-The BeaVerAttus. Dearer., Pak 11 A • • r„> iireitlation-Over 2lodre Hundred. of Advertbl IMI3 • • li.r toi.'; emT :7— lear I F qr-10 fins, 12 ZFX. OM egi* WO' 2 .quarec, do ,3 50 •6 00 700 10 03 1560 3 ftqu 'r eMl Xlt , ' 4lO ' •,' - i - 5 00 ' 7 1 110 --.. ;01'.1 II 15 171 00 , ,' .1 equates. do . 6CP 800 10 50 15 CO 111 00, ki c01umn....: BCO 11 00 15 OD Si OD .511 OD !,-, column ' 11 1 .16 111 . 80 00 1800 00 00 1 comma..:. 811 1.110.01 118 00 .00 DO 100 CO Admicistratore.,twll Pam . tors' NotIcco.•••08 00 `, IK•cial notioiti*ebnc,:tcli canto. ref Payniciats to bo 'land." Quar t/ 4roisient advertisements, which ic,itivonce. Stutter ithe Tkeirmometer for the or,•ek- enatni tiio - LnhtfNov., 1809. - . - 7 A. Y.'' 2P. ' 7. 11) P. Y. Nov. 21 Ze2. dog.. • 8¢ deg, deg. 22 , . SO dog._ 39 ®..: 23 98 deg. 48 deg. 98 dog. 24 dog. 88 deg. 27 deg. 25 23 eg. 37,deg: 87 dog. 35 deg. •49 deg. ' 40 dog, 1.7 40 deg. 38 dog.- 35 deg. R. T. TAYLOR. Subscription's to the Beaver Allr= gus.—The following namod ,persons have paid tho sums sot opposite to their names on subscription to the Beaver ..01(n7s, since the ditto of our last Publi ration. Samuel Dinsmore, Bauer, • .t. Patterson, llookstown Pas Id Scott, Now Scottsville, Pastel Fisher, Beaver Thomas Bays, Rochester Its torsion Kennedy, Filiston ' 11. I. Donde, Green Garden, cat t. E. bran. Newport, S. I': Fisher, North Sewickley.... Capt. E. Darns. Beaver Henry, Phlllls, New Brightor Hazen. North Sewickley, . I C. Cooke: Milano% 0. ' The attention of tho public is directed to the following Now Advertisements which appear for the first limo In the .units to-day : I ). C. Sale—Hamilton Bannon. Ligal Notice—John A. F•aaier. Special Notices—J. H. Litinee. .Spacial Notices—A. C. Hurst. Special Notices—Hugo Andrlosson. Special Notice—Spoyeror ,ft Bons. • , ('ard—W. W. Knox. • , Special Notleo—O. W. 11f.'Day. John G. Saxe, tho celebrated New England Poet, will deliver a hutnerous leeto ro under the auspice; of the Young Men's Library Association, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 7th, 1869, at Concert Hall, Now Brighcon, SubJect"Yaukee Land." Tickets received.. 10 cents tvill bny new style twilled plaids nt Benisi's, Beaver. 2 Aioon FreA Limo always on hand 'at tho Mulvauon Vonport. [augll;tf. Songs I Colgates, Baiar and' Hulls fine toilet tiodra,Olyeerine, Honey, Old Palm, Bay Runt, 'Juniper Tar and Bonnet soaps of the greatest variety at IlugmjAndrles- IIMIZ! \Vibeslor Wilson's:machine uostllUs, assorted...numbers, at. A. C. Hurst's. 2 Temper/twee I[eetimr.- 7 The.Now Brighton Temperance League will nieet in the Methodist church ou 'Ridlroad. Ntreot noxt Friday evotaing, Doe. 3d, at seven o'clock. Rev. .1. F. I)ravo will address the meethig. Subject, "Local Option." S. L! I:*.tutaurm, Seey. Germantown wool, all colors . and Om detl, and a full asaMtniont of Balmoral yarns aL A. C. floral's. - - 2 LW — Blank t3ommo»s . for sole of tho Anot•s omce. Ely° Thousand .bushols of good, dry Buckwheat wanted at. Edgar's Faßaton; for, which a good, falr prico will bo paid. nov2l;lmo. 30 Onto will buy now style twilled plaids tit Bence's, Beaver. 2 A. goyd Hook, Eq., a gentleman known to be well qualified for the busi nemi4,-has recently taken charge of the "Mil lintel" in this place. Mr. Rook is an o liging man, antoderate 'charger' and on rural friends ;will always Will hint thankful for their patronage. Give him a efill when you come to town. • 80 cents will. buy now style twilled plaids at Bence's, Beaver. s 2 trlt lank Coramltmenlg for rade et the Armen otllre.• , Win. Fleming et Co'n. Great Repre sentative Hat, Cap 1, and Ladies Fur louse, N 0.139 Wood Ntreet, Pittsburgh, l'enn'a, Send for • price list of Ladies' Furs. [oet27;:lna. All kinds of ladles fashionable hats, hat frames, and bonnet frames at A. C. Hurst's. For chapped hands nso Complier Ice, and Glycerine Cream, for sale at lingo Andriossen's Deaver Drug Store. 'Allotfiled to the Bar.—On Mon diy °Nast week 11. M. Moore, esti., of, this plum, and J. Davis, osq., of Wash ington county, wore admitted to the prac 'Occur law in tiro &Wend eourti of this enunty. Roth of these gentlemen worn pupils In Mr: Illee's office, and we nrt '.l.,l•tand that they passed very credita ble examinations. They aro Young aloft orgood character, fair ability, and, Wf3 , doubt not will succeed in their ehoson Profession. The .lategt: novelties of neckties anil, Gent's kid gloves, all shades and : kinds', at A. C. 'Turk's. 2 , 'pptike Tito largest assort silent of French and - American perfumer ies, triple extracts for the handkerchief, genuine colognps, hair oils, Pomades, hay runii ; and toilet articles Just received at• Mike Andriesaen's Beaver Drug More. ' • W. M. Day, Baker and Confection er, Water +drool, Rochester, Pa., (in Na tional Hotel liuilding). "Having the largest oven in the county, and one of die beat of bakers. In now prepared to furnish bread, caken, ...Ice., of the hest fin:illy, at reduced rates. French and American Confeetionaries. Parties,wed dre., supplied with enken, fruit, Ice cream, or anything dashed, at short entice. A call is respectfully solicited. 3LAcKAlpaata, ytt:tw stock: just arrly cd, and sonlog; frOnll.s eta. to 35 Mitt, at !Ivaco's, BeaVer. . - 2 J. C. Cook, proprietor of the Alliance Exchange, opposito tho aepot.,*ha ! a had a full house lb, Wilma few_reeks. John 14 determined not to be outdone in the culinary departmont, of his hotel, and takm this opporkuitty. of Inviting klsold friends andpstrotui . iilm a call and judgo for themselves. Bee Mil card In another column of this mice Afoutfor. , Mr. Cook• formerly resided in Darling tnn, this - county, ' and :his numerous fetends hi that section will doubtless make it a point lo call at the Exchange when in Alliance, We hopo success will eroiyn his labors in his now home. A Lunt Alpnlias, moist stock. just arriv. cd, and selling from 25 eta to 35 cants, at Bence's, Bawer. 2 All tho latest Stylus of Balmoral and Hoop skirts, at A. C. tirst's. 2 ono ear of Froderleknburg flour, to 'veived and for Wu at Spoyerer A: Bons, itodiester.. The State Normal School at Edinboro, is the best place for the young people of Nyeetern Pennsylvania to obtain an edu... cation. Ita advantages aro surpassed by no similar !institution known to na,• The essili•lltiiifilittitne which had been going on daring the f ast w eek at 88 Peter and PasiralOtittrat, bialbt borr ongh, came to aeleseopSnnqayenodolf leak .!'.,PrOrlOoitlk ,to#oll lo 4 lll /fo r lb! 'Minden theater waiilightlynatrodeltsis papertsfandediboratelT 4 6 0 0 010d;cludor the personal snpervision and assistance of Fr. yitallen, Thniiirning servioes int'Sfinday 'tist inet:„ were priciillarly aolenin and improuliss.- • -Tbilesoritlee of the miss mils sielebrated at sixigiteek in the nicirsitng and Spin at. tensfelocic:Ass. IyAliiiinsithe Minato n. ;. tatirunilik that. were four mime* or sermons gig everyday, with the henedletkin of the llply fitemunOtit. . The Seririessivirre conduoted by-Fn. Anthony , spd lin, the former fibisertor of the,mtinas tery the:Passiontide at Elirmingasm,' Pa 4 and the liner Member *flint order. It is astonishing totatholiciin well as ,Protostints, what labor;Vgllnand 4poitire theite.mOnks endure. ' Without salary, with nothing but a bare subsistencio from the velum-, ry contributions of the public they go shoot to defgosik4o preach the gosybL' All.srviir the.world they travel witkaan dale on thole:feet—Winter and summer— bearing their:mon and proclallning the glad. tidings of 'Perm and salvation toi lost and ruined world,through thellag' aion,death and ressurroction of the Lord I Five o'clock, a. sn., witnessed their MU tutinal orisons in the little chapel of Ilea-. ver;—six o'clock; offering saentlatite the Most High at His altar for the sins ofthe publio—from seven to ton hearing con-. 'fessions from sin sick souls and admin. istering the penances and consolations of their priestly office—from ten to twelve singing High Mass ; and preaching "the gospel in compliance with the command of our Lord Josue Christ,fronithree clock p. m. till five, hearing catechism and imparting instrucUon to the children of the congregation—from seven till nine sing vopsors, preaching, reciting tho ro sary and administering , the benediction of fbo Blessed Sacrament—and terminaf: Ing their labors by hearing confessions from nine till eleven o'clock at night, and some times later! Are they not long fasting, laborious, patient, self-sacrine t Mg servants of God? Father \ltalian iiagood preacher, but Father Anthony is eloquent and pciwer fut. or course, his ago and experience give him the advantage. The piety and zeal of thrso Fathers has been blessed with good results. The dead and luke warnrCatholics of the congregation end neighborhood have .been revived and stirred up to their duties, ands lively in terest in religion is now manifest. Tice services wore largely attended by Pro testant clergy and laity as well as Catho lic. The church was entirely too email to contain all who came; and. not With-. standing pews, aisles and gallery were . packed to their utmost capacity, many, very many—particulary on Sunday night last—were compelled to turn back. On Friday,a solethil requiem mass was sung for the repose of the soul of a deed member of this congregation, by three Priests—Fr. Bingham, of New Brighton, being present and assisting. A German father, from the Monastery, was. present on Thursday and Friday, for the par po'se of hearing the dermans confess. crly, exeept must be paid First oowniunlen was administered to about twenty children of the congrega tion. Very many of the congregation:- the writer does not - know the number, but hopes all—availed themselves of the Jubilee grae , Many Protestants who attended the Seivices' have become seri ous inquirers, and others have had their prejudices against Catholocisni molified to a very groat extent. At the close of the. Mission, -on Sunday, evening, after the Papal benediction, the Fathers took occasion to thank—Protestants for their attendance, attention, interest manifest ed and general good order;—the, Pro testant lady who kindly tendered the use of her melodeon during the Mission.-. the singers, and every one who had in any manner aided the cause. They also announced, as a happy result of the Mis sion, that in future SS. P. it P'a Church would be supplied from the Monastery with a Priest twice a month, Instead of office, as formerly. Altogether, the oc casion has been a happy one to the con gregation, and one long to be gratefully' remembered. ' • BLACK Alpacas, now stock, just arriv ed, and selling from 25 cts. to 33 cents, at Beuco's, Beaver. Fivo Thousand bushels of good, dry Buckwheat wanted at Edgar's ton; for which a good, fair price will be paid. nov24;lmo. A full assortment of chinchilla cloths at A. C. Hurst's. 2 The amount of business disposed of In the Court of Common Pleas during the November term which closed on Saturday evening was unusually large. The following cases were submitted to juries and verdicts rendered as follows: Chas Morrow and wife vs Thos Jenkins et al.—Ejcetmont, verdict for the Plain tiffs. John W Stansberry vs J W Welsh—EJectmout, verdict for the plain tiff. Sampson Kerr vs John 11 Toting, Case in assampsit, verdict for plaintiff, $102.18. Orttey Biggerstalf vs James Little, ease In assumpsit,'verdiet for plaintiff for Vt 13.17. Christian Marks vs John Davis, administrators, case, in (T -ann:psi', verdict for plaintiff for 1 , 400.33. 'John F. Oliver vs Basil 1) Moore, action of debt, verdict for 'plaintiff for $670.76. Sampson Marker vs II Reinert, trorer and conversion, verdict for plaintiff for Itf4. Andrew Smith vs Win Kennedy, cage in usgampeit, verdict for plaintiff for nine dollars. The caae'of McKenzie & Moore vs the County of Beaver, ease in assompsit, was tried, but tho Jurors failing to agree they were dischargedand the case afterwards compromised. / Furs, Furs, Furs! Clusip.cheup,cheap! at A. C. IlursCs,Bridgewator. 2 'vital Fitrsll A large amortment Just ea le In Bence's, Beaver. 3 • , Grand Fox Charm. i NDUSTRY, Nov. 19, 1869 EDITOIt Aiwus: Will you allow me, through the cojumns of your paper, to say'. a few words to the several. "Fur Companies" of Beaver county ? I wish to announce to them that I have jusCre turned from a grand fox chase, in which I was so fortunate as to "pick up" one of the largest coon pelts I over saw. It weighed thirly-threO pounds after being struck. It: was captured br ex-Sheriff Roberts. Oh the 19th,• near ox-Sheriff Kennedy's, I killed the largest Red Fox •I ever saw; it weighed 141 lbs.- and when stretched—between his feet—measured four feet in length. Now; gentlemen of the various companies, who can beat that? I want you to bear in mind that the Colonel is in the "Fur Trade." and is paying Jhe highest oish price for all kinds of furs. No morn at present, but remain yours, truly. It. WALTON. ' A large stock of tussimeros, for gent's wear, of tho latest styles, at A. C. 14init's. • , . In Tonis.—Cor. R. D. Beath, Adju tant General of ttio Department of the Pennsylvania G. A. IL, Maj. Callow of Allegheny City, and Capt. Shields of New Brighton, were in town,on last Thursday night; on business connected with the Grand Army of the Republic. This was Col. Death's first visit to this part of the State. Ills impressions of Western Pa. wore &together favorable. •He belongs to that class of Union soldiers who loft a part of themselves naSeutherti 'battle fields. It is to be hoped that be will find it convenient to visit this part of the Commonwealth at some time in the fn tore again. , Puna! Furst! Tau can save money, by buying your furs at BenCira, Beaver. Anew lotyarY cheap. .. 3 MI i:Midiabbiltsilliogateltroutim —A Arrr weeks ago negotiations were 1- • ; I ; • • 7 • ind Merl& • • r 9l.PelaWatre, Delaware couniy.O. Air thildielido &tin s InSloj~ye t s, scanty: teal) tlinps then, Bad sale his been ooniduded,idd oh yestert daysl arlbut ttsok lit w,awa 0 l ie' 'Trim here alluded Ip.,,Tptaine,Alerperes and! Is 1 looktikapott as badordiebeet mineral ,dapealta i ipAltas countr„ K Tim veins df othilafa boo tidal tecridediupon it—One four feet in depth and the f3..,.hroc— ;and Winn these 'etridaseriy, quantity! of fuel can be taken. The coil seems in eabatiedble and , Sells UV. our market. In addition to the immense bi3dis!of ibtind otithiatiaCtiltliiar 'ilea Of bitildiug etone',ard nOsitind : :will continue to be very Valuable'. giierat of the. largest and best public!, buildings In Pittsburgh areconstructed frOm stone taken from those quarries, among which P 0 9P6 0 .# k- 00 Woodstreet, um Deposit Bank on Fourth street; and theLibraryttniklitigon Penn street. The Cleveland dt Pittsburgh Railroad and the Ohio river pass within a few rods of t coalpits and the stone f i l li bui -l be et i t edd.. Batik untie fermS-1 eustangue, lgt and clay—easy of access and convenient to market by either rail or river. Taking, therefore, its arable surface, its „mineral. resources, and transportation facilities into consideration, wo know of no bOdY of Lid ih :this Action, of ,the tOuntry which offers greater inducements to a man of energy and business. capacity' than this one. The Des.!reason for dis posing of it, we understand, was that it required more physical labor to develop and bring its products Into market than a man at his age, and in his situation, oohld give It. • Mr. Hurlbutt COM= among us with e . , ADO reputation for honesty, moral ,char eter and biotin* qitali fi cattods; and It hetObetaped that he - will find hil pres ent home pleasant stud realize handsoine ly from his iniestment in this county. Di. Cummins, in this sale, conies into possession of some real estate in Dela ware, Ohio, to which ho is about rembv, ing, and where .he intends residing' id the future. The Inhabitants of that place will dud in the Dr. a good citizen, an honest; kind hearted man and a gentle man whose word is as go od as his bond. We Part from him and his family wl th many regrets. ° —s— Go to A. C. Hurst's for chinchilla cloths, and blankets. 2 • A Meritorious Artiele.—Ve are tired of this idea of. 'pulling' humbug medicines that are ,constantly thrown into drug stores, add are inidedy an im pcSalon upon the Comitinnity. But when an article comes into market that is really worthy of comment, wo are hap py to make public acknowledgement, trusting, that some benefit. may arise therefrom. Dr. It V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., is the proprietor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, and we take pleasure in calling attention to it because we know it to be a good article, and noun, cure for that' loathsome disease, Catarrh. It is sold by moat druggists, or may bo ob tained for slitx cents thiough the mall by addressing the proprietor es above.— Cievetand Herald. e . Whittlosers Dyspepsia Cure, for indi gestion, sick headache, biliousness, &e., very rarely falls to give immediate w ile,: ,A, Week riga we clipped from:one of our nithingiA An aneadote4f the late Judge Breckenridge, representing that while traveling through Westmoreland' county ho saw a young girl who was go ing out to milk the cows place her hand on the top rail of a fence and jump over; whereupon , ho 'immediately" proposed tliatliihiiWoaldrepeat the perforntance ho would marry her, and she having complied he kept his promise and actu ally wedded her. Our 'venerable friend, Samuel Cunningham, esq., informs as that, while the story has inundation in fact, the location is Incorrect. The oc currence took plaCe In this county, and at the. farm noveowned by John Mc- Dowell, esq., then the property of Jacob Wolf. It seems that Judge Bracken ridge while riding through this locality stopped for the night at Mr. Wolf oi resi dence. On going out the next morning to get his horse which had been turned into a pasture field, he experienced great difficulty in catching the animal. Mr. Wolf's daughter; then a young girl, vol unteered her assistance, and in chasing the Judge's steed displayed such" agility ',a leaping a fenCe thiit lie proposed if she would make another such a Jump he Would marry her. Miss Wolf haviiig repeated the exploit the eccentric Judge actually fulfilled his promise. Other of our aged,eitisens besides Mr. Cduning ham reme ber the circumstance.— Wash. Repor r. Carpets and oil cloths at A. C. Hurst's. We are heartily glad to learn thUt Gen. Irwin will be a candidate for State Trea urer and sincerely hope ho may be elec ted. He made a good and efficient officer before and will do so again. In the meantime we would not have the /ogle- Worn forgot that the laW with regard to the security given for the safety of the public funds and the manner of their disposition sadly needs amending.—Bed ford Inquirer. Amongst Atlantic Cablei; steam navi gation and those progressions of iielenee and art that mark the nineteenth centu, ry, not the least useful are Dr. Ayer's', medicines. Theytake rsok.,spong the benefactions of mankind, from the ra pidity with which they care. Try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral on a cough anti it is gone. What skin diseases or,impurities of the blood withstand Ayer'll Barsapa, Ayer's Pills are the perfection of a purgaUvo—every family should have, them, as almost every fatally does. Nof a trine to ix) thanklbl foil arc good medi cines and the knowledge 'tow to use them for protection from disease. These Dr.. Ayer's preparations and publications furnish, and wo do not hesitate to com mend them.—At. Loa& Leader. Tho Iron City College &Words advanta ges for acquiring a thorough practical Business Educadon, surpassed . nawhore in tho United States. Chtultus• full particulars concerning the school' can bo obtained by addressing the Prin cipals, Smith dr, Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. "On the ether fOlde.."—On last Fri - day a ono legged . Man, supporting him self on crutches,,tsitindpt our office door and inquired if tho editor was in. On being answered affirmatively and knit- NI to a seat, he told us he was s printer, , out of money, and +desired work ;for day or two to help him 'along.' Wetold him we lad more lands now thin we needed, and inquired of him - how he had lost his leg. lifting/veered 'in the army.' 'What Stated* yoii hail from,' We asked. 'West Virginia.' What regiment were you connected *frith?' 'The Thirty-first Virginia,' was the repli. 'Wind pension do you get from the Government,' we continued. Dropping his eyes to the floor, ho answered. 'I get no pension— I was on the other aide.' Poor renew thought we! Out of money, out of em ploys:milk' away from 'bane, nati leg gone, and !cte'peniipn." Tour ~undi lion is a sad one indeed. AMU° further conversation brought to light the fact that on the 6th of May, led'—the day on which he lost his leg in theWilderneas— the rebel brigade to which he was attach ed stood fronting the Union brigade in which the write.r of Ohl notice served. Although, 'havineno 'employment for him ho lefkna, !rt , good spirits, and not *tunnels; ti9r his 'hdintr, In Markin Co., West Va. I,ta soa ocamoti a 10w3radik• the *- Pie otßesver county ..nacho Mute *it be celled uplitet-101111:11 petltkin. to tilled "Atte Thai "OPttint width , will &Whoa the next laglehtture toll es i entZtignitte r de en b Y , hellot whether their respeettretennOdp or Borough will or will not hare liquor 44 " 1 "= Wy* t kala iikAili • hritaVittne tid ari=go, ties, we 4 inle , leettroall upon ever/ nun and "woman' throtighout the oountf fOOFW,i fhell P ,", it, e 1..) LW(I3 I4 DPILLI;' Boca saran, Nov, 29. 1800! NEW Ckwxbilerriviag iikUy at J. =7l=onta . 11.:1 Colored Alpacas _ worth 70 ants, ns4o cents neladtts wort,ls 25 cts, lid 20 SU , Itlanketti worth 1 . 10. at $4.50. .1, Great, bargains, Id Idanblo and single shawls.- Great bargains In flannels. i . OA'O O2 MIAs IP,ftkraC , it Astrachan cloth for sacks. Sal skuiclbtkfoi iiidka Waterproof& ladles' clothe, cheap. t French whalebone corsets. 75 cents. Chinchilla cloths for.eachs, ~ new colors and styles. Cloth ohd IA skirts, cheap. •j Beautiful plalikvery cheap. Ladies' and Gent'a under-wear, very Antb shawls; icautiful patterns,' ;;Just tecelved,We.neweat styles of La diet.' hats and hamlets, very cheap.' ' 61111 early, and don't forget the piece.— J. IL Benco'a, Beaver. 2 CMONie or Offlecrir,—On last Fri day John 11:Pcitior, esq., retired from the dike or Poor House Directora position he worthily tilled for the past three years -and Robert Cooper, esq., of Moon tp., was sworn in. -Mr. C. we have evely rea son to believe, will make an efficient pub lic officer. ,*1 On Saturday evetdok pen. J. S. Litton handed the keys of the Sheriff's Office and Jail over'to his sueciswor—John (lynching, mg. Gen'i. LltteXhns filled the offleefof Stif. Aittiplf. :and the comity; and he raiito trod itri duties with the 'respect and confidence of all. He moves hence to alarm in Big Beaver tp., Which lie'purchased byear or taro Mr..Gmebing, we presume, will make a competent Sheriff, and barring his poll- Licit, we wish him well. I industry Salt Co.—The Induatiy Stilt Company, operating at Industry; this county, we are glad tip learn, are doing's thriving business: is lit. tie, if any, diminuition in the supply of water, and their facilities for the manu facture of salt are all that oonld- be de sired. During the past week wo lave been favored with a barrel of salt from their works, and which for strength, color and grain, is hard to beat. They make a large quantity per week, and as the season of the year is at hand when a great deal of ilia need, we trust our read ers may and it convenient to give the Industry salt a trial. The proprietors at this time are W. H. Drhigi and James Mangold. 'Five Thousand bust:lob of good, dry Bilckwheat wanted at Edgar's ton, for which a good, hide price will be pidd. • - .nov2-lamo. Ifiqtt have a son or daughter to edu totteiroriot Talltoisie Prof. Taylor, of the Beaver Seminary and Institute. Ile is devoted to his school. mad his success is merited, for ho is a true Teacher. For more than ton yearahe has stood the test thisetlnamnntry, slider* ate satisfied that the Seminary never stood higher than to-day, nor bask ever deserved bete ter of:the ,puldlo.. While. the..Engll4 Language is thoroughly taught there May be found there classics in Greek, L'etin t , Gernitin and French. The repu tation siltieh This school has long had for superior musical advantages is fully maintained under the present efficient management.' The next session opens Jan. 3, 1870. Send for a catalogue, or call and make the acquaintance of the Principal; remaining in Beaver Ist 1869: J F 31eQuaide . Miss 3L L. 31'111illen Capt 11 M'Lnughlin W it lliblock Frank Sliunuin, eaq J M Sowers M 1I Shannon, esq. J 8 Wilson Lint or Lenora. Post office Debenther John A Clime. Esq. 31re Phehe Burnes Doeksuulor, Eng, Mrs Bern% Diteson D I) Davis, Egg. Henry C Guppy, 2 311E4Funny Green James Murphy ESESEI MlStArFicx, r. m. The rapidly increasing sale, unprece dented popularity and benelleient . and listing results or the Constitution Bitters 'are alike subjects of comnient and as tonishment. Mild and certain In their action on the animal economy, prompt In operation, producing none of the ill effects incident to Bitters generally ven ded. For the prevention and mitigation of sea sickness they are pleasingly adapt ed. ' For counteracting the deleterious effects resulting from a change of water and irregular diet they are unsurpassed. They are the antidote for those derange nients consequent upon the inhalations and surroundings of the pestiferous ex halations of miasma arising, from the morasses and turbid waters of the West, which contain 60 large is per *lase of putrescent and decaying ani mal and particularly vegetable substan ties. They are sold by all druggists. What the people want, Seward'a Conat Cure. A meeting was held at Columbiana, Ohio, on Wednesday last to elect direc tors of a proposed rallros4 leading from Toledo to Pittsbnrglx The ,cotpxrence *arid In the election cdkihts following persoiut: Hon. H. Welker,. President, Wooster ;A. Waddle, Columbiana; H. Homed, Wooster; J. G. Chamberlain, Linton*; J. 11, Page, Pittsburgh; Wm. Mothers, New; Lisbon; J. A. Collier, Steubenville, Directors. .Wealthy and populous counties have pledged their support In Its construction, embraclrig Beaver, Columbiana, Stark, ,Wayne,,Ash-. Ilutcin; Senesia,;. and' Lucas. , The Directory aivimiin cif (matey, Wealth, ex ecutive ability and pluck. The choice of tlio Hon. H. Welker ss President prom ised work. Although the enterprise lim hilt lately been organized it already coin niands earnest popular encouragement. • . . Il;i.l4llakk (Rirta . .—The Ni • iVorki Bays as things go now-aAlays an invita tion toe wedding la no laughingmatter. Those pasteboard 'squares with their en tanglement of monograms summon us to take FMtt tole EPOS 14 9 W shendities pf easeaniAkitbf °Mabel° the most ate sued and burdensome is that of giving presents. The fact is that the marrying people practise upon lather friends at the present days system* of barefaced WWII without giving them the right to " resent or „expose it. There is no pro. tame of sPessanity'Or sentiment in thew gifts; they nen purchased because they must be. =data the receiver well tin deiestands. The assertion upon people of moderate means, rating their affections' before the town by thenumber of dollars they are able or willing to invest on the occasion, sitanotlfying UlOlll, if the gift be arnalli by parading it, with the name attached, in contrast with the outlay of wealthier fiends, is so easentiallyvulgar and indellashe that Stierwonder how it ever.came to be tolerated is any society elaindug to be evened. - . 4 The custom Is absurd, alai, as well as Tulips and burdensome, when one maw to repent upon it. The nunsynonial prz =NM ty zealligairillatilßlJOStf theiliare to skla rat copeattliciannfaile ' lilhatilica; , noes InvitatinnalW*' • ; - ,.1 Withaktbeir itUtiOr Iciai/ ''• ,inathilineitihri'lTlM 4 .l*lC 11,`‘I 'Mina YoiiiiiVinn . „J. *tarriiiiil it lar over this amount of Osbc - Whed I i knoWithat the6tarrit#ak,ortileb • • .1 •bitilv i P P r , i °= *** t-I aisitar-uunt/IV: . „ir *: .: 'itelfecitinhtOrtiiens of ailiertlare;na'anli. , ~Wlllitic i fri. .' but with excesses and;dilloiengei i ,i(otiOdi:bitilff iluti f.;z7 '.: ' l '*o'llitiliArokt b t ° 4 o ,3 o t f4 riltfaie • Phultetiti#4 ll6 fF lil 4- 7.41134 1 414%' c ' t f i*l l ie, :mid i ir:tollF . o•Erfratiqk . 1 14 . . :beef) ilttabg4i, ..**OON'. Rio ' or Altlirbrusb...4ll an on Pall; Qom Of one lircudfal and WAY, pages 'he ' es' •OilciiiWitelOciikiiiietelvilaYliriplem 1. - The,ii l l# lo loT anObni,C44l42llloSi ty' inditt i loo4 l o 4 4 lo , ll ;# ll Seg . ' . 111 "10110 . 0 Rgft liiiin(*a.:l4lo4.l4"4n torts In : eltheOltrtalm ,or flardadag could afford to do without the Work. I In i Wt. the Informatkr, cualtlOClod In 1 it iruh . Witenishing ? an444/10nlyntt n ,iro ital Otle 4 11 ,4*#. , Phi Oen is too low ,. tbg.:*lmq i ‘ wi li d!' IN send.the otoneY to 14.:',Rarpn ;and - Ci will riataverthe 1 , 0001 return 'm il .L: Read his card inscietWeolcraCn. ie. Cann**, !:,.•Ei-1: , ...it.0i :•i" • . 1 . Routh 2.4(4/0:7. "somethiut liulyitii;4l4, - dfift, ofiTtliiatiaanne4!‘he tthl/S"4 1 4 8 444 . 41 1 1 0841111) . ,__ gebr." SO a pollliall eirelesnatatt things„,vary ' small things, forelodirtkoyeattei and delft Ofoioningettaits:', •., ~ - • : ;i- . 1 : - Alieri f ielivriims4lo4 iinerespc d- once Of the.Batver ibictikeic. le spot. w - out siguillesaai' 43 0 svcf.: trisatff as been ibr /roma time asithulagan impor tance in the political affairs of our , good old Comencinweillif Of no inean. Impor tance. Did pot Bearer county I furnish e Secretary for the Slate Central COMIIII4- eel , Bid not: Beaver county lbrnlah a Candidate : eocey recently Mono* very quietly) for the Biprelvialoraldpof Intern al °Ravenna tie 'Western Po: Does not the "head Centre" Vile "Tang'' live in Beaver; manatee tb wide *wake ob server of:paraing °Tints will' naturally scan very dloselir eairtain Baheriouin al thathe , may dila:ern the "signs 'of the thrun." We'are •therefere - ditposed to attach very greet iiiiprirtince to amateur. Whi ciorFaipondpciciwAn Which:kis scant officially. Proulniniudibat our fallow cit ron, Gen. W. W. Ingo, is not aineerely a candidate .for the. State Trauturship, and that the membetk (elect) of the• Leg- Islature from this edjuityare Eat for hint but Or R. W.:Mackey. , Now it In very well known In Beaver •connty and ; all over the State that boa. Irvin is a candy date (and a very formidable onetoo) and that the Sens* and ' IlepresentatOas from this county stand pledged emend over again not only to "vote drat, last and all the time" for-Gen. Inaba, taut to use all honorable means and induct:loot* secure his election ; but when „It is re membered that those Ilonoratibt•Gentle men are (bolded In. their leanings reel strongly In sympathy with the boo Sec retary, and 'that dale nomination „was the occasion of that renzarkelde dispatch which weadancing ovar,the wires from Beaver toPittabargh, allaying 'au undue anxiety of friend Mackey by the* assur ance that Beaver oOtlldrlM. leastiras "all Tight." end now"whin ft Is'glvine out by' the "Head Centre'" - himself. - that, Ind.' members elect ire riot tbr Irwin ; in view of the antecedents to which we' limn ro fbrred, the Republlanis of Bearer corm= ty may restassured that' there ;is ' rionte twig In the wind. The Slate liking in Philadelphia mans. somettihnHhe !re, cent pilgrimage of chase llo4orablod* Semen in oomparixwith the Head : dear fro mama somothitig, _Oils semi-Onicial• prochunitkm:marits something, ths.ge• oentadd nig Id.eatiraia to Bearer mains something. . . Aro_ breaker! read. lisididittliir . _ are being Sandi ' as atiOnlaineries the people are likely to be again betrayed. Let the Republican/ °four county keep 'a sharp look out andkeeily watch every Movement, and they will see Nights; or we are much mistaken. ...,:-, We have othei flictirlareseno, all y- gniL e ing &wonderful al es when gon ... have the "REY" or gtelf1 11 0 1 :No• 42, which in duo ti me''"Nong4t to light. In thozneanwhilerhave my to say that our bighearinitwliclie friend and fellow citizen; Geri. :Ink 'is the choice of Beaver county Republicans on for State Treasurer, against a ll com fits, ; They feel and feel - keenly' that a: wrong was done him by hisnort-el on to a second term of the Tiesnarrahli in accordance with the established & , nag of the party--a Wrong perpetratokby• the moat corruptiandiatkoioincombl* Sons,. and participated in by partfei whose base Ingratitude is without paialz lel save In their own , Ilvcs. • Tho Republicans hereabouts). are int ne mood for a repetition of such ai rfaunoula work—we have heard anon 'of "flak , ' gain and sale," the past inuatindlee form this kind of thing—and_ those' who:are now engaged in like work fir the fahalik would do well to takerwainingaint brink of negotiations before a storm - Altair • own creating sweep% them fro* 'viola*: life. • . LOON.Oktr, BEAVER TUICITITS,gOI7. 2 ,0.461 . ' , . ivAinuratoN colulSSPonionarclit.• WABIZIErTON, D. C.i..)ias 26,1819 Tke Worlds Pair Idemplruitlins.r qpiritualisin—Diirreney—incosno 21ax— Patent Decision—Patents. TELi :WORLD'S YAM. in 1811 is in the . mouths, of all duties, high and low in rank, thcriek' and the' poor. , Every man has an interest in to the extent otbelng willing to , ahndet giving his all rather than to not have 'it 'There are certainly goo"' 'ailionkftli having the next, World's. Fatif held in this country, anf - better rearionelf held in this country to hold it St thi,Nitionid . Capital. It is for the loterea t tif the*hole country to attract to its shorti . as inlay people from foreign Countries as pout bl6, and Washington being thelaipital of the only true Republica' thiVersment in the world—associated with It the most memorable events of the tvorld'aittstory —cannot, if bold hare, but help toittract people not only from all Parts Of our own country, but those from !itiCother nations who would not intend if held in either of the other:is:se ollisS. of the country. . . nwciArravener. The question of "Vireniitnjoitnii inio. t the Al k nion upint!the _ahOolgenls . M : Gov. W4ker, is exeltingccinsidittabb li t rest b° 4 I heart a cal'iMa il aa4, . *Wit say In course of consersatlqn the interests of Intents. On ihaglieSting il Congress, • would • roceive.,luumeediste attention, and that it. was 'Sot a quainter' of admitting her with a/1- her 'members tomtits in" due time, pnEbatv . •. - .ls to be admitted.. lie Wowed - '• , be no, backward' , MovenuS.n..l3,. • ate; GeMglif uhnssippi sii4 , ,Takas ina. bonsai - to oonut,intothe Uulim'Midettine in right. - There Is no need •or rending' delegates to Washington. • The duties of Congressmen on reoonstructlem are too well defined and understood .byLthelt constituents to require lobbyistalto be I , ~... , sent here. - '•.. _ I sruirinamtlit. '' 1, ~, Tier. Dr. Boynton, ex.-ChtlilinitOr the House ;or HapiesentsliVea. li tipsiting quite a sensation every Sabbath_ hi his discourses on Spiritualism of ihellilbLi and spiritual r msurtiferststrunai r„7.n. hrlb. evening discourse of last thattitth be said; :that the' .quartion • Is :prodigality' asked; , if spirituel mind,WhitiOns lackr. red during the ministry cf 14hi1it; and his apostles, Why . do no such prom" sit' . pear now? 'He, Mr. , 11 , ., belieVedtat spiritual powers: were designed to be permenent. For ge rens previous. to, nilisioultinit' Or mph:- tiortztlsk they wore renewed snider llM'Clivistiam dispetieil tion, and ; were intendedise le striding eTidacwri, c't - 4 1111 4 1100 year", end nett iLtitlen'a Nee* the IntiT.OPsoli on 0 504_,-7 111 "# 4 * -P04 01 4 0 %. Erg. 4 4 1 1 4 _. 6 0, 01 4.P°4 1 °1.Y9h°" (tribe Sal/UM nf.the spirit his ,ceased Oirerigh all peeled; Chit signs that ideinia follow them thitieffievo in . *Christ wareabbierpettralf Btittiiifao thiecoldimie. and mifiltlifahme , eif I clititian.viiiniitrY, Only bete arid , BMA' • tact powers -etre matted. - Thai* w three stager,iti a man!a development.? We are now living in tii, Arid; and if Me church novr lived accord ing.M tta exalted `privileges, the day' of Pentecost 'viourd fx; ropentod. .I.lnlees wp reject all the'evidenoee the; 'b:ew Teitament, we initst &fiat Otelicentiblll 'ty of spiritual nuielfostatian. Every minister baptized' with the Holy - Moat will carry". with him .thit commanding power at an angel mlidatip 11-Is ! by , Jesirs; not !ye that .peak but the spirit that speaketh. in you.- . Thin super r:fittitind,,spiritael power penetimi in the ohne:howl r it t :weald.bo lolly., to den,y . lk Th oo) ,is ll P4iFYllv° ll iigni are P 1 ,111 1 911 now to °Ast by thousanda of tivtng wit nesses, and therefore, more aqiiestiore • lictthaticif faith. I am' inclined to bailor; there is more of the supernatur al at the present day than the church Is willing to• admit. -; • •' • , The mooed stage" man's fiptrlttial deyelopuifint 'partake' more of the 'eniernatural than even the remarkable manifestations et the' day of Penterost diecird all human teathuoity, must believe wo are on the threshold of a remarkable era of spiritual develop, meat. But with regard to tho acceptance alley revelation of -sPirits, even of the most undoubted characier,'ho would do. seise all such as evil, that rejected Christ as the only saviour 'Of men. We have reason to fear if undoubted spiri man!. limitations come .to 'anychurch in this city, the rest of the churches would per -secuni them. Ho acknowledged that the admission of manifestation from our deporhal friends • was , attended - with doubt, he bodied no iividouoii perm/frilly of the fact. He said Christ's &Plea:ince was in his roil merection body; Moses and . appearance was to the disciples while th;sy were in a trance, and that' Samuel's return appeared to favor the passibility of the spirit's return. ' The speaker said nothing of tho angel that appeared to John claimed to have been one of the prophets, but admitted that death did not dmtro,Y,the Mit-enem ata relation' between. friends untied In ite bonds of pure and holy friendship,: nor did it effect the memory of earth life' associations. ' lie believed that otirte-, parted friends era often near tis to w uti of danger,encourage us in well doing, The love they bore for us here Isiutensi 7 fled and sanctified there, and, be saw nothing in the Bible to deny, them the •ezereise of their guardian care and hal lowed affection. COURT OP CLAIMA. • • • On the Trial Ddeket just Made np of the:Court of Claims for December term, thero is 310,cases, 206 of which aro for cap tured and abandoned property, the most ,of these being cotton claims. Thoso cot- ton claims alrcody amount to upward of twenty millions of dollars, and it is esti- Metall thatorvadjudlostion only: about •otte•thir4 of thikamount will be recov ered.(.:Bacttclalmantgenerally comes to Wmidngton well stocked with proofs to his loyalty and the loss of property to the amount claimed. But the rebutting lestiereiny In most every instance shottru that thicialtnani Was either disloyal' or thatihtcarrionnt Mt" forth In his petition filed, mud exceeds this actual loss. ==l Where are complaints from all quarters of the inferior quality of the .new paper need for the legal tendarnotes. In Wash ing:okm! have thereof this money than any other. theisiPer air; midi kin to 'any heretofore need by the Gov ernment that it reminds ono of the trash used by theßouthern Confederacy-dur ing the war: Nearly all the Currency Printing Bureau who have had exiled. enao pronounce it a disgrace to the ,ad niinistration and a fraud upon the peo ple. , • F=l! The question of repealing the income tax will probable occupy. the attention of Congress for sometime. Men of large 'Mimi:nos, who should feel a ,pride in re ducing the nat,lonal debt as fast. as possi ble, it seems are the only ones urging its repeal. It Is said that a largo fund has already , been subscribed for lobbying purposes, and speeches prepared for de livery as soon as possible after Congress • moots. PATE:CPTDECL4I . I . 3X .. A case is now before the Commissioner of Patents ht which the Applicant fora patent claims a new pitted ott a part of an invention, the other part, of which having already been patented by him.= Commissioner Puller. decides in this ease —which is applicable to all casts of the kind—that' when an application is tiled, every• invention contained In that apply anion mast be patented under it, or under Such. divisions of It as the wishes of the 'claimant and the yaks of the Office may permit This decisiondoes not interfere With the law and rules governing reissue kntses, but simply - prevents the liability of 14. 1 impoaltion upon the assignee of the . -loat patent who six months ago might, rhaps, have bought it in the falth - that a tent on all that was patentable in the invention had been secured. Any other 'decision than the one which the Com; ralistoner makes sy.uldzet ,a precedent, tinkfolltiwing of which Would work inse ts:laity to an assignee ofi ii patent daring lho drat two years after ) the patent is is *OA and also' the extension of the use of an invention from seventeen years, as au thorized by law,to perhaps nineteen years There were 20 patents issued to citizens sf Pennsylvania, last week. mixt. • FIRST LOVE. *ill grst lore with the heart sheays remain, When its cherished bopeshaye gone away, As OW frail roe" of Araby sail retain „•7110# . sweet scented fragrance when they ale! Will Jaya first dream.stiti haunt the mini With tbeneal scenes mid which they spring! Ai the slender sterns whirl simmer leaves behind, • Wrecks frowitrbipb springs fair blossoms hang. Will ilmtlove agdl bloom and bud (lithe seal - 'Stwingtng from the green of memory's domain. &VMS= of tho nalsoothing years gat roll ' Broad shadows o'er the hearts dormant pain! Will the soul breathing glances, starry glints, '; Mianaiing from heart. 'that throbbed with de r-. ' lidlbt. 1 • Bil Eu. oar broads with the chancing thin' • 'Ulla Is ringseen to Antamn's twilight. Alit the dremus are dear tows all ' .'. As springs glad music where bright waters faig . Therglow_ln remembrance illto clouds 1/3 tbo • : west • • Whew 'SOF in deep splendor is sinking to rot. Fate naig lateiyeura, they are relied of joy, 'Bright diedms of the par,'she cannot destroy: Tun may rain and besatthe Mae If yen will - •. Bait bosomed the roses !Unseated It still. , i C*;tuthliss'NoY. KIP*. , ~ • , • I :4: N' • 4 .„...WOILUNitCLAAB.-LWeare now tiro. Wed WS (snub all clams with constant employ ment at home, the whole of the time or for the •wste momenta. Dualoeu new. lightrand profits. hie. Fenno of either am: easily urn Irmo SQ etc to $5 per evening. and a proportional sum by de voting their whole Amens the butneen Boy' and - tine earn nobly as much as men. That all who 'He Usk mayaend Oadraddree• and attest the bun. inewore snake this maparalleled eder : To ouch as are not well utiallo we will ornd $1 dollar to pay Seethe trenbleof tutting: Nall particulars, • valuable taorple...lthic4 will (kr to commence work on, and a ea of Wu /10,1)1d . aLtlerary Coro ;swathe—ono of the bowed and hartLoth Ann nee* paper. pabliehed—all rent free he mail. /leader. If you want permenent. profitable 11101 t.: addrtir LC. ALLAN Altio.,,Argusta,-ift. SAWilitlf.L4ria - a 14154%4 4 " sideanial to .e 9&.&&l l 3Ms ,a utin im. Agareedi •lU.N. at r. • sce44o4. • r •43 Chistsat -.F3113.1 •Pllaresolexy.-,Pmt llectlg Is d 4 Aram a ,onarso Ad 'octane's as this ua ictsuciv at; Ui Paint . now; ,is ptaoa • &Mead be Errotnlned,- and I. what *rail' do and haw to east& L:' ono" tu Hai. "'s ' '' '. • ''' :.'..: _ f. ' I .1 -,, -' ~ .....-1., . ........_';‘,..:,...:.____ • TAB SCHOOL PIeIiTIVA ;: , Tidabeintiftd. Uttbkiriginal M , , is now ready: It is devoted onarni hltridei; Via; einl_ destiiieit fo ha greet ietry4tiarlty:' log orthe' kind knew of has' irtrieltneddea, , eniitinibeie . p4 , 44tot. 140 bricied Mei.; !brill& tared tie' forthtlltatilliOr aiNftpA . - 42 1# efige first. elass.. We:quote only Stirciamea iist-example.A3end for ZIO ra taimllur IStio i t o ol. that, l4. po Iskju'venile Usignednii,Therittle'o,) ratri Chittnro, coats rtrry • a year. Single copy 15 eta. But h • the sour Ole exere• groat ?The Peati. cnolep OF-TRADES. • • A ItlAtiAl7oM kin Lthir DOA. • :AY atka.:34 ' • E,I• 411k ,;1 7 .., .1 1 1M=1 . 4 °n" lller a =l.l4lll7i Ow mode for iatalarZamplay; plarbkv log =d r at", a Ja*V; #l o :larpfdagr to plat baame an wing; !la:opium for Wick sad asooothlar tha smith' for blows oa th aU, and ll* aboomaltaripraurlaaaboes 4 etc. • lint Raj.' When Tratt Man . . Mann, be • farmer LC I cata—srad4 rant , • ICU plow the ground sad the seed I'll *ow: . I'll reap the grabs. and the waren moat', XII bled the sheaves. and rake the herr And plgeh It up on Ind mow away!. • • .When a onus • SiConft nay. *hen l'ai a man. a mao, Tv be a carpenter If I ran--andl-we ' • I'll plane Urn Ms, and rti hammer, so,. And this la tee way my raw shall to. • 4 I'll make and bonsai. and sleds and heals; tAad *eV) that shall ram every craft that eye hen I'm a man! Mtn/ „Boy. When Pm a Man. • maw • A blacksmith Plt be. II! eau—`nut Jett! I Clang. claw. clang, .ball my anvil Aug; 'Mut MG, le the way the blew. VII 'whim 11l ,hap Jour honie, rlr, nett and tb.tht; : Then PM trot round the rquare to we if h r When I'm a m in! • "Tourtit Bay. When I'm a man, a man, A mason Fit be..lr I can--mot /nod I'll lay 4 brick Otis vray:lmil lay one Mal; .. Then cake my trowel And imooth them tint • Great chtinheyA I'll make; I think Fit be aide To build ono as higher the Tower of Babel! r r When rut a Male I Aftls Roy. 1 1 ,1 ton I'm a man. a man. • Ell bus aboemak.r, If! au-oro 1 I ape alt on a bench, with my Last Add so: • Aadcln aro out Shall my needles go. I'll new so ,dronz that toy wort shall wear Tllkaothiny LI left hut my stlecte; 'byre: . When l'm aunt - " ' ' iffixfA Wlionl'm a man a man. A prink,: If I eso-toot lend! I'll taste pretty booki, and parkins I shall ' Print the the Lrral.A Couronsc I'll have the tint reading: all: won't It b. inn To mad all the stories before they are none? When I'm awn! &math Boy. When I'm a an: amen, A doctor he, If I Luu--and Aly powders and 1,1114 shall be alto awl Sweet - And you shall have just what rem Ilke.to cm! preacrlle n for you Ildlaßvaad Winn; and nod , And, 'bore things, you never must study to, When I'm a moo - • • .4illl[ll flog,. I'm a man. smart. ' Tll be a talthder If can.-0114i rues! And tutus in a while a sarmem 11l make, 'Mat can keep !Pt'. buys • mol gals snake, Tor 1 dear lite! If the ntlelpters knew„ • : (low gAil wunra when they do pct. th Magri 411,11 441 a nun I, 'V • • all/ AVM VIM/ I'M a Mail a togas •, • 11l be a teactierill an.-ond frau! ; Eli if.: to my Acholare, flue stone. ill tell: Clt stow Vann pletares, nut well-ail I well,. - • They shall hare some 1,,50n•-•l s'pow do,y might Bat oh! I shall make them et, very short: . • • IWtrulltrns ' • Troth !Joy. When I'm a malt, a men. • ill be a tamp' Committee If I an--awl iron! 'Bout once a H - 0014E11 come 11110 achool. • And say, ...VW 'teacher I'vp nude 4 rule, That bole and gill* need's gnat deal of play ; You may give three child= a holiday iVhen run a man! NiCrodit Boy, When I'm a man, a man, be a Pim!dent If I tau—and I ran! fly necks and manta are a Jolly set; • Andlll here Mesa all inlay cabinet I ' I Mull Urn In the Whit! Denson And 1 . hope you, When you bear l'lnelected,arllleve me a esdir ,ntbenrin *Wan • ' • ' ‘• • [AU in concert, or It tbey ;annul be trained to • "pm* It In concert so Mt to matte avery word e dentood, !mine beet speaker Le forward and s repeat alone In a distinct rater.) ' • When we are men, Are men, • • I bopo We 46111 do great thiumhadd then, • , Whatever wo,do this thing we my, • We'll do oar work In the very belt way, And you lball see, Irma know am then, , • Well be rood, and homed and useful men,. I. hen coo are men.— Xcirl:ets. PITTSMIRG . O MARKET. OFFICE OF 'THE PITTF. GAZETTE, AIo3DAy, 'Nov. 29, 1864.' • aurhat-Ii being sold at 304 33.f0r Ak icksbod..3,s for prime 'and 36(437 for choice.ly felly'nff t 6 tbedalliand. BEANS-Stead y at U 5063. - BUCKWIIEAr FLOlTlt—Sales at 41 644ets. ' , CRANBEREIES—Quoted ut $126-113 per bid, an to quality and condition. CHEESEL-Quoted front 17 to 18 for Wa4tern Reserve; IC for Factory; 20 for Ohio, and 21 for New York Goshen. FLOUR—Is Mill and neglected but unchanged. Wo continue to quota win ter wheat tiourat.4ls l 7s(q li 25, and spring wheat brands at ssso4tud $5 75. GRALIC—Wbeat la quiet and unchang ed at $1 156 1 18 fdr good to prime red. Oats still reported steady at 47 on track and 48650 in store. Rye is unsettled and Irregular ; trent all that wocau learn there are but few cash , bayou.' above 05 —we understand that $1 can be realized by allowing time, and it Ls rumored that a large sale was made the other day at $lO3. Sales of new corn at 70675 and old at Docitri. SEEDS—Clover seed is quoted at $7(4 8, and considerable offering. Flaxseed, it is said, cannot be-sold to the trips above V. 30. No movement iu' Timothy seed. To CoorunaptAves. athretiloel turlngbeen recur." to health In a few weeks, hi a very simple remedy, after heahag surrenxt several years with a severe Intim affiatinn, Sad that dread thecae, Consumption, is anxious to make known to Mr iellow sufferers the means of care. To all alio de ire It, he will send a copy of the prevcription uved tfree of ;home), with the direc• tlona for preparluettutt nib: the Fame, n hlch they will find a acne cunt ran enesertirrua, AWCII - ntiONCIIITIS, etc. The object of the advertiser In sentng the Pretallptton Is to benefit the enc. tett, and spread InfOtmatlon which ho conceives to bo invaluable; and ho hopes every sufferer twill try his remedy, la It will cost them .nothinz. and may prove a taught^. Potties wishing Our pre actiptkri soul pleats addrms REY. EDWARD A. WILSON. WlllinnuLwrg, King* Co., New York. IlAylrly Errors Of Tottth A GCSILItaAN who entfered for years from Ser. vons Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indistratlon; will, for the solo of sof. feting humanity. maid free to all who need it, the scout* and directions for making the simple rem edy by which ho wai eared.. &acmes wishing to piont by the advorttier'a experience, can do so by addrcwOug, he perfect confidence, JOHN It. OGDEN. No. &Ceder street. New York mayltly] Married. itAmsEr—mecitEADY—On Nov. 10th at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. B. F. Sharpe, Mr. D. M. Ramsey, or Rookitown, Pa., to Alias Frances MtCreati4 of Cantield, Ohlo. New Addttritsements. 'DEAVER. COUNTY, SS I-1n the Orpheus' IA Court to and for Mid county. laYon• the lion. Jndg of ta n C o ' rt e I he r .the tale t r t MAIO gar, th ea * ret E. Ankeny, dee : U., the Connuenecalth of Pennsylvania ; To Ilenry Ankeny, petitioner. welding to Dears comas. o.;P Alex. Ankeny. !synth,: •le the State of Oregon' Frsnklin Arnuarcm: aatf Isabella Armstrong, resktlug In Mercer county, Pa.; John Englhh, residing to the State of Ore• on. goer mid ; tiarnuel Engllet, and Nathaniel liinglish, re siding In Moser counts. aformudd, awl all others interested, circling You and each of you aro hetet/ cited to be' and type., begat • the flow Judges of oar PAM Orphan' Court, to ho .held for the county of Deaver, on the third gicrodsy of March next, 10711, to accept or refatt 'to take tho real estate of decedent at the saltation put open' It by an inquest awarded by the said Court, anal returned by the Sheriff to November Tetlll4 IS/71, and Wand to cotter, as fbilossel • • • LA No. 1 rained et $1400; Lot No. 64 valued at 1130, autt InMI of hhh4CetT [SEC e to show cause why the same should not be sold. Wltness-tho lion. Alexander W. Aeheson, Pres- Ident of our said l;slart, the hth day or Nov: A. D. lora. • - JOON A. FItAZIEN, Flab. Jona B. Idwreu, Sherif. , - MEIN ORPHANS , COURT SALE. By Thine of an'ordei of the Orphan., Conn of Beater comity,. I will expoile to tab by public r.:lB7 . 7aTiMi T gr, ArL, Vari ott the 21771 all that certain lot of ground *hasten hi r ough of pew ilelghton.' hi mid county, bobndrd and described eta loner.. do; On Me north by lot of Bamnallitramr, end' by Broadway twenty due tool, south by lot of Jacob Peke. and on the welt by Cabal, street remotyone Net. a nd the ...nth Waif of Lot No. unearned the general plan of said horongh. ins which Jemmied two story (none dwellinzisouso with basement latch. en, oleo a two mom mama shoo Boom. with a room in Um bailement: being' tile KKK'. kr oral> late *lobs IfeLaaghlln. deer& Condition• of .ale--Opel-thtid*Purchaele men a7 to be paid In band on the nonfinnation of the ludo by oleo Conn; and the balance In two equal animal butallocals,. with Interest front the date ofaald couiltuation. , 'HAMILTON BAN lOC, • • - Aden r. of John IltLartgblla, deed. deel::t. o. stintiounw, Ir. T. awl:pox. Arbuthnot, Shan= & Co., wifor.esAL.g..• - DRY" GOODS' . : ‘,. - AND. 0 T'IO'N u.; AT • . ;; EASTERN. PRICES. Agents for FULLERTON'S BUM FUNNELS' Greexpilie Barred:Flannel", Waod mtreet, lall-rsnußci.El,, PENN. • - 1 1 BEA VEI t DRUG STORE, 1 1.1 1 . q'Q Yl/4.111)11,1filsgli, Druggist 41: Apothecary, 13, M A.:y 1 • DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, ' SoAPS;, 1'o; LEV:knit:LES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Mcilical PurpoicA. PAWS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSH GIZiOOMIZT-PIR, C' 11: A.l fri ii,LFINI,I) a r . ui the gicale,t ruricty , be,t Auld :d tiie ecry lowt.l.t ..,zaz . l' . &•, , a.zittial.l. - M"Agants for lia+lett and SehanNitt Stnetly Pure White Lead. the oldest and hot brand iu the market:lN oddly. WALL:PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER The &first atut etiespeot stock of Wan Pape/. in Beartr Comdr. BOOKS, • BOOKS, BOOKS. . A large arrortment of Allocellaneons, School and Hellglnna !loots, tong:tatty on hadd at Put. :11.1a2r.' Mil Books Suitable for the Holidays STATIONERY, STATIONERY. • STATIONERY •. An extensive variety of Paper. Envelope s, Lead Pencils, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink and Ink-Stands, ac., fee. We are the excktinve Agent for the celebrated Foley's Gold Pen, for this County; thoso seeking I good Cold Pen, woold do well to see them before purchasing. Wu arc. the Agent foctlits County for Felder'. Photograph Marriag r Certificate. The attention of Clergymen lu respectfully called to this, as wo can sell thrtn at the some dleconnt as they would gut, from the Pnbitsber. Atwater, School GOT crnsent for sale at Publishers' pricm. We bare tonetantly ou hand Floor Ott Cloth in largo variety. Alr.lNT)Halir NITATIPMSI. • • W1170:11001V 041. C.I.CPTII. RUSTIC ttc PAPER SHADES. on bawl To}• eud V i a i r o la y t . 3oods suitable for the J. F. PRICE, Tiro:idles'', New Bright= CARPETS tva% v.:I3.:DWISUS NEW _GOODS. A. SPLENDID ASSOIIT3tENT OF WHITE, CHECK AND FANCY. M ATTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR NOW OPEN. FIIESIFARRIVAL OF NEW BRUSSELS T.A.I3.IISTIVY 111.1.1LTISk3ELS, TUREE PLY CARPETS S INGRAINS to fill our stool:duce thooloseof the Leavy . Spring Trude. Oliver McClintock and Co. ‘23 PITTS:BUR(7II, PA. jon 3i) 69 ha : • - Great Distribution By Itto Metropolitan Gift Co., CASH GIFTS TO THE ANT. of $500,1 1. Every Ticket Draws a Prize! • • sCash glftreach ovum 40cash gifts each $l,OOO 11l do do BLOM I Rid du do 500 ed do' do 3,000 IWU do do IGO 50Sledant Rosewood Pintos, each MCO to 11700 75 do • do Melodeons do 'l3 to 100 350 Sowing gach.nes do GO to 175 UM (told Watch. do '73 to EMI cash Prises, tillrerwaM. .te. valued at 11100.010 A chance to draw en y of the chow: prizes for i cents: 'rickets dencribbig, Prim are sto/ed In en velopes. and well mixed. on receipt of 23c. • seeded Otte{ is drawn without choice and sent by mail to sup address. Tim print named upon it will be delivered to the ticket holder on payment of Oat DOI:Ill. Prises are immediately sent to any address by clime s or return mall. You wlii know what yortnniee is before you pay for It, Any Prigs exen•agetkfter °smelters/oa~ revs. So hlanke. Our patrons ma depend on Gde dealing. - Iteresancsn:—We select the following from u tna w ny diy u p. ho nu tta ittm re Lti o te n ly to d p ra . e b • z n i.h T u al . : m sble , l t • O nd e r es cw an j d . Rums, stawo: 0V cure S. Welker, li thi rohL l t ti , m Anr. on nt . . 8 1 We publish so sta n ott r. el j drlgn s n on. I n s - Num. arra= their sanCcali Tribune , . /fay S. We know hem ht r bee fair dotting r. 'A r am, may 4. A irked of ours mew a Vat was, which was promptly r relved.—Daily Seers, June Send for circular. Liberal Inducements to Apents •Alrfactiou guaranteed. 4trtry package of Sealed Envelop,. contains one cash gift. his Tieketa for llaitmald 13 fur 41 1 11_ 1 15 •5: 1W for •15. All 'letters e be adeirtused ' • lEEE HARPER, WILSON & ottr4 3o l 103 Broadway. New Yoric. EXECCTOWS NOTlCE.—Letters Testa • emotesy haslet: been Witted to the subscriber on the estate of Margaret Bayne, deceased. este of Hopewell townehip, Hearer county. Pa.,..therefore all persona indebted to said estate are requested to echo Immediate payment: and those hams' claims against said estate will present them, duly anthentlatted for settlement, to me In Hopewell township. not iftlr ; ROIM W Bean; Ken I,lll:e=MA W,OO . . -A Safe nod Speadr Curifor Cdug6,Colds, 'Matra* Bronclato,, Elonsacnca Croup, • Inaucovr, 'looping Cough, Incipient, Coniumption, and all Diseases of the Throat , and Lung. Don't neiicct a severe Cough, or throwaway mor!sy on It •. •. worthku medicine. PRICK FIFTY WOMB PER BOTTLE Tretur6l bl BEWATID, BENTLF:ti a diftmsr, Buffald,'N.Y. ' Hal bt W nrngglsts. ISE Ayer's air Vigor, Fora restoring Gray Hair le Vs natural Vitality and Color. dressing whist . 1, Li at once agrocable. .• • , healthy, and efectuil . for preserving at ;) 7. hair. Faded or , poi , 01.,„1 , • hair is soon reslordi 1 , „ to its original cola rah the Voss aul c rai r of is enetl, falling hair checked, and bald. 3e9a though riot nlwayp, cured iny can. reAore ih.• air whene the runiok3 are tletroyol, t!io gland alroplava and (lecnytA 'But suell'as can Lo erred for , isefuluesi by this spplivatiou. of fouling the hair with a rusty se.lb anent. it will loop it clean and vigorous Its nerso.linial um will revrut dm bait front turning gray or, fulling off, told ron.equ,tuly prevent ',baldness. Froe frutu tha.-0 solistorlecs inuke some propurationis tlaugerothr iujuriou4 to the hair, the Vigor Clll only lieutlit but not loarta it. It - Wattled :uorelv for A HAIR DRESSING, lathing dmc calk ha coutal to de. rable. 'om.liaim.t. :withal. oil nor dye, it, do., whi:u cambric, and yct Lvt. , °lig t' 1I& laiiir t gitits it tt rich glory t”are and a . ..rtoctitl Frapared by Dr. J. C. Ayer.&. Co., MIM :114.tI.TTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. =I ll'Is).: -. :3 C.; _ll3 : UM :_.,.~ `~:... . 1); , of , rralialllV toyer It. alma 10, ...0w1.... tented . (0n .I;Lp. petle• a... 1 a.O o alley 11. It,. 112. 4 Gott, 44 G !L.! elk...motet fol.! 1.. • .• of the klllats v.!t... :•••• .4.. milder norm- 01 ot, t •• ....; at the rani!, totior , t., 03-011.4 1 be plat it • .1 • t.. 4 . „Tttl arr. , I oo • -,; • *Won agalla-t As.: 1 be Leila oe l• try Vbt (I.' I!// n/7.11 *IC,' 16. ' • 1 1 ~: 11 • an.l the p 1,1.* . to 2 the ern.: e 11. , ' I • ,• . 1 1. in,..,,•1..4!•• ..i1 ...t .1 Ii. 1•1.1. • •,.• ft ;. .r• I 1 . 11 1 •1. 4.44 . reora , • A • c. +r 1111111 MEI I ..I I .. • lIIIMIMEI =MI Fo: Fetcr Lil.t .irr of u„• • 1,0%. , 0f Api .rc• barn, jaundice, tnul ji.eac• an - M.4 from ;I di•oraered s'„ ,t the Stom..ch. Liver or Intestine. I.y r: V. fintivoce., Buffr N.Y. 1- Nt, (MICE—LIME. .1.1 To builder. masons, brkklaycrs told ten* get your lime at the 7.110.N.T.P014 1L;13. import, and pave time and Manor. It is the sexy best Lime. as It ts stronger and will coaku 1110, mortar. and there ism waste to It. We bum but the best atone sod it la burned jupt right ; goal Is not mixed with the stone to burn4o u. ‘; there to no ashes or cinder In It. . . lirkkhiyers need not .111 it or run it Mt to mortar, which will .are a good dell of tImT. YOU can always gct it freah—rod hot ifyou aaiit It—and In LARGE LUMPS. Refer to all arho bare tweet it. Flrme wile* In remind In other kilns *peak arralrolt It and try tr sell at Inferior artlelo at tie samo price. Call mm sec It, or try prne. Lime dellicrvil promptly to order at • Reasobable Rates by olvan railrots oad fire ror Istrzoni. to Send miler* to ihe X LI:no or 'W. ',DUNN, Beaver Poet Ottlro Cr2ZIM Vior Itale.—The Steam 31111, 1: Kneltiesand ather property belocatate at the Smith'' , Ferry Little tkaver rettnlenat na Dry Han. at Smith', Ferry, Ikaver roast v !ht. For particular* apply toelther of the Paha., log Committee. ISIGOXII,Strattie Ferry. LEVI DBES:TAXAN, Plttabert,th. JAS. DARRAGH t Elndentater, P. A. C. IIUItST„ I • sep.A It. • L'zecalloirois atette.— miss undersigned 'exert — , for of the last will and testament of Jacob Yount:, deed. will cell at public mile on the prem. Ism, situate in the town ot Rochester. Bearer 1.,. PA., on FRIDAY. TUE RAF trio DEC Ell• DER. lind, Om following property to Aft: Belli about one and 00e-fourth acres of land, situated In Rochester, aferesalti,opon which la erected .1 GOOD FRAME DWELLING 110 CE E of r. morit. and cellar, a rood stable and other outhulkliur.. snow Leto crepe vines. 75 halt tressotn4 ser,rat different varieties ot small knit, all bearing, said premises. Thehoane coddle entire iMpra ••• meats are in rood condition, and undo a rood fence. and situated within feu lallaCi Walk of the nitrated depot. This property commands a splendid Metro( sumo eight or ten utUms of the WI/0 river, and of all lb: towns and surrounding country. The sale will take plate at 10 o'clock a. tn. amid dap. Terms easy tad toads known on day auto. PETKIt YO Ull, E WOW. JOILI D. Totrati, larger. [north It. H ISM 1111111 i.• I I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers