a The Beaver Argus. ten ll , s nuarySo, 1849. * State ofthe rienfeeimirtetter the ,4.1; ending the 10th of Janoiry, 10* 2Pe M. iricii EEO 11. In, L. deg. 8.3 deg. modo g .. 1. 32 deg.. NJ deg.:- 35 deg 3•2 deg. 3.5 deg.. 30 deg. 13, 21 deg. 33 deg. 23 deg :111 dig. 41 deg. 33 deg :SO deg. 44 dog.- NI d eg 11;, deg. as deg. . 4 d eg R. T. TAYLOR. sUention'of the public is directed lie following , new ativerilsemenbe in lays Micro: • •i r e Wonder of the Ape—King Frost. mega fi t4roeeries- , -11. S. litbbard at Settee to Contractors—W. G. Wallace. ['or Sale—e. B. Hurst or. F. A. For- I.:•eciit..n. Notice—N. McClinton. I' rev Boat NoticeE. Barnes. ' Itatnniond. i'oiroloinii Fluid—J. J. Palmer J: Co. Adwiliktratois Notic.c-Cat4ritio Stet !, .1. IL Pendleton, F. M: Atidersim. Salt.—S. 11. Trench. Notice--Mrs. Moorhead. S.,tiot-31rs. Moorhead. Itlisujtirtiontt to the Beaver Ar- N.--Th.. following 1111111141 IIMOIIM "'paid sot oppogite to their -i❑,•.llll..tlll,Sl . riptillll to the Beaver .\lO the date of our last issue lillongh; North Seidel: ley, .1. NleCinre, New Galilee, NI. Anderson, ltoehester, ho Meraan, Beaver, SI. nenahoo, Beaver, 4. Taylor, Illackhawit, Bowen, K nob, Einriel:, Baden, Is. 1,. Sorugg, .hart r., Blaelthawk, • .11. Inihrie, New NI. IVilson, Illaokhawk, 'l'h.uuas,•New Brighton, Wad:hawk, tin Wean rr, Beaver, !". Ander...en, Itoehester, .00h Newell, linen, Duff. Nfe.Nlillen, Darlington, T. Brit.., New Sheffield, \Vitae, Nev. Sheffield, shannon, New Slieflletd, .1.,)I. Shields', Beaver, Nlel'arland, illnekhawk; Frankfhrt. N. Atkins, Beaver, Jackson, Folhiton, Brighton tp. 3leCallister, lsq,, eon with the publishing house of Ha ., 'o., or Pittsburgh, has our thanks •tNeral large Counting-homie Calen - 1r 11H . . year Itinn, . . Corse Stolen.- 1 .1 horse was stolen OW stable of a Mr. Leslie, in idzt4ater. on Tuesday night Inst.— . imon ledge, :is yet, as to the name r.-liereaboub . l of the thief.-I.l.neal. 'lteTrlbinne,llllmnittne.—The New rk Tribune Association have placed' under oblliations for a vow,- of the bone 'Alnuttow for ISO 9. It is an in uablc and ran be land of publishers for 20 emits.. Send and he C ty Itudlitors.—The Audi- tlaig county finished up their Friday Juuludfourneil st?:t: . They liwee been in inieision al- st two Weelot, and we learn inelden ,N transacted a large amount of 'nisi- I lorney"Genernl Brea ott r of Tisburg, Ine4 phwed 'ns under obli ions for an address delivered before A merle:tat Whig and Cliosophie Ro ie+ of the ('allege Jersey. dilatant I:rnerail .MeCreery has also • thanks, tier an early copy of his an al report. strolling linrplst of • Indian persuasion mode the rounds I,aver on la:t Thursday and Friday. ito a number of little urchins invest vent cavil in his "Moosie." May ,11:IiiONV never grow less, but it is to hoped it will never be seen here 'a turn' .feculent.— In .la 4 Wed htv inornio.ir.h.ph aged gentleman of this borough, lilted tot the it , o utul ihll heavily to the tantl, dislocating his thigh joint and icrwise sustaining injuries. Ile is nt s.ad still suffering much pain, but is a talc tt ny for a . sweedy, rocoverir 'tablie I>oestmetsts:l---We are in +i to I 1,.; Thor,Nicholson, of the •me of jtepresontaatives at Ilarrislatart; quite :1 'lumber of official reports, nom Nviii..l, are the Adjutant toneral's sari, the Surveyor I tenerol's report, report of the "Matingert of the Penn- Irania Institution for instrnetion of Mind, tlao report - of the State Saiper ,:mtent of Common 5eh001.4.- tonic 1/irectorts Elected. —On an. slaw of last week the National Bower county, located at New Ichb a, held their annual election for 1..1 , n1-1 Direvtors for the ensuing -Ir. Nita• were choseit. They are as Item.:;' John Miner, J11111(44 Intnean, Wilde, It. E. Hoops, Geo. S. Bark .lStiles, M. Darragh, Roht. Ed .oi.l Milton Townsend. • t:ili.arm Spring Catalogue tar tai. - This '1,4 a work of 48 pages, bran- Iflustrated with a number of line ..ouravingm of Fruit and Flowers, nuieh valuable information, , 4,11wr with a fine. leseriptive Hot of .ato and trees, vegetable and Hower Thin work is now ready and Will loaded free to all Who apply. Add moo 1.111 . 'Burgess, N0..11.1 'Market Pittsburgh, Pa, !t: ought to init.—Constable ~,!. •brmlglit :tut unruly indlvidu fail un last 'fnestiny evening. Ilim we believe, in making •ni v ia hideous with his noise." NVe4lll.-eles morning he trough 11,,tiwr 111/111 hither (we did not, leant 1, 11111ilv• aml turned 111111 over to Sher Litt , ll lor . .afe keeping. Ile liad pito 11.,teie:t from motile person it luierthing—ilow It l'ltyt4.—A put a small ail, ......'ue•nt in ila A short limo hidh notice that he had deheneeil the man tt facture of ark ." je , me•tial one. Three days afteill '''t• s . 'ri..lor of the Alters. living twelve miles distant, mate alluded to having seen the ad ,ti,iliont in the paper, and iinniedi- 11111ile a S4is or $7O contract with the This to Ind a solitary in oev efthc utility of printer's ink. Police.- 7 1t afforded us .!...sare last week to learn that our F. M. Anderson, INT, of Roz hister land, by the way, ono of the St. (Ancient eonstables In Western' hatsylvenia) had secured the appoint nt of special police on the Pittstnkb, r,al Wayne t Chicago Railroad. In , anectir with IC.'II. Scott, tho detec- Uof the scone Road, the two will be on In lookout for rascals between Pittsi rgh and Chicago. Theirheadquartets at Rochester, this county, for '.aa , • lion' to come. Ur. I.lxlithill's Advertisement. lilr at tendon of our readers is directed to the columii advertisement. of Dr. A. 1 1 . Light:hill which will he found In to • 1 n p paper. Dr.. L. is without an equal Ow treatment of Catarrh affection of :1. , . throat and lung, deafness, ttr., and ts. I as associnhal with hint Dr. J. A. !told, %.,•I 01 makes a speciality of diseases aris ing roan impure blood and affections of no. skin, liver, kidneys and nervous 5y5t,,,,,. t ,, ,,,. Our Pittsburgh exchanges contain many favorable notices of the Doctor, and all tattleieks are invited to tuldress hint at 2911Penh Street. Pittaburch. • G;.,~ ~,,~::~:. The •Pittaburgh Con • Church, la to (varnishes ituiratridauln Noir Philadelphia, W. eaday, March 17 Instead of 8iareb,24745 neft 44 ;4 4 4 . , 931- . nouneed. Bishop Arne, • realdea. • . . Loant.—A, Iddra P. • et Book, eau talninglour, flp!bgs,ind tY be. Often Maivey'p store 'Auld Mribt! Moor= heads. The "Milder, by returning It, Will miter a favor ou Mrs. Moorhead, Brides). Water. . Neared. (nark's ntimenius: patients in this county will meet him at the "National Hotel" In Beaver, on Fri day and Saturday, Pith. Mit andeth,'6B. The Dr. treats:phroulo Diseases only, and hie highest reconnuendaticrn its this county has been in curing many elutes comdderett hopeless. Persons af- Noted ahotthl maault the Dr. 411LlitigfillI sh . ort stay; at Deaver. The Amer' ean Stock Jearnall,— Where is the farmer ,that does not ad mire the BloOded Stook or take pride iin caring for it. Every farmer has now an opportunity or obtaining some, choice Cattle, Sheep, Beepi - or Poultry free, by gaffing up a rang, for this JournaL Spec imen Copies, Show Bills, ite„ Bent' free. Address N. P. Boyer At Co., Publbillorp, l'arkeßburg, Cheater Co.. Pa. Its good (Meets are permanent. In thli it differs from all hair dyes. By Its use luxuriant growth Is guaranteod, natur al color and gloss aro restored. One trial will cause you to any thlsofMrs. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dreming, (In one bottle.) 'Every Drug gist sena it. Prim One Dollar. 4t... Sunday School- C,onvention.—A Conventbm of Sabbath School Supeiin tendents and , Teaehers was held in the M. E. Church of this place on hist Sab bath afternoon. \earl• all the. Sabbath Schools In the vicinity wererepresented. The object of the convention was to ex change v lows and ascertain the best mode of conducting schools so as to render them more efficient. Dr. John Murray o ;Bridgewater presided, and O. It. Coe, Esq., of Rochester, acted as Secretary. Remarks were made by Revs. Murray, Taylor, Lowery, Morrow, Druvo, Wet hum, and by Extra. S. IL Wilson, Coo and Douglass. The proceedings were inter spersed with some excellent music. The convention aditianted to meet on the third Sabbath in February, at Roc. Shields' church in Bridgewater, at which time a permanent organization will be effected. A CurloOly.—Tho (O.) Advertiser is responsible for the follow ing "hogish" story: "We saw quite a Swinish curiosity in front of the Express office on Wednesday last, it being a'ver itable five -legged hog. The animal was en route to peauga county, where the owner is collecting a museumof enriosl 7 ties. The animal is full sized and Cindy' developed, with four natural legs. On the left shoulder is the IBM leg or arm growing out from the shoulder mid-way and te ' ating in a number of lingers or claws. Take him all in ail, the ant :nails quite a curiosity. We understand that the owner Is negotiating for a two legged sheeP,thftt hs to be found in this State, and we presume will next go for seven-legged dog, for Barnum like, he is botind to have all the curiosities. The pig was raised at Pine Run, Michigan. New Nickel Coinage.—lt to pro- Dyed to withdraw the present ono, ace nod live cent pieces from eireula- Mon, and substitute a new and more ele gant ISAUC, to be composed of one quar ter nickel and three quarters copper, the weight to he one and a half, three and live grains, respectively. The bill Providing fur the new coinage will ohm rovide for 'the withdrawal of the ten cent notes in circulation, and for the redemption of' the nickels from a Hind obtained front the profits arising from the coinage, each piece being worth com• siderahly less than its nominal value.-L The dies art being carefully prepared, and ure said to be superior in beauty. to any others of like denomination. The twenty-rive and fifty cent paper curren reney will remain in circulation, it be ing fo I inexpedient to . make coin of such size and weight as would repre sent those values. Indeedthe paper is more convenient for common use than the silver coins formerly 'current. Extenmive Bank Bobbery.—Sevr 'al (lays, siiiee the Peoples' National . . Bank, on Wood street, SWUM robbed of $12,000 by mime adroit and daring thief; who abstracted a smell tin box contMml log the amount from the safe. The af fair lets heretofore been "hushed up," in the IMpe that some eine might be ob tained to tlio perpetrator; but it has gradually, become known, and now forms one of the co 11111 l on topics of the street. There nro many theorietraflont In regard to the manner in which the robbery was committed. but thus far the whole operation is enveloped in the . deepest mystery, and the only really tangible information is the absents: , of the money ,from the bank safe. Thd. motley WWI special deposit, and wi such lout been placed in the tin box, as stated, to more perfectly in its safe keeping. One of the theories which has gained some ground Is, that the thief stole the booty during banking hours while the safe was open stud tiognarded. He would indeed be a bold oPerator who could march into a banking house du ring business hours, w•hon the employ es were there in full force, abStract from a sore located in the most closely guard ed portion of the place a tin box txmtain log such a Sum of money, and pass ditt and away again, without having any at tention ottraeted to him MOVCIIICII34I or being subjected to obtrusive detentions front those in whose rare the treasure had Lech Owed. Possibly there may Lo on expert in our midst whose bril liant abilities have been displayed' In this manner, but it don't seem at all probable. The officers of the bank have bean Making every exertion, with the assistanee of exiierieneed detectives to ferret out . the thief, but as yet no ChM has been discovered. The affair has been managed in a masterly manner by the dial), whoever ho May be, and It is quite probable Witt he w•il1 never bo ap iirohenclocL+ll'ltts. Gazette. Postal-ilimey Order NyMem.— We publish the following instructions to persons wishing to remit money through the Post-oilier,eopied from the Money- Order 110;01:aloft of the Post.master General. The wormy -order system is intended proniote i public convenience and to mum satetY in the trawder threigh the mails of %nail sums of money.. The mode by which safety is secured con sists in leaving out of the order the name of the payee or party for whornthe money is intended. In this respect it money ordtr differs from an ordinary bank draft, or chock. An advice or no tification, containing .full particulars of the order is transmitted by the issuing postmaster to the postmaster at thermic% of payment. The latter is thus furnish ed, before the order itself can be present ed, with the necessary information to detect fraud, if any should be attempt:. ed; Rates of Commission charged for mo- ney-orders: On orders not exceeding I) r lO eta. Over al and not exceeding 1130 13 Over rto and not exceeding 540 20 cis. Over ;10 and not exceeding PO 23 eta. No fractions of cents to be introduced in an Order. United States Treasury Notes or .National Bank Notes only re ceived or'paid. , ' A celebrated New York barber aald not long since, that nine-tenths °this eitrr.;' lemma preferred to have that" hair dress ed with "Barrett'a Hair Reertoralite" to any other substance, as it keeps thesetdp so cool and free from dandruff:—[Troy Daily Whiz EZEM El EN • 'lPramml.—A Gkold BMA Pin, some pro week' since, by reattigaahh7449err bears, proving property and paying dant" the owner can have It. lientltulte.—lnstitute will not eon: yeue on Thursday 21st, as per adlourß n?ent, from theoutuddrstlon that neith er Pp gootestip i o d id totritute can fi e present at that thiik"Netinseet- - ing will ha announced through the pa pers, by . whlcli aIl 'tom gift tlnidy'itodbet. By order of Committee. Roman Cessent.—The .Ohio Far mar mays: "Atter making common mor tar, add one bottle of 14e__un.5,,b1,1c4A lime, mils, and web isionce: , T s hliVisasaid to be the Roman cement which realata water, and becomes as hard es• lien; This, althomM a ; very. goad Cement, is not the Amen cement, No sidled, butte ie material agmtly brought forward aa the production of se german, , The true Roman cement owes its efficacy to about twenty per cent of alumina which it contains. An artificial substitute for this be sometimes made by mixing with ,the lime about the same • proportion 'of calcined clay. •Thellgtoute latteingenee.—On last Sabbath one week ago, fifteen persons were received as upunberain the Arldmi l water Presbyterian Church, of which Rev. J. M. Shields is Putter. Four have since beep taken tuts the same church. . . • On the same day several persons ware also admitted tomemberaldp in the Pres byterian Church of Beaver, (D. P. Low- Quite a number have also imen taken rots the M. B. Church of this plaice re cently. (Rev.:Joss. Ifolllugshead Pas tor.) • Interesting revivals are. also in pro gress in the 3f. R.: Churehis - of Bridge water and Rochester, ind intact lnnear• ly all the religions organiiatioas of the. neighborhood, but as to the number re calved, on probation or otherwise, we are not Informed. ItesiollitiOnl.-::At a regular meeting of Beaver Lodge No. 360, I. 0.0. F., held in Bridgewater. on 7** 0 4.9 I ?fin. ice, 11360, the ibilowitig resolutions wore adopted. Witt:lir-y.4 This Lodge having heard with profound scgrriSw the death of out late much beloved, esteemed and honor ed brother, William Curtis, Grand Flea rotary of the Grand Lodge of this State, therefore be it Rosh)ived, That it is with a feelliik of grief that we are called_ upon to record the death of ono whose actions during our existence as a Lodge has been of such a pleasant and cheerful nature, and one whose' honest and wise . Counsel has ,al ways been cherished, not only by our selves but by all the brothers of the or der, who had the pleasinre of knowing him. We feel that the order has lost one H of IV brightest Jewels, and • whose posi trim among us cannot be filled with more honor and integrity not only tothel3rand Lodge qt l'ennsylvvila, but to the order In general throughout this jtirladlittlonl Resolved, That TIC tolieca . nod upon to express our deep felt sympathy with the widow and children of our late esteemed brother, and with fraternal kindness we offer our condolence to them In flits thelt hour of trouble, distress and bereave utent, and to the Fraternity In general in the loss of our distinguished Grand See rotary, and that the Lodge be draped in mourning and the members of this Lodge wear the usual badge of mourn ing for do apace of slit montint- y" Resolved, That a copy of these resolu- tionu be sent to the Family of the deceas ed, end the 'iglu° ho plhl►nhed In the Beaver county papers. JOHN CARTED, C. MARTEN, • . D. Woormorr, Clem. J. V. MCDONALD BRIDONWATER, J0n.,1„ , Trassfiers of RealXMite lii Bearer malty, fbr the wmtlembling January 111, 1869. • Dearly' & Lenz, Trustees of the Har mony Society, to John Reeves, Nov. 11, 1886, 2 lots in Beaver Falls, valued 11400 Bendel & Lens, Trustees, to Chas.. L. Wright, May 11, 13118,11otand 2 part lots in ißeaver $3lO Bendel & Lens, Trustees, to Jas. Dunn, Sept. 14, 1838; 1 lot In Bea ver Falls, .2.5 Jam. Dunn to J. Reeves', Dec. 28, 11114, 1 lot In Beaver Falls, 31,3:4 & Lenz, Trustees, to J. A. Hidden, June 1, 18118, 2 lots In Beaver Falls, 1.431) J. A. Siddell to T. W. Kennelly, ' Jon. 5, 1849, 2 lots in Beaver Falls, $l,OOO Bendel & Lenz, Trustees, to S. IL Meyers, Dee. 31, 1368, 1 lot in Denver Falls, S. H. Meyers to John Reeves, Jan. I, 18699, 1 lot in Beaver Falls, $1,380 W. Kennedy to W. J. Vanity. and - • wife, Dec. 1863, 1 lot In New Brihten, Wm. Davidsen to Mrs. L. Ham, Oct. 30, 1839,1 lot In Borough of Bridgewater, $75 S. Black et.al. to A.J. Marks, Mar. 19, 1808, two pieeco. of land in Brighton tp., , containing about 45 acres, $2,800 T. J. Power & %Wet° Geo. C.Bpsy- erer, Dec. 21, 1888, a pieceof lanil in Rochester tp., $750 Bendel & Lenz to T. 0. Waddle, et. al., April 15, 1867, 2 lots In Beaver Fella, • $5OO J. & F !In:dings to S. Armstrong, Nov. 8, 1867, :ea acres and 152 per. New Sewickley tp., ' - t 2,500 The Petmleum Fluid manufactured by J. J. Palmer & Co.,ofPittaburgh, un-. der letters patent, supplies a necessity as well as a householdeonvonience. It has been in use more than a year, and is growing in favor wherever used. ,It makes the neater and is in every respect the best light,. No . offensive odor, no smoke, no grease to soil garments, no danger from explosions in lamps, 'does not inJuroweak eyes, gives. a softer light than kerosene, can be used with or with out chimney, can be burned in any lamp with the trilling expense of changing bdrners. It is cheiper than any ligh except daylight. .111 who use Itwill en dorse all we say. The following opin ion, one of many, wo havo soon. worthy of attention : To WiloX IT MAY VONCEILN.=—ThiIs is to certify' that I have used the Petroleum Fluid in my house for - tome timo with entire mitt:action. - It not only afibrds a Bear white light but is perfectly safe, be ing by me regarded as non-explosive. J. H. PAtinill, Inspector of Board of Fire Underwriters ' for the city of Buffalo, N. Y. A Valuable Refereuee.—Wehave; through the courtesy of the publishers, Messrs. Corft k Philips, the enterpris ing Real Estate Agentsand Brokers; No. DO Fourth 'avenue, Pittsburgh, recelv7 ed a copy of the January Issue of the Pittsburgh Real Estate Register. As the name Implies, this work is devoted to the advertialsing of such properties es: are placed in their hands for disport The present issue contains descriptions of over seven hundred thousand dollars Worth of real estate, consisting of bons* lots, farms, hotels, stores; western lands city and suburban residents* with pri ces and terms of sale. litmus. Croft & Phillips are tht; only agents In the city that home a work of this kind, yet tho extensive real estate business they do fully Justifies them in the undertaking, as their efforts' to' supply the want of such are being Inliy repaid by as apPre-. riatlve public. As the eiroulation Qqf the Register is gratuitous, we would say to *lithos° seeking homes', or investments in veal estate to get rieispy,lui Rai) , can not eat to get suited out Of the very large list it contains. The office of the firm, as above stated, is Igo. lie Fourth evenue, where copies can be obtained of they will forward it by midi rive teeny address. Those having real estate for sale will find It to their, interest to se cure he services 'of the above firm, as they have superior facilities tier bring ing what they present before the peo ple. Don't fall to call and get a copy. jan2lkit sw . a sitmeeris. . te 141 f lit's I'm sitting In tn.r den; - I ketpOinhtnit new pit4ll)en, orpoitopfdid, I , shin I see then ' See more? • pflthnes isheit worldrintna me Is 1. 0 resting 4n , - •• • They come to ine--4h6"; dsrle;hours of sadness-- r! . .' /hinging oil they my r pillow, They come In the mfilidicht, so stillyand Day after day and year after ypar, • ".th I 'When I Wog attt„ r l , t irtienitacieteie, That as I view them o' and o'er, -11 tear I Shall see roan • . 1 When shall I see 'that 'oettaire dOor. . Where rye spent hours of joihdoie , 'Twits theb, I kin, *A grili9r, are,, My heart *as always joyous there. But If I iieeei 11 Mari, Nor stand upon my native shore, . No matter where: I'm doomed to roam My heart !hall be, with,tkere it dame. • Atteriat'lliWarmani. LevrtsburqßeMinary, Upton Co., Pa. Ids Peretiee.—We Were sorry to learn a few days ago that our clever friend; J. 13„ Ratan, Esq., had abandoned the practice of law . in .the Oodly town or Beaver: Rumor with her thousand tongues has it that he has tor some weeks past, and will continue to be engaged in the Mature, in "doing up" the Washington; Philadelphia,Bar rbburg and Pittsburgh correspondence of the "Radical" with headquarters at Beaver, Beaver egunty, ra, 7.nadditiOn to this responsibLo datiV,, we understand that be fa Just' noir taxing his energies to tho utmost In educating publieopinion up .to believing! that John Scott was Quay's candidate . tbr the United States Senate. Wo wish him great "Maxon in his new Notation: • • - • 'X. Our (=respondent we think Is labor ing under a slight misapprehension.— Whatever other 'dutlesidr.' Ratan has undertaken, we think his law oMMee Will till bo tbruul*n, and hitnselfes reedy rettelie'eltentaln tlio haute is in the past.—[Ed. Argue. Resolutions. —At a regular meeting of Harrison Onham Encampment, No. 116, I. 0. 0. P., bold on Thursday even ing, Jan. 7th, 180, the following pream ble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, In the dispensation of an all-wise ruler of the universe wo aro cal led upon to mount the loss and death of Wm. Curtis, late Grand Scribe of the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, therefore be it Resolved, That in the death of our. worthy Grand Seribei, we teal lib app print° and proper to eitend to the fluid ly of our deceased and well beloved Pa triarch our sympathy, and that we em pathize with them in their hours of trouble, distress and bereavement, and feeling that tho Patriarch is gone and left us, and believing in , an adorabloGod that all Is well, we recommend his wid ow and children to - Him, believing ho will give Utah him his heavenly caromed protection, and the members of this En campment hellos the loom of our worthy Grand Scribe extend to Alio family of the deceased the right hamlet felloasidp. .Resolved„That we belltivel ,the order has lost one of its boat Patriarchs, one of Its brlghestjeweis, and ono whose poet-_ tion amonist nt. Will with :difficulty be lilted, one soluit of honor, integvity and offiliecttiess. Resolved, That the diluter and em blems of this Encampment be draped In mourning for the space of SiF, months, and a copy of thew resolutions be Mr fished-the family of the depessed, and tho, same be published in i the Beaver county papers. Resolved, That the members of this Encampment wear the mmii Fbadge . ,o! mourning for fix months., Wm. Husurr. I DA,vin; W(KIDROPT, JAS. Q.*, tAxTrr, • Com.* B. lit tiLninia. 1 1 Jam. E. NiceAnx, • EninntwATEli, Jan.Ath, IRM. *Rgbbers' Risid.—During the past ten days a regular raid seems to have been made by r s iibbersr upon .houses in the north-easteni part of our oonnty. On Saturday night OClant'whek (as was stet:. ed in our hug issue) the store of John IT. Hill, in Nottingham township, was rob bed of several hundred dollars worth of boot., shoe., clothing. ate. Ahout•noon en Tuesday the, dwelling of Win. l'. Bryant, in the mine township, was entered by four persons (while the family Were absent attending the mar riage of a relative,) who gained admit- lance through a window of the sleeping room. The liouse'vrav thoroitghly ran saekkl, and bads„ bedding, bedding, &e., turned upside down. The thieves carried away two good voids, 's revolver, a vest and about one dollar in money. On the same day the house of ,itsninel Whitely, in Peters township, a4prt dis tance from Bryant's, was *ken into by the same parties, evidently, wiikle the owner was at church. The 'contents were scattered about the rooms in beautiful confusion. Mr. Whitely being an old bachelor, and being earetul jo kefrp his "heaps of gold and silver treasure".elso where than about his "Sleeping bunk,” n•• POO the robbers hero made but a sorry haul —theti entire" gioty • coMpribing a hat, pair of boots, several pairs of socks (they about cleaned out the gentleman of the latter branch of pedal warinefs), and some othei• articles of wt aring appArel. • • On Thursday, between ten and eleven o'clock, the dwollingi of John Jiihnion, in North Strabane township, was enter ed while the family wore at church, en trance being effected by bursting the rear door -of the kitchen.. The rooms wore thoroughly searched for money, but, With the exception of between two and tbree i tiolLarsi in copper wins con- . Mined in a desk ilrawer, nothing of value was obtained. The•villains removed a small Iron safe from one of the rooms to the cellar, where with a pick and other Implements they broke it open—indeed smashed It pretty . tionsiderably into "smithereens," as , our Irish friends would term it. They evidently antici pated a handsome turnout of "swag," but were sadly disappointed; obtaining for their trouble nothing•bitt a few pa pers of no value to any ono heside the owners. One of the papers, however, a certificate of stock In some corporation, they took. with, them, but afterwards dropped it a short distance from the house.. - Abend threeo'ekklenf Iheiitfternoon of the SOW. day,fvuE.P9l ls 9Po approach ed the residence of James Throme, also in North Strabane township, a short dis tance north of thikeyvillei . and while three of them stood at the fence, 'some distance off, the other one entered the kitchen andasked Mrs. Throat° for aloof of bread, to add to Rome meat and other eatables, wrthat himself and companions could make • meal. The bread war fuw. niched, and very shortly after the depar; tare of the hungry individual a finer)* vratch beionging to Mr. Throar eras mis: sing, It had been Millen while the lady 'was abseid Ybr.thb bread, Mr. Throme turd Wmsß..Fultatywhohappenedtobo at the house; at once started in pursuit, ,and Illiceeeded...arker dithenity, in coming zip with the party—three of them sitting under a tree eating, and the other (the one who bad stolen the' watch) at tempting to hide behind the trunk of a large tree. The three deniedhaving any knowledge Of the watch; and npon Mr. Throrneapprtaching theother,thesoonn. "drel drew a revolver and threatened to shoot him-if he attempteil an acad. In deed. he did try to discharge thoweapon but antrinatelythe cap:haled toexpleda. In a few minutes persons living in the neighhorhood. reached tbe soma, and. three of the partlia were taken into cns-... Lady, the other and greater villain rue- . ceedtxl in getting away through the Fam ME .woodedurtm tbit thole prpottbay osted that aid thrown the wateli snip -te atom the oa4-Ivlseee.it wig after -04,11060k t lisehrilhilifeilikagavi thatitidia Tro4iostikr Wililikrotisand _ ,11111•1111Wi,(ina Wera brraiitkiii*Vrit iind oontroltted so.44l,endoWlNfiliy bad a boning betbroJneticelikirrii* who reopitintitted,the,m,ihr flittherniatrihia- . tion on Widnlidiy of thipreiesiiweeli.• on ileterdsi 3r i *yea identified it coat and vets worn by, one Oahe *oil 84. haTth4 bien inken..ttnenh 2 l4 and gib* identified &revolver mono with fine of isle three. Eleven& keleing:,heti= fly to . baving Wien Idai 1• 1 ot the leaner of the .3.7414; bark"' it &bent the thee of the peanniii. slim attic mine. We lam thlt one or themlia shoe Ildallited that thlif wire , looneernad in all tad the 21111 ninny. YC Is bellived flit the proper ' ' name of one ot the ibreencrir in jail , bt Drift* 'arid that be was recently diaobazirl4bedttlw penitentiary. The ane yet et large, l 'ror whoixt °Mean are now -aetrobing,, I . thought to be &chap mimed Samuel OW tie, living hi theeeatem part ofiestionn. 'Fortber develOpmentawillstodoebt be made at the bearing on Wedaeeday s — EWaslr. Examiner; . • :!;. 00lREBFONI►ENCII: llYAvxa FALLI,:PA., Eormis Anoxia: Bir:—Baiing under: stood that Mr. :Fields who his been principal' of the Bon' Brighton 'Union *boobs slum 1860, has , notified the Board of Education that it fi la inten tion to withdraw from tho School at the close of the pungent lenn, .' • Mr. Fields will be a eandidese for the 'aloe of County SUpergiterniffifik4Both: then Schools of Bawer Countt: I‘4lt, fleas ihr the position both Aft to, a~+ility and administrative 4uslifleiggais: has anything to'ilo with theaeleettan of this officer, thou I know of no .one better qualified for theposition. A„ci. NEW Blithlirx,*A., Jan. Is. EDITOR ATICIUM-Oiir borough elec tion last week was a very uninteresting iffnir, save in' the North Ward, In which the Democracy, , • • traria' the daring Lest grup of despairing." • Succeeded in electing their candidates for the offices of Justice of the peace, 14chool Director, one member of the Council, one Inspeetor, and the.ludge of Elections, Assessor and .Constabll this In a ward which metros Republiean imajority of 41 lauilltlishowitig clearly that the . Repuldhauts were greatly, so. fault in not turning one, or that:l[lloy slid go to the polls,'many,of thetn voted for the euenty'scandhlates. , •We hear some pf an 'effort to hare the elecUon hf,that . ward set aside, 4FI the ground of illegality . ; as It Is well known that several Illegal votes wend . zeceived, and that the Election Board re; fumed to be governed by the i6th section of the act approved April i1,71151 . .5nd which ix still in toxic; although their attention was-particularly called to It by a citizen On the day of election. The section cited reads thus "That every person entitled to vote Li, members of the General Assembly. hove, log resided in the borough six monts, immediately preceding the election; and within one year paid a borough Wt. if such tax:shall have been levied, shall be entitled to vote at the' borough thou." Thiadananage an plain thee, no pet mcon of ordinary Intelligence ran. fall to understand r' yet in the'llwh of tide plain provielott, qt tha httr. men who never paid borough tax, and , who hkut, not lived, in , the ,h4ongh ; Kix . month* were allowed to vote in the Ncirth With otiTuteally Lail. We think. the mettogr should be legally . ..irmatigited,if white has been told us be true., We ere perfectly well aware of the filet that "drowplng rianicitch at atrawai" : pro 191,, parlY' t 4. the tietnocaley alittle nibble lone of that public pep on which they *id for so many long years before they become: the especial ehatuPiens of treason; but not one nibble shall they have without, our protest,. unless It be gotten in strict apeordance wlth i law. , They pritte.a vast doai: Coriatitution, anti :tire laws," and we Wish them to exemplify In their conduct thatlihich we hoar them' preach on the political rostrum, in their press, and on the corners of the streets. lienee 'we Hey ti our brethren the North Ward: Investigate without de n lay. Truth 'never stiffen from public exposition RYorxor. Fiwwweial Liggfd,Aii pawning; ED. ATUDI , M :—SVhCrt ,we look back over the hirtory.Of our nation for thq last few years, and recount the 'perils, trials and sufferings through which wo have passed, and' the merciful deliver ances wrought out for it would keeni that every lover of his Country and hloi God would with gratitude acknowledge the hand of anover-ruling providence In all these things. Tome' bow Minn a tau it Is since the black idol of idaVery, feared up in the South, was impudently demanding that the pooplo ahouild - worrillp. and pay homage at its feett o sart.sit the. corrupt aspirants for place : and power, being kings, princes and potentates, were ' symPathiring with and • encouraging this wicked Idolatry; and all' that refused pi °hey eta (inundates me/a . ..proscribed, persecuted, inurdeicil and - banished' from Souhern territory I and not satis fied, they iiinanined a creel and wiekid war to extend and perpetuate this Ini quitous seheine, by firing into our WV-. *els, attacking our forts, and marshal ling their hosts to eatitare our National tkpitaL ' ' • • When we attempted to' drive back the rebel inviiderOefeat and disaster met us en every hand, and riot. Until wo had paged ourseivei of idolatry and Incur tice; and ''ottr rulers proclaimeinhat the oppressed shall go free, and invited them to come •Up te the 'help Of the • Lord against theinighty ; S. - Grant, like an obsiiiiie David, 14 : 'placed at the hind where,by,his prudence and skilful managenient • he subdued rebellion, and congruireUtrosiorr, and Maar by the gratitude of a patriotic people occupier a postdate,' whiire.wo, trust, the great Ruler who guided hint successfully through a bloody war, will direct in adopting a policy that will restore har mony; union and happiness, In this the land of the and! the borne of' the brave. . . And now when the• distracted condi tion of our paper curicricY, which has resulted from Abe grad walsmaion that was forced upon the . Government to ralee mthiey; to pay and feed a brave army engaged in putting .4lown SU Inds-, mime rebellion;, and now when the financial atmospherei is thedarkest and gloconielt; and' pude, devastation and ruin seem to be the inalitablia fate of ereir7. l o o .4isif . :pntsrpriso„,..and. the wild, I . ' ? fidslottinT. , iiiienlol 4 , *ad POiliker'-tinkers and cduielerui. ed conitme.. darkness and Intensify 1 the gloom. 111 tlie . Midst Of this - dirk. ness and glecim,..fleriaW Morton, liken, star in the east shines uponour peAhrey. and points out the trueplan by which we may. return to specie payment, without. passingthrmgh the fiery ordeal of pi l ule and ruin that has beim so Universally ex pected or anticipated. Pass his bane Pay specie flar thy:greenbacks in .Tnly '1871; and I will Sent& theumertkrn that 'in' 0' AM alter. lloqnsuslio legal 'tenders will advance from ten to fifteen percent towards par,. and will continue 'to mire until It. buSinait equal' to, gokl.;-- -Then will gamblers in gold and pro. duets bediscarded and cast 'oat of their temples like the money clangers aid dove sallies of old.' The tuitional bank paper unlit 40;110 become of equal multi() as lOU rodeima , OW:n*11 tiiiidera. 'Anita 4111 fie it chadattng medlinsiam In days Past; ,lben honest huthatryirill hp, reenrnbrk 41 0 1 0 bute l it'4 lllll • ol 'iiiffr." ol . 4 and anattalol}; ;Otil-.'nithrig% hOifoll# ttiaad of wog at It diaOrMaire, '1 3 .. 1 1 ' d s presdanyind the , eapltal erto been entPloyed tnintorthnOthd o¢; minims lndnatrfinda - ntliprieritillitte Compelled to teeklbir laveatmemar in thib useful enterPrhieinf the Manda. pistOinapartt3i thatidaripyr/y, Infft. Inv- on to the developuieitt our, true dainty; dliWillng every. doubt • lb ielbreeuletotheitrenthand PeriMrmukT °four groyeriuMint,and dine lay ample end' lteGnenee fintdMe the. na tions of the world to elltMard,' Of tOparewai and act* , wire ! pk.iii %tut of government, Then will, correct political and mark truth 'adaanee i • pro-. pees and IleveloP sU thelieoYri, dPet7: Section dour free huitltutions, and . dia. Pel all the erroneous, vain and device bloarisMoraclemorMndllasof nealthend power, and honesty, industry, hiteilf: MOO and virtue will be the true test of Rocinorrum XXV, 81111111TON,FA.,AIEL /0‘;'09: ' Em'Annum—N'otldng out of: the ann-• al COllllllO has occurred .this week: in our Minu ll 9 (ilot village, with the exception , of our . borimgh 'Motion: on ,Tuceday t. and in relation to this -there wait no feel. Mg-or interest in :any but the In that the Desnearsts turned out in full strength; will& many Itepublitsms did- not gip to the polls, and an a conger coon/Jammers! good men were - defeated and our. opponents _elected . six -.out of nine oillearn. . . - In the North Ward 161 vote's were cast, In the Middle Ward 71, and In the South -Ward 33. From (Ida It will be °lamented that in two myths the entire vote polled Was mach less than the majorities given 'Dar Grant at the November election. i The following iss list of the oftiocrs elected: BOROUGH OFTWRIDI-ALL BNPVIILICANS Burgas—M.'S. Johns. • • Angled. Iturges.e. A. Meyer. High Constable—John noddanl. Auditor—C. L Wendt; M=! panned—R. E. Hoops, It; -kluniel Dunbar, Justice of the Pear ti—John Glom, D. : ConstaLlq= Neylisou Futiltlinaser, D... Assessor—llarrisonnithatu, P. ilchool Directors—Joseph ROOVVII, jutlgo of lilection—W: 11. Fowurs, D. Inspectors Joints' Fleming , II.; (*pt.,. C. IC. Chamberlin, It. . . ~ • .1 MIDDLE WARD—ALL FIEPOBLIVAI ' .Ccrancil—Jolin F. Prim, Agnevr Duff, danree Edgar. ' • ' 'lnspector—Philip 'Atartaolf, Geo. Por ter. School Director—John Robinson. Constable—lllram Reed. .Itulgo of Eleetion—Bent. Bedipon Asoemoor---Jrwoh !MOUTH' WARD- 1 -ALL REPURLICAIVS. IL Alexander, M. T. Kennedy, Jos. T. Pugh. Judge of Election—Joseph Alexan der,. , ! iaseasor—Nir. 11. lA:minion: . Sehool piroptAn:—Dr,.l): Stanton Constable-LW. 0 Lourimore. Insinsiont Jamb Winans, Jolla Pugh. In the •NOrth Ward the vote for Robt: Edgar and' Fl. lirabam for Council was a tie-Otence a special election'must be held to decide the matter. Tlie'fict that Capt. Gob. S. Barker ivaa defeated by the default of our own party Li, we Wink, a moat, foul bkluirtlce. •." Capt. Barker has 'been n member of Sehool Board for eighteen cot:seen- Hie years,. and we believe' nearly or. ilnite 'that length of time trarinrer of the iehool fund; and always acted faith folly and efficiently—an much ao thane,' otte,.ln truth, can lay n' mingle charge' We hope that in sneeeeding eleetiona the Republlratta of the North Ward will Omleavoi te'retrieve the fortune% of the pant, null not allow an illiberal and tin oomproridaing enemy to vAike down our beat men. ~' Inox. 'Enrron have loOked over the eolumns of the Radical voryfmxious-, Iy for the last two weeks tootle what that paper bad to say abont the pasting and , folding proposition submitted by Messrs Mauch k Cochran; of Lancaster, against 'the employment of a brigade of minor talkers and oue or :twee other swindles which the Legislature has already had hefere it lint lo lay sairpriseand mortili dation I find that tiuttpaper neitheretilt mildly or through any of its mrrespontb cuts has yet opened its lips against any of the above flagrant attempts to rob the people. Not only this, but the Radical hasneyeryet, litany form, given its read ers to know that these things werebcing done at the State Capital I Now - why is this? Is It nut as( plain int anything eau be that the munerous conductors of that vapor are either In full fellowahiP with ho "hangers-on" and corrliptloitiatit or Tetylyania; and want them to Melt all they can front the titiblie treasury, or else aro without sitillrietit nuiral courage to raise their voices egatnet . theie ritia ,tkpot the'people's hard-earned money either two they ricitli frierit‘ and I ahould ret•elvo the reproistiltin boi -1 'eat men. Pam. ES NSVINAISIA STATE LEG. IMMATURE. The Panting and Folding Job -The Increase of Odieersia the p, lloaae. -. . A correspondent of the Pittsburgh Conameivial says "As a committee of 'one from 'the twenty-three thous and voters who elected the Allegheny timmy delegation to the legislature a Pennsylvania, I • have been ( self j appointed to very earnestly inquire Of said delegation why they thought it-morel° , the interests of the State ,pay $50,000. for, work which, could lie done for .$7,000 or less. • • g ' entlemen' of delegation from Al leny County 'Your constituents wire an early explanation of • this 'inatter,and would be planted to toenail farther informed whether it is prob., able that you will continue this kind of economy throughout .the session. MAGNA VON POPULI," COM.- :George Schindler, a one-legged sol‘ dux, whose services to his country arid needy cirtmnstances should have soured him the desired position, was tut applicant for a placeln the posting rid H folding department of the ouie, he, was set aside for a strong, h thy, able-bodied ex-member ga ined Ma Lott, &um Wyoming, and the-latter is new serving his second term In the House in thecapacity of "paste stinger." lie, wiW get his "take" out of the-thirty or forty thousand dollar job, which respond ble parties agreed to do for seven thousand. - The folknvingllvan the Harrisburg correspondence of the Erie Dispatch indicates that the Hens; upon Its organization, selected twenty-seven more officers than it ;was 'entitled to by law:. "The proper `distribution of the officers has been livery vexing pscoop. Sevemicancuseswerebeld Oita Remblimn members In reirard .to the' matter, and the Indications are vexy,decided that' the laic' passed last. winter limiting e the number of Aims will be re ed. At least 'on the strength o that probability, twenty-seven more officers than are now provided for by law, are em ployed by the House of Reprewnta tivve." • _ . • , • -The Um:aster Erprem of Wednee• day saym " From the proceeding's of the . AareLegislature yesterday,- it will be seen that the scheme tbr rob bing the Treasury. by the appoitment of tvrenty-seven additional officers of ths House, each to be. paid. Sit or-$S pie day, and costing in the imtde U 5,000 for a sers4eo spomdbie ladle* have olltveo to per- =aid_ _ tb4= r oe io cref _s!ti teghierammaty, in ,1 "StBlitheffo' Booked, thei r = Re i au Mixed ' Waal ofhe 'act,the voiding twentpreiren In' Tho bill wised *coed nisußng, and Mi. &wing nioreilthe susr•endon the wile frabitldlng the 'rending. a a 'bill more thanthe satnedaYi- Agreed to blra vote of 80 td ,!l, with* no. Xi. Stiingew• plalned. that a 'Joint resolution ppati ed Itutt_ year' confined. the Houma Ito thirty officers; but it was Ibund that, in'tbccsoechardcal " an d pasting and A*lingdepattmentsthe foreetwas Jut strong enbugh. If this reniSliltitin I passel], 'the Mane - would *Writ have quite: as many officers ,as iti last ymr. The resolution by Wrote of 62 to ff 9:: • • „ • • Trre"Opts*, of Wed nesdic,i7 e,vening,pabilsbedantatideof aver a column In leagth, 'Oving der! tells of a remarkable Ithermay made inn cave under the island of Itock Island, In the MlNdsliitildr hY it,PartY of scientific; gentleinetatoin inefrald Among other things found Visi the ,statue of a • beautifuntullan midden, a huge pedmtal cimstreted solid cepper,ixossbows and arrows, an obr tisk Of solid brass, wane seven foot in height, beautillfily sculptured on four side, also ninny other Indian relics. The puhlleatton has'produced quite a sensation In Una Vicinity. Married. :BARATTA—BAKER- 7 AL the litAiie or the bride' parents, On 'Der. UM; NM, by P. J. CUlllllllllgli, Mr. P. 11. Marsha a Mimi Adaline Baker. • • • CROCCII—MA LON an. 121 h, I*, by John Ilerron, Robert Crouch, of Winton; to Mims Elmira EmeUne Malone, of Chippewa, /Waver Pa. ' • 'WillTCompE—RmiTti —tin Wed nesday evening, Salutary IStlf. HO, by" Rev: IX A. eininingham, at Ida re& denee in Philadelphia, 'Mr. O.P. Mini Bombe, of Rochester, Minnesota, to Mims Jenny M. Smith, formerly of Ihridgewa. ter; Bearer Co., Pa. . . Markets. , prirmaimpil mrAulltErd.-• " Ormen or Turk Aiwa/Armor 411,uurrm tr MATUItDAY, January lA, 1609.:•• J, Thera le but little- that reelly.tutw or iniPcirttutt be'esidiegard toile marl:eta: in war:. 'Trade; bi general. mercluttullse . Tut' hoen dull throughout thrtweelt, 'the volume Of business having boon ,unusually which was uwingin partto thaittelement weather; business, howorer, Ila uttusa nlly_l3nll. at Utts sateen of the wear so 'many of the large MannOseturing attar lisimients suspend operations about the lltstaf the year to fate stock and Mike ropaltv'V. The demand for altnoet tiverY= . thing la retitriaed. to supplying imme. dhsta triunta, whUe lit tepid to volumes there. are ;to imports/4 changes. ..:. ATPLEM—In fair detnand, and steady with regular- sales at *SAO to 5,i,10 -p er • • Ltd., as to quality. RUTTER—Couthaues dull, 'with 11h eral arrivals and 'a supply considerably In °tress of the demand. Wo continue to quote, however, at 35 to 37, for prime to chola° ROIL .. BEANS-161,503,75 per bushel. BUCKWiIEAT FLOUR—DuII at 4 DIftED FltUlT—Steady with it fair Deal deftiand - but unchanged; Tention at 12 to 13 i foil:portent, and 16 to 17 Ibr halves. 'Apples 10 to lla •DIIEWSED HOGS—Sales asl3 to lie. EGGS—In good supply and dul/ may be quoted at-23 for pickeled, and 3 &, for fresh packed. . HAY—There is no improvement to note in the demand ibr- hided, and' the market Is doll and prices unchanged, ranging from $lB to no, or inferior 8 prime Timothy. , . . • PROVISIONI4-I.larou la firm With' Jobbing sales 15 for Shoulder, and 19 to IN for hams. Country Lard: 18 to 19 and prime cltrut 20. Hefts Pork (MVO tot's!. „ Seedo- I ,Small solos of Clovenned •at W and Timothy at AfJ,:r> to '3OO. Flax-. oeed 8=;30 to 82,441, • POTATOES,— EMU but Amelukiged: sales h.f the ear !had at 7 . 3 to 71e; add In store at 80 to 81ki. POULTRY—SaIes of !Dressed 'Chick en. at 12 to f2le and Turkeys at 1610.17 e. 01Lt IN—We can report a aide of 70 mks Rod Winter Wheat -1,80, wad 2 Foos Spring—price not given. Oats quiet but steady with light receipts; we ran- ' titme to (mote at IA to 6.1 e on track, mid 67 to 04 , tc for email lots in 'Sore.' Sale of • 300 ettolielo Par Corn at Me; prime ohell ed can be sold at s lc. In round lots.--: Rya is steady. at •81.45 to $1.47 for No. 1. Barley maybe quoted at *I -for prime Penna. and Ohio Spring, cud $l,BO to FLOUR—Markets quiet and unehang ed. wiote Spring Wheat, 47,00 to pk,oo'per barrel. Rye FlourM,7B WV- The Pearllfill puede their beet brands, madOof the hest Wheat, as follow Eg tra Family _Flour,. in 11 1 arrehl, and, in sacks, 18,16) per barrel; Double Extra Family, in Lintels, 10,80, and, Itt socks•tB,so per- barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, In barrels, ti 7,00 and in seeks, 117,80 Per barrel: . • - Adrertt+tr•»tettts; e.ir.tilivioxiti; -.MULEIt I\- Flour, Fed, and Giain,: ROCHESTER, (o: , z THE Flour at price. to salt Mt, to lewd to Pftio& end QUALM'. 11111 Feed, of all Ueda.. • CORN IAPL RE ouli • • • BUCKWHEAT FLut;u_,L' . CORN AND OMB, constantly ou haul. ALI*, • cheap and contest; Wooden I'm the cheapest In use. A gout tlty of the celebrated Alta , Vela GUANO OR 'PHOSPRATE: on hand, which +III be iold cheep, to 'order to In trodden It. • ' ' • I buy for CASH, and sell for the ratan. Cantairni , era win and It to their Wattage to tall. i , 111196.-Aa Gooqs.Delivered Free.'loll.. Jan %t 9., itelt4o.zin.,, N E•N The Nrar 'alit Petalon Plaid .13 free tette the NOW of Cuban on, and le oak linear ua aintatutanora. . Gin.. N . ' ' at be The iunierrlgned are 'now minuactiring, hart have for sale 1W New Pentad Ytaidoned4a dtatillatioth without tint alt ilk t Of eospoun Ia vsdnally taking the place of Carbon ON, y ail plata where introduced. " • nitetrw wanted. in every lowa. El!** "calor, Address, • J. J. PALMER t • Ito; II DAXD &rem, •i PIITBSUROW Qin.* weans sox cum.' • ' L.Y _The Beaver Salt Manful. Ca kr Ws their , Batt Warta. Ito.' Bremen Crew, *boat ens belt talle hem Oa River. The works AM DI the Sam or Solon Pa. tar, Eaq. for fortber particalus a4eraea. or call Ona 5. B. Fillatelk Jan. $3, 1880.1-4 Beane, Pa Ezoeutorlit- No•Gett.—Lottont teeteeseptsel upon the Wale of Wm. MeCtlease. et Beaver, tp.. Hewer toasty. l'et. dereased, holm beds gloated to the unatiotostoti...4 l Pens. 4 l%; t.edebee stahaetsel4 estate VW prepeln mperty anthenUested poitp.rd• rip .., n •,,P= wood to am ertite will mike "4"11g!". • Itectnt i ros. needy.. • • Jan."; 101110. ------"- Ibetlbor-T he '' ab ire her Ft7earey POOti , . _a il ISC . by wattled that the retry Met ranting &reef `do obio deer at Vearport: ht. Wahl ma nn ht bigyahe tripe, seal IQ' la the !Wars. eestlaue do OR •Ths_ patronage ,of . the plhhe ... 14! .. retea.:: tally I °Mateo. ....:1: Jas. 40,1100.-itt W. ;hoc Wm twig 11 * . ..=e:c al, nsthil ing ii. a prostes•*. De IN Wigs 1.11. i. Of w a ,„,„,,,„„ a NI 4: :11 ilk . Hantr e etwat no, , part: : .4 he hog the baits:4l' l SM ler, - Swat know Ant at . "hie , I. 10g. tettealmmees the et:thi IL% ~ ,i ' • TheleteMat /be p ßereef ti ma „t o :, "Too tavoa= lanai,' lit ptcatal wee treptlet, aces lbw aetieselhar wie homAtedtalle rpm 1"- ---- - orate • • . Ia tt tlettfille t - 'I the parrr mad othi l l=l4leit °l ' It MeV Oetwra beeeate. or d toat UMW ‘- ii .,.. elleit, 4,caut =gnome let if 111 - 31 - . tba atte=l/1 iist blOr t , 1 =aqua a hael b st tat* alwr a t i l !'Snub Nnicrolun ta.,,Catia o enc.' I Eltairlir . = , ter two pate-on. yet .r. --"I hirs mix. _ton. km trlied rwi &woe wee peosarrum. ie.peg= Erp."%-.4. in1.0! , , , .".?!....-4- Ilbiressme it Me citlseat ..I'oo vs s : eraa a /4 nd B d i a om t 'metabolite Jan So t gaemen . Lea AM, Clatedtallll;l a rlbell , Eltaltata. Wee. Oases net Pea, a x; Xr, Jas. Teuest dual/4 1p , W la., Ido tested ler.•lt awl Mae' Past, win :- no mad totlid e, el ili A ,Li te beam *ea beet* w e eitlesirote ", and 4rote them loat Whet Pogh hi Mar dem" - Mt Jam. (laud. at the dame totrustdp. ett it, tad eve; .11, ham tamed eeeenetal It re, sand to ktlllut4 4 Bqa and des Oren& Inteete• Iltattheir. ett of Bottewell tp.4llei Mead It. sod taw " cyanid thornier a ocemetel .la killing the Omer and tt-eiroyfog the beetle." 011ter Clemens; Acne Omen' end JAI Ye- Cvnaminia. en Weehlegton Ca...lato tread Um retorting eMbethmithmet,eoo .111 CORKIIf . . aan it lkat It proptl sacelellol• •. , , 'I at r Idd teadada•tothets wlabbaw strew Melt esellatea deraereln ef ta , th Decrommer for tie weeemaim M • • t al.wd the protertlea br Fre Dia d tlte ntg eallldest. I will WI-Canty ousll el sardiumaXi= 1 an pone deetrleg to warm OTIMMItjt. Leesville, Carroll Corawg olaa • . . . • ruorsalt liarmar.;-+Tti ItilowiagpataoratirMt tartheamay to Ilaudatarp of Irlatmara ?strut tap ProgictinS fraltaaO.i-• ! i, • 0 . . 'Darla kenualp 01 Rattcani . IP» Ws Cosuiir Itaift that tv. banlktot Flabort's propos rot &tr. WE tumid troaiWOH tires: tntbsd a OM aroPat pladas Ala last ilallnisardi try lappelaa *my , . that hoit t~tm saptspo vtaea,tot Otte th e . Rale Hoary wlLWltitilln a albOrtlaselial did no Inn** , lama Ids Ist loa raw.. n Mo d ace. - wets po 'WC then. saer. nor La law velum mart Z WWI& Am*. Rs thin Lad qtr No. sass 1.0. U. Ha at. _dona 4 141 4:2 11 4: rains to fartaltal and nittlrowerst ' • • • later...Lienooly;alllllotand Malaya* Pam Wag 1 1 taiwat ..ecto [mai ,tha on tala 'tag as nod I Odra* of photo woo" 1.111 ntuallbat bad at law=roalkolk US I WO , =.1: 1 4,1r 7 . • !il:t.r.ll!. About one year ago, *gentleman named Nil/ tame to Bearer at the twat for Flabmos Palent An the protection abaft.' Are. Ilesfausemh 'ma doss frronalle mama otblda'patme ha ma Oleo exchtagen and haring mate- flab acataatudants with the Patellae, we were titaness& to try the re. mod} atilt multi al Mot Mow ataidl4.od gis paildamaased whalltmit borne *I MIA aft ad put fair yews: We "lamed lb. elrecttone ghee a, r talthfally is patellae( and la the as 7 tam of that yew we band one otthe Mrs bear tag a Waal aol4arad the 91/I.IT *My loaded dais lotahalt. lb.belPe r the rga`d! aßpltEd . liu'aht *lma W. malt, or whether wa nonid sere had the pleats without the . ipplltEatlon; we bard nut. hat these am lb* facts. We hare, howastrO.Searce -44 a dOnbetett that 'Cho patent posiessat - te9re or 1 41 0 , 11 1 s ' and should hay, a tale hid . artbe of Dor agricultural Mende.—Zo. 'Munn. " Barer, Pi; Jae. If; reP. • •: t- • • Du . u. suuusav, . TRUTH DiSTRA.I46Eit par Pump It b i povitlve _DR. ii:''S. ffißßOlj t - eo. '2, 11, a. mksit:Olt , im,-;'... IBBAVAN, PA , kute• Dy'ags and C4'roceri; Wlkb they venal cheep as tan Ise lwmagit Iq They bare ea Mod sad.. tre deUy PecePolel • PURE ' ' ' • E , PERPIIT4ty, Pal;int HndtdnwrArall kiida:LessL.,Cip,Letti , ff, and Note Pipe Pero; Penethr. rAtleY sod Thissitle. Sorra, Pare Wines and Upon, • far kettles, inapcwhei Darning 01*.aild oda articles PIM ny, kis pa Sot plow Drug Storm., The Doctor Arcing had a practice of ton yenta, feels runtlds or l 4 ability to Ono Illt6 IR tba prefer% a department, !Melt endat Alt ',pedal dui Ile ebarcea aniline for sdv.telo and yretictlinlon.. Physician Preserifion Card* Com yodel at all Hari Day ill let. W, Olio have m assartament of • Ten,' Ittoe; • • Calmed Frutta. - • . Eitracts - Jellies .'efflida RAISINS, cams, auclaus, Chit reeds be. been bolted krw. SOT . Mb. se lected with gnat ewe; wSII be wed if dee mi 'tweet prfay. Glee es • toll beam. posebsisksi elprirbint. Zeitenby Pulse ,takes iln 9setrege, for, goads. . . Jas. 4 US. Hi U. HIBBARD 'At c 0 •• • . Naga pa?tora of Tuba !loveably willra -1"1",,1 ",ro. I t Y Bourn rita, tomuillA tor tie Wen of a pear Vale or atbaot Mamma saM •tb elar animal bandbox. airet /Mos MOO fort,lo hot may, _lrladom—taralm 'MO Ilxbta OK of Makiad see MOD= , s Mae Mori •Mk Mor, bc. .7111111 m, will be iltela by Me :Board of 11Thialarr, ow tbafr paeallax as abom tat era krarpme '0 recall,. insagroda. W. O. , WALLACti WM. Valilabia 1144" Iliet litlie.-13 amid la lloehootew "to:. I Nola Lana 10 foot (toot by INI *goo, Itid vita all We Medan hoprooosento,aollallle lbe a Urocery or a Dm. Good. atoll. Aloe a Irtiolro livrollng ostler lot MOWN/ ohne aiLlivig deo roam la good es. pa/L . . Taa loatielillP ion, gu ., Ku.,,.....,, t:Aw ~... ig.7?T1.2.117airi.: .1640/11tNt ' ll .4%: Distoload, Mocloales, pt. • . , ; t 7 rWrOt• . , . . '. . ' ''' '.. , . , ST • it 0111111neit410110130 iille „CV Ms of agolalideatlooL , upon !tbs. to of Lords P,btettel, late of hale 10001101: 441 having 'bent misted to , tho radoralgasil, 40 row Indebted toaeld estate oreopitqlp - lolosildlel Mammy logl, thorn. e unmet the nob wit! preload th eta to il ' i r ee " . :.,..' ' ' _...._ :'._ •L • ' MUMS STRT7J64}; . • ; J. R. k LETN, Ada's P. it. A MON. • ; Da. 1 . 1.111.!BI*, •Si litiree4,-Seaver; rm. i 1 / 4 r 4 44 g 4T,,1 1 d t, ti; I r4r l , COTMIUTIONS ARS PASolli: enenr ' "Rd Dead ars Ono la bud al di t i r e t. moo ettesgtag, projeadqed asa MI WO al no Yawata . • In Bridgewate Nutt conad.l%.,iss for am bert aftmestrioasaVre tins low a rit r innanlitio • ti al Deem 13. P„isuirET. ~ 1 1 . *lrak.. maker sail arirderl VIM e i oma.)llk7a thaniVig *noon ions won: " tV. 444 ' :4146'6" l)t (AIL gammas& rwi g ums: ' • , 117-t rbe f i ZlT eild i a liil4/LIF IW er s$ isadaita TN NIt mar pm. Stitlab:on es, V. • • ~, , • ikti; Nit • .:••• 1= . 1114 r -, 4", .. • A ~. or 1 ... t. Ltd Pon via; cis Ilie :, W*lll=VlMOliWok.ii • • . 11, M. . 5..... _ , .a . ...i ' . r.:. lx !1 4 h i c,ret air t i t i tv, •I' A •• A • ••! 14 kie -• . .., i .p. O. Jellies. Oat t l• 1017. revilis .. ..t ://.• e .:, Aitri,. el It a a I ... bar 111, MB, ao, notfoui us oars ;:ive I - i ri l aStee ritit: °date lbenlbes berebr ii Oat 011 /r• NM be tie I.4l=Utltr 4 " •,, • , itHIS ISov. 18-4ii'' , . • - IKOO :4 1eotiiiho maks ,•• 11111617° D IVIDI FP : !.. 11114 ?f l il !ft . r . newel& Di x . '„;,- •- P 1 t ...,' t,i -, • ~x•vr , -Tee Diectorate, ei. k• tei•Vor ent. eat . a t 46Y...et tee= =at UMW ' ~• ---iiirt..".11t110114011 1 *Ur eat 111/ MOM. Casiiiio, ^, ' I SAVER COMM 1/01.-114 'Cairo*. I VetltOol to Thome money SEAL . s sloe, Coots ati°Btll. 11111 rml ht be dlvorcersed" i•parated ~..t ie• sad Iheldase pet the midi Th e l we you the NA Wu; , 11 426 : . uhreeldle elteghtt ybu,altOa br=e M o stl " il .aWi. lee t mk;.„ .ai r t m ut t r VW 1 11E1 im Itmam,ot 3: boob el metristee/ el calreek SW4 _Amen yto Tuneyou lie alit • • winds ; P Wham w ea . Artadmt♦f. IPA. iiint slow mid Oau Itetthe "le stet,htey of November. A: D. rnt tt _ MILTON LAWRINCL:AIIosHitatHOM. JOHN is LITTLIL, Sheri!. Deaver, /1111.74., ,houcniux: arAtuert 'OW NA . 6 °o iSni!ili!orler • ' , •.:. , - - • Wry 1144004,)?iii,frotak, 'mam ai WWI or . thlk , :1116•0 " Vl_ leir ~.."0"1. - • ',. - le Treuarer to •= '.: pmegimitt i gt ihir j =literie " - .. . 1— so ..r:1...d. wir. tol gno .11 •;: L a caw ' sAMPg loot Tudor Diskilitil mit Chwidur.„: ..11100111. -., r , . - susamze.• r 4.: r ..,1.1., Vrkle dreriodao;.% - • •IS Mfis4.,. - ftetungeriai Das Bank., leimes,:.:.• !IMMO :,,EMI II 4104 44 71Cllippgip `iiitaolit.o 4 Wir 4. J -- - - 1 .- -- ;; F., t / --- 7, :7 r T - r 1 • . ' lajeailige oo1 4 ' .., . . Pie t / 4 'll °l4 *dg 4111'4444 satire Prati*ls to.its natral 'color and uty; 'sad priddee u Luria t 'vow It 1$ perfectly harmlese, and It Kereneal, oar every other prep:thou ' those who have a fijaa had of hair i as lira aitheose 'rho wish to testae it. The besritifiil gloss tad= impartaut the Hale make It . , for olitaad yotirag. • Par suss:, by its aaseasai, DEPOT, IBs • oausiriMAKAS. -71VieriONtn*C'i niwas.aass, 1 . • onakt Bic l ;s4l .'tither; CURS:3 ittedalt: .11r:y114111H fel* ram la • - ,:2 t =i s m= - F3, - 1iiii4i4'.....,.; •la all Ito MOO. • Pitieasesi of ..Woinen, ' Psis bias Beele_, ll l . ll' 0111101, • ,Thvieflik Sethi plop"; Lien, sad /3841#10,!f l LI a Pliff•el entillitto overyOpmmorsai taist. sad restores talks opens to boalikor coseldas., It le bweassigersrPro• delete/ obi ' Quack limed,. Us s l tVe;i ' ofwlllll. r ah. - a lit b lrai= l ogliMeatiibiorai cruet dipsobsit re v ise fmaar o - J. ' 116 t DR, I Pee We VP' Utiltillt• msni,sw• clomp luislip-• .• • . DES. • ,• • S. J.._ , GROWATiV , S %rt. USE 7. 1 17,4 t r r" . • 1 /0 13 .1 1 7 4 • • • szcOlv gtit. . . sos &KIK. • 7 ,,; '' ' ! n 5 Nociummi4l.lll•;., ). . MME. . ,w.• I.I2OkNIVIST, derWr err 1 . ri m e M, V, Mil:it: "romWar.: EMI MIMI ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers