The Beaer.Af''ds. BOOM?, Oet. 18. UN i Doer .",!' Circa* les efiAdveMidmig. _ • 7711. • Oa. r ,„-1011051, tei OD ' ' 80 I ' 4 " . d° • so 2 * it cinires, . • 16 is SD 4 ',guard. alo 111,.50 168 D 01 08 , c 01umn ..... B5B 11 Se al is 80 4 - ohms,— ti so li>fBoo v 0 evp ,40 tqw 115ttem..,.:0 ,petal notkes per ttpiff lona* numii N ful" r t fa toml.t adverthiaarate; ra adman*. — stele 40- MR. Theruseaseter tee the • t o a t 1009. ty „„k endlag IDS m ap. deg. 0 1 / ;l og. • m u dog. , e g. 47 deg. eg. 46. deg. S 7 deg. - sd*. • 0 46 dog. 40g. 43 deg; .• 44 deg. 00 deg. •50 deg , 8 asibAg t ' 1. 10 dett• ,• 54 der. 9 45 dog. 71 dog. '62 dog. R. T, TAYLOR. Subserlptioris totbe Beaver Ate, ans•—The' following named persons have paid the sums,set opposite to their names on sulsicriptiosi to the Beaver Anotts, pantie the date of our lad put& eatiort John Evans, Itocipster, i 00 T. G. Sheik, Pleseantvillo, Pa.,' • 2 Cle . Joseph Johnston, GOOrgetOWLI, 200 Pr..l:T. Shallenborger, Rochester, 4 00 Wm. Kennedy, New Brighton, 2 00 Pr. It. L. Brittaln,"Xow Galileo, 100 George Wilson, Blackhawk, 2 00 St. Mit' Gray, Now Brighton, 5 00 Ralph Covert, Now Brighton, 4 00 Wm. Henry, Fallston, 3 00 James Feaslo, Brush Crook, Isaac Grith, Baden, 'rho attention of the public is directod to the following New Advertisements which apixer . tor UM &attune in theAn gu to-day: Legal Notiee-4ohn A Frazier. Legal Notiv-John Caughey. Adners. sale-Hamilton Bannon. Assignee's Notice-John Caugftey, itegista's Notice-D. Singleton. Public Vendue-Robert Jackson. Special Notice-Speyerer & Sons. Special Notiom-liugo 'Andriesson. Dissolution-Industry. Salt Co. E. W. Pangbent, dethultingeolloc ter of Omicron county, has been arrest- The Erie ,DispateA has donned snow dress and presents ra deoldedly improved appearance: , The jow o elry storo of C. D. Buck, In Beading, was robbed on Moriday night of articles to tho value of $4,000. The Pros*terian Congregation at ?Jingo, Waahlegton county, have ."eall od" Rov. J4es. R. Hughes, of Indiana county. • . The' Williamsport hone fair commen ces on the 19th inst., and wilt continuo four days. Premiums to the amount of $51,600 will be giien. The gas works at Reading having been damaged by the recent freshet, it be. came necessary for the citizens to resort to lamps and tallow dips. Goon Fresh Limo always on hand at the Molvanon Ltmo Kihn,yanport. [angll;tl Thaneslvlus.—ln another column of this week's paper It will be seen that the Prosideut has fixed on the 18th day of 119 a day of thanagiv lug and praise. II will be generally ob served. Funs Cider Vinegar, imported French Wino Vinegar. Beat Olive 011, in pint and half pint bottles, at the lowestprions. Where? Or Deaver Ding Wore. Now that the long winter evenings are approaching our young r people throughout the county should 'organise debating clubs and literary societies.— I f eedducted right , they will improve the mind and be a source of interest and amusement. Who will take hold of the movement in heaver Notice.—A meeting of the Trustees of the Beaver Female Siminaryand Mu sical Institute will be hold at the resi dence of Prof. Taylor, on Thursday eve ning, Oct. 14th,1860. A general turn out of the Trustees is ioquosted as bisiness of great importance will , bo before the meeting. JAS. 11014,111SOSTIMAD. Secretary pro. torn. George *llion, req., of South Beaver tp., this county, paid our office a visit on last Friday, bearing in his hand a basket filled with a cliblco varie ty of large ripe apples. *Mr. Wilson has our thanks for his remembrance of • the Press. May he live to visit the Anons office for many years to come. 100 bble. Canton*City, and 5:1 bblic New Creek Flour arrived and for sale at Syeyerer ct Sons, Rochester, Pa Who cau best This?—Jas. War nock, esq., of North Sewickley, tp., this county, last spring sewed eight pounds ..r .Norwe.y oats, and on gathering, threihing, and weighing his crop, ho fimod his yield to reachfice hundred and Ae,.en pounds. Ilthts can be boat In Bea.; ver county or elsewhere wo would like to know It. 7116 greatest variety of Toilet Soaps: Colgato'H, Van .I.lsaglus' and Hull's brand. Also, Honpy, , Olyeerine, Palm, olive and Ikapet Saps,. at Hugo An dressen's Beaver prim Store. Etcher , . Patent Mare Peale Jars.—Wo am placed under agreSable obligations—at this particular time when vommeln for putting up fruit are so diffi cult to obtain—to itiessrs.Eiverson& Co., of New Brighton, Pa., manufacturers of. Fisher's. Patent Stone Jar, for one dozen of that kind. The peculiar ittellities of scaling them perfectly, without Injuring -the fl avor of the fruit, render these jars superior to others of that class. They are said to be preferable to tin. Messrs. Elverson t Co. manufacture all kinds of stone ware, and are liberal in their deal lop. Purdue° from them. enWhilst* • lornlL—Messrs. COO & Darragh of Rochester, an enterprising Greeery,itndPrayllidtaArm of thatplate, on last Theirsday renbited a mail ship._ meet of fruit from Sacramento city, . californta. Their shipment came by the Pacific • Railroad; We believe they are the firstilesirroowtiliontio Impor t . California fruit trite , qur "county. They have our thanks Rii:a . :lll*. of Ihe 'pears and several bundle, of SNP°s thus brought. When we say that tomb" and flavor the grapes Meg IllpyikhlrillOave ever 800 U In tbat linikire cagy give rat terance to what all would say who: try them. The pears,teo,are large,luselous, and exoeedingly easy to take. r•You need have no more gray hake if you Will use theAlhana. . nada char mingly on gray haired people, and is mrlendla hslr dresaing for all, keeping the haifacift and lively--;giving It $ very line appeantnee. , •Thoutunds of taitiritonlabs for Seward's Cough Cure. ' Bead Body Fantadb—On last Wed nesday the dead body , of a man was ibund In ► waste barn belonging to a. Mr. Andrews near . Eno The n body had lain In the barn P . M. two • weeks. A Ooreneee Jne. winftrulfarlAl.: ed and a verdict, died a natural death, was rendered. The deeeered was eland' Zto itetflve lichee - height, red , boir I , * d'red whisheintuid #telira l in A A, new suit of black dotidsig. beremkeilOsetvgins rams Oahigaiiiit mows= d•rson J DuneSem burnt 0 0.3 01 nir i t=k W e lla ' Beinrwr holO)Air, • Broth NeWeeelto l s .. H4 . 0** 0 00i 4 1!" ; o iftßeeteeeeeele A, New Steldellei , ele td` P, tp Freadout born; 021 2 107 2 detAjtareotru DougP Pokilk l49l ran* T ag, New Brig biro; Glambell X 44. Id, Room* tp; Thlesott. Jobe. Now ele , iridatM if i e /rem Jae Phinlimbarit boro; Umbria . Jas M. Big Beaver * Lawroter Samuel, South Benet; !Woo I'd', Nay Brigid= boro; McCabe Samuel, Bridgewater boro Morrow Hugh, Hopewell Nem_ .T Oble tp; Mansion Patriot,.. Borough tp; 'Powers Wm X, Wert Brietton born Sheilto Robert, ludependettoe EM 9 - T. X trust *mous intivirdh 2nd Mu*. Scrrember Term,/Net AUlseit -Jonas, Beaver bcirci; Briggs KA, 'lndustry tp; lientieg Abrain, JOT** 'Brighton boro; lirierly Robert, ..Hanoier tp;' Burnipon Moon tm Bieck Doane; 'Freedom boro; Bence Wen, tit; Coleman Wni;New Brighton tiewaiCitupbell John W, Indistry tp; Comphell John A, Rao- coon tpi, Cook James, South Beaver tp; Duff John C, DarUngties ;Joey; Davison Harrey„Georgetown bore; Ingle,' Dan- . ' Moon tp: Fri. :Arthur, New Sewickley tp;' Plater Jacob. Hopewell' tp; Hill Jacob, 81C born; Heldsn Jos, Rochester, iinagland John, Darlington; Jackson Robert, Brighton; Kerr Samp son, Green; Kennedy James, Chippewa, Kennedy Samuel, Ra0000n; laughlin Orson; McClurg, D, Green; McMah on John s Jr., Brighton Martin James, Hanover; Niaketin7o4, Freedom; Nev in Joseph, Mooni'PhllLs Jos., Franklin; Parsons W H y ßoebestie; Rood James, St. Clair; Ituisell John, Ilidustryi ?Odd J R, Hookstosin; Todd Thames, Moon ; Trimble Itleargetownl, Vanes J R, Frankfort , boro; John Godfrey; Marion. sOO zOO List of Petit Juiors for Nov. Tem. A. D. 1869—Third Monday.- BradtbritHen ryiFranklin tp.; Barclay F .1, Ohio tP; Bigger Thomas H, Hanover tp; Cooper Thomas H, Freedom bore; Calvin Steph en, South Beaver tp; Conkle Saml,Georg town boro; Caughy James, Darlington tp; Dickey S hi, Bridgewater bore; Da vidson Samuel, Bridgewater bore; Douds B D, Raccoon tp; Dean Samuel, New Se wickley tp; Ewing J P, Raccoon tp; Ew ing David, Raccoon, tp; Fisher Simon P, Franklin tp ; Findley John, North Se wickley; Frank Solomon, Green tin Gra ham David, North Sewickley Gceh ring Henry, New Sewickley tp; Hurst C B, Rochester bore; Holland Chilatian, Freedom bore; Hazen Joseph, North Se wickley tp; }Boo William, Hanover tp; Hall Riehard;Freedom born; Johnston David;Fallston bore; Kennedy Alexan- der, Raccoon tp; Keefer William, Hano ver tp; Lens David, Harmony tp; liejors "f3amual, New Sewickley tp; Morgan Da vid, Braver boro; Mitchell Samuel, Dar lington tp; Marker Sampson, Green tp; Nowell Joshua, Darlington tp; Philla Henry, Pulaakilps Pander J W, Frank lin tp; Reed John, Raccoon tp;' Ballston James, Harmony tp; Simms Jolm. Pilt terson tp; White Hugh, Patterson frie-Persons daidring •idund and sys tematic education, are advisid to go to Normal School at Edinboro. In many rospeets lb advantages ars unsurpassed. The Aveaidaie Tamel.—The Mauch Chunk Gazette says: The Board of Di rectors of the Avondale Relief Fund met at Plymouth on the twentieth of, last month, and appropriated . for the' first year WO to each widow. ' The orphan children—male under fourteen and fe male under fifteen—receive $lOO during the same period.. Parents (welders who wee 'dependent an the labor of any of the victim', are to be paid /00 each. The older children—boys over fourteen and girls over sixteen ars to re ceive $3OO each biquarterly installments; and afterward . pothing more. An extra amount not to exceed $5OOO may be issu ed for the relief of persons not included in these provisions. The iirstyeses ex penditure, according to this plan, is eg: pected to reach $40,000. The balance of the Fund is (.4, be invested where it will yield a good Interest. Ono-third of It will be sot apart for a widow's fund; and twO-thirds as an orphan's fund. When a widow marries, ono-half of her portion shall revert to the Widow's Fund. ' The. fernlike of Williams and Jones, the heroes who sacrificed their lives in the attempt to , rescue their fel lows, are to share equally with those of the others. The fund is expected to reach 5."30,000, and it is estimated this will allow the proposed disbursements to the widows for about ;fight years; and that the children will receive $5OO each upon arriving at tho period when the quarter ly stipends cease. ' The King of Bavaria kindly permitted pr. J. C. Ayer to have a oopy taken,_ of Rauch's celebrated colossal statue of Victory, which belongs to the Bavarian Crown and stands at the entrance of tho Royal Palace at Munich. Thd Doctor had it mat In bronze, and has presented it to the city of towel, where it stands in her Park and symbolizes the triumph of freedom and medicine. Her manufac tures aro the pride of towel; and 'bre most among them • Ayer's medicines ,make her name gratefully remembered unnumbered multitudes who are cured by them of afflicting and often dangerous diseases.—Boalon Journal. Seeitilierlitemth.—Thointiabitants of our borough were startled on last Thurs day morning by the information that . General Charles Carter had died sudden ly, at his residence in Beaver, at about 4 o'clock of that morning. lie had been unwell for some two weeks previous, but neither tilmielf, his family, nor his neighbors, supposed his life to be in any immediate danger. On that morn ing, however, he suddenly took worse, and in a short time afterwards he breath ed his last. At the time of his death he held the position of ticket agent at Now Brighton; on the Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne and Clams* Railroad. Wage as 64 years, and Bit many' yeaniof his lire be filled h large•space in the politics of this county. lie was an unswerving Demo crat; and but few men in his party were more active and efficient f. , than himself. Gen. Carter was highly esteemed in this community,and was regarded by all who knew him as a quiet, inoffensive citizen, and an affectionate hurband and father. His loss will lbskeenly felt by his strick en family, whoilave the sympathy of their neighbors 1n their sudden and sore bereavement. His funeral took place at 3 p. m • on Friday last, and was attended by a large concourse of citizens from this • and adjoining towns. He was buried with Masonic honois, being a member of the order of Masons. The cheapest and the best, as well as the moat pomtlar and successful lluiliness College in this country, is the Iron city College of Pittsbuigh Pa. Its graduates now number upwards of sixteen thous• and. For grouters stating terms, address the Principals, grnithAt Cowley. 'Fhe,Fairs held at Beaver, Pa., and pairvii4, West Vs., did not turn out so, successfniaa was anticipated. Many re turned home/ disappointed.—Weilsoille Uaioa' • We knaw.nothing of **Fair at Fair view, W,' V., but somebodybia evident; WinVesed ibe Union in Faso* to the enhibition. in Beaver windy.. We Slayer *ger _crowd in MtSudanos se our.Fsdnrltpitors, and ..glesondidlrilari aidaivkikirnia:oxattididei'.insaams. In 4. 61.0 . 60 1 131 0 3 0 6 7* Inor:,Dtate:thlt seeid iiterificiceints mailable do :011.112,Arn.; 14 144. -Olt; YrOnk;,:*.i, 0211111111 Ititeltliterwilleweinet • le; noplibt Umbra - folia - liolisseht,- - inli raMg r visitz== bartou";allaP Rem.. he e'er on ihd tido. toi'offdriddii . tli-S -farmalli rygoe Alwritt . .dimentered that; our : Teuton Mead hid Wetted loaded' with base' hip ilarlutqessar7' 'alio - an thedr - tne - tdstudatandy re ported the 1mP,..410 11 who histittited4 j anireit 7vieHollateln7s, traps and orrinquiry sor to 4% tram ar; Mt gin» intedlidak tik4tdps4huvd. His reply was, not, satishrotory,alOhalaw . *hired; be 'Muni tint 10' .Mies ' ' stamps when the beer wit sold;lb. law; requires them to 'Downing :bone dar; kegs have the brewery. On feather kielribetat taideit W1410 16 11A00 4 .1ail hadiold One hug in tirtiits;-;loilirklty,, id wasdaly stamped. 14otbeltgaatis-' Gad the Collector made a raid Mikis nit ibitunate keg, and brought it forth„ and. lot no stamp was on thekeg. This brol tbeegibiader; to the "hakes, whe.4esi4ed that he thought that he had stamped It. His beer—td: kegs in all—was confisca ted Ind safely dotal:l'lmy. Mr. Rolla teln has placed himself liabto to $OOO One man term in the penitentiary. Truly; the.wsy . !4 the trarogro l l". 4 2, ki rd • -- bilAgoiSe aid : ..` .7 List of letters remaining in Beaver Post Ofilee, Oct. Ist, 1889: * Dirs. Joseph IL Champion; Stan* En gle; Mr. Joseph Guternull ; Mr. Goo. S., Long; John Long, Attatipp, at TAwi }7. Marotta; Miss Sallie Mor row; Mr. John F. Mueller; Mr. , John McCarty; John; Charles McCar ty, osq.; Mrs. David Porter; Misiiliteggie A. Potts; Mr. Ale's. Scott; John Sykar, esq. ; Miss Emily Smith; John Sharp; M. H. Shannon, seq.; Mr. T. B. Stanton; J. B.Snilth; Mr, Wm. S. Young. M. A. IdeGsrries, P. M. "Illeortia4444 11111.110r-T4toit whiter 07 61 . 11 UP will WO toS tom Arbon every well reipdtdedllunlly ShOuld hive its supply of fireside reeding motion The Hearth & Hou! 4l . PUbUabed In Now York by Pottengill, Bates it Co., Ps ono of the beet family papers published In this oeuntry, and Its publishers say "To all who sutorribe before nextJan nary, for one year, at the rodueed rates printed below, Nearth and limns will be sent from the dde of their subserip lion to the end of year free, an that all 444 - yearly übseriptions end Jan. Ist, 18TI, Therefore, those wbo subsullai earl'. est will get the mW, for nothing. Our only toruuilierwifter aro the be low reduced ritiii; for 1870, Invariably in advance. • Mule eoploa ; Tina* eePlea Five (50 0 0 0 12 ; ell over ,Ilvo copies at the Blaiting Hearth and Home, to a club of five subscribers at $2.40 each, the cheapest, as It is the mosicomplete, fam ily weekly newspaper in thewortd." There should be at least one hundred copies of this paper taken hi this coun ty. Aadress "Hearth and!Home," 87 Park Row, Now York. • Tke ilikarou Ol.lirelll.-Some three or !bur years ago a company of gentle men from Laurearter, this State, purchas ed tho Dickey property, boasted goer the Brady* Bun bridge, in this : county. Sion alter the purchase they' erected a derrick and commenced boring for oil. They-penetrated the earth to a distance boyond one thousand Wet, but here the gas became so strong that it was found impossible to proceed farther. Slues then the as has been throwing *heavy velninfiiifiiiVer from the well, together with some - lubrleatirig oil. Nothing, however, was done with it, and the Lan easter purchasers of the pmpertf, no dimbt, thought their investment a poor one- A few months singe, Capt, 7ohn By or New Brietton.:Pitr#locd •an interest In the Property, and commenced putting down inhale some sixty or eighty feet fromthe one referred to, and on reaching a depth of 870 foot struck a vein of oil. This occurred nearly three weeks .ago. The tools were taken up at once, and tubing, sucker rode, kr.., got in 243:witness. During the latter part of last week, the pumping be gan, and to exhaust the water was found to be something of a job. After pump ing thirty hours this was accomplished, when an escape AP gas occurred which roared like a cannon. Immediately after this a lino stream of lubricating oil was thrown up, but the gas being very strong the sucker rods snapped end ev erything came to a stand still. This was on last Saturday, and on.RondaY morn ing new rods were obtained, 'and the pumping was again commenced. It would probably take thirty hours again to exhaust the water. What the result of the labor since Monday morning has been we have not hoard. One or two gentlemen, who are experienced oil op; orators, and who were present on last Saturday when the oil • came to the - sur face are of the opinion that Capt. Boyle has at least a fifty barrel well. Let us hope that this expectation may be real ized. Here is Le FoUct'slatest evening cos tume; "White Muslin over rosieolored silk. The muslin skirt is trimmed with a gathered flounce, vandyked at each edge, and is short enough to show the plaited flounce of the underskirt. Two long patter, rounded and trimmed with lace, full upon each side, upon which are placed three bouquets of flowers. Puff of muslin, forming a pouter and looped up by a bouquet of flowers. Rose taffe ta body, cut square and low. Chimisetto of white muslin, opened and crossed in font;bouquet at 'the 'sides. Short sleevoi." • • • Columbus, Ohio, is autrering.,k4 a visitation of caterpillars, at which the lo cal press Is much disgusted. One editor avers that he cannotpass under the limbs ors tree but ono drops down his bare neck, and adds that "they get on one's most sensitive parts and mash thom selves thero, out or pure cussedness. Indeelelon.--Thonainds of young men are to-day drifting helplessly about in the ocean of life, vainly hoping that ere long some &vocable breeze will spring up and drive their vessel Into some safe harbor. Whore that harbor is they have no idea; because they have no definite object in view. They have never decid ed upon any coarse of tilt, but permit their actions to be shaped and moulded by the circumstances of the hour. Is it any wonder that disastitts follow each other In quick aticonotkin f More men are ruined through dedecisioe than from a wrong decision. Few men will delib erately lay out and pursue a plan of life that will ultimately work their ruin.— Most young men of the present day en ter the great battle of life without any well donned system of, warfare, and con sequently spend their best days In aim less pursuits. Indecision is the bane of our existence, Conld we look Into the world of spirits wo would find, but few souls In the dark regions of woe that had reeolved to reach that vial; nearly all who are there. and those who arehnsten ing there, are in their present condition simply xcause they never decided whither they would go, and their lade ' *lon has been their ruin. . . An VinSmadiai Itismei.446 itw ed in the - Anoint a - Couide of Winks ago that a rumor was preeahmt herethat Joseph A. Wray, formerly of this won. ty, but now residing in inuemii, had met with an accident by which both of his legs had been cut otf.trilb a mowing mlchlpa' Ii oforia*ldokinre to state that thli rumor was unfounded. - A let. ter,wia remised tivio-blieoFfi a few days ago by hls bit&er“ in 'Brighton tp., in wide h he states that bets wbplerpi.,lo tolatalleklellia led Nab sair. . w wade no 6 ksseirla be tins. • SVhsri.wi 111444.0011. JiaZ44=litittru4 aloe, aid do - not bastes to When idate a !natter la the lasi delfref slntt er'oll.lolPo tthasle eurP10.11 1 10 1 . 1 ,Z6? Whoa In the astateigenteFwtuit +nay be aiue3ielrirfi VipuriaeloW niaitineefr I:Mustang:es which are neoessarytoa cor.; • met apprehetisiottoithitiruth. ;21=.2:tr°v"" 241 "n 7 a xl , l When we purposely arrange the fact of atm, repreeentietion in such a man-, Der es to deceive. Ui ""ow •- dOoet'" s=fititinete wiasti boob of the eye, a tone of the voice, a motion of the head, or anything which may India enoe. the mind aud• ocauir" " When we answerhiguastiou evasively,' so :Li to dead l y°, unaer 'the secret pre. tease that the inquirer has no right to know the 4011. - When by Word We id:Wei:Mate I'li-el pectatiou which wo 110 not intend to - ALUM. When we oreste an expectation which, though we intend to fulfill it, wo after wards WI to teltfill, , Withont duo -care to explain the cause attic failure. When we do 116 i. NUM :a promise in every respect ,precisely ea we sopposed the promisee understood t. When we fulfill a promise or contract In every particular, except as •to time, and make no effort, show ,no dlspositlon In ere etrlY notion. Wan 401sik Was unavoidable.— Wad i ead Reficetar• none T4ietreihot.-9n last Toes -11,17 2 1 sz, a 4 Trhlbsilfl ";tit tbs. 'muneafßotteh, we hellere, Went4ethe stable of Messrs. 31anbilt atc lioss, con- tractors on the Pittsburgh it Connells sine Railroad, about four miles abOve the Falls, an 4 took'Ocuntrom two hors sit. Mrs, 31aufttlke6erving the fellow in the act of taking the horses, and knowlpg that be 1144 no .business with theist, of hipt to" gni** . sad let them alone. Roach threatened her with violence and said that he would take them. Mrs. Manton notified her hus band? Wbe bras .dowkett thevoadat tho time, 'at `What '11 . 4 1 1 toitikpind, " Mc, Mtuifoll and his ' partner, Mr. Ross, started in pursuit of thp thief, and over-, took him nearUrstua,itiSomeriet comp Reach, seeing ho wait pursued, tied the horses to 4 fitooP 444 IQ* rtfpge In an old house, and it Is 0814, Frofiareli himself fora fight. lie stuck his head front a window to get a shot at the par ties outside, but Mr. Manful', knowing the character of the man, took the start 'lirhlptafialreda revolver at hlm, the . shot taking sfl*t In Roach's brood, causing a wound from which he died the next day. Mr... Manful); went immedi ately to Somerset and gave himself up, and was admitted to ball, but was,re-ar rested and committed to jail to await trial at the nest tore) of thq Somerset, Court. Mr. Ross was also arrested ond bound over for his appearance at Court., as an accassory.—Unionrown Standard. Owing to unavoidable circumstances the rikodlestion of 414,Presbyterian Church will not take p on nest Bah• bath as has boon announced. The core mony will not take pro until the. Slat of October, biting the last galtbath of this month. 'Mots. W. Millen, cashier of the ?tor walk National Bank, nays t "i lace Iliad 'Dr Whittlesera Vegetable Dyspepsia Cu ..* in my flintily for the past year,and fin • it an excellent remedy." Administrator's Sale.—Attention Is directed to the advertheament in an other column of Mr. Hamilton Bannon, adittleistssior of the estate °flake ate.' Linghin, deceased, owlll, on thilititli of October, soli a large lot of finished and unfinished furniture,tealdes a large stock of other goods he. Safe will take place in New Brighton at 10 a. in. Nes. Stowe.-3lng. Stowe dogrel the' friends of justice and fair dealing to no dorstand her Byronic position as follows: She has kept silence hitherto in regard to the criticisms on het arti olee ,On :may Ryon , for two reasons. First, because sho regarded' the public ; mind as in too excited a state to consider the matter dispassionately ; and second ly, because she has. expected the devel opments of additional proofs in England, some of which of great importance have already come to hand. Mrs. dtowo is preparing a review of the whole matter, with further facts and more documents, including several letters of Lady By ron to her, attesting the vigor and sound ness of her mind at the period referred to, and also Mrs. Stowe's own letters to Lady Byron at the same time, which were returned to her by the executors soon after that lady's death. She will also give the public a full account of the circumstances and reasons which led her to fool it to be her duty to make thhi disclosure as an obligation alike of Jus tice, gratitude and personal friendship. Hauge of ate Haman Eye•—The range of the human eye may bo Judged of from a consideration which gives us at the same time a good idea of the scope ofanirnal structure. Supposing that an Individual of every known species were to take its stand between the two species that were respectively .thcf next larger and the pent oriusller tharithuilf,tholats -est known animal at ono end of the line and the smallest at the other; and sup pose we were to ask what structure oc cupied the middle place, having as many degrees of size bolo* it as ahoy°, and as many above has below, that place would be found to bo occupied by tho 'common housefly. What a stupenduous optical instrturient that must bo.whlch, assisted with a few brass tubes and some digits of glass, shall discern a creature as much I smaller than a fly as a fly Is smaller than an elephant. A MERIT9III4SIIII ARTICLE..—WO are tired of this idea of "puffing" humbug medicines that are constantly thrown in. to drug stores, and aro merely - an im position on the community. But, whoa an article 'comes into the market; that is • really worthy, of comnient.we are happy to make public acknowledgenient,trust• ing that some benefit may arise there from. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. T., is the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy, and we take pleasure in cal}ing attention to it bowfin we knew U to bd s goad 41tuict: , cure for that loathsome disease, Catarrh. It is sold by most druggists, or may, be ob tained for sixty Cents' threugh the mail by addressing the proprietor as above.— Ceramic! Herold. - aIJM tis" Tit* fair which was in progress two days of last week,st Burgettatown, Washington Co., was-wontrd up on Friday afternoon by sweepstakes, opened for trotters and pa cers:,.. The purse was $ll5O, being $lOO for the winner and $lO far the next best. Four horses entered. but one ef them, having fallen Into bad condition, was not allowed to run by the owner. "Sim anti' , owned by a druggist of this city, a bay mare owned bye resident of Wash ington county, and a black horse from Beaver; were the competitrira. - "Sam Inn" won in three straight heats ; time 2.3.5, 800 and 234. There was a largi and handsome shciwof horses and cattle,and It is statedthatiprobelly over eight thou sand persona Were sttendanee. Dispegtea, 04.14 - A. lisinanisos sobiertlsea2ent sail see fir yonrseisii bow — heap be sells . 7*. ' a , •h .• r. OtUr e ; ,•::,-... 1- ,..!: - .....1.1: 1 " !.' ? !. 1- f , 118 )4). TM 01M4loit *Wailitill it eery gal:: at oria-4113M eistataimott lawiltisted4 .elettheoggeksteXote hen ,thaelthea o r Let year. So far as heard Iltont 04;41; mejority.will be *shout @kat .heindred in thfickyntyll!SUMf a it**iit'o 4 r oots-woe witiwilti #, fhl"thOet election. ' • :: - - a (r.; Mane win tneelteptithildittodsdkrilsr • p i o v ii r ial a m i ei; atndr thrMinit%owa iirat'Ostiarl `vet eral'Candidate. - VontPoldn th eist pull. on ticket. ' • . ' I , 'Rim PrOelduti 0 1 thi ll oc 4X ol !4 4 l/g. 1 einekeictitikbeed al =ai r, Toyer Arthur Shields, Republican,' a hh u i atxt of a ansjerity. , ' Works% tbia; h.„o y cause itergeantEibleide•Wieft a brave mot. dier, a good citizen an honest and caps. ble man, duly not : lntned tlsout trip*, erior Sollindon `,. 6 - 7 , . iif :of the TOteleCittließipilbielin -^- - a their primary elections last spring. • Th a t, them, het been deinfec44 , •,,among his many competitors for a nonfination there ' 'la Milo room to doubt. . .. That there hasten' a ,vreteinount of bargain and sale of votes betvreeti , the Democrats and tho , Depriblietins will martifisalk appear twin- fhb disparity of the majorities of the porn% esndirbdca: '.. We shall probably have 'oessaalon, in , our next issue, to refer to the caches, 'ffble4'brodght-Abo% so nfee..adlscre parlay . In , the vote . of tlif flopublicaz Ply in Sills cet04,,., , • • I STATE. . . • - limittiiiiiitiiiiCiP i(i. -ttrotput ii Ling our plipOrla pt +'l 6 the rmalt of the Hai 'ln oulit, list thc; , aittoba somewhat in favor . of Sher* ? end the election of Williams, ;WO) waa hteed;il- most certain. While in the western part! . of tint-SW. 9. 1 11 0 P° l lrFrati. hay. WOO Sabi; in Alleo % ghePe r ' 1 51#irou, * the indiffcirence Of Itopulfilcane ; isi tho eastern counties, especially in ,Philadel- Plaa'an47l3ie of the vemKro!lo'ong hob* Moy /inset tost tritiOtoaty losses. , It Is barely possible that tie retbrne - yet to come in may make up for these losses and elect Packer, but precisely ; tier or WIMP thPi.. IP fa 3.. 4 6 4ic. lijoii 4k4 -- Democratic figurers ' wo believe, with 1 the beet inOwnsatlon they, can muster. feel not confident. of Packer's election and are reedy. to concede the i elecaon of Williams' over Fondling, •:Thrl'rp4 , lis• been light throughont the State, the ab sentees, as usual, being most numerous on the Republican . side. 'The Legisla ture is „unquestionably Republic:at, in 1 4 , 1 !Minch% '-iVis.;COIN __TtIP IlePnbli4ti uluJofq ill rh 044- phig, Is probably 4,000., - Bunn / Graham and Maxwell aro all dloctoil. ', ' 1 , WASIVSGTON, EL,,llsGp.' seventeen districts give Packer 5 ma jority, a Dernocratic gain in three; die trtP4ii of A county cloutaftl, . r ALLEOIII3II Oo —The Pitt. Gbssaer Oat, of this morning, soya: "MTh:two were not prepared to claim greattillnp for Allegheny county this year, we con fess that the result hero disappoints us." glleghour county itaagtvan a mu()!; WIN ilepublioan majority than :Wei expoctod from her. 01110. Senator Sherman telegraphs ;• that }Wee, Republican, wilt, bo rike, lected by trolui.4ooo to 10,000,, , Ipiituaus - ciatenee u n to ;e- - iitios sir tarsmithedi dosr le:Tia. dote Tide* both paws clayithqr the Ststatielost. The prob abilities are that thelitia — blictiiihisitearikel the. State by a mall toslority, widia";Cmseats get . Ligistatturo with 13rsite Reputilhatit.: at W,lstpos ittie to Etro fall MOM* els intWhipg, ' ' , ' . . . GUttariag t, Glittering I Glittering! A large assortment of the Ivitptstiloaatilo, ,best 5e4 4 4% =4- cheaPel#Aock. 9Mer ,eferi has jest hoed. ieceitiolland:Tht at Hastaases.. : i . The Wed style ou il•.sts at Han- WWII DOW 41440..-;-• .-t - - . The latest style imillor'eltais at, Ilan auer's new store. : • Hair Switches cheep at Hanauer's. Now otylo of bonneco,cheap Queen. Great bargains at A. lianauer'ii now store. , ',loop skirts only - 50 cents at A. Han auer's. • • A. Hansel:3r has good paper collars for ECM Markets. ' PITTSBURGH MANUEL OPTICS OT TILE Prrig:oAzEriE l StOTDAY, sopt4 APPLES—DuII and in good supply but unchanged, ranging': from-II1($3 per bid; , BUTTER—Is In good fapply and dull but not quoted lower thM 213 to 'agents for prime to choice packed. • CIIEIE—Ts quiet and unchanged, ranging from lb to 18 cents, as to qual it FLOUR-Is quiet and unchangod— domand confined • entlre4 to 'supplying wants of retail teado. Wo continuo to Oote Western winter wheat brands at 03,00@.7 per bbl. I • • ' • • _GRAIN—Wheat uninietand unchang od-81,25 for Red and 81,3041,.T.: for White. Byo is in demand with $1,05 free ly bid, and wo can report sales of 2 cars at 81,06. Oats scarce and in demand, with sales on track at 48®49, and in storo at @W. Corn is Arm and scare° but unchanged—sl on wharf and track. and 81,0501,07 in store. Barley at $1;2561,- 80. HAY,,Sales,from count* , wagons, at 8154422 per ton—mostly at 415 @LW. PEON LSIONS—Firm but unchanged.• Shoulders, 16o161; Ribbed • and Clear Sides, 20a201; Cincinnati Sugar Cured llama 221 and Doty 2i. Lard,' IX in Sams, and 201 Jo half bbls and kegs. Dried Beef 2'. Mess. Pork at 1,13,50@i. SEEDS-LTlmOthy Seed is being sold in small lota at $444,25 Ybitaseeil is wanted at:P.425@AS°, and none offering. No inquiry for. Clover Seed. li• SALT—Allegheny Rivet:„brands are quoted by the load, la. Married:. KRAMEW—KNGLISH- 0 1t To**9 Oct. Lth, at tho resideneo of Henry Fetter, eaq., by Roy. Jas. R. 311 Ra, 8. S. Kramer to Nies 'Amma - English of Beaver Falls. WITUEROW—WILSON—Oct. Ay:the nev: 14: WebbON aaaiated by "the Rev: 0: WI C. Hervey,%tt,thetiottde of the bride's father,ln Franklin tp., Beaver coon Pr. , Dr.& I.l:Wither oer and Mies Jenny Wilson. No cards. OW—LUKE-i.. the'Mddenei 6f 4kor. R. T. Taylor , in Beaver, Pa. ; on the 12th.of Ootcd:e , r tat' o , Py Rey U. T. Taylor, Malateti by ltdvs stui. head, Mr: Alexander Car', ‘ of Beaver -POI* to Mtaa.3lattle Luke, o 4 Beaver Female Seminary. - . • i?ica• ,„:‘, * KEAROHER-45n Wedneidayznotsitag, Oct. 0, M 9, At. :I'llllll2 lllll ok. ARtivor countyaa.,•oo4lloJG goaretker t son -of Charles .14 , 20 Ekit4rltie .11%..kems New -Advertis. peri. ,Latirt ‘• tore szettlng usenetee Ml* .. . l e. - ta Bait CA.." of lerbertri. /taint c d untY ‘ War rilseetred al *ha'tetd , 7btOdtoberr.liß [ l. — lares Xenseekt bating perthemed_tren X: I. P.. B. B. Brim and :Thi.Xtterw, their eat Interest to therifonhedd r; • Imy. Use - orarte w I be mrted, eel by. tbelul.lo4 Jecettelllavelletil. W. If. 11F li rrld=r 7 lig. Alt oneettlea:basiown ,fho glnik,loll be attended topti lc./131tat.P,• s. m.tritt. „ . B. 1/1111WN • Ik r e. U. tere-Stws TIPIKAA-LOall • • - rlieltittiees 11016, , 1bt , hodeeptchedr 11ntheteet the Matelot elisi Ite deastratt of New Iteleblieywillt otheet ple be sale, In lied Boralkh NeW aelektee. O MV)4/3021 0 AOngtt WTOSCPphteelee l e my the 0.1911061 4 0. *jaw mouse of finished and iillittaleel MOWN eleweleelt; lied, MIAS. 6111161.110/eIM. Wash ne sod , ta thee 401117tylir • inaSW ellati•thitheel stacked leatiltass• Rassa ,to leoleth!slit Oablault *ram i lawasraboldlisneltase. • At themow dem 'Maisel. soli illetaseVabtabt settreses;leasahottowil elthee IMAM teahouses. esairloweattee; ll'ethet-- - t• • • e•'-• • • ° UAL TAcilq. Mere • 1.1 .At - , / IVA i r" •.• 'co -:•-• • thetoted to Wel& Vik Very ihapKreatthir. tam IMMIkt -8 POlgra. "Tra,l l 4f. with !I selerklOce • I !‘ e q* I/ 4 ; 6 i" 41004 .4 CatatNglafo ooilornioisok4skisni to,t4 *nal! imtikmOvrne Tit 1046miSci`dtttuo *in Ot 4 liomiffsioa *jam *. of z6rx=i,Atitta . elei4; , Ottahiaiherihntrandasiaitho'satita:attch Mei *in tlatiOtonachate iineChtsiohryhhi, ono• atialosioisOrKito. Theeithetatthe adverttoot he schilattha Prescript!" le to hyacinth elle: tiii...otiogoithosnolobis otde; Ito toaeet rei to lichhhilabbnasci herlattphitivcry hirfittoat tin notttni.*l dosbrvrA o tifolOoesi , EVOlaotiogot. the ow: L . 1 . ,• ,L .".. 1 5 1 " 1120 ,F t g AI Tfe Ca- Pkm Yfuk. ".":. liners or 4 . ' A G mention Irtto:infrtrod for inai:o trolo Dim Toot DOAIIT.rffI O 44"PPA.Xt.O 4 opth. "f"ete of youtgal indiscretion, lira; for the sake or sub, bring ban:Antty.'sond trtio 'to an whti need H, lA4 itetoik and dim:Hons . maktoir riln; 'idy )1* srbiebVlll ittre4 . Sutriret4 wndjost *tiltby duridrertiscerexperienco, can du ito nddrooihtiOn iwrierteonOdetten.• • • • ••:1 • • r JOHN H. OODEN • o. 411Ced4; /Hoot. New Nark • sosy4V.T3 ew - .4411014einente -nu vz wisps '4. th e menet' e the ta i of itaarYlans, detested. O. • M Stay legt. on motion. the : nunli m w,_ i6ln6er 'than irppo the eel ittotw, lOW to 11S trt. pate Oa Wand le She hands of Meal Um*, Adelnlntrator of the *Mato ofillimlet Wane, BJ theCOttrt., JUNK A. The AndlOtt above pyedaetll &Moil In the dn. thus hleappainuessu.lat4otace to New thigh. tab,. oA Orr of Ostabor. at Welbek, p. us., wltditand where thoptrtlee Interested tray attend. e ShlltPlAti ihAGINK ittlditat; Bo 11 T a h o e t r l = rI emttg. :N tli * e ao se optpMwloit oa T l t l h : . s "e o l ' e 1, OotfV•dWobnawes:onb. ste eo a m b o S r et% nth, applle.don presentod. and the (~oarrhatlat'‘ examlueu the ateumpanytor eonstltutionotad be tas of oplotou that It contain* nothing wldels Is ehhhertto law. Olivet tbat said lostrunent Le oiled, In the Prothonotary* ogle% .aad that notice be , publlthed nerordltu: to %watts; ends application. bar twin made, and that milers intfaclent CUM to the contrary ha thown, the 3forcssJ4 chatter of Incorporation will be grouted at the next total of this Court. Jolts ChUtillEY, Proth'y. attain' ,AlsortMztinttr,rn9ti —Aetcoutheht.A:tir stow: Vrt the Court olCltouto° tnas n Pleas . or e g:aver . county. No. 110 J one Tenn tods. ...; • . . Interested. Partite ars berebyte/holk Thet Thomas G. Kerr; asslttneel of Joseph M. llestoney —ln trust for lho eretltharsof-Sqod Joseph M. De. i rst Tihtlei — lno hied moonlit, In thoProthon. otsay omee at Bearer , t t unless anMetont cause to the contrary be s nu. It win benendrei ed hy the Court on the dr. Monday of the 114 rem. .ber Term. lenk. ; .1011 cauuttEy, Protb'i. seffillll3wo •- ' ' I -• • per. ..1117DLIC VENDEE -1„-V11 , et the /. residence Other cute^. , Brighton en TIWILIMAY the Met last— the folio ilex propel. ty to wit: Horse+. Cowe sad YOWL; tattle. Sheep and Hoge. to the !tack. 0130 n-heron Wagon, One Top Cartimo,One liaggy,One Cooldng Stove, Farming Etenalla , and a number attactlelea too rummer; to mention. Also, then= on which I it...Meow:ll be °decal ht the unto Wm end place. • 41,011111tT Jmnistm. • 9;3, 77 t terso,-1w , - - cr:AixgrrauKa7; a.'v efunpoos, w. T. ettbfliON. Arbuthnot, Shannon.B::.Co.; WIIOLESALE DRY GOODS ' AND NOTIONS EASTERN PRICES. .Sole !Agents for Fifi.LERTON'g BABEEP .FIiANNELS • i . GreeliAlle 'Arta! Flannel, -BLAjoarxT;(3 and .I!ARNE4 - , ,•.. 1.16: Wood Street, BX B - (I..PP*X - 1, PENN ; • BARKER'S 111:15i , , emat•calc., Cheap 3forinc.a4 Cbc;tpS4l;, Ch'eari Clicap Alpaba% Clienii Linens, Chap Crool!c.s, Cheap Ilandkerchler4 Cheap Flannels, cheap Blankets- Cheap Quittg, Cheap Towehi, Cheup 'Shirt. Fronts, GVIEAP AT J. W. BAREER, & CO'S NO: b 9 MARRET STREET, Pittlargh, Pa. oct6:to 4 5 X1.11, - Malan% OP to thrt Smith's retry At eesaod lath: P . B o c l al r c i l reirolVu n ni c. 0., on Dry Ran. 01 Smith's Ferry.licarer county Ps.. For partial:Mrs apply to either or the follow. lag Committee. JOHN RIDGER. Smitten Ferry. LEVI lIRRNNAMAN, Pttlaburgh, - JAS. DARRAGH.; A.' D. HURST, v rtridgewnter, Fa. IIMMM!!!!!1!IS CARPETS arrt,:.) ' VA% VIVXM NEW: GOODS. A. SPLENDID . ...SDRT.3I,ENT ' .; OF WHITE, CIIECK ,AND FANCY. 31IATTINGS, :FOR 131.11.1111 i WEAR NOW OPEN. 111E8H ARRIVAL OF . NEWbRUSSEES TA.VES'I`II:3C aitErSl4l:ll.4S. THREE PLY CARPETS-& to nit nn r stock einc‘c tkc cinso or the heitTy • SwingTratic. 7 OliieilicOlinttick and .Co. 23 FIFTH.- AVE:, jtin Dt) Brighton' Paper , Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN,A. PRINTENii; MANIITILLA; ME 'ROOFING, SAILING; Glass, Spavr. -AND .c.misET 211111 u 'ACTUI D.: Wheleashat: "titan by • • - NE ; t ! .•-t - ...mott• ; pql :44,4?- 7 :! • • t ; - --410113.4,1 . • •Frrrsaritiii.d t'atlik , f; - 11 .? t • .flew Ailie*ti• •-••• , • faeliii; . .ii tiiiiitiii.frbuy-=-Leito m pl 4 / 1 1/0 , latnhlas oil( the, et tate tohinta r:lke4. of. PaPaver a tpyilathltot:.llZaler,ilotrity, I t :: ; . " t W4,2.7...ttuv&eafrlreo. , .aten g ussnakelimubidlaui ?tomcat. *ea thoie Istaviag tiakot st;hltt4 the tam. tv IS icteut 'theta for paymetAto , JESSE DIEM - cletaXt. - 4 A amlnlttrttne. dread p. 'Artlltateini '4i4 raw i ggna,—)lra. 7. 1. , Meow wouhl call 64 .tm of the „age, of Waver *l4 vkahlty lathe tad that the at heir n. wed to auto itoattoU of every deters lion. i f .. made to tug approve 4 and fathioua• . 11, 1 2 MOM at Choka, Ehttmet. C. • A Vghtvoffhleat Elaholm, bonsai. aad..Pror molt atm ydeterfoaenColl6lllllo3 mtbte4 shil LO llallkilt roaonnabk piece: With, gal tba ho,tverlpoihteber retahlbeatestAhlhi th e ' Mate rotted, wooled by ~ y r. weurromq,,,nopaos. the Uhten llotel - [ .:rve—thet.- ' —................._.ti ! .!.,,V , MiCo.Umdsorstlaten. c' .W l 4 betiOld'ut thttltrffillOken.aLyinbild oidwy; ottliatoldiy 4.1461.1 134 444 •, 13 UN &AO% sit ft wad elate* of 7,1 t d•Co.•atla dad "ta a culaho ;drat ot laud WILCO tit balllngtoti toirnehtp. Bm- Yer coubtX.l%.. boUndad as Tulloont; its a Mb MO , enst ova b l oft Of Limes ,Coaran's us , the wiwt WO* bersilith Thalinpon. Ann 6* avoti b g l is i ne t r th r PrePorty. oak X. Kano and y tho Dar nktoo Railroad s ouutalblog 'abut lit+C.01:110(4 0i !ft/. Pal Oa Revery, with mask bolter, took). titpoo: pa cow. .Wit boa tho aparstoo ; unordly osod, tri each no entabliemear, cooper nod oratchabie. 4 ' f••C. M. 11 21{ItICK;• •• , osit9:ll, , cOlectot••altb•Ditt.. Xreithre;.-Pt * Preorie knowing thetmeirvv thaßti kW IV ad MO, V. hileyertsr; Itoehmter. wIll• pkeis ealtentteettle wit . Ile S be round la t,hri mantle: of prtetir M Sooty Roeheater. • valuable Real Ithitaiel • For -114ile;'—ily . etstee area eatba2. ettetateed lbedlee. wilt dad testament ot:to hda of Otto Mayer eoubtrideett, mndead,ened etterame ormdd deerdeetre vitt ,abrevad. "411 - ext.+. rat!_b_y_pablte calm* mu My on tha . Rtetntetp,' ea 7CF.4, DAY 00703Z1( 2d; tit It 1 o dock yy . at.. 104 following real Meteor selademdettt. ett• two IMAM tp., sad amity at homer, tdonmeld. near dayl'atures reeds, on the mod kettle: from • eater is Now !Meta. MO bounded on the aardt: intdet,locch Gamlen:wand 40r., MI Weed atl eadJebdttbe oW :ti; tat btl , brad 07.11eri o d A. Heed, a cutely lad ahoy% Saeoree. Iroateltred. haahett *atttlmbered tpld ell leateteddni Rader leette'lltere metro ittirtmertn- • • . 10 . 1 icirm4 Proawmirapetilvenistlosea: RM.! bun and OillaoW, ettildinv. a Well of aever.btlf leg water at the door. Agood °mimed cottateltrgi dim* ft apple awl etWir , trait trette:mll •bearing.' Taphlit—QaeAtthd In bead met Ma helmbee.tti, hammiest named payments with in fereetlmen the Idate of Mateo, of deed. • JoIIN : oetrOt. Extvelnr. Fl r 1.1) WA. E', 'abs,Pi NailS & Paints, ,-, Jil '.. Cross.* Co., =I ]2 OCIILSTEiI,Pa. Buy in 13rue qunnt!tle•*nr tunnufacturers • all kitut; nt 13uildingr litirdware, Such ns Lock!. Litchps, Scrurai Strap kiiugul, J.tolts, Sank lox:hs. And . Pulleyu, Shutter Ilingei and Fas• . • tepiugs, dX4PENWRS' TOOLS , , Sawa, Augers,Planes, liana Bins., Steel anil Iron Squar., Iny Soares, Bevel Squates, Beaces, Brace Thus, Drawing Knives, Hammers, Hatchets, Adzen,.Axca, &c., &c. ' Plaatcrers' and Mason's Trowels FIII2.'~I.~YL'C~., TOOI.~}, Flcksitiitocks, Forks, 11*q,'Ilrenst, Tha 4 c, Draw, Ironer; Dog Jr, Cow ; . Troupelcoopory G (suds, such as table and pocl:eL.Cutlery, Spoons. Scissors, Coffee MUtE, Apple peurcrs, Sad Irons, .4.11,;-ovIZES, Cheap Muslin, Comprising Ftswe rind Finishing, kn.nny qunutily,„and tts low a. lin bought; in tliccity. . . Cheap Debtines. C lAip2C lens, Cbeip Shaa,ly A largc constantly' an • liaml . rit sizes, and siitic and it tilde strctigtli, nuinufactitrers prices, • Cheap Cloaks, WHITE LEAD, RED LED, Chcop•Suls, Cheap icrabg, Cla&tp and t!very Color, dry and in ntl Cheap (Unveil, •.;ram , ;ll , f.k WHITING, PUTTY, 1...1.33.15ie . e.c1 011, TURPENTINE. DRYER; ALuIIOIIOL, J rAINT intuslas, GLA; . mies TACKS, &C. . . Wu buy our Itibitej,rad by the ton of nutianuctnrcns anti can voll 011 ILI 1,100 tcrinsn3 any, in.or out ot tlic city. SPECT A T ,TIES, and we know we cun make it t h e interest of cousitiners to buy. from us, • , 0 7 .A.11,mxitis tlelivurcil irk tilt: , . vieillity nut! to rallroaa itnil rircir • ‘ fret or c'i•trn . o u. • ' °niers q.irettilly tilled. . , Is . . CltO~~iS.~` CO. 006,1) DtRUG WOREs P . V . q9 ')+34/TR/S.Eii`i, Druggist 4yotiit carj/, 13v4vE.1?:,; PENN. DEALER IN NIT DRUGS. BD EMS: PERFUMERY PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, . . Pin • .. 11cilkeal Purposci. . , PAINTS, 011,14,1ARN811E5,111113,511 E.S.,4S;Cce. • 71 ; ?-4 0 PC • 3i/±4.0.44.:5y RE en u.D.F:-..,tArt) , REFINI+O I O.7Ls, of the gmteat tarlety; best qietlity Arai at the ymietleipa.., • • .4.1 - 4Ma'"Tat'UTW. 6 * iliraige4a tifiTihnlaikeek.'llablett and ete tll t ehherti a Strteft pu Wlilto Lout 'tile 0t414t tinacbrand re thelnarket.,76s* 0 4 174, 1 a"... 4 == i g t of saltiohltftroVili.-/BrZaniallia—Ter• n •,, 4 ,;'2 , l"Mtq a cilstnywhelataNe 01x#sle ' •U. 851 , fiaRIALC. quti ••41— ---- :.•-• •-fMi eilmieoug. , • • , •, „_., c4 . . 4, 0 ..,..8ANKERC,:.1 a l!, 0 40; 35. SOUTH THIRIVS7REEI . .'!PHILADELPHIk: • ikENER/1 .CB* •• -.,. AF,• •• . - jOR. • ,•:,`.l '• . f it" ' PENNSYLVANIA' lA, - ' ,l t% - . • Oysi •or 'nit' ' c t-, i \s7 ki ' Ai r . l . . .. . . .. 0 1°11 - 0/7/ It UNITED:STATES:OF AMERICA, T.,. niiiromAt Ime! IsmessAdo Comsat! W . ' orparnore; GUI - nun ow itpuetatAst of CoottrOßAS rov.l July Z. 1.40, witli o 1, ,l• • ' Cali C4PlTAL,.soo,ooo;raispArD. Lae , il trims otertd en Agents and toditildeSooll temp ri: o 4 t., toot, at oar ica. - •• . i • , rat IV , : t1e5t1.43•41 o.4l...toolippllcatioll St =lrk* • *sties In .b - ;;ee ,;; ; •Virr" Or our USUPilt b . d ebt sporo ri•cnics o id r, ott . bletir.lol7 Owls bet% 5r...., • • , r••• • '•:• . • ,otp•••••• .1.0 Os bid. •• . • ••, • 11•• •-• •,iil tt K 'tic CO., , .. , I', - 1 . : , 4 -I ;ion Tntes Jle . . - - • A derestinthittenSons rfotbetNe—lellers! of wi ll. mintreerks dn toe out-moot Ellen Kerr, of 'Omens ltarlistOp, der tr., 1;1.101;4 been groovtl to AO tlAdertdemOtt, all peroon“ Indebted to 'said es tate ere mertentsd to nuke immediate payment. nod thorn baring claims or demands oohed. the /*MO will pretwast them peoperly anthentscated toe i!culltserat. . JAd. A. KERIL J.:'. hailtlL, Adieus. MeCks.ty, Pa. Ahn a fall line of GLASS, These gooa, are 'out: BEAVER SOAPS, & TOILET ALTR:LES C~iS® JOHN SHAR 13XALEIC •" °f r.. ~ :+'•• '~• Groceries and Pro CORN, OATH, MILL riumr AN - r) ridcvEnn I.);RA I NA -P1 Of all 9fae.9 ; and IMPROVED CHIMNEY • T For Hale lit 3lnnor3ct.nrer.g CALL AND EXA➢II\ CASII Poi!' for COUNTIJY PRO Gccsls DelirereaFreo of chari LOCIEESTER, Pa. May unyl24ux WALL' PAPER NVALL PAPE WALL PAPER. fte largest and cheapest stock 'of Wall Pope? D Skewer County. - , ' BOOKS, IgX)KS, • 'A large assortment of 31:11acilan anus. &Wag and Renal. obi Hooka, conatantly on nada at Pub- Baba,' Pried Gift Boot gaitable for tile Holidays STATIONERY STATIONERY. - . STATIONERY An extenalre variety of Paper. Enrelopc ',Lead Pencils, Gold and Steal Pens, Ink and Int Stands, We pre the exclaim* Agent teethecelebrateil VoloVii:Grold„ 'von; for this County: thoce seeking a good Gold ren, would Unwell to PM them before purchrtsintr. We are the Arent for this County tbr Kileter's Phntouraph litarlar: Certificate. The attend® of Cirthemen Is respectfully culled to Nis. as we can Pell - them at tho same discount as they would act, from the Publisher. Attestant School Gov ernment for tale at Poblishtrs' prices. We haVe ernastantly on hand Floor 011 Cloth In tarp variety. WINDOW fe3.11-I.laEte.l. • WINTPOW OIL C - 1-00TII. RUSTIC & PAPER SHADES. • on Itlnd Toy o and \Very Goods roltable for the lloildre e J. F. EM= EMI LUMBER! LUMBER! IlaTtrtyperfeeton an arningement by trbleh 71 Can at all itutel hiniloh the varlone kinds-of !Amber 'Clem' I; inch Plank, .S7iingles, Lath,Rash Poors, ate.t at the lowest prlc.i and on tho most Ilficral term, would say to the public and especial to m! old friends and customs, that having devOtgt. many }etas to the Lumber nod Building btodness, I feel confident that t can niakeit to tho interest of bay. crc to call and egamine my stock and prices be fore nereltasing elsewhere. . (/Nee and 'ford on New York Street. shove tho Railroad, Rochester. CIIAS. LUKTNS. septlfron. Agent. HENRY LAPP. D«sqlsa. la all kind* yt FITIOJTVRE;- Briehtott htrcet`tbovo the Plow. Factory Rochester, Pa. Tito largest Stock in Ileaver county con stantly on band, and selltug at Ow very lowest view. . . SCHOOL BOOKS, AT WHOLESALE. Blank Books ct Stationery l l\ GENERAL)IT LOWEST PRICES. oroge new wbeie.iie peke. um mailed free to Dealer and Teaeltere. S. & 119 WOOD PITIMET, SECOND DOOR DELOIV"P IYTII AVENUE, 'ITTSBURG,II,. PEATY A •ry,tl'69:ato FIRST ATIRIVAL OF NEW. FAhL GOODS L M. BURCHITIEW & 0013„' No. :4:Sixth Street, late St. Clair, .• . . Black .Sil4s. 1'14114 fa:Scarfs. *. • Pktt l'opliu.,:FienF.h Chintzes I:latk 't:conlEtzincA..lll..o: Strip;l•Sliftirlg,...N'ear Styles Prints, 31 CaWas: Flannels and Blankets. • ' • 'A AM nimirt!uent of • krelrlf ill>4>axt AKi SUMME,II: GOODS At Great argain : ... '5l ST., CI:Al It STREET, pErTmuunGnir sotSln. Althtnii „Wand liontsenes>, Croup, Inourenu,,,Whnopio4 Cotten, incipient, Contuniptinn, sod, sit ' t h e Throat ■nd Lungs. Don't netleti- a severe Cough.or throw !stile mopes on a worthless mcdkine. PRIOR !WTI . ' VENTS PEA BOTTLE Proveral by SEWARD. ' lINVTGEr & (MESSY, Drttzgiga.ll,66.lfo. N.Y. /fold by all Pragginte. Jai) Ayer's* ME - I 4 -Vigor, For reztoring Gray. Hail! le its nattsrat'Vitality' . and*P3tOr. 'A •lre.:!ing. i 4 rt! tigrettratle. • 1 Itettltitv. and elrvitt-1 for itt - t,er%it , g: t Forlra f ri,. l 1 • lA., sxm • ri Mar. :.• , r rw • isto y no t ?milk • . !hut hnir 411 :4lik• g..netl. falling hair ta•t•taiett. atilt 'lFil4l. 30 Pt 411tett, ti1 , r1.241 /1 ,, f be 01.!•: ' ta !rl . • .;.• n r Ib6 atroV,i,.l and r en yo. lint at:eli nn 1,•11;.! Ii 'lin be ~'hell lot: thin of finding tlt.• unit tritlt* n I n. 17 Ftnti. Intent. it Oil kt.'•ll it tatintia vignrottA [ifs Ovea.4011;11 111 4 1! 1V11:1 •Vi - 10 tile' halt 'front P 1111111: l iW, z3:141 COD;Ce a lleti:ly ille1l•Ill from those th•leterinto4 tuan.inn.m. rrhkli make eutsvc preparation.. tlangralitit:nna injttrious to tins tlni;Ni.i.t' 'Ana only lietielit bat not In‘rtnif. 1 li"Nrugued merely for a' • 1:3 ME SIB HAIR DRESSING, nolltintt iti , o eon lie •fottati to Coutainia; nt.iiixr ooti , ,lNie. it doe, lot so:I wilito yt.L'iastt iong, oti the Lair. gi‘ itig it a iiell'i t iossy lustre and ti grutetii! pt•ditutc.'r Prepared by . Dr,l C. Ayer 19. Co,, l'itAcrte.u. AND ANALYTICAL tirEAtilit Mi 33 KM LO NV ELL, ;11 A SB. pnioz MOO, _ • Ayers C;nerryPeCwi•di, For rllsosoor of the Throat end Lunrr. inon or Coughs. Colds, Vicovisaut 02uStb, ktronabitts, Amatory and Consul:optlost.. .rrnbably peter before In the whale le , tart • . tnistiCine, tae anything it on •111131.i1e..V . 111.4 ve•te•:1.1• upon the rtliteelehee of leant - W.l, tits e‘erllet.: rotted,' kir V 10111.1113 ry C11%.1114,.:Tt...1•14.11 W.., ..milt,n 2/1••• 110,1. of men it has wen n Ite.roerla•lhelr two, us It 11.1‘ bee Ohl* belief L. 1••••/... 1ee1.1 . .., ehinelrlev and 1 ue lu v e 1.4 v .1el• of thelung. unit thtent,ik.iie liable !mato-tor ..gagn-t inom. milder fum, ofd:- , .e anti 1 ev, v at the tare Wile [Le 1:14.1.vih If, .1.1 v.• . , be green for inelpleat genana affeetion• of 1be11130.11.111.1k..1.1,1%. lumen 11411114 >ll,l4elt 111.1:1,1‘t Crev,/.. n • • 1 be kept on Pawl int en...) . rtt,tilt.avi ..- are r•otnettete+e t relti. mei thulthlbe Wendell WI/11 1111' alit,. tete 1,11441. Ala11111:•111 /...1,iii•••••••. • 1. elllllllle, gre.ti. 01191.1”- I. • re Itiv.l Owe Whrtheil ,ett .) nail the painait to. el 1.. ~,,, . , Cherry !area , ,d. tr in, 1.. .3. ..n. over the ileetnier. or Ph, • i • the leevt 011-1111.11• 1 •ai V "I.ll# .t. e1•11,/.11•1 re 1 , 11 1.110.11. It. . lona they .3,1111.11. Slayer. ward Jhstaie .h . p.r.e/tdre.t It. i iedinn frnut iL .1•1117,11 it 1111144 1 :131e41 be It. flre.J.-e/../2*1...e. so goteral:e*.s t.1.••.1.. 11' I I , l l t It , • ~• awn worn the et/ vii.. VIM it •111 . 1 1 .1, .11.11.11•Ithed v. _ _ Ayer rev.. ft.i il•• Clllll r. • •.• 1) i trl lii ^1 41, • . . iron m 1,...,4.1. o•• • P• r,•-- ••• ~.• I I MM=CI witlt.•lo ,• 11/r ..1 1.- :erette ..r / • 1 • i. cars,: ar..l t, I, se• t• .t thvireitntl:^l •anetql,netht , ,ezlt its tint bv 1:11.111.4 Its. Aft 11. t For lire r,,,, - ^ We lacer, it is nn . . 1 , •$ll. TAM ITNI , healthy :‘ , t.val .• •:. For fht,o,t+ lot ^,/ . ..•r , In rsrrllrnt remedy psrsle,-my mr.e Psnlv narkable culn, rhers. rr:sit vino • Irk , l ;ii, Prevlred he De. .1. t.. , I'l. 1 . . Inil An:Ilene:11 Chemists. Lowell, 3.1. - .• • ,:ovr 111 round the Woritl. el:rev, 81.00 PER POTTLE.-.. marr;;ly. ~..-cnr, -- ; 7 10.44:zzi: , .. b , , . ,40,;',611.4;i1:wa.1, i „ - c.%,:.? • .--.-, - .)..' , .", P - b.,:::.::=,.• .. ,••,..-..... 4 .,. 1 1e., ~.i . .. 1 • , , :. t. -•... ‘ , %...1.,,, . 4 •.,, ... : , , , .., i, , , .„..., ,-% ~ „..., „qs kr,-, ~.,-,,:-7.....v.....,. r • ..... ),. . ; ,- ;: .,..,,... 1 ., i i 1 y i r.,,,,,,_. , f,!,.4 ( fit,i 4i .viy•A, •::.-:' !.- 1 54 C.,. .....,..- 1 - --o..tßee.., - Rototo cry and !i Isr to it, OAtt.whi. removci Da:hintlf. (111:S ti.t. ONE.ISF_t Til E Pre~rnt ar). mac , halt (;i MA? , :111•1 VAS Iti :1.7; 41 Yr INS :a a Nat rsiar M. SF.WA ED, ItRNTLET CNENET. Orot".riAt.. Itutkl.a. N.Y. Sold by all gli.izzietw. NEW GOODS! Fall and Winter Wear. 1 RAVE JCIST RECEIVED A =VT lITOCg OV UOODS 01, CUE LATEST STYLES, Full FALL AND ;wall): WEAR Gentlemen's Furnishing Good CONSTANTLY ON NAND CLOTHING NAGE TO OUDEI In latest aad sad farblonable sale, and 'Wort %lock°. ,I GLU I:tt REICH. Jr., VOTSCR—LINE. /.1 To buggers. =WO% bricklayers Mad, plas terns, putt !boo ot the • .31 . 0N/T lOO / 1 . Landr.ln N/XiStrg • mm, port,Unts. tr aad turre thou and money.' It I * the miry beet It teares mad w sake wee mortar, tad them is il Do waste to It. Ul Wo tarn moue bet the beat atone sod hie be/medlar* rtabl: the eta* to not mimed with the stone to. burs, a that Uwe le no art= or cinder la It. Erteltera need not *IS it or ran It onto make mortar, *Mien will amer a hood deal of dme. You ran ohm= get It Seth—red notify:mm=l It--arel la LARGE LUMPS. Haler to all who Mee owl It. Btlllo parties la tereoted ha other kilns shook against it sad try to tell AM lllreflOr ink% at tha same prtes. Van and Ire It, or tr 7 gonna. Ume delivered promptly to order at Reasonable Rates 1 214 1 ".dtr u er. ar . .t:r bead ordeal Coda WdZ. DU NN, Illesinerresi Oar* inalf:Cro LI II CI El =ZI I MI e . I ESE I=IIM ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers