RMA Th_e_jseav l M tate eras 111100 1611011141114 . (hi k en ding the 271 h of February . . •AoPiAj r. MAIM ' 72/ ' 25 eg g .. al ilea: • 29 deg 30 deg.!: A 3O deg. 26 di e 21 deg. 83 de g' " g : 1 3 e n 4 l4 ' In • R. T. TA •R. le attention of the public is 4lreofed the 10110'!'°L 2 iett.e 4 i / W ,10 . 01° . t0 .101 appear for the find. time In the Aa s to -day : • •• otleo—E. It Bruit, Sr' tt .) . 'or Ralw:taipir. 'Whitson. l a nkruptay Nodes-Tbos: A. Rowley. Vali Paper—Thomas Palmer. ' New Goode--9. . J. 0041 Spring. Goods—Jos. Horns. aliantalV.lll,4l3÷'LAYld., n au Pa p e r -30 aalutir. ' Dry noodo-J.M. Hurchaeldwit Co: Mercantile Appralsrni3nt—A. 6 . Laird. Nebel? l .o o 4P i ffe he =lt folloedull ye Paid the sums set,oßposite to their ea on subserlittiOn to the Beaver ears; duce the date of , you" ; so . NeCerelaY; HookstOwn, 2 00 algene Bros:, /Lookatows, 2 011 Fisher, Beaver, • 2 00' • 'an. flood, Smith's Ferry, 3 00 . S. Moor% Belleville, .14„, :3 2 00 ngh Andeirson, Beaver , `; : 400 MeManatrty, Bad ,en .4 00 shit& Musgrave, Baden, • • 200 ,he brim, Wall hose, oo : Irani Stowe, Sharon, • • , 4 2 00 Cowgill, lowa, , • • 1 50 awes Neely, Badon,.• • 4 00 . Sheik, Blassantvilte, , , f,OO g. Boyd, Beaver, m • B. Wilson, Beavor;,, ,4 ug. Prank, Water Cure, ,••• I Oil Thomrs N. OO - Fortier, Seve: 4 l3lht.. , - ••• oe • Removed.— e law tllleepf 45332 . tet meron, Ens., has beeareinoved from e National Hotel bulldhad to the room •ently occupied by B. F._ Wilson, q., on Third idriet,..Beaveitic II)%.l{1~Olovoill A large Tinent, aIU-p3kiric 'lewd rip. Kid ves,,fur eale cheap, at Bence's. nought to Jalll.-0a last Sundt,. an named McCreary, a Bridgewater blower, was brought before Justice Wilogidoihiegrdiflyoilioductofd tlutodWts fyirilve ALF4,1RHT.91714E1g. , . ppd. in" feCtiollt of the hair will be regarded inexcusable after a trial of Mrs. S. A. en's Imp(oved now style) Hair Mo roi or Dreutng On one. bottle),— .rY Be* t/iU .Ql/1; tar. • . • •*, Robert JtrCreary, ►Esq., formerly ,f this place, now in Kansas City, Mo., Ms forwarded us two packages of Lets Voltam papers. He lias our thanks for ho favor.' Select Mehools.—On last Monday w° "44 P 3 h9O l : l,, PR e 0 0 0 1 444 Ulla place, one by Mrs. S. D. Martinis and lw other by Prof. 'Lakin. Both have sjwned under very favorable auspices. Iv your stomach Lin a dyspeptic con dition combiplodi w 44, ,SlFFiltik oc inactivity of tb,,,l4ye;qm bitAlosetra Dyspepain etttiko }Of VOW ;Wilt obtain roller. For gala by all.dri*tbita... . - - Agricultural I Mh . liee4n. — , There will bike meeting lbo members of the Beaver County ..e.grkfultund Society, at the Sheriff'soatee,dw Nein' prk on Mon day, the 16th- day of lifittek• mit, at I o'clock P. 431.., for the pnrpoionf. Meeting Beers and Mistaken . car, settling the pewee,' 4LimOnnt, A full attendance - Is earnestly desir ed. , J. It. HAUBAU, Secretary:, 2t (Local please copy.) A Young Minn asked en old man for his daughter in marriage. The answer wan: Go Into the orchard and bring In , a number of apples.. Give we one half or the whole' nddibei,aird' the mother half of. the balance wad half w apple over, and to the dingliier oni.balt otthit remainder and halfan apple, and have oneleft far youpWleivithosit cutting ail pple, and then,lf she Is pad' an have het." Ho solved thii,iptestion., ow many did hi bring . - • "DOWN with din yrasit" of ,linoranee that i nduce i jou 'to patronlie worth less dyes !and pomatums (lard). Only "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" finds favor wherever it Is used. That in the preparitfon whleh"si "silver mo dal" was awarded at the N. H.Stato Fair in lBo!.—Lotitstitle JoUrnal. . . kuotiiii4o44 Ehmild up last Monday another clump oecurrea in the Pest Otce In Beaver. Mow S. !lays was remoted'itid l idhis' I'dirir hic k:a:tick taken her plane. What makes this change a' little' s the; fart Miss MeGalllek was re-Instated on last Monday by the same administration that removed her a few months ago. 'The circti 'matinee" that brAught, thti coups.. Um' of thlngshibtiutse , 14;iskint Mk= k [Hurl' to 'us. ,irg TTLIIi; riArunce, Third etroot, Beaver, Ilse just recetynd gil all the rthVGl,4lll4 oradele 4 11,4"411 . d . ' sonnet Foramen; alue the best selected mock of Trimming's, Embroideries, Rib. ant. and Fancy Goods ho has ever otter sale In Beaireiv. Also a lot &white coed. Just opened; Ladles shotild ,b am la mind that .thiie iisida, are "II; froth and new adyles; t7dl 'llO .e746411 - fbi:. 1 yukThkelvila. !tir re cent awhile:l of the Supreme court of Illinois declares that farmers, whose lends lie contiguous to railroads, find s who keep the cortiortaitaltaft&lnbliat we...am and grans, can recover damages fur loss by fire of gmifli; byytand by locomotives. •Where, reicur, farmers and railroad Comps , dell permit grass and _weeds to FOP' on land adjoining the,triteli,4d fericg nun ou the forte, there can be no recov ery. Mutual negligence torbklis , actibn fur demego. moventemi, drienetinr, wo be- I het o, to Pluibinet:aollto Years since, king made by d'artalO'rellgionhita, to owed on amendmestt to the Constitution of the United States, so that it shall reo ognize In the instrument, which it does . nut now ; "Almlghty God s*' OP SIMI of all autherltY and 'politer Inodyli pre eminent, the Lord Josue Quist ss the Ruler among the Nations Revealed in, thtlloly Actipjgmy as of Supreme Authoilty, httlword to con- I titUo a iChlietlOn titlvernmeot. We make this quotation from the standard of that, body, and think we Iwo in It it verti 'of lillberafify`iitiCli lhi Atuottoou People ara not yall!p to incorporate In the orginlc=: their land. • Dr. 1.. Woralagli, . Ilitewsrlv THE HEALER. WILL anus THE BIM et • • inenrabuory othirpmattekat thcoqulumwriVan= ." iszawrai l r• " rnY mr# 4l . l o l 4;:fo. lll6oo,il64 i rs "W.ZTMf tit rub I e utaktibt! &mindedAMMAN& to Sadler' Comdata?. Illtyftrifinti Is c =eny county, on hid Thiredayi atte tirght him to the Borer IsswitY ian.s hi 'chard with - bayhtarlarn", added • robbery in Rochester tp., rHztt nntia. from Rochester, for disorderly h i es.wbSiltinteeflilienio44444/Artiiiiii - A Than* . ttssy wonderful story of the long trance in which a Vetisistalint than nab, of Burlin n Wls. has laim is z i =r, ;0/H3~ *iila witecitt exploded - try Dr. Chariot L.Stodard, who' moon* examined the case.eilleigleililie description of the appnistilserfte body:, z a btatiril out in a room of a temp.! ' A O about forty degrees, and. declares that the girl taf . ,bees dead sett-' eras weeks..‘ saableof the year, he says, there le nothing remarkable in, the Osman of putrefaction, as every' anatomist imam, that:bodies miry . kepi Int liniranik ohthLt *lite+ in the alternating .teesperature kof a. • dis secting room'', 44.thliC,retaarkable case of suspended animation le dill*Nuxi ittiftidMit'W - JOSAtii Wied intience 43111 0 1nPitienti Pit new phenomena, out of which to extract food for publliddrlasity in Teed upon. Patent Medicine humbug gotten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it nvitotiotterd woo-to:wog& of nget=t=l. ti . , tied seveatiram.amostkibekinsat Desert of Balms on the backs of fourteen cam el*, sintlilltitilight Witiis the Ili&die Ocean ni two , skim" tt /ample, mild, soothiog, Pleassuitlteineay, a per fectiiipneiti? for (Parris va ltobiThw tit‘ twid41...41 =l . dismiss. The proprietor, It. V. Pierce, M. D., of emis, T:; offers a reward B 90500 for a came( ektarritibat be can not cure. For bale by most Druggists everywhere. Sent by mall, post paid, for slaty S. renta l Alldreen itroltim & ulyytuirrs o:immolate , TORT, PITTRBUROII, Pl.—We desire to call the attention of-our readers to the following Editorial from the Pittsburgh Ck"..n0104474.11t: /Oa. During our, cid-sons that what is said may bo slepended 11100111 "We paid a vitae . ingbay iiiiio l titrialirPWy of Messrs. Stoner, *Watt, and wire surprised and gratified to find it one of the most coinPlitoi *wittemisl4 eidab- Bohm,* of the kind lit tke, pate. They mannfichire allibleriptions of Ciirriag am, Buggies, dc., Ina- superior manner, and at prices much lower than the same ofti•atii 4 tkie best makers in the East. Their factory fa connected with their salesrooms, and ratobassts are tequastedkolissentarOe 'various" styles of mat-inflicter() and la rptper, tempi 1?) width , Tams ;the g Jam fo rm a proper jutlgetnent as to'qual 2 'itv and cworimustship.., We. shall take !occas' ion hereafter to speak more porde !tififljclif the Cdtriak r ue; 'Ne:; `ilild m,l ;this firm, and would recommend pur. chasersi tecililtrthant end examine their -stock, Wad:louse Nos. 167, 169 and 171 'Penn St.,- Rear, solo. (Agin, tisieekt induments to Dealers and Livery Men: - ContiMelte. Genne—A , yammer Swindled Out or vut6. 7 -A. German 'fl u ri m P, l4l l °ll trat 6 !rners, !P.*. flint MAW; city toirtheAltif . titireylietertiar morning, on his way tovlait his brother in-law in MeleenipiA: ' die Was met at ULU depot by two finely-dressed, good looking young men, who escorted him to the 14one:1gs/telt' House Saloon, and Invited him to take s drink with them. Hewes charmed with hisnow keqnsibt . anceeq,- who appeared to him • to be lyonng nunt of prppeft* ' nem qnallfinitions. Atter they *wit the saloon Sharpers Igo. 1 anti 2 atrue4 up tho usual oonvermaion about Mariana :bill Which Igo. 2 oiled 3'0.1, and No. 2 i snceroded In borrosrNg P 25 Irvin the (Taman, giving I4.),PcKitsr4whili.Pur ported to be a one thousand dollar bond, but wltiAl l 44 PON+ ii,gergOpsto of a Life Unmade, Company worth noth ing more thigithe paper It wad printed on. ,The German's newly made friends deserted him iMin'ellititeli,idd fliirlkiilt there might be some mistake about it ho made -inquiry: and.ilatrned that his 'supposed security wes worthless, lie has not bout ebbs to see or 'beer any thing of his young friends since. The of our n i direct ed to the %advertisement of ThOln Peltigir4 awa"44,, :4n Vsn7=4 , 4*- Window Shades, dm, which will be• found in another coluinnottide week's A Useful Tiiiiiii.i4;itidliamers in arriviniust ticcuracy In estimatinz the adoenVoe4ail In illftgiellis,Vnikrir Cultivation, the following : l:alga ?Alvan by an asitiCettltidli CCil 100 #*; 5 yards wide yards long contalry l i acre." t. • ~ )CA I - ka lfiyartbi wide by 284 yards lona contains acre. 20 yards wide by 242' yards long con iains 1 1.40 , yards widc . by, 121 , yard* long con t •-• • • 80 yards wide b 60 yards long con ni gime .i, 7 IT 1. 70 . yards wide . by CO/1 , yards. , long con- . tibia 1 • k - • • - - f. feet wide by,199 feet long oontalns I 440 feet wide roy99 - 1 1 ect long contains 1 *:re. 110 feet'wide by 290 feat long containB 1 dcre. ! feet wide by 720 feet long cvntsinn-I, item: ' ILN3 feet wide by 26.3 foet long contains 1 240 feet wide Ly . 1011 feet long contains gem. r h o i ~. "- i 4. . A Sad' Allleir:—A - special "Welt to the (hennersio/ from Morgantown, ebilthed . , p . 3stenlay, stated that • dre even'wt - re supposed to have been droWn ed betweeiktlmtidaceasel Geneva., :We have obtained the following additional garti. At t e, 1 ,11. 017 ft 1 7 1/ 1 oar F ifthOf "reek ' am M Neel , a resident of Morgantown, West, Va.; t iiii In ltliidion,gihols City, and Ur.li.' H:.Tow's, formerly a resident'of Pitt*. burgh, IL .1. Williams and Ed/mitten Barney, of -Monongahela City, took the i o:dlictqlieli_ foltoritfittrittn,:gOing pen the , nrowerilllebeet to. Gentlit, tilit bead of sdieltitfir tiairigatttM, euil . 1111 them' across the moony' el 'MM. win.,: On Friday three three *en , , legether , with Willlate Piihf. of °°44) i. " 4 4;atof lieeltwitivileater of argintort, itherted In a skiff to '00414. wa So Geneva, a dietetics, of about tee ,'rrdies, to: meet the pitiiiiiihi atom which they espoused .to come torn' the river. Nothing has been seen hetrfit l / 4 0 ,00.1.1P r l !!i n P 4 V/Thoir lends In Monopee, , . .City became aimed, an d legriljoilett to all "4.2-Itele n_:3rotliiiiigH_Y43o.:We• e, but were unrZebta4inx intvi.-,., fielithiir hie' i t i.. bn Ston y beetAhajeklffln:WWt PM 1 1,4!1 4 . 1 1.1 • iiiio9o,lrelherlyer a abser Idietailter Ya'‘....,,0.01i'..110 II i ts, indwignati methewne Was brwil - 1 has einter.been fietueLo The agar crested •e . Wood , auk ;4iili excite at In- Aionistige - ,ettn end cent a , , 1:171 °ear the intirecowpaunity. The Wilk general'' , ititerteln the opinion t a h r e e g rzitsa gtij iti ng gi; . 4tiriii ibZil . rslMrsit 74"4. 1 emcgarlinv...., L broshri aw id *41.1 .4il l'ik; ;4-IMai 'FA o *me net yet redov _ • say ease be aegerebel fbr. butte prevent Thrwholo..—"— 4 W in itlVlA:= l = l of Ilmo 4412 11 = 11111 3 1 ; 111 L l4.' 171' 1.14•Itontbl" priewith spy• 1414Arif_ wlwrioneeswiihirmairt but etbeeptishapes. by l ii2=4l of "BIWA, fb!' WV). Then ire - bale* VA =au large suoal?er of engsvthilloissoted to tho' stork;iti . 4-5 1 11, JCS t 03 4 ,40z 5 v p 44 4M"' ifs „ . fiShiTiof " sod 'tlis litqtrout and trOlosSotio story, "Betwien bro,l.ere rentlinted. Amami thi other ContaiitelikiiNoto "The o Twatiutumeta," bx xcri Tel l y, "Gra de withlbettolaen Half"• Poem by; Flotepoeyypeei, lidathandai M. Douglass Ctditoriali. WOL die. : CPutiin' & Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Plilladel ltda;lt worm,* Ortlehilitilllichidea 'M u l e ". , IL col*, (and:. MN rliday:.1110„ Pritillit'lUitr E‘Mingl 4 , o 4 " (141404•031 graving) .rt —l.llA...r.s•ntioYeTrll l l Reinsilßialie . Slut" ~-7 Tha.Bkae of a recent date, speaks•aii lows of a remarkable atone In lb% pow iesaion Of Dr..Daugift&V of Weelinki burg, Cumberland count , Pa. :-'--Nearly a tent** Olpiall Myattwnittets• tirit sinealefig aroaa in lower t nla where &party of worthy emigrants had been encamped !Sesser._ tinifTbeCont As he walked leisurely lbrwrd a rabbit. 'Crossed the path.' Ile paused, and in a moment the little animal returned. (kilning back the third time, the old man stopped to pick pp a atone to throw at It. As he lift eglitile arm in the sunlight, hit, anon,- tlon7ives attracted bythe beautiful man nerkr which the stone refracted tho light, and Instead of throwing it he put it into'! his pocket. notsming litime he gave it to his children . to. play. with, only nk. 1 gargling it as a singular, beautiful stone, without attsching any epeeist . vain*, to 1 it.'' tiomit digs afterward -in ititelligent physician called at, the house , and ob- I serving the stone on the floor; examined It and offered six ,dollars In IL. , Shedd gentleman argued that •If IV was worth I ebridollars 11 was worth more and decline i ed parting with it. , l ' .**i.4ol.oPlgitinsiliii:offerod to ,sent l the stone to England by a trusty Mend I ofthe fkinflY: 'On 'inkling? Tended le I went to Sottish' an old linididi 'by the name-of Fox. , differ careful expriba tion this man Said: ." AU:kinetics is not ahle lA:qui,' th* stoma" 'TheYonnit Alin then,nerit bran' old Jew whs. dealt in prationi -Oen*, Ile 'eras chtlf of Yoni nervous suspecting kind of .individualei and said at once, "put that in yonepOok: et, and do not come out again without j a guard. , Toll Wild' ireP rothiel Were It Ikhbilii lyortt hattiffst.""ThiNgint, alarm *a Oftuftabisumanti. cestxkuoifot so great a treasure, avoided any further ef fort tot bring it tO notimand "yelled kitu kt of ih'e itillt, Opportunity to return home. 1 Scrnatibie`,. attar a:piarty of ale men , canicover from Maryland and offered in lends and negroes what was considered equivalent to an hundred thoheanill4ll tars. The owner argued as be did when the drat otter was weds, =AI 1 1 # 1111 444, 6 1 in the meantime the old Man did, an as the circumstances of the ; flintily were comfortable no special effort was made to dispose of ''.die stone. It peened down , through several generatkme, intug care hdly emended until after-the war, when .It came Into the kande gif Mr. Daugherty of Mechankilhi*Ortainer children are ' legal heirs. The Doctor applied the va rious nets. andfaungl it to passer the characteristics of the diamond. His opinion etas obnfiemed hy;grovend eel*. tide friends. It is of course in its rough C'elate., It possums simpOor (*PINE Of luirdness, and readily cuts glass. - It has I the peOnlhar adamantine lustre, arid se quire' , vitreous electricity by friction, has - double refractrous power, and is coi -1 oflgninhd tratufesimit: "There ieteltil one suspicious circumstance connected *Walt, onaktledle ileoge; u 1"; smin - 0. What larger thin any dianoond" hltlisitii described. The largest diamond known Swine to be that of the Rajah of Alatinn,' In the East Incites, which weighs 367 car ate whilst thbo stone weighs 450 • earite:• oru l d diamond possessed by the Emperor of Mogul whighed 279 carats, and was reckoned. worth .t 4( 0,000 sterling-. ' . For Prudential mesons Dr. D. boa been quiet In regard to Weston°, Wniting, as] Diseanter would say, for "something to tint rap.. j, Recentlyi a eeniblitation'"of dim/41411mM lifrOerilgt Ott' ill 9 Marvel oiuiihas/ed iciturdaerinivetigatkr. "The stone bin ,tteen'amit inlay Iqjnegg the Icrud:4lot the 'blest. scientific men of this country. and there is every reason to -believe. that ~Arnerics -am . boss* -rate laritqst diamond a 0 *toad. •. 7 , .. _ Ike". A. ltR. 'Bridaed+-11 e: ire happy 'to anintounee tb. oh; tcirtnatneu ixtd our itradori through the aoanty wbo maY. be_ pre,Prit the_dPeuing bc. &Ind:that. the above dlatingutateed gen 4istee-- mo 4 cub= of Beaver county willtavor ow with II leetiore early fa lho 1401•:Jiii1014Ocr:Wideti IS (11/1 Or IntOtoot and will be ably baridled.will . be annou'neea 'next week. • Estate Tesuilleirs of Real E for the Week ending Feb. 27;1869. Robt.d Russell to C. Russell,Jan. :81 . 186x1, pareot lot NO. 22,1 n silage. water; l6o , A. Kelly to Isabella Kelly t Feb.,l9,.. 1800, lot in Beaver Bxll4, Ovid Pinney to J. Muller, Feb. 19, 1869, 7 lots in boro. of Freedom, 3,052 Tr: Dunlap to' 6: 7. DuaraP, Feb: . 15, 1869, half of lot No: Edinboro et yosiselivi. uis .:, .1: i r!. 7IS fi.ll• i- %es Jarne l a Park to Jail: D. 'Bibb Feb. 4, 1809, undivided. interest ! In 80 acres in Green tp, Oki 4...Wliodburn.ancl wife to &MUM • • Korean, et. al. Feb. 24,1800, 21olif in Dasywr Falls, ~ • • : 2 . 500 tdolPinis di Mit Mop; Ulerseh-A .: wilied; elk al. to John finodgriala t , i Pet:4,1809, lAA.. 71: P. Ist In f dntdry tp. ,- ' ' • ', ' , , Joel Powel and wildto Mn.'s iliry ; 4peali, AV.,* 1869,4' A. 65 P. , in New Fiewlekloy tp. . 1 . /42g , g 4 4.iwg 9 to. 3 !Pio. *WY - ~. Brown, Feb, 20, DM, 10 acres of land In•NAW Eievrigki . * l 7 • . Alanaix nritpgr filed. i I' / D. Elmoiiriorr, Register. TIM following lo Governor Goary's I , *0 0 4 61 4:-Th i g it . Alibi #oi . report titit , ho itsii written slitter woo- =tattatiit Vponsilvinbut Po it 4:44;-. L' ,• . r. lrour.al limuussuno, 4,V i t ilak r. earsetrheigrals4 Meet: Bi' lmillaia.: ll : ol . o .= tvattl gwiracwas ha o ' w . v i.4l° I s e=d t r win g: . appOntmont fro, Itranla — Trir never written or a l a t ehrly= 1 Inch laugesnui. th=t ba t 1 iti".i: .i,_, bvl , :TrslikrAnc,,i, . , . , , , , tnii.Aolo4loos4o.A-Hiiiiriiii Kis is 'limb ;WO atatOrisrdlOntolomok t4 - Ulla tailiippritiintitOra* S d is. ' mwisobessmassem - 1 - 10 t r i t, S.V;;.!!" * - 3 = - - 1 1 ' FR r ''''l , 24"ilritAvitilAt ll2 ;;Alet t '; , I ML Samosa--We have been having a respite from winter for about ten days: or two weeks, until Tuesday hat, when: veil were timed with another mpg, storm, whlligs„ . wOok, iSentlkr 414 4 . thi tha 44 E0 momator less ; as lr . kas hello for the past two' months, and the wind blOws a ! perfeat We've bad beautthd weather most of, .tbk tinonth.t : 11anylinmsni haul goat — eirithatth'PlioVtfOr Spring crepe.. Some few have already sowed their spring wheat. - • • ' Stock has done remarkahlisrell due-: lug the *Mfg, sad comussids , APO: pribV.l lb.geeSini ox, a few days ago, which weighed 2,230 IL, at lsoyosintsPer . A young: tuan„llifitg unit , his Piste, wee ...seckleadally.. shot Omagh: ' the *HA efeli.d4l4 1414mit ttu Qi apll soon after bled So death. ' A boy Uving in this place; Who la about twelve years of age, being told a few days since that ifs finger wail placed In the mutate of a gun, the charge would net n e i x t =Lt=it .. .. th e e Anger took its "serial" flight, and has not since been beard from. Boys never forget lessons lautied in this way. The ofilcials bare whe are holding ap pointments under the "one mai; policy" are alrliady preparing themselves with 'mourning to decorate their ofileM on the Auy join with "Hanby" in saying "Farewell, bright prospects." -He has aliem4y stored moat, if not all, rebels' to their eltizenshiptigaltt. Some think that .be Will *at restore life to Boothi inanimate body. ends think ha to a higher rower—if such there inf).. I was told to-day that the "whole country bad the measles." - This we think doubtful, , although many ' of the people: hive them. ' The latest nevi's that Ve have heard Is that the PeiFefilan, Mr., Weston, Is ni peetsil to, peas throtigh',this ?lice this evening, as he is ."auloging rounillhe circle. Respectfully yours,. ! • Wiaxnemy. • Dasiget to Deily. ' Ma. Enrron t —lt iI high time foil the people to arise in their majesty, and in tludider toner to:sai 'to Melt' repreeen iath;M: lye must and, law's passed that will purge out the cerrup ton, and effectually prevent in the, fu trtrearepetition of thedisgraoeful frauds of the ballot hot; that are now :being de veloped, and tbrever restrain tinscrupu ,lonsly,comipt demagogues h:Om using ignorant, htwleas, debased wretches I ttom corrupting, demoralising and de straying our tree institutions. What a mockery to boast of the high and azalea" privilege of impartial 'suf frage while a sjupendons organized system of - fraudepenly practiced in foreign naturalisation papers and In voting Irani 20 to 80 times ores often as they please on election day. 'The frauds are entered 'into and connived at, not only by poi -house politicians, bat by, all dime% from the lowest to the highest, both in and out of official imeition. Let las et once petition for enactrasenta not only to fine and imprison. but ibrev- 1 er to disfranchise every man convicted of taking lay pert 'in such outrages against society. ; , • Let us also petition for law• to fine and imprison and confiscate every 'slams, todarticbroffered for sale in themarkets. This diabolical.. practice has bemire so oommdn that there le scarcely a!pnie article to be had Of any sort of flied ' giber necessaries of Ufa.. adniter7. .stbut le. the fruitful sourer, of untold ;misery to the human ;family, and in the 'matter of liquor siestas appetites which ,lead to crimes efthe Meet shoekingehar. *der. , I • U P 044 V a l f i ll P rd4lll I hag poirer, pinind 4 4 OA , !representatives,sad- Vans remote the temptation toalmairk from tinserupu , ,louearnlaintrletens semeutivee wire have and Mayatabidefeat,the ends of jdstlee !andharter away the protection of aociefy ,by their wholesale pardoning of t , Mitars, 'oennterfeltersand asissaitm . ' it any Tliarreldist mime and vies is on the 'lncrererwhin it enconmed . and midelonorible by' ersofis in high' ,PReitions and even *Missing to ho the meek and bumble follow ec of bhp who though he could weep wit sorrow when ;the wickid pulled down s just; jndg reents upon their stint e nds, and ex eleinted : "0 that they obeyed and l turned.wben I called, invited and warn ed you." But now the aummer Of your probation is forever; ended, and just and rigstenus laws must be vindicated and sustained. And If vre suffer the mighty bulwarks of moral obligation to Sustain and enforce our lava we can Have then vital security to the perpetuity of our government. Sec also the danger of the veto power. A traitor President, in case of foreign in' esion or domestic rebellion, might— kith, a simple majority against him and the dangerous patronage be wields—so completely lock the. wheal of govern ment from raisinisrinies and supplies until the enemy' could overthrow our goVernment. It spews, therefore, in view of all the facts, that all ourj papers • should cry aloud and publish and flood the country with blabk forms, on these matters, and urge the people to circulate and sign pe titions 'for the protection of their rights against these orllci Recut:nun. 'law Enmities, Pa., March Ist, l&t. I have but little to record in thoway of news during the'past week. The weath er tram been freezingly cold and froze news as well as Water and mud. Everyhody, as Woll as all his sous and. '' daughters, is waiting in almost insup portable impatience to learn the names. of the lucky individuals whom , °snared Grant bait singled out as member' of his Cabinet. It has been intimated Hist one Member may be Iron Beaver ;county, nut this is of course nothing more than mere conjecture, Nolo rer ear ran learn Grant has never deigned to commit &sin; gin eltisen of the county upon the sub- However I have an abiding coati- , deuce in his wisdom, judgment and in- 1 tegrityiund it in the exercise of his pre- , motive be deemeit unnecessary to have our county represented in his cabinet I tibial think none the lees of hint, as I am firmly of the opipon that the general vrelfare of the peoPle should always be esteemed sa parsinuittnt to all leCil pre ! ferences. Several of our. !cilium have gone to Washington for the purpose ofsttending the inauguration of Gen. Grant on the 4th inst. All the insurance agents in' Gila vicinity have also gone thither, act) expecting to reap et rich harvest from the bet that it is currently minted that Andrew Johnson's polity expires this week.' I am of the opinion however that they will all be disappointed, since I have it from unumetihniable authority that he has no intention!of renewing, his policy. I hear it rumored that one member of Grant's Cabinet is already known by a gentleman of our town to whom the said member beell* ,mantence that he shall have fleonsulshli to an im portint City In Western Europe, I hese good reason to believe the rumor Is. not IP POthee4/1/1111,4111ildidell "hi Present indleatione give premise of very brisk business this aping in every briiil44othatelters. 'o,Milderable Prep= *rattan !be tadidhig is now being mute, .while, rot Oar, itterehente and man aemizzreir intend giving a - larger' loop* le their bnalniia than they have done hereiokire., Tai Mateo autdi do the P °44 / 6 41t . t° litrestlnit.idministni gon for onsnois• a relief that ' tide ixinfl- t-tim 19,530 111n1 ::~. --. . ~; _ 1' MS delalkainieevaakeilailKif leiter* frog Mkt he cater es leliele( Meltsela/Pre 4l l 4ol l ll * . 40 tioniselleAkS , arbenVa aped . dials' , alt, a Mao loam ' Mi lt ; t'L MO MEE rotrelima nvityribarassirspitior Olt triC in s ik b.' fluid, I would adellieuerody le battling 'eta try war. allarisientiwilb) .4 • !-•••••^-- • - Wu • lamitileat:' Jaw. Ws JAW& al i4oo:t#el.2rlNlh*YUp 00, 11 Inua bAskst n isP4 71?! Ter.0 044 NOW' O-P.Tiliktub) *OM the dam , nay off and watch It for fire or tan Wet., • IliitilheisPrialial' Wiwi by the ao• chianti). *Weil* . , Winne' whilst wu ocit'itehtilminateet when turned Iha" rtnislux Oeir" doWn die dais bt thelises -tin* 'midi* a very'larke bind. MAI hillhardwid daw• gaeousrweeleto pie ft outs .-the glow laaapitaa•llltalylaa Wok , with thedameon the outside. I triedthe ouparbuing tli01009. 114•101, .wick thaPIPO tAgallitki !"! . . 16 4 1 with cast-iron chimneys. :,TO, &c. A Real ample Ettflee.--We,were 1 1 moat ogreoo7lol*4lind 6111140(1. atippinal V ( e'sy:ity;Storiiet Ant phimant Mr. J. H. Bence, who . loaded on miff stredOkEitillief to . and how , eitentaidngiglenrirld i e tiltn prices at which brute Mattnthhitte4s. elmtStnut NINO& be slims at 75 centailadisetellhse Laced Kid Ohms, weetl4ll.2l.od; / Linos' Handkerchiefe, 10 cents; Hood Hoop bklo4 6 0 Seals 1 /40 ,0, lULE:Pbtoid; wed _liandkerehlekt, ID bents sp4 Illowsrds. '. 100 %4 1 1 1 41 , :end SwPO ll4. !Mr cheap; Elplendld-Fitting Lipan WON all kinds Cunkand Collars, for Ladles iniltStlntlenteni sa . endleie variety of Lidlie' Hese, Itibboos,Hutkote; Hand kerchiefs, Embroldarge slack; dc., de.,:very chalk " '''! '• • . He ha s • alsovir -*go isiseitment oT beautiful 'rityrfig *le of Millinery. Ouuds.• This depirtetent he intends making greet additions to this Spring, Indeed; as he *narked to us, he feared that his store room, large as It was, would not. ,4y; minim le seendu all lbeed 4lll / 9 1m lekiniinded to make to his - Gouda. lie tiller compatitkot as, to, the Variety; Richness, and Cheapness of hip Millinery liirds t . , . , . , Iu tact, we ailed not begin to spurnr ate his goods, wiiich are all of theAsist, quality, and at pikes that irciuld tsystott tab you. The ivah of the people to 'hie store during hut Bummer indicate; also that the people appreciate • his Pflece. This Is not mint for an' ishirtisement. Mr. Bence only asks ladlea l and gentle men to call and inspect hisgoodelised they will not fall to patronize him: - • A VintOs. 11•111111131710, Fob. 23, Mk /MAR Amos :«Orour hatable Omni smutted tho responsibility. of •hewing himself enrolled is a Meet. of thefillsts Tamp co tkonganUou c frOm Bisver The COUVen4 O 4 Vtl4ll, and iraktAnarirOVßlAßP#4.o.bo l4. 1. 3 /Cnl tnaticin andelection,o(Mon. pySlifer, or Union - cont,n iner eibkik s pt4er of, vice Prealdintll . lll4o, Mr. Mei:l644i, of.Philidelptda, movie! that a ceminitteiof dye Ike appointed on permanent organization; which wilt car ried. • ' _ . Mr. Bleak; of Loin:ester. Offered •ram baton appointing a committee of fifteen on business for the entventiop, which was agreed toot a committee of three wen appointed on creintitiale. • On motion of Mr.`l. fi. KaniThum, of M=22:=l Mamas. , Oirried.' Adjourned antll9 ticloolf P.M.._ Permeate() renusiOntorof.olovect , Ural monsmbled at 2 o'clock, and was copepod with prayer by Rev. E. S. .14evIn.• Her. H. HendriCkson, 4"!halrmaitof the °grandam on permanent ornanindlon, reported as follows: Presklent—lion. 8. B. Chase, of Sas- gwlunna . Vice rresbientSj.isscob M. Barr; Dau phin ;4ohn'ollmcire, Franklin . ; itiy. W. C. Bait, of Philadelphia. - '• ' ffecretatieil-0. .1: Search, Philadel= phla; E. 11. "Bauch; Lancaster; L. E. Wright, Lancaster. Treasurer—L. K. Kauffman, Schuyl kill. ;The report was adopted. Hon. B. B. Chase upon taking the chair returned his thanks for. tho honor con ferred upon him in an eloqUent address to the convention. On motion the rules or the House of Representatives, were , sdopted ror the goveintninit of the renventlan: . •r, ' Rev. Rion gevinthetidellvered a very Interesting and able address to the con vention. Speeches ware then limited to ten min ute». • Mr, Black, &nat. thabusldeao.commlt teo, made an able report of a set of reso lutions, a few of which I shall notice In this report i .they are as follows, , , 'Wait thankfultibas to Almighty God' for the marks of Ills favor shown to the temperance cause lu the past year, the representatives of that cause In Penney'. 'vents in convention here assembled do exhort Its friends to seek the gulttancoof the Divine Spirit in all their efforts to abolish the customs and trunk that create and maintain intemperance. Resolved, TliaL Scripture, Sctence,and History, demonstrates ' that total' absti nent.° from intoxituting drink° h tho only .true temperance, and it is therefore the bounden duty' of every man. itesoired, That the manufacture and sale of into/lotting drink. are every where a public injury, and should behold to ho a public crime. , Resolved, That the licensing of the sale of Intoxicating drinks is wrung and. rn- Inoue, and wherever adopted ism proved a failure either to extirpate or mien .1131- tatially diminish the evils of intemper- , snow: that Prohitation of such traffic is' the only safe logislatlati,• tole tut, o nly legislation which can be practically en forced, and therefore that no law, how tringent, which roe:smiles the right to sell intoxicating drinks an receive our sanction. WIIIIREAS, The history of the past., the experience and obseAration 'of courts, grand juries, keerieht of prisoul, alum houses and asylums in the dischirge of edictal duty—the investigation of login lathe committees and statisticians have derneeuttrsted . title. nine-leads. oft Era murders and two-thirds of all the crime and pauperism, and one-third of the de • pendent insane, fooble-minded, deaf mutes, blind persons and friendless dill drea in mu Oommonweelth,whosimiln; tenance Cost Pennsylvanians V.,250,010 60 or $5BO for each voter In the year 1867, is the product pf the use and sale of intoxi cating liquors: . Awl Whereas, Experience In this and other lands peva that Manning . the sale of Intoxicating liquors initsanetlona and linters tier use, =On addition to, hay ing upon the' property' and industry of the innocent heavy anti unjust taxation,. also adds to the pricoefall commodities consumed in, Os , litmily, is the chief cause of htsoltrett and hankruptey 14 trade, ittetdeltintoriliW. PhYsiesi mal ty and preFuit9re old.ogo In the 'victims of such pie a lad tetta,,hY Imitating abil ity to labor, causes loss of production and wealth trt the `Commontsveark and, 'by well knoln alerts, endangers life, and is the - elentmon disturber of pnblie /tut Inerects, GoVertiments are inidi, Wed tar the protonic!" 'of ths lives and Property of the governed, laitida" , .t!ottliir r=zz - 46flosearisornicitionf. tons eeili 1 44r,4 1 04tOr t gi; 4 1***On l iiR , -1 1 .°0;* 1.3 *M ia ,f 4 .41 4-3 0 114144. . :19,1 . 1144 4410Pri001 1 1;ffuld144 .01 . 484 6 0 f.OPIP • fl ,wen ytilkiwtormercgiartke bekini;:fla dilettbarbiripsepOias atibcable* sisn Agligatego Orel. •;11 t nori•-;:t.) i ; f;!'. c rmiltoniieltiolkmopriad o i ;ov#'fitirgi *AO, • kl •i 4*fr;#4 l / 1 1 4... ip?t *ii33 4 o i*Luitupysiou pf meN-9mt. 13alh•fik,, 1501,10 11 10 4 1 ) 110 4 4k qt.4Y04304 in - Aunt Wpm, oitoo:dotitit (Milli b ene,of ifie most, : Imposing events. at the Algid lovs isltere•••4lnitds country belbie; 'The *11111141y: nomad: ill, i!issloiriliiol - telittsi Or **riv ; e '711.*:112i114‘ pleasant 6_ m tar a !tiro dLyi tikit; very' irittk*iP3ll l lN 1 . 41 1 .9 4 1 1 0 1 4 1 Ymi; - ' .Ax OLD Irify.R.4l{. iitgi...GiAiirr Me ! Ml7;Zl;3iaiial feta th ti q w . as dan em_c & AO` the Interview ' be t ween general • Cetirioil K.ls:llc:Chtre, being lisetisPeCiedifferent from ' that hy corrittpendemOre giveAt en , Febrnark,Zith; alle don: :inceented 14itirs*M'Itidgesi, and:4l. Steiltig . thakin consideratiod of 'the hdming:eirnpalgri o 1 theßePubllcanpii ,- iy In that Slide Mak considered It of th e ntindet - importiMS3 • that the • tiabliiet Menahei-friint“Pennsilvarila lihohld" acii..Curtin; as hobs' the entire eeinfl dance add Republican party, of Penn iyivimia.- tie eXplalned, 'to Gen. Grant thieludgeivillianis is to be the Republl can candidate for guprerue edge this Sill, and be had heen inflamed • that a hitter festibUir. cioiry, who lii' to be lib Ile= publics - di candidate for Governor this fill, was en route to hint; • tusking the. seine , tecommendation. 'lle added that' to I,iimply'dettliedto'present to him this ex= incision of men :whotidopinlous should, hive weight, as they asked for nothing ror theinsolvei;Only Ibr the good of the peilfthlit site lioxt In Yenta his idiftirditmtion party. 'Mr. MCC - lire saYst General Grant eeptfal ' t '" I:nurse tint desirous that diVad- Mitilintation candidatew should be elect; ed aeit fiat; bin'ainnot See hrhy thbiaro to make my Cabinet "appointments for 'the next roar ions." - , • • MiClure' my, ho made another remark that, though not directly aimed at Goy: Curtin, and which I shall not:repeat, en tirely Whaled Mr. McClure that Gov. Chrtin Is not bi be appointed. Haying termite satisfied, Mr: McClure remarked to Gen. Grant: • "I accept your deterusination not to appoint Gov. Curtin: 1' have merely done my duty in presenting his name to your consideration as the favorite of Pennsylvania; 'but now, General, after what I have said. I feel at liberty, with: out fear of any imputation of personal bins; to Urge a policy upon • your admin. latreAlon; and kirmisal'Afilon td appoint any fart. repelikadilllietir tho'ltepnbli- eon pirtittesiiiliesiiii' *Stair Cabinet. • I AO' acqirat•Sir. Curtin Or' Lary 'other . !At Vehtitre(aappealio yon not to gire die'piesze to' 'one of the chat -of man itildirstood 'to he Included' the fiat' l wtileh it 'is , Stated yeti : will• l ttlake yintriselisetton than. I mean men'Ofthe Meat Geo; H. Stuart, Adolph IloreeT,' Ilr.Welch and Mr. Smith. I beg ofywif not. to :pinks" your appointments from . that class of Men. • -They are eminent and worthy men, but they have no . 5701-' patty' with the activo'Republicaus of the State.. They have no knowledge of our people, and the appointment of any one 'Of them and the disposal of the patronage of the State by Chent waist iiiinalhent ter ruin of the party in the coming um tram " 21111, Mr. McClure says, Goa. 'Grant took up rather warmly, replying " I cannot see how any man could ob- . Ject to the appointment clench a MID as George 11. Stuart—a man who did so much totustain the loyal cause during the war." Col. McClure-" I hay° born a good many years in active polities, and I say to you frankly that I do not knOW him at all in political life; and r sun sure that there are not five thousand of the sixty thousand Republicans of Philadelphia who know him, and they only know him! es a nian of blameless character,: who is powerliSial as a man to vitalizo a party. (- nominate no one, but ask you to give us ono who will help to keep the State on the loyal side. , Geh. Grant—l ant not the represinta nye of a political party myself, although sporty voted for me. • The following, in correction of some of 1 the above stannuenta,• to by time corres pondent of the Now York Tines: Your tnrrespondont has Oen. Grunt's authority for stating that the words put Into his month, by the relaforpf the Mc: Clore conversation yesterday are not °or.' rat in one or two inateriatp sects. lie iA not correctly issportesiw, en he Is made to say, " I am nut rho representative of a political party, thOugh 6 party voted for Inc.." Gen. Grant's questioner was try ing to convince him that I recluse snob a loan sus too. 11, Stuart had not been prominently identilled with the political machinery of the Republican party, he AVM therefore not a proper person for a Cabinet appointnient. To this Grant re plied: " The same objection applies to me. I have never beta active in polities LIU a party voted fur me, and I do not see why the party slionld not sustain so loyal and patriotic :Ilium as Air. Smart." It is, proper to add that the suseump tion'that Mr. Stuart is Gen. firent's se lection/Tram renuaylvania, is the asosumptien of those who cross-quostion him, and is nut based on anything Gen. Grant,has raid. I learn on the authori ty of a *.gentleman who- was present - whew this conversation occurred, that :starring in condasion to 31r. Stuart MuClure said: "Weil; thosents; - r - nocry knovill.r. Stuart; you'll , have to intro duce me to hint. To wfilcit Grant re plied: "Well, sir, you didn't know me three years-ago." Marrietf. 11th, in the Presbyterian Church 'of Frankfort Springs, by the Rev. W. B. Vanelevo, Mr. James Y'urtlay, of Allegheny cowl ty, to bliss Elizabeth Burns, of Wash ington county, Pa. • • BRITTAIN—DOBB.4—Feb. tab, by the Win. M. White of Hooketean, Mr. all ; of to Mrs. Mary A. Dobbs, all of Beaver comity, l'a. Markets. PITTMIPVII43III MA RILEI'. °INC Ma o T TH H PITTS. GAZITITH, DAT, Mardi 1, ISO. • Mentotcody, with sales of fresh pack ed ii 23 to 246. •Poravotts—Dull and neglectedbut un elninged,at 86 to 856 for small lota in Paovnuose--Bacon is steady but un changed at 154 Or shoulders; 174 for Att. bed, and 184 to 184. tbr clear sides; and 20 Ibr hams. Lard 21 ln dame, and 52 to 23 In bbla and kegs. Mess pork 4124 50. GRAIX —No demand•whatever for Wheat, and the market is dull and prices nominal at {l5O for No. 1 spring and $1 80 Cr No. 1 winter. Corn continues very dull,' notwithstanding the arrivals are very light-, we now quote at 75 to 76 for mixed and 78 to 80 for yellow. Rye in dull and cannot be quoted above $1 43 to 45. Harley is in steady demand at rz to $ 210. Oltardull ball:met allot* an track and in elevator, and 67 to 68 .in store. • Neitr'LM*tikeneents., - I : Pk; 4'll. •• :,;B'''4l'Crosstelif 16111 Mr ittifittgrOVAlO . 4 • '; ~. ~..~ ,!:4 1 •1„;..„ zrt .4. 4k ••• •:. , T Whkelle =II 10':Bbkqtmseecl.thr 1: - • N--0- Molasses 100 ' 6 *ChOice Flour, ,' 109 . ' , ..Keg,. N a il s . Latirge cick•of HARDWARE. F'resh Stocqk of Boots and= Shwa] New S ring Style DRY GOODS. All Bought Low, fo Sale tow. Harsh lat.' NM AC1116373 • TEN DOLLARS 4 DAY! TWO 14 . 44 NAPO T 044 44, LLOYD'S um mom= Inv Or Amines . Woolipio; Somelos rl the Volta& Mae* of Asa Coiond —la 4 Candies. = l ia r = and Itra latest allandJoca Islas variona X Sada. These ialla are naededin retry=o i l and faintly In tba laad—tbay o-~ Uri lamas of or Lap, bat p7.mmo s( t h e'Xawarpar. tuber ads can b• Wawa Doak sad may Pelt kern 1 . 0 . 11 in lila pa. Coast, Weida sod large Pi anists given to goal Aosta Apply foe Clandara, nano, sad wad nwasy for guard*pa, guard* Na" to 7, T. LLOYD. men+ - Oarllsadt. Street. X. T. WILILL . • . The "Old Papn;,,Ntore" in a 4Vew W. P, 4 MARSHALL lbw removed trees It% old eites4, Noo7 Wood Sc. to the Beech:ma sad Ilffflat stun moss*. 11.. 191. LabelOY 'greet. flplesdid Velvet, Nei& same 11.11 end Chamber Patterns—Thenseade et Ball. from 10r upwairde—on sale. Window Vat- Wu, Fire Boards, Vete**. an. • • STUCCO CENTER PIECES Of the Newe %astern Dislue. SA st MPLES ON i 11111 MON Cam be Oozed and seat to to pert of the country, W. P. MARSHALL. Pittsburgh, Spring W. I== josarat maxis a co., Him ewer in Store their FIRST Nium - ,Iwt4ocvr, Of Spring Goods, Ittubraclng eU test Is New and JUNI fu their Use Eintw.ltteriefl, ',dee 00 . 44., Whitt- Gnosis Furnishing GaAs, Millinery °nods, RI /MONS & FLOWERS Ilufilery and Gloves, Buspefiderv, FANCY GOODS, mut Perfumery. Small 'Mimi, Umbrellas. SPECIALTIES MADE Of Notions, - -- -Crivstets, , 1 Spool Cotton, . ' And•' Handkerchiefs. Boyetw will find our IStock Large and and prides RA low :Ls NEW NOISE JOBBERS. Noe 77 & 79 Market PITTSBURdII. PA- Jan W. Wak—totr S. DRY GOODS. .M. BURCHFIELD & CO. 3E112 PITTSUTTRmI, PA . .H AVE JUST OPENED N;EW GOO DS. ,Tabls LI , • Towels, Nspklas, Camp, Diaper, Black Poplin Alpacas.• - 4 1 , • _, Blaclc Alpaca 'Lusters. , . .. . Black add Colond . fitlk;.. ' ' Baal Bcoeckplashoina. New Prints, •' . '.• Phis, Pink; Bur, Blue Prraqen, , Wbit. P. It Dee. 16—mer 3 UM!Bil n Nur 7 1 • i . ,: 1.. , ! 7 1757. - ) 3 . rA 71 - 77 7 1 -7 02•11400 1 11 1 41111aVawlesire irratill i c Tst . I I All pourctsl Win .isanom. :.4i 1011107/4.::Va tlitgeetteti PITTSBUItaiI. PA. • ; :! (Ns Albeit 4.lltiltaill win WIW/ 001.01 i S Miiilasza on;lituef4Trzw, V lies. AC. grsoliboatme plist‘AK: • ' • • . nt.) , ikuhtimi . .itatulurP 4 • (kW kilmt SAND salsa' !AN, landau Reartinul in the "F.4ri,4;,*4**riii,:,Gielmi' *Oise. We ofkr p ur tiCle• crupl.r Garden &FlewerSeeds :For . „l:*,:tiOil t !gat Pgr reed.Cio Tang .aliAl• rgeuniltly npwa "tlimuglsout the ridtrA , States. 'ere, 3u411 - eacenlad *litre/ tclLd Tlic ronowingeststagues 'sent !rep t,tosvpl cards , • lNacrlpNrc Ckildlot or Hand-Ike& .±ellies and !Seed Seed Po-' taloca:Ctottatittng :Dirertiong for Plantrog,Prergrottotforthe ?tar* Gardeneeo6 rot Garilenen • only. Wholesale Price Litt, Positirtly Air the. • enteitia Nisi Vanes _ _ • • - • Martatairci , • Manitticturers i :prlces. One sr the most niniOnta -anintnneracialse found hi any one entabllsfoinnt -In thy Voltati. Swot Hay: Stray' , ancl)Fotitlar 'Conan Finn NON Farm Wilma Churns, ite.,gre. .. Prices sent by ruall'on•application. . eltoyek d olhie Seed. Tho largest Sioelr. el Prime new savd in Pennay umiket ' w. W . . UNOX, Successor .to .1.1 KNOX. N 0.1112 Liberty , stre e t, Pittsburgh. Pit • Ikb-Skaw Liciiiasuiklilolleia march Sc-Mon - . '-• IS19: ' . '. • - -Maud . ithot. Seal ,il ikaitipengAi, ioiotirioi ' Ursa enson; ' •-• . da.• . I do. . . Jonas Antlffloo, I ouresits . do: ••. - .', Itabesunt allibuod. Dian n bOrongh. . John Crushing. Nati 011 to do. • • livid Kars Nair Drlghton %tont VlT ' est i tP. =44 ttrts Oman*. Join ii. Ilistdsr • • do t do • • ; ' 1 EitTING itebliE .t. . . "rands iliOnst, New "11.4434.1 borongh. i isms* crates, no to *4 Auditor Wink Reartirlata - •do • • • Hoary Weaunte„ , do: _ , do . Henry Robinson, do to- ' William itkiesidal•Thittlyibstrg. do . . _ Joseph Denson. 'Allston. t - do To Toad liquors in gestalt) , not :ow than one 4=strtikto. vlib of ar goods, starts and met. t • . Joann= J. Davis, Ing Reno, Tanaka. J. C. Rays a 0. R. Weston. Rochester borough. R. 0: Ihrossey, Row Infgliton borough. laklaal'_, JOHN A. Pluancr,; Click. . - I&sdleal now. SUERIFIP'S SALES. .frt.." of sundry writs of Vendition I Ez ponon. Flee Fr e ts* aa d Fades, eo lss i o4 of Beaver, and to toe directed, there wilt be sows ed to public eate, at the CAMS House In the lkor oag,4 of Nearer. Haver wanly, Pa, on tiaterday. Mach tablet% et tea o'clock. a. or„ the follow. tag_fro,4 l 7, .1* Wit: • , , m tbe ate, interest and claim of defend ant of la - and Ice the tolluelnd tam glory tine Wilding With basement story tbermoder. eltteen fate by thirty-Oro het, with a Mune kitch ua en at. wheel (berms fret by fourteen test. sitted In Bearer Valle, seamy of Ikon,. and Meted upon ad that lot mows and described spots tbe ealten plot of mkt lowa m No. 11.111. Soloed and hCM =doe Uml El of Minimal Rambo, OCIIMINI v Wm& attl4Alant_4l am trlhittor, at Ito aelteiLat • . • . nio. i • . • All Me 1 1 04 dde, lattorreet and Abtiotef defer& ant of,, In and to, that. conga pins tot lot of Land Amite ha Obto teweahlp, Sneer minty. IVa.. beaded All %LIMN to wit: neOta I lit % poet um the tt. VAL 11,, tabors the Dee of d sit he , salt,'Srmetel, and Jesse Smith Intellects e 5.... • deur tby odd/ ndkosd man TM der- west sit perthas Mepotr, i ratile by same soethls.4,4en. west 3.851 MW to pod; thew* math 73 deg, rapt, 4.45. redoes to • post; theme by • seam,euath W% deL west. II perches to a peas thence sot* 54 deg. oast. 4.15.10mht perches to a poet; Manes north, Mt deg. 5 minutes wet% 2 OS. IWtha Kerb's to • rook; thews Kurth ad deg II adman Mak 111.111.1lUttas perches to. pest; tbeeee by lands of tartlet afunaald math Mg deg. ow, 11/11114tepar. lo Utopian. of bernilar cantata , log am sees. and U nenohns. ad. entelt .then mated not.= :. lour threo ing WU oi sod 41aUllayos sew andn mem, Wile and l welts. • Seized totes In *sends* &sae worm of o.ll.P.tinne„ met on /arouse ladid• administrators. .41110. NO.I. An tie . right, du.. tate - Mri ud elatre of defend. elta d ta end to, the lalloaloa deatribed rd ea. taw shear la the homesk etthell Bacteria, Beaver 4mosty. Po, beembed ttelearea . M ama end enleadoealleaot oe -6i Net ire Ft af I`. Cheadle? ea the asetkhe Mwereeaetes sb• weer, end. tor 1a of James X'ailseemaca We walk, bidet atnety Bet oa Blg Beim river sad rr .l l beat eat Inombell Ott witkh dam le a truss 'Wean Onamemeao4 a hallseoriee ant; cedar oedemata; lot order tens. SetaW OM taken to emeiWen as am property of Edward end yam* ow.. at the salt of dootra M. Ale-l eader, ,ase of Jame, ht. A E. LI- Alexander. ..u,s4t), • :to. 4. All the right:tine, Interit and claim of defend ant of t * and to.thom to feces or lots a ground eitust• in the borough u Ituneanter, comity of Deaver and State of rennaylvania, described as follows: -1.1.0 as lot bounded north by lot awned by John Sallee; sent by Mow, or PlUntergh road; mouth by lather lot of F. A. Fortune; and wan by the P. F. W. A C Railroad Co; being twenty feel wide. and one hundred and sixty feet th ug, more or lea* on which there is wined a brut shoe room. Ad. The other lot Unaided by the above de renbod lot on the north ; on the net by atreet. or Pittsburgh rued ; on the *oath by lot of Km Co nal Co.. ur State lot, and wen by Mahone Ft. Warn A Chlrago Railroad Co.: being twenty feet wade and rue h..adord and sixty fed long, more or jot.. Go which Is erected • frause dwelling barn: beteg the note lot. of grimed conveyed to F.A. Fumes by Thoma•M. Tay lor and Margaret ho wife, by don dated Feb.lo.lolA, Seised and takes In execatlon as the property of F. A. Nor ton at the salt M. Teller and ol fe, for en of said nits. ALSO. . N 0.3. All the right, Ode. Intend and claim of defeati sm. of, In end tit. the following lot. Vice. or Par'. cid ot ground sltaite In the boottagh of Rochester, Heaver, rowdy Ps., AtuArthed on follows: begtq Ain at a 'tuner on Water short, oo the ba nk WO Ohio river, thence westwardly aloe: the eame Outpatient font; thence by an allay. nuethwardlya to a street; thence vest h ardlY. *wog said Amt. twenty-IWe Act to • post: Menet by Lad of Stun eel Some (In 1401 to the planet beginning : em bracing lots Nos. e and 11, Ina plan of lute that by editor Find) chid. There are erected roe the above derail:v.ld lots one two story frame don. hog house fronting uu Prospect street: one two story frame duelling holm*, with due, large store room wlth cellar .tholerueeth, (rowing ou Water street; and • emir two Mary brick dwelling bone mouthing War rooms, "eh culler infatuate, froutingou Water street. :Wind and elieu in ex cution se the property ut Mary Ale:ender 11111 Jews Alexander, at the suit of ilittell, listed hit*. ; also, at the emit or Hood A LUAlle. . Al.no; NO. G. At the WOO time and place all the oght. title. Inn:rept and chitin of defendant, tit la and to. the bitowitig pins or parcel of ground. situate In Chic, township, Heaver county, Pa., bounded on the north and east by George Intosurie helm am: ou the .oath sod non by a public that on which there is evened • Wry two story flame dwelling Louie, with cellar unth.rnoult, stable. had • home store house two etudes blge inglho f good water at the door. Said lot of vrouudr'ontaisa Site acre. more or levy, le anchored stet planet. with Irult trees, abrubbery, Sa ALSO, southerpees of parcel of land Ohm's to Ohio townallip, Beaver county, Pa., hounded ea the south by Wan, Beam creek, ou the west by A. McMaster, sad on thenorth and not by George Intoson's hairs, cootalatng thirty KM into. St WAN on which OW. MO *II rfOulltillir 011 Wet., .11 del law and shantlea, and two Want eagle., boilers sod mimeo glace. Seised and taken In execution a• the property of James Men at the suit of lataties IL McVey. ALSO, NO. T. All tberlght, tills, interest and claim of defend. tut of, to and to the following tract of laud situate W Chippewa townahl p. Ben er chanty, Pa., bound ed on the nor th by linen Bell. not for Crawford T o m - Thgtr i tikg.gatti Crawthol llama and btutorm, eont cleared, alnleg TA ISSN on which there le • two story stone theettli.g hones with cellar under it:torms stable sod other out buildings, • a good orchard on do premien ; farm underlaid with a three hot vein of coal. Seized and lateen to =nation MI the prmparty of William Siblock, at We nit of ; oleo, at the salt of Jattlea Houston. JOUN 5. LITTIII4 sat. Sheers °Bice, Deaver, Feb.ll, IN - - UM of Valour fbr Trial Weekal ;tarok Term, 11169.-Vbss . Maw& Oda vs Wat 1..115yl & NOA•oll7rUchard Loos Yruok vs. W YAM* a Asdrow U &ode Catlartue Iles&sues vs AM thadeoses Castles Morrow sad wits SO TACO Jcsklus et al. gram & stekerstagrei. James Md. Aka 'Llosasos vs Dona Robots et as. • Betels& Week. , • 1 Y Williams vs Jamas LitUs sod Mhos Witham Shama vs John Woodruff and of D • hitches& tt al. ass Irmissoo vs i 11 &ohms (sod abers. /Marra Lavrteses rr R G. Cook brtstiaa Marks vs iai Marks & .1 Davis' adds. Wseekagove WO& is William Koos& easteel nm, ransom Nell& St CbArie• Weser •vs P Commies thOlcr,"/I vs A Irosseell et M. - Jobs vs A W Pavlov M al Amell rene &as Pesamoo IrCoyilltaselolpS ass ileitpstrick • Allt ing• llaraeqmime Sm vs William ower Gnik ith ssamPltlem• ACo Jolts limast vs Averse Roam/ . Da stoMatvit Asdervse vs Tkorstos a L. Somas vs Omissions & lovas r • vissepous Marker vs it 1 I TL. "B" - 8 Ise II vs. VP lenassosS vi Joseph soesmes ilvsseatoe vs hem j pe pli &on vs Wm M. Warnock. thaw Graben vs "lobo Plows. Rotas. Ansi & Co di Oocbraa. Sams vs Jacob Marks & Co. ; sii WblMhlD tiszl d. MeCony at at. ' Betsit. et ? TS ZO•Cti r k7:4li.t Tikes Ir Dad sim Nail. onbaisod k Soul Wesestt'a n Glom Wallet*. liter:id DWI deralmfro. ',Joao R Ambits Maitelley vs &Masi MO. *MS: 440 Paean. ?I anikilitki Iletiostd itilSollourtent triter Ai! ' m Assmolly APrilOaK alli=rretat7o.l % M r it bare bon' /ant In tan Akio( ther... Pour Court or Dorm county. and :Oretartual to Moo t d tiON Ind ortirw ILoY . daft: , .0 1 ." • P 4% MOO. — • Poommal boomer toroobsoui of *OW ky !Moor d Mound librOdymb 40ooloquIL llits Plum lON glar... • • iroo.oood roopeuttbspoiut folotsil kyloitbow ..4 , 1444.11.1h0w5ub0ed Jobe beg, a g p sa im opooyr to wow. of fiblit kabob! by *Lk* al Abbe Won. daeNt b. ii lypimpoorpoty bo nom* of ono boolopy osi4 nal • deo d. Osamu, Ray .d. r - ..6.1, 1 wany . t0 ageoriat or MO tjaftwed uidow ur Union /WU% loord.r, Inertaltlatter. utlalstollor. •• i r m eod property td.rea.t ol'ibb=oror slams dflosooramdtoro, dloora, " 0 * - hammy Goaryv U•Adoto. son. Sofia to atereby ens to holm letomoo, mu- Dom 4loubolowo. bog otbrN I onneso4l, lot. =2:ljulgrreluttea Wr= 'oottr: to obnot tabs& uroY bur.. ado, MI , taolsoulkoatiou onto obeys wpm kinig • 4 94"" "AZ4/9;11°00.! Afaskaanfikifes • Nefiliteriellstelef ••• l ow ri adio prim Aeneint i letolho , lee derelisme4 ott the estate of J. a. ss lese Male busoSOof_New Ilftersoo, fkamprV l , r., an pfllllol/11.1101110111. hunt; ctshoo salset oat eases 01 woos *V. AO, sethestaqg ed. sae ise ...tamet, mot su 'tetr tsaeWo tsisefA anortoistoill . fattrothatir=t • • 1141%46' .: l Urdwarei Itc• Neer Pima, Ilew-61906!. SpOrerer Br, Bons, 111.14:M60X5,T0 GEO. SPEYERER. , . i ne( i t 3v i i° l rrtn tout the }Sweetlth It Forge stock er (WO*. Weight. at LOWEST . CASH • PRICES, nail to the public, et their OLD STAND CO . lilt OV WATOLANU JAYa9YTR tT itd 01118 T SR, PENN' 4., ' OEaCIAL'DKALZRa [7 ,DRY GODDR. XOTIOSI. nil's, cis. non. Gskazitti.4, HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS. canzErrEwroots ROPE, OCUM & PACRTIO TARN, WHITE. LEAD and PAINTS dry and in OD, &kPatty . • Queenswire end -Willow War', FLOUR, FLOUR, Still having the Holemu a that CUB MUTED CANTO 3 CITY A ROCIN4I tarsal vicinity. ere can Nlt dealers at PI ellbsegb aging, seeing freight. FEED, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AMENCT Buffalo Scale ComEiauy, n.t•aux,k, it Tr £llO AGENTS 0,641 Etrreke Bone Sulphate of Limo and PLASTER PARIS FOR LANDS, Waits mad later Litt. at Whotaadie kabala 1114.1116il *ALT (Q PANT'S SALT Always bn hand. Wa always bu far Cub of ma) emu,. Call *M *samba* OUT Goods of aawbmard. RETAIL GOODS DELIV UILERED 11RIL11 or CHAR • • r gnu. Tr&AILII. WHOLESALZ AND RNI'AIL DrALZII IN ALL HIND/ Or Pin,Copper dt Sheet Iron Ware. HANG A U. YIINEPCNtiM I C N O M C M PPI in N AND S 9 uErr-litON wistr, • wklch I will nu AT Tae Lass?. PRIOR Tin RooSing, Spouting & Job Work boo* to order tom di . twit poottil . • Illsavir. •ma mwit tak ill eine tame bet the beet or material, sad MAW 1101141 bat the best or *mimeo, NY It WARRANT ALL WWI 41101' ON MR LO WAR INR Ol Third /Street , BEAVER, PA. Mu to o (WI. and' ktlifl NOCk JAPANNED WARE KEPT CON• •NTANTLY ON HAND. O.Y. ANSRIITZ Rigout?Wig PRICKS J. (Si H. BEGriGS, ,--IDESLEMS 11% 7.; U RE ! S WAIL E. -AND- House Furnishing coons, No. 124 _Federal Street, SELLING GOODS AT COST, TO QUIT BUSINESS. • This is a Bans' Ede sak Jll/1 17. nit • N o!. tie 1w Wit Petite= nig Gl•es twko the light of ware all etremotoser. Can Not be Exploded. andarslised ire sow ussifteo:lol, 11 , 1 v• tor se* Naw Polnieum dlatlibitSon. *Moat, Mt aid ace* I* valid!" taking b. *we 13.66:1103rai plias whom!. Wu, , , • • Attits is a ted (a wa ta,a. , ouss Or- /Atril. J. J. PLIALEIt* .1 • t • NO. 0 Haan ilraser, nrresusac IMIMEMM E!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers