I 4 4 4 AdvOrtlikt obi T. rted at the is% (01,00 per impart, sbr Arittneertion, and for OSCh subieq wait insortion 50 'coots. A intend , Osorinnt made' oh' - yearly , ad- venison A spfice.. le ten Ilnesitt this type moistures a gam Business does set under.' head by themselves ltranedlidely rfter , the local sows, will be charged ten cents a Une for each. intiertlon: . • . A t lvertisomants should be banded beibro Monday noon to 4410/%1,1140(0*p In titi ami llil me avocleg Businesa_Cal,•ds. . L.‘• • MEMNON TAIUNK WAITTOBV4—.Tri sera UottesS 111asndlap and Whoksoki WWI awe! . La 'Trouts. Val rea ises. Trainor Aim fie., ie. No. 104 Wood (Wog, retaborsta pa. All orders presort, tUled. awl Wade Wamn Fectory Namara( Tilleerda slid Paw striala medal IJ. ANDERSON, haettur taken tiold 'or bh old Foundry sobs In Itoeheates,. Pa., u ill be pleated to meet his Old enstormers frOo• who mai- wont either the BAST COOK. IVt: STOVE, Dueling Stove, many other kind of emtlnus of best material and workmanship. The boanal will be conducted by httli J. J. ANDERSON t SONS. rrlrldltat.llll,„ method tll4,—Th e nuders the plse. Mil they have purchased and taken Surge of the Sharon Mulls, formerly owned by the Resin. Dar matt, In Sharon. Bearer county, Pa, They baye relined them and ars now pr.parodto doidlidado „r pindino to the sallsfacticm - of their pitman ~ Their Man& of floor will compare favorably onto nny in the market. Give as a call before going here. SANCTI DAVIDSON & BRO. jamb:fim OTICE —New Bakery, at W - Grol ; o old IN stand, Third Street, Beaver, Pa. Jolting W. hero takes pleasure to Inform his old friends - that he In ntablished In business at the above stand, here he will be glad to meet and accommodate than. Presh bread, cakes, crackers, nuts, Re. de' confectioneries of all kinds. No. I Floor, wade Iron Foil Wheat, op the barrel, sack, ur roWt. ' Jan. 11, 1869. IVtlici;elAsjitenr, BARNES , p .4 "l n e oz r : n d Boo t l'ertre's Tin shop, Iltrinie er alreci, Bridgewater. I•n.,,hem ha Is prepared to mare and' sell e.erythlng In Me line at reasonable rates ,Ther le. removed his place or burincs from the corn. er near the Bridge to his present location. he 1n• N 41 4 . 0 his old frienda and patrons to giro hlea ran. tofS*l9:ls. 1 ti.IIIIIITAN, Atturnoy at Law, Beaver, 111. rf Odlcu In Court Iluuse. totaylttf. 11 EN. K. PIEKSOL, Attorney at Law and jr Surveyor of lands. omee opposite. Professor tor', In Beaver. tarotbit. KUHN, Attorneyat Law: Miro In • I'4 tiOday's building, cart of Public Now. ur ' 1)E. % VEIL IiSMINAIIY - AND ItIOITRIG. ) AL INSTITUTE. I o 111 make eorterpoudlog reductions In Taltkm gad Mimic for pupils who may MO the can to r....rh us, for Inxtrurtion. Term open" April mr.l7;nt. • It. T TAYLOR. The Darlimin Academy nigh School I will npon nn Tuesday. the nth of April. WA. .thirteen weeks. Clamuum fanned In tiro lamica,lllgher Mathematics, and (Rom, English. I'd' term drus Sept. lat. .1. lIIINDFOItII Itl.lODEd, Principal. • • Itev;!•1. Potlemon, • Prt. Baud of Triinrw mar3l:Cmo. • . C hingles, LATII AND FIANMINCI (Implant ly on hand, and sold at the lowest rates in the market. Frame Umber sawed to order. Odle, if .1. R.II.DAURAGII. L. Eberhart. Chit Engineer and Harvey %Jr. of. Now Britaten, Pa. Surveys Mane and Profiles made ost short notice. 'LIeY*ISH 11` 1. Chavatilee'lle Sony Dentlats. Roches • ter; Pa. Office to Waver Station building. All work warranted. • Pijees moderate. own to a rail. novlrollel . I M. ANDERSON, General Police, Deter • else and Collodion Atency, Onlce, at Ran- Road' DeOS, Rochester. Beam Co. Ps. All Minions:a entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention, on roasonable terms. tapraAti• leaver dertiltrary and Isuitllute..Spring aesalon opened , April Ist. This reboot no ii7l/2 and succeselbtly condneted by • Prof'. Taylor and able saalstarad, offers osienslra courses turbo clammed, English and Musk. For Catalogues ad dress ' U. T. TAYLOR. Qbfwelea! undershened Is 1. -- 1 Manufacturing en a will slways keep on hand a large atock ofNo. 1 and Not 916 and 18 Dinh Sitlngleo,yvhich he will dispose of at =Aerate rated. The minis located near Thayer station. on the Lt Itallroad, D. 81D.IYAKEIL lan11:09. loal, itioal....The undersigned le piepored to deliver gond basaltic Coal to all Knolls needing the article. Ord ffs will receive prompt attention., la • , SIAM S. P. CUMMINGS. JAS. CAMERON, Attorney at. Law Beaver, Pa. Often in the room for , isirrly occupied by the late Judge, Aflame. Cul lectloutt. dc., promptly at tetiod to, r 4. iit.9%.9:1,y: 1)E„71 11 7.,11 ( :.0 . 1'...fi1 L t! , 97,;..`",L'ert g t tains (100D.Y &AU lIARD ; consequent ty hs glom tot ose the 1117 Rubber, or ehopstone ns a hue for teeth. Gold and Sliver Ylllll4B put fu of thy beet ma mint, and all worliwarrauted. St= illi m A2l...ll2Till Lodge No. 291 1 1 . 1 ., k.G.T. Rochester in e very ulat' (11,1114411 - 111 JEVNET, Watchmaker and 'Jeweler, &I ILA (:ol llmrer. Flit. d watches andis room adichhgrojn: ;V isicteni repelled and warranted. Engraving to order. The mitronage_ of the public Is and 411tIoaction gueranteeit biro n. trial. • awn-IC:atm THOS. McCUEICELY, Hanker, corner of Third %treat and diamond, Bearer, N. Mom loaned on Government Ilond, Intermit allow- Li on thou .depoolta . 1 We wlil nlmo receive. mipll ...no,. fur pOIICICA In the NATIONAL LIFE IN SI EA NCE CO., OF TIIE.r. S. Alan Illerchente' JI Liiiihirturers' And AT117.4t0 0 CO.. of lllbco below the Cant Hauge: spaLtlelletf 1 ENIIIV 1111E11126, 15ealer In Boots, Shoes, . slippers and °alters., Boots and shwa made 'h. order. A long experiance In tbe' hostile. run. bhs him to do work Inn otperior manner. Term, mderate. Shop on .Third street(near Rev, 11111- b Beokstoro). Brayer, ha Wye him a call hemre porataalng elre . wLere. s filke prT,lly INDTSTRY SALT CO., Manufacturers and Sealer. In Table and Coarse Salt, at 'lndustry, Bayer county, All pall put up In good or• dm, and warranted to give satisfaction. Orders promptly attended to. S. 11. 111110(15, Manager. E. BLUNT, Sec. A Treasurer, PECIA L N4YrlCE„—Persons having hn.i -11 neas to trakoict with the County Commlerion. err, will find them in session. at their oilier, on Friday of each week, unUI Sept: Ist. lard. • Hy order orthe Board. prti IT41:t11 JOUN IL EAKIN. Clerk. • Owls. D. Notary Public, Coo. veyaneer and Insurance Agent.' Deed, and Agreements written and arknow.ledgemen to taken, Ilatlng been duly commisaluned asAgetit for neveral first Chi's intIIMITICe Companies, repre senting, the Fire, Life, Accident, and Lite huick Departments, is prepared to take risks and write pokier/ on the moil liberal terms. Also, agent for the "Atichor Line" of first class Ocean Steam. ..r.. Tickete:sold to and from all porta in Eng land, Int land, Scotland,thirmany and Prince. OF lire la Leaf, brick row, Diamond, Rocimeter. nprelGi Pontefract& Cass, Manufacturers of Woolen Goods, POUR DOORS ABOVE 800 LE.% FLOUR Fallston, 13enver Co. WX)lweilifiDlAG, Spinnin , Witaviur, Full- Cloth4lresslug owl t bo manolactoro cf Illanktaw, Flannels, Ciotti', Casslmetow; Knitting lamp, rronlau special attention, at tatlttes low us. Mau the lowcat. linvo cia • wall before 'amebae tg eltmwbere. Jettf.. DR. HARRIS' Eclectic Summer Ccirdial , hi an lotallil,h iletta•qy for DIAIMMEA I)VSENTEItY 17 IN )I,EitA 3101:11US SICK sTomAcrr Aze., Li INCE TIIE INTIIOIMTTION OF this Valuable Medicine to the Public o had never tailed to give the most perlivt , :di•faction In every iastance, 'Mid the proprietor nuthorizcs his aents to Wand Ile money In every Case w hore it fling to .ffert a cure. PRICE, '5O CENTS PEB BOTTLE. For sale by Druggists generally, or sent by P‘PrfliA lo any part or t he . country, on • I..eri 14 or the price.. Address-- • llAltitlS EWING, Wholesnle. Druggists, Pittsburg, Pa. nutys::nn. •Farnsers, TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE, 11 compared prlnclpalli of the relebrattyl Guano ALTA VELA. =9 AMMONIA ! A o nmido quality to giro acthlti (wlthont ltdo ts) to Ulu rogotation. nod a largo tonality or .1 unit. . Bone Phosphate of Lime, Together with POTASH And SODA, We c.entin eleinenti or A =2! Tlio high estimation in which It Is bald by, mao7 thomand farmers whom mans Ilia prelim.' coca to other kinds, is a sure 'guarantee of Its value. Price tin par ton. Bend .for a pasemblett A dtlrca•—The Alta Vein Guano Compaq, 57 Broadway. New York. . . , . .. 4 10 : _ • . 1 • . • . • , . r1 .,. z ~ •-, • • :I - ~" ,Z. , -',-,* , '''''•'/ - Vh,.• ( ,'' , • o 4 • ..) 'I . Ili.' n.c., ai, U. ~:,.•• . * ' t - ',-,....,- .: : • .. . • - ... ARGII ~... ~..t....„.. it—i 4• I , '.., ..7.: • ,,,. • 1.•.1•-• , :•,•;a vs • ..,,... .:4•'..:," , .-s.;:i•' - ' till .5,2 , `lx Zl'J'.l%l .: ''<'; L r ; ''''' /"./.. i 1 I 001 . :1:It'. ',' , l , , ' , !"1 ni: ."..' '• : '.. :If '...'..:1'. ' Vt. .I.',;:i /J.' -.". .'.:lr, . 1 t'e.: . "i':7,/ ' ' ''''2 ' .. r... •:. - 1 ~ • '....) ..,' ;':. .':.-,./;:i ; ',./. T ~.,:,..,:,:r....., .••.;:f . - .., ..'.:•.,,:•4.: . :1• . 4 ,, .. . ... . - 171 , - .3 t i 0 ••••• ' ' - '' 4" ; -: ''' :''' 1 . 71 '‘ ;-.... ~,: '. , ;;:::: .;-: , - ..i . FP ~.., :.',; ... :. , 1:,._ : ...1. 1 ".; i:'...,. 1 1 ... "..7.: k ' ..' . , - . ...4./..1.: /7. .. 1 ''. ' . ' , ;-. ' r'•_.=_•-•".....................". EIENIE ISM Mil 'VOL. . NO:"..211, t.: , 777- !TT] ~.,• . . : .. itatiorisicrii sivattiN, NEW:; ;E.RIGHXOII, TO WHOLitiktatiod RSVAu WIUTE LEitt), GLASS, Plren, ' I 7inusltENNAiLs.ll Mixer tg., Colors. in. Oil and Dry, Carbon Oil, Boiled Oil, Foot Oil tan) OIL • . Splias Torpiitine,l 'Coach Body, Varnish) OPAL VARNISH, ruitrirruitE vAuNtsir,l VAItNISH, SELELLAC AND , 'BLACK VARNISH., 'COALE'N PATENT JAPAN ARTIST'S MATERIALS, Picture Frames, (to orvier,) LOOKING GLASSES,, LOOKING (11113 PLATO, FRENCH AND PLATE ;WINDOW GLASS, El FRENCH ZINC; MiLiSII AND GERMAN GLUE,, SAND PAPER, tee.' Ills terms are (Win ou sit!-1 Livery of Goods. junta fig • D' H. It. IMBIABAUD, U. A. MEM. TRITTH IE4STRANGER THAN FUTION It Ira tamatlve rut that DR.II. S. lIIBBARD d, CO 11. B. Anderson's Old Store BEAVER, PA., Wm Drugs and Grkace Which they cell as Cheap na can be Plll■bugh. They have on 'hand cud retelling. PvnF, ►BU(3A • MEDICINES, PEKFU Patent WI m 14111.11.0 all kind,. Legal.. and Not.. Paper Pe., atm.lle, Ink,l and Domestic Soap*, Pure Wines and. Lip for Medical purports ONLY Imam; Oils. mud other articles urns first elute Drug gloms. 110 Doctor having had a practice of tet• years feels coraddent of his ability to give satisfaction In the prescription department, which Is under his special charge. Ito charges nothing far advice and prescriptions. lysicians Proscription Carefully Com Doimded at all Boss Day and Right. I=l i. 4 al ;rill r. Cc'tree, . Ta•u, Hire, Cnnned N jiicca. laiorillE Extracts, Jellies, effigies, RAISINS, Cll EESE, CRACKERS, dI Our R de hese been Iwught low for rush, se lected with greet eary., end will be sold Mille eery lowest prices. Oleo tom roll 'ofdro [menage:: elsewhere. Country I'mduce . taken in exchange H. V. 1111113 A & CO. Jan. h. VOL E xtniordlnari GRAND BALLOON =HON IN itk:AVEli, could not be more astonishing than the tact that SIMON.. SNMFATt. & CO., keep the best, argm and freshest - - ateek'of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED: r te., In Beaver county. I And although it takes OAS 10 make a Balloon rise, you will end, If you visit their ectabllehment that they don't have to resort to gas to make their good. go. To all, we would any. "rush In" and examloo our stock I We have on hand the floret and heat • TEAS, • COFFEE, SUGARS, • PURE SPICES MODLSSOS, Syrups, Soaps, oho too be_si boTous or Tobacco and Civars to he round ih the place We make a specialty of F14 9T17 1-1 P ‘F-4 1 1"jg tigying aii eo ta g none on w oil are nown tip hi' the very beat varietks In use. Oar retablich• meat enjoys a well earned reptitation In thin par ticular, and we Intend in the Mare an in the pain to maintain IL WE DEFY COMPETITION. Don't mistake the place. We are still at the old stand, crest end (And Mt., Deaver. Pa. Come and pee no, Dann. T he pow•e %caring Machine* ARE THE OLDEST ESTAKEND OP ANY IN TIIII WORLD They being the Ural Sewing Machines ever made and hare been inanufactuird continually under the supervielen tit the original inventor, Jr, Since their first Introduction 11134. The her rove• went upon these machines made within the last two years and their rapidly growing popularity attests the fact that they have reached the very acme of perfection add that they we not only the °ldea cstabliabed but the best in the world. Those machines do perfect work upon all %b. via whether lino or coarse, in thing a stitch. also tha invention of Mr. Howe, alike upon both sides of viii h bri c, se we & Tn. Mosions, new. novel and nevarylng, Can be adJuted to any degree of tight. near, and after beher adjusted do not require Changing, except Mr dillbrent threads. To those who have used the Hoyle Machine, it is not neocoont7 for us to speak ; and we would onlyadd to ethos who wbb 'perfect machine. to be sure and are tboM llllChinal berale MY other. send for drenlar. Applimitiona for agencies meat be add:rued to WU; ER fr StO OPS, Sole agents for Pewerestia, SewJerrey, Dela ware and West Int . Mee 43 Scotts Bth , WK., shall°. 4 St. Clalr St.. Ptteburgh, Pa. • aiptWetlr. . . " • FURNDiIIEitAT TITS LOWIDITRATES. AT DAURAGII. 14, litymn, Pa. MEM "leeafftffetW v . r .: , SPRING .•. • . . •• ,t• A P T - Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'CALLUM BROTH'S. 51 Pill ;1.1);1;ve NVoild P . II7FRURGII, PA 14ye on hand, IGOT,MCK IN TUE ITAII Fmnii the Finest Qunillkm to the Very . Lowest Gentles. , WINDOW, SHADES. Fine and Unnunon Table Covers, &e., ac. Prime uniform to all, and the lowest. nutr2 I:1 y LXlittlVlCOntil NOTlClL—lettem tests: Anent:my basing beta gunned to the wider signed on The estate of YhMp HoMoan, deceased, late et the botongb ot , Fmedota, *laver manly, Pa., gamir*, all reasons Indebted to said estate are notilled to make immediate payment' mid thew hailer claim* agates' mkt rotate will w heel them ditty antbeniliatell for settlement. , CATIIABLYE 1101M11A eIIItINTIAN HOLLAND, gig.. jen:G w . Ia.IItI3ANKS • 1 NTAN.A... CALI -3 :of all kind*. ALSO, BAGGAGE BARROWS WARE MM=E:I ritEmmx;:k. IMPROVERMONEY DRAWERS. • Vadrbtrralia. Morse az CND.. 101 Second Arennt.. near Wood St.. Pitt.lhargh. WALES ItEeAkitP.n PROMPTS'. apefiknos. • BREAR! BREAD I The undersigned* takes'demure In in forming the pnblie that be is still engaged in the flaking business nt.hie. old shunt, on Market Street, Bridgewater, Pa. . - Ile Warrants that nettling is used in his he: leery to make white braid out of dark flour. Persons ! leaving their orders •at his bakery will. be supplied at their houses daily. if so desired with the best of bread, do • .J. G. YOUNG, uvrt.l:3mes„," ES= Id by moot Inniggintsi Eveiywhere. ONLY 50 CFLICTit If your Drug ems have not yet got it cn isale,dont be put oil with some worse than worthless strong snuff, " fumigator," or poisonous caustic Solutien, which will Drive the Disaise the Lungs Instead of curing it, but send sixty mite to us and the remedy will reach you by return mail. Four packages, post paid *2. One dozen for Send a 2 cent stamp lOr Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Ad(lrem the pro prietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D., mar , Ruffian, N. Y. IiORGA'N. • •lirl'CFillll Ti) stur.l.Eicimumit nuns. @ME= Fine Family Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, NAILS, WINDOW OLASS, WOOD A N WILLQW WAIB., BACON, visit, FLOUR, HALT, LIME, Country France en in Mom [or Goods delivered free of charge in all the Villages. attcl7ol. TH E PEOPLE'S Cooperative Lice Iniuranim COmpanv BE AVER, PA., Incorporated by' special Act of the Legis ' Inturr., April 14th, 1869. ()steers: /P KUTIN. 1). J R., Tr/11811rer, 11. It. ADAMS, Secrntiry. A. W. TAYLOR, Genend Agent. ' Thi.4-Coinpany bi now Tully orgyinizetl, and to Ilcularn containing its Constitution anil Ily-Lawo may lie obtained by apply. Ing to the (leiter:Al . IN • 13Te,AVE11, Penn'a. We Invite the Before Insuring Elselehere,to a t . are fat Eraminatfost of the Cb-opera -14.e System, • Ab illustrated in;our circular, and the se curity offered to the Insured. A limited number of energetic Agents, who can give sufficient security for the faithful per formance of duty, will bind permanent em ployment by application to the General Agent in person :or by letter. rje9tf j . C, MAMMON% Dealer in -Flour, Feed, and Grail), ROCHESTER, (ON THE VIM.) ' Float at prleta In auk' all, In regard In PRICE And quALITy. Feed, of all kIncIP. CORN MEAL, ; RYE FLOUR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. COltN AND OATS, • nowt/ugly on ' Aho, • ebentand coiner lent i , VoodenlPturniii t igh v ert. In not• A quantity oft Ow einehm.d GUANO OR PHOSPHATE on hind, IMO win be rota cheap. In cadet Sc In.. trodoce It. I boy lot CAM, and sell for the yams. 'Club bay, en wi ll end It to their Mantic* to ea& 11151..A1l Gonda Delivered /WWII* Jan IMP J. C. lIMIXOND MIS Mithittlansowit..?' , ` Kißvirrin!sprovisiiir:*ll!tk . i., • . „ %ATI!' ..DBIGIITON, Penna.' wee. anise Trost % Wonders at Rena : ; user peen. 4 -. CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD IN Tills COUNTRY. IRST .PREMIUM : COOK STOVE r " ' 'RV BY. • -tt. No. 7, Spkautkl Baker, tame &mut dace. $l4 to No. H,Npleudid Baker, large Square oven, 14.50 No. 9. Splendkl MI" Large Square Oven. Ivo Franklin Parlor SUves No. 3. Jan° Parior,'estra I=l7 Sal 111.1A.T1ING WTOVV...S. M'CALLUM BROS. No. R. Ribbed Mfg. re.l ben). Enameled Grate Fronts; No. 1111, Grata 135; Inch, • " " 17 •• " •• 3 . 3 " " 19 .. 'A ~ 1 2 " 21) "AI," 21 •• • 21% •• 122. " =4, •• N r iIEMIDIEEEZS. No. to Info Rod, Whir. •• .^.l, • •• Nanvvr. ". rimy •• " 17," without Rod, ". et, Fiala Rod, " 22 , Box. wilhogn Ast • Pressed Sheet Iron Sutnmer Pieces, with Ortui Mlal Ire, 1.511 'Plain I:bat-110.qt All Mark Irarranled. Give its a ail/ ocill 4 CB.ll OHI Books Boilable for the Holidays, STATIONERY, STATIONERY. STATIONERY, An eXtenolvo variety of raper, Envelope., Lead Pentibt, Gold and literlPcno, Ink and Ink Stands, dc. We are the exchtzlre Arent tor the celebrated Vealoy•te Gold 1...0n. for this County; these seeking a good fo ld Pen, would do well to see them before purchmina. We are the Agent for thln County for Kriiiefe Photograph Maniac Certificate. The attention of Cknymen Is respectfully called to this, as we can sell them at the same discount as they would get from the Publisher. Atwater' School gov ernment for ludo at Preblisbt re' peters. We have constantly on bend Floor Oil Cloth In Wllmoiety. Wll/4110W WINDOW OIL. ci,oTn. RUSTIC dc PAPER SHADIN. on hand To). and Vatlets Good. enitable for the Botany., J. F. PRICE, Brnsdway, New Brighton I Devil Wall Paper ! Wall Paper ! Wall Paper ! OIL CLOTH 011 Cacwtl3.! OIL Ci • CATIPMN4.'ICAUF'n'T fi Benj. Nulheim, BRIDGIRWATER. PA.. ILIA psi received a large Stock Of Wan Paper, oil Cloths, Books, Stationery; all kinds of Window - Shades Looking -Glasses, Trunks, TRAVELING SACKS, Children's Carriages& Wagons. A!I kinds of Toys, Fancy Goods At m. An Estensive Apssortmein of STE RE OSCOPE S and STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Tlds is the largest tut halt selected Stock of Goods In the county, and bought direct front manufacturers, at the lowest price, and will be BOW lower than else where. BENJ. MULTlEllif t _ marlldf ' R ohrees MINI Merry Toole Enters, ARE THE. BEST IN USE. rim nonsense TONIC armless, The very best In the Market. R. E• SELLERS & Opposite tit. Clink, Hotel, d ideo entrance No 109 and 10; Thir street, PITTSBURGII, PENN'A. Wholesale Agents for the. West Vat Pale by John Moore; Ileayer. Ya jala:ty. y. l ' 1869 .• • Car Factory His 1 4 00 K 4 . T.THE PRICIES TRIMS, CASI I MEHRICK & CO. = ALL PAPER. WALL. PAPER writ and rturappei attic* , of Wall Awe? • Cuanty. BOOKS, HOOKS. •e aelLottawnt of Illacellain!mr *hoot Omni Honk!. mammal) , on WM at Pal. Priem QM= 1231271 Satchels, Baskete, N 0.45 WOOD STREET REMIdly elenurry • I , ittorr. :. f' - ?.,. . L. Pi " VIII-you eVer bed4e Collecting, entY' .' 1. - ,-. !oh, I bow 00, Nell.'-.1. think I'll get through thr, iftiVf, 4 te4lay, I lid expect to -twin' tyro* hpine;twenty thousual to-nit: ,• .' ji. -1 , _ - - %ash!' she ? : ,11 .9117q mash tetra so. , -1 wl4llYoUrfar *ell out of the business,Prent. / .1-4. .. ) .`Pshaw, Nell I' , bean -- Is nodanger.- il.'d r Bath and - Westin more, but Bath. VA they,; wouldn't lir There's hook 1 1 sk* :west, and .the y're r blame 'em though.' &Where inare your go se and. Cluntho g rp to 1 west by t theSmith Scoville and Pliny by Ounmore. ,t I haven't mue guess Driver'll at Ile got up' Irul_pre#kre ...'"o•M'ell,-rdt lih, I'll 10, Good-by, , Nei Site saw him through the gut the soutirrerul.l At tweive,-It t . and held on ' South , Pike ;-ntitv . ville..oanter. tlektYmi. -I\i should have halt-past four: Three-Pine MI Bath, and West! try store. • He post,e sto ve. in al at th : k-•-rwenin', , * Ile beelump to the pl*ek ra audrifint the dr , Brodiri, l saY take the MP' all I got to shot of it the .. 'Why, what' 'asked Prent. .1015 1110 17.01, Or in.co asp 'There wt st9pplag at They imme I 'know. mash got Irery thle) out. William The Pa other fellow put his'n dot betni. Last feller in here for a Bellamy asked hlm set that sliowed - li bamo trade at snw him exand, and walked all when he went mistaken if' e hit° before les must take that Rife' to-night. the small me into as smat look, here I. money being ed . over at • more'n right an<t happen out.' 15 tTS t w .no 153 'Well. I don't.' be 'armed.; Broom,' Bath wit.. !red.. • . Prent opened his coat a little way; the buttorn Pistol showed On his left breast; He steped over to Wiinble's Hotel, bought a cigar Itfithe bar. Wimble came up: t. do, Broom? Conlin' over to'. the rattle to-morrow'? Lem me get you a ticket, only a dollar? • 'No, guess not,' says Prent. 'Got 't the city.' ' • 'Going to take them ten Ben Bath got in his safe o' youen 'Bath luisn't-no ten thousand ,nor, ten cents of mine,' said Broom., He went out, and started on. Tha sun was sat. He had nineteen mile; to do yet. He kept Driver moving smartly though he began to lag a little with his - long day's tramp. The mul lay north through level, waste plain lands, covered with stun , led Ones, scrub oaks, and small mat , tea undergrowth.. The road Ina sin gle wagon track cut through the thin surface soil into the white, fcltlock deep viand underneath. It :vas a dreary ride 'enough. Broom kept his hone. at a steady pace, urging' him now and then a little fluster. Nell would be booking for him now, I and eighteen miles with a tired horse between them yet. Four miles of the same monotonous waste; then. far away amiss the level, he waste;, sightof the buildings.of Camara& Station on the line of th railway. He heard the whistle of a train coming west, and presently saw it roll in and stop. It moved off, hissing .and clanging, Jima as he aide up; Cros sing the track, ho was hailed by, a man he knew. _ _ ' Broom! hold mi.!, He stoped and the man mile out. , 'Look here, Broom,' he said: 'Half an hoUr ago I got tad telegram. What the duce 'does it ••lean It was dated ' Half.past six,Branimer ly,'. ten mile; wmt on • the dine. It was admised to: Henry Tarlow, and read thus: . 'Prentiss Broom will pain through.th C. about Seven. Tell him thhi; Don't go beyond Brumes 'fo-iright.' 'lt was sinett----+-- • '1 dud...know what, dt w eans . Cicxxl-night, Tarlow, - yviii fourteen miles before me.' - i • . He rode bn, keeping Hriver well up to his Work. It iwas dive miles to Squire Brame's tavern; live miles of the same dreary waste around, and the same •cloging sand under foot. The road .bent more n the west now ; it was growin , dark • Two miles :short of • Jmme's he caught sight of a Wagon; also COilig South. He pushed the lii-own ahead to overtake it, and coming, up, recog nized the sturdy persol and gray hair of the,uld Squire hi nsidf.' The Squire was a fast friend of Prent's, and he was glad enough o see Min Jogging home. . `Hold up; Squire,' ypur hurry?' 'Whoa, Iniswered In his hearty yoke. 'W it ain't Prent 'Give uti n ride, Squire in the saddle all day.' He draped off Drivezi, And got in with the Squire. , want some advice, S4juire,' he said. 'Look here—or hold on ; you ain't see it now,but Plei you what's in it.' lie read and explain d l dthe rues- sage. •Don't go beyond limme's to-night,' Squire repented.,'Well, that's good advice, nnywayPrent. How mush have you got on You?' • - • Nineteen thousand dollars and. odd. ' ' Whew !' the old man whistled; 'you had better take a friend's ady lee. Don't go, beyOnd Brame's to-night; your horse is tired, too; look how he Iniugs bnek!' • 'But I've got to. go hpme. Nell 's all alone.'• . • 'Then you'd betterleaVe the money with me.!, . 'No, no, Squir..l ain't goingto get you into any trouble like that. And b es ide, 4 , I'm going to town with, it In MEM : the morning; lase sight of• it anyway. • 'Well, Pret4,ltyou won't do that, I'll tell you whak • Put up Driver at my hodse. your saddle on my roan mare, Skylark, and she'll take youthem tune miles in forty Eve ininMesmly. ligteklige under the sent hem You get on to Driver, and ride in slow. eut round•by Big Pines and tome in on the other road. I'll stow the money • under theiraddlo fur you; it'll be fctf er there.' ~Come, tumble out. Whott,, BIll!'; El ;Limb Squirt!, do it tluuikfullv. Ihf bled lf ypu ain't the best old trump thlit's `Oh, soft soa l.cheap, Prent; nonu o' thatisort.'• 4, 'there Ye tb In Qua- more. down don't I • He/whip ped up his horseand skur riod away. through the sand. Print 'came among the bills new ; the land was much better; the sand and scrub pines and oaks dropped behind.— There were cultivated fields on either hand—here and there u house. ire mune to the Big Pine cross road, and could' dimly - sue Bill's 'fresh - lame tracks turning off to the left. He held straight on a mile over the Mad don Hills, and so down to where the road ends ut the broad middle' pike. Then west half a mile to the little 'hamlet of 'Filinore, with Brame's tavern in the centre. As ho rode up to the door, old linuue came out of ,the,tsurt yard to the left Tra . tltne „.. - 'How ye l tio; hilted; In • his loud cheery voice, ' (Matta sooye.., Where y' bound now ! Been rather giyin' it to Driver, ain't ye?' Have him rubbed down and eat some OAS 'Aire y' go on.' • There were sevend idlers hanging about,. Broom took his cue. ile said nothing about the.roadniare. 'Well, Squire, guess 1 will come In a bit,' he said. The hastier took . 11W# Driver to the stable.' They went in. 'Come inside and have whit,' said the Squire. ' And .Ifrent followed hie 'through the bar into an inner Prent,' said the Squire, I I don't likethe looks of things at all.; There's •boen a stranger here •ta.night in a buggy He was dra 4scd in the bed; had a beaver on, leg of mutton-Whis kers,'and long hair. Looks annuli' like a swell parson, only the parsons don't, gin'ally'sit lu hotelparlors and smoke cigars with their legs ontoa table. and drink no end o' brandy, hot and hot. He went off just now. I say 1 don't like it, Prod.' M oriver town , I attir, wide n Sea- 40 was dark he lore by lw on /up to cum r to a hands /trough ollooti got to tau, on' mu get Bath,t) ters ant but Wail uamv the 'Caul help it, tiquirei' I :add ; • 1 must go on (There—it's out at last. tin ; gentle, by your leave, we'll drop this round about third person for the downright first. My Inoue is Prentls &omit. 'Well, if you niust,' he said. ' look here.' )k, he lking- WM H Agent sly. I oestrous the to wore. I [the door building mighty broke you lie showed DIV a pad of tow chili, made up to tit under the saddle. It Was stuffed with wool; he ripped one side with his knife and'showed nit. Now I'll put the money in place of this wool. Don't fear., .`4 one can Scoot hear us here. Your fuddle Is Woruthiu; tlits will tit under it prime. it myself. Let me seie your arms.' - Our uTall got It And ~ 'this g talk- It's no n there i I showed him nib• pistol; l'oll's make; six barrels. 'All duirged ?" he iisked: I nodileil. lie examined it turecally, and trlgget. . . 'You!!! (101 gue s s,' he said. 'Prent Broom,' In' said, seriously, 'there's Onr ird I want to ;:1y to you. It't • suy risk by 1' to he brave, i n toa other to pet tlkyttlfie :m lnio`treYrrr;ti-M* give - her her head. Don't... step her for man or devil until you arecure at home. If anv one tries ttcztep ,'on, drive her at him and If any thing seriou, happens, let the mare go,tutd.give in. Ao will hril,4 e the Money to incrif she eau.' `Now;solown and t=ut il'll have the mare around in live minutes.' I mounted her at the ilis , r; 1114 Itraim• whispered: 'Take care, Prent, and renalialwt Nell.' 'Good night, Squire,' I called, and started down the pike. It was a mile I to the fork where the Ililbury road I tants north. Skylark is a limy beast I —powerful in breast and quarter:— • lithe of limb awl flank: a long, small head and cars; quick, bright eyes, and a' very (leer to run. I trotted her sharply down the pike, she, pulled hard. Coming to the Birk, we turned it sharply. I chirruped to her, broke her up, and gave her her head. she shot away north like a ,flight. • I just guided her, kept the bit. in her mouth and let her run. Soon she settled down to a long, low regular lope that was ease riding, and dropped the miles beitind like a swift glidingpan orama of night in the lonely hills. Up the hill, along the level, down the long ; decline, through the level mead ows mid pasture lands: up again breezingly, striding, striding, ever the swine long, easy bounding lope. There was Jason's pslice now, up on the Slope of Kinnel fill—seven miles more to Nell at Sleklcfjeld. I thought of her watching for me, anxiously knew. I whistled to the mare. She leaped to It gaily, and we whirled along, down the long Mile that skirts around Klnnel Hils and the Elder Swatnps, on again north, over-the tho Harmony Flats, till we struck the hills again lit Nine Mile Bock, on the Jomm road. Sp we held on thm' the Brandon Hills, keeping the long, low, flying lope. Leaving the hills, the read slopes down into Treacle Hollow, and runs a straight smooth Mill!, thro' thick, dark wood of maple an hkkory. felt a little anxious about this mile of gloom ahead. It wits not just the' _runtime wOuld choose to ridovu (l ark night, wan -rwenty - nousatat dollars in notcsand bonds. I tapped up the, nuire,'iind we dashed down the slope into the wail's dark sluale. She was as brave a horse is ever trod ur trampled, that fiery roan mare, Skylark. I let the rein hang loose. She doubled her neck, sprang out and qmlloped nerve as tire. I kept a lawn look out. though I might have saved my pains. it was dark as the pit in that close grown tunnel of shade. Once out of this Wloomy holloW, 1 should, not fear. here were only two - miles of the open high mad heyood, with houses smttered every little way. WO trine: pled along through the hollow ; kept the mare up, to her bust. 'Fla• long level slippol behind. The woo( is began to thin and lighten a little. A little further on'we struck at slight ascent—thefoot ofour HilisburyHills —a minute more and we should be clear of the woods, and rade. felt tho.ground stikpen tinder us. sky lark slackened her pace. The road was steep.befere us; 1 had ridden her laud, up hill and down. I felt safe now..h did not Lure to urge tier. She labored up theascent,hroithing quick and hard.l I he celled the Squire, I, now if I've lxlen bright glare flashed in my eyes! A crash hi the bushes—the mare shi ed and plunged. A man'stbrm dim ; ,ly seen, wits banging to her bits. I struck my heels in her flanks, drew my pistol—tired ! But, I regret to say, mimed the man. Tlie mare way plunging wildly; I way blind' with the glare in my oyes—l 'felt myself grasped from behind, drawing me . heavily backward. I felt the mare her from under me. I kicked at furiously—flung the pistol at Kyr head as I fell. Shesnorted and plinig ‘ed; made one frightful leap In the air, Hung the fellow that held her heavily into the fence, and shot away up the hill. • As I fell, the light glancid aside , - front-Tay titre and showed nut the men who held me full and 'plain. Tall, and light made, with mall. white hands, polo Our , blacki silky side lxaard udnioustachie, keen grey eyes, thin lipsand perfeetteeth, gamy and jet black hair. He wasdretsed In tine black cloth, linen spoticas and un ruiltel, and a high silk hat. I saw the light glanix. (rein his polished boots, from a diamond Hug on his hand. lie lad a cider in Ilk mouth. There was no Fission nor 'excite ment In his thee. He looked its fear leSs, as *devilish as evert hope to Ns! the Ewe of man, as he druggist me kirk and threw me on the ground— held me down by the throat. Jiber!' he railed will your' f • I did not light. The mare was off with the money. 1 knew Werewolf two others at hand. I was unannetl. I knew they could quiet line quickly enough. L also knew that that raid, white, cruel thee above lee would kill me without' remorse, if it came to need. I thought of Nell, and lay . still. The man called 'Jiber flune erashingput with his dark lantern In his hand. He wore 4 slouched, black hat, was roughly tlrst.kl—rd together a commoner, rougher man than the other, with u cunning, sneaking face; written - all over in straggling characters with his proper name of thief. Ile „lighli:l an open inntels. MU/ sYt. IL .411.4,1,41ip, e third robber crawled up. on or bitshts3 and stones when. the inure had thrown him. The others. atUtsl him Ile wore a cap And suit of dark' gray want cloth. I did not see his face. lle plainly, studied to hide it—kept it in the shadow, or turned away. lie seemedi younger . than eitheiof the others—not stout, but lithe and quick as a mt. It was only a minute:4' time (rein the first flash till I was ,lying quiet on my back in the road, with that white faced, jeweled deVil holding me down, and theothers kneeling by us. They called hint the Parson. They called the rough one, with the brutal thee and slouched *hat, Jibet, and the other Chisel, as I'bahl. • 'Chisel,' he vald—h.a.,,volee will; clear and calm—'lltisel,ltuld the lan tern. Jiber, cock your pistol. Put it to his head. Are you ready ?' . 'We're rtudy, paiseu.!l It was Jiber who spoke. The oth er held the lantern between my fall and his. Jair cocked his pistol, ex amined the cap and put the muzzle cicse to my head. I felt the cold iron touch my skull. A strong, convuLs ive shiver went through tae, shook um from head to food I knew there was little danger --thitt it WILY 110 f tO their interest to peril their previous necks. lint I saw the rufflan's vil lainous Mee, and I know that a twitch of the fellow's brutal Mint was all that sttssi between me and the awful mystery beyond. In broad -day, whim there is no prekmt ilang,cm,when life swells strong in pulse and limb, when the pale horse' gall Ops far phi' bvvontil.thu sunset hills Ili(' hope, 1 take :Ls calm a view of that certain but shadowy consummation as the rest,l suppose: But whenltho grizzly phantom Mlle+ quite dose—when you - feel his terrible numbing touch, and lib; blasting breath upon your i cheek -We, 'not all th( preaching siiiice Admit, has wade d :it h aught hut death.' 'lf he makes may--tro t ble, Jiber,' the Parson -aid, 'blow out his brains.' Ile lottZdusl his hold. !Tile tramp ' of the dying mare I tad d icd away over the hills. I hail not live dollars about me. I lay quite still. The raison lici.kii4u....utuiroughly.. • iii took ins and threw the book aiCiiy: nisi , int., grew t(rrilile ti, see as soon as he 'lrr.gan to heconvinced that I had no bonds alwitit me. Ile pulled oil my'. iPt.tS,llllll 1'N:11111111M the lining or invi tap. Ife :my'. u p t he :car et .- lid turned to Jiber. • 't 'mild he have throwt away the package:" 'I /bin% throw nothia' away, :tiler I blinked him, Willi(' ,it W:IA IliS 1 shoi ihir.' atvwerell Jiber, (logi4c!lly. The l'aits.on turned to `(let up,' he said. Ile yoke as he might to a (lin,' he had kicked. That woke the devil in me. .Llay still and glared hack at him. 1 sites his perfect teeth set hard between 11is thin white. lips. le took out a pistol, cocked it. 'Look" here!' sai.l he, `tyliere is the 111U1 ley ?' , wh a t' s th a t t„ you?' ,evond I thought would kill me. Then he governed llineitAl and turned away. "He spoke to Chisel apart ; titbit he turned bael: to me. 'Look here, you what's his name,' he -.aid, 'three milts front here tl tere's a little house, at the forkof Carrout lane and the South road., Thereg a little woman in that house to-night ; :she's a handsome little n'onnut, and sho'sall Ntw wo ,buthler. I;h:id forgot ten Nell, for one:moment.. IN went an: 0 •I'in.going to ask you :lima! ques tions. If you answer me i square, all right; if not, we tie you up, curry you into the-wood.4 r and wake her a visit. Do you understand?' 1 1 understand,' 1 sahl.' Ile. went on 'Net Friday night you put ten thousand dollars in Bath and West bury's safe, in Caratuore Yl)11 put in more on Monday. You - was to have taken it out, to-night. Where is it?' haven't soul. a dollar 'of it sine° Bath put it in the safe,' I:- answered. had not. 1 counted kit over to Bath when len it. He made a package of it. for me. 1 only me; the wrapper. Was it, morally, a lie? Well, ns you will. Dr. Joluison held that one ought N. justified in deny dmi‘otharstd witetit er tie wrote the letters or not. You Say you did not take it out of their vile to-night?' I did not. I took It Out of Bath's hand. ILe turned to the others—talked hurriedly apart. I uncle out that they ilia not kpow•• the rontLaero4 the plains. They had, without doubt, mute from the city on the middle turnpike. The l'arson turned to nun. • 4 I have a Ivaman time by, You must drive me to 'andiron% I Will you promisee?' ' ! `l'll drive you,' I said. I did not may where or how. • 11ow far is it?' 'seventeen miles.' F I lie turned to the others. 'Bring out the horses - .. Ile held the lantern—stood by me careicsalv, turning his pistol in his hand. they led the horsmotit of the'wood through a tenni, h or rem thrown ilown. brought oars buggy, with a tine black nmre before it. Chisel led out at stout biN mare, and.koped into the Saddle. 'Het in,' said the Parson. I stopped in—took the reins. lie whispered to Jiber,Bien he got in. • 'Drive on,' he said. 'Not If that man stops behind.' '\Vh:tt do you mean? Look here, young Mall, PH have no trifling. How can In , gd.when von have his place! 3iber, make straight for the castle. 'Tell the king. If we're not in by seven, come to theenye. • The word's 4 Mitvourneen.' !NOW, sir, drive on, or I'll drive you' home.' 'Getup,' I Raid. I knew what It had to do., I made my plan. I sent the black mare (lawn tho wad at a swinging fait. ,She [tinsbeautifid nurre,' coal t ack, graceful, spirited, yet nowLso nervous nr flighty. I never saw a better one ' Established 1818: to trot and endure. • She took a long' , smooth, rolling stride, without aJerk or break, never spurting or flurry ing except at any steep rising gmund, which Khe alwayg took with , a short, quick charge below, and posed with a swing.,. After at mil % or two, he spoke: 'flow quirk ran olu.. mail `Seventeen miles—tit% hours.' • l know fiiio l'ollki do It In half air hour kos. 'llu looked round-a sneering,seorn ful glance. driven her nl'huMiles in half an hour. Shake her out' I quickened her palm We haul a four minute gait on the, leVel. - Ile lamed hack and smoked his eignr. I \valetasl hint asitanck... You mold reed no more in his fare than In this blank wire heron. I serawl it over. Chisel galloped the buy close behind. • 'Can you strike the Unaware road without passing Itrame's tavern?' lean.' 'Half a mile longer to the Ocean road.' .`Do it tlwa.' touldn't have asked fur a better chat ee. The straight maul to Cara-. more runs past Brame's door. You would strike the Ocean road at Brad- • ly's; four miles north of Caramore. lly turning off to avoid the Squire's, you must take the Lindsley road; which is half a mile It agel. to the Ocean road, but It strike' . It ten miles t 'llia QM We took the Lindaley maul, swept away cut, the hidck ;mire trotting sinooth and soare, the hay, horse galloping elme behind. We had the wagon cover up; the l'ansm honed buck iu his corner and smoked. When one cigar burned short, he lighted another and smoked on. I did not turn my head or eyes but I watched him all the while. 'though he appeared so carelem, Deli that he watched my et cly motion. 1 sftw Hutt he blew nothing of the roads.. I made up my mind now I should drive, and drove on steadily. • I knew that any hesitation would betray me: I took every turn and corner as certainly as if I .had been driving my own brown Driver home instead of thia.wnd robber's remover the country, with that lie-faced vil lain for my companion, and • the end of the journey leas than 'an hour off,. but tied ;done knew wh4 or where. We eat and whirled On in sileuee. I kept the mare at a steady, rolling pace, never slat4tened for'rise or as. mut. -As we skirted round the lase of Lookout Hill aud turned south at Kerrimidn' Mill, he took out his Watch, kluxted the ashes off his ci gar and held the' spark close th . the crystal. It was Milt past eleven. We curved around to the east and turn ed the corner sharply to filo right. this the Ocean road?' Yes.' We bowled away down • it. )1 had my mind made up. At Browner's Fork the Shore road splits off and bends west. The angle ilt the junc tion is so sharp, the roads so nearly alike, that •no stranger could tell which was the straight road and which was the. bnmeh. 'Whim we enne to the fork' I held the mare's head west and took the road to Shore. lie seemed to. doubt me here. lie put his head out and looked down the other road. Turning again he eyed me keenly. .1 ehirruptd to the mare and we swept ahead. • 'ls this the right road' he said, his eye upon my face. Jilts is the right rood.' 'Right, yes—but hardly for Cunt more.' •aan.t:Apr0vh...1.,...: Mutt aid?' eeurse nuw. .1 pulled up the mitre, fitivtl bun full and square. 'l'll drive the other rdul if you like.' • • ''“pt up!' hr vaned to thp mare -"I wt her go; An you haler lie gldred at too fiercely • him hand leaped to his 'wst, lifted the Ilap of his coat. Dimly 1 , raw the hilt of a sheath-knife under the fold. • Voting uniti, l h“ -aid, 'if you play MD Illis(' I'll pill my knife through your heart.' 11latID 110 answer ; I gave bird glance for glance, turned my face and drove on. L miderstotal hint. Ile had made sure of tindin ,, the money on Inc. Failing in that he had tho't that I mightpossibly drive 11110 right. There was little danger to him, at at least, audit was his only chance. Ile knew that the money would he put Isyend his ranch to-morrow, If ho should not get his bawls upon it that night. But he was a fool for his pains for all that. 1 knew -that I - mold not deceive 111111 much longer. The I lan. NUS be linning to fug a little. She kept her ong, rolling gait Nell UD On the lev els yet. lint she hail riot the same grit at taking the hills and she sham bled a good deal at going down. saw that she was tired, that only her mettle kept her legs up to the tram, and I hatafd to force her on. But I saw nonther way out of it vet; so I kept her to work. I struck -hi for Burrow Flat. If over you have driv en through that region you know what a labyrinth of roads and lanes centers at Burrow's. They cross and wind and Interlace In every way,- and there are all sorts of curves and angler. 1 struck for this point, In through Bracken Hollow, and then southwest by Poulter's blacksmith shop. • I knew every turn and laute and I used them withl all my skill. (armed this wily and that, wound and crossed till I-twisted him out of - all sense of direction, edging round all the while farther and farther west and north. At half isist twelve we struck the Caramore ramn at last, and rolled along it, heading for home. Tito tramw wns plainly uneasy; 1 ileant The way ulna., masa A.-. jiina. Zile mart- TM, guttlng much distntc:•ed ; her breathing sounded plainly quick and bawl. 'ls this the (Ummore road ?' Ills fiwe had a baffled, murderous look. "Phis is the Canunore road.' 'llow far is it now I' 'Four miles and a half.' 'Four miles and a half behind!' Ile leaned forward and looked in my fats'. 1 gave hint hark as good. Again his hand stole bock to his breast. 'You :slid it was seventeen miles. We have route twenty and more.— What do you mean? .1 mean that It's five miles to Cant more.' I looked hint straight in the eye— stntight and defiant. I never saw such a look in another's face as he gave me then. His hand %/IV in his breast. . 'lf weir° not in (Autunore in half an hour"—his words came slow and wickedly ca lm—q'll put you out of tmuble? Ile leaned back and I drove on. I never trained to kill but one now. I think t know how it murderer feels win) beats and tnimples a man's life out hi a sudden fury of hate. I hated that white Mail villain with a mur derous hate. I longed to have him alone in game wild place with only my hand.; and Ids for .armor, and none behreen us two. The end' wag near. lint it wag not EDE The dusk drew on. She Qum out to the door and listened. Thereetuno no sound of horse's feet. She went in, laidthe cloth, and tint the table for,tea:The clock inoved on to eight. She greiv anxious. She listened at the window, at the door, out in the mad. She went in again. No sign ir sound of Prod. She ;at at the ATRIAIwAYIRAitri 107431 M. y the 1%1 Argun building on Third Woe', Bea. war, Pw., at *SOO pow year in advance. voinatuttleallotta un altit• sof twat m'ldeVidlatiagalqoVOONDystAk , flat To imam attiaikm i 616 of thlu kind final Invariably ho sirtimpanied FW octhailthrte. ; t LeUeng and commtudt'stlowi ahoald bo, • ' !di ""i tI IWEICANI9,t Meter, Itia. Mt s 0 . ntut ' •atef f lA 1 ' • • net tell you how she fretted ;and feared. Tie hands of the dale toe*lmlowly around. It struck nine at last. Still no sign ur sound. She got up, took the spoons and *Hut, unloCked the Iron safe and put them in. (Thelma. was Undo CI Mm's when he had the old store, at : LindeleY.) She meant to start sotith ifitent did not come liefere long. She saw that the doors :were fast, shut the little blind, put things In .theiti Mares, put lon her shawl and weotout. She leatuvl .on the gate and listened. I She had stood there a long tune. She turned to' leck . the front door; she could not wait longer. Hut she stopped. What was that? It's gone now. No! I boro itis again.l It dies away ; then bursts out again with a churor clamor., Trample, Inunple, tuns! ple, t ram ple. Tinsler anal clear er every moment—the 'limit's. clat tering, skurrying tramp of a horse at a wild free run. A quick pain shot through Nelt'slicaft. She ktiew th:d was not the Intim) 'of a ho rs unde r guillanw of a man. Slw kw that he curried an empty .;add le cer tainly its if she had heard thi flying stirrup,: rattle and clank.. 'he ran along to the barnyard gate, hrew it %vide open, canght up a long pole and stood arnAs the mut. The flying. home (ante on, tnun ple trample, teunple. Hound the bend now, along, the or le_hou.4e, and close noon 4r; head „, o rn „, od, flourished her pole, sittagralliti! hurse'sheild. It swerved and 'lmp through.the gate.. She knew it was not Driver. She shut the gate. The horse rah round the vnnl, then slower, then ;trotted, Maul up, snorting and stepping high. Then she !domicil at the ham and looked around. Neil went up. The mare drew of at Mat, but she coaxed her and got her hand on the bridle afters minute or two. Shed petted the mare's smooth neck and land, and talked to het, slikre Nancy: Nell led her up to the'house where the light shone out from she Window. She knew the mare—Brame!s. man, Skylark. The Squire had driven her over only last week. Saddleand bri dle she icnear too • knew thcftn, and treffiliksl with a horrible tear-they wero.Yrent'et There alai the rent in the skirt that she had darned two days ago; there. was the new stirfup /sing) nu the 44= aide, and TO new ring.bit in the bridle! • She hitched the mare to the gate, went In; put out the light, aid lock ed the door.. She opened • the gate. flung over the off stirrup, stepped on thgate and leaped on. Vast the house and gardtai. the shadow of the orehard.trtec trot ting lister and faster. She had the new well in hand. There was only one thought in her mind—le get 111 Brame's She called to the Mare and broke her into a run. From; that it is one long hurling flight all the nine cluttering miles. Along the clear high road, by fields and orchards, levbl and slope. Down through Treacle Hollow; u mile- long tunnel of gloom threugh over archltigtreta.- I.Tp again, out through the .11111 s, out with a iamb and away. ley elf dip and rise, straight stretch and winding curve, no break pr 'halt, horse and rider as one, flying, flying, flying. The ranting mare istoppisi at the tavern door. fa'l llen I' I' she called. quit* then. —hallos!' The Squire anne out with it fright. anal fore. lie knew the voice. Ile maw him mare, Skylnrk. ,Hti looked In Nell'" Ginn. Ile knee; what it Pon the plarazt. 'What r slippeit his hand under the Kit I MI% He mune eln4. to hdr and wills perett t The money's hent—under the uldle. whey mull Wive hurt - 11e.weithi not light When he knew the iseid. were :4:Ile. Iton't linr °irk" I,`' Ir* :Brainy ' nil liitii, : 4 11111 YOH will help tut. \tun't . moq. she -old. you?" . - 'Walla hit.' he-aid, 'we'll . go to gether.' Ile 1(41 the mare round to iheharn, took tor the `While Mill the .11reeilitN rail. Ile Alta the dug out 3 110110 W in the side of the topw, n4l the pad in, and covered !it over. Nell wzet waiting; 'misfile. Ile came out. `l,ll van up Pont,' he raid. 11. 0, hree-luarters twin, and tracks like hound.' - lie ran in and 4...aine back, after a ninule. Nell went into the barn. Driver ,ttood at the rack quite fresh and re..ted now. They Raddled three horses, a side-saddle on Driver. They mounted and rode away. WiNt dew n the pike to the turn north. Pont got down with lantern, and the Sqnlre followed. Pont en.i scd the foal 'front fence to foul., emu-thing the ground at the turn. 'Track oh %ism Prunt and Sky lark gobs' out. Mlss Nell) and Sky lark cumin' in, Sporter's Hick mare guile nord. , Two strangers mine from west and gull nord.' At every turn-elf they stoppeti. At the Lindsiey road they :saw the trucks of u buga and tu'o lionws ' bound Lust. They kept on the north. At every turn the tracks were the same. There Is no turn-off in Twat do Hollow. At tho Hilibbry road they got down. Pont crossed the , but low. 'SkYlark train' and coniln'. None more hut one gone nortl.' ! 'Trickle Holier!' said the Squire. 'Jest what 1 thought.' ! ' Squire,' said Nell, I'll ride home; he may have gone there. 1 will come leek.' She headed Driver north, struck mile from home. She started and gave a Joyful cry. Out of !the east window a bright 1101 t shown. A lit._ tie thrther on site heard a sudden sound that drove the hope dot of her heart—the whinny of a horse in the wood to the right! She gut down, tied Driver to a trve and mn on. She emit in softly through the open gate, and round to the east side. She looked in, but she did not see Prent. By the rule in the!coruer man was kuocliug, with a slouched black hat, and a suit of rough, worn clothes. HLs back was toward her. Her own lamp . stootl lighted on the top of the safe. With a drill and a heavy Mallet, padded at the end, he was picking a hole in the Iron dour Just abeVe the lock. Into that safe th Pr ee t I t uu ho l usa pu ni t, i on d l o y ilars the n a i n g o ht ot he u f d ir taxes taken at Clirrom. • (hi the table, Just behind him, lay his dstod. She taw the copper gleam of the rap under the hammer. As she looked the man stood Up, throw off hiscoat, and raised the,window. He took a red handkerchiLout of his hat, wiped his ftwhead and got down again to his work. pistol lay clasp by. the open window now. She went round to the window and peered in. The burglar was picking away at tho Iron plate: Toying very cautiously, she raised her, arm and then, timing his motion !wilds reza- Mr stroke and holding her brtuth, She thrust in her arm lifted tho pis tol and took it old. She aimed it at his bead expecting to see him turn ; but he diditot henr 7 plcked away at plate. - I • She canto hark from the!front anti watched hint. Ills drill Went turn the plate as she looked. lie wake. it Cock and forth—probed the open ing inside. it wet Jted above the chamber of the lock. 110 picked tali lamehaled on Ithurth !NW. H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers