The Beaver iArgus. Beaver. Pa., Jan.- 111.:11970. Circutatiori Over Maitre HundML Rata, of Advertising. out. sw. vs. Ma. 6m I pro eqr-1011iles, X4OO sa eo $5 OD Pr 00410 oo .inarev, do 350 5 01) 700 10 to no* 3 equareo do 00 00 - 000 /t W 4 bqareA, do . 00 600 10 00 15 OD 11 00 1 4 column ..... 800 11600 16 GO SO OD 0800 1311111911 II 00 16 W 60 60 . ®00 Op 'AM C013M14 ... ti 00 68 00 60.0 100 OD a amintatratere snit Executors' Notices...4R 00 rrclAl notion pietism., Awn man* ger Payments to -be spade Quarterly, eneept bar iramdent advertisement*, whteh moat be paid m :1611111CM • t e orthe Thermometer for the week ending the 15th of Jan., 1870. 9 r. x. hei.. 11 0 itoi. -- 10 dog. 21 deg. ,10 25 deg. 40 dog. 34 deg. 11 24 deg. 44 deg. 42 dog. 12 14 'log. 111 dog. 62 dog. .• 13 54 dog. 31 deg. 20 dog. 14 . . 2il flog. .43 dog. 39 dog. 15 43 dog. 31 dog. ' 43 dog. It. T. TAYLOIL EEO Tho :Wootton or the public In directed to the following Now Adyertisemerits wiilkh appear for tho Oral time lin the Attous to-day : Agents Wanted—Zeigler it McCurdy, nAnkrupt Notlces-8. C. McCandless, Stray Heiler—Martin P. Mitchell, . Vrincipal Wanted—D. P. Lowary, • Iron City College—Stnith Cowley, Executor's Notice—J. B. McKibben, Nocclal Nl:Alms—Will Smith *Co.. Attorneys at Law•--S. B. Wilson and .l. Wickham. ' == subscription,. loth° Beaver Air following named persoint !coat Pahl the sums set opposite to their antics on subscription to the Beaver A iait s, since the tlato of our last publi cation. Itev. Jas. M. Shields, Beaver, j $1 • 0 M. Ilaysjr., Rothestor, , 2 00 I. Grim, Now Galilee, 3 00 .L•Lu F. Price, New Brighton, 2 00 II null Strock, Sharon, • 2 00 a. tV. Stevenson,'New Bedford, (MI F. Winter, Now Brighton, 2 00 John Weddell, Now Brighton, 2 00 A. Robinson, Beaver, 2 00 %VIII. Johnson, Rochester, 2 00 Jas. Cameron, Beaver, I ~ W. Hamilton, Beaver, )101111en, Eldora Mina, .1104 Oldham, Pulaski tp., I , r. J. S. Winans, Rochester, Nev. Jno. Brown, Knot), John Binnzley, Kew Brighton, Watterson, Brighton tp., II i am Stowe, Sharon, Pendleton Bros. Roehaster, t•:. Westholt, Freedom, , Ellen Itunzo, Brush Creek, PH'. S. Curtlas, Beaver, A.. 1. Cook, Chlorine, Johnsen, Ossinn, Speetacles Lest.—On last Sabbath day a pair of spectacles wore lost in Bea ve•r. 'rho finder will confer n favor up on tho owner by leaving them at tho An utM °Mee. Country Flannel 30 ladle* wide at 40 ..ts. a yard, at) Will Smith dc no diester. Temperance is an- Jammed theta temperance maas meeting will be hold at the Carat House in Bea ver on next Thursday evening at 7 p. m. Several addresses will ho delivered on the occasion. no citizens of Beaver and vicinity are cordially urged to ha present mid tale part in tho proceedings. Will Smith d: Co. tt:ro selling goods 10 per cent. cheaper than any other house this side of Pittsburgh. Phy4elau 'Appointed.--The Coun t y Convailesioners,a fow days ago,re-ap pointed Dr. J. C. Levis of Bridgewater, to serve as physician at the County Jail, for the proton year, CM — Week thenreou'e fur sale st the Aloes whee. \VIII. Fleming CO's. Great Itepre ....math.° lint, Cap and Ladies Fur I No. 139 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Penn's. Send for prieo list of 'Adios' Fin s. [oet2.7i3in. lfrillehlt Commitments for pale al the AUULTII We have received a communication man Industry in reply to another com munication from that place recently pub -1 i hat the subject of " !outing." We :are afraid the reply is a little too person al, and its publication would undoubted ly lead to a wrangle In which wo are quite sure the public would feel little or no interest. We therefore, withhold the eommunication referred to for the pros- ra - Choice New Crop New Orleans Molasses. Best Honey Syrup and Boston Syrup tor Sale clearer than the elienp• est at A. S. Harvey's Store, Bridgewater. jam 12:41. Tile income tax, under the present law, will be levied on March 'first, 1870, neon the gains, prolltsmul iticonto of the year ending December 31st, 15119. The r;:tding of tho law, of. March 2d, 15417, sopparts this construction. Conunin ,i.mer Delano has, it is stated, notified tis , Assessors of Internal Revenue to k!I u convention of the .21-v11;W:A Asses of their districts, to de'vise the most iii , ient method of assessing incomes, and to prolit by the general experience "(their fellow officers. Cr, CieMilne 31errintel: prints, only 1' 2 3; cent , ' itt. Diamond, Hoch chtt.r. jans;ll. Iron City College.—This is one of the Mostimpular, and certainly one of the most successful institutions in tie country. It is not an institution of nit hour, posicuing a "bubble reputation ;" it agn., merit, anti established -reputa tion From our personal knowledge of the School and accomplished Printi• 1.1; , , we take pleasure in it:commending c - to all in pursuit of a thorough bustut,4 , i , 11 . .10011 - .—Sictibenville Herald 'n.lersliirt. and pair of drawers for 90 :a Will Smith Co's. Rochester. • • Director.% Meeting.—Ayi meeting or Ow Board of School Directors for the !:..rough (if Beaver held on last Monday .seonn% It was resolved to open the 'for the next term on the first Monday in April 1870. The Board then ....I,sied for teachers the follow Mg mimed is, : S. Curtin room No. 4—Prof. " " 3—Miss Nor " " 2—MN. r . " Mary Dunlap L. D. Marqui. E. M. Fonlk ( int:AT 11.4UCLI011 ill prices at Will Smith Co's. Rochester. Adam Buff:—lfthisabould nteet.oo eye of Adam" Ruff (or any ponton no -lu:tinted withlins,) now about twenty two years of ago, who loft his home in . August, 1867, since when nothing ham hems heard of him, a lino addressed to 61. father, John G. Ruff, Easton,. Pa., tt ill tend to allay the mental suffering of c parent. Papers please copy. 'Fribttue Alntanne.—We aro in .1,1a4,1 In.the-publinhers for 'a copy of lhr 'friburre Alumnae for Ib7o. It eon taisiA much valuable political andMatia timi information. Price al cents. AU dreNa Tribune Arum:relation, Now York. t'un't be Beat.—Wo refer to theme p' , lite and clever gentlemen, ltfcsars. Will Smith & Co., who 'run' a Millinery and Fancy Dry Good establishment In itoehester, a short distrusts!' above Beaver Station. Bxsinineand price their goods and you will lie convinced that in cheap ness and quality of goods they can't he excelled by any dealer thlsaideof Pitts. burgh. . . Pl7Log Faursidlag,r-Two. things are true of !armors as a class. But few, of them over come to actual want, and but. ,citsr,tiver - mtain togrest wealth. .IftibablY 'no businesiaffords SO sure an a venue Of support, and thin ix no 'Saudi conaidera tion in these days of linctuatlorob, majority of farmers feel that Waling Is perpetual shivery, because that afterliard stead ywork from one yeses end. 4,tt as. Other, they find thaMselies litthoterid of the year just where they started from. The price of farm Products are high, the farther I. economical, soils the best, of everything. denies himself and family, la up early ant late, and just keeps his .head above crater. ..We think this is a truthful picture of the majority of the farmers. 'A few like Jam Johnston, of Sone've, Y., rise gradually trent this 'condition to one of abundant 'wealth. Whitt makes the differences between those two classes? Wo answer that in every caae it la head wet*. The majority of farmers tread right On In thtield path .. regardless of the Immense iniproVemouts that have boon made In moaern agricul ture, improvemiints as Important as the application of steam ininechanica °vibe loom in manufacturing. Suppose a I manufacturer disregarding .the fact of the Mont should attempt to make cloth as oor grandmothers madelt ,Why he could not come into competition at all With other manufacturers and would luso ground. lie would stand In Just the position that thousands of farmers °cc upy.who ignore the modernimprove monis In the cultivation of tile soli.— We are share that the Information neces sary to the farmer has been locked up in many costly vellums written in a scientific laagtimp that the farmer did not understand; but this difficulty bias now been overcome and the whole sub ject has boon reduced into one ordinary sized volume, written In the plainest and Men practical manner (It is entitled. How to , make Farming Pty. This vol ume trouts °revery subject in which the farmer is interested. , The first chapter treats on drainage as the foundation of all • improved culture, and gives plain practical rulea for all the operations of drainage. The second chapter treats of plowing, showing when, whore, how, and what to plow. The third chapter is upon manures, and is ono of tho most Interesting and valuable we have over seen; it showti just how and where the manure goes to waste, and haw at a very' trifling ex pense the manure can bo doubled in quantity, quality and value.. There aro also full directions for the and use oeconunercial fertilizers after tho most has been made of what every far mer has at his hand. This chapter if read, and its directions followed, would surely double the wealth of every farmer iu ten years. Chapter four treats of the purchase, use and care of all farm imple ments. Chapter five of the cultivation of grain. Chapter six of grasses and hay making. Chapter seven of root crops; and chapter eight on special crops and the rotation of crops. This chapter gives thelatest information on the cultivation of cotton, rice, tobacco, flax, hemp, hops, boots for sugar, .ke. Chapter nine 'to twelve inclusive, treat of domestic ani mals, breeding, raising, care, manage ment and feeding, and particularly of all diseases of domestic, animals witliplain, simple remedies. to man who owns a •single animal can afford to bo without the information contained in these four chapters. Chapters thirteen to eighteen 'treat of the cultivation of Jargon/id small fruits, showing hoW millions of acres of now almost profitless lands may be made to yield large and paying crops, how 'every farmer may make from $2OO to $OOO per acre front apples or grapes. The young Mon who read thesechapters and commence farming on these principles 'will not be the poor piculderatheir prate , cessors have been. Untold wealth is In store for those who catch the ideas and spirit of this book. Chapter nfitateen treats of the planning and building of 'farm buildings. Chapter twenty of mar ket gardening and farmer4' gardens.— Chapter twenty ono of various miscella neous items, as fences, farm laborers, forest trees, des. Chapter twenty two contains nearly three hundred choice receipts for cooking, preserving, .te., and the last chapter givaS the symptoms and remedies for the ordinary diseases of children and adults, with directions for preserving the health, and other matters of interest. WO think we are justified in saying that so much infor mation of use to the farmer is not to ho lout for fen times the price anywhere else. The book, as the reader will notice front the description in our paper, has one hundred and forty illustrations, which we haVe neither time or space to describe. We say buy this book yon wish to learn trio secret.' of Paying Farming. coS advertisement In another eolunm. linsT PriniA, 121 eL'. a . yard, at Will Smith& Co's., RocheAter. oimr the world, " Whittlesey's Dyspepsia Cure" is becoming popular for Sick Headache, Indigestion, Billions imss, &c. Druggists are instructed to warrant the medicine. Sudden Death.—The citizens of Bridgewater, Beaver and vicinity, were Latinist on last Saturday morning, to hear of the death, of Mr. Samuel Allison, formerly of:Beaver,but latterly of Bridge water. For some thne past Ids health was not so good as formerly, but no alarming symptoms had yet developed themselves. On that morning, however, he was not up as early as was his custom to rise, and; on his sister's going to his room, she was shocked to find him donut in his bed, his hands folded across his breast. Mr. A was 7:: years of age, was never married, and alwayssustained the reputation of being a quiet, inoffensive citizen. Ito was buried in Beaver on Nfonday of the present week. I , l7tet at cost at 'Will Smith 4t, Rochester. Co NSTITUTION Bitters tire pleasant to the swell and taste, will remove impur ities from the body, and give health anti vigor to the frame. Derangements of the stomach and liver are harbingers mid soureus of insanity. From an ob struction or disorder, a morbid action of the sympathetic and other nerves follow. l:an~liumitis, fie., and the functions of the brain aro deninged and impaired.— Denmgement of the cerebrum will also produce distxtses of the lungs, heart, skin obi kidneys. It Is consequent up on the stone cause that thousands die of cholera, yellow and bilious Severs, and that Insatiate, baneful disease,' phthisic, or Consumption. Tho stomach is an important organ in the eeenenty, for upon its succors we depend for the advantages toile derived front the exhi bitions of Internal medicines. Its heal thy functions are of sterling moment to' every mortal, its it constitutes the source anti fountain of life, which is nutritious. No organ possesses such power in mod ifying every part of the system—none suoh remarkable sympathies. Photograph! and dents of all kinds at Will Smith t Co's., Rochester. • A •Pastoral Vloslt."—On Thurs day evening last, the .friends and well wishers of the Rev. James ifollingsbend, pastor of the M. E. Church of Beaver paid hint a visit at his residence. After spending the ev e ning very pleasantly, they retired, but hot before making hint the recelpient et cash,.goods and provi along, amounting in all to about $150.00. Mr. Ifollingshead has proved himself a zealous and efficient minister of the Gas pie, and the visit with the result hero referred to indicates the high esteem in which ho Is held in this community. ' • Gee. sta high/YrosPoolt tad citizen of Pyoutuolog, Mercer coon., ty,dle4 very suddenly on the Ad Aetna' riding along the road ottathreei back; adootittiattled - by hb sun , when he fell from hlsberselnsoludhle,audexplred almost immediately. - . • - . A little bay named Janes, on return Mg from school one evening Isit wocki fell Into. the canal ,at : lllhistairoibelOir Reading, and was drowned. The little fellow's &to was uncertain for a day. or, two, but his books floating on tho led to the belief that his body Was In the, water, and search proved the appreheui glen to be true., - Detain& Aeildent.—On the Slat ult.:, ildria, „ Tainprt, wifeof James; Taggart, of Bracty tp., Kent to the barn to see a "Ifassikm Threshing Machine' worked with eight horses, having never, seen ono of the kind in operation. After examining It she started to return to the dwelling house, when her dress, odd* was of strong flannel, caught In the ma= chinerrin stepping across the tumbling! shaft.: She was &ken under with grea t velocity, breaking her collar-bone, three of her ribs, her breast-bone,' n id' other-1 wise ininring her Internally.. • Notwithi standing medical aid was,called. in mediately, she died next day. The inaehine was owned by Thomas Sanke, Paul Kloster, and Joseph who were all present, but no blame can , be attached to them, as they done every ! thing in their power So stop it when the accident occurred.—Buller Herald, An Old Soldier Gone.'—Col. Wni Diehl, the oldest native born citizen of Allegheny 'county, died on Thursday! morning last, in that city, at Alto ago of ! ninety-one years. In the war of 1812 he! was a Commissary, enlisting In the army', with the "Blues," and through his bust-! noes found his Way on board the "Chem.: peak" under command ,of the gallant! and intrepid Capt. Laweence;just on the! eve of the memorable oneounter with the! 'British squadron on Lake Erio—"Per-1 ry's victory." ' Be was' by the side of!, the dying commander when tho historic '! words, "don't give up the ship," were! uttered; and was the very last man to, leave the disabled ship. CoL Diehl was universally known and respected, and his unexpected death has created a pro found sensation In this community. His' funeral took place on last Friday. We hope In our next issue to lay a biography of the renowned deceased before our rea ders. The "Greys," city councils; in un cipal officers and other bodies should at tend his funeral in a body, fora grand connecting link lititwoon the dint' past and the bright present has pas sod into the dark shadow of death, and the com munity should mark the event in a fit ting and appropriate manner.—Pill.Gaz. Dog's that kill Shoep.—Wo have heard of soveral instant:es latoly - of dogs killing sheep, and it Is high time for the (armors to tuko some active measures of prevention. Heretofore the difficulty has been in ascertaining the dogs that did the deed, but wo hoard a few days ago a very novel expedient, which prov ed story effective In a trial made by some genthimen in Middlesex tp. Messrs.. Ralbor,.Nelson, Park and others had lost in a 10w days from eight to tea. head _each, and after onasuhatlon they formed tho conclusion that "chloral dogs In , the neighborhood were the doprodators.— 'rhino dogs were bacon, end about a gill of "tilt water poured Into each, and then with' their hind legs tied together, sus pendildlo a - post or trot... ,Ia about jive minutes they vomited up the blood and. wool from their stouutchs,showing their guilt conclusively. It is said that as much as a handful of wool wad thrown from the stomach of one of the dog 4. Of course they wero despatched at once. Would it not be welifor all our farmers to hoar this fact la mind; and when sheep are killed, and certain dogs suspe.cted, to hit the remedy? If it is effectiredind when the gentlemen who tried It aro of too high reputation to Impose on com munity, then it should be known by every farmer who has sheep and des ires their prohxdion.7-.puffer Murder *ear .111asnaesettle.—Tho Tascarinias'Adorer*Of Jan. 14th says : On Blonday Morningjastartmacr reach ed us that a amulet. had been committed near 'Shanosvillo,. this county, on the Satumlay 'previous. tpon'ililigent in quiry wo ascertained the fact to bo near ly as follows: 7 A man named Louis Rit ter, a dratikeli, sket4denift follow . ; having married tho only of an old man named Isiah Keat, , upon -various demstom(quarroletilisFitir - the old goutle nntn threatened to kill Some of the frierids at hid gentleman advised him to get a plstipl' and bo pre pared for him If ho shoulkeyet: l attempt to carry out his threat.. This ho accor dingly did. On last Saturday Ritter re peated his threats in Shancsville,.and started for the residence of the father hi law, who resides about a mile from town, in the county of llohno.s, to executo them. Upon reaching the house lie found his - wife and children there with her father, whom he at once began to a huse,using shockingly profane language. This aroused the Indignation and anger of Mr. Kent, who ordered film to leave the house. This ho roftised to do and a quarrel ensued, during which Kent got his pistol and shot Ritter through the heart, killing hint instantly. Thews arc the facts as near as we could .ascertain them, from various' parties re siding in Shanosville, and vicinity. :gr. Kent is t 3 or 70 years old, a 'pc:Wea ld° and inoffensive man, a kind and ac commodating neighbor and a thrifty (armor. lie greatly regrets the neces sity that drove him to the act, and claims that it was done in self-defense. At the time of our latest Information he had not been arrested. No ono appears to regret the death of Ritter except the old man who committed the deoo. Muffling the Throe t.—What le the best mode for protecting the throat front colds when a person is vary susceptiblo to them I Tho common way of protec ting the throat is to bundle and wrap it up closely, thus overheating and render ing it tender and sensitive, and more liable to colds and inliamation than bu fore.. This practice is all wrong, anti results in much evil. Espocially is this tho case with children, and when, in ad dition to totalling the throat, the ex tremities are Insufficiently clad, as Is of ton the ease, the bast possible conditions aro presented for the production of sore throats, coughs, croup and all kinds of throat atjections. If the neck Is kept overheated wportlon of the time, when It is exposed some form of disarrange ment of the throat will be apt to occur. The rule in regard to clothing the neck should be to wear It as cool as contfort will allow. • In doing so you will stiffer much less front throat ailment' than if you arealwayittearful of having n littleteold air ormolu contact with your neck. Any olio who has been accustomed to have his throat muffled should Ixt 94fiti :to leave offkradually, and halal d'ol,Ce. - Cteditsabl el —We have a very worthy and estimable subscriber, who, a day or two ago, hemline the proud father of 'his eleVenth son—all - Tho laUy is in a convalescent state, and promises that next year we. shall annoarwa the completion of the round dozen of halo and hearty boys, when she will apply to General Grant or the Prosidout of. some propagation society for a 'premium. • It is very encouraging in these days.. to chronicle a married lady so prolific, and wo trust the faithful wife and mother may live to see the last and least of bor mall Lo y ss, us well the others, attain a . proud position in life. Varentniu has the honor of containing such a wife and mother.—rufs. aim . Foyty firstOlogrw • - ‘; /list A.A.! o:otwirjseltu-Th6rlioitsi Diehl:lbn iholtiiineirliatlils,paisid.: J. Ross B rowno "pniserited petition It r iti pay. for extra expeubm at bludaterto es. introdired ' To prevent tim c4ikvik!il of tax oft litop: ifiYtninz i Pond, bing at. nvidenKin,nertnin Miami froarFertain persons in TI:X4S; to 'in Dia con44lc,ikm. or 'Axidirt44 ii , 04,•43i,14, to Fort Rikninn , The resolution to consider. Indian trendier hicipch - session unlit up,. an nmendincid vrai offered. lindlhiiiithrile JI tl laid over. A joint iriolndon relattve to sioram ships was reported: also, bill so/provide' •reouidylfcir the Inas or• dettrnetion ef judgiiimit ' , beards or deMres appertaining foproceediiioVi ThgPiioWit4 tllll3 were intintfiiidi To change judicial elteulni ; to a railroad from the Texasline to Woad; sippi river , at Vichshanipititi a qailroid , nu d udmraph line iioni to San Diego, California; refurreil ~Thn Virginia bill was then disci:wen .tili the. hour of ailjournotent ; mut diiringthe 'lo bate bitter penunitilitle4 werti friely god bnl.nn 6 n. minnirn l4 ,rilnllnill.antl4 ih nT ncr. • liorsk-X resolution-was: adopte&dk - reeling tilt thierebery;of life Treasury to consider the necassity of erecting a post .oflice building et KAAIS Al6O, a rcsoluthat reducing taxation to the lowest point, tutu dmlitring ally ; annexation of torcigu terrltory, on which looney is to he paid, a directitssault du the public credit . net:milled ftir by-any ditiiency of pdblid tiffairi- 7 referred to Calliln4tett of Ways and Matins. fly unanimous consent, a bill was Introduced to pruitibii °Akers nett clerks In the employ of the MAUS/ States from receiving or making prt . ..aeriptidOite another, under penalty of dismission : and iaeltgibdityki.,iuy•ofliCial.poisitiou under, the .(loverurneut'tbr.tireoyears. After Zuni- debate the-ineligibility clause was stricken out, and Clic : bill Pasted. X bill was Introduced to prevent and, punishcee tain abuses in the Poeituflice DepartMent • In reference to lottery cireularl Thu ;Vir ginia bill was then discussed until the hour of adjournment. SENATk, Jull. 11. 7 --A bill was introduo ed to abolish the Smoking privilege and establish a letter carrying system in cities of 5,000 hilutbitantsrethrred. -A 'multi- ; lion was elferial. requesUng . theSecretary of the Treasury to communicate to the Senate the intitrnmtion or data upon which the Special ConiMissloner of Ileve• nue had based his statements relative to the aveiage cost of. the manufacture of Americen pig iron in the; valley of the Cumberland and anthracite regions of Penuss Ivania.,• • • A debate octunsl on a bill introduced last aisidiou relative to . 11SOini tv, of whizkey in Caliti7ifida; after which the Virginia bill vas fotight . until the hour of adjournment. • llovsk—The entire session of the house was taken up in discussing the Virginia bill, whien finally passed by a large inn majority;' deciding, so tar as that body ii iC•meerned, that . Virginia—having com plied with the Itmonstntetion Acts—es mulled to representation in' Cingress. • COLL! 21111IIS COIIIIESPONDENCE. . COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan, 12, 1870. Anact.:—The inauguration of Gov. R. 11. Hays took place yesterday af• terniiiim in the Rotunda of the dapiti4.— Thete was a general attendance ,of , the military of the city; the Mayor and Omni. tiers of the City Council; Jlitigantlllo Supreme Court, State °Mews, &t.. Al irrielock, p. m., the Governor elect was escorted to Ihni.tand erected on the east 'ride of the Rotunda; by * Committee t.pppoitited for that purpose., amid much enthusiasm. Atter preliminary exercises —of music by a brass band in attendance, nod prayer by a clergyman -in the city— , the Governor Wit lutrodueed by the Chairman, and proceedisl to ‘leltver his inaugural address, which was ire!' receiv ed. Its contents treating mainly of things purely liel•in'• • • t ili! State. I loc. lays ling HOW I, el 116 sceomi.f term of Mlle.! wit! I very demonstration of it lam plc's respe c t and regard. The oath of office was administered to the Lieutenant G..vernor, John C. Lee, wt a s, i nanga ral address is worthy of t he study of many of our Representatives:— ,The Lieutenant Governor 'presides over the deliberations of the Semite with it' justneas and firinnear. that wins the good wishes of all. ". In. Ow evening Governor Hays enter tamed, at his residence, the members of the General Assembly, Ante officers and Ithe uttacliecs of the several State Depart ments, officers of the different State If.stl ,lntitne*, Mayor and`ritembers of the City !Council, and manti: rs of the Press. The, tlitforelit Committees of the Senate and House baring been appointed; end the i ugu rat terentont6 otOr; the Legii- Ilature now Fettle's doWn to the workbe fore it One noticeable fact in the present Len- Mature is, that the beniocratic wing In both the Senate and the llOuse, is headed by renegade Republicans; .inen who—as their interest-goes—Hop, liken porpoise, trout ono patty to the other. If the Vitt' Amendment to the einistitutiun should . be defeated in the present session of the Leg• islature of Ohio, It will be. through the machinations of these same renegades. Cat thin out itud keOp IL—Frank 110 Pyre, a, highly respectable and in telligent farmer of Galena, Kent county, Maryland, gives the following as a sure cure for the bite of a mad dog. Ahlt. !will Lateen', ho has' tested it. with the most gratifying results; " Elecampano is a plant well known to most persons, and is. M be found in many of our gardens. Immediately ef ter being bitterittako one and a lialf oun ces of tho root of tho plant.--the green Irvot is perhaps preferable, but the dried t will answer, and may Le foUnd in our drug stored, and was used by 'no—slice ) lor bruise, put into a pint of fresh milk, boil down to a' half pint, ! strain ; and ! when cold drink it, fasting at least nix hours afterwards. The, next morning, ,!fa.sting,-ropeat the dOse, using two oun lees of the root.' 'On 'the third... Morning take another dose, prepared as the lad, ; and this will be sufficient'..,' Ii is ipcorn mended that after each dose! nothinif? be ;eaten for at least six hours. " I have a son who was bitten by a mad 'dog eighteen years ago, 'and tbar other. ithil k dreh in the neighborhood ivt;ro ;11140 131tte1q they took the above dose, and are a livo and well to this day. • And 1 . have knoivit..a . timphor othe.M . who were hltten.anil applied the mune reme- I d 3:: It is.suppea . ed that the root co' r nhilmt la principle which, being takettupby.the ( blood In its circulation; counteracts or neutrallscskthe deadly's virus lot hydrophobia. ' • - •• " I fail se 'midi oonAdatice in ills situ pie remedy that I am willing Totistipuld !giveuny . name in. connection_ with this statement:"... . . Stephen Olney', of. Warren, died last Monday I nthe seventy ninth Yale of his age. Ile was one of tho oldest .aettlaisi of Witeroweatiiity Ito WILY ono .. ef the elevenold'uoldiers of 1812 who !net In eonventton last passed easolutiona' asking tiongToe# tact mplauriii intinediatelY .for theta : Ai- Het.• • • • • KSHP an eye on-, Will Smith 6:V. Rochosier. - , . ,Penkak,, t , ure, ~ 1 • „ §621;#11400 1 .17:41. , * . 1 44 4 / ,M llOO 4 l , a lalltialng I,lall.nolltbernalitatotWltra9nie, attbe'relocra et dm 11.13 A;t4 u4 , 001111 4 to. - ticklag . the pretest flatte lame +knows. ilia, - theietiy lithie'tir 410 State &mitt 4 2 1.9,9 Q., - Amfin*. !/ 1 P VIII inirmtietal '!°4 1 "°, 1 1Y 1, 7 44 09cai. ci. l 44ia , 4 ;o 1 Of O A . awl Interest to the public at tassel , - 6 bid was antredlung thing the WAIT or .the tit, T eteei ittnsSo t 11 bR) flaking the utllces 0; Secretatiof die pointnthrmesith !l'i: 4t 6 r ll 4; "4eraV- 0 4e117 !Ic bx‘ itil Pcipitai 4 .. .. 1 04 1 .4 n t _ . drigia_froll4o l 4t 10 ienthlttlewl'at:; Tito lONIVI 4 oq to WWI& XlinSatill taro ilea helltelohntate,lwas dis• measbd lvannly nail tlitit4Ui of adtuuni meat, xvitbmit ntriiingtda demon. • ' %.' _ -- ...- , :: ilftqlicr - *0 00 404 1 0 4 04 tatas t riaa ap pointed to act witliisintilat conhultteb pr ,tho Senate . In' j a mit i iiittolityj no hr Ho tlif 4 O .-. -9'r °nth° 44.tig* .. 4 rl/ fl zi gP t ic:l : P tif el ' 34 rill goe for okeollalog ref 4 . res :tint, whether.cuiropt titems wens% itti4 . in propUring *he ettsigionbr Shalt Tree* iiroiorith potter l tO WI -4414t±tt' i Ottleent, Pllift. pc Nook tilitr it,ite.t, Which wait so iinicildett;ps to alliT Ote 'mina; tees cUM comPousoloilind tbr , t4 1 4 0 14 ; ed.: A feint. resolution Ibi'lloopeapiei 0 1: . Itott Ilirernor'slatelitige Itri" to dethated.4l ) o 14tiite bill reitedthefhe rttli..iiletion at u m I mi i . i'pgropriation o„,ititil ill'fo(vitirt r each member slod' to? • ' c :. yits refer red to COUtlllatir (it P ttatilMelins. Thd llouse v 4 oted each. , lona ooP.I 9f Punlon's DigestannietKer'e 7tliintiiii.l4. TheLeghlatiro Htcrlialitalson Was then called up and . didcti,ttied 114111 ale hour at scliaal ame,at.. ' , i• • 1.. • , • .. bnium, Jan. indley t Dema crat front Soitieretit icat'it...oin in. i Cameron's course'dit ;Ai l thibliktreation was endorsed by Hie SZtutte. Tikbill to inerinpie the Clovernoesailary W.ruTanumil -1 al, tiring it al 0,000,, passeill dually'. A, bill relating to Abe cotr vuitatm-` N hiu was introduced,' end keel bills i WM•ci introtlined, Ana! t o jettteil. , 'Do Senate then eeent,bito ecntle Liii the }GUI ufAlkollbutso 0t21: 443 , 4 , 4 „t 4 ti, re5 , r,„ en election of Mutt trtiiittrer,.. Goo. I''. W. Irwin, of Beaver cot,Vy, was leech.%) on the third [Allot. IA. tlifitili.%l neva nt of the con , teat andtalet4iyoll be fiaraittl in 31111101,141' Flat 011116 paptty Afte'r which the S'eturtemkiounied. ,4, - I . I fousc.—A bill to opiaira.four addition. at p mos vris4 postpotte , tl; al Willi itllO a res. Waitron laa maeh alt elttialathi, It being , suggested Unit, tt- , then; 'il ult two 1 clergy men;members of ilisp i llpipie, they could have their praying done without allitien al expense. - Other additional resirinilons for subordhuite ottlkera were tle4aieil.— The rtrsol uti 0 n for ,Cco'llitif 1 ttee 'II iontratet 1 Gar, the iholy. pubtination of Mite itruoctal i tags of the Lt • stature wa,intait Ildial so os to i 'unmet , le tamlnittee to rciant .m any other• dan other than daq, altol pratlAble east. atattiadoo4o, :1, roto . lut ion mscinling all oblig,ttliatis of 2ft. Oergaier for printing tho Legisigivalailetdrat was adapted. The flou,e trait into joint eon. 'ruction to elect Stan.) Truasulei, after which it r.djourned SLNitk., Jan. 13 —The _poi tio al rf ' M r Scull, of Soda-rad., t gani,....tim; of Findley. a q ua presented cad rue..sday next Shed ror drawing a committee in, theme& The Phalladetpbta pollee bill was reported affirmatively. Bills presented: ban al lowing hash: l olmi wilt to testify to di vorce cases. One relati 4 tiff, to roo?rtht In ihe poithonotary'f ofileo of the Nirtiacrn District of the I! , upreino Oni. Tll4 House resolution derbiring the Bergner.iantract tor printing the Leginlatlee Recoil at an cut, .was 'concurred In. , '"nie Houle resrt hation bur , at Joint coluinittee on , iitirnal printinc,nll9l}MCClrral In. Adjourned to Tuesday next. The Speaker, kintudtethe 0141 c an tioutatthl Um followint'etandlon don: rnittems mr,A,Npixo,,C9ItUiTTEES . Federat:,..lielattons-51esara..1 1 . #31vrY t Ottihatn, Cennell, Drown and linehnlott. Finance—Mesara. Billing<, White, itrobke, Wtillaco'and Nrintire. • 'Judiciary' . Gencral—:.4eis - ri4. %the Olmsted, LlmFart], Walrai. , 43 mid Laids, Judiciary Lonti—:dessrs. Omtdritottt o , iletiszoy, autd, Par.' wan, A. 113 , --n Liulau,Watt,Nnglr Account aessett. Liutau,Watt and I.' ntlorman. 1- • Eatates and Eachenta—Messrs, sled, Allen, Entail, Day is and Buckalet:. .—Pcitalopia Grata ities-51exTLIC.91T, Watt, Wade!, Turnor'and Danttui, Graltatti,lllonfo• soy, ost,or,ltont, Bock and JLtler. . . Library—Mms ra. Olmsted, Wai 01. and Wallace... Bunts.—kiessm, Hanes:ay, Uribmo, Mutittna, Randall and Brown. • Canals 'Owl Tatars/ - fon 3fess ca. ilcitiaid,liorr, Itobtion; flinder - man and Iliadheatl , , .Buifrpacts 7 3las4rs Coriel, dowry, liow!trd, 7,Lhndall ilutllliieknlow:.l /gectioli Di/trial—lle:armlcin, Ru tan, Watt and Yunnan. Retrenchment and Reform--/dmiara. Brooke, , !-Gratiain, Warfel,' Daiis and Brown. • • :•• 7' ' Eduecy,ion 7 -litesstk ' Warfel, ' BroAko, Alton, BiotCf and Pavia. -•• ' ' Agra. iycurc and ilianeiif ..11antiftte tures-4essis.. , ,Robison. " ,lirooyo,...t * MieVand Ifrudhomt. Piddic ,Ifoi/ding4i—Modsou ; Allan nod Duncan. • 11 Military Affair 4 —Mem& Whife; Rob ison, Warfel, Drown'and Danitan:;;.: • , Roads'and •Bridgea=bleisis . Altibisiin, Ostorhont, Mannna, Beuk' and l'l''tirrier„ thinpeire ItiftsL , Nfessni.: W:ll4,llCOrr, Riown and Nai4llO. -'; Tie and' Keir, Rutau, Grabam,Lisulerniad Lind QM , , vat.: 0/aims aud mugo:-4,ll, ; tains. award, . Wtirfol, Le, • Plltlcap and Backalow: . • .;'.I. - • Public Printing—Messrs: aleintley, Gmhatu, Itobisou,Nnalfiandt'furlior..., New 'Countics• 'and ain't& ilteati-; Messrs. taiwry, Allen; Beck and • Ilinca tun! ~Iftalng—Maasrs. Mutnina, Rowan], Connell, Turner anti Randall. flbe Grnhanr-was 'alloyed to tiapers in tho;diSe of Ilis Coa. Rid. tot:the:seat of Mr. 3100nev . ;:1411,,d1.4-; ,irict,of i . .;l4l;tdelitillai and let tiie ,( hr anti:t . tee tte. illseltarged. ' .:The tputinitteq : ,hal diem 'eight'Delnoensts toone Reptilboan. - T4ltetitibn of Graham was again' tdn ‘vitle ; allay = tlir dfter a *hate ,taltieci , Iv+ indtiflijitely pone& .r.t:renolution against,a .rt‘loo . tiou - ante tax; .lty Congreas,* fga"liqbw‘m laid over. A resolution conynittOe to ascertain whether any one was lareat end Cottlr Isistaut dritle (daring clue litm:for,S,tate Treasurer ) hes;c4..Sl in it Oertain way, wda teftiried I , 6 l . . ll c,eintaait• lee on Vico ati4 of laughter... for Governor wits th6o .- nountel his joint;conTehiSOn, ' ' ' Tito sli'nolng botoinittees of thl, 11‘.146 to e lag FfA4l4;• mil are ellaigap or. lbo'. OrineiPat , OutT . ntitlctai: Ways untl,lleans, Ray y; flanks, ,Mt. obi) (14,1),/Cdrecy,x;'.linß eiaty".(generni), , Johnson (CrawfOrtl)l.-r• Counties; i Aries Pas4eni„-er _Railways, Cloth! Etht&Olori, Benterstpp:; . Vice: add liftuiiitality;`C6am6i tutu; Iluhion s; AiT airet Carp?rathlns,llotiiiht Birk'Ftilenl'ltela&cnb,Cmig iron emu q.4lP4TlLlt ;1i1140rri144411;r49(14:7 ... 1 .71 - 777111 1; t! ;Ackop.FroilliLJAnto always on Una, pir, t4lo34nlynnon:Unio , , • MOM • ore day last week 119 some man wore enied atredi:lroft eir linConOzetirinae Aq.4-Iyaatht. on ' 46:"Piti.4iii0; "c 9444 _blfiy4ileded proaisdpilr. 14 1 4fitilik‘u 0 . . 4 45 4 1 4ur," log two more. Ono nun srarbinWO 4up lathe alr:alnontimit.. fa* tualinglited dig_feet lAeaeel , dent oceurned;" ViteWdievesulawens , Wdidlnit, ; • L; is,rlSs; f). J . , ••• „ - . -.irate I{lRley. (Ohio) liee Of the hie ... , the hollowlogt , Those - who . Weis up . cm .liivitekdWitierit.thei itbeit•tri hoots . . - before da31.4044 lion? -:iltil#l.4(4" • ".t,IFIgi , "iind'Otitfik litAtunpoinistk In ally 'heave ' ' A"veiy-lirge,' tier" 1 rod' ball eatnetu In'the - ttOttheeet, and penaleg to 1110' thereat. iliseppeared.; ,. . When it, ebeebetlAuserlr ;overheedrlt Iteseate.i-d maple heo: { Tbe light. 'Nikki eseenaled. ((crown. Vs* /9A* as to,wealccn teaoyes: or q to a 'number. „Tbbiet"eibo, -idle A . 'dfte be thii ball • as' beteg 'fell , Ivo,. 'exit tbe r ilitht sited' beyond anyibing iheijkevetowitnosred...:l , .. ' i -- t‘ Markets. . r" PrizlitloAttnikitsitcr. • • , , .., . . ' ern or Tug rrreit: GArarrrE t t ' .1 " • MPPAY. clan ; It "t ,I 1 1 APritES--Vipply la lergoeud the market delietb pares are I:melding edtriFt..... ; 3 p er 1... , • , -,•••,,,, , i 5 It dutloidttrltaupply cen 'addend) n exams or•tbe demand 'Auld ,prieee are pciroly. anatalgetk, We contin. tutu quota at 301835. • , , CRANBEETtI S W--- ..Cori to bo iltr• tod at El lll2otAlOper btd; , , , , • ' CBBHF—Itr ' 11 to Pt for Western lieseritt ' '.Ohio !Factory 181; Ohl& Ooeben e le; "jerk eltatontrntlUtry, 19; . and:York ,State Goshen-W..... ,•. DItEXISED IPXlB—salve at A 6 13,65. 444431*—Arriviti, jiretty lively, ttnd, 4011 crIllt( II drat ng tollithttcy ; wo,con- Bnuolfffiboto at (158. ' • ' ELOUlt—ls quiet and urielianged. The mllbe lOW cevrtod ett dtilbe A pretty good busineettebavlair %beeriest propor tion of the, retail trade, whum ISM', are enabled to control in consequence or the IR* Yeloo of wheat , in this market. ,IVo C4II hong to %rota at $5,7568 'for wintee *kieatleitifind e.5,25q5,80;f0r spring. (IBAINU-There le a modentte demand for wheat and but little offering ; we can report sales to the mills nt • *4/56 1,18 • - Oats quiet, notetltbstandleg the offerings aro light; wo contlq no tO quote Pt 4764 8 on wit:viand trlclt, mut 40 in atom; Corn Is o ff ering more freely, bitt prices arc IBM maintained; 801 or ear and ea for shelltsi. Eye is dull, Mou' thereis not much on the market; •we continuo to emote at Wicavsl. Barley dUll And nom inally unchanged-41W,10 ter spring, pm] 41,186,10) full. , -, • : , • , advertfier 'hartnw been rester.' tq health In a tor Week., by a very wimple 'itincdy, artii haring , k.uirend Ten» with a verernhnitt atteethin, and that dread dhrered edienitriptlod la andlona to wake 'known to hlartellow•arnihrens the mean*, . • To pal Mip s dtcarejt, he 6glprt4 copy of the pvet{rlpticiu stattkafr?a of aleargeh,ll}ll the vtlree. tiova for preparldg mad natag the. eama,lchich they 'will and* algae mace .110 A Co?tahltartien, Aacm' ~ta;LnoscntTX. etc. Thn , nhhe itilvvrth•er Itiariidlni the l'recerlptina tq to bolted the Mc led, Mid :Tread Ina:111;41On widely by conceive. to 'hal:it:110Mo ; and 'lth Ildra''MoCrY anderer trill try hie ternmly, ; e It gill rest the:,( hethlini and may prove a lamvfay,. Partica within:: the pre. aerlption 6111 phiWilAktre.4 • • • Itav77I:IDWAIII: A. IV IL.SuN. • Williame,buryt, t:bags Cu. o ltivw . Vraytnly " AOzwri.xuAN oho ealkietlff.r . ienue from Ner vino DCf.lllty, Preto:4ll:n l) nay, SAO oil tiled:reefs of ynathintll..cretfon, n tfl, for the taLe of out (lain humanity. bond free to MI %oho need It, the . receipt not dlrrethm.., for rtt.slditi the Ample reto ol: by'tettich Ito 4.. cured.. SntTerent wishing to profit by the os'ertldrer, ex - valence, end. en by ,, Ito perfect con thlchrn e. .. . runs !LOUDEN. maylt•ly; No. it ceder Monet. Nov York r. LTI TOT X OUX NG W.—lVeare pared 'to Vernet:Call chose* with ecasholt vihPloY clout: at hone, Owl Mho/ref the , thee or for the epsn: rtvr a :rt;f it i tre i rlg tw s :t . 7 l3 efrO t gro Pt cp cil et ta c: to $5 per evenin. and a proportional aunt by 4e. eating Chet whole ii1410(0 Pie boees. Bove an d girls eanrucarly •aeupsch Neu. That alt who see this racy scud their: 7a end attest e has luesW we mho thla oltor T o !Int ft are wit well satisfied; we will baudAl io pay for tbe trouble of wrtiligr. Full particulars. valuable sample, 'which will do to - ertnimeirre lvork aura copy of 71witoplet Literary Moo. pauiea—owe of . the larpvian4.twa;.finilly sow*. Wipers poblii,bed—all seat free liy toreler, 11 loft-west perrnmartit. kirolitable *ark, midrfts X. V. ALUit. 4 Cu...iwyarla, . RAVIN—IiINCI;--JAt the residence of the brides parents January.l3th . 1870, by the 'toy. James M. riti (olds, Mr. tieurgo M. Irwin and Miss EluphoinLi C. King,. both of Pittsburgh, Pa. . JOHNSTON-BRIBBS-,On the 13th of January, 1870, at the resldenuo of the brithrs father at ,Audustry, l'a. by the Rev. B. Way, of Alliance, 0. Mr. • .1. 1,, Johnston, of Ohio tp.,,to bliss L. A. Briggs, of Industry: " Tho fair bride . has, our - ilianks for a slice Oi the wedding cake; May Ler married life ho long aunl BITCH EI.OII-O,AVIS--Jan.` Ist by Itov. Louis Paine assisted by Row. Bl)oltis, Mr. „Addison Batchelor and MllB3 Sarah 11 Davis, both of 11.ochas ' ter, Pa. F/ 81 /ER. SOBS.—On the, 12th instant, by Rev. Davis, Mr. Jacob Issuer, of Rochester, and bliss Kofibla Noss, of • Industry, llcat'pr county, . A sl co of cako revel, cd. May they be happy, ' . • ;N1.J.1.503.7 7 -At Lis reside Wee lei Briago water, ra.,44n. 15.1.870,Satn'i. WARREY—At his insldenee in Batecer ra., on the 3d of January, Isaac Wartetcrii.., aged ID years. • . ' New. Advertisements. S. 11..TOtta ox WILSON( dt TV/C.hatliir, ATTo tt.N.lovit, ; jedotim) DEAVER; PA. . „ • The, Most;`, CiTipl6o % Biiiiiess 'col - • le&e. in the .United• States • 06110 ,, billing's lbratqulrlng a tharciazbjpie tick; :bnaneaa edacatino,puwasad by nu tuber School n the toontry.„ . . Since its Ineorparatlon In 1855', nearly Sixteen Tbournitd .Sludente, eePrmaia,l l l, l *** grotii,avvri ptatp In the Union, bare nttengeulterc. , . , leovaCa Ilona: . St wheat; enter 6t any" time; end recent, private Instruction tin oughnut• the • entlru Lie—circulars with fall wilco'amend all gm cesanry information, ottaddreastug . • HUM! & COWLEY. hrisclialo.• Ptt+wrcn. e:. : • • •. .•. jaumir. - Rxxottrarsxcgrict,. --tetteirs teetamenutry I.i having beim granted to the subscriber. on the minty of Vezander McKibben, tfr Wet. Raceante p:;-alt heisetus ind=i g l i te , raid emsta am Web, naiad to maim' pay: meat.; MK ail pcneous.baelng plaints agattot as "estate Mitt Inteent them - deli" authenticated ter -settlement"- • " . •.. 4, , a...atesinnE:v;l • , J, A. l Prven airden r. 6,, Want tillAhltiON•e Co.. Ex're. • tee fit e aw the Wisteru. Marla at. Pre tiynder Lz-floPlo gl=afaL:ltiz, se, t timiht r Tgisa. roe rtibehanla f,lO ell kis deblh.lhed ..,etatats pawpaw, mid tr, - Act, weir .ttet cOIIO..NOTICZ J. their deb ts and Mbar pasta toteremett,:to "mu on the Bth day of Fibrins:oBW, at OA o ' clock p. m., tordP. A. •Kooi, - Ita..ltegtoln 4 to Sinkreptcf, at ma . atata at Walla= Rebottle New Drlititne, MOW 9 5 ,t e,11 ..„, 4 `, 7 .1 h" rh t er IPdValt i g thi pe unP . should not rs-7g.: :c•i , I . re Irma mirrateir oomirroc "VICO Plikre.foe,al Penn. ia trienn iroacia W. s4l4nr. illankrop ander th o Att or mart", of Natoli' ed,lBor, hat ry O- S& fors DM ...tatitonall his debt*. tad Mkt e pnontble ands raid - Act. BY . order ot . the oort, milted ra' flasks; Grrnar to in ttedltan who hard prated their deign sad other 'Wawa, lateraantd, to appear on the Bth day or Petuwary. um, at one o'clock p. before P. A. Knox. PAq4 fteziotnrto taelionin Hoese, Now :liriyhtorr. Pa.. to Dhow came. it • any May hare. why a dldehargo abauld not ho muted to the odd soli 't& p'...lleCAtilitill-36: tilt • , 765 - sintio A. tborontily 'ennipetent segebet n two petnaiacatlmplornint Wrap 40i goo work. .A bonus of km to $OOO .per *ileum %Vile paid, tablet in iddttlaW 'en the tuition ftloa melt to ocestro Po service* cti . • Ant pawl.ap. ilifesences reotred. Call. op ast nkirapsthenngenfthed it Denver', • • D. P:LOWARY, Prier. t • JAN* BAZZetr.. i .•• • •. • t i Julilaw• Radi Ci a a" c9Pl:Uur.puttes anisond bUt rerterAlgie= t te. n ....., at thn Dank. New arightm,l%. 01h- Causumptlirei. MM Died. ::.;,..Jonx J. Wtecaitt• ..1Vo!o ; ;;(dVertitioneots. -p-trow , ,9r14 . 14 . 0.:4-vom ht. iil4lllr.atad *IL qv Pracileall Wr114., ';•l4lsaa • "" •+' ' .14arki D.ShpaLms ati duo waxeagagle.yarm; Wade dayretely kw 11.1. were, from. nrw. deal% aad,ar sad saki bind-gaited vita 34t , XuuAVAlagel, by hartelu and adirts..—i aft rioted, frail' plea; enuLslrdas °Me elaririaa Amadeu' fritla, . 4 9444 1 ,444. 1 4 1 • • 1 W114 , 1404* aleßliGiOrliaanc • . ra &eV. We sad taaclrl.Okla -I =lr . = lll rcal l 4 l. 4ll4 4 Ar7 .' ;rV S in k year, and greatly leer... the %lin,' U 4 1110( . 4111 It ins4es Dl.l deb. ll.taskes isad work. eerier: • 'lt reward. the labor* otttaturst stocking' 4,, la igendattal' alma. start • arm SI Wed, -Nearly at, hundred topic...sold ifIN• iressirldisk lady cans, boadrats a dark; township: , Aerobe die fed no' haute fort out ree 4- ...ceLT 4 4 s 'at iulroann e aad a: laresuly three or four inks day; while mud than double that tailuber dm rally. tat add. Vu. rose always rho the, es,r the 4 i i lr co r o w l a trit fi r, Palt the boo k, fat theft: tryst an t tolsane Its tent en send ror • Alecuis i el con Walser fall dela:Option or the book and Irma to nerds. Ad %ada •' • ZEINLIR. Mt tJRp Y.t Co., • ; ; : ,1114Axa Street, Pit Meiotic 1%. • - . 130 fare ftreet..tinelonatt, Mks, • mourwystnt, mete. 11l ::-:•!- ;!letat N. Mte yth net, St.- Waage.. /tahr tweet ttpdogiteld.-Ntua, ,- - - .10.,11AY l lllll4--11assit to the preudia .r the, tabarther, la;PhiDeareetp., Mums calmly, on orate= of January. brla a red and white heifer between tweandtbrea yam 01d. , 715• attar I. *quested ti store property.. pa dames and take baraway, . • MARTIN r. • •• as .' N'Arton. Nash strAer+ihh 04h37 1 , . •-•• “, • 'Nile BestterroY. roL. - Jae. • 'Thu Pratte:lV sad Ititodbra adds nabi'hata, MU dm dee:ared * trkleed td4latiper raft, no ,t=tal ttoek from the profit o the Lai nix : payable on demand—he... f hwy.' A ; ""F" 11 . 11 4111. 3 1yld 10914. , " W A!i p /IPOM (1,0k4. BUYER,--LOOK HERE i 1 Tbo uottorsiened, for past favors would respectfully Inform the pobtkt thsnkfol ipat he !Astor, a the doest selections of WALL PAPEIt,. WINDOW' SHADES . , FE° oit &LL 64,61'14g, • • Etcc " oh Lana W Oe found W l i p. meta. ItJo worn mein Nispt.h. lltereellline4p4s4 and felyttoar C>.lo) 33. tEii' complete; whllu oopanoorc spared on Ins pan . . STA TI 0 S bEI'4II:I'I4ST Nook to tho boot of Clly Erfabliohonoto. 110 Ir Um csiitvive Agetit IQf 111,7 oehbrotd • . Voley's (.ul(l.l!'en, for nibs twenty. Those reeltieg agouti Geld Pre. troth do well to ore them before purchasing. lie Jo the Agent for this county for Krider's Phologrnsp.i Manic:a Certilkate- The atteetleu of Cfeagi lure Is respectfully, galled Au this, be tan sell thrill at the seititi illieneht us they would. Fit from the POlistier. *Amite?, tiehool (Inc. clement fur iks/tpt Publiehces Pricer. Also unhand, Toys apd Varlet) Goods, sellable fur all *eludes. • ; ' • . (l. /P. 1..11.1"0.1vIs J•inleirars • • thoolltier. New ltrluleuri. C L irigAit 11MQtT. to the premise* dr the ruhrerilwr. In Sharon, botoeyh of Wince • utiterron or about Pis ar.t. of June, ati. a blur liitifer, about two Sous ohl, The owner I. Intact , vd to remit Daub nil, porier• prnperty. pity eliarzes sail take her utray. bill.llgHTta, _11117.-tir too END, Peptensber•allk laoV lu P Ile Fart Galena, A_AVATCII. Any peroon being. abebatae Mtn hard 11 by eolith: at the halt- e 01 allllO TAlorubu••• • neartilapplapport, tbro cam, ly. loud ghlte.; dietriptlup , wider.: notch. ,fm:s:3tra • Volt SALE. -1 A hrn. data engfue and butler. al Iho tartan aud otboon Make. all emeplete and In joust ruilnibq web= Callndet • Bt, Inelav In bore. :V fuels streke • ale fact Opp Wad. 011 awl Iron bed plate. Boller deabbi etted.ate 1131.100 la diameter and 161roet.lonx. • Coulter aeons II Aldne,lo .11111 ,at Wane Manua, Pb. IL Per fur l , tber l sartlenlaro, p..sraalre of 11.. 4 11.1)0:18.110D, _ Iktver. Pa. ilt/E7k4L. .•• • ,;tuiraTsoultumOwEEKLy .a....W.A0 r 1" 3W. I. the lartreet. chespeet weekly paper pshil,hed wezt of the AllegLeislee. ii circulate. very eaten steely all trver Welder'. Penissylvenla. Ohio, 'Weeters afar the karat Wert. • It cootaltwall the leading editorials of the DA!. Lit EDIT/ON Oa Politica, Literature; Sclenci and the Topic* at (ho Day, It le the recognised orkau or the Mat Repo blican pany of Allettireny eiun ly, which-rand hoe 11,01k1analnilty tire Freakiest 1h sob. L} larslebee the UMW reliattler-s----... • • • ', aarlCOG 41dperarta... • 4114 soconnthashetronaluteee popular whir Bterchanta, nparent and ranucr•, Who lot* upon It ao au ledlepettiable nucceetty la their bustneee. It givo iw lateh quota/Jolla in Woe', Cattle, Dry Cult, DroCerlce„nn;L the l'endtwe or. the Tans. Irk; the duly psl , ei reporto Ibt, Live Stock Market of l'utaburgh and Alleklway Sped ally far ltfeltkiving each week a fall re pert cif the nuilibi4 of cattle, lin:adrift StleepA6lo, weight of eJtli, price 'Pahl, and the name of the Feller and Dajer. 1 ' • t_o - In alt rise.. of lithrat lon in the Conde:the Market Iteportai of the Gazette are ul,cd an evidencti, which shows Ito rellattlilty ist well as de, auperrority in this reepect._,73 • , - It plven alto News or alto Day', 'Prom all part/ of We 'world. Hut II contains each Week, in addition 1,, the ahova, the best statk•rs lion, ou rho •• . • . EARN AND °AUDEN to be futma auntherc. t. . , Tsnhs: 131s;lc copy, put 'ear, #1.50; t clubs or Aru, 81.2:t fur eao f Lopy; claim of too, t 1.15, awl a paper to the wetter up of du: club. Thum In oue yt or the nbscril:cr to • Woekly Guzet, to Itecoirro In antosiAt of matter equal to many r, for the rmall amount et F 1.50 or $1 . 13, met upon! tenure thau other Journala sol!I at $lO per Sear. Owing to Mt . • -- . Rapidly luerespligg tarculagow, Me proprietors will bet sualikql tolaake it eveb more hitt:Nal/1g during 1870 Wan it tin. b.nn Proprletony 8-1 aud 86. Fittu Avackue, 4, , stLlSSME4.4—Wanted. 4.• fov reliable, en A. 7 etgetic seihnnnei. 10 1.11 hr ennapla elandArd goad,. Alldrees ' 11:11.1t1t11,111Det .4, 'CO.', uollennt....- 418 I.lbretu at dial, -PhiLlsl Pa. . PUBLIC! ISALEv: • A. 'r.raert of,L;Likict bui. %Moon rroisfiCt4ltiiic It, parsuluncet of an order of Ibo Court of Coup nom Pleas of Bearer county,the aneenlgued Cram. faiths of the peras aud estrte of ,ILAILY 112.111.10, a•Montle, will expose te public sale. tan the prom. lens. 90 Tuesday Irellormary lots 1870 e of 1 W.f./a. I. to., Oar folios Inu leecritwd real estate, the property of Feld landau, to wit: A rrilalll MCI or pore of land. •Ittrate In Moots tuWarbia. Jkarer, tautly, l'arusyllanla, Bouuded on the berth by land , of hatnuel Reed, on the east and month by lands of 15brabeth Logan. and an the wed by Barer:se coed., containing 50 wows of land More or se; about 45 acres rf which are cleared and ceder ;and cultiratiou, the residua bettragood timber bud. The sham tract is wall fenced, and cue.ida of, the ver3 beat 2‘ 1, / 1 11 of betted fund. Mere are en •ihe premised alo ihrelara hours sad double let Lam a Lod 'trete md, coetalulng ahont young trees in bearing candltlou,• au excellent s. at the deeding. acti a vain of cool br tWern .3• and 4 feet in thlekness, open 'and in workout order. The premise/11W %TAMA 011 C Cleatt mil.. or A church euslidatti mile of a mill, eve and noe half miles or a school house. and liar muse-of Vanpall RAW) arl 100 C. P.LL LI. There are no crops War aa Inn 10;0. and pesseselore sill ha lA% en Immediacy! 7'E11)14--One-thhd rif rhd trurchase money to be paid la baud. pry. obreenermatfon of the sale lee tbs Coed; and the, balance lo &tiro/equal =null indtaltneets front that time, with lawful interest cra each lastalmeut from the dam of ono Onaatlati. JOLIN TEWART- Jonas) Coralialter. Bridgewater, L'a. •1 Great Distributton By the Metropolitan Glifi Cvy CAE GINO% TIE WT. of $500,000. .Ercr,l/ Tithe Dratc4u. IVizel 5 Cada Owe/lets/AM I 40 omit Linseed/ IMMO 10 do 0u maw mo de do , 1210 - do do 11.000111e* du eloi • 110 30 Blecaut Ibreewood. &Linea Aden Übe ta4400 75 do do 41cloat,inos du 75 le 100 350 PowinOlach'ner do • ta'to 3 / 3 ) BoldBalichos.••/...1../.1.“ do 15 In 1110 Cash Prizes. /Arco% Wee ac. Valued at 11100L01U A chance le drtrany of the done prizes for 25 cents. Mete% dreletihhilt Prises 'ate stated In en velopes and wed kilted On receipt 01 Sc. a /Mad tirtel 11 &edit Without Choke and cent be mall for Our oddreld. no prize named aped ft will be delivered to the deka balder on payment ef Owe Poke. Prizes are ImerOdlately sent to any addroseby"exprese or retunrMalt ' You whl knew whatyour Klee is before you pay for Any Peas creOuoged for anotlarr *Pow Odes. No 'batik*. Oct patrons' can deprhd ou fair dealing. Ur/Tutor= ;--11'sr select, the felkorltuf from leant who hare lately drown yalerable Prises and kindly permitted its to pdhltsh teem. Andrew J. Xorda. Caletca, 2.10.050 i Aloe Cams. Wafter. Baltimore. Claim PAM Jamie fd. Moho". D . "' aird.2 s .o o M Joke T. Andrews. Parantrah. IM MO: "s dannebbilsoes cliarketalt. Man. Ueda -• tire pubildfne nonseeprithouter.les. Je t . wid43 . °enures frellinrdlor - 711,1,. Mat awl deserve their ancerr:77,7.l4 mesa-, 1 P. Wel.pow Owosso lA . ser a . liff rttre ig th N lch *Y rnes A irtirreec itgth ' —paUYlC.9;7l agora& / N.tdtd.miu Pend forcrular. Liberal haducemen 1.0 Wanks° onarenteed ErealpackaV of ed siveiegreit eattUade ewe cseb fa. at nada for •t.ll for POLO Ptak IBA .15. AU atteou be addressed to , ' 4 " jA0201131111.311.1081Enk 100., c ei r rA e o inVarodwtotyslllllW well. r • . 'set — itasicous. -: : 001 i , OR Inn E ; ~;.. t: '`i• : r:•Fir .!, 1: ;j I i • • !q' •,;1 •iWt..•l4 '.lll ! ; • ;` , 1 , ..i0 6 BUSHELS OF. OATS 7!!' 41!?o, ,•: ' • 1 ..; 'Jr.: 41166-,:iit7iitii,s' OF COIN . =RI -AY JAMES DINCAN WM ~nitwtpn. ligavvir jwbn•nAvMi tme of lb.•: Lat.v.l4. anti 1W puni4o,4;etraelo ever Irr night It il*tynerounty, roitturttinr. 4i , :j NAN, nom EWPR: DRY''- GOODS liats,Caps t' Fars; , att.>&wits ordozg.ti, IRE 01,X:;a 1 3H1!;q-, Carpets and .oil Cloths, Ha rdvvare, QUEENSWARE, GIIzOCERIES, Barred Flaunt:ls 24 eta ai,tl Good Jeans.,W els. and upwanl, Tartan Plaid .\ :Li cis aiul upward, klalh .2 "P?Gi:s;N l !!:t 3 . Tint' upward, PREA 7 7.4I AND 1 21 CE 7W. 31iis11114 Mets. null upn'anl, Dotr.e.qt 4:Gingham. 123'; eta. and tipvetml ne . v 17;d1n. 'r43IIA.CCCIV. Its deleterious effects on thu height' ore nnnulkd told strenglitto the suffering or gnus restored by using ' LANGE'S PLUGS They being a pleasant and powerful the slespe'.l nary (Amer.:* Pat cutest March fnls, 1809.. lf .yrsur druggist has not gni .it rend 15 cents 1. us and we will send 5' plugs to any address, Turd puld. J. U. LA 7 ,,NGI P. A; SON, CA;r. P.•nn & Thlntenth Arecig, P1T7:4711.716'11, =EI -Clii4s4tinitra Prepientl4. MEYRAN SIEDLE, Stimltsons to HEINEMAN. jiIEYRAN &,SIEDLE; No. 42i" Fin • Avenue; PITTSBURGH, Pa fact opened ogqs4.o4lly for tlot cont. Inglt.lict:lys'nu.tatulicialb4l:trge Ida ale , stnckof: ;$. , :t.• • . . FINE EAVI E'. R . • IgAitinctig„: *415 .P Fiiiu tUble Cutlery, I , re11 . ei;.4111;14,' Musloil Cflailes lnent's tin 4 Irtodsham'A.Watclies. . . nindc by, Applcion, Tracy s Amen can Watch Co., E. Howard 51C$%, El Watch, . PINE AII t EIIIC.LY CL6CES,. - Madq by . SETH TI1031.18; Of wldell a tat* i s nnment't4' eiJ n4t ant. ly kept on: hand in our baseuttnt,and"..o!d wlin.gtsalo and retail. (clrdta, 8. :The Only Reliable Cure for . Dyspep-, • sia tll the Known World. , Dr. ;11isarPr Greaf American .Thieptpsio AU. and rine. Tree Tbr Cordial are a pool,* and to fettible eon, for dirper•ls In It meet arrxrrittlim form, and no matter of time half mending. They. penetrate the petrel etude of Une terrible dim., end exterminate It, rot t and brithett fere, They anoint° . more Way and silent willering than toonto on They are tweed fir infirm the meet dropersloehd holjekne own, whew ever) known mane talbt to 'dont rr kf. lOnterniet diipepein'or isnligettlno bm realm -their penetrating palm... •• . • DR. WiSiEr..A.U.T r *; ' Pine-Itee"Tar-CoMial. • tt Lithe site( principle : of the Plne Trio, ottAln• ed by's peculiar woo*, in the distillation of the MY, blphicb ilahighnt medics prepertko are 'retained. It invigorate. the cligoole, organs and re.tores the appetite. 'lt ereagthens the deblii: tilled system. It pucide. and enriches the bland. pfd expels from the .y.tem the conniption which yeraftda tweeds as Me lases. It dissolve. the mu • Cue offhargre clinch stem the air promos of the longs. Es heallug principle grist ripen the bin:t ett turbot: of the lungs cud throat. penetrstioy to tech dlseasd pan. relk ring pain mud eutnialed id dantethm, jt la the remit of years of elm& and experiment. and It le offered to the affiletel with paddle amnions of it. power to core the N 0 1 l tpg. deatMt a,ll them:llion pa. apt ton kmtz ed a nos rt to the _mean, of role: , t , • CbiletnnflfiOn fif Me Lung.., Cbugh, Sore l'hioat mkt - Bread, 13rorzeh&ir, Lirer thosplaint, Blind and liked (jig 110,,d . sthin0,1174aping Dipaieria, Ani'ici ri tbahiing r m3lfemiklali dploeurcdetnehsrntlretme to iheelanlns 0.3 of pollento to the ofille. pastor.. ; Aoeetated with him are three ameoldnd Phyticistm ses k so wiedred eminence. shame serrkee ere given to the public:free of LAlrve. This enema:Wry le offered try SD other limita tion in the catunnr., lettere from any Iptt Of the ettinitg asking tuff vice, will M P. OO .PRY and emittlinsaly tumunded to. When.. convenient, teal :nos ehould take the shape of Drgf7s. or hit. et Order.. • Price of Wldetri's 'Branton yepepela.Plll.. a hex: Bent by Xotl uurceriptof peter. . price or Wlstott's Pina Tree Tar Cordial, .1.50 'Stehle.* ell get &nett Sent by entrees. Aft cOMlllll9lalliailil Weald be itsidnam Ls Qs • No.ttl (ffcelh-BNend *Beet. riplds, CX aftdkEnat.` 1 8 r ) 4 3i .11;_Fe I 0-ucHELRE D ~, SafißoSpeza r. axe in coveu i c o u s . Aida* .1 1 .roachaus. c mp. Lamas, lirboopi ng ‘c,•:!, ;4 4 l , ient. .Cossimpdos, 4 a ,, V1 i 0 . .4( Mourn& .I.lnip.' neg4gt, a. rOte cditthtu 1 4 0ieiw .V. 0 4 1 4 , 7 o n • - 1 , +.• „ . /Mai Ferrycnna P[ll'lol7l,l catimy rragaradt' ; th.4044 1 ; : 4112 40. . B N IENTL .T. aga ßY Van DiagAda. • jevay , , . . r.. 'l t! Ayer , ,a 1 . For restoring Gray' Hai r to its natural Vitality and 'Color. , • - , . A dreaming whict s-, . As at onto agreeable. c - i 'lo4"' . healthy, aad elleettui f LAI 1 7 t., I fur preserving tht i ..1 , it . lair.. . Faded or el •• . , ,V, ~ ~ hair original rcif • roles •' i i; '.i, g l. ) 1 f !Cid/ •Me gieki O4 it . , 4.-J.. -- -s- freihness of goal!.. ^ • Thin Lair, in thick ened, falling hair cluttio4 and bald. aess olleu, though not awaya., cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair .whcre the.follicles are &Strayed, r the glands atrophied end , decayed. Bat such as remain can be rated for usefulness' by thii application. r Instead sf fouling tho hair with a pasty .sedi meat, it wilt kccp it clean and vigorous Its occasional oso will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling otri , and consequently prevent bnlchtees. Tree from those deleterimm i snbtta which ,as which tnakc seine' ilretiatationi dangerous and injurious to Lho hair, the Vigor, can Daly Itcuclit,but,not s karos, it. /f wanted oterely•for a • . , • t . 1 . HAIR DRESSrDIG, notldug'elte can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nqr dye, it s doer dot soil white cambric, • and yet lasts long ou Ilio hair, givinm ' it a rich glossy lustre and a gratelbl perfume. Prepared by Dr; L.C. Ayer & Co.. PNACTICAL AND iNALTTICAL CIIEXISTS, LOWELL, N4SS. PRICE MOO. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and tuOr.-. aunts as Counts. Colds, Whattpw„ -- Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,' and Consumption. Probably limns before la. Um whole to tor . , cl medwine, liaceny adept on co iv Mei y and upon the eunfblesee ,3131Allitl, n. tin, “Ci . ••••ltt I,lllCly . fut tAllelloharycOtalib,lttts. 11 0 n.. of Yeenc..mul :onus; moat of tiiii.nice• of men it has neon Id„dier and higher M their manna , WA 'IS It has become better knows. IL% 11t111,14 ebartaeter sat power to corn the Various egret., , or the heap awl throat, have uunlo it known n• a re. bible protector agaite4 them.%%lido adaptcd as Met forme diceam Mut to yonng children, o. at !became lime the moot effectual turumly Mai be given for Incipient ronomoption, and the on. mutts affectisnt of the thmat and lung,. aaahiee ettiltlen attacks of Croup. it .lc be kept on !Lind in every family, and uulical i.• are imlllctline enbjeet Lt cold. and coNgli•, thealdbe pregided woh th u s antidote for then,. Although settled Coo4.4usapflost I. Ibututt curable, null great number,. of Ca,cl where ill, care craned cettiml, hare been compictelc and the patient rretorml to 1101111 J brallti.l Chrrrit Prrlural. .14:4Y11.11Illete Is Ito .11..4 ty over the ill.onterc of tile Lutrzr mot Tist,it, o .3 the moetlibetinate of them yacht to is. Arlen tog the could reach theta, under 11w Cherry Coral they cubcidelllVllbsapppOX. "Vitergrra rinet•Pertelle peckers find treat Welkin from It. -.Latham La always eclieved and %fir% :tutt by I. Wm...telt/Mt is generillt alma by 'mbar t Cherry Verhral HI mnall and tnnoomatthtse eta ,I,perally,azo Its virtue., known Mat tl pee tn: WM* tad rertdlcatea of them beret or itinalmntru tho usthila that tito qualtuot aw I. otaintained. Ayer',s Ague CLI2; -, , • • for rover watt /Ivo. ThtennittArle-te , Chll re-:c r. IttonitterA Foyer. Do !• • cc:l e, Per'.l3:l7cll or 134ionn Frvor. and indeed Nl tho egreotions wh,zh E!SMN:I=I La Hume imilfir?, it 41•,4 ,1., •• , rootlittint.. It: .9., /A...11,day falter rniller.l..r 111 411101. • - i•i• , l` . • •• =AI= ISECESSEISSUMEN : 0,14 . al , Itteraliv I.orned arena nt, arn.l I .1 4allata 1..11101 lii illy la..tory or .trot • etrn • ')ur pair le A...13t1:1,411 lire r‘,.ka, at b.. •, :erewe or the rtel,ll g'ilef. (4,1,41 muc,_ tithe! tru1et1,,,•11K1.1u1,1;,.11..; I linicclunated M' . of,. re.-1.1 itt Yneelnn:: thrnimh nnforontr. nnne.l takinz the afil - f: VIA 14/../ . 474.411i1 1 / 1 11, rinsing 114.0 1••.1 q the Lifer, an ...v., Ilfnt reinvily, • 11111101 i4I :IV Limn Int./ Affirm-. For Ittion • lireeroli•ra rand I,lvcr Complamit-4,1.: • vrrh•nAentelly, pruilturnig , many Irnis 1.• veirri , other tnedittne , lso.l . J'ruphrAt lby -lin. .1. C. AYltt aY .CIL ~ ‘t..11N14‘,11 Chemist*. 14nrell, atm., ctrl sole kil ruuoJ ch, n url.l. • , . • . enfee. 411.0 .r.rix naitrittr N V S I T T I U Sidin s s t e 7on c A PERFECT. CURE For DvspepAin, Fdver and Ague, Aci dity of the Stoninch. L 0,4 of Apretite. Natinea, ficart-bnrn, Jaundice, And nil 'crisezi,,e's arising from 3 disnrderid state of dia'Btomach,.Liver, or Intcstinea; . . 'Prepare/I In SEWARD, BENTLEY • As CHENEY, L;rugyuta. SaLl by all PrazciAti., . i tINION A. BOYD ROOK, Proprietor. Saceeoor u. John IL Chak. Goim 4.-rAntaNG .%1CTACI12:11 DEA. TIER, P-1. Jet h 141 s apr 1 tiniveyor General's OGler. ' ilmeantsfran. Pa.. Ang. 9. 1v 1. . 1 the Owners of Crapaten'teti Lanthr : In obediende to sin Art of Se.tehly bpi,. 114 , 40 of April. we tow:gond dada 1.11.• dmi and 4xl/ 11 .. are ben by nolltie.! .bet •the' . .eonuty tend Orit Deekti," rentatnlnt to lUtorueuetente4 !sudsier iSiveiree , inty.tiresue to, , under the rtes of Alo , rxibix :lAA of )1o). vow nonteniol tight hundred awl 01<M fonr, an 1 ir..• &Implement teems, hit. thin dly (teen foretr e , ...i . to the Prodyylottu\oftho colony. olooe it• It nue br, Orn• cnn on dated by the; town.. 1 of 11... nnr , lolo • I non ,, y. In tereet antlfetr, nod rerehles Wye."' *smelt J Act di. t. AX lilt 'anestem .flrf•yt•e Brighton Paper BEAVER FALLS,. PUI,NTING. • IlaVs - 11ra. 41iwi. Straw. , Aer N1)(;Al;:k) ZITA. ri.`A.cyr $111.113 ANI) SOLD AT •:•Virbeleousledellterbill by ' frazier, & Os h 2 1410,4411 Aveshvb;:. ~; ;Prerthlt "1 Illotukvi ," '01421•1 151 il3 =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers