T e BeaverArL s- Beaver. Noy. $4 IMO. CVrculatiors• .Over 2liodve.,Thaidritt:;' Rates or Advertising. y Ow. Ilvr. Om. tat. 18ear ,or-101 Ines, $1 00 la 00 $0 00 010 00 $lOOO , qt axa;.do 860 600 100 LQ CO /5 00 9 equorol. do 600 000 0.01 IA 18 VD 4 rousres, do 660 80010GO16OD II OD c uman,.... 8 IX, 11 OD 16 00 .81 00 66 OD column 11 00 11 00 >fo 00 MOD ID 00 column 19 00 00 03 013 (0 03 03 100 03 admfoistraloce sod 'tumbril' N0t1ce5.....131 00 •mot .trot mad. ,an. pedal notices or Puma which ‘, 4 gnmiluut ad 0, sagitnee State of the Thermometer for the week ending the 26th ofNov., tirr,4l_ A., Y. 2P. M. x,,:1:35 - dog. 37 dog, 34 .og„ 5 35 deg. 38 deg. 43 dog. la 1 28 dog. 10 deg. 40 dog. .!42 deg. 40 dog. 34 dog. Is 38 deg. 30 dog. 31 dog. 10 30 dog. 40 deg. 100 dog. :11 37 dog. 48 clog. 35 dog. • IL T. TAYLOR. Subwripttones to tko Hawes Ar go4.—Tho following 'homed persons li.wo paid the mains tot opposite to their names on subsoription to the Boum' Aao an, date the date of oar last publi cation, Wat. Uousttort, Beaver, rims. tokens, Rochester, S. J. Ileanur, Simon, J. It. Intbrt, Waßllttigtati, I). C., 200 IVaAllilgton I%'olgle, Ilelt, John Heed, Darlington, . - • 200 ~ tiottael.Sprtager, Green Garden, 200 John K. l'otter, Holt, 2 00 lim'v. W. P. Iltuden, Butler en., 1 00 Tito attention of the public IM directed t .the following N AiWertisenionts whirls appear for the first Limo in tho ittil'S toklay : Knitting 31:whines—Straw dr.. Morton. Holiday lifts—B. Mulheint. Arms Wwated—Chas. Wilson. :xi:et:tors Sale—Peter Young. strayed—This Office. special Notices—Asher Hanauer. special Notices—J. 11. Bence. special Notice—W. Knowles. • • Speeltd Notices—John Edgar. Special Notice—Spoyerer At, Sims. Special Notice—Sandomon dt Barbour. Not icie.—Wo trust that the Author of the anonymous letter addressed to one of our citizens, will show that 110' in a ilentleman and identify himself. • loot) Fresh Limo always, on band At tltu Dinlvaion Limo Kilns, Vanport. tanglldt. tr i y-im i ntr Oncitaacis for sale at the Imit • °lnce. Pitrayed.—On the 13th of November, a dark'red cow, eight or nine' years old, strayed from the premises of tho sub scriber In. Bridgewater. Any informa tion concerning said cow loft at this of lice will ho thankfully received. KNIT KNIT ! ! KNIT !—Agent want ol to sell the Climax Knitter; makes the old fashioned knitting-needle stitch and .. ,v e rsi ethers ; finished thotstocking as it ,r goes, , Price Wt. Call at Weed Sewing- MiteWne oilier, New Brighton, or hddress Climax Knitter, New B tighten, Pa.. 21 filelighing.-IV6 were a little surpris ed on Tuesday of last week, (Nov. 16th) to hear the tingle of sleigh , bens on the streets. The snow on that day was some three or four Inches In depth, but stayed with us only a few hourli. Sleigh riding on the lath of November, is, however, t.emething unusual in this locality. Five Thousand bushels of good, dry tittelmiteitt wanted at Edgar's mill, Vallston, for which a good, fair prlco will ho paid. nov24;lmo. • Cut his Mager °W.—While engaged in splitting kindling wood ono day last week, Mr. John Obeny of this place, cut one ()this fingers off with a hatchet. Ile evidently had no grudge against the part cut otr, for in the course of several hours after the occurrence ho leisurely pulled it eur.of his vest pocket, where ho had .lop,i - sited it for safe keeping. The re maining part is healing ns fast as "could Ur expected." 17 - 1 !lank Comnalim,ntm I'ur rnlo at the A nor • Franck Easton, tho young loan oho was arrested for being concerned in the robbery at Cannon's 111 11 la, and con ;led in the Beaver jnll, WWI taken to N env Lisbon 14 week. Ile appeared be- Piro Judge Conant and cohresed that he was ono of the party, but took no part In tweaking into the house or remosibgthe property; that ho only watched at ,the gate while the other 4 did, the work. no was sentenced to one year in the Peni tentiary.-- Welterille ranted.—One thousand Intshelv of dry Buckwheat, at Edgar'n udlt IMIE! in ball t,n2 I orril e )1.1 ThankagPring • Doy.—Thanksgiv- Bay was generally observed In this buidneas of nearly all kinds be ing. suspended. In the Presbyterian "church in Beaver relhdOn4aerViCea were c•inductod by Bev. B. Lowery. Ser %lee% were alto heliUn Nome of the other i•hurches In the villages surroundhig us, In the evening Rev. Jas. Ifollingtihead delivered a lecture In the Court House on the "Trace' of ancient, powerful add eMlized nations on our continent." The lecture was-an hatereatlng and Instruct •ive one, and we aro glad to be able teeny that It as better attended than lectures usually aro in Beaver. The proceeds, amounting•to Nemo 45 are for , the use of the M. E. Church building In Beaver. Win. Fleming it Co's. Groat Repro sontitivo list, Cup and Ladies Fur 110 use, No. EN Wood Street, Pittsburgh, 1 . 01111 . 11. ;Mond for price list of Ladles' Fins, - fuet2l';3itt. Mitretiming Cal'utilty.— On last Tu....day afternoon a young Swlia,"about thirty yearn of ago, named Jacob Frani:- Hu, and an employee of 'Maj. Yutzy's, a as crushed by a fall of earth in a pit on the railroad lino opposite Ursina. w 11.4 extricated, but had received eery:4o6ons Injury, and'afWr much tering died early on ,Wednesday morn• roc, Nov, 10th. Tho deceased had sever al hundred dollars-of money which ho direJted should be sent to his mother in s . witzerlaud. A short time .beforo hii death ho asked that his body should Ito .m. 14 hack to his natty° land. Another Instance of the strong attachment of this pig ple to their homes, "Carry ntii i back. to Switzerland," was almost wailed out by this poor wan- Thaw with his dying broatb.—Nomerad eru . - riro Thoußaul bushels of 'good; dry w boat wantod at Edgar's bai t for which a good, fair prico will bo paid.nor/tlnoo. Hinkley 4nltting. Machine.— Eisowhero will he found the ctrl of Messrs. Straw 4: iNterten; fil:xth street, :1401114 for the above tu - achlno, We have never had much confidence in the state inents made in regard to the capabilities ,sf the various Knitting Machines now before the public, but having personally caaiiurl the Hinkley 3fachine, wo find that it will perform all that Is claimed for it In the advertisement, in a =thaw= tory inannor. The agents run among he nromf reliable and enterprising of the laNlitcor men of ou rity,and their nanloB scene are n sufiLient guarantee that everything that comes from their a bsb lishutentwill be ns ropreacnnad.—Ptitts burgh ellotiAb:an Adeoente. It workm vonders—ln nII castli of bil lowslims. Remember and ask for 'Whi qiney's DSRPoPsis CurP.' _ ._ .-- , .. , ;P4 0 040041. 6 i-__, Thiliy***chigx4 v - at anport was I)et apart Ihrdivine WO , ' ship 011 Sunda, WO% Shit. ' At 10;'a in; itev. kirlveskir Shit, A, ,11 4 t i ,Julijsi)hei: bent the walla of Jeans, "I' have built buy dun& ort.e Ronk and ; the gates of Hell shall net *wall riimMlDlt." , The sermon was full of .rich'iliinighte and happily delivered. At the close:of the sermon Rev. Jae. Ifollinodusid stated that the building was -worth POOP as it, stood,and thit all but /MO was provided for. The congregation was hiked to meet this and as fast as the Secretary mold put down the names, $560 were subbed. bed. 'The afternoon serviee Rev. D. P. Loyally preached a very excellent dia. course 'from • the text* "A day, in thy courts is bettor than a thousand. I had rather be a door keeper ki the blouse of my God than to dwell in thertenta of wickedness." After the; sermon the Trustees, Goo. Dobbs, John Moore, A. Russell, Lucius Conrad, Samuel Johns. ton; Amos 'Doutt and Enoch Fowler came ibrward and in the' manner pro scribed by Discipline, offered the church for dedication. The evening services were' conducted by. Mr. Burp, who preached a soul . stirring sermon on "Lifetime," its brevity, its possibility and its results. An hour wasthen spent In singing and prayer,, The church stands as a monument of tho liberality and persevering energy of the people of Vanport, anti will- boa blessing to lb community. And while. all did their duty andsare deserving of great praise, It is just to say, and that without drawing any invidious distinctions, that very grt credit is duo to Capt. John Moore tar ughoutobut especially in the work of legantiY - furnishing, in which wo are formed, was done chiefly by his ' effor s. The' singing under the manage. met of Prof. Phillia is worthy of +woe- I L ial us ion, and contributed largely to the interacting occasion. My, except omit be pad CM ;411 00 _OO Seward 4t, Bentley, bruggista, of Buffo lo. are putting up n splendid Ilale Ae storative, known as Alisma. Wo have tried It and speak from experience, and would recommend It to all who are in need tit' a Unit. Renewer.-,-Nando Nctiqt. What ❑m people will have, Seward's Cough Cute. That Cost of Funerals.—Thero Is much and just complaint against the cost of funerals, and of the necessary and proper interment of the dead. It has, in the last five years, boon swollen so enor mOua, as to ho almost beyond the reach of any but the wealthy to defray IL The expenses of living are now very great, but to dio appears to Involve ono In greater expenditures. Tho rich In fact are tho only ones that can afford to die. humanity fa, indeed, in a bad way when it is too expensive to live and too costly to quit the world. If tho great funeral expenses only constituted a high tariff to protect life and keep off death, wo should be content, but, unfortunately, the "King of Terrors" is able to override any barrier supposed to be erected to prevent his approach. As everything is regulated by fashion in this country; those who aro at the head of it, and in any way control It, could not render a greater service than by setting tho example •of plain and simple funerals, attended with little or moderate expense. It la well to pay funeral honors to the dead, but the highest of these do not require costly Marble, or collins of bronze, or various or spiendidequipageo. The tear of affee ' Von and the tribute of respect aro more closely united with plainness and %lin plielty, than with pride and ostentation. About the good taste of those expensive funerals, so characteristic of this genera tion, there can be but one opiplon, and that is adverse to them. • Five Thousand bushels of good, dry Thiettwheat wanted at Edgar's raill,Valls ton, for which a good; (Or price w ill be paid. , nov24;lino. Ite. David Nelson of Groono this county, has forwarded to this office, by mail, a copy of tho Pittsburgh Gautte, dated Tuesday, July 7,1807. John Scull is named as Its proprietor. Wo aro afraid the (la cite of that day entertained opin ions a little different from those it now holds, for on its tirst page we find tilts advertisement: , "ro B SOLD, The time of a NEgno LAn, having eight years to serve. lie is healthy, honest and rather. Inquire at this olliee." In the 8141110 paper wo lind the follow ing letter from Richmond, 'Va., dated RtunmoNn, Juno 14. 'l'ip ((rand Jury have this day found fintr true two against Aaron Burr for treason and misdemeanor, and Iwo of the saute tenor against.Mannerhasset. bug and animated discussion ensu ed on a motion to commit ;qr....Burr to the Marshal, which was decided (for that eight) in affirmative. Ito 10118 emse (vividly eommitted to jail for Ihat night. The argitment remained open and it was e‘poeted would be resimusl the next day. nail 'more. Pittsburgh A Chica go R. R.—The surveying party in bat employ o'th° /tablature, Pittsburgh t Chicago Railroad Coinpany, which has tacit at work in this county fur, sozno MT-7:11110 ime pa4t, lin.N.Wepr6unie, ere this corn- Anted its work on oneof the routes thro' his county. A coriespontiont of the 'ittsburgh Commercial writing on the nth inst. says: "Presuming that you will be glad to chronicle anything pertaining to the ad vancement of the commercial interests of our country, I take grotit pleasure in informing you,that Ilmisrs. - Waddell and Collier and Chief Engineer Pillsberry, with ecorps of assistants, who recently commenced tho survey of the Baltimore, Pittsburgh do Chicago Railroad, from the Ohio river et Beaver, pa., westward, ar rived at Arbor, Ohio ; via the Brush run out° to-day. 'They report an entirely practicable route thus - far, l and of light grade, and passing through — a section of country abounding in cannel and bitu minous moat, iron ore, Limestone and oth -eir mineral in an inexhaustible quantity'. Their proposed route from hero wed.- ward is via Elkton, Now Lisbon, Can ton, &c. They make the distance from Beaver to Arbor about seventeen Miles, According to their present prospects and calculations they will make the route from Pittsburgh to Canton, Ohio, the point whore they propose. to cross the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne &Chicago nail road in about eighty-five miles, whereas by way of the Fort Wayne Road the di,;- tams) is ono hundred and two lodes-- tlaus a saving In distance of about twenty per cent. This short eat route will have the ad. vantage of passing through a great coal basin ht Beaver and ColUmbiana coun ties, why. the Fort Wayne road only tap,. at the !'run," In Proof of what I assert I ask you but to pass along tho line of the Fort Wayne road between say Beaver Falls, Pm, and Leetonhi. in Co lambhmia county, and you will find that every coal opeOleas instance the Joy, li the Economite, the Morse, the Syracuse and the Carbon MU mines—are all'aitu ated upon tho south side of ' the. Fort Wapiti road; whereas this short cut road wilt pass through the basin, as it were, and allow the great coal field to be sttecessfully . mined from both sides of the road. This road is intended, as you no doubt are aware, as a continuation or extension of the ComeHaynie road to the lake, or to be operated equitably with the Balti more and Ohio and Com - 018011e roads, thus securing to the country another great through lino from tido water to the west. . Tho curly completion of thin 'road will t,o ofincalculablo advantage to tho 'city or Pinabtfrgh; to well ea to the entire country through which it will plum Too much praise ; therelbro; cannot be award ed to Messrs. Waddell and Collier for the energy they have displayed in "getting dp" and prosecuting the gee:AU:Warp:lse. , AvitittoisteXt Me— ! itteller Bdatoad Zaistt wp:ErstA ':•.* TT 17 'VT" ~ . .WAtizitagrrati. D. C.plifor.'sal9/X—' , It Is ettlmatedthat there ire now about thonlant 'clerk= 4 9 21 it! the sayers' Clovernment Depart- Men* a very liar of bide ever been tutted usam.atal it is needless inanY never wilt; ofilythraithim alniastati perhtinuta efforiefCongrassmen, Times . sire so very hard throngtout theconntry Qua Government positioninre more ea gerly 'sought oiler than evecludbre, and the poor Congressman is the only Medd nnithrinigh which these aloes can luts7 isibly be obtained. Alregidy'soma thirty or lbrty (Ta. have arrived, closely fol lowed by their constituents. after clerk- . ihipak, The beads of the Departments; although over taxed with tho duties' of their °glees, which are pow increased by the labors on their amid reports, are bored almost to death with renewed ap plleationi for clerkships through their representatives. There*aentetiveitits to be respected, his wants attended to, and his demands If possible acceded Ad With the heads of the Departments tho most unwelccime visitors are Congress men, and with .tho_ Congressmen their constituents., , • " • run TlI ZSIDENT'S forthcoming. is a theme of gonoral sPoe lotion in tho newspaper circles of this city. So many aro tho important ques tions °tench vital Interest to the coun try that it was long ago, supposed that ere this we might be able, at least, to giVe a few, hints of its import. But such la not the case. Ile has not written it, and will not till he has thoroughly viewed and considered tho report of each mem ber of his Cabinet. ' The President is indeed a . representa tive man. Ills lino of polloy is the in- Wrest of the people.- In the course of conversation with a gentleman friend of his the other daY, Ito said that there was but one course for him to: porton°, which was very simple; and the result of which ho had. no fears. He [seamy, unconcern ed; and as much at home hi the Execu tive chair as ho ,was at the head of an' army. Ho has the same confidence in his Cabinet that he bad in his Generals, and old Napoleon like, while ho seldom forgets a friend in the dispensation of edictal patronage, with his keen porcatil non of cluuneter and good solidus's° ho makes - good selections. NotwithstandT log be Is constantly viewed by all class es of people on all kinds of subjects, ho is a happy man, enjoys the society of his friends and family, and has a good appe tite, the result of which is good health, and more than all the smoking of good cigars.. Unlike most Presidents since the flap of Jackson, In this one respect, ho can often be seen !like the humblest citizen, walking the- public streets of Washington. but a abort time since our attention was called to him just coming out of a little cigar Mere kept In a little ono story old frame !building. Such a man is the Presiden t of the United States. It matters little to' him, seemingly, whether performing the highest Fawn tive ddties or hauling wood Into the city of St. 'Louis, he is the. same unsophisti. sated gentleman, an honest man. • HENAIOII4 COLE Is now denying the rumor afloat through the newspapers that ho will makes vigi lant effort, at the meeting of Congress to displace the present Secretary of the Senate,--lifr. Gorham, of California, and if successful, supply tho vacancy with the person of his brother, Gen. Cole, of the Cole-llitchcoek notoriety. It is pos sible there may not have been at first any reation for this rumor, but now I think probable; at lerutt tho General, who has been here nearly all the time for the last six menths,wris spoken to on the anti jct, and did not deny but what -such a thing might have boon.at least dreamed of in their family. The General may have been a good soldier, and the killing of Hitchcock in cold blood, alum a jury of twelve men were tiredly procured to sot him free, may le passed without any comment, upon the principle of letting the dead past bury its dead, yet notwith standing, it has become questionable whether the Government shall so forget the past and the deed ho committed as to allow him, whose plea of insanity only saved him from the gibbet, to occupy and enjoy one of the best and most re: spot:Bible otilecsi In the gift of the admin istration. I Commissioner Wilson of the General Land office is in receipt of athlete from the Surveyor General .at Helena, Mon tana, showing tho completion of the sur vey of three additional townships, in Madison county. embracing an area of 69,100 acres. Tim surface is somewhat diversified, consisting of rich valleys, high plateaus and mountains. Tho soil of the valley is• generally rich, and capa ble of producing largo crops of cereals ' and vegetables . : 'Tlio planting lands are among the best in the Territory, well adapted to grazing and agricultural par poses. 'rho remaining portion Is broken and mountainous, intersected by numin ous deep ravines, the track being be -Wean the 3failisou and JetTerson northeast of Virginia city. The moun tains are chiedy valuable for the tine forests of white and pitch pine. A largo area of the track is retained as mineral lands, containing some line gulch mined and valuable lodes of ,old and silver bearing quartz. Many valuable inidos are now being worked while others aro being opened. A large part of all the valuahlo agricultural lands. Is claimed by actual settlers. under the homestead and preemption laws. Mectiong of lapda fur Railroads is Jfichiptui.—The Land OMeo also has re ceived from the Traverse city Land Of lice, lists of selections, embracing acres, AS lands claimed by the State of Michigan, under the act of Congress of Juno 7th, 18114, In aid of the construction of the Grand Rapids and Indiana It. 11. Also front Clarksvillo, Little Rock, Ar kansas, showing a disposal during the past month of 101 farms. embracing an aggregate or 14,573; San Francisco, Cali fornia, 9,753 acne ; Vancouver, Wash ington Territory, 5,097; Oregon city, Oregoh, 4,055. ==! A question of somo Interest has lately been presented to the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the issue of bonds to the Union Pacific Railroad Company. This road it synth° remembered Is made up of two lines, the Central pacific, com mencing at San Francisco arid running east, and the Union at Omaha, and running west. The charter granted to these roads provided that each Compa ny should commenco at the above men tioned points and build until they should meet, and that the franchise thus granted should belong to the respective Company over such territory as they might build. It early becalm, a strife with those man panics as to which should got the great est amount of the lands and bonds that had boon granted as a _subsidy by the sloverninent, and perhaps this account* fir the wonderful speed made in build ing whet is now called the Pacific Rail road, and for the bad manner in which a great portion of the same has been built. lint early in the rice it bocune apparent that the Union pacific Company would get the lion share, and accordingly Coh gress was petitioned, lobbyists sent for ward .to secure fours legislation that shauld itx a point at whiehlhe reseed ive Companies were to meet, and 'accor dingly a resolution was passed In April last fixing a place of meeting, and pro viding that the road beyond that point which had already been built by the Up ton,-should -be sold by that Company to the Central, but no price was fixed. As the case involveii,l thin k,nem.rly t:00,000, it Is natural to suppose the companies could not agree Upon the conalderation, ~~~'jl AV'i► xlpi `.ildaib `d~~~d~~~Ciiii'ein= snant;Soalooisleiloi kr thiliportioti of tlieroad built; trittbosu - *dor thlo inigt• oal chador *opkto‘id, g0t . )130 'as Axed It b claimed among other einestlons OreellitedthaVaisinah'i altortheailithistiernithistlietrisishlhasi Pampa:des aid the porernment, and that as read IN been oesapleted, the fleerotatii shoithtinne'hiinifthe *kaki Viand not apart of ilitr.boirdi o thetiont perky thst guy have„ *DA tharoad over the dlisputalterviterY: mat ter is finally settled ft probably re sult in a long and costly litlgatton.. Of the aerator of patents Aximeil from the IL E. Patent OEhm tut weak Z woro grimted to eltltorus of Yenoeylvenht. CHIEL. 123 barrels Quitora city' sad Now Creek float' at rectuded prices, and thirty bozos of soap at reduced prices , at Spey erer h Sons, Rochester, Pa. . Local copy* • . Canning . • proems of `canning' eggs In their own shells is something new. It was explained at a Mato meeting of the New York Farmers' Club. When' two, or three dozen one aro obtained from the nests, place them in dish and pour sodding water over them, and immediately tarn it off. This process Is repeated three times, by which moans the albumen is • fixed or coagula ted, the pores of the 'shells cbased, and the 'egg; as it were, canned in 14 own covering. Tho eggs thus prepared aro then packed in salt with the apex down ward, and they aro said to keep fresh for many months. - • Important Surgical Operation. —A. few days since aloft's. Campbell from Blairsville, Pa., came to this city, blind from Cataract, hating boon blind for tbur years.‘ By invitation wo.wituossod the operation at the, residence of Mrs , Carlisle, at No. = North ammo, Allo: gheny City. After being plated in pro per position in a rocking chair, her eye lids being held open by an assistant, the operating surgeons, Drs. Sanderson and Barbour, of Alloghony, made an incision through the front part of the eyeball and passing an instrument through the pu pil removed entire and without injury to the eyelho ophque orystallino lens that caused the blindness. Mrs. C. immedi ately looked up =damningly remarked, "I can see noir." Ebel dial not seem to seer in the load from the operation ; mado a rapid recovery, and was soon able to return to her home with perfect sight in tho eye operated on. When We tako Into consideration that the part tak en out is larger than an ordinary cherry atone, and that it is taken out of tho back part of the front third of the oyehall the operation and its results seem almost a miracle. Drs. S. and D. Informed us that they rarely failed by that operation to give the patient perfect sight, although it Is the most difficult operation known is surgery, and one that few surgeons ever undertake.—Pittr. Dispatch .on. 5. A. POPULAR lIISSITUTION.—The splen did success of the Iron City College has made its name a household word throughout the land. Students attend it from all puts of the Union. 'For circu lars, giving full particulars, address the Principals, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. New Goods arriving daily at J. 11. Bence's, Beaver. Extra Inducements this week v . Colored Alpacas worth 70 cents, at 40 cents. - Detains worth 2i ets, at 20 cts. Blankets worth VI. at $4.51). • Great bargains In double and single shawls. Great bargains in flannels. Great bargains in furs. Astrachan cloth for sacks. Seal skin cloth fiw sacks. Waterpmof SI ladles' cloths; cheep. French wheleboim corsets. 75 cents. Chinchilla cloths for saek4, new colors and at yles. Cloth and felt skirts, cheap. Iteauttcnt pt.tkhs, very thean, Ladles: awl' Gent's. tinder-wear, very cheap. - Aral) shawls, heatitiful pattern 4. Just received, - the newest styles or La hats end bonnets, very cheap. Call early, ant don't forget the place.— J. 11. Renee's, Beaver. 2 MEI AT Mina Intiar or faAttoll you c:m lind t6r liest.stock velVeb•en4, nl.) lie mast I),Antiful pinll velvets., in ting ennntr CoLuxtnttm,.Ohlo. Nov. 11th, 1149 .Edifor .trgits: —On Saturday after noon, the 611 r inst., a beautiful experi ment by means of which the rotation of the earth was made visible, was shown in tho Rotunda oftheStatoCapitol build ing: That the earth moves woltavobeen made to behove from our earliest days of childhood, and to believe rather than know, and It is said that the pentialum experiment is the first positive demon stration of the fact. It is this ; That tbo .deviation of tho line of. vibration front .the original slanting line is a positive demonstration of tho diurnal motion of the earth, is diMcult for many to under stand ; yet the philosophy of it is slut pie, and a little thought will enable ono to comprehend it. The tendency of a body in motion to continue to move in the Hanle piano is a fact well known to all. Take a thread two or three foot in length and tie ono end to the mid dlo of a stick and attach a weight to tbo other, lot this pendulum in motion in any direc tion and it is easily soon that tho stick may ho held in any position whatever without changing the plane of motion of tho pendulum. In the experiment in the rotunda, Mr. MendenhalL of tho Co lumbus high School, who had charge of the experiment, took. advantage of the fact Just recited, a lino was drawn across the floor of the rotunda extending north Co south, the dial boat of the pendulum was over this lino. According to the principle of persisting in plane of Vibra tion the second beat would be parallel to thejirst, and so on. But in the mean time the north and south line has been carried by motion ofthe earth toward tho oast, and la not then parallel to its first position, hence the line of vibration which is must cross it diagonally. Our altittulo berets about forty degrees,- and the hourly deviation of the pendulum from the starting lino is about 9 degrees and 40 minutes, and could the pendulum be made to continuo lit motion for that length of time the floor of the rotunda would make a complete revolution an der it in a•littlo'less than 38 hours. This same experiment, I believe, has been tried at the Bunker Rill Monument, and Pantheon at Parts, with a length of pon loot of WI and 223 feet, and ut other poluta with a shorter pendulum. I be lieve the experiment of Saturday ranks about third tin the list, thelingtli of wire being feet. On last Saturday afternoon tho first snow storm of the Beason visited us, the flakes fell thick and fast, and all that was wanting to make it a true winter scene was the merry chime of sleigh bells ; but the next morning little .remained of tho snow that had fallen on the evening pre vious. • GALEN. • It Scents Necessary to remind the patrons of the Beaver Post office that all letters dropped in the Letter-Box at any time, without being atainpoi, aro treated as dead letters, and sent at once to the Dead Letter Mee. Postage stamps tan always he obtained at Moore's Drug Store and at the Post-Ofnee during oaten hours. M. A, NoGrAFFICK, P. M. "'A . XEW stack of. Fancy and Ostrich plumes, jure received at, Ilatutuer's blur or fashion. - imutthe lasklantaling , '*4,,imaiod fellow tittliffin;afsq;:illYUftwas ac iI4J *ld Ottani . 1* ill*: eritlailitiAii• peat the iiitay :44j i tar d i d ao of ims* Mod' iliiksiroi* public men: laili AlaipoattfoarhAbas beretotbre -ffiled4therin: ca lum d mar y General and Kato Vreanuntr.Ase, h a s itiniern:bomilnalitattiffieSti 04 4* want, and Wand Itutiffitilti*thrangbotit too Oaninionwealth,ffirintialPitYfinnalahtLitY: 0611apoidtion. arid Prffiptligna the discharge of official ditty, ornidch any rnan might foal proud. t !k.,4l l TOPtAlift; emOtsa.- Hon. baan 4l ,4. ( !r the custi~aiiiry renomination last manifest propriety, tt amnia to rde,•nci - w:d oi n a s a d, his unanimous noininattoo, , • I 6 Was rgvairrally' nrideratood dntlAg the 'lain Canvass, that" - our. iienatof ;and ReprosOntatlvert ati.c4 virtually ProilOd f s ,rerethrilieolile, Map' Sir the 'avant f hi' hang a cantlltlate; they tropic' ataoii - Ay hint "Arsk last, all the limo." I there 'fore, preaurno, that now that It iskuown that he will be a orindidate, they w ill es teem Una only .a Waimea, but a duty; to ylohl to their constituent, who stand' so d eserve dly high in the public estima tion, a aincorc, - hearty and sup 'port. Monaniv. Randolph Mo.; Nov; Emron Amnia :••=d - have Veen wonder-' big howl might got a eopy'efthe Annus sent to me without motacy, and I . have adopted the plan of Writing YOU a lathy,' not to 'All up' butto give yoti a few ittneui', of news that May interest:Some of j•pur readers: Thol.own 'from Which I Write is not quite throo yeari. old yet, 14x1 It' has three thousand intiablt,aulandecten will be a city.' * lt is now quite oortaik that the machine shops' of the North Missouri R. R; will be refer hero and people aro building , houses Mid buying lots, expecting ,to realiso handsomely flout their investment.. A good many . Beaver county people have Matto their ' homes hero and. And .it (ingo t pleasset, Thus. Lyon, formerly Uf Beaver, but for, some limo a resident of litssoori, is liv hag horn with his son-la-law, Mr. It rink (whoa', and eouuts•tho days short paten ing to the prattle of tiro numorous little onus that call him grand pe,,w11116 afew miles in the country east are Jos, Wray, Win. Wolf, R. I). Dawion and Jos: 801 l oil:leaver county, and Thos. M. li. Nil sort of Canonsbuigh.. Mr, Wilson lies a. neat little farm, well arranged and mut fortablo, and just the place to rest Ids traveled bones for the rest of Lis life: Ills family aro very pleasant and front some muse aro , Very poPplar with the young peOple. • ' '• r. As a general thing :your people' when they come bore huy too much land and thereby make themselves poor. Labor is rearco and when amen possesses more land than he can work' properly ho gen erally loses by undortakhig too much. As a firming country this part of Missefu rl is not as good as some Others. In fact I know of no part of North Missouri that is equal to tho southwestern part of the Statounless it be along tho river counties. Tho northern part of tho State' is, well adapted to grazing, and mon aro becom ing rich in that business.' The ketches a good school law and some of the best schools in the country. Old , Solver would get ashamed of her paltry salaries if she worn located in "Froo Missoati," Mon whio aro At to teach can get better salaries than the elty of Pittsburgh pays,' and hullos wboare graduates of Edinboro or Oswego or any of the first ‘lass east-' ern Normal Schools can earn front seven hundred to twelio hundred dollars par year. The schools art, Justin their • In fancy now, but a few years. of present progress will set tbent far in advance of other States. lino of your' enterprising citizens; hfr.'r Jefferson Moore of Ohio tp., paid a flying visit to this part of the fertile West this fall, but the rotnetn bronco of the girl and boy he loft behind him soon punott lan .to corn hills or his father's farm, and rumor says,fall of the West. To see the West 'come and stay a year, chop wood, maul rails,break prairie and drive oxen., • i'tO)lAD. Avult, Pa., March I never (lid mean 10 (Marge Washing ton Weigle with stealing oil and tlo not helleve that lie dill, awl if I said - tittything, nut of which such an inference was Liken it was said in RP:mina and hot intended. It. ' W. Ii.:4OWLES. Tunitt: will be a special nieetinir oP Pos No:rid, U. A. R.: at their wand • place o meeting in I leaver, on next Thursday eve iiing at 7 o'clock. A full attendanec is de !lira By order of E. ALLISON. P. C. J. It. Hanna Adjt. . • I Bachelor Partici'. Eorron Annus :—There is, nothing an dorrioralizi ng n arty town, village or city, as Eacheito Clubs. They might very appropriately be edited "Schools to Learn to Become Drunkards.". Take the history of any such clubs in cities where they abound for the last twenty yearit, • and you will find tire out of every ten . members of those clubs now all a drunk ard's grave. They are really worio than grog shops, as many men that Would ho ashamed to go into a drinking saloon; will go into those clubs; and, of • course, " in Rome you must do as tho Romans do," and the consequence is that they are soon drunk, arid many not ablo to 'go home till morning. Ido hope".that 'all men with' a spark of human regard for.. their wives or,famillas will iliscourigci all such parties, and save themselves and familids' from disgraco' and ruin; as it will as inevitably followas night follows day. ONE wit° was I4EEN IT. • We advised' young people who intend' going from home to ,sehbol, to go to the State Normal School at Edinboro. It Is cheap, thorough and practical. Mr. Angler's Readings. Eluvon Amato;:—The remlings of Al bert Angier, at Concert Ball,' New Brighton, on Tuesday evening Nov. 16th completely vindicated Ida elalms to take rank among the foremost: elocutionists of the age. Ills rendering of the "Bells" is a master-piece of elocution—approach ing as nearly to the: actual' ringing of bells as any thing we can imagine. But where all was so admirably done; It were unnecessary to phrticularire. Had the mune . o f ;gunlock been- announced for the occasion the Itall—inclement as was the weather—wonta prabably have been crowded to afernowing. But 1u who is not without honor saveln his own min ify, is like these " licroe; without lau rels," possessed of mine real Merit than those whose. namin 'are floating on the breath of the world. - For depth; compassitild pnthosnt voice —for clear and varied intonations—for case and giaccfaluessidgcsturc, and for truthful delincatlona of the InCeningruul spirit of the anthers he personates, we think 'Afr. Angier stands Witheati peer. ffiti dings on thin occasion were greet ed with enthnalastic applause by n high ly appreclative- L .-though we regretlo any L ---not a large audience.. Should ho read again; the Hill would be crowded, or we utterly fail In .our judginent.- E ecusoieh , sale.—Thetinders/ond ammo, tor of the loot will sod traumata - of Jacob Young, deed. will sell at P ublic ode on the ram trap, situate in the yarn or Rochester. Dearer Co.. Fa.. olt FRIDAY. TIIE ITYLI DAY OF'. DECEM BER, ism, the following PIL blwrO, Being about one and one-routtn ears of land. situated In Rocbeater, aforesaid. opon which hi erected a GOOD FRAME DWELLING HOUSE cora roam. and cellar, a good stable and other some I. gr.po .1,2 v, 75 Mgt Irene, and wren) different maltase.. of small Init. all bearing. upon .ealdpremlace. Theboura auadate Maim %uproar meats are la good condition, and under a goad Ma% aad situated within Mar minutes walk of the railroad depot. ' Thu property. caucceada I rPielAdidiieW cisme ChM or tea miles at the Obiortrer and of all the taro and yurrotiadlad marlin! The sale- will take place at 1.0 o'clock a. m. of said dug. Tamar PDT aull undo known mu day croak, . , PVT= YOUNG, Inenidi. Joant D. Yointa.Lskuw. Entliff RD- 41kA1,,,4 Pirrilittlaketfile `oeilot idarorfPrrra4.4t i l lth" Idogiliew.2 te rntwithdf 'quoted by rho air load. at 111116::::: hoger*OPPli hei r steady With a con dilued fair demand, at.4l,oo(si 3,60 p or big fat online= le '„fitqlK i W/TWlll:3Ugalett"nt V7Pl4:44this. In goodiUPPIY *data' - with a drooping tendeloyuwe otinththe to quote gootto prime rol Me Mimi' choice at 356. •• . • anti;Preat4l Well'inalriednot ' Maio of.Wederit Re ,serro at :10017‘ Pectelynt 17.0 nit Ohio goobers' 01611181; and bf. Y. eloahen 19 els.. CID:STRUTS Cannot lwr quota' 'above:s:46o or bush. • • • ' . aniquntisl at 130.10itte per pountl n and I.'ettelies. sit iu etaltbr bright.qu firkin and '14014 'chi for ltridititsbrois , 0' • E9ll-41.1ave kW:farther advanced, 'And we now4uoto at 30 eta: : 1 • • • • PLOUII.---Thn receipts of Western flour 'oontinuti , light though *the supply Is fully equal totek derna2d, as the AIM* new appftr to co the lion'S eharn" of thermal'. trial(); and take the retail trade away and there is nothing left. The mills, we endenitatiti, aro. eupplying the• trade with standard • winter wheat, flour at about $0.60. and medium grades, at 11 - 04.26; good werattru. dour •reinnot be sold for any lean. -thatls, and afford a margin to the dealer. Spring. wheat noun; to tiseacommon phrase,are aboUt I "pivot) out" in thismarket; GRAlN—Wheat is weak and drooping., with nansiderehle. offering from . the West; ive aro cognizant of one of hor to lls having.bought 5,000 bushels prime rod at 81,23, and it may he fairly quoted, eL41,2)1€41,33. Chigoe white wilt nting 41,130. Oats In rather better demand but unchanged-4704A on wharfand track, and 601 n store. ltyrt Is dull and nomin ally unchanged at #l, - 51,05, cash.' Prime ear corn Is wanted for, feeding end. will bring ,41.„ bra shelled, notwithstanding 'the stook in this market Is light, Is dult and tenting downward. 'Barley hi quiet and unsettled, 41,51101,30, us to q,nality. To Consumptives. Tor advertiser harlng barn reslorod to health Ina taw weeks, by a rely sitnnta tontedy, alter Win; patend menial ,years-with a aercre long affection, vatd, that drool dives, r, Consumption, la ans,ions to ontio known to hts feUow inffernrs tbu • mecum Of care.' , „ who dear' it, lin will Nord a cuyy Mt preetripiktu 0.1 Owe, or zbarge/. with the three lions fur prvintring end using tiiterto, which they win end A AVAZ CUILL, TUB CO,N.V.74ItriIIik.AATII• ru,puo3cutxte,ctt. The et4ect orate adritrit;ci In wilding Ito Proetripticat it to benefit the enac ted. and oproddlhictimatlou width to conceives to be luiltlrtelee t and he' hopes el. Cry: sutrarr era) try hie remedy, is It war cost tln:no nothing, end may pro": a•bhowiw , .. Iterate Trirhatg the yrot ecrlytion will pkwreaddrere ' Ran. EDWARD at WILEMN: • Willisumburg, KlOCu., Ntw lurk. Errors of Youth. A GrarnmiAx Who it:Mica ter years from Ner vousyebillty;Premattwe Decay, radial the iambs of youthful Indboxetlon,lelli, for the sake of suf fering lonanlty.end free to all who b cod It, the receipt and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he wasented.:. Suireters waltlng to profit by the advertiser's experience, condo so by addressing, to twat:et couilderwe, .1011„N1 14. OGDEN, mayttlyl ' No: 4i Cedar street. New York .4' . 9 4 4 4. .9 9 - 9- TO TIIE WOICKING CLASS.—Wehre now pre pared to fermeh all-Mamma with eonalant employ ment at hone., the it hole of the time or for the spare momenta. Bushman' new, lightigrut profita ble. Persona of anther wax easily cam from 1.0 ma to $5 per eteefe:, and a proportional stun by Je ratlng their whole time to the braelnise. Bova and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who me this may send their eddies* and atteetthe hoe. Mesa, we snake thin onparalkled ogee: To surh Al are not well satlalletl, we will send $1 dollar to pay for the trhuble of writing. Full iertieulars, A valuable sample, which trill do to commence work on, mad a loopy of-17te "Mph.' LihrarVl.argo panlime—one at tbu largest /11111 test WWI Wm*. Myers published—all sent free by mall. limiter, It yea want permanent, profitable mock, ifieldreo. N. C. AL4..."N 4 C0...41091 , 111A NC. IMME:I EMIZIM3 St Am - wig—lux . .s6st— On day, Nov, 17th twit., Mr. Benj. Frank lin Marquis of Rochester, to Miss Corn Ransom of Phillipatiora, Pa. SPRINGF.II.—WIIITt —Ott the 'Slit Nov., 1%9, at. reshlcmo of limn Springer by Jtu. Smith, cwt., Air; lta mon Springer to Mrs. Anna White, al or Itaecoon townnitip, Itencr county •Pa. 3tOAL-_-7:IOYLE—On Wednesday,. Nov 17th, at toe residence of D A P. L. nder son, at Retninaton, Beaver county, l'a. by the Rev. W. A. McKenzie, Lir. ti 1. Beal LI Miss Mary Emma . Doyle No cards.; TCRNEit KEItLIN —On Thursday Nov. istiiiissu, at the rasidenee of :Sam 13. Wilson, esq.. in Beaver, by Rev. D. P. Lowary, Capt. Goo. W.' - Turner, of 'Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Miwgie Rerlin, daughter of Geo. Itobintion, esq., of Polk City, lowa. We have barely time to cwknowledgo the receipt of a wetlitliug cake, at tho hands of the newly married pair. May their futon, lives be as happy I{l4 they could desire. Died. ELLIOTT—On the 17th of November, 1.81.13, in Moon township,llettret cotinty l'n., William Elliott, esq., aged at years Tlie deccand was a resident of ~ his county for a great many years, and was univerwdly reputed as an honest, upright and useful citizen, His death will prove . It severe loss, not only to his numerous relatives, but to all who were acquainted with ihint tinting hollire. W. cAv rr---0111 010 151.11 of Nov. ISO' Mr. 'JAI) env it, of Raccoon, tp., , aged 50 years.. SolpCloOS.--Nov. 6th, Iti66, of consume. lion, Miss Lizzie, daughterofDr..J. ! and Matilda Scruggs, inthoillstyrar of . her age: Di her ðos fond mother has lost an affectionate daughter, her brothers a kind sister, and the emiumanity an 'en dearing friend. Her lovely face was welcomed In every circle, and all were happier for her presende. Although her pathway wiisSurrounded by so nianyat traetions to make ibis world pleasant yet the pleasures of earth and tho praises of those around her could not satisfy her longing spirit, that winged its way in thought to Heaven, %there there is no sin nor sorrow, end the pure have perfect rest. kilo sought tho Savior in youth, when his promise is to lovo then; i hat love htm, and to bo found of them that -seek him; and through frith in Ilim she hail triumph in tho hour . when death drew nigh.: Iler suffering was severe and of long duration, but she bore all without a mariner, seeming not to ilweg ,with the body that was. suffering here, but to be enjoying a foretaste of the plizei nres in stow for the righteous in heaven, SO Sooll' to be enjoyed by her forever. Death beano terror - forher, and she long ed for . the hour of his coming:. Truty blessed are they who dio Intim Lord. Our hearts were sail and lonely As we laid bar in the tomb; Aml.we wept that one on lovely Was called from earth so noun. But while : lvo mourn and miav her, tts sad thotwitts in memory mole, We how sweet. yoke." whisper: "thir Savior calked her bonne. Ai*? Adeertim'wenis., iiitTiatcrktifffiNGWks; x. 30.00. • TM! moot perfect machine yet Invented. whiny pad narrow, tritn I heel orjouint Mu toe.. It will knit plain or ribbed.' Lt will knit stock drawn, shirts; an.; dm: It is eheap, - dmple and datable, It tremolo Its own work, 111/CJI ;bat one needle, and requires no adlusliag %bolero'. L it. will do the moo work that the Lamb martian ,will do and COMA lets taxa Mdfaa muck nod boo not the tenth part of the machinery to tet out of order. Ctrrulars and samples malted (toe en ap plication. Agents- rowed. All machine* guar anteed. STRAW MORTON, OKNEt2aI..IGCSTS, No. tixt.tx Streut. Itittabargh MBE OLD ARMS WANTED. • Snares Cublair and 11111 ea. . . henry's In 'hot Carbine. mid fades. Openeet'a Carbines and Mil.. Colea Navy Phdola.• • Colt's-Army Pistols. • liernitmtnit's Ariny or navy Paitob: • Smith & Weirton 's 6 and U abut lteroiring toL • • Parties Inning any of thO arras, tal oil 'quantity, from n. „,alry•hr arm nrrard, ei th er new. botiond hand or broke. can Sad a liberal Mie P urth"Priug CßAß. A. OLSON sovaist., JOINY.cur. EMI a:: •,~camPe•.t ~;.~e'l7vB`~i .A:. ~t - x:'Y;r.. g d ita MEM MEE fibr NM 2000 BUSHELSI/E OKiS, 1111 .i 001; 1it,11411 . ,1a/t44 . .41,1` 1{1.;1.. 400tihusirpl,s o con k UNCAN, sr c 0,.. ro. ;Whobtet jog reeerveil one of llu, largest and innetteontpletvtorks crier br might to Denver county, ctntioiting *1 • ;r! ?;%"; • ' • FORDIGICAND:DOMESTIO =I DRY-GOODS Hats, Caps Furs, 101.Y.XIS - 4ill:4l . oltht, C 1 4011"11.1N0-, Carpets and Oil Claths, Hai-dware, QUEENgWARE, .6-11.CPc'ElltIpi$, RC ilarrtArlumujs et.v. :ma Niward. notkl leanß, ti.¢ ntul npwnni 1'4;11m Ptll.l,Alpaen,s C 1 ets Ana upwan Plain Alp:le:is, 30 et . gind npward, TINA M; 64 A :VD 1_•'1 MTS. Mitstiuf, 1t cts. and npwrird Dornestie(lllThAnsl23leKnnill upward nov 17Am HENRY - LAPP. = FURL 1T URE , Brightuu itreet above the PLOW Fttetory Rochester ; Pa. Tile largest stuck in Mayn't' county con' Mainly on hand, and wiling ut the rent prices. The Saturday vening Post. Three Mouthy Gratis!.! This cheapest Wad Celt *dem Literary tCack lies'• Is offenng Ontqvallyd Inducements to new •ul.crthers. In ihe drat ober of October, It commenced bninant Novelet called 5.-Yandly,isning," by .r.bastrein Yruansolo 11.sho is now ronu . ing n awned `la :emu Ciutterbury's Will,' by Mne. tlenry Wood, the tarnutta anti:meet "East Lynne:. NeW lieveletspall coutraually auereed each raber. Asmara trane already on haaal. or in ,ra era, are Uraler a Dd," hy Amanda IL Duey - rata: -Louie. Secret." by emerald,: Deuedlet ; A Nerekte, by Ur.. Mo n o r, a:C. TDc rosTALott e Ma the IiKX4 or TUE E34ILLsII MAUALIXIM. .New listbsteriberar, her 16:0, %HI hate their subscriptions dated back to the paper of Oct Yd, until tau large extra oinkuu of that datu Is ex. hausted. Tuts %tab% Sum - rum Parma. lu ad ditleu to the regular weekly utunbuts for Id7o—of Often mouths mall; When our extra etllttuti Is exhausted, the zmues of all new subacrilters lot Int old be catered on our list the sexy neck they ore received. • • Tta erfi.-42.: 4 3.Y.40' Thu coPi;* $ 4 • Four copies F;;; Pl‘n laud uta,c yeali4ll•s.—Oue ruff ad Tax POST and out: of 'lnc WIT'S rut will *LW, A copy.ot Ste largo nod bosittlfol premium tined En4notng—Tallog .. the Messer,: ot the Weddlog Moe—engraved in la.ithisnd at a 701 A of VOW—. W tto rout to every 101 l 41.LO)sobscriber, and to eI gay in:eroneetnltug &CLIO. Mid is atm!), banal. ful engooviug I Address 11. lIIITERSON.n CO. 319 Walnut St., Shltsdelplns. Clrepoultuen copko sun fur gra cents., ournese• THL LAD Y'S .V.RIEND mt) mit; cat A.Trea • Ton Lurie Furixn anuounces the following Novatitle for Walt "Ind tie forget het?" by Lob be Chandler Moulton; "Thu Cascannou'e Aunt," by ltlixabosh Prescott. author ut "Bot mot Tau , •' Jr.c.; Silver ,- or Celeste Dn's ea Waal mile," by Atuatala M. Ikiglaae, author of -Thu Delorry rorionc,"voth numerous sbOrtet Otorgvo, by a brilllaut gal axy of lady wcitere A tinily executed Steel Engraving, a handeouto doublmpsige, dimly colored rathonollale sod largo rotortunnt WoceiCure, Muanitlug the raanioni, Nancy Work, Au., an, ;Oven IL ritzy 1111rober. It wilt giry n popular *mut Minks In emu, Itionber. Portrait, of Distlnged.hed Authors.- 111.. deanery joirulna . whiLatutalit /Windt* ten „ltared ou some of NI.. 117a7 Wood. ?Mabee Loillpel2l.wiler Moulton, Elizabeth Pre.- rotti.tuumar M. tiongrave, lbw. Yammer. !toe• mot, end Anvil Ness . Nuascribers Who am ot lu their nawea by Min before t e dot of November, vhall remit e due November:out Dem:niter uumbets of thin year lu aildltiwr, tanlaug fuer hot mouth* Inuit! AUll VOW ,ttlwtithtl6 seudlgg. ht M41'11301 , 4 Mr the II Mina December eball metre the magnificent ho t...Ober Iloliday nalcmg monfirs lit all! 'Terms- tt..50 a year; Tam (mph.., $1; Pour Is 6; Vtru ropier, (And une grulis), $.4.--Usse ropy of Tilh 1.4141i'S Vulcan maw., 41 . 1 . 114 P4bot *IMO. A copy Mine rasps and lawitlralSteralam Steel lingraring--Tadrlng Ihnlicartint MIMI Wedding lting"--Lugrared w England at a coot of 12.01 , 0 —vela be neat to every Mil eribrenher, and to every wham acarang a club. This Xngraytng .1 4 gem of Art ! Addres.— DEACON S. PETERSON. 3 1 , WaStot Stmt, rtinallelphLl. pirSpect atm cvpitaistut for lea emits. nurllr.Mr •TOILIA.CCCO. Its AleleteriotiS effects on the health are annulled anti stretno to the buttering or , gaits mitered by wing • LANGE'S PLUGS • . They being a pleaaaat. and powerful Untie. in the shape of navy whams , . Pat. owed March nth, 1869. it your druntet has nor gal send 75 cents fa us and we will send 5 plug* to any address, pumpaill. c. LANOE4, Cur. i'vzon TLlrtecntli give. PITTSBURGH, PA novlOana =EC :exatiairmst"l. a.iriarsula.v.s.gaataes. Arbitlind,Shazzint.Coi, . • WHOLESALE . DRY GOODS NOTIO-S 'EASTERN - PRICES. Agrn(:s for V 2 =o/ : 313.19 11 0 WWI :Barred Firtiusela, 11.WRIRT6f and YARNS, • No. 113 Wood !Street, P.TTICSI3U,RGH, . PENN. BEAVER DRUG STORE, f 14 , 1 q 4 ) Druggist Apothecary, 131MA.VER. PENN DE,A.LER IN PURE DRUGS AND ERNES PERFUMERY. SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES PURE WINES ANO LIQUORS, For Medical Purpowt. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, 115135 ES, &C., C. )7,Z•_10 r:Jfi nftl CRUDE AND REFINED 01L4 of the greatest variety, best.quality and a the very lowest cava TUIRCEII4I3• rirAkents for Fahnestock, Hulett and Schuurles Strictly Pure White Lead. the °blest 'rind best brand In the market.lllll • octa.ly. WA PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER Tne lament and chaspeat stock of WO Paper In Brayer County. BodK ti, BOOKS, HOOKS tiro. areortment of Ilii•rellarrecirc, School and Ilelitrimic conrtantly hadd at Pub- Illshcri• Price*. Gift 'llookslaitable for the &Om ON HA ID STATIONERY, STATIONERY. STATIONERY Ai *item,lire variety of Piper, gavelopes, Lead Pencils, Gold and Meet Pena, lot aid Ida Minds, de., de. , We are the exclusive Agent for tbe celebrated loy's Gold rots. . for this Ciurintr, those seeking a good Gold Pen, t, would do Well to see them before prirchasing. li t e are the Agent for MU Courtly_ for Kedges Photograph Marriari Certlacate. The attention of Clergymen is respectfully called to this, as we can sell them at the same discount as they would get from the Publisher. Atwaters itehool Gov ernment for sale at Publishtni• prices. two 411,0 onotudly on hod Floor Oil Cloth In large satiety. 117.11.1V1)0.1V 17..A....1)E.W. . IarrNEICINV OIL. Cr.I.XIMII• RUSTIC & PAPER SHADES. AtAo— band 10) n and Very Goods suitable fur the Hoimays. J. F. PRICE, Broadway. New IBrlghtaw CARPETS imo - a4ml T'EW GOODS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF WRITE, CRECIC. AND FANCY MATTING& FOE 3U3l3tElt WEAR NOW OPEN. t PRE4I/I Aftray.u. OF NEW BRUSSELS •rilopwrity 131tUSS£1.13. • TRUE PLY CARPETS & INURAENS to fin oar stock since the close of the heavy Spring Trade. er McClintock and Co '2O. FIFTH. AVE., PITTSBURGH, PA. Jun 69 sm. .Great Distribution tly the Metropolitan Gin ► CAR GIFTS TO THE An. of MX. Every Tie!xi, Dratei a Prize! t.M.tescii 110000 I 40 cash gifts each CARO 10 1 o 11010 IWO do du MO do do 5.1 U) IU) do do 100 tU 814trist ibrtewood Pianos, toel4ll l o fn VOCI I:4 o " Y 1? el 4 Wants do to K ikag Se — wing 31whines art o, Las (Mid Watches, do 73 to 3 1 / 1 l'ashMrlorig, tilbrerwrae, de. 'Mord at $.lOOOO A chance to draw soy of the dome ?Mang for IS room, Tickets derraibing Prises era stared In en. "'elopes. sad well mixed. On reads al Ste. /I a/M.4114d la drawn without choice stud mitt by any sddreso. The term named upon It I will be drllverat to tbo debts. ladder as psymeggt of (his Pansy. Aims are Inottmlistely seat to arrY rotators by express or odors nail. It Mal know whotyourpriar before you pal for It. Asp Prigs ercarrogal Jar anataor Orman' name, 'No blanks. Our patrons am depend as fair RirritZleillt—Will Mara the &Marine don! many who higro lately drain% tslutda Prises sod kindly permitted us to po latish Oen. ALeiditir . l_: vi r gili m u rr e4 :A vr. CW OA: M s iots ..... isr . An cun dins i i i : e ..... "l..Praonab. pi at , 6,ooo l,o,7 tro IfilbUsa no saws without wrmglat i . Rltthb (maws* or sara ransoczirii, Tro Ya rip=r l theist to Mrs Pk dolling droa.—N. I t . Arreaft. May M. A blond of drIPW a snoo pare *Sidi wog promptly rewired.—Daily Nam, Jay* .111' tke4Pureffeliltr. Lbetnllwlbameob toA= SAW/odors gusandeed. or Rare/op. courslos WWI rash SU ekets id Mar et 33for $3; Ile dn. All letters *biota be addressed to NIUMPXII4 vrizaarr a Co. oast sib 05 r 1 itreadana. Plow Yor , k• XECIITOIII,II Teat& /:4 Identity baying been leaned to the anbectiber on the estate or Slarcuet Mayne, doomed. Ma of II 0 4)0 111 1 towneldp. Deaver county, Pa.. tbereinni ad peplum Indebted to mild Mate are repeated to nuke tintoodlate payment; and those War elatnia again.t mild totem will peeling SieNl,:ezil antbentkated ter to um la Ito loartoildp. ROB?, W wort r. Drafty modiekiiii; A Sassari Speed? , Cure foe Cc ...ughs.Colds. Asthma Bronchstes, Hu•neneu. Croup. jaasenza.jWhoopi ng Cough. Incipient. Consumption. and all Diseases - of the Throat and Lunr. Don't neglect s KIM Cpugh.ur throw awl moacy on • worthless medicine. mein rtrvi , GISTS PIR BOTTLZ &Mkl IM by SARD, BICNTUCr Dm:J*l4l3o4o. N.Y. sou by ell Druggist& jenkly Ayer't3 Hair Vigor, For .restoring Gray Hair to Is natural Vitality and Color. A dressing whief is at ovum agreeable, healthy, and cactus/ fur preserving hair. Faded or gri I stair is soon rratorA to its original nolti With the gross obi ,freshness of youth. Phis hair 111 coed, falling hair (-herbed, and bald. aes‘ often, though not ultvnya, cure.) 1112 its use. Nothing can re-tore the hair where the thlliclei are destroyed, Jr the glands atrophied and decayed. Hut such as remain can be rived for .113efkillICSS - by this application... Instead of fouling rho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its occasional use will jsrevent the- bait from turning gray or fulling MA stud ,consequently prevent baldness. Free friatui those deleterions substances whirl, snake some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can may benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found se desirable. Continuing neither oil nor dye, it doer not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the heir, giving it e. rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACriCAL AND AXALITICAL CULVISTS, LOWELL, MASS. PLUM *LOG. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, iron PCRITIVINGI Tux sa,oon. The reputation this es• raltrellent sise.ilcine enjoys. to derived from its ruses. ii ~..„ ..:., many of estdrh are truly ...... tuarrellous. Inveterate ..• eases of Scrofulous fdes. s,. ease, • here the syttent seemed saturated Irish .sftf#n . Ar corruption, have Leen .. 4. 1 ' . peddled and rum% by it. ficrofoloug affeelissuss mot , • - 7 ,litorden, oh]. h were. ag. ,ii„.L . ....! - '''' .“' gra, atod by Übe trrrobs• loss, rontssosisuilionluolll ' they were palatally aellktiog. bare brews rolsrally rural in such irreat numbers In sumo-1 es ery rec. lion of the noitstry.tliat the politic sr:lolly nerd to ise urform,d of It, visitors , Or ll' . es,. tierofulotos poi.on is on, of 1 / a r mn-t Ih—trte torn animas, sump fare. CHIC,,, IN, 1 / 1 1 . 01140411i 110( Irli:Ilit Or Ibe Orpanl• to ',mister Ole COW fill 1.. s. ' and iu r del the otlas k or re rerldnut or fatal ddefl , r . . Witliolit eXcitaliK it rilzpi. boo 01 4411•11,4•11 Cr. trail, it ',Yin, to breed infs tloss threuxtessu the tuulv ~...t then, on sollw fJvtotdde rter.apism,rut , islty sleseles , auto One or other of it.. hisleon. lonise. s -, lher ssis I h i lurtere or :Isobel" the vital , . In the Litter, lobo. ilea may I.e ssuldreoly driessited its the lung. or heart, or tumors fond In the titer, or It awn i Us tose , sessee by erusasurss es Us. skin, ur foul wk., arum- on ..now von of 111, 11..4. I i. 11., Ilie sop; • • 101111 n.e of a bottle of Ibis Nrrsaparllla 14 1., • .41.1,1,. even .barn DO Wilt,. Ilrupt•au* of .1,...,1 , .11,Irrii tte r. Pero.. . Pero.. . ollEo lest with the r.i70% lorr .-... I.lsints yemsrallv God inorslLlte relief, sods . I Icroslti, rum, ha the prof Sisk /1A131 1 .14 . .41111 L..: St. ,Inalfteureo 17r e. M... or t:rysipete.. Tette.. Ralf Irkroos s Serrld /Pali. 1.1...y..-nr” . Son .11.*.-.. I.nre E'er., .m 1 other r iselion• , s riohle form. of Plressfsfolosso slotase. Also In II , oserre roorealell torus., o• iso•pea.../.. Drs./ ite • (hurt 111.-doe 1;75. I.',•tfetoro, liewrnlgirt. and the tariao• 111..-doe, .....,i atICCI iiiii A or the IfillArlo tar Aral tier, on- sylph-. r 11 Nrio Ilia or l'esarry a/ hest : , :r/ . ...lyieir Drir.. I In etiresl by 1t.11....rt1. a lour 10.1.14 requirrsl Is i l-tibilstiisp. I lle••• ole.lsonle sissilsoli, I.;‘ my fiord it ilo• 'SOL Sown; .00tiiiiivit Is e of VA.. 5,1,.., It v Vk ill •i“ . Ilse ronsplaiol. Le". tre. hie... or II 1,11- r, Ift s;s,.. Utrerelliosess end / ens., Is hi.* ......• roe r, so motile soon rs•hrs ea .4' .1 t.:!.,,,,.1.1s . ors .I I. il• ',MIA log nod Ili I issoesoo, Oro, I. ' 1111,111 e .I.sses . tins:for earl, 4,11.1 . nits 1,,,,..1 is, in s : f ..0.,,,,,,,,,,,, s op rho! irrtli-. 1:1 1 , 111INIO 1 i •lli :0 .1 rieot. ”1,0. , 1111,1 by 11...elitok•Itili.•.• or i . •1,11.oll• smiler .. in the M 00.% ppeb! silo Lls to 11. a. nlso i keit Cossi,,/..1••/.. /..r,s 14111. i . , 1,,. .r ie.. or /0/:Nol • ~,,,,,,,oril, 14,. ~,..!.,,ret; ••;.. . u 10,1 sisi•lise. A.. I'M, .114 . 11.t0. 6,0 Ito opoliiiiX 11.1 , ... 11111..• isloo.s: 'I le • Ps I l'• .1 I' 11111 9,..1 1. , 0 rs It r,• „how for Ihe -Is ...rill : MT ~ ~,,, T Itl lib, • 1 .1,-,1.. .111.. e .1.• r•r.• i • r ,-.1 1 1• r:. ••• fr. iJ nil • 'is .'• 74 .'4'....• ...I ITM:igiell null .A. fironl .17.- rimillorosi..•.n or Porn. or any if one .nrooinoo• ~ ...0t.......i. - of tt .... I:10 ro. `a ill .151,1 hems 0r5.1.• Mier ..I I. ii ....hi; yr idols. e cf Its 11. etOrAtIV . .141 , 1relf tip•ois It LAI. =MI Dr. J. t'. A ItEll A t 0.. Lowell. MR. ill'r.fribvrt 1 11...1 ! U. ..! 110 , j4l/8 s( ¶' .11. S. 1)1A•41,i,T, falYWItEw, Oar17;1/. I E it rttot, cr v .tot: t:z.!ed lir V: , It, 411.. gs I. 4 OR. DlNEtsiz o►• TIII scar. + %. And niiies the Ce - litroy ;MA I.UXUt1:111:. $1.011644 sl.;* pr 11+16 FA Ltd. is a Seal Nor Ma 11.!'...r,04 r.V SP'•V Alit', FINTL IY •,t C II;•I; v. 11,11,u,',...tx„ Ituffah., N.Y. sow ..v .t, rot Ice. A ." tidal? tt t Ite; Passel Zed. of the loon of YMedoeZ Deliver esetutralt..,bevlng bees rtrautid t the under doed. venous knowing theinseivet Indebted to said ileum sre requested to nuke Immedhoe parteekt, and those having claims evilest th. Wee wtti prevent them foe settlement to JONATELAN PAt i t ia. dui p e. sepdtkitt. P. VOTWE—LigrEs .1.4 To balaers. istotatto, backlash Mat Pit' tones, get yaw Wait al the MONIPO , is LIMIT ilisPir 4 „ Vanport, mad save time sad IMMO. It is the hrl beat lime. as It Is stronger and WM stake soar , mortar, and there is no waste toll. We born none bat the best stone end It Is homed Jept right: the art ho not eared with the stood to town, so that there law ashes or amiss Is It. thicktarem ootod was olft It or ran II of to make Mortar, wash wWI was • *hot deal of m e. Too Cast aboayogrt It Ilea, red but Ifjoa want 'lt —sad la , • • , • LARGE. LUMPS. Roo to ail *lel hare asectit. 144 are path% 1,11,,tid In wary kilns speak skalest It and try u wian harrier ankle at the same peke. al l Attu a try Niers. ! Ante &Ruled promptly to order at Reasonable Rates W railroad rherar 'reggae. Bead ankle to tb. Notracoa Lime Mo. oe to R. J. INIMIIe Beaver Beet Baas my P:Sm Tar liale.—The Maui YIR. Dietlitery, Oil A`WelL. Xogiamsatril other property i t o l=tes to the Smith's Ferry Little Beaver. 0., Com Dry Run. et iholtit's Ferry. bearer county Fe. For putlealant apply Weedier of the Wow. leg Committee. . JOON BIGGS& Smith% Ferry. t FiRRNICLKAX, Pitieberth. JAB. LBV w. C. D U A U R IIST It ?‘ 864111rwain. ?IL eepellttt. A duellitstraters Notlea,—Lettare of sdlobs L 1 lamina on the estate of Jotui Mora*. deed. ' late tit Moores townehlp, Beaver tenuity, Pe., bating been granted to the nonaligned 611 Pat eons taming thenialreo Indebted to said estate AM mowed to woke lawadlete Paloati. wd thaw holing demo ogninst the moo will await thets br pipmezt to MHZ ItZECEIL ad*. ' bbilatentrit% (Imo tp.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers