahoold brim; what it wut ro.t: eves plans and elevadons o riel different Mika of randy nude how., whatrthe tompannientistt mt non tr.° to ;LOW many to atfLini nut tir Address - W. W.PrOldeaf myttlw] Corner lowa. 3LCVDMII. IXOTIRE. Wine a cripple. I hare made house pliantly; a special .l odp One bent Nut seaman has permed a no del of convenience, booty anti egnamosnr, De: scriptive clreolars of Kans. leers. etc.. loth. Fon• end informant's' of value to alt. rent flee. Aa'=e•a orith otsm A p usr script If conenient). 0110 E J. cOLISY. rchitect. Waterbe v ry. Vornmod. LIST OP ; CAUSES For Trial of June' Term. Mo. met' walk.. RoM Frye ad leerrrlsoure & Co. A. S. Reel, Vi. J. R. Miner. M T C Guithre etecaCi re tirld Maury. Dalirople A Cu. rd S. P. Thule. Jae. rhompstuia Kir. vs S Montana's allinr'll. Jell %% re Ales. Fombell. Frank Klee, el at., re Pat Carrull, et it. Chrlellan GtellP. 11 P. Ft. mr A C It W Co Samuel Mazaai ra Fenllnann Kook. Vona lae S Ilunatret a. A. J. lialSsuk; Csrd.' Tp. of hula arry a. S. B. Ilrhnv. Sumo re Samael tiurnMely. [Radical copy. Goon., Hind, v. P. Ft. W A C It idi Co ‘Wlllison Trotter - va !Cornelia llanntg. Co Charles Conk ' no N. ltriAton Water Co. Jame. lircledt berm vs D. N. Magid.. Joint 31orpo.'s ears. la John WUnm, John Thornloy vo C. W. Sill. . Was. Garrard, If on. vos Ihnvaret Collins, et al Win, b. tans ex's . . se:. It. liocklel. et id. Charles Coal vs C. It. Tuttle. Saute ve Some . Same an 'Sew Mahlon & Fasten Water Co. Nut Bank Commerce re John It. Weida. Christian Marto no Jistirs Gavle *Judger*. Valontine Welsh vo T. M. Andorson. Benj. Chew's Esx's a. Was. JOlliiillll.. Johu Torrance vs Albert Tonsacc. Willsem Johnston t s Cowls Rend. Ptomain Todd vaJalnew fatter. Cleary wenn% . . ;e.ll. /I„Welah, et al. Stephen Matte •vi C. lt.lrall & Co. 1 Coates & Ins. .i ws JohnDihrealh. 1 T. 11. J. vos Esther *. ei .I. Frank X. riolicr et 01. V 0 (1. X. MlLpert. James Edgar ti. N. KICIDOtI . Michael Grim vs Corr nhart.l 14 J.l . Mitchel! vw Wish.L. MAIL et Thorcton Walton N•J. P. Allman. i J. st W. C. Mbloorn re D1'1,16111 Mae. et di. tosyls:3o) • JOllli C.Alltiillll, YAWNS. 13 0 1.7 N T sloo !!?.firi,hrtvikd.„...3 k an a t alZsoi m &era wbo ea net May 41k and July 124 who wen discharged for disability Wore serving t" YOU. and grin bare heretofore received on bounty. The undersigned l prepared To Callao& thaw Odor at domeo, U ilawlarate nitetaildlYWett by 00.12111,111111. Apo l'ensiOnsfor Pothers,Noihers, ALL SOLDIERS 1116431 A HORD FOR VERN to I,lllilled,to 47.011 Terns Rowdy, coil ea or stood dbrbßrge t. thellader signed, AMU YOUR CASE WILL RECUT". PROMPT CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS! tiring stud Summer Wear The unilermgmll talcs pleasure lu 111. forming lam friend* and the punllc Amer• any that lie 1414 jud ree..i Vol :11111 (Tenet! A New Stock of Goods, 1W THE LATEST STYLES Poll SRING end SUMMER Wear. 11, km,. the bud of workmen In bbi rt . pploy. and fed confident of his ability ent and wake up ptrutenta both FASIIIIONABLE& DURABLE :tittl in nneli a manner Its will plesuse Ills tpiMlNTilltwOki:lrdittl)l* mud see us before tearing your Orders Eisetchers ' WILLIAM REICH. Jr. may4;7o;ly Bridgewater, Pa VOIll SALE CHEAP.—A Anot rate snick r of Harness Loather, Calf.Sklaft asmil Upper ins 4 Sole leat h er —Pmmal nivinr PARK to sell tod sa th eir advantage WWI upnir me berme dealing: eiscwbere. mayltive I JAMES PARRA(III. MEM MEC .10 te•til4. ri rent* 40 oasts. ~,.~0 cetWJ, (uuntrius) and (deo to Penaoas ATTE.%TION ewitnnit m ALWAYS ON .ILiND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers