will' ilemonb~rote on 01'6 trial that . McFarland was a brute and treated bls 'wife ha the most cruel meaner that the relations exlatlaehelween Beaver. pa.. Apr4l.ll. Mc. hr- r k'e :B e a . .Ve if /Olt Ui: U J. WItY/1711). ELltivii 4WD Pitonuriem.' Kir The editor of this paper is ab sonL • Tate Supremo Court has decided to reopen the argument on the Legal Tender case on thes/mond Monday In April. THE Turkish Minister on Friday last announced to the. President that ' the Sutton, as a token of , sympithy, le having manufactured a large car pet of one piece for the East mom of the White House. THE Committed of Nays and Means has agreed tonmend the tariff • bill on sugars, so it will read : On all raw or Muscovado sugar, and'on all other sugars not shove No. 12, Dutch standard,, In color,Y two cents per pound. Also to admit tree of duty maehh,ery exclusively for , spinning cotton yarn enough !lir ten thonsand spindles in any one,manufactOry. By order of the President the Fifth Military District has maims! to`exist. Texas fs created a . separate depart merit. General Reynolds command ing., The departMent of Louisiana is broken up, and Louisiana Is added to . the Department of Texas, while Arkansas is added to the Departinent of Missouri, tho uew Department A ,Conamiroximit of the Neiv York Times in predicting a second authorltlea to the demand made by the United States for the release:of the Steamer Lloyd Aspinwall, Imyroper ly detained at Havana, Cuba, since January' last. A reply is daily looked ' for; mid should it not soon be receiv ed, or prove unsatisfiictory when con sidered,the eciuntry may expect sharp and prompt measures for the redress of this outrage upon American cola- MOW: ' THE Darien ship 'canal treaty was laid,before the Senate on Friday last. Riau very long document.and all the essential points- have recently been given in letters from Panama. It is not likely that there will be any action on it at present, Ratification may take place at , any time within 18 months. The President says the San Domingo and Darion treaties are parts of one policy, and we cannot get the full benefit of the ship canal unless we take &in Domingo. 'PO: . Radical Is inconsolable. It will not be reconciled to a change In the Treasury Depaetznent. Its wounds will persist in breaking 'out afresh, even after the public had been led to believe they were in a fair way of healing. And new,ln the extremest agony, it invokes the Legislature to rezmest the Treasurer elect to resign! Perhaps, If General Irwin would con, sent to recognise on the Ist of. 316 Y, certain paper, to the amount of two or three hundred thousand dollars„ as cash, there would ben general letting up nil around; and everything thence forward would be lovely. But, we foir the General 'ls Incorrigible, and' that he won't do it. Toe Boston Advertiseridates that private letters from . San Domingo are filled ' with warnings against the , - proposed purchase of that republic, and represenat , the whole thing as a vast Job. They represent that the schemers have bought up - all the • valuable territory, which, in the event of unneiation, would 'be necessary for'fortificatlons and Ware houses. The election is represented as a farce. • No such thing as a vote by ballot IS known. Voters are brought up by force and compelled to vote In a certain way. "The forts, arsenals and navy," descritxxl in the treaty, are myths.. The debt, as we . learn from another source, will not fall touch short of 0),000,0110. ' IT was reported at Washington, last week,, that the President was Waiting fora reply from the Spanish term for (hunt, gives the following fair summary of the priuent &Mauls tration "Want has tried to do what is right. He has kept the peace; he ,has paid the debt; he has controlled the revenue; he has shunned. ing quarrels; he has not angered the country by distracting dissertations on the Constitution, he has Leen rich lri awing co nmon sense; and al though ho has disappointed aldermen. and, ward politicians, and the shorrfly statesmen whWwould own him—the people who plow and weave and dig, and who have ne hit rest beyond theircropsaud yarn believe in Lima. It is a great thing to know wo haves loan *llO means to do what is right, and once we InWe hint ;we are going to sushtin him." THU. Prod:bad was sere n aded last 'Friday night, by tkeltepublinut Ae relatton in honor i of 1:18 mo•.•!sago 'to Congass animunoing the ratltkatlou of the Fifteenth ~Ameadtueat, and resixnaled to tlOlllO remarks horn Col. • Forney, tu: follows : "I can 'ware these present that no • consummation slam the close of the war affords ine se much pleasUre as the ratification of the Fifteenth Am endment to thethostitution by three fourthsof the States of the Union. I have Wit the glutted anxiety! ever, Hint* I was tailed to this house, to I know that this was to hestxured. It looked like the realization of the de -1 claration of lutlepeneence, ,plause.) I *not say never so much on this sutJect as I would like to, not being .tweustotned to speaking, but I thank you for your, presence this evening.'r When the applause sulishksl Vice President Colfax was called for and JIIMIO a short oddreeri, a.ssuring those preient that his heart was with them . in gratitude fur the proclamation, which has dechired to the people of the Republic and the world the ratifi cation of the Fit 'Amendment. TUE trial of Mc/Viand in New York,which line been ptattpcmed from time to time, It Is mid, will merit :likety take place during the current week. The Prisoner's counsel une re ported us having at all times been ready for trial; hut, not so with the District Attoiney, who I'm pbtaintsl postponemeids oil the plea that he WlLitlVOret 04,1 i0.joitia hiekel time to make, the nmottary preliminary nr mngements, ,while the attorneys for the defeuse:—not being thus burtleina I —have had ample tim‘. to prepare for trial. A correspondent of the citiett go Journal says that In a con vervat ion with smite of 3,ir Itichartlson'a friends babas 'turned that they do not enter.' Min any hope of convicting Merari. and, They affirm, however, that they r Aerand Richardson wereeithe pmest, I 'character, and that Niclsarlanti • shot' Richardson alter hefted - offered to compromise the matter on thery meat ,of seyorar thisr There Is'no foundidloi tit% frcport circulating through the.piwitts to UM. etleet that Mrs. Mel land Ls Ity,leff In a cottage at Woodside belonging to the, iquehanham' estate,'—, The Stedman to the proper!) , left,W:#lol l salon !lave ; I xPt i go o tY ( 4 1 4 4 4ra ted. Bey*d,fils few ,shares in the Tribune he owned but .little, . and that was a considerable sum due on those Om%told, his property;sitef Oeilioeting the . pitilinenti &MAIO not exceed eighteen ortmenty. thous+ and dollars.' l ' PIE 11 the ; injunctien e as e ' "CethdClii: ag 4 i l " Ellia°o; Mayors of Richmond, Vs., closed In the United States Cirislit Court. cat Wednesday, March AO, Hx 7 Clovcruor Wiie'hutidng the.ciceing gpogcti or Wkiwr. lie repudiated in strong terms anyntilliation with the' black Republican party, claimed to be still an unrepentant rebel, and aid not aiantliti'position Misunderstood be twee,he appeared as counsel for the Republican claimant. He claimed the Court has jurisdiction, because Cahoon, as a lareAskiudanon''''' go out of office on." ~at of office until the regulai lion by the people..' Ellison'aeouneel claimed the admLselon of the StatO terminated the powers of all wevki ional officent in the State. The eion will &Met all offices In the State, which are nearly all filled by military' appointem, and who will remain until July, if the decision le in Amor of Cahoon. • • Since the above was in type we learn that Judge, Underwood has granted an injunction against:y.lll9,on restraining Win front acne!: as 3hty or. Ellison's counsel gave notice that the Injunction would bo dLsobey ed Inorder to cause the arrest of Eill-: sou and bring his otse before the Su-. pretne Court on a writ of habeas cor pus. The Judge, In his dicislon de clare& the enabling Act of the State of Virginia unemedational, which decision affects nearly all the officers , of the State. , • TiIERE 13 one ~r edcyrning trait in thechatucter of Batley, late revenue defaulter of Nehr York ; and that Li— if it be true—that he did not use the public funds thr his individual aggran• dizeinent, but for the public wen). Tile Springfield (Mass.) .Itepublkun says: Whatever may have been Bai ley's reasons for his disappearance, there Is no doubt of the use which he has made of the money which he has illegally appropriated. It has been expended in conducting the prosecu tion of whiskey thieves and revenue ' defrauders,' the law rcluiring that Collectors engaging in this warfare shall almost entirely bear their own expensty. Bailey fought against Men who wielded millionS,and his !Ovate 1 repo , urces were entirely inadequate. There Is do evidence that he has ap propriated any of the'lniasing money for,hishwu profit, and his intimate acqualmitanoes most earnestly insist that he has employed time tiovern meld looney only in the Government service. Less than a week before his departure; Bailey borrowed $250 of ' Assessor Cleveland, of his district, and subsequently returned $lOO of it. 'Heals° borroweda sum much larger I . from Mr. Runkle, of -the Tribune of fice, and he evidently had but a small amount of moneY in his possession when he left. The stories of his ex travagancy In , tinnily, matters and reckless profusion in personal expens- CY twomimply.fabricationg. He ()trete! forage the other day; for $l5O, one of that span of blacks, which the papers have appraised at $lO,OOO. and his magnificent landed' estate In New Jersey, consists of n few hundred • ; acres of wild landS ' bought in compaz fly with Mr. Ruhkle, on long time and at low interest. Mr. Bailey's family are entirely without means, and except the furniture of the house which they octupyaltnost in destitute circumstances: His Wife is utterly' Ignorant of her husband's' fate, and completely prestrated mentally' and physidally by the limiftil bleXtr. ,T . II: pamphlet. which has lately appeared In-circulation here, and from which , some of the patient haVemade copious extracts, is the same ibistunient Which wiss laid before thefienate when ley's nomination for . Collector was pending, sat all itschalripre complete ly dispelled. ft t ibi now ! brought forth tvlthont change. rand pahlislied as on entirely distinct and fresh production. • Fair Play. Au effort is making Dl congress to put women un lthe same footing: as men in respect i Of eligibility to - ap‘; polatments as clerks and elimpenAri.v flan. Mr. ArMtil . has intrialuted bill enacting that hereafter all clerks and other emPleystes in the civil set , . vice of the United ;Stotts, shall be ! paid, irresptetive Of sex,. th , enee .to.the character and amount. of iwrckes performed kV' them ; that in: the employment of labor, elerleat or other, in any brunch of We civil service of the Linked States; nu. di*, crlininatlon shall he made in . fitver of either sex; and , that where, examiiia tions of tundidates for pesitiOns in the' civil service of the United States are prweribed bylaw or by the belds of departments, bUreaus or offices, said examination shall be of the same character for persons of both sexs.4.. It Is further provided that designa tions 'chief clerk, elicit or held of di vision; eheiter!head of section, clerk of the fourth elate, clerk of the third class, clerk of the second class, clerk ot(te first etas* copyist, messenger, !aim . icr,' and ale other designations of ' employees, In !existing acts of Con gress, or in use in any br4neh of the . ! civil service of the United States, shall beheld, hereafter, to apply to women as well amen r; and that women shall be • regarded equally eligible with men to perftirtu theduties of the afore designated clerks wad eguidayea4, ant shall receive the enniptitsation there fore.prericaj bed by law --haspail, the leader or the French Bat/luds, whose.deuth was erroneous ly reported some time alto, is rapidly recovering his health and will resume his seal in the Chamber in the course of a row days. —Thu skeleton of this holiesuled ntunierer Troppnian is maid to hove been sold to the proprietor of Lon don museum lof curiosities by u French rturrectioniet, who stole the car pec a few days niter tho ovieution had take n pktee. Tir eCearrof - tha States-Paid fOitt ttieb P rt oP ert Y g, a bank isPed share dttinct m the t aidtill sif v taq balk andtha*eh eharci as the proptiyo p. e *ye eouliknot(,, ' belhe Stale, notwithstanding t e filet that nil the stock of the bank wai tnves •ted In Government securities. The law requiring the hunk officers to .PaLitilLtax.Altesalth..ilecubdinitk. 11 a .tax-3 1 1 00 ! 1 ;4 1 q 1 . 4 .40 c of AP • •ba4. The banks. are held to be fagged to State taws in. respecli ht the tax. , on eto3ll,ot,iholiolders 'and theY. may bacoMpbilad 1110 *ld W1;434444 fer - epenloUtaAebt ors stockholder and 14 - 13 • thought :the object Of tliet State law in : this yms *maim thantsiniihirly*praiit bleia, respects Of, the; ink. - *Pow!. This decision was in the ;dupe -of the First National tinny of Ltiubiville tutainstlfia`!Stiit§'Of Atenti4j , , arid the opinion tOrtia.theJudgentent of the amid. of appeals; of that , State. The Chief Justice dtssehtad. ;1,1- A SPECIAL dispatch from Spring flea; lifo.y ta thetilt: zL it Ripe/We an.anys,: "We have Just sashed Advise ,, dated .' a ssts 1 March 5, of an extensive raid* -01 '1 Comanche Indians'in WeiderriTexas. tlver4o fundlie4finve been tliass. It is reported; iiisOAkatlsever4lionif co hive, tpeee,l:ArOillirt4eiveiaChint ' dred horses.eapturel , Itvaabellevt ed that . tbe,lowitActArrifitliNt nuissacres4( he had been disposed to' do so. ~.Over 76mt the: horses are said totenear the fort in the possession of the"Peitn-Qiniker" i^' .• ''.a.tiertod :eetlierity athat; leqo;dtipo4t irtita,oreof very pouuliar naturehas heat recently! opened up in York county, Pa.!,.Thie ore, we Are intbrmed tirietigailiyu therity, Ott; tittalitYtif lion into geod.merciutittablesteeit by simple mixture • and , nuutipulaUoit with the pig iron in a 'fuddling 'irr itate of the. ordinary construction: The plientiailinialYsis of the Ofe ahowa the. presetav of considerable, quantl.i tics of manganese, silicon and shunt- alum with the' iron. 'The ore. is soft and friable in the bed, so pinch so' that it can be mined with the spade, but upon' exposure to the atmosphere it soon hardens. Professor Lesley, who his;.litiut" hied the ore bed, esti mates the contents at 17,000,000 tons. For a few months past the discovery has made quite a stir furlong the iron furnaces and rolling Wilier Our State and Maryland and there is quite a strong desire to know more of a mat ter that seems to 'promise such portant results.. The ore, us we are informed, has been tested In the prte ence, of experiencvd , manufacturers, , in the "Abbott" rolling mills in Bal timore ;' the; "Quubria" Iron 'works at Johnstoln, Pa.; the. "Loebiel" iron works near Harrisburg; the "Tamaquit".rolling mills ; "Coleman, Rehm, & Co.'s" works at Pittsburgh; the "Alliance" rolling inlibiAt Alli ance, Ohio, and at other plums, and In all merit has been shown to pos sess the remarkable' quality claimed for it.. The steel pialueed during ' 1 these tests was generally . used for , making steel-capped rails, end one these bars, made.at shown to posses a tensile strength of 112,500 pounds to the square inch of cross section.—Ezehange. The Legal Tender Deelaloa. ; • In the Supreme Court •Oit Frldity last Attorney Lteueull iiu4r Made n brief argument to show why the le- „ - • - gal tender decision should be reopen ed. lie not "litsenalble to the grad, weight ;of the juillchiri, public reputation and Its claimiskkiAbe confidence of the country; but a more importent decision in its conseqUette ,es botii public and Alik,ate, was tiev,. or before ,Pronoonce4The statute on which it was bused was passed .by a large maJorit3r in Cotigress,apPreit al by thin President,. foriu.4 of ei4v._, Attenticiii - haCk.been culled in both flowieS to Ito constiku dowdily. Thero-WW - i:titis weigh ,of autheiliy to begio.Witbi And, Ise si it 'wits 11.14 w, subetaiitii4iyaiii# b-cW people, lieurXY .yeani,Aitil on mbirb niiiiipus, upon millions of chilli* in . eontratits 'had: 'been:settled. 'fbelitadideso fur as he twasti.witre,,with cate i etuaptieuNd' bebn ] tell constitutional by every State,trlbunicL, Bittat'it, time when bvlitw, this' cpue,t, '.f..43 . 1 . 0ited of nine Members, Ithere -vere,,rekten,cnly on the benelt,thereherriewo,Vaiatieles; I .tae quei!tkola cps dee/tied 'bore •by al' against threajnilges. 'The ques tion therefore Staid, rediwing it talks essence, that 'uponAlte ion era Niue° anon the case Was, ad, juilietted.. Ile suggeited it should no.t'be left to a/Angie matt to detilde upon - the wheal eofistiatienalpewer litfeeting legislatide".nt, smelt buret”! tent chanwter. 'BO pressecr the opening lir 't4e. qiiestion, beciikeie It aweerned the great : ollAl of private intetasts, but moreelpeciallY ba.kuse it seethed tO hint to iriVolVe 'mental pririelpiti,'Vizrthe powers of the Glovernment. He deSirtslitgain to present 'it,' when ' the bench was full,: that 'they Way' - fereVer, settle 'what the law be. ' ' • Such en.UM of reconsideration Wert; by no Means • Wlthriut example. • In 'the case of McCulloch vs. State •of Maryland,; the Court after the opin ion Was pronoun erAl, • allowed: 11m whole question to be reopened ; and • .It seemed to him it would be - better for all limtieis emeerned'lf the opinion-ln the legal tender esti& could be changed. , • • . • Mr James M. Carlisle replied say leg the'AltorneyGeaeraltualanalya- • ' al and disparagingly 'clitieised- the ' Court, because; as be had remarked, the question was decided by - the -Vote of 'a single; Judge.• .However that might be, it was the Juclment of- the court which had been pronounced in. that case. What now was to become of the highestJudielal;tribUnal in the, land, If opinions were to be reopened nod reargued because of a small ma- 1 jorlty deciding the question., What ever might be the majority, It • was nevertheim the opi 13 ion of the Court.- 1 What two they to do ; with the pre: viowi actions of the Court" lie then Tof f to the fact that • the ;awe:. of i liotionan and Grimaldi- one. af the 'bunk eases involvingprinciplesappli cable to another party, luid been l'thitPmu'd !rout one- time to another t o r the tuirpose of argument, showing ey had all been carefully and elabo mutely considered. . • ' • A gram tiso illustration of the pas: I aloe which Seine of; Our legialeters tutee for iiatiandering the pubtle'ime : ney and rebid ng theTreuauryisfound iti the proceedings of the Shite4inuite yesterday. Mr.., Buten moved, to ininend the approuriation bill by flig two hundred 'dollaei extra pay to the clerks and oilleeei of Sethi - looses, Mr. Connell stated on behalf, ,of.tlie r n erks that - they did nut dedrii any crease of their salaries.. Yet, not: iivithstanding, this uneontradieted tutinnent, four intauberS—Mossni. ludiay, Nagle, ItAbison oud Watt— two .Derwienits and two itoputilleaps :--voted to pay them the money they do fiat oak, though their edam* are already from OW $BOO estili for ) 11 or 4 months tatrelexi.—.4onceskr' Zet ambler. • . • Adnrkos of Ara.--Tie Legal ,• din :Decision—Printing ..U• • • —:Appeal in Patent oases— • •4fredita9e —Dean ref t wmas-4ecial ilanage on * * • • Natters—Dee/me epf.Jltn erkan Cbmiaeree—ammal Land uuix Office- ~ WASHINGTON, D.= 3 1 1 , 189 y. Quito a spicy debat lathe Lt! ‹.. L. • 4,..„ 11 .6n the admit- e'en •• of theTexas,Repiesentatives. 1 3 nthirt.itha. geqlif hAltem. 0600_ very.strotter to. the • admission tzer Copt Ckinnerv•tionnori tit.fteemalifilli tittr;Re/lii*C4#l7, dNt was atait4 l l4l'.4X 4s . 4l llPiii*OPf thieleetion.A.lie watt .ebarged With crueity,toltoldteni;.nnil -111%1004 , U:tat IM:hadtahnittediti:hiiiitiblic spec*. ( *Pi Atlo tit he:A4 6 .90 guilty lef,..aubornation-.441-PelJurib Dane; Batiks; andetherkstabedthat the Vimists'llad iihtltittg tot.lid,witt ! the private clairiteter Of lidir'n4tAneair elect, that the only Anestlqq, ; ; to ;be eonsidered nue whether he •Italf fib, requititecoitstitutleimiliuttlifietttiona: The'VktP l llo litleOl 1 ;4(t milled With the Ober. :0 31 4bi!IS ;or the delegation. • ; - Ili theflinpremetenit, , , ywbeoy, AttOritei General Hoai'lleliVerOd a brief argunteotiu thyorotreopfrming the legal tender dedsion,' taking the ground that the decision was made ,tYbkii „tilt* Were twft' vacancies , . lameh • f•f.ff fl on y..Mr.Carlkde . replied, taninttdning•hat •they; had nothing did') WitkmaJdrities making upAts:isions„ and that mach trinible • would arise should former Icings:lotus be re opened and reviewed. • The investigation in, , the euie 'of . 14 L:PliiPP. the POlic.Ptlitteliii peogretalug and from prosentappear- Make an ugly case wilt be nmde 'out mitt* hint:, The witnesses ' Who have been examined, have' Ai - , been coil fleeted with the in , some capacity, and unite pretty generally ht their statements that' the office is dot carried on With eefimeney; that many incompetent persons are , ployed:in it, and that .competent compositors, tied pressmen haveheen ,i removed on account efpersorial pique' to; thO detritnea of the pnblle work. This investigation will likelycontin - ue some days. The Commissioner of Patents; is endeavoring to' haVe theippeal from.; his decision to one of the Judges of the Dictriet Court' abolished. Al-fl though, a numbtTotpatent attorneys are Making opposition to this mess-' tire, still .1t is altogsther probable,that it will be carried through sucoassfully• Judge Yisher, of the , Dlistriet Court, who hastieen hewing the appeal pa.: out CaSes;hai, tend° ',nano ermelOus decisions, and unless the y.re core, rected dissistrous .results trill« be worked in'the patent system It Is expected that'the Phief,.fustfee.will correct the decisions referred Ply a nd if the appeal is Abolished, there will. bend oPportunity Ibr a•repetition"of tbeia. • .The of the ,Presi,-, dent to COngress on Wednesdays nounelog the prothulgatlow of the . , ratification ' theAfteentli amend - nieneby thettarit, of '.840, - 4, a subject of..Muchicomment among all cis/Weser peoplehere. - In the Rouse, many,of the . Denatterati becatnetioN' oils With maiineis,Whihi hoat ; Beans hadtit . Joilliattien ni,fea , the mepage. - Wood of New York, and Nehlack of Indiana, declared thSt.their,kfltaffliad not' rallied the amendment, hat Muo puipese, The. majority of the Homo thoughts diff erently. . Tne reeelpt, pf, the telegram,' an nedueing uneweeted death, of General Gwrge kr. Thomas, on Mon day night, causes mueh Sorrow here,. espeeially aloof* the' ex-Army 'Offi cers nod/soldiers, of whom - Slrsi4ditg. tun, more than any other place, peasekset. a , large number. Among the number now in, this slty,:whp served' udder Gen. Thomas, ern Secretary Cox, -Senators . Sebum, Warner,. elpettenc•ltlee; itepresemt; glnetttri ! IleattY; eebern.,Shinghton, I v renter,. Waaliburn, , litiighar4l(kinerit4s W. T.Shtsmaneooo. Reward r Yorter, BehrePf, Bitchier; Balloeh, driinprdn, , Este;Mazzey,,Wliiiins, rOI3, 5v,444 ' Boynton Mt•co . olt, , Bunter, Lasalle; Ookatels, Givens; Browniow, Martin, 'and many others. -• ff •f • •f$ , • f , The, numerens'eaMPlninte payers in "different Islets of Mooted-, rtryof incivility of revenue assessors 'has had the effect to cause Conarnis6, 'sioner' Delano; to, issue 's circitlat; ti= strueting aisessorsadd,thelitoula to be.more patient and considerate In t het deg nr,s wltti persons with: . :W . 11Q111 their , !lee htfings thentin ;wil4ci• • ' 81,ece 'wriest writi az:nothing .of greater iteportuneor has , Itratisplrett, than the itlessa, fie the Senitte;,notifying Ant Inmorabin ',body; that an extension of , thirty 'days•front the .21th obtained la Which tile treaty for' San 'Domingo Could be rat ified; ; 110 Or,-; , tension, was .obtaitted .for the oxPre4 :purpose, mf :manse, .of giving more :time Jro . itellbeTution inthe-inatteri•.j but the'oPpfinentk to the - "MeaShte tidesriera teeffort to dispose of.the bill at once;' for. they.are asmr ed that the necessary two-third vote cannot he. Obtained to .ndify it. Sett- j at4r Sltur l h; ia,Opptisifteri to the trea ty. contentled•that 'the people of • the tropics ate incapacitated for tconsti lunette! Government, and Would lead;us: iota, trouble Yt Is uudereteoti tabe the desire of She.' President that the treaty be . recom mit ted; , and 'that'scent nalistitin 'lie imtnedlatidi seat • to San Datuliio, that more information May he imined In the matter: . It is confidently expected that the Sari Domingo treaty will ho rejected; 35' Senators are Ihnotin to he.fOr Jection, n#1444 10 uncertain Mid two absent:. If. the 24 t positive the uprottain • and the almentwerti combineilt . ' wound` only . frodni . .hNe yote,'bittlida is of course iiitpors Thedeclineef Amerkon Commerce Is a matter whicithas, and is still en -1 gag,ing the attention or it is fea l vdthat ha g of Lb:. tiO96 to revive it. lt has beonntin fixellfect that wooden steam vessels are now out of,date--tlieir day lots gene by. Yet on accOmit of thdhigh protective tarition krori, our Peopleeannei tom pete with foreign nations in, the con structimi ' vessels. '• complete revpintleat in tho Carrying„ trade upon the ocean; has been, work.. ed since 1860,, and now-the scow pro pellers take the place of . modern sail!, tag vessels. !The duty upon . pOp. iron '4 such • that . it gosts . „sotnething over forty thousand tiollars more to coo- ii:criarol.77: , ', .I;.' . - i - t iF.;. --- 111 Win It d In .." nd nli t te rt" t =p*n Slat -• 1,. . ,• AS 'IS i our cannot , .Pe --- 1 ii i thane be . . te litiet that ve . 1 as' s ei vessel upon the ocean engaged In conimercial business be• . . . i* ! r . , . n. I , IY P 4 .4 14 .i.! 1 ",t 11 : r ;:b s Coal tri vessels a T p hi l l if li t s l i W y n t r e . ig4 l W4,, WY or iludliMernisibretespilotaterr ting the malif t ..,• ~ . . • Commisiirmer-itriliok4 the Gen eral LanctOface, Is in receipt of 'W yk* freto t hcs arvey i ) ,.. co n i t it at Washlngion Territory, .. located, at Olympla,' the •,piptal, showing 'the completion',ef - the' sarniY ' et: tour adilitleatit..terihips .in the .valley of the Columbia near ttre,torth west corner of the , Territo' . ernimiting au area of 02,16a:neree. These *Os are weir vistaed bit CeldUe• and Douglass Creeks, , -affluents of the Columbia, and a l+girProPMOOn of them are miry lOyel, with a tlylt soil susceptible or a ktiO state of cul tivation. About2is Ks atemw In cultivation, and tbri verage • yleld , of wheat In it last Year rePortcd ' io be forty-five bushels a cre .. There is a large number of ti ers in this fPactlnn of the _ Bt rue of wh oin have made. ei tire, CMI: vii4M l o o ntiproVernents.,. Afeetrie of.excellent qualities, a ' 'superior ledges- trf lime stone .rin , emperor* log& tim The to of tblvllle, :located i on thi# track,4 lkit , ighissMsek,ii:ori: telt* 'abbdt - 'ei bir'houses: 3 Poieri I d Colville* sit ahead, istlf audio south of the tows. There is a dis *t '' ith4 severil i sa;Ar 'mills ,Itt''' tills toPligi.' 'The ex tea of the„:iMhi s t. surveys to this t o section, of ;the Territory', ,will st taste itniairrea -5 tio.,, Settlers 'new be'• ohlerte acqulte,title to thiir • frOMek f 4 ,I 4 early daY• •i' ' dtti4 tt . t ... . naRINE 418c.1" .P- ml„r", :;:., 1 fishda to ais Ot7INUi Ste anier-42esetui of rmgers-,-,Su) oar 40 Jibe- .- 14.01 o .Pera and NEW Yotur, March 31.--Thesteine fruiter Chenille, which, arrived here yesterday, having _on • hoard the passengers of thesteamship Veneattel lan of ,Ute', West ladle and •Patitic Stelaitship Clamparry of /Aylmer:Nati who were transferred to She (314/1711111 on the 16th of March, in the latitude thirty-three and, thirty degrees north longitude forty-four. and ten degreee west, or abOut 1,60 u miles fretaliew York, and between three hundred and four huhdred miles to the:west ward of theAzores,briegs the follow- Ing particulars of the dste- • The Venezuelan Is an iron screw steamer of one hundred re sixty tons, register, with engines of• two hundred horse power is brlgsrigged, and plies on the line between Liverpool and Aspinwall touching at several of the West India Islands, and at rale ports on theAlpenish main coast. . She sailed from, Liverpool on the.sth , of March with a full cage of general merchandiseorkkkl in specie, the mails ' thirteen passengers, nod a, crew QC forty-six persons, boundto the West i Indies. From the date of sailing she.' experienced fresh gales; but..mt .the 12th she. encountered very . heavy weather, which continued rota: the. 10th, when she broke,dowit at :eight land a half o'ckak in the, morning It was bkowing a moderate gsktwitir aheavy creasers, runnint, and, whitt out any. warning or shock the rudder I dropped off. Al AtioAaniel4in*lhe I stern post, broke effi..lerleingn Safe, I hole la., the wail* , akkt. • 'Mater rushed into the after etere room, and, In tifteen minuta'WiftA., it witototalW Measures, were takeikatiOnce.toioule i fine the water in the-after (-rampart ! 1 went. Fortunately, *eat, day. the hove in sight and took on , board the passengers._ TllO CaPtain a n d all the Ohm's and thirty-4.X . 0 (1 the crew of the Venezuelan,nnuenire ed with the , ship. In .few ,hou n id after the ships parted.: company: :a heavy gale set in,: and the. ("spate of the Camilla foam that, tne,Vieitr, C7411%411 could not, imhec cripirital eon dition, weather it.. 'There Li wotrung. feeling .arnung • the passengers, also: 'that the ,Venezuelart did not nervier), the gale af the 16th and 17th lusts. • Our System ortopecitce. The niedied wnrld has basin:mai vided lobo ho tunny, diderent clioutlN • hum ead ixttitie4,, Wet: our peculiar Isystatt tit practice way ,titssl bourn explanation, it :Wing, tito Cuunelatixi with, Urampia, Our remedies are .principally tvegel i thbleialiticarding,,txttirely Alits we of OtiosldeniOrmiwY inms Aron, bor IWvio>: it .tu,txi , a alien* creating :agent-44w worst description. We are also opposed to; the we of gentle! blood bat&lngilu any (awe ; 'fleeing it to boinktrious to the wit-, 'atitution, tunt.oftentiutos, dangerous to life. • „ ; Wide oft detecting "citronte ' . -.4l l Tectinos" of the internal organs, is principally by an extuninatiottof the . • During _tire whole, mum of our study mai practice wd have paid par defilaratteutien to thly old,”Ciermaii 31 ode'!•ordetoeting,diseuses,. sad we feel per ;fly tiutiatied .that.,':iliere ist no.moreyertinn Alga 'mitered ;in dis raLleA,thhil prtseated in that„sequ ' Thereforev i we flaw more especially isavite laboring - under any,, !lingering disease ,that :; has, not! been , , tairedi ipecause,.perhaps, ttae,. eopis n , fplaiut, was not; properly. -under stood, to send a vial of their , urine for examination; ma have the. netawary Mediehon ,aeni,, Rhein: We with : it , distinctly understood4hat.this cdal'! in vitiation ,Isgi ven. to thaw, ho 'have auflicitulli9 tried' the t V lued ie* of their, fandlx,.physicittn, and have. failed to obtain relief sW his. hand: This is our, rivilege and rightes.* •phyalcian, and it is the right and privilege of the Afflicted % to •obtsiu their pr0:4%4310nel advim and. medi cine where.theY. cheuee• Our e ti tt 4 . and: reeidence is at i No. .132 Grant ..triwiritiohurghoNherelf aiay oth:i; era choose.tolipPlY wewat gilt° th en/ ' our !Ant medial' attention,. and will proinkie them. relief. in 'every. ease where reasonable hope can be enterl *I 31.1). file.;e4e 4 i4/4 1. 4 1 f0r .The ablest or Grant!. ileutenants is the. tirst.to go.. ;Genera George. H. Tbomas o Whose death . wo record - with . much pain,. was, of all the tinny sub, ordinates, newest a eounterpartof the great, leader, developed by the rebels hon.., More deliberate .in planning,: .he was.hardly less daring.ill cOncept Moe; fluf f Jess stubborn in resistanmy he, ;was I only less prompt.; in: actiog ,than,.(irent. bothv private and. public career he was without reproach and, above suspicion.. .Twice he refit sed proinotion, at. the most of others; !agalusuad u. he declined to attept threwordsafor! bin serviette whisk he. e might better be expended- in, the interestOf the private .suldiesti; • throughout his career of thirty yens hinewifas not to excite the. hatred ofasinglo rival; he was always modest, .generous and, just; always, 1 ;naiad; always helpful and true to all. Let us not helot that he teas a Virginian .who never inhere" in his al me leg,itu to e Regular who was the i d ol of the n Volunteers,u West Pointer who never soughs as protnottoomonmisinedabouthis pay; abused • Oangress, or intrigued. fur . plate. ": 80 1 / 3 0 of these are thdta that .tirade him very notable at the Amt. brealrof .the war, others made him very, notable of, tato, and all entitle him to the gratefid remembrance' in• which his name Is sure to be cherish. ed. A fortnight ago, writing In the 3i. OPe s 't. We ni t count SOW ~f : . of t - from ~we 11 t. 1 .,. .. .tof ' 11. c i fw. , u; ' o ' •' r. ' -'1 . 1 .... '.!. -; - ..odet 4 ,... . :10 ,, , ni. . hl) , lr t s , 161 • . . . . 'NTH AMENDMENT. *I ea ravelaasstlea 4,000.• WAldietilit7itach 80, '7O. TO TUE EIEatATE AND IjcitAMT I IR.V. ttEsENTATiVEs : It la unusual- -to- tlortify_t/ie Aw l )h pita pitixiinial at ty IMO & eflhe, ,MtlibAthm a' tuditirtionateutiefidinent, In view, itowever_, of. the , =vast buyer tarreq.ofethe:Vitteenth Amendment f - thertlriest. l - ..Atution - this - day d fejortetlint *Fired lute= dl ll o!*:.4e t qre :"from thepal engtomina e. ;.4.meastrre . eh Makes at'onotii r: millions l . tpett Fie 4 l 3 tOtt i wird were heretofokild clued by:thelaigheaktrilitinitiliilbe larttlnot_eitizem4 of lite Votted,dates nOtelig.thieltib, UP) so, With_art section that aCtlistiate of -the. Diel• ;than orlndetiendlanect • the oplr i kill wars.. flied and , universal: Mu tho elvtli r ri o d o t d ortitin orthe White.'nted, auQtria en alloin intitlas as , wel asinixditiesimthet-ldneitMe4 had,no rights*rhickwhiterrant boanci to respect." is indeed It rheas uer of grander importainithan any Other tide tteVof the' kin d trent' the foundation of ourfroo Government to gigfireo.4 tin* instltittions* like ours,ln:Wnieu:alt power Wliterkted directly • twat the PeoPlq„laust....tlepeeil mainly' upon their lidelligesee, p atriotism and in. duitry. calf the 'attention, there. fore, of the'nendy enfranchised. race to the irhportence of.their s triving in hVery hgner:Me ' titenner ''tb make themselves worthy of. their new privilege: To the etke more favored heretofore by our laws I would say, withhold' no legal privilege of att. vaneemeat tolimnev: citizens. .' The framers of our Constitution firmly believed altopublican form of geVerimient inuhthot endure, with outintelligeam and education. : , •The Father of his Country, in.his (arewetil address, .'used thhi language:- "Pm ninle.'there. nxatter of' primary histitutions for ' the gen. east ditcvion of knowledge: • In pro;. porilekstslhe Structure of the ger ernment,gi yea fori.e le public opinion it"l 4 3"iiiiientiat ' that ' pubtl6,opinlon sheitilbeentightened." -In his drst annual mermen to (4 . ogress the same views ,were forcibly, presented and are again forcibly urged in hiSeighth message'. - • . • I repeat, that• the adoption of the Ffteenth Amendment to the (Nasal- Union dOmpletts the greatest chill change and constitutes the most Im portant event that has occured since the nation came into life. The change will be,beneileitil in proportion to the heed given to the urgent reccommen dations, of Washington. If these recommendations were important ' then,With a .population of, w•feer millions, how much.more Important now; with'a population of forty mill ions and Increasing in a rapid ratio. I wouldtherefore call upon' Con 'grew tutakoall illettflS within their. constitutional power to promote and' enCeuragetsipularediustionthretigh;, out themuntry, and upon t beisaople. everywhere to see to it that al.l who:' posseas and exercise political rights shall have an opportunity to acquire' knowledge which will make their share itillte GovernMent ble4ling and not.a danger.-, By .such means only stn" the benefits contemplated: by this sunendarent to the Constitu tion be secured. "(Signed) , U.S. tilts.:4T.: tummy° Mansion, March 30, '7O. Ihtmliton Fish.,Secretary of State, of I the'Thilied Stated. • • 7b all io miunn Maw a pratines may potome, greeting: „Know, ye, that the. ngrers otthe UnitQ States, on or about the Vth day of -February, In th-year-tritierpamed-e--reaoluti, the e words foUbwing, to-Nit: "A retolutionpropoilngan amend trient to the Constitution of the Uni. tcxi t 4' ie at 11,- . 1 - -) , By f a-d House of Reprdsentatives of the lint ' ted States of America in Congres s assembled. two-thirds of both Houses .oneurring • that the following article • 'be proosed to the Legislatures ofthe sever) States as an amendment to the C4mstitution df the CiiiMl States which, when ratified by three fourths sjf said lay.istatures. ha valid as part of the Constitution namely ; Article 15, Section 1. The rights ,Or citizens of the United States to vuite shall[ not be denied or Aridged by the.linited States or, any State cio a...Musa/of/ take, :Co or: air' pietionsi 6mdition or servitude. ! "St' 'A% 2. Congrem shall have power Ito enforci. - , this article by appropriate ,legislation." And further, that It appears from official documents on file In this de partment that the amendment to the Cottatitution urolvaset:. I as aforesaid, has been ratified by the legislatures df the States of North Camlina, West Virginia, Massachusetts. Wisconsin, • Main, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, •Connecticut, Florida,. Illinois, lowa, .Indiatia, Yew York, New Ramp , fil,4lr, , :Fri.ptda Vermont, Mixspuri t • trgima, Alabama, Rimszffs; Minnesota, Ohio, Rhode Island, Nehru : skit and Texas, it V all twenty nine And further, that the State whose Legislatures have so ratified said proposed amendment constitute three-fourthsof titd klhole number of States in the United States. And further, that it aPimirs from an Wilda! document on tile in this Department that the Legislature of .Georgia has by resolution nttitird 'said proposed amendment. t terefore be it t,t+N linown, that efo xfA t oftae n ed - StlttEtcns 'Virtue tnd in pursuance of the second section of the aet rif Congres., approved the *lth (lay of April, in year 1818, enti ,tied "an act to provide for the publi- Cation of tlwlaws'of thetTnlVlStates and. rm.-rues, ponauses," tick Irliy eeriffA inttenduatit Ittfil //as teeotne valid to aft i tents' and uurposUti Ma part of the Consti .tutimi of the United States. ===Ut= Unto i;et.my hand and caused the tieal Of the Departinept of State to he Qin xed. Done at the eity,q( Wiishington, this 30th day of March, iii the year of our Lord 1870, and of the independ enee of the United States the 94th. (Signed) HAMILTON FISIL Neeuritleaor National flanks. pitifie t tlitiler the „disection, • 41f,14 nftpcfel themnry, comsisting of Messrs. Cleo. :L. Warren, or the Secretary's office, Chas. E. Wends, of the Reg ister's Office, and T. L. Langworthy, ;of the office of the Comptroller of the Currency, has been engaged for some ' Weeks past examining the seeuritim of National Banks in the custody of .Treasurvc Spiutter,, and verifying and emigrating the boot& of the Tree aMrer and Comptroller with the semi on deposit. This is the brat thorough examination and omipari son aclitell have been made. of the accounts, as kept by the two officers and ;the committee,. who have just completed this tmlions and difficult task 4 have reported that the books of both officers and the securities on deposit agree in every pairticular,and that the present system of checks and balances are excellent. Tiseetepujt :of iqyainlinatOu Is verk sallsfacttfry botti add highly erthiltable to the Department. It! appears from the report that niece are deposited with the Treas. dres:to secure the circulation of 1664 banks sjx_per epnt: cola bonds " .955,450 ; Hie 'per , Mit.'colti bonds, W 1,468.900; six per cent. currency bonds, $17,960,000. Total, 4042.384,- i„ o . th= ()ay. !! oent. deposit& In 1 a • ' • Si depositories, t, • (U.". • ted wfth th4Trftm am. .fin ' h at. Tag : Phi • Phis ro• marks with nva , roe. ' or or for icoo power Is being Concentra ted In the hands of a few railway managers with a rapidity thong only the rai!xyg.,Wich n .WAsy are not only. pini control ofCie'questlona whi affect lie Interests, the kfitni ex reitekt„ I Yugirilrilti mid hey aro: acquiring absoihropranitiottiver. every branch of the Government.. PrllicalaWo6iiiebitV'lnere play. "M ofrthea powerfith monarchn, end hold: leg stator r-Congreas men Covenant and Senators of both parties in tho most abject vassalage." .7M ( ftiillyil a rlaP e ENTlON Sq/e Arrival ef all the Vessels of the Fleet—Operattotest Os;ni”tsrsoxl. CA •'' • Isrltititi:Si 64 4ra LEDON!.4 ; 4. 4 . 10 ' 1 14,:liNu- The departure a schooner from here bound for Asplawallenables me to give you someinforrnation regard ing the expedition `to explore the isthattus. All the vessels of the fleet arrived here eatelyin this, one of the finest bays on the coast. The steam shit; ',Guard; employed as supply ship trillie eipedition, is here, but the bititsle sailed some time ago for Carthagena, for the.purpese, of _pro curing more native. iaberert‘ these here being insuffiefent In "mashers. The officers and crews of both vessels are well excepting Commander Self ridge, who is suffering from a lame leg, which prevents him accompany ing the exploring party across the isthmus. The workeflextdoration has fairly co:Unfenced,. and all are very sanguine of success in discovering an easy route for the 'construction of a ship (anal. Contrary to the general ex pectation, the Indians have thus far been very friendly, though somewhat frightened at our first appearance,and have assisted the explorers in every possible a rcad e expedition. lint already cut three. miles in length into the interior, meeting with a river which is Kano flow into the Pacifie,Ocean. • . • , IlOoto 11 00 1 4 1 e kith ;Plat .1 V St. Thomas, enclosing a copy of t h e new treaty just negotiated at .Bogota for the ezatvation•of an Interoceanie canal across this isthmus, and giving full particulars of what had transpir ed at to relative to it. On this subject theta is nothhigtbadd to day, as there has been no •communication whatever with the interior since that date, and coieseipiently• no' news has • tA tt i y n ether it t• n B *lke re. tentious stele, is also now at work in the same icstality.„ h Captain. (or GenktuT)lfelne,!an: American; kvito arrived at Aspiriwil by the steam-' ship Alaska, on the Ist inst., claims that 4% knows of a., route aerosa the DitHeti superior to WV elitemt ,b r W y e :l/ ;Wq r() iP 1: 1 1 311 42 to enema entirely, by :w ter. # f Oftfifs'arelon X° r tereda small sailboat on • the other side, to be delivertsi here and, accotn panted by two men, hestarted on his voyage ten days ago. Haab* urriv eti !lately at Caledonia bay, hut when hePaii Pitt la ap appssarance at Pana ma It is hard to say. Notsohn, unless he procures force sufficient to carry his)-neht from one stream to another' ovAl the% bialutitabis..),lte hostile Ito have put segout bs_ sow,. pttul l4ts IN - CW YOriC Thbre - Seems t 6 be tie end at• Present to the number I of rtusimexinial metes. igtid= beefflikeottred abroartbls but4whiebihtive never been , heartiali before. All. including that' of Mr. Dogleg& Pniolt; of the iNneh Col otidslan.Canal Contpany,,are ted or based on an old survey made , in 1741 and the map nying;- it lying in the archives at Bogota.: The "map is published In Atol:UP Davis' report, and is very complete of that•portlen of the isthmus. Those who knew M, do I'uydt when hero, have good reason to doubt that he ever crossed the Darien at all. • No United States man of war has yet arrived on this side to en operate 011'11,1E1J:tun-eying party. THE Yak) (Ca!ifornito Mail relates the. fok4Wing at the osptittse orrr. Lucky, Principal of the State Normal School. , "That Ueclorroi.a pious, spit. scientious and earnest man, and has taken a great interest in the,welarp. of the convicts of the State Prison. He lately ;Tisited, the State and having been requested to open with prayer, did no as follows, forget fa! of the situation; .vre pray Thee that Thy inervie4 may be extended to these. poor net n who have been sent here from all partsof r the State.- - Hove .tier t apotvlbent. we beseech Thee, while they are serving out the term» Ibr •Whiohl they were sent; and when they have served and tut dlaina - k4 r tMise'Wtill's; may they return flo,:lheir ;homes I user)); MINI oft illetbfatut tttipw• ratokombiliT) pAsko k o e f 's&fety. 'Attie!). At this juncture a Member from Yohu rose and said : 'Mr. President, V move to strike out Volo county"' ..„---...• •-• ONE of tile identical old It Ms f I. cults from the barrel whi a compa ny of hungry sullies reJ sd on the ground that they were 1 tn-ketl "B. C.," is in the per on of Henry Jordan, of Erie. It fleas manufac tured in Baltimar A ti k n lttatl, and ap parently is good t a century or two more. A knife ma esno more im prerNion on il l , than it Would on a brick. ----; -....-- The'rwspapers contain the fol lowing mal-rinv noti 11 ee: "Marri 7 ed —ln4ikli 1.4..3ity t 40 ' - gre•jte Nth al k n i in dui emefiktd6rti ; resziliuk Elder Ent :ham 4 'flute. to Mrs. J. It. MOW .M.lrenditakt,' 114 . s.'iik Al. de :W. 'Miss • uhlo4'llClevig land and Miss Emily I'. Martin, all of the . COuntY 'of . .11erks, /England. l':o cards." —The Council ocKansus City, Mu., have removed.. Copt: .Miserez, pulAieun §nnerintendeutof .gegistra tion', for reg,eitetinghFgroes,bylivote of six to eight, digregurding the in• junet,ion issuecl,by Juslge Jenkins, —Jas. Caddingtoh, arrested nt New.. Xgric for having ,pounterceit money In Ixwssibn, hes bten discharged, it, appearing that the money was placed on his person by a secret detective who desired his con, vietion. New Advertisementi ~A~►~'s, y, e ,1,,, :.. .. i., :,.,: ii c. A.t Lowest .F.'fice, : ', McCAallum Bros, /Si Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG.Fr, Pd. WV traiii F rani tut Supplying ETA I T... 1 E &Llilt P 4 Equal to ANY EASTERN SQIIIIING norsE IIIeCAILLUDI BRoJi. nprO;ly iN s u o t r o bapt fusible! '74tts i Me li l i tio ni n c i z er l t. tge to a about the lands of Advertisententm. New Navas TO JVHOMS.— Persoas uunt. stoma to - atten4 Court as Jurors off the 4th Huea rtg e f h ia t EßLltatl th" 7. April at witch we ixitfila maul reqs to glad witbout tether Wks. B order or dor =1 TRY MOORS I CO'S OVAL STREL !MORAY INOS. 11l Neu* St., N: Y.Anybody can reit Use= Cheep. Sell fut. Rezimp.oppelp. Slott for pew dna Lar. Awl): I* L ' GREAT CHANCE for AGENTS il3 to to IWO per month! We want - • LOVI tolf A•l4 WIWI. COW/ .. afteo atalawoombolon or glary. to Introduce our World tat MONO Win Oahu Lbw; will bud • shluatired pots. If yoo want profitable and t c • 4: Mat, addr i ag ; tall new, OD ER TO ,tw 16 , ERreckttlielayo. apitdw • ' I-'• ,:.,'' , ,"traciiii ~ 1 ' , . IIYtFERIES OF 1110011011810 141, ..*40 , f4, idlearkitarlOlf?l , cti*O , tacna =WO - a it 7:XPOSE fy their SM}AT 11ITES, cEnEatorifirls and C/1/.IIES. —With a fall and authentic hhdory of IPoliza. wayaud,...4bo,•*9fWguAeel.e ! i f: ° !ULT Mt th '' ri, rpir f t - if . o la ate fedi six* the kyr- A EW Lin ‘ moos • n being " clrculatcd " . , *a that each boo contains t 3S One enominto, andpat Wei AGENTS WANTED. Send fur circular. and ace nor terms and s full description of the R ul.. itAirEt i hralryty !Pall 14.21..',9, WELL 'CAtIBOLIC /diet Much IMO aid aciedilfid i a tratimit km a; tabu immodbil quallsiesor 011110LIO Acm, Dr. Wells ha. lecovemd by pier mantdaaikai with othfr orti [dale /atm Tiibt.jrapeellic bee 4 14 111 patmo a dladaarit. IY.SE TAIILICrii ire a SU IDA GUK 'foe all disee•oli id ibe 11/361111.1T0. BY 0110 ASS, SO/tE =ROST. GOLD, OtIOLT, Dtrrugitid, ASTUKA, CATAlitta, br Houma. Xmas: gab; a suceeemful remedy fur Kidney dial. cultlim. Puma ati Mel's per hoz. beat by MAU upon media 'of price, b) JOHN K. KELLOGG, at eitirstreetlNitir IS ark Sofa Agent Oar tbe Co(- ii; dllMimil lal. I •• , I apti. .4 Rae eare4 of Desteew sod Catairta by it aftepie remedy and arid mend the reeelpet fon. , MUS. U. C. LEGGETT, lloboken N. *. »> > ••. • • THE NEW ARTICLE OF FOOD. 21renly-Pire awls:You can bay of.y (11;411, 4 4114 oo 6lrO her:a Paktibe of kwit moss FART E, mauufac tured from pure Irish Moss or thrra geen, which will make si.eleen quarts tJ Wane Mange, and a like (Daintily of Puddings,. c'astarys, Creams, • Char; toile .14sse, (tr.; &c. It is by far the cheapest, healthful. and moat deliefoui food In "the' world. ittEllEA MSS FARINF, CO., A SS tack Place, N Plantation Bitters S. T.-1860-X. This wonderful Vegetable Restora.. tire is thesheet-anchor of the feeble and AA a Tonic and Cional for the aged and languid, it has no equal sallow stun:ad:lex. ,-1x a renze dy for tlie'YriQii ire'ehite:Lvta which ((bawl; are expecially xi:6feet, it itt xu perecesling every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, - temperate or frigid; ft acts ax irlrpertfe flrerer spe cies of diaorqer which , antlernsinex the bodily dtqlketths dowse the aniaukeinrilx. s kb).late byisll..Srug gists. naar3o:ran FAREII3 Their son., and others, can make money rapidly selling the NEW ILL' 12SiT1e,ATED FAI4IIE44' MANUAL. edited by Cbs.V. radian Vastrwr awl 'A arbor., and late AgricaJtural En t plr of N. Y. Central lyre.'ll 0 ► lyre. 01.001 c tar oerer tuned—All need It hectic. planting. It s *sound, labor raelrig, money making book. Thousand. have bought it, and thousands more want it, 1:11h coition reade r Lire Arent. Wanted; Profit. Latge. A. li. Int. BAUD, Pk Chiron ut4t. taiarair4w - THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! Dr. WALKER'S CALIVORMIA. VINEGAR BITTERS. 1.1 More than 500,000 Persons al '4 n onr u•pflureny to their Wonderful Li 2774, ''....: Curative el:recto. ~.., : = n " •WIIAT ARE TILEVt-T,..t7; 'S: . :-... Tr 2i 1:-. 7 ;. • r. £7 , -‘• .6?. FANCY DRIN.K. Made (drover Raw, Ulafnk)•srroorSPlr and: idefuse Liquors, doctored, noted. -and sweetened to pyitse the taste, called ••Ton ics," - Appatizere. - licaturcre." Sc.. that lend the tippler eel to drunkeuneba and ruin, but are a true medictue. made Runt the molar /loofa and [feats of CallfOnda, free from all Alcoholic 8111100111 1 / 1 113ts. They are theta MELTRLDOD PUlt I Vll3ll and Life Gptina Principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the ny•- , ten! car inc of all pnisonons matter, and reeler- fug the blood to A healthy toed:then. No inivott ' ' can take theve Bitters according to dies-client, and remain long uunell. sir nal; los given foray fecund/4e cane, prevent ed tWm!, Ora lot dtagroyed ly ritinamh pol ietuecdr intier•Meana. and ihe vital enzatte ate:vend beyond the point of nith. For Intiaitatuatory k Cla ron le It bro. matfett' and Gout; Dyspepala, or Ind'. ticiwiloni•lllllquoir Idetnittent, and In - tenstihent Fevers' Digheaaca -of the Blood,Llcer, Kidneys and Ltladder,there Hlttellli have been 1000eaticeoevit t l Such Die: paws are caueed by Vitiate,' lislood, a inch a nivegty. generally moducell itmthulptg:tr.g. 1.4 the - • - (lean.c. the Aimed itli o ut srlienesi•r you and lea impuritier teentiug through the sae: in Pim pes. h.ruppunt Set - -: tl44au 1111, ,)0141:11#Cl 1t o i.1.1M011,1„11111tr,14.41.1k1,111.11.11411,1;Clea 011 i whets it is tontwnd your lit tell you st hen. Keep the blood pure and the 'width or the spdem Mill follow, PLC, TA PE mot other WORMS. itching In the irydcm of •41 ninny Mon.:mil-, an v....bu11y de stroyed or rem. ed. lu Itillibilt.Lteinittelit and lintenteitnutt Fe \ these Bitters lave no• opmi. For fdll dlroctlon. rend carefulne itte aibeittit each login., pnuted In four language.. - (lemon', French 11111 tilianich. J.SPALKEiI, Proprlvior. • L iitli4ofnuirerwir IL I . DONALD aCV , litotpdo Ana Attatt; • fArc • r [fawn anti Svieratm , nto;Vallrortila. and di I °A. 31 Commerce at. N LP' BULL BY ALL 1)1:1. , t:tas114 D (mar:lt:lm _ --- • - - - - ' HOOK AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TEN YEARS IN ~W ALL.STREET. /t Includes the Illeha 'ye, 3lyeterlee, and Secret dotage or. Wall litroet, LW ' , Lichee of' JD „Ufa, the' speculations - Di Dula, sicrt.;"4.e., Woolen Speculator... and all that le greet. powerful, *IIIQII - toy atrrhlui.. !Marsala:4', .uhrtalbd: wretched, Le,. In the focus m epeeniation Por trait.. of Vanderbilt, Drew. Gould, Firke s lr , and many uthera;,Brierirlibla Or uolatiplacne, Life and bceues,tc. Canraasin9 Book, err. Seml fur Ciffilltlll4 10 WOUTUINOTOM, DCYTU(d VOn, Pub- Ilehere, ILY Arylont St. , thwirovii,leonn. ImM:it - - - i Callanatutailativem. Paul Wenttally. mk daughter was etaturcd to_bettith by alanple means, without medicine. The mutant:lra %11l ho ocnijirq Harass 11.-11t4telow,aatorkLon atmoti LWOW'S. lag= _ Lasarattlw inle Magic kb change any colored tudr or beard to A pertatan•qat black i r Ir.nto inn no poison. Any nue can hut It , One wan ny until for I. .111timao-- anorILIGIC COMB CO., Spring:lod, !taro. aliidut Tills IS NO 11V31111:GI re%va, age, beight, rotator Cyes 11 dla uding hair, you 011 1. l teCe i ‘u by returu wail, a correct picture of your future buiitudid or dife, trlfir mune dud date ur oarrlie. Address W. yox, v. U. Drawer .No. 21, ration ril/e. N. Y. I maiar,ar 111111ralFartral ItCLEACHIft - ‘4 7 FUR CArclp, Itade.- 141111 V r lgt.NO. 441 . .4TS W ne.P,tl CALMS.* a iy witir Futta. - avianvitarar. LEY . MA 111 NE br 178 Moil sway. N. Y. inuarlu;:ho WAH . ITED fli n o II L i t& g a or/go t :1 m y r ttil e to Mk 41, 73 74, of the C . h . esapenko 004 Ohio Ilailrest near Charleston, West la. Inhumation may bo had concerning the awl: by calling oh the undersizneil at their resblebre 111 , Rochester. '3. J. . POW Eli. Jc., anartllt3wl Contractors. ETECUTOIrS NOTlCK.—Lettem testammatary harlot: keen acmated to Oa subscribers on the estate Or J. Jdarratocklng, of Phillipsburg borough. all persona Indebted to sald estate are hereby walled to make laiammllate papneok and all persons basing dame: agonst said ettata will present then duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN G. YOUNG, RDWAND EVOKING, Exec '.~[~cblldi~ebets, , spitrNG:Gocibs 1311001131 MESTORE, : NEwBRIGIITO N: • They have pneeinae.lie the E.e.t late low, tleuleprievg, u brury or Domedie &•F.l9rett DRY - GOODSr vaaszaarsalt, 31}IN's FritNimilxf : Whtcll tb.;.y nne oGrims sh... 13elluire tilt+ 1,1-41,.. 11.6111:1 Running to fAit.cUtf,h 'AS LONG AN iScVI SteitSel opt sucb3.3o, ts!..'fr They aro now NiAling Good euniiori calks. at it i ,•ti Splendid tires: cilioi: i t The very head are.— c“lic,, ( rkiraiii paiteros)..... ' 1.43. Spring styles 01 nclsines is - • . No. I bleached and unlilcs is,' 4-4th muslin.. pn Ill!noir.. and Colored Alpuea% 25 per cvnt. thau ktst Fnll Good unbkarbvif Socks. pair fo,r 0. Good blench.' I,kitlieA' [lose, Net AU oilier good.; sit curreitionilingly IMO Their Stock of Clothing, Of THEIR OWN MA NI. IS NOW COMPLETE And they ran 11.-nre the !lov avueol (re O,i. Merchant Tailoring la carried m by this Firm tit aWAV MEETS TIIK APPROVAL Of Every one who let% Patvonizra ti o,nly pip; nice . , is their motto; Low Prices, their aim— Ilonest Diudlug , their prachee, Elegant Fitting Garments their ro ' ntendation. THEY ARE EUPLOYIN“ NOW r= _ 15 Unntbi in this De4iiiirimeni, Al try, theref.,re. M EXECUTE all 01:1)Ell.!• PHom vro Pl4l MM No osE wil() wi:int:s . o (;i:r Cl a 13: rizoodr4 at ain , I siumitt wit to In)}l i r . Schiff & Steirrfeld's, .t; f t r V 1 - z • =7 ~,, Itil) ntn t{kl;Jtn N} IIRIGIIT"S Patirbanii%-e Staw.u.ra oP ALL rics-os. 456 - 2 . ht Improved honey Drawer. FAIRBANKS. MORSE notr:ol6m) 1022nd avenue, Pi thhe, re!, ..ifedicinal. A Safe and Speady . Cure fin Cougiu,Colh, Ants= Broncluus, Haarseness, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipielc, Conseunption, and .all Diseases of thc Throat and Lungi. Don't neglect s severe Cough, or throw away money en s worthless medicine. PRIOR PIM etEMITS Pi* BOTTLE alMr,by BBWAREL, BENTLEY by at ihnaidk Babb. N.F. S°l4 Pack& jc:3o:ly Restores grly a nd faded Nair to to OatoiNAL COLOR. removes Danirutt", (INES 11.1. DISEI,SES OF THE SEIM Prevents Ltadursi, and makes the halt grow Sort, Giossy nn! I.ocurvol. 110 sa $l:4 pr It.ttle II a 1 , 4 No 44 • itrttoarwl.. I.y SE W. 1.111). BENTLEY R. ell EN E . !k0h1... N.Y. 5.1. 1 hy all rtrliggirta- Salm' 342 - y____Nurseries . 1 Fruit Trees,Grapevines,Goosebernes , Cannon,lbupberrles, birswherries and mull ru" , great estiely FloUeriox rhrotw, Vroa !Ocala! iad Eseslyrusu {van.. ..`/ ItAc hub Roots. Our stock lot sprit_ pOntio:. superior, runbrariou the hest ,varter tee ter (re, hare. sad (/a•delt etOtom. l'itaau• ordering from t too !Sewickley Nurseries may rely on the varieties N itta correct, basing , tbesSmine of sesulOS frum lb* astausiso bearing Orsiolnis oa the pearl. rsi ainues imilkti to applicalltp. Orders kit al /1" , Waal are. U. LOVE DUO.. 69 ioartl atepor. ur &Maws JAM SN Willa/W.4% - 14:11akijSurserl v . usandi Halal Pitts bu rgh Pod Vette. mi N t at• — y gi i : r.er Teea k.. Ped . tilers authorised to tell for ITOTI(/,:!t;
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