The Beaver Ar iteaver. Pa.. Jou. 20.1870 ; Circulation Over'2lerivelitaidrett" Hallett or Adverthilug. _ . nue. all. Me. am. 1:161: 1 year I qr-1011tien, 115130 $1 08 .$5 00 $1 t $lOOO do alO 510 70010 00 alio 3 squares. do SMI 600 OMIII 15 1800 4 squares. do 600 800 10 110 15 00 II 10 4 column, 800 11 00 15 110 5l 03 38 00 Ii eplanut 11 10 15 IV 20 001 118 00 130 00 1 c01umn...." . 831 00 alkao as Got ,ao ou 100 oo Administrators' 'and Executors' N0tic01....53 00 peels' notices iterilne, ten amts. Tents to lie mid. Qesnerly. except advertisement,. which must be paid Or" Pnynteni (Or Ininolent V In edvance. State of Theirtuoinieter fur the week' ending the Zia of Jan., IKi 0. WO leo. 1(1 --- 43 . deg742 dog. 5 deg, ..17 G 1 dog. 511 deg. 39 deg, 44 Ig 35 deg. 31 deg. 27 dog, 19 . 21 deg. 43 dog. add*. 0 21.) 29 dog. 42 deg. • 115 dog. "' 21 23 deg. 41 dog. 311 dog. " 27 dog. 52 dog. 45 dog. R. T. TAYLOR. lintnseriptiont4 to the Dormer Ar gns.—yho following named persons have paid the HUIIIB set opposite to their :zanies on subseription . to tho Beaver since the date of our last pain t Rola. lyihihaw, Chippewa Lp., $2 Dinlel Powell, Knob, 2 Anthony Crih(ler, Sliippingport, 03 Thomas Dawson, Allegheny city, 400 IL K. Shannon, Nay Sheffield, 2 00 Mu) ; IL C. Scott, New Sheffield, 200 Wm. Taylor, Bridgewater, 4 00 J. Harvey, Darlington, • 2 (10 F. Germly, Industry, 4 00 Samuel (lean, New Sewickley tp.,. 2 00 I leery Noss, Beaver, • 200 'apt. W. McClelland, Meadville, 100 J. McLaughlin, doe'd.,N, Brighton, 3 50 .1. It. McClure, Black Hawk, 2 00 Eno , ' 11111, (laden, ' 100 U. W. Scott, Beaver, 4 00 (leery Small, Beaver, . 9 00 Swearungin, Sidney (Iowa) aOO The gittentioit.of tho public.: is illroetea to the relh)whlg, Nett• Atlvertiserntetts Nvitieh appear for tho 11 . rst limo in the : Spoeial Notice:4-1141g° Andriessen, tirQvial Notices—ll. Municht); ~ l'itt.s.'Savings Bank—G. A. Ilerry,Pro,et Por Salb—Thoinas Walteis, , • Fur Salo—Peter Angel, Farm for Salo—N. MerlAkk, Notieo—.J. M. Rubric, Comnibpilonor Parra for Salo—Total Kirkpatrick Orphatis' Couillo—ll. Beal, 41.tlin'r. Exeettior's Notice.—Young k lineking Ll:rfr" Choice New Crop N'ew .Orleans Molasses. Best Honey Syrup:lntl lon Syrup' for Sale cheaper than the cheap est at. A. S. Harvey's Store, BridgewatCr. Real Estate for another efiltnnu (ho reader will find some real estate owned by Mr. Peter Angel offered . for sale. 'ThL.4 properly is. excellently located, In good repair, and Is really a very fine business stand. Wm. Fleming Co's. Grea, Itepre sentative)lat, Cap and Ladles .Fur House, \o. 139 Wood Street, Pittsloar,Lib, l'emea. Send for prim list or Ladies' Furs. [oet.27;3m. When will correspondents learn that their HaIIICA nuisvaecompany their coin inataiations, if they desire theta to ap pear in print? Sevaral communications thisl character, poetry aunt prose,reach ed no last week, which we decline, on the groom! that we do not know who wrote,theni. CV - Blank Smninoii n for wale at: tiro Anqrs lace. Adigournicd.—The Board or Uounty Auditors in session ror sonic time past,con. chided their labors on last Wednesday, and inljottrued. Thry expressed tbcm. selves 113 Wnit 13111 . 13flUti With the condition In which they fimml the yttrium; accounts, particularly were they pleased with the books or the Treasurer's office. • -- Conoultmouln for ole rot the _toot, hunt Fresh I,ltuo 81w:qt.' Ott hand at thu tth - anon Limo t ilav , Vauport. [augll: Hu riot to Deal 11.—We lear n that on Thursday evening of last week, a young lady, Miss McCormick, of Independence tp., this county, having recovered from a very long and severe illness and being yet very weak, attempted to place a lamp tilled with oil on the mantle pidee. • In doing su she stumbled forward, the lamp fell from her hand on the lire, exploded and scattered the burning oil over her elothlng, which also took lire and before a,sistanee could reach her, was burn ed to death. anil yellow, always fresh, Frimil eirmfeetioneries, eatitliut, cough lozenge 4, malt, elmeolate autl vanilla ear amels, love drops. Orders for Finley ealtes, suitable for partioN and weddings, lilt at the Leaver Drug Store, will ho promptly attended to. ANDRIENNES. Lost.,---On Christmas Eve (Dee. 2 Itld Jetween the Presbyterian church in Iridgewater and North Bridgewater, a rair of Gold Spistacles. Tim finder will re suitably rewarded by leaving them at his Mho% IF you want. either a senthijental or ...auk valentine eail at the Book and Wall Paper store of It. Mit Bridgewater. Teiniterauce ?fleet itia.-1 Iketing held iu the Chart on Friday el : Piling next. Several 'loralWrs till n t twitters to the iitizeng and, on Ltvt'l•hury , lay g reigitgoi, g got):1 time vxpor:ekl. BANN l'Olt mint ion of parties who aro forlainato slough to have homes tor investment' dire•u•; to the advertisement ot• the iL nu well knue•u institution. whieli is , wated at No. , 17 Fourth avenue, Pak- oirgli.- , -The officers are well known ittens ofl'ittslitirc.h. see earl, quarterly .-'l'la• Fourth Fottrt 21.urterly Meeting,. for the prennt year, ,11 he held in the haver 31. Li. Church, It (lie :illt and tith of I , ehrita.y. Het% J. 'l'. ltaker, Presitling Elder, will be pre, t. It}:riN ED carhop oil, : primal quality, 35 els. per gall., not explosive burn ng fluid, bait erode oil at the Beaver irug,Store. , Mbiglonitri Lecture.—Her. titev ra•,m, a returned missionary from India, will Iretnrc, next Thursday evenfkr, In the I'. Church', on "Linciix 11.1 yin p.Cisibit Many curiosities and Idols - -mu that land, and many models i!nts Oa trill illustrate life in IT empire. 'OW Drehm.—Tho New Brigh- the Id, which was, has grown proud d last week it VOL 011' a new ju ,: looks n ow us neat no n pin, W 1 00 has been changed, to that o ' Tr herald; •evflon.—ln noticing a now io time ago, wo Inadvertently its pricro 'Wm one dollar and ets, Tho notice should havo vad thus: '1 kIt,iI'ERITU-11.11tONES4 LLICILEN. LIN.--A new book by :qrs. Barker, late heaver, can be had of Hurst, at de store of A. C. Hurst In Bridgewa ter. Price one dollar and fu:enty-five ela • This Is u charming little (volume, and will afford pleasure and hiStructlon to all who read It. Call on Mi. Hurst and get a'copy. Some. actbto - "ileg min" at Harris burs had fait 'drill's.* 'to the trouble of sending copies of tlio Pitteburghtrareite, containing narked .etracts froM other k '.:rinirpaisis, I/6/ 'llial . 'rerin4ifielci.i. , csaa.= . test, to a largo number of the Republi cans otthis county.' Of coarse these ex tracts are all on the Mackey side of that 'question. Several copies of the Gazette containing these fulminationshave boon shoWn e wore the ;If thio iender l iidbcktanr hew , • • , few the thanks how= reobbringfor his pains from the recipients of his; fav ors, we suspect be would employ his tie - team' money in ionie other way, RN investment, so far as this county is con.. corned, is a . very, unprofitable ono In deed. El , Bridgowator Pa., has just rOcavo4 . atlifl a now Opechig a fill ossortmenl of Made and.. sentimental valentines, which can bo bought low. IZEI The Experhneuts before Prof. Tayter's Citise!litt CbegilstrY and . Phi losophy lust Week' Were felt or Interest and mnstadd greatly to the profit and satisfaction derived from the pursuit of these interesting studies. Those sisted of experiments with the Pyrome ter showing the eipirisiona of several of the metals, with Conductometer show ing the relative conducting, power of a number Of the metals; aliciwlth the Bolt head showing the expansion of water by beat. The boiling water by the cation of cold was very successfully shown, as well as the currents estublisti ed ill tho heating of water• . . " Ding Dong."—Wo noticed some time shwa the loss of the Aeadetny the old boll that for years past rung out Its remitter tall to the Student. It was ta ken from the belfry of the Academy pi tho'night by some scamp or scamps, fair less of Um law and .we supposed at the time we should never hoar the peculiar tone of the •old boll again. Constable Griffin was notifled_of the theft by one of the Trustees, and engaged to make an effort to recover . lt. After making a dil igent search in different localities, his efforts were finally crowned with sue.. cess. On Thursday last, he unearthed it ' in ono of the out lots not far front the Academy building; he has also been 81112. oessful In motivating; other propeky be longin to the institution, such ft.s books, sections of operates, chemicals, etc., all of which are being restored to their proper places again. The Trustee.; of tho Academy have wive:timed for a prin— cipal, and there are already applicants for the Nittllllloll6oll . lo of villein aro well qualified to rov s lve the old institution. Success attend the efforts of whoever may t:•ke hold of IL Death ni*Dr. Franklin Moore.— The family of Judge Agnew, of this line, roceiv'ed a telegram on last Mon day nouning, informing them of the death of ltev. Franklin Moore, at Sacra mento, Cal., on Friday, Jan. 21. Mr. M.' was a bon of the late Itobt. Moore, ksq., of Heaver, and a brother of A. IL Moore, and Arcs. D. Agnew. The deceased was well known to many of our older citi zens. For some years past he has resid ed In Philadelphia, hut hishealth failing, he took n trip oatilo . Paoille coast, where he anticipated a . speedy recovery. Diti expeetations,however,were not realized, and on last Friday, .as above stated, ho died at Saerinnento, city. Ills remains will he brotight to Beaver for interment, of width lime notice will be given. Dr. Moofe, at the time of his death, was- a member of the Philadelphia Conference dtfthe M. H. church, and was regarded tislime of the ablest ,and most eloquent nninisters of that denothination. a n 1.211 Complimentury.—Prot, G. L. 1:1,- erhart, of this county, but now engaged in teaching school In - Kittanning, seoma to be quite popular at that place, .as an elocutionist. In noticing an entertain ment given there a short time ago, the I'r•ee I',•e.v,s, the Republican paper of that county, speaks thus of Mr. E i "Prof. ltherhart rendered a variety of amusing, sentimental, and patriotic pieces in prose and poetry, in a manner quite artistica', evincing that be well understands elocutionary principles." The Democratic Sentinel, of the Same entertainment, says: "Prof. Ilherhart, the talented and pop ular Principal of our COIIIIIIOII School, read a number of choice extracts from' prominent and distinguished authors in which ho fully sustained his ^reputation as an elocutionist. ills rendering of 'Tim Vagabonds,' in our estimation, was most admirably IBM It allln•ds us pleasure to mcot• with such notices of one of our 'citizens abroad,' and particularly is this true of Prof. Eberhart, whom we know td bo worthy of the flattering wards hero used. TIIE OF• THE ALtill.t's SuceEss Ext•l. \ tvi:o.—The mar i , secreted by u little vi , lcle er gl u ed, and each gland Is no.tri:in•d and supporte.l by a minute Mod ves.u.l, and :14 Ions; a. , the-; blood. 1,12 '1 carry ;1 sufficient immitity of flour- Mnient lu these glmiiis the hair will grow; but it, front disea4e or any other untie, these vesielsb4q . ollll. obstructed or torpid, so 101011 so as' not to eurry to these glands IL sufficient quantity of Illood to imurisli nod sustain therm, the hair will become dry and 1411 ott. The reproduction of the hair, therefore, depends upor. the restqr,i -thlll Or these small blood-vessels to their primitive and unob,tl•m:ttn! circulation, which indication the .Mama performs. It is ah:oloteh• neces' , ary, before nett' hair he proiffived, to stimulate the scalp by the application or the Anima, which excites the blood-vessels to aiiincreased healthy action. Remember, it requires time; Mr if (he'll:dr tyre to start :t4 soon Ilti the I.o[llo teas applied, it would proba bly h.. liye or six weeks l lsifora It would make its appearance through the skin. it question has been repeatedly task ed us how we can afford to lay out so much in ad v'ertising ; this notice alone costing (according to the circulation of the paper) from live cents to one dollar per line. People do not tako into con sideration that this single notice is read by ;it lea.) three millions of people, of wl 't Is safe to say that one-twentieth are afflicted with Siida . Headache, Thal geNtion, or some bilious complaint (and thus learn that 'Whittlesey's Dyspepsia Cure' is warranted to moo them. . Alm. EDITOR. :—Thore was nn extraor dinary speetaide took ',Nee at Itai'ris burg a fen• dap+ ago. A goodly number of Itepre,entAtives met in a room to in liest igato an odd looking machine. The teelinieal name of which WUN."Quia-Cana (-Toni This thing had extraordinary powers in fascinating and destrpying the individual opinions of those who canto, in contact with it. Mr. Wm. frivol was invited to sec it, but after William ex lIIMM`d it a tremor canto over him, In not the truth is howns frightened, for he thought the infernal think was somo new kind of guillotine, and after duo examination he addressed the gentlemen as follows: 'I am n candidate for the Tremntry, and If the Reprosentatives of our Commonwealth in their proper niece give me their support, and I tun ' eted, I will faithfully 1111 the place; I will have nothing to do with you , as I am pretty sure you will use . II fernal maehine to take my head 'Well, after Willitim was kono and !y• tad settled some little thrancial si .s, they Wetted theirtongues,nnd M c accord played upon their harps otl mond strings to the praise and I.y of the 'Qua-ComerouP machine, an (1 peared hugely del ighted,and again and gain after wetting their tongues, th continued to play on their harps of a housand strings to the 1. raise and glo ry of the 'Qua-CtunerotiP machine, and after a Jovial time they broke up at a late hour. Well, in due time they put their machine lu operation in the House, hut, terrible to relate, something got wrong, and in the confusion and excitement poor 'Mack' fell into their machine soil was minus his head. After the smoke had cleared away there stood our Wm. calm us a 'Hututner's morning,' the hon; , orod Treasurer of the great State of Penn sylvania. .YALLSTONI4, hilt.,l3lenrote.l4Wotdd Yon do me* cavcer.teilektuniteidgi through your iiol uwn my heartfelt, graUtude to the miter. friends who vlaitod the Parsonage on hwt Thum* evening, or lent ravori to nti- Bolt or children In money and ulna val. .ned at: nor/intr . of 11160. 'The pleagnt evening, and kind friends who spent:it with me at my home, will not be torget ten., aid my prayer Is that God may . bias them for Wet kind - ponald , era/lonia thelnott ondeeerving of;hirt servant*. JAB, HOLiaNCisIIKAD, • PARtIONAciii, Beaver, Jan. 18, 1870. _ • ' , Povintt ihrough* columns of your paper, to staten few: fasts which hivelca:tinder My' obiervittionl -within tin; Mit -week or4eildays. Oyitter suppers, strawberry: festive's, ice.creant„ true blomls and! abig thing!'" are all the go generally about this particular time I have just returned from a visit to ,the. small town of Hanover, Columbiana CO.'!" Ohio, where I had the pleasure of beheld tognearlyovery variety of Poultry on the celebrated farm of Mr. Henry Graff. , •He has anew breed of turkeys be says, will weigh 40 lbs. at the age of one yenr this year's brood weigh 20 lbs. I ptirchas• cd a pair of those turkeys. He alio ban the full breed Berkshire b i ligs which, in my opinion, are preferable kthe Cheiter. ' Here is a chance for a capitalist. I think your Industry corr,espondont of week before last dealt rather too sevens a blow upon the young men of this place: its must have been ono of the class he do scribes, otherwise he would not know so much about them. lie can't be a very good Christian, otherwise instead cf ex posing his neighbors faults lie would have endeavored to conceal ;them. BM" like your correspondent, I think there is too much Mating in Industry! • If it is sup- Pressed who will attend the theatres and saloons? •Is It Manly after taking their money to publish them to the'world Our storekeepers would starve mini it not for them. . -. • b 1 ben I get a brood of "big fowls," or "true bloods,"-3lr. Editor—you shall hear from me again. U. WA . 4 . 1 . 08. • WASIIINGTON CORRESPONDENCE The Virginia Big= Ifromaii Suffrage Postal Alegraph—Franking Priv:- tege—Penaions—liaternational position: • Wroultmrrox, D. C., Jan. 21, lain. Tere is so muchlo write about from Washington just at prosont, that a cor respondent is In more of a dilerna in do terming what not to write abOut titan he Is at limos to tind something to write, about. The anxiety attending the long delay in the admission of Virginia, the littlo orOvOrything in the lions° while waiting for' the action of the Senate on the Virginia bill, and rumors about, Georgia; the postal telegraph system and the abolition of the Franking prive logo ; the World's Fair.movornont, and the Propwed Territorial government for the District of Columbia; the Letter Car- riers Convention, and the Woman's Na tional Suffrage Convention cloning last night, and n lot of other things of Na itonal importance, aro crowding in upon my mind as suitable subject innUor for O letter to you to-day. The Virginia bill which nes boon dragging as slowly In tho Bennie, and on ' which gm Senate has agreoa to have doll nit° action to-day, has drawn !from the old Dominion thousands of 'altercated persons both for And against the uncon ditional admission Or the State. The do lays attending its admisalon has givou the anti Walker man an opportunity to supply tho .country with a biography, priVatoand public, .of both their Gov ernor anti Members of Congress elect. Members of Congress have beOn inter viewed on the Virginia subject so much that many of them hardly know tho truth of anything they hoar in ieferent.o to Virginia. It Is evident, hoWcWor, that Gov. Walker has boon badly treated by his opponents, and it Is now feared by a friw here that in case Virghtia ted unconditionally that the anti Walker men will suffer. While I, individually always felt like letting the People do about as they liked , (do right of course) the Woman Suffrage question has staggered me at times, be cause the majority of women I have talked with on the subject, have opposed it--perhops for modesty (sake, or their dependence upon tho'popular idea that men only have the 'right to- vote, and that on men comes the responsibility of . taking care of the fair sex—and have often said It became necessary that if they should vote; I would like to leave the country for ten years. But the Woman Suffrage Convention that has been in Ses sion for, the past three days, has given your correspondent an opportunity to learn more of women i than he has ever learned before, and briefly but candidly, he will give your readers a report of its proceedings. On the first day of the Ses sion, the convention was addressed by Miss Anthony, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Wil mer of Now York, Mrs. Cozzenß, (the law student of St. Louis) Senator l'omo roy and others. On the second I among the speakers, were Mrs. Grilling, Mrs. Townsend and Rev. Olympia prows, each showing themselves master of the subjects they di((eussed. During the day a vote was taken, and nut of some fifteen hundred present, only fif teen or twenty had courage enough to rise and vote negatively ou the Woman suffrage question. On yesterday the convention closed its labors and its chief actors are marshal ing their forces for the meeting of Con gresssional Committee to-day in regard to a Sixteenth Atnenduilmt to the Con stitution of the United States, which proposes the enfranchisement of all wo men in the United States. But first as an experiment .on the experimental great ids, the District of Columbia, a bill is propose i for the enfranchisement of women. Let it come; the experiment of first eafranehising negroes 10 the District was successful, and why not make it the experimental groundS for the benefit of the fairer sex. • The speaking during the whole of the convention was nearly all dune by wo men, and was marked by wit, sarcasm, logic and.; pathos, showing. that in the main the movers in the Woman Siuf frog° cause aro not ignoramuses;bu l t aro possessed of versatility of ability, arid in many respects mastorof the arguements. Two of the most marked characters, both of whom aro novices, aro Miss Pbebe Cozzons and Miss Jennie Collins, the latter is a factory girl of . Lowell, Moss Miss COZZOns,oducated without necessity of foil, small in stature well proportioned (less her Grecian Bond) rather good f looking at a distance; richly dresSed, and was brought to the study of law, she says, by witnessing the .nocessities of her sex. Miss Collins, on the contrary, has had none of those advantages ; was educated by the stern realities of Iffif of, unrequited toil, and appears only be-. cause she cannot help herself. She Is. most modest In appearance, and usually dresses in plain calico, not only for econ omy sake and because she deems it more fitting to her eircumstamses, but in my opinion for good effect. She to !no written speeches or notes, Simply draws on the store house of bitter experience for her arguments. She is nqt what most people !all• beautiful, nor ,is She finished in her manners ; but when she speaks, she moves the whole audieneo in sympathy with her, • • The bill introduced yesterday by Sen ator Ramsey, chairman of the Committee on Poßt Offices, to establish a Postal tel egraph system, and Incorporate thou. Et. Postal telegraph eompany,anthorizes the Postmaster General to establish offices in connection with the post Mikes every city and village where telegraph stations are now'maintained, and stanch other places on the line of the telegraph as the business of the company may re quire. •The rates to be prepaid for transmission and delivering within cor- Jan : 22, 1 871). WEIEI - • - :4 1 6, 4 *:!** 044 eat eicee 4l -. 2 4.* rsitSetobe P*!ebl bijOefifeNlifitiesPeo. TM ellbeti. l 4 19041 1 iriwn. 1 irfe ege - meer‘Oee 37.19;:ez.e. keigt ll ;" , 111 11 3 f 1 ..le;.Nini;:i. theßbilla t ei VP SI O! I 7 I 44M. is :Pl.`! lit lu Ibl iiglA0!14Mr40,0.0111"#" q:pice - o,oifil R 9014, 41111P10,i' ris InteedetiA . :ebeeld • be ..-, lln v ititrieir? each c't .4 , 4074 13,44 4*. t rY 1 0 1 , 41 10).th°44^:?!. • not werTP44:.*: 013 ... 0 0 .1*41t graPido °pendia. to aat such: tmid, hill, es y'co: porealve, provides god company nball'oontrol , bo; nortain IniOri,- , 1 4,1! Therein i r cinial Wing liqoatts-Hed" id — Coligr6Bo being unduly eXergrOiliiedeis).tp*ii, Franialig..povibigo: soil° or Aign. Wait that the abolis6ing - o[l.lw Frazdtroji Privilege,. will prevent to a greairottent,,, the ptribirtlori among their aeruitneertle oi' much valuable and irnitnarahro id& fug. Tentslonsts In -Government °Meet. by an act of Congress In IBM iseredeprivell of their pension for nearly 'year. Of bite 'there has been en tidbit - ma& togettili passed in .Congross thus Orisalion, returii' big to each pensioner the amount' with-. held from hirn,which applying it to those. holding office in - different parts of the 'countries well as hi Washington,wouLl. Amount t 04200,000. i Tho'keido . of Qua Districteccalumbik feel justly indignant at the opposition:l4 . certain Members of Congrnatiothtigri#o, International Exhibition : proposed to be. bold in Washington,- They ask of Congress, except just time enough to . 'give them liberal legislation. The oppe-, 'Mon, or the:inettention of Congress to the interests of Washington_ bee. been so marked that it Is now leatomieg tr i cause of public remark, Tito-city/We no Wnii reamitatiou in Congreissi:lta ;Repetition has no vote except for mordelpril oftleens;' Its officers have - never hid-atrY influence In Congrcat because th6.-weioLoMithla, to' intleonee - the vote .orAny—mentkies thereof— Mow long Shell this unite of af.: fairs exist? The records of• the 'pout Office skew. Wet Congrass bas tiPilf4,4l.; ted raf the 6 4.4Totiltoriel rorPub : '. 4e I lie schools, ~, the-ernount - of 07,083,1X12 . acres 01' land,, but nothing for, the Dis trict of Columbia. Congress has appro priated for Agriquitnral Collor* scrip under act of July PI, 1863 and eupple.. molts, 600,000 sensor land to the States and Territoriee,b4 nothing to; dui Die triet of Columbia. Yet the internal rev enue tax collected by ' the borsinimeut since the enactment of the revenue laws from the prodiple, aliMvs • that from Min nesota was collected 83,503,554; Kansas 81,63/.444.95; Oregon, 81,634901.13; Veda. $4 550 , 675 .4 0 i Zrebraskft.V3,39tls - the territories of ,low Mexico, rtalf, Montana, Ida*. Colorado, Oake n', Washington and Arizona, the receipts were $2,457,540.10, while . those from the District of Columbia wore 83,505,107.61. This tux, does not includethe income tax derived:. from the thousands of clerks employed by the Government. • It will thus he sew that while:the fax paid by tho District of Columbia is greater than that of Minnesota by 75, per cent., she derives no benefit from Government ap propriations of land. 2 clinic. Forty - first -Congress. INECONgIi AIfaSION. SENATE, Jan..l7 7 6—The President laid before the Senate a petition hom the Com- minder of the Grand army of New York, for a modification of the revenue law In favor o[llmb:tied and disabled sol diers. Several Petitions from various quarters, on the lime subject were also .presented. Petitions presented from soldiers of the war of 1812, asking for pensions for the balance of their lives ; also fur the abolition of the franking privilege. Rills wore reported to regu late telegraph matters with foreign Donn tries; rerlPivnchepoThifl • Ing $5,000,000; to regulate descents of Real Estate in Utah. The Virglpla bill cam° up, and after considerable discus sion, was laid: Mt the table, by a vote of 25 to 23. The House bill was thentaken up and discussed uutil the hour of ad journment. llousr..—A largo number of bills were . Introduced snit referred, among which were the following,: To repeal the tun , ago 137 C on American vessels, for ad journment of Congress on the 2cl Tuesday of April ; to pay one year's salary of Jus tice of the Supreme Court to the family of Mr. Stanton ; dt cede to Ohio the un sold lands of Virginia In that State; gran.. ling lands to Wisconsin fora breakwaters , harbor and canal, to connect Grdini 'Ray, with Lake Michigan; to abolish the franking privilege after July Ist, and authorizing tho Postmaster General to establish telegraph postal 'routes. Resolutions woro adopted asking for in formation on various subjects, Including the following: Calling on the Secretary of the Treasury for information as to the necessity of an addition to the United States court house and post office at In dianapolis; declaring that strict regard for public economy requires there should be no increase In the salaries or emolu ments of any public officer of the Gov ernment; Instructing the Committee on Appropriations to inquire into the expe diency of reporting an appropriation of $50,000 for the improvement of the har bor of Evansville, Ind.: calling on the Secretary of War for additional &mil -1 monis -a nil reports relating; to the Im provement of the harbor of Michigan City; donating cannon to be plaeod around a soldiers' lot In Rose 11111 Cem etery, Chicago ; calling on the Secretary of the Navy fur names of Paymasters who have been reported as defaulters, with the amount of defalcation, since March, 1869, adopted; calling on the Secretary of - the Treasury for informa tion as to the claim for compensation for the use of Fort Craig military reser vation, New Mexico; calling on the Soo rotary of War for inforniation as to the harbor of Black Lake Michigan. Several resolutions relativolo the natio:pacer- . reney wore offered and laid over. ' , The Rouse thou tool: up the bill to apportion . representation of the several States In the' Houma of Representatives for the Forty second Congress, and Its consideration, occupied time till the hour of adjourn went. SENATE, Jan. 18.--j'etitiono" wore pni.- s3nted on various aubjocts. Bills were, reported as follows: , Ono to create land districts ingolorado and Kansas; torog (date tho appralsomont and Inspectbin of imports In certain cases, referred ; grant ing lands to Ktuisas to aid railroads ; to authorise the construction of- a caul at Passl'Outre, at the month of the Missis sippi. Tho House bill to pay expenses of Committee on Banking and Currency was inss..l Mr. Riunlin was appointed a Regant of the Smithsonian Institute, In placeof the late Senator Fessenden. The resolution relative to the seizure of whis key in California was discussod until the expiration of bill morning hour, when the House bill for the admission of Vie. gluts came up, and was discussed until adjournment. Hooss.—The lions°, took up the bill for the transfer of thePhiladelphis Navy , Yard to League Island, which was dis cussed until the expiration of the morn ing hour. when the bill went over under the rules.. Tho apportionment bill was then discussed los...sometime, when it was referred to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. A res olution asking the Secretary of State what disposition was made of the 11600,- 000 allowed for aggressions on American' cornmerce by Japan, was adopted. Also a resolution for a Joint committee on Public Buildings and Grounds was adopted. Adjourned. SENATE, Jan. ffor—Petitione on various subjects and from different Busts E7=ll la aloilliKs • Alw r tmok in Ks:mit , , thirati limb' edit ' - tolinorlitaii.;ilfriday.'n aria*„_ . „ 'be ocandstieratfou of ON titaliiii“teghtidoksitrietar<kihitstblk faitlieufk ' ' lliosik.''satd r Miele I *ad Yildins: .4.--..4.1*P04- , 00, A0 4 6 2. 11 . m 4 6 4i stu'unt , !7 *k at iluio., .:..tol N4o:ing it .Rl4:44iaiiiiio,l64 o oai- this power. Tho l oshelat4;ranallim (shelf z4==bthtithyijiiimardins,Abil .s.ledottuniwiss *Ake fasiinietti*Oad esti Cliten*soothe I°o= 4*he il' i it : '`ellitibies -underatbd IS 206 444 3 5eaS i siOtiatioid let '00 " 11 0 1 4 004 ! 1 44.1 1 46 0 ssiOik i "'l”' - 10higli - t - IY? o, 4futtoituie.. quiilerifbi ,E 10 ;1 16 4: 44 1r0 /11 0t4, ,a-,bifcsitil ;Did' not , " isuAisit,t 2 lat.askof tsmitrashlw b;y: what 3 0 4 1 sorlilV;Cithovabi, Itagefe, a. 94 Haines ands lag. Arisio, dibliair are. acting eads4otahfado, nice Ir th il its legalataraAl* li p tl e o n r ? !, amass iestegaisteleted :iti animate "the PrOPI I4 7 1-111 " k lslit.t.3 r law., thas' - ho inalld,Plingusif i ilu ql sii.A. Rte' d " 141:Pati#oi,diaiNf. #lo,us.uolui!"ittba4 titan essieurld_ , 41 1 l t holltvikatterilltoris4 braitOdAtehttelaktilettnie, 3d ofdiLinets, .111%;:and.thwill of Amok: MX Tbb Belendaryeiwentireeied to inspire lei* the 4mi:siesta aint:tiocemdto , of impstving the InsatirkiiNfidasid, OH ;Age Michigan: Aida vies titiodneedlinsa,t teethe right 06 f 1 5YST,_41 klg, ' italfrbad compitty.'s :• ~ . foe. Ott login "j'A L. , a040: 0 A -the otgetinthiti ,Clitlititei 11 14, 4 04, .. &Ma. _, A !NM . ,J4stvtuiting! the Military Coilitti tailtdminta the PeolstletY4saPiaiPlg, itli4U lit o rlittng fora baud of tplittary'toilleetii% fee tho bearing aid dellditif*•cialini f Aof sot , dlers for monthly, pay, 4 wags adaPteds A. bill thantand the behifruot Actloy ea -1,6,04 f.t*n 1 4 irilYiala ." 0 .1 11 Wresto 1 4 lifisissusaele was,Swett. Tho bit! topsorlde, for Rbe rattractiou of Rut ,lillegara Ship finial was'ahm tellared.-, The *wise tin:Amyl:aid the anteidora alembf the Wit to tninsfaitlM % Phihtdtil Phil Nay/ terd-to ;aegnefidsuid. The .bilt Was alnaustail 110 Riatjitelinateeds of liti salmi shall be lead intoitio Treasiti.i, and was thee dhonaled , until ,ifity, °kw!" aryl in ° onsittilliotiej ,A joint roaatutkin Meth° oontlavanch ,Of the Jasmine tax 'waspaased. Theoonimlttedef the whale reported a pandon tditil amounting to vooob,ooo. A , reeollitlavOirMl ildoPeOd• instructing tb ollol / 1 1311thli*Aglieiliitute . to report as to thesetyofestalillish.• I t lug a natirouilsihoOr , astichltursi ine chanted arta *tills tikorkste. , Ad. 1 0 , 11 Rnea• ,41 . i t,` ../. .121E241eig o Josa, Vt?.-71' !Midair/lc hills were, in troduceil mallihtrusir 'For the preservation aft he kailseks of the United Suites - hum cinchsiehrn l entittantini the right of nay themAis dolt *Vic'•Louis to the Junctlon4 • lEnd 'Octlyef Railroad to open public dands In liptuattod end pre antigun Wafers myein California. The Rouse Ce4l4 bill repine I a [ili a substitute. 4' bilt - Wslitlntroduced in, c hut establish a posiA telig . 6l” cotupiny. The Virginia hin lies take , up, and ufter a lengthy discussion, It * ily agreed that the wholesabloet should be disposed of tattioi•row, ite-4•p. tt4 AntirntaL n n .,p.„•__A 1 4 , 4e k ber otbilfs:of hm-gtn erel',Litennt mg° iulnzhipe* , Results. tines wets otX°4l KW /*Mai lint icing . Into the dtutherily far Rim apimapriatisto of public matief. - for themitichase o _ f• fer, ritory without the aniSClll ef - UM Mime of Representatbres. , flesoftithuis were adopted as Ukase ] Relating to coive spondaic° of J. Watson -Webb' tut& the 1 Brazilian Gkwernmentas the subject of the ship Canada ; .in'lelereatce to U. B. coaling stetted.; relative to removing Brooklyn Navy Yard ;, i ,jind in refereniu to the report of the Conialsatoner ofs Ede cation., _Moose then resumed the ..-. WCterror the . ` , lti : of the Phlladeltddi Na't"y Yen], tied it TIMI discussal till the expiration of the morning hour, and Abe° [irent over until Tuesday next A resolution In print 18,. 000 extra copies of the. Report of the spacial Commissioner Of the Itevenne was, after a lengthy debate; adopted. Ad journed I SENATE, Jan. were Iniroduc oi nod referred as followslf , To aboiish the Freedmen's Bureau; to Prohibit the sale of public lands in Katemacizeept actual settlers; for an amentimeni to the Consti tution permitting femalii 4 &Mirage. The -Virginia bill then more up, and was so 'amended (in substance)Mito require each member of the LegislatUre, before tak ing-14S seat, and every Mho: State officer betbre he enters upon the dutiesof his of fice, to 'subscribe to an oath that he had never been a member pr Congress nor held any office wherein in oath to sup. port the U. S. Constitutioti was a preregut sitc, and afterwards'engaied in the rebel lion ; Ur, othural&e, subsCribe to an oath that his disabilaties have limn removed by Act of Congress; and prcividing, further, that the State shall never alter her constb tutton so as to deprivie en t r y citizen of his right to vote or hold office on account of race tir color. Tints &Metaled, the bill passed by yeas 47, nays 13. Adj. There was nothing worth reporting oc corral in the House. Nothing but the considerathin of local billsltranspired. Penn'a. Legislature. • Szsiafx,' Jan. 18.—There was little transpired In the Senate, save the Consid eration of some local bills In which par. ties °Discerned alone have interest., Both 'louse adjourned to attend the inaugura- tion at one o'clock • Frousv.—Among the bills Introduced Were : Coate prevent gam ` bling and lot. tubs in _Pennsylvania; toirequire a 11- ecisielrom County Treasurers' for selling :pedants; declaring '°veal recognizance binding on defendants and decor' t les until pmperly discharged by proper magistrate or Court; also . giving Ceintnon Picea Court the , 'power to grant iiivorces In all eases where the lent inteiests of plaintiff, andlniblio morality are subserinal, pro. 'yiding that all actions far fraud and deceit Musa •be commenced Within two years lsion dale: ore punishing b' fine and MIT. .prisountent injury to travelars baggage: - punishing the publication-of oaseehe ad. ,vertisements ; providing fer!ii State con. fention to amend the .Constitution ; to pnayeak.l . contagio n from • Sandi p ox i n ckhsutiort Schools, by pmbiblting the attendance of auy child rnail fascinated; extending. the Allegheny Act exempting seamstress' sewing machines from execu. Win or distrinui for rent, tO all pilvale families in the Connonnwealth. The. &Mikity bill to increase the Governor's Mary to .7,000 was last by , vote yoo, 41, nays 47. SENATE, Jan. 11).—The folloiving bills intrednced : Authorizing tur'npike, eaasl and -Penna. Railroad companies to Issue bondi secured by mortgage; and to onto! dim portions of lines for public use; and one authorizing li. B. companies to lease and becinne lessees with other. roads, a bill to prohibit justices of the' i peace from acting as attorneys; one protecting the people of Pennsylvania from eumyri. clam and 'elevating the stainharil of the . . medical ' profession, incorpninting all medical societies under ono Mate Society! for a State road in ArmstronglAllegheny mid Bailei. Eight thousand eimies of the Governor's Inauguralcsailres4 were' r 7 dined to be printed for use of the - Senate. Several loud bills were pissed! • • Item : 7 •The bill to • emir:gm:du the Trimmer" was frpnited to the pernotiitee oh itetretiehmint a t tel Ream' The react]: .:7!`. ( ......-.... - --.... - -L...f.,txr- :. , ~...: ~ :.,-;..,-;:-. .. 7:111 4 ,11 ,4 zi1'4-1.4,4. 1 ,1v. Innuirga!s 1.....1e.a. _,,;Pc4pui,o 4 ?out P'urcri.-uef palm offreopk,oA, remaddkne, for a statteibe ilit& (1 alitivittett , un Elitiiii uraMinitig, *sit; iiiliptid. '"Mo. flireakttio 'W10413304 trim tithtil l ittiiiiioiiiiinti ' Qrro - iiiiintilettit. hd ' c rteikilk , tin ,, . 10 rit 1113 . ' 841 . i) pr O nlF'rs ,10 ii:iii... l MI Allf,rtigisi . .tr ; the: pruc leilingp! tifigift fisflltt, inia .14101cisig: MI6 'vitro nil motored ' , TA" mtimat Um ' Sp dug, i•ltvi• . tkin And ono alto* ling verrilittiori Of melt, *iy mil i., P,ttlinistity Votes. , Tile *OW - the iiiilitiffil 1, diiiiiiipitile w 'hi; nu: • • .P• 9ln Y?ll it , 1 -: , ,,......._,•• •• ' ..., i '. . ~. • • . Iliflair a r iatittiy:4;ttuii i * . ititta k jiiit 'kir, Dasibookl: leer.. isneld. _ eVresallepasess, Hasson, flarr, mil John ilkh...,rw!°NlP, . 11 M'; ??" 911 :!` I t c V!l IC VAI . • ./1410ary iesistOtann-Mosivs.:/dinsinii 'emigrant.. A Wl*. Cods, Dorman, Mc. Jutaldar ; lorktegetlcet, bum:L. Smith, Ihillon, fLoci f lgalle, iitttimaiii. Donui, Dim. 4 tF4.,„7.4 1 , 6* ._,...),,,;..;,. .04.,.. .its..: 1,...i .) - Admire: Hag, Johnson, ahllarßaiddik) kalr„.Ctood,BaaN swlsLeoci a& Itiitytli, ileolief Itellinst .)essa , , .11draforss not Orttallisa-- _ Vankark. sainersanso Cagor.ilandludll MoJankrir, ItaiudW i natOr s k ßrr en tia 1411 ; 67"..). Jharallosia -Seim. uria S rr. wends. Joki. Ilad, (ClNlMMSOT4MMlnally.ltloinbl,Nlies,Whlte, =t. OHM I/ odlb, Drown, ,Uall, IMO ! 90.0“. I: . tillii" . Ifillar A • ; ~. . ' ( 11.1.111.!" Cr aig. - bsia,iii aid, its--Mer4rnillsairs. 314 4;2e21,. , Allsrinkt. Wleadr. JAM ()MAMA WIN,. Snyder, Kepi . . Wr,..3 Xmas, annrP• _, i , ' • .Vankftieloniag- . Ca. Phrtnr. *est ii McMinn. , 'll cell; arrears, Ann- AMID. Vra i nikdrillaktry, Vititoa, Keer lie fkallfelua, Wren. Monsonneu, Moons y; Mots Dristra sad Jdarri.ra-+Mesari Mar.kall; Dartbraton„ When anelbolva Itnani.ktuadoek, elle. 11 , Ch; Armstrong. DUI, nlol,) let,- Hunt',ina. ~WOOlerte, Civil," mourrairsairs. .A4MT Dr a ik, Johnson * . Lefistrtl Ilabertii, SOAVE& Waliou. Ifitt. „ 11111iJainson 11.4 -t ai 3 Bowoui, r 4 7 ,,, §_ , .. Th" r,_ •_.____:. ga,,,,,.. 1.7- 6 li arr r * . ii Wn'et , 61. L - .....rets•w r - , 3bownr.. nateDfflaii i llair. Cloud, .111ornmadahl, - /Dahrlansr, L ...y,. McCracken, 41%m. t, Ram Raw, (York.) Porspr. (C4411.rk5.) MA Schwind; DIII, Adam. , . .darns dale Alediedda- Mem.. Adam., j &Iv eau. (1 9 4 11 adelkdds.) Marshall. Darts. Aiwa? Me, echnstferly Lamar& Dlgutilck. ~. ••.. , RsbließrallarMenat(l3rtilth, Vishnu, Deans, , Mafia east ansentrat -Maws. Akre., Stone. Charnhedaln. Manakin, 1110. Intanklua, Niko, Wixekr;Taror, Cooper, Scott, Eachbarh, deft- E l".hl . T e ka n dirt-,- r t i rs...AIIII : EcaLlt :.. Kier: , Las, ri uulayer. annanatry, Meyer. ' • • ' 'Corponsaow—litenic Mug. • CdoP.r , Kft"ch , Herr. Copley, Albright, laiwnll,B4tionli,titopin, um, liobbliptlO, (tura, Parson*, MA.. tioilibnig, MALI.; - I Juntiihni Doak!, Cerlin,'lltirle . ; • ,;: I Itoblannii, • Basins . ton, Cloud VtitiOn. 8 brakttanitintLtlO. 7') In,. Lows,*; Hisette: Wing. 4,,Ur osirt (Cambria). .; . - ,:• • • • stre—Messit. Win; Itaretikl.,Conils. Wlloyibtoolts (Ana tilea4krbecklA irrey . A•tzto. litegfr, Itohro4 maor• differ. • , • Nadi ntnibratity- , -liegirs.tliamlkrlain.L.: Ibt. fmoiv; Ballingtektirepa, litown t iitint; Ittck ' 4t ii • " 47 i ii i iiritul:elatrolu " .'Defeht4 r t° e K4r. LAZ yonapit..Vabito • Avarref,-66 e ton. Stethaii„ Hach. WelibOte• Whoa. etnicb..-Tyles. , ,1-10owr. jonninnii tlrthk ri rucA 'Hobs; 'Porter Milant—Alnnerp. Intehreneekm ecterlo (Anustrougj. 11111, WhlmArinttivev, CTertz. Netter.lcktju, Woolr- . , . . .. .. • ittmenger Raihrove—?tear.. Moo_ rt Kerr. Par-i soda, Baas , Ilotig,li tokeo.Taylor, Albright, 'Mou es, Humphreys, (Wile, Forsyth,- )(Dune!. Salty, A s-hies; , is. Church, Una. Tiler. hang. Rettert , i,ltohlson. Mentlittnu; Wiley. hlolleall. Stehot. Ate rAttatesllCllls, Dientalta, Engle:elan, rutqlhe. 8001 - s—hatsra. Webb, Amen., Dario. Slone, Weltou,iltbeerer, SrCeaeSen,Vinlineln Whiled]. 11111, Sherlock. Stack ache} illdllt, Crean, Valley, Snyder, Schwartz. Engleast.tu. - Rotrreetinicni • and Reform—Me4qA: Wl:lte, I Wan, Craig, Volk*, k„ Mal[[[e Kum , Italsimilt. Der. .pttlgton- Ilrlatchlt irryts Stephens, Brown, MD. rut (Steal Items, Deonatrk. gESATE, Sall. W.—The bill creating a c County lint of ciawfo,A, viamogo 1 and Warren, wan reportinLanWM/C4l 1,, Ih• 'GOO PC0(114;1181 instead tif disuse, The 1 jUill Puthlllitlte reicirted tt • hill -to ran true . k Illiti g the puhitentioa of " Leg • i lifat vit Record,' which atter a lengthy . fitsdasgian. was referred , back to the Come Otter:. The following bills were intro 'dutaxl t To adjourn OS the 17th of March; declaring the ground In the Ohlif River, oppoilite3lidillitown an Island; making the diode of voting uniform throughout -the State. A resolution was 'adopted in- Atructang the Judiciary committee to In qulr if more Supreme Judges were oceeisary, and to report by bill or other- Wise!: The following bills prepared by: the Civil Code commission were laid be fore tin Ilonse : Creating a Deparuuent of instruction for the education of youth, and °titers, of the Commonwealth, pro- Re IlidiVirtakipzie •Ctlffel of G, f bltatifs of t e State; andm ptaxa.miri 'ding for the support of the poor, Ifousi—The beanie resolution for 5,000 copita of the message was defeated ; so was a motion to print the Librarian's Re- port. ' The bill allowing each member $lOO. for postage, was amended by reilu- 1 cing ft to $3O. The committee, to whom the subject was refer red reported against increasing the Governor's salary. The report of the committee to contact for the printing of the. Legislative Record was ilisausscd till adjournment. The Speaker appointed A special committee to investigate the affairs of the State Treas urer. - SENATE, JUL 21.-A bill was introduc ed fixing the 3d Friday in March for mu nicipal and township elections throughout the State; also, one to establish a State in surance Company, and regulating the agencies of like institutlona A suple menu to the Act relating to the State Treasurer, creating a ltcetrd of Control in place :it the Sinking Fund Commission ers, who shall have control nt the deposita of public funds, 'shall deposit where the highest rate of interest uin be obtained. —the depositary to give approved securi ty for safe keeping, and payment of all drafts on demand. The interest accruing to the use of the State instead ef the:State Treasurer, as at present, was introduced. The Governor 1111...4 nominated J no. Young man, of Sunbury, Superintendent df Pub 'lie Printing; F. C. Brewster, Attorney General: A. L. Ituasell, Adjutant General; Francis Jordan, Secretary of the COM' mouwenith, and J. 31. NYeakley, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. motions to print extra' copies of public documents were voted down: The House discussed the Bergner contract. for printing the4Legislative Rec ord. day. but it was al length referred lawk,tn the Committee. Both Houses ad journed until Monday evening. To Colsomptlves. , Tar, advertiser having been restonid to health In a few weeks, by to very Simple reinedy, afire having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dryad dame, Conenniption, to anxious valuate known to hts tclloa suffertaw the means acute. • • To all .who desire It, he will send a copy Of the prescript/On need (free of Barre). with the direct none foe preparlngand using the same, which they will lad a IV= CLIO FOR COXIIVRIPTION. A Ann Na,BROICISITIa t MIR object of the advertiser to wading the Prescription la to benefit the oink tai, uej sPreadlaformatlew width he et:meanie to he Lovaleable and ho hopes every 'offerer will to his remedy, vs It will Cost them nothing, and may provera' blessing. 'Portlee wirbilig, the pre scription will please addrcut Div. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg • Kings Co., New York. Errors or Youth. A Gmertasuit who seirered for years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Denny. and all the erects 'of youthful indiscretion, will, lot the rake of suf. 'fain heminity. send hue to MI who need It, the receipt Mid directions for making the simple rem edy by wlikti he wasemed.. Sufferers-wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by adthesslug, In perfect confidence; mayttly) JOHN B. OUDEN, No. 4.1 Cedar street. New York Married. eCABKFN—:KERR--Jan. 20 1/17.., by Rev. Rota. Hopkins, assisted by Rev. N. P. Kerr, at the residence or the bride's parents, Mr. George MeCaskey to Mae Mollie Kerr, nil of Freedom, Beaver, Co., Pa. Died. J.DER--,:(ht the of Jantumr,.lB7o, at his residence its Industry, John Aber, aged about :11, ,years. BAYLESS--0n tha , 36th of Doe ember, leoj, at his eminence in Darlington tp., . Beaver Co„ Pa., N. J. Bayless, aged nearly 73 yeirs. PITTSBURGH . BANK OF SAVINGS. 67 lbaitrlbt Aweratie, Pittabwrgb, Pa. Chartered in 186. Q. Open daily crom It to 4 o'clock. and on SAITIMAT Eerfono. from Nay tat to November let. 710 U o'. clock; and from Nbvernber Ist to Nay lak ¢to 8 o'clock. , Interest paid at the rate of alx per cent. Imeof CO.. and 11 not withdrawn compound• newt. anomaly le January and July. Books of byboaa, tr., Webbed at the Mare. 10AMP 07 NANAUKKIC GEORGIE A. DKKRT. Pm?. S. IL JamPauJo. ••- • •••• D. E. WlLumsT.Doe'y sod Tomer. Wilma Wm ILNlarek. Joo. &Dilworth, V. Wo. • 0. IraDrosbee, Joshua Moles. Jobs. send. Mob" C.Schmatz, CIMMIss Dog• DMD::100 T.W. • A. LIMA. dolloloo. I. 1 4 1 1,J , 4 1.1 .L.roTitßw. q•srwsoli COO‘tinlt lyriplAqt) moat at Ilninv, 111.2/16 4/e , pf ILo Ong mg:, 417. 1""" •1 1- r — .., i l i ttl a •74 ' 217:41 4 4:1 "d P reg: s3,ltr4 etentqr. ••41 • propmtionni • urn try dot Iretiortheit wlinkittnOtts thhe haene.A. Boy. and , Oda Ira marlin. , now That art who 11 4 1 turtynol.lthArtrthlmat atertmtrot . ;Z., V. wale Hit. 'atm:7llk! .o,r • 'l%n KO. 40 IsVo WI Nit ell lis"ft 14 •Afe- ti. .1 'l3, to NV 14 di* trottl'iatS nMiur. 'era/ ;math ALtra. l at TAIVahl5 a.onyno. rwakr. 1 , 111 •a 4 watii na.stri wank. eir Vie 71 gat," r /aril P. , -1 iNanit,ors.l.of thalltgnotAild ranlts prosio y kat fro 4 µLI, 1 1...4<T 11") - 04 :tato I ,4 rtnaltahl. Diva. IN.• roe:4. au Mar a +-.,..11 O. A Iti.A:4 , rt , aStiC.:44l ) r , _ ' " 2re.thi 4 4..*1 • • .'! 1 • tntwhinhal twyloo In matted so the •ttNAthhin• .441 ,0 ttiC r .Clt J. Au ) .Itotislalf, as :it a o , 1 1%,1:11,411 person., lodebtett to.,oad mu ? , ant - Ore vltifitri to lholtALifekfliseet:• and WI {scrams having elitists* name 64fil essmas trill MP*" t thew Maly no NothateMl for JI IN b. YOUNO, ." EDWAItDIIOCISINSI,-Exfs • LE.—Pite hothertizood Grp) rrll hl. A: tonne and let taxesvor—loold . propertx Wog eastraecalded Opt' Illarrseasgsteated 1 u stet-- oast SUallt.. - Tia Musa tuatilus droloatis under pal of: tho hoOotr—ood.o..ookt .ilystshs house. stablt, te...oa Shallot. A good .elstero nests use 'stoat, stud the Saab eaekasst4 illlll a rest tessait.— ' The hhowptopotfr trW he•oold.clacop.lf hot Oiapo/ed of Delors Dm Ent at Musk. It will then lass for reat. -- :Applyll4coseph;C: Wtlunt; of to the . ' , .'11101148 'W4LIED.I.. '; '• ES'of dor toostViihUbbi Dothie,d - Stand,' GI the lioroagti.e{ UtidsenrAter. to whit, a Bakm and Caorecalsosety . Moro has tom earctee au tar.. the last Italy yeah. Is of:tents' foe :ale. The urea sad. arwrithliatt **Witti. to Die Delta. ablaut. - ; X i statilli t stls=orur fV. ' . - •Is la good antes • • One rw6-44;ry . Brick, . , Slam - moat on drat Hoar, 31xl0 feet Kliclaea and •Dtafpg•merat 160 e nxr bf fholfOrre.roon, Aloo, Otte Frame Doecltizto .11'ouse; dlado feet, aeparatele frond Challfiek br ' a gatewas, Netkia oho !row, on the - .treat : a good cellar an duffifflh, 1 1 10.1 w0v..1.3"142141.T5c0 or tketrant of. 75 fleet Ws tlia earner ft tfuoecupled, wad ad Itabfo .tarildlfr.t.:„ On ttartorta, • -•' ' ' .". ./Arkige Stable, Itto•tutaro. tit 'thC Klttlit64 and all otlbor ool.bulltllngstletell.ll7. l T.' ere b, wlso, Alt orolauee of Fruit on am lot, titi.l I I i=Eld rattatlg throllol the nhole depth of It, On watch am the cholcAlt graver. All under :;/YYI god the prely•rty G Justly regar..4,l a • frrl; wli.pi lAl Wthe u..d. trouts u feet. aryl rxtrnale bark.l4l t. II le I, - rated oft lldd,estreet, halrtbu Itrlthp. Stock add tlxtures tar ibe. pr.mieer, one 1.4 putryt r ecil It tlrelrect. vu roan. Atlor pry at nearer. Or Ott the ary1,..r.1ay,.1, iu tlrhilteviaret. Iteryou for yoccAlifj• - • • • . rty. ANGEL (Local copyl • Vt,r 'Sale. yr thyreaboute, kuuwo o. the property of JAltu Staa.ltoteerasytt; lu Itrlitltten.loWeetitp. nlx,or Inno•trout Braver and about. lbw same from FLLv tau oMI brighter', - :" ' • • '..llll . ol4gierfaid with OA. ' '" • . . ttiere . tie name nweitili4 Arid a 1.0 e; Lit; alier,e;by =maul of Fruit truocal iho elm!, .I.t.,y.inelicf:uf apple,. ;macho', plunle. yllllll4, .11111 a peal . * . :nie farm, IA Illgotpil cud A. a Ilbeh ktateoit.lllllifaltion. lleee'Of Land .• totiouglaui tollp &Onto or the vamc L.,. i th ,,, Liir•Mill prupoflDo lltuty'• run, watau.- lug.abuutalLt;3l‘oacres„ uuarly uuJurial,l t. rtir i'4% . r/u lied rein of (but., good tVa{.l . Power. and bleary tlidder to We aao,,:toorluo>l waulluu to ioi ilawrd. There I. .70 - ,:oln riling nod,. Promo Lk tbarrou era. tog, Also, Lot in .I.lrhlunt , otre, No. 40 In llumphi l o plan uf I, Ali ut o will ha *old on For forlivi par. or ' A. NteliA 1 1 1 , 141 K. (I (.111ppeWIL - VOToCii,-77w eltrfllllll l l l htiv . r.. nriplia.l,l b.; Conn diange dm boundary 114.21 1 I . lllr o C 1144 1 ,1111 10.11.414 V 1.11: 4,1•• . 01 . Mr. Thom, vr(4l,ln too il• 11 o'cbirk, it. in., alb.. Ll.l any of Ft.brii iry. Tion.rlubirt•rted wail plc.,• ilie .1. 1311i111E, J011: 1 : CAIN. • f faiitat 1;611F.V. • Local Copy. FAILNI lA)it SAI.E. A s MALI. ranaoauat.l iuWelton townsallp. Bcf.v.r about four WINS %eat of tho borough Of llolYer, Unitaining, Fifty-Secen and One-!tall Acrr.v, more or lees; about Any acres Oesred, Intance timber. Thcre 6on Ms VAIN a Two hlnry Log Rouse, a rwall Bank Barn WWI goal stabling um ' derneath, an orchard einltaltUng shoot 7&) appleand 'seven or eight hentlred young peach trrea. For further Informali,ql Mai upon the eubsctiber un the promises, or address Buts LT C. MANI. ja113ra.72101 JOIIS KW:PATRICK ( ) 112PRANW COURT SALC.—By tlrtue ago order or too Orphans Court of If.nrer County, the undersigned 0,111 expose to sale by pablic vendae,,ou the prem6es, . On D'ednesday, February :23d,. 1870, at on. o'Clock, p. Al , all the following cleletibed real estate •ituated to the borough of Frankfort ootram p ~ In the count nlorerala, tutog the estate to ott: Lot No. 3, in tiald hounded on the sunlit by LK fal IL 8.44:4.br0ry; on the can by a pubUe,etreet, and wink by the lot next herelnat it.r described, containingof nia acre. Improve- Incubi, two.otory frame titruhing bones gby 18 feeL with cellar tindernatn, and a frame or ware-moot attached ta.) by it feet, coal houye, A number or excellent trait—apish', peactt and plum, on the lot. LOT No. 4.—lioriuded 00.11 by the lot c de acribed; tau Una met by the public at•eet. and await by the:ol ben.inarter. deacrlbed. improvements, a two.mtorp frame ilwrilug buttlet - .±32 by la leer, with basement - kitchen, ae. A ocii of goad wa ter at the door. LOT No.S.—Dorinded north by the lot Lid oboe, desetibedt on the east by a toddle stmt, and on the sout4 by lot of Thompson Knox on which an• erected a good frame shop 'Pi by lb feet, and a large frame Malik with wagon shed, &c. The above lots adjoin each Miler, w.sen tl:ltaltl taz about of so acre. The name lias resen used as a hotel and toblnet ulaunfacturitur establish. meat, and is well calcolded for both purposes.— Thu lots will be 0011 together us II whole, or sepa rate to soli purchasers, Tenon:—One third of Me purchase money to hoot on condrmstlon of the sale by the twin. balance In two eqllllllllllll4l Merano-ors with in terest from date ui coufirmatiou, and secured by lodgment bond, or bowl and mortgaz,. The pint:baser* to pay all experts, of many., prep., lion of deeds, DAVID DE.II, Jaw:C 63 Adair. of Rol a. Step!, deed. Agents Wanted Fur HOW .To MARE 1. - lEI. 'V. By V. W. DICKEUMAN, Mu. (11AS. L. FLIT. and otL er Pri4Clitai \1 rlt ers. Nearly Si pages on lino CALYSDEUED PAM: Made uer MIA work, from new, dear. and open type, and will be Illu.trated with I it: FINE ENGUAA'INGS hy Sartain and other,— Also, a splendid colored fruit piece, containing eizbteen rpeCiflli`no Of the choke:lt American frkilio, colored, from btu. In English and German THIS 1100 K is a sore. safe and practical guide , Ur every tanner. Stock Raiser, Gardner And Frith Criltarfst: ' By It theycin 'doable their profits eat.h year, and „•sreatly Increase the value of their not. It make* the pour matt rich. It. make* lard work aster. Itrettanlo the labor 'of Imumt working men. It ts , ptircluteed by almost Avery one at eight,' Nearly .lc hundred copies sold In a fete small townships. and. In many cum, hundrmls in a etitulet township. Agents ran dud no better tt ea:dining the nal And whiter. Fanners and their sons can each make BRIO per mouth by ..11. Mg only three or form ;opt.. pet day, *chile more than doultin that rat, easily be sold. na ttier* always mats the mast tunes del agents lee this 11001:. and during the full mid winter it Is Just the thing for them. If you wish to tm,a ge to the barium.), scud sir a circular cuolainhui to full description of the buck and terms to Agslits.. Act• dress ZEIGLER. dIeCIMBY .1. Co., Old Arch Street, Philadelphia. l'a., • UM Kase Street. Cincinnati, Onto, tti %nano Street. Chicago, 111, wad N. Sixth Street, St. Leuls,ide., le: Main Street Sprtstgricltl. ME=I r3=l!ltl WILSON' 4,e WICKHAM, A.ICICCIrRIVEIrp.i .Vl.` T.AW . BEAVER, PA. =am otov6i6 The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, Affording facilitlea Tbr ecgnlrlaq n thocoett,prac tkail lueinesa education, poseetacd bS no ether tichocit In the country. . . . • • - Flute its incorporation lu Isll, nearly Sixteen Thornton," Starlento. representatives Mite every State In the Union, bate mended hero. ' No vatatlona. • .Students enter at any time, and metro paltrateAnauttellott Um °nation!. LW entity comae N. H.—Circular. with fell particulate and ell ne aseary Ittfonaricm. uu SMITH AH.:OIVLAY, Principal P., 4 PH - relentslt. Pc - , Jan hely.' ,• - • • . lOXECUTOICS NOTICE. —Lettere trettunentary haring been greeted td the eubreribere on theeetata of -Alexander .McHlithen. Sr.. dte'd., late of Itaewoon eU peptone Indebted to lend • errata are hereby nodded to make immedLite pay Merit: sad &firemen. twiny delete stetted' mid mate will prorent theta, duly authenticated for eettlientent • D. HeIiIIHISN, • -• • • SHANNON. t. . vrecn thinks P. 0.. BUZYdr Co.. Et're. IN Tan DLSTBICTCO T of the Col a. led litotes, forth,. Western Dlotrict of Penn• Wean's. John W. Cooper of Pester Fano, • Bankrupt under an Act or CODOTO. Of March ad, Lehi. having applied' for a Dloctorxe from •fl hit debt*, Sod other claim• provable under told Art, DJ order of Km Court, Norten it /linear Given to all creditors who hammered their debt* and other pell.ow hit crested. to appear op the A th aa.y of February. IMO, at ram o'clock I, m., be Y. A. Knox. lott.„Becleter m flankroptry, at Ida Mika at the Linton Hon. In New lotab ton, to show canoe, Irony widea. why a Plochargo should pot be ;mod told Itonkrupt. • v. C. 31cCAli DLE.n2, • • jourcrt. 1- ,,f UM Outset and tiftwoonstke. all complete and lu good raining order. Cilluder..2% intheo. In bore, 10 Inch *frolic. six feet Illy.wheM, ou cart Imo bed plate: Koller double lined, Sr !oche. In 'diameter and 16feet Igo:. Can be teen In hhlnclo 31111, at Bearer Station. C. J. P. It. IL • For fur therangartkillars, enquire of IL 3t. D0313111(2 I. Bearer. PA: 'lreflV Adt l ertiOrent ell I/I; •r ,!: .OASH 0,11 TUBE (. 1- tr l : 4 3.lriera rot '-p 2000 BUSHELS OF OATS, 7' LlNErk:i 1006. it 11AX ; 0 . • t TAMES' IIVNVAN;r 11leaver C7ts. , 1"u. Wh? bra Jnht r4xviv6l tnic of th , - I trgt.t: and unnit tinulaotc xtnt.k 4:vvr l)r 'ugh', to leaver county, consitting nt VOREIUN 'AN) DOMESTRI DRY-GOODS liais,Capsit FUSS, !+1 •L' ~~ :~ . CLOTu'TNG, Carpets and Oil Cloths, FE:I rdware, QUEENSWARE, (:)"Z(:)C.EritTES, &U. - 4irre+l Pl:llmM+ .2.: 41...11.1,11.n.,,, I ;1101.11:111)., and upward Tartan Plaid Airirt.l4 :Li IL, u ul itpward, phi n 30 ri a. and upt‘ap! PRINTS GI _I I) 1:;', (I:_\•2 1ai,110; 10 uts. nip! tipw:a.l Dmia GiDgimms :thtluptv“rd. " • 9L'4013.A.0 C Its (104'h - 114,114 effect: 4,11 the ale annulled and .trength to the surerinA .:e• ganq re.tored be n:ing LANGE'S PLUGS oriiey living a pll.l-ant et tonic ill tlit , shape nl lI:LVV Pat coned March !Olt, ft' pan -1114 11,4 got it ttut llcotstotur and o SCIIII plug.. to any p 0 ,1 1 ... id .1. LANGE 4:SON l'or. Pool Tbirlt.vntli strri PEI 7: 1117:(;.11, no% 0::;iii MEYRAN & SIEDLE, =III REINEMAN, MEYRAN & SIE6LE; Ni'. 14 Fifth Avvnut Have ju.t ttpentsl pecially lot tlit• tstat ltt.jitlapt all tatu.tttily large anti 1.1 1 .- g:slit. stock (.t . PINE .1 E I-Z. wATCHIis, 1)1.1:11()NDS, MIXED AND PLATED WADE. ' Fint Table entivry, Prent T:r.,n %CA, Mtl , lMl Nni . din'4, Chad, Jnvot's nnd Walein,. 'Watches. made by Appleton. Tracy' tt Co., An n can Wa t h Co., E. Ibm:lrd k. Co., I: , gin IVateri 4 Co. FINE ,1311,7110. (!:/: 0 CAW, 3futle Ly $1 . 7111 TIM:VAS, Of which a larc•r as.4 , ,rtnient is con,tant.. 13: kept on hand in our basement, and e•tl•I wink.e.alc and retail. (eb die. F.. The Only Reliable Cure for Dyspep sia in the Known World. lie. :fishnet's Grfol. Aoorricon loi.jolna PAM, and Pine Tree The Cordial are a po.ti. e and in faint,* cure for dyspepsia In Its most aggravating [ ,ter 't till ape 1 fano, and no matter of how long stuting. They penetrate the secret abode of this (entitle ~ disease and exterminate It, no t and brutal ion,- • , l• ... t ' , , They alleviate mere agony cud silent stiliming t Brighton Pape! r c.,.., than tongue min tell. . . . The 7 are noted for curing the most dee pera te nod " REAVER FALLS, PENN'A. hopeless cameo, when every known means hilts to afford relief. No form of'dyspepria or Indigestion can roei. , t their penetrating power. I • DR. AVISIIATZT'S: Pine Tree Tar Cord i al.,l It Lithe vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtain- • ad by a peculiar placers In the distilintion or it, I, tar, by obkh les,ttlethest "awake properties are retained. It btolgorat. (to , di:esti., organ. , and restores the appetite. If strengthent the dem ti- I 1 ;,,.‘ , ; .\ N I ) (, A It 15 i,, , , 1 toted system., It purifies and enriches the bland. and extuits from the syston the noruptlou witidt , *mo(el& breeds on the lungs. It dismives the not e 2 ‘ ,.=. ,te; a=fie 'JO JEL. E ., ens or pldema width stops the sir passages of the , • --= lungx. lie healing prlnciple'acte teem the tr , 1 . • t . ....t I 4 i, - :.%; I T1,...A . <7...i. LT1;110.7.1) ed urface of the teems sad throat, pettetre!'!.. l, l :" i . aorta ettevasd part. relieving pain nest etirstio:, e,. , flamation. 11 Lithe malt °of resstof,,".!'!, ,',„, t , t IilSrl) S(nAl),l'l' experiment. and It Jek onset to the aullms . a.wto %VII° !el.:al e ..1: Itel:411 lay . trie:d......imhe..„....71.1,...rhitihr0h.c.0rt1it...d::4;,..::::?1.0.7.,,r.:h1.,4• ‘. d r a. ; . : r . . • anounprion 0: mg Long+, Onigh,l Pitzier. Mciztcr &Ca - ,Sorc fl'ltroat anti,! itronehitie, . .1 ,z,i r ,, aunplaint, Blind and Bleed- - t , rz.: Third .tvenne. I • I1 9 , pite..,..t.gainus, Whooping (,•,h, • , Di/,t/.aria, &e. t ' ITITSiII' litt 11. lo .e• .xelyinge. A medical expert. holding honotabie collegiate rae - iiaa taie.•.l ..- - - -- - • r ------- fern: ---- - dlphilltaa• 110,0 m, bin coops time to the illathfria. TN T 1 1!: DlNl'llinr COU RT of tb,. I Mon of tattlent. In the rate parlor... A•seciated 1 tett Mame. for dm Westent IFI/U.lft or re. i with him are three consolting Ptip•lcians of ac- svlvnt tit Pnitir I. W.att.,. a liankrept and . knowledge(' eminence, who services are fleet. I 11'0..111 of C.01M,, .at Mar. )1 MI. 1141. WI. it •-f :P I. the pnblic free V tootrge. ' piled tor JI trio, !urge from an M., o,lll*. and mi.. • This opportunity Li offered by no other instite• a lanes provable node, paid Act. fir ord. r 4.1 11,0 (lota in the country. • Court. Nonce I. liana:or GIVE:4 to AU . crooll .0 • Letters from any part of the country. asking ad. who list, armed Th. it dente. sod oltar j 0 2.,.. - vice, will be promptly and gratnltnaely rrep.mdct I Inien•eteq. le :•ppe .0 MI the nthdap .4 Fe I•rn trs I. tn. Where convenient, terrattauren should take' 1(711, nt o r... o'cieeic p• m.. below P. .1 Anise, the shape of !trams. or 11.4140.0rtlere. Ely , Ite4leter In Me liuron Ilan., ['rice of Wl , ll3tro Atnerlean - Pills, tl 1 New linglii mi. Pa., to ehow nut -r.'ll ant 00.. a box. • Rent by Nall on receipt of price. : • tne. raps * theekar.:o -hoot.' no :., t be 4,, C.'. 1 t.. Price of Wieliatt's Pine Trim 'far Curdle, Ill.litt the said awl:rapt. s. C . 31cCANISLIOIS, e'l'ls I bottle. or ell per dozen. Sent by express. , . .• 1 JAIiM M All rommtmlnitlona Flom's! he addreimed ' •-- --• • . - --" L. it. C. lev isitA RT. Mr.D., 1 • No.= North-Second Wei t,PhiLtdelpldt. , Otitiilm.. . I ettM2 1 Jot170101:13 lioancti l eita, 4 P. ligoento, W hoop i ng'Couk.h. loci tent. 'Cotisuniption cur Dotoo ct of the Throat sod luny: Don'; aegktt a ac7r4o'cough, or toar away money on a worthless PIIII . OIL IFIPTY PEO'porrLe . by RENAUD; : BENTLEY , Draggithr, ado.N.Y. Sold bY. Pralteata. . • je3O:,IY 1:1" -, Hair, . ° °S . or For'.restoring ,Gray Hair to Its natural Vitality and :Color. k ' ' A dredging whirl 'i6-. s:. is at pueo,agreeable. and effectaii healthy,i • `.. •, A fur preserving 114 • .l ; ...„. V , hair. Fouled or grat , '... A''` 7 ,,!•tii hair is soon rr.stor3 I''', ' .4, ; ' , , .. lo• il.i on rods I 1 ,1, , - • w i th' .the. glow a, 1, :ktr r ”—_: f 'ilasess of youlh -.-Z-14-1:4 Thin hair •is chid:. ened, falling. hair clocked, .. awl bald. nem often, though. tigt . ttlistnyik• cure,l by it , ll3e. Nothing eon restore tha . . hair ,where the follicles' 'aro - destroyed, -n• the glandi atrophled and decayed lint sada as remain can' be rued fht by this application. r Instead I)f fouling the hair with a .pasty sedi ment, it.will keep it clean antLvigoromt its occasional use, will preyent , po hail from nulling ifray or • falling' mr, and rtt..4equently prevent haldeetis. Frei !fond !love deletexioti3 F111)517113 whirl, .CCS AOllll3 preparations doegerowt mid injurious. to. the hair,: the Vigor elm may benefit but not , horm it. If want,d . • . 'merely for a HAIR . DRESSING, . ;nothing eh:o.can Ito foond sq desirable. Containing neither oil uor..dyo, it doe, .aot coil whim cambric, and yet last/. long on the hair, giving it a A& glossy I lu.tre and a gratethl perfume. Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer & I.'I:.IIL.TICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, AyQr's Cathartic Pills, For all *tho purposes of s Laxstivr Madiaino. ~.., Perhapa no ono midi. / duo in 4. uniremilly to. • finired by 01r+.476.1y j, a ratbartie, nor WO+ rye( \ - , :z4z•-•-•2 .:;‘ ,. ..'gaiTr,,i,"i,...:.. - .,'; •„„ .„,,,zr ar ,, :. , r7 . T! ~ :: i ~- 1 , 1 .71: , Lilt eiirit:nt a 1.11 ' il: .1 . i. ' .. l'ill. Th, oliTion• 1. .• roll ....iar ox ,63 liable Awl far ei..1,... , • •••-''-. . ,•• _ _ tool renie r .ly ti, iii ...,s. - -.--"'-'"--'-' other. Tbo...i oho h ~, 1.;,.,1 it, know that it (111,1 Utelll: 010 W lin. n , o to:, lii , .r that it cnav, their neighbor+ viol I. • ,i,, in I nil know that what It 4101, once It .Pn...e, ~ . , —that it never cut. thrm.r.h any fault or 110,41, , • 4 uf ceniik.tfe+ of their mniarkfiblocur.....,' • idiutvin, .tnnill.lint4, but loch cure. are Lie to . t nrrry netVhborboo,l, and we neetl not Ittibb-ti it. t. ttlanteg to all nee. and ronielontt in 311 ti.. . I :MI13111111: nett her calomel or any ;lett terlou .t, .Inty maybe tattrn with saf.tty by tuly boa!, I • . „ f coaling lire...fie, them ever 111,11 311.1 to • ;tern pleasant to tale, w hide being loiml)r vegt I 1',1.• tin harm can nrl.6 from their uom in any tirctint. • • They operate lu their in - overall Influence ottl'. • annual viarera to purify the blood and I; healthy artlon—nnuoro the otntruelinu• of I t.• .i nm . or n, bowel., liver, and other onrati4 of in • metering their Irregular action to ItealtU, ~t. I iv correetin-, wherever they ecIA, tient. a, me Nu Ant orlatit• in'ilit,en Minute .lirvetiona an, given in the wrapper :111` bon i for the following conipLalnti., nhlro Ih 41 PitiA raphily cure:— For Dy•pirpolth or, Indlirestlee, Looxoor and Loa. of Appetite. t1. , .y ihould 63 taken inoilerately Mini:date the do 11. trli and radon' it+ healthy time and ortion. For Liver Complaint and at e •np- Itlllonn IltraglAtbr.itick If rad:Awl... Jaundice 60r (44 relrlX Id IC k M.N. nil 10,11 Cal IC and 11111olu Fever*, they I • ..• taken for each Ca • 11, to rtirro , t I trtinn , ~r remove the iitistnirtnint .• For illyarntery rritcra, :...t ' gener.illy , IlllarunsalGa -t ort,i Gras '- , • :fatlena of Gse. illra, Pain Inl , ll • • Gad,. Loin.. they ry.1111,, , S. in , •..•u_:• th..• .11,, . •, Wi:!1 00 • • . For Llrop.y . an . ll)rni.lcal Any . '.., • 'hold] No id.on in large adi ' • lure lho ,IT '•r a dr.,tif• 1ir.... For Nuppreorlon a I d )-e o . -I • It pt,•lturo. the I : .y • , .14 a Dinner Pitt. !It, 0110 or tu - o aloe direction and relieve the , toots , k. ocoa.tonal du, FMlllll3ll'l taa. . bowel. h ;11'11.(1, . . anti lurir•lrator tho gy.tont. ttonco n rant.t.reoni when, no ..11.14 , 1111 11017IIIZI`II/..1.1 •• 9[lo rovia tolerably wed, od,o, tiro. 11, o , .1..- • Nrthecolq/b. mater hint fort dondodly I: u• - , o , •, ;heir rlean4inct and renoratmg caret are apparatus. DR. J. C. .4 rEr.: ti` CU., I"mirelenl Chem zo WELL:MASS, If. 8. .1. taarMly. PrfTblit:l4;H.Pa ! 21:1 -- •:'7,*' - i'l ..Y ,.. .: 14! ~_.., ..‘:,{ .1 tl V ;,.] ti 11%1 t 1 : . ..:,j V .‘ 4 . 1 r r , ' .2.' 4 `i:l i - -.;'l , 74 ' ' * • ? 1 4 !.t..„4,9,7•1" TA . • r ~.•--,....4.4,4•4- Rotorcs piny and fildrtl flair b tu its C.)roa. removes Dandruff. (TRES DNS.: %SFS OF THE Pro elm; I:ILPN, , t. and makes tilt km • ' ;row (S:oNsy and Lusurvier.. il. - 41 : 11 Itottls it a Stlf.far ht. ; it:wArto; itr:srLEy i PrCEV. Mithio, N.Y. Sol.l 1.7-1,•1 .1 UNION 1101'S V. A. BOYD ROOK, Proprie%,, !...14 , 11ti 1; 1'!..,• I 4:01)1) ST.II;II.iNG .IT/'%CI: 4., E.t I ROOFING, BAILING, C 2 : rd ware. IT4I/1 t. 1.4 A Ir, I:.- F•ftv OM oft tn.of Sto!.l, 1 of Ito: Natioos; !LAO. of IFvtrr C.o. KiNli Pt Hie Itao4, Ng, Ilti.:16Ion, Medicfnak :.yen's LOWELL, 31.155. PRICE $l.OO e•n»•rex~
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