: ,a, $. The'` eavetAr J. WSYAND.NaNrotI+m Pgl;f¢ro6.as =ZZLIZYLIZI ."' iron povarßottpsirusi , 4; ftt 4:11, _ . s TnisWar -I:lOputtnentiriA Nvash. neon; lititdllo . be isz.neebtal.4o tho poolllty of theilitaftdne Ipso* with the Indlaiiiihtitile Phil >s of the the ritPhAtAlthittilleit, 4 1:*/*, suppliesorersent rorwton4 Atom stow are ',being 'shipped by 'the i (plater. ma etilm ropidiYititi"hlOlkatetieW ette=liti nuttle h °4 tet l o 48 1, tien t , -# 4 North-weeten; StattOuti.l.6l . •4 • „ ,• • - Si~e tepplatiork the appointment ofrDoo tress Miry Walker to a 'positke in .Ainslui.. Leading members of the' Woman's Rights League sa}i that It'. is inipOrtunt for the success of;thelr. cause that ,lloctress Walker' should have an appointment as far rimy :ies possible from elvibtation 1414 1%47 - , them fore approVe 'of' dying her, place in Alaska. . , THE National Eieentive (batman tee of. the Union Levi° of Amerhn met fte the St. Nicholas Hotel in N. Y. on Friday, 'Gov.' Gearyi,of Peen= sylsraula, inthe chair. Marge num ber iof 'deiegutes were Present • from different States. The principal sub-' Jed iliscu&ied at the meeting was the impending elections at the South, and measures were adopted to. aid the Union men In the election about to .take place in . Dix, Our late Minister. to France, tine taken a formal .leave of that CciurtiMd Js about to' ilium. to . the United States, has =lliad ,Pails and presented his eredentiafs to . the. EmporM 3 s Court. The complimentary ftddrEll4. .011 the *vision were of a , very gratifying character and give ,fresh assurance s that the amicable irelatioigi heretofore_existhig between the two governinentim:e not . likely run hodistarbed. , .• IT ie reported In New 'No*, well-Informed pi3rsons, that the Span ish Oovernient will seep cree requesting thrittilreitleetiti`of the realm or colonies middlng 14, foreign countries, who. may own prePertY in Cuba, shall within statedperiod reg.. Ist& their: names with .the'lleareift• Conrail, and take the oath en allegf' mice' to the mother cOuntry",;.Airatik", ut*to.loomplhly.itli' go order wilt render till sneli :p opera 41b , seizure., "... 41,:c , 31A.1.• Woonroup,42( on Friday last,Jnal,,eno intdrvlew -‘vitlll.'reeldent Chant, stating Oat, jf the illmfraneblaing clituim, hot. oath and militia clause of the tionstitu lion :be snhndtted Bepaint4 1.6:4 vote of the people. It would, tinfitieS, tionably be adopted. The Pr6iclint ekpreßeolardlaratklott With the State' of tiffalr; In Mblshnippl, but • field no, elettfon Woithl Le ordered there until after the • election in Virginia: !The objectionable Itotnies of the Cebstiht tion; however, Weald be eel tidefii Tau ltecepts . the'TratisurY front Customs and Inteinal ,Revenue sources have been favorable for the past Month so far, and will make the reduction of the 4Clit even Oen: tor, than already stated. The dutieti,..on imports to the _7th ult.,. amount. to about itl:3;ootf,oooin gold, NAN those. from Internal Revenue are nod; it*: 1100,000, paper, And were' incrOtslng heavily during the remainder of the, month. .the dlsbutaements for the' Month are; estltn#4 at 133,0(30,n00 showing a deerea,4of sonic ten', Mil= lions of dollem. AT Washington city, during Sun.' day Imit, the MVOS of the Union; deed, near that city, were deccirated with flowers., 'Several serethriS write preached in t4turchw, appropriate: 10 the occasion. A large numberetthe persons, at eernetries were in the af ternoon .scattereil by arid; and hail .stone which, though of not Intore than half an hoor's duration, did Considerable danAgo.- • In the north em subtedxs the wind bieW OVOFfet..: Kral huggies, slightly Injuring the oc; eupants. One or two houses :were unroofed. A;stnitil frame tenement; in which four/men had taken refuge; parted.at thy top and. fell .te, 'the ground. Ontl of the party wa4 had-, A Colin vrirnu of - Reformed Sylnir„p7;4.in scssidn, at Newburg, on May.%tli,recommend ed that resolutions be passel deplor. Ingthe filet Hint w 4 a'netlen thei, tint = twil t3httes'llaS fsti l sidfindliietltsed any _ ckuuµlodgnientof the iintlioritkof Clod; • deploring , the. -astounding growth polithul corruption, • and lifYlrullug that' this' the nation tinda-eipression• In tbol con;• stltution - df the • United States. :The resolutions'also declare that:such a Conistitutien cannot be littered and approvist 'by ailYi4ristiau people ‘yithout sin. ;711Lekitlio holding of the pensions of Congress onl o the Sabbetli -44 'they sentettmes da-z-stuit thgeoptlnUal dekeratiOn t et that day by_ the l'ottoftleo meat. • • • Am. amine/diens for Waltham! hountyarenoW being rapidly arrang ed. and.disixised of at the Department lit:Washington, The:grid pr i ees iu business thrown tipon•this ()Mee by laws 'relating to ismnlies , for• service inthe late war has been 'rnateiially leteened, aadildngi app* to be ire ing cakernootitly. Where heirs of tio• _eettst4l soldiers apply far haunt , the, discif the , papers' fire; earri •is: how settled fa a' fen: (la* Whe ';'ia corresponding rams, a fitw years agog' the Applicant' vas, :ItliffVaitifik l: 9 7 l 1.11101 41 is Wilk fi . ie4,itetg%lP.,N,r9 , 0 . soldier applies for' his "lowa .11SILIntsi the'eaßet,lf prolierly tprcsen6d; is diS- 1 posed of la tiro or . three ;Weevl* •. Iniltte,i . .141714C1h;'w#1,1. LOA' halt , * ...naiad 'six inotaths.or; iikooni,iiiie,- 'Hoek L , 45r , Mai. Ann- time. , ..:Wheti the tp is:delO s Inllke maths now.. t. l O #ll ) l l _,lVAta Li ~ ..I ' l4 ;**Cill, !the evidence la., ineitipelenC ei;thel4',l , 4 something wrong *the Inakinal and filling taint. the trapero tot' the aM ll * : J I , ~ • i 11:( . 4 011 • 77 4:: W. , CnTripiol, orVoiringiOn, • . Cftit l / 0 4 1 :rank t,''”uit .- .ll4Ttistl l mouillfoio a qtri*E4 lury,itt'pedemberlitt,',prucsa I indictpg:4 *Oust tobtatotnuourt a b . .;:, tipo t tOVl# l o4lo ll 4 l oo 4111 1.011 toilien6o4l**64l!'" cat` Mkt out by inverumetit tituuultt . . ' ' , ' h o Rhode Islanditouse • ‘ FFMatives _passed, Wednas Y - Warly unanimously, a ' • thht the General AinernblY 5111 Alikh esteem the adtpinistra eabilli .tY ; or His Excellency, GageinoLA , brace E. Btimalde, retains tinhnpair7 eAt tfs a n dNo . I t rt347ako a. ' ' 6115 ' , of-the , 44coni luid,soltliete of ithodeistaini-during thalformidabk) rebellion.; I i 3.',:.. --, T ~:: :]:a4iiiiill 1 it4: 474 ' 44 61innd2/ la losing titexinisfu4 ari l rat tiPm' ixarl Of Whiten' ithaieris i/rt'f. 3 ,ettlP4 ni0ng,1,49-0 #9r , t4iYilv i , 4l 44** shati.44 , ;s 'Am. i• Yu fteroflierialajesty's•fotenOn Brit. ish Worth lAMerlea; hi`ccim wry ytitly 'l'.'W'STOrOcifi "Pencat ', Etelght, ~14 4404,941 1 4' 4 41titokulairoadi' ind 13-Ti. :Webster' of Chicago. Gem' MM Agent of tin) , NatioymiStemik ""Al . i4i:f-StMijial` of talve!pool; - ItM plitiehadierriiiiiiiikit lititiNattiku,Kl*,. Has:, 'coke ?gumbo „pod, cconiituly. rrafi MN tnillo l :Pr#Bl), l 4ricic ,Biad eOLIVen OP act at Vreeport ,en:.-Wedcleedsir last to. pomhune ••stittelser M'ithe HOU:E. B. - IV'ush-. tiOn was 'inatrtieled, to .17(iti far. Its special ounlidate. and the itralleting c ontinued throughout the' 44 until afteirnaking the •.two .htiearOd and tiftiqfirst" ballot; 4 . * the' Convention '.adjourned to meet at haltpast seven:. It was thought that , peW coadhlate, 'in . the PeTen 'of [Hon. 'Jolla H.' 'Adams of Freeport, will be brought,ferwar4 with a good :prospect Of nomination; • 'Fun CouventicS ,of .Colored'llfen, or :Virginia; In seiskm . at Richmond, A d ipP T 7WOOMdfkY,Y I 4P '44" dig r .( 40 nPrAl Canby to give colored men ,repren tation upon the benclies of the Courts, :urging RePublican . voters tp vote for the CoOtittitlim funned by the late Covention, pledging the C,ovention to support . the Wells tick'et, thanking the pt.ople oftheiNorth for their be nevolence ;in 'furnishing Means for the education of colored; children in theSonthiautd haillrig the' appoint ment otCfenenit Canby 'pith joy.— Pr. gairris: the'colorpti 4ididate for Lieutenant Governor, 4(lAm:3E4)d:the body and expressed his suspicion that iambi 'of the white' Republican, voters :intended strlk,ing his name from, the ticket on account of tlis' Tits Yoliticai. campaign in: Vie-, girds lanai:tining a Very • Werm) , and, get4'slutpe.: Both parties are"Conll pdlicoodtlgit'tyle Zoqiu, byationi i 1 be ~iUlled large mak/4-, lyiltrukthtivepandss clauses, wlllibe efealed:'.; The CilnieivatiVo • Party tion will add thotantids of .white Votas to the lists ; ,that they Will get many negre votesns we Us' white votes; and thafthe the neg,i6 vote has been largely, (lecreased by_the , emigration of that class, both South and North, - Theralso claim that the conServative:party , represents the true businais and' commereial policy of Virginia, and base : their .hopea.of, I success on these reasons.: The Wells partyl=or Aegilar itePubllcans, its they . , tidltheacidVes—:ektirtithatWal- her WIII get few or no negro votes; that the label "Ckmservative Repub. 'lean," will not deceive them; that get a large • white, and that* very large !portion of the ex trenit. rabid. Aeen.clon..elemeat, who refuse to countenance 'suffrage.under any, clieniuStanceS, will not:vete' at till, but,pirault„the election,.to ge, default.' :They anticipate thO kIiOXOSS of Wells by from ten thousand to flf t!*loo94'4nqt I • ctui:Ar •pittrArN is about `tait utivu some trouble froni her oilouists. We notice-that a•preatuble , and ..res elution' were introduced in house I.4A..itstiriil4Y, at 11allfa,k Nova' See tiff, which .speaks. of the 'forcible ehttuke of . the; Constitution of that province Witliout the conk* •of 'its PeOPIO, and In: opPOitlottlo 'their whiOfers. ,ei'ert • hal tiiry Into their, grievanue has been ; refused,' nratthey now occupy the position of a . degnided people ; That the Union With the Cahailiun Province : lua re- suited, in financial. disaster and . op position; and. that , their prineinal comma trade has beett,Land.,al ways will 6e; Wltlf,thellulted prates. Therefore, honeying : . „ the , Ifttiferial„ Parliament has lbeen imposed o upon •I'alse;creprotentations; and • that the free *pie, of 'the'pritish Isle 4 (v).11 net Persist hi keping• that tofore loyal whiny in a hated Union- Itith the(,inadiatt • Provinces; they, reSO i lijett that '•an ethic 'ad-, tlreui;,e fa' (10,`,.. (bled]; asking • the :Teatorattotton : of their heloved hisritutions; erythat.they• bo i0e1,1..e . 4 !rent flirt - her: afleOtinee 'to the .abletl, us n.freo people, to adopt political liotitions 11S the, deem most conducive to iftelr irtpplitem ' and • •, .• • ' • . , . . Or Wednesday Ana s of YloittWeil iu a ,lxilntii4, of ninety tniiilens ig goltliti:the'l,+. S. Tretts- Airy, behangiug to .the am - eminent, and' twenty.thrge millions on • dopes- It.' lie alio Tuei'thirtem'iniiiions of 'OrreneY. liiirreceipts front inter: . pal revenue were Jarker on, flint day be than they had n foiseieral months previons amon ting to ono million Stiltutid i rath umnd' dollars, The revenues will intnienkly' 'lumens: ed during the. ext. month oit account oflltespaying In ef•the income tax, now due: ,The et tenipt • of England .to depree4itet7,S...i3olids and . Stocks, by, increasing her ;raft% or interest,. has beettlempfebelycheek•inatixt. by the Sc..eri.ttlry of the 1.74 .S: Tries' urY, lu buying up !two_ million * dolla&. -worth •pernvejk, with -our gurplu, - gold.; 'Ain tun receipt of „the news Mm E'tirtiiiti :a the 'ttetleo, of • the, :Ito ; of Enghu'ild,in,'lliernastng - the into .of , interns r -Leupled With ' the dechuntion thef t it twould be...lwereks ed 'tii:..l)l 'Or tent:, 'lf ' neeeted?;• to brad:Awn - tit: 'b:.'stiiP l 4-litid'iht;tif '0641000e Ana advtalle r4Of. four or . 111„41i itorfiktit:"ht the 'Vico ef 'Old 14:4144407411;: . .44,, ,, i4 , 4 - :OPr bonds , to . .doeline ',in:- the igifllo . 11)-. 1401 - but,'-' the litiltnitt igettort;- 4 the f 3ect Flirt 6ls 4P'lilit:ettlY 0 6 ; litil;g 4 3 l ii Isitovi as furlieleW; 'ti.V,' lt litreCr4ell itb?Yortile.itteittlitiri en' reeelitt for the i . 11 W -The flee!! e i cisme(' .6); klethO s t4,442iieit "tins:it tfigii,4liiiVxsrehA 'AMR :1 Eectiri" • AR , 9W.*likil • etelter 1 AirltliWit Shaul : VetOt-heforj the , ketiowoft i he . Ot,England. 7 Thus 4 Ohn kV*. a irelletlAi.:an at. teroPricoositu4- 11 ?er,hlireredlt` at „mute inidorixtt ' ; '. • I ' : - ' ',' Zvi :44r1 s I TR. tr t - ''The3l ,;- trslietfii7Wr_ P ,yl. - bnihiing of.thitt,vassel Woo n the way Of latitinetis,ind free of eon ce,alment. ..It , iFai.kuOwn tiiiiga* erzeitent Of llreititritain'aal to pie Nei sn&Awiti; , the'-knowledge.of the , . . . • • veniel :was mgent'for NA'ar 00°4' f,altlie* 9,f the CP l l4Wrate s Ga:Vetiltaent.T.lt - .*tinteflot4 Nit° noluiste-MiitleiViSY,WFO - hay! br tho"ciportitlims: ; Had there , beetianything,ifiegal In the building artliting Outdf the shiP - ,ampletbia, - and oiVoitunl4 . e.Visied fottlyicktlVl eminent to setzeher, and the officer's pr!llo,Citatern House were informed On the 2lit n!;.ful.f tliatniie:Was ientr: for,sea and usiirtit 11;0e tit. "anY, pour she pleased. .-Nouttomipt . was7snade to dettdn her;thotish PtututtorO. and others mitila,tdtklavitsi that ineiwria. enlisted to serve on her: Thee. take the ground that the contract ° entered into for - blinding the ship 'ivtis • not at Veda:nee : With - the latvs'of Englandi . 'the opialeti, Of the .1 7 '..na.41i :people or, practice..of forehin nations. • They quote written 'opinions of Me 11th, Mr. ° Kemylay ° and Sir Hugh ,Caixtts, Of Febnat, lgaa, Which they allege support their pi:W*l; and: go to show that the Alabama left Birk ealtead .unarmed, and went -to. the . :Azores, , 'to m 'which en . and atmeS . were sent from other, portS. • ' The Standard, of the `7th ult 4 mys of Lain ' letter that it' Is is clear eharge of nmilgenceagainst the goy erntuctd.: But-whatever England's ,offense may have heen,it. Is . 'outelinie; 'one hundred fold by-the wilful and ,wanton biit!laseS of the United States Igiokait:Anglanil,"and may settlement will leaye a Heavy aphid the States. England's obligations were-broken tbr the • North as well as the • South. ' The Americans were equally guilty Of a hreach of laterna 7 tional obligations Ia the case of the Fenian drillinwi and organizations.- The Stai of 'the same date, thinks Lairds' letter aggravates the action of the British Government, besides the obligations.. of - the Government to prevent all risk from theissuing forth of the Alabaina:' The ship WAS known asdestlued to prey . upon Amerlmn . commerce, „ Further 'obligations are raised by-the fact that the Alabama Wft3 bbilt and Wiwi for guns, and to aeconnatitiote a ,War-crew, fasts re ported by British Custom House or kers, as also Ma r t she was really . tended.' for war purposes, - This 'knowledge obviously devolved talon the GoVernnient theduty of making the fefelgn.e.ultatment act go as,-fur is:possible In this . case. There Is goOd - reason' to - suspect that the act would have gone far enough'- if a hearty efferklattl been made to stretch its provisions honestly and extend its purpose to the ease,- The Sick and Maimed Soldiers. Ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtin WAS serenaded' by a large number of the citizens of Harrisburg., on Mon day nights nd in the course of his remarks in response to the compli ment, said': • • • "Lei us stand by our government— lhe most heneflcient ever given •to mankind. IA: us remember with satisfaction the &al charity under which this old CommmonWealth has 4 , l:ahere& up the indigent orphans and fed,lind clothed, end educated them. 'The blessing of Heavenmust rest upon n people who do so much for - Suffering humanity. Before I letivia'you, however, let me say Some thing more. Allow me to asy,•that with all yorw charily, this great and wealthy; and prosperous people have done nothing for the soldier. Every maimed soldier winthen.s n for a living is a standing monument of your in gratitude. 'Every man' that' went to the front—alt were assured that their wives and their children :should he maintained in their absence; and liv ing, sick mut maimed; they.:should be maintained as soldiers and not as paupen4. 'That pledge laces:. not been redeemed: I will not he bore at the next election, hut I ask yon to pledge inc that you 'will not vote for any man to represent you that Will not take from the pUblic treasury enough iii niaintain every- Pennsylvania sof dier who maw need-it, like a gentle- . man and soldier—not likb a beggar: The Soldietwho periled' his life to Maintain. the Republic while you re-' nildned ut homq hi ease, and comfort and idxury, deserva , s the 'support of the Commonwealth • from those who enjoy thelruits 'of his . hard earned victories." • A CLEVELAND paper has diseov , ered "onelOf the finest Mathematical geiiiusesuf thb ago!' in iiaplain ltoma spun fanner, liavloglittie in his per sonal appearance or stirrounding6; to distinguish him Trim' an ordinary tit ler of the earth,'!, antlUte lives in one of the nual,townships of that county. This gentleman, Mr. J: N. Rrixa,:, wy,13,,,0f Itfcek.wiile, Ohlo,-lias re ' eentl s ir had n remarkable paper prin ted in the, transactions of a seientlile society t ifs title being "nein:tits on the ficcular Vailetioi' of the .Plarietii ry. lirbitti.". The Contrlbtitions of the iduiti Ohio farmer linCe, it is i~tid, prominent einited,the:deoli interest of prominent niathencatinans „both in the.l•listern . States and in Eurok, anft-propositions that helaS propoun ded fur their, considemtion ' :4111 It:aging the efforts of some of ~the the mosp prOnntl • among theth I to ennf te." iflVat4iiiigt,ott r drrgApoiltierit of the y3+iltimdren;,y,:~, :.* .The Committee of Clerks appoint ed by the Secretary of theneasury to examine into the affairs of the print ing division charged with the duty of ascertaining the most ~ prartimi means of defeating the skill and . In gepulfy of coanterfeiter.-7... ThoOom mitto3 has thildedon,,o method . of preventing. the . alterldlon . of the nuinbers on • United States bonds antlitotoi.' :The 'addition. of one or more - figures either. before Or after the original number is tr common and easy mode of deStroying' the Welty of the - note or. bond, •it is Proposed to print on that part of the bond where the number ispiacetla number of blue pantile' lines, to be eneiwed in brackets, and the 'whole, ilgunk is lobe just line cumuli to, admit the. nuinber. • . . ha 4 Wed.:much ,grumbling IkverGenend Gran . appointments, and some of thent /nay, have provOk ed It ;..but the fart, is :not &gaited Math°. eurient. revenue`, .they were made shoe:pialargo, ineteme over the idorresphihlingyeekstr. last ycnr. INTow the Weis have not been increased our . pond* adversiudi's say daft the oonntry is not. pro:Ter :Ow; :ma it *di : puzzle:any one to .account for,the inoreasairlvelptS T 0.11.511.17 gnaw otherbypntll - Julhe enileotion. .We lielieveAhe In-. comae; the Oovernment since; Gen. Ititriturf ,ittangM:ation ? .. has okeeethil 414 ofthe eorree t umdlng . 4)e.rlod of htst inillions adol lars ;. and that qur 'Debt has ,been *diked. 'over and 'inbiten ,pny `reduction peeted 'ln 'theirratorlrig Months of 'lB6B;thlly . ten' YfeiliMinit these tadts,aS full 'jitstifl: en,4lfet the elan ;F:4;:ip • -- Willi 43k • 4a::: roc& Ortiaryzutttee o . ktor: tho„reeelpter for year to 'fieht exeni ofthe torso $1j,5074, A counxilttee pointed to correspond wtlid MOE ogliumwx)d4*(ltq=34 OpF!)llB..ittoKilnlgli With Sleotg,Thilsolust circulation 0f 1 i 00 . 002 ..* Th of tzpv:vtalc(l<f cioSsOiy44lfim above 4oggit u tei.,', - to e x t end vpablielitirm orgacti ancte4angelhinlbOake to the S language th 6 System of colpoeie . gntater eiß= . decry was adopted. 5: Atsb o a „ipaolp= tion to supplY Minletersiwha are to. hide' -with ' seblloations,• Was adopted; • T ‘ lie Grand, 'ittlnY., of /he ReputoliO Were regiuited . eot to decm*te graves on the SI ibixttlt"- day:. A diso'3unt is to be allowed school lxiokstor conftelTittiell6l: psi «Tlip entire report . the Iphb iication,Rodrd was adopted... There. uremia hundred end three eh urchek in assembiy—sixty..zight last Yeir,nild the confributiMis are • sateen per cent larger.. On Tuesday,Non. Martin Ryerson, of New Jersey, °title* n FS:elution dtpkulag the exestlng state of feeling between this couatryiuulareatiltite nin, and exhorting Presbyterlarri 'to pray to Goi to's° enlighteyr, inlitiefire the naderstanding and keit« Of the rulers and people, that sill matters - and differences. may be amicably settkl: The resolutionwns so amondedes Weirdt any refeMme to the passibility of 4u-upend Owed. The Synod of Raises was-decreed to consistof the l'resiwterierior K.insds, Simiki Tiill Mid:limbo% The eoin mittee on Foreign IlliasioilS`retiorted 411 e xecelpts four thousand seven hurt. droll dollars has than the expend!. tures for the last year. A. resolution was pawed pledging the` the Presby,- tortes to sustain the work. The. clerk rend the votes so far as known in the Presbyteries on the basis of re union, as 86 In favor, and 107 Uplink. The report was recommitted for eon. rection. . . • On WcdnesditY, the committee on Ijoard of Educatloti made. bin report on the Records. of 'the, Board and Executive. Committee. A paper was method from the Gen era! Synod of the. Reformed Church reconimendlat a plan for a National Council of evangelical denominations, of the United • States for advisory ineasttes to promote fraternal anion and inali . itenance of lixnumon. doe-, trines of the C'hrlsilan t httieli,.fa 6t. held in New-York in. Octobtir 'next. Referred tit sUeelid eonimlttce: The committee on Fund reperted.rdwirpts of the Year at $82,71.12, the disbursements V.W120. Fifty Ministers, seventy-five Widows and twelve' fillTlllleft of Orphithsbnie been relieVed. dLSeasidon*en en sued favoring areunion of the church- On Thursday, the Old School of reunion was• reporied; substitutlaf ly(as follows : . 14t, The Old and New Tpdaznente am accepted La the male of .loalth: . .. • . . . . .Id. The Woomlaatereuntassion aadValeclasm,' allgttly modeled' as tat as regards clan law, la adopteit as a fall and accurate interpretation et Boly Writ.• 3l The trolled Church Is to accept the Preabi. tartan (mar& poronment. atb. The Upited Chnr:lt steeple the, railhead/ eudpreserlbee . It is to be submitted to the several Presbyteries, and the total of their vetes upon it sent tithe nett deicer al_As.semblies to' be held in Pitts-, burgh these-wild Wednesday . of -I‘,k) vember next; when If two-thirds be focuul favorable,- the ' shall act accOrdinglY;luuttake neces-' . sary action to -consolidate. The .24 Sunday In September is *named as a day of prayer for the whole denemi= nation. A conculTeut ciederation was also reported,gliday, all the ministers and churches the same standingln the United body as noW, andscyst:lli Im perfectly organized churches mast be; ounce throughly Presbyterian within tivecycam. - The boundaries of: Pres byteries are '.to tie adjusted -by the I . 7nited CleneratAsseMbly. The en". cialyecard of the two branches ore. to be preserved but no rule or premdeut shall hoof unless approved by both bodies,, established by the united body, unless It effects' the rights of property.. 'The CorPoucte rights of the two -Assemblies ore to be eon:solid:AO as tar as practicable and the "s.everal . Ckmonitter* and Itoardscoosolidatedlwpartlally. The Board. of Publication '44 - the Itnitisi Churches, to revise editions .so as to exclude invidlouS, reflection, The -Theological' Senalnatics, new, under Assembly control may betrarafeired to-the care of 'ono or more adjacent syncxls, mud it shall be the Atity:of allJudioatories; Ministers And psiaoe. of the united . church to. ,preser}u peace, and, ni G r as is. emsistetd with the convictions of duty,conm . fer practice to the general custom_ !of :the church prior . -.to the Cantret-eisles which resulted in the separation. . On Wriclay, the plan for reunion WaladOPted; that is, to submit - it to a vote of Presbyteries..:' This Was hi I of any generat:lnted . cat taut', trans- Aired... On Saturday a conunlttee--Was pointed to assist In the ceremonies of decorating soldiers. gravel., Tbe committee on Dro optiellimins re perted a balance on land of $48,248. The whole number of missionaries twit year 542 . : • A rcaointiolt wam'adoxi-: teiLiiii..senifrig CIAO lap . 'Ealiitago9.9 the Pre.4hyt6rl4ii.diurelkes of ; the Southern - States; and hoping for- a speedy union ofthe two bodies. THE KEW. SCHOOLLiEWII,:I4I- On Monday; the :committee , op:. politted toeolhde tutsaistig Piteby teiles to overittrcq fOrlifiudOOP:ol7 ell that one hiltulro; Piesbit6rle.l, l tif that body tad given Alleirl mused to reunion on the basis proposed,by the Joint= do'nttnittee of the As ti last year,', and Jr* greater.pareof the day NVOO spetjt In argunteillis and reasons fo r , a reunion. Sciine discussion' arose o n the 'subject Of the tmitnient of the W n CallGarnia; 1114 . 4r:et: we , to ;AB on's, wlien'Xider. Truber r ,Fitid the matter had been 4kitly' ex -1/4;ger44'"'*l Serving of intelfrerestort iiart ; Of tWgener.d :or statnAloVerinuent.' 1 l *reiterkoli *ofi4 ;'f*.tue!.44,p0416.; read' qu overtilro,frotothii.yteri, )44 Desmobailin seferentxrto:tlie don Ofdibirelfthire., , The commttr tee hnsareredthat chords IS "dls -01Yel; the *Feicrtfir the 014 mitfew on iienday ..klebOuls; melids tittiAssiitibl*` %la:tithe:eye: " Thos of holllitlitaaopSalani EslliffttlitheMlM g e l t c4 l, '41 : 0 000:111 14 1**41; 4 08 4114 41 1 444 M i; RNlNfund B 4,4 4 llM l l4 lo ettlt.l: nadniatetA 2m iatiatzerikd s itleitt* 4 1.1 ' 5 0: ~tettlitd"l"PoPol' fun d' O I itORPFAD - 1 14k Orthir' at collectionnt r ther.mmtt t fauvism ; aiibpteft s .lle covnittoolll3o3 mbtici,iBlOorkitall*o that:this - IMM 1100,,a, TheY reeemmend (MITA' asteman,' ,ftlartneditikirtS . kr - christianise the I cuunea'reikletitit - of Nit Mintfry,the blNunetit of „In alika - i and reunion: Of ,Ikininstio Missions adoptc'td. The committee on Edital-A ttdn ** ( id lb& /hadaetl Bl oY threnfih 4 ol: the ai:0 1 144 felled; the liat'year, to make contX4 htitions. - Anne' further "bushiest ;of rnlnOrlieport was hid:, ' Atimday, therein:4 of thedel agates on thelleotchand es was -refelirrd, endorsing oldie #limily 'Wallow and closer eorre• spondWcewith Stites churches of;flie .British;lides. 'rhe rest ,of ttie. day was spent int& consideration of .the 'suldectotyCiinion: resolutionfor a joint committee oftil two Anseinbileitotoretsire Mid pahlish ;Imply to the _pope's ;letter, of September 18th 1668, u to oartein statelnents Of MC rules whhis clans: atii/not *ognizeigiir be regarded twin eXiiiisdon of thiMntimerte,of the Presbyterian church of the. , ilut ted States, watiMiNited: The reeolmi tlons of theVid. &hoot to' reunion ; ` were 41i4 . Joint.eommlttece on reunion and the Moderators of each , Amenibly were instructed to **Ma partite] letter'. to FlwichOs Mbjeet - of the mil - Mellen of the action of ifMtio bodies 'on thiimittleot of reunion. • . • • • On klaturtraythe ,mattecertllelag' with otheC l l o 4 4 -thia the reeepthM - of delegatei:Anna the, Bohemian arch, with hddressesand replies- thil import of the committee ', on nab:eke ihmilog irbakieCe of O r (rs;ln i ng r eihich is.tO aftfamPfi r .- 'atell tvitieeires Of delegates to Pitts* 10%4 -Assentbly, next' 14(ovecnber 7 - 7 esplatatlXObjeciti Oftho Christ* .Union4o:4 7 memo., othertuniintin of a local nature oven pied the dayi • - • • NIE*Ei ' • • - :--Tho neiriuhrionni of kihitueity hare nominated' E.' Bentley • Wifig for State Tretututer: .•:" ''". • . . —Theljnitarlans and Univemulisis field there minimised& ?sunlamp& festivals at Boston FriOny last. • , finertihiti" was prennt . Vit Spring Gteve; aear Cineitinatif on Satan:lay last 'at the' dectinitinn-of soldiers graves. - • - z—The P Liiinvdder, committed suicide at Dayton, Friday evening :by. opening a yela witka razor. iihn had-been. . . . , . , The Now'.lrOrk Castoth‘ HOnge authciritle9 Oiled on Friday morning a Jar& amotint Of tuck add silk goOds, on 'a charge:of being sttiuggitdi • --On Thtirscti ere was a topUt o, at Athens, o.„which blew dowx,i,tlu3, house and Eurnpl'alward , ldarndi 3 Old t ; near. that plam,ocoasioning losl4o $10, 0 90. • t; • toeonfedenAteilotitt was unvei led et'llatt Grovo'CiPultu , tery, - near Cynthinna, ICy.; . on • FAA" day last, Col. W. C. lirstekentidgo' delivering. the oration. •a. . 7 -:A.rrankentents pleteci by which atlicerduitentllng reunion pf the Society('Of ,the....,.ArniY 'or the Potomac; ;id isroW.,Yorit • Wit return free pf cost. • , • ‹4(sleb: •Trunttin, colored.; was hang , ed at Frederick, Md.; onTrhlnyv29t for the murder of tuVunknown whiter' num on the :loth of January last near Point'of Rocks: - ' • • • • „ , ''pe'retilrii4 Tenke*.ktie.c:; ion indicate ,that .the - Conservative Republicans haye elected thelr , entire ticket, ext.tpt the candidata for Chad- . cellar: • Smith, Radhail; i utulOuht allY ciPettli• • • - ) i; RAhcock of Providence, R. , L, thhhorsea Pompey •Payne and Dublin, at Cincinnati, on Friday . last. For theformer he is said tohoye paid from seven to ten thousand dol lars and forihe latter fifteen. ; t , I , YorligsMitary.fiutierin. tendent he directed an.luenest to ;he Held on tlie,,lxxly.pf..NoTjr,,..Nim DOW Claik; Nilaw 'Oster sllspects she ,lvai" iunoutit'of prciport buipg luvelv a o lio liocly Aps been 11 .1, -1. Phe Ftemr Which ~ Prevailed' Wednailay night mid , upto - Tiffany morning, lott did - much , darnager , to the erops, 'railroad ilmeitNi ete.,!. in many imrto of :the isiorthwo3ty end more partienlar , in the' ventml part of illinoit. • • .-. f Nein from SiiirleYielettd - Codt“ Kiumsi myii - font' men out ofm. party Of eix 'huntere were i k lled I bodkins on 3forictiy, near White llock,.tiventilburtiallet meat of Shirley.: • • . —The Kentucky Republican' con kentiOrt wet at Lexington; Thilliiday. Half the counties In the Otate Were represented and about , three hundred dele'ates present. The ratification or theYliteenth Amendment and Anal rights for all men - were dernatick* la the resolutknx ti Leentral, ,Corti miteo of oneTrqin elea Vgrgobln al DlStriet onA two tit hi wits Up poiated. i _namseY uT4 nowinatert ler asteteXressurq. ' Corkne r ntiqh.ollourired.', —lticatatedon the anthorlty of Malted Stpun , District . Attorney PrerepetirtaronT_ evidence liunislierl 4y,the . .3lsintsh Consul; tbattheq:Wir lot:City ,vtts : bgbag ; l,l#4.4"out pricnteer to ,prey on g in 4Wlnr tnitigr he nts nntik tions of WUrt r men. u oI the owner, hicAndresys, bus ,\lll, - situ claim the ownership of the vesberwith'the the of Uteri:rutted , '#• taps ,D istrict CoOrt secor.itY.pnTessts. • . • Nets;•:Adrerti , AtlfrisAtegrt: Atttriar4.l%, the Western Dlettiet reurso g i vadimr , Itf ilelm W. Oaotser, otheaver OM% h. l4 .4l 2 irttgt:4:. ' , Bhr.`Wastlahrelso o d 10.11111.: WAN& At altV u G et . ' 2l ' 4 " Astithea ;,aff, • Aalts..49Filteater. AKIO ait Pa.. within -ertua Ital Wes atjattled etattretitlatathe tha Aftlat - 1 1114747 : 1 - P41408r 1 Fitikkli: ,‘S= . 4;4 't j yj ! t )Wrii CS . m o viaina tovisar4l l : : IMIIIPS dab. Worn tillp ki t SPfea4lo TCPer I Y thitheattsahalFat .rattlhat .4' ,etrf , • --•,, - : "sw.f I: I V:HOLES4I.I 0 „10431.6$;1):i . 41+ ' 4;14.1 ' 11 , 1"71,31 . 4 ; • • I tEZIIIIIIBMW • 4 *ILL FIND A VERY LARGE AND, I•• 14 , 114.. ri. , 4 • ; r1;1••• , & , •• .1,•• ,••)•c, ATrniAct.lV:E . STOCK OF IBM FOREIGN AND DOUSTIC DRY = GOODS, ..•i f At Very LOW ,_vnipEs, by Iberia Pito PristiLage AT EOM A. ;ER TUX . & .00'8. =I '; I • ; • 1 - ; , 1•1 ' s;•i •' 178 .re,leinl Siete!, Alleglitnk EEO .OLIVER M'.CtINTOCK - . ; . 4 COMPANY, ' . PEAVE Just tecelvalpprOcesn tilteitm *lnt Mibnesota, Oh MA . rinfail, towa, P E of London. and City of Baltimore, the:lamest siumrtment 01' meet bestittfol R, E • • .e. • R ' • . T. Ever brought ttAfill Ciry,Whicli they im port directly from the most celebrated manufacturers of Europe, and consequent , ly am offer at the very lowest rates.. They especial . attention to the - eery low prices of Ingrain Carpets for all descrip tions.. OIL CLOTHS , MATTING,SHADES,&c Oliver :M'ainteck &.Co. 23.11 ft mar24:l3' • - itEISA,N & SIEDLE, tigicceseors - A REfNEMANe & No. 41, Joittlr-Airenue, Pa =MEE Ciold 4ncl' :, E Ilversaiiiiths~; • padJeakn lot ' AVATCIIF I S, , DIANONDS, i _ SILVEIP,AtiD PLATED 'WARE. Agi•nCy the lust nisEet of • . Watches American • 7 7 „ ":1 TrujtAik ouxacit4t ,, - — 7 411.1141; of what t' cnzclully repal re!) 'titer gharo4ced,, ' ' ' • (ouryl kit JTORrN ItP; - Groceries and PrOviSlonS, ! z: CORN; OATS, i( • ... i • -_1 1 L,"Sali,.llof.D, AND FLAX,O33D-?l!cfST r.; 11; • - r 1 3 :*W . • •• - 4 , •••• ' rt t ;' ed . oll Sizes and* - —. IMPROVRD foIII3INES 4: TOPS; 1 1944 , hA P L 4 4"- . 4gRAP ; UASH 1, 4 04101 .4g fad Rib* COM wistPitototroki o•-• • ~ ,4 ,- '::! - . ' frictl** 11, e 4 13rree ‘- . r• ••:--:••4 7, ... 4 rt ••"' ' • r';'!;;:4't ItooffOrnirtii.4lli.flAkik .7 • • 4;1, paioin Agiionli c urai Woltz, ligoebegiri nefver c•leimrons. frs-SEITI-1 & Co , pz,„a, proprietors end Xeselketarere at "211; SIIMP do IVlr Milfr VA R. Powststairli N.i ret.CWarsod oitss Its: Cow enenOK,lttow Cotters, old Dog • Warne; Abo_Liniti 4ll " l " at dote wore. • . • g • Orke Wools' bow Ips etiodelioe sew be Inde Mkw ism* yesrs..ssd is en boors f• gang, Ned we ly caw w soyoasehiso is Me • asd far , we snake Om 1 any Panner. la Now •Ss I Pita ( =sum lan t r ,= l ft% moot be Ore l ; a maditoe we NM go ve n r i perpeore and est the mok man If , we will forfeit the A aem Of lift. Donate LIPle mayllelms. „ A. B. MIMI it Co., : 4 -°sti • To builder& wasons, befrAlsyetts and pwe. twee. get yealfile at We moNvr.6.u..saarri Vaiiport.megelve Mosey: It liithsTOT beet LAW te •.i. lien istartat;hatt theft kooveste tab. We hero bat the beet Woos Ind Owned Jut eight; the midis Nguema * Me Who stem, t? harp, so the), thereto soludaw oe Whiter misdeed ant Hee yea it °drip nate mortar, MT* oi good deal or time. ' l4 Ton cm !Swap wet It fresh—led hot If yottowit LARGE LUMPS. . , 1 * t , Rater to all trio bare It. 134 ma puttee tereeted la Miler MK . gy p Amami it mad try as ieUms beerier inlets at , the same prim. Call and see It, or try some. . Ume dellrered promptly to order at Reasonable Rates =3 Dr railsaida e rerl u rr : z or cati ; Send oriHers to the may Item ESE BILI_DBUItY PIANOS A...• Iriumphant.Success!! The fotkierleg wed . •im" me their beanbag: 21/eltop CM :ieicki i f oomm __ , llie rbee: .:44 Illebotrlboetetie of the W. Z-2 1 = biti, Telma. the framer, poet end Mere. art, editor et trap Tmt. - Lill& r Itm., U. , O. theat bag Put ortemW oett tar tat_ room, also CM Justice C,blete, lei r• 0 7 I :=, Porter.* the U. &Nan. ii.„4., - -.......•- ,'" , The 111 stbercjiserm mail tit pore_ , lichee% mgeslity et toes etell, egpeallil beeettest tinnier guild re MIMI mr4 - to idat me bow I like ' MAI NO. * lag toe how 1 Ilke ass atm ' .- ,„.,-.', I will eel th ese lea lee :at 1S edema Primes. Call centime • Plano. immig :. • -, Arent kr rest oasty mid riMgeL•itC,Seares Paella debool. , - -, - ite9ll44r: 21rOWERilandIMA.P.R.Itli. • • •. • . • GENERAL 4C16111115 01111;011/1111111AT:DINAPPE116 keiterwlidgeela , finseri everywhere to have on superiors. riJkiwery "roe equal a steeper. TICE - Volum _• The great Cat flea machine which has aoerted a reratallou fa 'lowers, and all Intellf vat fanners alt e with as In pronoundim It the beet: It will run lighter, Wok better and Met logger by taeoly years than any other tasehlao mode. Coale to BIICADQVANIIBIIII, where both these Ya chted were and Introduced Warmed hi Western reD4XylfllDill.' Farmers front adjolalog mantles should Iwo us berme purchmum ram local trona as to odd them SPECIMAIDUCEMENTS IA BUT U. KIVOX„, . • 187 I.lberty fitreet, P.lttAtirgh, Pit. S. Xerpssit Co., ROCHESTER, Pa • ~?o,il ARE .CONAT4 2s; T ItEckavp NEW and FRESH GOODS. • •• STOCK 4. • , • • -. . consistsar n Full 3t, alMil : I 1. Or DRX: arioeraP 1 1 : (1 ,. RATS et CAPS, Boots and Shoes! XpTIQXB IX G 1 E4T FA= • RIETY. • FARMERS AND IIECIIA.N ICS TOOLS HARDWARE. NAILS PURCHASED .BY Kali:, AND FOR SALE AS LOW AS CAN BE BOUGHT IN PITTSBURGH. Window - Glass, PAINT*;, r Oil, 0 • „ COLORED PAINTS DRY 'AND' IN our., . • White! ',lime, , " &et —nit • 'A MI nashrtmeill. of OROCF4RIES;:<,: i s., • • • .1w,4 BACON & LARD, 4 : of different grades delivered knit WARRANTED . 1 • , . - i i - i rktr i A.° 1 2 ~r.1,115- If ( ' c'll l; .k4 4 :kgc- 1 .46 . - "." /- h . . ,4. • W.. 1. Waal Beaver Pose OWee. all klituts Builders - Alf Skes of WHITE . LEAD, S g and Summer Goods In - • rar-dr,-Bons, .4POYe q H' • Comer Of Wales Oesdlotoes fieroote 8.0 CHESTER, A. ,:f1( 1 7 - HT!! 41 '1 .1 rig*. Raveling returned from the east with a large stock of goods bought at tbo law. eat cub peters, which they °free to the, public at REASONABLE" PEICES, ; : Consisting of DRY GOODS. VrEOOiItIESI PROVISIOWN FIATS, * CAPS, /JO 0 7 1 3 AND.' 8110E5 HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, CMIPENTIMTOOLS ROPE, °CCM & PACKING YARN choice bean& of WRITE LEAD and PAINTS dry and' in oil, awl a general variety 4 , 011 Dryers, and Putty. Queeiieware and Willow Were, FLOUR, FLOUR, We still hare control of tiie . celebrated CANTON MT ELLS FLOUR, also of 'that favorite . brand, Oman Slevns high"grOund Dour, NEWCICE:EIC FLOUR We yeeieve the above brands by the ar Itr.ui, and can sell them at Pittsburgh Prices . thee laving freight, we also offer at whole mule awl retail, NAILS. WIIITE. WA TEf. 1 3,4 24 ..E. 1 3AitT0 0 .+P. , ,,, _ Feed. Grain, &c., C r Thanking the publsr for past pat. ronsv, we hope to merit a Ilber4 , share for the Ritmo. We always buy far coat and sell cheap. • t'ALL AND .. BE GUN VINCE') RE?AU.GOQIS DitLIVEILD FUZE OP CHARM F. Also akents for the DEFER MOVER 01) • REAPER and Pillsbitrgh Nbtional Plow (WA. PLOWS: mayl2:ly Wall Paper For Spring of 1869. At. No. 107 Markel XI., ;war .11/. A rrnue, • .Piitsburah, J. A large A tock of new and elaborate de signs of Papec. Hangings, suited fur Hrtiscing HOMO; - Parlors, Halls and Chambent, togetbef with goods of the foncest Cost, now opening, and to winch constant additions will be Made. All to Ito disposed Wet prices to suit the tunes. ' JOB, R. TICORES & BRO. ' • .LIAIIGAINS IN DRY GOODS. J.M. BURCHFIELD & CO. .50.32 St. Clair Street, For Sale, • • Rochester PrupertT. Good Frame Howe. (Our rnwri.. .a."....0 aA cellar. frame Cable. one acre In zra" une.kino. ter acre In email fruits, nearly all I. ming_ Inir proprty Is adjolntur the rilroad and snlnn dm , . minut e es walk of the depot a to . Rot hest. r, In" , r county. Pa. It commands a splendid 1 10c....f ni• ,' Onto river and adjacent towns. and to iliter.,l 14 -1 eery rclomesPie 'mire • more than usual:nu , ....,, I cu on part or the - Perdeltlale Money It deGard Per. ViIIIAL Sae or addreita t I Jolt. 01.'Zti.. nurnir tw.; -v-- , rev, N. Samoyed Crratal Palse• -.. Cooking CORSETS at 75 els, width 1. .11 sip-c.c.—The peupriator at the nridv,.. ,, ' , Guidry tenders his tanks to a wawerGie , siOlc Figured P. Wet, for 50 dm worth $l.. for their very liberal putronaste. and bracts. 0., ttiat babas completed and la now maaritwo,..ii Plaid 'Flannel- for 28 al.; wortll3:3‘ the Improved Crystal Palate Cooking :turn. it 1 which all the defects. real Of Imarizary,t•tri d:' A lot of soiled blankets at $3.50 wurlb *3. covered in the old pattern have been re up.d., .! 1 rho troll /Pa the oven enlarged and remo.lek, A lot of rrmnants for Childlea's &cases, irk back remodeled alter the matt darabicer. , were made hi i . ClitStip, ' ,4 , 1 PY.1.1 Cf.JIU .IN 'FR . 1 - , A .F11 , 1T.: STOCKS OF FANCY SILKS. ' ... 1 sod other 'apron:incite both usefaLtud ora tow Gray Poplins„ Plaid Popliaetts.. • - tat. • 32- St. Clair, nowlSlxilt st., Pittsburgh. Dee. , lo: maY5: -'.. ..• - . i . . ___F____ ______ Ti .____. __ _ -- Pi. oc Hr., is. TER MARBLE - WORKS.- Pri"E'SUUTI.C4 I I, ,; Are saline out tbri; stock. of 1100 P SKIRTS AT COST W. H. =SHALL, Manufacturer of 1t101971771EW1\7 7 1rp : . MEM) & FOOT SITENES Marble- and Stone Posts - For Cemetery Lets. We have now on hands a -Large and Su. Monuments Stock or Plain and Ornamental Monuments and Headstones. We aru now rutty, .to supply on alMrt notice, all orders from the country at la: rates. Alm), l E RTF I P Ii f § fP;kXkW / S x of a tipe or Qaality ALWAYS A)N . HAND. its?" Our Neiglittop represent that they sell bokire,pracUce 5 . • Cheaper end 00: Oepiesent We Employ wis Agent's, as we din sell 1Q Per ,Centi qieel:ier , at the: Slop Than *by, Atellte, ' • All persowlegitingiuty yJdog jnpyr line rriVtila Gi Coll .7- OUR WORKANDTRICES &forn;p~liutq~teil4ltliiirl. ' + i ;1".. :et '7 1 ! * ` 4.44- , • A:" 431 : 111 ""T 'rnaglanlr _•_/....irountscruithr 4% 1 'iknst itad iir. Vai,r!ii jitit* ii (lei It ha Ihe ItlYl gelactple af tialPhis Tree, ad* a poodle rooms la the Metilielos m th e Sactdbmil by which its Meted Iledleal Propertim ka 4m It l• the sly ashaawil sad NOM. leas e d, t j.., limismar been peepared Poet the Jake of pf;: . 4 W44 5 ...4 PlAte , .Q el P ° " 01 1 tubas, • It Me dollyeltiated system. purl es sad elettelmt the blast msl exp e l. yreeetba syatem the caneption whit* mr.,r e l e breeds CO Me taw. It dimmtnie the swam or phlegm PLkil riot. the er•Painnie. of Itebeallaa prladple sets upon the infisted ear. hca of tb• sad Wolf. Portroktug 41. 04 .0 pug, narrlog pun an subdak • 64. malleas. It le dein:malt of years et seed? and er prtla eat and Is Wined to the Minded with tiro pnsltlrt y. mow of to pooruno caret/ obiloutog um* pa debt hat not toe leas delayed name t ; the mew Mew t• • Cononoptolof ddop t luffloCOnel. Bare Th at . toa koo, woo evaptsiot. Woo itiouth2 ; llleat o atheOle Whoollint Ctere Di fo o br i ll iottea oslototWity aro sot other rented:.. In (be market - for Coneemptloa, Cano e , sad othea Pelowaysakeetlowermeal le D r i At mayor piss Tree Ts, Cor d isf. we mum?, Ist.- It tares Dot by stopple; Matt tot by lonemates and sadettat War. te throw e.r ushealthf matter rebelled about the throat i t. waoribt toes, egaMatinitallon and roam . Net and Lag lieutelles are rms. weed erf anodynes whirl, allay UM math to awhile, bat by their constrinyin: ti e de! t, been two= hardened and unbralthy ree. late and are retained la the •yekte. stele, dleaen beitend thefmnlmlot 00r taw: emtwo pbooktiano. & I. i t . n ee Tree Tat Cordial. with lot usl.l. gnu, are prefeerbleAeallam they remove the of irritation albs MOW= membrane aed One. WA tubes, assist the lune to set sad thoor the anhealtby eel:redone and poky the Eby,thms ectmeldcally making the cure perfect, Ur. WittenPas oo tile at his °Mee hammy and thousands of Certificate from [ten lad au. Men of nsupteetionable character who •e•re ono. dace cies at ly given were completely by the Pine Tree Tar Cottle!. A phyvkias lo tendance who can be cossetted la perms mall. free of charge. Prke of Pine Tree Toro, dial PIM per bottle, 11l pet dos. tient by on recipe of price. Aadreee L Q. C. Wl.h.oe. No. =North 24 street, Philadelphia Pt. &Diu. arivarra a to. Have now in store and ready fur etarnia ration a full•line of NI 4 INV 41,;001.)ef In Straw Bonnets and Ibis, French Pita era and Ornaments, Ribbons in ail shades, Millinery Goods, Straw ~,N Gimps and I 44, Fnunr., Illotka,Silks, and Satin,, Caps,Tarlatans,Ent brolderterf- and llandker• , chiefs, Laces, Real and. • • Imitation. Ruffling, l'utr logs, White Goods, , Cambric*, PICa., Linen and Paper Collars and Cuff.. Ties, Sttspenders, Shirts, Shirt Fronts; Underwear, Corsets, flap , Skirts, Ilotsery and Gloves, Paper Id whs. I.I3IIILLINGS, COUNTERPINE.N, FANCY GOODS, Spar), PellaMary, Umbrellas, Parn,4!,, AND' NOTIONS, AT EASTERN JOBBING PRICES. Nos 77 & 79 Market Street Plrrsuußon, 'PA *Jan V, 41.1 4 flOr GET THE BEST Telater's UnatailLed Dictionary. 3000 Eltirivings ; IMO ragcsilliarts• • Price $l2. 10,000 Trord4 other Dietionarim. - Viewed as a whole, wear. coafident thst noon er Ilving language has a dletionary width se fs:q and faithfully sem forth its present rondtttse is late last edition of Webster does tnat of our sus ten and spoken English tongne.—Arrpers ge.it :Int. • Trove tame hooka are the lam total of cos: h. Inane.: The Bible, nhakspeare, It West , " 1 I VIL I distances and defies enmpetltlon—it limes sKt toe.. lug to be deal red.—J. H. EATMOSID. D., Pro: Vassar College. - The most useful and remarkable enterec.fin of bunion to - oriole:a In .cur lanmuter.—W ecaux, Preo Went Mum. Avieultnnl rellegt• Welister's National Pictorial Diction- - ary._ 1010 nice," Octavo. COO Engral Price M. The work 14 realty o gem of . Dictionary the thin= tur the MILIOII.'—Atrt#FMIA In many rmpeeta this Dictionary. I. 4he contetitent ever publlotted."—Rociterler ^A. n 113411421 OS reference, It is eminently Si. , " fur too to fanlike and sehoolo."—N. E "It Lo saltopetbey the best tnaitury of v, rd. o: Ile .1:4 whish the En,."11.1m lattztutti hat En, r: seoted."—Mtrltortt Pyre's-- 1.0141mA by-o:4b C. MER 113.1j1tGul • tipriwzildd. • - T . ko tohJi , Wales Una I have v uppliod with ' ullpattera of Crystal Palace ti hum for ifie)L., , ...i.e. as they are tn theeonntry Lull[ nod 117 (ratify that they are tlo brat cookie.: toll '- bog stoves that are ota4e la MI. Colman . . The atleantagea of the Unproved one my..« 7 *eight and-draught enlarged bake oven. tate: cd (Unit mud doom and open grate, net m.t all at 'Unlit lit and perpeadleular Ire tart.. ‘.l•fl'• In theartgatest of ciperleneedaiprttv In alert. , daft patina of viove back that can 'he Sendyteir order. to Thos. Campbell, liairner part' ogler. ' change In per*. Trues s et opting .ItAgusio on hand to . d el iver ot,. a any part of the ourroonding country; ol d tonesv valga - tr.. , taken In entiallgY, RocaDd.lou *tor 04 *Tarsi,. on hand and an tale cheap. • spell:tr. TI.IOII. ,t draltotatesteni !fetlee.—Letters of gm. ministration on the saute of George A. Ms id. dee'd., of New Plowickley township, M. la been granted to the andersigned pl per.. knowing themselece Indebted to said estate ndoessed to make hnmedlata payment. and de. having elitism or demands !gator I. the same e ' present them properly ant henticated for meld. to Iltiliatti BOAZ. , apty:Gt • - - Admit:ll.lw., REGISTER'S NOTICE VOlrlCl3,lt hereby ;leen that the 11 accounts' of Lam Adam's ttuardltu. a , . have been duty peeved In the Registers tells be, istcaeuted to the ()apt:rase Court linnatloseatut allowance au Wednesday, Jul, am 480— . Account ortlmlth Rl.ln.cr, Crtln. or Ilcury l'oa "{MAUL, Minor chilli of Ell. Vou • Itusl acct of Rota. Hut bison. trOn. 01 t'na• ea D. Johatton, child of Jet . W. Johaa4..l. J., a Final meet or Mad. Illubleon of :he et tate of Mary Ann EUzs Ilartilson. Final seal of Thomas Boma. irdu *ClAtilotgiti cid* of Sandi Mcea110u.b.. 1, , ,*4 Aecouut of S. Michel, Wild: ot4 no. A . . is en!. minor son ollnu. W. Sweezei . deed. •• Account of J. A. Miner, V of Mary ol Der. minor died of luo. Men r. deed. • &Tenni of If. Phlllle, liiiimutor of Alcorn, deed./ • Account of Alan , CoOlt, A dmier. annex', of Maga Martin, decd. Amount of Akin. & Desid £wing. knees ion • • John Faring. deed. Accounts! Reid. caw 00114,0 of lire, James Reid, deed. Account et Real & Personal of Michael 09. VA Mauer of Coops Elm. dee,f. Final see, of Cleo. II iller.eneollan of r. e '' 11111:, minor eiltd of Jacob Wil.d.TA Ace% of Andrew Tailcoat', Enc. of T.oiat , flouter, dee'd. Atet °flaw/bit 11. Todd, ammen. of the tale of William Todd. deed. Aeet of A. McDanel. of Jo.ht , Banish *Ol4 of Welts Hartle, awed. • Aeeta of "l. W. Welsh. trdo. of Sam i• Rachel Cochran. children of D. Cochrin..l ,. .:d F in al Reel ;of W. J. Darla & We. 11. Me'. edmn;fe. of James Darla. deed. Aee I. of J. I. midland, admu're. of the e.ts: ,. Of WUUalLY•insig:daitfd.. • • Acela of ken). McLaughlin. frdu. of eras- t' John S. A Batik E. Mitetey, children of Joanna Kinsey, doe & • ••• • Ace% of rime. Mittott ' Lamest*. rang.' of f". telltale of David 11(Inelloger, deed. A015:1, ofd Ifaine..ti do. of Elleabeth &UMW& of Nom Rambo, deed. AWL of J, Tintaman A 3larraret ttl.anglcr. Danis. of John !Hassidim. deed.. Atift sf John Dentin. Ear, of rte old of Ju Domain deed. Acc'ta. (Real A Prnicsol) of F. Slay.. rimn r. of the ants of M. N. K.o.edj. see 1 , Accit. OID. L.••& Rohert 8. Imbrir, same , tits estate of Jolts baled* sea's. Aeel. of Joseph Mitchell, Grin. of loacith 31 ' *tersely, eon ot *thee Moermery, def& • • S.IIINOLTION, 0 ••
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