II The Beaver Argus. .1870. eircutation Over 2oelve Hw droll.` • Rates or Advertising. Tam br. Ow.' *rt. 60. 1 you -- - - m,ra•wilims, IS DS 63 00 $5 00 $7 op mow 2 moor., do 160 61:0 T 110 10 CO 18 00 3 musts+, do 5C0.6 00 00 11 15 CO mnorcs. do 600 8 011 10 50 15 CO 11 00 y column 800 11 00 15 CO fa CO IS 00 ruluno ......... 1500 10 00 II 00 60 MI 1, 'Acton 118 00 50 (N) 118 60 60 OU 100 CO ,dralnlotrainre and Executors` Notices... .61 00 notion per Itne, ten mot& tor' Payment' to bo mods quartorly. except 1. r advert6einents, whlelt must tic paid =EI Slate or the ThermOnteter for the, eek ending tho 12th of Feb., 1070. 7 A. X. 2 P. Y. 9 P. X. i 3 2:i deg. 33dog. 34 deg 14 40 deg. 45 dog. 46 deg 15 39 deg. 40 deg. 35 deg. " 1(1 2.1 deg. 31 dog. 47 deg. 17 2 0 7 d 23 d 19 deg. deg. . 34 deg eg. . 35 deg. "10 23 deg. 29 deg. 117 dog. It. T. TAYLOR. • Thy attention of the public is directed I, the following Now Advortisomnnts appuar for tho first time in the to-day; Executors' Notlee.—Elizabeth Fergu son, .liouem Ferguson, Est's. Beaver ACaderny.7l). P. Lownry. . Special. Notlees—Will. Smith t Co. l'ateuts.—Dr. I). Breed. n•piian's Court Sale.—Susan Rose, ,kainex. Registers Notices.—D. Singleton. 'Reg. Special Notiees.--Fortune's. Rig Money.—F. W. Dorman t Co. Fruit Treev.—Elwood Thomas. %Vali Paper.- . -Do Zonel4, Co. Administrator Nolleo.-7. 11. Doug -1,, :did 11. D. Howe, Adines. A mdion.—A. Philipm. ~f Apralsments.—John C. Hart, Sale.—Jos. tiontlo3 • suirderliitionn loth° Beaver Ar gu...—Tho follua•ing . nnututt persons irtve Paid the sumssot opposite to thiiir naineA en intbkeription to the Beavdr .1 ours, shire the date or our last publi- EEO .I"bn Davis, IVator Cure, .1: S. I terron, Fallston; • 2 00 It. It. %Vray, Bearer, • Isaa,. Eaton, Itookatow? 2 00 Wash. Jolmatou, 2 00 John M..Ewing t 'Uppor Sandusky, • 2 00 I'irero Turner, Beaver, Jelin Patton, Brighton tp., .1. 11. Dungau, Petersburg, 0„ G. 13rittain, FaliNton, J. M. tilichriht, Darlington, ilia your picture taken by Will Spith and you will not need a Wok- Ing gILLs4 Auction In Itochcoter.—Our read ers in particular and the public general ly, will,wo hope, bear in mind that Spey •..rer .t Sons will begin to sell MT, at auc tion, commencing on the =A of this mouth, a large lot of their Koats. liar gains can, no doubt be had by those who, attend these sales. Soo advertisement :mother column. • Don't forget iliaLectnio on '),The Monday evening, March 7th, by Fatherijecgan, Pa ; ssionistrtit the Co I loose, Beaver, Pa. Tickets 25 cle,to be laid at James Moore's Grocery, Beaver, and at Mat he* IllaktVit, Bridgewater. J.ll. 11. e•e—tio to Fortuee's for the cheapest and best roods. )17 011 Will Lind them on the Diamond, Rochester. fob23;2t .1 Principal For the Academy thomen.—On last wednonday the Trus.: tees of the Beaver Academy held a meet ing in this place, and selected Prof. Scott, formerly Pren:dent of thin Wash ,.)!Hgton (Pa.) College, to take charge of the Academy ws its Principal. Mr. 8., is said to have had considerable experience 114 a i,Tencher, and it is to be hoped this "long neglected institution of learning may again be built up under lils super intendence. We understand there were quite a ntunber of riPplicants for the place. 4'r(:couitie country Ilunnel3o inches ml4lO only 40 cents, at Fortuno's, Itoche , stor. -feb23;'24 Nortm—All persons wanting to buy et. sell Real Estate, of any kind, should get "The Pittsburgh Real Estate Regis tor,- Published monthly by Croft ‘t Philip 4, Real Estaeo -Agents, No.• Jai Fourth Awn no, Pittsburgh, Pa, Sent free to any address. ' feb2.l;4t • ;•4.\VE your money briniyins yolk goods at W;11 Smith A: ItAchester, •• The II and the Family." Ilea Tuesday evening. the Rev. lir. Itointes of the Pittsburgh Conferenee the M. E. Church, delivered a lectuie in the Court House, on the above sub aTt. 'l'ie audience was the largest ono Lave liven at a public lecture in this plaie for a how time. We are glad to n..tice that int r people are takingsa deeper interest In literary matters this will yr titan before. Thcfleeture, deliveled by hr. Holmes was a practical and able guns, end was welt received by all who heard it. 'rho next lecture in the course will be delivered by the Rev, Bain of New Castle. on Thursday evening Feb. lth. Mr. Bain ix a fine t•peaker, and it is to lie hoped a full house will greet him otytho ocenstou of Ida apKaring before WE art. t..ht by our Druggists that " Anstalt," the great atm.. u..,. r ya r ati o n of Seward & Bentley, is the host selling of any they have. We should ^suppose so front the lint that our people are al ways ready to appreciate a good thing, and we tfo know that " Alirna" is the dressing and hair restorer we over -sa, One need nOt have gray hair with that in the house, and dandruff is re 'ployist :to if by magic. you who have tailed to try it,negleet it no longer, but lit a little at once. MUM Chignons for 45 cents, at 'Will smith ,t; (Vs., Rochester.. r you have a discharge from the nose, ~troi.ivo 0 ' , otherwise, partial loss of the wt . 's. , of smell, taste and hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull and stupid or debilitated, intin or • pressure In the head, take cold crxlly,you may be sure you hero the Catarrh. Thousands an nually, without manifesting half of the shove symptoms, terminate In consump tin and end in the grave. No disease Is eemmon, moic.deceptive or less un lerstood by physicians. Dr. It. V. Pierce, ur Buffalo, N. Y., is the proprietor of Dr. •;;Ig,e's Catarrh Remedy—a perfect specyle for Catarrh,Cold in the Elead,or Catarrh al Headache, which be sends to any ad dress Ire mall on receipt of sixty cents. Sold by duggistn everywhere. WILL SMITU CO. now Diamond, ttocilestor, have just received a now lot ..f dry• goods and notions which they of f.•:- Poi low moan bebouglit in Pittsburgh Common, School ExhlbAllon.— . -Thc exhibition given by the pupils of th, , Beaver Public School, I. the Court 1I neon ired Thursday and Friday evenings drew together a largo crowd a loan. women, and children. Au all& gory of the war was the principal .per foreame, some tiny at sixty of the pet-, 013,4 the participating to it. They nearly . all performed their parts wall, and the audience were much pleas, of with the entertainments. tAn admis sion foe of 2i colds was charged, Schol ars free. Tho proefieds amounted to ai snit V 7 5.0 e. Go tO Fortune's, don't forget It and you. will never regret it, Diamond, Ito- chaster. feb.Wt , Glue' Weise ars bung In Tennessee, and loathes ari arrested, fined, and made to work on the highways until the amount of their fine is istlettled.—.ilecAMige. ~ All right. WO hope the POOnlylVo llll . L?gialaturo will enact similar. laws for our Mato. In that event, Beaver and the other boroughs of this county- would have streets that a Woolson pavement wouldadd ne ither beauty nor utility to. erarand closing out sales& Fortane'e for two woo. Call early. ilitg%lAt Exemetoir'n dale.--AttenUon is di rected to an advertisement in another column of the sale of real estate in Ro• chaster on Tuesday. March lat. The property is eligibly _located, and can doubtless be bought at a bargain. .fitirpo to Fortune's ,tor the cheapens dry goods in Beaver county, Diamond Rochester. ' . fetkA2t Agrleultiral.—The Board of Mana gers of the Beaver oounty Agricultural Society will meet at the Sheriff's °Moe in. Beaver, on 'Saturday, March sth, 1870, at 10a. m, A full attendance is requested, as apeeial business will be brought belbre the Board at that time. /WWI AItDICHRON, Pros't. Radical copy. "..4-The only piano to got gentdne Mer rimack. Prints for cents Is at Fortune's Diamond; Rochester; ' feb23;2t. Agricultural Netlee.—Thoro will be a meeting of the members of the Beaver County Agricultural Society at the Sher iff's office in Beaver Coil the first Monday of the Mardi term of Court,being the 21st day of the month, for the purpose of electing officers to servo for the ensuing Bunn ANDERSON, Pres't. Redica/ copy; FSID2 kinds of dry goody at Pitts burgh prices at Fortuna's, Diamond Ro. chwter: febsB;2l WALL Partin.—WO direct attention to tho card of Do Zoucho & Co., 112 Wood street, Pittabbrgh, which will be found In another cOlumn of to-day's paper.— Theso parties make thole usual spring announcement, and as thoy are well known to nearly all of our readers, we can only ealinttention to the fact, for we aro sure theyl, will be as liberally patron ized as, ervr lx.Sore. 1--- $2 00 ,pertienuino Merrimack Prints only 12; cents, at Fortune's. feb23;2t Meeting ou Friday Evening skit' the Court Ifouse.—A public meeting will be held in the Court House op'nezt Friday evening to hear suldzees by Rev's. D. McAlester of New /York, and J. W. Bain of New Costle y & the subject of the proposed amendment to the con stitution of the Unlt,l'Eltates recognizing God's suprejnacy,,,ke. A full mectingef all citizens Is reques ted—perfect freedom will be granted to all to givetheir views on this - important subject.. "Palegates will be chosen to the convention to meetin Pittsburgh 34 of March twit. ,/ Doi% D. IL A. MoLicAN D. D, '•'. Jae: C. WILSON. It. T. TairLon, and othara. Grandelosingout sale at Fortune's for two weeks. Call early. telakn NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. WALT UNOTON COUNTY Tho notorious youth, Babe Montgom ery, was on one of his customary drunks on Thursday night last, and of course indulged in the usual amount of bolster ousneas. Up In the neighborhoodot the old Mansion House eorner,he made night hideous with his noise. Constable Herrick was engaged antveying a pris oner to jail at the time and could not arrest him. ' The next morning, however, he took the young gentleman before the. Burgess, ,where a tine of five dollars was imposed upon him. It would be Impos sible to reckon how many times he has been let off; on this paltry punishment, and :the community have reached tie conclusion that it is about times measure of Justice ffficiuld be administered in his case. The Imposition of a trilling fine Is no punishment upon such a reckless .deslierado for disturbing the public peace and endangering the lives of citizens.— We ere informed that ho boasts no con stable dare arrest him when he lsdrunk. We hope to see our officers assert their manhood, as well as their efficiency In the way of peace conservators, by taking him in hand when honest appears in his natural character of the ruffian. And we hope likewise to see some one of our magisterial authorities mete out to him a punishment which be richly deserves 1111.11anyitn Repkwier, Feb. 16. • During the past week a more energetic effort has been made to suppress rowdy bin and disturixinee in the borough than wo have setin for a long time past. Evil doers hav; been _ . overhauled without mercy. 11' record the fact with pleasure. and it Wil I always afford us 'great satisfac tion to t*irijiliment the efficiency of our police citficerir and their superiors. There is still vitielt work to be done in order to make the state of affairs in town what It should be, , hitt we hail the t .aetivity and efficiency of last week as an evidence that we are to have better things fn the future. 13. j; all means let our (bikers persevere In the good work. They will earn the thanks and gratitude of every good citi- ' On Wednesday night of last week, otir fellow townsman, Major Morgan, while on a wool 'raid,' met with a very narrow escape. The Major left 'home In a sleigh about eight o'clock iii the evening, to make tbsnight train at Burgettatown, accompanied by Robert at'Uoitough,and when about two miles northwest of Hickory their team became frightened by the sleigh ovorsetting and ran off at a torritie•gait, breaking the sleigh and de stroying the harness. Fortunately both the major and his driver escaped without injury. • LAWRENCE COUNTY Mr. an d Mrs . Itoswell Lee,of Farming ton, Ohio, the parents of. Mrs. Cyrus Clarke, of New Ckastle, celebrated their golden wOciding of tlie let inst., In the homestead which U t ley occupied when married, ilfty years ago. ' Our friend, C. W. Higgins, has gone into the 'newspaper business, in New Castle, having commenced the publica tion of a little eight by tan paper, called The Faalkionl, which gives a complete macula of current fashions, and we Im agine 'will be a valuable assistant to the ladles of this community. . Mr. A; L. Dicks, of Washington. tp., has a sheep, live years old, that weighs 375 pounds. It is a genuine CotaWold, imported from Gloucestershire,England, and is undoubtedly the biggest four legged sheep in the county. GREENE COUNilf. On Saturday evening last, about le o'clock. 'persons living near the college in Waynesburg, were aroused frcius they slumbers by the screaming of ladles. Upon invostigstion it . was found that they were frightened at what was supposed to be a ghost ; but It turned out as usual—a pillow, or an illusion. Fortunately no bones Werebroken. We think they will got over it. Beware of pillow ghost+ in the futsi'm Re : titian Shelby, formerly of Monougst helaeMinty,droppod dead while walking ahank the street. in Greensboro, Greene county, ',on the Ist inst._ Venancio COUNTY, We 806 by the Congressional Globe thot liouro W. Gilfillan has introduced a bill the relief of I', 31eGough, ex Col lee rof Internal Revenue, for this dis trict, it was referred to the Committee on Clalnts. We understand that the ball As to relieve hint from responsibility for U. S. Money lost by beak Waves. 'lra, iamployse on the Jamestown dt Franklin R. R., made a murderous assaultimPattick Brown,one day last week, stabbing him in the aide witha sheath knife, inflicting a terrible wound which nukyk.prove fatal. It ap pears that. Young bad loomed Brown one dollar and seventy five cents, and called at the house where be was boarding to collect it. Brown was lying on the led. when Young approached him and liked for the latchkey. He replied that he only bad one dollar then, but would send him the seventy live coati as soon as he could get it. Young then drew a knife and swore be would have 'Mon, or have bin blood. He then struck at Brown with the knife several times, inflicting several wounds In the arm and cutting a fright ' tut gash In his side. Young is now in Jells* this place, awaiting the result of the injury, which it is thought may not prove fatal. COLUMBIANA COUNTY. A "little unpleasantness" occurred In Leetonla, on last Saturday, between two elderly ladles of that place. A dispute arose, a quarrel ensued, and a fist fight ing and hair pulling battle followed. The use was tried before Esquire Abbott, on last Monday, who fined one of them ten dollars and oasts. A scamp in New Lisbon was before the Mayor a few dayssince for disorderly' conduct, for which he was fined one dol lar and costs. He - pald his fine cheerful ly, but stole the Mayor's hat, leaving an old one in the pleas of it. The Mayor had to buy a new tile. - A fight occurred aboard the Victreas on lost Thursday night as she was returning with a party of young folks from East Liverpool, who had been down to the concert. We learn form a spectator the following particulars: Alley McCain; while under the Influence of liquor, in sulted Capt. Dawson's daughter. Her brother, the clerk, took MeCain to task, and a fight was the coniequence,Min striking Dawson several times, when the Captain interfered, knocking McCain down and kicking him in the We sever al times, young Dawson standing by and threatening to shoot the first man who Interfered. After having been pun ished pretty severely, ldeealn was al lowed to get up. Everything seemed to be settigreintik-,the boat Was 'about to land at Liverpool, when as McCain was coming cut past the bollers,young Daw son steack him,'knocking him down, and,lnlalling McCain grasped the guard to.lave himself from going overboard. 'Regaining his 'feet he struck Dawson, fetching him to the deck, and getting astride of him, ho told bim that he would not. take advantage 'Of him, but would make the matter right by apologizing to his sister. Dawsim , concluded to accept the apology, and the affair was settled to the satisfaction of all concerned.— Wells ville Union. Correspondence. Enrron AIWUS:—In looking over the Radical, of tho 18th inst., I observed a communication from James Patterson, Esq., on tho subject of tho Erie Canal en largement, which appears to have been celled oat by Inquiries from one of our Representatives In the Legislature.— . Three Inquiries appear to request hie views on the propriety of passing a bill now before the Legiehiture which anther lies the 'company to enlarge the canal to a Ave hundred ton capacity' and that the said bill will pass. 'And that it will be followed by a bill taking six millions of dollars of gold bearing bonds out bf the State Treasury end substituting the bonds of the canal company for them.' Now, sir, with regard to the passage of the bill now before the Legislature (tolticA traipses) I presunie there is scarcely a member of the Legislature that will op- pose it, hump it is very sure to pass; tt is a simple bill authorizing the enlarge ment with the authority to continue the canal to the city of Pittsburgh, or to alabkwater the OblOrivitrqo that point, These are priv lieges which lhad presum ed would be graitted.Without objection, especially from among OUT own citizens; whom wo had aright to suppose were unanimously in AO* iirmaking great sacrifices to obtain addiritrible an object, but I am sorry to be undeceived by this letter of Mr. Patterson's. lam well aware that there is a strong Vanderbilt influence owning and osntrolling the Erie dt Pittsburgh railroad and that it is opposed and has always been opposed to ally improvement within the borders of Pennsylvania except the Lake Shore rail road (which that interest constructed without law) sad was only legalized upon condition that they would build the Erie dc Pittsburgh Wrong, or at lOW so much of it as compelled them to com plete it to New Castle, or leave what they were cotnpelled to expend, entirely use less. Now; sir,this interest has (aa lam credibly informed) offered to purchase the Interest of Charles M. Reed in the ca nal (which Is a controlling interest) at the price which prominent and responsi ble citizens of Pa. has agreed to pay Mr. Reed, and give a bonus of fifty thousand dollars. Now this offer could only be made by this partyrwith a view to letting the canal go to ruin. If this party would saCrillce nears million of dollars for such a purpose would they not spend a large amount to defeat the enlargement and thus prevent the transit of heavy freight to and from the Upper Lakes through Pennsylvania, and thus eompel us to resort to railroad transportation from Pittsburgh west, while they have the Lakes front Runkle, and here is where the opposition to enlargement oomes from,• and they will spend large sums to accorupliall their object. With regard to the injury or destruc tion of the'water powerht the Fells of Beaver. I fell to nee wherein thin could occur. My_ judgment would rather be that the value or the water power would_ rather be Increased than diuslolobed, as the capacity. of the reservoirs at and around the summit would be greatly in creased, and the supply from French creek would probably be doubled or trebled if found necessary, thus giving to the Beavei a uniform and constant supply in tbb dry season, which is now carried off by way of French creek and other stream' in time of flood. • As to the supply of water I believe it to be abundant. We have the accumu lated evidence of Major Turnbull U. S. Army in 18151 or 1827, of Dr. Charles T. Whlppo in 1830 and of W. Milner Rob erta on several occasions, all eminent EnginCers on this point, which I would much rather rely upon than the mere as sertion. that, there is not water enough. I know that there is plenty of water. I see no groat difficulty in damming the Ohio River from Beaver to Pitts:. Sures to make a depth of water sufficient to float not only a boat of 500 tons but one of 1,000 tons if required; it is only a ques tion of dollars and cents,andnotoneofen gineering skill as such things have been done repeatedly. We will Instance the Monongahela only, whore a slack water has boon in successful operation for many Years, tending largely to develops the Whole region watered by that stream, and distributing blessings in the way of the fuel to millions on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. I do not think it would be gool policy for us to oppose the expenditure of two, or even three millions within our own county, even if that amount should be required caper' Mr. Patterson•s estimate, which is en tirely too large. • As to the means by which this great end is to be acoomplished. I would only say that should a hill be introduced ask ing the Leghstattlro to ottoboolto 'Me bonds now in the Treasury for Canal bonds it would be nothing morethazi the State has repeatedly done,to slant the re quest,and always I believe with the votes of themembera from► this district; for in stance the grant by the State of the North kranck Wei &thipielefte. Division of the Debi Omit to the Bum: bury e Erie Banned and the grant of three and a bill millions of gold bear*/ bomb to the Allegheny Valley reed, now I cannot se, whywben we ate asking the same kind of mid for the im provement of our own section of Amur-. try that our mambersabould iota ageing the manure or blooms restlese on the sul/led. =l2' - Should the Leeislatan grant this ex change of six millions, and it should earn out that Use canal company would not be able to pay one dollar back, bow would the amount stand with regard to this county? Beaver county is just about the one hundredth part of the Common wealth both in population and wealth hence ber shire of tbeloaa would WOW,- OW. Now the valuation fizz taxable pur poses is between four sad five million, say four million, hence our lose would be one dollar and fifty routs on each one hundred dollars or fifteen dollars on the thousand; or actually three dollies on the thousand of- the rest value of our property as every one knows that the valuation for taxable purposes does not exceed one fifth the actual value. . Thus a min worth ten thousand dol lars would lose thirty dollars, but would gain by the improvement at least thirty times that amount and the whole State would be largely benefited by giv ing increased thellity to the development of her resources and employment to her 'citizens. • I may be intruding my opinions un asked, yeti feel so deep an interest in. the suooess of this great project that do not feel like setting quietly by and hesr It denounced as chimerical.. Nor to hear it condemned benuariits Mends may apply to the Commonwealth fir a helping hand. The representatives from this district have aided similar projects In the same way in other asotions with out a murmur from their constituents, why they should now be Inviting oppo sition is more than I can comprehend. —I am not In favor ofhanging• man for fear that he might do some great wrong. Itrarsinsetrum. Enema Anoost—By your permission I will employ a little space In your col umns to make mention of Prof, Whit ham's school, which elo*ed•the 11th inst. This gentleman Is too well and favorably known in the county as an *dilator, to make It necessary to peas any particular encomium upon his efforts and labors in the school Nom. I shall, therefore speak more especially of the honorable efforts of his pupils wbo so orsditably acquitted themselves in the examination which was continued two days, with numerous friends to witness how dili gently they most have labored during the past term. The first day of examination was de voted to bearing Pluses spelling, read ing, and arithmetic. Unusual attention had been given to spelling; and unusual results attained. The school had been divided according to literary attainment, into three classes to compete in spell fog. To each elms was offered a prize to be awarded to the successful competitor In his class.' The first prize offered was Webster's Pictorial Dictionary. The entire number of words given to the classes, was 2,215 of which 2,259 were correctly spelled, making • little over le per ant of the words given. The examination the second day was particularly interesting, and consisted of grammar, arithmetic reading and spell ing classes not examined on previous day. After the examination of dames bad closed the prizes were presented by John A, Gibb esq., with appropriate words of commendation In the snores*. ful competitors who were Misses Mazy A. Lance, Sarah M. Russell and Mary B. Adams. The swelter in alludicg to the prosperous conditions of the school said—" That for sixteen years the same industrious self-sacrificing' teacher had taught their 'school, and to him they owed Its peace and preriperitt; be bad not taught for the money alone; but had the love of the ranee at heart also." rar us nearer mum D•a Farming Par? Now that the price of nearly all kinds of produce Is so greatly reduced, with thp scarcity and high price of labor, does farming pay? Is a question just now claiming the attention of many. During the tour WP worked our hold hard and It paid. Would It not be well fur farmers, now, to pay something back to the land? Deal honestly with it. Plow less. Sow clover and lot it, have a little rest, which will also enable us to make such a big "strike" as will sooner induce the con sumer (*speculators) to come to terms. With many at toast, "honesty," like this would be the "best pulley." Still, I be lieve farming may be made to pay In other ways besides adding dollar to dol lar and field to field. That occupation pays best which adds most to our hap piness In life. "A man's life coniudeth not In the 'abundance of the things he posesseth." The welt onitivated farm with its comfortable dwelling, its attrac tive surroundings beautified by the hand of art, its flowers, shade trees ; its vege table garden, sufficiently large for the growing of all kinds, of small fruits, certainly pays. It adds to our social comforts our daughters find peace and pleasure at home; our sons less like ly to become loafers at the shops and street corners, or wander through the world without any particular atm or ob ject in. view. Think on these things, brother farmers, whether they be tine or not, TfioX4s. 24 mO. 18th, 1870. Innurrar, Feb:l4, 1870. Enron Axons: In looking over the dear old Mums I noticed there was no correspondence, last week, from this place. I think it will never do to let our good old 0 01 11 1 nonwealth or Industry township page' by more limn one week without a correspondent; no, here goes 3 / have been out on a grand fox chase of three days• duration,and &grand chase it was. It resulted in the capture of one fox each day. Now, Mr. Editor, if any of the FurCotnpanies can beat the Colon el, I would like very much to bear from them. When anything of importance occurs down here, in the old common wealth of Industry, I shall keep your readers advised. R. WALTON. A VISJT TQ afigLAosp, a 110111 WIC 9 11 DILILIENOTH MIMIC HOME. Intending to call on our genial friend, Mr. Mellor, wo were surprised to And the establishment on Wood street closed. As we stood there in sad contemplations on the constant changes of this incon stant world, a placard In the window solved the mystery, for it ahriounced— Mellor's Music Store removed to 53 sth avenue," and Ina few minutes we had a happy surprise by beholding the most elegant establishment in the city of ,Pittsburgh. Entering and passing a host of gentlemanly clerks, we came to the private office, and found our friend Mellor, in conversation with his partner. Mr. Hoene, a gentleman heretofore an ' active member of another muslo firm. An invitation to inspect the establish ment in their company was gladly ao cepted, and we feel perfectly satiated now, that we have seen one of the largest music houses In the United States. Not a single corner of the four extensive sto ries Is unoccupied. On the first floor ars . pianos by the dozens, of every style, and folios with sheet music cover the walls by hundreds. The second floor is filled with organs In numbers sufficient, it seem, to us, to supply every faintly of a w ocesn i :::s mu ms tld n e, t udw y they witl im d o e7 m) e, anurth a d ed go „ noo l u lk nn e cess : I brim full of boxes and shelves, filled with violins, graham, dews, striop, and in Set everything known sis a musical instrument. id' to ohs mama! • to wholesale lieribsnete, • twisted bistro mentos, Wtrldgs, bathe, Se.. ft& Airthei deal directly with Wei Iliannbutorm in ibis country and in Ifictor&tbey the marsorsgra. mid Ortima and di, sell Jot.. ebee# i OO N.W"fork stores. We cannot resist szpriminit out bosky thanks to Atelsrik MAW &/icerie • tor enlarging nor ideas ident 'the snide trade, and - ammo& wit* our made* who,may viaittbe eitri:of *hotter means of bringing borne plea/WA Meollections, than by visiting the maninarth artabibh meat of MAW £ Borg* et ad PM ave nue. Cone se You will, es PelvhaMr or •leitor, them Is a welcome for i on ._ Pittsburgh Paper. . I Penn'a Legislature, Hones Ineb.l4.—A bill was Introduced shtherishig thessymentofdamenn, ans . tatnid by the tidier; of Pennayiranis during the war of the anti pro viding means thralls. It Was appropri ately referred. The bill militarising the Governor to appoint additional Notaries Public, for Pittsburgh; pried._ A nee . Intro was . iiiihred histruellibig ou t g en . dors and representatives in Congress tO oppose the completion if di Donnish's' bridges serer the Ohio river, online re striated to • single span. sigma, Feb. 15.—The StateTreserrer, Mackey, presented a written instement to the Senile Mince Comeadttes, And in answer to questions of Senators Billing felt, Wallace and Whitey reiterated that be bad followed the practice of his pre- dressing in depositing Is pirblie Binds. Mr. Billingialt—Chaird Senator Wallace concurred In the expression that the datemlint rennet isisesordanee with the request of the Oanuinlitsi. They had 1 . desired • monthly. soot of what the same outdated. Mr. Mackey mild the statement was not what he origin/illy. In tended to make out, but be bad been guided by the advice of essieral members of the committee, who expressed' them selves Started with thie. • I The bill Metering the pay of 1 Audi tors and ernisievlsors of flew eir and ;Wash ington counties, to two dollars per day, passed. Also, • bill repeelleg the pro visions of an Aot to exempt bills of lad ing front replevin. The Senate Paused the bill granting writs of error in cases of felony, over the Governor's veto. Homan- 4 number of bills were In troduced, of * local diameter, end refer red. Several private bills passed finally. The bill granting writs Of error to cases of murder and frionyeentinionly oldied the "Elehompe hill "—passed over the veto. The Hones Tremery bill, deo, t Smears, February rd.—mus art reso lutions were Introduced and referred. A resolution so to construe the law as to Lucinda Priseli ilispeeiers M MenShertl of the Board of Public Charities, Passed. Mews foe &joint committee to Inquire Into the propriety of continuing the pub lication of the history of. theTenasylva ale Volunteers, passed. The Senate moan• imously pissed the resolution ;urging our Senators and Representatives In Con gress to procure the purge . of 4 bill to prevent the placing of obstructions in the Ohio river in shape of bridge piers. The bill for the protection of coal miners passed first reading: Horns—A resolution' was insured, —and agreed deal of strelnation and re crimination bandied—tagrant a clerk to the bribery and corruption investigating Committee In the matter of the Plunge of the Philadelphia Police bill. A clerk was denied them, and the CoMmittee WWI instructed to all with open. doors.— The Ballet the Howie of Represearatives was voted to be oconidedy the National Convention of Paddled and Bailers to ramble In August next. Both : Houses have agreed to adjourn from Friday till Wednesday next, in horror of Washing ton's birthday. . I .entirrie, — Fab. - I‘.--efiffewid petiusna on various 'subjects were presentek— The House treasury bill was reported from committee favorably. Thei House resolution for a joint•Legialattre Com ratites to participate in the preparation for the first centennial , anniversary of American independence:vit. Philadelphia, July 4, 1870, passed. A number of bills were introduced. The bill for the pro tection of coal miners pessecL, Also. one allowing corporations to include ac- cumulations of expenditure in 'real es tate improvements as part of their capi tal stock. Also, one allowing railroads of this state to connect with similar roads of other states passed. The House Treasury bill was discussed rintil ad journment. Homes—The bill making It a penal offense for witnesses to wilfully absent themselves, passed.. The bill restoring spring elections was pesttioned for ono week. A bill transferring • legal copies of records from English courts to those of Pennsylvania, passed. The liquor law was amended so as to prohibit the • sale of any less quantity" than j ten gal lops, and ante* the questiOns of license to a vote of the tiounty 1 ha this I shape it passed second reading. Mr. Forsythe, (democrat) was awarded ids art as rep resentative from Philadelphia. The Gov ernment Ise signed the bill Philadelphia, punish the destruction of baggage by hackmen and baggage masters, through ' , careless, or willful bard usage. This law was needed. SENATIN. Feb. 18—The resolution urg ing Congress to pass slaw granting pen almost° soldiers of 1812 and their widows passed. Mr. Itutan—by reqUest of a gentleman of his district—foist). duced a bill to protect the rights of males in Pennsylvania, which opens convents, nunneris,da The msjority of the com mittee, In the Scull-Findley contested election case, reported In favor; of giving the seat to Findley. The minority asked leave to report hereafter. The bill to pay Gov. Geary's Inaugural reprises passed. Hogan.—Mr.Welton called up the Sen 7 ate resolution relativist° obstructions in the Ohio river, and moved to Substitute his own, with an amendrent , providing for the appointment of three:nem:ben of the Senate and eve of the House, to se oompau yes committee of the 'Coal Ex change in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St Louis to Washingten, ism agreed to.— The bill extending the dearter etof the Ede Canal Co., authorising therul to slack. water the Ohio and issue bends, was re ported favorably. The appropriation bill Was also reported. Forty -First Con gress. Vunroa. SECOND SESSION, SUMATN, Feb. 14.—The Vice ! President submitted the Report of the Secretary of War on Georgia attars, which was refer red to committee: tbs enxientials of Messrs. 11111 and Miller, Sen'ators clod, from that State, wore alio refe'rred.• The bill for the admission of Mississippi was then discussed until the hour olexecutive session, after which, adjourned. flovsv„—A resolution was 'offered de: daring that the business Intermits of the country require an increase in the vol ume of currency, and instrjucting the committee to bring in a bill Increasing it $50,000,000. A motion to lay the resolu tion on the table was negatlied, and it Wee discussed until the close of the morn log hour, when it went over till neat Monday. A committee of Iconference was ordered on the bill to supply defi ciencies In the Naval Appropriations. Tire resolutions recognizing belligerency hetWeen Cuba and Spain were called up .and commented on by Gen. Logan. The President was asked by what authority Spanish war vessels were repaired at U. S. Navy Yards. ‘ Eigsamr, Feb. 13.-4 bill passed to place at the disposal of RA/4We Chicago Flattery, certain ogrttlied ordnance. The President was asked for the number and PIPE ehiisct4e of iron dads bigpogiugto the D. e. NOY, their ocai and Karat con• ocaitmlitas of acareveace was appointed od Nis Navy dadaipaey liotnut.--t2lnventl riseatbsrs . bad per whetiostWihrive their spwebus published In the Mobs; nothing ftwilier of any in twist transpired. •The.,New 'York' onn tests& awe was discussed mi some length bat Without motion Wallowa adjourned. Buss; Feb, ltl•Thit bill to provide artlacial Limbs to dimblad soldiers was discussed, amended, and laid nide for the conshierstiort of the Mississippi bill, which was discussed until the hour' of adjournment. ' • .Housa—A bill was introduced for the better protection of our Northern and Northwestern frontiers, which was re ferred. A resolution was adopted direc ting the Secretary of theTressury to take Into ocinalderation the propriety of eruct -14 a building suitable for the accommo dation of the H. S. Courts, Post office, de., at Paducah, Ky. -A bill fixing the salaries of judges, and regulating the Jurisdiction of Probate Courts in the Territories, passed. A bill to redefine portions of the boundaries between N. break* and Dakota pulsed. The House, after a lengthy debate, decided to give the seat in the New York contested elec tion caw% to Van Wick. SZNAT/14 Feb. 17.—The West Point appropriation bill passed. A joint reso lution authorising the payment of hull edam to Oen. Hovey as Minister to Peru, passed. Also a similar resolution for the tranallw of certain money's to the asylum for disabled-volunteers; passed. One thousand copies of the letter of the Secretary of State relative to the expul sion of Goy. McDougall from Winoepeg Territory, were ordered to be printed.— Alter a lengthy discussion,the Misaissip 'pi bill—with the Virginia restrictions— paged by a party vote. Houan.—The Utah bill was discussed. Mr. Van Wick, of Now York, took the oath as Representative from that 'State. The Legislative appropriation bill was taken up and debated at considerable length but without disposing of It, the House adjourned. Sznain, Feb. 18—A telegram from the Governer of Nebraska announcing the ratification of the XVth Amendment in that State, was read. Many bills were introduced and reported from commit tees. The bill creating the office of So licitor for the State Department was tak en up and amended, providing for an examiner of chains In lieu of a solicitor, and passed. The bill to encourage and promote an International exhibition in Washington' Ulty iu ign, was debated until the hour of adjournment. Llousz.—A strong effort was made to get the disability bill before the Moose, but it had to give place to the Commit, tee of the Whole on the legislative ap- proprlaUon bill. Tito clause for the con struction of a brancit of the Treasury Department was rejected. All propos'• lions for increasing salaries were reject 'ed. Alter the Committee rose, a bill ap propriating $3,000 for investigating into the alleged stile of cadotabips by Mem bers of (longues, palmed, UPPER SANDUSKY, 0„ Feb. 18, 1870 EDITOII Anous : The snow, which fell last night to the depth of six inches, re minds us toad winter is not yet over, al though we have been enjoying spring weather for sometime past. flusinces is dull hero at present, Produce markets are declining rapidly lilt some cause. One of the largest school meetings ev er held in this plow usembledleat even ing, and we had quite an exciting time. A motion. had been made to tear down the present school bonsai and erect in their stead an edifice large enough to miaow modato all who may wish to send their children. At present we have seven school houses, batman) , children are de• privet access for lack of room. After discussing the matter at wino length, it was decided to build—on the most eco nomical plan—an edifice of sufficient di, gSiliiMiiiiaiii The beautiful drama, "Ten Nights In a Bar Room," was rendered In Beeny'a Haft on the 2d of this month, to the sat isfaction eta large audience, by the Up per Sandusky Thespian Association; and by request, was repeated on the =lt inst, It is thought the moral of this, and like temperance dramas, will help to mold the public mind In oppostion to the gi ant evil of -intemperance which now curses our beautiful and once prosper ous town, The place boasts of no less than twenty-three liquor saloons. The temperance organization Is strenuously opposed here, and every attempt to bring violators of the law to justice, is defeated by the anti-temperance man. Many of the brightest minds of the county are being ruined through the power of strong drink, and our °aunty is being filled with paupers, who have been made such by that accursed beverage. The heart sick ens in contemplation of lief danger to which the youth of this place are exposed. Almost every night they may be found on the streets, reveling iu shameful de bauchery. Blind Tom Is expected here on the lad, to make a display of his musical quali fications. All appear to, be anxious to hear the sable "singlet." WYANDOTT. PITTSBURGH MARK OFFICE OY TIIE PTS, GlAzsr. t MOND IT AY, Fob. 21 rr , 1870. J BUTTLIt-:Is quiet and unchanged ; sales of good to pripie at 30 ®3sc, and choice roll at Me. CREESE—Is steady but unchanged; Western Reserve and Hamburg, 161® 17; Factory, 17 @ITS New York State Farm Dairy,lB%l9; Now York Goshen, 1911®20. FLOUR—The market is devoid of a. single new characteristic worthy of spec ial netice.• The demand is light and mainly local while prices are unchanged. We condnue to quote western flours at kw 6.50 for spying wheat, and 15,75(40 winter. Rye dour, $5405,25. GRAlN—There is ,no movement iu wheat, and in the absence , of sales, we continue to quote winter at $1,12(31, 16 . Oats verydull, and dealers still complain that they have but very little margin we continue to quote at, 45, buying, aud 48050 selling. Ear Win may be quoted at 15078 on wharf and track. We can reglort some small sales of rye at 90,csah, and 93@95, time. Barley is quiet and unchanged; nay be fairly quotedat 1,06 for prime to choice spring and 11,tua 1,16 for choke fall. PROVISIONS—Quiet without materi al change. fiboulders,l4 @IS for Plain ; 14e for Sugar Cured; Ribbed Sides, 151, Clear Sides, 16; areakilist Bacon, 18e, Lard, prime kettle, 17 in tierces, and 171 (418 in k cgs. Mess pork 224 SEEDS—Clover spoils arriving freely and the market is wady _with o ff ers to sell In store at $Bl, adecline of 250 per bushel compared with last week. Deal ers will not pay shave $7,75. Timothy seed is quiet and nominal atil4,4o®s,and Flaxseed at r 2,1002,15. Tes OsseirwiMptlyeas Tim advertiser having been teetered to health la a lbw • weeks, by a nil simple remedy, after having eugseai several year. with a worts long .afficetton, and that dread disease, Consmapdon, =low to Make known to pia fellow serener. the mesas of care. To an who , , : ,i lsre It, ha will mead a copy ot the predriptiou (tow with the dine tte:aloe misavhg and min the same, which they will tad a sunk calm row Costaintrrzois, Arm WA, BIDISCSUILS; etr.. The object of the advertiser In wirdtsm the prescription is to butent the afflic ted, and reread Information which he conceives to be trmalnabte ; sad he hopes enemy sufferer will try,bla remedy, 1.8 it will cost them nothing. and may prove a blessing. Parties whiling the pre acription will please address Ban. EDWAR9 A. WILSON. W lilt &hamburg, Mugs Co.. New York. Mailtly A Gustsseux who euffered for years boot Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, and ill the effects of youthful bellecrelitm, will, for the sate of et& faring humanity. send free to all wbo need it, the receipt end directions for making the dm* rem edy by , which he was eared.. Milkmen within: to profit by the averages's experience, can do so by addreseing, In perfect eoulideuce. JOflN B. OGIDICf. No. Cedar atte st. = 7,lla4gstee for oaks at lb, Away of See. s I Laela . reWa ; i re ;aw l 1 wed to DMA all einem what ewellteat MOW"' laest at baser, :the wild, a i r. litme or ler the ems memeetel Sulam ltglet mad pnallte. tole. Permute efolaber sex molly Pole to ete. = per nod • Yfeloattkeldi ells by &- theft thee to the brudeme. leorraed Orb summa solely ae mere es MM. That Mlerbo me this my seed thadraddnwe read attest the bus. tame. we make tele eeparalleled otter: To each de we mot well madelled. will mad Ii dollar to pal law Lbw trouble of untied. Yell partieelam. • valuable sample. *lda old do to eamemete west ew. mod a eopy of 71W/hoptie LUsrafir Cow patatese—owe ref tbe lemon and east freell=t: more petalsked—oll few by mall. h you want permutes_ _t, pialtabN work. addlom; Al.t.IN Co....feyeag, oetektm. ENDAL—HYDE.—Yeb. Hilt, 1870, et the residence of the bride's parenta.by J. A. Herring, eq.—Mr. Hamm:4 Ken dal, toMho Mary Hyde, all of Beaver Pa. Dicanrizino lurniclig.—xotsc. Is bens. .:11, by= Mat the fo o, te lan d . ace . o l e e nti: Ni ef to: duly passed la the Reglelan'i Mee, sad willbe Plumaged to the Orphans' Conrt teeio mid allowance on Wednesday tnel day of Week A. D. Plitt nit and Anal account of James 801.1114.1kbahad• triter of John Sealgitt. deemed. /WM account of James WlYbersou. admlntstm tor ofJohn Saha, deed. Account of Thome 1111114.1 . , guardian of Gawp W. Marta, ulnae son of IMnsptemplarker, dee d. Account of Wm. 4/ Shreeds, gensdhua of Ann it tibroads,mluar daughter of Juba M. Moods deceased. .41m:omit of Wm. W. tone, inardlan of Ansa M. Dints (now wander Darla Atom , IL. Waxish minor clad of 1M donemed. of Aomard Bi.wln Presidia, .lan ofAg. nee Bradduter, child of C. arsolabask der .d Aeamnt of J. B. Llttell,Timlnieretor of Adam Bedtenbach, dee'd. Phut account of William and Abeam West, executors of the lest wUI sad testament at Peter West deed. Partial (Heal) amount of Bub Barnes, de bads non OM Automate swarm at Joalab lirtfown, de. eared, Actount of A. B. Wolf, tats of Abate Wolldsol. Account K. G. Mat Mai. administrator of the estate of J. K. liya, who sow guardian of J. C. Venation. sun of Junes Volutes, decd. Accounts of J. IS. Ratan. gwollau of Sidney and James K. Johnston, &When at David Johnson. demised. Account of J.O. Britten * auerdisa of Gustavo* A. Wins* non ofJoba Retu:nu.„ deed. Account of U. 3l'Coiru, exOutor of Jane Cald well. dec'd. Account of John Dixon. silministnitoe of Wm. B. bison deed. Amount of Matthew A Robt. T. Wallace, t :ova. ton of the will of David Wallace, dec'd. Final account of A. Rallatoo, adm't ditto eelate of Win. Renato:, deed. Final account of (:cotta near, wantnieteeof of Harsh beor, decayed. Amonat of Wee. Craig, Imaraliu. of Julia A. lienegnT ar David Martin. deed ' Partial amount of Jame WlYoo,guardbui of James Howell. minor 'ono( George, Boswell, fie. eased. - Account of J. C. Liam guardian of Rahman W ilsey. daughter of U. W Iroy. deed. Account (Personal) of Junco E. Jachatin. Id• ininistrator of James Jackson, deed. Account of J. If. Usrmitztardiso of Oecar.Ohee W. and LlfM A. Morton, lanai chUdres of Luray Norton. &c . d. Account of lota administrator of Allen Coetelicor, d Account of A. Rai too, aduilahUator of the es • fate or nionael Wycoff. deed. Mud smarm of William Mounds, administrator of Samuel libroads. deoessol. Final account of Alexander Der:bier and o omph Ituseelk administrators of Jam.. Hassell, sr. deceased. - Aauont of 6amnel )fitair. Ctiardialti of Bush E. Cochran. daughter of Weald COcklan. deed. ACOCIIIT.4 at Amos Dealt, guardian of Juan L. Dont% eon of Marsh Bonn, decd. • Accounto(Joha W,Wllwgexecutoroftheloot nig and testament of Wise U. Baker, deed. Amami, oaf(sal aad Pena:tail of 11. Bannan. ad- Inialskator lon/a McLaughlin. &cooed. Accacint of Gibe= Wood. administrator of the estate of Aaron Rood. deceased. Yinal account of 3. C. Wilson, administrator of the estate of kebeccaMuivanucgi, decd. Final account of Wtg. L Ramsey, execntor of the mill of Williant lining, deed. Assuan' of Joseph Lawrence, administrator of David Kennedy deed. Account artisan:l Haddon and Hobart (oon, executor. of James liaddera. deed. . . . _ ... Ammo.; Iltesland ?coastal] of L It. Dough crty, raft - ohm of Thatalle YeEnny, dee'd. Aeons, of B. a. .1111:ord,astmlalstratrlt of Thos Y. M'Cord, Aerosol. letsalw D. SINGLETON, Ay. Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! PATTERNS NEW, PRICES LOW, VARIETY ENDLESS , IRON 721 E DM? FRENCH; IMPORTED - To The Cbeapoit Kitchen Paper. De Zottehe &I Co., 112 Wood at., corner of Fifth ave. PITTSBURGII, PA. • Plain and gold bordered Oil Cloth and Windo r Rlinda. Ifeb=:3tn. Adittlinlmtrattorm" Not-Wm.—Let. tors of Administration havieg been tamed to the subscribers oo the estate of Bre. Nary Howe, doe'd..late of► the borough of Bridgewater. Beaver MUM. Pa. therefore aIL wound indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment; and all persons baring claims against the mom will present them duly authenticated for set tlement. T. 11. DOUGLASS. l id . s. IL D. UUWE. r• Bridgewater. Fets.ll.—ew The ondeielxned Execator of the last will sod testament of Jacob Young deosawsl, will sell at public vale on the premises minute in the town of Rochester, Dearer county, Pa., On Diesday, March 131, 1870, at 1 o'clock p. at, the following property. to wit: Beingabout one and onofourth scree of land. sit te Tn Rochester. akeesaid, upon which is erected A Good frame• Dwelling House, of firs rooms .d a cellar, ago.' Stable and other out buildings; some Thirteen Hundred Graperines, Deventy-live Fruit Trees, and 'several difkrent varieties•of small truths, all bearing. upon said prembes. The bow and the entire Improve ments are In good condition, and under good f nee, and situate within four minutes walk of the Rail. road Depot. It commands • splendid view of some Melt erten miles of the Ohio river and of all the surrounding country, Thla fine property will be sold at the above time and place wifkout rear cation orJurUur delay. Terms eery. and made known on the day of PETER YOUNG, der. JOHN 11. YOUNG. Lrostgd. Debliklw lfarkets. Erevro of boleti. Married. Executor's Salo of SEAL ESTATE BEAVER DRUG STORE, 1 -I. VRQ Y+3Tlgg.Elll, Druggist & Apothecary, I3l± A.Nr Eat. ,PENN. DEALER PURE DRUGS CIIEECAIS I EEDICUIES PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE- (TUFFS, WINDOW ()LASS, PUTTY, Choice 'Family G - R.00338 1 1MS CRUDE AND REFINED OILS , LAMPS & LAMP CHIMNEYS, r BrRNERS, fiC Of the vendee' Variety, and at the Lowest Ca .A. 4131 -7ri'ltBdlNalia air Physicians Prescriptions carefully and scientifically compounded at any time day or night. re - Agents ha. Fahuestnek, Hulett and Schuartes Stnctly Pure White Lend, the oldest and beat brand In the market, at manufacturers' price/Mil roct6.lY. P'A.II.II.A.M Sewing Machine NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINES , Superior to any and ail other klailines for Rause 'of Work, Simplicity of Con struction, Streng th . Durabliity, Lightness of Running, Finisb and Speed. AgentS Wan' ed For Western. Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Liberal Commissions Allowed. H. .MILL.INGAR, Ag't. Na. 20113mithfield Street frble:ltsj PITTSMIRciII, PA. rP 601 'rt. , co tio:lrmo • g a 0 ,_, ..,.... i .. g a .5 , .m a. ;a 4 0 P 0 vact vi 0 til - 1 4e1.. J....., L:_,cp V 2 C 1.11, Min too 132 tatil )•..= ••I (-2P N O 219 "C 1.0 3 °l lt 10 OD •:3O CT VI S' ( it ) Ct 00 wiz , c ,; 8 • I V 1 P • cr CD E .. to . cc, Wfr it 4i i.D e.. 4 8 aw ~ m . ~,.. 1 5 to fis P 6. Ct 1:1 0 So 44 -4 , 0 ii .0 • NO • IMO -1 .. cm* CO G QR ' CD o • • Jimllkle , 1000 131170111131.41 or "%Irv. 1000 BUSHELS OP CORP JAMES DUNCAN, Vailloton. Beaver CO.. Yo. Who lasi jutt retmlred one of lltft. lerpt and m.st complete etotics ever hr meg to Beaver county, coserstlag of DRY - GOODS Hats, Caps tt Furs, alitirMin 43 231116111210 Dliffilel 4, l ll § ll =-1 1 4 1, 'Zfirli Carpets and Oil Cloths, QUEENSWARE, CTILOC.EI ELI Act'. Buirrod Flannel,. 25 Om uhd Tartan Plaid A11)604'133 eta awl upward, Pain Alpanio, to eta and upward. PRINTNBI AND 121 CENTt Domestic Gingham" 12,4 cts. GM trpeanl nov 17,3v0. agata. A VaasaMs roma Illasanas saws. OW/. Maven Oman PawNly War on Raccoon Cask, ma 854 amnia" anal tram th'se Ohio Alm and sla sales taw Pamr. canal' Oo• numbed oadl 7111kly-11Dro abort SO says et eibkh are diet cekragee-ar rest wood land, sad arty wet tiered bang tie dertaid urn's' GOOD COO/6 The toprovasoute cads& of • kg dwallteg Imam —ttaine stank. dr- nee la a - ROOD Navbasarrs Oa the madam &Os w tate abbot ea OS war lace, oa 11Pritay Nan& 4. ino, at I.p. So. N. B.—The above wawp will be sold Ss yen or whole, to salt par. Tams male blows ea lb. day of ads. CHARM LaTTIUDIJIM. Teta, 18723.1. Rolf P. 0., Darter 00, re. itorodums Fes CIIIIUNIPT IN MEL PTbo eadenlesed will receive lbe taralsidu of Ibe awterlalo awl buW COsOil Um& we tie Coast) Poor Pam,' war tae womb of ilascoos Creek. Ithes tweraNd mit Iltrlklay Karelia 4tb TED. at II Veleta s. . &- The bandits: to bout brick. owe bombed by droy by kerL two stadia, with stone bases at Mao sal spectilattleas as be loess at the Cars tatisiceers' Odor. Beaver. Ps. Ileaulty M tbo blade palarmatow at the wart will be *All peeper!. to be sealed. awl dincted taro at Ike Poor." Brow, Deaver Camel. and warted - Proposals tor Coasts Moos. JOhN MINTZ B. Xt3t.tIIAMIA ['bra's Pearaar rD.tiwl !t U. CoOPJUL 11 tot[ sad Loot cep, a Haws and food bill to 13222 usaesslgaed wall bis L' Woe ••• lot la Barrer-44d proms" Wag Deweatapk• by Cps. IL lbsrase —located ea nee. cad Stmt. Tbe boom assislas ass Isese—olOsir nags pen of tba beete•—•od • enialS4Mera stable, Am. as tbe la. A dace sear tbe doer, sae Um let la Iw.d wilt • pad ?be above progerl7 will be sold claw II bee dleseaed at beame 10. Ira of IlarclOt irtll.l3ssa be kw mt. Apply to Joseph C. Mem. se to t s antealber. IstalclnkSiej THOMAS WALTIIIa. El r• Smug Ei oi 01- el) BAimV wry Ida oss !As LP m ir T. itiocu.Toeu. Madan five. W. Doaxwv a co. . tetitisel n W. Lombard IL. &Willem PITTSBURGH BANK OF SAYINGS. fa /Mmes. Teltaikerego Ws. Chartered u 1862. Open daily true f to 4 o'clock. gad go gaggepay Itggzuto. funs 307 lit tt? :footmen Ist. Tto o aad ion Retnmeor lat et 110 lat, Ile • o'clock. latonot paid at tes rats of gis p.ft onat. Moor tax. sod If got arbitrates compogedt onsi. aosoagy to Jsogat7 old July. Books of Woes. torsialied at tea di OF 111 FOOD m 41114104: ORO ROE A. BURT. Pron. 5. 11. ! vim p m , dataPARE. Jg. f BrllLnitsg. they aid Tragel. A. BMW). J. L. Gilboa. A f, Was ILlgiatick, Joe. I. Dihrolik, Y. gam. O. Yalleootear. Jookaa Modao. Jobs Meg. Robt O. 14133141 U, Cbrildiate Rag. T. W. k. A. if IBM, Webers. r.► CO w+ I=M3 o i ez' - o .-s = co Farm For or Sale. A mustang Ilhaetraerea ams„ 321. tlamalassts„ berm Oar a/ Joao mile 4 m la alms see mile tem Beam mil ii =his mac km fat* tae asd laigtstea, AU Ueda cars aria amt. Tlam an as It a ham Dwaine: sag a Lag Sta ble; also, say mount at Trait Um at tba dote eat esnetas of imam pasches, please, eherslas atd, pease The Wm Is la good mak Jed ta a alga states/ cattlettioa. Also, A Pie.' el Land =to tbe Mata at Ike atm dicle hem O gesparty. es larsdra rws„ ceatalse tog 'beat tatiiefaerak mats eflaatkelalg et* A Three Peet ,Veim elf am/. It Is trig Tioltanal, lait a ease Tam Moe. ael Mao al timber la tad al. 1 . 0,110 .• modal als y.Mast. Thee le a lag it." 8110: and "nom 011, ' bat Mama •••ette. ~., • Of Chippewa El $1: - CD gkt , tz "Pow filyZ of tea not Valuate Iltaltatla upit sorgast eimacensor. hi Casianknall awe baa lossa==ror ts. taag aorts roam 1a oalay4 far Ws. TM woe r.erTr...W"' 4 rim= Tba aZdaP Or Two-Story Brick Haw. sr* now r Sral flair, U Mt• Maas mM Dratlig-MOO to Ow mar al the 114,11400/1. al" Oxs "mac Dyellieg Home, Mk ha, mikaka *as Ms Mkt lk • pee eig. kaat aMk,a bake oa Üb . e warta gaol War sr awm am TM Mamas al Ow ask M II Mt as IM maim mmakkil., for beibilm. Oa Ms bt k loolmouse, churn' by dr 111bdi4u, mei a elm ost.loodldhogo trosatory. VAN* Mosolbetillosto tor !Posit to Mt lot. ma A amps Arbor reaming Orme" Ile idols &oh 0/11041 my the dales* ems et .llll %aim pet sal tie replay tepees* is lingtedliPtr ad Is de me fir t test TY in trams II WI Mods% alk SO MI. Will. egad ea arid, veer um The Us* sad tastes ea es illid Ailm no be cose a. T 4 ". "1" • tbses.ll/10 9 •: umrket sakes Ibr 2000 BUSHELS OF OATS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, f.,olJtatiA,:..l) cu. and upward, }Naha.; 10 ets..and upward, 1 Good Fo•mbe aabie, Ii EEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers