T h e'Sd.tii,etkrids.. .1. WETAND. Iturroft PF,ovitrro*. Be-aver. Peal's), Mtky Is; BOR uovsasm, 18 SOHN , Ctrs l'resldent,lnst wook,appolnt, ed Simuuel W.. garlie(4.l4 13 . C 04644 ut Rovbe Penitsylvrinia• Reserve Corps will 1 . 101 !la reunion . far Westrhester, on.Tuestlei,..Tutie The Military Order of the Loyal Ix. glut of;4 ll hlledelphia have indleated their tiOntlon:Of being prment, on the occasion. : : • • :. • TILE Diteetor of,the Port of Phila delphia was directed by the Secretary of the Treasury,- on Thursday last, tp detain the steamer Florida—new log at Chester, In the Releware Att er—from leaving that pert for the present, tIS she Is suspected of being in the interest of the Cubans. The elovernmeat is lnianing to move in reference to the .prohibition ,of freight contrabandof war. • 0 ••, as Monday of last week, about three thousand pennons te‘sembled nt elti.o Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Ky., to engage itothe decoration of graves of the Confederate dead. 'A. beauti ful . poem, written by Mrs. Preston, of Virginia, was chanted by the choirs Of the churches of the city in a most touching and impressive• num net:. TWA the iinntense assemblage distributed their precious offerings upon the graves, and many of them were rare. • All the graves were dec orated alike, and this done, with praYers for the repose of the dead, 'the crowd left the ground. Tut: Pittsburgh Conmercial, of last SatUrtray, published a list of the news papers in Pennsylvania that stand with that journal In battling:against , legit lati:m et:irruption, and In favor of retrenchment and reform. here he 114 ns &It by the thinnserrial: I.llpadel•lNt Frei ! , I par)l2lburg Meta Guard. PittsburgliDispatcb, Rearm Argils, Kittanning Free Prem. Bowmen City Reputin. Indiana Messenger., Ebensburg Allegbenian, Somerset ' Washington Reporter, Scranton Gettysburg Star, Blair County Radiant, • Lobahon Courier, Norristown Herald . Columbia Spy, Lemmata Express. l'hiladelphis Inquirer.. Minutelphla liniletlu, l'hlladelpilla Tele:mph,: Philedelpttia Port, lteetrbester Itocont, Ireeechcster tlepnbUein I.e‘rh,berc ell rookie: Bedford (7nuuti Preis. Wilton] Inq uirer. u•inunberq Repository Inere'Jour'L Pottsville Wanda* Republican, Regivter. 1k:11.foot° Republican, -I.'nther Abraham,; A r sr), great' pressure has been broughtto hear tipiM Secretary liout well by bankers and stimulators, to have him ehange his policy in buy ing hoods and selling gold, but he gave a very deeirdve answer that he . would not th, \. l . so, and bald NV11.9 use. Iris to bring any' influences - to bear, because his mind was fully made up. There is something over ninety dollars of gold in the .Treasury, and its sifts nillliOng. is really all that is required, it seems probable that tl seeretad. will inereasethealuount to to sold to something over one mll - per week. • IN the Chicago Board of Trade, on Ti numbly htst, t lOUS were Intro, I 'MIMI in favor of a direct line of rail way to the most eastern shore of the continent, touching the harbor of Ih.itland, Me., running along the ',wall' shore of . Lake Ontario and thence byway of Whitehall anditut lantedUit cast to Portland, over a nub' recently eharterißl by the States of Vermont, New llnmpshire and Maine. Under rttlev of Board, reso. lutiqns lay over ono - day. By the proposed route the direct line from London' to Shanghai is thirteen the sand one hundred and nine Milts, and it is estimated that the entire diStallee eall be tntvmed in thirty-eight days. A notice appeared In bed week's Mows, in which u meeting of the Itepublitan executive couunittee of the county was requested. The no- - thv llXed the time lit 8 p. in., on the 19th inst. . The object of the meeting was to take FUCII action in further ance of Beaver county's ebilut for either the next ;senatorial nominee or tiro menthers of •the Assembly, ILI; the occa.sionscvmed to require. 'After the exec ative committee met, htiw e• \ler, and exchanged views, it was thomid inexpedient to do anything in the matter at the present time, bs t aereeing• that steps Amnia be t'tken at oar county convention on the :list inst. to secure to this county all the political power justly belong ing to it. In the nteantit4, let It IN , under stood that on next Saturday, each Republican voter, P: entitled to vote for Ind oar candidate for (hr Assem bly. Itepubliennk hear thin In mind.. flee: Anwriean Baptist Home Mis sionary Soeiety :all its thirty-ecv oit I I :m m t pull e meeting at I kknon en Wednesday; R'v. \V. Jeffry, of thio, presiding.' The report of the Exeentive Board Was 'teecived,shoW itg; the receipts °pit: Pastyear to be more than 8'14,000: The number of 'ffliegionaries is twbhundred nod nine ty- sis, one-third or, whonr are em ployed M the South,' After speaking of the very ' , Munn:ging results thus far, t lie 'report sayethereare demands! for 'item-a:zed efforts In Northwest, along the line of thel'aeitie Railroad, the Pimitic oust, among the South ern freedmen, and in the Republic of 'Mexico, and the 'lltxtrd is profoundly imprtssed with the Intportance that every lawful and pas•dble agency 4110111,1 employed to draw forth' larger offerings from the 'friends of Christ.. Rtsolutions werd adopted for the organization Of a special de partment for the etluention of freed teen and eolored prraehers. I'umt stein . 4 1 to be trouhkiin New.' Orlimns in their system ofyalice. The adjoining city of Jefferson, though included In the metropolitan police had refined=—up to the 19 hist— to mognlze the New orleatis and offered armed re•dstatitxt thereto. On the night ofitud date the Orleans pollee mustered , to the , numlxrof three hundred;poder la 'eaptain, to take charge °title ;Teffersim precinct. About 10 o'clocithey moved outhe municipal building, which was filled with armed *citizens, and a battle ensued in which 01,1810 fourteen of the N. 0. police were wounded; tWO dangerou.4y. They then retreated and Gov. Warmouth called on Gen. Mower for U. S. troops. On the fot leaving morning tato cominy of regulars marched quietly and took Imor3milon of.the JaTereon headquar ~ter.q. The citizens were 2 uch excited -and the soldiers are • still on the ground. No demonstration ltas been • made against the military;.but the . - 4P- pollee berm were dekated, s thoufh four thrum es lame as the coeipanY of troops.. No citizens were known ;to hurt,havlng been protected by the market house and pollee THE PHEINART ELECTIONT The Republican primary elections tO nominate a ticket to be supported thojiariy 41118.6:J4W October: election will take phice at each elan tion'Thittiet hi iket er county on Saturday next. • To leirponiiibiUty OfruMilnating 'tiekei lies been taken froth deleptes,.and,i very properly we thinic, , thrown upon the great innAs of the'people .from *hon . ! 'all political power, in a Republican gov. 7. eminent, is derived. Thii;,Was done tix the five; untraznelkd voice of a ilinloritA of the party in this tounty, expn '3:sod. through" ,the ballot-11ex testylni. We' :desire .to Say a few words to our readeni before they niake their choice of !candidates on next Saturday, ' And, ftrst,we state explicitly, that the Annus has no ,cindidatesto present—ls pledged to none—is In the interest of none. It owes fealty to no ellque 7 has no 'to: cal interket•to 7Mbserve 7 -int'aie to grind. The triumph; of the • priuci phs of, the great Republican party; by the selection and election of prop er penions . plitee ref trust and emolument it has at heart, and pledgee' itself to .world diligently to that end. • - • • In ticketing. a candidate our' first inquiry should be, "IS he honeo" Second, "Is ,he capable?" Third , s"Will he add Strength to the par ty •."' There are monk candidates be fore you for your suffrages; they aro all good nuar—gootl•RepubUions Init they do, not all'possess, in ful equal degree, the aixrve qualification S. Whetevoi you mu** a Tian Who will honor the ()Mee, instead of the office honoring him, that L' the man tapioce in nomination. Put doWn s i ttanbinations to effectthe eleellea of - particular pennons, at !the expense .of the nomination of good Men for • the • balance of the ticket. We want a geed, strong; capable and popular ticket threaghout "Let every tub stand on its oWn bottom." • . • • - You will bear in mind how strong lythe Itepnblican Legislatures of N. York, New Jersey, Pcim.sylvaniambr other States Ave bees censured with bribeti . and ~Corruption, and with lavishly expending the:public , Rinds for selfish isartiescs., This was to lie !eXpected . front the:Democratic press, but, we fear, and we have so express ed oniselves;• that they have lately had wounds in our own State for the accusation. Let us pat a stop to the occasion of such eluirgto,.by nomina ting noel electing mea, to the 'ls4ris lett*, who are *honimt, who tbithfully represent Our %Ostler-- men wiles° integrity bi beyond sus picion, and who would resent the in sult of a tiribe with personal chastise ment atlas offender. 'Our members of the Senate and house of Ropresen tatiVes should be men of spotless char acter for I ategri ty and honesty. They should be above and "beyond suspic ion." Your'political Opponents ac cts.:4s you of having elected dishonest 'Legislators in the past. They will assail yeur • nominees, be they who thCy may now. It behoves you, therefore, to take good: care 'to vote for' the nomination of no citizen whoseehanater is not known to de ify all such assaults. in this way, in honest, upright, capable and popular ticket will be placed in nomination, and triumphantly elected. Go to the polls and do your whole duty. TILE ALABAMA Sir Francis lliad, formerly Geyer pot' General of Canada. publishes a letter in the London times in refer ence to differences between this Gov ernment and that of Great Britain, in which he refers to his correspond ence with Secretary Marcy on the: subject of the Canadian rebellion in 18.37 ; 6ndargues'if the United States was in the wrong at that time, then England has dormant claims for an apology and eompemsation, though they have long been overlooked and forgotten. If our Government was right then, he submitS to the good sense and feelings of Americans the logical, moral and, poptical impossi bllityof now refusing n reply to the Queen'totitntlity proclamation situ ilar to that given by the President in 1837. He calls attention to the act that England.was theonlyyountry in Europe which plegged herself, by proiannation, • to - remain neutral in regind to our great rebellion. .14r. Head might also have added that 'Great Britain was the first to disregard the neutrality proclaimed, and the first anil only European Gov ernment to fit out armed steamers to enable the rebels to prey upon our commerce. At 'least she permitted her, subjects to do so, which is tanta mount to thesaine thing. They have now awakened to the Met that the American people are In earnest about compensattint for damages to our yontmerce 'caused by the piratleal stetunerAlidxuna, fitted out in their Anders:, and of which their. (*worri ment bad due uotini; and they are sorely perplexed W hat to do. (hr our port, it Is authoritatively asserted, no father propositions fir a settlement ' will be submitted. England must be the first to move in the matter. She dare not procrastinate for,in the event of her becoming invoked iii hostiii tic(, with any pover, America—act ing on her premient, will amply re herself from British commerce. ThiS is what alarms John.B., and cauges him to bellow and paw the dirt tipVely. • Touching this failure of the ease, the London Daily Telegraph says: "Ilaviag madeourPr'otmt, we may bewell content to wait. It 18 untie sitable to have the question remain open, but in the prmseut coialition of American feeling no Ivesibility of a speedy and satipflictory settlement is apparent. Beyond a desire to act Justly, this country has no .interest in concluding a waventiono. sari' dud each:au agreement »tight . proleet commerce liereaflei from such depre dations tar those moon illed by lheltlu bwtuc. A convention se Cordially ac cepted by the Americana as a full dis charge of , their suppoSed grievanceswould be valueless and the excerition otsuch a compacct, t, i f made at p weak' be exaxsUngly doubtful. T he honest and faithful expoaltion of the views of each nation will pave the way to conciliation and settlement." • doctor at liMidray claims to hate a cure, for leprosy, and much excitement exit in medi cal circle. in that Tart Of the world boonise of it. • ; - —The Cincinnati Cbsionerctal says "Delaware halt erected a new whip. ping post and pillory. It is the only public improvement, to speak of in the Stale: , • Asunap,Tug riurrrixajavak ire • f•':` , ^• i The Radio* of lari,wdolr, • ire:it " tire l eng thy, tiek,ri.}ntendsd to Make Popular vote *tem Of: nerd:tat* candidates in: , this otiunt4'odloy.s,, makiislise of thiti• Uinguage: ' • "The prinUng of tickets, this spring has cog the candidates three or four hundred dollars. They 'are taxed eighty or ninet dollars for the mea greretimss and tally -papers al to theppeelity officers. AU thia le a grist to the printers, of course, but is an unnecessary expenditure - 'of mone. ;The County • Committee should, print the : tickets with the names of all the candidates, and let ithe.imter:strike...ont the .surplusage, and three. - or four thousand tickets to he paid. for out of the Otimmittee Fund,Woold accomplish i just • what a hundred thousand doe now. As for the expense, The Radipalswas es tablished to aid; pot •to ,prey up en • the Republican party, and will tiontrect to do all its printing for the next twenty years. : without; charge, If furnished with the blank paper, and if the powers that be are low in funds, will present them with the Taper, too. , . It amill be seen that the Radicalla aitinuitc - of the oast of the' ticket printing; "this spring," for the vari qua eandidAtes, reaches the sum of 'three or four hundred dollars. As its figures are somewhat vague, wp will Average t.laem; and say that It puts the ,oust at three hundred and fifty 'dol lars: Now; let vs see who got the above sum of money, if that amount . 1411.4 expendt*d. The books of this office, and bur 'paper Maker's bills, show that thirty-eight` thousand tickets were printed for the 'different tltildidattS, at the .Auorsofilee, since the tunvam Opened. , We charged $3 per thousand for ;these tickets, which made our greas receipts fur ticket' printliag, "this spring," just one hundred and fourteen' dollars. The Radical says the whole cost was .three hiindred and fifty dollars. Ac cording to its' figures, then, and the ihet'We have prOent&l above, that sheet, "preyed" lution- the ltepubikun candidates to the extent of two hund red and thirty-sic dollars, while the Anot7;ff id not get quite one half of that sum froth the same persons. But the Radical's estimate of the cost of the tickets is gleesly inaccurate, fur it is well known that the Amu& It nearly, ail pie 'ticket printing hi- . do, because It was generally • under stood at the outset that the Aim vs -would print them at Viper thousand, while the Radical insisted on taxing candidates $l,BO or $5 for the, same number. In consequence of this un derstanding; and likely from personal considerations too, weaPprehend,that While the Mors priuted3B,ooo. Bck the •various candidates, the Radical did not print more than 8 or , 1060 At the 'farthest. This accounts for its boo-booing at the present time, and its offer to do future work of this character for nothing and furnish the paper besides. We have thus shown that the ticket printing . for all the candidates, "this spring," provided the Radical's cherges had been as low as 012 Anot's's, amounts to scarcely one Imadredand .417.11 dollars, and not to "between three and four hundred dollars," As the Radical maliciously alleges. The county prierits forty candidates for the several offices. Taxing the whole of them the above sling, and apportioning it equally along them, the result shows that the average cost of each candidate's ticket printing, at both offices, amounts to precisely throe dollars and seventy-five cents, each. Is this extortion'- Is this a burden upon political aspirants ? Does the popu- lar tote system tutt aeandidate more than the delegate system? Let us see. ln 1866, the delegate system of nominating tundidatts was in full blast in this county. The Atmos at that time wits not owned by us—it was in dui Ilan& of tlw very men who are now endeavoring to brim odium upon the popular vote system by representing it to be tooexpensive, tte., it known now that the books Of th e e A imus office of that pe riod are in our hands at this time, and on turning to the ticket print ehalges for that year, we find that Judge Chamberlin was charged and paid $4,25 for his tickets, Judge Duff $1,25, S. 13.,,13riggs $1,25, J. S. Littell $1,25, Jas(A. Anderson t-1,25, 1). D. Johnstoli '1,25, Jas. Warnock $1,25, D. Todd $ll,llO, Abner Morton $5,75, it. P. Mcllvadnsl,2s,' &c., &c. hence it will be noticed that cauulidates un der the delegate system, were charg ed at the rate of from $1,25 to $8,75, each, for their tickets, while under the priment mode $3,75 is the average ticket expense of the respective • can dldatas. Under the fonnei system, too, tickets were printed on small slim tund on common printing pa paper ; under the present system they are executed on good sized sheets, and "cap" paper is used, which costs nearly double the prim of the foimer. Another Point: The Radical says that candidates are. "taxed eighty or ninety dollars for the meagre returns and tally papers furnished to the pro. cilia officers." True, it'is, that the County Committee ordered each can didate to pay into the County 'Committee Fund, for printing the nece , :sary blanks, 'i.e., but does that piper know that only about one-half of the candidates have complied with. that order. The Treasurer, 'however, informs xis that enough has already been received ,to pay all the expenses Incurred, which are as.,tollOws Fur printing IWO rules and regulations—. $ 00 " !" 0000 blank lackala 9 00 NU tally paper* (largo) 8 I.IU ..• .. 40 returns '• 7on MI Ihno of voter* 5 00 Making the total cast of the county Conitnlttee's printing for the (Nowa% $3.1,00, in,stead of te§o or $90,00, as the Radical has it. This is lt.s than one dollar for each precinct in the coun ty—a sum their Republic:alio would much rather see pitid by the tundi daM-t,than endure an; nn swindle under the rotten delegate system. .Ever sin m the mtablishment of the Rqdical, its projectors and paid elaq" uers Notlkht to injure the Au- Gus, by reprmentinz it to be extrav agant in 163 'charges, and. holding . uS up as "preying" upon, the public and the Republican party. We are obliged, therefore, to remind our readersof another fact or two con- meted with the printing business in Beaver county. In 180• i BLS. Q , Esq., was the editor of the A us. The books, heretofore rflerred te, an swer us another purpose now. ' ey show that he charged and reed c , d, for that year, $lBO,OO for publishing the receipts Mid expenditures of the county, while the' same work, since our connection with the Attars, has cost the kinuty but $145,00 annu ally. We leave the tinder to judge who "projed" upon the public in that amse—* a. Quay erimrself..- Daring . that saisilit year, we notice that ha charged each candidate ANA:teak $4; for announcing his name, each candidatefor Treasurer 85, each mi.; dictate . for. Cominisiloner $3, Survey or 82, DistrietAttomey B:l—precisely the same fees throughout that we have charged ever since,: inchiding the present season. Theri3' Wert) no didates for ktheritrannouriced that year. , Under his management the Anus had 000 subscribers; "under ours it ,has 1200. en announce ment in the ARGUS, When It had 000 subscribers, was worth' $5, we are (=tent to ,be represented as "prey ing" upon the Party when we ley It before double that number of readers forthesame price. Judged byllime remiufgoonem it will, be epee that neighbor, quay's previous ..pnictlee diffbrs very materially with his Prm ent.theery. Ills trouble is Just here: Had JIM Raclical been' honored . With a large proportion of the candidates' printing, the present season, it would .have been satisfied.' But as it was ".se verely let alone" in .that particu lar, its editor dashes his ilngemiato. his eyes, sets up aWhimper, end . .do. (lures that we shall eat no more of the grapes he vainly sought to reach. Candy dealers to the front! PRESBYTERI*NINM. Tho General Amsemblles of the Old and New School Presbyterian church es met In New York, on the 20th inst,. Over Basic hundred delegates .were present in the Old School Assembly; and some two hundred in that ante New School. It is thought, a union of the two branches; will be effmted. Delegates: representing the synods of Allegheny; Albany, Balthuore, , Buf , Ado, Chimp, chiCinuatl, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, 'Rinses, Kentucky,, Missouri, Nashville, New Jersey, New York, Northern Indiana, Ohio, Pacific, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St; Paul, Sandusky, Southern - lowa, Wheeling and Wisconsiuovere pres ent In the Old SchoolAssenfiffy. The opening services were conducted by the Moderator — o - f , the, last General Assembly, 1)r. , Musgrave, and Rev. : Dr. Jacobus. of Allegheny city. The retiring Moderator pr eached the opening sermon, from Mark xvi: 10. The business session commenced at 1 o'clock, p. m. A committee on Elections was appointed, to whom was referred the commissions and Delegates. The New Presbytery of Santa Fe was announced as formed in accordance with resolutions of last Assembly, and its delegates took their seats. A committee of ten were appointed to collier, with the New School Assembly on the qUestikih of leo-union:: After Whfeh the .Asisembly adjourned. On Friday morning, after religious exercises, basiness was resumed. A committee front the New School As sembly was introduced to represent that body in the Old School A. 14140111, biy. The standing committees Were announced, mff the orders of the day fixed , upon. The Reformed (Irate sent in a certiflatte of appointments to represent that church in that hoffy. The Delegates' froM the New Tresbytery of Austin, Texas, were enrolled and took their serttl. The Elders of this Assembly were invited to visit those of tit& New School at their place of meeting, in the evening. A report was read: from * the committee appointed by the Philadelphia Union Convention with respect to certain rules for church' government, which was re ferred. A message from the Nation al Temperance Society was read, re questing clergymen of all denomi nation to Ketch a sermon against intemperance on the last sabbath of the present year. A(paper was raid' from the Board °lntention expres sing gratitude for the prosperity of the church, and the SUCeMi which for the past half century has attend ed their efforts, and recommended that measures be taken to celebrate the sembeentennial anniversary of the Board. . Rev. Mr. Van Fleet of fered to place the Illinois Theological Seminary under the control of the General Assembly; and the proposi tion was referred to committee. About forty preachers were assigned to duty on the following Sunday. On Saturday a preamble and reso lutions were offered and referred, de nouncing the looseness of the mar riage contract, frequency of divorees, and the murder of infants previous to birth: On Tuesday afternoon (2. sth) the propositions for re-union were to be considered. Some discussion was had relative to overtures from South ern Synods for re-union, after which the subject was referred to a special committee. TILE NEW SCHOOL AMEMBLV Was opened by Dr. Stearns, .31(xlei-a tor of twit year, who preached the opening sermon; ut tho conclusion of which, in reference, to a union with the Old' School, he said: "i.et us come together, and as we have one doctrine, and policy, and one order 'of worship, and one history, and ono ecclesiastical- ancestry, let us have one organization and one system of action, and one. general assembly where we may all meet annually by our repre4entativai and look each other in the face and learn to under- Sand each other, and concert and .prepare .to execute large and far reaching plans for the promotion of the same Christian interest. At 9.3, o'clock a. in., the New School Assembly met, and after devotions the standing and special cronmittees 'were announced and the order of bttsinem promulged. The roller Sy tnaLs was then called, and their. rec ords, statistical 'reports, narratives and overtunks handed in, tiled and endorsed Air future action. The Sec retary of the:committee on Foreign Missions reptirted the. full amount contributed for that purpose last year was $108,196. Seven hundred and eight churches failed to contrib ute. The committee .on lie-Union made a report favorable to that move ment. The committee on - Freedmen made a report of Missionary efforts in Wu if of the Freedmen; . it details the establishing ofschools and church es among the colored ,people. The • 'surer of the lime. 3Umitinary ety reported $174,906, as the re ceipts for the past year. The amount received for schools, ,colleges and seminaries, during the past year MIS $24,0r2), being four thousand more than'on the year previouS. 31e nday morning was liked for receiving dele gates from corresponding bodies. The only business transacted on Friday was the- adoption of the 110- 'port of the Committee On Arnutge merits, providing for, the daily rou -1 0, 40'" • - $.1300 , i t • „....en Abe ild balk hc a r. i r li e, of W:8,144 Yo: 'ivaiditete4 7dodwitor. thokiircia ecipattkited BiomePit of thcfeenthhenf of the body itclitgliel tcfa . rippenkph asibepoctor iserwarui advocate of that jets - figure, and so ei; preses; himself on taking the, ehalr est . in s , C SiOrtian littleoseeentltehitl ocabireit eAept th ( e intiteitethki stud reituanea.opepertik ham thiee glitlNltteiregisooding b°dOn..s.hci r 7 , hig the kind and fraternal greeting they -had reet4ved from! all bodies 'visited. • •- - • Timmeelptsfrom customs for the five days ending on the 15th lust., In clusive, ivere_s3,so,BsB. This would indleite,t ) Webalaiicelif tradogi ll 8 °°4, 13' 9 401 410:0,4 dolled must neectearily be Maws up by the shipment of gold to FtmTe+ If we impart traire than . wo-expOrt,' the balaii . eii`ngidrid 'lO 4eMand4 o . l 4; True enough, itk seems ter the into-. ment to. till the U. B,' Treasury with' gold:L=and'epables !biTinly paper at Its market 'value ' 'at the rife, . two million of. dollars per week;.frudiz log the difference •In - exchzige;-141 . premium:lbr the 'geld: This is,aur pari4ed by the Oovernment for the present. It' has as good aright to steprlnto :the market and sell gold for paper as an individual lull, and realize the profit for Treasury account. But hmi Is future to be affected by these large importations? 'The monek - IS not brought here from Foreign countries which pays the dutic4 on _lMperts. It Is the product of our own rained. • When pay day comes, all our gold will-have to be shipped to ply for imported good 4 - -Telegramswatui nounce weekly; "The Hamburg sail , : ed yesterday. - She takes out $3;500,- 000 in , treasure,' exclusive of $2,500,-: 000, on account of , IntereSt, .on U. 8. honds." The country will b e drained of gold and,silvpr. Our mines ytelii in the aggregate but about $75,000,-" 000. Of 0tt5451,000,000 per amnia goes to Europelkpayinterest on the public debt. With a large balance of trade against us, there wiliseon be a deficit In dm', gold market, and a money crisis will be the result. The cure for this state of , things will be found only in the page by Congress Of a protectiVe Tariff; one that will encourage home. manufacturt; and prohibit excessive importidlors. NEWS SUMMARY. • • —Austria le adopting the Interna tional coinage. y• .• • • —The Worrl:iliters are kicking about at 3fobll ." • —Chimp? bao got but one Demo erotic daily • paper. —Three Adoters of Gottoctudk have been giving very aueetyrdbi concerto in London. • —ln Chillicothe,Oldo, r ece n tl y y twin-brothers married twin-sistena on the Kuno day. =The New York Herald says that Salmon and PNtworerylargeln ginia. —Kennedy, the Scottish winger, is making flinch' money by enter taining the CaWert:dans. . • —The htst spike Is valued at $350, and it, with the tie, are to be placed in the museum ntSaTmento. • • —lt is thought that he troubles of the•Emprts Wlotta, in this world, will cease before the Summer wahes., —Barney .GOldsirittli committed suicide Wettatiday;oitltht, at null, by drowning.' - -Collector Tlionms, ar Italtitdore, use uppOinted two colored. men' to poiitons In the Custom House. —President Brant Ls in excellent health, and weighs more tlinn out hundred and fifty-pounds. • —A ingress in Georgia Will recent ly arrestml for: stealing some good clothe:4in 'Which to be Wptzied. —A new England editor advises his readers - never to allow a tender feeling to degenerate into a sot one. —lt is sal:LOW:wady four thous and persons starved to death in the Metropolis of Merry England last year. —The pioneer mosquito has been noticed. His trumpet solo very fine indeed, sem—cely., preeeptlble in act. —Preiident Grant Is rephrted to have said he will not order an elec tion in Texas before Novepaber or Devomber. —There are ,twenty-severt barges lying at earondolet, below St. Louis, loading or. laden with iron. for Pitts burgh nod other points. —Water is so seance in India that tigers are driven to seek the settle ment where tliey can quench their thirst in low-mWe blood. —A man in Umneetieutlia. invert. tell a new machine, with which, it is Paid, one man can sew six hundred pairs or shoes in ono day. , —What inani , mate (Meets show a: dislike to solitude? VolocipedN; be cause they'll never. travel wfthout soinelsxly.—[llFl=o-the-117.qp. —The New York Elevated Rail road, It is announced' will be in run ning order the entire length by nest September. „ veloelpedist in Cleveland has done his mile ln ft:3o, and fifty tulles in two hundred and twenty-one and a half minutes. ! —ln future all Anierkun vessels entering ports of Cuba, will be eharg:; ed the stuue tonnage dues as Spanish vessels. —Pa rti& charged. Wth robbing , a rnmsenger of liernflon's Exprem at Baltimore of r 25,000 sere arrtsded at Ironton, Ohio. 4,-- - Mason, of the celebrated and col lapsed lino of Mason and Slidell, re turned to this madly, for the flat time since the Trent 'War, last week. —Senator Sumner -is frequently in naript of abusive letters from Enqland - and Canada in reference to his late Alabama speech. :Ifter•tlie ja m rage of.the !bill, a sequel to "Gates Wide Open", and "Gate.' Ajar," will be published; entitled "Bars All Closed," w.tys --James E. Miley, on trill! at Hal timore for the murder Of Daniel Her rington in February fast, AVTIS found not guilty and disdumed from eu.+; tody.. —The sctimat trial, at. CleA;elincl,' Ohio, of 'AinWall, for abetting the murder of Skinner, havtitulted in a verdict of murder in the second de- Me. . :--Another MW York embezzle ment is reported in the person of the, clerk of a coal company: The amount taken is so,ooo, kith which the young . man atxseonde& -• —Twesity thousand bushels of wheat ; putt ofa shipment of one hun dred thousand ,hushels to Liverpool via New Orleans, arrived at St. Louis on Vriday and Saturday last. —At New - YOrk, on BaturdaY, the, Quakers commenced anniversary ex erelsa3 by a,prellminary meeting of Ificksites., Thesesdomi are private and will continue'several days:. •—•The New YOrk 'Tribune thinks the 'PennsYlvania miner's strike was "resolved on beeause the season and weather are new propitious to the National game of Base Ball." -jn*. . serious leader, In a journal tas*Penvy Weer - arTs6 soeuiixt , of tra ,l l lieg t ty4 aro , stated l whom wls&anlEasaspecildiV ~i 1,4-43 a 4 3 r and Stokes, Republialn iba Governo t I - Tam. ow, ispo e r Sattirday night, and announced their Intention to canvass the Republican party. --Righty Versodi -ash° left New York .Thursday eyenlni last for San , ar r ived - at Alt. • Louis Sat urual night, arAtett far:Omaha and the Union Pacific Railroad Sunday afternoon. .. ; ; - • r • -A Jerseyman, looking out for wi unpleasant means of ending his so journ in this vale of tears, poisoned himself recently with a delicate compound- of icerccenesand liquid indigo. T / 1 / 7 he Vclinflion of a., !mom°, titii dfl the Bur gton county road; at Mount Holly, N.J., on Friday of last week. Chas. L. Platt, fireman, was killed and Edward Joyce, (em ginner, seriously injured. the,Supremo.Court ofHud son 'eounty, ;%T. Y.; Mrs. Varhait has obtained n verdict hit $3;250 damages from the.F.rie Railroad Company for the loss of hei husband by the falling of a trestle bridge. -At a May-day celebration in Houston, a child was bitten on the hand by a rattle-snake. A heroic lit= tie girl immediately applied her lips to the' wound and•sucked the poison out, thus saving the other's life. —The hundreds of corpses of dogs inurdered•by the New Orleans police and thrown into theriver came; after Emend days; floating_ ba c k . into the eity, brought by the florid in river and unimproved •by the delay. . • —Home Greeley, kit& of the Nei , York' Tribune, is about to pub lish in that journal a series of articles on pelitkul economy, designed to elucidate the policy of protection. . -311.. Frederick W. Seward is said to have bought Mr. Thurlow ,Weed's interest in the New York (bin»iercial Advertiser, the editorial management. of Which he will as sume. ' 4 —Two painters fell from Overall's Exchange ; Cleveland; Thursday afternoon last. One, named John Labelin, was instantly 'killed; the other not much iniurea. Cause giv ing way of scaffold. • ' —The delegates and members of the Western Associated Press, after the final atUoumment of the mad lug at Cincinnati, Thursday last made an excursion in =dimes to Spring Grove Cemetery and Clin ton. —The (vial boat M. 0. Wether tree, of tho'White Hall Transporta tion Company, went over the dam aerose the Hudson river, near Fort Miller, Wednesday evening. Capt. Chase's wife and child were drown ed. —Fred Douglam, Jr.,--volored; on myna of exclusion from the Prin ters' Union, applied for and obtained a clerkship In the office of the liecor der of Deeds •hi Washington. lie served In a Htetsachnsetts regiment during the war. -The Silver Wave, asniall passen ger steamer. playing between Phila delphia and Nanayunk, ealksized and sunk Sunday afternoon. Thesteamer was crowded with ladies and chil dren, who all escaped except one child, the water beingsluillow. supposed to have been caused by an incendiary, broke out In the Withernp House, Dayton, Ohio, - Thursday morning. A man named Wilkinson perished in the flanwsi and several others were badly injured by jumping from the win dows. Las. , on the house between $5,000 find $6,000; insured for about one-half. New Advertisements. :DEAVER AEADElitY,Beaver connty. Pa. LECTURES and READINGS, May Duo h3or each time. Thursday VAIL at al:. o'clock, r. m., on Evidence er Cbriatlassity. Wed. nesday at 4 o'clock. p in.. on Education and the Acadroasy. Thursday EU, at ayi p. to., and IS% o,ctock, p. ru. Marcell! to objections to *Rh, 0 lecture. Such . I;jecdon.. to be left. In legi• Ale stritinz. at the lectorer'stonso. or Mr.. 31oree Drny Stow,. heron, n o'clock, a. no.. on Thurs day. Friday. 9 o'clock, a. to.. Education of Deaf 111111/4._ J9)l}4; W. MARTIX. =EH l'rluclpal of Bearer AcadCti;y Union Agricultural Works, 114,cl:ester,. licatcreouuty, Pa. A. B. SMITH" & Mantra.. PrOgden:nu and Manufacturers of SMITH'S PATENT MOWER AND REAPER, do do TORFVIIEIib SEPARATOR do - do SORGHUM EVAPORATOR. Itallaay Powendllay•Rakes,Farm. Cider and Cane Mills ;• Corn Sheller.; StrAw Cutlers,. and Dug Churning Pourer.. Repairing of shove; Alm, Engine and Machine Repairing dont, at bhortoloilce. Our Mower has hem iu clmniatiou ndw In tide section. for revere' years, avid t• too well known to require putting. and we challenen friendly com petition with any machine in the market: and fur tiler. vie make the following proposition, If any Fernier. is Dearer county. has a piece of Brass so hard or tangled that other =dance hare faked to mow It. and he thinks it rannot be cut by a =whine. a e will do ar hie ripener and cot the Gram-and if we fall likewise, no will forfeit the sm. of Filly Dollars it SOJ. A. IL SMITH Co. 1.11. POCKET— 1100 K—Its F. M. Antler !: son, In Rochester, containing a sum of moo rs the loser on have the same by callinz at my Police take, awl Hying for this notice. F. M. AN DF:RSON. ' l / 4 , 'Ol'lOE-1.131E. 111 To ',elitists. reasons, bricklayers and I , lss• term', get your thuela the mowrinnoac . LIMN. IFCTI.N44, Vanprol. sod !MVO time and money. It is the very host Lime, as It id stronger and will make more toortar, , and theye is no waste toll. We born none bet the be, t stone and It is horned Jost right; the coal Is not mixed with the atone to burn, so that there to no ashes or tinier In It. ItrieltlayerancMl not !tor ton It off to make mortar, which will sate a rood deal or time. You can always get it fresh—red hot lryott want It—and In LARGE LUMPS. • Refer to all who have peed It. At Inc parties In trivetett In other kiln speak *Tilnut It win try to tells. harenor ankle at the same price. Call , and tee It, er try some. Late delltercAptomptly, to ' order it Reasonable• Rates ki railroad liver or rragoar. feud orders to the Mtdranotk Kiln,, arta W. J. DUNN. Wow? Pest Mlle* may 126 m WtADI.3 UR Y _PIANOS A Triumphant Success! I The following persona use Bradbury Pi &noel In their Wallies: Bishop Slnapson, Bishop Janes, Bishop Thomson, of the L. E. !rhumb. Theodore Tilton. the lecturer, poet and editor., Robert Bon ner, editor of *believe York Ledger ; Mrs. 13. S. Grant has Just purchased - one for her receptlmf room, also Chief dusuce Chase, and. Vice Admiral' Porter of the U. S.Nary, The Bradbury Pianos excel - s In power, parity, lidUievecequallty , of tone and especially In I beentital minninz finalities. Theodore Tilton bays, ask me how I like my piano is like ask -ItiSl me how I like one of my .11dren." • I will sell there Ano Instrinnents at Greatly Seduced Prima Call and see nal before you purchase a Plano. tIIUTII CURTIS, Agent for Bearer county.and Principal ,of Beaver Public School. ' [mayl9.4t. .Arowgies and REAPERS. GENERAL AGENTS FOR Olt ORIGISTAL DROPPER, • Arbtaniledy.rt by Anima (anywhere to bare A M wsperlay am a 'Mort sot:equal as a ti caper. • THE "WORLD " • The areal Gat Gear titnetthas which. ha* created a levolutlon In Mowers, and all intelligent farmers unite with as In twonownelng It the hat. It will km Mater. look better and hot longer . by twenty years than any other machine made. Came to HEADQUARTERS. whets NAIL these ma- Manes weariest latrodnewdionnwera 14 Western Pennaytranht. Farmers trans Mahn. counties (board see us bean purchasing (runt local souls so an onlir them EEL% INDUCEENT3TO BUY 110: W. W. KNOX, 187_ . pberty Street, Pittsburgh,. -Pa' may 19:Cw New AdtWeelsemente. S. J.Croisdc Co, R.c,CHER'T.EIt, Pa ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FEW and =II GOODS. WEIR STOCK ' ' consists of a Full As.lortmentor DRY GOODS, HATS et CAPS, Boots and ShOesl gEAT FARM EDS AND 3IECIIANICS TOOLS 'nil kinds Builder.; HARDWARE. NAILS PURCHASED BY 100 KEW: AND FOR SALE AS LOW AS CAN BE BOUGHT IN PITTSBURGH. All Sizes of Window - Glass, ~ 1 -)A1 NTS, M.l.E.sseecl 011, WHITE LEAD,... COLORED • PAINTS DRY AND OIL, .Gleveland White Lime, CEMENT, &c. A full nasortment of GROCERIES, BACON tV LARD, FLOUR of different gewle, delivered and WARRANTED We buy 00 i at. riot ,but` keep the Lest titeilily. (my. 19,1 y. .H not heater it offered f, Pate. The hone I.4.•torixti tt !di 4 41 ,4141i1V Or .441 . 4 coo-1, , and t. partially (4,141 rd. The di% itirti into lite apartint lila, and the Int in 1001. y 1.1 feel. t•ailafartory 103141,4_G en for aellittz: 'For Itortltrr pa: urn tort ir,titl.n. ur J. 5. Ulla. at the stirri . C.. U 14.4. In 1144,er. line 19. IV4l:tf. Bo Ilroullg. RA I LUOADS. PITTS- FT.WAYNE d VIIICALIO 'RAILWAY On and Mier May 9th. 1903, l' rani. leavo Stallonn dally . (Suudayp excepted) al follow,— (Train learilha Chicago In 52,0. P. 11..1ftvi, ly.) [Trala leaving Pittoburtoh at tt..10 P. 'M.. I,•avea dart].) I=! IPTATION, ! ECZTIL I HIP r..xes..! T's -- —.— Pittsburgh 4: tan' Wham purr rilma Rochester.... .. Std ,lotO 1 ' lel Salem .. 101 l Pirtrx ; AG4 11 Alliance 113.1 4 13 1'..'.1 , 1'43 Canton ' - Marlru 17,4 CY7 Gl7 Massillon.... ... 1474 els P 67.1 • 483 °myth., ; 130 I 2:t3 :1 - i 714 Wooster. itst ' 11.111 71 741 Mansfield..., . . 4.rt l an - VII Oil . Crestline 1 415 ' 5,,1 PLO WS . D • • nnOuir 3511 14115 101111 !inertia ' evou .J (n. 5 lon icr,sl Uwe band.ky.. Tst, hxl 1116 10:4 Ponta . 753 737 1141 . 1117 I.lana. 9111 S.W. 11. - Assa'lMerst Van Wert. ' 11117 Itall .001 1 147 Port Wane!. PAllra 1114 110 11-)i Columbia •11.7: .1.117ar .151 i 541 Warsaw' , 101 l • l 147 1411 417 Plymouth • ISO , *l9 ' GSA i SOY Valparaiso 4:41, ill 74.1 , C4ll Chicago ~ CM I Gm ; ../M , Sld ==! EMM! P lop. ; worm: 7 , ts ay. 1159 915 1950 'l'l44lnn :1121; 1.15m4.1015 11121 1:111 11:21 lallra 310 .1.133.11h17 410 i I.N. 210 591 135 419 910 451 lot :31t514 729 i 4121 615 I 792 , 415 '191.199 445 1 1T4 ! c2t) 155 670 251 11.r..4 TN I ILO . Ills ~ .315 1215r121 94.2 5511 1 . 15.1 ! or, ; 4512 111225 j 515 j 119,1 10:. l'hicatto MOAN 1001 l'lymouth , 110. Warsaw 1 i tvr>est ( I ,llsmbis Fort Wayne rz. Van Wert ... .. 24A Was 131 Forest ' Upper Sandusky..; SiS Bucyrus . 95.1 Uncrtline { 'D Wooster...'. ..... Orrrille • 9on Ilassllion ........ n7l Canton 947 Alliance...:. , llgo . Selena. ' 1100 Itochester I iussAN, Pittsburgh 115, Youngstown, New Castle and Fide Express blasts Younphiwn at tiS p. at: New Castle, 1:05 p.m; sigh no at Pittsburgh, 443 p. m. Returning. lenges Pittsburgh 7:13 a. m; arr. at Youngstown, 10:4d. N. Castle,9:so a. at; Youngstown, New Castle and Pittsburgh Ac coinnition leaves Youngstown. 8:11) a. in; Yew Castir.lllo a, um: arrives at Allegimenc, liMo a. tn. . Returning, lames Pinsbingb, 4::11 p. in; Sr rives New Castle PM p.m;YoungstnWn, ::511p. um. J. M. KIMBALL, General 71eLet Age*. CLETBLAND t PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. ' On and niter lllnc 100 1%0. trainc 'will lea, Stations daily (Sundays excepted) Ax follow+. =3 31.ntt- Ex r's. i A•u RATION/. ; Cleveland... Euclid Start. Balloon K 911421 120Ork $4l 1211 SO 101 :1010 1 T 7 1112 212 .1.17 Harems . • A Bianco • • Ilayard ..... Wells v ille a= conga *OOlO lITAIIOMs. II MAIL. sExr's.i ,- Wellsvllls i, R'Esx: Bayard • ••i. lOlO I " Alliance 1115 • In R2TCLIDI , Males! GIO Hodson .• vas 6:}{ Euclid Street I 1.96 1 19 Cleveland 11.0 It'Al lILEEE sTATIoas. I; Ezr's • i MLitt Bell* bi3 A . rguVterill t e 700 11S ylieWelLdlle ' PIS Itn ar s . Ferry . 1; 1140 Rochester . .. • • ;: Pittsburgh • I 1033 r ISOAX MO I Is) I 40? MI 0:2! ITITIONN. 1 Plusburgli Rochester Beaver Smith's Yen 7 • I! Wellsville) Steubenville Bel ti irrum no EZZI ono 314 413 SIS 111.1 11113 Wellsville Ind an ex to Pittsburgh, • This is ■ mixed train t press train from Wellsville TUBCARAWAS BRANCH Ani iii.lX=rte:„. er*l Ticket AgelnL Na 1111=141190 m. ltLiar, I:lop4a._ _ J. IF. KLMBALL: igen • itliesettisiwous - : ft.r•thr Chevy Tanks Bilt•rs. ARE THE BEST IN USE. Ong 801/MEWS TONIC BITTIBII" Tim very best In thelNiarket. R. SELLERS & .00., • rio.4a.‘voonirrusrr Oppotits Rt. Linda* Mini, sten atrum" Itio 10.1 end 101 Third otreet, PITTSBURG Mr: PENVA. Wholesale Agents for the ,West Vol rale by John Moore. ikarer, Ps _•, . _ OLIVE VULINTOCK &I COMPANY, HAVE jut received per Ocean Steam , ers Minnesota, China, itu,da, lowa, Cite of London. and City of Baltimore, the' largest assortment of' most beautiful • . • A rut • .I'l' • • • R E IT . • A Ever brought to this City, which they lop 'port directly front the more celebrated manufacturers of Europe, and con,equent • ly can otter at the very lowest rates. They call espufilal attention to the very low prices of Ingrain Carpets tbr all de,:crip. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING;SHADES,&c Oliver M'Clintock & Co. 14. It COM. not by atopplugi coin h; too-letting at.d aratatinu nature to throw orYttic unhealthy matter d about the throat aid bronchial tube.. canal nz.iraitation and iongh. Moat 'throat and Ltdpir iteattalita Ice n.i. 'po.ed of smodynea x Melt allay the mitztt awhile, but by their tonatrita.linit cilfectl; toe brie Itccolue hardened and tuthealthy fhlida cm, ;'WO,. and are rotund In Ito. citodic 411.caa..a beyond the cuntrol of our mo.t emtneul I nd The Pine TO, Tar Orilla'. With It- a-• 1-1 Was, are prefearble,betatiae ,tidy remove ill , 01 irritatton of the IMMOua membrane sad prod chill tuber, a...6i We Itinv• In act and throw if the unhealthy rt cretiohs and purify the 1.1...1. time malan the'enre pesfeti. 1)r..11 i.litrt ha. on file at hi. °Mu : hundred. anti thouvanda of Certificate* from men and it, taco of unoncallotable character who were out hopeie.tv given up to die. but through the rot - deuce off .m 1 were completely rettared to ea th by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial. A physician . In at tendance who (ail be con-ulted 11) person or by mail, free of charge. 'trice of Pine Tree Tar Cor dial $1..L.1 per bottle. all per doz. Sent by earner% on reemt of price, Afidri . ” L. Q. O. I..hart. D. begot• ... ._ •• • • , Nu. 'atrect. Tender siattu.lot, and MTG., wa 1,4 aprZl:3llt. •;!:t Filth Avvnur, Pittsburgh, l'a ma r'24:ly )eport of 1t...n(1410n of the National Ittol.: 1 lu of De.tver rouuty, New ftrigh tort. . nt the dote of Ltvlur., urt Ow 17th day of April, MEI=EI =ME IM=tE===illEiSC=l C. s. Jiond• on hand IZIECEIZM Rnl F.lnte and P41:1 k I it,T I Wu.° 11.1tri Furniture and fixture—. ... Expenee ,Iccutnd and Taxeo ..... . .. .• Capital Stock . VS4I.I4IOtXI Contingent find 17.0 W HI) Dl4eoust, Exchange and Interest 7'lll SO National clecialsUon wile tiatdlag ..... .. 42.814 a i Slate. " " 100 lal Dne Depu Mon 1)110 Bank. add Raukrrs • The shore statemeut lea correct ahem, trout the Ileport to the Comptroller tithe 4'u:retire. EDWARD 1190 PS, Cornet —Atter? : WILDI . =. ) It. it. EIMAIt. - Dirt elor. I:. E. HOOPES I apr2S:lt _ . T3UBLIf SALE OF REAL ESTATE. 1 BY Virtue of an Order of the Court of I 'otll - Plena of Beaver COOLIT. I will offertt Public Sale on the premise+. on Thursday the loth day of. tune, ISI2I. at Id o'clock. a. ni., the fol lowing dencribed property, to wit: About Macre* of land situated In Economy town*hlp. Reeser county Ps., bounded on the north Ivy land of 14. P. Mini*, on the east by Imola ofJacon Miller and .1. Iloudennheld, south tty land of Henry Veneer. and on the Went b laud of John Dippold about thirty arres cleated andtunder fence, balance well timbered. There Is erected on maid farm a frame dwell'', house with kitchen hack, and a loy sta ble. Tlie above described premise* are partially underlaid with coal. and on which there Is a good drehard, consinting of apple, peach. cherry and plum trees. The farm Is rouvenlent to Churches and School House+, and is only shoot two and a half mile* distant from Legionville Slatlon. and ohnut the come from Baden Station, no.itin Intrzli Fort Wayne & chlengo Railroad. TERMS: One third of the purchane money to he paid on confirmation of sale by the Court. and the balance In two 4.11113 i annual payment* aPli tinter rst(hetron from the ronflrmatkm of hold nole. - Thr of tll6 deed and all *tamp dull.. to be paid by the pure/Sven JOSEPH LEDLIE.. mayltat. Com. of Samuel e.smith. grallar 51", GET THE 131-'l' Webster's llilabridicitelmary. 3000 11:82 o ra‘1113,1 j 1810 Page, Quarto 10.000 IrorolA trnd Nem: loqpc sot r Aker Ilirliwrrrrirr, V lOU VII as n ar 110'.0, h eard r , rffdcnl Oral no rib. er lloli langene ha. a Illeliouary .hich no fully and faithfully Pets fOrill Ira present condition n. this last rdltlnn of Webster does toot of oar writ ten and spoken 1.:o7.11ali tot,:ilC.—!Lirpsr's nine. These titre, I I. at: the et tut total y!FLq!ett II hrarley: The Dih:th hiethyp• arc, and Wely.ter !tort! tZw.yrtev.—(7,iretgo Et r,..trg THEN twlvEtltte I.l:lo6one—it I. perfect—l! tl ietatees and &del entupetitleo t L. 3 rem with lug to he desired.—J.ll.lCmt most' s LL. D., Pres' Vtedar Co Ilex, The. rnihn n•aful rcLaarLat):•• of Jan.', ku.mlente In •.or S ( . I.A • Prrnitlent Mato. Al.:ricotta:l,l l'olla4e. Webster's National Pictorial Diction • ary. 1010 Pager Octavo. GOO Engraving The work really a yen) or a Dictionary. just the thin,..7 Mr the mill ton. ',...-trntrirm. Blacational Monthly. '• In mans resneeta this Dictionary ig the moat convenient e.er ••A• a manual ui reference. It I. eminently tittetl for npe to lamillea and •ehoole."—N. r. Tribue. lIEBI Ficia .-• . . •• it altnaethdr the .best treastiO of nords o 11it rise which the En.lll.lx 1au;k1.14.7c has aler pool Prres. Pabb. , bcd by 11...te 111:111111M. not111:6ol Sprin;raeld, ILEYRAIT & SIEDLE, IMIIMIE REINEMAN. MEYRAN & SIEDLE No. 41„ Mit Avenue, Gold and :74ilvon=ailit 11:4 111 d di ail ill FINE JEW 1“.1-1 IT • WATCHES, DIAMONDS SILVER AND PLATED !WAR'. :\gene}• for all the 1104 nutkes ~r American Ell srtil (.I.ocliS. EEO All kind+ of %rata Ise.; carefully repaired and gulranteed buayl3;ly JOHN SHARP, 'G~I - - Groceries ana Provisions, 710 A II CORN, I >AI'S, MEM . , 1 . . . , )TILL FECD. AND FLAXSEED it' EAT. MCI I:ilPit DRAINA e; -E (gni! ard IMPROVED- CHIMNEY - TOPS, IMIZ! IZETI For Sale nt,3lAniirdetgrer.s Prire4. CALL ANp EXAMINE. MEI CASH Paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Goods Deliwerrd Pro! uCChnigc, nobilEsTErt, Pa. May 5, 1809. may 1211 m rkIIIIIIIIIAWIP tine. N 4.1 of en order f Coact (lithe sous. ty of Deaver. the sliders err elf Molest wni eat tattement of bog Nis of the bore. of firidgirwatsr, la said comity, nacasmod, win ea pose to sab by_pnbUT rmdtte or Wary. u, s preialsel. on TLENDAY JUNE let, bab, a or ,. Wc.ock, p. nt., the tbilowlng deeerbed fuel prey of sate dtoessi4, weds lll : Allsnon that ar c ta* tractor led of land. situate In p sato ounty of Beaver. botuadal follows townetd . wbg: (in r o e north by lend of If If ntonetois the east by Lm. of the bet,. of Joseph Millis mad 111ehaef bu r g. on the south by laud of Peter IQ: and ot. the caret by Brad of /hillock Mame, sunteinlng ti wise more or lees—ell of which la under knee- eh oo i ilOO scree cleared and In a 'midgets of enitlystou the dance well timbered. and all well watered' Thera are on said prelates, two ce llar iflo; boesee,. with low rooms each, with untlei•l limas sod rood"weier at Mu door: I au road. sail ideate bunt, and other asCessary oat 1 :m114112[r, a Anna:Thant of over 150 beefing Apple ells ri i (reee; end underlying the *note presib, ere! rains of bliamluone coal; one 1.1 le bleb la are . ev e shout three. Met t hird rtcn Taunts : —One t of Mu parch/me money in hand on the woeroulinn of Maude by the c o . r , sod the bsumve Ia equal autaisi Inetidnann: iron that date, nab Interest, to he aesered br Judgment bona, or bond and mortgage. purchaser, Or purchaser.. to pay all espraw,l ptspariag dards. tatirtgages, at., with stamps te coigne for Ine value. For further Information la• mho of theundereigneal, at -Bearer. Ps. taiyfairdi D. 11. 11TONE,;Ecr. A critta.ver c 1.111.1.:13 "11 Dr. WisliarPs•Pine Tree Tar Cordial . It is l the sital principle of the Pine Tree, g bung ed by a peculiar prOfoll4 , i4 the diggilliatiuu tat tar. br, which Ito highest medical pruperlig, are retained. . It t. 'be only safeguard and Mishin remedy that has ever bcen prepared PIM the juice of the tau. Tre. ; It invigorates the digestive organs sod real,,, the appetite. It strew:Abel. the debilitated system. it walla°, sad earkturs the Wood and e 11..., from the system tier corruption r. Lich irrohda breeds on the lung.. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm whif the slr-passagiai of the longs. Its healing principle arts upon the irrit a ted sw fare of the Mugs and throat, penetrating to Cub diseased part, relieving pain sod subduidg Ot,. motion. Ito the result of year* n 1 Andy and eaperim• and I*W:renal to the articled ulth the po*lille OUrallCel of lid 1,01, rr 0.1:11re dlowilq If the pa Ilent ha* not lou lung, delayed a Burt t„ the MC.* of pare : Consumption of the Lass*. Cough. timit'rhnLtt and !Irma. • 11rouchltl+, Liver (Anplahrt. 11,1,1 and Illeetilwz Filer, Amt.:La, Whooping : IllptherEa, d:c. • IVe are often asked why are nol Whir retnod, * in On" market roe Ctru..uniption. 1 01(Ighi.„ and other l'ohnonvry stfixtioniCegdal to lir 1.(1 Wl.hart•a line Tree Ta• Cordial.; 'We answrr— 11=2 =MI MCI EC= EITEI 1.:`21 - ¢-25.1 .k 0; .3 :I) , Zu Vzlrerlt 1.1 Have now in store and read• for vmunin• ation a full line of SPRING G1.001.11*4 In Strap' Bonnet,. and I lat Frenc Ic Flow .).1.9/3 GM< ?I Front, Untlerw , :ar. ('or,et., I I orp Skirts, Poi•vry and Gloves. Paper 31u.lin IT'..2VN - cl7 7.0001)s, Perfinnery, Umbrella.; AND NOTIONS. AT EASTERN JOBBING PRICES. Nos 77 ez 79 Market Street NITSBUIttIit. ::. 01,r - Fllr . Sale, rum. trel.lrr Properly. lot. nava-M ia-e : four roonaa he:, mai •raiite. ma. acre 111 smile., one .0: I , :.•r.:, e fruit.. nearly all betting. 11.1 pra.• ri c aliain hit the railroad and within three 1.. t iii Itotbuitcr. Peat. 1•) : It 1 , 1111.317 , !, a epleuilid stew of tic tli m ri%v aril adjacent town, cut ordered rte.. more than lanai Moe tic n On I , p arc 1.,. money it desired. adder.. •. JOHN it. 111,,1T. Pa:- =III U. S. INTERIAL REVENUE 1 TO TAX-PAYERS. No,ke I. hereto Oren that the Liz, on ItICIIIMV for un natehr, orilg. Gold nod ' , 11% or plate, and to I.pt•rial 3,. o cnpatlou. have been rrlurned to r 11.• hie ndlectlon, and the ...aid taxes 3r.• and irlyll l ,le on or lmfore May V. 1M44.1. 19 ,11 r 1... L paid withfil that linos the rattle will be 4,11,1 dd 01. 31)11.11? Or an, per renturn Illte:116I at 1.11.. 11, r. t unun frvr 11,1:114101 111, et, In penult or by Id. 1. ul3'3t Nre: I.lr,ldon al all dap.. Sundays ernrept • Pct.. (Idle , In old Haul. Ir. ector Itth That. of l'a. .Iti4l47.T.'ed.n.f;r si rlrt.roli n i c h e , H t r ir d ef . i , k w lf . tf Foundry tender" III.11:011k4 to ITtlierlLZ-puh:l. for their Very liberal [Ol , lllllXv. and 111110111t.11,..tu trot he Its, colitilcsvd anti I• now inantittrierin: the Improver! t7rv*tal Cootzlu.: blot,. h. wlllrh all the dotert•. rester linazir.ary. et er Cr n•rd In the aid pattern have rente.ll..! the iront anti the nreu ealar:rrl owl rrmal• 6a tire• Lack mantleted alter the. reamt tlurahle w.•• ever istatie In Pricy E.O rril IS COLT NTI-2,1C, nll.l ulhcr ltn pruti emeu to &Mt ueerJl. Atli/ 1111..', (Al. 'the Nati famine., that mate aupplled w litt old pattern of Cry.tal Palace Itltnves tut the Keay,' tttm P. as thec are canetl lit theentantryi will r. th . ,st they are the beet etalklng at.vl I. king stove. that are male In thl* country. a The ads lazr.. of the no pll.ll ad one i weight unit dranzllt enlarged bake oven, rill ed fruit and dn.... and open grate, and tonal • all a ntral4 ht and perpendicular fire bark., w In the Judgment of exptadenced experts In them durable pattern of stove hark that can be omen Send emir orders. In The.. Roche. der poet otilec. No ell.lllr4V ht prices. re. 0.1 and •pting srag..lt 'nn hand to deliver •toean ht any part id the .urruomulhtg eountsY, old at‘" ~• talon Ito earhan,.,..e, Second-hand ettvves always no hand anti tie Mie attain. aprltstf. TILOS. C.AIIPIIELL. I'ITTSRUItttII, P:t dinlialstratoeo Noflec.--feettere of all. rutnietration oo the estate of 1 ieorze A. 800. zo, deed.. of New Sew Irk ley township, Wt lug hem t;rattt..cl anderalgned, all pet,oll• knowing therneelves Indebted to aahl estate are r•goosted to make town :Mato payment, and tine , having claims or demands against, the same wi.l preaent them properly nut lieutleated tor oettl ment, to 110N7.1., aprvllit° REGISTER'S SOTICE. I arcnnnt+ of Err.. Z n enj o hnLl ni b t e dt f . !l . .i tonni hm e been duly, ,inknoell in the !leg Wen, oftlie. %In be prelienteu to the Orphan+ . Court tor •Cu firruntion and,lionancot uu Wetlnnclay, non Acroind oriitulth Itidinger, (:'dn. of& tas Burkirk. mlncr child or F.11z.1 Von 111:.1.1. Fiu.l aCc't or Ltoht. 11.11 blion. of Cha•ol . nn D. Johnston, child W. John Atoll• der . Final Bret of HON. 113(111•011 G . 61. of r• late of Mary Ann F. 1121 Darlii+ou. of Tbomv Burn.. I;'dn ut Itobt child of Sarah ilec'il Arcoupt of S. Utt.bet, (rdo. ofJno. hot son of J no. W: surrrey : der'd. Account of .1. A. frdn. of N!sry Pari minor cla tt (riJ no. itrrilner. tired. Account of U. Plllllll, ExKutor of Frsot Alcorn, A.1 , 11111'l Miry Coo:, Allllllll'. 11d.,61 of 1111;;% Nartin, dre:d. AltVlllll or Airs. .t Ilnc id I:v. lug. Joh it No I r.g. deed. .irronot of 11. J. Rekl. Uhl tf,htni.) , ' gnnrrn of Iles. Jniurs Held, de , d. A rronst s( Real .t - Put-tonal) of Michael I 'Amp..fc. Adoin'r of Carper Froal ere{ of lief. 31IIIcr i unnlLn of 1.1,1 t UHL minor child of inrot. 11111. der d. . • Art t or Andrew \Nitter.on. Lir. of II tinter, tioed. Acc't of Jauu .t T. It. KM, Atinair, a it, tale of William Todd. deed. • Arc't of S. Ilr linnet. Sr. I.l'dn. of JO.ll. W Barri., child of Willis Harris, deed. Arita of .1. W. Welch. (i'dn. of Sarch Y. auJ J.,Cochran. rt.thirru 1). MAI neet of .W. J.Parbt W.ll adrun're. of Jame. Ihivir. dec7.l. - . . Aret. of J. I. eadiand. atilnu'ex. of William Young. deed. Aceta of t enJ. (1 of it,. 1 ' John S..t . Sallie E. Kitt•e)". children of Jouattro/ Kinser, deed. Acct of Hoe. 311Iton Laweroce, sidutn • r. of the • eetnte of David Muria:sr, deed. Acct of IL Dunes, of tnieolo.o. smith. daughter of Morin Ifambik deed. Of Thlollll2ll A Ilarzaret Slaughter, atfulta're. of John Slaughter, deed. AcerufJoina Duman, Err, ut of lee lli.neau, dee'd. MVO.. (Heal S. Peroonali orb. ltafaw. .lni. admit r, of the estate of 11. N. Kennedy, deed. Acct. of 1): 1... t When S. Irritate, oilman of the estate of John. IWO., deed. Ace't r of Joseph Mitchell, Wahl. of Meeseety, non of Esther Mee eery. deed. IP N. SINCILETiJN. /1 0 . 1 .ia• enyltrlt Niir:Adarrtflemiente. • FOR THE ma: op Throat and Lang iblienheit. cri and I )rnamentN, Ribbon: in all G 00414, Strap: Lacc') Frames, 1110,1K,SIlks.mnd earTarlatanA,Ent: eroi,lericA a n d _ c:kit 14, faces, • Ilual f Ituftint, l'utr• NVl.it•• 1;0(.1-, Cambric,. I'F'+., Linen and Parr l't,P.ar, and CulP, IMME=IIII DRILLINGs, couNTEitpANL, E=Mil
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