/14.4114,40 , 064 , 11114. ---ADvtat, 7147,* : 7 47 - "r• — "7:777 A dv . ercisowent^imiAumttqAet tharatii of $l,OO per square for first iniortion, mud tor ottill sninekillon. Insertlearbo bonnie, \ iigu•al dinountmado on yearly , al.' et 41,e wen 414. • •• " • -••• A sraeu equal to ton lints of thltritiii ime.t.sures Hirtlarel,• , ., t.:kitaW Gusluttsa: NoUeilleatkkbetid l a Ito nisolvus ituni )4i o • .ohogicod..isuotoniasa lino ilr eut•lt hipertion.'• •-•- dvertisiquonts „,r. r o :kioaday noon to Justin) Itusertloif liult week's 4 A ..1101114.14 Ca egg . 11 !•111 . AIWA! JlOl, f'V a: , et night at aty reeldtmee ow water meet. r „„Ltetotteri Mildtprobt lee navery and Hod: ...traattelreted WIN ii.r3l --- o! — triat - i - inti, f I tourer, ts. ' °almond residence an glad St.• , ot ttw Court Howe. • All law tatalnema entree.. ' a to my cam shall rendre - preeard attention. pri,ons Mivitig Real - Zdato for , ante, and I , to boy to nrcipatty, coaltt Igal ~,„ mny note limn sad Worry by calling at my, s r 310NIITT, I)4U:tying Pcniaanett• ,) located In Bearer; Would reepecttally ten r profooslould venial, to too elttzenoOrlie s tv. rand Furrountllng country. leOpecia ention. I4u treatmeni Vtielliallnilieaaes , • Sauey • n n Mica on Third motet, glom, %test IA the Court House. • r _ .1. ANDEUSOI%, baring taken hold of rI ha- old Foundry again, In 120Ctietdee, t.f lacued to- 'nee) huld cuAeticto iond y(llyr 111.1 y n ant either the DE.ST COOK. NUPE, Ileatlug. linnet or anfOtherktud of '..4.1411,,1i1f tryst nutterlnl and ouflonanellln. the wall be conducted It . r. J.: ANlncusoliAiluNs.: . t • ILMIEVES, dealer Boone 11 Witch!, Slipper*, &c., to•xt door to 1.,:a a Tin thup, Ulldgi atratt, „,C•.. : ..J ,0 Is 2 lo 'a oOnD- 2 o3lLttOt vTi 2 j r. • • 1,9.04°41Tand atarutacaeli itatgo I Itoit re l akam rugs rittre Itore ' ill2Ll old f o rialdd usSrp;r to giv e bin a 1; 44 . c.P.Herliti AfaL tr, • As. cAMEltoN,...iiitOin4 atVitt J, ;carer, Pa. 0111 co in th& room for !, tly occupied by tho Tate - Judge Att ma, Col. sc., procuptlY atteded • , .11 , 41 NET, Watchtualcer sad ini — eler, 1 . Ik•as at, ric r Adjolulag .1. i oalca.) o 1 rta kind rade rviallred and arra ti. . Engravitg 'murder. 'rho patr4))),p 11_1htwikadkiAt ~•,41, and • • ,h I I l:,•ltl' ILEUZ, Dealer hi B9ota, ...ippeny and Gallant. /Latta anti theca ninth? A Iota: experience in the baainrse eua• • Lau to do wurk in a etiperiur manner. 'rerun! r.ite. shop un arreut (near' Her. MU. hooktounil, 'leaser, ea. (live him II call parch:lllllg eleeetere. • -• • ( !f t 1 11 d i 11 1 ; a b la l k 2 1 i 3 I n I t c ai 14 I: 1 ; i ;, ' L.ntsl4lt:en and acknowledg'inents Ikea nub . commis:Mined usAgent •si bat etas., Insurance Costinaulos,•rcprF: the. rim, Lite, Aecldeut, and Livo•Stoek • ...,m,ate, is prepart.tl to take risks and write •• • to, the most liberal terms.. .Also, agent ••Amliur Line" of first Class Ocean Bles4ol - sold to Und from all porta In Eon , Scollutitt,Germauy and Franco. lit •t• ie al s brick row, Diamond, Itoeltotter. • 1411101INAItY AND 'NATI- I / wit open lb bptlng..Seaelon Murcia IS7O ; Rev. U. W. Tpylur, L- ,•,t•li by ell. able ti ngractura to tad elllkrent i ~, ootinente. atru rtdatttl. s, in Grcuk,latlti, Vrt tuut tin ulna. llay I midi/al hr it successful Lednirer and Pxnetltnetit whit Eta At proutus,•Plittoeophleat and Choral :II. Malin on tha Piano and Uri.= taught by a Pi - oft...lnt out vocal Main by II Purceestal roealist. Le fmktltittion dotuilahlatt, and Is no ,rperl : and It Is deturinlund by those having Ilia .v.olon of It that It 1161011101 rd In the van ok,Acm oli. and bntu4arlv4 1 , 11 it has dune 0 9 111 ~. 1 /Y ten years. Addretts, • 14:T. TAYLOR, Vonvor, Va. • • - ' CON NOB , The underalgne4 1 • 11:w n Tyro Illbrne Wagon, In coon run. .f order, which ho 0111 men low (or flub, or ox. _ . .:,.,,• (Oro good horse. Also a good cultivator ,- • • . : .4. C. sjuvurint. .... 2w f ' . - - ..• .l • • Drillserancer, Pa. irriloICIAL 4611','Irli' PERFECT. ED t— 'L./. & 11. J. i", CHANDLER have por ! ~ . ...lA' ~ chased the , oseluslYe • V _...-1,..7- ''.. N .. right of Beaver county . ..--Isc, , ,t - tt - r..) , _ 'to tmeDr.Stuck'sPatent ,- • " i t, ,„ ~...- 'by which they can pot '!,i- I , tip Volt:unite ns thin as l -. 1 -' j.... w /fold Pinto, with a bean- A Clot euamelSd polish: 1, •! ..., arta and elastic ns to perfectly adapt Itself , T7l , numb: °brim lug nil that clumsy and bulky „, I tim., is much complained of beretolorcrand • - “in their liability to break lOU percent. ItO , ~• .!. no one seeli, it wonid'be Willing to Weat the i ,1..1)ie plale any longer than they could conceit ! ..•h get them exchanged. All branches of Deo , , :r, performed In the best nod most unloclant lel .....r. In filling teeth with gold, etc., eye that. , dge competition front any quarter, and cart refer , , living kubjects whaac fillimrs have stood be. ii thirty and forty years. Among . the =niter ' ,i a John Allison will vciiihit fillings we laser, , .. -.mu 4.; yosis ago; tpo leetlt t la . Mee werellilleits ‘Lnliglauty, s i TattA t tl I' Plsil, freelikt It run all unpleased all2l7Gir ...,.... ueets. looking• the extractlatt of teeth a • ~ • ..I pleasure rather than of horror end „helm j , it'e ti' , W r4l;ilitni:ltoclickl4 Ea. , . r if , T. .1: 4; IL J CHANDLER. +, ' 1 -- ----------- Buy,E,RS, LOOK HERE! andereigned, thrukful for pakt favors WOUlti ” •; ..silitlly inform the pahlic that lie has One e'! . • ~,, • t ',teething of . 'i I NV P A wiNno v - SFIADES, CLOTHS Etc„. ! i` found in connty. Mot a t tlimt. , t 5 r 1,01, , tillsrellattedur and Ileilalouto 33 CiO C . II 649 , r t pal. nit, !Tama 01.114 ERN. IIEPAitT3IENT 71. • V P ' brts611 City rattbfloltmetra.'"lfeltt t'' ' 4 1‘.1., agent for the celabruted ` r efotititry's Gold Vert," „ tante, Thom: neekinga good Gold Pen, , ..1 well to see them before pareltmdtm. tt ' Ito Av oI for thk county for Krilloee i” ma )larrlnge Certificate. The attention I' •• 2.meit Is reottertfulle called to Mk 110 he them nt the e4llllO 11b16011,11 10 they would 111 the Poldleher. Atwater'' , *boot Gov i:lnt for Bale lit Poldh•lter's price, \ • • ton blond, 'I% /ye and Varorty blood, millable •emon, -t •• -tt• 1, 1 , 1 , •\ .ly 4. V. i . ltte-r: 1 , :11 Broadway, New'Brlghtunl, HINKLEY KNITT.ING - MACHINEg t , • • .'.-;;30.00 ••• .- 1- t ; . porrect machine yOltnented. IdII 0,1 narrow, tutubeet of point the mot I,:oin ors - ribbon; It w% knit Inc/tc • m me, .I,lrts, &0., tAi itiLetrapoiltliple AN, It regal:lOU own wdrk,quokl but 1110. not Combo.' Igo ndjniipot wirer. • tin came work t h at the Lamb 4rnirltitie a. cwt. titTh La lal tpneh 1110 hen •, b nth port tkr ntachliacty to get out or ' Vitt:al:trot mid purnt.le, motion tree flit ap mo. vraltWil. All IV:16111e, RAW at MORTON. I= No. DI Sixth til.rvel, NBA/nigh Po N E \V BOOT& SHOE STORE, I.III,SON'S 111.1C3CK, 01(1N!), 1:m . 111:S1'EIL ['ENNA t t baring taken thi 1:ootti fornirrly ENV t e r Ls 4:3 liivitem the attention tor Public Generally 'l' , l Ilia Stork of • 10, ) I i tors eV, Slippers. ' io t a _Made AVorjF.., i.i.T coNsTANTLY ON iiANI). rm'w 4NI) OF .11111: . • • <,, ;Ind Ic.:4LA,?,ii?litY• AL•L , •AND BE CONVINCED that he sells its •('lll:.\P AS THE citi:AvEsT .1. D. MILLER. Diamond, Decimator. , - • .-.......-.... . ... ...--.-- i. , ' •- , A 1 •.. , t1 t. , 414 .- • , ' , l+> ::-./. ..1: 1 .1 . - . .1- •.-• di 1 tyi tit,: ,,,-,. 1,1 ~, • , i' -. ' ' - '. - - I. , • ~ t. • .. ____, i t l - I‘..i 'llir ri 11 1 IP:41 . , . ~. . N., n • 811 o x - , - 1 , . . ~, l l ~..,?:, 4, , . . ._. . . ..# poll t ',Tyv.i-t . .411 IF VA. Miscellaneous'. • • TH UEZ 'LANAI ! WHILE the 'World Is more oiless ex. °raised over the opening -of the Suez Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi. elnity,4boutdisot lose sight of the fact that ' S ' XITGEI - 1, ' 4 . Akt.thei r old stand in neaver,.7*,are,still fainistfng lAtliar customers eve thing called ibiqu'their line.. - ThirldWaYtr keep iifull tutsortmenter , ... aliocznrns, - : Rmuv , Feed,•: Offers, • -Ray. Sugary,' *""' "" k•Weefo'' : ' ' ' ' ' ' Caiat6Ci l Cigat' Aria all other articles usually found • " a dhow : :'..GROGERY-SWORE: From thetrlong andantlinate itequairW anal ;with tho •Gromy,,Flour and recd. bustuccs, and their. .disposit,loa to,rpaticz. saliaketion to those who may, favor them with their itatroriage, they hope to the to. titre, ns in the • psati. obtain. dit7a, !Ammer the public patronage.. -Give us - . a Call - and sm.. if we do not make it to'Your in terest to call again. / S. SNIT e & CO. New FirmTz iNew Goods!! oxottitr&il tiritlettitt F'etieral St., 414 , 1.;Ea1r.E.X.Y,.. P 4., Have ' just received u hip: M iek ` and Pplenditt aportmcot of Fa " fivq(lo. al 0110,, ,; Cliifd .e,B* t (b riuy(s, gbys, Hobby-11°mA., " • orl4, Wagons, NVldelt they are•selling tit:UE.(lllml .Prices JOBBERS and the RETAIL Trade. We 'fliake . :t Spt (y 4,1 LADIES• SATCHELS, FANCY BASKETS, AND citiLDßEtsw ckititi.tuEs 41PLE.101,17 do *INGLIMON, rw r1:1; I.IH Feileral St.,A.lleglicuy, Pa. BEAVER DRUG- 5T08,43 1 -1. V . q9 Yk3glll.4,PgN, Drug(' Ist' 73 'L73. j PLNN . DE,LLEIt FrOr nntrouienitikiithinflio PAINT'S, OILS, VA DYE- 's'i'l-re•S, WINDOW GiLAM PUTTY, &e. Choieo F ilk GROCERIES, CRUDE AND REFI7fED OILS, LAMPS . 4; LAMP CHIMNEYS BURNERS, &C., Of the greatest Variety, and at the Lowes 4 1 . 1 riN ya. r,:i2" Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and scientifically compounded at any time day or nitthe. • . : - B — .Agents for Fahne:itoek, Ifuslctt and tithe artz's 6trietly Pure White Lean. the oldest end (best brand ht the market, at manufacturers' priete , .'"Eilit LoctSAY. Tile Celebrated Wilson Shottlelewin I= STITCH! STITCH!! STITCH!!! Stop—please, and don't ruin your eye. and cam st Itution by bending over the slow progr‘va of that needle, hut nave the all Important health, Unlearnt M Wiry by procuring a first clean Setting Machine, Due that make. iticTelebrated lock stitch, alike on both sides. and does all kinda of work; la neatldgte . able anti simple tit construction: ream very light: Is easy to operate: received the fleet diploma at tau late fair; givinz the befit of satistaellon to Its purchaser.: bulanted for three yea 6, and price only pin. Snub no one la The Celebrated Witron Shuttle •Vetring Machine. For further partienlare call at the (dice. one door below I. N.Atkine' llat Store, Beaver. Pa., or addrvs. for teatimonlate, ciders, he,. S. J. AN DIC,ItSON. Agent. marAly] Beaver, ra, SLATE inAtial nevcrxiv cnir-sr SLATE COMPANY Are prepared to furnish Italldeti or Math, mete Very Da4lllll4l:o9loreiriStigirior Rooflitg - Slate, Prom their own qoarttea located In Northampton county, Pa., AT QUARRY PHICE.§. natant.' may he seen , and commanicattons ad, dreszen to • E. L. qO,OIIVIN, Agent. J. N. NIIALLENBEUGEH, Pratt.. (Mice: BILEWEIPS numniNo; DUQUESNE WAY. corner Eighth St., Pittsburgh. Pa. - 11001 . 11614141.4"444-1 h 1713/1: 1 i.s: 11 , 1. , 11 :,.! t T comas' . • ' irkvimiltExtrraD'izrsikronEl ., ,Alco ;Tn ' the Rooms tortnerly Occupier] by Orr t 4 °wPer; where ha siow has • and : irdritdi keeHlns -, a - • r,. .; • A Geheral Stock' t Having received rinin the East, within few daya,past,a4lne selection of •,. DRY/ GOODS, Hai Latest. Spring Styles, o' of ALPACA, t oo tAt t t§!4l...llll:iel.VlO F .fr'l l l ll l l PM ,GINGIIAIiIt3; WIECKS. : - - . . • CLOTHS V , JEANS, TWEEDS. pvivißAom 0-itifo=l, .4 A CRASH, I Ltr, • HOSIERY, &e., .tc, BOOTE 4:.• 8II0113, i • L - HARDWARE, SHOVELS, SPADES. ! I A-t C ,r`l.• '4 ,l• c ~-..L I! row TUBS, BUCKETS, QUEENSWARE, .To the above articles be bas added a ME -0 1 4 i C° k l ec t 4l ',4V.Ve, COFFEES, TEAS, 4 ."LrEFE.lllslae"felQiiii i MOLASSES. SPICES. TOBACCO, All s WA ' Ick w Igaliti fin• cask, or exch. igml for country pro dnee.• Culll, and examine Ms sleek and prices. THOMAS ALLISON. apr2o Indy Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER, FALLS, .PENN'A. PRINTING, t " • 11PANWLVILC I I " " ROOFING, BAILING, • 11lardwatrey., Straw.: RAG 1 AND CARPET 17011.42ALLE AND SOLD AT whor4ll,4knyilen - b3k. Frazier, Metzler & Co., '" i llki r T n i n e PITTSBURGH. niken In excliango. :‘t. IMO ci; , r z 145374%-z AVholesal6 iii kcr Cher," Brpwn„ Mate & Satin .PaiNsra: • NEW - AND BEAUTIFUL... Paper IrDittehbCreirthitzieserieaiiiio; ' UOLD BORDERED " Oil Cloth !Modell, Plain an Nimrod; BUFF AND WHITE HOLLAND; ALL AT LOWER PRICES THAN iVER-11E: FORE OFFERED. T.Ticr9. Sr. CO. fll Waal St..betwiten 4th & Uth Avcniie. 24 door. below Diamond Alloy, PlUsbargh, Pa. mer22c. 'IV Itb ?e_a . WALL . IV I N DO Vir , l4-H A D , E , S : • BOOKS, 'STATIONERY, &C., TILE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST assortment of these Goods that has ever keen broughtio; the city.. Call and examine before purchasing, Realm con vinced, nt F. E. WELLS & CO'S, . NO, 106 FEDERAL STREET; ALLEGHENY ` geptls:ly.Feh.ected . _ 1117 - 11 Lank Deeds ferrule at the Aaac■ °dice ~imv~ • •-• !,, , . r • The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, Affording. facial Ica for acquiring a thorough,prac- Wei bum!neva eaucaticia,vmacaand elo other School the entintri. Since it, Incorporationln. „peayly Sixteen Thousand Stndenia tcpreanntalivos froth every State In the Union. have attended here. No vacation, Students enter at any time. and receive private instruction tht oughont the entire counts 1 ' N. 11.-Citculant with ptirtleulare and ces•ary I itromintlyn. Aft addrdestn,d f $.111.111 t cowLaY/ Psrn.nrim tr. Pa. x4;a0130; Ilea 3 a, I~.alpaili33 SPIRNG AND SIMMER STYLES At the,OJl:StaucL. wirio No': 50'8'pin/dick Str"eef, Second Door from . "OUrth Avenue, PIT URCIA . PA We 'call the attention or our former pat• Cons and the public generally that we are now prepared tu supply:them with a Mt mendous stock of WALL . PAPER, • asukrior quality and exilellenCe. at law .ur prices tlwn ,cpu 131,40 at any utile! larlablishment . I*. or Weed en uitc4.}. LqpiaF4.AND, laitb • • Furnished at the very, laweatlates: .Pttrticultir Atte2tion - .lizid to the' Wholesiale Department, CALL AND SEE CS. i 4 npi2o;3m) J. SMDLE & SON I, ,• A • • 1 , • 1•' 0 , 3111:II 111 lithalrol6o a 7.8- MTh ,I,Dry 1 . . • • I 11,..1M4 • ~...13 . 11 : N I :J A Y • ARA I 411.11 1§, I • 1. BRIDciEWATER,• Ott i • ' • ilL11:14 ,tilmitssur nut o PE,PPIP S b r ig A W ' lI F INPMYRifF, ; ::•.: f 1 ' 1 t . Y.Ea.O O O O IRUMAir - lqi ; ir)(111 . ..`,..,!,/ • '47,1 - 11tosixsvitto:Jeanto , t, t ••:11 't • ; ClusiPirOPlAnnitiktOrritn,i; Wbße Woollen blatiket,s, . ' ' '' • • • Barred Ilinnelt,; • ' • • • ... • Glngliams, „, :;'l.. (mbar 4t . •tomrlPF: Wa s ter i rroori„,,,,, t:.: . ...