JOSEPH lIITNER. The iteelearaitlkeesylva . . it t anotr G 0 pito 00 ;:vorg:Parilizoklo ouiniart, bmiriveik Ewould blift hint toadvbei,g4 fr Impthad;'tblb4kiiiiMmaiha by:th9 mOoilkporiiptokAttffort v•IQW,4.)}I44NrIqk hh4olllo oth 441:F0040,0,11440g et4ipcilNkto: ; oo3 Avegcs of nhich 44:,,V03•44aliimAxig rPlAttiotn iSqvhl44atihke bo*: ' ' trfltrit** l 4:l4 lB M4lb • *ltaf, ) ",5 4 414. 4 9 = 8 • 41/ • I r. 0-' 4 .1r,e 4 tfßevii. . , ye,OA- 44, 5)..!=p Tet,lki>e,r fhtlerslatuip..7 • .4..sAtilfeti,4areriki 10; 41Al l jII4CeFQ" ~jltaPra.nii Was;ipopplet'rlisqpp44 to hey'o e'aerted,'tiet - 41,11i.m'st111 ,f.occ!tlyet, nil kvery OinleatttO inakeini.roctan. tfutt' toisl4 have an Oppertuttity.efkiitlik niiiiassfonl tb thaitolnkti j.lateeman, new plat 4111tilaing detul,:nnd ble'inen'kleii,' heir' it elose,l weadeihriritned not VI kii'itaity' tiusatikleal "I"OaPle Mr; oracle, and the keeper of - IlintlnniecT R4M, "atul even went no far as to declare that lie coMpolied yeti lamtn , hadoneeln• nap. - •• • • • , repeatlnktlio..question In - ' the v'arions fork* oven putting It in 'the shape of adlreet Charge thitt Stevens-bad appointed himself to Wilco widlo. Ritner was 06vrinoril ationefi 4 totemisdettlii netting a distinct apew.crofilitclt WWI IpOn ? firmed by his children, as, the dociara . lion of hbrintfit; ietirerneitt - . l ' "Mr. Stereneited4 Oftelitdiffered," ho malk"aml when we could Aot iv .419.3 I ailipVl lent pointed him:a' Canal .oonimiasloner,- I wanted a mini of itidexible PIA • end lin domitnble onerkyol unl lbOttiht h 6 was such ;swan." Whet thhi ,is the whole storY in reletion tothe ' , Article" . butinese >;dedbefiol, ain4 - 401.the'!- i teihneyleitithi pntelt" llovernor judges! 11ir,y4ttovens oeireeiiy. xi Uti 'not Joseph Ititner la: a ,true tape, ot . the. Pennsylvania •D,ttchinart or the ienciatimiLii'racoas !Worthy. is :liaise; been:l:misrepresented. - Com* Ittertar pFit: liteniesAnnot ti snit atiiiii)ritisizi4, bat the Sdut4eliettrtlaOsm*lii_ .4 1,111 6 61 '7 011 . to help yourself atimeaut :.provklea an ample adore, front which to tollow 1h6.111-, junction of the host to,tds grenne, - „ help yoursolf.'!, 'finned with tlili.4lAl t inea;, and fount) all the' tickler, customs :4f.lns , finally to eon:eh:42nd .with,tluise of the: neletherinkfLikinertzenn4.oßAC,.llol: There seetned - tolx, ho lingering - of Eionniti-0 dinners ini r ofindinir :shoat honisniohl; and the - repute feanAiine: . ef l4 4 ' daY*4, ll ot thing mom apparent than In ihifi4 au k s theywCro betriyid untnarrieddatighter : "When father was c#lsll4itse forellliViefenti4lt esfooislso, paynen\ fot post`age trg - rnh' Bl '""*lst:lls 4 4 l,,,TlF,i l ll. . • , - PeRAM I V ittn kt e r 4 D o g t ai 4: eriii)i: ''Ma, ' ttait.ono 0.1.Y.,0 young I Wiles, Igoom.a4es . s. Aituaeo.ulortion: t . n t t f ! (1 ." r.. .L a PTI, c*el lt , k l.7e' n-1 11 ::I v °, at4l be kitiliervan 2' c,i, 'Rine?. anal/ice, 0d tliolliotZietr '!ap t4td N;t~^ r 'fit answer Joh F 4110104 in*hilltili;lo. lids ago, Mr. Muter said .be Was , ninety 'years old. When Inbservisliho 'Merry ' and self-tenacious twinkle in the old mates eye um ho Mitlpe'thls;,.l couhl not. but smile nt the pride thntiength orditys begets.. Joseph Milner 'Xatui . barn near the, eitY of %Mit*, ht ;Berko 'county, ' Moroi 25,1960. -.Ho readviat "no . albs -• ittAi In ' xottib,'eutee'pt Six tnenthit'Att . struction at a;priyato ,scleMl, of „ifgry mom ises:luntioiet. Yet lie rose to the ;highest °Mewl in the State, and even . be ,,amo the chief ehamplen of education in • .'onnsylvattla, To Itlm, porhaps, more 'than any other nisei is the success of the UuntinomSebonl akstom in this State to ? Ix) attr.ibuted: lUstteal oven led to Teri ' nun nhargee affecting kin personal intig rßk,-iirtd upon thiti.sulnoot I - *as 444- - nue, to iot some expression front' the pli) . ' man. • ..111'110 w ould say, however, wati,'' 'itrhe; said he took money for : Signing the charter for Nick Biddies Bank.'! Wleat his non „husk who IS now' sixty-. seven years old, tut& with,whout the or tiovernor . now. resides,, &inn home,, I questioned hint In relation to his'lleigir's declarations tifsin, this intliJeet. from him I learned flint (lie old Onitormir fro ,tmently talked 4.4 the snatter.durhm the past thirty years.....Jacrob Ritner says that his father had no c ether' purpoXo lrf view in that matter except to benefit the State. It will be remembered ti t t un der \ ti der the oppOsi inn of the 'Beni cmtic. party, and Oho vigorous measures of President:Jed:so ' tinistration, the recharter . of the n Bank foil •od In Congress. ' ort Was then 'tnadnto secure a ' rid charter for the Bank fronttim tigl . tiania Legis lature, with the atintinuing it as the United Staten ilk, : , put. Gov. Eli nor was oppTt ... elfrufflaixter, and re. 1 fUsatlinimes tiegi Vo pay a "liiillCo' tini tettio .krtliii; m for tho c f` Eichouses un der the now Scse 00l hi*: Tilisbenus was paid, but the suboot ,housli Vero : built upoir. , • .„7 stet tztiek 10.4di0 . • " —t ~ e. '. • ... Ifia t itriliititifel . V 's ; - iril 70. 1 14 '-.. . . . . . . ~.r ? : -rrt:r I- ' 5.004 - ' r , '`)" "' ' A 1.. 4 ,- , - - ' .1 , ...k r , • 'tn.' h u its44o ', —. ..; II '''l 1 , slim* l , ' I, but • Idle Ida 1 ..', "- , • Isb Cis gal . t -, ~..c. . „1. ' "Z . :'...;,•,, . ow ths an attom ' I:I"4.S'N*V • V - by ti '., • w - " " .incApec.....onie '.• - . Lento . 4 .nri vi r lfro , rx ie 4 , 4: l o -, m0a1,fi.e.i „ m m , 460444 „ • may road' belleve tha tit , 11 . 7,6.:, r-zt, , i4444. .a c irrupt blot with tut - Intli ; tihrnatlortirts /Kt always. aftornard;nald bitedln mponiting or them. , "„.,,-; • • . 'Tlis fatuity ot , Gov.:ll.lMoe is to:evey ways most' BIM idmattil Atomithot<4,otio ? Ills war; Jimobitis t L t Wider worithmoorly $106,00d; whtett bonito* ily;Stogsly,,,hut unassisted/ labor; svoidiug l spopulakhm soil all extrinsoofF.lllo4«4.s4.lqn"4! log woollb; , 1:91? , -.4,olluor. ; hand, Goy. Ilitnim himself novor...aNutrod much proportyr, go.routo cod_ from „limits' to .Cooglor,larttl snooty whon. q : mere lsd, : f r and hired himself to„ mcr,with whom ho li taW4lcliptVia W. It - pe, *me of 11114'Upitidgie hi ibis4thely',in6ro thati,twenty‘yroltirohl. 'Altnryears af terward ho. migrated. to . Westmoreland. 'ut 0' - " -- .s. cOutlii ' saw m . o, and milked, tiiii tign the glyttr?"That 18 rir. Ititner, lipeakor. , " Even Mr. }Mailman voila' ght st better realm for his' I •u a legislator, and weary body i iratiArs suoeess In Tartimaniao;l perttls'all*ther upon somebody Wag •klaso." Perhaps ionic c;:rheard Oov: Minor tell thliitory; and la this way the peculiar pollthialphiloso- - phy of that organtst4hlathay laiyik had' lta Ineoptlon. Gowltltnor toils another llttlo anetrloto aot lees illustrative of his political simplicity. On the evening of the day when hews 41/0 nominated fir the Legislature, gs wife told him, alter gii.4 11 020140=42; at day to oppose him. "Quit sobbing, my dear," ho answered, "I will go, too, about 10 o'clock, and if ho abuses me I will lick hhn." „Did Tammany improve n that hint, toot i the n extyeat bei kh asfo e r thO 81 11:t time the Anti-Masonia iiaadidato for Governor. UnsucFataful hi that year, lae was it* defeated In 11W but was elected over Gov. Wolf In IaSS Ills connection with th e A v uodasanto *WYMAN'S teas. the source of much hostility toward him ; • but Gov. Either always claimed that Ito bad no moon* minima) , ' fawn, d Un- Awns m ancient 9d this evklont from the rack that some of Ills most intitnato personal friends wero Masons. It was Musson tha t he opposed. Ile thought o iftlanritialttWliable ,groat a use to thoThandrof deidiang d ambition's men, and he opposed it as dangerous to liberty and frco institu t,lons. The ones de‘ that he thus raised up against him served to;defeat hint in I WS, but ho plus Met Yell:mai that , tut wet defrauded of Mare erection, rn Matte -1 lief itylipt:uttod be requirkable opisode I in Pennsylvania politica, known as "The Buckshot War," in which Thaddeus btevcno liglAda foraple4o444; 1 I=l It was alleged, and perhaps believed ty the enemies of the State Adtninistra- U4sl l lo.llo444ltiiitkiii4o4 l . ter, the Governor elect, would be pre -4 entett by torcc, while Gov. =nor alkinld : Continue tooxercise blstanotiolas Ibr another tariat. Some color eras glv gn to this belief by an address issued Soon anti the' election by Thomas If. Burrows, Chairman of the State Com mittee, in which he advised the friends ef•Goyeenar,lipser, until en investigar, ttorittitd tet • tilest . the result as ift hey hattnot been defeated. This bronght UWcapitol l and the Sonde li Minter - AIM taken possession '_of by the ntultitudo on the day when the Senate organised. TIM other branchtef . the State Government divided into tw o hostiletkettons, and each clamored, t the 'doors of rnl t'lniteritor for(reeogitltien as the House of Representatives. In this state of things the Governor Was groat ly excited mid elan:nod,' and called 'out the utilitliof die State to suppress the 'outbreak which seemed imminent. The mUitis fasponded titbits catkin efentsklers able numbers, but a request which ho bad made to thefleneral Government for 4roops was Xefuned. admit conflict ,Occurred between the militia and. the mob, and the "Buckshot War" spent its ,force in the fitt* of nerds, , Int the, end thotetittjtle ii'enlyritluifttinOlit 'been made in beentlng had intident Consols prevailed on both aides. - „Gov.. Ititner does not seem entirely knee from ,hlanieln the whiter, but his 'assayer:l ike:hi afnentitledio belief,when he, as- . ; acrid newel.; ho always has inserted, that ho had no desire to hold the place' ho .r° ; elected by the people. After his retirefilent from the Execu tive chid r—thereltra's . unktxeentive inah sion'at Harilstinvg sit that. time, and the lovernor livid in his own hired house— poV. Rimer bought a farm in Cumber-- 111(1count) , and assumed the occopa tioit ut lit's Aniet , dtiYin lferehe lived in the peaceful 'pursuits of - husbandry until the deattLal.hlaaelfe and his own . years ‘ adinonishrillfib' to' seek a home 'with his children. In 1040 ho sought the I,lllco of coUccar of the Port of Phila delphia from Pi-esident Harrison, but :WitsWitete4.*.a sureirgth, e Mint in' thin city dry President - Tyler. 110 field the Calico a feiv inenthi only owing to the ,failure of, his confirmation.— He alwaYeifi'es defeat, putting Clay's opposition on the 'ground of Masonry. During the last 10 ycarstflov. Ritner has not held Oleo. Ile has always taken great interest . , in [xditiel ; hintpm:and his leei yote' was for l'roshlont.„ Gov,. l lllimer 3 Eney not ben great nn t 4 a linstsylleat+nitri but be deserves cspetiltif honiti. In this, that he 'raised It nutelf ignerance: .and,ohscurity lope highest tittle° in the State. And his! Infortuatio__,ll.,on many ' subjoeu , rwopid do no di;”!redit to mon of much :grader pretensions; Even In, Pehrtsylvania ho has. noier boon + thoi••• oughlyundeestoed. While a member of lito . .llhuse , Representatlies he made monk' speridust,_ and his speech es wore always ablo—so able, in fact, that his opponents feared him on Account of Iris lit rong and draight funeard denunci ation oftios wrong. , In,lfitt•the f schoollaw, law, whichhad passed thisingh'n fiery link* thoTieceilingyearoyas revisedio uste`bidt&fadatiVitt4 the' Mtntit' of the people, and Gov. 'Ritzier, who had been the-long mid-consistent friend of educe tion,.floelarod his lourpogn.towee the enforced, in spito'of thuopposltion of its enemies, and it was enforced. "About all this I found it dillicalt to, talk to him owing to the decay of his faettiti, but in thobrokon utteranees of his shattered memory ltoould detect the str,ong some which always distinguished Lim, Jo sepli was no 'cal iiion man, and ho litaleßldsiffinrk upon' the history of higtinte such ;slew men „leave :behind them. Ilia servierit ought to be colehra ted. and his exaniple held . up to every AmOftdit yontli its In many weri Wory thy of ithitatleni. l Alined forgotten us beds bribe' gem:mitten , that succeeded him, lie still lived lit the recollection of the great man whom ho early approcia; tad and befriended. Ho took MO into the oldisidierVeiltitrioi fa his .inelis hour tvp4tpyr ureter tt Amt . ri . s7 ceitetilihadtVybdr ago. - zitm , l6..i 'port trait or' - *ildewr Stevens, which had 'bean sent hitn b tho Great Commoner some w at Ali ; vipti 10.11 berty ant I hated cant, and their strong intellects Oared of signal service The istote.LOoka to .the West Cl tte)i tbrAi.tettirneittt iOl"t 11e11 I o ej o pi o h . - HearM. 1 / 4 nlbelatW th tl&ilif-The Ehatearcopenly inahhig known their. dettAlfhattioft If& JIPM/ The 1%010 aright in the matter of securing nom inations of'candithdes•fOi tho Legis htture. W: ii ste as follows from the•Philtui Wrgroph, which. is a clear.vilid mita; what. the jle publican 'prepo•ot•ttuth oity intend, to dO iri•thisinattert • • , • . . ' ' 4l l.`he'adltiiiiiiiireirtnf the I.,egisla tare did not occur so long ago as to I UAW: IttArgire C i l e t V i l i n k I t. minds of the people. With warmly au exception, - the Republican mem bers of this body were placed lanom !nation wink:sit -the participation of the clae of voters to whom we are now appealing;, and almost without excepdop, their conduct at Harris burg WAN 'clinitetetirOd by thb most high-handed dethinee Of common de cency and the rights and wishes of the people whom they fitlsely.claim ed to represent-7. 1 ..4fter,maklng this direct pharge the 7P.l67tag''ilidurgesin - the Ibllowing warning: , ~,, 1, Al .. ~. ~. ~..,' t "Of mutifititiithe prbftsfinuuspot , Itic4o.,9uLjpst ' asstired la this con nection. ' The . iteptmllitit"ress con- Hilo eitar rum longer atAlicir ek c jf l A i thok'hiahe aitotNfr - Wein o'defk the people, they will encounter every respectable journal' in • Philadelphia face to few., and they wilt find them determined and earnest in their op - aisitiPti /Mine Ilelnination and , e.ree- ; tion of menlvosesolqact_ n g D unn' dn. ciP lO - 1 41t 3 .4*-4 3 itnil indisaiml , .. nate plunder. Lt every fieriest "and 'de cent mart_lit,thnt his rthoul der tehthtletlbliii tom- Memo the work of strengthening the Re_puhliccin party tOlnitirowP , , .r ., ' • 'lt ' tilltbe endorsed by every man in Harrisburg who knows. anything „tthe—,„w r a k i r cotio the men sem mak dist.'.olrte WOW Inlitisbnd , • , saValittiOnliiltabrtheltt**tan At* °touch swim , Thloamy sound llnfok s hot wend:mill* tothattutdar of hondst smut. who bid a seat In, the ure, and ecery i hltem... gen/ than •who - Pold any, attentilomiq leitislation f lthether or not we are correctin'our shdetnent. Igen din-. igencein Philadelphia donot take bufactent,lntecest In polities to elect gobd nten'to.naake laws; and al3ll consequence, our halls of itrislation arc crowded.with: the corn:lp and the Ignorant. The prces.of Phlladelpkta owe it , to the whole State to. ald In 'clesting a higher. toned - els* Of men to the Legislature. If this Is dose, we will get rid of the corrupt'rings which usually direct affairs hi both branches of • that body toput money Into thb purses id'its niembers UNTINELT DEATHS. The New .rark Ledger contains the followingmournful yet tender remin iscences. of the Whitehouse andits inmates during a very fewyears past. It embodies lemons which we may all profitably rend:. , • The telraph announced, ,a .few days ago, that while Andrew John son, President of the United States .at Athens,. Alabama, on his 'MY to Pldeeki, where he was to maker' - speech, he received Intent genceof the death of his son, .Col. Robert 'Johnson. • ' Andrew Johnson always exhibited the tenderest (Mellen for his son; on ,whom be had bestowed an excellent .edueation: :He wps ayoung man of supenor abilities and remarkably pleasant manners. He • had been a member of the Legislature ,of Tenn essee, and the upward path to useful ness and distinction lay open tad easy before him. One only besetting sin forever blighted nit his bright prospects: ho had an uncontrollable thirst for strong drink. last we :heard, of him previous to the news of his death, ho :was some where io an inebriatessylum, • • The announcement of Col. Silbert Johnson's decease carries- us hack to the White House in the first days of Andrew Johnson's Administration. Robert was then ono of his fath er's Private Secretaries. Col. W. A. Browning was another. Browning was one of the handsomeSt meh In the world—tall, - muscular, finely formed, with an open, pleasing coun tenance, and a complexion as clear, and a skin as fine, as Ireland or Nan tucket gives tothe fairest of women. Ile had geminated at Yale College, and was a fine Wes lettres scholar, and a nuinormany accomplishments. He had been with Mr. Johnson in Tennessee for severaryears,andwent with him to the White House. But his stay was of short duration. He received - the appointmentel Secreta ry of Legation to Mexico: -Hci nev er left the country, however. The same habit which lms now curled off young Johnson did its fatal work with lihn : more speedily. Ho was extremely popular, and the idol of women. Yet. we have seen him turn from the lovliest of smiles, and fronr the gayest .scenes of festivity, and quietly remark: "My' heart is broken—l have no wish to live." Mr. Browning was married when quite young to a beautiful girl, .who lived but a short time after her mar riage. Ho fever seemed to recover, in any degree, from the shock of her &nth. On the contrary, the pain of separation seemed constantly to deep pen and grow more poignant in his heart. • The last thue we met, himwas tinNfaShingtottionly a short time be fore hie death- In. the 'course of a brief conversation he earth. "I have Just tairted;with - the. must beautiful woman in America; hut my heart Is &weft( 'in my wife* grave, and I itaut to elle." Soon afterward, he shut himielf up in a room, and deliberately drank whisky until it killed 'him: At the beetling of the time of which we speak,another. inmate of the White Hous was Preston King. HoW jjolly he looked and felt=-And how Ida hearty !thigh shook his great, helity Rider! King, though a mild mannered man, and a lawyer. ify ed ucation had been an athlete' and in • fighter his young days,. and. was ways a bit' of a dandy, Weighing, 'we should say; Upward a an eighth eta tun. -He used to 'receiveat the White House, arrayed in white pants bud vest. - tad wearing something like the old-fashioned pump shoes, -highly polished—such as ProspeLM. Wetmore wear when l ied on Secretary of State Marcy: • . As we have said, Mr. King felt veryjolly now. He was. the Presi dent's other self, and had; things His own way. lie considered • that he had been snubbed and badly treated by the Seward men, in the election of Morgan to supersede him, whop he luid served. only one term in .the Senate ; but now ho was greater than Seward; for was be not almost as , good as Presldent v while Seward was only Secietary of. he State. - Alas ! that very elevation to power was the cause of Mr. King's awful unthnely death. , His influence—his ascendency—at the White House was felt. to be 'altogether • too great by the Jealous and envious politicians with whose purposes It Interfered. They cunningly contrived to banish trim to honorable, exii,e by Making him Collector 'of the Port of New- York, do office for which he had neither taste nor ddaptation. Its per plexing, complicated, and harassing duties—and,: we have , always tho't, the discovery of the trick which had been played upon hint.:-preyed upon 1 his mind, until his reason tottered and yielded. ;With the Cunning of a determined madman, hestole away from the friendly keeper who under took .towatch. him t and having pnr 'Chased a large bag of shot, he tied it securely to his neck, • then took pas- sage on a ferry-bont,and Sprang from its deck into the North Rivbr. - Soy evil months afterwards his body rose 1 : to the seduce and floated ashore, ' where it • wailliscovered and recog nized. dud it was .taken to his home at Ogdensburg, and buried. The good old man who wassteward at the •White House then, and whose &Cowes so .firmiliat to so manyhe, too, is dead. Ae was followed to his grave by: sincere mourners, among whom was the President and his fam ily. • When We retail all these, and we think of Old Abe, and of his darling little son Willie,. who yielded up his spiritlir that house—and We tee the great Crowd surging in and out of the grand receptions of the new powers that be—we pause for a moment hi . wonder whether the living who are there to day ever think of those who were therein nil the powerand pride of state so short a time ago, and who linty now be flitting as unsubstantial shadows amen them! • "Change Listen for the voice of the future brakeman. Day alter day, on the continental Journey will he open his door, and shout to.sieepy passengers: • ”Chicago. Change cars for New' °dams and Lake Superior." "Missouri River. Change care fot Saskatchewan, Kansas City and Gal veston." "Rocky Mountatne Change ears for Santa Fe, El Paso, Matamoros, City of Mexleo and all points on the Northern and Southern Pacific EaM.' roads." • "Great Salt Lake- r twenty. minut e , for dinner. Mange cars for Fort Benton, British Columbia, Big Can on of the Colorado, Panama, Lima and Valparinkt' • . -"Sierra Nevadas. Change amt. for Owyhee, Columbia' River, Puget Sound, Sitka and Kamsebatka." "Sat Francisco. Pareengers for Now Zealand, Honolulu,Melbourue, Yocolnumt; 2_llllogj Kong; Odd ' t i l l other poluts In Asl,.Allica .and..En-` rove will Irmo scats till landed on the wharf of the aatly,lloo4.the Nate Malt Stetunship Company..' .721ag gage checked through to Pekin, Cah butts, Ortuul _Ccurstantlnople; St. - Petersburg, Paris and . - ~ . .v.„ , ndawas amino. * -7wlatitztli:tat sea, satutikettp of him' WU, omen to nuns of bire eawsWelli be given, ”Jadc:' , Whereturnsidaktp•Jeite _44. , Aleut/ " I inserted the ittioyWin Plipfiap, S p the hope that, 'X' cover the ardtiud, wild( 'much attached.- TheiViilap press at &" At tail Ipest oder I wee awakened by a pall aC the:.door bell. got out of - bed 'and' otened the window. MI looked cut I.4ertr a man,stamilmr ,my front44rd, with a s ti v d Ad - repe.: , He tared up and "Hello! are' . you fellow log a ' " " TO/ then I've - .fetched -Mu.!' - Bald the man. _ ' _ X then explained to Aida wretched, human being vas_ a tar rier, while his looked nogg° like a Ipg, of wood with the bark WY and prop ped up on fouraticke, than a_dog of any kind. t 'Well, ain't you a going to, tak e 'him IP" . "I , wouldn't have him•-ir gift: And..l_ want you to move off now, or Pil call the police."- , - - - "Now, I gum you.think ; you:re smart, don't you? Pd bust you over the jaw for five Onto, I would. You don't Imo* egood dorg when 'you See him, you don't," and be went out, after ripping the pilings off the • In about half an hour there was another ring at the' bell. I went down. There was a man with six dogs of a variety of breeds. , "Wh-wh-whiqh . of 'ern's him; h•b-boss," said • this fellow, for ho stuttered as Übe would strangle on a small syllable. . "Neither of them." "Y-you said his n-name was J-Jack, didn't you?" -. , • - "Yee, that's it." _ 4 'W-well then, • wh-wh-what- (rye call th-that?" nye he, as he sung out "Jack" and the whole six dogs looked up and wagged their tails' like a lot of spavined oxen in. fly time. "Why, I all it confounded non• sense to expect me to take the whole six dogs because the3rtm . natned Jack. I don't nwal►t to start a sane! age mill, you understand. Mince meat isn't in my line." "W-W-well, ain't you goln' to take him?" "Certainly not, do yon suppoSe I am a gibbering idiot I" "Mcw-w-wc.4l, you sh-eitant have him now if you want -him. - I w-w-wouldn't trust, a docent (Wog with a m-m-manlike you, anyway.'. And the six amines fell Into Hite and trotted down the street after him. I had not got fairly into the house, before there was another ring. -Seedy-looking man with a. semi decayed yellow dog. His ribs stuck out so that he looked as if he had gorged himself with a spiral -spring. 'ou advertised for a dog. The.' neve. Well, I at him around hero in the alleyer -a desperate struggle. Fine lief:dr.": "Well, I don't think is. , He looks to me as if he wasn't well; He Is too ethereal for this world; young man, depend upon it." "Oh not at ail sir. Only 'shedding his coat, sir; all good dogs do It at this time of the year." • , "See that, sir,' said this seedy Cau casian, hol d ing the don by thisvilif of ,the neck. "See how heyelpti r i that's a eini - of pluck ; t h at dog Would tight a would; and lick 'cm too, sir." "Get out !" I exclaimed, and the dog put his tall - between:his , legs and ran for the gate. "See that, sir? see that?" said the man as he seized him, "that's it . sign he's well trained no raw dog behaves like that,,Lwant you to kriew t _• Zipw, slorse yoti fiirk"over Via UT.", • "Not much! I don't ;Want Alm, my DWI? I -, •- rr) ":You.won't do it? • Well, Then,. take:3 , lllm 'for seventy- five - tecand sal; •no more about It:: -Re's a iiiov able mania/ You'll ;teller ,gek.ati: other such acluume."_ "I tell you I won't, have hitn.f, "Well, don't then, " said this Mane as he kicked the ani mal over• on my flower pots and broke three of 'them, while- the brute dashed madly .down the middle of the street. . Just then.a big ruffian In a slOuch hat, came up with a bull dog, sprung •In the knees and lamenting the en tire loss of his tall. - -When the rut , lieu spoke to him, he wagged_the whole of the last half of him. • "I've brought tluit'dog,:". was .the observation made by the . Ruffian, "and I'll finger then, there stamps, I reckon." • . . . "My friend," said I, "that is not thy dog." "Yes it is, though." • - • "But it is not" "Don't I . tell you it Is t Didn't you say the tip of his Mil Was gone? Well, feat look at him, will you?". ' • . . "Well, I wori't have 'him," sup how." . . "You Want to cheat me !do. you ? I'll fix you. 8-sick him I" said this outrageous ruffian, as the dog flew at me, giving me barely time to get in and shutthe door'on his front hplece. I guess I squeezed the nose oil that dog. But theme& cursed me "for about five minutes, and then flung a brick at the door and went away: In less than twenty minutes; . cu. other ring. Small-pox marked pan in a red shirt this time. lad_a spw.k led dog that looked as If be had been out without an umbrella when It Was raining ink. Says this victim of the small-pox : "You know That dog you advertis ed for? Well, here he Is." "6 pshaw 1" said I, "yoit'Ani that isn't my dog." , ;, •• "Your name's ()111, shit it?" "It is," said I. r. "Well; then, this hero is the , deg: •Ile's the best niftei• you eveleseett. l Slues them around like he twtikitniui . sin' Ithselt„ , ' "Butte is not my dog."--- • • "And he is a • bully limtelviiotg. Look at him i Look at lIIM-Auzr— he's Wetehinginew I • , Whyi nista ilitlii-AIS there and Watch tindwa.., gm] Stone be, . all night, if you anlT* ; gums .ru jest chain him up . s•ou go in and get the V." . his need'nt." Ofdd blow i brains out if you don't-take him away." . "Well, say, stranger, I'm a little strapped to-thy ; jest lend me flee on him this morning, will you? I'll pay you to-morroW." "See here, now, youjustketoetof here, or rn take the hide olToryou . ,r I said, for I begin to get excited, you "Aw I you ain't worth a cent, ' , you actually ain't," mid the pock-mark. ed nun, as he walked off, after clip ping the dog over the haul with one of my fence palings,: _and Itheit.fmt. tin his finger up to hie nose: - Not a minute alter, - tip _opium a man with a mastitnkrg, as big as a small horse.. "Say, bo, I want that was all he remarked, by way of Introclu clog the sullied. - - "You pull: get lt,_4uidyen den't leave I'll call thepolici,ml et. claimed In despair. "Watch him, Zipltr man, and the dog.tiew,. at r iroe, threw me down , and lilt , a'allixt" muscle out of my leg, stalEdled mod my nose for life. Then the', assegai' who owned him called hint went away laughing.... • 'didn't answer any morerings that day, but about km o'clock hi the at ternoon I looked• out of the. method story' window, and the yard vat ftdl of men Withall kindsof digs. • Mack — , dem white doge, yellow dogs, varie gated dogs, ilea-bitten 'dogs, doge with tails, dogs without tails, rat terriers, bull pups, poodle% spaniels, _ ...... ait n .......... di . Ainniron ___: hien until he had no , irmV• Itzspicifantofte,,bithisokeleton: IThA -13 V 14001 - kagiatiVirrg% ql# . , • -41/Itdia.tiokelebotinCiVeke lisamocaatly; Poen )In9nglit by.tbe discov.erl.a=g., grey! 1 :K0* * ,17 114 30W it WIN; cane Wiered- - Le M'othet Du thie -get itcomfortatitii,' . Eir- - gliefthomesithout weigtuttaOrmaser• andiiafterdlFOreat Wilda hricLbeerr for Wade* a turmoilover fruit Map- Ilenranne.rtintotllnantered Attire kingdom, di@ga4 a veG•::-/Iosegaed be APO, and and r i o aagazio4 ol7 ' ex O uiati94 °Ma act was Mule .public. "' The" Amer, iciur Wise IS' strangelYsimittit: l ' Edwin"'-'li: Collor,'" agent of . the Adazikr - PxpressOOMpany at kiprlng fteld; left• • •the .howe Mend I hr •New. Yorki op -the 20t1s0Derkinber,186hiredftom thirktftnesfttrace ot. him '.was lost. •His accounts with theComiagywere found be_cerrect to the last ; cent, and no incidve Ould 'ha' foible volentarydisappmr• once, All available -*wane to' lib& him twere haneted." . At last. on - the Mr ex April; I.669ianacquaintancemethim Of dreased•aso sallori•visitlng the.Tow or of LOPtkil:.•;Be gave a history of his adventOres,l. but no explanation of his swideadesertion of wife, blends, and country. The day of hi:4-direp? pmrante, he •Igui taken prweatto for Moto* wider an assumed, game. He wandered• about En_ glnd• for several weeks, and then pped as a seaman on board a. 'meet bound 'for Seri Frasiehreo.:: Thence he sailed to Calcutta, from Calcutta to Lon don._ e • lire* , of . the excitement. mused hiedlsappearance, but ex pressed no Intentionoleoming home. • Of course. Otero may be, eircuip stances both :in 'thel3peke dud •the Colton' case which havebeen toneeal ed from thayubllc; but why should wo doubt that' nano meg' are driven sometirne4 by an impulse they can not eriplalWor analyze, to break out °fa-monotonous lilb aria plunge Idle a new wield? When knighthood died, the vague unrest of chivalric adventuregarrvived. •When the an choritign ,the desert went out of fashion . , there Still iemidned: In the human bosom that yearning for' 01l tude,that friesistble desire to break away from: pie, beat NO. hich sometirneal drova' men' tErike 4 frowl Intoihe' dolltdde :oftheMtebeld,' or the seclusloh of the mornustry..lAnthe world grows older, lluirei and more cldroly. in one atioththc. , tholdthe grooves medeemomd It is, escape from. the fn , • alut -every now and then Inta4ialgos the. • better or rea- E 444, and gro 11 , 4:men, r e f file, der. gyinen, Ntheikof plaj , ! an t 'like liriteoll!oys, - reed - . prehaps hardly know th ems* Ate why • they ,do it, or what they run 'away from, unless it be, the wearying • neeedty of repeating tomorrow Just what ,they did 'yesterday! and . - btmkty. ,, When 'we are lalarled-ioitor mysterious sippearmweeit wonld he - ,Whre to ;re member how often people do, grange , things withOuti4t . dlaToct= —do . them,;,Wfaet, - merely' they 'are stinnerti r dngs; andibey tut died of lining`: iensonable. - ••'lf 'Until men tad ,teese4lll!!t•sein Ilfethey mightliave wank= &dip. ploneenr or adowiturous , • e s rl... • with:hie; It.= t. . •• • • • ' 77 : , opened an i;••., • • r2d2r. Colton t nright hay ‘NerMnitCapt. Cook. But tweidegt•r. 94Z•Arlorkt.e-F mane ror -ulnae toe: one clerk and thelither a arratb,.andso they ere'Mcdtte ',emend:l'B3l*f Nee) as ..".quehehpeisonkrif whom It bay ba anseen domtiorywhether they were 1 :a Uisle cra#ed or aJAttle. wicked. Destruellaue • ' Thelma**,ant of the old house toiled Frltehie lived .:and toiled bisa4been . removed, and borers are Pow digging eotna tau reetleiew the orignal tena nt di.g . to root out 'tile spot o 4 earth open i.w4kli it Mood. fe,w• days mote ; ,andthe tourist, the- pa triot, and the - poet will have 'tiern - t- Ixtle thelitihe muddy waters bf!Chrt roll Cireiris Twhere once- stoodt the weird •old homier the &Mild dam= des other country's flag. It seems to .. .,have ,beesi.the determination ;of our.eity authorities to erase from the memory Mill that the !Tritelile" woman ',,aN , er.lived, and . „minded by tills desire, tiollist step was to' de stroy the bogie — in which she * had liVed, and Vihrly to Stonewall Jack soneheaald,r •-• • ' " • • .": • "Si oat ifjoikimanat, this old war head, yoni ile:nitres flag she wad." nd to idiefimmiltilishment of this . °Wert they'hirbed all the genius; Mid ability Willi"4Whielenature' has so liberally :gifted them: .ThrY tind passed an . nor to widen , and rdrarghlerr, • creek; - they . then dm:Weil:that:the Fritehe house 'Was in the linter the propoSed tiokreve. meat and agreed to ! 4103 #lO uag'l ed thing out." "Bartiarii Fritahfs o 4 cr, • I .. , The Fe4M l Afleti, 40 :rads Ith me w' : l l ied Yet the, i ikilkt,was , cgogiop4, _ awl te grai4k the .s4#4llaguae ,readered .. .. ortal,l4 t e pep liirthe poet; tli•A? iie In' etre At 40,0 ltio (.2.oeir ti • • atelY lima three iftfp tutilesiblitrfke"thet pslnt'lit iviileit theYaluitileBioelotigneeli! -SAO* they net thati"the bklod al the rani :Wm Who mai of-the Chorale?! yhe mate of lea; Fritehlaiong shall Ihrs Au. at' ; Mope, `.' dressed 14 a . little brie oiitY' h ' shill have ons - 4W- "9111-11 Or o. 10 . ttitimb ,A na pep shall. Alai that. 'Whittier . wrote Iwhetrßartthred.-iititertek pin ;Examiner. _ _ .theyHEN tha; excellent crentieulan, .11.66 - .- - -'qdwn - We retired -front the government' of thelgavy,. he was a goo& deal- bothered Mout the expensepovingibis ihriiihno and baggage to Uartford; The franking p , liege not being . quite elastic L emough .to cover his case; be . was ponntr takeenegthe Clov eritritent - is, Who permitted him—Whit ' hel dld it iftes ,-W, or, hisSticielleolc.46 are not informed; but the Vessel eras loaded( and off.the galling - obi - 114dt sailed for theCopneet. lent three; ~,When he got :there ho . !build that;vessels drawing morethan six feet of water could _not get, into the Codnectieut river-whereas his drew Welke hiseLhever been so mu astonished in his - life. Hi e of W old's- nly Vicar Wie 14(e- ligbtilktkemn gaud that he Pat- l*kor.' *rake .. .. Igo big„titat he izeuld not get, I f... the home*. The_ result of it &Vies • '.l' Mr. 'W eller tend to• go ' hitting i °teethe coast utiftl' he found ivaterettotigh - at Ig - e'er-London r , tb tlotithPr i , and thddee be seat, them heinit 'ralLat a lust double the' cost of shill - egthem ttorn Washing ton the '., . way, ~It may seem mthete . tl , . IMOLA Aleman Whie held been ~ p 'yentei : .... .tary Of the Neil , eh.-. 'not .. .w something about ..• ' . ofwater onHHdybru ok bar. ;and • I :maw el/molar that he - should sem; a vessel on s h eyage 'Without *paring whether could poesibly get WO bee Altt - tit &nth* tion.' -' lint thert/Irt grereiles -- always was a h very remarkable man.-4ltts. burg Gaulle. • - • ' GOODS, :* • . t, • , , . • • • 4'14 % -,- • Great Variety, Compiling Olt' fall . Line of NIMM tous‘keepitii.goods, -- .:_:. DOIMIMC.DRT GOODS ?I'EWSPRING :Dws cmhs, BLACK ALPACAS, 'COLORED ALPACAS .CAIIBLKERES . FOR MEN'S WPR, OARSWEFfEg 1F0111361319EA1t TABLE! 1.11:1q ITLV ircicmas. JEANS, • COTTONADES Prints, Delains, S A:wzs_ &0,,, &C.; All Bouiht FOR CASH, . Fmm the Eastern Manufacturers. OR IMPORTERS, And to Which we Incite the Attention of the 7 . Wholetiale Trade. A. W..E13,W1:T Cp 1, :ES Federal Steed, Allegheny, • apealm. ' VVIr Weeds for nu! Holiday.. Lll4 1115011. BRIDGEWATEB, I'A. • W OK WIRKLY RECEMNG A SUPPLY OP GOODS IN EACH OP THY FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: DRY• Gi COCODS. Steubenville Jeans, White Woolen Blankets, Army Blankets,•Brad . I%oB3:tarred Flannels, Merin : on, Alpacas, Delaines, Plaids, Bleached, . . . Drown and gol • • • mixed water . • • Chinc=oths, ..' Woolen Shawls, Brown r and bleached Muslim, Dril ll igs,.Tlckings; Prints, Canton Flannels, Holsery, Gloves, ilticksh!n mitts, de.. Groceries, • Celle% Teandingar..Makisses, Whine Silver Dips, Golden and edmmoikeitnpr, Candles , liosp.Splen and Mince Nett. • , • • ' ... liardware, - Nails; glass, Door Locks. Door Latches, Hinges. Serowe. Table Venally, labia auk Tat Speceasolklsb Bells. Coal Bona, Flat Stanek sad Pokers, NaW and Glue. WOODENWARE. .11Inekais, Tabs, rest, iuml Lain. linseed Oil dc . White Lead. BoOts Snia "Shoes FOR YEN LADIES AND CRILDREN. Rifle Polyder and Shot, Blutias :Powdet andrume. Flons•Food dt.gueonsware. MI heavy goods delivered tree acclaim , By close Weida to bosineei. and br keeping coottataty ea ha% d well subs tad omit or goods of the dtinerest k,ept. la • country sica, the adenigoed hopes la the hate se lo tiot rat to merit mad oteelvoa Ithena Ahem or tie Wind , ' • : t ••• • • 13. Eh .11.A.NGE.T.,11,. • • - DR. .HARRIS' . - • Er4ectic Svmner Cordial :• Is as Infallible Remedy for ••• . , DIADIDDEA, , • • DFSRITTERY, . •*. 'enoixitA .monnus, , •.• -4, . mos 13TOMACII, niTßoDucrtoN OF or this Valuable Redkina to the'Publto has'never Galled to glee the most perfect aatlditctioa Ala every instance,. and • the proprietor authorizes his agents to relent/ titer saciney In everratac where it talk to effect a cure. ' • PRICE, tio CENTS PER BOTTLE Foe We:LT Wiggins genera/ly, or sent btexpress to any parted the country, on receipt of tbe pram., • Address.. • • ; • • . .HARRII3 . Wholesale Druggists, Pittsburg, Pa. mays:3m: . . :~:~~~ Maas • T "so tuy `3 ...Q. ..t 1 c;...:.:::* :, 0 )6VOLPavis-86.04, No. 193. uszairr traarr, 'Clew doers above SL Chair TStreet, vrrrsaußou, • • Viholesale .441 Retail Ointers In BOOKS:* STATIONERY i. 41440601 1 / 1 11 . Crli oI Btat4ya Books ECIENCEL_. TILEOLOGY. ' RELIGION. BELLEB.-LETTREB Sabbath School Bonita, School and Collect, Text Books, Stationery and Blank Books, Kept Constantly on Hand.• Country Merchants Bunnlttgl with every • . thing In our line at • Low Prioem. 11: S. DAVIS S; CO., 103 Liberty Street, Pit4r3bu rgb mar2,l:3m. NE*GOODSI Spridir dud Summer Goods. I GAVE JIISTDECKWED A'NEW STOCK Or GOODS OP CUE LATEST STYLES, For Sprang and Summer W ear Gentlemen's Furnishlnu* Good -_CONSTANTIX ON HAND CLOTHING MADE TO OIIDEH fu latest Bad most famhiGmble itiet, awl at *bort mttes. V:11.4,11.31 REICH. Jr.. El= raMEMEIS SPRING, 1869. M'Elroy, Dickson & Co. No. 54 Wood B!..reet, Pittsburgh, Pa. OFFER THEIR SPRING STOCK OF DRY • GOODS And Notions, At NV il 01_,E KALE., And invite their custinners, and the trade generally. to Dr. ET S. Warner. iIIOWTT POR TEARS AS 771 E "INDIAN PHYSICIAN' of Pittsburgh, who has had twenty-five years experience In practice, and whose father was known fur forty yeans,ns ISRIAN PRACTITIONER, trait/ with NUMMI needs every jinn of disease, whether arecent or long duration. she Doctor'a management of disease Is, to many respects pe culiar to himself and predecessor, and any per sons who may rail 1.. velveteen of lis trearnsent fora sufficient length of time WI/ 1 be geo Oiy bo linen or cured, Wet all curable. No lusher under what system of poodles the patient may have been treated for chronic diseases, among which nilly he Included many fermate complaints as - well as incipient Conesunplions COWS, Cougtts. DlsPerseia, and those various diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Kidneys, Dropsy, Scrofula, Tenet Rheumatism, Ery sypelns, Bronchial A ffeetions, Sore Eyes, Nervous Disorders, and WAD) others, generally yield to hie well known practice embnicting Utilise of many ' Indian Remedies. Where desire d patients nuts be treated by cor respondence, and medicine sent by basing the case uetcribed, giving age. Fe*, ' &.C. Office, medicine. and consulting, riming formerly on SL Clair, are now I rated at 211, Penn at., near St. Clair, Pit sburgh, Pa.; [ma 10;:3m --, •..t P - 4 . 4 .• ).—e t ... ii.r.e• • •--.1 ..ise 1.-- 4 - oi ••.; —, • zi. L: _, m.... .1 • •• (... CD 1 0 ti M CS Le : tat 1 g; r! ' j t= ✓ ' • :4 2 II 0 tl •• 1 4 • • ti • .?" , 4 . ' ~ , . . . I ~, C , ' • .7 Ely r• :," • 0 62. 1 P• ) . . . .. . * 5l 0 - Ft" - A/ 4 II ).•..4" 0 r' . en .El •P I 9 tl Y' r • ii - co , , • 1 1.?1 . • i. OM PROVISION STORE! lEtocheilter, By COB & DA . RRA . GH iWHERE M Y 11H.FOLTND Family firmed", and Protlaiono:Plah, Flour, CyPei°, Butter, Tdrd. lfarnn, Ott. Pure Chief V idegar, Syrups, liolasteg, ball, Teas, . ,Coittees, Hogan, Crackem„ Tobacco, eirara, QuornawalkWlllow4rare, • , Wooden•ware, Old mouthing . • hr their Unclad dollop, bsidri et admit*, to ' — "lboaltiess, to . ' • • • • merit a LIBERAL SHARE Off'. THE PATRONAGE, r N.8:—.411 !Inds of Casale: ,Protlace taken at the market price. COE & DARRAG l EI • Rochester Oct ist.lB6l--0t19.67:1.7 NON . EXPLIOIIIII4 Ile New UN Telroleifia , fluid ci,ei Mee the light of Oearimo oU, aa:l 'lnda all cifentostoofes. „ • : Can:Not be Exploded. _ • . Mir swkrolgoed are . now manifatutizse„ oat tine OM Ws the New Ptuoleam made by ilistAllalks. widow& the old of oolosWo, whteh groasolly Wow:goon of Carbo, 011,1Warl piaaawMrtatre d • ea VlSlVlstad ofof7 lowa. Ofoof . forClf• - .. .I. J. PAlAlEllttit CO., , . No. • %% rim, IMAM ffitlill22 ME STOVES. •& TINWARE GB ANSHUTZ; _;.DEALEn 1:N Tin, Copper & heet Iron Ware. ALMASICIP seeps a cosPpleteAssortmeni of -Fircmte; Grates,Cooking-Stoves deo. - trCO: 11:tooling, Gunning . sod Done to Order promptly ttml on Itelmon able Particular Attention Paid to Job Wor jappanul and PRESSED. WARE Kept, Constantly on Hand Shop on the lower cod of Third Street, • Heaver, Pa. Vail and Examine our Stock before purebasinrekewbere. [mnr,lodf 11.1LISICVVA.1", CLEARANCE SALE. 141 'AN I NG found our present ktore too IF I mull for our busineAs, we will Re move to 311' 1141.13.1th.11arr1k7 st. ; about April tsC To save trouble and expowe of moving; we are now closing out our Stock of - HARDWARE Ci 3Et. .At Greatly licduced Prices:. LINDSAY, STERRIT & EUWER, .337 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa marlo if FALLSTON IFOVvonY. AND REPAIR SHOP. Eitgineit and machinery made and repaired in the best style. Raving great variety of Patterns. I can with womptitude accommodate easterners with almost everything In the canting line and at lowest rates. • Plough and Piciugh Castings, of different pattenor, haelnding the Gnat Western, which speaks for itself wherever it has been nod. STOVES, •, Cooking, Franklin and Heating. of the most V' tiler Pattems, of all Cooking St3rea Itth Mize? Maraud .1.4 the beet as it lakes little fuel. 111192 morn to do the mut work, best baker, and most durable taken altogether the best 'tore in au, In Collailellen With the store I Owe got op le*. • Patent Portable Itatestaten Tops which takes very little mem,.'no addllioul feel, eau trot get tint of order. and not liebks to wear out, dispensing with all Pape. can be pat on or taken otr at any , time and made to milt allatoves of any size or patterns. In testimony of what la true said, I offer a few names of peewees having used the Stove fur soon time: 1 Df. litcac Winans. . I M. T. Kennedy. 3 Sainte; Kennedy, 1 Robert ICGowen, 5 John Watson, G Dr. Ju. E. Jackson, 7 Dr. J. S. Elliott, g Dr Parker. Dr. J, D. McCreary, Is Milo W. Miller, 11 William Lyon 11 Andrew Morrow 13 Roes IL Evens 11 Capt. James Roney 15 Capt. J. S. Moves 111 IJrn Major Wade 17 Mrs. Uco. Fulton 18 It. T. Reeves, 19 A. O. IClbeary 20 Juane Cockle 21 Thomas R. Darns liugh Sheets 23 C apt W. Glenn, 24 Thomas Bradshaw, Sr 25 Milo Bradshaw, • P Hobert Iketialuite 17 Thu J Bradshaw, Ir.! 79 Mum Reed. 99 Ililtun Heed 30 Milo Reed 31 William Reed, 32 Joel Reed, El Mrs Thou Bunter 34 Johnston laughlut .MJarnea Thomppon, 1,6 Mart i n Knight 3711 k-bard Staley to William blesesrs ZS Joseph McFerran 10 David Carr 11 Dr. Moon 11 Solomon Frank 11 James Knowles 21 Judge Calrne 45 William Morrow, 46 Wm. llkiteratall 47 firmest Crossett ti Joseph 31cDermitt 49 Mrs. Joe M'Derwltt. 1:0 William Wagner 51 It,, B F Sawhill 51 Washington Engle 51 John 1. Marks 51 Copt, A. M`Donalti 53 Cn0t...11 W Donald, to Wm IrDonald, 57 31es !Caney 31•Donelil ro Alec. While 59 Mn Lentils Cal William Grove, 61 Boaton Grove marlo:3m. la lotrodneln: our s • a great member of store and sold by giber putt thing, an nearly new and most Improved sty those saannfactared by at Seri law odds. Having three drat 'el about fifteen tsetse paw to the public at 112.0 •• feb IT '8.1•It J . LA I. DAWON, B on.var.Falls, Pa 11.1VINU JUST (IPICHF.I) A T.A1:14: STOCK =g NOTHEcs, BOOTS & SHOES, • HATIDWARN. ' .61,VSSWA EN, QUEENSWAHE, TINWARE, NAILS, Windter.- Glass all Am's natt double etreus4 Hpecial atteution paid to nnlerm for largo vim" wivitow A1i.0,• LINIIE ' ED OIL, .. - . ' ERUDE .111/ItNIING OIL, BENZINE, COALE'S PATENT DRYER LIP/Oats 41! Copts, Gr0ua4,11.7 and In Oil Parr-1131dr* 0111 do orlll to ettll and rzondoe our .otock Of Pilots. beZte pont...lag clworticto Also, Choke Prends of Flour In 'Ca nel Mei •In Reeks. All lands of Country predate taken In exchange for .tkeels. Remember lb. place, Int doer alms'. the Cub Iffy Opposite side of street. nOTIO'Cdf. r e s LE Decree e the Court of Com. I. mon lima f Bearer county, made on, April Ittr.' nt Beaver. Fa., the lindersignerrwu emdirreed Reedier of C. 11. Halt st Co.. e ‘ nd ILa compliance therewith, 1 .111 dispose of the , Lublin and Iledned 0118,4111 d naive's, of said dna. and will sell at Public ISale,.on the premises In the borough of Otasirow, Bearer wan. Y« ty, M., on the atti ems` June next r ia 1 o'• p. in., ell tbe p yof ti. 11. 11311 Co., Looted a/the Point Work' s , ' nonsliaing of Leann. I.lnOlum. th e, ladadar. rte•Ot I tr. together with ail QIN then remaining unsold.— Terms (Ash. 'And / also harebyive nonce to all • pennon to to said Atm to make Immediate payment to me: U. BRICII kW, ' may. 121.181 'ltscetecr of C. IL 11111 Co. SPECIAL havtog Deaf. aaaa to transact altb the Coma? Cemmlaba• eta. will Mid them la imam at theta owe, on Friday °Melt week. until Sept..tet, 1980. By order of the Board. • apeltlektil 3011.1 ft. Luis, cier' t. ro DitY ~ GOD B , Fresh Arrival NEW SPRING GOON ,T AXE A. FORTUNE'S, MI DAY GOODE, OF EVERY DESCHIPTIfix, At Ilttaburgitteeq. Cnll alrly: itr,d As we can not be ILTutler3oltl E=l=l3=l2l DIAMOND; ROCHESTER Pa P. S.-- 7 4 have secured. the Watt.GCldy, turnery of Bridgewater. mar.ll;ly ~~:~~t~,~~ ~~~~~ A.NEI To inn WIIIIIKINO Curs,-1 am no, tanp a , to tarnish all classes with eonatuat ceatio,e, at their homes. the whole of the time, .1. P.t.te spare mfamenta. Bovine. new. light and yak. Made.. Fifty cents tat per evening Is e-agity Mrs . rs ed by peons of el er set, and the no. sel ghls earn Dearly u mach se men. Great Ind,. meets are °dived thou •ho wall 11-..,!t • whole time to the business; and, that easy sett who nears this notic. may lend our thee a! dress and lest the business forilumsehr., make the taloa ing unparalleled oder: To sli saaa are not well - Minded with the buslheas, 1 v , " send St to ley for the tronble of writing me particulars. directions, sr., rent fee, ....raj sent tar mall for 10 Ms. Addrees E. C. Au, a. taterlT:ln Augural, Mr MOORES , DRUG !MOUE, AND DI I'"CT p- s , m‘ciiciirLos, PIT-12M LI tilfORS, WINES And i3randier4, Paints, Oily. TOILET ARTICLItiI, SuAP6 111REUSITIES. PAT *EDIUINES in Ett 4 t 'AtklY, all of the had quAlity, awl th,hl.l.r thin ran b b011:4111 at any Ural Store to the • 0N1L1 . 0 . 11 Ort . Mlllo. Pill., 73 Cent.. 1.1 I. •'0, $1; Clark".. 31. !M=l el Abner Morton n==tl , r4Jenntlon McKenzie I al Mrs— Ittturl I, 61 John W. D. Smith GA 6. $. Wrerrnn. lar•rrt Block LAIN'S At. 1-Aall. 1111111111:illi8,. I.laNl tiTATIIINEII.I% WINIJOW.GLASS 111 F:ver otivrvd •,abide of Me Moan. 4,1, Bi. .re, and wahl clwaiirt Man 'GUI by I,a..;:it when!. 0.,. I 79 Ilan). Y. nigh, 71 Samuel Kennedy;._ - 72 rtpt.Jas Johnston.. • 171 licedamin Fratiklin 71 Jacob Lonneeker, 73Jaaye. 1'„ Coach. 7d Freddie!: Ketarar, .77 Mna Robert Andrews, laJohn 11. Douro.. :74, Mrs. TM.: Middleton Jame. 11 Monad 'Ol IYaytd Lloyd .Thome. "Beacom Kt Juba Itnolop 1.1 Andrea , W. Jackoon. Komori Taylor, Let 11.0, %It.. doubt tbin•ra!Yand' IKV, will ChM iit . llo MOM EMS fall Paper ! Wall Paper Wall Paper 1 hi Mr.. I. Ilitterr.)ll, ;!e4 rinehlsea, is'ti (;co Shively. ~ klSarnuo Purthip. 191 lire. 11, - . P. , trl Itobert UIL cr,cyrn:. C)11 C).l4:::•t3a. Coll_l CIADTI-X: Cru. W. Itrtmtiton. Frank Wll:nn. Keg Ulnas. 54 George Wllmni U 7 dawn Ifichardon, 3131 E. rtankey, !Pi Alfred Pierre CA:I2PEIT.S, CA.I2 Plc,T,i! 100 Ao.tin PA.rce =EMI 1O - John ThOman 11.1 John j..nwer7 10.1 J. W. 1(S James Thoma.. :106 Robert Wallace !101 Daniel 31szwell 108 Thomas Iforgsl, 109 Dr. C. IC. 'Tattle, 110 OToorke 111 lieut. Fetter Ili Franc}, lloullet 113 Ell Deno. Beiij. Mu!helm, HILIDCEIWATEIt. kw Jost received h Lugo stock of W Poper, 11411. Lienricl I.enz. 116 ..lehaelWersistl ,ll: Pcielaud 'IIB Rev Wm 119 henry /Irltltonl It/111111nm Strock, v QII_I2IZ'HITS, oil Cloths, Books, Stationery; all kin'• • NVincicrw - SA's:Lcles! Inking-GlaApes, Trnnkq TRAVELING SACKS. Satchels, Chltdre st , * Carriage, & kinds of 'cove, Fancy C 0 9 , 1, A 1..), An Extensive Avisartmet,t. STE RLOSCOY7•. ~ tea Jo.epb . l- Blacimore • re we recelverin part pay a recently manufactured les. These, as a general and embrace the newest lea now made, excepting • self. We trill sell these en enalnre On hand. of aPerltY, they are offeml to rttee. 101 IN THORNILEY. end • , :STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS This is the largest and hes sele , !• , Stock of Goods in the county, me. 1.1 direct from Manufacturers, at the I h• • price, and will be sold lower Mau where. .. ISE.NJ:3II.I,IIF.IIr. inarl7:lr QPRING AND sir:rurtris 11:0005. andendened begs 164,9 1.. ihk4 . lllll. and the public generally that he has lust n erne' new stuck of goods or the Istso Pining and Summar wear ,which he offere moderat rates.- GENTLEMBNS- FCILVIsIII.v , GOOD;. CONSTANTLY ON !LIND. Clothing made to order nn the Aron na';:r Thankful to tho public for pant farnr+. I !, by ch..° attention to Imola.. to to , ro a r mina of the lame. • DANIEL MILLEN. IMIPG E .S7l. BEILa e. IV:11 el.'. PI znart4:lr- • WALL-PAPER F0r1869 Thonasisralmeei JoNil C. Aod:, At dor commodious and sparit.u. Salo. •COMpICIO anarftladOlf. of Na. sa d ELnu •• T of Walt-Pap(l both nighiartd and fistlntulsh: Cheap Brown and White Papers; Also, 'Tory variety of OIL cr,orrits:. Transparent and Paper Wholno • Figprell and Plain at lower prig t even before otrerett in theca'. • CALL AND SCE. . Special Intiticemeita offerel to Inuit aale.Vo!ro THOMAS SALVER Co. •• Wm 1, between lib Awl 51h v e• IlitielActdow lew Diamond alley, Pitukbargh, • laar3;aro. EIItiOUTOROS NOTlCE. —Lctten tree =eatery having bees_ ' , tooted to the Noteee . her On the &dila ot John Wylie. late of °Ph, to IRON Deaver Co:. Pa.. dm:muted ibreeteen.e ll Persons knotting themselves Indebted to estd tate mill make Immediate payment. and all thee banal elahne •Slidetstit min proient t 909 authenticated. foe setihment. May 19, 196 tilt. JOUR BLINTZ. ter. IMEMI ,_ .-1 7_,..pai-T—' _A2I I DIAMOND, HOCIIF.FIEV, SECURE' lIAIMAISM, TO 01 tniut REMEMBER ME PI.A:E! JAMES A. FOltirSl I ,Y BBAVIi Bley be found the beet seeortment u cm-imalric_es_i's, LED DYE STUFFS; MEE LOOK HERE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers