MEE The I?sehvi Ar g* J. wITAND• Samoa AND Ilionscents• • Beav er, 1 !.• r,votilres o irn 11100 IN • GOVIIIINOR. .!" U ..„ died In •WA .diY.ene• Waldo *flat week, at apoplexY, ,, aged fifty-fair years. hir.liratraaa,a tallger profeselon, Mellor Many YveMet* mem* thole: at , the. bead., et. ,the American bar. •' , llO waif, in • polities; a Demacnif, s and n heath* aiio hntu canal MeMber iaqtr.'„ . - • THE frieadd reildlies of „Mrs. Barrett, who was executed hi 4886 as. one of the ateassltiatic* 'eonspirtdoti, and burled '.li the same enclosure with Painse littrol4 and Akefiat , ' have been ulakiqr efforts for. aoasti time back toubtaid leave tO 'ilb 3 ltttei I her body.iuuthury it r eigewherei the Bth ult. the, Presideat .414 assent, with the untlendsuuling: that there should be - no public demonstra tion, and that the ihneral . ierviest should be privately and quietly cm ducted. 'The 'relatives' took ' charge of the WO, and: the putcritr rites; were performed aka : greed Upon: . :;; THE Deniocratiecount*COatplitee. met at the aloe of S. 'lt: Wilson, Esq., last week and appointed two delegatekto thelinexttitate Ceriven tion and instructed them to support (ten. G. W. Cass, of the Port Wayne Railroad,'for Governor.. The 'hdocit: dissents*onithe action of 110 mittee, and claims that it had no:au thority to either aelect .the delciates or give them any'lrodruetions. 'lt holds that a convention of the peo ple should have been called in deter mine bothof these questions, end fa vors the calling of. a county meeting yet for that'purpose.- r - • ON lest Wednesday' both Houses of Congress metitt joint convention in the Hall of th=e of Repro., sentatives for the of counting the Voted for President and Vice President of the liniteffStides: Wade, acting Vice „Preside*, 'mel ded, while Mr. Colfax 4 •Speaker of the At tit his 6,1&•: ' Atter the counting had, progressed' some 'little time, Gen. Butler, of. Massachusetts, took exceptions to:the ruling of the _presiding officer in the Georgia case, and heneeforward, while the Conven tion was la session, nitule himself just as offensive to the fispite and Its presiding (*leer as he possibly could. He indulged in remarks that 'were coarse, insulting, and 'which would have suited the prize ring much bet-' ter than the American ,Congrest • He was hacked up, in his disgracelid prank, We tire sorry to 'say, by such men as Schenck, of Ohio, and others, wha should have been among ,the foremast of those Whc; struggled to preserve the dignity of the joint con vention. The proceedings through 7 out were., disorderly and reflected credit upow nobody. At hist, after :various interruptions, the result was announced, first by Senator Con Wing, and repeated by the presiding, officer, that Including the State of Georgia, Grant and Colfax had received 214 votes, Seyinonr and Blair 80 votes, and that excluding Georgia, Grant and Colfax had received 214 vote 4, and licymour and Blair 71 votes. The preSiding °dicer, after repeat -1.0g• the result, said: I do therefore dielara that Ulysses H. tlraut, of Illi nois, having received a majority ,of the whole number of electoral votes, 14 duly.ijected i'resitlent of the Uni terl four yet4s; commencing oh the ith.4ay of March, 1869, and that ,er • 'Colthx, •of Indiana, liavinit Iced .a majority of 'the , wholimber of electoral V0tt..0,. Lt dimly Ott Vice ,Presidetti 'Ot•llte 'T utted s for four years commenc- lug on th 4th dhy of Match, 1869 The Johjkoni-eiition has aceompllsh ' nl tho:bwlliicte Width bronght it here,- end will how retire , to the Senate Chamber. THE surviving officers of the old Ninth Coils, as, well tis many °Mimi, of both army anti navy, who pitted in the 13uanside Expedition ta Romoko In 18112, assenthlod• at NeW York on the 9th Inst. at the Armory of the'; Regiment in Fourteenth-at. A constitution and by-laws, Were' 'adopted forming a permanent-organ andierthe name of the "Bh clety bf the:Burnside Expedition and NinthArtny Poips.?' The initiation fee is $2, and the annual duessl; and a social reunion, to keep alive tho memories of the past, - is to helield each year. The - Tfollowiiig per* nen of were then chosen under _ the Clonstitution : President, •Ilialon, Gen. • Ambrose, E. • Burnside; • 'VICO President, Gen. J. Q. Parke; *Orli lug Secretary, Gen.• Louis Richmond; Corresponding Secretary and Trety4 nrer, Gen. D. R. Lamed. • - On 'motion of Gen: thtmside it was resolved that all honorably discharg ed soldiers and sailors, either .of the Coast E x pedition or' tho'Ninth Corps be admitted to . membershilk The tienerat said that it wikilo the rank and file of the tinny thatlitn, ofticura owed whatever of distlnctionsthey, had obtained; and he thought that ' the wont littlug acknowledgment' they could make to these linive 'men would be to give them hill Auernber ph Ipti ‘ In the socintliganikitioia Hay , Irig tties*,!tedie routine lantimm the meeting Op:awned:l: , , . . ~. , .. .. Tuir.lispablleanpapent tali:4ll46i burg. Have taken up the .eudgeLhr behalfolthe.Stlite LegisktuO. : They Inks; tburnir . Acianoti.'previtUs there;'ireltbat t gbemblieied 1 folding titieitber We Inunbug 4 ,.. , Nok eattsee4 with rtivlntiii;trutke lc. (4)7., pear so, Y.*YeitOl I ga atiO ! ! 4 !' - and ilepioimeligi all gte,u04 . ., 1 •• I I.:. an'pawner the Rite., for dark* TrP.: think eilthbrisite.. , Meters.: Etliket! of • Harrbßidto; go islow. The ItelutiP , can wicni Oinainebtlge.'o4:i'fit 03 4 theuttpitakknorr a .t.hiag..o'r t wo. - well esyourseives.: , They. know . therelt siu law . kir tAkf' einS; ' i of thp ,loitii4iiti ;0400 . iii;. , eta and (olden) tliat twetuiiigingationi the Housed and iramployed , trithart the aiithinittorAkiiiiiit thlre;bi ire _ labai,tar the l 4, to P 6 f o o;: h / 1 * knoty.fsirther.thtit itthbijittho . than to eartied, wllledetthe Statestunats9 oo OMAN°, 4bitthe, te, - ,teaderialiktk ' carry thityisWn la*e 00641 next , stunpalgn4, ,ficoa ragmen. you divdnr the Itop6bltcan party to. be In light npiichhig ordifteirsitm= Mer l wftfillokl your fire from its thM 4even" micas efli* Awl 11:4ARkePkikstult 4 1:11 14t ' ~` tele ,ai, e :"Wi.lll liPClke4 in.U# 2 4 ( 1 0titfil POW only tne, /ago' number !otoiliseraA 4 thatinedYittitrit Ninny-MO. :ne , 7' #4 1 04-94 1 ille;aPpAitr.Viall**r,it 'OM sii ipt f 0 t Pn ensantinacA but !iiiieft -, 1 .tmeeofhrwithey are for_ :codbnabillit theliOvlttlfris of ait Pi** !PIO other this w uj gelato :wants pc olnee-seeners btoughtin Santana*. gaely to " - enible' , atintilltorniltan aselibi*l:o4f e , it O s : 419 i 4063 .y% any,% . OtiorC4l l l Meanlyan Republiaurmembeasof the; HP* !slitetto take Wei %dew of • / 4'; W I SoWnis, Re*A.,, of the 0144' hatin . lll: R; KellayOilaq.ptimMrly a membet of the iStialatttiti front this iiistdett lar• 31 M 1100 „Y : lirirdee.l9f.l4`k *** 4 # l O .4400 hips sumees may erown.hisoffortana 14lial'101080611.' oweemoii, Sr. Ne, l W! m 4104 064 11 eberteiletio alioOli k *. *bt make a live editor. , '' Wont wk. ffoubitdly propose a! edastitational amendment reg u lating 'the suffrage quegs lo 4 , iliu/04 1 : 1 0 04 th 0 02 19 .1 1 !, State . Atjibi4Oe.4--; wliatshape the amendment Will be id is the mintier: artileh now: trouble! ,the tatrO,,bianzhee cogg gnaw. The tiOnse,, l ,Onffue Oth of January, by a vote of. ifiiiiees t 0.42 nays proposed the tAbating: • : 0. Be it readied, g, (two•thinis Ot both Honks' koneurring,) That ' the following article be 11,roptied , to:the Legislatures Of the *avers! Eltehs4 es an amendment totheCbustitution of the United Ma t te* when watt/ lied by tines dee U d eda; turakshall be cld. as' part Of the eakt constitution, usably : , Article—. Sec. 1. The right bfany citizen of the United: States to'-vote Isbell nate' denied cid abridged by. the UMW Suttee or any Stateil by reason Of ram, Or 'toter,. hr=eus condition of'siterery dimly C.r class of eitizeria 'of the ,United !States. Sec. 2, That Übtigreas 'shall' have power to enforce, by Appropriate leg islation; the provislens .of this arts- The Senate ,rejeCtild thiii; and' on, the 9th of Xebruary, vote otiO yeas to 18 rows adoptedthelollowing joint reolution: ' '• • • Be it resolved, By the Senate and House oflttpresentatives;twe-thirdtt of both Masai *weaning, that' the following articles be proposed 'to the Legislatures of the s(roeral• States as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, either of which, when ratified by three-forirths of Bal d Le g islatures shall be held t, a part of said Conatitationl " • 15.=0 discrimination Mall be made in the', United Stater amonethe citizens of the 'United States in the exercise of the elective framthise or in the right to hold office in any State, °ataxy:runt ofrace, color nativity, ' property' (*cation or creed.. AU "" • Alarms, 16.+-The second clausfrof the first section of the betond article of the Conidittitlon 'of the United States shall be amended to read as , follows: Each. State. shall appoint, by a vote of the people ortalifiedlo vote for Representativesit, a number of electoorcqual to • the whole number of Senators and 'Rep resentatives to which the 'amid State shall be entitled intiffignsts, but no Smatter or Representative, or person holding. an office of trust or profihuo der the United 'States, ' shall' 'be tip; pointed:oe elector, and Congrom shall have power tolireicribe the manner in Which such' elect Ors AO be chosen by the: people. ' ' ' • The House will ? ,:tt ad .prebability not concur, when a :conietem.47 coat mittee will be appointed,to harmon ize the vieehf of birth bodies; and: to port an amendment upon which both Houses can agree., . . LrrTLE Greece, for thnpreamtilub 'mit4 to the demands; of .the Paris Cimferenee. With France, Austria, and England flrmlyallted toTiirkey, :with Prisela yieldingto the maJaril ty of the Conference, and Insole un prepared to oppose it, It would have required an extiaorditulry 'degree of courage on the pint of ,Greece; to re main in her defiant attitude with rot gard to Turkey. The people of Greece Were ready to rildi their all against such fearful adds, relyingonlyonthe co-operation of the Christ ians of Tut... key ; but the foreign.torn King lack 4 cii courage and sided With the Great Powers agaitud his own people. Thus the • Eastern question st‘dls . mice mort . l4ourned. The .Cretans mustdiSmbe their hoPe for hineedi ate deliverance, and wait with tireeix for, the time when the Ch ristian tribes of Turkey shall have perfected , their organization and be; ready for a gen eral arid . simultai*otts rise,H.2V l Y. Tonoctool dealeni must bear in mind that on bit' Wadley thfY nearolow regalatingpalea went lutopfllict. Af ter that date it , beecanes a State Pie: on often de ibr any . perform to adios otlbr to seat any Amoktogato-ftit Chew'jag aikleilo or "Taw 11 4 be 1 01(14 . ed o w l damped, g s the . he; .. iiidta.: The packages mast boot the + &now Ing stiefi: All flrm•ent* chi:Wing if* ,baeeo, -in packagea ' containing+ one bait, we, two, four, eightandalaterm onneet, or 'in wooden packages eon lildnillii 4 !fif fi,f . f,ortY,:and "ski!Y, Ounii , o4o, :'•‘,,. ':. ~.'u , ~. Shaming toliaionf.Af mai d ' efictil firm, &beat aborts .which Myopic 'eed_tlirofigh'` ff' kiiidifr of • thirty-fix met*to theailitartihrtfl fmd'all coo ikiiie W# 1 4 , " 61: 444 €11 34 /41 * - 11 L Pei iontainlng twoi*rii t!ighbolnd sixteen outwen oath. r +-..-+: _ AN ;suliff . iti pseilites knitainialk+ one, orNlily,:euitpo aSitientr' co; Or inWigm c01Ai4444 needing tatiointhibi each ;. or, lit 'Nai l l e e - rclll F !!' r lsi t ' tl i tio, l 'Anlib ...- 400___VelielikK4'W Ore P ( .. 1 1 7 1 0 41. , expoef e c z ema less Zi mw 'vertirrEW prio 4si andltbettlisc veld aPpro ,Inniffolapad: . at "I'lawlatrit . . - 7/0.4 , fe " 44 : ! +' l l." wit: .. 50. . 46 1 iat . 14.44,140 . ,0304 . , Beer ifithelausee or prZ T"TcrimetS!,,, .",lsti. wili.prelfliarki iaermllos*t.titillbetiii , . ihatwii4: l 4o4o:ll4:o64i7, &Wearier mobil nog'. 'been'itiklOtit". l # ll lieLefesif: 6 4 1 40#0. 6 10-Z l ng' 1401 zsouteq* i . VOilft r tweutpearmonlifunittuirmiidea:Wkid, Patio titirkltiamminfddollaroihrtheir eye, and wept to Wider it to pair andrave -- revised in Itb, the Peoil beam don so to the fullest 'thr"lthrnuthein d . arat4laggaiogobtalA; imutoonthiniant„-AlR.,wan;,,, =NC o - Ouilitizarfssol4 l o -,,,-,;;, (111"11,244.14168. krone,`. WA l'it i p i t VW :IC . ? , ril ./e" ...t....i! " :• : i . : i ~ /,, ti , :) , • I . ri:j ' ......... ..I ' Wa ri grA l li D,. 8011000.4AIAMO . :. '.. t .. . :'" Awes a tytuptuiptl4 ~:. ~ , c t,eiew,x9eL iii . ... ,Ai , G , : . , odittally Infwm a . , t .nf j • . electiOue4 s gils l /00.9(0 1 440 : • -.. • Walte4,o* kitn„unp bo . - 40‘ 1 , bai P A . f l i ' at if ' r OIII4MO 4 iO.IU O Y .I 6V , •Odi aloe 0 61 00.lirtva 4, *• ...**eni:**o polient;AypOns,w -.... ... 4' 1111**Ntm...berliPFg* e :-.' .100Pregernon.Y!, ' ~'' - ' ' .: 140041.-Osid IRni4i Pr: . !w•S ',l 43 riitin4 Wend& ; Tli4 wlr e :E:# 1 4' not ettuPY =On -040. Onliiikt,_•: We . =tit ' :Senator j 4 ll 4 l fOr W 9, 1) . 1132/101 . .I,' Gfitopstl,l.: The,jpintnianinithie 11 144uted W3bo•twO LI Vg# 1, 4 (30 * ., greitsV tkls_mopmg tO,tinW Yon. AIWA YOU litnre, neen. elected ; dentof the VOW. Ma4is• ;forlhatentu,nf *four_yeani jinni the • 4 .th ur•M*44ifs4'; TO drelkt.u4 4 /•! * !754Your•MnrAgfu t ri t f ir 0•37 ,gon with delight", w „even t a t* a e, I;49,did licit inippo# y, idte . liS• entertiWor o * MO blithest - *ace and 'respectc.The' Mende •tif our Ocentrf 6014 p ' : ' '• Or ', '"", ‘' Prw, t iv , , , .. I I.: V ` ' l II ith ;• ' J- •' ' ;. • ! '11 1 !. eve , thaV, yon . Wlll* . , • 'to'w j Perfernitt*of your.dti • ; . linallbyed pittriotlitm,nintegriV,wAt, , powers of in and Alt the digit, qualities that ant yoU to itchleve' such disithamodshed suo in antither Wien - Of duty. ;;TheY 'cherish - dill ; faith in your ability-and Virtues; ,en tertain theliglieePtopei Ofyour'sub- ' • cess; and that daring your athidnis tattoo Itic work. of reconstruction will be completed, and the wounds of civil war.hadpd, mitt that our coun try: will , • *et ; a ' new, departure In rgroWth, laud Priseperity." , : • *vial* . masa:then 1 handed the co , , 1111tial n o Catirin"to Geneind Grant, of which the following iiS a copy: . lig IT KNOWN, That . the simate evairpuseqf Rtfprettentatires of 'the' United Maks of .4m4riea;' being as sembled at:the ftl lin the City of Waiihliigton. on the second Weans!). 'day; beh.or, the 10th day of_February, in the, mar, orour • Lbra j. ' eighteen `tun , . •• , • -Slaty-nixie; the - under- Wilt. -, ' -.•- ••• , -ii of theiWtiuste, did - in ; the 1 -... ~ of said •Senate • and Howe of Repreientatires, open all the 'certificates and count all the vacs of the Electors for , a President and President; by which it appears that ITLysigs S. GnisT was duly elected; 'agreeably tO the Constitution, PRIM DENT OF THE trI4ITED: STATEN for four yearkeininnencitig,on the fourth day ofDlarch, eighteen hundred and silty-nine. • In witneas whereof I hive here- Rao Net my hand and affixed tare seal ' of the Senate this 10th day of Febru . lax, eighteen'hundred and sixty-nine. 8.. F. Wanr., "President pro tent. of the Senate." General Grunt, on receiving this sertilade rpade the. following re- sponse, speaking very. 'deliberately j and with evident embarrassment: " I can promise the Committee that it Will be my endeavor, to call around me as aSsistants 'such men as I. think will envy out the . principles which' you have said the country desires to' be successful; economy, retrenchment,- ' faithful imUectiowl,pf the revenue and payment of , the publicdebt. -If I' should fail'in my firit,nliolc.e, - I shill' not at any time lealtitte to , Make a second, or even a third trial, with the' concurrenee ids the Senate, who have „the cOnfliMing poWer.hould just aS Soon remove. one O f fmy own ap point* aa the npypoi6 tkee of thy pre- decessori it Would make nedidhrenee: There is one niatt* !bat I Inightpos sibly -, - ,'. here,: and ' that is the meet& i ' ....2 , .` cabinek ht i I . • • ' - I have 1 ways felt i tit would be rather indelicate to announce or even to consult witk the' gentlemen whdtn I thought of inviting to positions in my Cabinet before the official declara tion of the result of the: election Was made, , although I. presumed that there was no doubt; about in what ;the declaration would he. -, .But after con sideration I have come to the concla-* sion that there Is not, n' man in• the country who could be invited'" to • a: • place in the': Cabinet 'vithout the Meads - of: so ma other gentleniaii making en effortto wive the ' pad= lion; not that there would be any Ob-. jection to the party , named, but that; there would be.others Whom they had set their heairts upon having in the I place. , I cut tell yon that from the great number ofrequesta which come •to me idwriting and ntherstise for • this particular person For that one; from different sets and delegations: If announced announced ialyance efibrts Would • he niadetoehangeMYdeteMiltiation; 'and IMiellirti I ,ole edmeto the con ilwdon nbt 'to tintiofinee whom I am' phut to invite tebeatti lit the •Cabli• • net until liiend hi their •nareeii to the Senate fin' ' ainfirtinitibril' ; If- . I • say; anything to - *dirt' ablint it, it Will certainly not be more; than two or three ,days ,previous to tending In their raktnea. - ;I think it well toasts a'publlc declaration' - Of this to the tsunnlittee' so that,* intentkm may ;be known.,'"' •-' —1 •''• ; - •-• At the conelusionnf Gen. Gnint'it walks 31r. - Prays stePped forward •• . •"Geriernit Id the I principles which yea ha ' out , fiur the anidigit of_ p ad your • ' • .yea j !will 'baits ' thert" support 4f.i those ' W ith: whom I' ant lialottahxl; . ready. tenet wittryon:”' ' • - '' • i-Ja . ' Gen:' GitUst rade" be' respoili.. , sie• to• thls,tioYinadhoiwingtibithanlnkr” The , eommittee and most of the gentlemen linsiart that shdok :lhiulds - with him 'add ''• 'Tiretaftettial ': ; as i waited upon; Mr: Colforket the - Cavite/4' taiii; wOrepv *Kid' • - in the 'Spftlrees'roOnektAi skull* notification liiiiklionded to .hiniliglttlilibitia,Whealrhanded to the conithittesi his ronas• In iitirt-• i lin; 4101katii:" ', ' l '" • —t .. • ~: 4', Gentienten r 'Maio eon tothe ` Aiwo liontias Of • Cattleims" , ~ I A ance"tif ' SO •billettlyt .. I'* • herb elatedly the Of Vali , Ito& Eliittig• Ind; mote them-, that I. stiall'enditirer -hi 'penisi 'secirti_ Ay - of :this *ark of ionlkience to wind* anaduty.,” i: , 1 , • .., -• ~ MIN elided the . trainioni, •.,• • . i • ......... . . ;• , y o=Cbnitii, 4rthe Thdidf:itia .mercladi:gybokiliy..,Rhot AWN/ &Olt/Me/taw 4 . ttlits D i tty. .: 11 VT:Wititss, linV4 Feb:l2, _ 4 Usideitortbroln,i citlem WINO libi r trainl • Aiiikpitht,i I . I= . 4ta . At la r r q =t ala o 4 je t of: #iviiiiiiool4 lll omotthe tip Opt Ithestbiymali plielmi madam him; And *dui IlArtilie *4O fa06.11//letaesothe iiiart. A ,cMoductOiNCore • Iwinosibia•.theiruns amiiit,tstlicilpaiNsorapkilw • • 4 e4tOrsOatim ballat wolfed, has been arraledit i r sbieffiedimpsd: are 4ali*UOhNalintarlM:FUL'ea=Akl 103110 1 4ffirrthen. Ai ll ii J %. , V:_!1 4 , V. 7 11 ;.141'1 (5 . 7% - r... '..!. J:0 .PetilisylVaing .'=i tura. . , . Aiiit ew• her .isitemapt at Itatrearb• Ma I ii•A.Liiiimal • toad& i 106.4. - fluir erillie Ilem-1 Iv late—Lesol f, on - t in*, •Nelee• maw Xt 1 2 ,1 40,9 l i g-ri* /2 0 86 P• •.: BEICATE. , • •Rita (D GRANTS acisAmirien.,-, 4,l4ll l fititetiethig 10diminim.-ato wind litither 'stunts oC heads ;or Woo to railway eitrpelat , ,ons, ' .- 1411./Prativ,',._.. ' .'''' t AturraitsATVONlTT AT =WO*, ....i Mr. Billingfelt,lexn .tire &Molar Abe; cht Palsenallmewl and. Befocat, teported.a paeokitiowthat on iind 45- '.teethe ltith- Ma ibr , the4esidne of this moath4 it sisal : l W tim-dniarcot thelilenate'PaiMmeeer torttay . pea, tofferbY quill doeumen=r s4lll =' AO the Ifiniebarg , Postrooster,T the Speaker tabs Senate: shall draw Ili warrantonth6 State ,Tressuret In 'fiver 'of , the; Senate . Postmaster-kr. five hundred dollar for the purchase -of • *tamps- , that rat the , en& of the mirath' the penile Postmaster shalt reprt the amber otdoeumenta and letterer. seat and , stamps , mod; that, the Senate shall not inetnr 'any pool um Iterriant for with the. Hanle. more Postmaste r U th e . end . of the zoonth: ., 7After . distaesion, ow the motion of . , Davis,.. postponed ibr the present. ~ • , ;"!' , , rarra InIMUUII2O. - ,: • 1 . ", `,Alt; tiff4i . M_Atitt.hOrlffilig Thilikdo Mid Erie' a ßerad' to molt.' i gt P f rb r i Ei Ind "l4l Allegretly tt ßd ie l: ' Mr. 0 ' --13tusbling the school director"'.f Maine township, ' 4%1? I lealtro,y,l6 bortoW, money. ' - ,: Xr. Errett=flopplement Ibr • the Pinmitranla ' IMdlhltioa 1 !Or Deaf rAutiup M- 41 4 ,1 f. The WI from.he House &lithium ing the Commindorfers= i ntim ton county to • lease grounds to Washington burout il Vpl7B:. sed finally ; also Howie au oris lug Washington bornfth.__to : borrow money fora new town . THE PAY OF .A DEFEATED comm.- Aim bill from the House paying ,Whlths.m, ousted from his east , as , a Representative from Philadelphia, ,ode thousand dollars bill , eabuy for the session was amended in the Sen ate Committee to. four bundrud,2 but She Senate-today restore 4 nit mu thousand. Pooling ,amnion ,Nl- . journed till Tuesday, afternoon., . .lIOUSE OF IMPRISSENTATIVEN• • Th e HOUREC was occupied nearly the whole time discussing th resolu tion of Webb, of Bradford,to e actiourn till Tuesday afternoon' to allow the Greetthank Contested Election Com mitteo-to sit in Philadelphia' but af ter various , fruitless amendments it was defeatid. . CAILIUM GAS LIGHT. Mr. Wilson, of :Allegheny, Intro duced a Joint resolution requiring the Auditor General and State Treasurer to examine the Petroleunt Caleitim gas light, and if deemed Cathie, to introduce the same to übUc buildings and grounds. sec ond rrading. Adiourned.till Monday evening: • The Fortieth Congress. THE FINANCIAL QUESTION. The Curreniy Bill . Discusied in Me Sea ate-42errhesby itessrsaforton; Williams anti Memnon—De:bate on Butler's resolution of censure at the House—lt is Laid on the Table— The Inter:mg Beemue Bill Disenised dr. dr. WasturthrOw, , Feb. 12, 1811.9. : • •• • SENATE. • Mr. Ramsey Introduced a bill to. encourage telegraphic communlas-. don with khirope. Referred. Mr. Abbott introduced a bill to aid In the construction of the Texas and Pacific Railroad. Referred. Monday was met aside for the con sideration of pistrict ',of Columbia business. • ..t. • . Mr. Cragin, from the- Committee on. Territories, reported with amend-. meths, and roe:mended tho paniage of the bill to provide 'for the better of justice In the terri tories of the United States. , Mr. Ramsey moved to takelup the Joint resolution declaratory. ofthe act to establish an American Une &mail steanudilps hetweea this country and Europe. it gives the company anotlf- eryear to build their shiw. Mr. the Hendricks oppos&l.the taking up Mr: :Whyte also • opposed lt,'and add he' Would oppose the • bill itself. There were already • two lines of American steitmahips , from Baltl more. . • • , Nye asked - him what flag those thiled under. " Mr. Whyte admitted they' sailed under a foreign flag. ' • Mr. - Thayer wail!' Amor of taking' tirp the bill. ' Hellked at least the dr Ject of It; to take, our mail carrying bushiest; froth foreign vessels.. , ' Mr. Sumner said - his connie re gard to the' roposed line of Ameri canstesmships would be determined by the degree in which •It would cheapen ocean postage. • • , 1 - Thethotion Stlll'under discus sion at the expiration Of the thorn lug hour.' Mr. Sherman moved:threw:tine the cethilderation ef theaurrepct - "On - sribtllkiet MaTrumstn; Wed e needay - wentilt far the eomdderation • f the norganhos the' Jodi* 1 1' eitsteth rth. Vatted, Masted: . • • Mr. 'Romer's; feud - the Committee o:4thr repcirted adversely bill to' ' t he Wilts ofeertsdn ' Pacific 'Retread 'hard grants hi Wks and Minneeota.l.4lso adversely on Anhui anithrdathri toititrintn actii - of; Quigieth:githithigb.nds the State: eflowp and' Mha tt =txi lathe of e t t eMird.,lntiroitaisid ar authbrhing.the: , N Pada' RallrinorColnPan y. 4p. lien* first mdetgage l befithi lOUs extent of. Si :XI per zille oit main veal , tanll l bi ll Lt pdstlarf` We on .public debt and eneseghr t Mr. WlllbansfilitrlM 'nod of, his nt* more th allen iooo currency *eite converted lstrOpi.44ftmenth. Thergraator hone Indian= teAdettbinetwithr eilast: the atif ol md and - . its the imerelmentildel to remelt . Soo defects: gained detnieninal to oppugn oveif. peopadr, tiontaining Wm any eneenbeCoirthe .Flonnoe Committee, arithout regard? to Its tnerita.4, It known beVitanalolol4l4*Mtt Rbeory *Poll the so k iot,lloeiteek. and be, appeared to.thint, it' tra that nay gone.. tad idsneeltiosolid. • anyttdag valuable:Li 04110 • Irigehletheete• - •_ 4lto Senator gone 4th 1410 ar-.. atletontedloshine ttep Sone tetEnshil4 that* Meei aetunnitioden mon Ibikner suiY oonsiderabin con •:tent# nen amyl° eanOrkk 101 MW et - the swami to l'eti eatvertal man a rvio. ibilited to $2,000 amentio.' l ''" lit7l the rule should be idr u Sheirmu llei ' regaled tlad ". wi . - Atoll* rule, u in or near the lerearTat t could god VVlilliams th. the. red+ t , one cam- 1 with the; atity _and tl etko u Ht I* l kt9 o IV' Mr. Morton ille amendment of the Senator ARNO& (W ll 7 Hann) was no than theprovis. 1 bottin the lin, because it =coed to I t ' stmatiat of oat- 1 on to V,000,000 - a month; bat hly was opjawed told koutrattkw es Uncaind for, rune and - utter. ly . Mr. Feinenda f lidom ta it *add be wiser to authorize , ' Secretary of the Treasony sree = bonds in ex• T change or and. to leave the thin, an amanita the issue to Ide discretion, than , compel 'hise. l ta make; the Woe In an amount and at Ohne fixed by'Coegreas. - • - , • I , , The Senate thairoted on the find clause of the amendment unwed, by i 1 Mt lindting. the amount of convendan 000. a raCouths which was rejected, the, Senators present voting in the negative except' Buckalew,Cattail, _Davis.. Dixon, Heddrick Howe, Boas, Patterson,, of Tennesee, andVolillems. Then IA t four o'clock the Senate tookn rowers until 7;30. . , .. . , I Evics-Msiasssiost.. _ I The Senate reassembled at 7 o'clock and resumed consideration of the Ric- er and Harbor bill. • The appropria dans for removing obsthwOons in East River, at Hell Gate and other places; were reduCed to $815,000. _- One of the amendmenta reported by the was to to strikoothe , t. oCatbp,Oßd cow n the Lne . and Portland canal,) the aprbUon to be made upon I the wiidttion that Kentucky •retlnquish bar Claim upon the canal to the general Government. _ The, amendment was discussed at length by Davie. Buckalew, • Yatem, Nye, Morton and Hendricks: Li favor of thntiproptiation, and Stewartand Peen uysen against It. - amendment W le the • was still pending, the Senate adjourned. • MUSE RKPOYMNTATIVE§4. Mite . *nue nUimpastauthmdness,• lALr Pike, from the•Kaval Committee, a' bill to pay Commodore. the other of and emir 'the ' • ::•,• • ,Kearsage $1 ted ve ue of thep Al shams,. destroyedby the Kearsage on the 19th orJune4B64. After some discussion, Und tertion of a proviso that no umsey should be paid to the ruadgneo of any: mariner entitled to a share,'•but only to the'•inariner himself, or children, the hi)l-was passeti4 • ../Eiscellitneitliii,.. . ~ . rl li r , 7 . 74 '' 1 : 4 ; .. , .4 NI , ; t JAD 1 1 ! - • 1. . . . . .. . Tor doles& fent ty • • to the beet aluf Our' eat =MM. 0 ,'..... equal to' Slit 111' Übe l an world. , Hu the atom •of aid rode peep. with the mild sad la thettag tke of staples Cu • Ole. Try Ibis apleudid osp. 11=1 1 1 die Alden Chattiest maim N' Frost Ildladain PI". I [e P 2113 ~.--.-!,--.....- _T c. MAIIIMONIN, . • •`" • • " IP • ' -DEALER 1;3-, , Fleur Feed' and. Grain . , , F 110CHESTER,t (ox oral; r 4 katt u v r enr ui sdi su l g ai rre lugs ma QUA, CORN MAT • I RYE FLOUR ' lIRCIMMUT FLOUR. ' .90RN'AND OAT'S: imi!ntiatry on +c&- Oat and *Wm* lent• • ' •,. Wooden Pump, the el ttn in. A ensign al the getebraint. Alta yea ;GUANO OR 1 0 1108PRAiR will la ailiebeap, la order;li *e It., I belay CASH; and. ilitar um' ) eabli inT • twwl Sad It Waken Onstage to ~ All .. 600di Difkertelker. Jau'ltl-1.1 . • ' C. ErAlimop. ÷.•a. k inamaaaa,i !', • • • ;II: - .7111#11. 1138TRANIR THAN . FiCTI9X, •• lila a puollimp bet that: • t „. MILS. 11141ARD CO. /LB; /WAWA. " bar. ' • ' • • Dings'iadCroceirisE, Witch they settee chap 'an be' honed ha Mat,o2-b.' TO, have tbeassul aixO err 604. ••, • ;: • • • IVRh /OW .• •• , • , !•••:1:1; fEjte r Nand IlNab adietuar.otal Itkala: loyal. eill. LIMA , and l'ada 1 .. , Pun %Cr, met ullaiquigs, „.4.. : . ; :•:,.„.....,. , iii. ,„ : ., .i -64trgrac eon Br tips ta 1 -. • , ) cusp Prot sole°. • Tao Doctor trap s 'mike of us an. lb* ootaitoot ot 011117 la ily e rth l l i°6 tr • Mg onstatotoa te w la audit las *KM etiNda.. caouswaotibur , tar Whir* ProiciiiiPremittlaseilattmki Antimitaeononin l 44: I ,, .*i.i. , ..t.,, , „iiiikei r ta . . ,suirai. . • ":' i - itirresi4:47, ,: rl , • . ir,l f: . • 1 1 *tin. . 6 , d,.....,..., N1 1 "i it, l u , ek—,,,,,, ,M:, -0, !... 3l c. , itfi.• ,' ,. ;:f ,-f7Prr--7 , •;:: 0 lapataad lordait il VS r kim i :11. I ( ' • , -.t, • ' , e a ti. Alm sorticaajWia. Sonata. par old isillm mod ! Eitrack.Allinf. 3.,,. alma falsely mill.** are prepaid tal war , teat all wart aad Om Ma largest tan out any 7 1 --. 1 • ~. ....,,,,,..., ,‘• • ~ . • •:...1., .1 i A "iallt treat ado moualabot. ' '." 71 " 11111k1141461511 t . '"" ... " -- • ' ' - Claw" 0114 cbsota aft, and try us. ..•._ , • " . . ttb 146 taba 161 1 1111: ifdliffi VfinttattiS u Agb ' bait ~.... 4.._ , ~,..,.„„.„._,„,.. mr„, .1, . ' elastraitiartilamPlai." 1 Wiliar, ,rir7 .. ", Y. 's ~ wt ';"77.7:. i "-., ' . r 4 • ' l •• , •iiifri t te=Vi i. /,' !.‘ , .1 it.' AL St , illall4lA *I 0 9.- , ime. • ti• Pik I t OM ,:;ri ,191,19,15011. TAI R BM= Y ill: lb*. MI premised, welt unteersal iduette• or ilheandart, or woe liable to to a ',misty ordllitraitig siddingerous ...agillestious than Catarrh. Its progressive mar, development, the .senees of small and tote ere frequenti= o =# sear sera, Wiwi, Comphists are iserziatily preduatd, and Cniewnpalks Yr aimed Its Inevitabla result esiswit nevany IWO atilret3- In the amity oldie rem, bat spreading twyouil Its 0.. 1 spry sent. soon pendants halo every cell. are! thaeraisi amity alas bowl wilt waken the nasal gresages enanntediddit; 'nod Vagatimitilms dlfu.s bre; U 111) cellos =NM Of the inacopshao-' sad tract. indeed, oast proodoent a$ t bandied 'tie Ib!ditall o rliarrl is the, tunit awls foiellsolg intdaled tll Inge of siraiiiitriirsi ie. fill iielk low ensltrir, which is war ferreted Ineseersive latidopeo. it, *goat sobikawa 141.'6141 as s Utak can of la bard Oakes through the nostrils al. 'Meat, tl/140 1 444P0L. ; Ii wing Ins the dlerheige iviet tia• =does or wail dareewroilborlig to the op. suottsembrane with gloeUkstenselty. and le re :lteoweabla aelg. ll . l l l (rOO4l/ 1 /0 1 1:g4.Thili 41 P. anotapaittaLily salved on rising In the mom. up. becenne daring stem the purulent *castles hardens wed seceaslatee with printer tedittyi The dart* to retiree the bad. at those *sea, by terolditg ere goknrlng the nook mi. therefore! Ire -91194745c0t Menrwlag WWI one Spieled, and sort distgeteable to. th ose srowad his. O ft en Nry'. hate to be so violent add perslitent thai,dlU hnum andthewOrrowesestrilsed wed sciret.,aaa wo, tricttbe td e'se *outdo; yoallef; nod se rere.besitaetWox itlaifesso Joildrini. tad . mama the puma dleues•—ir semi ogee emu do Mod ptloorfis!ellort* int" tall to clear the gook ota Moe 404 oittlatidaitt swallow -01, Otter which I be visdd maxoticit becomes *ova*: what aceemed. and la Uses discharged wort read ily. , • EH Armin, the offensive matter concerts Into dry, bird masses oft crosts.whlch abstract breablagi: and are very dialealt to detach, their dislodgment Saes tequiting the most 'violent egrets. ilomes times I, these Incrustaelons come sway. In ssa.ll lug limps, or filament/ oft deep green tint, but miessionally broad and gat casti'Of Meat& laziest, repelled, on which traces of blood may at tlitA be Observesl- le condittou 6 very_ liable torna;:t etyleuelakeniteni, tereleingix Idea Ohne treeturei et the/noeie. 'and seas. • Oared thittening of tloo lleciwes where the diecharge 6 epidemic, wed of ilitC pe fluid character, It frequently dlsturbi the • gis t by din neeentitY of bequest ' eapeciatation. because the virulent Auld Is oat hrelkittame Apt to nur Into fie; threat,' what , uslpJaßstesp the bend le liftmen hick. Should • itymiebsration be neglected, as may occasionally hilpistsi daring bat ale* the invalid Is startled niapdhe fist by a sensation .of choking, caused bylbeiltring up alto, throat with 'ffie acetimula imientioa from the.hesil; The nasal membrane is usually t cry much thick food and congested. causing the nose lobe atop• ped up emetics.. on one side and sometimes on thaisher, and often on both, giving rise to' a di. regremble stuffy sensation In the head, and !Aces . - 'elooally toviolent paroxysms 'ot; sneezing. • Taos thickened condition of the mucous Mtl/2- bens, and the collection of the purulent 'loaner ' nasal canals. Interfere* with reeptratko through the nose, and obligee persons no affected lo literati' through the open mouth, a pole: very delatirrone sit all times. but more panic° 11. e so tot* Oorporhich molar earth clrcamayuccs Is adiesgiresikes end accompanied with e Leavy soriing,soand.. . . A hells, of fellows, bdar, Irritation. !omega is or pale generally experienced In the nostrils sear the coot of the nose as welt as Is the upper part of the throat. above and behind the soft psi. ate, and headache "tritely altogether absent. , A distressing sensation of heavy weightfor Canker 'lon letisually complained of over the forehead, and especially In lite regime leusiodistely above, 'and between the eyes. gionetimer pain is °led nitely fixed In some partlcelar part. se' la ILL maids. on the top of the !wad, at the back of the teeth; hr behind the orbits, and occasionally nun: fiesta Itself li the joie, et, die trivets. Zs character bid It 6 frequently agitate farlielifilat— • ' , The • voice I. generally affected and becomes kettle, mailed, weak re uneven, and 141.11111 e• local character or an unpleasant sultlhog quality. Cough utaarlable iN t 4rity Li notunflentenfii•er for the §.tantititier.nlitukititi of • . The breath Is usually tainted, and sesames, at Rees, an exceedingly fetid and sickening Odor. Lt some cases It beanies so levekhigig etliensive as to re-der the sneerer an object of disgust 10 hitieelt &swell as to others. ' • • the seise of email Is usually blunted or entire lee! In Catarrh, and a similar' erect on /site essay be occasionally obsetimi The eyes are apt,to, bean* Irritable, and disposed to water excessive ly oci exposure to the cold doled; nd , a sruw of hairiness otejght, is tisulliy, experienced after alight literate* Bowleg not untregently becomes Wrote or less impairedand noises In the bead very 'ones add materially to theeskting Matteis. The abater* generally suffers more or less. and lama:owes theAapethe .6 tat , " prkions, and is nearly always twain tho murniag. The patients generally complain of lassitude ant, 'Aglow, an Incapacity tar either Ordeal or Win gs! exertions, e hells: of weight , and discomfort in the regioa oet'agetoroich, and a constant dia papillae. to drowslisere and sleep. -The mental 'llignltles are Also scitielhoct slightly affeetrd, kes of =emery helot., mornorhew leleold. • - Catarrh may prove falai, either by debilitating the system and weeder trot lb° patient, cr by ti veiing dowstrnrd and producing consumption. This het has repeatedly noticed that all experienced practiltooers now look upon Catarrh as 0111 n anie torwithiqiiitsiallanportaitt Brae : f tido complaint. but according to oar etttelefiti ' should always be regarded assert 'ocialtlon, and one of the - verY earliest maallo,t a lbino of Cianiumptko s , .• • systematicA y ndlei r oni and eel! alrecieircoliree at trestMerit, such as we have for years employed , In oar practke, is sure to be Adlowed by a pekes. sent t r hiett: , 14 t tr.Cr ',. : DH. UGHTlll24,!isioortlated !tiqt bin au ereaktipectallst • • ... • DR. REED At , 21.1; pop exelooltreatteuttoo to all diseases ails- Or hoot latforilp oe, lasulkeforoi soorioront ii• CR 0 MI • metrlPOMllny :1111:14 1 ftlion a lb. sun ace; am, Stomach sad derangements of th NERVCVM " a 31ry T 4 0I t` 0 Art 20 Penn 14trisi3i. -,Dectett • • 1., Mi;ai BEM AID movola::;stc Rochester, Pa. • , By C• 9 wizas SAT sa rOU!D IraWO attoodis intik Pottlakott.tsb.2l4 lo • 4 Clues.. WSW,lasdAlitoo, C‘1111: 4 :1 1111 1 • V=llytsp• Autumn, Tots, supra, asetses. (cAP=Willow•warit, Is *air Ilismod= starlet attottlo•l. bostaem to ' mon • LIBERAL •WARE Or Till PATiONAOL tbe 2( w ll.—A t kW* of Coliatry Prodoce tame at price. COE& DAWILAGIII ItoebeWs, p:y,. UM-4m*Mt:l. 'Pi" AND riarimEtmseu,- OY GOODS I ll•Vgi OF MILIC NISVID • NEW .STOCK CATEST EViTLER. For Pall - iiiaciihnier 'WNW iffl li 4 it litielMl .lF l i r ld! ll,lll •• CONSTANTLY ON NAND. till CLOT9ING 111 - ADA TO,ORDER la LIM Ilia Wit laddasabla dila!, sad at short wake. • azica. i llin ill4l WATER, Phi. WALL AND'IIIIIIOIIIII A0.01111.:-Tbs - 1` anderslvosd begs bars to Islam kis (rinds and tbs pablle paerally tbat be bacluat rocetrod a SAW stork or goods of tbsistast styles for !Wag twin nonnar weer ,wbtelt Its oboe at my modern rates. C. GENT.LEMBNS* • FURNISHING GOODS. I. , CONSTANTLY ON NAND. ctOthlair undo to otter on the Aortal modes. Tbaskrai to tho public Ow root Anon. I Stye attestkmato bosoms to merit a alttaut• 4Okkit of Mei eta* • • •DAP7IEL IttELERL, • • z a!NDO/1 AZ. BRIDOZWATXR. FA. NON EXPLOIIVE. • Be New bet Parfait O lvei-twlea . the light of Carboa 011, lad le safe wader ail eircuatatasees. Can Not, be Exploded. The undersigned are now manufacturtng. and hare ilkor sale the New Anoka= IMO, which to without t o lpof consponnite, ts gradually taking of Cuban 011,1 P all places where !shod Agents wanted every town: Send ice Pr. Address, J. J. PALMIER & CO, No. • MID Slam, PITTITOSOII. Q.ALT AGSMS YON SAM • # AO rat UMW Salt • ads offer for ule their Salt Work= 4 , I ea kaceotat teem shoat wee hail, from Ohio Itiver."The veldts saps the simper Ba s. Pot• ter, Fan: ' 'Whinier itartkalate. edema. er sell on. V. B. PRIDICTI. Jaa.lo, 1860.)—tt. Beaver. Pa E Neemteirt• Notice s —Letters testamentary upon the estate of Wm. McClinton, ofr Beaver, tp.. Beaver county. pa.. deemed. Tin been granted to the undersigned. all pees hav ing claim* against said estate will pretest ahem properly anthentkated for - payment. All perms. lodebted to aa'd estate trill make payment Its the nudenigned. N. 31cCLINTON, Executor. Jan, 'AL tdett Railroads. RAILRQ,DS.• VT.WAYNE A. CHICAGO HA HT. Un and alter Doe. Vaino lona *baton daily. itioadaya I • ( ( 'Min looving Chien° at P. M 7.1 [Trala .ins Pittsburgh . • . M.. Iravar daily.] • TRAIN. GOING Warr. • IMSM'MEta Pittoborgh 'II Gaut ilociwater • StO Salim t lErstl_ Alllamm ' 14131 Canton... „4... • ...fl2*Oni ISM Orr,llie II in' , Wearier II 208 lihuudleid... i ..... Wi t i. t1'443 • I CrestUoiSi D• • — II taus , Bucirdii ~ ' ,111C1 Upper Sanlasky,..l l l 718. Foetal 7419 Um& ' ', OM •Vms Welt. , "11:113 ' Phut Wayne' M aori Colombia 100 Warsaw _ll l t ISI Plymouth sa Valparsiso....,.. I Chicago ' S IIMI iri • 93340 Mini 350 1103 210 41 1267rx 1 330 650 145 et 3 643 128' 710 126 346 719 743 319 600 813 346 1414 810 513 1010 1017 343 ' 10e1" 1050 a 33 11121 110 610 • 1110 1130 iii ill3O 11011 TM t=A O MO 218 1 180 1251 WM" .115 • 2:21 MOJA. 820 400 U 0 I 421 450 215 521 MO MO MOGM .510 820 808 no i lon am mint Ts zees. ' • . • melon.. - ries. EXP . .. i Xee. Mir, I Mango • i sslo s MIMI 450rw 45001 . Valparaiso' • ' 11% , 1110 9117 1157 Plymouth pro n mewl vein 90* Warsaw ' ", 1111 141 , 141 . 1014 Colombhu• ''it He t 115 jMS 1110 Fort Wayne 'lt 1111 151 pow liton Van Wert.....,.. ', 513 OSI .1510.4 n 101 ' Lima 1' 405 530 I ra; tee • '' Fittest 510'" 1150 SW ' 440 Upper Saudoski.,l!ls.l3 719 1 9 0 1 010 • Bucyrus ' 009 MI SIS 550 Crestllns i ' A ' e 33 BM/ 1 $ll MD D' • • •'" 655 . ISM HO I 1545 an Mansteld "70 sen el. rak Woofer I; ea; 1107 cue MO °writ's ' ' 115 11311 014 " 915-- Masslllos ', 015 • Hung 707 Rs , Can ton . :1002 litlO I 795 1091 A 111ance.......... ' HAS 115 iWM 1110 m al. '' "1115 . ISt 'Me . 1017 Rochester ' i: 100 aw MO 1040 195 Pittsburgh ' i', 100 491 118 MO T Toan_gratenen. Nay Castle Rad lean ounmetown at t p.m; Indies at Pittsburgh, p. leaves Pittsbur g h 113. Mr. al 10:43. N. Caalk,StlO a. un Youngstown. New 'Castle, end Plitsbargh Ae oomnaftliotflearee Youngetown. OM a. m; New Ctetle,l:lo a. m: wire at Allegheny. TRW a. m. Ran:ming, leaves Pltheitargh. .1:10 p. m aim New'Carde..T 08 p.inToungatown, p. m. F. R. ItTERC. General Ticket Agee.. CLICV ELAND kPIIIIIWROII RAILROAD.. Ou .atul after Dee. Wet, I. Dallis will lean !Ultima daily (Sundays exeret . lD &Acme. 1601110 101,1111. ... '. . ~ i wrigenne.:l. Mut. line e. We i. Arc.= , —. -..... .L. -..-.... Cleveland I, Rance 1110ria ..f.• !gal/ Euclid Street ; SW 111' .. 4aM -Hodson— ....... ,i Ng 114 ...I . 41.1 Ravenna.. .. .... : , :019 1441 -• . /3NI ' Alliance '.1113 ' 117' ' ....[ .1 as t1ayard....,.......1 1 ,1/11 , MI ~.,... ... ireilaVille .'... '• '! 11161% 'OS . . ~...; ' 10110 XOIIITII. evaniona. glazz..lszn. Amon Welleville ' .103. en 413e1 ...... .... Bayard 1013 .1011 Alliance 111.1 Ma ' 810 ' Ravanna Radom, 1214ru1 W . 5 511 1 . I :0 5 Raeliddtreat I 14a 749 IMI Clevelaad ' 109 /141 ' 110:1 . 00110 zest. 'MATIONS. RIP'SI Fir's. NAIL 141etoat . .alr lOUs Harm Wien .... Old.. .111X1v9e 1116 . =Oa 1 1:13 :IA .... A MTN Waling)* • • l MSI 440 130 Toe , Itluilles Terry i 010 601 III R 44 011 1 0 11.......... i .1119 i , SRI VW 11111 'NI I Pitlsbargiir MOO ' 146 - ' 100 'NO' " ' r Irrellona.'-.. Watt. keen Ries. Leven i Pittsburgh 1113 an InOes *Kim Mr r Imiss * iter..7-.... us I coo cat 10 as as lisith'e ..i Bull . .. .4.... . MD Fang ' 811 go 630 BM Wdbedfle.' - NS CO 1111. 403 Stentseuelltr...... 1105 SO al ••• 14 86 Z 1M" -" .,". • TA 41 .: a ... -.,- TerIiCIA2AR NM Las / 4 1/ " 1: 11.7ard. IP, a. - - • 'it t . ' 9 ta 4 : u G OACroseta4Voi r ‘ ",l ,'S ROCHESTER PA.. 4 1 . , , FULL, AloppOicitpr*Oocx Or, ;fr. • DRY GOODS r • 'lb Plain Flannels, Barred Flannels, Opera Flannels, Alpacas, Merinos, Ginghams, Shawls, Gloves, BALMORAL !SKIRTS, CAwrox ten. MENS' AND Boys' WEAN. JEANS, CAMiNERES, • DOESKINS. HAD! Salvia A DRAWZRIL MiADY HATS AND CAPS NETYLUSiIiDCIMAP Mr BoOts and ShiPtes • larger isid 'Ytolk nil ve bawl . ever' bikes kept. Nom' sod Bora'.' WWI. as', 11112.4et„sael Cindrinks' Obcos sad •feloss, jest bused sad ' • . . FDR SAL - E . LOW. 1.4)61 r'ncArmswitlimitce: !I HARDWARE AND,NAILS • , • UL♦S$, 41.14E-1141W-A-41, Bacon, Grain, Grain, Flour; Salt, rood, Ito.. Erie men ew Cast l e, kOO m. Returning, t r oungstairn, We ►as OM and ►.q oar Mack Intl and Steen, always basing aoutsdklag •n. to snow oaa cnatoartts. WS DUT 11.3.0811 ♦DD SILL CLOSE 8, J. CRORS &CO, Reassonu. Oct ith. 1101. UAW Semillmaryr—Will mos se B Sib ot September seta. Pus received et et ley stela sdrarmemesit. 111 Iter Primary Doparuiteet boys sad elle noshed Tom men will be tU( bt by the MmVel to 011111 bat Dose takro as booldenr. Our pupa's Is la ata►lY! t►e reputation of t►a ee►a,t of thorough seltolarahlp In 'vet, ►eaoe! eluded. II le thetelbre Impartae t that p• • itleeeld resent it the weals. of tie M s " VaTditt i t =11.117i 11111 t year, re lope for lam berme ie. rieg Ms coaling yaw. • D. U. A. WLWf, ?drape!. 11 eagtriettt, 11111ATS.-711e soolalltio4 will Wm torgie 01 lot or Talmo, Clack fall. Dade , . Gloosoood ovorithlor boo PEI lb* Ihr the Ilondays. uM Woo trlkl Neste al• Wei be as obtain kr left oeseoli. all of les VIII WI wea t eete of mat Ptelt. Val, Yolk% We at kr au* on maid Want. Dlr. Pa. Men iemerloroOl. Coll sad • aoim bommtlt. D to& DR. X. X. lIIIIMAJILIII. ad IllOpeot. lisaver. jr;ipwial stloneliapi . 16 si Wawa Pal Clair& ornall arilleillinM•11111113111MIPTIMPS117 1 1 1 limesDocto dtsi prst MI anti be hut is Itit Mei des teaelmraimi ipoples. JaulklNlL-17 • tr. , NEM efilllipilMS4** 4.) YD 4 , 30 , 1, W.4.. , • , ..111.1.11:: Spo . erer igmitAter, . zo.,N.„8110:441; • WNW • MOWS varlet ' Hilo Soot with • Urge ' stock of Goads. bought - at LOWEST CASH PRICES.' *l6 the publki, shots OLD • ' • • STAND CORM Or WATZIAND /IMO Milli 0111ISTEB, itwri!, CAPS, f &as ' vvuoirs; HARDWARE; IRON, NAILS, CARPSINVIRTOOLS ROPE. OCUX PACKING YARN, WHITE LEAD and PAINTS ,diy, • . and 11, Qpiestswaili • YIN*, • DeLines, FLOUR, FI:017R, Prints, sus mitt ts• tlitst Illpmeyg *id OM 1/lATIID C NTON CM: .sM Po vidalt7. ilea .1,1 abs, airiag I. Wl FEED, WHOLESALE AID RETAIL Hosiery, Buffalo Scale ,Qoppauy, Wldta fia4 Water Lim at Wielis ant Itaima J EMS Oils, Paints, Putty, CALL AND BEI I ZEE MEM EMS mantaat. r , „ AFtY:O,OODa. We fair Bodin at 111ANIIIPAMIUS TIVICII •aid MICRTI MN .. Emits Sows Saiphais Lio• sad PLASTER PARIS FOR WWI. szAvrx lALT compANrs 1/iLT Always es MAL We elereys bee he Coe eal eetl cuser,• Oel awl gamine eH 9eWle sad ceevioceL 'run 000Doda m Telp_FFIrt OF QM Toricaair. Ll:( 1 )4- ; f - ff . % 14'4 DZAL/LS IA ALL AINDS.OF •rist,Copper & Sheet Iron Ware. I InCOPOeI IC.ILICPING CONSTANTLY ON -NAND ALL MOS OY TIN COST= AND Surxraton WIRY. u►kb I will sell AT ma' LOWEST PRICE in Roolll\ll, Spouting &Job Work Dose to oilier la lie boot • oo Aorta= :41ilkg bow Mat the h itet naistiel, sad bottle sou bet et meluele, 'WH WARRANT ALL WOE% 1. SHOP ON THE LOWER END 07 Third street 1 BEAVEII, I PA. • Wee w a OW. sad l 4 wW rir 9 JAPANNED; WARE KEPT CON STANTLY ON HAND. O. R. ANIMUTLJ -REDEICTION PID01.1 . ! J. &If. BEGGS —DEALEIIB IN— Q ERNS WAR E -AND- House Furnislung 431.c•c•lass, 124 Federal Street, SELLING GOODS AT COST, TO QUIT BUSINESS. This is a Bona Elie Sale. Itin 117. M. Jamaica mamma az co.. —DEAL IN— Notions, , Triminings, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Linen Goods, Laces, GLOVES, - HOSIERY. Waderwear. rumbaing 6 edb. silks, Ribbons, Straw and 1 , nellars mon Gl and 'Culle r Fancy Good.. Madinat.' will Sod oar assortmest UNEQUALLED WNt of pt t nit it sat it r! " 11, t ° AS LOW Y Xsitons lobbing Aar Orders and a astl Abficaea Brour+7 & 79 Ifiirketitreet, PITTSHURGH, PA. Jim' mins. yIEILINET. • . 1 1r, WWI Illebse wadi JNowellor. Work *boa, Ileriqw, room siljolides J. C. Waide sem) WM "stain NW dues. = malted awl ~word. ' OVA idactllim tbl et• r lj OW. • lie • train; • Ma 8 Q II =I =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers