The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 01, 1870, Image 1

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    /14.4114,40 , 064 , 11114.
---ADvtat, 7147,* : 7 47 - "r• — "7:777
A dv . ercisowent^imiAumttqAet tharatii
of $l,OO per square for first iniortion, mud
tor ottill sninekillon. Insertlearbo bonnie,
\ iigu•al dinountmado on yearly , al.'
et 41,e wen 414. • •• " • -•••
A sraeu equal to ton lints of thltritiii
ime.t.sures Hirtlarel,• , ., t.:kitaW
Gusluttsa: NoUeilleatkkbetid l a
Ito nisolvus ituni )4i o •
.ohogicod..isuotoniasa lino
ilr eut•lt hipertion.'• •-•-
„,r. r o :kioaday noon to Justin) Itusertloif
liult week's 4 A
..1101114.14 Ca
egg . 11 !•111 . AIWA! JlOl, f'V a:
, et night at aty reeldtmee ow water meet.
r „„Ltetotteri Mildtprobt lee navery and Hod:
WIN ii.r3l --- o! — triat - i - inti,
f I tourer, ts. ' °almond residence an glad St.•
, ot ttw Court Howe. • All law tatalnema entree..
' a to my cam shall rendre - preeard attention.
pri,ons Mivitig Real - Zdato for , ante, and
I , to boy to nrcipatty, coaltt Igal
~,„ mny note limn sad Worry by calling at my,
s r 310NIITT, I)4U:tying Pcniaanett•
,) located In Bearer; Would reepecttally ten
r profooslould venial, to too elttzenoOrlie s tv.
rand Furrountllng country. leOpecia ention.
I4u treatmeni Vtielliallnilieaaes , • Sauey
• n n Mica on Third motet,
glom, %test IA the Court House. •
r _
.1. ANDEUSOI%, baring taken hold of
rI ha- old Foundry again, In 120Ctietdee,
lacued to- 'nee) huld cuAeticto iond
y(llyr 111.1 y n ant either the DE.ST COOK.
NUPE, Ileatlug. linnet or anfOtherktud of
'..4.1411,,1i1f tryst nutterlnl and ouflonanellln. the
wall be conducted It
. r. J.: ANlncusoliAiluNs.:
t • ILMIEVES, dealer Boone
11 Witch!, Slipper*, &c., to•xt door to
1.,:a a Tin thup, Ulldgi atratt,
„,C•.. :
..J ,0
Is 2 lo 'a oOnD- 2
vTi 2
j r.
• • 1,9.04°41Tand atarutacaeli
itatgo I Itoit re
l akam rugs
rittre Itore
' ill2Ll
old f
o rialdd usSrp;r to giv e bin a
1; 44 .
c.P.Herliti AfaL tr,
As. cAMEltoN,...iiitOin4 atVitt
J, ;carer, Pa. 0111 co in th& room for
!, tly occupied by tho Tate - Judge Att ma, Col.
sc., procuptlY atteded
.11 , 41 NET, Watchtualcer sad ini — eler,
1 . Ik•as at, ric r Adjolulag .1.
i oalca.) o 1 rta kind rade
rviallred and arra ti. . Engravitg
'murder. 'rho patr4))),p 11_1htwikadkiAt
~•,41, and
• ,h
I I l:,•ltl' ILEUZ, Dealer hi B9ota,
...ippeny and Gallant. /Latta anti theca ninth?
A Iota: experience in the baainrse eua•
• Lau to do wurk in a etiperiur manner. 'rerun!
r.ite. shop un arreut (near' Her. MU.
hooktounil, 'leaser, ea. (live him II call
parch:lllllg eleeetere.
-• •
( !f t 1 11 d i 11 1 ; a b la l k 2 1 i 3 I n I t c ai 14
I: 1 ; i
;, ' L.ntsl4lt:en and acknowledg'inents
Ikea nub . commis:Mined usAgent
•si bat etas., Insurance Costinaulos,•rcprF:
the. rim, Lite, Aecldeut, and Livo•Stoek
• ...,m,ate, is to take risks and write
•• • to, the most liberal terms.. .Also, agent
••Amliur Line" of first Class Ocean Bles4ol
- sold to Und from all porta In Eon
, Scollutitt,Germauy and Franco. lit
•t• ie al s brick row, Diamond, Itoeltotter.
1411101INAItY AND 'NATI-
I / wit open lb bptlng..Seaelon Murcia
IS7O ; Rev. U. W. Tpylur,
L- ,•,t•li by ell. able ti ngractura to tad elllkrent
i ~,
ootinente. atru rtdatttl.
s, in Grcuk,latlti, Vrt tuut tin ulna. llay
I midi/al hr it successful Lednirer and Pxnetltnetit
whit Eta At proutus,•Plittoeophleat and Choral
:II. Malin on tha Piano and Uri.= taught by a
Pi - oft...lnt out vocal Main by II Purceestal roealist.
Le fmktltittion dotuilahlatt, and Is no ,rperl
: and It Is deturinlund by those having Ilia
.v.olon of It that It 1161011101 rd In the van ok,Acm
oli. and bntu4arlv4 1 , 11 it has dune 0 9 111 ~. 1 /Y
ten years. Addretts, •
14:T. TAYLOR, Vonvor, Va.
• • -
' CON NOB , The underalgne4
1 • 11:w n Tyro Illbrne Wagon, In coon run.
.f order, which ho 0111 men low (or flub, or ox.
_ .
.:,.,,• (Oro good horse. Also a good cultivator
,- • • . : .4. C. sjuvurint.
.... 2w f ' . - - ..• .l • • Drillserancer, Pa.
irriloICIAL 4611','Irli' PERFECT.
ED t— 'L./. & 11. J.
i", CHANDLER have por
! ~ . ...lA' ~ chased the , oseluslYe
• V _...-1,..7- ''.. N .. right of Beaver county
. ..--Isc, , ,t - tt - r..) , _ 'to tmeDr.Stuck'sPatent
,- • " i t,
,„ ~...- 'by which they can pot
'!,i- I , tip Volt:unite ns thin as
l -. 1 -'
j.... w
/fold Pinto, with a bean-
A Clot euamelSd polish:
1, •! ..., arta and elastic ns to perfectly adapt Itself
, T7l , numb: °brim lug nil that clumsy and bulky
„, I tim., is much complained of beretolorcrand
• - “in their liability to break lOU percent. ItO
, ~• .!. no one seeli, it wonid'be Willing to Weat the
i ,1..1)ie plale any longer than they could conceit
! ..•h get them exchanged. All branches of Deo
, , :r, performed In the best nod most unloclant lel
.....r. In filling teeth with gold, etc., eye that.
, dge competition front any quarter, and cart refer
, , living kubjects whaac fillimrs have stood be.
ii thirty and forty years. Among . the =niter
' ,i a John Allison will vciiihit fillings we laser,
, .. 4.; yosis ago; tpo leetlt t la
. Mee werellilleits ‘Lnliglauty, s i TattA t tl
I' Plsil, freelikt It run all unpleased all2l7Gir
...,.... ueets. looking• the extractlatt of teeth a
• ~ • ..I pleasure rather than of horror end „helm
j , it'e ti' , W r4l;ilitni:ltoclickl4 Ea.
, . r if , T. .1: 4; IL J CHANDLER.
+, ' 1 -- -----------
andereigned, thrukful for pakt favors WOUlti
” •; ..silitlly inform the pahlic that lie has One e'!
. • ~,, • t ',teething of . 'i I
wiNno v - SFIADES,
! i` found in connty. Mot a t tlimt.
, t
5 r 1,01, , tillsrellattedur and Ileilalouto
33 CiO C . II 649 , r t
pal. nit, !Tama 01.114
71. • V P ' brts611 City rattbfloltmetra.'"lfeltt
t'' ' 4 1‘.1., agent for the celabruted
` r efotititry's Gold Vert,"
„ tante, Thom: neekinga good Gold Pen,
, ..1 well to see them before pareltmdtm.
tt ' Ito Av oI for thk county for Krilloee
i” ma )larrlnge Certificate. The attention
I' •• 2.meit Is reottertfulle called to Mk 110 he
them nt the e4llllO 11b16011,11 10 they would
111 the Poldleher. Atwater'' , *boot Gov
i:lnt for Bale lit Poldh•lter's price, \ •
• ton blond, 'I% /ye and Varorty blood, millable
•emon, -t •• -tt• 1, 1 ,
1 , •\
.ly 4. V. i . ltte-r:
1 , :11
Broadway, New'Brlghtunl,
, •
• .'.-;;30.00 ••• .- 1- t ;
. porrect machine yOltnented. IdII
0,1 narrow, tutubeet of point the
mot I,:oin ors - ribbon; It w% knit Inc/tc
• m me, .I,lrts, &0., tAi itiLetrapoiltliple
AN, It regal:lOU own wdrk,quokl but
1110. not Combo.' Igo ndjniipot wirer.
• tin came work t h at the Lamb 4rnirltitie
a. cwt. titTh La lal tpneh 1110 hen
•, b nth port tkr ntachliacty to get out or
' Vitt:al:trot mid purnt.le, motion tree flit ap
mo. vraltWil. All IV:16111e,
No. DI Sixth til.rvel, NBA/nigh Po
N E \V
I.III,SON'S 111.1C3CK,
01(1N!), 1:m . 111:S1'EIL ['ENNA
t t baring taken thi
1:ootti fornirrly
ENV t e r Ls 4:3
liivitem the attention tor
Public Generally
'l' , l Ilia Stork of
• 10, )
I i tors eV, Slippers.
' io t a _Made AVorjF..,
i.i.T coNsTANTLY ON iiANI).
4NI) OF .11111: . • • <,,
;Ind Ic.:4LA,?,ii?litY•
that he sells its
•('lll:.\P AS THE citi:AvEsT
.1. D. MILLER.
Diamond, Decimator.
, - • .-.......-.... . ... ...--.--
i. , ' •- , A 1 •.. , t1 t. , 414 .- • ,
' , l+> ::-./. ..1: 1 .1 . - . .1- •.-• di 1 tyi tit,: ,,,-,. 1,1 ~,
• ,
i' -. ' ' - '.
- - I. , • ~
t. • .. ____,
i t l - I‘..i 'llir ri 11 1 IP:41 .
. ~.
. N., n • 811 o x - , - 1 , . . ~, l l ~..,?:, 4,
, . . ._. . . ..#
poll t ',Tyv.i-t
. .411
• •
WHILE the 'World Is more oiless ex.
°raised over the opening -of the
Suez Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi.
elnity,4boutdisot lose sight of the fact that
' S ' XITGEI - 1, ' 4 .
Akt.thei r old stand in neaver,.7*,are,still
fainistfng lAtliar customers eve thing
called ibiqu'their line.. - ThirldWaYtr keep
iifull tutsortmenter , ...
aliocznrns, - :
Rmuv , Feed,•: Offers, • -Ray. Sugary,'
*""' "" k•Weefo'' : ' ' ' ' ' '
Caiat6Ci l Cigat'
Aria all other articles usually found
" a dhow
From thetrlong andantlinate itequairW
anal ;with tho •Gromy,,Flour and recd.
bustuccs, and their.
.disposit,loa to,rpaticz.
saliaketion to those who may, favor them
with their itatroriage, they hope to the to.
titre, ns in the • psati. obtain. dit7a,
!Ammer the public patronage..
-Give us - . a Call -
and sm.. if we do not make it to'Your in
terest to call again. /
S. SNIT e & CO.
New FirmTz iNew Goods!!
oxottitr&il tiritlettitt
F'etieral St.,
414 , 1.;Ea1r.E.X.Y,.. P 4.,
Have ' just received u hip: M iek `
Pplenditt aportmcot of
Fa " fivq(lo.
al 0110,, ,; Cliifd .e,B* t (b riuy(s,
gbys, Hobby-11°mA., " •
orl4, Wagons,
NVldelt they are•selling tit:UE.(lllml .Prices
JOBBERS and the RETAIL Trade.
We 'fliake . :t Spt (y 4,1
citiLDßEtsw ckititi.tuEs
41PLE.101,17 do *INGLIMON,
rw r1:1; I.IH Feileral St.,A.lleglicuy, Pa.
DRUG- 5T08,43
1 -1. V . q9 Yk3glll.4,PgN,
Drug(' Ist'
73 'L73. j PLNN .
FrOr nntrouienitikiithinflio
's'i'l-re•S, WINDOW GiLAM
PUTTY, &e.
Choieo F ilk
Of the greatest Variety, and at the Lowes
4 1 . 1 riN ya.
r,:i2" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully
and scientifically compounded at any time
day or nitthe. • .
: - B — .Agents for Fahne:itoek, Ifuslctt and
tithe artz's 6trietly Pure White Lean. the
oldest end (best brand ht the market, at
manufacturers' priete , .'"Eilit LoctSAY.
Tile Celebrated Wilson Shottlelewin
Stop—please, and don't ruin your eye. and cam
st Itution by bending over the slow progr‘va of that
needle, hut nave the all Important health, Unlearnt
M Wiry by procuring a first clean Setting Machine,
Due that make. iticTelebrated lock stitch, alike on
both sides. and does all kinda of work; la neatldgte .
able anti simple tit construction: ream very light: Is
easy to operate: received the fleet diploma at tau
late fair; givinz the befit of satistaellon to Its
purchaser.: bulanted for three yea 6, and price
only pin. Snub no one la The Celebrated Witron
Shuttle •Vetring Machine. For further partienlare
call at the (dice. one door below I. N.Atkine' llat
Store, Beaver. Pa., or addrvs. for teatimonlate,
ciders, he,. S. J. AN DIC,ItSON. Agent.
marAly] Beaver, ra,
nevcrxiv cnir-sr
Are prepared to furnish Italldeti or Math, mete
Very Da4lllll4l:o9loreiriStigirior
Rooflitg - Slate,
Prom their own qoarttea located In Northampton
county, Pa., AT QUARRY PHICE.§.
natant.' may he seen , and commanicattons ad,
dreszen to •
E. L. qO,OIIVIN, Agent.
WAY. corner Eighth St., Pittsburgh. Pa.
11001 . 11614141.4"444-1
h 1713/1: 1 i.s: 11 , 1. , 11 :,.!
t T
comas' . • '
irkvimiltExtrraD'izrsikronEl .,
;Tn ' the Rooms tortnerly Occupier] by Orr
t 4 °wPer; where ha siow has • and : irdritdi
-, a - • r,. .;
• A Geheral Stock' t
Having received rinin the East, within
few daya,past,a4lne selection of •,.
Latest. Spring Styles,
o' of
t oo tAt t t§!4l...llll:iel.VlO F .fr'l l l ll l l PM
- . .
pvivißAom 0-itifo=l,
.4 A
• HOSIERY, &e., .tc,
BOOTE 4:.• 8II0113, i • L
! I A-t C ,r`l.• '4 ,l• c ~-..L I! row
.To the above articles be bas added a
-0 1 4 i C° k l ec t 4l ',4V.Ve,
."LrEFE.lllslae"felQiiii i
All s WA ' Ick w Igaliti
fin• cask, or exch. igml for country pro
dnee.• Culll, and examine Ms sleek and
apr2o Indy
Brighton Paper Mills,
t " • 11PANWLVILC I I " "
11lardwatrey., Straw.:
whor4ll,4knyilen - b3k.
Frazier, Metzler & Co.,
'" i llki r T n i n e
niken In excliango. :‘t.
ci; , r z 145374%-z
AVholesal6 iii kcr
Cher," Brpwn„ Mate & Satin .PaiNsra: •
" Oil Cloth !Modell, Plain an Nimrod;
T.Ticr9. Sr. CO.
fll Waal St..betwiten 4th & Uth Avcniie.
24 door. below Diamond Alloy, PlUsbargh, Pa.
'IV Itb ?e_a .
IV I N DO Vir , l4-H A D , E , S
: •
BEST assortment of these Goods that has
ever keen broughtio; the city.. Call and
examine before purchasing, Realm con
vinced, nt
` geptls:ly.Feh.ected
. _
1117 - 11 Lank Deeds ferrule at the Aaac■ °dice
• •-• !,, ,
. r •
The Most Complete Business Col
lege in the United States,
Affording. facial Ica for acquiring a thorough,prac-
Wei bum!neva eaucaticia,vmacaand elo other
School the entintri.
Since it, Incorporationln. „peayly Sixteen
Thousand Stndenia tcpreanntalivos froth every
State In the Union. have attended here.
No vacation, Students enter at any time. and
receive private instruction tht oughont the entire
counts 1
' N. 11.-Citculant with ptirtleulare and
ces•ary I itromintlyn. Aft addrdestn,d f
$.111.111 t cowLaY/
Psrn.nrim tr. Pa.
Ilea 3 a, I~.alpaili33
At the,OJl:StaucL.
No': 50'8'pin/dick Str"eef,
Second Door from . "OUrth Avenue,
We 'call the attention or our former pat•
Cons and the public generally that we are
now prepared tu supply:them with a Mt
mendous stock of
asukrior quality and exilellenCe. at law
.ur prices tlwn
,cpu 131,40 at any utile!
. I*. or Weed
en uitc4.}. LqpiaF4.AND,
• •
Furnished at the very, laweatlates:
.Pttrticultir Atte2tion - .lizid to the'
Wholesiale Department,
i 4
npi2o;3m) J. SMDLE & SON
A • •
1 , •
1•' 0 , 3111:II 111 lithalrol6o
a 7.8-
,I,Dry 1
. . •
• I
~...13 . 11 : N I :J A Y • ARA I 411.11 1§, I
• 1.
BRIDciEWATER,• Ott i •
' • ilL11:14
,tilmitssur nut o
PE,PPIP S b r ig A W ' lI F INPMYRifF,
; ::•.:
f 1
' 1
t . Y.Ea.O O O O IRUMAir - lqi
; ir)(111 . ..`,..,!,/ • '47,1 -
11tosixsvitto:Jeanto , t, t ••:11 't • ;
Wbße Woollen blatiket,s, .
' '
'' • • • Barred Ilinnelt,; • '
• • • ... •
Glngliams, „, :;'l..
(mbar 4t .
Wa s ter i rroori„,,,,,
t:.: . ...
<i•• , ..;
,se c idy .
Brown - "
t Dnlllngs; Tlekiso ,4 , I: '
Jauktono i . ... •
Flannels, ' o '. ~ ..•.; • ,
gicesinois, , ;
Irish Linen.
.;14qi t•I
11 1 iObtirkanatial,..%
•• .!lit Tinviedy,
Y :.• ' ..;• •
Tpas.Hugst.,l;folampes, Ni4plottilvereelps,
Ilairten sad totrttnen pyjolfa Modem'
sod ,Tallmr easdles,
...II44P..SPIP4O.aun ]llan. MINA. I :Alto, .. •T.
A. I,T .
HardSit;.:llTaili "i llaSS
1..1111 11-1.': , 11' ':,IIT, I 1 , 11 i;
' erj k li g iertitha l Arial=
I 711.41Iberela Ira 31 'and tibial..
Itlitmtk 21 A. sad 4 Mad iPatimßabet.
&rhea and 13ni i corp rind !A.rdnn Llfnn6
*.. .
uaetela Tubs,"Chitnts, Iluiteitieliits arid lights
- CARBON 0114: • • • ' • •
: P 011 # "4. 617?•(1:' Slicses .
tin great.firkty. I •
Rifle VeWder and • Shot; ot
and PllBO. -
FlOtir ei •Ruessisssvare.
.11 hasp! goods dollversd tots ofsharge. •
katiMor a toA/813340. and ..bjt kaftans
Orgill thedifferent kinds =lnlet 10 it af era
atotot innteattsneg hope!. In the; Mete NIP in
.o tto flan, net Vto7o, ontn . et'lbe
. bite pntrantte: 4 - ' , •e • • • -
. - : • 1..: I'A t kii..I36A.NGFEI‘--
doeVe4:l3 . ' .14 , C0P •• ' • ' ••
' um-cilium , BA - moor! • .
'' • - --- ''' AN.D.:‘! '.. • : -,... .', ...
1111)41{1010‘1: :it
The undersigned Wiring bought oat tbe hue
Cream 'Sateen anti Confectionery establishment at
.1. C. Barr; near.tho Post olttee,lnanehester. Pl 4.
Worm the Publiil.l4 l be wail
14epAigig iswallur.of
dinhurebratararueserro knot - Mei nii`ear& call.
Ills Coufeelloacmy department le Well elated;
and parties. waddluga, 4ta, wllt ba sapplied wit*
everything needed-on short notice and lu the beet
of style.
Notolllcs furnished with Inuit bread as orient*
Jealred. 'fazo . stat FREDERICK.
I - map:oy i• " •• • • • •
Ilford and foot Stoner,
Marble and Stone Posts •
We have now on hand the lamed selection of
Monuments and Bead Stoned that have ever been
offered for eale In Mk Cilllbly 7 which we ere
Selling from 10 to 20 per tent. Lean
thitn they can be bad In the cities. or bought from
Agents traveling, no agents generally ml represent
both as to quality of marble and the else of wort
contracted for.
Persons wishing anything In our line will please
call and examine our 'work and prleet butte our
nboalng elsewhere, and ace what they are baying,
and get what they boy..
Grindstones lawny." on bitnd (tnarld;dm.
German ApotheatO•wid Druggist!
Keeps constantly on liana a well selected
stock or
Afedie4l Purposes.
Cigna and TobaccO..] .11d:irked
Oils. '
Bole agent li;i:1: 1 ;.13 - 44Piitent
All kinds' at Trusses , 'delliered
on skirt notice.: Physicians prescriptions
wUI be !flied at all hours of day and night.
air A share of patronageec
,r14T . 1:1/17.1q : i
A ••
I a
4 1 , •, , ,,, A
vik 1.
it .
• 11 • i
!;, 114:1;
0 'x,ll.
• .11•;•,..
1: *i;(1:(
. - _
• UP*ANKt.. 4 4ftielrill6.
. ;
I.:l4t,e;t9:p.rdir. pr.oto_ptl
0 , • - A1)10fA1 1
• ; . '4
Pl uticutarAfteptiok
°S. ::4•,it7'
L r
- • ;:. col Ilit
1..1. A.
P.IiESS,E I I - .:
i kgie 44 6 : 1 41iV
Call t)Rd.'Exaintna ppG
Turchitsinrg elsewhere. l ,, t(
, 6dtie f et
, ;
SPoYerer &
Hit cjUsi Returned In
Lowest Cash
Alai will sell
Coritoting or Dry al
vistleota, , liordware,
and Shcies„ Rope, L
.. Yarn' Iron e WM.
White Leith:Olt
guceniwarei, %
• 7!.i
t : of Pnate:/v
. .
200 WB. qf the.die6rated atilt* City
Duet, arOra.l allli for sale, Wholesale and
Het:Ail, • , .
200 Kegs Wheeling Nails
Land Plaster, culfl AL794 (Brent
Large Siock of
White Lead and Paints
A very superior quality of Stria= Sp - We
zel's Soaps; and a lot of Cdrbou.Oil
Just Arrived and for sale. IVhelesale
wad Retail. :
Concord Wines,
Of our own vintage, ibr Medicinal and
Sacramental Purposes,,are highly Re
commended by those who have
used them.
And Pitt, Nat. Plow •Ctip4lnivs.
. ,
Tiutnking the Public for their limit pat
ronage, w•e hoprr to merit a liberal share
in thil future..
All Goods Delivered _Preto' Marge
You can rely on all goods being fresh,
as. all our old goals were sold at nuction.
3111 E e a 1 1:31.31b131
PsLinteg Otirs4
to giant meet! an of the best quality, and sold
thmper,tAan cut he boaght litany other
. - ,Drugstore In the
• • • ODUIItY. , ' 4
14paecces ,Ilcsai? PUY, 13 am% pec bor.
.9.s,mear !Nil; Marro. St
. .
bet odentpedde of the eitiott lioareh - Dreg
Mom deicer then an he booed any
whets . . doubt
let who thle all and ate and they
will don no more.
Inlyl J. NOOHE.
Bnught 41. ,t hi
Thep me nl , Kt Aken , s for the
Msy be found the best assortment of
And 13randieta.
BR J fTh S.
kid"; V
4411 Va"ltigP4..; b /t 7 t
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, pgji tilt% tql ii7l7-i7
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tinftAnf INI „„,.;)
I. Jed]
MMI;. 1
1 14/1.1.01021:484J0,9 r 111;
.41.14:1.1 1 5 , ;;Zo t twqiefrpm
,Far nu; ,towill l 4SlSC l / 4 +l"tii ;,
, 'Oar val eadd up;
• Vide i rhonrt l4",
-or AZ/ ~,4 =4 • :
.Fll All flokilomillebtlityr4;ll,l
• • Tbr..ugh bravan be e'er *a isweef. I', , -•
• ;
And e'er so good and Irendgfal • • •
-';'7ll; l lAlkille.r.g94ll 313071;1, ,-..'l ".!ti. .i•
19431. irbbiatesiseati‘a*6 1 011.40 1 .. 4 '
; ; • '414010 0 -thwallild4l filtiAr ./ i;i ,- ;
• , 'odd belp neldg iebr oiar
I - .-Aneanytbletp rm.
, - Ae Vbeititd bite:o r- UV/414 10441' a "
i r , llasitladeiboyatml; the %. ~, "",';: • ; " J
. r -7,lg o rtritrithl l l1 10 7}144eh, ..1.1;;;;;.
..90ax.4.93m,pepe.beee, es:9mA
eath S lane sad silent owl. . • ...
-.bad b‘iebositeet sew and Ntsittite' .i .
' I ; 'faiiiid rtilibartafy s. ': ; •-•;;; 1;;-; -:•::
; ! • O'ki; boateitlAbit I ii.wbialbifitik4 '''' ' -
, i I-0140 ereillibt Net ti I 1 !. 1 . .:111 1 •:
}.. 1
I I •?.+MtVirbl4 dr i =.2 . 4 0 1., : Hi . . ,':.
'4 4:EiVt 4 q .
l c,.
,sdbatilboell lieletorq . . 'MU - ~ .., - , ' i
.., : ..tarlifq i 1 .;.!.; ,l'•,1
;.,, 1 ..-0 ,01 ID-INaittall,Ll . , r.: ...• ,;
, . /ad& tl diotittabitiiiiieli ' ' • ' •
L l l
Ana iotio• saki W 1
“I'lta Mimic wavestllvide •
• • , matt again soma happy dart ,
' And linger bide by bide,
,•... •••::
:Utast aay awn auEqyyplpp
t Whenl vntb all IMO
t ; ! I
Pf . lrnT: 14.
rM'M'a . :l7i:M7l7,!Ti7 - 9
.7 ~,- 7 , 1 1- -
' ! YiIf9 “ *Y::WARAt. 4 ; I O I . , Ei: i :
. 4_ , MMV! th gA l l l t t r k l gAMMOthd
' 43 " 4 .;',9k 1 9 0 ..Wi11a ''' ' 'l l 4YlBP.ent:lii
' the ANP I I ° C. A ~ -ti4LiovoUi „tho
tqlm t -.. Vski).4 l 4Worih7alci
I f e t . mr , ,iitAKPrOlacilEltWaped:
to , h er ono- morning on .I,lle:piazr.a..
She lifal salle4 with !tim, i ,or.jklkton,
uri . i1in1.4.444. ttlt!"t9 i rk Ai iho
'tnponliglA.,evenfu,w she.. 7 had
•daneed.,Atltti„b44 . - Ircich.a{!4oll*
ilniala lociicas'.', I,' •;. ..
Islisci' Milk ~v1 ; 4,94a44014.;
f ir
1141110_ 10r IKlagaainank many
,1 alio 'lll}ii found her, ideal
' • Whigh,reallied in ; Ur:Mani/led.
'Only the'e,vgaltig, befOre, their talk
'had withdraw.' Itself , final ; ,general
topka, which tOe4clt.other had. been
•tiongehlal „and In her .adtuiration. ot
his ' intelifigence, end. inanTini.43a she
had eneprageil an approach , to .'tbat.
sort or per4dual, cOnitersithm, Which
:relates to TontO and 'Matrimony. ' • . '
And now to find - Mr: /Unwell this
morning with his coat off,and Smith's
apron on; engaged in Mending a-lock!
• Linwas , doing it plibilelv.. The -lock
. was on-the door that Ie to: the niid
die , of the . front plazka,.. *here the'
la s hihhably dressed laditi and gen ,
tlemonvere sittineot prnmenadlog:
. ; ills back , wasteyvard her aS. she•
approached,leaning on the arm of
Ms:friend; Annfe•West, She recog.
,tdand him, looking latently- nt - . him,'
gmgn , her companion Over to a. party i
Wittig ladhA near; unit' then atop`
i land stoke ttrhint' - i ."',',..•, -
. ;./1 i 'llWyott"likei , that sort= of "Work;'
MrAtanWelll ll- • - - 1 . • ." .
~ "I- do; Miss Ellsworth, ..T' believe I
am a natural rnechanie."! - ' ' '
-.thi s.. •_ 4l ltappeartodd to
/ see you .doing.
:" .:.‘,., .•
:{ n
•;" 'he replled;: . rls
Iler cheek blanched a little. " yiitir
trade?" she ' '• •
.".'4ly trade,' 3llat'Elhrwortli. The
•proprletorsald thelcatneeded niend
bigoted I told MITI could mend 'lt
for him."
. • The party agirls,gaine along jdst
then. After won:led:lk at Mr. Man
well awhile and laughing' at' him;
they proposed: a ride.' Thane were,
three carriages among theta all;
those would take the'party,"
Ned Wittakor herejoined . theul:,,
"What the . deuce are you atomit
hero?' he exclaimed to Mr. Man.'
well, as the .latter
turned and. glanced at,him, "but
while you are Itereyea might us.well
enjoy yourself: „
Mr. Manwellexcused himself from
joining the party; and they all went
away, leaving him to 'complete his
Miss Ellsworth left him without a
word at parting. „.
"It is well," he Matti:kid M
self. "If sheegnniot take mei.; I am,
she Is not - worthy of Me! The wo-
man that marries Me must take ine
for myself." / • . •
, stood and looked after her until
she had disappeared ? ' She did not
once turn to look back.
He gave Ails shoulders a shrug,
coin pmsrd'hls lipa, uttered a cynical
"hutuph;" and turned to finish his
"Let it be so," he muttered, when
ha'wns through, and was putting on
his coat. "I thought that perhaps I
had found a woman after own
heart. But let it be so. Amid this
World of wealth and fashion she, too,
has lost her soul - . Let her )0."
• He avoided her thereafter. lie did
not seek to catch her eye for a bow of
recognition. When she entered the
drawing room where he was, he
ivould go out by another way. But
he was more than over in the com
pany of .Ned .Wlttaker. Ned, in
passing to and fro between Miss Ells
worth and him, served still as a sort
of link between them. • k • • • •
"You are a, cynical fellow," said
Ned cne day,' .'Vtrhy don't you take
people as they are? You will find
goo(' enough in thern."•' •
"But they _won't take me as I am;
that is the trouble." •
"Pooh ! you see she allows no other
Button; -to accompany her. Don't
you see that she is alone, or with the
girls most of the time?"
"Her heart is full of vanity."
"PshaW 3 !She is trained to luxii
,rlous notions, that's all.:
' .Manwell'strunk was await' ng him
and the stage, outside-on the piazze,
at the time this.conventation - was go
ing on. On the trunk werehia initals,
"O. M." • Miss Ellsworth passing
that .way saw 'the • initals—not by
Chance, for she had been very busy
scrutinizing the trunks that lay to
gether In a pile 7 , and when she saw
the • toilets She started and turned
pale.. She recovered herself and
withdrew, (rein her companions a lit
tle way, and then stood still and
watched.. 'Soon Man:well' came out
with Ned upon •' the piazza. • lie
chanced to turn his eyes toward her,
their eye:visa—met forthe Unit time
since she had left him while, he was
at work upon the lock'. She did not
turn away her eyes. She bowed. He
approached her and bid her goodbye.
• What the conversation was that en
sued between the two when they
were leftalonek by means, of • Ned a
Ingenuity In spiriting away the rest
of the company, .15 unknown, . save
the following:, - ? •
."But I ems locksmith," said Man
,well. •
"No matter." . • • • -
• "Are you willing to live the. wife
ef ono who with his hands eams his
daily bread?" I - • 1
"I am willing to u n dergog anything
to be with you. I have suffered
;enough., ;During these last- few days .
I have, lestrued' what lt to a espld r
of being inatedM the onethstf love."
"But Your , mother.—.your father??
"Unless I am willing toloave them
for your pate I em , not. worthy of
"But the less of wealth. position,
of the surroundings of refinement?'
. ~
. i
NA• 1 ; •, .:. ,
1 I) ,j ? ;•Ltr ! • 1 . 1 ..,
4,• • :( 1 o Ll• i-.:lt. . 1
. i„
Of i
11' 1
I t,
L'P•W 91.1;i1i t. Yld
jal trr l •ourp4 " ;
'yk=„ tiary'int..' •
ktibaritvilliniptix: hyaline!
i mYtWiftl-111111114WitthleitiorlinYout
t in„S o er 9ur - 1 0 0 011 f
• A 10 1 01
4113 r. '
"'Ann ..
`l,llZltill think you am wenitlw
' • ; nutmeg then, wiiwUl getions.:wity
with Hat} nod . bon bergi s the
'sroild A rliat t gfit ntl e ik FA..
hteitiandith WlVertin " onoo
WeAtililtti thithiMitt ' Ittiihit'l
jai% forynii4diliorne•which; tedathi
lowly, ,yott,tifiii. hirc Ii; i - . 'llf
m y s ) , lL-r7C o t, w i MAI iv
l ' iftW• tin ' 7erAtittlit oi li ra& a'
Alb • wicked. : Ned Viiiiratilthe
Ilibiel* f. -The next ittutt owed; Shwa
Pio incj t y,• ..1• , , e) .i -...,1, •t•J,!:
~" alio*yo the ii . i whirls j,
;wove," sard'asitd ell,` tbd dati•
F i agg ;which thoyithokiist.ithe:deobt,.
aflllown up. before taao,of ftabmgl
1 • no of brown stone houses, in a !TOD ;
did part of tho city.,
'lWhs do,,Yoil: liitilln sits.• 4 4 ,.
,minded as she ,acconifitteu, kor,
I jintiMittlLiirthirticad's "tir_liluit`
: Om: sciii .o ..:10,,,,:k0 0 i ,,,,, 1 . 4
t I P 3 •/1 00 4's anclugli.oe.wOuda
I . :And lie lod het in , and alum; oth
er rooms to which . ho coinineted 14
wife was °not fted up as a Worksh tip,
where, as ha addl. ho mina:haunted
to Indulge his ,love fur nuNluuticul
work,' iifter having: he iiiisyrW her,
regularly served his thtki:arldhr9l,hr,
Mrs. 311unvell stood mul looked ut
hho inteptly— . •
"this'is your hO4so?",,ilie
' 1
"Yes,' ' ' • • • • •
• ' , Ann you are hot pbor;'but rich?"
Yotio.itimank tit truth,. 2drit,.3 Matt.
. • :I v. ti:
wh YII 4 4 I .XP4'PW: Ml,jfiJe s l,
lin me?" • • • '
'irgiti 3o -Yibßttlft O Orpo[P4ol3l . • ,
, l oWld
pie for Own, -. tt
Ni l ; prettY;
ikeoyou dositotiove.iriet" . •
"But lido.n . ... •
r 1 SPO 11111, 101 •••n•• • c.
On 1
S !e4.0 waPPilitoc
"Now inviteyottrfatherandinoth.;
er tO come and see us,"Sakl Mantvel I
niter , the, clouds bad_ cleared saner
.What away. . -•
"I will," SliP . replied, "I
'lira you mnstigo with me to see them,
and pacify. them in View of what' we
have done."...•t:
. "Verylrel.• •., ,
''. l In it few dayit'they started oat lu
the earrlage on their errand.. 'Mrs.,
3fanweil gave•the!directiOtie to thb
clriVer, and: her husband could: net
help expressing weede-ratt• 1 #":
cteasing squalor of the neighboOixo
through widahlhay bide: The, - car,
singe drew up' berM•re • - miserdbfe•
looking tenement hciuse and stopped.
"Witerethediemen are: You: :Jaktug
me?" asked•PtpuTel!, 4 7 9/dr l PikkaTß - ,
•ly id . • ,
:,"(,%me add 'tide," she replied es 31t6
proceeded to stil•frout the etrerlage..,
"Here, wait, "he excialtned after
the first hesitancy,--"let me get out
erst.,•and.helpyou but..! What i does
this nuautl" t 1 • 4-
"Follow me," was net rh.P4'•:.„.
Shp 10(.1" him up .stitirs—up, up,
through - throngs and•dirt and miens,
to the fourth story. Here she open+ .
ed the door without, ktKickings -and ,
the tWo eptered.- warrum.was
dk saved iiattly, and so *ere The elan-
but th,-77.444 , ti1i-dritSsedi -viliff••••
Poorly, in ikeepiug-witii• the place.
The- man -was, dad more, carelessly
'and even more poorly. On his head
he Wept:Mhal, which certainly was
full half n dozen years old. ' •
"Myliusband,••Mr. .Matiwelt, mys
father and mother, brothers and. sis;••
ten," said Mrs. ,Mapwell, introdee l
ing all parties.,
Manwell stood and stared withdut
speaking. •
•i•" Ask their pardon, George," said
Mrs. Munwell, "for running away
'with mc."
' "Who are they ?"
"Have I not told you, didn't . 1 in-'
troduce you I" • • •
"Who were those at- the mattering
place 'ma
• "Some wealthy people who had
seen' me nt the• where.
sewod for a' livelihood—served •my
trade, George—and fancied my. op
pear;u3w, dressed ap) up and took me
with them."' • .
"You Jest." -
"Do II Do I indeed ? These peo;
pie seemed to recognise me as •
daughter.and:4 sister. Jest, indeed :
You Nyill find that out."
"You fireloo cultivated, too, taste
ful, too fine featured '• 0 •-"
All this," said Mn. lifanWell, "a
Milliner may he, .of a sewing girl.
Look for yourself among this claw.
Is'it not true? All that we girls need
is • . .
Manwell lifted his fist and dashed
It through the air. lie ground his
teeth, and turningaway left the room,
iilanimlng the door violently behind
lib; Wife took off her.hat and clot&
and flung herself down at, 'liable, and
buried her fate In her. handkerchief.
Tile door opened again and Manwell
put in his head. • '
"You have deceived me," he said;
but come you are my wife,, I will
try and Lew it." •
tilie sprang to her feOt and confront
"Your wife, em 1," she exclaimed,
"and doomed to live with .oue I hat
duos not love her, but was hi love
with her ciremustanms :* No sir, you
may go; 1 will not live a wife Unloo
- for myself—you musttake nib thus
or I will stay. Still lam work.
Ile closed the door and retired down
stairs to the street, clenching his
hands and tetith - as he Went; . • ,
"The horrible disgrace at it," he
muttered... The derision that will be
my lot. And then to merry such . a
But at the street door lie tarried.
lie had to struggle with himself all
alone. Suddenly he tinned and dash
ed impetuously up stairs, flung open
the door of the room, seized his wife
in his arms and clasped her to his
"My wife," ho whispered in her
ear, "such you are and ever 'shall be
before (iod and before the world." , .
"Now I begin, to think• that ,you,
love we," ,she said, smiling in his
thm. "Yiddo lovo hie? You rail+
ly think you do," George?" '
Be clasped her more tightly to
hint. .
• "Couto then," said she t ',though of
such parents; peer they" are, I
shout& not feel ashamed—yet they
are hot my parentiN but have only
PlaYeil apart , in , which .1 ,have, in , -
strutted them. Shake: hands ith
them, George; they are, Worthy pea
pl. '- •
• And he didalutkelutrais With them,
and what is mare he . helped them.
merry party was gathered that
evening ut Manwell's house, a party
consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Mann/ell
and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ells
worth and young lady acquaintances
of the watering place;and Ned Whit
taker. ' Ned was ndver in better
spirits, nor, let it be stated, were Mr.
and Mrs.. Ellsworth; 'who forgave
their daughter and her husband with
out hesitatiOrt. • " '• •
"I Say; George," sakr-Ned, whia7;
peringiu Manwell'a . eer, ..two
play at that game, can't thOy'r"„.
Manwell took Ned's Jeering- very
ioberl. "Yes," said ho, after a few
moments of thoUghtfulners,"and the
experience has taught me a lesson.
What fools the pride of wealth makes
lOUS all. lt• thought she ought to
.` MI • •;•.- 4 .... -41 ••,'• f.• Ir. ;141 ; 4,u ~;
Al 1;f,•, ••1: VII
t 101 :VA t J-:11 , 01
. 11;1111 ,v:rvil
iv; I.+; ; ; 11J;*.ifP .
, ,; ,: I f. •;441••
. ,
loniop 9f,P.T
Wrynt 1 .919 R e 1i
' %Out 4iti•lt4ittid 14ysilf
fountiwsuiting. It Shell WI evit War*
an erig,AllierkoAainr4i 94 1 j
Ned shrivel:4:We. ahoutiwaublii
tosr. ,
r 'O4 Jtallo ed learia4,tha Li*
ion !i pl '
i-;11,to 11
; Auer,tia l ithpz paapott t
o w ns
visiting tOwns . ht
ll l NCZA l t i fif i r i • t r
,t7 23 0 3 1 3 .5-fifY.l B 4, 1tt144.444
apirtmemt . * . ..toumprou litngiger
ohirtitti;WhOSe 'Ali 'allied
111eated.latioreat , deal'of t thtsery'lhtitl
auffeairireinegreatuuntetin meets-
• .104 1 per ph alive show!), too
uphletha • •EtKourogectlly h 1.4
1 t
*OM Latin hattlit -,.•, •
; 4 /, amisitcl;yami tar as ai briatheri
Lamm' JO' Lthii 4411),,!nig ,
w 1 WAtn A II I ng 1,4 MI tan thatlnepn
ratti ah';' , htit'forniekly "I'COUNI
. )past•
Ittati; had
• t i rjrivi r illasramUour
X 1 QPt{.l 15 . 0 w (Lam;
c4rliifild~bLF' .arrytAttiptirgF.,
nub uf 9 ,pup, ,
Ntife lift; - Intl 'drift' to
Prague. Mama:;tiovdr the•rerni
,rani of . small lAroperty whit*
.lont, , Letl to my ,utaxutors., Although
hotttLuillyy suceessfal, the ex jkothie, of
u long. litlgiatlim,"has More thatilrival.•
rowed up the trifthig sinitlreeov
.4l.l,:.To-thty .1 set 00 for liouto-,pen,
liditgla -2 ,3., 7 • "• • - • i•
you hive amze . Y l ptt
hard i dtnie l tveflliend It nk'yOlt Or
'this proof Of yoUrceteet To midi&
j brother. vrofersor •is to, coo snore
.thailar•dulYrrit ,1111-4180 re., comp
talo,u it have theleinuse hteommou;
‘tinot' rftmtutieneafeetA,, some, Itt Order
to treat others-betterlthan• they de.
servoi it only makes Ombra UCCI7II
tiY s tq prikcep . .e.thtequihllplum by
Paternal kindness, „ I:ln‘t a fT.IY, bye
.tem'Olo.rlon't SOO: brgratlttnk, for
A feel thatl only dLieharr,o u debt.l
• tuy"dair brother,' sald
Isisit,'smiling, 'thin fats mornbntlf.
am no richer thhnyon phut that does
nottrouble, ate. 1 have credit, and,
1' can make rosily haeney_staxt • froua,
the keys of my phine. However, as
-yotr are . In haste tá return home; yen'
shall not be • dolayed on ihecount
tilY prel3ent „vault, 'of.' the.'nectinooy
,•.•.• • • , t 1 i ,
So'saylnk he ( . .ipenelittuotlier drtivi
er and took nut a SPleiiiiiititnedaillort .
and-gavalt - ..•
saki he;,!that will do:. It
,was tt;pcesent,hy qie.Euperor,
of Austria.-his own,
,portrait *set In
diamonds.''. The "Wilting is nothing
i•eurrarkablei • but • the diamonds are
• [the: .Take them atiddisposeof them
and. whatever, thay brittp, shall, be,
Th 6 old Man tried in Vain to de-
Alia go ileblegifhLrlittst• vonidsiOt,
hear of a refusal, and+ the poor man at
length _withdrew, after evoking tiro.
choicest 41essings of lieuveu.nla ,his,
genertaS 'behefactor. '
' Holbert fepaired 'hi • the o ff ice. rof .
'Hie principal Jeweler in the city, :in
order to tell thodiamoutle. Seeing a
miserably'druaieti man wing around
anxious to dispose of Inagnilimet dal
inonds, With the value' of Which he
was -nnacquainted, the master of
shop very naturally.ansptsletl'. his
hon‘ty And while appearing
,;o c}-
.amine the'dhutionds with close !taco-
Him,. he whispered a feet' words in
the ear of one of his assistant'. The
latter went out and speedily returned
accompanied by several soldiers of
pollee, who arrested the unhappy ar
tist In spite.of his earnest: prottsta l
Cons of innocence. •
'Voci ( mast come fi rst to prison,'
they said, 'afterwards yOu ran give ,
' an explanation to the magistrate.'
The prisoner wrote a few 11110:1_ to
his benefactor, imploring ids assist
ance. Liszt hastened to the jeWeler.
. 'Sir '
'• said he, 'you haveametithe
r arrest of an innocent- man. °acne
with me immediately and let us have
- him reit:A.42d. Ile is the lawful own:
er of the J en.els in Oliestien, for Igave
them to-k iln'
Grieved at hitt tnistake thowealtby
userchunt,sought to repair it by invi
ting the two musicians to supper.—
' 'Pie honors of the table were done by
;Ms nuihtble!dattighter, whb appeared
no' letatouchefi at. the generosity of
LtY.zt than astonished at his talent.
That night the musicians °film city.
serenaded their illustrious brother.,
d T is he tinvi nex i t s t i l i az
in tle ab n ita ob n ies taro arl,A7 o t
presented themselves at Ills deor and
entreated hint to give concerts,' leav
ing it to hisualf to tix any, sum he
p l eas ed as a rurneueratiou. Then tho
jeweler peicelved that talent, even in
a pecuniary light, may be more Val
uable than the Matt precious 'dia
monds: .• Tilsit continued to goto his
house, and to the inerchanOt . great
joy he, soon perceived that his daugh
ter wait the afitse of thcse vlsits. lie
hewn to love the company of this
musician, and the fair girl certainly
did not hate it. '
. ler•
' As he uttered *est! gesie.ruus words
7,18 404) 0 4:Wwer ) 11 / B writs
eiwa and ital. lieu he. saw that
Ids deposttO for MA' tilbuey
ontaiW-but two wilts. •De suln
monetViiis• servant.. -
' Wherq,,ls the, money 1' ,awked:
herep44l„ poiutiug ,to
the open drawer.' ,
; 'There! ' Why.:there ia.. ileareely
.• I
•ouw•4 • you viva* , to qv.-. tar, • al'
meinler :rico, you ywtetslay.
the eitOt %mg ndrly exhhuiited.'
. .
.. But, sir,' asked the Merchant, 'w ho
are you s 'l'l . . . .
'.lly halite istisii.
'I don't know any rich man of that
mune.! •
nifty be; yet Via 'tolerably
well known.'
'Are you aware, sir, that these dia.
Monds are worth six hundred thou
sand florins—that is to say about one
Hundred and sixty thousand francs'
`So much the better for him on
Whom I have bestoWecl them.'
'But iu order to make suehia pres
ent you must be very wealthy.
'My actual fortune consists of three
ducats:. •
"filen you area magician.' .
'lly no means; and yet, by just
moving my fingers I can obtain as
much motley as I wish.'
'You must be a magician!'
`lf you choose disclose to you
the magic I employ.'
' •Liazt had seen a piano in the parlor
behindthesliciti.• lie opened it, and
ran his Lingers- over the keys ; then
.seized by sudden Inspiration he ini—
provisal one of those soul touching
gymplioniei peculiar to himself.
'As he sounded the first ehord,"a
beautiful you n g gi rl entered the room.
While the•naelody continued she re
mained speechless and immovable;
then as the last note died away, Au
cried with irreptible enthusiasm:
'Bravo, Liszt..'lls ivonderous.'
'llost thou know him then, my
daughter,' asked thejeweler; •
' 'This is the first' time I' haVe had
the pleasure of seeingor hearing him,'
said she; 'but I do know that none
living save Liszt could draw such .
sounds from the piano.
• ' Expressed with grace and modesty
by a young . person "of remarkable
beauty, this admiration could not WI
to be more.than flattering to the—ar
tist.. Iloivever, after making his best
itaknowtedgements, Liszt • withdrew
in-order. to deliver tho • prisoner, and
was amompanied,by the jeweler. -
One day the jeweler, coming to the
. !Is publisgod every Wodbeiodsy In Ilth
ALI Ares l•ttil•llfig op Thttitl 14trectdsoi
'1'".r. PMCOWAltaterti'sinailt&
. . •
. -
; Communications: pn aulfr f loCta of,katil
xiegtstiiiitlitit;iiist arel''rdspikitdilY !Ad-
Jkil.l3,ll:Ll:To luiaird itielittbtr tiVoltlf kyr.'
;this ichid , diumstatruilsolyAo ,, seedealuP
1 4itl{I10rretraa.otio4autoor:i.. ,,, , •••••rfs I t
' a ii i t t t Viili t lTHVid i t i t*PAP4f }ft:,
1 .•1 I. ~•11 • .YF I CitilD Pimpzit . , - ht .
4 / C
. 411 1 1110 , :i : kei, .. 1 4.4,'," LT75 ....411,7 I :4ol rr i..ll7icl:l
4 : . ./(PhtliboYOU 'i rnteiW i llilagiltM l.. l
nil ibl is tintitafigek Mill FILE ,1 4 ,L: ~..," .1,,
i i :NV ilteNtlit t ykilli664C9l ...
• • -** •
i ./ 11 . r Ni t : itti tbab• g rirVO
,t (1' Hi rult dui to by It: ' -
; ! VW UM ' list th' a lotion°
tor-thneiadalllibir ifraseer.i ) 7 .. 1 .1 1111, • 1 ''••
I'l would willingly accept IL' .r,.1 t
I: i Well, we undeautosul each other.
3ly,damphti*pleiumer.39na;iyoupleas 4
, iox, 414044: •tirr fo‘tilliatA Pellbirr'fi
i t e
ti 3 wy son•JA tv,,Y rti , . • ~, . 1 ~,
, swim* . 1166 dt,fll/ ,)4 J•
1 Tild *nail Arati' i.hlibrti . ted i tho ' !
conalugnmelmw )1 , 'Alf r... 0/. If oi thus; L.
J 4 . 3004 1 4 4, . Pfita-.4 ll o , A'clth.p ,
ir d i
g i ftit e, ' ~,,-. tgortiwp.f.t
thtetna 13 r
0 ,,, .i. ; „ RIN ~.,
I ,4mist i qiimi". , . U'
1.1,r7•7"17: .. : irrriolt 04.04%.4440"-ki • i ~ t ..• • ..
v I TiloSE. who wit.t...lll•4le,habitot et 1.,
tending Poilii:e auctother courts mus t
hitY 43 ' oiyvod- Utqmlir Ander
which the laNyens ay udgitheA;r;
sernetlitiOld gettlrig *1 nail: ten- .
thy' hi' •ktul-.Atniro. Thd' go in leg; '
Ivhiehitophcooktueboiloat lAurt "
lad: WP( l l±llhk Ain.ampitutattul itserllmpfl
.fqcaulige: A l inan nau_hg t v.q, (144ir5a.,,,
,14 thelletor th'ert, hiid'illAktliiii* .7 ,,
Ulitilatteit titittlidlaigidrUffic. ' 1 "
' tiouri.ctel die itolliziemarritilio'vioi , ,
iviiixsotk.,:4llWlnitillitl.itilikidino AV •
l t * e tigr s a.Tritrait -..,• ;AL ~-. ,
~-1 stk q.wmtruuk.
Itlihri:u "I'Wlicit 1 1 to•wo'ivrall4',"
WA.' as•laylutteirea , themt beldhltVt• '-I
like the pronoun lie did he? Ile did
.not say lie AVM drunk, ‘ " .
Witne24. • ' l O/VyesAdill4-116 iiiild
he WilA drunk ; hofteknowlenged , the • -
e 0 1 1 1•"•, , ,;; . I,* 'f',1:11.:1.; ' ' -:•:. It . ••• • •
-Court (getting_ leppitlet4t AI; the
wltnc.,t'srutiltlity:' , "You don't un. .
, deratith4 tui.t tit WI il *ant tlaiWords' .
al he uttered them ;!ltildtetlie eay; . l •
~ , / i•• •• '
• Witiai (dlkruelititudy,) „!•01/..4,0, ~
yodrlionor: lie didn't opy, you piun , ,.,
drunk f I wouldn't allow' any mi n V 4 O .
charge , that ;upon “youttUt niy - .". • •
rAtieciltilrf, ffi ' dhilYliir 11114411. 1.
corniireWhil at' all. ~ , • • 1111;p4r,.•
mean; did hot the, 'pj.i4:l 4i .. i , i , Iti '
you t l. w.l44ltUnk.o; , L 1 : , ; 't." .' " 7- ' ~
A demi , Irdleetively4,..- , ISidlli: ILO, .:;
ruilelkixivSt OA you ; WM iktilllci, , Ilia .1,
I d du".t . ,l7r WI. ' .., ~ •
hat . , ~
; Attort ter 'ihe j,r1.50' n'er. -", hat
the Court elsiresis. to 'lave 'otl' Iti''''
the prisoner's own words, proservtng
the ;!,revise form of-pronoun that he
made usta of in ?vide, ti W l / 4 0414 per
son. I, tho2d.porsoa4. thou; or the ,akt , ,
persou4be, s ie or 14.,?
~ltiqvr,then-eir;. *
(with i4eVerl ,) upon your oath, did
not iny blibn isty; I ten i dtank?"'
, Wine* tketttugitiitti.) -NoMetlid .'
itetsay youards drunk either,: but if •
he hail, IreekOui l lie,tvoidd'nt have,
hod liay. Do:you 'spow,,the pour,
ftqlmVellarged-thi4 'ttlioTd you rr %%11th"
being drnhkink ".• " '
. ,_....---, 'TO. !P . .
..1, •" I 01 , l•
wilit.ti a number of laneru aria
gentle Men 'Were (-HIV. at Wrama, •
a' few dnYg'srnit, Jo y glut t the.
Emerald late appeared alai called for
•The lantalor.ti , .IMouhl
tune whin the genthitnea Nyere done.
• 'tet hUh eto`wd'in aniengl4;''Fiald"
a limb orlhe , vie %OR lusco'
some fun with him.' , ,; , .; .
. The Irrshman took the
table. -- -
* 'You )014 bum in thhi•onnitrY,:
Piero pai l friend,?'
• `,No,Mr, wa:shcirp
'ln your fatheilielag?' "
'No al .ho La - dead.' - ; • ,
" 411mlif,M1•tiocupailoar
" l 'A 1 4Pu. 4 . 6 V , Ttir4-. (4
'WPM : 011 /$ 4 0 P ; 11e .41.cra t !W
• • ,
"rratting hbri4,4llo :." •
'ltid./ your father cheat any person
Whiiuhgwas hater, ' : • -.
, • '1 suppose tip 4ld . ch eat a good ma
13y, Mr.' •
'N't'here &gym, simpaile he Went Pita' •
`To heaven, .
'And you nuppopo lie is
doing in limven?! .
n'ratling, finnies,
1.1n.41ie eltentefl 'any nhe'tlieret ' •
Ale cheated one, .1 believe • sir.'
'Why, dida't,they prosenuto hint?'
they rwarclusl the whole
kingcicim of heaven and 'couldn't nail
a lawyer.' , 2 •
---A circus 'l'omi:tried to
turn three eonrentainikt on horseback
the other Alay.. The manager. sent
back to New ()Moms the following
day fOri another minters:mit man.
• -In 3in. , i*Sehtt.vetts; the °tin+ day,
man thought he could' rtiin the
track in advantit of a locomotivia
The VoerVilVet lit the grave were very
hnpressivv, a ,
--Few men would attempt to dry
dampened gunpowder in the kiterien
.alotie:'• A' inntrin Canada dht Iris
afflicted futiity would bo'glad of any
information. auto his whereabouts..:
—A ninu.ln New Hampshire, the
ntherthky, cut: ten dozen raw oysters'
on a %yelper. , The silver trimmings
eked, on his Watt cud $12.3.1.
—John Smith,in Neliniska;sald he
could handle it rattlesnake the mule
as a snake charmer.' The, churlish
ems of the undertaker in demanding
!ray In advance, delayed - the funeral
tour days.
• . .
"S Am, why don't you.telk to Inas.
Att, and tell him to lay up do treasures
in heaven?" "What do use of him
laying tretisures dar, where he 'ocher
gm um aguin ?"
)t:§t afraidot the lightning,' mur
mured. a pretty woman i during a
thunder storm. 'Well, you may,'
said a th.qmdring lover,, 'whoa your
heart Is steel?,
"WELL; - Patrick, what versiau or
edition of the Bible do you think best
to'usein thepubliesehools?l" . "Enlth,
sir," was tno reply, "/ think the Ihr
away edition would be the very bud
to adopt." .
'thus,' of the Chindwin 77u4es, re
lates of an old conductor promoted to
train dispatcher es fellows; • '
• Ilabitiraseieeedingly strong in the
eft-couductor.! As ho sat lm the of
fice ho would start every thou ho
heard a bell ring and
Then he would go about the ()film at
Intervals and try to collect the fine
from his assidants. We dropped in
casually one , afternoon, and. hilly;
wanted to know if We had a Ices.
Ito couldn't get •accustorned to his
new'pwition at all. Ho pined to he
again on the mid. One day he is
the boys to put him through a col
lision, which they did to his entlro
gratificition., They tore cloths
nearly Off; blacked his eyes, broke a
keirosentL lamp over his held, and
piled a ,rail-het stove°. top of hint.
ri lE sijoyed bun
Mow w e ir; Jox appeared ,sis
aßiliittl%:lerred:CATlCHlC`"l:ll"ihml a bile:
ref:Shier at hie recent suffrage facet
log tit Daytelf,' Ofikl; and a Jealous
brother in pmfesisioii meanly wrote.
of her that whethershe Is a 'thing
of beauty' firma, she will probably
remain a 'Joy forrVer.'
, „ . •
A Yksicga tx)Yleetsitly took his
sweetheart to one of , tho St. Louis
hotels for dinner. „Fishballs, were:on
the table, but as the youth,had never
seen the article; he supposed ,they
were doughnnts; and handed 'one to
his companion. After breaking , his
own open. ho carefully examined it,
smelt at it, and sak,4,ll4atildadon't
cut that -, doughnut—there'S . gome•
thing dead in this!' • •
—G. \V. Houston, n painter, out of
work, killed himself at Cincinnati on
Thursday lust by rt pistol shot. 110
lived at, Amelia, Clermont County,