. ; 111 HORACE °REMAIN% 1.. I 1101dthfit00(14 1 M8, 4 3at PICO, male and fertialei..wltft. .e ng intent that It Mrutildjite3y • deredituoreeffielanklirild , ni 1 ;• . , than It otjamelisiia:*fkl a't; at this diversity relief:6oolW ; le • function merely, bitt4;l#ll,4ter ur entire physleal, intellettaikl,' , ; 0 - thnial nature. ' ~.,• _`.•,... 4t- it .; ' • , 11. I hold Ifile•tiiiti'' • •Is * ten innate, 'Mid', essotil al, t at the find man mid thet first Wonian,llBV- Ing realized thnt "It 1.4 not good Writ ;tut should be alone, 7 ? and haying bleaded their • efforis and their •for tunes for their mutual well being Au}- eordingly, at once recognized the In . trinsle fitness for distinct' exeftiiiins for the common good; and that the limn Went forth to, wan, tlay beam ties of unture; or - to Co'nStr'afti 'llion into such forma as would. he condo - dye to their subsistemA.Whild the power, table, or (live, 'which 'forttitKl their abiding place, and prAxectled to make the emitted conch of leaves or lanighs, or grass; to render thillinter rior of their lodge as comely and co sey its shoridgfi to fashion garments front the lark, -or fibers, or skins which the. rann front bane to,lirpe , brettght in; mid to pregervbsindirri , ' finrolhe:lood Aikewise proeflik‘ll74 him, sans to render it nseful,i)alata: hie, and. nutritious 'to 416111,1'4•)t he extent of her knowledge and Itilility. . .111. 1 belle* that; when the trine had arrived for,establishiug a govt.re ;tient or State; other than .tlua oldest or simplest patriarchial rule-whielt; (Iwilitiess, sufficed for • aseisum . the Melt assembled- -for that putperse— whether generally, or by deltgatea ,left the women itt home attending to their: proper business;' uniClthei lieetuse of a mutual and general in tuition that such was the Divine Order, diclittcsi by the :highest good ,of the entire human family. " ' • IV, 1 held dud the appointed sphere of man is broader—not higher —than that of woman; that. the house- 1 held is her itiligdinu ' within whitili her influence should ho paramount, and her decisions hive the force,iif law. Of curse, a tree wife will co n= Solt la•r husband °nail matters of, inie pertaitee, and will evince grealdefer owe to his wishes, tastes, linings, aversions, just as a true husband will evince Illio_deferenee to those of his wife; but nature - THIS assigned to each a distlnet definite sphere—flail the liappinem of both the due 'deveitni alien t and well beingof their children. the isonfort and enjoyment of their guests, dictate deeidedly thatbench :tiould recognize the (ithees Kew., ' 111181 within the proper radins,Of his or iivr dominion. .I ! ;'. ; ' ,;., i f • V, 1 :Miran the right of wousui to' (I() whatever she can do well, even that her ability he exceptional; and : not common to her see;, and-1 honor the wife or daughter Who..liv.' haga crippled or bedridden 1 /0.161.411/(1 M . father ,rest tilicariter•lor suppiiri, tills with hur own hands the farnucir x.,-arden wheine is (lerlV(;llllitittatlntr bu 1 ritrte. , ittit:even in that ease;l: wOuld have her work by her...q.lf. or with companions of ha! irWil .4.x, sli Jim :Li pOSSible. The promiscous yin ploynient oflti6ll4llld Weleell in shop igt field lies hitherto led. to gros/ ir r4ularit ii,..4,- a lid 'I - do not 4inhere I lib time new at humid Ville/1 Seth A:Me- I e iill:!:li lig niny confidently be expect ed to result In stielt ,:lionentaide con-' sequeina.. VI. As to leaching—one of the row pursuits. where nice:tad women may Ito properly associated—l decal it bist Hutt above the age of fifteen, girls should be instructed by women; boys by 11len; and that girls should requite a knowledge of and skill in any trade or haudieraft whereby they may earn an honest. useful livelihood; ,atal consider type-setting one to which they are especially adaptisl; but If, after having acquirenfhis or any Otll - are to solicit work froeu print -1.114. and take their plates in the coin posing room indiscrititinatelY with wen, .1 all sure the mom' evils of such commingling will greatly out weigh ally pecuniary advantages that mat; tie fairly expeeted from it. IL As te toverninent:• heartily %visit the W 01114211 Of our country, and of each State,would choose their wise est and best to assemble its delegates, consider the Timis and wrongs of their sex, and memorialize C'ungtx.s.is amid their rem wetly° Legislatures for the mile:vat of those Wrongs: - I MU calf:- Wont that such delegate s , fairly cho sen by the general voice of thele,seX, would make no dentinal tharrAtiituld. not heartily second. I believe .11111- 1 , 1 i• suggestions might 'he expected. from such a congregation of the gent ler and purer sex. ,Itut gnu; or Legislature, eleettsl by 'n% u and • women Voting together, on& leaden() in good part of such wonien :1 . ; would naturally aspire to aud joy NiltS therein, and being eloaityd with such wen as they would tam( therein, I unto to in' do livertoi. , • V I 11. 1 llinyikevenClllittriql , lint IWO survive, both girls, for WIIOIII I WOUld Make life :is fair and hoPefitl as may he. I presume thew quite as espy:- 111 P as mast other girls to do. that', part ill whatever benefits their sex and their station. i would havetheld nein= active, hen itieclit and n•=-'1 spieled, if t thought it well Ihr them' IJ, he voters, jurywomen. oleetioneerl pr:;, 111141 Candid:lll'S fol . 0111(1', 1 have nu Vliticvivable motive for seeking. to t • interpose a barrier to their following such a career. Inn Ido not, tannot hi:lle've that such is the sphere for which they were designed by an All wise 'Father. • I believe 'that their clianees fimr to•efulnesa and for !taiga liens \MUM Ino seriously diminished Its itreelpitatiiiii them on such a poi if-. teal Course, I grontly prefer that' They slaluld be 'women, suelt as itil towloriraycd in Eve,andShaksyeare in I inogeh. • • I X. For it were blindra- , s not to see that the e....ndial ttaraeler of the, household innst, he y very dillhrent front wliat it ever has been when Sinith spends his evnintrs at the litdon Liagin , and Mr:LSl:nth spends hers at the Manhattan tlult (or their rels.ctiVe ill all city or, village); he doing his last to elot'i the tvpublieuti;shervndering like - hearty ulpport to the I Icinocratie or what `'e or may be the rival ticket. Their Ilene—ii the mune ho stillyetained--1 "will he another Yarrow" front thAi long ago won the beloved ap pellation. Mt... Smith and Mrs. Sinith will Meet atbreakfast ht 'Maxi for reciprocal endearments,.and little fit ted to ~how lo their children bow "birds in their little !mks agree;" they will be more inclined to caniat.ss' with acerbity their rival:platfinni4 and candidates I,und If Brnith sliouht happen to find in the morning paper some cheering returns from Pennsyl vania Ohio, or some other Stale pre viousfy regarded ILS doubtful, he will WI apt to anhounce them sd asio elicit a reminder that he is a " brute," whilolf pe i news should happvtim favot, lit tildes 11041, 1 tllO fl( at all'Aire Witt her ism of it would not Is• equally provoking and as sharply reented. In short, 1 shidl expect • itittagonlsup Att. tcrbgiat fruittlit it '.'rlfitt.6 tilr.!:44..lifthtlioits it ineompatability of temper now is. X. , ..11 to employment for mnn!' . f hohl that there is in immensity of, work to be done that speciitily= per-• tains to the ' , There of woman, whifilt goat undoito oris thine 'very' badly and expensively bemuse mois tt'on men reject it. • This. cenntif is at pre-tent, in pre.asing netxl of the hun dred thousand scientific skillful thoroughly qualified cnoks •' but very. few Atnertenn4yorn . ..Vung, ,women are seeking to admit theniselVfts to this urgent national need., We are poorly fed, ni , i'n'itt4lo;"oitr meats half cookett or Invited to.acFisu; oitr limn! .iit.:lltetioutir d twit° generally lastele-ts, indigestible Mid Inutritiolis bectimmeltW makers are grossly ignohtnt and beat on re matniug,B44itito butter,.ou ',umtst ; tit our Itible4;is iMor 'sort of gra tse , an d a s to Atortpu..tvw do mot .know what they are, while for those who know ImeLta Anoka Abonni they are the cheapest, moat palatable, most nutritiOnti fermi();. Tatitilod nrilmit' and vegettdildtWdd.'l,The "Girl of the Period" could only be induced t° e t ote next year or two mollify to Soyer and the kitchen range, I' fed _very sure that her happiness, as well. us that of mankind, would thereby .b 0 i r ii"w de;MtAfth irmstetu good wages, a properindependence (or rather.interrtkmgcM 113 In ° e Wruh'htstr NideiCst tippltityri tainable in civilized society,) general respect, and qualify herself to be "a help-meet" for the industrious t frn gal; energetic farmer or mechanic who, in due time will probably ask /ter iabeccune ,his.wkfe.rsi ...o.vnlA hope foreign regitrd'me as lack ing svmpaf with the malty netxly Oriii tr W AVdttien 'of our dav w Wet& sly inquir e Mg tug looking for "something to do." It is because I would have thiS class smaller in tli next thatrit is in the present generation, that I speak so area rearrull , mis r isidafea 'Mbyte; And Tile' Case is worse with our girls than with our . boys. Within thesphere of my Or; servation, not one girl in ten is real; lv traine d or trying to earn • her own I PrA l tutiAlfg I titla l y tl gt •peet that they.willTpaigy for a pot salon arnl ifatqfiiiiltest tor an occur ation. - Hence, 1 welcome the agit, ration for Woman'sltights and inalc,Phiffear,O,liailiAturlOtt tibn whicli'mvoTVed "the pain with = o the o ~pct lbrissue 44111e4ffitittoitivon template, for Nature is tot! strßngfor a wall even 'l44"Stubborn Anna Dickinson's; . but the fountains of tile great deCp beialifoquilly ,skirred :oat seine. Woman is - , that her :Share of the world's Work be alloted -and scram(' to her, mul-the demand, however' unwisely urged or inista• lteulyidirtdetivisiAtibstatitiallj/ijust.• What she', tar more than man, needs to realize, is, that. lie torlot -worki.4 V . tgradiny. ehough much, may . he re jetted unsuitell to her sex or her itrength. There is \fork enough that site may laudably • ile---the..need is that she be qualified , for, and ;ren dered willing to undertake It; So long as our more expensively eau= cated . eiris shall limey re chine , , the only staltlidikclAturaiiii that they Can follow without disgeace, many of them must live nik*rably;•• and ,Ife Aileen by want 'tit 'shame; hit let dull' awake to a , Tealizing FMK! of the true dignity of labor'" the! essen tial nobleness whenlVituman life is made happier and sweeter, and the world will welcome them to a fair allotment or its service, with the PF.ARYPI koh'illoPenoOhprotti M neen everywhere fresh my haiku. .and with added reason, ns,othe last gift"'ottloci Winne. NI.NTIA • v•:%!ockl rrit , Nir"(xVietv 'Lae to '69.1 hv.t 1 hay - struck a haven ay. rest., .At last 1, law, a. spoor abidin place, for a tiMent fetist. How long, nosy slay, or how soon I May he, comj cloth to pick up my landlord's. slrartr.shirt.:antl' travel, 1 elm% •tell. But what do 1 eare? For the pres ent I ant under the wing ow a man who has twentvgdpjons of dollars, and ; %who is ;„•ousin it at a terrific rate. tlque ftw,ty,tk ie limps ity•thp,qulr ilhdoMtishiltAklhlllKattiline, ;all F eontent. That lam content I er— sonally. ram as well off to 1 mod' 1 hev;l)).l.ce penetrated the 1111:2,*- 10 , pfeSellyth . the Democratic can ditatte foe.Governonatv Petivlvany, reprt..set tr. President u • e etu h . •ivetrtti ihfn hues to carry on the good work. The -younx.s. 1111111 :1:11:1116 the outer Ay, the l eahtliturk4l,lintl4-14.11 is 11-nitro4 neeofludge , itunaiii anchor. The servant at the door askt for ere cleusitet, at .wich the the Wan % Olt) N11.'4142(1 to be in the hall; nd tient rue, rebuked hint • Ht. Ilelayin ttt "Terri:neer' remarki, he sharply, "atladt all skit ntist.y.itlAout ques tion. You het they are our frientili.ll That nose hez cost we thousainls UN. other people's 11011:IN tfl• I:1N_, 1 it p.ll;rrufotT Ttrftrtiplitr,rllll A' , 14tr . •!.ttrit tf1"115 r!ltetttllld etv gone to on its account. I tun well envuglt caf,.:Bl. l d ought to be sati.;fled, hut the condi:th en nv the I..lhnikarany k ailix tile. The f act iz, we are in a bad way, and thur aiit't..ne 'way out, ttv - 143,tiitift got no yooriahimity—W6 al.iPt got notle in lu lite A )F, cad'vat.sally goc;cl crops.' rite wealli.t er's bin agin tr FS we ecaal h,v hed rain in harvest etiuqpi duty roh•il the. whefit; and' Virriti follerin The wheat harvest to hey rottecl the per 11.1e)ka_jvitty,attitet,tivxlioj- tipetant. orders uv that tateber, so thet the peeple 4'ooa helriZA: .(11.98tailiii Ca and ugly and shit:, thev. been 1 /UP°l.Orliti• 4' he* potato rot in \Vestern l'etwylvany wood hey made thousands or voWr this fall alone. lful'wat's the tee fly lalkin to farm ers with teen , in yoor eyes uvatottn triegltth imitate, *hen urciry.....knotl9 scin lIV CIII hey thvr poehets• shin -01 with greenbax and a barn full nv tt hetit tru hrinfi; plotte? ' l ?% ? Ptisttilc elambrin fretieliangt , 'when the cottntry's Join ez well us it kin anyhuw,l'; i ;..... ,„ Then agin, our management II& bin friteful. iu (tido, we mach. a bo=lent t.laxhestattinfiti _pis eitasherrii v Rescertitiq'vit it , tit3l4 nneber ttv things for our patriots whit.lied shot otileers.sent out by this I iseenittsp t y taken liounty Mid had de-erted to Cannily, to vote Air lios,eeran,„par tit3tiatly,ceztchtutthytilfiopt Ort irst aiv draggei I to Misfiles for emptyln titer rifles at cm. The hurrah , . stuck. iu tlitilr -.throats. I • must confiss. that they made it bravo attempt utit, but they looked sick while they aid it.. Their efforts 1c) hurrah for Itoseerans t and 11)e Ciµ:c.f . tbeykativ tty it repticldi **llk 41tinililell krtillt.tilierfelli fit . • , 111 P lird a friend w . lio , e name it NVIIZ irown, who xvir,:g.iven to indulgence in nil/win bola •to afenrltd extent: \Vint • uibiit•iitivi‘;•- yi.l on n iiew brand uv 'Nrlaliiicy; and; it floored hini. At I I p. I found him t;lingin to a lamp pust..and vow-, tba tltor .wtiktt tptake "Ilro.Nyn Jayin. huiul attcell4llateli. , ()it 1118" Oie.)hlciCt, '-.llri)wu ,you pick VI • sir kr replied lie, fr:tving,. in around to the other t: , hle nv the post and disehargin another ova huxlm..4 "!biek vh—V., :Apo hia: 001 doin this for the 'fun tit• the thin?'' i. 'Our.rktittitiritt4 Ito,eerans, but their hurrah,k were so Inuelt tlWretchin IIV :1111311 with load onto :his .stutnielc; that dt re niinded tiv my friend Brown. . , cfifiptisstitypcliitliWtO viii'V'va4h , lit•th. Mt •tlift , candid:We liffs'Ortitk shout him. • lie wit'''. a copperhead fluair the'‘'Wdr;vlvlcli ifink(tt• alf , iiv , that'clits; icy Democrats enthoositis tie in.l •...46jituW NiZitinoarit44lfer hand it itfives off the War 1 ten metits, 'Without which we ain't worthSlineks. I lie hits money though, and cr. he's Ificydin freely he may la ep the or; ganhatizilvf tiiiiirli-cl3iti l oprittli tiro iclowtollo Wwwit 024.44 . The friiwi >le trouble li t) however to 1104.1 ut tt . .o4fm4tiar is 41 111 , P , t s - it•r.,,aufii ii :SPA, • juiry • el:Ma y and i n favor uv either pain off dick 10ti4411 . t greq lin ii i t•ks..,oc tepu diaslitenit.lll rl'Uni'dii- - itri fritter suffrage and. 0=13; ()Ilk(' 491 ( 4 1 II ; in 06folerticiftit's"styln 'tile bonds in gokrt, andrln 'files ;We- ifi still Clit - 1 d in ana i 's `iiiimse. In . .N aline clgiTo pie aroxruinirr.a iierbibertniv linker law, mid everywhere ViA• they are forkerktithistyX fiti 'MICRO; .I)etcloh.:. ' racy is free trade • In Pensvlvany it's higtilftheetive AritTmidllti 'furl nit around. li f l i =it' .so.p9xed that I woodent ne place to another to make ti es without having flritlxit'efully' ' ed wat the f aOnAlgralt%*±llt . ii .I%ertikleF coutity in:;: :k:" ""e tt iutjq 'l ess.thn nu the State& daY, an :by peusistent readln uv em five hours /lbsseVne ' taViartVrait4oll tr. I shel stay when lam so long Lis there is anything to begot outuv the pos !. • ; • •.; el *cheer io 1- • .).. eittege twice • 'rt., • mai% I steel try it tiJ 9 401P41 Vp ers may occur to me. ust make hay yrbljui Altei s,un shines, for the furieus asmults onto Packer's pile ( \via, wuz Postmaster.) ExtraordinartliTorc4r of a litchi. t t ) rill t„ hi m )ard, as for eight months past a resident of mazoo, Mich., .is a man of about 86 years old, 4 mrriagelmaker by. traflei bfhtieffOr`eduts‘tion, talkV weir on any 't any B,3ripture like a elms , Foltder: tielights`in • religious meetings, and passes fir a saint of the first water sidterevever he goes. 11e 7 we4 loon, i ,Dmake,,, Xonroe (Nutty Mk•lf. 'witetki Mother still reshlvs,,' ,N.ljere l liq,,nlarcied t his liirst•wife, draft N!‘trieht fatally, but she did not 4ivb. long enough to mourn over many of his crimes. • nisliftect her, after- kn. few Months' , 1(16(111re:wid to Adrian tothllpw,li s, trade, and , spent his earhings nt ridlifg &Mind ivith ques tionable women instead of providing for his family. ..tt 'intervals, he 'ould re,turti•to btaitc;blarney" ifite",forgiVener nlici Mother 4utibc 4 MtinO•' 110 Vire° children at pundee,.llVing,',Wl first' wlfe'S7.parcut. ' • the war Hibbard enhaed as a private in the Eighteenth Mielli tau .inthntry,..talking ,patriotism . 1.1i11111411.0iii)tiy 1137., hek.gebertly does•pwly, and with a 4 m uch mvp , oerisy. For he made a worthict-.4 suldicr, sitirl:e.l duty shammed Sick ma,.-m, and rally did but very few days military setvlee. Ile kept time society of loose ehtfrarters in the rear instead of lighting bravely in the front. . ! ;,3 3 trtuttep,erlyd ho ,weittflito the Enrpirelituteolnd of Ittn4 ./(Itavilid one wife; and not lung afterward another at Batavia—both very at tractive, superb): wonten. , lip 'vett wititAliksyMt4yl efitij s i : tell and tnemorrsonT.thent. , - I , :brM runt Itome lie played the religious game with Such success as to deceive the tltattp of Attlture.44 audi §let b; it‘fal Odtion :A clerk lid 44 'Aare.. -lie hoarded with a very nice widow la dy, and ere long ruined her. mid then made an accomplice of her to hide the clothing' and ether choice geods he stole from his employer. She seeretec l tor him some ;100 worth. But one ,11,1 V, when she Wits Out pf /own, het pliked-up It iiplunderi Atole her gold watch, and decamped with the whole property fur ',Michigan. , Llc had been . absent j seyeral yeani fteni Dundee; be Was Wttlmineil there as a returning prodigal, and found little ditliotalty, Wig( .146 Wand manners and oily tongue, in 'induc ing a beautiful young woman, a Wu:hob - teacher to. marry. him, . 'lids was in IStkl. only ten days inter his wedding he was arrested on a rept sltien from the (loi-enter of Neal York, taken hack to Rothe, tried for grtnul larceny tor stettling i t.he cloth ing "and watch ''aboe mentioned, convicted upon the testimony of his penitent victim and accomplice, the .Wkknr,. andownterkeil .at Airintria State Prison for two mid a half years. Tie there become acquainted 'NVitli a fellow convict whose term was to last some Aye months lunge; than his own ' that this man had a pretty young wife with property Miler hands, lie looked her nth after the espiratiOn Of' his term, wormed himself into tier confidence sedneed lwr,- auq, i giiit, ti tpusiderable sail (if inoney from , her. Tfeaband oned this victim but three weeks be fore her busband's imprisonment ended. y 1... I'AISt, }ptelLtliqxargLivent . JOE td aiiid.Z6o., ISti,i M llit *Orel; Mid his most saiwtinlolllol26 line, attended all the religious ineetin, talked theology eloquently with the minis ter, flattered .1 he, women quite Alen ca rely met successful ly. : nicYllieilgikt lie was the very pink of perfection ; and, as elsewhere, it was but a short time before he entered into a mar riage octiptcpent, avitlti yule sAtatesttnill.,&dit iiittell.a. ladies of that famous village. I fer brother-in-law has spent both time and money to unmask the vil 11111, being-led to suspect ddiii from his *caring Such a showy religious cloak; and this week the exposure )rill take place. By this thile Wm. Hibbard iel tither init:the 44errilt's el ittehealch t he erimUf lihnlntyl- or he - has tied in terror from the' State.. 1 le is said to have inurdemt one wife in the State of New York and to have desolated itiVeu 'families beside those recorded allow. Cl/1.01:.1. 1 / 1 ).-Cyl. J.W. Powell, the Colorado river ettplorer, returned to 'Chicago on Monday the _'oth, having successfully traversed the Grand Can- on as far a.j Green river„ \viten; ,the 'Colorado Aeliouelies fittoithel brpen plain in the territory of Arizona.— Prom the point ‘vherb Col. Powell's belt letter was written the expedition descended the river about tour bun ' dred miles between walls almost, ver tical, tatiginKilmi tivtijd4ilred to one thtutstintl' tree liundred feet in height. The exterior rim of the canon being from two thousand! Jive 111111- dml to four thousand feet above the bed of the river, morethan two_hun dylinfills _and Inscathis otfpitty~i? h tlitlni I..fryvertll t itm hit t main Nen. Were illeeA in the distance, presenting alnibst ev ery variety of natural scenery. • The I geological formation of the canon con i4ists principally ; g4 lime tone and andstone. Granite {vas only found at three places and in limited amount. discoverly of precious metals was nitult..,std r no iu4icatitaks goy sitter Tejoutil in thp b Idf rifler.ne ii.ction of Vie Ll,llloil tts. found to consist of very tine and beau tifuily iulishtvl marble, which is at present entirely inaccessible. The • country traverped is barren beyond description, and. pronounced by Col. Powell not suillOtible of cultiva tbm, even by irregition. . DEcm-rins,llypocriv and dissim ulation are direct, compliments to t (tfriVfl r- .43, th , i jr i t t r i st7:4 terfelt i let lie .elf is sttonetbst. ihinny in behalf of her intrinsic bi.auty and excellence. . A. SEIS.VANT tCflB Sated how it WiLS HO ditnellit to wake iiim up: "In thh4ter, bemlis i ck of taking kortukv}ll4ltio feit N ullyalitfotAt/ L tp What 'ln about ; so whenever 1 sleeps • I pays attention to it.: \ • Eight more more years :of Republican rule at the same rate as tliepast eight will Nlll iletepipe Vailitute debt - iWd)III4.N. E ve y Tv to ono .N . vote for Cleary. Iteguififttanisin has heroine. the eynints n for evononly and that :if Denigmeyy,qr extntvagance. • No 4 , botte kivide tiii.of this ran be found than - rexxirt!bf thliState on nation al 11 eel. ..,;.„- ~- i : . " _ .-----4.:..41.-,----:- . . .oi*Paeker is mid to be the chain pio . *Uthre.player efllfaueh Chunk. A 7 :....••••••• ...4. C NA eO4 tail/ g PO rt.Y.fi Ve span; in [lei; : , , : :i'. -;- A J i ;- - • -- Cliff''' . 'iii i 46 50 , per cent of her own Ni7l e: • .1 , • . ~ . , _ Ilrigna*lettiAi' tki II fteen thous- . and dr,jllietttli 1,, . ,i';.. v. % Sakti:l6l;46 inelt iittralielt §f Cm intintitt, thtliAng. - ',"74"..'.'- - ..?:,,- . Cape .I%lay.elalnAthat over $5.000,- 000 is left there annually. t..e-r, l a. Geakral E os f leca A* At A r titiis3srip . $I 3 W ll emei i ' h or ' tit truaHlrlit e or ik Ar 1 •sitainlati o t , t4ll4 . :l "An Act relAttiat Um ploettc:s . WO* ‘14 11 14 *Nag IP 6 3 °r4ul Y. A. D. lt firmathitno duty of aSh linger. cry county within DO Coaatautotealtb tt l a Pub' lic Mt 'De , tipt.tu • spelt no Itiekeiorikere to be elected, • • 2 " 33a11°4414aPiaaar at WWII , t/io el.ctlon ti to be bel s=e. • '•.-• -••••— '-, 4 • ' - . 1..1011X & MULL. high Sheriff of the coati. NWril i rtaZieg e tt l Y=t w itZeZtro e f Waiter, tun • th,e. ad, Topodor of October , MU. (bdag the ltth day of the mouthka Guiana Stec. lion will be held et, the reeerel election Matilde established by law in said comely, at.whic.ti time *trial. rote. by ballot. for , the *Metal ottoure hereinafter word; el:: UNIG MOON for the ogee of gore:far of the Couttacefterafth or rennityftnMa. WM MOON ter the often of Justice of the Supremo k,oort of the lienceonweala of "mit* yard& ONE PERSON for the office o(Bm:utter from the Twenipstath District of the . CommonwrOtthiof Peuusylrama. , 11.1.1tEli PERSONS for the office. of Member of the Assembly of the Commopyrealth, of I'enpsyl- 001161PtititON DR; 6at of 44h ) criti''oP the countycof ittarer. ONE PERSON for,tho gave el Truss tour et the COiluty of Bearer. ONE PERSON for . the unto of Register end Recorder of the county of Waver. ONE PERSON fur the Office of emit of the! Courts Mille couuty of Rearm. ON t. PERSON tdr the Mike of commlss!uuer flasgemer. . 4 r. fq . the ONE PERSON Tor the Miley of poor Rouse Di. •ectur of the them) , of lkuver. ONE I'EItSIIN for the uttice of Corouzr of the cpuuti,of Ousiver. • ~ , , or : 31110EE: rEttsoNs for e °Mee of Tru,tees of the Academy of the county of Beaver " colnV2 l, lll te i r ' *9! tha Thu electdre of Borough tovenolilp will mast at rho Court HUMo lu tho borough of Beaver. 'lto electors of Bridgewater borough wilt meet hi tlio Tovor thisridguicatik. Theeoctork of Philllooinirg tristrlct brill nicer at the public brick school howl° In maid borough. lie elector.. of 'Mono towudilp of the hobe° formerly ireeopleil by Ant:Walt Ilendrickaok —noir by Jntio • • Elm elector. tuwaallip will 'fleet at the behpet ‘t.tttee ,Jll the V,11141,4,1 of ,4cottoville. In maid tuiTn.hhi. • ' ' ' ' • th`Cttorlt 14 I ndelitinlehee tuiroolnp will meet at the hence of Alesautlee Thoiniienu, itecA. to void tuiernily• tklanfof itilscbuit Mei r at of EKyors. Pad 101,211hLtk - ois-at Yrtualatirt dtotrlct Win met at Um Iluu.o of ucoege Dungan, In Fraukinrt. The elector's of Ateti tare's Duartel will me-t nt the home, of John Potter, lu the village of ll.2111)- vet. , ' The oloclore OfUcocuti township will Meat at the limbic' of I.llJah Nistraug,et, in Itookatowu. The elt...ctuni of Ohba tOarnahlp will meet at tho house 110 W occupied by Jamison Elliott, In said township. , , . . . :Thu elector. of tirai,,M r un'Auwastilp (not umbrae.. ell to ludiolry disir ct )4111 meet at the school house, near Itiebey Lakin's, inlaid towtnship. STAitil.,lutdrauf ttdi LorOuthorii•tauNqa sy"Ect 'id ON anlclitillin.Fillstoo:P.' 11 : 1 1' p• • • ...:. I the olectors of i'ottersoii township will meet at the school bowie in the village of Brighton. ' 'rile i:ilOaturia of thippeu a township will meet at in• house of Atorinh Linton, Loynd township. 'llir electors of South Lteavor township will meet, at the house of John Ito. e, In said township. .. 'the vim Wrs of. Ihtrinotton township Cli scloct Al the Aeadeuty Its Darlington. The electors of Itig Ikaver township will meet At the bullet, of widow Miller. lu slid towuslop. The electors of Franklin tux tastily 'wall meet at the house of ]tart - IL cLiz::. ku said township. ili o The •lottoci -North t.syylchlicylownglip will meeg thollou of :•httlh4i, 111,..411, on Luid tor nivr ankh t- .w. I, tertrd tl. .:111 ,,, en 110,1teliti will Meet at thtrill JiClao64 , h4Seet*. N0.,4911 and town •!illi. ' • 'rim' derlil. (.1! Marion to:v.o.lop 1011 blest at lho i.ou, of gees -c Lkartzel I, Jr., •o 1...0l tow.i...tip. Tilt! . titY:4IN of Ma upper. or twilit ward, In the borough of New Ilriguton. Nall meet al the Co, penter.. - ilip Or ThiAlll. Mlllt.T. lit INIZAI borough. The elertoN of In, saaa, ward of the leirothil al Neor Brighton %sill 111• et at ilia school h00t.% in sold wall. rkilorl. of tlf.! Inir..r Or .01111. u ant of Lao I...rougli of .Xv. Ilroglauu, 10,11 011 . 01 01 nolory.1.1,10 , 101 , 1•11. Th.• cloelOr or 1.1.ctie.4.41.,.4,101...1 Lure: ut Ihe'ol,lll.Klurial Wm.', In luuuolop. et...ctura pr av boraitgla orl:oc.llebter Meerut gehreslbcu•e it. 'll.O vivc tor. or Fr,,,tloni itonsugli uu.l Cistricl a ill H.tri:t ut the .c.hkpol haw, kre , ,dom. _ _ . . . . 'cite elector: , or New Stlocl:ivy towtwaillJ will tLet. at use I..tut,u 01 • taut town• tip.• r uc~ldt tortui 4111Ijeut ut ILO boolt.4crl $U itaiptrf. I liunutbuy l'uutu.tl:l) stilt t o ot ut Lion. Eo;nuliiy 16.11414, Ain meet At Ilit• 11011. c ..t Cuurgo C. dlnlpis, 11, kaki tow nplitp. eiecto. or ttle hirot,:n of Ilenser NVIII matt at tbe Slieritr r Mike, gala bur011;411. 'lllO eirctik.wit (flair ImrotNli will !Ilya at thutic:loo: house, Ili said • ;41/re,ekt.tbro o f isisrusitt itni.te r t 4 li;gtl4%;=. 1 4 P tillhVine l Vt? I lt❑ lit the school house in Net: 'L The electors, of Beaver Fang borough a ill meet at. the retool house in Beaver Fatly. And the several dutile*. Inspectors and Clerks It no entailentailto the ge will election ou the second 'Tuesday utlreorlxr are hereby enjoined to attend at the sail election of Elector*, to int Linde aforesai4, the tijitr,ers, itvikitgt the lib tot t'usliturt'analuble'lro trt 1146.1ur of aicatagy;' 4:45. • I t•ial.t: Lao.o and give notice, tat and Icy the nth rection • the aturerald Act 1 out dtrected, 'that every pei.on, exeeptingJui.t teed tor the peace, v. ho .hall hold any ottleo or appointment or pld: or allot under tho Liuveroulielot of We totted Slate, or tl thlr Srate. or oily city or ineorporauct district, tt artier a cum nit" holed - odic.. or other tt ice, u rubordittate oilicer voC algtall. Otto hour 1.11411 be employed miler tho leglotatire, or uNeelithe tol tills Shit.. ur Uoileo ~t ato, . , oar ninny cliv or Itteorporated dish let, and alto that every member of Coottrers and the coati: Legislature, and of the relent and (Inn:11011 UMW- Cil or any city. can.onirslun, 0: ally lucurporaital district, to by law ine.tiothle of holding tor corral, I lig at the taw lino: tint odic° or 4401,01111.111Ci1i of Judge, Ithipectur or .clerk of any elvellon of tltto Connueliwouhlt. A. 1.1 Mac mo I impactor orjadge or other °Meer ut any ritet clectioo, shalt be eligible lit any taller Ilion to be elect for. - • Also. that in the fourth sectioa of the Act of Aa. aclably entitled, "Au Act relating to elecutions :ma tor other purpo,s," approved April Cu, NM, It 14 enacted that the aforesaid 11th section "ehall net be so coustrned tin to prevent any militia offi cer or borough utlicet from ser.ing sus judge, tu nnel tor Cr cj,.k. tij any general or smodad, intn4 InlithtAt*lntonwerlltti, stint pre, 41V or attempt to pre scot ally ottlecrt, of at election under this Art troll ritch election. of time or threaten any ill) bare to ally ruck °nicer, or shall interrupt or im properly Interim, wi4,1,. ht the WtiuLLuu.uShte thotstinavr. or'ovehne to any whitlow where the same may he holding, or •hall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall moor prnetlee any intlintdathig threnu, free or I foionce. shit to lulluence toulti• ly, or over:me any elector or to present hint Conti .using. onto reatritin the ketdom of choice, such person 011COOVIctioll shall 1., ducal in any suns not exceeding fire hundred dollata, nod truptieuto mesa for any thud lout its, than ono month our more :loth twelve months, and If it shall be shots 0 the courttcheru the trial of such °thence shall be hail, that the person so ollendiats was not it teal. dent of the city, stun!, dlotrlet,• or the towtoatilt utter., the said °Renee wad committed and not en. titled to vote therein; then'on conviction lie shall br evidenced to pay a 1/11., of nut lepa thall one Moldied nor mute, than oue thousand dollars awl ho Imprkotiett ho: tees than month, our more Chant (no years." 1( nuy. iontost or persons shall make any Lot or %Omer Upon !Intro.:ln of any •lnrClOni a tuna thiS Cotnnonto ealth, or shall oiler to male any such Let or tvagrr, antler by yerhal prurlautatino titer& to, or by any' printed or wrltted atlvertlsoosout, eltallenge.onlrysltu stay person or persons to tnoke sorb lot or wager, hystni Conviction thereof, boor they shall torten and pay three donee the aanonut so altered to Ise bet. : 2 11t :1 91 11n; than i - dl n ckt, on the potmeday, or bllllll trtilniulently lout toil deliver to the inspector: two tickets to gether, with the talent Illegally to vote, or ntivi,e unit procure another 110 to do. he or they wind' on rouv4ll.4‘ hp anod In as.; sam nOti,asa than Any nO!".VartAtta tillottrod , ekd will not hrei Oulu throe nor morn than tkvelvo 11111111/04. Many pageou not quiditled to rote in' thh; Com monwealth, agnissahly to law, (except the sons of qualified 'Cltizilno,) oppear at sow. place of atortion for The purpoks , of Issuluis Illelseta so: of Ind ncochins sitiaetro spanned to vote. iss , nisei, on CollOrtion, Surfeit Anti pay any 0100 not exceeding OM' hundred dollars fur every such °Ocoee, and be imprisoned . Ims. any term not exceedln; trews mous*, . In Goo* the petrol; nho ,aball have received second hkhest nmnher of Cores for Inspector shall um attend on the day of election, then the person who shall have receives! the *mond highest neat hslr of vet ea for Ridge at the next aping electima ~ h an art as Inspector In hie plan •; and {it ease the person who shall have received the highest num ber of vulva for Inspector Wall notauand, the per. eon elected ledge shall appoint au inspector in his pined and in Vide Me person elected. judge shall net attend, them the Inspector who received the highest number of vows WWI. app Olnt a jnaple In hi. place; or If guy VnCSSICy *WU tontine to the hoard for the space of one hoar after t h e time fix ed by law for the openinks of the election. the val. i 4.4 1 0 4. " Of I be tmTnntnP.qtAre dlitrfix fah which aueltenlicer *hall Imre been' elected. prsuient at the place of election. shall select one out of their number to till such vacancy. It ansTitv.LAw 1 nlau give othclal Bothrc to Iba elector, or. Item ver county that by au act emitted An Act furth er eupplemeraal to the !tett...tattoo to the election. of thin Cummouwegolth,l upprOittlAprll 17th. A. 1). ItChm is provUltd na foltbirb : • Sec-rzon I. lie i . notetel ' by the Senate and of Eeprrsentaliresql Me Commonwealth 'teensy(canto to General. wns, ma. and U es hereby enactrel by (he outtmority r the SQ.!. That, tt shalt be the duty of each of the assessors wilbto tide Conunonweauth, on the drat Monday in Jane of each year, to take op the transcript ha has re ceived Irmo the scanty commicsioners ender the eighth section of the act of the fifteenth of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and proceed to au munedinto revhfinitqflima came, by striking mew irom the nom onercrY Pen. , who /s known by him to have dbal g igsnoyed since thelantpre rmaa accommatuent* 'dhatgict whlchitte is the mow, or. or whose dee 01 removal . (non the sauna shall 1.14 made known to him: and to mold to the same the name of any qualified Voter who Az I be known by him Whore moved lulu the district since %inflect previous nesestment, :ma s r whose roc moral into the offundshall be .fw. MIMI have been' made known to gnu, and situ the ,nanica• of all' wbeshall'onske eaten to hint to be quallAzd voter* therein. As soon oath!. revision is ratoPloted cumuli rid t every dweillughouse in his district and make careful inquiry If any person whose name is 'on his list has died or removed tram the eitetret, sad if 4 1 , to take We therefrosa. .ther, therein addAe= Mwrbtaccessect a .d ifainst the per non; awl theasscsoor sballin all cases ascertain by inquiry upon what grouud the person so as ! fivoved claims to be a voter. Upon the completion of the worita shall bettho duty. of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out east In alpha betical order of the white freemen shire twenty. , one yearn of age, claiming to be quallged voter la the ward,... 1 1 . 1:1e . SEC of which be ic the state Whether raid - erafo izenkerper ; end Übe lathe number of his residence, in towns where the nuns ore namben fkwlth the Street, all ley Ictiftrt34.llhlditstialOgdWiliotifit fin a town witch there/ire no Dumber., the name of the street, alley oecoort ou which said house fronts; cc the occupation of the person; and when Malt tifstion. ' % c p in. awa.xim ablest he dye • ter said district; and ja ajf rterapat i mi hat been otatilized. tha nate. =a marked With Ontter triad o ltr e oleo* at . l7 l l; :n leelani the maws ,o„seacited the claim Is to washy reason 4 ..mit,Oati the" & got .twentrole and tea • twa. as Piti taw, the word "eo" shall mitered; p . r.th. y vamp lea snored lnto the election Wet' te ruelde ulnae, t e r election the hater ..R" shall, be p o j pt r r4 jhe more . It bo the forthellay Orsalt "moor as aforesaid., upon the completion of the Maki herein Lammed, termakh outs imams Het or ed anamactd• sated' kt, CO the &gotta' meowed upon mo.= "W ee iliteelie u gl i io:the county Otters. who seam 1 teiy add We naMesi to, th e tax difilitate of ward, borough. township or dh" tea in which they have been assessed. *mow 'On the list b*W.fpoltdolddiltett aWseeena dude ea sioto.' 06 . 410 01 a forthwith b ereturned to the county Commission l Mit WIN> guilt cause duplicate amber of mitt list.: I with the obserridiont andXtplanatlirtursitthod to be noted ae albrveald, to be Made • earLoo aasa la Practicable, and placedlo Matsuda 001 who asses. .or, who shall, main. to the drat of Augest In each I Year, put one copy thereof on who noorofor cm the house where the election of the respective oillstriet Is notated to be held, said retain the (Aber in bid possosslon, for the Mapectiork free of eta= shy pewee reside In the said election who shall desire M acro the Sarno; awl It Shall be the duty of the laid wafts,* to add from time to y Umu on Weller:anal application after oaa delis, I jog the right to rote, the name of then cialmimt. and mark opposite the name Af.:` and IMMO. diately maws Wm with a tax, noting, ea bt Other cum, Ids memento% residebtm 'shearer a boarder or horuukeeper; If a boarder, With whotu bisbotordscstallwhetber naturallzed or deal:Mhz to Ito troalidng In all such mss the letters °mo an, the name, "'N.„' or -D. I," ea the We may be; If the peeson claiming' to be ostersed be mamba ed heeled exhibit to the assemer hie terdileate of nathrellsatkom and if he claims that be designs to bd naturalized Won the next ensuing election he shall exhibit the certificate pf his declaration of lutentlon,; In ad Wee where MIS wards boneogh•t township or sliettow dbittiet Eh dhidedintO two or teem peociectlptha swam* shall note In all his nsitNstnenticgtwo election. precinct, In Mitch each elector haildes r and shall make a separate re turn for each to the county rotamissionera, to all' team in width a Morn la required from him by btu prorbikma of tiffs act; and the county tout Ismouers, In making duplicate copies of all each retunt„s shall make duplicate copied of the =au of the voters In each prccluct.senscratel y, and shalt furnish the came to thalcasemer ;,• and Abe Copies mocked by this ' aft to be placed on the doers of or ou electton Mum, on or before the first of Au gust in each year, shall to placed uu the door of or U. the election plum In each of told prettocte. SiCTiun O. After the• awessumput Ir.an completed Dottie tenth day preeedytdc..the *eared Tumukty hi October orrice ycnr, the swimmer shall on the Monday immediately Wilms lug, rustic a re turn to the county rommisstoriers of clot names of all pent,. Moreyst4 by Mut since the return re quired to he made by him by the second of tittel44l3ol,togowootte rich tuna tug other rational cod explanatMmi mortared lo bit -noted *a ulomsald ; and the cutely commissioner* shall' thereupon canto UutOtrue to he added to the re-. taro rwillattetlttr ate Inoold secttionph tile act, suit aluil tad correct copy theme tO be nude, Molt:doing the comes of all venoms at, returned' nto n Admit tar:ablaut said ward, borough, loon , chip or precinct, and furnish the same, ttrlether with the aecesa4 olectio blanks to the utlicera of the election In said nerd. tome •h, •=c i t, onz t he a Zut: r & I t taLlnaic no rtu u . .hall be permitted to rote at the election en clot dal 'Alamo name le not unsold list, calm* he shall ' mats prool of his right to rote, as hereinafter• re. ouired. Sztyrogs i. On the day-of election- any person whoSe name is not on the raid list, and deleting' the right to vote at saidelectien. shall producenv least ono qualified Voter of the diotrltt as a whirls to the residence of tiled:demo,. in the'district In wh-ch he dattuato bu a voter. tor.thp terns,daysteat Inectaltog MatiliactStestfig wrtueee p h all take nod subscribe ft written, or partly written Mitt partly printed Affidavit to the ilwto Mated by him, which atlldnelt .hail clearly where the residence is of the ponsen ,cialunug the right Liked°, shall also lake6ndanb ocrilte n written, or partly •ariften and portly print ed 6 indavit. Matta,: to the bee t ,or his knowledge, and betel', where and witch he Was horn; Mit he. Is a cittzen of the Commonwealth of Pramglvauii and of tho Untied Mates ;Mat lie has roonlod In the Corarobaoismith oneyrar, Oglrrtoghterly n du- zen timieth and bus meted' thbre:l64lW "he tats' Aside,' therein his months next pm:mita:: saLI „k r : that hp base ry moved- 11210 ft thef le' thirst:we of reduat neesl4,;tiqtt Ili la Ms et meet" tax irfa two etrartrub..; assessed at least tea days belora said election and, Ira cmturaltzott.citizen, shall also eats whon, where, and by what roan 112e.wia naturalized. awl. also produce hie certificate of satumlizoitnn for exandeadon ; the said affidavit obeli also state, n hen and where the tax claimed to have been pall by the admit Otsa simeesect, end ,vb , u..bere and to whew puld, alit the receipt therefor shall be prodneml fin eXamitaftiou, aldose the adaut shall state. In hie affidavit that It hie boon lost or de. ntroyed, or that be never receit ed any, lint if the p,rsott su claiming the right to vont shall take .11 Puthicrl , a an tritittaide that Is Is a native burn w izen of the United States, ter. If burs elsewhere, shall state that fact- it hie and ellen pro. li duce evidence that be has (seen naturalizes or that he to entitled to citizenship by moon of ' hie' lather's natumlizatlon;) and shall further Mato.% lily atfidaylt that Ito is, at the time of taking doll ufiblavit, between the ogres of twenty-ono and Men.. ty -two years: that ho has twisted in the state bee year and in the election Mould ten days next pre-. cemling such election, he shall be entitled to vote, although he shall hot have paid notes; the said of ttdavtu °fall Omni, making each deem and the" el of the witn.ses to their residence, shall be preserved' by the election board, ono at the close of the election they shall be enelown with toe list of voters, tally list and other papers requir ed by law to be tiled by the return judge with the prod .:reentry. and phall remain on Illy therewith sa the prothonotary • office, subject to examine lion es other election papers ere;if the lotib•ers shall ilnd that the amilltant or applicants possess all the legal qualificatltma of rote's, be or they shall be permitted to vote, end the name or ndlOnl , shalt TM added to the flat of Mashies by the election ord.", the word lax' helm: added ob.-re the claimant, dolma to vote on tar, and the word -aye" w here he claims to veto on age; the same words being added by the cloaks, In each case to epectively, on the lists of persons votnlg at each Meet:MlL bee - T . ION 5. It shall be Load for any quadded citizen of the distriCt,notwithstanding toe name of the proposed voter Is contained outhe list of resident Mantilla, : to challenge..the vote of ,0114 h per.. m ; whereupon din same proof of the rigid of stilfrage as is now Yequlrmi by !meshed be public ly Moth, and I , Cted no by the election board, and tto vote admitted or rejected according to the ev idence: every person claiming to be a natemlized citizen shall be renalred to prodnce his naturali zation certificate at the elect lon boom voting, ea; cept where be has been fur ten _ream (mescals. lively. a voter to the dietrkt In whit he torero hie vote and on the vote of reels person being recut% ed, It shall be the duty of the decline oak tars to write or stamp on snob csrtilliattelho word vote.L" with the month and year; and If any eleetion °direr or officer* shall' reacts cf a reeend vole on the some day. by rind , ' of the rald4rr ti6cate. excepting ',there stn. Ate entitled to rote by vlttuo of the mintraitzatinn of their Imlsers, they. and th • perliti who rhea offer such r•cond ote. 11:1011 .0 ullrndfuif !hall lee guilty 0. a misdemeanor. and on conviction thereof be lined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of,the (mat ; but the fine shall not exec.,' ode blaidred 'dollars lu earl. case, nor the Imprisonment! - ono year; the like pueishinent ball he" luidetml. on , conviction, .cm the officers of clettiph 'wan shall. neglect or refits° to make,: or tense to be made, the vide:would required 114 Corea:aid ou ',tilt LSOOTOO:OOIOO c,`,111k.0n.• ecormr•O. It any election orneec 11 .39 n•fo.o or n.•gb-ct to require ouch proofof no, right of or. frece a. Se moccolbed M thla law, or the law. to which this Is a sopplemtnt, from any percon oger logto tote whose name IN not on the list of accen ted voters. or wlnCie right to vote Ic challenged by any onalltied votarappient. and .hall adrift wall pontoon) woe wtthu requiring/inch proof. only worm co offending Awn. Opon conviction, be guilty of a high inlodemeanor, and !chatt hr cern towed, for every cacti otT•nce, to pay a One not oXcoOdi in: one hooded finnan, or to undergo an Impriconment not more than omit year, or sitter or both) at tho olacrotlon of the colter. Reruns 7. 'real days prectalint: every election for electere of l'cesldaut and Vice l'restdent of the Colter' Stater, it ehall tin the duty of the Areersor to attend et me place lined by lam for hokling the election in each election district, anti then and there hear all applicitione of Perron. whore Dome,. have been taunted front the lirt of ti,,er • 'ell voter., and who cairn tad right to vote, of u hoer, right., have otigtn.tte4 alma lbw wenn was ovule ant. and .hall add the uanum of ett,ll per. Pollt , thereto a shall *how that they are entitled to the right of snakagoin etc ;targeted ap teleationnfthe aunt:await only. tad forthwith wows% them with proper tax. Alter completin the 11. t, a copy thereof shall be placed on the dour of ttc on the !wawa *chain the elec. non t, to he hold, et kart eight doer before the election • rind at theeleettoo tee came court!. Ahab. be:intratied, !Walt reapects.,aa be rggnicad by title Am and the Attht to trLICIt title ih w Sup.; {dement, ut tho general cleetto. In October. 'ric A.mtwt.Or Philp ain, make the rains refer. to I Ito century eutuntlaatonerx of all asoesamenta by virtue of this recttott; and the county cow. ntindenensabodffUrnishcopian thetnof to the elec. Jinn officers In each dirtrlet; manner,^l u all respects. tie is rtAttlred elm general elec. dons In October. ;, . . . SccTiOtt 8. Tho same inlet , and ll:gal:Uinta shall apply at every special eletliOn, and dt ever! neparate city. borongh or ward election. In nil respects no at the general etectlonst InOctober. Pm-mno It 'The respective assessors. Jusptctors and Judgeirof the election !hall "eaChlutra the: power to witointster oaths to any person chtini, log the right to be assessed 'or the tight of nut , frage Or in regard to any other nutter or thing i muttered to be dons or inuoired Into by any or said officers muter this Act; and ony ,Olful Edeo swenring by any- perocm to relation to nor matter- or thing concerning which they shall be)awlttlly interrogated by any of said oilkers shall lv pun. , Liittlit, Adlovr.lorx.. SaYrtoftlo._ fie Mau . sore ahall.eacla Ticiriva tiereasat compahsatimi for the . 41111110 DONlMlllibr grkhlk: PerfaragaZ the - datki hereby: vetobled 4110: prorkkelApaiw...foethe: .perfnianar , pf Wafer Aatte&tobet pail by.thooonalpia tenersas lo *bat, arr.; tad ttatialhoot •• learratiotaity eateeta* le Okra: . al trer t r ' 1 ..r ialft 'the e "abw kction ar to Wit 'bo b Valuk 4l: :: so . l .4i T . " of 'October, to aar 0 . 4 . 4 'ar " lit " 1" d Agait Were, any •e . dr Ekttpes r r p iy. Zl, end - Vke h limos al i stlan. of ibis proviv abalLbe a lola oppriat th e Okay+ no/offending I n n9O. - On woe nalexceedlog tmFloariared 4 allay,Sit 1CO• obk - carAmagrikriv . uniliTh - s.or - lotli. at rho di ectrttpa— A 01414414.; Sernon 11. •On th e petition br don' or inure eitiruns Ca county, ell o IXII.' and • oath I Inw.norl . . 1 1 1 q, tilr. : IRK 'fle „ a ttlINT$ 1 1 1 ;00, ,17,r `; of !aid county. If In stuaihn, or 2f not, a Jud ge . t a l gr - h i tittiM 42 ll l4 ;4=retirt b no' . urerrit i ld it geelli t 47, o id yp twernecci pattietr, where tt CO. t o rn Areree p e rpadorrlttybere bftoriam relpec B.BBllgs -Thin Tat/Ill cai rant War **Olt-cm Ph; 111144 !lino the4wits.poilitait rgrty taus owl h. • • , I g b, te b# reWilt .vrl RI 'be raftwor the ,etteoz ,, eatieg the'YboTe Ile* the Wort, helikeboveteletosated.saa , the 'Wires taidloWee t, and signed b,y tba election ollice nt; to Jenson list! or voter. If they see cooper to chat engo any mar-. w Wave, nd oath. Jo Mari w rig ht ri iota offerin u g to vote, aud Intern:ga l l° Wa:AV *agora veld election. mid to am:am is. pawns, produced; nod,tbe ullaers of saii election:aro m od:red to afford to said overcool so selected at& ri V u targl'or thilr ep d a nr. n a c l a & d eal ta,Cl =at. EMI' shall rilose to permit said overseers to be prtyvatt and perform their duties its aforestiki. or It 'be/ Walt be driven away Rued the polio by rim. learn or Intimfdation, ail the ruttr i ed at sock is election dlattiet-ay be re)ertad h AEI much tri bunal bras &contest .undot Bald on:: ita -ft/red: that nu pavan signing lit. P.6001'4,44 be IlliPahltedi au over:parr. Barrios 11 If any feutbOnatiri• clerk, .un the. dewily of either. or.ani Omer Peraoa. r OO O in.. lig, seal of orrice. to,suy, aaturallzatlah Mier. or permit the oomo to is gazed, or gtve out. or caw* or permit tha raze to be ;free oat. to Week, say , 5 "Arm tut late weertiAn, ofikeier*o mmo/ to the al Oacpa • or em ihi :l=r lia= penantlaiZtegh bd figtetstias t =4ae Pon, EU:Wring ant it Wae ghat ' rota.' or XrrariPl.4.9993 thereon, at If m a y ' beone MAU M adanClit at natntaltutiOn - tioNikirta=, be guilty al a high udsderneanoe; .itneteadtebar any of the anions, theitalders or abettors. 7U 1 7 of char tif the .ptenhattotione rarattl4ltta On tonviction,•bd lardin Mit not' memm one iantestedi ditalhl4 Mee Ul Ae.prover panltantierifor a pcdpitagiczata ihreeyeadt. 'in t rjtite k tnitre cart — id riara l itT g at i t, Cur entbeeinet • • cureato . t of auy other pezion.. ..in - aC eV, , arm any menet bri a , SONO O:r bo base, or eall Ma .• &Speller toltest ant Inawltimythe Mole este bd derma/Pala Peliali:asul- any, cas of r i til i r ti g us leiti 4u4 l=ittrVn u ria et/ hat or a bew and neintand Mehra dertbedayatt coma Int gintAlrird,2,tr= it rd. Ina nienatta a for rinvuog thirMinante 910199914 am; Ilan] parson,who ybaU. ions Or L attetnplin vote on any papers° otateen;Orerltd Mall In Mr say adin.nonnbit at: or - hare an7• , ligerteXhrhili 4 ever In the aie, eirmtlation or use Or on/ tratalel 'lent tuttandhastion' anthers* 'Mall 'be dee ed fnUa r ta iaW atrt r4 C k ..Aert r n ' iet l ru_ 4 ll penitentiary. Ar n not more thinviwoyearKamorpo a flws, nut mom than • man thgeeted ,dollars,,tpr every auctiodonee, lieultiter or bdth, 01 dia. .erelloisoftbsteets„,:t ,itout..l,:t 1 , 1 et 0$ WA*" newvintr.!eleattlen:,nelcerair fnlng4tlii,e2rzrOitgj'aboaiiwito . I , sokohlquig. v 4 POTA a to powilty of one hundred dollars; an d if any, a. +mane shall anima ally person aw4V-vvisor I? "4"i rli c ler c r—zzirgioidrl AtudlA d; e • 1 I t b 7 ansinor n ofene,andontoorletioaterpantahanby dnaand Impriaorient, end Ono bp alltut Innfit iii V aro l-fge dilemma thepatty aortered rand atte shall rl9lll cileaUy alter, add to . Was ,be any hat of voterr made gut es directed by this octi or war drove or rumor, theme* frost that,place uliore )1t bas beenlinernith Inindtait've ma: inteoti or for any Improper Anna% ad pefaim leo effendi:3z Mall begallty of; luglt nos , .datmentet - and on conviction shilltbspObaid by, Atlas ad exceeding Ave .hundred. dohttre„pe,#• • plisofuncer not exceeding two 'clue, or Sorb, at tan diacredon of the mon • tiscreuxelha all elegtioni far alai nnilla4wr , ougb, townshipand cleclionpdlccrat=i -ter behead on the read! -Teenier ' subject toed thaprovlalorn ofteee-laws, • tors the election of such phloem not Ince:rot trite thla erg the Persona elated. ro • sta eb( at that time stmildalosdhalepicosa at Um- expire 4 nun 'of the termini the persa hiddiairftl l o .4 'at the Mai °Youth elbevai; no't'e u for the Mace of assentor br ardatant asameor shall hi held, ander . thianst, mats the,yeaßrie, ihotottnt chat haMren eta turriox.iti. Mall elbetknisbneetabaheld.,na; der the law, of We Commit:neat MAK Ruda MAI •be opened between me hears •Of six • ant aerie j o'cloptert., and *mei a4mrrea 9 do*. • Sccrte. - i IT,III Call lie the duty of 11 secretary' of the tommonweitth to papa,* fo#llll t de blank., made weenie:try by this Act. duld_.fiansish coplin of the - ante to the tomer tootuntslenen, :the aerate quanta of, the esentionifedth Vaunt ,tho coulltr,e4lbubehiras4OLondl—ruallty a Ital;. stia on• necensaryalterreceeprot - me fame, at 14, 4 proper exPense of the amide; prOotre. Mei tarn tan w all tue elecdte, jar= thu-eicetien dha tact., of theirrective ,optutier copies pane ~ bllndur, in anele menthe ta 'Maybe rennerett nnwerY, he dip d ergetidategAutheillulairata act • • .1,7 , In; eiril 5ZL111145617.. duirn•D r i l o 4 AP" icily in the aerelest inbe Mad Pr of the Irretet Mild goat umenit, on cleft:dor other , daty,tind who do not vote where nus employed.. ehell,ept be thereby deprived of the right to rote' In' their envenil Mellon damn:MU entwrkbautalyettaltd., DF-SERTEIiS' DISPICANCHISING LAW. An therein directed their diVe 4:o4llV , lfilltii‘e e the following drutlauslas 01'0444 dpologiyoil photos rel. ISM, cutined 'a furl IV - J- sumo - Few - cut to dos election Laieselthisedmkonwreadite`.. , i• W attunes; Uy the act of the Congress of the URl ted States, entitled -Au act to atallbel The severer aetsberetntorovated latonrop: ollanoliing• oat UWlll.o94k4.lutess and for other purposes, - ad apprortelllhrelit third,. one Stow - laud eight hundred and tixty•lllre, cdpersomewhit l ee v ae l rg i a l t tV i i r =i l vo lli ren tV dtla . rg t or I-diesed rfbnl thiliminally tor llsahllhy 9Werein hrovulid,ure dratted-snot tat= 46 have video. holly, relinquished and .forfeltre Wait eatinetiship and their rfirtiht - VO heroine -cMeths, suit aradehrtvoil:of edercTeitidat,P'lighte , of Oft :ens thereof, and I, utorsaa,tortees Elll4 00/4116 or‘ mg United :IRlarc tiotOluder.Ute Orratifuthiti andiniva ur MisyleantA,rptaltdcilldecturs or this entwie, , ners.,L Brit tin Senale.anil r o s r cltta in 4 llt t LiStr. i dk".l 4 .l 4 en C l ' uiTt n t! l tT . lttl ti ttlFlrss ! : by t h e uathorlt,y,ot the ad elections hercalter ur beheld in this idgm tm. %rennet n. 111111,4 tudahrtril for the !pttee, or Simard* id KAY oda cle4.ltnal.tt lemma anilt balk/ or 1.40,, Boat Pcresid% of parsons/ ernbruceo, in the'prdelelthist and ettnleet by said act of llanTitat fretted Mareli -Iblat.toue.ibooeind•,eigM ha add; ility-ftrej .and it shall bet atiatfakfutany such person bin% far to vota,any nebotor ballots. ; :; e , Sic. X. That 11 anyr lath Judge uN . hisj.ectUrs f 'eicetiou, nearly oro , oritatatogliall.reeemfOr cod- 1 steno receive tiny dieh ntifeerTul lin:nanny attar dioinalided , peratur. be or tacy..ss j -oirclalact shell bo t , gitisof tuladocioanor, =ban cmivietion therent in any Court of tte pact Ses sions of OW Commonwealth, ho stall rot eachof. feats sentenced to da ys fine of not tett than oar hundred dollarrif to , undero an imprison. uncut In the jail Of tbelrOper Otani for • not ilees than •isty. days, ;. • f. Seed .That deny putts% depth-Ca eldtqn eblp thCrihrifitaltfled• as trot-esti& aleitif at any eh:atoll hereafter to nc held lu thin cammonsseelitt vote on Louder to, ilia afflicts' Vberief, sad over to cute n ballot or Pilots, ally mrsonstioffenditht shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. mud on conviction ther-o(ht any Court of. tinarter, , des- - slots °flits 4;ormboineealtlr.' be Anil' for each of. leuedbetputilshot In like manner ea; le provided In thcprecistindeetinun ofibia act, sod !Items of olllceracifelvicttort receiving. seth ud lain iartfd - tutor bldluti. ' Inc. 4. 'flint It any wrebnhertiffer. 'per. enact* or advimiltly persottsor perserni deprived Mt. sfarettakt.; tat oiler bay twaltut, or nabobs U. Übe otticetsor.nrolettiou herafter to .6a held .lu,:thle..Gotuatonirealtii s ur shall perinunn hr 'any such .inner to re. ecientrrylitliorrerisallutic mtnr - oily - pcwirinp. prised of citlaraddp adeldiequalthEl alt aforesaid, tacit poreux' an cidendluif shad Ira filditY oh .. , n ll . - dememioe, and ;upon conviction thereof in any theater getrier 'fthrslons tar this ttnnalonsteallii, Blain be pool:41%1ft ince manna aii isprorlited In the rocciad section 'if this riad s to therms. ul,inincern olldch ileinion receiving such unlawful • ballet or hellots. . • . • cu.x.xmi; Tuy. DUDE. Ob . VLPl'll6ti. • As bur 1)101:Clrli I also give ogicial notice el tie, billowtra r ,;. prbeldous otan am. approved bland) lii. tong, Madded -An act regulating. the mode at eating at all auctions in 'nil sevurat 000111105 or this Voinutenwealtit bnertod I. Ile it enacted by We R.Mdc and Runic tor Regreinintances of the CoMmanneetalik of gennsylvanintld Gem Mil Assembly met, and 4 it hereby muted by authurity,of Wu came. That the iltiAllued voters of the desert' counties of this. mandlatimettlita. af aligeneral,' township, bortingta nod apdelal elections, are hereby bereatur author- Lied mad required to sutattba „tickets printed ur written; or partly midted owl partly writ:ch, rev 'crally• classified as renewal: • One tickst•shall em brace the names erall.lndireoOf worts 'to be voted for. and to be Libeled outside, ••Judiclary." one tieitet eha.l embraeli the names of all State officers voted for. and.tiOlabdtqlnStatsOctic ticket dull endemic the names of all touuti 0014:0*. voted lyr, I uchnltnz taffladvof Senator, member and m embers of *monthly, Irsoted for; and Members of Omi It ruled for, and bu labeled vtamtnty,,l'• one Wl:Malted embrace Wand:woad all ttandelq errs voted Me. and be labeled -Towndlig, one Hobe: Melt erabriee tIW - name, of ell boortnigh unteent voted fur; and le labeled vgandarth," and i. f . Xideseleall depwAteal separate,' cadet Pursuant to the provislonsOontalaca In age 'Mgt section abaci agi.grst aforesaid, the judges of the. Mormaiddistriets shall .respectively take charge of the certificated . of retwour.tbeeloCtiunolLbult re:eeatdistrkte,- and produce them ne a meeting of one Jatilttd from ietoOttltatitim at the borough of Waver, on the Wild day alter tile day of election, being tin FRIDAY, Tll6 tSTII DAI OF OCTO. Uktiti WO. Itimeioidllioxf to LW tad imtrenn die diliks,r , viti , 4,lll - • Also; that wilere a. tinge, u$ s4CTIC,S or MI, Voidable acrittent,ia nab* aitele curb inlet. Mg Orjadmat,'llien the cettidean. reborn etiall he Won bbante Ot by one . of • titre`.-Mispe,:tOre.' or lorim of theeeirs liopof Om district; what pOLD Ao and perfbrin the dnUrtretwireil nisaldjatilitenn. Ode to attend.' " • ' "Itetentorimi rem.n alect-tsrac rorthhnowlihouatiikwror&kl.up-51.4415;1, at iho oin' MM& telhohortin.th of Ben • ter, In the county - of Beaver, on the reventh tiny atter the ClaCtill;,POilg ,VkLool6 . 4 rytklattYl ,ThO reform Jodgessrill.xneet hi accurdaLlad slab an .dasavvvettay ath, 1664:at the enact Muse luiSdadef, thallocdugh of Uea• ter, hi the ctinuti or )SeAtet, un the adveulls • day atter the election, beln7. ,Tuesday, October 111Ut. Gwen.. G Tinder my hand, a n oince in Ila' ver IhIA lot Mt; otSeptecnber, In the xcit; rogrj.4 ~ Ozithanitan4 6 lpt hundrod tuad'llxt -litac, ~,g In thb ntnetr•th.rd 3:eatutpoltUcipon .I•ocr. of tbO Stairs: . .. 7°l t rl — • ' Jon:IS. drrtt.i:,.sliiii fr., libeynr* grad, teive. t , pa.: - . .. • . • . . • ..3hpFha . kber„ : lo;l, ih. ( . • 1))1rj Goorls: 20 St. CM St: 59 3lnrket Ste. 3. V 7. BARKER &COMPANX Iravv for 4hiy weels'4 mtles ttag Ipzgy.rt. and tricapcSt stock of iE6,EVA Z A L • . t !'cl:Nell-i9 Ds, , GEO AVM ; si,(M IVW ,4ES rk,V 11 I TS . ' ...if / . ..11V i ~..•, : .1 ..4 .I'3. /11)14Ii : ' prlaltlOntOt Poi) IN I Tilts MA.14146T.. !ff:l v i t i i:ll'l7* - 177*1".:/.1 1 , ,vit NCO., to ,t,..!;:.31 A1'18...441410 /1 NO. 70 34,M. 1.,1cr %. e • ,v r ti 3 O,SI,:STII 'STREET, rmCrly St. Clair, ,ivursult a jungOitin. , • ' • i!aLCA„.:Li:',4IIOII! 'E 2 z. t . at 1 I fric.l , - Huf oil I : rta r inoup Aro fildaiwresi !-Errkinneis crt" , .1;0f" , ;;1;4 7 /tq -,7 71TV4 7 . 1 . 141 - iicil;;;;ltt ,} A( ii•ri•irrt C. 3411001. czAY, 7.+141 1 4 . BAMICERg 001 tar base r , A IWlWOhlaitirretiriansel irn.):..ibaw , ix9,trrtobLiit!te-ge , auslA -NattatarniatiMElNNVlALe t truaggi (, r nkfaiii,4 141 MIA u- tudvirio pi r.a.UPTlPathtp r e 4llool4o biyaNlPArt f i r a f e ep tiFt ig l ia Jit . tr, airar2b , rl '"liitraddg'" l „, t "4. 4-„yui p:o.. 3'1,144 , 14 1 , . 4. , iv 4 graLleiwiesent ;of -I6*-21.a 00 ot=o4 4r " 4 z,p 7t97agrx-Fq:y 1 TA c.l 4,0 a; ! Al* en4l7bit Btatettatole' :and.:"Cheap; UOIDIA sol4Didffj/OLESALN Xi El • •f1i;.....;,4 - :.: T. • if.;l - , .. t:',. 1 , .. , xtr00. , -:: - r.P:11 •if LIM q i .V l 9 l l l(l , l iPiPPl l rl k , 9 4 hiq r'riiilli ', 1 •-' ~ •• ' , - ' . 1 11 , 4 -/r . . • litto[il ,‘lb ',../ I, .. - stai , 1:./ Ca. 0 ^,': )7 INT. 114mBeyllei4reft.ltave ternr ikirbiat Aookild..-tbc•icits.s 7,c lir .11 1 , 1? istspetea, ; 0141: 1 . 71 -7 17:1, )At • • at I , St • rAiiiff I ..ros. -t r ~ n VcolilitA, g f: . 1.41 6 -7* 40 4 ** '" * 'W. : 67L ; '' ''' jaCY'ArrytitCr. - V - nitsi 23,60014,thidiirtainnt riCittftitryr Ytnas, , Java .seanniv , uMi ' 31.::1 , Knitter*, Hitcrialin, A surge w3rtineutfltaxx,44 Urrssf.Fla!!! Ie , nultoVida,Tialufs, , • ' ITft)111)ti re, T:ininiitdirliß'," . • tt .tjwfiii nt id . t: : • . • a VC I C I C ' '• , • " Lives I n . ; atti atlas' Tor T;fult*'3leriti.'t dn4 ' • ' Hitnio UnikfiresirMeitlisnies.: .: •Mar t4tarti,-Neck:Tics notliknci, ,‘ :.'i , r. ~O SIER , , 1,-,.. , A .m.i...,A.wovtitiub.ik. v . - 44,44. nowiuur4.l.3%;o•TartAr 9iic„ps,ccwoOlt flozp. 131ac.ic liml"6lfirea, i **mpg Sail s ing: riticiSitk S+artf:TiivellfiteSatcheb, 4fc• .•, , t, , i 1. , - r.. •': .. . • • ... I ; xe y I Dpa inio'' . i ilr"til , as f por i fet 1 with 41sig. cicidi; de ' ' " 1 • Oreitit 3.E.E . icy]) .rl4vAfill "ArtvV2RY - ' tOStPIII6E.4. 114 ' • •, ..• & Timitzus r !Mr.. vstft • i•F .• Lt I .."..c.PITTSDITKOII,4%4 lER - .I'OIM,7,SOARr; elf tfroceries~~ ~ alid ~ Provisions, 1,1 • ' !I Vt. , • I:1 • . .!: --(:(?kt=i,' 94T81 rFLAWEJACt• Ntt;4“.. OL..R A INA.G. El-- PT -RE, ' Siies; nit ' ' IMPROVER CHIMNEY TOPA, at githliti4irci- CALL D EXAM IN k, IMM CASI I. P r tiil Jo; COU;STRY PRODUCE. Delkett , 4l Free of ttliargrv. ' ROCHESTER, Mny 1569 fluky 12• Gm wALL P.tPRli. • WALL -PAPER. MIME= .. WALL PAP/1E :.; Tr .e largrot and ehrapot rtnNk of 'Wan Paper In !lear.•r (*musty. - • - '• . • lit • i ti:' ROOKS, arengligg==g - Tnnclui:i4V,'. Ibitare Prierp., ..1 1.. .“, : GllllOlll tale: for le, tfifilays, BEE CM= StATTONERV, • Cu.. • STATION . EiY, . .„-; . • , An exterfOlve vartely of P•Ter, fneAnp •s; L ead Patellar *foldout Stael Pen, Int and Ink titands. W.• . ,111 Ibr.Cpl4olll,V.l, Agent fdr thecofetwated .1.1 I"en. Pen, would .o well to Noe them before 2 , 1 •./". ..-•1 t p nreh tn,. . . • ••. ••••• .9 ,9 • • We are the Agent for this Loo,ntLfor.l.febletfp Photograph Marring, C.:Militate. "Tbe• atlenlfon or Clergymen Is roTeeffrlffy called to Oily, a. we Can ..11.thenit, 11$ Hobo €ll.lblnuarsa they w 0.1.1 get from the Pul.lf.her. Atwater. 4d,...4 Goy. ernment for Pak at Putdlrl.9. re Oleo. •• • - • We have emmtantly•era bawl Floor Oil cloth In WI 1%7 1)l b•N‘r 'Cr a b"Trt if • ItATIlTiq P.A1 5 1:4 on hand T 93 a and Vneterrtlood. Imitable for lie - • /lalldays. .• •I• 9 • 1 , J.. F::• - • PRICE, El Broadway. New Brighton Dan'l -MOB' & Co, .*:,,m,va.vAcT,Elth .., IfitbleiikVSlAV.,3lktlek. :•, N 'YAW-r 11 : 11 . 11 ? s1.71.r . F , -, r- U t ,A . ~ .1 7 %tfibilaH gr ii.t -Peo.l//1.2, il t :eric0,,C15.4). awl lUpWards4 In the marl) eizing prooesseertairidste eral colors, - orinilift are appliell to.and athootberL bpitlas•akma,arkleluis then sybjeogl A pvtper, !lilac* PC,IPAL until the e , Nirjagganeornte_i! With Oa state. art litteutu%upe au liiiitii: Ira lja nov, nk Cilii=, nam y t nrePthlril - iiiitittlkEittilliiii.bnt'liuldil thin glyik4 nietinisantheid veIA T pUrtletilni ar-: ttintiowto ortlem *lithe farsicsigridb iialt4 (L449l4ausouize witA(PalNts4thictrinAlt! We ara;receivArig, i mouttiLy.. lie% poll* fluitirtmciAn.ppmpirh.w.voksviblvi, ‘,,, ~ii,,t(nthbitteityv f :Isstruqt wit,. • t ill , t.nkti fv.:a7n,ze.l,io.l r IZPS, 4144,Y, 515239% .... 14 6 / 1 1.- of e~oo/WaLlgttufts eitabULtut Deik e r M lbTrillt:a7 station. In Beam, Ps. 'Malden cokall others la eed edam* . n m sad litlehthe e i county. Ine a ark . SIIIIYAX&B. marl I:tt :1 „Ma ZOI / LLUX. ~t arri.rrmirm.scuseihar.aartsay. riaLsrm gnAIPIANWL•"77.I„-, Vanarp , • esipammi arste..) - IfimP_lt .—...tErituizii ostiseell:iM:lit au' l it XII.* imptiallawi NW , ~,viest - fial:ra' tt11. 0 1"1441 ) Ai ; ~ vi :it s,....ur I gr x 4. 1..4 ff.: . :.1 - .....1Pii , ~.A.......ti Ellli 1 C1141101....,..,1m; • ~1 11111 g,:rit arfr a r tenet I oieyt6b" d i~ ! a, I : 3 0 15 , 0 .' field. .615 • , ;f1•11115 FriYl••.ll •it. • '" OffULV.M I IO O O 4.2011 4 3" 4: 0. 1 Y•'n• 415 t Tons town, New Culls and Erie. 'Ermine laces YounptowsaklMlS.p. on; G4IN , ReterDW Now °moan, t. 05 : 0 1 , eic.2eit3_ 111, StMC rif t i'. .7!5.5 n, New .......4111vaioing' ming /Pkw .;n., .Itetnrnlnejnnvon p. Ali ttftellent ~ATM Din:ll . .701 p. ta: YIR.NUMM lickprApish. ' CLEVELAND t 144311 RAILROAD. On and ' :Mans will leave titimune daily yoMecept*lpas Ibtkrws: "[AMIS. MAIL. V KXe S. ][IL aga i tii4e 7:l l ii , na/0111-4,.•••••• :;; . 1103. •, 114 , .1t •• .• UM AlnriCe r itio • Ina - • wouvilio " ICOrm . MS ... .rtyrion. Itak'lo t au,* .... Itsyma 4 , ~01 11, 9 4 r! na Mil .11.1 pi! hrts - • 'two 24.. ]ilea 415 ims , l Mad OTATIOIII. EirY Bed,* rport..l4::::: 4 SS ' Steubenville I WO 814 tti7 Yfiri nr •i Mt, ibitimmetw...2::i:ll arr. lESE ISATIOI[II. " 141 4 Ml' Itittra rcPl. ' ji 28150,. 2 Stentlebdila . • .0.160) 11 rapt iga 1.. a allied trails to . Wel}svllla and juax - trees trate from Wethnille to Plttabergh. • • • • tryscAnewiis BRANCIL , Arrives, Phl l 7.l .2 dero Ma. L4o' m. r Bayar d .' 945. AA: 11.73na.11:6Usarrit -I 1. PidladaphlajolOgms -1. ILEYER,tj likuerat Ticket Agelat. o.oode. CASH ',BUYERS AT \ T zlO E AI. I?, WILL FIND A VERY LARGE AN!) ATTRACTIVE STOCK . •.in 1 MEE FOREIGN AND. DOILEMC DRY ',:GOODS, hb=l'r+ry' ~ ' ... LOS:PRICES, lwr .by tlm y:lrtL l JcCt or lacknAre ac . citAs : •,t . • , ; • , I= :ITR reitcriti g!ecrt, AlleghenY .N 4 13, ; • - • _ . , Surveyor !theocrat's Oace, i ~,..,1 . //aaltaevatut. Pa.. Anit. IS, pat. - ,. j• To the Cringers of trupataated Lando;, Ia obedience to an Act of Amembly . Ippro'red the eighth day of A prtt, *Ohntioneand eight Mtn. dred and eletpiapkyon , ana hereby ;DoOlt *at the .• ("minty fond Lien Docbct." contain g tbe Loofa epeteeted landsemeDerraconn , =tal i literreil M itt &ht.; ar Zi ertbe eog r eont thereto, Meade day ~.. .iarwaisi" ht It 2. 44 s:FattrosaDie teat. dated by the payment tonelmee moos Veen eneikerbantreelerbet * la Department JACrau. aaglrMlin Porsvpor . :17171 9 ' , DEALER IN 'fare tint Matt flu f- OpPer Si. Sheet. Iron Ware. 12N': r 'ass' 1 2 U Tal L SU :sit sostr 11 111 11114 nou sem 110111; en =MS keeps . e Complete Amortment of 'V ire N u rOnte:l Grates Cooking-Stoves' 'ilov. /ice:- IL 'MA i rj, Imo LIXi i ' 1 3441 1 145 NM ~ 1.1 11I 710Ing I E *RI ' AM 4117111. 71S r 5; 11i•4146.,0140erbag simithe /105 I 615 • le i 11211! / 1100r* I 166 ISO tab • XA Done t."oo"rilim promptly sal on 14,,„ hirtictilar Attention Paid to Job Ii PRESSED WARE Shop On_the lower end of ntinl Stet: 'Call and Examine .nur Stock hcf.r purchasing elsewhere. • rmarMit FALLSTON POVRDB%. AND REPAIR. SHOP = Engines and anatitthe,ry mad* sad the beat Mk,. Having peat vstintraf ran, / Call iddignimplitado accaornotd• mune. mpili almost avant/LIM lit tir a g Hna.v,, lowest rates. ..„ • Eil Plough sod Plough Cooing., - • of daturelnklnittartab bldblablitbe Grew Mewl wlddbspeeki for Maar snowmaker it has 5..• STOVES,. Cooking, Franklin and Uniti a g. of the mon pq. slat Ptualmnan • or Veokitiar Morn the darts Rucifuo,ildtbis be* ea it takes Rule feel. in e nom kid° the most work. best baker. and 6.e: derablo taltie ariagettior Ow beet Mors la 'eels connection with the stove I have got up ribald P• 1181114 Elifklaelloto Ter, which'. tidal very , 111 AM Wirt pi - additional tsr can not get ant tif order. mil not liable 14 sr dup e nsjug wills altripe. cut be pat sew taken o at' Int 'dm and made lo atilt on c.— of any slaw nylon:Mena— In testiniMnf of what la ben said. / oder a P. names pefrtul hiving Vied the Store px.ons woe; : . I Dr• l433 e• WtatarM., 6.1 John Gran ns I. T. Enedy; 171 Abner 'Morton, 3 Samuel Kennedy. 04 John G 4 Robert. leGowan,, 65 Jonathan Mclnnis 5 John Watson. - • ' des En —Rona Dr. Ju. 11. Jarlion. 17 jobn W. D. Satin, 7 Dr. J. 8. Elliott, 81 11. M. XTerrau. RDr Parker, • *Joke Jackson. •ip D. McCreary. t le Bent Y. Pork. 10 Milo W. Miller, , 71 sllllllel 11 William Lyon 73 Capt. Jas Johne, 13 Andrew Morrow 73 ltesdamin trans 13 Boss B. Evans 74 Jacob Lon acts, II Cant James Honey • Zanies P. Conch 15 Capt. J. B. %Man. 7r Frederick Kann:. id Moil Major Wade 7I Mn Robert Auto.. 17 Mn. Geo. Fallon Tri John It. Drum In D. T. Rayne. , Yin. Thee. M 15 A. o:llTrear,e . ito June. /1 31 oest, 331 JamenConkb, a ;81 David Lloyd Tlrtimia R. 114314 41 Thomas Beacom 21 Hogs 14inta4a • • 183Jobn Dunlap 33 Copt W. Wont, 461 Andrew W. Jscs,.... 'l4 Thomas ItradskaarBt•tti Samuel Tsel.e. I $ll9 Beadehaw.. 186 Biram Stowe. SO Robert Bradshaw 87 kiln. I. ?attn.& *Moe J Ilrsgsb.iir, Ir. 54 William Dsvf!..ce. • Re Geo 5h Isely. 110 tleausel Dunlap. 91 Rer. D. I'. Losar, OS Robert ltuhn, • 90 Geo. W. Ihnntlus - 'freak Wikon. 1.15 WIIDam Dunk George - 117 Jason It DI Yp E. Sankey. • tag Alhod Pierce 115:1 Austin Pierce 101 John Pierre , 102 Mrs-John Thorns. 103 John Losrery 404 J. W. Vltokhoetet 1103 Ism. Thomas. MO Robert 1r55.1, 107 Dsnlefllszwell 158 Thorns. Morr.sn, 101 Dr. C. It. Tuttle, 110 Criss O'Rourke 111 Ikon Fetter Frlncis llosibet 113 Eil Ben,, art Cls' t rza ~. 'NO ... ens RS 1101. 1019. nazi 430,31 41e1 SOO 140:11.110 4: t . ,1110041 - 010,31 220 . ` s on, - • 630 - 'ST! ' SOO ' pG EZtl W Dixon Rae, 39 Nikon Reed 3151110 It* Ki 31 WWl= Jas. Reed, Reed, eed, 33 Mrs Shoe Banter 34 Johnston Lulled= SI James Tboropeou, 38 WiWarei 39 Joseph M i regin 40 David Cam 41 Dr: Komi 43 Solomon Frank 43 Jamey Knowica 41 Judge Cairns 4.5 WIRD= Morrow, 40 Wm. ilickmetail 47.Somuel Cromen 45101Pepill 111cDeradtt 45 Nei. Jas 34*Dermitt. 50 William Wagner 51 Rev B F WwhW 53 Wishington Eagle 53 Jobs Y. Marks Cap t, A.M'Dcaoald. 58 Capt. M lir Donald, 55 Wm M`Donaki. 57 Mre Kama brDonald, 58 Alex: Mtn, 59 Mrs Lanai . CO William drum_ at Barton Orem In Ltdrodaclag oar stove we receive In part a great number-al MOM reCently nianittur and sold by other marks. Than., as 111114,1 AV nearly new and embrace die and most improved styles now made. exceed: tinier manufactured by myself. Wa. 51 1.1 1 Al very low rates, Ilarinr threrr - 114* dim abittnes on can:. aboettllteen horsepower capacity, they are tee,. to the, public at reasonable rides. toffs TITORNITIT feh 17 'fl , k "•-• " MEE VIGOURSI DRUG STORE, 'fey be Mend the hert uportment DRUGS, M es, CI3:I33tfiI:ECAMhS, 111 LIQUORS; -IV,INF;s And Brandies. lE* a i i I . TOII ET A ItTI.CLIio, • 1311,1LT131 - lE:$., 1' EN 7 — if M I I-C INEs to r - nri.l)-:111'of Ole testAloallts. per that. can be tymlnitt at any nth.r Prug Siam! la Um count,. _. ihivonpiA Female Pilo. ro eral. per 1 ,, tilee.eman's, $1; Clark.. . • •• The Lorgeot Sine* . of 1.1111..4.1 TIUMMINIOL I.INTLIt% STATIONERY. WINLOW 61.155. t 1 - r1 EVler offered odtaide of the city. at.-• Mee, • Pe . Wore; sod wid ehesp•-i than eau be hoo,!Li where Are. • Itty Let thoeo whodoubt ibis call and me. 11,r will doubt no more. . ' I 1100Ite LUMBER LUMBER! 11 4 2fime. fug`‘,..l64,'LL hi o L'r. deur 1 inr,A Plunk, Shinglew, Lath,x,th et the lastest pokes and on the moot Mural tem.: would my to the make sad especially to tn! set Mende and customer*, that haring desoad yean to the Lumber and Ikalldlnz be•lnco , 4 ` (variant Mu I can make It to the honest or t ° •` era to call and ennalne my a t k sad lake...- tom perebastek elsewhere. (Mee aka Yazd ow New York Street, el.'" tbr. Ueehester. al dlahn• • Arent.. reetttdtls+'Nopce: Utter. toorynttry , baying beta 'Telneat° 1111. colors of Ilba attain of (lowa Ilinuctur. 4" ' lf ?few Sldelik, Tip; linter county. It . ii persons ladebtad ,to tend sande are nocall.n malcq Immediate pasinent, and all pawn. a t a . t.. , :f adult acaloat =la auto will idease Fora without delay, duly. sutbantlested lire win!. UZO. E. RAUS42IO. I t. " CHAS: C. RAC S sacc.d CUEll. . augl.l.4lwl , I.r. Notlee.—Letters tertemenury on E the tetateofJanit Caldwell, of neruugl I P • deed „ having been gausted.to the suid,ro;nt d. all peewits Indebted to wad estate aro rc , te , hc iii"! to make immediate payment. and the. o , agatuat the same will prtient then ItuV." ly authenticatedkw satiiimumt. 31eCOWN. liit. ( . Enna Valley. Administrators raiiet . • of aohdowidola on due moss of Ilk* Kerr. Of Mlle township, deed, Bee been canted to the Indeesigned, all per•oso indebted to obi e..• tate lire repeated- to make Innoodbue paymenr. =°4"."lag ek"., cle Omen& spinet the IrM nreeentebese Wooed" antbenbeeted SifibIOVIIIE: •• • • • • Ink ALCLISR. • • 't P. 345,nn, scPtidSL "", ' • Newry. 01 tefifiWAßE, able Tenn& Jappanul azul Sept Constantly on.llsn,l 13e - aver .. . 11411. 'll3 11eLit i & Lens. 111 $ leh lel Wey ILA 117 Wtllikm Noland ILI Rev Wm Nmbs 11111enry Bradford 110 WWl= Soul. 111 Joseph L Blacken IN EAVEII EMI I) Y i• 7 S TIEJ F F )4: .Doors. dc., Se.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers